#right before she stabs him she should pull a prince hans
knight-engale · 1 year
Morgan should be allowed to stab a goat. I think that would be a good idea.
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icyteaa · 3 years
[Being alive is the best, isn't it?]
Part 1
White Star, their worst enemy that tries to bring despair to the world, have been defeated. Everyone on the battlefield saw his body slowly fall from above with root as big as a dagger stabbed his heart. And without them knowing the reason, the body gradually disappeared; like ash that swapped away by the wind. Left beautiful white embers in the air.
But there is no one who could shout to celebrate their victory. Nor they can hug each other out of the overwhelming feeling. It's like there is something chocking their throat and their body stiffly stands as their head focuses on the body that falls together with the enemy; it's their hero, Commander Cale Henituse.
The weak and pale body slowly fell after smiling when he finally defeated the enemy. But there is not a single one who was happy to see their dear hero fall as the last thing the alliance armies could see was the closest comrades of the hero shouting his name while rushed toward the unconscious body.
The one who was always beside Cale, Raon, panicked when he saw the body falls. But grown up to be more mature and composed in this kind situation, he didn't just freeze as he cast his human body so he could fall smoothly while Raon tried to communicate with all his family that rushed toward Cale to find the person that maybe could heal him soon, Saint Jack.
They were all transported toward one of the buildings in Puzzle city where Saint Jack healing the allied armies who were wounded while clashing on the battlefield. Everyone was crowded in the room where Cale tried to be healed by Jack. They felt as much pain as they saw their idiot young master that always sacrificed himself wail in pain while he fainted. All his body was filled with his own blood. There is a hole in his chest, where exactly the root had stabbed to his heart before; the sacrifice Cale should endure to make the weapon to kill White Star.
No, they didn't even know it was possible. And again, Cale always makes himself take all the heavy responsibility in his weak shoulder.
The only ones who didn't present there were Alberu and Rosalyn, because they should let all his subordinates, armies and mages know their victory. Calm the innocent citizen that felt terror because of this battle, and announce to all people that they had killed their worst enemy that could make this world filled with despair.
"I... couldn't heal him." All eyes move toward the Saint that uses his power in the last fifteen minutes to heal Cale. His body slumped as his breath got messy and irregular; his face and back full of sweat, but his eyes focused toward the red head that still didn't get any better even if Jack had used all his power. Why?— he felt so frustrated. Jack can even heal creatures with death attribute now, then why can't he heal the one who has the righteous qualified to be healed? Why is someone who always helps everyone, someone with a very good deed, should endure this pain alone?
Jack can feel someone putting their hand on his shoulder. He turned towards the person. It was Choi Han who was mute himself until now. He could feel the cryptic tremble in the man's hand, but Jack shut himself when he saw the serious look on Choi Han's face. "What do you think, Eruhaben-nim?" Everyone's eyes turned again toward the golden hair that just standing in front of the bed side with eyes just focuses toward the unlucky kid that he is always fond of. He sighed and closed his eyes tightly, "We can't do anything about him."
Everyone gets chaotic when they hear it. Especially the kids: Raon, On and Hong, who are already crying as they surrounded their beloved parental figure. But Eruhaben makes them shut again with his magic. They can see the same frustrated looks in the ancient dragon as he explained more, "I thought because the Saint's power gets stronger than before now, he can do something about it. But it looks like Cale needs to heal himself."
Eruhaben continued as he saw serious looks in everyone's faces focused towards him. "The situation in his body is really a mess right now. All his ancient powers were deemed because they tried to let his restoration power work as fast as possible. But because his heart, where the restoration power is placed, got damaged, it will not be easy." He turned toward Cale again when the man grunted with pain, "What we can do now is wait. He will pass out as long as he needs to heal himself. Just like anytime he fainted before."
Everyone wasn't satisfied with this situation, of course. But just like Eruhaben said, there is nothing they can do. Even after Alberu came with the best royal doctors Roan Kingdom has, the only thing they can do is treat the wound in Cale's chest with the hope that it will make the progress of Cale's restoration get faster.
The banquet was held as a celebration of their victory a few days later. As a face of the kingdom that contributes the most, Alberu the Crown Prince, Rosalyn as commander of mage brigades and a few commanders of their armies, as well as the head of another kingdom such as Toonka, Valentino, Litana and Jopis, need to attend the banquet even if they don't feel like they are winning already. Not before their hero woke up from his long collapse.
Everyone wants to know what their hero, Cale's condition is, especially because rumours have circulated about what sacrifice Cale's pull to kill the enemies. But Alberu keeps the information just for a few closest comrades and Cale's family. Cale's body is transported to the royal palace so the doctors can keep in check with Cale's condition, and Alberu lets the children as well as Cale's other comrades; Choi Han, Molans duo, Eruhaben, Mary, Rosalyn and Lock to stay in the palace as long as they want.
They felt worried, of course. But because this case—where Cale fainted for a very long time isn't the first time they have gone through, they can feel a bit calm now. Because Cale always woke up. Their family still breath. Their precious young master started to heal himself. They can wait as long as needed if it means they can see the tender, lazy AF but caring Cale waking up one day. That's too what makes the children still eat their meals properly and take care of their own health. They didn't want Cale to see them sick when he woke up.
One month. Cale is still in bed, fainting; breathing slowly and healing slowly too. The wound healed slower than the doctors predicted. It was assumed because the root Cale stabbed to his chest, not just any roots. But still, Cale makes progress.
The children are always beside him. Just wake up when they need to take a bath or get their meals. They like to feel a vague warm Cale gush from his body. Not as warm as he woke up, but still made them comfortable. Give them hope he will wake up someday.
Ron always takes care of Cale's body. Keeps him clean and changes his clothes once a day. He keeps Cale nutrients with infusion the doctors gave. Take care of Cale's hair as it is and cut it when the hair gets longer. Ron and Baecrox too were the ones who take care of their family who want to stay on Cale's side.
Choi Han always stands beside the bed or in front of the room to keep Cale safe. Alberu said Choi Han didn't need to do it because the guard had protected this palace, but he felt uneasy. Choi Han worried about Cale that it would make him want to stand or do something. The only thing he can do now is stand guard, to keep away from the bad thought about why he can keep Cale safe and why Cale never told them about his extreme method of stabbing himself. Choi Han had firm his resolve to keep Cale in check more thoroughly, so Cale can't do the same thing again in the future.
Eruhaben just stays still on the bed side. His eyes turned toward Cale or the window nearest him. Cursing the kid that always had unlucky fate but still refused when they told him to take a proper rest. He felt dumbfounded by himself; the thought of losing someone he is fond of really makes me uneasy. He was contemplating their conversation when Cale said, someday he will want to be healthy and have a long life. And now, Eruhaben wants it. He wants to see the children as well as the family formed—the gods know from when—and stay on their side. It's an amusing feeling, but Eruhaben admitted it's not bad.
Rosalyn, Lock and Mary did not stay as long as the others did. Rosalyn, as one of the heroes with the most contribution, is accepted as the new head of Magic Tower that will be built in a free city between Roan Kingdom and Mogoru Empire. That is why she is very busy right now. But still, she will take time to stop by in Cale's room.
Lock went back to the Forest of Darkness after a week. He still has siblings he should take care of. But everyone who stayed told him they would take care of Cale well so he could rest assured. That's the case for Mary too. She went back to the Underground City to help the dark elf to build another city on the surface because Valentino had agreed to give the restricted place for elves under Roan Kingdom territory.
Alberu is one of the busiest person right now. He wants to change the kingdom into an empire and there are lots of administrative things he should arrange to do it. He will keep busy with the coronation as the first emperor of the Roan Empire too after that. It makes him have migraines sometimes, but he always had time to stop by Cale's room with a box full of cookies. He felt a bit easier when he saw the cheerful looks on children's faces. Of course, as a sworn brother, he felt worried about his stupid sacrificial dongsaeng, but he would just stare at Cale and curse in his breath without sound. He didn't want the children to feel down if he mentioned all his complaints to their father figure.
Everyone who fought with Cale on the battlefield stopped in Cale's palace as much as they could. It just shows how much Cale had reached everyone's hearts without him even realizing. Saint Jack and Hannah come by often too. One day they brought the news about the coronation of Rex as the first emperor from a commoner family. It was controversial but at least the citizens of Mogoru Empire themselves had accepted it because there is no one who qualified more than him when it comes to saving them from the incident made by their former Imperial Prince, Adin.
Three months. It was very long for them, but Cale still remains the same. The wound in Cale's chest is closed now, but Eruhaben said inside Cale's body is still a mess. The clashes between ancient powers when he fought with White Star affected Cale's body and needed time to heal. It's okay, they tried to assure each other. They remember too, when the incident where they met White Star for the first time, it took Cale 3 months too to wake up. And Eruhaben said Cale was getting better. So it should be okay.
Everything except that remained the same. Everyone stopped by and went again. They have conversations, especially with children, to make their high spirit not go down and tell them to take care of themselves. Cale's family came by too with Raon's help. But time goes by and Cale is not awake even if everyone waits.
Six months. It felt too long already. Cale never fainted for this long time. It makes them worry. But doctors said his condition is getting better. But until when?— the older ones keep their worries on their own, because they know it will just make Raon, On and Hong feel more down. The children keep asking why their human is still not awake, but there is no one who can answer. They miss—miss Cale so much; the caressed Cale gave when they went to sleep, the warm Cale illuminated, his tender voice, and everything. They miss them all.
But still, Cale remains silent; laying down in bed with a slow breath. Still not move one inch or open his eyes. Cale was transported to the Super Rock Villa after six months. The main reason is because there is nothing royal doctors can do because Cale's body condition is at his finest already. His inside is the one that still needs recovery and it's not the thing medic can help.
The other reason is, they want Cale to feel as if he is at home. The children said maybe it will make him awake. Because he will miss their home, as much as others miss him.
>> continue <<
Next to part 2
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
Special - Final Part
Ivar x Reader
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(Warnings: Slight violence, but it’s Ivar, so come on, but it’s not towards the reader, tiny fluff at the end, also foreshadowing of Ragnar returning:3 Let me know if ya’ll want another part or want me to turn this into a series<3)
You poured Ivar another cup of your special tea, giving him a sweet smile before sitting down in your chair again, looking out the window to see the sun already up, your eyes going back to Ivar as he took a sip of the tea “do you remember when we were children? When I would ask you how badly it hurt, and you’d rank the pain by the Gods? Loki was a good day, Thor was not good but you could manage, Frigg was a day you’d spend in bed, healers around you, and Odin would be a pain so great that not even the healers could help you” you mumbled, seeing a small smile make it’s way onto his perfect lips, his eyes staring into the cup as he gently nodded “I remember” he said, his eyes moving up to catch your gaze, and you couldn’t help the sympathetic look you gave him “today is Frigg, is it not?” you asked with sympathy in your voice, seeing Ivar look back into his cup, not responding, letting you know that you were correct.
You heard voices outside, your head turning towards the door as your father, clearly disheveled from hurrying to the little village your husband-to-be was from, watching him aws he stepped inside, behind him a tall, handsome man, blonde hair and blue eyes, though not as blue as Ivar’s, no one could beat Ivar, no one could match him in beauty, but this man wasn’t far off, you would admit that. You would also admit that you were disappointed, a part of you had hoped that he looked like Ivar, but no, this man was far from the beautiful man sitting across from you, carefully watching you as you for the first time saw your intended husband.
You glanced at Ivar before getting up, walking over to him, seeing him grin sweetly at you “hello… you must be Hans?” you asked as politely as you could, although it wasn’t much, and he noticed, his grin faltering for a second before he forced it to show again, gently taking your hand and kissing the back of it, a sweet gesture that should have made you blush, but you only cringed, not able to hide it, and he saw. “Yes, it is wonderful to meet you, finally” Hans said as politely as possible, and you were about to respond when you heard someone get off of his chair, that someone being the man at the center of your real attention. You turned and looked to Ivar as he crawled over to you, your eyes glancing at Hans, seeing him look smugly down at Ivar, and a part of you wanted to laugh, had he not heard stories? Had he not heard rumors of the youngest Ragnarson? Of the man who you wanted to kiss your hand, instead of Hans, of the man who was a god in your eyes. Ivar threw Hans a smirk “yes, finally, so, do you believe she is worth the price? Because that is what you did, isn’t it? You bought her, like a slave” Ivar’s smirk turned to a death glare as he looked up at Hans, and for some reason, Hans found it amusing “yes, she is beautiful, Ivar” Hans said in a cheerful tone and you cringed again, you could call Ivar by his name, but he was still a prince, and a Ragnarson at that.
Ivar smiled, though you knew it was fake, and chuckled low, crawling back to his chair and pulling himself up, gesturing to another chair for Hans once he was seated. Hans glanced at you, giving you a sweet smile that made you sick to your stomach, watching him slowly move towards Ivar, moving the chair he gestured to, putting it right in front of Ivar before sitting down, placing himself as an equal, a fault you knew Ivar was internally laughing at.
“So, Hans, do you love her?” Ivar asked casually, gesturing to you, and you quietly sighed and looked at your father who had a worried look on his face, turning back and sitting down on a chair besides Ivar, this should be entertaining at least. Hans nodded but did not look pleased that you choose to sit next to Ivar, and not your intended husband, but he choose to focus on Ivar for now “yes, I do-”
“How?” Ivar cut him off, mixing fake confusion in with his calm, relaxed look, making Hans frown “how can you love her? You do not know her, do you? You have not been by her side when she grew up, you were not there when her mother died on a raid, you were not there when she felt alone” Ivar began to grow angry with each word that left his mouth, but he still looked calm and relaxed, something you knew was just a facade, but Hans didn’t, and he let it lull him into a false sense of security “and you were?” Hans asked boldy, making Ivar laugh low “yes, I was. I was there for her when her mother died, I trained her to become a Shieldmaiden” Ivar stated proudly, and you couldn’t help the smirk that formed on your lips, but Hans grew ever unhappy “her? A Shieldmaiden??” Hans asked in disbelief before laughing loudly, something that set off Ivar, and in the blink of an eye, Ivar had a knife buried in Hans’ leg, Hans screaming in pain as Ivar just smirked, watching her carefully “why not? She is strong, stronger than you, beautiful, smart, kind” Ivar explained as if it was the most casual conversation they were having.
Ivar slowly leaned back in his chair, eyes watching Hans as he was about to pull out the knife, but Ivar made a small ‘tsk tsk tsk’ at him, smirking as Hans stopped his movements “I did not say you could pull it out, did I?” Ivar looked at you as he asked, making you chuckle slightly “no, you did not, Ivar. Play nice” you playfully scolded him, making Ivar fake a sad look “why? He does not play nice, why should I?” Ivar asked childishly, making you roll your eyes, amused with his childish behavior, before getting him, moving to Hans and ripping the knife out of his leg, wiping it on your dress and putting it away to clean later, sitting down besides Ivar, who were watching Hans amused. “No, no, what are you doing? Do you not know how hard it is to clean blood up? And you are bleeding over her chair” Ivar sighed dramatically, as if he was talking to the dumbest man in Midgaard, making you chuckle lightly “how would you know, Ivar? You have slaves to do that for you” you teased, making Ivar now give a small ‘tsk’ to you, gently shaking his head “is that how you talk to your Prince?” he asked teasingly, watching as you rolled your eyes again “yes, when he stabs my guests in my house” you answered, turning to look back at Hans, which Ivar did as well, clapping his hands together like he had forgotten that Hans was even there “ah, your guests” Ivar said mockingly, turning back to you again “would you say you would still like to marry him, (Y/N)?” he asked with a fake frown, watching as you scoffed “no, I never did, Ivar” you responded, a small smile on your lips when you saw how his eyes lit up at this, turning his head and looking back at Hans, smirking “well, that solves it, you will not marry this beautiful woman, she deserves someone better, farewell” Ivar mockingly bowed, making you chuckle, watching Hans struggle to get up and rush outside, your father hesitating before following him, probably to help him on his horse.
You sighed and looked back at Ivar, scoffing low, which caught his attention, his blue eyes turning back to you with a confused frown “what?” he asked clueless, making you gently shake your head as you looked down “well, now I will never marry” you mumbled, half joking, half serious, which Ivar caught onto, with his clever mind “what do you mean? Of course you will marry” Ivar sounded almost outraged, making you chuckle and look back at him “with who? No one has asked me, Ivar, no one certainly will after this” you mumbled the last part, looking back down at the table, Ivar’s face softening at your words, frowning as he looked at you with a sad look “marry me” he mumbled, so low that you barely heard it, your head snapping up to look at him with wide eyes, seeing the soft look on his face, the vulnerable look he held as he awaited your response, your reaction. “What?” was all you stupidly could say, and Ivar scoffed, moving to get off his chair, about to leave when you stopped him, but he didn’t meet your eyes, an angry look on his face, probably directed at himself.
You bit your lower lip in thought, before a smile slowly made it’s way onto your lips, “yes” was all you said, watching his head snap towards you, eyes wide in not only confusion, but disbelief. You giggled seeing his look and even more so when his own smile formed, him slowly leaning in, almost unsure, until you met him halfway, letting your lips touch in a sweet, shy kiss, smiles on your lips as you broke away from each other, just in time for your father to enter the house, a surprised look on his face, watching the two of you part from each other. After a small while of silence, you giggled again, unaware of the adoring look Ivar had on his face as you looked to your father “I’m getting married” you said in a cheerful voice, your father looking as confused as ever before smiling, watching you get up and run to him, hugging him tightly in joy and excitement. Ivar couldn’t take his eyes off of you, you were so beautiful to him, he watched the way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you smiled, watched your lips part as you grinned, everything about you was perfect, and you were going to be his wife, you were going to marry him, not some stupid man who would pay for you, but him, Ivar the Boneless, Ivar the Cripple, or as you called him; Ivar the Special. The thought brought tears of joy to his eyes, and he would tell his brothers on their trip to the hunting cabin tomorrow, he only wishes his father could be there, to hear the news and at his wedding.
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ravinewreyn · 4 years
Siren’s Song
Rating: T Pairing: Hans/Elsa TW: Suicide Attempt
To be honest I was going through my file and found this, fixed some spelling and grammar as I read over it, and found out it’s basically finished but never posted for some reason
Anyway, here ya go
“What troubles you so, dear Prince?”
Coldness had stabbed him, piercing through his body and reaching into his very bones, as he had fallen into the dark waters, violent waves crashing against him and yet he had done nothing, not a single struggle had come from him even when he could swim, he was excellent at it, as expected from a man of the Navy. Instead, he let the water pulled him in, deep down where salt stung against his eyes and where his lungs burned from the lack of air as water had slowly replaced it.
The irony of it, to die in the one place where he found most comfort in, the one place where he could get away from his family and their poor treatment toward the youngest of the thirteen sons of the King, had almost made him laugh. Years he had served his kingdom and yet never once did his father had ever look at him without the disgust in his eyes, never once did his brothers ever treated him any differently than they did from the moment that he learned how to talk and walk.
“To wish to die this way?”
The strong picked on the weak, and despite his effort in turning the tables around, for him to escape his fate, he was starting to see that perhaps he was indeed the weak one in the family.
None of his brothers had faced the inner struggles that he had every single day, none had to fight their own mind to come out of their bedchamber, to resist the urge to hurt themselves as a method of relief from a pain he could not escape, to flee from the fate that he had been cursed to born into.
Death was the ultimate escape that he had chosen.
None would find his body, let it decay on the seabed until he was nothing but a skeleton to add to Mother Nature’s collection as his mind would finally be at peace. He no longer had to suffer, to live with the ridicule of everyone that known him, the feeling of belittlement that sat heavy on his shoulders, the ignorance his father so cruelly gave him, of every cut and bruise that his brothers had caused onto him.
Alluring voice that whispered beneath the surface as his body sunk deeper had originally thought to come from his own mind, or perhaps it was the angel of death welcoming him in it’s embrace, either way he only wished to get it over with.
Instead, his body had coughed the salt water back out as he found himself on the slippery black rocks, crashing waves filling his ears as he tried to blink away the sting in his eyes as he looked at his surrounding, to see who had been foolish enough to think that he was a man worth saving, to prevent him from what he had wanted for so long.
“Pitiful man.”
The wrist that he had grabbed had been slender, small in the grasp of his hand, and has a strange tingle as it struggled to be freed. Eyes following up the pale arm he had captured, he was met with a pair of large icy blue eyes staring at him through the drenched platinum blonde locks, the alarmed expression had been so clear as the woman’s body mostly remained underwater.
Her shoulders were bare, as if she did not have any sort of clothing to protect her from the chill of the night, soaked in water, and to protect her dignity from the wandering eyes of those who may see her. It should have been his warning that something had not been right.
Neither the snarl nor the barred sharp teeth could make his hold on her loosened, her slippery skin had almost escaped, yet his much stronger build had instead yanked her higher up onto the stone when he had pulled his hand away from the snap of her jaw out of instinct, and as for now she had most of her upper body laid out for him to see, bare as a newborn.
And yet, it was the flailing silvery blue tail that caught his attention the most, to where the pale of her skin faded into scales where her hips were, as she struggled to tug herself back into the water.
A mermaid.
“Ungrateful human!” Her sneer had sounded so ghastly, as if whispered into his ears and yet she was nowhere near his face, and yet it was still somewhat alluring, so… familiar.
“You saved my life.” Stories of her kind had never been a pleasant one, no matter how many people that thought that mermaids were a gentle and harmless creature, sailors such as he known better, had heard and sometimes even witness the horror that would happen should one encounter a mermaid. “Why?”
“Release me or I shall bite your hand off.”
“Do it.”
The challenge in his eyes had silenced the mermaid before him, or perhaps it was his sincerity that did, for he had no care for what his creature would do to him, even if he would end up as her supper for the night. At least then he has a little worth in his own self.
The sudden fill of his ears with the alluring and unknown tune that he had been hearing these past days had made his grasp loosened around the mermaid’s wrist, enough for her to escape from his hold, and yet once the sound of crashing waves replaced the song, she remained on the rock with him, wasting her chance of returning into the sea.
“It was you who sang.” The song he had heard every time he had gone to the beach each night as his way of escaping from his family, of their constant torment, if only for a moment, it had been luring him into walking toward the sea, and yet stopping when the water had merely reached his thighs and leaving him with nothing but soaked pants. “You have been watching me.”
“You did not drown yourself the first night like most.” He could have sworn, at that moment, that he had heard a slight frustration in her voice as she spoke. “Men who wish to die does not fall for the Siren’s Song.”
Then perhaps she saw him more of a food worth of toying around then, for if he had drowned then it would be far easier for her to eat him, there was no sailor that struggled against her grasp or one who dragged her up onto the rocks to convers.
“What is it that makes you become such man?”
“Why would a mermaid be curious over such thing?”
Her head tilted to a side, icy blue eyes narrowed as she watched him, and for once he let his own wandered over her, to the way her light hair hung around and over her face to the scales that shone as the pale moonlight reflected on them, to the webbed fingers of her hands.
“Why you let me live?”
“Your kind is awfully full of questions.”
“Speak for yourself.”
Her jaw tightened, for a moment he had thought that perhaps becoming the source of irritation was the best way to provoke her into killing him, to let him fulfill his destiny to perish in the sea, and yet she had only turned and let herself slipped back into the water, leaving him.
He did not wish to part away.
For he had chased after her just as the end of her tail disappeared from the surface, holding onto it just as she was about to swim away, the gesture prompting her to tug him close to her with another snarl of frustration, nails digging into his shoulders as she brought his head to break through the surface with a glare.
“I wish to die, mermaid. Let me.”
“Your despair sickens me.”
“Then kill me.” What had troubled this creature so much that it had made it difficult to do what she had done best? “Why didn’t you?”
“You reminded me of what I once was.”
“You were a human.”
“A queen.”
Stories of men and women cursed to dwell the sea for eternity was not as common as other tales, yet it was one of the theories people had come up with on how mermaids had existed in the first place, a curse or an ill fate none shall know.
Until now.
“Had the land-dwellers treated you as poorly then?”
She had the title many had fought for, where blood was spilled and families lost to a crown on their head. Had she been casted into the sea and doomed to haunt the waters or had she perhaps, in such twisted fate, suffer the way he did?
“I do not recall.”
It was said that mermaids had lived far longer than men, their existence under the sea could have witnessed more historical events than any human had, people just did not know. If that had been true then she may have born into one of the ancient kingdoms, one that even he did not know still stood or not.
“Then you should understand my desire to escape this world.”
As cowardly as it has sounded, for a man of rank like him to desire such end, he did not care. He was talking, pouring his heart out, to a mermaid.
He was losing his mind.
“And be cursed the way I did?”
“If that means I will be free, yes.”
“You would not.”
Her nails dug deeper as she brought him under, and this time, she swam deeper into the darker parts of the ocean. His lungs burned and his eyes stung, water went past his ears as she kept swimming.
His fate was sealed then, no matter how it ended, him turning into one of her kind or drowned and becoming her supper after all, he was not coming back into the world he despised the most.
And he was at peace.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years
Stray Kids Desc.: First Meeting
A/n: Not officially requested but I was checking comments and stuff on my works and you guys seem to want more of these! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
Bangchan (Son of Cinderella):
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Chan was very hesitant when the VK's came to Auradon prep. They were very different from what he was used to. Chan was the class president and linebacker on the Tourney team. What could the VK's possibly have to offer? However, his mother always taught him to treat everyone with kindness. One night, Prince Chan got a noise complaint from a student about loud yelling and music and colored lights coming from the woods behind the school. The woods were perfectly safe and students often hung out there, but it was way past curfew. Chan, as the class president, was responsible for stopping it so he threw on a sweatshirt and trudged towards the noise.
He was shocked to see a bunch of VKs hanging out, blasting music and playing with colored smoke and sparklers. There was one girl dressed in dark purples and greens, eclectic jewelry piece dangling on almost all her limbs. An old and tattered top hat was angled over her messy and purple streaked hair. She had bags under her eyes but a mischievous smile brightened her face. Their eyes met and a smirk slid onto her painted lips. She slinked over to Chan through the blue smoke. He couldn't tell if he was nervous or intrigued. "What are you doing here, preppie?"
His words got stuck in his throat. "My name is Chan. I'm the class president and you are all out past curfew. You should go back before I report you all." She scoffed and the other kids laughed going back to their party. "Relax, Cinderboy." "Excuse me? Who do you think you are?" She smirked and pulled something from her pocket. Throwing it to the ground the two of them were enveloped in green thick smoke. He felt her fingers slowly come to grip his shoulder and heard her smooth voice in his other ear. "I'm the voodoo mistress of the night. I'm Y/n, Y/n Falicier." He turned his head to find her only inches away. She slipped a sparkler into his hand and lit it, never breaking eye contact.
"Nice to finally meet you, Prince Charming."
Minho (Son of Ezma):
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Minho strolled through the woods, hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. He basked in the solitude of finally ridding himself of Dowoon. Though the son of Kronk was easily three years older than him, he still followed Minho around just as his father did Minho’s mother. He was absolutely hopeless without his dim-witted father around. 
“Oh come on!” Minho turned sharply looking for the source of the sound. Moving through the trees he came upon the Enchanted Lake. Kneeling by the pool was a girl with her back turned to him. She held scissors against her H/c hair and was trying to saw through the long tresses that lay in piles around her.
“Never thought I’d see Rapunzel without her long hair,” Minho said with a smirk. She turned, shock painted on her face. Half of her hair was already sawn off on one side and hung just under her chin. “Well, that’s attractive.” The cold glare she threw his way sent a chill down his spine. Someone had yet to look at him with such malice since coming to Auradon. It thrilled him.
“Minho, right?” He nodded and came closer. “Listen, unless you have some sort of evil potion to fix this train wreck, buzz off.” He chuckled and plopped down next to you. “I can turn you into a flea?” “Ha. Ha. Ha.”
She tossed the scissors into the water and sighed. They sat in silence, staring out at the crystal clear water. “Here.” Minho pulled a jagged knife out of his shoe, a gift from his mother before his left. The only gift he ever got from his mother. She flinched away from him a little when he brought the blade to the side of her neck. She relaxed when his hand came under her hair and he sliced the rest off. The heavy locks fell into his hands and the girl smiled, a weight lifted off her shoulders. “Thanks.”
“I’m Y/n.”
Changbin (Son of Hercules):
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Tourney practice just ended. Exhausted, Changbin headed back towards the school. A little pink and green bird flitted past him and flew onto one of the stone rails near the steps of the school. He had never seen that type of bird before. The bird chirped happily as Changbin continued his path. Up ahead he saw his little sister and Jeongin walking towards the stairs.
Just as he was about to call out to them, "BOO!" The couple screamed as the little bird magically transformed into a girl scaring the living daylights out them. She cackled and laughed at their faces. "Your faces! I didn't know Hercules had such a scaredy cat for a daughter." As she said cat, the girl morphed into a slinky pink and green feline.
"Awww did I scare your beau?" The cat's silky voice said as it jumped onto Jeongin's shoulder, making him flinch. "Hey, cut it out!" Changbin said making his way over to them. Grabbing the cat by the excess fur on the neck, he pried it off of Jeongin. "What the hell! Come on, I was just kidding around! Let me go you big bafoon!" The cat swung its claws at Changbin trying to scratch any open skin.
"Changbin, put her down. We are supposed to be welcoming the villain kids, remember?" His sister said putting a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, Changbin. Put me down." The cat said in a mocking tone. With a reluctant and frustrated sigh Changbin dropped the fuschia cat and with a puff of pink smoke it morphed back into the girl. Her features were sharp and angled and her clothes hugged ever curve of her body like a glove. "Later losers." The wild girl said with a smirk. Her hair swayed behind her as Changbin watched her with a glare. "Who was that?"
"Oh her? That's Madam Mim's daughter, Y/n."
Hyunjin (Son of Mother Gothel):
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Irene the Evil Queen's daughter hung off of Hyunjin's shoulder as he walked down the hall. Sure the girl was young and pretty, but she was boring. He put on a fake smile as she kissed his cheek before walking into an open classroom. The second her back was turned it dropped and Hyunjin walked stone faced through the corridor.
"Woah! Hey! Sorry! Coming through! Move out of the way, pretty boy!" Hyunjin pressed against the wall out of shock, but not before he was shoulder checked by the fast moving object. "Sorry!" A girl zoomed past on him bright red and blue roller skates. No one else found this weird and greeted the girl as if she was just passing bye. "Who the hell was that?" Felix said coming up by Hyunjin, who up until he spoke, hadn't realized he was staring at the back of the girl skating down the hall.
"You don't know Y/n?" A chirpy voice said behind the two boys. Beatrice, Snow White's daughter stopped having overheard Felix's comment. He scoffed and shrugged his shoulders. "No. Why would I?" A crash could be heard from down the hallway. A laugh bounced off the walls and carried all the way back to where they were standing. Not a moment later Y/n rounded the corner this time on a pogo stick. "She's the Genie's daughter. Never a dull moment when she's around." With a bright smile Beatrice left the two boys in tha hall. "Can you believe these people? God, Auradon is so weird." Felix exclaimed before going in the complete opposite direction of his next class.
"Well, at least she's not boring." Hyunjin said with a smirk, following his friend.
Jisung (Son of Prince John):
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The Isle was a great place to grow up. If you had the right parents that is. Alliances were a crucial part of life on the Isle, and Jisung's father was about to make a new one. While Prince John went below the decks of the Jolly Roger he ordered his ten year old son to wait and find some way to entertain himself. The boy fiddled with a knife he found lying about and started carving into one of the railings.
"What are you doing to my ship?" A strong, but young voice said from above. He looked up to see a very pissed off girl hanging upside down from the rigging. She looked about his age. Gracefully she jumped down and landed in front of the boy. "It's not your ship." Jisung said sticking out his tongue. "It's my daddy's ship and what's his is mine and whatever else I want." She said holding up a leather bound journal.
Jisung frantically looked inside his jacket and pockets finding his notebook gone. "Hey give that back!" "No." The girl with wild hair and tattered clothing started playing keep away with the book. Eventually it morphed into a game of tag across the huge space the Jolly Roger had to offer. "Catch me if you can!" Jisung called out, climbing up one of the masts. The girl gleefully followed.
"Jisung! Get down from there!" An angry voice called. Immediately Jisung ran to his father's side, hoping to escape further punishment. The girl followed suit to stand next to the man with a hook and dressed in solid red. "Hook, control your daughter." The pirate sneered and looked down at his child. "Y/n, what have I told you about playing those little games!?" He scolded and a flash of silver flew across her face. A thin trail of blood dripped down her cheek, but the girl stood completely still. Jisung moved to defend his new friend but his father pulled him back, threatening a similar punishment. Reluctantly the two left and Jisung waved goodbye to the little girl who had a small but guarded smile on her lips.
Felix (Son of Queen of Hearts):
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Felix had an impish grin as the several girls around hin laughed at something he had said. "And so I was like, 'No, off with your head.'" The girls giggled and a couple brushed their hands across his arm. Felix was used to this. He was over it. Sure he enjoyed the attention and he found it funny how quick the girls from Auradon started flinging themselves all over him, but they were all so boring compared to the girls on the Isle. At least at home there was always some small chance he might get stabbed on a date or his curtains set on fire. Some sort of excitement.
Felix was laying in bed, waiting for Han to get back from Tourney tryouts. The dorms were absolutely boring. It took all of Felix's will power not to toss himself out the three story window. Before he could, the window burst open blowing the white curtains into the air. In shock he fell off the bed and hit his head on the nightstand. Peeking over the bed with a glare he saw a girl crouched on his windowsill, hair blowing slightly in the breeze. She wore varying tones of green and brown and had bright eyes that shared and impish smile with her lips.
"Umm who do you think you are?" Felix snapped. Her head turned at the sound and she laughed which shocked the boy. "Nobody you should bother with." Felix stood and leaned against the bed post. "Well you are the one intruding in my domain." "Oooo domain. You sound like quite the villain." She laughed once more and hopped down from the sill walking around the room. "Maybe because I am one." "Oh. Cool." The girl continued to look around the room and examine random objects that seemed to pique her interest. "I'm sorry who are you again?" "Oh I'm Y/n."
Seungmin (Son of Mulan):
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Seungmin was very against the introduction of Villain Kids into Auradon Prep. Coming from a strict household he found their lack of discipline and wild characteristics unbearable. He laughed with Woojin, one of the other boys in his History of Auradon class before the professor came in. Merlin entered the classroom and all the students' conversations stopped to focus their attention on their teacher. "We have a new addition to our class. Please welcome Y/n as you would any student. She is the daughter of the Chesire Cat." A girl with pastel streaks in her H/c hair slinked in the room. Seungmin noticed that everything about her was feline like. The glint in her eyes and the way she moved around the space.
She was calculating and scanned the room with a mischievous grin. Merlin pointed her to a free seat which so happened to be next to Seungmin. He scowled as she made her way to the other seat in the front row in the shared desk. "What's got you upset, kitty?" She asked with a smirk. She said in a soft smooth voice as Merlin started the lesson. Seungmin glared over at her, not dignifying her with a response. "Cat got your tongue?" She said dragging her fingers across his wrist. His glare shot back over to her. She smirked when he yanked his hand away from her touch. "What? You want me to disappear?" The girl faded from her seat and Seungmin tried to keep his eyes from going wide at the girl's disappearance. He shivered when he heard her smooth voice in his ear.
"I can see it all over the little warrior's face. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't like me sitting next to you either would they?" Seungmin turned to face forward and he couldn't help the little smirk on his face when Y/n reappeared obviously disappointed she didn't get a reaction. The smug expression fell as he looked over to see Y/n picking up a paper that Jeongin had dropped rushing to his seat. With a kind smile she handed it to the shy boy and sat back down. Seungmin was shocked to see a VK do any kind of good deed even as small as that. Was everything black and white like his parents said?
Jeongin (Son of Milo and Kida):
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Jeongin sat alone at lunch once again. He surrounded himself in maps and artifacts sent my his father from his parents latest expedition. Every now and then he would look up across the courtyard to watch the group of kids playing a game instead of eating. His eyes fell onto a girl tossing back the ball to one of the boys he was tutoring, Chan. She smiled and pushed around a boy maybe a year older than her. They had somewhat similar features so Jeongin assumed they were siblings.
She was very pretty Jeongin thought. He watched her get excited throughout the game and get so passionate when someone failed to call out a foul. Jeongin smiled down at the map in his hands and returned to analyzing the parchment. His train of thought was interrupted by a ball slamming into the side of his head. He groaned in lain and clutched the area were the leather ball hit. "Oh my god! I am so sorry! Are you okay?" He looked up to see the girl from earlier. He was at a loss for words as she looked down at him with concern.
She reached out her hand to inspect his head and Jeongin froze. "Y/n? Is he okay?" Chan said coming over with the the girl's brother. "Oh, Jeongin!" Chan clapped the shy boy on the back as a greeting. "He should be fine. Jeongin has a big brain." The girl, Y/n, smiled and pulled her hand away. "Are you alone?" She asked looking at the empty table and books spread around him. He nodded hesistantly. "Well we need a referee if you want to join! My brother, Changbin, keeps cheating." She said shoving the boy with brown hair. They quickly got into a playful sibling fight and Chan pulled Jeongin up to join the game. Jeongin couldn't help but stare at the daughter of Hercules the rest of the game.
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter One)
Written for @helsa-summer-event 💛
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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I was rushing with the edit, so forgive me if it's not decent. Also, external links are in the notes. I hope this one is not cheesy, though. Enjoy!
Prompt 1: "Don't you dare!"
Chapter One
"Are you sure you don't want me to arrange a carriage for you two?"
After breakfast, Elsa found herself in her sister's embrace, as they stood at the front door. Dressed in her blue travel outfit, the blonde looked regal as ever, and a certain Admiral standing nearby couldn't take his eyes off her.
"It is alright, Anna." Elsa pulled away from the embrace and flashed her sister a smile. "Besides, we will make a stop by the fjord so I can summon the Nokk."
Anna nodded, "okay." She let out a sigh.
Having to say goodbye to her sister had always been one of the hardest things to do. After thirteen years of separation, then three years of reunion, before being separated from each other again, Anna felt like it wasn't fair. Sure, they had duties to fulfill, but sometimes Anna reminisced about all those good times they had spent together, and couldn't help but miss Elsa's laughter that used to echo in the castle halls. And little did she know that Elsa, too, was feeling the same way.
When the queen took a step back, it was a cue for Hans to approach the sisters. Nodding at a stable boy, who was holding his stallion, Sitron's reins, he signalled him to come closer. The horse was ready, with two small bags attached on each side. But before he helped Elsa climb up, Hans turned to Anna.
He bowed politely. "Queen Anna."
"Take care of my sister, will you, Hans?" She said. Her tone was stern with a hint of friendliness.
"Always." He smiled. Bowing one last time, Hans then helped Elsa, before mounting on Sitron's back after her.
"I'll see you in a week or so, Anna." Elsa smiled, resting her hand on an arm that wrapped around her waist, while the other was clutching the rein tight.
Anna smiled, "See you, Elsa."
Just when Elsa was about to move her lower legs as a signal for Sitron to walk, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.
"Elsa, wait!"
The blonde turned to the direction where the voice came and saw Olaf running—or attempting to run, followed by Sven and Kristoff. She smiled, finding the sight rather chaotic yet amusing.
The snowman stumbled and stopped before the stallion. He tried to catch his breath with one twig hand rested on Sven's side.
"What is it?" Hans gently asked.
Kristoff, who was now standing beside his wife, sheepishly replied, "Sorry, but Olaf has something to say."
"I thought I should say goodbye once more before you go." Olaf murmured, looking up to the smiling couple with puppy eyes. "When will you be back?"
Elsa reached a hand towards the snowman. "Come here, Olaf." Taking his hand in hers, she gave it a little squeeze. "I will only be gone for a week. It's not that long, is it? We've talked about this before."
The past few months, with the war going on, Olaf had grown a closer attachment to Elsa, especially after she was badly injured during one of the battles. He became so mature and caring, protective even, and he surely didn't like the idea of being apart with her now that everything was going back to normal. One time he asked Elsa and Anna why the sisters would go back to living miles apart after the war, and even though he found it reasonable that the sister had their own duties, he still wasn't down with the idea.
"I know." Olaf sighed, before nodding. "Alright then, I'll see you soon, Elsa." He let go of her hand.
"Bye, Olaf! Take care of Anna, Kristoff, and Jensen for us, will you?" Elsa beamed.
At the mention of the little prince, Olaf, too, was beaming. Elsa knew what would keep the snowman interested: her nephew. Ever since Prince Jensen Bjorgman of Arendelle was born, the snowman loved to entertain him with interest. Often Hans said things like perhaps Olaf just happens to like the idea of having a cousin, and Elsa would smack him playfully.
"Take care, Olaf." Hans added.
Olaf nodded, once again. Things might be a little tense between the two, mostly because of what happened in the past, but eventually the snowman had grown to be more accepting, and it got better.
"You too, Hans."
After sending a last glance at the queen and her consort, the couple began to trot away. They were heading out, past the front gates and the bridge. They would need to get through Arendelle Plaza and the harbour to get to the less crowded area in the fjord, their next stop.
"Olaf is something." Hans murmured to her ear. He held her close from behind with one hand while his other hand was holding the rein with her. "You know, last night he went to my room."
Elsa raised a brow. "Really?" She fought the urge to lean back as she found comfort in his presence, but it would make her lose her balance. "What did he do? Did he bother you?"
"He didn't. He waited for me, actually." He chuckled, sending shivers down Elsa's spine. "Olaf told me to look out for you, as I quote, because Elsa tends to be reckless."
The blonde chuckled. "He is just being sweet."
"Hmm, he is probably right." Hans hummed, as if he was thinking of something. "Also, he is probably still not over what happened last autumn."
Her hand unconsciously flew to her right side. There, underneath the light clothing, was a long scar from when she was stabbed during a naval battle. Elsa was too busy controlling the wind; she didn't hear an enemy approaching her. Perhaps that, and the fact that she froze to death in the depth of Ahtohallan once that would count as her recklessness. She shook the image from her head for it was too gruesome to think about, even though those were also counted as an act of sacrifice.
"Probably." She sighed. "But let's not think about it."
A few moments later, they finally left the capital and began to enter the forest. Elsa took a hold of the rein, but when she was about to pull to make the horse turn, Hans quickly took over.
"We can stop over there, Hans." She pointed at a lower ground which directly led them to an open sea. "And then I can summon the Nokk."
Sitron began to slow down at his master's tug, but instead of turning towards the open sea, he turned towards the opposite direction. Elsa's eyes widened, as they rode away from the sea.
"Where are we going?"
Hans gave her a reassuring squeeze. "There's a change of plan, but don't worry, Kaere." He pecked her cheek softy. "I promised Anna and Olaf that I'm going to look after you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" She murmured. Turning to steal a glance at him, she caught a hint of mischief in his emerald eyes. Oh no. "Oh, don't you dare!"
Instead of replying, Hans chuckled, as they broke into a full gallop. She tightened her grip, not wanting to fall over. So much for trying to look after her. By the look of it, he was putting the both of them in danger. What makes him think that not letting her ride the Nokk is a good idea?
"Relax, Elsa. Your water horse needs a rest too." He said. "Besides, Sitron is strong enough to carry the both of us. We will be fine. Trust me."
A wild idea of trying to escape from his hold and conjured a pile of snow for her to land flashed on her mind. But where would that take you, Elsa? Her conscience asked her. Right, the ground, and gods know if she would land safely. Knowing that she couldn't really do anything that wasn't risky or more dangerous and reckless, she decided to let it slide. Besides, she knew that Hans would keep her safe.
It was strange, when she thought about it. She trusted her own safety in the hand of a man who once tried to kill her. But this man is a changed man, and he has proven that he is capable of character growth more than once. Elsa smiled. They had been through a lot to get there, and she wouldn't change a thing. Giving him a second chance was one of the best decisions she had ever made.
"Fine, I trust you." She let out. "And for the love of God, stop calling the Nokk 'water horse'! We don't want that to happen again, do we?"
For a while, Hans grimaced. A certain memory involving salt water flashed on his mind. Gulping slightly, he let out, "Right."
Smiling to herself, Elsa sighed in contentment. Something told her it would be a memorable trip. Perhaps, in the end, she would end up liking summer more than she wanted to admit, and all thanks to the Admiral currently holding her close.
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janiedean · 5 years
Just seen a post like "y r reylos upset? they kissed. I have a ship where they don't even meet" and I was ready to go "I Don't Know How To Explain To You That knowingly shipping a crackship and seeing a ship that's been set up since the beginning get turned into some emotionally manipulative little trick by hacks who dgaf abt the characters and only want to cash in on every single part of the fandom are very different things." But I gave up. Not worth the effort.
it’s not, but... honestly?
this thing is... like... I don’t want to say mildly worrying me, but... it is. (beware the next post won’t probably make much sense but bear with me this thing isn’t sitting well with me lmao)
I mean, like, let’s get it out of the way that I didn’t care for reylo either way until tlj and post-tlj I was like ‘oh okay they’re definitely the romance of the trilogy fine sounds nice I’ll be here being happy for them when they inevitably kiss’, because it’s like.. star... wars. I mean. sw is like the one franchise that until five days ago I’d have cashed in on being the ONE thing that would always end up cheesy/hopeful/not disappointing you know, so... I didn’t even consider that there was another way it could end. because it’s goddamn sw, redemption stories with happy endings are the damned brand.
so like... the fact that the thing was obviously set up and they tore it to shreds along with everything else in the movie is bad. like, bad. but people who didn’t realize how fucking insulting it was just... don’t seem to get that the moment you go watch movies whose brand is making you feel better about things and they turn into calvinism central NO HAPPINESS ALLOWED and they don’t even do it with sense - bc rots made no fucking sense at any point ever and that’s outside reylo - it just... makes you feel betrayed? like, again: in 2015 when I came out of the cinema the only thing I banked on was poe dameron not dying and I couldn’t care either way about kylo ren, but like - tlj made me care. as it was supposed to be. I was supposed to care about kylo ren’s pull to the light and guess what I did because that movie wanted me to, and it wanted me to do 2+2 and realize that he and rey were soulmates and fine I was down with that because I like myself a nice love story.
and then like... you give it to me, like that, and the moment you have the character who has had a shitty life, has been groomed since he was born if not before by Worst Person In The Galaxy if the new canon wants me to buy that - or by snoke but it’s the same -, is an abuse victim and is 100% sure that everyone hates him and no one understands him or wants to understand him, you make that character related to one of the most iconic ones in the franchise to the point that you tried to make han every other member of the trio tbh, you actually have that character taking his life in his hands after talking to han and like embrace what he always wanted to be and show that he’s actually happy with it (like ffs guys it’s also probs because adam driver is an excellent actor but you can see the ben solo vs kylo ren difference in the span of five seconds, and you’re supposed to root for ben solo to win ffs), have him actually win, have him being happy for the first time in the entire canon and then you kill him a second later with rey in tears over it except that then we forget to give him a funeral........... like.......... sorry but I feel robbed because as lowkey as my effort on banking on ben solo’s redemption was because I was sure it was coming and I took it for granted it still felt like they were being unnecessarily cruel. like, they could have killed him in ten other ways that wouldn’t make you feel like someone stabbed you in the kidney as another anon put it. but no, let’s give people the prospect of HEY THEY’LL BE HAPPY just to tear it away from them ten seconds later. like, what the fuck? that’s not what anyone signed up for.
especially when the entire thing was obviously set up for the happy ending. like, if you actually misread the audience so much that you think star wars audience wants grimdark when it’s a movie marketed at children then you don’t deserve the money you’re most likely getting paid.
like, again: as someone who wasn’t even diehard reylo or whatever even if I absolutely shipped it, I felt like these assholes took my money and punched me in the kidney since rey palpatine was a thing and the moment he died I about screamed fuck you out loud... along with most of the entire room which was screaming fuck you, because guess what, not a single person in that room actually was banking on the ben solo redemption to fail and each single person in the room was clapping when they kissed because we were fucking waiting for it already, and like......... obviously ppl shipping it are upset. they were given an unsatisfactory movie up until then that didn’t give the characters justice but which could have still been more or less decent if it saved the spirit of the entire thing... which it didn’t because sw is not fucking calvinist central and hasn’t ever been until now. and then they were given canon after being the target of the vilest shit (guys seriously I unfollowed antireylo people way before shipping reylo myself bc that crap was out of line for shipping fictional stuff)... just to have them take it away by killing the one character that was there to show you that there’s always hope for you to do the right thing?
like, let’s be fucking real: the message is that if you fucked up and want to be better it won’t ever be enough because sorry but you’ll never get another good start and if you care about someone who fucked up and want to help them be better it’s wasted time because people who want to do better can’t actually live and have a chance to keep on doing it.
and sorry but fuck that message with a chainsaw. the beautiful thing about this ship imvho was that in tlj it made it overtly clear how rey helped him out of being a genuinely nice person who listened to someone who thought no one ever would and at the same time kylo/ben couldn’t believe that someone actually said that he wouldn’t be alone either bc the two of them are extremely lonely people and feel that acutely....... and they even threw in the soul bond to make it extra obvious. it was a hopeful story because you had girl who never had anyone who was also innately good who could put her prejudices aside to see that someone who also went dark side because he thought no one loved him and then kept on being abused his entire life actually had good inside them and wanted to help him see that instead of writing him off as a lost cause. like. that was a good romance. nothing exceedingly new under the sun, but in sw it was pretty fresh and a good spin compared to the two other main love stories of the trilogy. also, anakin/padme was what it was and han/leia was immensely better but hey someone decided to kill off the entire original trio so whatever... and if these two ended well they’d have been a constant improvement, never mind the symbolism - you had anakin who was a no one and married a space princess but ended up tragically because he went to the dark side and she could do nothing for him, then anakin’s daughter who was a space princess and married han who is also technically a no one since he didn’t even have a surname on his home planet, and if rey/ben had actually not.. had that ending you’d have closed the circle with space prince descended from both anakin and leia being brought back from the dark side with the help of another no one and finally the damned skywalker line would have gotten one 100% happy ending because it was supposed to be the ending.
that’s something that thematically made so much sense I didn’t even think they wouldn’t do it.
and they did. and guess what of course people are pissed. because this movie about ignored themes, its own canon (from tfa and tlj) and didn’t accomplish one single thing except chewie getting his damned medal.
which, while something we all hoped would happen at some point, is hardly the one thing you should accomplish in a star wars movie supposed to end the goddamned cycle and which eventually ended up being prequel-level if not worse. because I mean, objectively I think the phantom menace was actually a better movie, and I would rewatch this over 2 and 3 just because the cgi in this movie didn’t hurt my eyes, but as bad as lucas got with the prequels, he never did a single character as dirty as disney did all the characters here. no, not even padme, and he did do padme dirty.
tldr: if people don’t get why you’d be pissed at how this movie ended idk what to tell them... but shit if it’s not worrying me that people apparently can’t get that it was a disaster on each single level it could have been. peace.
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Shattered Reflections {3}
[Helsa RP- Fanfic]
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Post-Frozen/ Canon Divergence
- Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Pairing(s): Hans/Elsa, Kristoff/Anna
Prince Hans is a mirror at heart, but wishes to shatter his reflections and correct his past mistakes. He returns to Arendelle, willingly surrendering himself to Queen Elsa’s judgement. Uncovering truths, unforeseen circumstances and a bit of je ne sais quoi, bring the Ice Queen and the Mirror Prince together in a way neither of them would have imagined.
(( This is a collaborative RP Fic written by lovely fellow Helsa shipper FOW and myself. We RP for fun and just wanted wanted to share this story with fellow shippers, especially all my lovely shipper buddies over in the Helsa Discord Server. Long live the Province of Helsa! Thank you, Beta Reader Friends, your help is much appreciated. Hope you enjoy~ ))
Previous Chapter: Chapter 2. Burn After Reading 
Readers Discretion is Advised. There is mild mention of bodily harm from corporal punishment this chapter, it’s nothing too graphic, but I thought I’d warn anyway, better to be safe. If the subject makes you uncomfortable please refrain from reading.
Chapter 3. Bear Your Burdens
Hans rested on his stomach on his bed, arms crossed under his chin and eyes closed. At the sound of approach, however, he pushed himself up slowly, with a bit of a stretch, and waited to be addressed. In the corner under his bed were his dirty clothes, the ones he wanted to wash for himself. "Her Majesty graces me with her presence? I wonder what I've done to deserve such an honor." He remarked idly, though he didn't seem to focus too immediately. He seemed tired. Perhaps a little flushed.
Elsa thought she’d been prepared to face Hans again, but actually standing there in the dungeon, she realized she was not. The journals were one thing, but something about being in his presence again made her feel uneasy.
Yet it was not just Hans that had made her anxious, it was the dungeon itself as well. Elsa had not visited the dungeons since the coronation incident, and being back gave her a feeling of déjà vu, that made her chest compress and took her breath away. But maybe it was something more than the déjà vu that was making her restless.
It took her a moment to speak, after regaining enough air.
“ The Captain told me you weren’t acting like yourself today, ” maybe those weren’t the right words. “And that you wish to wash your own clothes? Which is a bit odd in and of itself.”
Hans seemed to think about it. “Not like myself? Curious, that I should have a ‘myself’ to act like.” He observed, seeming to find that by itself intriguing.
“I would like that, yes. The two questions may be related, but they are unfortunately tied to a secret I hold very dear. I would rather keep them to myself.” He paused to think a moment. “Does the good Captain have any elder siblings?”
The Captain seemed perplexed, and looked to Elsa briefly, perplexed, before answering. “No, I do not.”
“Ah, well. You aren’t likely to understand, then. Nor would the Queen or her Highness, they are too close and too friendly. No, there are some lessons one, only learns with brothers, I think. But I suppose prisoners are not entitled to secrets. A shame.” He looked between the two, but his gaze wavered somewhat. He seemed unfocused, and almost as if he had forgotten what he was saying, as he didn’t continue to explain himself.
Elsa did not like secrets. Secrets were what had kept her away from her dear Anna for so many years.
Yes, she was curious of his secret, Yet she did not plan prying it out of him, if he had his reservations she was going to let him be, for his aloofness had worried her. The way he spoke of his brothers was so grim and it seemed to affect him deeply.
“You’re right I don’t understand,” she paused. “ I wish I could understand… but if you wish not to share your secret I will not force it from you.”
Hans seemed deeply thoughtful a moment.
“Her Majesty is far too kind. And too gentle a soul for these things.” He mused. His words seemed less carefully chosen, and his manner even less so.
“Too bad, I feel in a talkative mood. My secret is, you could stab me and my last intelligible words would be 'I am fine’. I’d sooner die than admit to being in pain in most cases. However, I rather don’t like not being able to focus my eyes -or my tongue.” He ignored his usual protocol and leaned over his bed again to lie on his stomach and seemingly ignored them. It was the most unlike himself that he had been.
“No, don’t ask, you know how I’ll answer. If you’re so curious, call for a doctor and let him find out. Or let me die in peace with my dignity, whatever, I’m quite neutral on the subject. But it’s all much too grim for a lady.” He wouldn’t tolerate any if this 'are you well’ guff. He clearly -so far as he could tell- was not.
“I think he might actually be dying.” The Captain admitted. He never thought someone could be so blazè about the subject, but Hans was most certainly not himself at that moment.
“Yes, the Navy’s opinion on treasoners is much different from the Isles’ royal family. At least one has a spine.” Hans mused, eyes closed on his folded-over pillow. He looked more like a large and lazy cat than a man in the dungeons.
Dying? He was dying? Elsa was frozen, she didn’t know how else to react. Frost formed at her fingertips. Her breath lost yet again. It perturbed her, how he could seem so nonchalant about his own demise.
Yes, she had resentment towards this man, for what he had done to her sister (more than what he had done to her), yet she did not wish him dead. She had wished never to lay eyes on him again, certainly, but by death, that was never how she wanted her wish to be fulfilled.
His return to Arendelle had made more sense to her now; he wanted to make amends before perishing. Having a dying man wait for his imminent death in the dungeon did not sit right with her.
So he had also been brutally punished by his navy. In her queenly studies she had read up on Naval Law and just remembering some of their harsh punishments she’d come across in her readings, made wince just thinking about them.
He was right her soul was too gentle, for she felt sorrow even for this Accursed Prince.
She felt helpless, trapped inside her mind like she was once trapped inside her room, with the walls slowly closing in around her.
Still frozen, lost in the maze of her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the layer of ice she unconsciously created across the dungeon floor, and was now quickly creeping up the walls.
“Your Majesty, breathe.” The Captain spoke gently, but knew better than to touch her in such a state. “If he’s talking about what I suspect, a skilled doctor could yet help, but we’d want to get them quickly. Damn fool didn’t think to tell us to change bandages.” The Captain seemed somehow both annoyed and pitying.
“Didn’t want to be a bother. I never do. Much easier to die than admit weakness. But…” Hans seemed to lose track of what he was saying. He perhaps noticed the cold and rolled a bit to lean his back against the wall where the frost crept.
The Captain’s voice snapped her out of her trance. Breathe, she had to remember how to breathe. Her respiration was uneven as air started to fill her lungs again.
If there was a chance of saving him she was going to take it, even if protested against it. She had reached her limit listening to his self-depreciation, it started to exasperate her.
In her vexation she responded to his words a second thought.
“ Weakness?” She huffed. “Just letting oneself die is the ultimate form of weakness.” She believed that, for in her weakest moment she had wished for death herself.
The frost continued to engulf the dungeon wall.
“I believe it takes real strength to admit pain and continue living.”
Hans seemed to hardly be listening.
“Yes, I have heard that.” He sounded unimpressed. But he seemed calmer.
“Your Majesty, I propose we call a doctor. Now.” The Captain proposed, shifting warily. “The clothes- Hiding blood, I suspect.” He didn’t like what this sounded like. Hans seemed unlike himself. He shifted a bit. “I think it’s his back. A bit more ice might help stay conscious. Or at least to dampen the fever.”
Elsa nodded in agreement. “Yes, please go call a doctor.”
She stepped closer to Hans. She looked down at her hand and realized she still held the note wrote earlier and brought with her, she had a strange idea. The note was no damp rag, but thought it could work as a makeshift one, if she chilled it and placed on his forehead.
“I’ll provide the ice, in the meantime.”
The Captain hesitated a moment, but he nodded, deciding Hans wouldn’t be a big problem as he fled from the scene to find a doctor.
Hans seemed to blink a bit, but he closed his eyes again. He was unreasonably warm.
“Too kind by far.” He muttered, without much context. He didn’t pull away, if anything, he relaxed somewhat.
“I didn’t do this intentionally. 'Thought that had healed.” He muttered.
Elsa was grateful that Hans had not been stubborn enough to protest her help. She had not touched him directly, but the heat emanating from his body even at the distance was worrisome.
She didn’t respond to him, instead she took a deep breath and tried to control the flurry she created over his back. She was intently focused on creating a light frost over his shirt. Elsa had been extra cautious when her ice powers touched someone, she did not want to risk what happened to Anna happen to anyone else.
Hans seemed more comfortable with the slight chill, really.
There was an odd smell closer to him. Bad, but unrecognizable without an expert there. It was on his old shirts, as well, but to a lesser extent, along with spots of blood in strange hatching patterns.
It didn’t take long for a doctor to arrive with the guard, and a medical bag.
“Good afternoon, your Majesty.” He bustled right in to get to work, sniffed the air, and wrinkled his nose. “Whatever it is, it’s infected. Would you be opposed to him being moved to a more sterile environment?” He didn’t even have to look at Hans to know it.
“You might not want to be here when the dressings come off. It could be a very upsetting sight. And smell. But your ice does help.” He assured. “I see we have the Prince for a patient. Didn’t know he was in Arendelle.” The Doctor may have been slightly uneasy about that fact, but it didn’t change that Hans was his patient, and he would do what he could.
The Doctor’s bombardment of words barely gave her time to process them all.
“ Not at all, feel free to transfer him, there are ample rooms you can use.” There were many empty servant and guest rooms in the Arendelle Castle that were not in use, and hadn’t been vacant for years. Elsa hesitated only for a brief moment, but looking back down at feverish fool in front of her, she found her resolve. “ If my ice can serve useful in any way, I’m willing to oblige.”
The Doctor seemed uncertain, but gave a bit of a sigh and nodded. “The clearest room you have, and a cot, I’ll need a lot of light, a lot of clean water, clear spirits. Got that? And somebody to help transfer him, he’s clearly not in any walking condition.” He spoke to the Captain of the guard, who nodded and went out to look.
“I’ve walked in worse.” Hans muttered from his cot.
“Then congratulations on not dying, but if you get up I’m asking the Queen to ice you to that bed.” The Doctor didn’t even pause to snap at him. Hans couldn’t help but smile a bit.
Hans muttered something about 'the best doctors’ but he seemed only semi-conscious at best.
While the guard was off, the doctor knelt down and checked under Hans’ collar to look at his back, prying him away from the wall. Hans didn’t even seem to notice the intrusion on his personal space or the touch. The doctor drew air between his teeth in an expression of sympathy pain. “Well the good news is, it doesn’t look like the infection will kill him today. He might’ve even lasted into tomorrow before being critical. The other good news is, he would be very difficult to kill if he’s lived this long. That or the Isles have better doctors.”
It was not a Queen’s duty to assist a doctor, Elsa was not bound by anything really, yet there she was regardless.
The Captain had sent a few of his men to help transfer Hans over from the dungeon to the new room. It was no easy feat, but it was done.
The Captain had found everything the Doctor required as quickly as possible and now they were almost done preparing for the Doctor to start working.
The time arrived shortly after, the Doctor carefully peeled off Hans shirt to uncover the secret he hid behind it. The Doctor had been right, it was a very unpleasant sight. Elsa had tried to mentally prepare herself, but it was far worse than she could have imagined. Her immediate response was to avert her gaze, it was too much for her to take in.
In the brief moment she had seen his back, she was overwhelmed with emotions. She shivered and could almost feel the ache upon her own back, that was probably nothing but an insignificant fraction of what he was actually feeling.
How long had he been living with these scars, if he said he thought they had healed already? He had arrived to Arendelle standing so tall, doing so well to hide his burden, that she never would have deduced it. Tears began to well up in her eyes.
The stench was nothing compared to the sight of his lacerations.
She felt herself freezing up again, but she couldn’t allow herself that luxury, she had to snap out of it. She took a deep breath, reminding herself she had volunteered herself to be useful during the operation, not pity him. No amount of pity can help a dying man.
The wounds had, for the most part, healed. The problem was, 'most’ was not 'completely’. Some had kept their scabs and were yet still too fresh, and the rope-like scar tissue was nearly indistinguishable from an infection below the skin. The Doctor had to do what he could to discover all the lingering wounds, get rid of the pus, clean the wounds, and re-bandage. Antibiotics were given, of course, something to stop the damage. In spite of how bad it looked, and how bad the infections smelled, the process wasn’t nearly as long or difficult as it appeared on the surface. That didn’t change the doctor’s perplexity as he finished up the surgery.
“I’ll change the bandages twice daily and keep an eye on him. He should be up and chatting again in a day or two, once the fever breaks. The infection itself isn’t as bad as the rest of it looks, but the surprising thing is that he got that many lacerations to begin with. Generally one isn’t supposed to survive that many.” It was true what Hans said, then. He would sooner die than show weakness, if he never mentioned that.
“Thank you, Doctor,” Elsa said with a nod. The Doctor then walked himself out.
The room had been emptied out other then Hans and herself. She had lingered behind and gazed at him and at in his fresh bandages and winced again knowing what was concealed behind them. Elsa approached the bedside, she hovered her hand over him, the heat emanating from him had lessened from before, but was still intense.
Hans would have hated this, if he were conscious. To be seen injured, by so many. Unable to snap at them or reassure them he was fine. Now his secret was out, that he could hide discomfort and pain, so now he would have to be watched for anyone to be certain.
Yet, he had told her, in his own way. The odd scratching on his note, reminiscent of the hash marks across his back; the admission of his secret in spite of her reassurance that he didn’t need to tell, the way he argued with words, but didn’t actually try to push anyone away. He tried not to be an inconvenience, but he accepted it when he was treated with care.
In spite of what pain they had caused him, he only ever spoke well of the Navy. So far as he was concerned, it seemed, he deserved them.
He sighed a little at the comfort of her natural chill around him. Ordinarily Hans enjoyed the warmth, but in this particular case, the chill helped him feel more at peace, and eased the pain.
It had been a long day for Elsa. What was supposed to be a simple verdict, had spiraled into a small frenzy. She was grateful the worst had passed, at least she hoped. She would not easily forget what transpired in that room.
She was ready to call it a day, when she heard the pitter-patter of someone running in the halls, it could only be one person, Anna.
“Elsa! Finally, it’s been so quiet around here. The guards told me you were busy all day, what’s on your mind?” She could tell Elsa was stressed, but since when was that new? Anna was always there to offer sisterly support- as long as Elsa would actually take it. Some days that seemed like a struggle.
Normally Elsa would indulge her younger sister with her chit-chat, but she really wasn’t in the mood to talk. Instead she did something that she didn’t generally do, and would definitely raise more questions from her, but she didn’t care she needed it more than anything right now. Without saying a word Elsa wrapped her sister in a tight hug.
Anna knew that had to be bad. Like 'oh god who’s dying’ bad. She wrapped her sister up in her arms as much as she could and squeezed her tight.
“Okay, whatever it is, is pretty bad. Just tell me you’re not dying and we can have some cocoa or something and… I dunno, sit quietly together?” Anna liked to chat to decompress, Elsa didn’t. Elsa needed the decompressing. So if they needed to just bundle up in blankets in silence for a while, they could do that. In the meanwhile, lots of warm hugs -and a little bit of worrying from Anna.
“I promise, I’m not dying Anna,” Elsa said softly nuzzled in her sisters embrace. She let out a sigh. “I would love some chocolate.”
“Alright. Girl time? Maybe we need to bundle up in bed with hot chocolate and talk. Or not talk. Whatever you need. You start bundling and I’ll get the cocoa?” It wasn’t about the warmth -obviously- but the blankets made for a nice calming weight. And they both loved chocolate.
“Yes, Thank you.” Elsa gave her little sister one last squeeze before letting her go.
The two sisters had bundled up like promised, drinking hot chocolate in silence.
After a while, the silence was too much even for Elsa to bear.
“Anna…” she began but didn’t know how to continue.
Anna perked up. She thrived on conversation, but she knew whatever was wrong had to be bothering Elsa like, a lot.
“Whatever it is, I’m here for you.” She assured, reaching over to rest a hand on Elsa’s arm. She hoped that whatever it was, that everything would be okay.
She hadn’t missed the emphasis from earlier, but she had a bad feeling about what Elsa meant when she said 'I’m not dying.’ That meant someone was, right? Who? Not Kristoff, at least, she was spending a lot of time with him and he probably would have told her about that… right?
Elsa let out a soft involuntary groan. “I know.” she answered reaching her other arm over to touch her sisters hand.
Elsa let out a deep sigh. “Today was just… a very hard day.” She tried to give her sister a smile, but it was visibly forced.
Anna copied the look. She smiled, but she could see the strain and worry on Elsa.
“Do you want to tell me about it or not? You look like you’re dying inside. Pick whichever is easier. Or have a little breakdown. It’s okay.” Anna offered her arms. What were sisters for, if not completely necessary familial cuddles?
Elsa was at the verge of tears, she took a deep breath to try to calm herself down. “… I saw something very bad happen to someone…” her voice was quavery. “And it’s really been affecting me.” her breath staggered. “I wish I could tell you more, but it’s really hard.” she finished her voice cracked.
Anna set down her cocoa and shifted behind Elsa to hold her tight. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. In Arendelle something bad happened? You don’t have to tell me right now if you can’t, just feel how you need to feel for a bit, okay? It’s okay.” She stroked Elsa’s hair and hoped for the best. Anything to make things a little more okay. Anna didn’t know it, but she was the kind of person who did her damnedest to heal hearts and make things better.
Anna’s embrace was so warm. Elsa readjusted in her arms. Elsa couldn’t hold it in anymore and began to softly weep, letting all the sadness she had built up throughout the day. She felt safe in her younger sister’s hold.
Anna almost flinched, she never saw Elsa cry. But she held Elsa tight and hummed the lullaby their mother used, just to try and calm Elsa’s spirits.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” She cooed between verses, and just let Elsa cry it out while she could. Whatever this was, it was clearly awful.
Everything her little sister did, helped to comfort her. The weeping had aided in easing her heavy heart. As her tears became subdued Elsa thanked her sister. She leaned her head against her and closed her eyes.
“It’s okay.” Anna assured again, continuing to pet Elsa’s hair.
“Wow, whatever it was really affected you, huh? Are you feeling a little better?” She asked softly, just hoping to talk through some of her fears, if Elsa was up to it. Or she could rest. Whatever Elsa was ready for.
“Yes…Thank you Anna, for everything, ” she said faintly. “… it’s just, seeing someone hurt like that was too much to bear.” “What was it? You seem so freaked out and… and heartbroken. Are you going to be okay? Are they?”
“I don’t know if I- …it’s hard for me to say,” Elsa sniffled. She shifted, rubbing her eyes with her hand and turning to look at her sister. “But, I’m going to be okay,” Elsa said with a soft smile, more genuine than the last, and a nod. She paused. Her heart pounded. Her gaze drifting from her sister. Her tone was hushed. “ I don’t know if they’ll be alright, but I really hope they will be.”
“Okay, well, in this kingdom good things happen, and we’re going to make sure to do everything a person can do. That’s all we can do, right?” Anna suggested sweetly. Kristoff had a saying of 'nothing is permanent’, and his philosophy was very much that things would happen, and sometimes they weren’t controllable. It helped Anna understand that she couldn’t fix everything, but that that wasn’t always a bad thing.
“It’ll be okay, one way or another.” She assured. She hoped she was right. Kristoff was better at these things.
“ Your right, ” Elsa said reverting her gaze back to her sister. She found one of her sister’s hands with her own and clasped it.
“Alright.” Anna felt a little better, hearing that maybe she had said the right thing. “Why don’t you sleep? I’ll stay right here. Just like when we were kids.” Anything to help her feel better, after all this mess that scared Elsa so.
Anna just wished she knew what had shaken Elsa so badly. She wasn’t sure she had seen this in person, but she knew it had to be like what she had felt when their parents had passed. Even outside of her room the castle had chilled after that.
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sea foam.
genre: angst. character/s: prince jinyoung!au | mermaid oc!au. overview: it was either her life or his. word count: 1069.
A/N: Based off of the original Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen and EXO’s Baby Don’t Cry.
“It’ll hurt only once,” he whispered, taking a hold of her hand that was grasping the dagger shakily. “It won’t even be you who would get hurt.” He aimed the pointed dagger towards the middle of his chest. “Just once. And then it’ll all be over.”
She shook her head, pulling her hand back as hard as she could. She had never wanted anything more than to be able to speak at that moment, in the entire year she had given up her voice for fully functioning feet. As if that wasn’t enough, doing anything using her feet – whether it’d be just standing or walking or dancing – they feel like they were constantly on fire. The sea witch may have looked like she got the better deal out of the bargain, but the mermaid being with the love of her life was well worth the price. Oh, the things we do for love…
Jinyoung released her hand from his grip and held her by her shoulders instead. His eyes stared daggers into her soul, as if he was contemplating whether or not he should just kill himself. Contrary to what the mermaid knows, Jinyoung was well-aware of everything that was going on. He knew it was her who brought him back to shore on the day of the shipwreck more than a year ago. He remembered her voice as she lulled him to sleep while she waited for someone to come rescue him. He remembered clearly how overjoyed he had been after months of searching the seas and finally being able to see her again after she had miraculously turned up at one of his parties. Although she didn’t speak, he would recognize her anywhere.
Her entire year with the prince had been the happiest of her life. She knew it was too good to be true, but she had everything she had ever dreamt of, even if it came with a few consequences. The prince had adored her from head to toe – and she had been the guest of honor at several of the parties he had hosted as soon as they had reunited. She felt like the lost sheep that had finally been found by the shepherd who treasured her dearly. He especially admired her dancing, and had asked her many times to perform. By the end of the song, the audience, including the prince, would be in awe, seeing how the mermaid always has tears in her eyes. To them, she had been moved to tears by her own gracefulness and charm. To her, the pain in her legs had just been too much to endure.
Just when she thought the prince would finally confess to her about his feelings, her death sentence came in the form of a princess from the nearby kingdom, to whom Jinyoung was arranged to be married to. As the prince, he was left with not much choice, and the wedding preparations started immediately. She had been the center of his attention before, but now the princess had come into the picture.
When the mermaid was walking along the shore one evening, wallowing in her suffering in silence, the silhouette of her sisters came into view. She weeped as she met them right in the middle, just where the waves die out as the waters kissed the sand. It was then that she noticed they had all cut their long locks short, right before their shoulders. Her sisters had given up their hair in exchange for the dagger from the sea witch. As the mermaid held it in her hands, she watched it glisten under the glow of the full moon. “On his wedding night,” the eldest mermaid spoke. “You would have to stab him in the heart with this. As soon as you return to the water, you can return to us. If not, well…” The sisters exchanged meaningful yet somber glances. “…you will become sea foam as soon as the sun rises. It’s either your life or his.” And, with one final parting glance, the rest of the mermaids swam back to the deepest parts of the ocean.
On the couple’s wedding night, the mermaid snuck into their bedroom. She held the dagger behind her, with her mind set on killing the prince. She intentionally filled her mind with angered thoughts, about how she had left her family to be with him, how she had to endure every waking moment of her human form with the excruciating pain in her legs and feet, how she had given up everything for him, only to get nothing in return. As she lifts the dagger high up above her head, ready to deliver the final blow, Jinyoung stirred in his sleep and woke up. Shocked, and having realized what she was just about to do, the mermaid ran out of the room, and out of the kingdom, only to have Jinyoung follow her from behind.
“Hey, don’t cry,” he mused with a small smile, although his tear-filled eyes betrayed him. He took the dagger from her grip once more, only to inspect it under the moonlight. “The sharper, the better, right?”
Once again, the mermaid shook her head and snatched the dagger back from his hands. She glanced at the horizon behind her, just as the sun was beginning to rise, the sky growing lighter in hue. She gripped the dagger firmly in her hands and stared longingly at the prince. If she had had the choice before, she thought, she would still choose to be human for him.
“Please…” Jinyoung whispered once more with tears streaming down his cheeks. The mermaid quickly wiped them off before shaking her head.
She walked backwards towards the shore, her eyes never leaving Jinyoung, who followed her almost as if in a trance. She backed away until her feet touched the water and threw the dagger as far as she could towards the sea. The prince stopped by the shore, just before his feet touched the water, his hands reaching out for her.
And, for the last time, he held her in his arms as tightly as he could, even tighter once the first few rays of sunlight warmed his tear-stained cheeks. Once he had opened his eyes, he could find the mermaid no longer. Jinyoung continued to watch as waves of sea foam licked at his feet before eventually evaporating, vanishing forever.
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
With her hand trailing along the back of his neck, her nails suddenly stabbing into his skin " Ah! That's too rough.." He whispered. His hand grabbing onto the girls wrist, she had a bad habit of sticking her nails into him when she touched him. Glancing back over toward Sera though, it had been a year since he'd seen her, or the boy. He was just in too bad of shape to see him, and his wife to be was always wanting his attention. A sense of calmness began to spread over him, starting from his neck and spreading to the rest of his body. Simon stared into the others bright red eyes, his own dulling a little, taking on a tired look.
Smirking, the woman stares back toward Sera " So, Sera, the one who ran away...I remember you now." She spoke as if she were a valley girl, all she needed was some gum to chew on annoyingly. Grinning, she leans away from Simon, her other hand grabbing onto his shirt " My names Coital...And yes, I know what that means. " She sneers, Simon laughing a bit. He could never control himself with that name.  Her nails pressing deeper into his neck then " You came to the wrong wedding, hunny. " She snickers. The elves in the room seeming to not notice the sudden pause in the proceedings.
Actually, they had appeared to be totally zoned out, or drugged. Their eyes were lilt and a strange miasma was drifting in the room. It seemed only to be effecting the elves. Well, all of them besides Simon.  Who was just giggling still at what Coital had just said. She had captured him once, in her miasma, some 9 years ago. But Sera had managed to whisk him away before she could make him all her own. But now she had her prince, and Sera hadn't been there to stop her. But that other woman, how dare she take what was not hers, Coital would not have that.
So she and her Partner hatched a plan. She would get her prince, and her Partner would help her, and fulfill their own dreams. Which she didn't really care about. Because she had Simon on her mind. She was the most dangerous fangirls. Willing to kill to get what she had wanted. 
Narrowing her eyes a bit, and then rolling them at Simon, her hand tugging through that thick brown hair of his "Shh, I'm talking now Simon, be a quiet boy..." She presses a kiss on the side of his forehead.
Standing right behind Sera, towering over her, a scared man in a hood wraps and arm around her neck suddenly, the tip of a blade stabbing into the skin on her neck, drawing blood " Princess Sera, how nice it is to see you again... You are looking quite well. Hows life as a commoner?" Yanking her from where she had been setting, the dragon traitor pulls her into the isle and up toward the couple.
The priest, who had not been an elf either, was just finishing up the arrangements then. As the Dragon Traitor pulls Sera up onto the stage, the priest asks the pair to kiss and Coital wastes no moment in finishing the act, her lips forcing themselves onto Simon's. 
The Dragon Traitor smirks " Nine years, Sera, and he seems a whole lot happier with a bug, octopus,...thing." A bit of confusion crosses over his scared face " She's a freak, unnatural in this world. Much like your own child. Though not as cool. I will admit. " Smirking and running a finger along Sera's cheek " I wonder, what should I do with your child, when this is all over... Now that you are here, and I won't have to go an kill you." Turning Sera's head toward Coital and Simon than, he chuckles " You should see this, it's going to be amazing. "
Suddenly from under Coital's dress a tentacle started to lift up before suddenly darting into the elfen prince's mouth, a bulge in his neck showing the tentacle was stretching down " You know, Princess Sera, in the wild, some creatures happen to use a host carrier for their eggs. " He gave a disgusted look as the tentacle forces Simon to the ground "  After these last few years. Her proposition seemed to be the most amazing. I could of simply just killed him. But that would of been as entertaining as watching him die a slow and painful death from being eaten inside out."
Black sludge started to dribble along the sides of Simon’s mouth as he convulses on the floor, obviously in pain. His eyes widening and hand Clenching closed, it was being held by the wrist behind his back as his wife sat on him, hiking her dress out to spread over his lower half. His chest rose suddenly, as sounds of stretching started to fill the area around him. Coital smiles and runs a hand along the side of his face " Shh, Simon, it's all a part of our ...Well, my, mating habits..." A hand slips under her dress and grips onto the elf king's robe, pulling it up and running her fingers into his pants, gripping his length in her hand and jerking.
This immediately send waves of pleasure through the prince, which was only because the gunk she was flooding into his stomach at the moment was also used to enhance pleasure in the body. The pain was drifting into pleasure, and her touch was ending in pleasure. Simon gasps, his eyes rolling in his head and back arching up  " Oh, I have waited for this day, my prince..." Coital leans in, kissing beside his lips. His eyes closing then as he is being brought to the edge " Oh! Already? Dear. Can't let it go to waste no. " She whispers her hips shifting a bit and she slides herself onto him, slipping her inside him, she thrusts lightly.
The tentacle in his mouth was writhing and didn't feel at all good as it continue to fill his inside with some strange liquid. But he was able to tell just how much trouble he was  in at that moment. He was snapping out of his hallucinations, from the moment she had entered the palace she was keeping him under her power. With every scratch and stabbing of her nail, it induced him more and more, seducing him to fall in love with her.  To need her, give her the love she wanted.
Coital thrusts more against him, sending him over and cumming into her.  She was running her fingers along his stomach now, which had been puffing up now because of the liquid she had been pumping into it. Preparing it for later. Thrusting still, her head tilting back and her back arching. A gasp escapes her " I've been waiting for a long time...for this..." Simon came again into her, it was too quick, what was she doing to him?  Leaning down the hybrid bits down on the cloth covering his stomach "Mmm, dear, you are are the perfect specimen." Tearing away some of the cloth then, she licks along the skin of his bulging belly, listening the liquid swish in his gut " Hmm. It sounds like it's working...The perfect environment. "
The tentacle in his mouth suddenly pulled out sending black sludge all over the place " The ...fuck?..." Simon glares " I thought you love me. Let go of me! " He gags trying to throw up the gunk in his body " G-g-get the fuck off..." He gasps  her thrusting continuing against him " F-fuck...." Dropping his head back down, he gasps. It did feel good, though.
Coital smirks, he was tired from ejaculation, already? She didn't figure him to be so weak. After a few more minutes she stands and steps on his chest before he can get up " All, you look so angry, babe... But it's all part of life..." A different tentacle drops out from under her dress, this one had a rather sharp end on it. Suddenly it twirls around, she has a noticeable plumpness forming in her stomach. Before she can do anything though. Simon breaks his arm free and grabs her by the ankle, burning  her skin with magic, which sends her jumping and screaming away from him.
Standing then, Simon coughs and starts vomiting, his vision blurring as he stumbles around. He notices Sera still being held by a very familiar looking dragon " I ...don't give a fuck about ..." He chokes, his hand moving up to his mouth and he vomits again, his hand moving to his stomach, it hurt a lot. But he had to stop whatever was going on. Staring at Sera, he smiles after a moment "  Can't have a moment's peace, can we." He hoped she knew that it was okay to fight back by this point, and that he was ready when she was.
Coital glares " You bastard! Look at me! " she charges for Simon, only to get smack by a transparent hand, to the ground.
Simon turns on the hybrid girl and holds his hands out, one transparent and made purely of the magic in his veins, the other was solid, of course " Oh, Bitch. I am looking at you, and I see you for what you are..." He was going to save his people, and his girl and that was that, because he was just young enough to have that big of head and ego.
And just as he went to step closer to Coital, the Traitor throws Seraphine to the side and steps up to the soon to be king and plunges the dagger in his hand deep into Simon’s side " Why do you keep continuing to surprise me, Elf. You keep making it so difficult to kill you..." Twisting the blade in the others flesh " Well not this time, I'm not going to let my lackey be the reason you escape this time. " He wraps an arm around Simon, pressing the dagger in more, blood squirting out onto his hand "  I'm this world truly ruler, you are just my annoying test....And I will be taking your wife as my bride...."
He was sick and tired of this dragon and his goons messing with him an his family " You will not! " And he liked to do things peacefully. But this had been getting to far out of hand. He could not let this traitor win, and he had to deal with him permanently! The energized hand suddenly stretches over and grabs the dragon by the arm and tosses him  to the floor. Simon growls and steps over him, his anger and pain over the last few years suddenly erupting as he throws a punch into the larger males face, and then another and another.
Coital and Sera had been going at it then and just as Simon was about to make the fatal blow, the hybrid jumps away from Sera and runs over, jumping onto Simon, that sharp tentacle of hers spearing him in the stomach just a moment after she lands on his back. Round bulbs suddenly started drifting down the tentacle and into Simon’s gut, sending him into pained shrieking. Coital’s hand slips over his mouth and she starts to shush him  "It's okay, it's stop. I swear." Twitching, the tall elf  drops to his knee's, his skin becoming a pale greenish gray color, and sickly after a moment.
He could feel things being force into his stomach, and with each bulb that slid inside, his gut stretched. Simon's eyes droop and he goes limp. Coital grabbing him in her arms catching him as he slumps. The sweat on his skin hardening. He felt so tired all of a sudden.
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