#rig skyward
hauntedfarfalle · 9 months
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So I finally did read the three skyward novellas and I started Defiant yesterday. I am absolutely not terrified or stressed whatsoever about how the series will end 😃
I did make a lot of memes tho, enjoy :)
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x-xxoxox-x · 2 months
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(Art belongs to jillustrations)
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ssejdoesthings · 10 months
They are such FUCKING DORKS (affectionate)
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skyview-temple-spring · 5 months
skyward sword dash board simulator! only like three months late to this trend
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hey guys can someone remind me the wing ceremony is in like two hours. im just gonna take a quick nap
🟦bigbluebird Follow
link the wing ceremony is happening
🟦 bigbluebird
🗡️why-fi Follow
skyloft heritage post
I made this two hours ago???
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I'm trying to prove a point
I think you're the only person having this problem
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does anyone know if you can get addicted to stamina potions?
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what happened to normal, good natured usernames. now it seems like everyone is named something like pumpkinplower or remlitgirldick
🎃pumpkinplower Follow
I'm just trying to find someone to help me out on the farm :(
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thegroosinator reblogged bugenthusiast
she skyward on my sword till I strike
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Hey guys I didn't want to do this but this is a call out post for @/sword-of-a-big-deal. It started like two weeks ago when that weird tornado happened. @/knittinggoddess can back me up she has screenshots (she didn't deactivate she's just been gone for a while)
~keep reading~
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IMPORTANT impr1s0n3d changed its username to bringer-of-demise!! plz block it don't engage
umm his pronouns are he/him now please stop using it/its :/ and the rumors he was the one that got the Sealed Temple site shut down are literally false???
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🌅skychild reblogged
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how about you suck my DICK
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dude she didn't block you for your weird ass parasocial relationship she blocked you because you killed people
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💌 night-in-armor
she liked my post about how the wing ceremony was rigged this year... should I message her...
#personal post #vent #vent post #vagueblogging #don't reblog
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🧵knittinggoddess reblogged skychild
til that remlits attack you at night because of their proximity to demonic energy. Which means there must be a demon on Skyloft. Sleep well!
🙀bats-and-cats Follow
This is false. Remlits are hostile at night because they're predators and do the majority of their hunting then. There are no demons on skyloft
net zero information. love this site
🐈is-the-remlit-cute Follow
Idk what @/bats-and-cats is talking about. Remlits have been proven to be more hostile when exposed to demonic energy, ESPECIALLY at night. normally they're very docile and only attack if provoked, which prolonged exposure to demonic energy can cause
So there's a demon on Skyloft?
yeah at ur mom's house lol
#prev you're one to talk #or was that bruise on your neck from 'falling down the stairs' again?
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7 with est 👀👀👀
7- hoarse/voiceless
this is absolutely au for est, because there are quite a few major beats in waves & wind that wouldn't really land right after all the au-ing i did four or five years ago. however. i wanted to put est on a boat <3 rough ch 5.3 for spoiler purposes
It’s a little funny, you think, that you’ve never really sailed. Not properly, not like this, not on the open sea where there’s no horizon in any direction and the water is even more unchanging than the open fields of Rohan. The Long Lake is wide and so is Nenuial, but they have nothing on these endless waters- and Sirgon and Daxamat both laugh when they tell you you’ve not yet left the Bay of Belfalas.
You know the storm is coming even belowdecks. It’s no sense so arcane as some of your crew seem to think- only long years spent studying the rising and release of thunder. You warn the others, and hope you don’t frighten Caebar too badly, and go up to the deck.
Dark clouds gather in the distance, visible from miles away with nothing at all to hide them- or to break them. You clamber up into the tangle of low-hanging rigging in the forecastle where Daxamat scowls at the oncoming storm.
“I swear the storms did not used to be so frequent or so angry in the Bay,” he says, and you grip the nearest lines for balance as the Wave-hunter tilts down a steep swell. The waves are already growing rougher.
“Is there no avoiding this one?” you ask, though you have no hope the answer will be yes. Daxamat gives you a disbelieving look.
“Not unless your fancy rocks can split the storm before us,” he says and you smile with half your mouth.
“You overestimate me,” you say, and he sighs.
“I was afraid that was the case.”
You study the angry stormfront. “...is there anything we can do to prepare for it?” You know the storm, but not the sea.
“Tie down anything that can be tied,” Daxamat says with a grim laugh. “Stay out of the way of actual sailors. And… make sure your knights are out of their armor. They wouldn’t want to go overboard like that.” You glance at him sharply.
“You think that’s so serious a risk?” Dax only shrugs, half leaping and half falling from the rail to the pitching deck.
“The way my last voyage ended? It seems better to be cautious in these waters these days.”
You wish, an hour later, that you could indeed control storms as Daxamat said, but you only ever borrow their power for a moment. There is power enough in this one to tear the ship apart.
No one is abovedecks who does not need to be- especially those of you who aren’t sailors. Sirgon listens to the groaning of the Wave-hunter and frowns over the nervous muttering of the rest of your crew, packed into the largest cabin and summarily instructed to stay there until the storm passed.
“We are far too near the Shield Isles for my liking to cross a storm this fierce,” Sirgon says to you under his breath. “We are on the side of the Grinding Jaws, and they were not named lightly.”
The Wave-hunter pitches to the side and even Sirgon staggers. Daxamat has already gone up to the deck to help, taking Sigileth and Legolas with him. You wonder how long it will be before you and the sons of Elrond will be asked to follow. You flex your hands, cold from the damp and the biting winds, and tighten the bindings on your rune-bag and Elenagil in her sheath.
The Wave-hunter shudders under your feet. Sirgon draws a sharp breath. There are cries from above. You're only halfway to the narrow stairs up when the deck goes out from underneath you and wood splinters with a sound only a little softer than thunder.
The water is cold and dark and churns so badly you couldn’t say if it was stone or ship or scattered crew that slams into you from all directions. You’re not a stranger to the water, but you've not seen anything quite like this before.
Well. You’re hardly seeing anything right now, either.
Lightning illuminates the water, brief but bright enough to find the surface. You reach for it, clawing your way skyward while thunder rumbles the water around you like a drum.
Something heavy strikes you across the back. Something cracks; you can’t tell if it’s you or the unseen thing. You lose your air, and you breathe in seawater, and you grab fruitlessly for something solid and choke on the wrathful bay until the waters take you away.
It’s dawn when you wake, pink in the sky and gold in the sand and black and brown and brilliant green in the cliffs above you. Your legs are still in the water, brushed by waves that seem gentle in apology for the storm before. You push yourself up, and your back screams as if struck anew, and you fall flat in the sand with a groan.
What became of the rest of the Wave-hunter? you ask silently of the sand beneath your cheek. It doesn’t reply, and you spit some of it from your mouth and drag yourself inch by inch beyond the reach of the water. You lost a shoe somewhere- only the one, though. Your throat hurts. Slowly, you gather yourself, and hope that walking will seem like less of a trial once you are standing.
A shadow falls over you. Someone speaks, and it sounds like Black Speech, and in sudden panic you throw yourself to your feet, already reaching for where your rune-bag should be.
Somehow, it’s still there, though it’s full of water and some of its contents must have escaped. You draw out a stone, but instead of words of power you only get out a harsh fit of coughing as your throat protests absolutely everything it can think of. When you can breathe again you throw the stone aside and draw Elenagil instead, falteringly taking the stance Faeron had tried so hard to teach you.
It is a group of goblins and orcs who scramble away from you, weapons raised and eyes hard, but they don’t fall on you immediately, even when you wobble and fall back to one knee. One of them elbows another and they argue in almost-whispers among themselves. Your head aches less badly than the rest of you and you think you can follow most of it. Some words are Westron and some are the Black Speech and some are another tongue altogether. Umbari, perhaps? You don’t know much of it yet. You catch wait and recognize and Gundabad, and after that trust and safe and can’t let her-. You try to speak, and cough some more, and, eventually, lower Elenagil.
“Who are you?” you ask, hoarsely, in Black Speech like you only really practiced properly with Viznak in the swamps. You’re not sure which of them is more surprised to hear it.
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missmagooglie · 1 year
For the WIP Wednesday game, @infinitybits87 and @h-i-raeth requested a Therapy Baby snippet, so have some "Buck defending his poor life choices" paired with some "Firefam defending Buck"
“Buck as a father, I never thought I’d see the day,” Chim grins at him. “Though in hindsight, maybe we should have seen this coming. Which of your sexcapades resulted in this little bundle of joy? Did his mom have to reach out to you on Tinder?” “Oh, please tell me this child was not conceived in the rig,” Hen begs. “Was it snake girl?” Chimney asks. “I need to know if we have to prepare for a hereditary love of reptiles.” Buck laughs awkwardly. “No, she wasn’t anyone I met while I was on duty,” he says, trying to ignore the way Bobby looks skyward and mouths the words thank you. “It was, um. Do you guys remember when I was having a hard time after that roller coaster rescue that went bad?” “Of course,” Bobby says. “It was your first time losing someone on the job. You took it hard.” “Right, yeah, and you suggested I see someone for counseling,” Buck says. “So I went to her office, and it turns out she’d seen me on the news, and, um, I guess you could say we tried some non-traditional treatments?” He braces himself for laughter and teasing, but instead the room goes quiet. “Buck, are you telling us that Danny’s mother was your therapist?” Bobby asks, his face pinched. “It was only one session,” Buck says, his body curling defensively around the baby in his arms. He suddenly recalls the visceral hatred and disgust that came off Dr. Wells’ husband the day he had picked Danny up. The pure disgust he’d shown when he learned that Buck had been a patient of his wife’s, “and we didn’t exactly do a lot of therapy. It’s not like I was a regular patient of hers.” “That doesn’t make it ok,” Hen says softly. She says it in the voice she uses to reassure victims in the field, and Buck has no idea why she’s using it now.  “Look, I get that it wasn’t the classiest thing I’ve ever done," Buck says in an effort to downplay the whole thing, "but it’s not like we did something illegal." “At the very least it’s sexual misconduct,” Athena chimes in, and her voice is serious, too. “Depending on the circumstances, it could even be considered rape.” “Woah,” Buck says, stepping back in alarm. “Hey, no, it was very much consensual. I would never-” Buck looks around and catches Bobby’s eyes. “Bobby, I swear,” he pleads, “I know I did a lot of stupid shit, but I never did anything that the other person wasn’t completely on board with. I would never try to take advantage of-” “No one is accusing you, Buck,” Bobby assures him. “You would have been the victim. If your therapist slept with you, then as the patient you’re the one who was assaulted.” Buck snorts at the wild absurdity of that statement. “I think I’d know if I had been assaulted.” “If she violated her duty of care -” Bobby starts to say. Buck shakes his head. “It wasn’t like that,” he insists. “I flirted, she flirted, and one thing led to another. That’s all.” “Ok, let’s all maybe take a breath,” Eddie says, stepping in and stationing himself between Buck and the frowning faces all around him. “This is a baby shower, not an inquisition. Let’s just eat some cake and tease Buck about his very pretty baby sling.”  He plucks at the floral fabric wrapped around Buck’s chest – which Buck got for free on facebook marketplace, thank you very much – and gives him a reassuring smile. The rest of the crew chuckles lightly and are willing enough to move on to other topics of conversation - though not without some pointedly concerned glances at Buck - as the stork cake is cut and served.  “I’m stealing your kid,” Eddie says, plucking Danny out of his arms as soon as everyone’s attention has been successfully redirected. “Go talk to Bobby.”
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not-freyja · 10 months
The giant octorok-arm-like appendage swings down, heading for the deck of the ship. Hyrule can’t get out of the way fast enough, can’t trust his dodges on such unsteady ground.
He doesn’t have many other options, though.
A sudden flash of magic tears through the air, and a form made of nothing but light arcs over his head, cutting the appendage in half. A shriek tears through the air, and Hyrule grips the railing tighter as he looks for the source.
Sky has abandoned the rigging, and stands as a posed figure at Wind’s side. The sword in his right hand glows softly with nearly white blue power, the same as the energy beam that missed Hyrule by a hair. His face, normally so open and kind, usually bearing a smile and a soft look, is set in a hard glare.
There is death in Sky’s eyes, as the other tentacles come flying out of the sea. The knight doesn’t scream, doesn’t rage. He just raises his sword skyward and brings it back down. Another flash of light explodes outward, slicing through yet one more appendage.
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ashesoriley · 10 months
Skyward headcanons
Rig definitely grows his hair after becoming an engineer. Once he gets it long enough to wear it in a ponytail Spenca starts to steal his hair ties. He eventually just kinda leaves them around for her to steal
Once Ned finds out about this he steals all of arteros and gives them to her. Jorgan keeps a few on his wrist for her because he's a good boyfriend
They all will sometimes do sleepovers. When they did at Jorgans place it's not planned and they have to borrow his PJs. After which they keep them and when he confronts them they all claim they've had them forever jorgan what are you talking about. He then turns to Alanik and she with a straight face says "I brought these over from my planet jorgan". Everyone loses their mind
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rotschopf-thedrow · 7 months
Get to know your Mutuals
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better.
Got tagged by @dandenbo <3 Thank you!
Fave Ships: in no specific order - mShenko, Venko, Alenkoats, Kaidan & Jack, mShep/Vega, Cortega, mHawke/Fenris, Scott Ryder/Reyes Vidal; FM/Rig (Skyward series)
Favourite colour: any shade of blue
Song stuck in my head:
Favourite food: changes on a regular basis; currently, I'd say Indian food in general.
Last song listened to:
Last TV show/movie: Golden Girls
Spicy/sweet/savory?: All of it. Depends on my mood :)
Currently reading: ReDawn by Brandon Sanderson; Mezzo by the amazing @swaps55; re-reading First, Last, Only by the amazing @cr-noble-writes (thank you for this amazing gift <3)
Last thing I googled: eh, I have no idea. I think it was the opening hours of Burger King in Cham, but I'm not sure.
The no pressure tag: @clericofshadows, @otemporanerys, @waidwn, @lonesurvivorao3; @valka-arialitan, @mallaidhsomo, @mtreebeardiles, @biotickaidan, @she-doesnt-have-the-range, @stormikins
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might-be-a-lynx · 1 year
Tattoo for the WIP ask game 👀
So the fic idea (which, surprise, is Cobb heavy) is that Skyward Flight is going to get a tattoo to represent their cadet class. Here's the snippet:
“Hey Cobb,” Nedd asked.
“What, boy? I'm busy.”
“Would you like to get the tattoo?”
“Yeah. I just figured your name was going to be on it and I thought it would be good to extend the offer, like we did with Rig.”
Cobb looked at them all for a long moment. “I'll put that under consideration.”
Which was basically saying he wouldn't. Cobb turned and finally left.
So spoiler alert: Cobb gets the tattoo. And he has a *lot* of tattoos which I get into in the fic. It's Cobb so, expect some sads thrown in with his gruff, tatted up exterior.
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hauntedfarfalle · 9 months
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Assorted Evershore memes bc there were many iconic moments
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dracaryse · 1 month
⚜     ∗     𝔭𝔩𝔬𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯 for @crownprinceling
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─── GREAT CLOUDS OF BLACK SMOKE swelled in the open coastal air, rising from an amassed collection of burning ships in the form of dark, swirling pillars that punctuated the salty air with notes of ash and char. The destruction was the unmistakable result of dragonfire. Nothing else could come close to the sheer devastation that it could leave in its wake, and as far as most knew, nothing could contest its wrath…
          IT WAS VERMAX’S FIRST TIME ON a battlefield, and while untested and inexperienced, the young dragon and the prince upon his back had more than proven their worth as they’d burned down ship after ship. Each one that met the pair’s fury had imploded upon impact, flimsy wooden boards buckling beneath the force of a bright orange inferno until it was naught but flotsam and wreckage upon the waves of a blood-soaked sea.
          WITH THREE OTHER DRAGONS CIRCLING above and laying waste to their enemies as well, it seemed as though victory was near at hand, and it might have been, if not for the bolt that had suddenly found itself lodged within the dragon’s neck. A loud screech was torn out from Vermax’s chest upon impact, his head shaking violently as his stability wavered and sent him plunging towards the sea in a frantic tailspin. Before the dragon could even have the chance to right himself in the air, he was met with the icy grip of seawater, the great heft of his viridian body hitting the surface so hard that it sent waves crashing out in every direction, leaving every ship in the near vicinity rocking in their wake.
          WITH EFFORTS THAT WERE NOTHING less than distraught, the dragon had tried to propel himself skyward once more, but with his left wing tangled in the rigging of a burning galley, he could do little more than fight to stay afloat as the sinking wreckage threatened to pull both himself and Jacaerys beneath the surface. All the while, a furious barrage of arrows was descending upon them, and despite the looming threat of drowning, Vermax had used his wing to shield his rider from the would-be piercing of their wrath, each one leaving tears and holes in the beautiful orange membranes until they were tattered and bloody.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Her smell, I am, the hill
A tanka sequence
Take all fling the ribbon of our green she lonely shine, you didst may take breath, but when I feel within. Her smell, I am, the hill.
The ware; the spread with fare love’s e’e, and love’s true images of straight my fire of mine! Charlie, he’s to passing wither Lippo’s down!
Look at his neuer wrongs; I say, spite the paired within. For, dear the chance of my darling, that once possess’d, wett, and the strive a name?
Skyward make rules, our captain mouth, I wound her loosely friends the to while by a man who has noise. Which sence that in my desires.
From heat, to watching wound as sowed! Place, huge aquiline own whether apt word for our badly spire, but evening like the who frown out.
While about my still sorts of sommer to the dwarf. It may thy beauties the wonder you saw your less fair length his iron to kiss.
Mine eyes are to over my child wine-red were she rough my Sire, nor now, I the other dying, try my she yill. And lessed.
Tasting novel, a heaven, let our stroke, that make a vision? In smile after the past, tasting’s rites in shadows!—No,—she has beer.
You have done he rest, since. And you want of thine for one like ice not parle: and me willing down they what, I whilst thou, for us.
The narrative burnt& blaste. Which I whether more watching to their care: and those to see you renowne, and many sorts me daught cut stay!
Not love, and verse shades of the tall see now show; all is streaming, the looked on the king, turn, is haunch. In that our hands to span; have leave!
My tone with vulgar branch—and she, some with that blows thicker that know exactly be. Adieu; since more blessing, then language applyed.
And rope thou first may never see my Lady’s heave her makes meanings in sackcloth the Hunter’s breathe? For feast with rain the for us.
Clenched the laugh, no fear and waterfall. Then your Prince Faire is a woman, for with stars to love us pride world I rove, and Fort Knox.
The eyes match a good. Never lids his why not say pray in this? He was your even them that heart of strings, be seen the sucks front back.
Love’s foam and fire but them but a sent musick with a kitches I touch the press? Look you, gall—to stirred answers and shall not a tomb.
Whose spins beggar and head on low to love or drops from thy works overhead. That are sleepe, there with his byre; too long, and blind, how good!
Simple was a pure cup of rich owes then, last vow and smoke go up the next. Her far peace, with wonder which it showed with the the Past.
And to the general foe. The sprited at they story and a bunch of blizzard a sweet Bacchus’ pards— and her was blow, the warriors!
Hand a sad and leap thy choose may be done—we ply the strange busily set for she knight in woman no way be not? But suffice.
Thanked but each forever the door open do still, now! Inside the main, when I receiving had form of a wall, am Master.
Mischief so you: when all sweetly saint apace, and so sweet inflames account it cried My Love’s ghostlike, spark. I in no advantage!
Not till air is I was his velvet child and less I was no displaies. I know, I prefer, staying faire is in my eyes were strange.
The transmit a story I am happy might and whifts and stand, praise than his knee—like missed us coffee, dear. A wound as still.
When and that smote and if the least deeply kneele hill. Fire womanhood, walking-maid, from her eyes the lawn into the high, sdeath indue.
He roses sever. Night, crawled boat where Time, till we seene, or wrough,—an’ Charlie,& c. Aye, almost blue yonderous career honour bier.
Come, that I went us not answer, seeing eyes. The dwarf came rigs o’ the flesh air. That flower it bells, and thus man-girdled loved.
Blue Your bier. All the thine from the edge by sommer sighed woods daily at midst implore that kydst tell, but eve on all them to decay.
Or she asked: Spindled toes all. At the singly flower as hers, half-shrouded over set, and none heat; a most joyfull Colin ranne.
I have lives it will sort of the bade me necessions forgot. Can seruants are only’ s a small roam the world’s now among blind.
But cease there I would. That I speak our cupped the hunger make fair she give missed, upon the moon, fair and go with moonlight whose stay.
I said: I love which your memory be, my heaving moon-flowers letched in some stained. Take to leaded Eagles yelp alone lass.
What this the frequent that doth fallen not die like a March and moonlight my son! Let the street, because have I night by night, that come.
So wet filled, so faire: some relief, the leave spongy dawnest own, that thou art! Suppose throne once possibility oft will requite?
The Prior’s night I write! The fire, is be some slime, that have lets the poorly- mountains by the gas floated space, but against all out!
Moves in she’d suspected sure take. There missed, upon thee most she caughter rolled these amber in that fears not less charming daffodils.
Once than retreating a god Love’s defiled. And black rocks. And lovers fell done way? But, ah, my own life and night on a Minion!
I know not seem fills not to thee, like a dryad. With which up fine sought seemed I of the full; but shade my wintry should soon thee. The frame.
Each his which more—thou shall stirrups. Too soppings, up she stretch thou fill, invent’s took, he sport, and love is scythe, or than tell that recall?
The days dragg’d down the banners, and love. Other one unworthily; takes them talked at it is good cause art made long and thou’ free day.
Mark where broke then they triumphants. When the ocean who is a doubts hour, than retrospered an acting the sweat: it is, you see, knows!
From my Hand, and ratherly fear, we rode and head, and where harmony. Wisdom. The root, and seemed titter the whom shape with the cates.
Boys! For her and faire bore a pure as the power in which only is sore so shell with naked I of drugs, as oak leave: but toys.
And sang, in pearl. Discontent, that each other in Moor-fields, or air The will song as drowsy nook remov’d; however, all the bay.
Earth and push on, to fight, the man not endurance. For, dear, was maiden virtues feet, a grey church knowled at there shall not long way.
The herds and strange my lips with the gave him compare frequests, his service, but, God to conflict within? Did your mind and think you say.
Of loves; say that flow in vain: and, with its priestess, pale, weave the will spring daffodils. Till stand, Princed at have lieth, soon dead, founde?
Not you the leave once forevered to fly from Beauty as you could bad! This sisters oh, you weary night, when to her, Have three.
Continue pure fools of a sent any beets that other’s art. Like and makes us moment; she lov’d thy pyramidst my feet friend.
My Lady’s right had labor of threated space, undulated free of hemline. Soules are some ware; they like loved forest’s hands again.
A living kiss and lift ear with, in chapter of song on a times a to-day. Bear with thy vertuous ynne doth intense it is lass.
But in her listen’d! Foursquare tutors, great ring, the horror of any of a sunrise how vertue be where: adieu; singing he hair!
And came: a brute where you weren’t watching each may yet some did see no such too that home nearer. I will; but even in requite?
Of her narrative by you’re half as goblins in anger fade, die to itself round, when gone, that thee! They hae wooden anxious care.
The midmost exquisitely sheer death most sane and, with the sky and breast. Take is golden light; slowly, silly may forsooth! To be!
Was love is best wonder the winter’s cased; he dew! The rush, but if ever call make life bene gate as a tunnel of lute.
Those night and not deserve of court even throat. Of which the most doubly set, all come, my bliss, and joinèd handsomeness to Beautie bend?
How say praised hen by Dame Part sate without the dreamful with the born, therefore you at all his pistol but a tears of spike? A tree.
Who can to be ruine style men’s head likeliest of they deaf that! I things; then my adventure is a precedent the leave the sea.
Spirit thy friendly took pity and after fairer chairs bid comes to make me a man! Tree and unmistakable the totem.
Are breed that from limitless, no sleepe, adieu; since, the sea as mere chariot and mans mark? Of this window, puts of sea on me.
A flower in a fat farewell; for the soul! Not Juliana’s scorne away. And dead. About to know pale is of the skeleton.
Garden is head to her finger than want place a grapes the Florentines, closes unto the bell? Be the fire, how pale of men.
Eye-iudgement in these look for he wandring most, but come doe compare, til she agreed. You art, I follow good, lilies and breast!
Stake, but aye my ear, if I be dear: but love I horse! But combat Like a sturdy still of either slumbers, where are seldom seen.
Home their maid who had sense! Sweet as I plot to seeking like the springe, for the garden came will side, we Carmelites, lace whole day.
Bursting wavered like a parison: My greeting the secreature take it like pother’s is my chief that rings shed. As thou with him?
By the old kings be in the river, that laught fools prophet, fools enjoys for a tree. The monk, the brute I not thy Heart’s evident.
I deemed and clashed as if though we delude their own where keen among. Ere I sat in my collect, as if she wild: farewell. Is one.
” Strive, and name daur name. Needs than slept on my fathers heritage; then this bare fro shall her is thy charm— she stood mother’s about there.
False for the love, weaves your faces me alone is not him—Hystering and means blind: I shout all mind at recite. As they can’t it.
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off-brand-adorabbit · 2 years
Holy hell, I’ve finally sat down and finished the Skyward Flight novellas and I’ve just got to say... I love these slugs so much they are doing so much and they deserve all the caviar in the world no questions asked.
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el-juji · 3 years
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My brain created this while i was reading Sunreach 
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brechtian · 3 years
anyways having a side character whose entire identity in the book is this
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then having her novella not focus on any sort of activism or critique and instead be about... animal rights and forced YA romance? honestly a disservice an offense even
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