#ridiculously fluffy
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ultravioletbrit · 4 months ago
“across” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 276 words
Regulus is undeniably beautiful all the time. But one of James’ favorites might be first thing in the morning, before he’s even woken up.
There’s a ray of sunlight shining across his raven black curls—one of which has fallen onto his forehead just begging to be tucked behind his ear, but James won’t risk disturbing him. His forehead and eyebrows are relaxed and free of any worry or stress. His long eyelashes are resting peacefully on his cheeks. His lips are parted just the slightest bit, and his breathing is soft and steady. James could watch Regulus sleep for hours and never get bored.
“Stop watching me sleep, it’s creepy.” Regulus mumbles without opening his eyes.
James’ hand is like a magnet to that one curl now that he knows Regulus isn’t fully asleep.
“I’m not watching you sleep. I’m admiring your beauty.” James tells him as he tucks the curl behind his ear.
“While I’m sleeping, so it’s still creepy.” Regulus’ soft, groggy morning voice is one of James’ other favorite things.
“Are you awake now?” James asks as he leans in and kisses Regulus forehead.
James chuckles softly. “You’re not?”
“No. Go away.” Regulus mutter softly but he shifts slightly and moves his head to rest on James’ chest.
“I can’t really go away with you on top of me, love.” James wraps his arm around Regulus, pulling him in.
“Shhh. ‘m sleeping.” Regulus snuggles impossibly closer.
“Okay.” James whispers and kisses the top of his curls.
Regulus’ breathing evens out quickly as he falls back to sleep. James squeezes him once before he drifts back to sleep right along with him.
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mahoganyrust · 2 months ago
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I’m having a really really good time readying chap 33 of FIMT. The fluff is fluffing.
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anyacad0 · 2 months ago
came for the badass dragons but you know what this is good too
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bleaksqueak · 11 months ago
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ooooh well it's not obvious he says like there is a single part of bursting open like a bloated melon oozing clots of petrol worms and eyes with teeth that is not obviously too horrifying to bear thinking about much less interacting with oooh nonono actually i have always longed to join with the terrors and dare i even hope birth a sentient sphincter of my very own a beautiful bouncing bundle of bile god just imagine the special day when the little gupper comes bursting out of my orifices which ones who knows i want to be surprised for its first screaming wet expulsion gosh isn't that just something that’s the real magic in this wondrous world i mean what girl doesn't dream about someday becoming a--
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trulycertain · 1 year ago
I couldn't help wanting to write something ridiculous with spawn!Astarion learning to turn into a bat. And then I got thinking about how the tadpole nerfs spawn powers. AU, post-canon, Tav/Astarion. About 1.3k?
Lora's feeling out a new riff, trying to work out if there's enough of a solid foundation for it to become a song, when there's a thunk and tinkle from the kitchen.
She sneaks through, knowing that Astarion's probably doing the same, if he's all right. If he's not… best to take in the situation. 
A vase rolls past her through the doorway. There's a small flappy sound, like someone's just pulled a sheet of leather taut. What -? An undead, perhaps? She pokes her head round the corner. 
There, sprawled on the kitchen countertop where she normally chops vegetables she'll be the only one eating, next to a fallen jar of herbs, is a bat. Big, albeit not as gigantic as some she's fought who turned out to be vampires in disguise; still, it's got an impressive wingspan, one of them hanging off the counter like a curtain. Or, she thinks, absurdly, the way Astarion likes to dramatically hang an arm off a fainting couch, while he's reading a book. He'll not be impressed by that comparison.
Her unexpected visitor is albino, and… fluffy. Really fluffy, chest like the world's smallest thick fur rug, or like it's got a little proud collar. Small, clawed feet are sticking inelegantly in the air, not quite spread-eagled (spread-batted?), as if it's going to try and jump back onto them. But who's heard of bats standing?
…Unless it's a vampire lord. But there aren't any of those after them - well, not anymore. And they're usually better at the whole bat thing. Less of crashing into Astarion's favourite vase. 
How in the hells did it get in? It's not like she left a window open; both she and Astarion are a tad too paranoid for that. 
It's not dead, at least: its chest is moving furiously. Makes sense. Bats are smaller, probably with a faster heartbeat. If it's in pain - well, she hopes it's not in pain. 
She's got no idea how to escort it off the premises. It's not that she's got a problem with bats - more that she's certain neither she, nor the bat, signed up for this. An angry wild animal? She has visions of it hanging from her finger by its teeth. Though honestly, she had a similar vision with Astarion, and things turned out pretty well there. But they're only borrowing this place for a while - she called in a favour. That favour probably didn't include bat tenants. 
Edging closer, she notes that it doesn't seem to be moving. Knocked itself out? Oh, that's not ideal. Though maybe she can sneak it out before it wakes up… No, from what she can see - one red eye - it's just staring at the ceiling. Almost glumly, if a bat can be glum. 
And then it spots her, and… lifts its wings to hide its face. In embarrassment. 
White fur. Red eyes. The way he looks when he's caught between trying to brazen it out or stalking off to hide his cringing. 
Its - his ears twitch, and he raises a wing, holds it there. The way he'll raise a hand in acknowledgement and Don't even say it. 
She blinks, and whistles a few notes, hits a high C - there. Speak with animals. That should do it. “Are you hurt?” she tries; it’s been a while since she’s done this spell without a lute.
“Only my pride,” he mutters, mulish and with the slightest nasality - makes sense, between a flat snout and fangs. “I think your basil came off worse than I did.”
She stares. Definitely strange, hearing that familiar wry voice come out of a bat.  “What happened?” He’s normally so pretty - the kind of pretty he endlessly preens about. The pinkness of his nose is oddly adorable against white fur, but she suspects he’s ended up as a vampire bat. Apparently, vampire bats look like they’ve crashed face-first into a wall. Which he most likely has, but she suspects that’s no explanation for the horseshoe-shaped nose and his little squinting eyes.  It's sort of cute. If you're very, very drunk. Or if you're overly fond of a grumpy vampire.
“Nothing we need talk about,” he says hastily. He rubs a thumb over his face. “I’m sure I’ll work out how to change back in a moment.”
“You’re not stuck like this, are you?”
He casts a narrow look at her with those blood-red eyes - different, and yet so very familiar. “Darling, are you saying you wouldn’t love me if I were a rodent?”
He stretches a wing experimentally: pale, thin skin and white fingers. “I don’t… think so. There’s already a sort of - itch under my skin, like I just have to yawn hard enough and, pop. But first, I need to brood.”
“I thought only Cazador could turn into a bat.”
“Into a cloud of bats, my dear.” He gestures at himself with a folded wing, more stiffly than his usual - difficult, when your arm doesn’t bend the same way. “Do I look like a cloud?”
She can’t help her grin at that. “I don’t know. You are all white and fluffy.”
He sighs, loudly. When she reaches out a slow, careful hand, however, he doesn’t move - even in this form, he’d dodge. Or she’d get an annoyed warning nip for her trouble, she’s sure of it. Fangs are second nature to him. As is how to be gentle with them, by now.
She says, “I love your ears.” She strokes a fingertip carefully over them; they twitch underneath it. “Look at the size of them!”
“Ugh. If you’re about to make an elf joke, I have one word of advice for you: don’t.”  It’s deeply surreal watching a bat roll its eyes.
“I wasn’t! Is your hearing better like this?”
“Much.” He makes an expression that’s probably meant to be a grimace, but on a slightly squashed bat-face, it’s not so different. “I can hear the tavern three doors away. Their bard isn’t nearly so good as you.”
She strokes between his ridiculous rabbity ears, just with a finger, lightly; big as he is for a bat, he’s so tiny. Even tinier than usual. She'd hate to hurt him. “Have I mentioned I love you?”
“Yes, yes, I know you’re weak to flattery.” But there’s warmth in his voice.
“Do you want to hop up? I feel like you won’t want to turn back into yourself on the counter.”
“Please. That test flight - flights, really - was exhausting. No-one warned me there would be so much flapping. I thought creatures of the night would be fonder of a smooth glide, but no.”
She holds out an arm - and then there’s a bat clinging to her woollen shirt with thumbs and little claws. Clinging being the operative word. He climbs up her a little uncertainly, holding tight while she stays as still as she can, until he arrives on her shoulder, flopping there with a dramatic sigh.
She heads through to the lounge, and beside her ear, a small voice says, “I’ve been able to do… more, since our wriggling little unwelcome passengers were removed. I don’t know if it’s that or simply not starving. Honestly, I thought the bat thing was a myth. For spawn, anyway - we get the rather inferior part of the ‘vampire powers’ arrangement. But the claws have come back, and the agility. I’ve never felt so strong. It’s… strange. And a little intoxicating.” She can’t quite raise a brow at him when he’s so close to her, but he clearly gets the idea, because he adds hastily, “As in, I’m rather happy. Not as in ‘I’m about to become a cackling vampire lord.’ We’ve... covered that one already. It’s more - is this what it’s meant to be like? Being a spawn? Not a starved slave?” His voice is soft, with a genuine, non-snarling curiosity to it. A little amazement. She feels him shuffle just a bit closer to her, wing curling a little around her back.
Sometimes he doesn’t like to be touched when he’s thinking about the bad old days, but this clearly isn’t one of those times. At that, she has to sit in an armchair, and reach up, offering a hand to her shoulder. He clambers onto it, with the kind of instant trust that makes her chest ache - though he does give her a puzzled look while he shuffles about to get comfortable and sits on her knuckles. He folds his wings neatly, primly, in a way that’s so him she’d laugh in any other circumstance. She sneaks over her other hand and strokes his pointy pale head, runs a soothing couple of fingers over his back. She feels sad for him, but also, Lathander, he’s so fluffy. She could happily do this for a while.
The flap of wings startles her. What - ?
Being hugged by a bat is more like having a very strange necklace. One that hooks its thumbs into the back of her shirt collar, accidentally tugging it wider, ears twitching against her neck in a way that’s almost ticklish, tiny heart fluttering against her collarbone. She holds him there with a hand, thumb stroking through his fur. He murmurs, “I just wished, and this time…”
The smallest cloud of mist blooms. She blinks, and the world is suddenly rather heavier. It could be the rogue sitting side-saddle in her lap, his arms around her neck, grinning at her. He blinks in a little surprise.
“...there I was. Hello, darling.” Leaning in, he brushes a swift, smiling kiss to her cheek.
She reaches up and runs a hand through his hair, the way she knows he likes even if it ruins his pomade. “You were very cute.”
“Of course I was. I was adorable.” He winces. “Aside from looking like I’d run face-first into a carriage.”
“You were cute!”
“Hm. Good for scouting tucked-away places that the owners don’t want us to be, however.” His happiness takes on a fiendish edge.
“You’re going to pick locks with your little thumbs?” 
The idea seems to delight him rather than offend. “Once I learn how? Absolutely.” He swoons dramatically, leaning back over the chair arm. “Now, darling, I find I’ve utterly run out of energy.” He darts her a look from under his hand. “It must have been the transformation. I don’t know if I can even find it in me to stagger to bed.”
She raises a brow. “Really?”
“Really. I’m just… utterly drained. It’s a mystery.” He holds his arms out. “Would you mind?”
While she’s carrying him through to her room, she says, “I know what you’re doing.”
“Oh?” he asks smugly, arms still wound around her neck. “And what’s that?”
“You’re going to pull me in with you.”
Pouting, he says, “How dare you. I’ll have you know I’m an honourable man. Well. I'm a man.”
“You’re going to pull me in with you and make me cuddle you to sleep.”
“When you put it like that, it sounds disgustingly juvenile. True, but juvenile.”
“This was easier when you were less than a kilogram of fur.” Not that she minds him being a bit heavier. It’s a relief, compared to how bird-boned he sometimes felt under all the muscle in the early, hungry days.
“I can fix that.” There’s a tiny poof! and then… a self-satisfied bat fluttering awkwardly to sit on top of her head.
She reminds him, “Watch the hair while you’re surveying your kingdom.”
“I could get used to this.”
“I’m never getting used to this.”
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halflinghands · 3 months ago
Jayvik nation tell me this isn’t the perfect song for these dorks. Also just a very fun song
The lyrics make me think of 2 zealous scientists… enthralled by their pursuits (which include each other)
“In any universe you are my dark star” come ON
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lesbian-thesbian · 2 months ago
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - Schönberg/Boublil Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Javert & Jean Valjean Characters: Javert (Les Misérables), Jean Valjean Additional Tags: Post-Seine, Canon Era, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Suicide Attempt, Getting Together, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Javert Lives (Les Misérables), Javert's Suicide (Les Misérables), Javert Needs a Hug (Les Misérables), Eventual Javert/Jean Valjean, Jean Valjean Lives, Jean Valjean Saves Javert, Jean Valjean Loves Javert, Javert Loves Jean Valjean, Minor Cosette Fauchelevent/Marius Pontmercy, Slow Romance, Old Men In Love, they are so bad at feelings but they'll get there eventually, Angst with a Happy Ending, First Kiss, Love Confessions, the brick but also the musical but also my weird little brain, Pining, Mutual Pining, Healing, Middle Aged Virgins, Redemption Summary:
Valjean drags Javert onto the riverbank of the Seine, saving the man's life by pure instinct rather than anything else. As he nurses the man back to health, however, he realizes that by saving Javert's life, he has saved himself as well. The two men begin to discover an unlikely friendship, one that contains the seeds of something far more dangerous and enticing.
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partmathpartmagic · 10 days ago
meds or no the wyll fic is cookingggggg
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i saw a tiktok of him with a beard and locs first thing this morning and i have been locked in ever since, it DID something to me
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darkness-nova · 9 months ago
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starstruck ✨
character belongs to hollowallo
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philiponmycracker · 26 days ago
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A study in expressions Tom Hulce edition, as Daniel Rocket, from The Rise and Rise of Daniel Rocket (1986)
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clegfly · 4 months ago
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Somebody was borned today… or… yesterday???
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blossoms-phan · 5 months ago
Heat (ao3, 3.7k words)
Summary: Phil has eyes for a cute waiter. But Dan only has eyes for Phil.
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icewindandboringhorror · 3 months ago
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Pictures and things
#photo diary#image 1 - pretty sky!.. so many sky photos as always#2 & 3 - baby son keeping me company during one of my Sickness days where I kind of just sit on the floor in a blanket#for hours slowly sipping pedialyte and having applesauce and such lol#He likes to bite the squeezy apple sauce pouches.. and try to steal the heating pad#4. Sky again. lighter more scattered fluffy clouds.#5 - greeting card that I drew at someone's request so they could send it to their elderly family member lol.. It's like.. cats baking#in a kitchen I guess? My eternal curse.. being the number one lover of cats in the world yet still somehow barely having a grasp#on their anatomy so they always look ridiculous when I draw them. I have both drawn and looked at cats for my entire life basically#yet somehow those two things do not come together to make me a good cat artist.. alas..#6 - underpart of an outfit I did (and havent yet posted of course because of my evil backlog of onemillion drafted posts)#I took the main dress off the top but thought the underneath part looked cool on it's own as well#7 - more sky.#8 - Mushroom fettucini alfredo. steak. and grilled asparagus. A fun little meal for me though I can't remember the occasion. I think maybe#as a reward for getting my covid booster or something. Though I still feel it's not as much of a reward when I am personally cooking#everything myself at home gjhbjh.. so its like... I'm having to do quite a lot of labor which makes it feel less relaxing I suppose. but eh#a treat in some form. Still cheaper by overall cost than ordering from a restaurant - and also can be customized and prepared#exactly how I like - which is the point. I guess more I just wish I weren't the only cooking person in the house. Everyone could#take turns making special meals for each other rather than like.. ''hmm I feel like having a treat. suppose I shall spend an hour#making it all myself and then feel tired whilst eating it'' lol.. ANYWAY#9 - and then.. you guessed it..MORE sky pictures!!! This time pinky bluey and so on.. huzzah..#A very sky heavy entry into the photo diaries I suppose#The sky in the 1st/7th image is jsut very ethereal seeming to me. something about the way the lighting is behind the clouds. It's#transportive. An interesting sky will make me feel like many other places in time or things I've seen in dreams or something. You get#a sense of being in a different world or like you're looking out over something you once imagined whilst reading a storybook. maybe lol
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tgmsunmontue · 1 year ago
Just writing and wrangling woes below the cut. Related to the Time Loop IceMav fic if you're curious... IT'S ANGSTY.
I've not quite finished Mav's whole first day in the TimeLoop but I just wrote the ending of the day, when he is passing out drunk on Tom's sofa and I'm a wibbly mess and need to drag at least one other person down with me...
                One drink becomes two becomes three and it’s been years since he’s done this, tried to drown his guilt. This is fresh guilt. Not being able to help Carole. Getting Bradley injured. And now apparently passing out drunk on Tom’s sofa.
                “God I wish…” Tome starts and Pete feels fingers brush through his hair and he groans, because he’s definitely had too much to drink. He pushes his head into the feeling of the fingers, the pressure feeling good on his scalp. “God I wish I didn’t love you.”
                He doesn’t remember falling asleep.
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eldritch-bf · 7 months ago
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Herbert petting dog Dan is something that can actually be so personal
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
wip wednesday
tagged by @jesuisici33 @callaplums @daffi-990 @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie 💖💖
made a bit of progress on the sick fic so here it is🤷
prev snippet
“Maybe we should get you to a doctor.” Buck muses, wrapping the blanket over Eddie’s shoulders.
“I don’t need- I just closed my eyes for a second. I’m fine.” he grumbles, fumbling with the blanket too long to want to actually throw it off, but he does in the end – he’s cold and refuses to admit it, and he’d rather sit here and pretend he’s fine. He’s impossible.
“Eddie, that cough did not sound fine.” he points out. 
“Buck-” he sneezes, and then wraps the sleeves of his hoodie over his palms. Buck raises his eyebrow, and Eddie pointedly avoids his eyes, as he not-so-discreetly wipes his nose with a sleeve. 
“I bought tissues.” Buck reaches for the bag and digs out a box, then tries to give it to Eddie, who, instead of taking it, just levels him with a stare, as he sniffles loudly, and swipes a sleeve under his nose again. “Seriously? You’re gonna be gross and disgusting just to prove you’re not sick?” That’s a new level of stubborn Buck hasn’t seen from Eddie yet. He can’t believe this is the man his heart decided it wants. And that even while sick and gross and stubborn and ridiculous, a part of Buck is still endeared by him.
“I’m not.” Eddie insists, sounding so congested Buck swears he can feel it in his own sinuses. “Let me just finish my coffee, and then I-” another sneeze. “Have so much to do today.” he finishes, but at least this time he reaches for the tissues, looking anywhere but at Buck, cheeks red.
“Yeah, no, all you’re gonna do today is rest and take some medicine.” Buck says decisively, then takes the bag in his hand, and slowly starts walking to the kitchen. “Get comfortable, and I’ll just put this all away and be right back. I bought meds, tissues, and something to cook you some soup-” he starts listing off, getting louder the further he gets. “Oh, and stopped by the farmer’s market to get honey. Did you know that honey has antioxidant and antibacterial properties?” he asks excitedly, ready to tell Eddie every single thing he found in his quick research. Buck learned a long time ago that with Eddie he doesn’t need to hold back and can rant and ramble all he wants, and Eddie is happy to listen to him.
“Yeah?” Eddie yells back, voice hoarse and strained. Buck can hear the couch shift as Eddie gets comfortable, maybe even finally lays down. He knows Eddie won’t just give in and admit he’s sick, but this is a start. “Why don’t you tell me all about it?” he sounds genuinely interested, though also really tired. 
“I will, just a sec! I’ll make you some tea with lemon and honey, how’s that sound?” he asks, and gets a grunt in response, though he’s not sure if that’s an answer, or if Eddie’s just trying to suppress a cough in an attempt to hide that he’s sick, as if Buck didn’t already know. He chuckles to himself. He really has his work cut out for him today.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gayarthur @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @hippolotamus @ladydorian05 @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @eowon @theotherbuckley @weewootruck @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @hoodie-buck @spotsandsocks
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