#richie hc :3
fluffylixie · 4 months
richie "im a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle" tozier
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wolftozier · 2 months
just imagine. reddie being the world's most annoying on and off couple. so funny of an idea. they argue all the time. they make out all the time. they're making out while arguing. sometimes they have different answers about if they're still together. they can't sleep without hearing each other snore but one of them inevitably gets kicked out and has to spend the night on bevs couch at least once a month. one moment they're holding hands and saying I love you while staring into each other's eyes the next they're broken up again. they both try dating someone else once and hate the experience so bad that they never do it again and just stay single and mad about it during the three days theyre fighting. the losers hate them. the general public hates them. most irritating couple ever <3
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
this might be dumb but. reddie au where richie and eddie are college students and they meet because they both decide to sign up to work at the haunted house attraction at their local fall fair. richie gets assigned the role of a frankenstein's monster of sorts, and eddie gets assigned the role of the mad scientist experimenting on him, and their shifts consist of richie being strapped to a table and eddie sitting on the stool beside him. even though people are constantly coming through the haunted house, their room is only one of many, so they really spend more time just sitting around rather than actively scaring people. which of course, leads to lots of chatting and getting to know each other in between jumping out at and scaring people. theres also some flirting in there, of course. and even though they are literally in a haunted house, the scariest thing for both of them is working up enough courage to ask the other out.......
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brzatto · 1 year
i remember distinctly at some point i promised myself i would finish blue chicago moon before my birthday (lmfao) and now it is my birthday .. and unfortunately it’s been weeks since i’ve touched a google doc in general much less that fic but to celebrate i’m posting an excerpt from a later part in the fic i’ve had written out for a while now. enjoy ^_^
They’re laying in bed together, after, the way that’s become more casual as of late, more natural; they take turns taking drags from the same cigarette.
Carmy’s telling some story, “And then Pete—”
Richie interrupts him with an exaggerated scoff, rolling his eyes, and Carmy smacks him on the shoulder with the back of his hand. “I know, I know, stop it—but Pete’s not bad. Really. He can be cool, sometimes, like actually cool—”
Richie groans, rolling away from Carmy, except the bed’s too small for him to go anywhere, so he really just turns onto his other side—Carmy rolls after him, propping himself onto his elbows so he can wrestle Richie onto his back, stubbornly crossing his arms over Richie’s chest and leaning his weight onto him to keep him there; he reaches over to crush the rest of the cigarette into the ashtray. “I’m serious, Pete’s not that bad, and maybe if you’d actually give him a chance or opened up to him a bit more Sugar wouldn’t hate you as much—”
“Oh, so now it’s my fault that Sugar hates me? When have I ever given a shit about what she thinks?” Richie gripes, and Carmy rolls his eyes.
“She doesn’t actually, you know. You just have a tendency of being a complete and utter piece of shit—”
“What, is she still fuckin’ mad at me for that one time—”
“You mean when you said women shouldn’t run for office,” Carmy interrupts him flatly.
“That was a fucking joke! And it was, like, twelve years ago! I love women in office! I fuckin’ voted for Hillary in 2016—” he ignores when Carmy snorts in his face, incredulous, “—and maybe if she actually had a sense of humor sometimes she wouldn’t have ended up marrying that goddamn fucking narc. Has the personality of fuckin’ wet tissue paper. You know how many times he’s tried inviting me over for a fuckin’ family barbecue or some shit like that? Like I’m the one who actually needs an invitation. Probably just trying to trick me into making friendship bracelets with him while watching Paw Patrol or some other fuckin’ propaganda—”
Richie’s rant continues, and it’s so ridiculous that Carmy can’t help the genuine laughter that bubbles out of him at the mental image of it, ducking his face into his arms to hide his smile; except Richie’s caught on and started laughing, too, chest rumbling beneath Carmy’s weight, and it honestly surprises him, how at ease he feels. Naked under the covers, lying on top of Richie of all people, and he’s actually laughing.
Carmy doesn’t really use the word happy to describe how he feels because he thinks it’s too loaded, too precarious, too complex. He doesn’t want to say he’s happy because the notion is difficult for him to pinpoint, and even when he does it usually doesn’t last too long anyways—but he feels… light. All of his usual heaviness absent for once. He feels good.
When he brings his face back up he finds Richie already looking at him, focused on his face, the trace of a smile still present in the curve of his lips, and Carmy can’t tell what the emotion in his eyes is but it looks a little bit like—marvel. It’s the same way Marcus looks at the pages he’d printed out of Carmy’s cookbook, carefully and lovingly taped onto the wall of his station, the fascination of discovering something new, of resonating with it; and Carmy doesn’t know what to do with that.
But then Richie’s eyes fall a bit, fixing themselves on a specific part of his face—Richie’s hand comes up to cup it, nothing unusual by now, but Carmy’s overcome by the warmth he still feels in his chest at the touch, this simple intimacy. Richie’s palm is familiar and calloused around his cheek, and it makes Carmy want to lean into it.
“What’s this from?” Richie murmurs questioningly, running the pad of his thumb gently down the skin of his cheek, just below his right eye, and it takes a moment for Carmy to realize he’s talking about his scar. “Fall into a barbecue again?”
Carmy huffs, half amused. “No. No, uh… it’s stupid. Happened while I was drunk, years ago. Back in New York, when I first left.”
Richie raises his eyebrows at that. “What, you actually got into a fuckin’ fight? I mean, sounds dope, but having a sick ass battle scar on your face isn’t really in character for you, no offense.”
Carmy rolls his eyes. “No, it wasn’t a fight—I… was drinking, and it was kind of just something I did, in the very beginning, I guess. In my downtime, by myself in my apartment because it wasn’t like I had any friends or anything better to do, and it was just supposed to be a way to keep myself occupied. Get me to fall asleep faster, if anything, so I wouldn’t fucking lie awake in bed all night thinking about shit. Except that time it backfired on me, because I got—” Carmy breathes out through his nose, an almost amused, self-deprecating laugh, “So drunk, and all I could think about was—Mikey.
“And I was just so fucking upset. I felt hurt, you know. Had been hurt for the whole past year, and I’d deleted Mikey’s number off my phone months ago so I wouldn’t do anything monumentally fucking stupid like call him while I was drunk or something. And I think I was just… fed up, at that point. I was so fuckin’ angry, at Mikey, at myself, at everyone that I just… kind of had this meltdown. Nearly trashed my whole fuckin’ apartment. Was breaking shit, throwing shit around, and when it was over I found myself in my bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror for the longest time. And I hated what I saw, because it didn’t feel like me. I never felt like myself back then. Didn’t know who I was supposed to be without Mikey and Sugar and everybody else around, and I hated that about me.
“And eventually all I could think about was—” Carmy cuts himself off, thinking about the words. How to say them. “How much I needed… a change. How much I wanted to. But I think I took that a little too literally, or maybe I just wasn’t fucking thinking at all, because I just… slammed my face into the mirror, as hard as I could. Like I was in a fuckin’ movie or something, you know. And there was all this fuckin’ glass, blood everywhere, my face totally fucked, all that shit. It was a mess. I could barely fucking see.”
Richie watches him recount the story with quiet intensity, and even though Carmy doesn’t look back at him he can feel Richie’s eyes on his face, gaze intent. But it doesn’t make him feel uncomfortable, or awkward, or exposed, the way having someone’s undivided attention usually makes him feel. In the moment, he simply just feels listened to. Richie’s watching him, but Carmy doesn’t feel watched; just seen.
“So what happened after? Just bled out all over your fuckin’ floor?”
Carmy huffs. “No, I, uh… had to take myself to the hospital. It was, like, three in the morning. Got four stitches out of it, and still showed up to work the next day.”
He’s expecting Richie to make fun of him, honestly. And why wouldn’t he? He thinks it might just be because of the good mood he’s in, but Carmy’s surprised to find that he doesn’t feel any residual bitterness recalling the memory. Thinks if he were anybody else he’d laugh at himself, too.
Richie doesn’t make fun of him, though. “That might actually be the most hardcore shit you’ve ever told me.” Richie sniffs. “Almost as hardcore as walking off a stab wound, anyways. You’re getting there.”
Carmy actually laughs, the memory of it amusing now that it’s all behind him. It seems fucking ridiculous, looking back on it now. It’s only been a few months, but it feels like a lifetime ago; when he tries to think about it now, he feels like a spectator of his own life, watching the events unfold from someone else's perspective, or like standing from the outside and looking in. He gets that feeling a lot, Carmy thinks.
“You know, I never actually asked you about that. Were you good? Like, was the wound deep, or…”
“Gee, thanks for the concern. Not like it happened, like, six fuckin’ months ago. Glad to know I mean so much to you.”
“Shut up and just tell me. And you probably really did fucking deserve it.”
Richie scoffs. “Couldn’t fucking tell you. Hurt like a goddamn bitch when it happened, though. Got Ebra to patch me up. Couldn’t sit right for a couple weeks, but it was whatever.” He sniffs. “At least it was somewhere people don’t see it. Not sure if that’ll make for a cool scar story in the future.”
“What, like mine was?”
“Nah, yours is just depressing. Do me a favor—next time somebody asks, just tell them you got it in a bar fight like a normal person.” Richie says, and then after a pause, “That why you don’t drink?”
It’s this question that finally makes Carmy feel embarrassed for some reason, glancing up at the ceiling. “Something like that.”
“Damn. And I thought Mikey was the one who was fucked up.”
Carmy laughs a little again, in spite of everything, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, well. Guess it runs through the fuckin’ family.”
“They call you guys the Bears for a reason,” Richie says simply. But he still has his hand on Carmy’s face, running his thumb over his scar absentmindedly, like trying to soothe away pain that hasn’t been there for years. It’s a subtle sort of intimacy, quiet and tender. It’s Richie’s touch and not the recollection that makes Carmy’s chest prickle, and he wonders briefly if this is something he ever did with Mikey: lying in the dark, listening to each others’ stories, touching without thinking about it.
He wonders if this is how Richie treats those he cares the most about, or maybe if he’s just gotten close enough to be able to experience this side of him. If this is what it’s like to be Richie’s best friend, to trust someone wholeheartedly, sharing moments that are quiet and intimate and vulnerable.
“Alright,” Richie continues, making Carmy glance up. “Your turn.”
Carmy looks at him quizzically. “My turn for what?”
“Ask me something. Nothing off limits, everything on the table. You shared something about yourself so it’s only natural for me to do the same.”
Carmy frowns a little at this, if only because the notion is strange to him. It’s not like he’s never been open and honest with Richie before—in fact, those moments have been occurring more often than he’d honestly like to admit—but it feels different, this way. To be given the opportunity, no holds barred, because usually Carmy refrains from ever prying too deep; not just with Richie, but with everybody.
He rolls off Richie’s chest back onto the bed, lying on his side with his head propped in his hand as he considers. Richie is surprisingly patient for once, offering him the silence to think, and the whole thing honestly just makes Carmy flustered.
“Is there…” Carmy starts uncertainly, hesitating, but continues when Richie turns to him, expectant. “Is there a reason why you keep your ring?”
Richie stares at him for a moment, uncomprehending, before glancing down at the golden wedding band on his finger, like he’d forgotten that it was there, like he didn’t even know he was wearing it. Then his expression twists, incredulous, like he can’t believe that out of all the things Carmy could’ve possibly asked him about it’s his goddamn wedding ring.
“Why, does it make you jealous or something?” Richie teases him. “Does it make you feel like you’re my mistress?”
Carmy’s face turns hot, but he tells himself it’s out of annoyance rather than embarrassment. “You know what? Forget I asked.”
Richie chuckles, running his knuckles over Carmy’s side placatingly. “Nah, nah, I’m kidding. Uh… if I’m being honest, it’s, like, a distraction. Something for me to worry with. I stopped wearing it after me and Tiff split, but I started wearing it again after Mikey. I dunno. I guess after he died it felt like… nothing was right. Just everything gone to complete shit, and the ring just felt familiar. Like, having it there reminded me of this time in my life where I kind of, sort of had things together, and I guess I just wanted to feel that way again somehow, even if in reality it’s the complete fuckin’ opposite.”
Carmy nods slowly. In a sense, he thinks he gets it. Clinging onto that sense of familiarity; needing the illusion of stability in his life. He understands him.
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ella-ashmore · 6 months
hiii friemd achilles as the one fan of npcf au i wanna ask your thoughts abt smth
wdy think abt richie + ruth families... like I will have to bring up wventually so ibwas wondering should i just have randim background families or should i do like jon matt family tree for richie and charlotte (half)/sister for ruth or one or the other?
sorry if thisnis v wierdy phrased hi
haiiii its not weird phrasing dw i get what u mean !!! i think its just up to what you personally enjoy yk ?? my preference is random background families but i know people really like the jm family tree and charlotte ruth half sisters is a really fun concept so . idk!!
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neverwasreddie · 2 years
in high school richie and bev make a big deal about having a matching costume for Halloween (of course richie really wants to match with eddie but he CANT be the one to bring it up or ask because that would show his hand and eddie figures if richie isn’t asking it’s probably weird so he doesn’t bring it up)
so then bev and richie end up going as molly ringwald’s claire and judd nelson’s bender from the breakfast club, only richie is claire and bev is bender. and all the loser are like “did y’all misunderstand the assignment” and richie and bev just look at each other like ??? no?
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best-dog-mom · 2 months
hold up i gotta convince my parents
- @jason-wuz-here
Okay honey, no worries :)
(Pssst, it might help if you told your dad I'm the lady who did Emmett's hair!)
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thebearer · 1 year
the bearer blurbs: carmen berzatto | 1 |
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carmen gets jealous
touch starved carmen
carmen with a daddy kink
carmen takes care of you when you're sick
getting your first tattoo with carmen
carmen begging to eat you out
casual dominance with carmen
ass eating blurb
being carmen's taste tester
making out with soft dom!carmen
asshole to the world but not the girl trope
casual/heavy-ish dominance with carmen
you get hurt, carmen comforts you
blowing carmen in the kitchen
you're stressed and carmen helps
brat tamer!carm making you ride his cock
carmen makes a decision for the restaurant without asking you
quiet calm fluffy mornings with carmen
more casual dominance with carmen
carmen making you say nice things about yourself during sex
making carmen comfort food
how you and carmen meet (customer pov blurb)
richie's speak now moment
carmen dating someone just like him
safe foods with carmen
dom!carmen spanking you with the wooden spoon part two
pete comforting you through your first berzatto family reunion
first family as a couple
eras tour with carmen (ft. richie)
carm w/ inexperienced gf
i wish i'd never met you part two
carmen comforts you after a bad day
bad self talk/ reader skips meals blurb comfort/ angst
doing carmen skincare
drunk reader tells carmen "i have a boyfriend"
size kink smut
cutting carmen's hair
casual dominance with carmen 3
chain dangling smut
boudoir shoot for carmen
dom!carmen hcs
anal training smut
"drop the attitude" with dom!carm
defending pete blurb
shy reader having a crush on carmen blurb
carmen picks up drunk reader from girl's night fluff (horny edition)
stressful day unwind with carmen
carmen's sixth sense for when you don't eat fluff
punishment with dom!carm
you didn't tell carmen about your big achievement (angst/comfort)
jewelry smutty drabbles with carmen
giving carmen the silent treatment
the fire in the apartment with established relationship
carmen buying you flowers
aftercare with dom!carmen
carmen asking you to move in with him
you have a bad relationship with your dad (ft uncle jimmy) blurb
carmen fucking you with lingerie on smut
carmen comforts you through an anxiety attack
part 2 blurb of the feeling aka the karaoke double date
carmen catching you masturbating in his shirt
brat tamer!carmen spanking you
protective carm with younger (early 20s) gf in college
mutual masturbation w/ inexperienced carmen
soft!dom!carmen doting on stressed reader
the honeymoon smut
first christmas
casual dom carm giving you vitamins
carmen cheers you up after a bad day
casual dom carm giving you your medicine
carmen tying your shoes
carmen "recharging" himself
praise kink carmen
carmen cooking your comfort meal
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candyfsh · 2 months
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. ۫ ꣑ৎ . dating hcs <3
by candyfsh
including; dallas winston, melvin moody, richie white (those are my favs)
dallas winston ౨ৎ
𖦹 ik everybody says that dally would be suuuper toxic and a rlly bad boyfriend,, but hear me out. he would literally hate everyone but you.
𖦹 he buys you things and steals you things, about 50/50
𖦹 he isn't one for cuddling or anything but he'll definitely play with your hair and hold your head gently if you're snuggled beside him or on his chest💔
𖦹 he isn't huge on pda,, but he always keeps an arm around you or kisses your face and head and lips constantly
𖦹 he also uses extra pda at parties. just letting everyone know you're dating him 😊😊
𖦹 he will NOT ever let you put makeup on him, but he does let you put chapstick on for him. he likes how gentle you are even if it's just chapstick 😓
𖦹 always brags about you
𖦹 "yeah man that's cool but my gf is soooo hot 😝"
𖦹 he likes to go over to your house whenever he can because you make him feel safe
𖦹 he won't admit that though. never.
𖦹 but it's also lowk obvious?? bc he's always hanging around you and making sure you're close to him
𖦹 im being so fr he thought he wouldn't trust or love anyone again after sylvia then BOOM he met you and he's like OMG.
melvin moody ౨ৎ
𖦹 he loves you and makes it known omg
𖦹 like ofc he cares about his reputation?? he js loves you sooooo much and whenever he sees you he's like woah that's my gf!!!
𖦹 when you're sitting next to each other literally anywhere, he has to be touching you just to like confirm you're there or something???
𖦹 he's holding your hand, his arm is around your shoulder, his hand is in your lap, your head is on his shoulder, he's playing with your hair, his arm is around your waist, whateves!!! he just loves touching you
𖦹 he's still a tough guy ofc,,, but in school, it's kinda like lowkey slowed down
𖦹 but he'll still punch someone if they made you uncomfortable whatsoever
𖦹 i personally think moody would be big on cuddling 😙
𖦹 he loves to spoon you omg!!!
𖦹 moody feels like he can truly be himself around you (including letting his hair not be greased up. you love to see his hair ungreased)
𖦹 he gets you gifts sometimes with the money he's gotten from kids but he refuses to EVER tell you where he got the money
𖦹 "baby" "sweetie" "hottie" "cutie" everything.
𖦹 you and moody are literally so in love and so adorable and all his friends tease him about being so whipped but he's all like "damn right i am"
richie white ౨ৎ
𖦹 this little baby is so cute and loves you sm
𖦹 my personal hc is that richie has never had a gf,, he just flirts with every girl he sees
𖦹 so you're basically each other's first everything in a relationship. it's really sweet💔.
𖦹 he alwaayyyss brags to you about a new crime he committed. especially the time he broke into a bike shop.
𖦹 whenever some girl flirts with him in the rec center he's all like "yeah yeahh i got a beautiful girl i ain't interested"
𖦹 "ysee my beautiful girl over there??" "she's my beautiful girl" "i got the most beautiful girl ever"
𖦹 bc this is his first relationship that's more than just kissing and flirting, he wants to prove himself to you that he's more than a juvenile delinquent
𖦹 (but he'll never stop being one)
𖦹 he doesn't know what to do for dates so he takes you to the rec or a walk around town or his lil spot with carl
𖦹 speaking of carl, he's sooooo sick of hearing about you
𖦹 y/n this y/n that,,, my man richie just loves you!!!
𖦹 btw he calls you the dumbest pet names in public to tease you, like sugarplum and honeybee
𖦹 he will never get over the fact that YOU chose HIM of all people. like he's confident in himself,, he's just like "omg she's so perfect why is she with me"
𖦹 that's why he makes sure to never take you for granted
𖦹 if richie has his hands anywhere on you, his hand is probably in your back pocket. not like in a perverted way or anything,, he just likes it there 😙😙
𖦹 his arms are almost always around your shoulders too
𖦹 he's very touchy
𖦹 you + richie = forever
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r1ch1e-l1psh1tz · 2 months
Best cure for breakups is screaming starkid songs
Starkid grind never ends, even during the most agonizing times <3
More hcs!
Paul and Emma have a day out of the month where they get high and watch shitty movies
Pete will absolutely DEVOUR peanut butter
Richie got his hair stuck in a vacuum once
Hannah plays dolls with Webby
Ethan has tried (and failed) to hotwire a car
Ruth will print the most random ass pictures to other classrooms
Ted hates needles, so he physically has to look away when Pete checks his blood sugar
Boy Jerry’s family isn’t religious, so they have no clue how that happened
That’s it! As I said, starkid grind never ends!!!!
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billdenbroughsgirl · 9 months
dom!richie or eddie hcs with a sub!reader???… could i maybe be 🎀 anon HELP
you have my heart i love eddie n rich <3 n of course you can be 🎀 anon !! :)
nsfw content!!
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❥ okay i LUV richie but let's be so fr
❥ he's not very gentle, maybe sometimes but he's got a lot of pent up frustration that'll be released sexually.
❥ if you're the kind of person who does like it gentle, he will try his best and i will die on that hill
❥ okay guys fr hc time!
❥ sososo!! verbal. always has to be talking, lotsa 'yea, you like that?' 'takin me so well, fuck' 'atta girl/boy' 'made for my cock, doll' AAA
❥ def casual dominance too, he'll zip up your hoodie/jacket, order meals for you, etcetc :)
❥ he's much gentler, yall know how he is 😭
❥ you two fuck the most in missonary, or really any position where he can see your face
❥ sweet sweet boy, talks you through your orgasms def
❥ also just verbal in general, 'you're doing so well' 'jesusss, i love you baby'
❥ not much casual dominance because he's a bit shy, he tries his best though!!
i luv them, my boys :3
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wolftozier · 5 months
reddie reincarnation au. every time they reincarnate at least one of them dies before they can finally get together. richie remembers everything (including how many times he's failed to finally confess) and eddie remembers nothing but always, always falls in love with richie again anyway
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
every time i go to the library and i pass by the kids section i just can’t help but think of my reddie au where richie volunteers at the library and does story time for the kids and he uses all of his voices and all the kids love him,,,, and then eddie who also works at the library and has a crush on the guy who does the kids’ story time hour shshsbhskshs
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fangirlynjunk · 24 days
A list of my hatchetfield headcanons in no particular order
1. Richie is short, like barely taller then Ruth. I just feel like he should be a little guy. Like Jon was trying to convey small to me I can feel it
2. Max never bullied the Fosters, neither Lex nor Hannah. Lex obviously smokes but for Hannah I just like the idea he gives her a free pass because he can relate to their situation
3. Becky and Duke are well aquatinted thanks to their jobs overlap, but they also likely get along outside of that. Like they will have a good friendly conversation in the grocery store
4. Paul doesn’t like musical theater but he has a soft spot for Disney movies, hence him knowing Moana better than Ted or Bill. Maybe it’s because he was sort of the office babysitter and he just kept seeing them even after Pete and Alice ‘outgrew’ them
5. Alice told her dad she thought Paul was cool because she thought they were dating and she was trying to be supportive. Bill didn’t get the implication
6. If/when Charlotte leaves Sam I want to believe Ted would straighten up for her. Oh his humor is still crude and he is still Ted but he’d try dangit (I just want nice things for Charlotte and Ted)
7. Richie (i hc him as Paul’s nephew), Pete and Alice spent a lot of time at Paul’s house as kids. Paul used babysitting as an excuse to not do certain activities with coworkers. Alice also spent a lot of time being watched by Paul during her parents divorce (hence her assuming he was her dads new bf)
8. Richie and Trevor have both worked at the movie theater. Trevor is the one who had beef with Ethan, Richie just did not give a fuck about the job so he didn’t care if Ethan (who was banned) showed up and underpaid to see a movie or whatever.
9. Related to 8, Ethan didn’t know they were two different people until Richie dyed his hair blue. Ethan eventually realized the blue haired one was the ‘chill one’
10. Ruth and Richie are always friends in the timelines, it’s Pete who’s kind of a wildcard. Grace too, as per Working Boys showing us she was willingly hanging out with them.
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fatesmono · 1 year
carmen berzatto hcs
✮⋆˙ warnings : language
✮⋆˙ readers gender is female :3
✮⋆˙ a.n : this is my first post so pls go easy on me, just some headcannons + little lines i think he would say if you two were dating
✮⋆˙ enjoy loves !! <33333
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✩ only drinks black coffee , saw what your order was one time and almost had a heart attack
✩“you’re just drinking caramel…why?”
✩ loves going thrifting with you, you helped him find vintage jeans one time and he almost fell in love with you then and there
✩ the eye contact ??? mans will hold eye contact with you for minutes and not understand why you’re getting flustered over it
✩bonus : he was taught to always keep eye contact with those he respected and doesn’t want you to think he doesn’t respect you
✩ loves when you try his food, you genuinely just love to eat and won’t pick out random bullshit to criticize abt his food
✩ “can you try this for me ?”
✩ hates when you call him chef after dating, will let you be the only one to call him “carmy” in the kitchen (besides richie), loves when you call him "carm" 
✩ using any pet names will land you in his office for a make out session, you called him “baby” one time by habit and spent the next hour on his desk making out until tina had to collect you two
✩ “can you make a shopping list for me ?”
✩ will gladly teach you and specifically asks you before he cooks if you want to watch him and will explain every little step and smiles at your blatant confusion on what “blanching” is
✩ he stopped smoking specifically for you, you two kissed one time and you slightly cringed at the taste and he immediately went out and bought nicotine patches along with gum and rolled his eyes at richie comments 
✩ will not let ANYONE comment on you, will not hesitate to beat the living shit out of someone for a slick comment on your presence 
✩ “i don’t give a fuck what they think of you, my love. you’re my girlfriend and that's all that matters”
✩ “i could make that for you”
✩ never thought about starting a family until he met you, you helped him with a kid’s party gig and he saw how easily you handled the kids (“little shits” as richie called them) and he knew then and there you would be the perfect mother
✩ you cut yourself one time during prep and he immediately ran over to check on you once he heard your little wince.
✩ “idc if its little, i need to make sure you're okay”
✩ loves the smell of your perfume and keeps going out to buy that specific one whenever he wants to get you a gift.
✩ secretly loves physical contact; you wrapped your arms around him while he cooked one time and now he can’t cook without you touching him in some way
✩ only cries around you, hearing you tell him that it’s going to be alright makes him melt every time
✩ you told him once that you could bartend/worked as a foh a year ago and immediately put you on the staff (couldn’t care what anyone had to say about it)
✩ loves hugging you, there's something about how soft your skin is that he can’t help but just embrace you the second he sees you
✩ rarely uses your real name, stopped using it the day after you two began dating
✩ “baby i can do the dishes tonight”
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spaceagebachelormann · 8 months
richie tozier & mike wheeler bday hcs por favor 🙏🙏
richie tozier & mike wheeler birthday hcs !
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✧ warnings: none !
✧ ziggys notes: this is late i’m sorry ml :( i hope u like it though cause i’m kinda bad at writing for these 2 <3
✧ m.list — nav.
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✿ richie tozier !
ugh this whore
he either goes all out for ur bday or gets u one little thing (it’s still meaningful though)
or halfway through the day he’ll randomly dissapear and come back like “omg hey!! i got u more things!”
he acts all cool when he gives u ur gifts but like the week before he was struggling to find something he knew u like and complained to eddie non stop abt it
“u don’t know what to get ur own s/o?..” -eddie probs
he does help though
would (try) to bake ur cake he cannot bake so he gets someone else to do it but he DOES decorate it !!
ur birthday party is probably with the losers club and it’s so chaotic
they all wanna eat that cake so bad but u legally have to take the first place (they understand but they’re disappointed)
y’all don’t know who baked the cake (jk it was prob eddie) but holy shit it’s amazing
ngl richie decorated it kinda shitty but he tried!!! and really nobody cares as long as it tastes good
on his birthday after he eats the cake and opens presents and shit all he wants to do is sit in his room with u
y’all prob makeout i’m ngl but after that he js wants a sleepover and to watch movies and then pass out on the bed
also u think he’s asleep and then hhe says something ridiculous
✿ mike wheeler !
he’s like richie but he goes even more insane for ur bday
he did a FUCK ton of chores months before and spent all the money on anything sight he thought u might like
when u wake up hes already at ur house talking to ur parents waiting for u to get up so he can give u ur stuff
he will watch and do literally whatever u want the whole day even if it’s a movie he want or letting u put pig tails in his hair
however he genuinely despises his own birthday
he woke up on his 11th birthday and decided he hates that whole day (same)
he sleeps until the afternoon to make it over quicker
he’ll spend it with u but he mightttt be a little grumpy
and ur lucky if u can get him up before 3pm
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