#richard rambles
I had a horrible thought the other day:
Did Cyrlinnaril ever tell anyone just HOW long she was alone in the forest for? Because I think it would be both relieving for Erestor to know that she wasn’t in the forest since she was like 5 equivalent, and also horrifying for him to find out that she was alone, in a forest, for five years.
She 100% did not tell anyone. Not even out of a desire to keep it secret but bc she's a silly goose who doesn't see why it matters. Her life is split into Before Erestor and After Erestor and the Before stuff is boring and gross and doesn't matter. who cares????
(everyone else. everyone else cares.)
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Our friend Richard is staying with us and I was reminded of one of his dating escapades that always made me laugh.
He’d met this girl online, and they’d been chatting for days. She was cautious but he didn’t mind as online dating does have some risks. Finally, though, they set an in person date to meet up.
It seemed to be going okay until about midway through the date when she said, “I have an important question, I ask it on every first date.”
He sat up attentively.
“If you were asleep in your bed and woke up to see two small purple aliens going through your laundry what would you do?”
He was briefly stunned by the question but gave it some thought. Finally he said, “I’d pretend to still be sleeping and observe them. If they weren’t doing anything more I’d try to greet them.”
She gave a hmm and the subject moved on. Later, when she was driving him home she informed him, “I don’t think this is gonna work out. You don’t show a healthy sense of fear.”
He bore this pronouncement with grace and wondered what the right answer would have been.
The car sailed through the night which was made darker by the extremely thick forest towering over the road. No moonlight or stars could penetrate the thick canopy.
They rode in silence until she finally remarked, “Wow, this would be the perfect place to hide a body.”
Richard, a man lacking a healthy sense of fear, could recognize that her sense of fear was well honed. Therefore, he held his tongue on the fact that his good friend had in fact stumbled across a dead body in those woods a month prior.
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ashennflame · 17 days
I decided to make playlists for each of the Greek students in The Secret History.
A few things to note about each playlist:
I purposefully made it so that each playlist has exactly 100 songs in it so that I can force myself to discover new music in order to fill out the playlists as well as properly capture an exact vibe while still having diversity in each playlist.
I wanted each playlist to be completely unique, therefore there are no exact overlapping songs in any of them, with the exception of different covers of the same song being in multiple playlists.
This is how I personally interpret each student to an extent, and it may be a bit different compared to others.
The playlists are mostly based off of vibes. There are songs whose lyrics as well as vibe fit the character (in my mind), but there are also songs that are based solely off of the vibe even if the lyrics don't fit.
The songs in each playlist may change over time as I find new music that I feel better fits over another.
I hope that these playlists can be thoroughly enjoyed!
[Characters associated with each playlist in order]
Richard Papen
Henry Winter
Bunny Corcoran
Francis Abernathy
Charles Macaulay
Camilla Macaulay
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RTC headcanons yayyy
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hatchetings · 11 days
i honestly agree with the idea that pete wasn’t really friends with ruth or richie, and it’s not because of his reactions to their deaths or anything.
i say this because he is the most reactive to ruth’s death compared to grace & steph. also far more reactive to richie’s death compared to grace & stephanie too, but ruth on the other hand is like? majorly more anxious compared to rest of them hearing that richie was murdered, which will play into my take later but anyways.
i believe that pete isn’t really close with the two because of his reactions to the shit they do and say. like every possible moment, he is fidgeting nervously around them, spacing off, correcting them, or ridiculing them. and when he’s not doing that, he’s… trying to be nice, but good god does he seem so damn anxious about it. not to mention when he calls ruth and richie, “fucking nerds” they don’t laugh it off like… friends would? they roll their eyes and become offended. also! also also!!! gosh i love pointing out details, but pete seeming semi-confused at richie’s statements about the body-pillows. if they’ve been friends for years, pete would be used to it by now, completely ignoring it.
also, the lin manuel miranda thing, why is pete going up to richie and saying that? wouldn’t he have gotten a better reaction of ruth, the theatre kid? or is he getting ruth and richie’s interests confused?
they aren’t friends to pete, they’re just people pete decides to hang around with because he has no choice. why doesn’t have a choice? because of the system the school runs on. max, every other popular & cool kid at school, and then, the nerds.
that’s who he’s limited to.
it’s the way they talk and interact with one another that makes me think pete is just not as close to richie and ruth as we think he is.
but you know what, ruth and richie? oh, they’re incredibly close and you can tell. the jabs at one another with no reaction (ex. “who are you trying to impress…? ruth?” and ruth continuing on the joke). the overdramatic faces made toward one another?? also, the fact they tend to stand closer to one another than to pete? there are multiple scenes like that… almost every interaction these two have, you can tell they’re best friends. going back to my point with ruth’s reaction to richie’s death above, she is visibly more anxious hearing that richie is dead compared to every single one of the people being questioned. it’s heartbreaking actually, because this is a person she’s known for, likely, years and it’s just!
it’s so obvious how close they are.
they can joke around with each other because they know they’re joking when they insult one another.
there’s probably reason why pete gets somewhat defensive of richie’s comments about his outfit, or how the idea of him & steph together is ridiculous.
pete cannot tell they’re joking because they’re not as close.
but i do want to throw in. i think ruth and richie consider pete far more of a friend than he does them. they actively seek pete out, they feel like they can make jabs at him because they think they’re close enough pete can take it as joke. they worry about him, and pete just doesn’t think about them the same way (and he doesn’t realize they consider him a friend).
which is… kind of sad to think about!
anyways, that’s my ramble for today
forgive me for any misspellings and grammar mistakes
it’s like 1am rn
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etirabys · 7 months
I felt so much connection to the younger generation upon reading this post that I slightly freaked out
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evangelineshifts · 5 months
shifting to a dr where you dont have all the lore and just fucking around and finding out is like playing russian roulette with the universe
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nukacourier · 4 months
Conversing with my boyfriend about New Vegas as I play it
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Popping in to ask if you're still alive and how is school?
hiiiiiii🤹 i'm alive, i've graduated, i'm working three jobs to stay afloat so despite writing being on my mind 25/7, finding the time to sit down is impossible :') i'm hopeful things will change soon but for now i'm just clownin around. thanks for checking in 💗💗💗💗 how are you???
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Our friend Richard is our DM for DnD. Sometimes when it’s funny he’ll call himself Dick. It’s silly to all of us that Dick is the shortened form of Richard but also penis funny.
For dnd nights it’s Richard, another guy, and three nonbinary folks.
One day Richard was gone and while we waited we joked, “There’s no Dick on the call! We’re Dickless!”
The other guy was like ???? “I’m here…?”
And we belatedly realized he thought we were ragging on his masculinity instead of joking about Richards name. It turns out that in years of friendship our other male player had never heard Richard make a Dick joke.
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godzilla-reads · 13 days
As often as I joke about it, I sometimes get sad when people take Watership Down and just call it “traumatizing” or that it’s all violence and death. If it did traumatize you then that’s real, but I feel like the book has so much more to offer. I want to say Watership Down is about LIVING. Yes, life is horrible and cruel, but it is also beautiful and worth having hope for.
What do y’all think?
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RTC sleepover HC thing lets gooooo
Ocean – MOUTH BREATHER!!! sleeps like a burrito
Constance – quiet as hell. sleeps with 9373929102840 plushies
Noel – either quiet as hell or loud as hell. sleeps holding Mischa
Mischa – quiet ahh snorer. sleeps holding Noel. probably mumbles in Ukranian
Ricky – could probably be mistaken for dead tbh. sleeps with cat plushies
Penny – dead silent, face first, awful position
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couchsterfield · 4 months
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dead-meat · 1 month
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RICHIE DRAWING!! - click for better quality :p
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shayberri789 · 5 months
I think.... I think ronan might have been wrong about the dreaming tree. It doesn't show you whatever would fuck you up the most, because I don't think blue or gansey's visions were half so terrible as Adam's (or whatever Ronan first saw), nor as terrible as it could be
I think it showed visions of how each of them could kill gansey
Adam, as he was in trb, less bound to the leyline and the others, more desperate, less grown up, absolutely could have made a mistake in his ambitious quest for freedom that lead to gansey's death. And in a twisted way the dream came true with Ronan, and ronan's double, in the church
Gansey saw himself finding glendower, the quest he'd dedicated his life to, the man he credits for his life. Without this quest, what is gansey, really? And gansey of trb wasn't ready for his quest to suddenly be over. I don't know if he would have survived it, he'd probably spiral at best. And in the end it is his quest that kills him, by finding the demon, by dying shortly after he discovers glendower is also dead, by dying the first time so close to the entrance to glendower's tomb. Gansey, glendower and death have been interwoven since the beginning
Blue knew her kiss would kill gansey, but unlike the other's, HER vision comes true, word for word and action for action. I checked. It's exactly the same.
And ronan.... tragedy has destroyed his life and he rebuilt it with gansey as his support pillar. Losing gansey, as many have pointed out, would destroy him. Being the REASON gansey dies? I think that IS one of the worst things that could happen to him. And that would indeed be the kind of thing that would fuck him up the most. I think that's what the vision tree showed him
TLDR: the vision tree shows possible futures where everyone in the gangsey is the reason for Gansey's death, because his death is such a heavy event that it cant be escaped. And even though only blue's one comes true, the other's experience twisted versions of their visions coming true anyway to reflect their growth and change and now I'm not okay
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madmanpoet · 3 months
What I like about the dps fandom is that everyone is willing to feel so vulnerable, without being judged. We can talk about how the movie made us feel and all those emotions. But we can even feel comfortable enough with eachother to express other things that can be troubling us in the real world. It's great to be in this community where we are willing to feel and relate to one another without the fear of being ignored or less important.
well that's what this fandom looks like from my point of view, there's no doubt it could be different for someone else.
I think what really made me think of this is the contrast between being on Instagram compared to being on here. I always overthink what to write on my notes or what to text people because the fear of being judged. It's embarrassing to be vulnerable and to feel on there, or to be yourself. I'm followed by schoolmates (I don't talk to 85% of them) so it just makes me even more nervous, but I feel like here it's a safe space, it just feels so warm and welcoming.
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