#richard armitage x aidan turner
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robynredhead · 5 years ago
Can someone please help me find a Hobbit RPF fanfiction?? Read years ago, basically is a Richard/Aidan where Richard is a university lecturer and Aidan is his student. Dean and Aidan live together also but I can’t remember anything else about it and really want to re-read!! Would be so much appreciated!!! Thank you in advance đŸ€žđŸ»đŸ€žđŸ»
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omgsquee2001 · 4 years ago
Imagine having a Panic attack while Filming The Hobbit and Richard, Graham and Aidan help you through it.
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I am basing this off my own experiences with panic attacks ie the symptoms, the triggers and how it feels. I know that panic and anxiety attacks effect different people in different ways.
Warning: Mentions of panic attacks, triggers and symptoms of panic attacks. If this could trigger you, please do not read this.
You had never told anyone in the cast or crew about your panic attacks. The reason why is because you didn’t want to feel like a burden to them. You played a very important role, the role of AlrĂčn, (my OC), Thorin’s lover in The Hobbit movies.
Now, filming the movies was stressful for everyone. There was getting into and remaining in character, there was the due date for when the movie had to be finished and released, there was making sure all the equipment worked. What really triggered your anxiety was being in large crowds. You tried your best to keep your anxiety in check, but it didn’t always work.
“[Y/N]?” The voice of your director, Peter Jackson, broke you out of your thoughts. You looked up at him. You started to feel the slow tingling in your feet. “Did you hear what I said?” He asked. You cleared your throat as the tingling started to climb up your legs and spread to your arms and into your hands.
“I-I didn’t. Sorry.” You said. Peter smiled.
“No harm done, love. I said that you will be pushed into the middle with Martin when Elrond and the Hunting Party come through Rivendell, alright.” Peter said. You nodded and forced a smile. You were trying to keep your hands from clenching up. A hand was placed on your shoulder, making you jump. You looked to your side and saw the concerned face of your friend and co-worker, Richard Armitage, who played Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit.
“[Y/N], are you alright? You seem out of it.” Richard said. You forced a smile again. Everything started to sound as if it were underwater. You tried your best to keep your breathing in check.
“Y-yeah,” you mentally cursed at yourself for stuttering. “I’m fine. Just tired.” You said. You could tell that Richard wasn’t buying it, but didn’t press the issue. Peter made his way over to where the screen was.
“Alright, ready,” he said. Everyone got into their positions. “And action!” The horses came barroling down the entryway and straight for the Company. As Bofur, played by James Nesbitt,
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pulled Bilbo, played by Martin Freeman,
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into the middle, Dwalin, played by Graham McTavish,
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pulled you into the middle of the group. That’s when you lost all control of your breathing. You looked around with wild eyes, tears brimming the edges. You breathing was erratic. You felt like you couldn’t breath. Martin placed his hand on your back, starling you.
“[Y/N], love, are you alright?” Martin asked.
“Cut!” Peter shouted out. He saw the panicked look in your eyes. He rushed over. “[Y/N], are you alright?” He asked. You couldn’t foucus.
“I-I need air.” You stuttered out. You pushed through the group, ignoring the calls of your name from the others. You ran all the way to Stone Street, where your trailers were. You ran into your trailer, which was positioned next to Richard’s. You shut the trailer door and ran into your bathroom, pulling your legs close to your chest. You shut your eyes and started to cry.
Richard knew something wasn’t right the minute [Y/N] pressed her hands flat against the trousers of her costume. He placed his hand on her shoulder, making her jump.
“[Y/N], are you alright?” He asked. He saw her forced smile.
“Y-yeah,” she stuttered out. Richard looked at her with even more concern. “I’m just tired.” She said.
Richard immediately knew something was wrong when he saw the panicked look in [Y/N]’s eyes and her breathing picking up. Peter called cut and made his way over to her. When he asked if she was alright, all she responded with was “I-I need air.” And pushed through the crowd, ignoring the others calling her name. Richard looked at Peter.
“I’ll go make sure she’s alright.” He said, and rushed out of the set of Rivendell. He made his way to Stone Street, making a b-line for your trailer. Noticing your door was closed, he knocked on it. “[Y/N], sweetheart, are you alright?” Richard called. When he got no answer, he knocked again. “[Y/N], I’m coming in.” He warned and opened the door. His ears immediately caught the sound of sobbing and made his way over to where the sobbing was coming from. He slowly walked in, trying not to scare the girl who was currently crying on the bathroom floor.
“[Y/N?]” Richard asked. You jumped, causing your breathing to pick up once again. He slowly made his way to you and knelt before you. “Can I touch you?” He asked gently. You looked up at the man and nodded, still crying. Richard gently took your hands, which had been clenched into fists, and started rubbing circles in the backs with his thumbs. “Is it alright if I sit behind you and hold you?” He asked. Again, you nodded. Richard helped you stand up on shaky legs. He quickly but slowly made his way behind you and gently pulled you down to sit between his legs, keeping your back pressed against his chest. “Try to take deep breaths, love,” Richard said, his breath tickling your ear slowly started bringing you back to your senses. You tried to match your breathing to Richard’s. Eventually, you calmed down. You closed your eyes and allowed your head to fall back. The sound of more foot steps caused your eyes to open and your breathing started to quicken again. Richard gently rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “You’re alright, love. There’s no need to worry. It’s just Graham and Aidan.” He said. Realizing that they were friends and not here to hurt you, your body relaxed. You looked at the two men who were sitting in front of you. Aidan looked at you with sympathy.
“Can I get you anything’?” Aidan asked.
“Water please.” You said quietly. Your throat was hoarse from crying so much. Aidan nodded and got up. Graham gently scooted forward.
“Can I hold your hand, sweetheart?” Graham asked. Richard tilted his head to look at you, waiting for your answer. You nodded slightly and placed your smaller hand in his larger one. Just as Richard did before, Graham started gently rubbing circles into the back of your hand. Aidain returned with a glsss of water. Your hand was still shaking lightly, so Richard helped you drink it. The cool liquid felt soothing against your throat.
“Do you know what triggered the attack?” Richard asked. Once you had enough water, Richard set it down next to you.
“Large crowds give me anxiety.” You said. Aidan’s eyebrows met in confusion.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone this before, love? I’m sure Peter would have understood.” He said. Tears came to your eyes again.
“I-I didn’t want to be a burden. Everyone has so much to worry about already. The last thing everyone needs to worry about are my panic attacks.” You said, tears falling down your face. Graham gently squeezed you hand, making you look at him.
“Sweetheart, you could never be a burden.” He said. Richard’s hand reached up and gently wiped away a tear falling down your face.
“Graham’s right. We’re a family. And family takes care of each other no matter what.” He said. Aidan smiled and placed his hand on your knee.
“If you feel comfortable with it, whenever you feel anxious or like you are about to have a panic attack, come to either one of us. We’ll make sure you’re alright.” Aidan said. You smiled tiredly at him and placed your hand over his. Your eyes gently fell closed. The last thing you remember was being picked up and set down in your bed. Three individual kisses were placed to your forehead. You smiled as you drifted off. You now knew that you could go to someone. There would be someone there to help you.
//Hello all. I hope you are doing well. I wrote this imagine based on my own experiences with panic and anxiety attacks. Being in large crowds is normally what triggers panic attacks for me. I try not to tell anyone because I don’t want to be a burden, which normally leads me to lie about if I am doing alright or not. Physical touch, like someone holding my hand or rubbing my back really helps me because it helps me to know that I’m not alone. I want you all to know that if you ever feel like you are getting anxious, you can talk to me. I will try my best to help.
Also, please comment what you think about this in the comments. I want to know your thoughts and opinions. What you liked about it, what you think I could improve on.//
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goldrun · 5 years ago
An unexpected inquiry
A/N: I just got this idea inside my head and just HAD to write it down. It’s been quite a while since I wrote a fanfic at all, so i hope you enjoy it. Part II is on its way and I hope to upload it soon!
Word count: 1397
Warnings: None
From the moment Fili had laid his eyes on you he knew it. You were his One. He never saw you before, let alone met you. He saw you working in a flower shop he walked by that day. It was located inside an alley he never walked through. It was quite a busy place, and many dwarfs were walking in and out of several shops. He kept watching you from afar, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible, to both you and every other dwarf in the alley. Busy with every client that entered the shop, who walked outside one by one with large bouquets of roses or sunflowers most of them bigger than themselves. It was late afternoon and he was watching you from outside the window, busy cutting the stems from a bundle of daffodils. He tightened the hood upon his head so know one would notice the royal presence.
Fili remembered the stories he had been told ever since he was a tiny dwarf. When you meet your One you just know it. It’s like an ignition. A spark and it’s always mutual. Instantly. And this was the first time ever he felt like this. “I must ask her to court me.” He thought by himself. Every other dwarf would consider him a fool for even having this thought. But Fili was certain of this. He really was.
The weather was a bit rainy and he fastened his cloak. Fili waited a few minutes until most of the customers were gone, but for Mahals sake it felt like hours. When there was one customer left, Fili made his way towards the green door walking over the shiny cobblestones. With his heart pounding in his chest he pushed the door open, and the bell was jangling. The last customer, an older male dwarf walked past by with a bouquet of tullips and greeted Fili with a nod and a smile which he responded. His hands were getting all sweaty when he walked towards you. Was he sure of doing this? You didn’t notice someone entering the shop as your eyes met a pair of blue ones in a sudden moment, familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. You recognized him promptly. You didn’t expect any royalty in your shop today, and definitely not one of the dwarf princes. You heard the most vulgar rumors about the two brothers, which you believed most were true.
“Prince Fili! To what do I owe you this honor?” Smiling widely, trying to hide the thoughts you were just having. Your blue dress standing out of all the colors that were surrounding you.
“Good afternoon miss.” He answered nervously while he fumbled a string that was hanging from his cloak.
A few seconds you had the time to observe the prince. Sure he was handsome, to say the least. His blond hair was braided neatly on the sides, as well as his moustache with silver beads hanging on the ends. You noticed a dimple when you looked further. Oh no, your biggest weakness. Looking at appearances, you preferred this one out of the two brothers.
“What can I help you with?” You leaned on the counter with both your hands, still with a smile on your face.
He slowly made his way towards you until you two stood eye to eye as he took a deep breath.
“I am asking you to court me.” A short pause.  “If you’ll have me.” He said very loud and clear. His eyes hopefully gazed into yours.
Your mouth fell open and your mind was stuck in confusion. What just happened?
“Excuse me, did you just asked me to court you?” You asked as if you didn’t understand the words. You folded your arms in front of you and glanced at Fili.
He nodded, but not as confident as he seemed a few seconds ago.
“I’m very sorry but I just met you? You don’t even know my name!” you said in shock.
“So you don’t feel it?” His voice fell into an utter disappointment. "You're not feeling what I am feeling?"
“Feel what exactly?” you asked, turning your head sideways. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Oh Mahal this is extremely embarrassing.” He whispered softly. His cheeks reddend as he buried his hands in his face. Was there someplace he could hide?
“I thought you were my One.” The words fell on the ground like thunder.
You stayed in silence, as if your mouth forgot how to move. Of course you heard about the stories and how people were finding each other. Sadly you never had the privilege to find yours.
“I’m afraid I’m not feeling the same way like you're feeling.”
He looked down at the ground and nodded. “I understand.” He mumbled. “I-I must leave now.” His words stumbled. He turned around to run away but your sudden voice stopped him.
“Wait!” You felt sorry when you felt a sharp pain in your heart. He turned around and looked at you again. 
“Maybe ask me out to dinner first? Not everyday someone asks you to court them you know.” A grin appeared on your lips. “And I can’t say I’m not flattered...”
After what just happened, Fili was definitely not expecting this scenario. He didn’t rehearse this part either.
He toughened himself up.
“How about tomorrow? 8 o’clock?” He asked.
You nodded. “I’ll be here.”
A genuine smile appeared on his lips as he bowed.
Fili stood still for a second until he slowly turned around and walked away. You watched his footsteps until he met the frontdoor. But your voice turned him around.
"Y/N." you said. "My name is Y/N."
“See you then Y/N.” He said grinning, and he walked away. He felt stupid in an instant, how could he forget to ask her name? You watched him walking down the alley, him turning around to look at you one or two times, you couldn’t remember, until he was out of sight.
You sighed. What a day.
You didn’t even got the time to fathom everything that occurred when your friend knocked on the window. You immediately smiled at her. “Just a second!” You gathered your stuff and grabbed your olive green cloak as you put it on. After you locked the door of the shop with a silver key you hugged your friend.
“How was your day Alavà?” You asked. The two of you were walking through the alley, just like every other work day. “Hmm nothing special, baked some bread, made some cakes. We should find some other jobs.” She sighed. You nudged her side, “Hey just because you hate your job that doesn’t mean I hate mine!” You two laughing out loud.
“You never believed what happened to me today. Like, ever.” You said while your footsteps aligned and almost jumping over a few children who were running by. 
“What happened then?” Your friend asked curiously.
“Prince Fili walked into the shop." You paused for a few seconds.
“That’s doesn’t seem quite normal to me indeed.“ She acknowledged.
 "And asked me to court him. Just randomly!” You yelped.
Alavà stopped walking. “Wait, WHAT?!” She grabbed your arm in disbelief as she looked at you. “This is a joke isn’t it?”
“No, I’m not joking” You tried to say calmly.
“And what did you say?” She almost crushed your upper arm.
“I said that I don’t even know him and that he should ask me out to dinner first.”
“But didn’t you used to say how horrible the Durin brothers must be! You’ve heard the stories. They’re womanizers, sharing beds with every girl they can lay their hands on.” Your friend tried to convince you. “I care about you and I don’t want to see you ending up with someone who isn’t worthy, even if it's a prince.” Even though Alavà jokes around a lot, she was dead serious this time.
Your face softened and you took her hands in yours.
“I know Alavà.” You faced her now. “And I can assure you, I’m not in to the prince at all. If he were my One I would've known that by now. I'm just curious and I want to figure out if those rumors are true. I know that you care, and I promise i won’t get lost in it. And if I do, you can slap my face.” you said with laughter. Alavà giggled. “Oh I will do that!”
You hugged her tight and then you walked to your own home. Yours felt even colder and emptier than normal.
Even feeling a bit nervous about what would happen the day after.
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mooniemouse · 5 years ago
I wrote something short and quickly after watch the Halsey's video: Colors. I was a little bit shock about the end but then I asked myself, Doesnt you remember something? and then yes!!! When a watched the Hobbit for first time I felt in love from Kili because he was the younger one and Aidan is so hot but now that I grew up I cant denied than Thorin is now for me hotter than all the cast.So I wrote this. Is in Spanish but Im thinking I translate it. Im practicing, I want to come back to write more and more. 
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                                                                                                                 - COLORS -
Siempre supe que querĂ­a algo normal, algo comĂșn, lo que todos querĂ­an. Una vida simple, trabajo simple y quizĂĄ un lindo chico que me amase como yo debĂ­a amarlo. Que cuidase de mĂ­ y estuviese siempre cuando le necesitase. Un amor como de pelĂ­cula, pero simple y normal.  
Encontrarlo no fue lo difĂ­cil, Kili fue como un galĂĄn de pelĂ­cula. El momento en el que nos conocimos fue tan increĂ­ble y divertido que aĂșn pasan los dĂ­as sin poder olvidarlo.
Nos conocimos en una cafeterĂ­a, el tomo mi vaso por error o al menos yo sigo pensando que lo fue, es decir, no es como si nuestros nombres fuesen similares, pero al parecer Ă©l se encontraba mĂĄs dormido que despierto.
El primer contacto nos unió y de alguna forma fue ahí donde sentí que mi vida al fin se encontraba completa.  
Los días pasaron, los encuentro también, las cenas, citas, llamadas y mensajes fueron algo cotidiano en nuestra vida, el plan perfecto de la mía.
MĂĄs sin embargo al momento de conocer a su familia supe que algo estaba mal. No con Ă©l, no con mis planes, sino conmigo. La cena fue de lo mĂĄs normal y durante dĂ­as nuestra cercanĂ­a fue aĂșn mĂĄs, nuestra felicidad se hacĂ­a mĂĄs grande o quizĂĄ sĂłlo fuese la suya. Yo no sabĂ­a cĂłmo seguir mintiendo ni como seguir a su lado sin sentirme culpable.  
Cada vez que nos encontråbamos no podía evitar pensar en cómo se vería cuando envejeciera, si sería como él, como Thorin, su tío, quien ahora ocupaba mi mente y pensamientos, quien no me dejaba tranquila ser feliz y normal.  
¿Qué tenía yo que no podía conformarme con lo esta vida?
ÂżQuĂ© habĂ­a hecho para que, de un dĂ­a para otro todos mis planes se hicieran añicos? La mentira nunca fue una opciĂłn y aun ahora la uso para poder estar mĂĄs cerca de quien no deberïżœïżœa. No es normal, ni soy normal, lo que siento estĂĄ mal y, aun asĂ­, seguirĂ­a siendo capaz de seguir al lado de quien me ama con pasiĂłn por poder siquiera compartir la misma habitaciĂłn de a quien yo amo con desesperaciĂłn.
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Everytime I get a notification for an update on ao3:
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bl4ckr0s3xx · 7 years ago
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Stunt training FAIL
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middleearthpixie · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for the mention and look at all the talent on this list! I can also recommend @linasofia and @laurfilijames stories - hot and sweet and perfect!
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Fic recs 4
These are the fics that I have enjoyed reading since my last fic rec list. The list is quite long, since I’ve read a lot :-) Check them out and give the writers some love.
If you are reading any of the stories, please consider leaving a comment and consider reblogging. This helps spread the visibility of the wonderful stories, which are written by these amazing writers. If you are too shy, please consider leaving a message in an ask. You can do this anonymously if you like.
Enjoy reading !
Master list Fic Recs
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Middle Earth and Middle Earth AU fics
The Hobbit Advent Calendar - Day 17: How do you shop for a king? By @lathalea
A lovely imagine on getting a gift for the King under the Mountain
Business & Pleasure by @linasofia
A hot fic that makes you want this to happen to you for real when you land that perfect job
Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader (Modern AU)
Cruelty of Time by @laurfilijames
A beautifully written angsty Fili fic. Fili is recovering from the battle, but progress is slow and he is hurting.
Heirloom by @welcome-to-writers-haven
A lovely drabble about Kili giving you a necklace that’s been in his family for generations.
The Crown - by @guardianofrivendell
A lovely short story about @guardianofrivendell’s OC Tullaina and gossip about the King under the Mountain. Very amusing.
Other reads
The Man From Rome (book and upcoming tv show with Richard Armitage)
Penance - by @linasofia
Warnings: ⚠ 18+ only and Please don’t read this if the thought of a priest breaking his vow of celibacy might offend you.
Father Quart fic. After avoiding church for a year, reader is returning for her first confession with the unattainable Father Quart.
This is a story unlike anything I have read. The writing is so beautiful and the stories are hot. Please heed the warnings.
The Man from Rome is about the handsome Father Quart, of the church's Institute of External Affairs, an arm of the Vatican intelligence, who investigates a message sent by a hacker of the Vatican.
The Last Kingdom (TV show)
Family Life with Finan - by @destinyisall-tlk
A wonderful imagine what family life would be like with Finan. It is spot on. It’s such a lovely imagine. I enjoyed this very much
The Last Kingdom, based on the Saxon Stories novels of Bernard Cornwell, re-tells the history of King Alfred the Great and his desire to unite the many separate kingdoms into what would become England. It’s also very much the story of Uthred and his band of brothers, who fight in the name of the King, while trying to find their own place in the world.
Damaged Goods - by @middleearthpixie
Stay Close (TV show with Richard Armitage)
There are 3 installments already in this story. The writing is so easy going, the dialogue is so good. Reading this felt like watching a movie in my head.
Following the events of Stay Close, Ray Levine has come to the US to begin a new life and is staying with Theo Bailey, the friend of a friend, who is quickly becoming his best friend and Ray is starting to wonder if there isn’t something more there between them.
Stay close is about dark secrets from the past that come to the surface years later. Richard Armitage plays Ray, a once-promising documentary photographer, who is now stuck in a dead-end job because of the things that happened in the past.
And a little self promotion
Mitchell’s Diary - Amy - @enchantzz
I’ve started writing new one-shots related to the series Arts and Vampires. They are excerpts from Mitchell’s diary. His thoughts, memories, drabbles. The first one is about how he met Amy, his current love of his life.
Art & Vampires is mainly about the relationship and developments around Mitchell, a vampire and Amy, a human. It’s about the vampire world, the supernatural, but also about history, cities around the world, art, antiques and adventures. Face claims include Aidan Turner, Richard Armitage, Mila Kunis, Bianca Lawson, Jaime Murray and Ben Barnes.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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leskoobclub · 4 years ago
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LE HOBBIT - LA BATAILLE DES CINQ ARMÉES - Action, Fantastique, Aventure - Sortie le 10 DĂ©cembre 2014 - 02h24 - Avec : Ian McKellen (X-Men) Martin Freeman (Fargo) Richard Armitage (Black Storm) Evangeline Lilly (LOST) Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies) Luke Evans (Dracula Untold) Orlando Bloom (Zulu)
** SYNOPSIS ** Atteignant enfin la Montagne Solitaire, Thorin et les Nains, aidés par Bilbon le Hobbit, ont réussi à récupérer leur royaume et leur trésor. Mais ils ont également réveillé le dragon Smaug qui déchaßne désormais sa colÚre sur les habitants de Lac-ville. A présent, les Nains, les Elfes, les Humains mais aussi les Wrags et les Orques menés par le Nécromancien, convoitent les richesses de la Montagne Solitaire. La bataille des cinq armées est imminente et Bilbon est le seul à pouvoir unir ses amis contre les puissances obscures de Sauron.
Treize ans aprĂšs la sortie du Seigneur des Anneaux : La CommunautĂ© de l'Anneau, les Studios Warner nous ramĂšnent une derniĂšre fois en Terre du Milieu. Peter Jackson, le rĂ©alisateur, nous offre un dernier opus et un au-revoir cinĂ©matographique au monde de Tolkien assez Ă©pique et Ă©mouvant. La scĂšne d'ouverture est particuliĂšrement spectaculaire On commence le long mĂ©trage exactement oĂč on avait quittĂ© Bilbon et ses compagnons dans La DĂ©solation de Smaug. Il n'y a pas de perte de temps et Jackson nous plonge directement dans les flammes de l'action (et de Smaug).
On ne peut s'empĂȘcher de vouloir le comparer au Retour du Roi (2003), et il est vrai qu'il n'est pas aussi variĂ© Ă©motionnellement, et l'impact qu'il aura sur le public n'aura rien Ă  voir.
Le visuel du film est bluffant ! Il est beaucoup plus noir que les deux précédents volets, aussi bien dans les images que dans son histoire et dans ce que traversent nos héros. On ne s'ennuie pas une minute. Tout est mis en oeuvre pour qu'aucun fan ne quitte sa vision de la Terre du Milieu déçu. On revisite certains monstres (adorés) de la premiÚre trilogie et on en découvre d'autres tout aussi majestueux et terrifiants.
La bataille des cinq armées est spectaculaire. Elle ne prend pas toute la place du film, mais en met plein les yeux. On y trouve une des scÚnes séquences les plus ambitieuses de Peter Jackson. Son jeu de caméra nous laisse momentanément sans voix. Un grand moment de cinéma !
On salut une scĂšne d'action particuliĂšrement extraordinaire : fans de Sarouman, Elrond, et Galadriel, prĂ©parez vous Ă  un grand moment de frissons ! MĂȘme si Azog, l'Orque blanc est le grand mĂ©chant (et ennemi numĂ©ro un de Thorin et de sa compagnie) de cette Ă©popĂ©e, le Seigneur des TĂ©nĂšbres est de retour, et quel retour ! On est de nouveau face Ă  la grande puissance de Sauron, et ça nous plait !
Les acteurs sont tous aussi bons que dans les prĂ©cĂ©dents opus. Richard Armitage, dans le rĂŽle de Thorin, est vraiment fantastique. Il traduit Ă  merveille la noirceur et la folie qui prennent d'assaut son personnage. Lee Pace (Thranduil, le pĂšre de Legolas), est majestueux Ă  souhait, Orlando Bloom (notre Legolas prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©), reste fidĂšle Ă  lui mĂȘme et au rĂŽle qu'il avait pris il y a quinze ans. Evangeline Lily (Tauriel) et Aidan Turner (Kili) offrent un plein d'Ă©motions.
Pour les fans du Seigneur des Anneaux, il faut se prĂ©parer Ă  un moment Ă©mouvant avec Ian Holm (le premier Bilbon Saquet), et Jackson fait plaisir Ă  tous les fans avec quelques mentions et clins d’Ɠil Ă  nos personnages et moments prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s de la premiĂšre trilogie.
Et pour finir, c'est les larmes, et cette chanson, ''The Last Goodbye''de Billy Boyd (Pippin) qui nous achÚve lors du générique.
Ce final est plus que satisfaisant. Sans avoir l'envergure de la quĂȘte du Seigneur des Anneaux, Peter Jackson prouve qu'il maĂźtrise l'art de raconter des histoires Ă  travers sa camĂ©ra. Il complĂšte et termine comme il se doit notre aventure dans le cƓur du monde fantastique de Tolkien. AprĂšs treize ans, 1031 minutes de films (en versions courtes), on se sent (presque), avec les larmes aux yeux, prĂȘts Ă  dire au revoir
 "jusqu'Ă  notre prochaine rencontre".
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hogibebeleri · 5 years ago
eski model listesi
bunu temizleyip yĂŒrĂŒrĂŒz diycektim ama çok varmÄ±ĆŸ o yĂŒzden eski ĂŒnlĂŒlere isimlere bakmak için buraya bırakıyom kalsın sdfojdsoğjısıdjğods
ay daraltçam bu ne aq
- A -
Aaron Johnson - Leo Constantine
Aaron Tveit - Ezekiel Wymond
Abbey Lee Kershaw - S
Adam Brody - Cedric P. Powell
Adelaide Kane - Alana Windsor
Aidan Turner - Blaise Lynch
Alicia Vikander - Lily Marzia Lewis
Alona Tal - Claire Jenkins
Alycia Debnam Carey - Faith Franchot
Amber Heard - Edith Mori de Oliveira & Aureola Diana
Amy Poehler - Apple Corin
Ana de Armas - Riley Polanco
AnnaSophia Robb - Olivia Maeve
Andrew Garfield - Christen Austen
Andrew Lincoln - Desmond
Andy Samberg - Milo Dexter
Anna Christine Speckhart - Maria Sparrow
Anna Kendrick - June Lynwood
Ansel Elgort - Landon Scotty
Armie Hammer - Nikolai Fedosov
Ash Stymest - Wilford Grayson
Ashley Benson - Lexie Mallaith
Astrid Berges-Frisbey - Anthea Harrison
Aubrey Plaza - Zoya Everdene
- B -
Barbara Palvin - Annie Lancaster
Bella Heathcote - Fern Weinberg
Bill SkarsgÄrd - Hermes Wolfhart
Boyd Holbrook - Hugo Montague
Bradley Cooper - Adonis Dard
Brett Dalton - Aldous Riordan
Brian J. Smith - Ä°.
Brit Marling - Euria Madlyn
- C -
Candice Accola - Evanora Eckhart
Carey Mulligan - Ophelia Delfino
Charlie Cox - Darcy Hemingway
Charlie Weber - Wardell Jon
Chloe Bennett - Miroslawa Waljewski
Chris Pine - Azure Welkin
Chris Pratt - Dux Stanton
Chris Wood - Atlas
Christian Bale - Mars Brant
Christian Cooke - Conor Lynton
Chyler Leigh - Cassandra Evans
Claire Holt - Karyna Gwen
Clark Gregg - Christopher Hart
Courtney Eaton - Night Haven
- D -
Daisy Ridley - Monica Myles
Dakota Johnson - Barbie Riley
Dan Stevens - Damien Delacroix
Daniel Radcliffe - Michael Genim
Daniel Sharman - Clementine Quinton
Danielle Campbell - Calista Apostolou
David Tennant - Hunter Chandra
Dianna Agron - Isis Chamberlain
Domhnall Gleeson - Jules E. Lincoln
Dominic Cooper - Quentin J. Lloyd
Dominic Sherwood - Dimitri Wolf
Douglas Booth - Vasco Delacour
Dylan O''brien - Nathaniel Hawkins
Dylan Sprayberry -Ove Stanford
- E -
Eddie Redmayne - S
Ebba Zingmark - Eloine Heaven
Eiza Gonzalez - Veronika Boleslava
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Elizabeth Debicki - Pippa Voughan
Elizabeth Henstridge - Gwendoline Cler
Elizabeth Olsen - Corinne Constantine
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Ella Purnell - Dolu
Elle Fanning - Rosie Van Laren
Ellen Page - Lydia Carrington
Elodie Yung - S
Emeraude Toubia - Elena Dimitriou
Emma Stone - Alexandra Zaleski
Emilia Clarke - Maya Davenport
Emilie De Ravin - Astrid Blanche
Emily Bett Rickards - Ocean Highmore
Emily Blunt - Lilla Arverne
Emily Browning - Ava Marlowe
Emily Deschanel - Hannah Montiel
Emily Didonato - Vera Isabel
Emmy Rossum - Vivian Gardner
Emily Rudd - Antje Griet
Erin Richards - Glory Constance
Eva Green - Verena Gray
Evan Peters - Viktor Chekov
Evangeline Lilly - Blue Marchand
Ewan McGregor - Acse Lemoine
Ezra Miller - Eugene Irwin
- F -
Felicity Jones - Macey Raphaelle
Felix Kjellberg - Silvestre César
Finn Jones - Buster
Freya Mavor - Olivia Fitzgerald
- G -
Gabriel Luna - José Espina
Gaia Weiss - Freya Kjellfrid
Gal Gadot - Cerys Ryan
Garrett Hedlund - Vitto Carlevaro
Gemma Arterton - Sabetha Belrossa
Georgina Haig - Calypso
Gigi Hadid - Mitchie Finnegan
Gina Rodriguez - Ida Castillo
Grace Phipps - Mia Kayleigh
Gustaf SkarsgÄrd - Vincent Valente
- H -
Haley Bennett - Graciela de la Fuente
Hannah Simone - S
Harry Lloyd - Valentin Veaceslav
Hayden Christensen - Kristoff E. Petrov
Hayden Panettiere - Skyla Chavira
Hayley Atwell - Carmela di Chimici
Henry Cavill -Â Chester Norton
Hunter Parrish - Francis Rousseau
Hwang Jung Eum - Hana Godfrey
Ian De Caestecker - J.C. Murphy
Isabel Lucas - Helen Ambrosia
- J -
Jack O''Connell - Roy Whesker
Jai Courtney - Téo Teixeira
Jake Johson - Tony Thompson
James Franco - N/ash Carrington
James McAvoy - Sebastian Van Laren
Jamie Chung - Irene Weitz
Jane Levy -Â Elsie Rodgers
Jasmine Sanders -Â Liesje Lijsbeth
Jason Statham - Rafael Romero
Jay Baruchel - Cal J.W. Fox
Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Zed O''Callaghan
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Cecilia D. Chandler
Jennifer Morrison - Penny Black
Jensen Ackles - Florian W. Hoffman
Jeon Jeongguk - Jeon Jeongguk
Jeremy Renner - Dorian Dixon
Jesse Soffer - Grover Alen
Jessica De Gouw - Vera Guthrie
Ji Sung - Yong Jae Sun
JoAnna Garcia Swisher - Pacifica
Joe Gilgun - Desmond Gallagher
Johanna Braddy - Reva Keegan
John Krasinski - Jesse Wescott
Jon Kortajarena - Aaron Anderson
Josefine Frida Pettersen - Dolu
Jude Law - Andrei Pavlov
Julian Morris - Wesley Franklin
Julianne Hough - Madelyn Weaver
- K -
Karen Fukuhara - Yuki Nakashima
Karen Gillan - Emma Fray (<33)
Kate Mara - Tuesday Beckett
Kate Mckinnon - Myrna Morgenstern
Katherine McNamara - Norene Harland
Kaya Scodelario - Quinn Jenae
Keira Knightley - Mystral Roux
Kevin Zegers - Damon Wallner
Kit Harington - Joel Paxton
Kristen Bell - Vivien Rouge
Krysten Ritter - Iris Thorne
- L-
Lauren Cohan - Wonder B.
Leighton Meester - Anastacia Bouvier
Leonardo diCaprio - Jerry Arlexa
Lily Collins - Frankie Chandra
Lily James - Anaïs V. Grimaldi
Lindy Booth - Camilla Weitz
Lindsey Morgan - Zenobia
Lizzy Caplan - Ramona Fade
Logan Lerman -Â Harley Langley
Luana Perez - Elizabeth Burton
Lucy Hale -Â Sheri Payne
Lyndsy Fonseca - Daisy de la Vina
- M -
Mads Mikkelsen - Ä°
Maeve Dermody - Athena Zoega
Maia Mitchell -Â Lynda Stine
Margot Robbie - Josie Lesniewski
Maria Valverde - Valerija Roque
Marie Avgeropoulos - Ljubica Solvej
Marion Cotillard - Marika Lamora
Martin Wallström - Fabio Chepe
Mary Elizabeth Winstead - Amelie Steiner
Matt Hitt - Douglas Roswell
Matt McGorry - Corbin Renwick
Matthew Daddario - Diego Mendoza
Matthew Gray Gubler - Patrick Descoteaux
Max Irons - Marc Janko
Max Riemelt - Ziggy Hildebrand
Melanie Martinez - D
Melissa Benoist - Charlotte Evans
Melissa Fumero - Catherine Winters
Michael Fassbender - Franco Locatelli
Miguel Ángel Silvestre - Rico A. Moreno
Min Yoongi - Min Yoongi
Morena Baccarin - Tulip Talitha
- N -
Natalie Dormer - Gem Julep
Nick Blood - Isaac Wyatt
Nick Offerman - Alfred Castillo
Nico Mirallegro - Jack Daniels
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Theos Volantis
Nina Dobrev - Emmaline Winslow
Norman Reedus - Harley Harford
Noomi Rapace - Yulia Utkin
- O/Ö -
Olesya Rulin - Ceku Balım
Olga Kurylenko - Zelda Croft
Olivia Holt -Â Rylee Cantrell
Oscar Isaac - Aldo C. Ferreiro
- Q -
- P -
Paul Rudd - Marco Polo
Paula Patton - Winter Willford
Penelope Mitchell -Â Caitlyn Weatherly
- R -
Rachel McAdams - NavoÅƾ Lancaster
Rashida Jones - Jean Cardellini
Rebel Wilson -Â Lauren Dwyer
Reeve Carney - Dylan Breckendridge
Richard Madden - Tristan Windsor
Rinko Kikuchi - S
Rosario Dawson - Eve Blanchett
Rosamund Pike - Daniela Carlevaro
Rose McIver - Skyler Freestone
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - Leona Lane
Ruth Negga - Lara Tailler
- S -
Sabrina Carpenter - Louise Linn
Sam Claflin - Mathias Clayton
Sarah Gadon - Nina Buchvarov
Sarah Hyland - Marceline Apostolou
Sebastian Stan - Maximillian di Chimici
Seychelle Gabriel - Leila Beaumont
Scarlett Johansson - Diamontina Dixon
Shailene Woodley - Joy Cappella
Shantel Vansanten - D
Shelley Hennig - Nora Simmons
Sophia Bush - D
Sophie Cookson - Rain Gisbourne
Summer Glau - Rhea Crisanta
- T -
Taron Egerton - Caleb Lysander
Tatiana Maslany - Margo Wiggins & Felicia Makovecz
Taylor Marie Hill - Milla Alexander
Taylor Swift - Melanie Phoenix
Teresa Palmer - Dora Desjardins
Theo James - Keiro Padmore
Tom Ellis - Hector A. Whittemore
Tom Felton - Alpha Rigorous
Tom Hardy - Dito Delfino
Tom Hiddleston - Newton F. Windsor
Tom Holland - Flynn Holdsworth
Tom Mison - Armitage Cromwell
Toni Garrn - Audrey Tyler
Torrey Devitto - D
Travis Fimmel - Forrest Dickson
Tuppence Middleton - Mia Santiago
- U/ÃƓ -
- V -
Victoria Justice - Lotus van Boven & Selo
- X -
Xavier Samuel -Â August FridtjofÂ
- W -
Will Smith - Dante di Mercurio
Willa Holland - Ethea Middlesworth
- Y -
- Z -
Zendaya - Izzy McGowan
Zoe Kazan - D
Zoë Kravitz - Thalia Hardy
Zoe Saldana - Kiara Kingsley
Zooey Deschanel - Hailey Montiel
Zoey Deutch - Myra Blackbourne
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omgsquee2001 · 4 years ago
Arriving in Japan: Discontinued until Further Notice
This is part two of the first Imagine: Imagine Taking a Road Trip with Richard Armitage, Aidan Turner and Dean O’Gorman to Japan, Greece and Spain
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You woke up the next morning to your alarm going off at 3:00 am. You groaned and turned your alarm off. You yawned and stretched, turning on your light. You got out of your bed and threw on a sweater over your chihuahua print pajamas and headed to the kitchen to make yourself coffee and some breakfast. You decided to have a quick breakfast of cereal, orange juice and coffee. After you had your breakfast, you made your way to your clothes, which you had laid out before. Your outfit for today consisted of a pink, fuzzy sweater and blue joggers. You were so happy that you packed your clothes the day before so you didn't have to rush in the morning. You decided to kill the time by sitting down on your couch and watching some movies. 
An hour later, a knock resounded on your trailer door. You grabbed your suitcase and walked to your door. You opened it and found Aidan all dressed and ready to go. 
"Are you ready, My Lady?" Aidan asked, jokingly. You smiled tiredly and nodded. You looked around for the other two, but didn't see them. 
“Where are Richard and Dean?” You asked.
"They're in the parking lot waiting." He said. You nodded as you made your way to the bottom step. "May I take your luggage, my lady?" Aidan asked, reaching for your suitcase. You chuckled and nodded, allowing him to take it. 
A few moments later, you both arrived at the parking lot where Richard and Dean were waiting, Richard in the driver's seat and Dean in the passenger's, leaving you and Aidan to sit in the back. Aidan opened the door for you, and you got into the car, getting comfortable. Richard looked back at you and smiled. 
"Morning, sleeping beauty." Richard said. You smiled and waved lazily. 
"Hi." You said quietly. Aidan put your luggage in the back of the car trunk. Aidan closed the trunk and made his way to the back seat. He opened the door and got in. Dean looked behind as both you and Aidan buckled your seat belts. 
“We got everything?” Dean asked. Aidan looked at his fellow actor and nodded. 
“Yup.” Aidan said. Dean turned around in his seat. Richard looked at his friend. 
“Have you got us a translator?” He asked. Dean nodded and pulled up the information on his phone. 
“Yes. Her name is Aiko Arakawa and she will be waiting for us at the Narita International Airport.” Dean said. Richard nodded. He started the car. 
“Are you ready for this, [Y/N]?” He asked. Aidan chuckled. 
“She’s fast asleep.” He said. He gently put his arm around your shoulders and leaned you down to where your head rested in his lap. He didn’t miss the jealous looks of his friends up front. As Richard started driving to the airport, Aidan made sure you were fast asleep before speaking to his friends. “We can’t let this come between us.” He said. “If we get too jealous, we take a day away from it and do our own thing, then we come back when we have cooled down, sound fair?” Aidan asked. Dean nodded. 
“I second that,” Dean said. He looked to Richard. “Richard?” He asked. Richard glanced at Dean, keeping his eye on the road. 
“Sounds fair to me.” He said. The three friends nodded. 
After 13 hours and 50 minutes of plane flights from New Zealand, your plane landed in Japan. As you walked down the ramp, you looked around in aw. You stepped off to the side and waited for your three friends to join you. You saw them and waved. Richard smiled. “Are you ready for this?” He asked. You smiled wildly. 
“So ready!” You said excitedly. Richard chuckled at your enthusiasm. As you walked into the interior of the airport, you saw a woman holding up a sign that read ‘[Y/N] [L/N]’. You all made your way over to her. You smiled. 
“Hi, are you Aiko Arakawa?” You asked. She smiled and nodded. 
“Yes. Are you [Y/N] [L/N]?” She asked. You nodded and held out your hand. 
“That I am. It’s nice to meet you.” You said. Akio smiled and shook your hand. She looked to the boys behind you. Richard stepped up first. 
“Hi, I’m Richard. It’s nice to meet you.” He said, also shaking her hand. Dean and Aidan did the same. Akio smiled. 
“It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” She said. “What are you wanting to do first? Go eat or go to the hotel?” She asked. Aidan looked to you. 
“[Y/N], it’s your trip, you call the shots.” He said. You smiled. 
“Well, I’m still a little tired from the flight, so if it doesn’t bother any of you, I would like to go to the hotel first and catch up on some sleep.” You said. Dean smiled at you. 
“Sounds like a plan.” He said.
An hour later, you all arrived in your hotel and checked in. Your rooms were numbers 301 and 302 near the top floor. As you rode the elevator, you looked at your friends. “Are we all staying in a room together, or how is this going to work?” You asked. Aidan smiled and placed his arm over your shoulders. 
“You, my fair lady, are staying in a room with me, room 301, while Richard and Dean stay in room 302.” He said. You looked down and blushed lightly. The elevator dinged, signaling that you were on the third floor. You all walked out of the elevator and to your respective rooms. You turned and looked at your three friends. 
“Let’s all take tonight to settle in and catch up on sleep. Tomorrow we can meet for breakfast and then go look around, how does that sound?” You asked. The three nodded. 
“Sounds good to me.” Dean said, Richard nodding in agreement.
“See you all tomorrow morning.” Aidan said as he unlocked the door and led you in, placing his hand on the small of your back, sending slight shivers up your spine. You walked into your hotel room and gasped. It was beautiful. You walked over and gently ran your fingers along the blanket. It felt like satin. Aidan smiled as he watched you examine the bed. You looked back at him. 
“How the hell did we afford all of this?” You asked. Aidan smirked.
"Darlin', we're actors. We star in movies. We get paid a lot." He said. You chuckled and nodded, looking down at the bed. 
"That is true." You said. You looked out across the darkening sky, then yawned. Aidan smiled at you. 
"Why don't you get changed and sleep. I have a few things that I need to take care of." He said. You nodded tiredly and opened your suitcase, taking out your toiletries and pajamas. You walked into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it. Aidan took a room key, and went to pay his friends a visit.  
Aidan knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Dean, who looked like he had just showered and changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. 
"Hey man." Dean said, opening the door wider for Aidan to step in. Aidan smiled at his fellow actor. He walked over and sat on the second bed. Richard, who had been laying on his back and looking at his phone scrolling through social media, turned it off and looked at his friend. 
"Is she asleep?" He asked. Aidan nodded. 
"I should think so. She looked pretty tired," he looked down at his hands, a gentle smile crossing his lips. He looked up at the two other males. "Do you have them?" He asked. Dean nodded and pointed to the two boxes beside Aidan. 
"Took a lot of effort to keep them out of her line of sight when we picked up our luggage at the airport." Dean said. Aidan picked up the first box and opened it, tucking back the white tissue paper. 
"Do you think she'll like it?" He asked, putting the tissue paper back and closing the lid. Richard nodded. 
"I think she'll love it. She'll look amazing in it as well." He said. Aidan nodded. 
"Right then, I'm going to go check on her," Aidan said, picking up the boxes. He looked back at the two males. "Where do you think we should take her shopping tomorrow?" Aidan asked. Richard shrugged. 
“Well, what does she always talk about wanting if she got to go to Japan?” Richard asked. 
“Ah, I see now.” Dean said, smiling. Richard smiled and nodded. 
“We’ll tell her in the morning?” Aidan asked. The two nodded. Aidan smiled back and left. 
Aidan walked into the hotel room he shared with you. He gently closed the door, stopping it with his foot to keep it from slamming shut and waking you up. He quietly walked in. He saw you sleeping in the single bed, one hand resting by your face, the other resting on the pillow. You wore your crop top pajamas again. Your [H/C] hair was fanned out around your head. Aidan smiled gently at your sleeping form. He quickly, yet quietly walked over to the bathroom and put the two boxes on the floor. He closed the bathroom door and walked out. He stopped by the bed. He looked at you for a little while. He stared at your lips. They looked so kissable. Maybe he could sneak one little kiss. He shook his head, mentally scolding himself. He didn't want to frighten you by moving too fast. Besides, you didn't even know about his feelings for you yet. He sighed and walked to the bathroom, minding the presents and changed out of his clothes into a tank top and pajama pants. He walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light and walked over to the bed again. He sat down on the edge. He sighed and ran his hand over his face. Aidan looked back at your sleeping face. He gently pulled back the blankets and slipped underneath them. He turned over on his side and faced you. He reached over and gently stroked your cheek with his fingers. You moved your head slightly, causing him to freeze. You fell back asleep, not waking again. Aidan pulled his hand back and sighed. He turned over on his back and fell asleep as well. Waiting to see what the next day would bring.
 //Here is part two of the imagine. I hope you all like it. Feel free to comment what you think about it. Please don't forget to follow, like and comment.//
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fullvoidmoon · 7 years ago
Someone so Dear
Pairing/s: Thorin x wife!reader, Richard Armitage x fem!reader
Setting/Timeline: Real world, New Zealand, Reincarnation!AU, Durins live!AU, Modern!AU
Warning(s)/Genre(s): None that I could think of
Word Count: 901
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings, The Durins © J.R.R. Tolkien Context © me
Based on my imagine.
A/N: Yep, I’m turning this into a mini-series (or series, we’ll see).
The Hobbit tag list: @sdavid09, @igotanaddixon, @fizzy-custard, @kittenwritesstuff, @fromthedeskoftheraven, @deepestfirefun, @dreamsofrivendell, @evyiione, @mrs-thorin-oakenshield, @life-is-righteous
Thorin II Oakenshield tag list: @fab-notfat​
Permanent tag list: @imagines-for-multiple-fandoms
Masterlist: HERE
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Part 1 - Find Her Part 3 - Not a Moment To Lose
He feels his heart is going to burst.
And he knows mere thanks are not enough to give grace to Mahal, who generously gave him and his family another chance in life.
He doesn’t want to be rude and ungrateful to their Creator, but Thorin, now known in the modern era as Richard, couldn’t help but feel like everything seems to be an illusion; him being alive once again and be with everyone he holds dear in his heart
“I’ve found Kili,” Dwalin, who was born as Graham in this era, says after spending hours in his room, “he’s currently living in Ireland and, apparently, carries the name of Aidan Turner.”
“So he is born in a different family,” Thorin replies as he takes a seat in front of his friend.
He knows Mahal wouldn’t just easily give him everything he would wish for without proving himself worthy of these gifts. He taught them, his children, the values of being a master craftsman; to have the things one desires most he must work hard for it. Sweat, blood, tears, patience, and iron will are some of the prices that could be paid.
Dwalin nods as he continues his browsing in his laptop, little exasperation could be seen in his eyes, “I also found Fili. But unfortunately he lives miles away from us.”
“It is fine my friend,” he says, looking for available tickets for their upcoming flight to Ireland, “we need to find my youngest nephew first.” 
Thorin knows it will not be easy; it will surely test his patience and will certainly break his resilience. He knows some plans will not go his way, and he is most certain he will experience the same hardship as what he and the rest of the Company had when they reclaimed their kingdom all those years ago. 
But he would happily accept all adversaries that would come his way if it would make him and his family whole again; even if he may go against all odds he will gladly fight if it will make him be reunited with his wife and Queen who holds his heart and soul.
And he will do so with his head held high.
It has been 3 years since you last visited New Zealand.
You are sure you will never get tired of admiring its beauty no matter how many times you would visit the beautiful country; your friends even thought of you crazy for considering living here for good, miles away from your hometown.
It never fazed you, nor did it dishearten you of what others would think of your admiration for the country. New Zealand makes you feel at ease, your worries and fears slowly melting away as fresh air wafts in your nose on the first day of your stay.
Thus your very reason for coming back, and with a wish that this time your stay would ease you from your worries and paranoia your dreams would give you.
But you are wrong.
Instead of having dreamless nights, your dreams become more vivid and more real; so real you could feel the sting and burn of a stab wound on your abdomen, as if the stab you received in your dream truly occurred.
And one thing that makes you almost lose your sanity happens on your third night in Auckland. 
“What the fuck is wrong with me,” you whisper after drinking a couple of shots, “what the hell’s even happening to me?!”
You woke up from the same dream as you could feel the sting and burn of the stab wound again. But this time you see a large bruise forming at the very same spot where you were stabbed at your abdomen; the bruise looking fresh and a mix of black, blue, and purple.
“I think I am really losing my mind.”
Though it was your intention of drowning yourself with alcohol in hopes of forgetting the nightmarish incident hours ago even for just a little bit, it is still in your best interest to not ruin your vacation any further by getting yourself drunk. 
You hear someone call your name as you’re about to exit the bistro, and hoping to arrive at the hotel while you are still sane from drinking too much. You are sure you have heard the voice somewhere before, and your suspicions are proven correct when you turn and look at the person who called you.
What makes you surprise and perplex is not the fact a famous person knows your name and your face.
Rather the familiar feeling that resonates within you towards him as he looks at you with pure shock and disbelief evident in his azure eyes.
Like he was someone so dear that had become a huge part of your life.
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mintraindrop · 8 years ago
Shippings and fangirling ;)
I noticed for myself that for some ships it’s not very easy to find someone to talk to or to fangirl with
 So I decided to put all my shippings out here. And if you like one of those and want to fangirl, to share opinions, need an ally or just want to talk about it please feel free to dm me :)
Shippings I love to talk about:
Greenflame (KaixLloyd, Ninjago)
Larry Stylinson (LouisxHarry, One Direction) (and every other 1D - shipping)
Stucky (StevexBucky, Captain America)
Evanstan (Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan)
Cherik (CharlesxErik, X-Men)
Mcfassy (James McAvoy x Michael Fassbender)
Drarry (DracoxHarry, Harry Potter)
Merthur (MerlinxArthur, Merlin)
Aralas (AragornxLegolas, Lord of the Rings)
Bagginshield (BilboxThorin, The Hobbit)
ElrondxLindir (The Hobbit)
Aidean (Aidan Turner x Dean O'Gorman)
FiKi (FilixKili, The Hobbit)
Richlee (Richard Armitage x Lee Pace)
Gafou (GastonxLeFou, Beauty and the Beast - 2017)
Luke Evans x Josh Gad
Mitch Grassi x Scott Hoying (Pentatonix /Superfruit)
ChrisxAndreas (Ehrlich Brothers)
Horbek (HorusxBek, Gods of Egypt)
Please have in mind that I love all of them but I might not have the latest news about them (I sadly don’t have time for all of them at once)
And please leave NO HATE! I’m here for people who are looking for allies or another fangirl :) I just want to help.
Love to y'all 💜
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hiddenwashington · 6 years ago
MWM characters and faceclaims? Was thinking of picking up Scott Summers but unsure which FC to use!
Of course dear! For MWM characters we have,  dc:arthur curry, bruce wayne, clark kent, edward nygma, roy harper, steve trevor, hal jordanstar wars: bail organa,cassian, chewie, finn, poe dameron, jacen solo,,marvel:thor odinson, peter quill, stephen strange, m’baku, t’challa, johnny storm, sabretooth, charles xavier, colossus, nathan summers, tony stark, frank castle, foggy nelson, erik lensherr, leo fitz, philip coulson  got: jaime lannister, jon snow, robb stark, oberyn martell, bronn, jurassic park: owen grady,american gods: shadow moonpreacher: jesse custer,tolkien: bard, legolas, thranduil, frodo, bilbo, thorin oakenshieldharry potter: harry potter, ron weasley, ted tonks, albus dumbledore, jacob kowalski, oliver wood, theseus scamanderit: bill denbrough, richie tozier, mike hanlonpirates of the caribbean: will turner, hector barbossa, jack sparrowinto the badlands: sunnythe walking dead: glenn rheethe x-files: fox mulderbeing human uk: mitchellsharp objects: richard willisvampire chronicles: louis du pointe du lacstar trek: james kirkstranger things:jim hopper, steve harrington, lucas sinclairkingsman: eggsy unwin, harry hartdoctor who: nine, ten, eleven, rory williamsred queen: maven calore, cal caloredisney: prince adam, mauithe hunger games:peeta mellark, gale hawthorne, haymitch abernathy, finnick odair.   orphan black: felix dawkins, mass effect: kaidan alenko, garrus vakarian, thane, mordin solus, urdnot wrex, grunt wrex. dragon age: cullen, alistar, zevran arainai. t@gged: ash, jake brown, brandon darrow, hawk carter.  final fantasy: gladiolus amicitia, ignis scientia, prompto argentum, nyx ulrich, cloud strife, tidus, squall leonhart.  overwatch: jesse mcree, reaper, reinhardt wilhelm, lucio, hazo, genji 
and for most wanted fc’s we can recommend,
danny pino, raul esparza, aidan turner, chris hemsworth, chris pratt, chris evans, chris pine, josh brolin, colin firth, taron egerton, jason momoa, ewan mcgregor, kang daesung, dominic cooper, oscar isaac, dan stevens, daniel radcliffe, chadwick boseman,baek ju ho, henry cavill, jude law, david harbour, matt smith,wang jackson, chris eccleston, david tennant, pedro pascal, james mcavoy, sam claflin, josh hutcherson, liam hemsworth, kit harington, zhou yixuan, richard madden, luke evans, steven yeun, andrew lincoln,ahn jaehyo, orlando bloom, ryan reynolds,choi byungchan, robert downey jr, ricky whittle, winston duke, bradley cooper, richard armitage, lee pace, woody harrelson, diego luna, takada kenta, tyler posey, john boyega, adam driver,choi jun hyuk,  andrew garfield, joe keery, nikolaj coster-waldau,gong myung, gerard butler, jamie dornan, noah centineo, colin farrell, tom hiddleston, tyler blackburn,kim jaeyong, zachary levi, jake gyllenhaal, leonardo dicaprio, thomas brodie sangster, jon bernthal, matt bomer 
and now for fc’s for scott summers I can suggest: tyler posey, diego boneta, aaron tveit, alex meraz, chace crawford, cameron monaghan, dacre montgomery, jackson wang,herman tommeras.  
as always if you’d like some more fc’s or characters please message us, and members feel free to comment some most wanted of your own. Please note though, we only allow one fc per fandom, so double check if any character strikes your fancy that the fc is  still available there.
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yahoo-movies-uk · 8 years ago
26 actors who could be the next James Bond
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Daniel Craig’s days as James Bond could be numbered. Who could take on the role of Ian Fleming’s gentleman spy next? Based on the bookies’ favourites (with a few humble suggestions of our own) here are the actors who we think could potentially be the 007th official Bond...
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Idris Elba He’s the actor most frequently linked with Bond and by all indications the London-born star has long since grown sick of talking about it. Casting a black actor as 007 would be a gutsy move, and Elba’s certainly got the charisma for it, but given he’s already in his 40s he might be a bit too old once Craig vacates the role. 
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Henry Cavill Cavill has flirted with Bond and was Martin Campbell’s first choice for ‘Casino Royale,’ but was passed over for being too young. He's since found big screen success in ‘Man of Steel’ so he may be too established in one iconic franchise to take on another. 
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Tom Hardy One of the most respected and unpredictable British actors to rise to prominence this past decade, Hardy has long been considered a very likely successor to Daniel Craig. Given his uncompromising acting style, he could be a risky choice – plus, with ‘Mad Max’ getting sequels he already has one iconic franchise to his name.
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Michael Fassbender Another of the most acclaimed new stars of the past decade, the German-Irish actor certainly seems suave and dangerous enough for Bond – but is he already a little too well-known, particularly given his fame as the young Magneto in the ‘X-Men’ movies? 
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Richard Armitage The ‘Hobbit’ veteran at 6’2″ with black hair certainly has the traditional 007 tall, dark and handsome look down. A likely candidate in many respects, although the fact that he’s already well into his forties might again rule him out.
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Jamie Dornan He’s already seduced countless cinema-goers as Christian Grey, with two ‘Fifty Shades’ sequels on his to-do list. Many have predicted that role might kill his career, but could the Irish heartthrob yet prove a good fit for Bond?
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Benedict Cumberbatch From ‘Sherlock’ to ‘Star Trek’ to ‘The Imitation Game,’ Cumberbatch’s ascent to stardom has been one of the most noteworthy success stories of recent years. He's not quite the 007 type, and he’s also likely to be far too busy in years ahead having taken on the title role of Marvel's ‘Doctor Strange'.
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Tom Hiddleston He came from nowhere to steal hearts (not to mention scenes) in abundance playing Loki in the Marvel-verse, and his upcoming role in ‘Crimson Peak’ will further boost his sex symbol status. Even so, it’s fair to say his particular brand of charisma and sex appeal isn’t quite the none-more-manly variety we expect from 007. 
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Damien Lewis
The ‘Wolf Hall’ star is rumoured to be EON’s number one choice to be Craig’s heir, but at 45 he’s only 2 years younger than the incumbent actor, which wouldn’t give him much time to inhabit the role before he too became too old. On the flip side, he’d be the first ginger Bond, something we’ve waited long enough for already.
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Matthew Goode Star of ‘Watchmen,’ ‘Stoker’ and ‘The Imitation Game’ (and at one point a contender for Superman), the Exeter-born actor has the distinct advantage of not being too well-established as a leading man just yet. Whether he’s quite got the look for the part is another matter. 
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James McAvoy Well, he’s Scottish, he’s got the right first name, and recent years have proven him to be a formidable leading man. But does the ‘X-Men’ actor necessarily have the suaveness and machismo for 007? Is he perhaps a bit too baby-faced and, at 5’7’’, too short? 
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Sam Worthington ‘Avatar’ may be the biggest movie ever but it didn’t launch its leading man to the same level. His Australian heritage might be held against him (it didn’t work out well for the last Aussie Bond) although Worthington is in fact English by birth. Still, with not one but three ‘Avatar’ sequels coming up, it’s doubtful he’d have time for Bond. 
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Aidan Turner Another ‘The Hobbit’ alumnus, Irish actor Turner has gone from Kili to lady-killer (sorry) with his lead role in TV’s ‘Poldark,’ in which his aversion to wearing shirts rivals that of Daniel Craig. He’s tall, dark, handsome, the right age: we definitely fancy his chances for Bond. 
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Jason Statham We’ve had a blonde Bond – why not a bald Bond? The Stath can balance action and dramatic chops better than most, and he recently he declared he’d “abso-f***ing-lutely” play Bond given the chance. No, we don’t think it’s likely to happen, but imagine the possibilities. 
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David Oyelowo If a one-time Nelson Mandela actor can be considered for 007, why not a one-time Martin Luther King? Oyelowo as Bond would again be bold colour-blind casting, and the ‘Selma’ actor has the advantage of not yet being quite so well known as many other contenders; a new Bond typically requires a degree of anonymity going in. 
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Oscar Isaac The actor's star has risen steadily in recent years, with key roles in ‘Star Wars 7’ and ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ on the horizon. He might be in the right place career-wise to take on Bond, but there's the small matter of non-Britishness having been born in Guatemala and raised in Miami. 
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Luke Evans The Welsh beefcake's stock has risen considerably with high profile roles in ‘Fast & Furious 6,’ ‘Dracula Untold’ and ‘The Hobbit.’ His in-demand status forced him to abandon ‘The Crow’ reboot, so he might just be too busy for Bond – but then again, it's a role he has expressed interest in. 
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Richard Madden A ‘Game of Thrones’ veteran (and, not unlike Bond, someone who doesn’t fare too well at weddings), the Scottish actor has gone on to be Prince Charming in 'Cinderella', and will soon get rather raunchier in a new TV take on ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover.’ 
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Dan Stevens The Croydon-born 32-year old has gone from small screen success in ‘Downton Abbey’ to an unexpectedly dark Hollywood breakthrough with ‘The Guest,’ and is only set to rise higher opposite Emma Watson in the upcoming ‘Beauty and the Beast.’
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Kit Harrington ‘Game of Thrones’s Jon Snow has already proved he can leave viewers worldwide swooning, plus he’s already tried his hand at big screen spy action in ‘Spooks: the Greater Good.’ At 28 he’s probably too young for Bond, and at 5’8’’ too short – plus, how does he look without the long hair and beard? 
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Charlie Cox After quietly impressing in 'Stardust' and 'Boardwalk Empire', Cox has suddenly become hot property thanks to his starring role in Netflix's 'Daredevil'. 
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Jack Huston The 'Boardwalk Empire' star is on the ascendent having recently bagged roles in 'Ben Hur' and 'The Crow and at 32, he's the prime age to play 007. He also gets bonus points for looks, nationality (English), and family acting heritage. 
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Toby Kebbell From his scene-stealing breakthrough appearance in ‘Dead Man’s Shoes,’ to a masterful mo-cap performance in ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,’ Yorkshire-born Kebbell has quietly risen through the ranks to become one of the most interesting actors of his generation.
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Charlie Hunnam Thanks to Craig, we know a blonde Bond isn’t an issue anymore; however, the Newcastle-born ‘Sons of Anarchy’ star is currently shooting another iconic British character as the lead in Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur film which is planned as a franchise-starter. With that and ‘Pacific Rim 2’ ahead, he might be a little too busy. 
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Aaron Taylor-Johnson Just shy of 25 at the time of writing, the ‘Kick-Ass,’ ‘Godzilla’ and ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ veteran is among the youngest of our contenders, but his screen presence and action chops are assured. It seems likely his youth would rule him out, but who knows?
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James Norton Bookies slashed the odds of this rising British star taking over from Daniel Craig off the back of his performance in ‘War and Peace’. At 30 years old, he’d be one of the youngest actors to take on the role, but it would give EON time to let him mature with the part.
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 7 years ago
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zE0rdD
by TheFireInHerEyes
Reader is left in a bar after her boyfriend picks up another woman in front of her. Wanting to drown her sorrows in a bottomless bottle of tequila, whiskey and vodka, she starts drinking alone. From there, she meets Dean O’Gorman and they hit it off.
(Summary isn’t that good)
Words: 644, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Zealand Actor RPF, Actor RPF, The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Dean O'Gorman, Aidan Turner, Richard Armitage, Original Female Character(s), Reader, FĂ­li (Tolkien), KĂ­li (Tolkien)
Relationships: Dean O'Gorman/Original Female Character(s), Dean O'Gorman/Reader, Dean O'Gorman/Everyone, Dean O'Gorman & Original Female Character(s), Dean O' Gorman/Original Character(s), Dean O'Gorman/Aidan Turner/Original Female Character(s), Dean O'Gorman/Aidan Turner/Reader
Additional Tags: Actor x reader, dean o’gorman X reader, reader x actor, Original Character(s), Original Female Character - Freeform, Love, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Dean O’Gorman’s dimples
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zE0rdD
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hobbsyssel · 12 years ago
richaidan fic, words: ~3,200
title: these are the days (that i've been missing)
pairing: richard armitage/aidan turner
author: themlittlesummerthings aka moi
summary: based on this post some weeks ago (sorry for being so late with this) by katy:
"can someone please write a hobbit rpf au where richard flirts with cute irish barista!aidan and then takes him out for a fancy ass date with a candlelit dinner and wine and all that shit because richard is a romantic-slash-classy fucker"
so basically it's just a coffee shop au set in london and i really hope it turned out ok
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