#rich kids hungary
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drakvuf · 1 year ago
Kőgazdag Fiatalok 1: A pénz boldogít.
Alapvetően a társkeresős realityket szeretem, de nagy rajongója voltam a Luxusfeleségeknek is, szóval gondoltam teszek ezzel is egy próbát.
"Aki azt mondja a pénz nem boldogít, az hazudik".
Az első fiatal akit megismerhetünk PSG Ogli, influenszer, aki valamiért azt hiszi, hogy ő találta ki a kis pénz, kis foci mondást.
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Róla hallottam már több ismerősömtől is, Tiktokon nagyot megy, de szerencsére engem megkímélt tőle az algoritmus. Talán, ha kigyúrt nő vagy macska lenne én is belefutottam volna.
Szegényt nagyon nehéz érteni, mert borzalmasan hadar, meg fotykos is picit.
Elmondása szerint szeret pénzben fürdeni és ezt demonstrálják is a kamera előtt: a managere, Ádám, szórja rá a lét.
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Mivel szerinte Magyarországon csak középszerű bulik vannak, ezért szervez egy jó házibulit, amire meghívja az összes Kőgazdag Fiatalt. A belépés feltétele, hogy legalább kétmillás szettekben jelennek meg a meghívottak. Sajnos többen nem értik, hogy mit mond, de majd lesz valahogy.
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A kádban feküdve esz��be jutott Commodus császár története, akit vízbe fojtottak a fürdőben és felveti a managerének, hogy szüksége lenne egy testőrre.
Ádám meghozta az ország legelitebb testőreit, de Ogli nincs elájulva a felhozataltól.
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Véletlenül coming outol, amikor azt mondja, hogy nem az esetei ezek a férfiak.
Mindenesetre leteszteli őket, hátha mégis méltóak a feladatra. Először az intellektusukat teszteli, ami abból áll, hogy elhadarja nekik a napirendjét és vissza kell mondaniuk, de sajnos nem mindenki értette, amit mond.
Ezután az erőnlétüket tesztelte: fekvőtámaszokat kellett csinálniuk, de ezzel is voltak gondok. Utána romantikusan fel kellett vinniük a lépcsőn, mert olyan férfit szeretne maga mellé, aki hercegnőként bánik vele. Itt is csak csalódás érte.
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Végül senki nem felelt meg neki. Ádámot elzavarja, hogy keressen másik jelölteket.
Annyira felbaszta a managere, hogy el megy edzeni, levezetni kicsit a feszkót. A teremben meg is pillantja az igazit: egy kb minden létező szteroidot szedő, nem túl szép faszit.
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A csávó, viszont tisztában van a saját értékével és nem vállalja a melót a felkínált egymisiért, lazán bekért ötöt havonta. Megegyeztek. Ennek örömére Ogli felhívja a managerét, hogy lebassza, amiért ezt se tudta neki elintézni.
A második szereplőnk, Dulin Metta, "világutazó". A nő 32 éves és bár örök fiatalnak tartja magát, azért már nem biztos, hogy a Kőgazdag Fiatal mindkét feltételét teljesíti.
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A szemfüles olvasóim emlékezhetnek rá a Nagy Őből, amiben elég sokáig jutott, de végül Attis nem őt választotta.
Elmondása szerint, neki minden nap vasárnap, természetesen arra gondol, hogy rendszeresen jár templomba. Van egy cukorborsó macskája, aki viszont depressziós, mert mindig utazik a nő és nem foglalkozik vele. Cicaterapeutát akar találni neki.
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Megismerjük Lizát is, a lány bejárónőjét, aki kurva idegesítő Metta szerint, de az egyetlen ember, aki eddig normálisan kitakarított.
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Liza felborítja Metta csizmáját és a nő egyből meg is jegyzi, hogy többe van, mint a féléves fizuja.
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Egyrészt, geci undorító az a csizma, másrészt, lehet többet kéne fizetned, akkor a takarítónőnek.
A nagy izgalmak után megismerjük Herceg Csabit, a luxusautó gyűjtőt.
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Csávókám azzal nyit, hogy kimegy napozni az esőbe, mert ő akkor is napozik, ha nincs nap.
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Van egy menyasszonya, Leti, aki szerint Csabi segghülye, viszont a faszi előtt azt se tudta mi a luxus, szóval nem számít, hogy retardált.
Csabin egy másik fazon is élősködik, Aurél, aki elvileg a barátja, de ő csak fogadott fiaként hivatkozik rá. A gyerek 19 éves.
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A srác szerint nem az iskola számít, hanem, hogy milyen emberek veszik körül. Üzenném a barátaimnak, hogy köszönöm, hogy miattatok vagyok csóró.
Csabi szeretne venni egy új autót, de a szalonba ahova besétált sajnos pont nincsenek azok, amiket kinézett.
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Közben vészhelyzet van, mert Leti haja szarul áll, de szerencsére nem kellett hívni a fodrászát.
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Csabi csalódott, amiért nem viheti el azt az autót, amit kinézett de kapott helyette átmenetileg egy másikat. A férfi ezzel is elégedett, de Leti szerint szar a kocsi, mert nincs benne elég hely. Meg amúgy se érti, miért ekkora kocsibuzi a vőlegénye.
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Az új vásárlás meghozza Csabi kedvét egy kis versenyzéshez és ki is viszi, jól meghajtani egy lezárt útszakaszra.
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Aurél véletlenül pont erre jár a saját verdájával, így nyilván versenyezniük kell. A srác összefosta magát, mert azt hitte szarabb kocsival fog jönni az "apja".
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Csabi megnyeri a versenyt és hogy megalázza a vesztest, rábaszott egy marék füvet Aurél autójára.
Ezután a testképzavar hazai nagykövetét Katát ismerjük meg, akit bár 25 évesnek írnak, erősen éreztetve van, hogy mintha kurvára több lenne már. Mindenesetre ő bejelenti, hogy még kb 10 évig 25 marad.
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Első utunk a plasztikai sebészhez vezet, mert Katának bőrfeszesítő műtétre van szüksége.
De nem ám Magyarországon megyünk sebészhez, mint a csóró prolik, hanem repülünk Dubajba.
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Hamár itt járunk, veszünk egy lakást is, mert miért ne. Kicsit shady az ingatlanos, akit Kata talált, de magyar.
Nem csak Kata van Dubajban, hanem egy másik "versenyzőnk", Szandi is, aki elmondása szerint aranykanállal a szájában született.
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Saját bevallása szerint testére költött eddig a legtöbbet, de nem ám a saját pénzét, kizárólag a szüleiét.
Mit ad Isten, nagy barinők Katával. Nagyon megörülnek egymásnak.
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Szandi elhívja egy jó partikára a nőt, de ő ezzel nem tud azonosulni, mert már girlboss mindsetben van. Ezt meg is villantja szöszi barátnőjének és elhívja megnézni a lakást amit meg akar venni.
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A lakásba belépve Szandi nincs elájulva, de a legnagyobb fájdalma az ingatlanos maga. Nem tudja komolyan venni, mert szerinte egy Aladdin papucsos pufirizs.
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A nő szerint az ingatlanos átkúrja Katát és valszeg igaza is van, mert a nő elszalad "telefonálni", aztán közli, hogy hahó, másik ügyfél vinné a lakást...
Kata időt kér, hogy megmutassa a faszijának az ingatlan képeit, mit ad Isten, tud időt adni az ingatlanos.
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Kata elpanaszolja a férjének, mennyire paraszt volt Szandi. A férfi szerint foglalkozhatna a szöszi a saját dolgával és használhatna valami normális hidratálót is.
A lakást természetesen megveszik.
A dubaji kalandok után jön Filip, aki rendezvényszervező. Minden nap étteremben eszik, de nem a Pléhcsárdában, hanem fine-dining éttermekben.
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Nem tudja, mit vegyen fel a bulikára, de szerencsére ott van a barinője, Lia, aki stylist.
Nem érzik pontosan a buli vibeját, szóval Filip a ballagási öltönyében akar menni, de az már kicsi rá (csak Pléhcsárda lesz ez).
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Sajnos a férfi nem tudja elengedni az öltönyt és elviszi egy szabóhoz, de szerencsére nem lesz kész a buliig.
Beesteledett és érkeznek a fiatalok (és Metta) a partikába. Ogli frissen felbérelt gorillája fogadja őket az ajtóban és gyors lecsekkolja, hogy megvan-e a kétmilliós szett a belépéshez.
Szandi azzal nyit, hogy csak a mellei voltak kétmillába, szóval lehet átengedni.
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Kata közli, hogy a fülbevalóiból kijön az összeg. Hozzáteszi, hogy eleve egy drága autóval érkezett és hogy egy húszmillió alatti kocsi olyan mintha traktorba ülne.
Filip, Ungár Péternek öltözve lép be és a kamerának megjegyzi, hogy kurva szarul öltözik Ogli.
Metta úgy jut át a kétmillás csekken, hogy neki az eszmei értéke kétmilla, aztán beszól, hogy szar a festmény Ogli falán.
Aurél fennakad a szűrőn, mert csak kb másfél millás szettben érkezett, de villantott egy geci drága Ferrari feliratú pezsgőt. Elmondása szerint félmillás ital.
Hercegéket is visszatartja a biztiőr, mert ők is csórón öltöztek, de Csabi zsebből előránt kétmillát, amit odaad a vendéglátójuknak és már bent is vannak.
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Metta felhozza, amire mindenki gondol: Oglinak el kéne mennie logopédushoz, de a srácról ez lepereg vagy nem fogja fel.
Sajnos a fergeteges házibulit megzavarja, hogy pókok kerültek Leti italába. A lány szerint a színvonal a béka segge alatt van.
Ezután Ogli klubszendvicsekkel kínálja a vendégeit, de ettől sincsenek elájulva.
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Filip kiakad, hogy a kaviár mellé járna pezsgő is. Aurél inkább pizzát rendelne. Kata úgy dönt legközelebb megadja a gyereknek a séfe számát.
Eléggé bezuhant a végére a hangulat és sajnos csak ennyi fért a mai epizódba, a következőben folytatjuk a bulikát.
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withnofreetime · 9 months ago
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Spanish version ↓ and T/N.
"Cazzo", "f*ck!"
"Bastardo", "Bastard"
About Cost. (GDP; millions, aprox.)
Austria -> € 447 - $ 526 182
Netherlands -> € 941* - $ 1,092,748
Hungary -> € 188,443* - $ 203 829
Romania -> € 278,005* - $ 300,691
Bulgaria --> € 83,529 - $ 90,346
*not official, conversion ($ -> €)
"Schengen Agreement" Overview, a kind of timeline.
"Conflict Bulgaria & Romania and Austria". Due to the increase in illegal inmigration and corruption in both countries, Austria had refused Bulgaria's entry many times.
"Schengen Area" because it was signed in Schengen, Luxembourg.
Another timeline! (2023)
Extract from Wikipedia: "On 8 December 2022 the Justice and Home Affairs Council voted to admit Croatia to the Schengen Area, but rejected Bulgaria and Romania. Austria and the Netherlands voted against the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania, with Austria claiming that there had been a rapid increase in the number of migrants using the West Balkan route to enter the EU illegally. 20 On 30 December 2023 the EU agreed to include Bulgaria and Romania in the Schengen Area, with Austria no longer vetoing the enlargement of the area. Air and sea ports no longer conduct border checks from 31 March 2024, while the end of land border checks require further discussions."
"About Hungary & Bulgaria". If the information is correct, there was a "threat" from the Hungarian government to vote against Bulgaria's entry into the agreement if they didn't solve the Russian gas problem, yeah, taxes.
But they did it! Press realese, European Comission.
"Romanian Industry". Talks more about Poland and Romania's future struggles in the industry.
"Bulgaria, and 'rich kid' allegations" Probably talking about the Golden Age of Bulgaria, first Empire in the mid 19-century. Or the Second Golden Age. The Bizantine Empire and the Italian Kingdom had economic relationships with the first Bulgarian Empire.
"Netherlands & Bulgaria". The Netherlands government was against Bulgaria and Romania's entry. And then not.
"yправител" in Bulgarian. It might mean "general", "manager" or "administrator".
Italia habla de Bulgaria y Romania como si tuviera 80 años. Me saqué un 85% en mi examen de C2 de Español... no es una parodia por COMPLETO, pero tampoco lo tomen en serio.
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straightline-bow · 3 months ago
FUCK ben sulyamen actually.
rant about the D&I charter in regard to being lgbtq+ below the cut but I do discuss the punishments for queer people in some countries F1 races in and that has the potential to be triggering, so.
TW: mentions of the death penalty & torture
look i love that hamilton’s mission 44 was able to help with the D&I charter that the fia/fom have recently signed, but that doesn’t help the fact that there are 195 countries in the world, and of those 195, only eleven have the death penalty for being gay, and yet f1 races in THREE of them.
of ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE countries, 65 punish homosexuality explicitly, and f1 races in four of them (Qutar: death penalty, UAE: death penalty, Saudi Arabia: death penalty, Bahrain: semi-illegal). Beyond that, in Hungary, Azerbaijan and likely the USA, queer people face discrimination and in the case of Azerbaijan, imprisonment and possible torture.
jesus. it’d be so easy to race in countries that just don’t criminalise being gay, let alone give the DEATH PENALTY for it, but no, he just has to accept the money, and then greenwash the whole thing with some bullshit about renewable jet fuel and a instagram post with some pretty words.
what happened to the bullshit ‘we race as one’ little slogan they used to have plastered everywhere? vanished in 2022, with Domenicali saying they needed to change “gesture to action” to sky sports. i haven’t seen that happen. the ‘we race as one slogan’ was designed to encompass multitudes more than just lgbtq+ rights, fair enough, but they co-opted the rainbow branding for it, which is iconic enough that by itself people associated rainbows with lgbtq+ rights. for them to have used that branding to clean up their image and sell shittons of tickets and merch, to then do absolutely fucking NOTHING for lgbtq+ people within the sport is fucking disgraceful, and the worst kind of rainbow-washing.
ralf schumacher has done more for lgbtq+ people in the sport than the fia/fom ever has. by coming out whilst alive and famous, and by being a race winner, he has single-handedly given any young kid who is queer and wants to be an f1 driver a figure to look up to. he’s created a possibility for every young queer kid out there who loves f1. hell, i hate his opinions most of the time, but that doesn’t prevent me from standing behind the opinion that he’s one of my faves now, even when i disagree with him. (which is often.)
but it SHOULDN’T have to be down to individual ex-drivers. fucking hell. the fia is meant to KEEP THEM SAFE. no driver will be able to come out whilst driving at the moment, even if their team and fom/fia were fully behind them, because they wouldn’t be able to race in some countries for fear for their life. fuck that. i mean, i’d love to go into motorsports journalism, but i face the prospect that i wouldn’t be able to be open and public about my sexuality if i did make it, for fear of being imprisoned etc in what would essentially be my workplace in some countries.
it’s just so fucking frustrating. i get that a lot of people have an issue with it due to the racism still kind of baked into the institution of the sport, although i think an argument can be made toward it being more of a classism problem than specifically a racism problem (aka more white kids get opportunities because more of them are rich. not JUST because they’re white, although there is still that discrimination) but at least they aren’t in a situation where if they go to certain countries, they are risking being legally killed for their sexuality.
(yes, obviously, police brutality and racism can make it fucking risky and awful for poc to go to some countries, because they have a higher risk of being ‘accidentally’ killed. Qatar has stones people to death LEGALLY for being gay. these things are not actually the same)
and this charter does fuck all. i’m sorry, it probably will help for women and poc in motorsports, and for that i’m grateful, i truly am. it’s been long coming, and it’s fantastic that it’s here and hopefully will be used to actively help increase diversity & inclusion in those areas. that does not, however, negate the fact that NO mechanic, engineer, scrutineer, hospitality worker, driver, broadcaster, photographer, team principal, commentator etc can come out and be able to go to these countries without fear. none. THATS what the fia/fom should be fucking focussing on, eliminating fucking death threats to it’s workers.
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i--am-ironman · 2 years ago
i'm reading old motorsport magazines for my thesis and in one a local steward told the story of the 2017 european f3 race in hungary where 4 drivers were late from the administrative registration process. since usually the drivers are rich kids, fining them wouldn't do anything so the stewards ordered them to help packing marshal equipment the next morning as community service.
to the surprise of absolutely nobody, one of those kids was lando norris.
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fanficfish · 9 months ago
explaining Hetalia character badly: highschool edition
Honestly this is prob just gonna be "if Hetlaia was MHA" but bigger and mixed with some American archtypes lol....just imagine they're in some weird highschool anime!
this is the same format as my Family Reunion explaining post. i'm just make this a tag.
also not affiliated with W Academy!
Germany: Class Prez. Who you watched struggle with the milk carton from the cafeteria. And the vending machine dispenser.
N. Italy: The class idiot. Every good class has one, you don't know how they're here but OH GOSH WHEN DID HE LEARN TO USE A SCYTHE LIKE THAT-
S. Italy: The one in the back of the class that gets surprisingly decent grades but also has a potty mouth. You know who I'm talking about.
America: Thinks he's the main character.
Canada: Knows he's not the main character.
Estonia: Is the main character and doesn't realize it until he realizes he's in a love triangle, keeps adopting random animals off the street, has an archnemesis that actively tries to murder him, and somehow survives things he definitely shouldn't have survived.
Lithuania: The one with the highest GPA but everyone thought he was a delinquent.
Latvia: The one with the second-highest GPA that everyone knows is a delinquent. Mostly because he was selling test answers out of the janitor's closet.
Russia: The school bully every good school has.
Belarus: The popular girl every school has that can't decide if she likes the "main character" or not.
China: The guy that acts like he's actually 70 and not 17.
Japan: The quiet kid that knows everyone's dark secrets.
France: Of course he's the obligatory French dude in the Japanese anime. Actually what's up with that? Seriously, all the big amines have either a French guy or a super short person (the best ones have both)....
Lichenstein: She's the short one.
Switzerland: Aaaaaand there's the one in the corrner of the cafeteria scheming how to make the most out of the Job Fair.
Austria: That one weird kid that's got a full ride to Juliard and is the reason why your underfunded school has a MUSIC ROOM, HUH-
England: The guy that somehow got himself class monitor, and does a mostly decent job. Unless you ask him about That Clique.
The Clique: aka, the jocks who miiiight also bully the class monitor by flaunting popularity points a little. Just a little. -Denmark: Clique ringleader, acts friendly with everyone so he's popular but you KNOW you're not getting in on the real action unless he invites you to one of his legendary house parties.
-Norway: Clique leader's second in command who's some introvert the clique leader got attached to. Y'know, as extroverts are required to do. Usually has his face in his phone.
-Finland: Popular on his own, the one person in the clique who doesn't understand that in a clique you generally don't socialize outside the clique. Is the reason the main character gets character development through a house party halfway through the series.
-Sweden: That one jock in the group who looks like a jock, talks like a jock, sometimes acts like a jock, but has the highest GPA out of all of the jocks. He's the one that knows Genovia's official fruit but not the name of the fictional kingdom, if you've seen the meme.
-Iceland: Someone's brother who got absorbed into the clique.
Hungary: The girl campaigning that everyone should do the same kind of pushups, that girls can compete with guys and making presentations on the gender gaps in atheltics. Ofc she's the jock that falls in love with the nerd (Austria).
Ukraine: Bakes everyone treats
Netherlands: Bakes everyone treats but makes everyone pay for them
Luxenberg: Your obligatory rich kid., riding to school in Gucci glasses, a Mercedez-Benz, and a jacket with a high-end brand splashed across the pocket. Also has the latest iPhone.
Belgium: Student council rep, joined fifty clubs.
Greece: He shows up, but usually late, with Starbucks, and sleeps through class.
Romania: He shows up every other day, and bribes the class monitor to mark him present. Does show up for Halloween though.
Bulgaria: You show up?
Spain: Complains about the cafeteria food to anyone who will listen.
Australia: Resident jock #1
Cameron: Resident jock #2
Cuba: Resident jock #3
Portugal: Don't mind him he's in a goth phase. The skulls lining his locker will pass. Probably.
Seychelles: The one that secretly brought all the girls flowers from the fundraiser during Valentine's Week despite not knowing what the fundraiser was for.
Poland: The one on the student council who is the reason everyone is wearing couple outfits for School Spirit Week and the theatre club is doing Legally Blonde.
India: The guy who everyone asks to copy his homework because he sure isn't the most popular but damn does he actually know what's going on.
Turkey: The guy that tried to punch a guy, got punched, then turned around and punched the other guy's bullies. Basically he's That Kid That Got Detention For Trying To Be Helpful, though he did start the fight sooooooo
Egypt: Recorded the fight. For historic purposes of course.
idk i ran out of ideas i'm gonna sleep and fix this if i remember who i was gonna put where lol
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pendragonsgallery · 2 years ago
@roszabell asked me to post this and I delivered
Hetalia Characters as things said by my college friend group:
America: “Just because I haven’t had sex doesn’t mean I don’t know the basic components of it! I wasn’t in the Revolutionary War but I still know what happened. I know how it started- I know the foreplay, and the aftercare is just the Constitution. It’s not that complicated of an issue.
Canada: “Yeah I could take down a moose. If I can dive quick and tap it in the nuts it’ll go down guys, trust me. I’m a moose expert.”
England: “You look like a guy in the 1940s being drafted for war. Why are you mad, at least I didn’t call you British. I held back just for you.”
France: “What if I want to be a rich bitch? Is that respectable?”
Spain: “If my parents had told me they were having another kid, I would just say no. I’m the princess here bitch.”
Romano: “vapes are so gross. If you’re going to be addicted to nicotine, at least smoke a cigarette like a real man.”
Germany: “How did I, as a twenty year old man become the mother figure. And why am I doing it so well?”
Prussia: “Just Dance? Bet. If I’m making money, I’ll twerk like there’s no tomorrow.”
Italy: *very confidently* “Some people like hard liquor and I like fruits in my yogurt! I see no difference.”
China: “I know how to tell if there is inflation. It’s determined by dip in dots prices”
Japan: “I’m just staring at the goldfish crackers… and they’re staring… back at me.”
Russia: “anything is possible if you believe in yourself and that if that includes you deepthroating your ice cream… then who am I to judge I guess.”
Austria: “I can assure you that people twerked and got down hard to Ode to Joy and absolutely should continue to do so. Shit slaps.”
Hungary: “I’m gonna beat you with my shoe out of love.”
Denmark: “Well you know what else bitch??? You’re mom- I mean my mom- your mom- my-your- fuck I-”
Lithuania: “I drink black coffee cause I need ✨validation✨.”
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year ago
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It seems I had no choices…Do I even have one? Maybe I should act sick. But it’s rude to not show up. But it’s just a party so..i guess it wouldn't hurt. Besides there’s probably tons of people if it’s some rich kid. I sigh and open my eyes to meet my ceiling. I lazly turned my head towards the TV. I really don’t wanna leave my couch. Perhaps I'm in over my head. It’s just an invitation. I’ll be fine. I checked the time. 7:00pm. I rose up from the couch and walked to my closet and tried to find the nicest clothes I had. After a quick shower, I put on my clothes and began preparing for my outing. Midway checking if I had everything, a knock was heard at my door. I made my way and opened the door to see a familiar face “officer spade?” I questioned. He looked a little different. He had a more casual yet formal suit on and had a spade mark underneath his eye “long time no see but please call me deuce” he smiles “ok deuce, what brings you to my apartment” i asked “I offer to drive our special guest over to roseheart’s manor. I never thought I’d be you” he laughed which made me smile “well are you ready” he asked and i nod. He escorted me to his car and drove us to Heartslabyul into the wood area. Why would a manor be all the way out here? My thoughts were overridden by the sight of the place. It was massive. When we entered the driveway, we were greeted by a pathway which splits in between a rose maze which leads us to the manor’s main door. There waiting for us was a tall man with short green hair and glasses,next to him was Cater who was scrolling through his phone. Cater looked up then smiled warmly at us “Deuce! Been a while.Oh Y/N it’s you I’m surprise you came” Cater said as he waved “I can say the same. Who’s the guy next to you” I asked “oh this is trey I was talking about. He's a close friend with Riddle.” Cater introduces. Trey held his hand out and smiled “Good evening. Thank you for joining us” he said. I shook his head. So far there’s nothing to worry about. What was I even worrying about? “Come riddle is waiting for us in his office” Trey said “whoo lets get this party started” Cater shouted as we entered inside. The manor was pretty and smelled of roses and pastries. Despite the beautiful decor and decorated walls, the manor was relatively void of people. Maybe we came earlier than expected. We reached the office and went inside. There waiting for us was two people.the one in the main throne,i assume it's riddle, and another guy just lounging on the couch. Riddle looked up and smiled “You actually came. Welcome to my manor, we have much to discuss. Have a seat” Riddle said so I did. I sat down on a chair right in front of him. “Do you like what I did with the place” Riddle asked “ya it’s very festive here. Is there anyone else coming” I asked “no.But I don’t mind if it’s just you though” Riddle replied “How about we get this unbirthday party started by playing a game” Riddle suggested as he stands up “You are alice, trying to escape the Queen’s cards for they’re after your head sense the Red Queen demands it” Riddle suggested “my head…” I mumbled as I glanced around; surely they think this is ridiculous right? “Sound fun riddle, I’ve been wanting to do this for some time now” Cater replied “I’ll prepare the pastries. We might get hungary mid way.” Trey adds with a smile. “Splendid! Ace and deuce will be the cards and Y/N will be our dear alice this evening” Riddle concluded “wait I didn’t agree to this” I stated as i stand up “same But it was your fault for living after the party. You broke the rules and were left unpunished. This won't do. So play along with us” Riddle beamed “All you have to do is to live and make it back to your house. Safe and sound. Easy enough.and you get a 5 minute head start” Riddle adds as he pulls out his pocket watch. “May the unbirthday party begin”
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sunny-honeytears · 7 months ago
So as I said im obsessed with the von Krolocks being hungarians so I'm gonna share my best hc names for Count von Krolock
And just to be clear I love the Breda von Krolock headcanon but during the time period he was born hungarians and székelyek (hungarian ethnicity) were the ones in position of power so its more likely he was hungarian than romanian
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So anyways my top 5ish names for him
#6-Bánk von Krolock: (for hungarians yes as a reference to Bánk Bán) its from a hungarian origin and means Bán (wich was kinda like a rank like a count) it just rolls nicely off the tounge and because we only know him as Count von Krolock its funny if he was just named after another rank)
#5- Előd von Krolock: Another name of hungarian origin. It meand "First" but has been interpreted as "Beginning" which is kinda fitting if we see him as the beginning of this whole vampire thing. Also means "ancestor".
#4- Holló von Krolock: Holló literally means Raven. Sounds Gothic, thats all.
#3- Táltos von Krolock: also hungarian origins, means "Possessing magical abilities" and it comes from the word táltos who were basically prophets of the old hungarian religion (before christianity) who were doctors, prophets and other religious roles. They werent taught, instead "called" to this role. Which goes nicely with Krolocks seemingly magical abilities like teleporting during the songs (or running really fast) and how he refers to himself as a mage during songs (mostly trying to very (not) subtly rizz up Alfred)
#2- Lehel von Krolock: Hungarian origin, comes from the old name "Lél". It probably means "soul" and that kinda explains why I picked it no?
#1- Vajk von Krolock: Look it just sounds nice. Also old hungarian name, originally the name of Saint Stephen before he got baptised. And the meaning is "rich" and "plentiful".
But hear me out. Some people say Vajk originates from the name Bajik which means "Righteous man" Ironic.
Honorable mentions:
+Ódor von Krolock. Comes from the german name Ulrich and means "Grand" and "Ruler" which is fitting but i wanted to go for hungarian origins
+²Géza von Krolock -Given that ALMOST EVERYONE WAS CALLED EITHER GÉZA OR BÉLA OR JÁNOS OR ANDRÁS OR LÁSZLÓ during that time its fitting but Géza as a name is kinda memed on in hungary (you know its so common its funny) and I can't unsee that here) Also original hungarian name, means "Little prince" or well "princeling" to be accurate, just like Bán, its a name coming from a rank.
+even more slightly less honorable mentions:
Kálmán-turkish origin, means "Left alive" which is funny for an undead count
Koppány- hungarian origin, means "grand" "victorious" "strong"
Herbert- Lets be honest here. If you look at any noble families you see tons of "II" and "III" heck sometimes even "IV". Even in their era there are tons of kids wearing their fathers name. Other than plot reasons why would they be different?
Before you ask no I'm not fine <3
Tell me which one you like the most please I need to hear feedback before I start writing fanfics 💀
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anotheraldin · 3 months ago
The other day I had a bosnian uncle as my Uber and he started lecturing about the state of youth today. He was like, back in my days, I didn't even have shoes, let alone tv and phone. He started working with his dad at 11 and now he was saying that son is spoiled with hundreds of shoes and phones. His son doesn't listen to his father no matter what and was even ashamed of him because he made rich friends who laughed at his dad's job . I felt so bad for him. He came to America in 1996 and still works as uber to support his family. May Allah bless him😞
That hurts my heart anon. Sounds like he was pretty frustrated and venting to a stranger. I hope there situation improves insha’Allah. May Allah reward you for listening to him.
I think some kids are like that but not all tbh. Most Bosnians in the US work blue collar jobs as construction workers or laborers in various industries. There is a few educated ones in professional fields. Those born here are making that transition better like most refugees.
I felt a bit insecure as a kid about my identity as it was a really big cultural shock to go from Bosnia then Hungary for 4 years then America so I wasn’t really sure what I was lol. But never felt a way about my parents occupation as there was always a pride in their labor.
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kdinjenzen · 1 year ago
most of the original pop culture vampires, and the people who inspired them are upper class nobility. COUNT dracula, prince vlad (the impaler) III of wallachia , the countess elizabeth bathory of hungary.
they traditionally live in CASTLES ffs vampires have always been rich and upper crust.
contrastingly part of the mythos of werewolves is that, when not transformed, they could be anyone hiding anywhere. they are monsters hiding as ORDAINARY people.
can there be noble and titled werewolves? yes. can there be grubby street kid vampires? also yes. but that's a subversion of the myth not the standard.
Werewolves are gay and poor and share the same torn up plaid shirt and jeans because of being gay and poor.
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Zseniálisan kiválasztott entitások, zseniálisan irritáló létformák. De hol maradt a TV2 realityjéből a keresztény meg nemzeti értékrend?!!!! Édesjótisztafajúmélymagyarimakör :)))
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Kőgazdag fiatalok 8: Búcsú Szimba TV-jétől
Szimba oroszlán üvöltései ébresztik PSG Oglit.
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A fiú próbálja rávenni Vikit, hogy kezdjen valamit a kutyával, de a lány inkább aludna.
Olivért felbassza a szitu, mert szerinte a lánynak kellene foglalkoznia Szimbával, nem neki.
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Úgy dönt alkalmatlanok arra, hogy kutyát neveljenek és visszaviszi az ebet.
Viki tiltakozik, de nem tudja meggyőzni a fiút. Nem segít a szitun, hogy Szimba közben behugyozik a kocsiba.
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Olivér ezen is felbassza magát és magából kikelve kiabál. Nem láttam még ilyen idegesnek. A lány nyugtatni próbálja, de hiába.
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A tenyésztő visszaveszi a kutyát. Viki azt mondja visszajön majd érte, amikor kibaszta Olivért.
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Hiányozni fogsz Szimba. Nem érdemeltünk meg.
Szandi a szárnyai alá veszi Aurélt, hogy férfit neveljen belőle. Elhívja reggelizni és csajozási tanácsokat akar adni a fiúnak, mert ő tudja mi kell egy nőnek.
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A lány nincs elájulva Aurél szettjétől. Szerinte balek vibeja van. Bár megjegyzi, hogy nem azt nézi egy férfin milyen ruha van rajta, hanem hogy milyen órája van.
A fiú egy laza mozdulattal kibassza a kocsi kulcsát az asztalra, de Szandi szerint ez elég béna húzás.
Megjegyzi, hogy látszik nem megy neki a csajozás. Aurél tiltakozik, de Szandi bekussoltatja: Miért, szingli vagy, nem?
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A fiú már első randin vásárolni vinné a lányokat, de Szandi kioktatja, hogy először max egy szál rózsát vegyen, aztán fokozatosan költhet több pénzt a nőkre.
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Határozott férfiként Aurél rendel Szandinak is egy avokádós valamit, ami a lány szerint tökéletes választás.
A fiú teli szájjal kezd el beszélni Szandihoz, aki lebassza az illetlenségért.
Aurél elmeséli, hogy hajókázni akarja vinni a kiszemeltjét, ami az oktatója szerint is jó ötlet. Aztán bedobja, hogy nyaralni is elvinné, de a nő szerint ez már túlzás első randinak.
Aurél bevallja, hogy az exéről van szó. Szandi nem helyesli, mert nem jó újra felmelegíteni a töltött káposztát.
Megmutatja a csaj képét. Szandi szerint nagyon komoly és fel kell kötnie a gatyát, ha vissza akarja szerezni. Aurél el akarja vinni gyúrni, hogy láthassa a lány, milyen erős. Nem jó ötlet.
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Vége a reggelinek és a fejtágításnak is. Aurél fizetés helyett az apja számlájára íratja az összeget. Szandi szerint ez is elég tré egy randin. Legyen nála kápé ha éles a szitu.
A randihoz pacek öltözet is kell, ezért a fiú megkéri Katát, hogy segítsen neki, mert ő mindig 10/10-s szettekben van.
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Aurél valami csillogós pólót akar, de a nő szerint abban max a gyroszoshoz mehet el.
Kata szerint a fiú szókincse nagyon gyér. Látszik, hogy iskolázatlan. Mindenesetre nem adja fel és mindent megtesz, hogy legalább kinézzen valahogy.
Előkap egy inget, de Aurél még a ballagására is rövidnadrágban és pólóban ment, szóval vonakodik.
Talál viszont egy macis pólót, ami tetszik neki.
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Katának kezd fogyni a türelme.
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Mindenesetre sikerül ráadnia egy inget.
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Aurél nem érzi jól magát az ingben, de az jól esik neki, hogy Kata foglalkozik vele.
Mint egy rendes anyuka, a nő elkezdi alázni a "gyerekét". Először azt mondja, hogy nincs karja, aztán azt hogy úgy néz ki mint Justin Bieber.
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Aztán a fülbevalóját kifogásolja. Végül a papucsot veteti le a fiúval.
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Kap helyette egy ronda cipőt. Még egy órát szeretne ráaggatni a srácra, de Aurél nem akarja, mert nem tudja leolvasni.
Szandi oktatása és Kata öltöztetése után eljött a randi ideje. Aurél nagyon ideges, de pacekul felöltözött és rózsát is hozott.
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Megkérdezi a lányt, hogy tetszik a ruhája. Azt mondja egész jó, de van egy kis bökkenő.
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Aurél papucsban jött.
Bocsánatot kér az exétől, amiért fasz volt vele régen és azt ígéri, hogy megváltozik és lehozza a csillagos eget is neki, ha visszafogadja.
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A csaj nem szopja be ezeket a sablon szövegeket és nem igazán akar megbocsátani Aurélnak. Nehéz menet lesz.
Csabiék meglátogatják Ogliékat.
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Ameddig lányok sütnek, a fiúk elvonulnak fifázni.
Olivért, állítólag, senki nem verte még meg a játékban, szóval nagy arccal viszi Csabit a csicskító szobába. Kétmillió a tét.
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Herceg szerint kicsi a tv. A házigazda azt mondja széttörte az előzőt és most csak ez van.
A fiúk kiabálva játszanak, amitől a csajok teljesen kivannak. Az első gólt Ogli szerzi.
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Csabi szerint a srác nem is tudja, hogy kell ezzel játszani. Mindenesetre kap még egy gólt és Olivér győz. Herceg bepróbálkozik azzal, hogy úgy volt kettőt játszanak és ez csak bemelegítés volt.
Végül sikerül átbasznia a házigazdát és új kört kezdenek.
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Papaszíta azon gondolkodik megéri-e az a havi ötmilla ezt.
Csabi csak tudott valamit, mert bevág két gólt is, amitől Olivér úgy kiakad, hogy kibassza a tv-t a kertbe.
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A lányok kiakadnak a mutatványon.
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A fiú azzal magyarázza a tettét, hogy Herceg csalt.
Papaszíta megáldja a jelenlévőket.
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Kész a kaja. A fiúk még mindig a játékon veszekednek. A lányok isznak, hogy elviseljék őket.
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Nagyon szomorú kis hamburgerek készültek. Olivér megint felbaszódik, mert hagyma került a burgerbe.
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Ezzel a seggfájással proktológushoz kell fordulni.
Már el is felejtettem, de Metta és Filip is benne van ebben a műsorban.
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A lány azt hazudja, hogy sokan kérdezik tőle modellkedik-e és most végre azt mondhatja, hogy igen, mert tényleg felkérték valamire.
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Kata is hivatalos az eseményre, de szerinte Metta már túl öreg ehhez és a ruhák se tetszenek neki.
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Mindenesetre jó fejek Wishes Ungár Petivel és gratulálnak a lánynak.
Ez most egy közepesen unalmas rész volt, de a következőben a Balaton Soundon csapatjuk.
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64sue · 1 year ago
dear my favorite papaya muppet,
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my god you are 24 today 🥹
lil Lan is growing up
maaan you have no idea how much I love you, you have no idea how much you changed my life, you have no idea how much happiness you give me...
but yeah, you are just a rich guy in a fast car doing vroom vroom on weird, crooked circles pfff sorry I forgot, nothing special...
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my biggest flex is that I can support you in f1, this sport is everything to me... I love our papaya team 🧡
when I look at your smile, I always start smiling too
this happiness in your eyes when you stand on the podium, I always try not to cry, but ofc they're tears of happiness, oh and another biggest flex, I saw your podium in live, this Hungary one, my goddd, poor Max's trophy 😭
one day you will win the race darling, your time is coming, trust in me <3
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muppet, I can't forget...
big thank you for everything, but most of all thanks to you I feel in love with photography again, thanks to you I have plans and new ideas, I enjoy going to the various events with a camera in my hands andd guess what, people like my work and they want me in their events as a photographer, that's crazy but I like it
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thanks to you I can again enjoy my life, thank you that you show me how to build my self-esteem, that we are not perfect all the time, that mistakes happen but we can always get up and try again, thank you for showing me to never give up, no matter how bad it is...
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thanks to this lil kid and now, to this grown man for everything tbh...
I'm a proud papaya fan and I'll always be, thank you for all the happiness you have given me and continue to give me, lil muppet and once again HAPPY BDAY!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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rawstfish · 2 years ago
Fender Head-canons
Warnings: I mention Fender has body image issues, that it
Fender’s mom left America after his dad had died. She moved back to Hungary with her parents, as she wasn’t mentally stable enough back in America and needed some support. Fender had lived in his grandparents house until he was 3. By that time his mom had a better mentality and got a good paying job. (She was never unstable financially. Fender lived a high middle class life)
His mom barely talks about his dad so he knows next to nothing about him. He never pressured his mom about it either. (He had his mom and his grandparents, he didn’t care about this man)
Fender has had many step-dads though. His mom keeps remarrying and divorcing men. (None of them are her first husband and that's the problem)
Due to this, Fender has 2 half-sisters and 1 half-brother. They are all very close to each other. Basically don’t fuck with one of them because then you fuck with all of them.
Fender is also the oldest and takes that role very seriously
He does have a rich aunt that he is besties with. She was there for a lot of Fender’s childhood, she was also helping his mom at the time, and they have an extremely close bond. He’s an aunt boy, but don’t think he doesn’t love his mama.
Fender did grow up as a fat kid and now has body image issues. He will sit in front of a mirror for an hour and make notes on what he needs to work on. He’s also an insane health nut and will not eat junk food. He also reads all the ingredients/nutrition facts in food products before he buys them. If he goes out to a restaurant it will take him 5 hours to decide what he wants and he always ends up with a salad and grilled chicken.
He does love his healthy food though, it makes him feel good. But don’t ask him for a snack, it's always going to be one of those crunchy granola. Also he doesn’t judge people on what they eat, but if he notices you are constantly eating junk food, he is going to give you a short lecture.
Has undiagnosed ADHD and you can tell. His family has always been like, “He’s just like that.” (He’s a hyper guy, what can he say)
Probably joined the military to be a good example in his siblings life and because he was generally interested in it
First impressions are huge to him and he always makes a good one
His best friends are Minotaur and Hutch. This trio does everything together. They all workout together, they play video games together, they eat together, and they basically try to do everything together. They are always having a good time and being bros. Fender loves when Hutch gets König and Horangi to join them as well. Fender just likes being around people.
Fender loves Mino kids and Mino kids love Fender. They call him uncle Fender and it brings Fender so much joy. (Bale hates this because he’s like, “I’m their actual uncle…why are they calling Fender uncle, Minotaur fix your kids.”) Sometimes Fender gets them little presents too. 
He’s a really friendly guy. If he doesn’t like you he won’t really show it, because he doesn’t think he should be rude/disrespectful. However, you will never see him. If Fender doesn’t like someone then he does try to avoid them and only contact them if he really has to. If Fender doesn’t like you that sucks because he can instantly brighten someone's day.
Borderline empath (He does the classic “If you cry then I’ll cry”)
Huge nickname guy. Everyone he meets will eventually get a nickname. He just thinks they’re cool and cute at the same time.
He gay and likes men that are bigger than him
Which brings me to either: Has a crush on Minotaur but he knows Mino doesn’t see him like that because he’s straight, OR has a crush on Hutch and they eventually start dating and are a really cute couple. (I can’t decide between angst or letting Fender be happy)
Fender can not play scary games because they actually scare him and he doesn’t like it. Mino and Hutch make him play them, it’s all in good fun and Fender is enjoying it. (I’m lying)
It’s the same with scary movies too. He can’t handle scary movies at all. Think of the least scariest movie ever and he will be scared. (This man can go to war but can’t handle a spooky ghost)
I do think he would like Halloween though because he likes giving out candy and the costumes.
He likes co-op games but has to be carried. He sucks at video games but wants to play them so bad because he does enjoy them and likes hanging out with his friends. He likes co-op games like overcooked but he will play games like CoD zombies too.
Loves weird and funky glasses and has a whole collection of them. He wears some of them but a lot he keeps for decoration and just to keep.
He also has a special spot in his house for birthday cards. He can’t bring himself to throw them out, so he started keeping them. He loves a good, funny birthday card.
Watches all the famous TV shows/movies because he wants to know what the hype is about, and he wants to understand any references to them.
He’ll listen to anything you put on, but he does prefer rock and roll. It holds a special place in his heart.
Has money to buy a bed frame but has his mattress on the floor. Sometimes he sleeps directly on the floor. He likes firmer surfaces.
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doctortwhohiddles · 2 years ago
That article and richaldis' comment that it could have even been last year has convinced me that Sophie and the boys were with him when he was away shooting Eric. He's rich, he can figure out a way to deal with their schooling but I don't think he would leave them in London after something like that, even with beefed up security. Maybe they've been on IOW ever since.
We don't know when the incident happened. For all we know, it was before they left for Argentina.
I don't think Sophie and the kids were with him in Budapest for the whole shoot. It's one thing to spend a school year in the US and a few months in Hungary. It's clear it must have been scary for them. But I think the best thing for the kids is to go back to a normal life as quickly as possible. Putting them in a bubble is not going to help in the long term.
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traveldreamsbyamanda · 2 days ago
Best Budapest Vacation Packages: Explore Hungary's Stunning Capital
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If you're looking for an unforgettable European getaway, Budapest vacation packages offer the perfect opportunity to explore Hungary's enchanting capital. Known for its stunning architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture, Budapest has something for every traveler. From romantic river cruises along the Danube to exploring historic castles, Budapest is a city where adventure and relaxation seamlessly blend. In this blog, we’ll explore the best Budapest vacation packages and how to make the most of your visit to this mesmerizing destination.
Why Choose Budapest Vacation Packages?
Budapest, often referred to as the "Paris of the East," offers a mix of old-world charm and modern sophistication. When you book Budapest vacation packages, you’ll enjoy a well-rounded itinerary that captures the essence of this beautiful city. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or looking for a romantic escape, there’s a Budapest package to suit your style. But what makes Budapest truly special is how easy it is to access through travel packages designed to enhance your experience.
Exploring the Rich History Through Budapest Vacation Packages
Budapest’s history spans over a thousand years, and the city is packed with architectural gems and historical sites that make it a must-visit destination. The Budapest vacation packages tailored for history lovers offer guided tours that delve into the city’s past, from its Ottoman influence to its role in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Highlights such as the Buda Castle, the Hungarian Parliament Building, and the House of Terror Museum will leave you in awe of Budapest's cultural significance.
For history enthusiasts, a well-curated Budapest vacation package can include a visit to historic landmarks such as St. Stephen's Basilica, Heroes' Square, and the Royal Palace. Many vacation packages also include expert historians who can provide fascinating insights into the events that shaped the city. These guided tours offer an enriching experience that brings Budapest’s past to life.
Savor the Flavors with Budapest Foodie Packages
For food lovers, there’s no better way to explore Budapest than through its delicious cuisine. Budapest vacation packages that cater to culinary enthusiasts provide a chance to indulge in the city's famous dishes. Traditional Hungarian food like goulash, langos, and chimney cakes await your taste buds. The Central Market Hall is a must-visit, offering an array of local delicacies that will take your food journey to the next level.
Many food-focused Budapest vacation packages also include cooking classes with local chefs, where you can learn how to make iconic Hungarian dishes from scratch. Another exciting aspect of these packages is the opportunity to visit local vineyards in the surrounding Hungarian countryside. Sip exquisite wines and enjoy the scenic landscapes that make Budapest and its surroundings truly remarkable.
Romance on the Danube: The Ideal Budapest Vacation Package for Couples
Budapest is known for its romantic ambiance, making it the perfect destination for couples. Budapest vacation packages designed for couples often include a Danube River cruise, offering breathtaking views of the city at sunset. As you cruise along the river, you’ll witness iconic landmarks such as the Parliament Building and Buda Castle, all illuminated at night.
For a truly romantic experience, couples can enjoy spa treatments at Budapest’s famous thermal baths or dine in candlelit restaurants with traditional Hungarian cuisine. Many Budapest vacation packages for couples also include private tours of charming districts like Váci Street and Castle Hill, perfect for strolling hand in hand while discovering hidden gems throughout the city.
Family-Friendly Budapest Vacation Packages
Traveling with kids? Budapest offers a wide range of family-friendly activities that make it the perfect destination for a family vacation. With a Budapest vacation package designed for families, your little ones can enjoy fun attractions like the Budapest Zoo, Buda Castle, and the Budapest Eye Ferris Wheel. Many of these family packages include fun scavenger hunts and interactive exhibits that keep children engaged and entertained.
Additionally, some Budapest vacation packages for families offer special access to kid-friendly events and activities. Whether it’s a visit to the Hungarian National Museum or a fun boat ride along the Danube, you’ll find plenty to do that the whole family can enjoy. Travel packages also provide recommendations for family-friendly restaurants, ensuring that both adults and children can enjoy their meals together.
Tailor Your Budapest Experience with Custom Packages
At Travel Dreams by Amanda, we understand that every traveler is unique. That’s why we offer personalized Budapest vacation packages that can be customized to meet your interests, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re interested in a luxurious getaway or a more budget-friendly option, we can curate an itinerary that balances sightseeing with personal experiences. We also offer tailored suggestions for accommodation, from boutique hotels to luxurious suites with views of the Danube.
Budapest vacation packages provide an incredible opportunity to explore one of Europe’s most captivating cities. Whether you’re uncovering its rich history, indulging in local flavors, enjoying romantic sunsets on the Danube, or having fun with the family, Budapest has something for everyone. By booking your Budapest vacation package, you’re not just purchasing a trip — you’re creating memories that will last a lifetime. Contact Travel Dreams by Amanda today to begin crafting your perfect Budapest adventure.
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gabbysthoughts4thots · 2 months ago
literally what is everyone’s problem with his fiance lmao? like what does she does even do? how are you so angry at someone that just minds her own business and does pilates all day
idk someone on here is either from Hungary/follows Hungarian news (drama) and apparently (heavy on apparently) ppl say she’s just a rich kid who was like paid to be his gf back when he was injured last season😭😭 idek if this is right but yeah it was something mad weird like that
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