#rice noodle base
barryduncan · 1 year
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Recipe for Asian Vegan Tofu Noodles A vegan rice noodle main dish base with marinated tofu and vegetables. I like to also serve it with vegan chili-mayo, but it tastes great without as well.
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vegan-nom-noms · 1 year
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Rice Paper Noodles In Easy Chili Oil Sauce
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gender-trash · 1 year
What's your favorite flour?
im really partial to almond flour!! i dont do a lot of baking with gluten free flour substitutes anymore but like. the thing is, if you're baking something where the gluten is structurally important, sometimes the king arthur 1:1 gf flour substitute works and sometimes the thing falls apart all over your hand, but if you use almond flour and add eggs until it stops falling apart, it also has lots of protein in it :p (although it may not resemble the original glutenous Baked Good very strongly.)
one of my favorite dead-simple cookie recipes is basically just almond flour + enough honey that the flour sticks together; you shape it into little balls with your hands and then slap those bitches in the oven until they're dryish. and then you eat them.
if i did more baking (i.e. any baking, at all) i'd probably also try cricket flour but at the moment i'm more invested in other hobbies
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You ever have food so frickin good you can physically feel your stats being buffed
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smilewidritz · 1 year
Asian recipes are renowned for their diverse flavors, vibrant colors, and rich cultural heritage. From the fragrant curries of India to the delicate sushi of Japan, Asian cuisine offers a delightful array of tastes that captivate the senses. The use of fresh herbs, spices, and a harmonious blend of sweet, sour, salty, and umami flavors defines the essence of Asian cooking. Each region boasts its unique culinary traditions, with staple ingredients like rice, noodles, and tofu taking center stage in many dishes.
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i miss vifon :((
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sandersstudies · 4 months
I HATE when people treat staple crops like they’re artificial items.
“Plant-based cereal,” “plant-based noodles,” “plant-based tortillas.”
Hey quick question what is wheat to you? What is rice? What is corn? What are potatoes? Last I checked those bitches grow in the ground.
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plant-shift · 7 months
I am so proud of this bowl!
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I made this up on Sunday. I have developed a bit of a pattern for lunches. Monday through Thursday I try to pack myself a sandwich to eat on the way home from teaching. When I go grocery shopping, I try to pick something up for lunch, giving myself a little treat. That leaves two days somewhere Friday through Sunday.
For this week's grocery trip I looked over what I already had to work with and got inspired by the rice noodles I had in the pantry. I thought I could pick up some broccoli, mushrooms, and tofu and make a nice bowl out of it. I cut the broccoli up close to the top and quartered up about half of the mushrooms. I made a chicken broth and put the broccoli and noodles in to cook. After a bit I added in the mushrooms so they wouldn't overcook. While that cooked, I cut up the tofu (firm) and let it drain on some paper towel. Once the veggies and noodles were done, I put the cut tofu in the bowl and poured the veggies, noodles, and broth over it.
It was sooooo good! The only problem was my seasoning of it. I used a spice blend I hadn't tried before and used a bit much. It has quite the kick. A little less spice would have worked really well. I'll probably try that on Friday when I use up the rest of the veggies and tofu for lunch.
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clarkaubrie · 8 months
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Asian Vegan Tofu Noodles A marinated tofu and vegetable base for a main dish made with rice noodles. Although I prefer to serve it with vegan chili-mayo, it also tastes great without.
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rain-symphonia · 10 months
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Low-Carb Chicken-Vegetable Soup Looking for a simple low-carb chicken soup without noodles or rice? Use this recipe as a base and add your own take on spices and veggies.
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club-prideguin · 11 months
I'm glad you're feeling better! Sometimes even the most obvious things such as "eat something whenever I'm hungry" get completely forgotten when we're in a bad head space, so i hope you're not beating yourself up over that! take care of yourself and stay safe :]
thank you so much. :) i still dont know who you are anon, but i really appreciate all the nice messages that you send me. you are an angel........
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vegan-nom-noms · 1 year
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Orange Tempeh Lettuce Cups
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yesyourstalker · 1 year
Neta: ikkan.... ikkan... Babe. .. wake up we've landed
Noiji: WAKE UP... WE'RE HOME !!
Neta: (wheeze) noiji That's not funny heheh
Ikkan: *gasp* Damn it noiji!
Noiji: Wake up sleepy head. We're hoooom we're in haddaido
Ikkan: * stretch* mmmmm....uh
Neta: here's your bag babe... you sleep well?
Ikkan: yeah..... No not really...*yawn* let's go... our parents should be waiting for us in the airport.. We usually just sit down at the center clock. We usually meet up there
Neta: alright sounds good.....hey ikkan... they're ok with me being an octarian
Ikkan: they don't care about that babe... they've seen pictures they just want to know you. My mom especially...... you would like her.
Noiji: well I don't know about you. I'm going to eggmens fried rice shop.... can't believe it's not a global franchise yet Inkopolis just can't make a good bowl of rice like they can
Ikkan: no your not! we're going to her parents house! You can wait until then!
Noiji: but I want my coconut squid fried rice!!
Ikkan: why couldn't you just eat a meal on the plane if you're hungry?
Noiji: It wasn't hungry then. I'm hungry now! Also, I can't eat on a plane. It makes nauseous!
Ikkan: You didn't feel that way when you were scarfing down our bags of pretzels!
Noiji: That's different I-
Koi-koi (their mom): I hope those aren't my kids arguing in the middle of the airport!! That's certainly not how I raised them!
Noiji: mama!!
Ikkan: heh....hey mom...... hey dad
Noiji:hi pa!!
Merv (dad): hmm boys... Good to see you.
Koi-koi:... Ohhh look my little guppies... [Kiss] [kiss] ah... noiji... Look at you! You look more and more like your dad every day..........hm.... Can you see out that eye sweetie?
Noiji: nope..... can't see a thing.. I'm thinking of getting it removed and replacing it with a glass eye I found a guy who knows how to customize them. I'm going to see if he can make one out of a rock I found at the beach once
Koi-koi: ................................. You're very creative jiji...... maybe make one with a different eye color instead
Merv: I know a nice rock polisher who could do it for free..
Koi-koi: don't give him ideas...... ikkan...... ah your beard is getting fuller.... a little mustache... you're growing out your tentacles out too huh
Ikkan: yeah... I'm trying something new... I also forgot to shave last night
Merv: look nice......... might need to even it out a little
Koi-koi: well...... Maybe a little trim wouldn't hurt I don't want you to like a hermit, can't see that handsome face..(pat pat).... Mmm.. (pat pat pat).....mm.. Did you get the surgery?
Ikkan: mom!!.
Ko-koi: I'm just wondering. You can tell me, I'm your mother.......It just looks a little bit flatter here.. last time I saw you..(pat pat)...
Ikkan: mom. Please. Stop. We're in public.
Koi-koi:... maybe you just lost weight...... You look little underweight honey. Are you eating well?
Ikkan:im- ugh- Yes, I'm eating fine.........and yes I got top surgery
Koi-koi: That's great! You could've just said that. I've seen every bit and piece of you sweetie and I made you. okay? You don't need to be embarrassed about this.
Merv: let him have his privacy koi.
Koi-koi: I understand that Merv. I'm just asking a simple question- Oh!.... hahahaha.. I am so sorry!... you startled me a little bit!....... you must be Neta...you must be my son's boyfriend ...hehehe.... ikkan where did you find this cute boy...... Nice to meet you sweetheart. I'm sorry I'm just rambling on not even paying attention to you. How are you doing?
Neta: I'm doing great..uhhhhh
Koi-koi: I'm Koi-koi but you can call me koi ....this is my husband Merv. You two would get along I can just tell.
Neta: hello sir
Merv: ay just call me Merv son. No need for formalities. Never like being called sir
Neta: yeah, I don't like it either. It's good to meet you.
Koi-koi:.. welp! Let's be on our way. My husband's been going on and on about going to eggman's for dinner.... ugh.... I swear it's like he lives there
Merv: they make a good calamari stir fry
Noiji: yeah they do!
Koi-koi: soooo Neta.... ikkan told me you own a store in the mall. That's very impressive.
Neta: yeah. It's my pride and joy. I'm actually opening up another store in another mall is going to be a lot bigger than the one that I have now. It's going to be a big project next 3 years
Koi-koi: Oh that's great! good to see young people moving up in the world. I remember being young and ambitious... when I was your age I got hired onto a game company. It started out as a card game company we soon branched out to board games....*sigh*.. I used to be the CEO ....... Then I met Merv........ I left, moved to Krillarney, had kids and lived on a farm for 13 years. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was.......*inhale...exhale*........... pure bliss
Neta: what made you come back here?
Koi-koi: The company was going under HA..... They called me back for help hahahahah.. I told him yes but I didn't want to be a CEO anymore. I'm just working on advertising and marketing..... They're branching out to video games... mostly arcade games. They're trying to put jump squid on a home console.....Ridiculous
(After meal)
Koi-koi: and we're home....
Neta: wow..... This place. Is really nice.
Merv: yep, nice penthouse..... Between you and me this is nothing but glorified condo.... heheh.... But what do I know I don't pay the mortgage. I'm just the maid.
Koi-koi: downstairs is the guest bedroom. This is our living room...our TV.. it's...its
Merv: 85in
Koi-koi: 85 in...yes...I just put in a little conversation pit that really ties the room together....the kitchen is open at any time of the day so if you want to eat something at night feel free...... The pool's downstairs. Next to the lobby entry, it's 24 hours. Though I do suggest you go around 2:00 and 6:00 That's when they re-salt the pool. If something does happen don't worry they have a respawn point. Noiji bedroom is up in the loft .... ikkan sweetie we converted your room into a little hobby space for your father.... that man and his doll houses....
Merv: they're called dioramas honey
Koi-koi: sure......We put all your stuff in the downstairs bedroom. Don't worry you put everything back in this place. We didn't ruin anything
Ikkan: The room with the platform...nice
Neta: your parents are Nice.
Ikkan: thanks
Neta:.. When we were going to tell me you were..... Wealthy
Ikkan:.... I don't know. I mean we didn't always live like this. We used to live in a small house in a small little village raising krill and then we moved here.... By the time we got to this place I was planning on moving out. I guess I didn't think about it. I'm sorry
Neta: oh ok babe it's fine [kiss].............heeey. you wanna-
Ikkan: No not at my parents house... [Kiss] Good night
Neta: aw....... night
(next morning)
Neta: morning koi
Koi-koi: morning sweetheart Good to see someone else waking up at 6:00 a.m.
Neta: yeah, I'm used to it... coffee?
Koi-koi: Yes, please
Neta: I was looking around your house. A lot of family pictures and a lot of artwork too...
Koi-koi: Yes I usually get them at auction mostly d'Alfonsino's
Neta: It's very nice.....*sip*
Koi-koi:................................I used to be in the military
Koi-koi: except I was on the opposite side of course......... I was a medic during that time I used respawn people, help them with ink replenishment....... injuries............... deaths
Koi-koi: I used to carry around an inzap just in case something happened to me... usually they would target the medics first so......[revealing octoling skull tattoo similar to Neta's inkling one
Koi-koi: Inkling soldiers weren't really talked about most of the time because we're where the poor kids. Call Street squids cuz most of us didn't go to school or couldn't go to school... after joining. Some who joined were just stupid and naive. Treating it like it was some sort of game like it was turf war and not actual war....*sip* sometimes I feel like I'm still back there.... what a load of shit
Neta: hehehe I feel that...... I'm guessing you went back to work to keep yourself busy
Koi-koi: *sigh*..........yep.....
Neta: ......................does it get easier the older you get dealing with it?
Koi-koi: Yes it does. It gets easier. There's going to be sometimes where it's not......but the older you get the more experiences you gain. It gets easier going on..........
Neta:.......mm good........*sip*
Koi-koi:. If you need anything, anything at all sweetie just call me.
Neta: You said you worked at the game company that did jump squid right? Tenatron?
Koi-koi: yeah
Neta: do you think it's possible
Delivery man: hey this is.........rock shock? Is this the right place right?
Mahi: Yes, how can I help you?
Delivery man: I got a delivery here from Tenatron. I just need someone to sign.
Mahi: uh... uh.. ok.... The owner isn't here right now. He's going to be gone for a week or so.
Delivery man: thank you yeah he already paid for the setup and everything. It'll just be an hour
(hour later)
Delivery man: All right, you're all set. Enjoy your game console...... Promotional signs and advertisements are all in this box.
Mahi: 'jump squid three. octo invasion!' how the hell did he get this!? I thought this game wasn't even out yet!
Neta: mahi delivery just got sent to my store Just sign the paperwork and they'll do the rest.
Mahi: already did
Neta: They also bought some advertisement signs. Hang up in the front of the store once they're done
Mahi: ok
Neta: also tell Warabi that koi said hi sweetie pie
Mahi: ?????
Neta: Just do it
{End of text }
Mahi was caught having a fighting fight with @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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mylunchisatvdinner · 1 year
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miss-floral-thief · 1 year
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lol love how this instant tteokbokki has a distressed white guy on it
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Pineapple-Coconut Sauce Recipe The foundation of an opulent tropical sauce flavored with coconut is crushed pineapple in its own juice.
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