#rh updates
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rhupdates · 1 year ago
I'm going to use the fact that a lot of people still follow me to bring a light to something.
Royale High has just proven they are capable of removing sets. The Enchanted Heirloom and Fluttering Butterfly sets were removed for copyright reasons, as stated by their creator.
What makes me angry, though, is how they treated the cherry blossom set. Instead of removing it and admitting that they made a mistake with their work, they renamed it.
They renamed the SCB set items that had "Kimono" or "Zori" in it, refusing to own up to their own mistakes and further showing that the dev team does not care for culture.
This is extremely frustrating and does not help with anything. They were willing to remove old sets because of a copyright complaint nobody filed, but didn't bother with the set OBVIOUSLY made in bad faith towards Japanese culture.
How much longer are we going to accept subpar updates, hateful actions and bad faith towards anything 'different'? How much longer will we put up with blatant fatphobia?
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lucithornz · 1 year ago
So Max is very much not normal right off the bat. Like I know I said he wouldn't be, but I am writing ch. 3 and he's so much worse than I thought.
Hope you all are ready for a heavier dose of Max POV
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ecoustsaintmein · 21 days ago
covet, part ii of ???
part i here | part iii here | part iv here | part v here
pairing: paddy x eoin; rating T (so far), slow burn. hurt/comfort. angst. unreliable narrator (paddy i'm looking at you)
based on this tumblr post by @cloudyfacewithjam:
"Canon Divergence AU: Paddy gave the Claddagh ring to Eoin as a friendship gift back in Ireland, and Eoin kept it during and after the war despite their falling out (because they were both stupid and emotionally compromised). They eventually reconcile, but after a while, Paddy notices that the ring has changed its placement - and he promptly loses his mind, while Eoin is stoically silent about it."
he returns to ireland with some fanfare. his name is in the press. in public, his sisters tell their neighbours that paddy's never been better. their lives in mount pleasant have never been better. in private, paddy tells them that he's coping. just. in private, his sisters tell him that there's something wrong with their mam. she's more forgetful, they say. she's more withdrawn. she's different.
come home soon, they'd pleaded. if not for us, then for her.
then paddy thinks of eoin, who hasn't followed him to antarctica, because his mam's asked him to.
so maybe he does, understand, after all.
he did reply to eoin's letter, eventually, though it is dry and crisp and has none of the lyrical quality of their usual conversations. he doesn't talk of poems or songs, because such things remind him of siobhan, the pretty little thing that ambrose keeps writing about. funny, eoin never talk about her in his own letters to paddy. he wonders why that is.
it's as if they have pieces of their souls they're attempting to hide, between the smudged ink and the squiggly lines of their scrawny handwriting.
eoin's in dublin and paddy's in belfast. south is south and north is north and never the twain shall meet.
he's got things to worry about. his sisters and his mam need taking care of. the war at home begins and paddy thinks, i don't have the situational awareness for this. he's the man of the house and it's nothing like herding an unruly regiment.
he's got nothing to kill here but time.
his mam told him that he needs to stop moping. strings were pulled and paddy's got a respectable job, which, yes, it does mean that he'll likely marinate behind a desk and a towering pile of paperwork. who in their right minds would've given him a job as a secretary?
the incorporated law society of northern ireland.
now that's a mouthful.
as one wise man once said, well i am cock-a-doodle-fucking-do that they are cock-a-hoop.
well, close enough.
congratulations, eoin writes.
and then: does this mean that if i'm admitted to the bar in belfast, you'll be keeping an eye on me?
and later on, towards the end of the letter: i'm coming up to see ambrose. i'd like to see you too.
i miss you.
i miss you, eoin's written.
paddy doesn't reply.
paddy doesn't reply, not because he doesn't want to. no, he'd been giddy with excitement. maybe even did a jig when no one's looking. there's something in eoin's tone in the last letter that's different, cheeky, hopeful. paddy's wanted to write back. he's just struggling to find the words. he's a poet, but not today.
not for things like this.
there are no words for this. not even to say, i miss you too.
because then the pain overwhelms him, after that brief moment of elation, a little dance, a jig. paddy doubles over, screaming, and his sisters find him in the study writhing on the floor. almost choking on his own dry boak from the severity and the sharpness of it. he thought he'd been shot in the back with a mortar. his legs cramping and shaking. even the drink and the morphine won't touch it.
that night, he's back in the hospital in belfast to revise the botched first op.
eoin's last letter remains on paddy's writing desk, untouched.
paddy wakes up in july, to bright fluorescent lights, and a tube shoved down his throat. he coughs in panic, tries to move but he feels paralysed. being half-awake, knowing that he could see and hear everything moving around him, but he couldn’t move a muscle. he thrashes about the bed, until the alarm goes off and a group of nurses and doctors come running by his side.
he remembers little else until the next time he wakes up.
there are at least four or five ‘get well soon’ cards on the bedside table, and a vase of fresh carnations that must have only been changed either yesterday or today. paddy looks to his right. francie is sleeping on the chair, head tilted to the left, a tattered copy of elizabeth gaskell's north and south lying askew between her fingers.
there is a sharp ache in his chest that has nothing to do with his physical injuries. he feels like he’s missed something, or someone.
he remembers his first jump, and eoin was there, and the wind was in his eyes, and --
a makeshift grave, holding eoin's limp, dead, hand.
then he mumbles something about pianos and graves and the desert and fucking reg and fucking stirling and eoin, dead, dead, dead, raving like a madman. the doctors and the nurses had to pin him down. injected him with barbiturates.
then he sleeps a dreamless sleep.
so quickly does sleep take him that paddy barely remembers why he's gone mad. something about eoin. dying? but eoin's alive. isn't he?
paddy wakes up again and his mam is by his side. he thinks he sees the doctors in white, then his sisters.
mouth cottony. his memory is foggy.
dazed, he thinks, ah, i see you too, eoin.
you're here too.
you're alive.
this is not how he wants his reunion with eoin to be.
not like this, when he wakes up and he sees eoin in his civvies and a girl by his side. 'paddy?' he hears eoin call out his name, but he's not sure if this is eoin or a vision of eoin and who is this girl that he's never seen before?
she's pretty, with the strawberry-blond hair and the blue dress that brings out her eyes. soft, demure. she's the kind of gal that eoin often writes about.
this is not how he wants his reunion with eoin to be.
when he's able to hold a coherent conversation, paddy says to eoin: ambrose always writes about you and siobhan.
does he now? eoin asks.
aye, but you never really write about her.
eoin breathes sharply, then, and looks at paddy. rests his elbow on the railing of paddy's hospital bed, chin on hands. eoin's wearing his claddagh ring, the same ring that paddy's gifted him when they were boys in ballymena.
the position's still the same as paddy's remembered it. with the heart pointing out.
so your heart's still free, eh, eoin? paddy wonders.
i do, eoin says. oblivious that paddy's staring at his ring, and not at him. i do, eoin says, write about her. just not to you.
paddy glares at eoin. why not? he asks.
because, paddy, eoin blinks, i know you're going to react like this.
react like what paddy wants to ask, but he bites his tongue because -- yes, he sees what eoin is trying to say. instead, he asks, so, when's the wedding?
eoin throws his head back and laughs, really, really laughs. oh, paddy. she's just a friend.
uh uh, paddy narrows his eyes. he chuckles, too, though it's humourless. tries to make light of the situation, because eoin is easy and light and bright.
but paddy's heart lies heavy.
still, he carries it with him. the darkness of it. even if it's torture.
eoin's staying in belfast for his summer holidays, while paddy is recuperating from his back operation. he visits mount pleasant often, and his sisters fuss over him more than they fuss over paddy. over tea, they ask him:
so how's siobhan?
why isn't siobhan here?
will we be hearing wedding bells soon?
eoin says, she's good, aye. she's back in dublin, with her family. and no, we're only friends. he's sheepish, coy. the same way he's acted when paddy posed a similar question, when he was still in hospital and eoin came to visit. paddy watches this interaction with some disgusted interest.
he grunts loudly in the background, for extra effect. his sisters roll their eyes at him, though not out of malice.
eoin, the ever-serene, continues smiling like a wise sage. unflappable.
it annoys the hell out of paddy. so he grunts again. louder.
eoin lets out a gentle laugh, then, though not quite meeting his eyes.
as if to say, oh, paddy. oh, blair. what do i do with you?
But truly, what does one do with someone like Blair 'Paddy' Mayne? Eoin wonders this all the time that they've been apart.
He searches for answers in the letters that Paddy never sent him.
They never come.
An Interlude:
“Why are you here, Eoin?”
Eoin grits his teeth. He continues serving soup in their bowls like he hasn’t heard the question, but he’s aware that Paddy is watching him curiously. Paddy's sisters are far away, on the other side of the house, and they now have only themselves to themselves.
“I just wanted to see you. It's been -- a while. Since the end of the war and you going to Antarctica," Eoin replies, careful, lest Paddy will bite. "I was coming up anyway, and when I didn't get a reply from the last letter I asked Ambrose how you've been. He told me that you were in the hospital. I didn’t want to barge in uninvited, and if I’d known what you've been through I would’ve—,” he trails off, before his shoulders fall into a defeated posture.
“What could you have done, Eoin? There's nothing you could do for me. I'm just a sad old grizzled dog,” Paddy offers to finish Eoin's sentence, sounding hurt in the process.
“It’s your choice, Paddy. To let me into your personal life or not,” Eoin replies, before he realizes how sharp the words sound. He shakes his head. “If I’d known, I would have come sooner," he says, lips curving into a soft smile, now. Tries to soothe Paddy's wounds a little.
“Sorry,” Paddy says, then. Still without maintaining eye-contact, his gaze fallen upon his lap. “I should’ve told you. I just--don't want you to see me like this.”
“I know how you are now,” Eoin softly replies. “Doesn’t really matter, Paddy. I've seen you at your worse. This is not it. And I’m here now anyway.”
They finish their lunch quietly. Eoin helps to wash the dishes while Paddy stays at the table, gulping down cold water. “Thanks for today. You must want to get home soon,” he says.
Something inside Eoin snaps again. “What makes you think that I’m leaving so soon?"
Paddy looks at him blankly, dark circles around his eyes making him appear as if he’s decaying from inside. Eoin knows the answer without Paddy having to say it.
Because the rest of them always do.
They've always been good at this sort of thing, though it's a bit rusty now and Eoin thinks, he needs more time to practice. He needs to spend more time with Paddy, to relearn him, to recalibrate.
To communicate.
I speak dog, Paddy's once said.
Paddy's old friends who have visited Mount Pleasant must have been uncomfortable; must have been afraid of the changes they’ve witnessed. Paddy has always been wild, untamed, free -- some may say violent, aggressive, volatile. The volatility is still there, Eoin could taste it. Feel it in the air -- it's one of the reasons why he's drawn to Paddy. Eoin's mostly average on a lot of things, but one thing he's actually excels in, is to be the unfettered vessel that contains Paddy. His chaos and his rage. The one to hold him there, his quintessence. Keep him still, in one place.
But the Paddy in front of him now is a hollow shell of what he once were, in the post-war world. As if life has been zapped out of him.
His bark has no bite.
Instead of offering sincere help, some of them may have decided to distance themselves. All while saying that they care. Some folk at the Law Society has been supportive, but it's difficult when they've not been through the things that Paddy's been through.
The things that Eoin and the SAS have been through.
Eoin gradually begins to understand why Paddy hasn’t reached out for him for help – even if that has always been the most natural thing for Paddy to do during the war; in the heat of battle. Eoin's always been next to Paddy for advice and support, even when GHQ made them execute idiotic orders that could have cost them their lives.
Paddy didn’t tell him about this, because he’d been afraid that Eoin would notice the change.
Feared that Eoin would shun him like everyone else did.
That night, Eoin decides to stay at Paddy's family home, because Francie's asked him to. She says, 'There's something you should know about Paddy. I know that you know, but I think you should see. He's-- different, now. And I don't know what to do.'
In the ornate reading room, Paddy lies on a chaise longue that wouldn't have probably helped with his back pain. A book of AE Housman poems limply held in one hand, mouth muttering the words on the page, again and again. They listen to 'Whiskey in the Jar' like the good old days when they were preparing for D-Day. Eoin's rereading Dickens, just for the sake of it.
Then, Eoin hears a thump. Paddy's fallen asleep. The book he held has fallen to the floor.
Paddy’s crouched in a foetal position; knees to chest – arms positioned as if he’s holding something against his chest – a rifle, Eoin realizes, only that there is no rifle.
And then, the grouches start.
part iii here
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kimio7 · 2 years ago
Thinking about your brocedes fanchild and what nico would dress her in versus what lewis would pick for her… she would have THE closet of all time
THE fashion icon of her generation!! and you know she would rock monochrome fits SO HARD!
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amartofagos · 1 year ago
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Miss Georgia bloom photoshoot out in the sun!! She’s apsolutely beautiful!!
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vampstel · 4 months ago
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I keep RHposting on here but y’all I’m obsessed…
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thenightisland · 2 years ago
molly really out here naming both her daughters after things that sting people
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rainbowhighschoolnurse · 7 months ago
Doll restoration: Shadow High’s Harley Limestone
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This was another doll that came from the house with the dog, alongside Amaya and Poppy. Unlike Poppy, it was clear to me that she was one that didn’t get played with much, as her hair was still nice like she’s been sitting on a shelf most of the time, but her face and body were a completely different story.
The before pictures I took made this restoration look deceptively easy, but once I took her clothes off I saw that wouldn’t be the case. Still, this was a rare incident of the hair being the least of my problems as it was very easy to comb out and the original style was still intact and didn’t need to be undone for washing. Aside from a small spot of something crusty in the front which washed out, the hair didn’t give me any trouble.
The face and body were a different story.
For starters, the something crusty that was in her hair was on her forehead as well, but that came off with a little acetone. Much more distressing was what appeared to be mold damage on her upper arm. I wrapped it up in a rubbing alcohol-soaked paper towel for a bit to kill the mold, but unfortunately the discoloration (though a few times over with acetone did make it fade) wouldn’t go away completely. I’ll try some other things later, but I have my doubts that anything will be effective.
There were a few paint flecks from factory painting, and what appeared to be marker marks on her legs, which both came off with acetone, and a whole lot of dust and grease build up from disuse that I washed off with soap and water. Several of her seams and most of her joints also needed sanding down and there were some plastic tabs that I pulled with tweezers in one of her knees and an elbow.
The thing that caused me the most trouble, however, was a glue spot on her cheek. I tried scraping it off, I tried acetone, rubbing alcohol, glue remover—nothing worked. In the end, I had to very carefully sand the lump of glue down with a fine grain nail file until it was mostly flat, and then use acetone to smooth the plastic by slightly melting it. The whole practice was a little nerve-wracking, since it was on her face, so it would be very visible if I screwed up. But thankfully it went exactly as planned and you can’t even see the repair!
Lastly was her outfit. I had all of her clothes and was only missing one shoe, so I had some options. I decided I really wanted to put her in the neon green tights, so I went with the bike shorts to show them, and the sweatshirt over the fur coat, which I don’t really care for. Since I only had one complete pair of shoes, that decision was made for me. Once I added her (remaining) accessories, the look was complete.
Unfortunately the microphone and the scarf for the microphone stand were missing, but that wasn’t gonna stop me from posting her like a rockstar. The accessory I’m most disappointed about not having for her is actually her barbed wire cat ear headband, which I absolutely adore, but my mom says she may have just put it in the wrong box when she was sorting out this lot, so fingers crossed!
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rhupdates · 2 years ago
Masterpost of Wave Information
The Royale High 3rd campus updates are being released in waves, as you may know. This post will contain all the current information about the waves and what they unlocked!
I will keep updating this with time, meaning that this post will stay pinned until the full release.
Beyond the Read More are unreleased waves! They are speculated based off of the given information.
Wave 1:
Main campus unlocked with the Bell Tower.
Beta testing has started.
Wave 2:
Front Office unlocked.
Poppy is the first NPC you can talk to. She can get you your ID card, your dorm key or an ice pack if you are hurt.
Wave 3:
Locker Courtyard unlocked.
You can access your locker within the Courtyard, which is able to be freely decorated with the accessories you have bought or received from the Wheel.
Tidy Textbooks can be played from your locker. (Temporarily disabled.)
You can buy food from the vending machines which raises your Hunger need and gives you extra EXP.
Wave 4:
Classrooms A101-A104 have been unlocked.
The only currently available minigame is Musical Chairs in the Rainy Day Classroom.
Wave 6 IN OUR HEARTS (actually Wave 5):
Dormitory building is unlocked, alongside the Valkyrie Hot Springs and Pool. You can customize your dorm however you want.
Actual Wave 6:
Bathing Quarters is unlocked.
Wave 7: No information.
Wave 8: Throne Tower will be unlocked. No other information.
Wave 9: Campus West Wing will be unlocked.
Wave 10: Gymnasium will be unlocked.
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lucithornz · 11 months ago
Okay I am updating everything before Imola
Red Horse ch 4 will be first. And the chapter title is Worth It
Vampire AU next (likely later in the week) chapter title Moonlight
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wintershub · 8 months ago
None of my blogs are going on hiatus but I'm working a lot these next couple of weeks and likely for the foreseeable future
I'll pop when I can but just know ya girl is busy and tired
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dyradoodles · 9 months ago
Rest Assured
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Category: Gen Fandoms:  Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997), Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Characters: Zack Fair, Sephiroth, Cid Highwind Chapters: 2/3
Summary: (POST REDUX HERO) After the final battle with Genesis, Zack brings Sephiroth to what he thinks will be a fitting location to leave Genesis's sword. Sephiroth learns more about Zack's previous timeline, as a result.
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mechahero · 1 year ago
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av-royale · 1 year ago
the glitterfrost update has come, and with it, secret badges for the heart of the castle!!!
in order to get the Chimney Surfer 2023 badge, you have to head to the fireplace with everyone’s stockings in the heart of the castle!
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[as of right now, i’m not sure whether the fire needs to be lit or not, but it’s a cute detail!!! ask a fire fairy to light it, or do it yourself!!!]
NOW… this becomes a test of endurance pretty quickly. you need to fly up the chimney. this doesn’t sound bad initially, but you’ll notice as you fly => it just Keeps Going…
those without the fly speed gamepass unfortunately have to tough it out for the 5 minute flight, and even with me going at 300% it still took about 2 straight min to reach the end.
HOWEVER… once you get to the end, you’ll end up in a winter wonderland!!!
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you have to touch this platform to get credit!!! if you just make it up and don’t touch the block, it won’t be counted :[
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there’s also an EXP chest up here as a reward for your patience!!!
✨wishing everyone a great holiday season from av-royale!!!✨
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royalehighobsession · 1 year ago
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I've been playing rh for over 6 years, never have I EVER been banned for something so ridiculous in my life. What does "suspected seller" mean? Not only that, I have clear evidence that I HARDLY trade items at all. I only sell duplicates for diamonds. I've already contacted the support email and haven't gotten any replies. It has been around 2 days now.
On top of that I haven't been on rh for a week and came back to this, who KNOWS how long I've been banned.
On top of that the bans are ridiculous. I'm not waiting until 2050 to play a game I probably won't remember, I'd be old by the time that comes. They need to fix their banning input because this is beyond ridiculous.
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 2 years ago
Squeaks and flaps hands!
A Work of Magic is officially up on Ao3!!!
--> https://archiveofourown.org/works/47501014/chapters/119709694 <--
I apparently have to do some editing before I post the rest, because I’ve become a lot more discerning over when to use Little Details. (Prepositional phrases, italics, emdashes, etc. I also like colons and semi-colons now, which adds Variety to the punctuation pool.)
But I’ll be updating it as I edit! It’s the low-spoons kind of editing, really. I might even do another chapter or two before I go to bed tonight...
My goal is to get it caught up with the ffdn posting within the next month, though. Preferably before the trip to NY!
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