#rewrite Mal
"This is between you and me Mother."
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aka Mal's about to go HAM on her mom who didn't expect Mal to go full demi-god
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Mike, but “Mike” as in, openly utilizes his DID for comedian tactics (as well as a coping mechanism), and has absolutely zero problems with it! 👍🏾
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g3othermal3scapism · 7 months
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messy mevie doodle that i kinda hate before i go to bed 😎 theyre best friends ur honor <3333 *click for better quality*
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princess-ibri · 2 months
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little Canon Descendants doodles of Mallow and Audrey I did before my old pen died :p But I got a new one now, yay! So now I can start answering those asks xD
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teawinx · 1 year
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Descendants Redesign
That's all of them! Yippee! Wahoo!!
All the relevant characters for the "movie" + Jay and Carlos who would be introduced in the follow up "series"
Hopefully these descriptions will give you a good idea of the plot of said movie when you put them all together, and I hope you guys get a good general idea of everyone and what their deals are
And wow I truly wrote fuck all for Charles. Sorry, lad, better luck next time
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shulkerbullets · 1 year
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nobody gets him like i do ‼️
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humaudrey · 16 days
Descendants Scene Rewrite - Meeting The VKs (Part 1)
Auradon Prep's marching band played a typical, upbeat and positive song fitting for a student's first day, swaying to the beat of their own drum. From behind the marching band, nearby the school statue, Zephyr's shoulders joined them and were in sync with the band.
Ben nudged Melody with his free arm, and gestured toward Zephyr. The two shared a small laugh, mimicking his movements despite the amused and confused looks from Seth and Audrey. They couldn't blame him, the trio had waited for this day for years. Today was only the beginning.
The black limo had suddenly driven past the school sign and made its way in front of the dormitory building. Students and staff who greeted the newcomers at the front gate had marched behind them, waving blue and yellow flags rapidly and eagerly with smiles before joining their peers by the dorms and the main school building.
The driver parked in front of the drop off area, and hastily opened the door.
Everyone's smiles and happy demeanor had died with the music. Immediately, two boys fell out of the limo door, grunting as they tugged at a blue towel. Despite the size difference, the smaller, white haired boy had managed to put up a fair fight against the tan, long dark brown haired individual in the burgundy beanie.
"You got–everything else, why do you want whatever this is?"
"Because you want it! Give it–"
The two continued to roll toward the rear end of the limo before the beanie wearer managed to gain an advantage. He straddled the boy with his knees on the other's waist and they continued their vicious game of tug of war.
The marching band cleared a path for Fairy Godmother and the other five, who cautiously walked a few steps forward.
"Hey, get off of him!" Zephyr yelled.
"Zephyr, sweetie, let's not–"
Fairy Godmother was too late. Zephyr ran and pushed the beanie wearer off, only managing to cause the tug of war over the towel to get even more violent. Zephyr had found himself intertwined in their tussle and the three continued to venture more to the right of the limo, with Fairy Godmother pacing behind the three and pleading for them to stop.
Once the four were a good distance away from the door, the driver beckoned for the others to depart for the limo.
The next person was a girl dressed in blue leather, who stole everyone else's attention away from the scuffle. Save for her fair complexion, and her poison apple red lipstick, most of her was blue, including her softly curled hair. Her brown eyes lit up like fireworks as she spun–no, twirled–around the area a few times. She faced Ben and the others and greeted them with a deep curtsy in her black graphic skirt, and Ben found himself replying back with a charmed smile. Her posture and poise had rivaled that of any princess Auradon had ever produced. Her stance was perfect, almost too perfect, like a mannequin in a dress boutique or an action figure whose ballpoint joints were forcibly pushed to create the perfectly still pose. One of the band members had turned to look back at Seth. His eyes bounced back from the blue haired girl to him. Seth smirked and subtly nodded back in reply, and the eyes behind the trumpet player's glasses widened in horror.
Another girl followed after, but she was much more hesitant. She peaked her head out the door, and covered her eyes with her hand as if someone had shined a flashlight in her face. As she made it out of the limo, Audrey felt a nervous lump forming in her throat. She recognized that specific, unnatural yet beautiful shade of green in the girl's eyes from anywhere. Her purple hair and the purple and green leather ensemble with dragon insignias were dead giveaways as well, and the look of disgust as she surveyed the dorm building only made the resemblance to her that much more apparent. The girl in purple caught the gaze of another band member, a French horn player, staring at her. Though, unlike the others, he looked...interested?
Suddenly, the French horn player flinched as yet another person in the limo shoved the girl in purple forward so they could get out. Catching herself from eating asphalt, she turned to repay the favor. The person responsible cackled manically before winking at the four future monarchs almost in a flirtatious manner.
Yet another boy, who coincidentally also wore a shade of red like the other two boys before him, and the tallest one so far. He was a brunette, with beautiful blue eyes that popped thanks to his black eyeliner. Unlike the other four villain kids, he seemed to be dressed more like a–
"Pirate," Melody murmured to herself. His dingy scarlet leather trench coat that shined under the sun, the truffled white blouse underneath, the tethered pants, the boots, Melody scanned over his entire ensemble several times. He was definitely a pirate. And if he was a pirate–
He had to be the son of Captain Hook, the man who killed Melody's grandmother.
"Woah, pretty!" let out another voice from the limo.
Melody's eyes darted back to the next person, another boy. He had a similar pirate style to the previous; an orange and brown leather steampunk styled shirt, tethered jeans, and black boots. He was much tanner than the other pirate and the combination of his skin complexion and his wavy blonde hair underneath his brown bandana reminded Melody of the surfers back at Seaside, though, most of the surfers weren't as buff. Despite his stature, size, and getup, and the fact he was from the Isle; he glanced at the other people scattered around him and waved at each individual with a welcoming smile that competed with the sun.
"Hello?!" called out an impatient voice.
Both of the pirate boys immediately turned back to the opened limo door, a black leather gloved hand reaching out, as if it–or, she, Melody assumed–was waiting for one of the two to grab it.
The red pirate grabbed the right hand, and the orange and brown pirate grabbed the other she lent, and the two properly escorted her out.
Melody's stomach dropped to her toes. The first thing she noticed were the long turquoise braids underneath a black pirate hat. Her black, turquoise, and purple fishnet and leather dress that complimented her deep brown skin implied she was a pirate too. No, not just a pirate, a captain. Their captain; the looks of pride and admiration on the other pirates' faces as if she were their goddess made that obvious. Her hardened face with such familiar facial features resembled that of a soldier going to war, and the confidence in the few steps she made in her heeled boots suggested she'd be the sole victor. The smoking gun that tipped Melody off about the identity of the pirate captain was the all too familiar gold Nautilus necklace that hung near her chest.
She was Ursula's daughter, and subsequently, Morgana's niece.
Melody thought she was ready for this, but her shivering body disagreed with her. Did she hate Melody for what her parents did? Or for sabotaging her aunt's attempt at opening the barrier and freeing her and the rest of the Isle inhabitants? Did she want revenge? Was that the original necklace?
As if the sea witch pirate captain heard the haunting thoughts in Melody's head, her brown eyes locked with Melody's. Like the rest of her surroundings, she gave Melody a careful and slow look over, examining every molecule that made up Melody's entire being.
A sudden, soft yet high-pitch ringing noise caused Melody to look down at her necklace. The gold seashell pendant was glowing, despite the lack of water needed for it to work, and it floated outward lazily. Melody glanced back at the sea witch pirate captain, only to find that the Nautilus pendant had done the same, glowing and floating outward toward Melody as if their necklaces were magnetic.
This was a first for Melody, but she never had the opportunity to meet others with enchanted jewelry other than her siblings. The sea witch pirate captain silently laughed and winked in Melody's direction while tucking away her pendant necklace under her dress. That answered one of Melody's questions at least.
Both of their necklaces had calmed down but Melody only continued to shiver, clasping her hands together tight like stress balls. Every cell in her brain told Melody to run, while every vein in her heart wanted her to stick it out.
"–and as we always say, leave it like you found it."
Melody looked back at Fairy Godmother making her way back to her group. The two boys from earlier dragged their feet over to the rest of the Isle inhabitants. The shorter boy was quite fashionable, in red, white, and black, with brown freckles like Dalmatian spots covering his unamused face. The taller boy dusted off his burgundy and yellow vest before he slowly made his way to the makeshift welcoming committee.
Zephyr was right on Fairy Godmother's tail, his head hung low with his hands in his pockets, unaware of the beanie wearer's presence.
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queerclownaf · 9 months
Wow, it's incredible how every character on Disney Descendants is canonically transgender :0 I can't belive Disney did that!!
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
hello im alice welcome to my descendants rewrite. here is the plot of movie number one!
(this would be marketed to adults/older teens. this is not a hypothetical childrens movie. i do not own the rights to these characters, and will never make any money off of this project. enjoy!)
beginning is the same. bens corronation is mentioned, he has to have a good thing before he can get married and take the throne. he chooses a villain reformation program. he suggests the daughter of the evil queen, and the son of cruella de vil.
evie and carlos are easy to beat into submission. easy to make powerless. sick even the friendliest dog on carlos, and he'll do as you say. evie can be separated from others and her source of power (her mirror and her friends) are easily stripped.
(mal is too powerful to take, in this scenario. her magic makes her too difficult. jay is similar- he's a thief. you cant easily take that from him.)
they're taken, and separated from mal and jay. for them, this is life altering, more than moving and leaving their lives behind. the vks are attached at the hip. they have nothing but each other, and separating them destroys them.
so evie and carlos lash out. they hurt people, they fight, they prank and threaten to kill others and themselves. when asked, all they say are names. mal and jay. they refuse to give more information.
ben is.. easy to walk all over, for the vks. he needs this to work. he's thought about this program his whole life. he disregards his parents wishes, and calls for mal and jay to be brought off the isle.
and it works. the fight in evie and carlos dies in seconds. the moment they see their other half, they deflate. they stop struggling. they go still, silent. all four of them are cuffed but its better than being separated completely. mal and jay are drugged but its better than them being gone. this is better than they'd ever dreamed of getting.
mal and jay are kept in a room, locked away and heavily drugged. theyre too dangerous to be let out. they cant be forced to be kind. carlos and evie can. ans they are.
every time one of them acts up, ben holds up a set of keys. keys to mal and jay. and they're back to being quiet. well behaved. they act up, and ben threatens to send mal and jay back home. and theyre back to being quiet.
until it stops working. they stop getting better- they stagnate. sure, they're not being violent, but they're pulling pranks and being mean and nothing anyone does gets through to them.
except for mal and jay, of course. ben plans a day for the five of them (and several knights) to hang out and talk without bars or medication or cuffs. to reason with them. to meet in the middle of what they need.
what they need is to be together. not just visits once a week, but spending the day together. taking classes together. playing sports and joining clubs.
and ben pulls out a paper. and makes them sign a contract.
one week. if, in one week he notices no improvement, mal and jay are put back into their cell, and business moves as it had been. they walk away with five signatures on a paper, and no hands in cuffs.
its a lot of trust, to put in villains. ben is thoroughly chewed out for it.
but it works, to an extent. they get better. they start playing silly, harmless pranks. a balloon in a locker, temporary hair dye in soap or lotion. nothing even remotely harmful.
until they get bored. until mal finds a way to get to the wand. and they pounce.
they get the wand. nobodys quite sure how- honestly they arent, either. but they get it. and by god do they duplicate it. everyone on campus has a wand look-alike in their room. the vks have dozens, ben has dozens, they're everywhere.
and nobody can find the real one. only jay knows where it is, tucked away in the architecture of the school somewhere, easy to move but hard to find.
and they get stripped, basically. they're separated from one another completely, only able to communicate in letter form, all of which are read and analyzed by multiple staff members, as well as ben himself, who's devastated.
the program is deemed a failure, and the vks are locked away to be forgotten about for a few weeks while the kingdom figures their shit out.
they've overturned the entire kingdom, and the wand is gone.
there are two words, on jays shoulder. magically tattooed.
i know.
and three on mal's, matching jays in font and size
let us out.
and the movie ends.
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The Descendants Three ending sucked, and it’s time to admit it.
First and Foremost, Audrey being the villain of the movie really sets it off on a bad foot. Audrey and Mal had already forgiven each other in the end of D1 but we’re supposed to believe Audrey still wants revenge?
But for the sake of keeping it more or less the same let’s say that yes. Audrey makes a good villain because of what happened to her and her grandmothers bad influence and hurtful actions. That still doesn’t change how bad the end of her villain arc is.
It would have been AMAZING if we got a scene of Audrey realizing exactly what she did in the moment, and coming to terms with the fact that she just wanted the power and didn’t want Ben. (Personally I’d love to see this through her hurting Ben like actually HURTING him, I think it would be gut wrenching to see her almost ruin the only person she’s ever been shown to care about) And then willingly give up the sceptre, and all the evil powers that come along with it, as well as the crown.
It may be cringey and cliche to have Ben as a damsel in need of rescuing again, BUT it would truly give Audrey the chance to apologize for her actions instead of the half assed apology the movie does have.
Plus it would be cool to see how Mal reacts to this, and how it helps her see that everyone is capable of bad, no matter who they are. But also how easy people can change if they really want to, which would convince her to open the barrier.
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first time I've ever drawn blonde Mal
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chronically-unlucky · 2 years
Descendants au where Ben is well aware of Mal’s plan and subtly helps because he thinks Auradon is fucked up and it’s about time there was a revolution but the crown prince can’t exactly start it
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g3othermal3scapism · 7 months
I do think most of the VKs are queer but in the way that they dont really believe in labels like gay or straight, they just kinda like who they like and their “sexualities” are more preferences than labels, and while some definitely lean harder to one side or the other, most of them dont really see gender when it comes to dating. Uma, however, is for sure the closest thing to what auradon would classify as a lesbian
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noahtally-famous · 10 months
it's been a hot sec since I watched both action and all-stars but bear with me here.
I don't rlly mind action's finale too much (which might be surprising to most of the fandom) and all-stars finalists were meh (except for the spotlight on the newer gens during an all-star season, but whatever). but here's the vision I randomly came up with two hours ago:
action's finalists: (trustin 😶) or beth and lindsay or smth similar--all-girls finale would've been cool plus the besties vs. besties drama. nothing more needs to be said, I think y'all understand the gist, I don't think I need to explain that any further...
duncan's time to shine should've been during all-stars' finale against mal. og contestant vs. newer contestant (made more highlighted due to mal being dormant until the beginning of tdas). it would've been interesting and impactful imo to see duncan, one of the characters to get the most development in that season, war against his own moral beliefs (or lack thereof) while facing off against his former juvie pal who's way more chaotically evil/chaotically neutral than he has been during this season. like imagine a duncan who's already teetering bc he got dropped into the 'heroes team' and ppl keep thinking he's 'gone soft' and all he wants to do is prove them wrong, but here he is, somehow at the finale, facing someone he knows personally is worse than anything he can ever be, and a side of him does admire that, ofc, but also there's the million dollars to think abt. imagine imagine...everything abt that finale being one big irony, they both trade barbs back and forth bc they know each other from juvie so they know each other's ticks, the entire episode is just easter eggs of their individual pasts under the guise of certain things being said/done to mess with the other. so many internal dilemmas. and smth smth happens, mike fronts again in the middle of the finale, mal ends up relinquishing control of the host, no reset button involved, some sort of 'truce' between them occurs beforehand, mike's naturally confused but is rolling with it all, zoey could've still been one of the helpers, same with alejandro and heather, maybe chris's "cottage" does get blown up somehow, yada yada
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teawinx · 1 year
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Descendants redesigns, all together!
Currently working on redesigns of Jane, Uma, Harry and Gil, hopefully will be as good as these lol
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matty-alien · 3 months
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To be Continued…
+the paper sketch
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