#my interpretation: zephyr
humaudrey · 29 days
Descendants Scene Rewrite - Meeting The VKs (Part 1)
Auradon Prep's marching band played a typical, upbeat and positive song fitting for a student's first day, swaying to the beat of their own drum. From behind the marching band, nearby the school statue, Zephyr's shoulders joined them and were in sync with the band.
Ben nudged Melody with his free arm, and gestured toward Zephyr. The two shared a small laugh, mimicking his movements despite the amused and confused looks from Seth and Audrey. They couldn't blame him, the trio had waited for this day for years. Today was only the beginning.
The black limo had suddenly driven past the school sign and made its way in front of the dormitory building. Students and staff who greeted the newcomers at the front gate had marched behind them, waving blue and yellow flags rapidly and eagerly with smiles before joining their peers by the dorms and the main school building.
The driver parked in front of the drop off area, and hastily opened the door.
Everyone's smiles and happy demeanor had died with the music. Immediately, two boys fell out of the limo door, grunting as they tugged at a blue towel. Despite the size difference, the smaller, white haired boy had managed to put up a fair fight against the tan, long dark brown haired individual in the burgundy beanie.
"You got–everything else, why do you want whatever this is?"
"Because you want it! Give it–"
The two continued to roll toward the rear end of the limo before the beanie wearer managed to gain an advantage. He straddled the boy with his knees on the other's waist and they continued their vicious game of tug of war.
The marching band cleared a path for Fairy Godmother and the other five, who cautiously walked a few steps forward.
"Hey, get off of him!" Zephyr yelled.
"Zephyr, sweetie, let's not–"
Fairy Godmother was too late. Zephyr ran and pushed the beanie wearer off, only managing to cause the tug of war over the towel to get even more violent. Zephyr had found himself intertwined in their tussle and the three continued to venture more to the right of the limo, with Fairy Godmother pacing behind the three and pleading for them to stop.
Once the four were a good distance away from the door, the driver beckoned for the others to depart for the limo.
The next person was a girl dressed in blue leather, who stole everyone else's attention away from the scuffle. Save for her fair complexion, and her poison apple red lipstick, most of her was blue, including her softly curled hair. Her brown eyes lit up like fireworks as she spun–no, twirled–around the area a few times. She faced Ben and the others and greeted them with a deep curtsy in her black graphic skirt, and Ben found himself replying back with a charmed smile. Her posture and poise had rivaled that of any princess Auradon had ever produced. Her stance was perfect, almost too perfect, like a mannequin in a dress boutique or an action figure whose ballpoint joints were forcibly pushed to create the perfectly still pose. One of the band members had turned to look back at Seth. His eyes bounced back from the blue haired girl to him. Seth smirked and subtly nodded back in reply, and the eyes behind the trumpet player's glasses widened in horror.
Another girl followed after, but she was much more hesitant. She peaked her head out the door, and covered her eyes with her hand as if someone had shined a flashlight in her face. As she made it out of the limo, Audrey felt a nervous lump forming in her throat. She recognized that specific, unnatural yet beautiful shade of green in the girl's eyes from anywhere. Her purple hair and the purple and green leather ensemble with dragon insignias were dead giveaways as well, and the look of disgust as she surveyed the dorm building only made the resemblance to her that much more apparent. The girl in purple caught the gaze of another band member, a French horn player, staring at her. Though, unlike the others, he looked...interested?
Suddenly, the French horn player flinched as yet another person in the limo shoved the girl in purple forward so they could get out. Catching herself from eating asphalt, she turned to repay the favor. The person responsible cackled manically before winking at the four future monarchs almost in a flirtatious manner.
Yet another boy, who coincidentally also wore a shade of red like the other two boys before him, and the tallest one so far. He was a brunette, with beautiful blue eyes that popped thanks to his black eyeliner. Unlike the other four villain kids, he seemed to be dressed more like a–
"Pirate," Melody murmured to herself. His dingy scarlet leather trench coat that shined under the sun, the truffled white blouse underneath, the tethered pants, the boots, Melody scanned over his entire ensemble several times. He was definitely a pirate. And if he was a pirate–
He had to be the son of Captain Hook, the man who killed Melody's grandmother.
"Woah, pretty!" let out another voice from the limo.
Melody's eyes darted back to the next person, another boy. He had a similar pirate style to the previous; an orange and brown leather steampunk styled shirt, tethered jeans, and black boots. He was much tanner than the other pirate and the combination of his skin complexion and his wavy blonde hair underneath his brown bandana reminded Melody of the surfers back at Seaside, though, most of the surfers weren't as buff. Despite his stature, size, and getup, and the fact he was from the Isle; he glanced at the other people scattered around him and waved at each individual with a welcoming smile that competed with the sun.
"Hello?!" called out an impatient voice.
Both of the pirate boys immediately turned back to the opened limo door, a black leather gloved hand reaching out, as if it–or, she, Melody assumed–was waiting for one of the two to grab it.
The red pirate grabbed the right hand, and the orange and brown pirate grabbed the other she lent, and the two properly escorted her out.
Melody's stomach dropped to her toes. The first thing she noticed were the long turquoise braids underneath a black pirate hat. Her black, turquoise, and purple fishnet and leather dress that complimented her deep brown skin implied she was a pirate too. No, not just a pirate, a captain. Their captain; the looks of pride and admiration on the other pirates' faces as if she were their goddess made that obvious. Her hardened face with such familiar facial features resembled that of a soldier going to war, and the confidence in the few steps she made in her heeled boots suggested she'd be the sole victor. The smoking gun that tipped Melody off about the identity of the pirate captain was the all too familiar gold Nautilus necklace that hung near her chest.
She was Ursula's daughter, and subsequently, Morgana's niece.
Melody thought she was ready for this, but her shivering body disagreed with her. Did she hate Melody for what her parents did? Or for sabotaging her aunt's attempt at opening the barrier and freeing her and the rest of the Isle inhabitants? Did she want revenge? Was that the original necklace?
As if the sea witch pirate captain heard the haunting thoughts in Melody's head, her brown eyes locked with Melody's. Like the rest of her surroundings, she gave Melody a careful and slow look over, examining every molecule that made up Melody's entire being.
A sudden, soft yet high-pitch ringing noise caused Melody to look down at her necklace. The gold seashell pendant was glowing, despite the lack of water needed for it to work, and it floated outward lazily. Melody glanced back at the sea witch pirate captain, only to find that the Nautilus pendant had done the same, glowing and floating outward toward Melody as if their necklaces were magnetic.
This was a first for Melody, but she never had the opportunity to meet others with enchanted jewelry other than her siblings. The sea witch pirate captain silently laughed and winked in Melody's direction while tucking away her pendant necklace under her dress. That answered one of Melody's questions at least.
Both of their necklaces had calmed down but Melody only continued to shiver, clasping her hands together tight like stress balls. Every cell in her brain told Melody to run, while every vein in her heart wanted her to stick it out.
"–and as we always say, leave it like you found it."
Melody looked back at Fairy Godmother making her way back to her group. The two boys from earlier dragged their feet over to the rest of the Isle inhabitants. The shorter boy was quite fashionable, in red, white, and black, with brown freckles like Dalmatian spots covering his unamused face. The taller boy dusted off his burgundy and yellow vest before he slowly made his way to the makeshift welcoming committee.
Zephyr was right on Fairy Godmother's tail, his head hung low with his hands in his pockets, unaware of the beanie wearer's presence.
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lady-zephyrine · 1 year
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Had the sudden urge to draw these two together.
Drawcia's other form is more pink than I realized.
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Hannibal 3x2: Why Botticelli's Primavera? - A painting analysis
ok im only on the second episode of s3 of hannibal so if it turns out in three episodes they debunk this entire post that'll suck.
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The first kill of Il Mostro replicates Primavera, specifically Zephyr and the nymph Chloris, who becomes his wife. The flowers out of her mouth -- which Pazzi calls attention to -- symbolizes how Zephyr transforms her into the goddess of Spring.
Primavera is a rather specific choice; especially considering that Zephyr and Chloris are also depicted in Botticelli's "you've-probably-never-heard-of-it-bc-it's-so-niche" work: The Birth of Venus.
Lecter is obsessed with Primavera specifically, going to the museum sketch it almost every day, from what Pazzi recalls.
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As a quick refresher (since obviously all of you know all the details of Primavera by heart):
the guy on the far left is Mercury (Hermes, if you're a PJO kid)
the three women dancing are the Three Graces (a symbol of chastity)
the woman in the center is Venus (goddess of love)
blindfolded baby Eros is shooting an arrow at the Three Graces (a disservice to Eros, but that's a topic for another day).
the woman to the left of Chloris is Flora (sometimes called Primavera), the deity that Chloris transforms into.
I. Isolating Zephyr and Chloris: Hannibal's influence on Will
Focusing on Zephyr and Chloris (as Hannibal does), we can interpret Hannibal as Zephyr, the wind god grabbing the fearful nymph Chloris, and transforming her into a spring goddess.
It's established in prior scenes that Hannibal views other people as less-than-human, even referenced to pigs in the prior seasons (see: "he kills in sounders"). Hannibal believes that, in his murders, he is transforming man into god. This reflects his later cannibalistic tendencies; transforming meat into fine dining. Flowers erupt from Chloris's mouth -- she is transformed from the inside out.
A parallel can even be drawn to Will, whose transformation arguably begins after he vomits up Abigail Hobbs' ear and is arrested. Under Hannibal's influence, Will is transforming into Primavera.
II. Carnal vs Divine Love: Will's influence on Hannibal
A popular interpretation of the painting involves the juxtaposition of carnal and divine love (reading right to left). Zephyr attacks Chloris carnally and violently on the far right. In the center sits the goddess of love. The Three Graces, who symbolize Chastity, turn away from carnal love, unknowingly about to be shot by Eros -- a symbol of divine love.
This is Hannibal's character arc!!
Hannibals first killing is represented by carnal love, a deep love for killing for a show of power. He kills because he can.
His first kill in the show, however, is the murder of Cassie Boyle. Art historians Blech and Doliner note that the openings in the trees above Venus are shaped precisely like lungs. And what's one of the first things Hannibal does in the whole show? He took Cassie Boyle's lungs and fed them to Will. Directly beneath the symbol of his first murder, is the goddess of love: Venus. Meeting Will moves Hannibal to the center of the painting, where love appears between the lungs of Cassie Boyle. Kinda gross but it's a show about a cannibal what can you do?
Hugh Dancy -- son of a philosopher, remember? -- refers to the love between Hannibal and Will by the end of the show as platonic love, to which he meant "Plato"-nic love, which in philosophical terms equates now to divine love.
My best prediction for the end of S3 is that Hannibal will transition to the left of the painting, and reach the divine love form of killing -- whatever that's going to look like.
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cedarxwing · 6 months
The ending of Hannibal the novel explained
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(aka the breastfeeding scene)
Here's the passage (end of Chapter 101):
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I thought everyone was kidding about the breastfeeding kink jokes until my partner read Hannibal and the whole ending flew over their head. Their main takeaway was "that was weird." When I checked reddit, it seemed everyone was confused there too. I was gobsmacked to see one guy say that Thomas Harris was playing some cruel joke on the reader by writing an ending that didn't make sense!
How many people are reading Hannibal like this, completely missing the resolution to Hannibal's character arc? They must finish the book confused about what it was all about in the first place. So here's how I understand it!
First, I need to get this out of the way: a lot of people hate this scene, and from what I understand it's because they're weirded out by the "breastfeeding kink." Which is fine, but it makes me want to gently hold them by the hand and tell them that it's ok for someone to suck on a nipple. It happens all the time. Sometimes it just feels good, sometimes it's part of a breastfeeding fantasy, and sometimes it's literal breastfeeding. Between consenting adults, this is all fine and normal. Let's all move past this knee-jerk repulsion (or alternatively, sit in our discomfort and expand our horizons) so we can analyze this piece of art together. :)
Next, authors LOVE Freudian psychoanalysis. Even though it's all nonsense, it's full of literary allusion and makes for compelling narratives and character studies (childhood maladjustment, repressed memories, etc), which is basically catnip for a writer. Thomas Harris was no exception, and probably creamed himself (as I did) when he learned that Freud's oral-sadistic stage was also termed the "cannibalistic stage," referring to the time when an infant is growing teeth and begins to bite at the breast--the psychosexual urge to devour and destroy the thing you love. What could be more appropriate for Hannibal?
Next, consider the pattern of Hannibal's Il Mostro murders. He killed young couples in one of the most romantic cities in the world, then arranged them as Chloris and Zephyr from Botticelli's Primavera, exposing Chloris's left breast just like in the painting. In classical art, an exposed breast is often a symbol of fertility. Chloris is associated with spring, new growth, and transformation.
Perhaps, at the time, Hannibal rationalized these murders as retribution for rude behavior. Maybe the couples were performing disgusting PDA. Maybe they were obnoxious tourists on their honeymoons. Either way, it's clear to the reader that Hannibal has some deep-seated hang up about sex and romance.
The particulars of this hang up are open to interpretation, but based on Hannibal's obsession with the rape and transformation of Chloris as well as his embarrassment at the paintings of Leda and the Swan in the German's house, I think it's safe to say that Hannibal feels like any relationship he has with a woman who isn't aware of his true (monstrous) identity would involve a degree of violence/lack of consent. He is forever barred from normal romance.
Having given up on sex/romance, Hannibal is unable to consciously recognize his desire for Clarice, so he sublimates it into a more general familial love. He longs for a return to innocence, to return to the time before he ate Mischa and became an unlovable monster (cue the teacup metaphor).
But even familial love seems like too much to hope for, so he sublimates it further into something that seems more attainable: resurrecting the person whom he loved and devoured, and who loved him in turn (Mischa) through Clarice.
So we have the breast as a symbol of sex/fertility (Chloris/Clarice), as an object that is loved and devoured (Mischa), and as a literal source of sustenance that must be given up during infancy (mommy).
Big brain Clarice connects all these dots and, in the very same style of therapy that Hannibal has been using on her, distills Hannibal's psychological problems into a single poetic gesture that completely fixes Hannibal in an instant, proving that she's not only his intellectual equal, but is, in some ways, his superior.
When Clarice asks, "Did you ever feel that you had to relinquish the breast to Mischa? Did you ever feel you were required to give it up for her?", she's ostensibly asking Hannibal if he's stuck in the oral stage of childhood development (which yeah he probably is). On a deeper level, she's asking Hannibal to consider if he's given up on love.
When Clarice exposes her breast in the same fashion as Chloris, says, "You don’t have to give up this one", and suspends the drop of wine from her nipple, she is shifting his perception of her breast from familial devoured sustenance to a sexual object. Basically, "Why do you want me to pretend I'm your sister when we could be banging?" Hannibal is being aged out of his childlike mindset, not regressing into one.
There are other layers of meaning in this act. The hedonism of using thousand dollar wine for food play is a sign of Clarice's character development. The way Hannibal kneels before Clarice is a position of subservience, but could also be interpreted as devouring Clarice in a way that's new to him. It's the most self-actualized thing Hannibal has done since escaping prison (LOL) and marks the end of his hero's journey (as one of the first things we see him do in Hannibal Rising is nurse).
Personally, I don't read this scene as breastfeeding kink. Yeah, Clarice talks about breastfeeding, but that was more a metaphor for other stuff. Considering the direction of Hannibal's character arc, I understand this scene as him briefly licking the wine off before they have sex. But to each their own! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANYWAY, yeah, it's unsettling. It's obviously meant to be. But it's beautifully unsettling! Hate it all you want, but this is peak cannibal romance, to me!!
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birdyarts · 2 months
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Finally, finally, FINALLY UPLOADING THEM!! I've been thinking about my children for so long!! So, yeah, I ship twidash! They're very cute in season four and whenever I rewatch I look for crumbs in the earlier seasons! I forgot to write what they do now as older ladies so I'll write it here!
✨️Twilight Sparkle✨️
She stepped down as princess of Equestria after a week. She realized how stressed she was getting and wanted to be around Rainbow Dash and her friends more. However, she still wanted to work in spreading friendship! Queen Luna appointed her as friendship ambassador of Equestria! She mostly works within Equestria; its cities and states! She and the five are the heads of this agency. She also always travels outside of Equestria when an ambassador successfully reaches out! Her main job is to read reports sent in, assign ambassadors with the map's help and solve friendship problems locally! She's still as nerdy, snarky and dorky as ever! Also, she's autistic in my universe!
⚡️Rainbow Dash⚡️
After being let down by the Wonderbolts too many times, Dash decided to form her own group: Sonicspeeds! She worked alongside Soarin', who realized he was treated unfairly. They made a very good team and they produced an aerial team that quickly rivaled the Wonderbolts! With Twilight's influence, she's mellowed out; she's more laid back but still has her temper. She's embraced her nerdy side more! And she has no problem letting her feelings and thoughts be known! After a talk with Twi about children, Rainbow decided to leave the management and coaching of the Sonicspeeds to Soarin'. She now coaches part time as a buckball coach! She still keeps up with her fitness too, she takes flights in the morning and does yoga in the evenings a few times a week! She has ADHD here!
🌌Chromatic Constellation🌌
Mostly called "Chroma" but called "Collie" occasionally! She's 17, cis, bi and Twidash's second born! She is very cheerful and can start a chat with anyone!! However, she does tend to be a chatterbox and may interrupt others because of her excitement. She has tons of energy and inherited Dash's speed, she's one of the fastest runners! She also inherited Dash's ADHD which makes her creative but also makes her impatient and frustrated when her plans don't happen quickly. She's actually a unicorn but looks like an earth pony because her horn never developed during pregnancy. She has a bony bump underneath her bangs that she's self conscious of. This bump causes her migraines because of the magic build up if not medicated. The closest thing to a magic aura she has is a glow that happens when she's focused! Her special talent is being able to shine no matter what she does! She's an aspiring singer and has only preformed in Canterlot for now!
🍁Autumn Zephyr🍁
Called "Autumn" or "Zeph", he's 19, cis, straight and Twidash's oldest! Being born autistic, Zeph was a very quiet and introverted child. He mostly read language books, organized his toys and laid on the floor staring at the ceiling while humming loudly. He also learned to speak a lot later than most kids, vocally that is. After he didn't respond to his name getting called multiple times, Twi and Dash rushed him to the hospital to check for deafness! Nothing was wrong but little Autumn was tapping his hooves the entire time. Twi recognized a pattern in the taps and realized he was speaking in Horse! (Morse code). She and Dash immediately read every book in their library about Horse code and now they could understand and speak to him perfectly! He had to get an interpreter once he started school and got another one when he started signing Ponish (English) in high school. After his second year, he started talking vocally and he now has no problems talking in public this way. With his family though, he still taps or signs. Unfortunately, he did inherit Dash's cockiness but he's 100 times worse! He grew up hearing about his mother's adventures and getting treated like royalty so his ego started growing. And now he's very arrogant and self-absorbed! He was a bully as a child and now is condescending, cold and snobby to everyone else. He thinks his family is the best in Equestria and thinks they deserve only the best. He's even judgy with the friends his siblings make! He doesn't understand why Twi would give up being a princess or Dash give up managing her popular team. His special talent is interpreting and he works in one of the offices in the castle as an interpreter for the Canterlot locals. He also occasionally interprets for Luna and her family.
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Starkid D&D AU Fic
(i haven’t proof read this yet so idk if it’s good or bad yet 😭 also sorry if i get some stuff wrong, i re-watched the stream to fact check some stuff. this is all i have so far, so on that note, let’s get into it)
Sat atop a rustic cottage, a lone figure rested. One who was formerly a dragon-born, and now an average-sized cookie dragon.
Her light brown tail with darker brown spots coiled around her frame, gently tapping against the hay roof. Muddy eyes surveyed the horizon of Stalewind, as if in search of something. Someone, even.
A few inches away, she heard the rustling of the hay adjacent to her. Turning her head, she spotted a single hand. Another hand joined it, and before she knew it, Zak was hauling himself onto the top of their cottage. Hat, dirt-caked suspenders, messy dark hair, and all. He offered her a smile.
“Zephyr n’ Angelo are inside cookin’ up-uh, somethin’ nice for all of us.” Zak’s strained attempt at making a conversation would’ve made her laugh if she wasn’t so focused on what she was doing.
She offered a half-nod. “Cool.”
Zak looked at her for a few moments before he fished a hand into one of his pockets. As he brought out his hand, a small potato came out with it. Spudicus Maximus wiggled a bit in his palm. The silence was loud enough to hear the mewls of it saying, “Dada,” over-and-over. Zak smiled.
“It’s nice. Us four livin’ together, eh? No more famine ‘ere thanks ta’ us. Everythin’s peaceful n’ stuff. Well, if you can count Angelo’s daily Bible readings as that, but, ya know. I like this place, n’ this run-down cottage.” Zak looked up from his son to the swamp of trees before them.
“It reminds me of my old place, back in Brooklyn. Delancey Street, n’ all of that. My family’s back there, ya know. My moms and my younga’ brothas. I miss ‘em everyday, but with the Earthworm…I don’t wanna put ‘em in danger.”
Zak looked at her, a sad smile on his face. “You miss Tony, Stephonia. You’ve had that look in ya eyes ever since the Hag killed ‘im.”
i had a dream about this and a different npmd au last night so i woke up at 7 and busted out my computer 😋 also i feel like zak having two moms and being an older brother is canon but ‼️‼️ that’s just my interpretation lol
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skele-bunny · 1 month
New follower here, and new Ghost fan in general, hasn't yet been a year since I became a fan, anyway, with all of the Ghoul Kit content you have made it has me wondering,
Who was the first couple to become parents, and what was Sister Imperator's reaction?
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In my personal interpretation, it's hard for ghouls to conceive as their bodies are not adapted to the topside as much as they'd like for them to be. They haven't evolved to include that possibility, so their body still takes the environment as unknown and unsafe. But it's not impossible!
Mist was the carrier and as a water ghoul, she was able to have a clutch. It was kind of planned, also not kind of planned. All four of them had agreed that if they had children, it's something everyone wants but if it doesn't happen, then it simply doesn't happen. Then not even a month later, tadddaaa! Triplets!
Alpha joined the poly later on in Mist's pregnancy but was still super excited and happy about it. They honestly all were.
Buuuutttt. On the dark side, it opened the higher-ups eyes to the possibility it could happen. They could potentially breed their own ghouls in the ministry if they had the volunteers, or even surrogates. Obviously for a "better cause." Higher-ups started poking and prodding at Mist and keeping up-to-date with her pregnancy and it pissed him off bad. Sister Imperator was the first non-ghoul to see Mist, without her consent, just a day after giving birth.
She made some undertones in her comments about how "fulfilling" the kits will be "for future use." How Mist has opened the Clergy's eyes.
It made... All of them nauseous... She eventually left but definitely started keeping track of certain things in private. Nothing cruel ever happened to the triplets or any of the parents besides them be gawked at or fawned over by fellow ghouls. Papa Terzo was obviously super fucking happy!! Spoiled them all rotten and loved being a grandpa, just showing off the kits and pictures on his phone like; "LOOK AT MY GRANDKITS!!!!!"
But TLDR; It made Sister's mind start thinking about expansion and change. And when she's thinking about expansion and change, it's never had a good outcome now has it?
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kllypsooo · 1 year
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Yee, so I'm here to share my interpretation of the ghouls! Starting with Omega & Zephyr bc I love them so much
I like to think quintessence ghouls resemble black cats (due to their association with magic). So Omega is basically the giant void kitty of the ministry
And Zephyr's design is based on a mountain chickadee! (Literally the cutest birds ever)
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lionacuty · 3 months
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okay okay!!!! :D
Prism and Zephyr are part of a group of gods that has brought life onto a planet and down below, in the pic of an old unfinished art of mine is a diplay of all the gods
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Solar, god of the sun, a lion with flames consiting his mane, brother of Neoma and father of Sunrise (a bunny) and Sundrop (a lion)
Amadeus, goddes of all kinds of love, a deer with a bow n arrow that can bloom any kind of relationships once it hits and mother of Kaylee
Dimita, godess of the earth, wildlife and plants, a centaur with fairies being her helpers and lover of Neoma
Neoma, godess of the sea and moon, a mermaid with a voice so beautiful she can command the waves and moon, sister of Solar and lover of Dimita
Pandora, godess and gardian of Hellfire (aka hell were all the hell born demons are born in and were all the sinners and fallen angels go to), a cat and a goat hybrid that is feared by sinners and loved by the hellborns and she has a lover that comes from space and that lover is the queen of her kind (the queen of the aliens that makes robots like Wilbur!!) and sister of Erembour
Zephyr, god and gardian of Euphoria (aka heaven with the angels that were born here and were the good people go to), a bunny lamb hybrid (I decided on the hybrid part just rn after writing about Pandora cuz you know goats and lambs and stuff) beloved by all in his kingdom tho no one could comprehend his chaotic side, brother of Phoebe and lover of Prism
Prism, god of creation, distruction and wisdom, a spider which if he looks at you with all of his eyes open it means that you have done something unforgivable, leader of the gods and lover of Zephyr
Erembour, god and first leader of the shadow realm, a wolf as dark as night who's a fearles warrior and brother of Pandora
Phoebe, godess and first leader of the light realm, a pheonix reflecting the white light coming from the sun the atmosphear interprets as multiple colours and sister of Prism
(yes, I kinda forgot to draw Erembour and Pheobe in that old drawing)
Prism and Zephyr used to be lover until some univers travel fuckery caused the fate of the current universe to change for the worst as eons ago, Pandor and Zephyr teamed up to ravage what they all have created, causing many deaths and the almost extinction of the nephalems (aka angel demons) due to roles being to keep the 2 gods in check as the nephalems balanced the world
The 2 have been banished to the void for their actions and their godly gems being taken aways as they weren't trusted with them, it left a big scare over all the rest of the gods with the one being affected the most being Zephyr
also, the godly gems are what the god get their powers from and unlike the crowns from my cotl au, they are not parasites as the gods were born with them from their star nest in space
so yeah, here's some stuff about them :3
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cumulus-cloudss · 6 months
Hello my loves!
-🜁 Air Ghoulette. “Lioness”, as Copia says
-Asks are always open! I don’t bite 💖 (most of the time. Suggestive and NSFW asks are always allowed ^^
-DMs are also open if anyone wants to either plot or rp one-on-one
(Main- @nosferatu-png )
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-fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. will NOT be tolerated
-Admin is 21. This is an 18+ Blog and my personal interpretation of the character.
-Feel free to interact with my other rp blogs! @zephyr-windss & @phantom-bat-ghoul
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humaudrey · 2 months
Descendants Scene Rewrite: Mal (& Uma) vs Audrey (& Melody)
"Hey, you two must be the daughters of Maleficent and Ursula, aren't you?"
Melody finally managed to take her attention off of the sea witch pirate captain she just moments ago learned was Uma, and her handsome lackeys, and turned toward Audrey. Everyone had, actually, just as Audrey intended. Despite the enthusiastic and friendly sounding tone, anyone who knew Audrey, knew this was anything but.
The interference of Mal and Uma's playfully snarky conversation with Ben caused him to step back. Audrey relinked her arm with Ben's while Melody slowly approached the couple.
"Yeah, you know what, I think I speak for Melody and Arietta when I say we totally don't blame you guys for your mothers trying to kill our parents and stuff," Audrey said, attempting to sound casual with a chuckle. Melody was agape, much like most of her peers.
"Audrey–" Melody warned.
Audrey continued anyway. "Oh, we're not sisters. Melody and Arietta's mom is Queen Ariel of Seaside, 'The Little Mermaid'. My mother is Queen Aurora, better known as 'Sleeping–"
"Beauty!" Mal absorbed Audrey's pep, as Audrey's smile slowly dropped. "Yeah, I've heard the name. And you know, I totally, do not, blame you for your grandparents inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother, to their stupid christening."
Uma took a few steps forward, matching the forced smile Audrey had worn earlier and faced Melody. "Nor do I blame you for your grandfather, who wrongfully banished my mother from that pathetic, underwater sandcastle of a kingdom."
The diss hurt, but what really pissed Melody off were the snickers from Harry and Gil. Whatever smiles the two princesses tried to force on her their faces, they never developed.
Melody bit her tongue, and forced a chuckle. "Water under the bridge?" Melody asked Audrey.
"Totes!" Audrey replied, her fake smile returning.
"Definitely!" Mal reciprocated.
Audrey and Mal shared a rather insincere laugh simultaneously, before they both simultaneously trailed off with a sigh. Uma's smirk only grew bigger as Melody's lips stretched in a thin line.
"Well, while we're apologizing," Gil began, stepping forward to the rest of the group. "I guess I'm sorry for my dad trying to kill your dad even though your dad kidnapped your mom and took her hostage and held her against her wi–"
"No need," Ben said. "None of you have anything to be sorry for. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. You're not your parents, and you shouldn't have to answer for the crimes they committed."
The seven villain kids all shared looks between one another. Uma snorted, and opened her mouth as if she were about to say something. Instead, she kept to herself and crossed her arms.
Ben paced back and forth, intentionally looking each of the new transfer students in the eyes. "You all deserve a chance to live here in Auradon. I wish things were different on the Isle for you, but I'll do everything in my power to ensure that everyone lives the lives they deserve. And today, I'll start by welcoming you to Auradon Prep."
A genuine smile had returned to Melody upon listening to her best friend. She nodded at Uma, who she caught staring at her rather quizzically.
"And on that beautiful note, I'll steal control of the tour and show you guys around!" Zephyr chimed in. "Right this way, please!"
Ben, Audrey, Melody, Zephyr, and Seth gestured toward the front of the school, allowing the seven villain kids to take the lead.
Mal and Uma decided to compete in a speed walking contest for a battle of dominance. Jay and Harry had rolled their eyes at the sight, then entered a staring contest of their own. Carlos caused Jay to lose as he passed both of them and dragged Jay along by his shirt collar. Evie and Gil, meanwhile, were once again distracted by their surroundings until Harry turned around and pushed Gil forward as Gil waved hello at everyone.
Evie curtsied as an apology, before strutting off and holding the rear and the group of five followed behind her.
Seth specifically broke out in a jog to catch up to Evie as everyone gathered around the copper statue of King Adam.
"So, we're good, right?" Seth asked.
Evie giggled, and rolled her eyes playfully as she went to stand beside Mal. Was that a yes?
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lady-zephyrine · 8 months
I like when gijinka AUs take human characters and make them non-human.
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miss-mossball · 2 months
Hiii!! I absolutely love your art and drawings. What's your favorite OC to talk about? For any personal reason
Oh thank you so much!! I love your art too ^-^
I’m very fond of my Skykids(esp Flock in general there is so much to them) but I’m not good at talking about my skykids yet. They’re a lot easier to play as them with friends and think about so far. But if theres interest, I dont mind sharing the simple ideas I have.
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The actual OCs I like to talk about the most are the Hearte kids (King Zephyr, Prince Haze and Princess Rose). At least with Rou, its incredibly easy to pick up any detail about them and roll with it. Especially any iteration of Haze (like Lord Mousse, or Lord Sigurd to a degree)
They’re so easy for me because they’re my Main Go-Tos in roleplay, which is where all my development happens. They are also just Me (all my ocs are, who am I kidding), but by that I mean that the Hearte siblings have the closest interpretation of my trauma history, as if they’re a fairytale retelling of my life. I love them a whole lot, and the fact that Rou doesn’t dance around any of it, he’s willing to do the dirty work with me and his characters still treat mine like they’re normal people.. it’s a lot of really special stuff to me. All my art of them is very genuine
I keep Rose’s story in particular kind of vague because of the darker contents of it though.
Anyway, if you’re looking to get into my ocs, I’d look into any of the tags for my Hearte kids, they’re the heart of my work in many ways (hahaha)
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shiranuieditorial · 3 months
Light & Airy ✨
Personal name ideas for you, your characters, pets, future kids, or just for the sake of the discussion! All free to use! 🤗
⚠️ Disclaimer: Genders mentioned below are only intended as guidance; not strict rules I’m ordering anyone to follow.
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Feminine-leaning given names:
艾咏 Aiyong
日桜 Hio
和咲 Kazusa
味蕾 Mirai
流実 Rumi
文麗 Wenli
弓杏 Yua
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Gender-neutral & unisex given names:
亜早 Asa
白赫 Baihe
芽生 Gao
輝羽 Hwiu
怡翎 Yiling
茲棋 Ziqi
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Masculine-leaning given names:
演二 Enji
丸応 Maruo
希明 Ximing
Okay, okay, okay... Explanation time!
🌬️ So, these names I’ve compiled sound or feel soft, light, and airy to me, regardless of what their respective etymologies mean.
🎐 It’s all about the vibes with this one! In my head, I’m taking a moment to feel the breeze in my face…
Who says we have to be so serious and formal and academic all the time? 🤷🏽
Let’s try to have some light-hearted fun with this name bank!
🗺️ There’s a variety of cultures and languages featured here. The Sinitic ones in particular are:
🇨🇳 艾咏 Aiyong — “mugwort chanting; mugwort singing”
🇯🇵 日桜 Hio — “sunny cherry”
🇯🇵 和咲 Kazusa — “harmonious blooming”
🇯🇵 味蕾 Mirai — “taste bud”, lit. “flavour” + “flower bud”
🇯🇵 流実 Rumi — “flowing into reality”
🇨🇳 文麗 Wenli — “prettiness of culture and literature”
🇯🇵 弓杏 Yua — “bow and apricot”
🇯🇵 亜早 Asa — “inferior morning”
🇨🇳 白赫 Baihe — “white radiance; white eminence”
🇯🇵 芽生 Gao — “shooting forth sprouts”
🇰🇷 輝羽 (휘우) Hwiu — “bright splendour feather”
🇨🇳 怡翎 Yiling — “plumes of rejoice”
🇨🇳 茲棋 Ziqi — “this chess”
🇯🇵 演二 Enji — “performance two”
🇯🇵 丸応 Maruo — “round answer”
🇨🇳 希明 Ximing — “hopeful brightness”
Curious about any other name’s meaning and origin? 🤔
Don’t worry! I had researched everything before putting them in the list. It’s a habit at this point. 👌🏼
Send me an ask or comment below any curiosity and I’ll respond! 👇🏼
👀 Let me know which of these given names caught your eye? Do you know anyone with any of these names? Do you agree or disagree with my personal interpretation of “light and airy” vibes?
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nosferatu-png · 3 months
Ghoul lore you say? 👀
Do you have any disabled ghoul hcs? Otherwise ramble on my guy! It’s so fun to hear how ppl interpret and write ghost lore
A lot of my ghouls are disabled!!! Lots of things between the impact of summoning and various other things
The most developed one is Zephyr, with Chronic pain and Pulmonary Fibrosis. They have oxygen and different mobility aids!!
Ivy has chronic migraines
I also do very much love Phantom with EDS (projection gang). That is a Wiggly Ghoul. He also has some sensory processing issues!
Rain with POTS is another big one for me, and Dew is asthmatic. Cirrus has back pain that spreads through her tail and wings
There are definitely more, but these are the ones off the top of my head!!!
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Prompt Submission From Followers #5
Your writing is really impressive. I absolutely love the suspense you created and the way you phrased your sentences. Your writing style is very thrilling and I truly appreciate it. I found it really fascinating when the door was blocked off by a brick wall and then a voice suddenly comes from behind your character. It was so ominous yet so captivating. Great job! Thank you for the beautifully written submission.
Follow the creator of this submission, all credit to them: @darkeneddiary
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“Your character stumbles upon a hidden door in their favorite place. When they open it, they find something completely unexpected.”
The chill of the night air brushed against her bare arms, causing a shiver to course down her spine. She stirred in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking away the remnants of sleep. She looked around. "Oh, no. Did I fall asleep in here again?" There was no one else there, so she quickly decided she should leave too. She got up from her desk and started collecting her stuff. Her pencil case suddenly fell from her hand to the floor. The dim light in the library barely illuminated the space, the single bulb hanging above her head casting weak, flickering shadows. Though it was night, the feeble glow struggled to reach the floor, making it difficult for her to see even her own feet. She bent down to pick up her pencil case, straining her eyes in the darkness. After a moment, she finally grasped it. As she was about to stand up, she felt a tingling sensation on her arms, as if something or someone had touched her softly. Glancing around, she saw no one. She got up quickly but, as she zipped her bag, a sense of someone standing behind her grew stronger. She felt hot breath on her neck, which paradoxically made her feel even colder. She slowly turned around and found no one again. Her veins pulsed, and her breathing became ragged. Without thinking much, she quickly grabbed her bag and ran toward the exit. When she reached the door, it was closed, heightening her fear. "Why isn't the librarian here? Isn't he supposed to stay until everyone leaves?" she muttered, panic rising in her voice. She started banging on the door, her hands growing sweaty and her legs shaky. Desperately, she tried the handle, and to her surprise, the locked door opened. She pulled it with all her strength, but what she saw next caused a sob left her throat. Instead of an exit, there was a... brick wall. She stumbled back in shock. Then, she heard a slight movement behind her and a soft voice whisper, "You can't run, Zephyr."
If you'd like to submit your writing to my prompt, please fill out the short and easy Google Form below.
“Your character stumbles upon a hidden door in their favorite place. When they open it, they find something completely unexpected.”
Feel free to interpret this prompt in any way that inspires you! Here are a few guidelines:
Keep it short and sweet: Aim for 100-200 words.
Be creative: The more imaginative, the better!
Share your story: Post your response in the Google Form below.
I can’t wait to see what unexpected encounters your characters will have. Happy writing! 🌟
Upload Your Submission Here!
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