#revolutionary anarchism
queersatanic · 2 years
TFW you're a revolutionary anarchist but also a bottom
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
I don't dream of a future where little girls grow up wanting to be ceos, or lockheed martin scientists, or soldiers, or whatever a human recourses developer is. I dream of a world where girls grow up wanting to be occultist practitioners, and sex workers, and unhinged artists, and boys.
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daloy-politsey · 3 months
Skate shops provide another parallel to revolutionary Spain. For as long as they've existed, shops have struggled to survive and support their respective skate communities. Shop owners are under constant stress, working night jobs to keep their stores afloat. They struggle over tough decisions regarding towing the line between being a 'core' skate shop or a sustainable one--carrying longboards or Nikes may bring in addition revenue streams but alienate and drive away the kids they actually want coming in. Countless beloved skater-owned shops have been forced to close due to financial strain, taking with them the life savings of long-time skateboarders and their families. As silly as it may seem, their struggle is not too dissimilar to that of hairdressers in revolutionary Spain. A small industry for sure, like that of the skate shop, they knew that a socialist reorganization of society couldn't happen in large industries if capitalism isn't also abolished in small ones. So they joined a union, held a meeting and made a decision/ 1,100 hairdressing parlors in Barcelona, most of the unprofitable, dirty and ill-maintained, were reduced to 235, saving the hairdressers 135,000 pesetas a month on rent, utilities and taxes. With the extra money, the remaining shops were completely modernized. Wages were increased by 40 percent. Those who closed their shops became workers in the remaining shops, where they received the same wages as every other hairdresser. From my apartment in Brooklyn, I can count about a dozen skate shops within a three mile radius. I couldn't tell you the specific financials for any one of them, but I can assure you none of them are happy with what they pay in rent and no skate shop worker is planning for retirement with the wages they make. Is collectivization the answer? I'm not sure, and a large handful of skate shops is not 1,100 barbers, but these barbers prove that it has worked before.
The Soul of a Skater Under Socialism: What could skateboarding learn from past and present struggles for a world free of exploitation, hierarchy and the state: deadramones zine January 2021
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lilithism1848 · 5 months
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flamingkorybante · 5 months
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Fuck the DNC, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, the PSL, RCA, FRSO and all cops!
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shroobles · 26 days
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nando161mando · 8 months
"Equality does not imply the leveling of individual differences, nor that individuals should be made physically, morally, or mentally identical.
Diversity in capacities and powers—those differences between races, nations, sexes, ages, and persons—far from being a social evil, constitutes, on the contrary, the abundance of humanity.
Economic and social equality means the equalization of personal wealth, but not by restricting what a man may acquire by his own skill, productive energy, and thrift.
Equality and justice demand only a society so organized that every single human being will—from birth through adolescence and maturity—find therein equal means, first for maintenance and education, and later, for the exercise of all his natural capacities and aptitudes."
— Mikhail Bakunin, Revolutionary Catechism (1866)
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socialism is not an inevitability. it's not something that will just happen if we wait around long enough, or if we push capitalism to its worst extremes, and it definitely isn't something that can be achieved by means of reform, or by just voting in the right guy.
the only way any form of socialist society, whether that's anarchism, or marxism-leninism-maoism, or anything in between, can be brought about is by means of collective struggle and revolutionary action.
there's a reason why rosa luxemburg said that 'we must either move forward into socialism, or fall back into barbarism'.
decided to post this bc i've noticed a lot of online leftist spaces being more openly reformist in their ideological positions, in spite of the blatant flaws with reform-oriented ideas of how to bring about socialism.
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idiot-trashpanda · 1 year
i think the destruction of global capitalism would fix me
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atrocioushellsite · 5 months
Hello! The time is now my friends.
This is a call to action. I'm asking everyone to go out and find big patches of grass. Those long stretches between/around the highways. The area between the sidewalk and the street. Those huuuuuge lawns behind retail box stores.
Find all these big patches of grass doing nothing but getting mowed. And plant some vegetables. Plant some potatoes, squash, beets, tomatoes, take this dead land that's been squandered away and "sold" and "bought," and bring it back to life.
If "this land was made for you and me," let's give it some love so it can sustain us as it's meant to. This is the first step to change. We must break the chains that make us dependent on the government, and the only way to do that is through community. Let's start by making a nation-wide community garden. I'm gonna start planting. I hope others will follow suit.
It's time to stop giving them our tax dollars to fund an ethnic cleanse. Let's prepare by making sure they can't starve us out like their little brother out east is doing.
Happy gardening 🌿🍅🌽
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Freindly reminder this July Fourth that:
- The American revolution was sparked by an unarmed Black man being shot by the police.
- The American revolution is an example of violent praxis agaisnt the state.
- Patriotism twords the United States did not exist before the formation of the United States. The revolution began because of economic exploitation and a supposedly democratic government following corperate interests instead of the will of the people.
- Every single conservative and neoliberal would have sided with the British if they lived in the 1700s. And those who oppose revolutionary politics today have no right celebrating a revolution.
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fourgottencoast · 2 months
If any anti-electoral leftists/revolutionaries see this I’m looking for genuine discussion wrt Biden dropping out and kamala presumably stepping up to the ballot.,.
On principle, I don’t want to vote for a fucking cop. I was decidedly not going to vote for Biden for a lot of reasons, genocide being no.1. Kamala isn’t much better, but I’m not sure if I should vote anyways for harm reduction or abstain as well. Especially since it’s pretty obvious she and the rest of the democrats have no interest in slowing fascism/climate collapse/are actively furthering it, and that most liberals won’t gaf about it because it’d be happening under a democrat potus.
And I know I’m pretty undereducated about things like anarchism, revolutionary strategies etc (if anyone has any good resource recommendations, please share them! Google is NOT helpful and I’m not sure where else to reach out..) but I know we can’t achieve meaningful change within the current system, and that the current voting system is a farce to dilute and divert genuine radical energy and action, so I’m not sure if I should participate or not……
*liberals do not fucking yap at me or throw project 2025 in my face*
Edit: I should clarify that for everyone not white cishet and wealthy, America has BEEN a fascist state from its very birth. I think the more apt description for what’s progressing would be late-stage capitalist totalitarianism?
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trogthefrog · 5 months
I cannot help but like Saw Gerrera.
He’s an evil character certainly. Saw targets civilians, kills and tortures POWs. He’s a mess of paranoia who serves as example of a person who’s worst aspects have been brought to the fore by war.
Saw Gerrera is willing to throw down as both terrorist and revolutionary. He fights the empire relentlessly, harnessing anti imperial sentiment and ACTING on it. He’s willing to free wookiees on Kashyyyk when no one will (even though he abandons them later). Speaking of, his organization is diverse, in aliens and himself being a person of colour. Giving the impression of them in the Star Wars galaxy being lumpen proletariat. The people who’d be most disenfranchised by the Empire representing more of a people’s struggle. Plus in Andor he is shown to be unwilling to work with human supremacists which gets him points from me. Don’t work with racists it ain’t a good idea (plus it’ll turn out bad, remember what happened to Walter White in Breaking Bad?).
My problem is that Saw’s less revolutionarily nuanced then I’d like (Byproduct of not being written by people who know what actual anarchists are I guess). He’s more caricature of violent revolutionary descending into paranoia. This is really expressed by the fact that violence is Saw’s main tool and he and his partisans do not embrace a diversity of tactics. It hurts their credibility and isolates the Partisans as terroirists.
Still I love him with Luthen, I appreciate his struggle and I acknowledge his faults. Regardless of them though, it’s important for the rebellion to have someone who will fight the empire for the right reason. Because the empire is evil and facist. And it is of import to note that Saw acts (irresponsibly maybe) but in service of The Cause, helping the oppressed by hurting the system of oppression.
(I will not credit him with Tech’s death. Saw wasn’t responsible for the Batch and it was pure coincidence they ran into each other that day. Saw did his mission, fucking shit up. If you wanna credit anyone with Techs death give it to the people literally shooting at them. The Empire. (plus It is good whenever someone try’s to kill Tarkin.))
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crippledgiraff · 2 years
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A simple message cut into the ruptured hull of the commercial shipping vessel.
#marchofrobots #LancerRPG #MarchofRobots2023
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fuck marxist lennists, all my homies hate marxist lennists
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