#restored and maintained naturally
Why is a healthy gut important for a healthy body, and how can it be restored and maintained naturally?
Maintaining a healthy digestive tract is essential to good health, and a compromised digestive system has been linked to an increased risk of numerous chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, autism, depression, and anxiety. Many scientists, including the National Candida Center, think that improving intestinal health and fixing the gut barrier are two of the most important medical goals of the 21st century.
Some people may find it hard to believe that one's digestive system can have such a significant impact on their health. However, it is essential to have a strategy in place before beginning your journey toward a healthy gut. Your general health and happiness could benefit from learning about the natural medicines for leaky gut if you're having these problems. Find out why a healthy digestive system is crucial to your well-being as a whole and how to get started on the path to recovery.
What is the Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Leaky gut syndrome, also known as intestinal permeability, is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the small intestine lining. When the intestinal wall comes in contact with inflammatory foods, toxins from food and water, or metabolites, gut cells can be damaged. A sufficient barrier is formed between the gut and the bloodstream by connections between the cells called tight junctions. This is essential for keeping larger food proteins and toxins from passing through the GI wall and into the bloodstream. When these tight junctions are disrupted and proteins leak out, the immune system mistakes them for foreign invaders and mounts an attack, leading to food sensitivities, allergies, and autoimmune disease. 
Finding and eliminating food sensitivities, healing the gut lining, supplementing with anti-inflammatory herbs, and eating a diet low in processed fats and carbohydrates are common treatments for leaky gut syndrome.
What are the factors that contribute to a leaky gut?
Many factors that harm the gut microbiome, such as antibiotics and an unhealthy diet, also contribute to leaky gut, a risk factor for many health issues.
Furthermore, certain substances can weaken the intestinal barrier and cause abnormal permeability. One of the main culprits, according to research, is a protein called zonulin.  
Zonulin causes the tight junctions between intestinal cells to loosen, leading to increased intestinal permeability. It has become clear that this is a crucial link between leaky gut and negative health consequences such as autoimmune diseases. Gliadin, which is part of the gluten protein, encourages leaky gut by stimulating the production of zonulin.  
Leaky gut and its effects on health:
A leaky gut can happen even if there are no obvious problems with the digestive system. In fact, research shows it can manifest as a wide variety of different chronic health problems, including eczema, autoimmune disease, and obesity.
It will be extremely difficult to improve conditions like blood sugar control and cognitive function if leaky gut is not addressed. This highlights the significance of taking measures to support a strong intestinal mucosal barrier.
A Few Easy Steps to Promote Natural Gut Healing: 
The first step in healing the gut is to follow a balanced lifestyle. Your gut health can be improved by avoiding foods that cause inflammation, eating more fiber, getting regular exercise, managing your stress, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, there are still many ways mentioned below in which you can improve gut health.
   1. Stop eating processed and inflammatory foods:
Change to a diet that is full of whole foods and nutrients. Find the inflammatory foods (like gluten and dairy) and stop eating them. Either a food sensitivity test or an elimination diet can help you figure out which foods are causing inflammation in your body.
2. Incorporate fermentable fibers:
Consume a diet rich in fermentable fibers, which can be found in plantains, onions, garlic, and artichokes, among other foods. These fibers encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut and aid in the healing of a leaky gut.
3. Include some fermented foods:
Probiotics, which are found in abundance in fermented foods, contribute to the maintenance of a balanced microbiota and intestinal barrier in the gut. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, and kefir contain probiotics. If you have histamine intolerance, you should avoid eating more fermented foods because they can make your symptoms worse.
4. Treat intestinal pathogens:
Infections in the digestive tract are a major contributor to gut dysbiosis and leaky gut. When consulting for a natural treatment for your leaky gut syndrome, make sure to ask about the tests you will need to ascertain the primary cause of your symptoms. With these, we can figure out which imbalances in bacteria, fungi, or parasites are causing gut dysbiosis.
5. Promote good sleeping habits:
Improve your digestive health by getting seven to eight hours of restful sleep each night. Sleep hygiene includes things like going to bed at the same time every night and avoiding blue light in the evening.
6. Create a workout schedule:
In order to maintain fit gut microbes, you should create a long-term exercise plan. Regular exercise has many positive impacts on your body. It helps with a good night’s sleep and reduces stress. 
7. Find a way to deal with your stress:
Include activities like yoga and meditation in your routine to help manage stress. The body-mind connection has a direct link to your digestive system, and it helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. 
Changing a person's diet and using other natural treatments can help them get and keep a healthy digestive system and live a happier, fuller life. The healthy trinity and 5-phase treatment plan made by the National Candida Center in Florida is a smart and methodical way to make the whole body healthy again. This research has shown that these techniques are superior to pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures. Get in touch with us at (407) 321-1377 or via email at ([email protected]) to find out more about our available treatment options.
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4grandpasonly · 1 year
Natural erection methods
Natural erection methods Erectile dysfunction, or the inability to get or maintain an erection, is a problem that affects many men of all ages. Erection problems can be caused by many factors, such as chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, stress, or alcohol and tobacco abuse.
Drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra) can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. These drugs are effective, but they can also have some side effects.
In addition to drugs, there are also natural methods that can help you improve your erection. The most popular natural methods include:
Healthy diet A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds can help improve overall health, including sexual performance. It is especially important to consume products rich in arginine, which is an amino acid necessary for the production of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the relaxation of blood vessels. Sources of arginine include: * fish, * walnuts, * pumpkin seeds, * sunflower seeds, * cocoa.
Regular physical activity Physical exercise, such as running, swimming or cycling, helps to improve blood circulation throughout the body, including the penis. Regular exercise can also help reduce stress, which is one of the risk factors for erectile dysfunction.
Kegel muscle exercises Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for controlling urination and bowel movements. Strong pelvic floor muscles can also help improve erections. Kegel exercises can be done anywhere and anytime.
Relaxation Stress is one of the most common risk factors for erectile dysfunction. Regular relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation can help reduce stress and improve sexual performance.
Herbs and dietary supplements Certain herbs and dietary supplements, such as maca, tribulus terrestris, and ginseng, can help improve erections. However, it should be remembered that herbs and dietary supplements are not as effective as drugs, and their use may be associated with certain side effects.
If you have erection problems, you should consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.
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itsadamnbeehive · 3 months
Been the mood lately
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marketing-76 · 9 months
."Unveiling the Secrets of Dental Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment"
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"Inspired by an innovative Chilean forest restoration effort, the English town of Lewes is enlisting the help of dog walkers to rewild a local nature reserve.
Heavily degraded by foot traffic, the project co-opts dogs’ tendency to run about in the woods to spread wildflower seed from saddlebags strapped to a harness around the dog’s abdomen.
The idea mimics the function that wolves once played in that part of England, roaming over vast distances getting grass and flower seeds stuck in their coat, only to fall off and germinate somewhere else.
This helter-skelter seed-spreading is actually how many plants evolved to reproduce, and it’s key to maintaining a biodiverse and native ecosystem.
“We’re really interested in rewilding processes, but they often involve reintroducing big herbivores like bison or wild horses,” said manager Dylan Walker from the Railway Land Wildlife Trust who organized the project back in 2019.
“In a smaller urban nature reserve it’s really hard to do those things. So, to replicate the effect that those animals have on the ecosystem we aimed to utilize the vast number of dog walkers that are visiting the nature reserve daily.”
The saddlebags are filled with a variety of perennial plant seeds mixed together with sand. This allows the seed to be spread for longer across larger distances, while also providing a helpful tracking sign to inform the Trust’s employees where dogs are walking.
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“I signed up because it sounded like such a good fit. I was asked to place a harness on my chocolate cocker spaniel called Bertie and he ran around spreading seeds like wolves used to do many years ago,” Cressida Murray, a dog walker who regularly uses the nature reserve, told The Guardian. 
Wolves were persecuted to extinction in England as early as the reign of Henry VII, who reigned during the latter third of the 15th century.
“A community-based project like this not only helps engage and teach people about the ecological impacts of wildlife but also allows us to make our wildlife and environments richer in the process,” said Walker."
-via Good News Network, July 30, 2024
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cocoamrit23 · 1 year
Unleashing the Power of CocoAmrit Coconut Water: Reap the Amazing Benefits!
CocoAmrit coconut water has emerged as a popular choice among health-conscious individuals, offering a range of benefits that go beyond mere refreshment. Packed with natural goodness, CocoAmrit provides a delightful way to hydrate your body and indulge in the myriad advantages offered by this tropical elixir. Join us as we dive into the extraordinary benefits of CocoAmrit coconut water and explore why it has become a go-to beverage for health enthusiasts everywhere.
Section 1: Hydration and Refreshment When it comes to quenching your thirst, nothing compares to the pure and revitalizing properties of CocoAmrit coconut water. Its natural electrolyte composition, including potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium, replenishes fluids lost during physical activities or hot weather. With CocoAmrit, you can keep dehydration at bay while delighting in a crisp, delicious beverage.
Section 2: Electrolyte Replenishment Electrolytes play a crucial role in maintaining the body's balance and aiding various bodily functions. CocoAmrit coconut water is a fantastic source of electrolytes, making it an excellent choice for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those in need of rehydration. By restoring these essential minerals, CocoAmrit supports optimal performance and helps prevent muscle cramps and fatigue.
Section 3: Antioxidant Boost CocoAmrit coconut water is packed with antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and protect your body from free radicals. These antioxidants, such as vitamin C and other phytochemicals, bolster your immune system and promote overall well-being. By regularly consuming CocoAmrit, you can give your body the extra support it needs to stay healthy and ward off illness.
Section 4: Natural Energy Source Looking for a natural and sustainable source of energy? Look no further than CocoAmrit coconut water. Instead of reaching for sugary energy drinks or caffeine-packed beverages, CocoAmrit offers a healthier alternative. The naturally occurring sugars in CocoAmrit provide a gentle boost, keeping you energized without the crash often associated with artificial stimulants.
Section 5: Low-Calorie Delight For those mindful of their calorie intake, CocoAmrit coconut water presents a guilt-free option. With its low-calorie content, CocoAmrit allows you to enjoy a delicious beverage without worrying about excessive sugar or unwanted weight gain. It's a fantastic choice for anyone striving to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Conclusion: CocoAmrit coconut water has rightfully earned its place as a beloved health drink, offering a multitude of benefits that range from hydration and electrolyte replenishment to antioxidant support and natural energy. By incorporating CocoAmrit into your daily routine, you can not only enjoy a refreshing and delicious beverage but also reap the rewards of its numerous health advantages. Join the CocoAmrit movement today and unlock the true power of coconuts for your well-being.
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Four new cheetah cubs born in Saudi Arabia after 40 years of extinction
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“[T]he discovery of mummified cheetahs in caves […] which ranged in age from 4,000 to as recent as 120 years, proved that the animals […] once called [Saudi Arabia] home. The realisation kick-started the country’s Cheetah Conservation Program to bring back the cats to their historic Arabian range. […] Dr Mohammed Qurban, CEO of the NCW, said: […] “This motivates us to continue our efforts to restore and reintroduce cheetahs, guided by an integrated strategy designed in accordance with best international practices.””
2. In sub-Saharan Africa, ‘forgotten’ foods could boost climate resilience, nutrition
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“[A study published in PNAS] examined “forgotten” crops that may help make sub-Saharan food systems more resilient, and more nutritious, as climate change makes it harder to grow [current staple crops.] [… The study identified 138 indigenous] food crops that were “relatively underresearched, underutilized, or underpromoted in an African context,” but which have the nutrient content and growing stability to support healthy diets and local economies in the region. […] In Eswatini, van Zonneveld and the World Vegetable Center are working with schools to introduce hardy, underutilized vegetables to their gardens, which have typically only grown beans and maize.”
3. Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution
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“[New Orleans was awarded] nearly $50 million to help pay for installing solar on low to middle income homes [… and] plans to green up underserved areas with trees and build out its lackluster bike lane system to provide an alternative to cars. […] In Utah, $75 million will fund several measures from expanding electric vehicles to reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production. [… A] coalition of states led by North Carolina will look to store carbon in lands used for agriculture as well as natural places like wetlands, with more than $400 million. [… This funding is] “providing investments in communities, new jobs, cost savings for everyday Americans, improved air quality, … better health outcomes.””
4. From doom scrolling to hope scrolling: this week’s big Democratic vibe shift
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“[Democrats] have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past few weeks: from grim determination as Biden fought to hang on to his push for a second term, to outright exuberance after he stepped aside and Harris launched her campaign. […] In less than a week, the Harris campaign raised record-breaking sums and signed up more than 100,000 new volunteers[….] This honeymoon phase will end, said Democratic strategist Guy Cecil, warning the election will be a close race, despite this newfound exuberance in his party. [… But v]oters are saying they are excited to vote for Harris and not just against Trump. That’s new.”
5. Biodegradable luminescent polymers show promise for reducing electronic waste
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“[A team of scientists discovered that a certain] chemical enables the recycling of [luminescent polymers] while maintaining high light-emitting functions. […] At the end of life, this new polymer can be degraded under either mild acidic conditions (near the pH of stomach acid) or relatively low heat treatment (> 410 F). The resulting materials can be isolated and remade into new materials for future applications. […] The researchers predict this new polymer can be applied to existing technologies, such as displays and medical imaging, and enable new applications […] such as cell phones and computer screens with continued testing.”
6. World’s Biggest Dam Removal Project to Open 420 Miles of Salmon Habitat this Fall
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“Reconnecting the river will help salmon and steelhead populations survive a warming climate and [natural disasters….] In the long term, dam removal will significantly improve water quality in the Klamath. “Algae problems in the reservoirs behind the dams were so bad that the water was dangerous for contact […] and not drinkable,” says Fluvial Geomorphologist Brian Cluer. [… The project] will begin to reverse decades of habitat degradation, allow threatened salmon species to be resilient in the face of climate change, and restore tribal connections to their traditional food source.”
7. Biden-Harris Administration Awards $45.1 Million to Expand Mental Health and Substance Use Services Across the Lifespan
““Be it fostering wellness in young people, caring for the unhoused, facilitating treatment and more, this funding directly supports the needs of our neighbors,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. [The funding also supports] recovery and reentry services to adults in the criminal justice system who have a substance use disorder[… and clinics which] serve anyone who asks for help for mental health or substance use, regardless of their ability to pay.”
8. The World’s Rarest Crow Will Soon Fly Free on Maui
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“[… In] the latest attempt to establish a wild crow population, biologists will investigate if this species can thrive on Maui, an island where it may have never lived before. Translocations outside of a species’ known historical range are rare in conservation work, but for a bird on the brink of extinction, it’s a necessary experiment: Scientists believe the crows will be safer from predators in a new locale—a main reason that past reintroduction attempts failed. […] As the release date approaches, the crows have already undergone extensive preparation for life in the wild. […] “We try to give them the respect that you would give if you were caring for someone’s elder.””
9. An optimist’s guide to the EV battery mining challenge
““Battery minerals have a tremendous benefit over oil, and that’s that you can reuse them.” [… T]he report’s authors found there’s evidence to suggest that [improvements in technology] and recycling have already helped limit demand for battery minerals in spite of this rapid growth — and that further improvements can reduce it even more. [… They] envision a scenario in which new mining for battery materials can basically stop by 2050, as battery recycling meets demand. In this fully realized circular battery economy, the world must extract a total of 125 million tons of battery minerals — a sum that, while hefty, is actually 17 times smaller than the oil currently harvested every year to fuel road transport.”
10. Peekaboo! A baby tree kangaroo debuts at the Bronx Zoo
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“The tiny Matschie’s tree kangaroo […] was the third of its kind born at the Bronx Zoo since 2008. [… A] Bronx Zoo spokesperson said that the kangaroo's birth was significant for the network of zoos that aims to preserve genetic diversity among endangered animals. "It's a small population and because of that births are not very common," said Jessica Moody, curator of primates and small mammals at the Bronx Zoo[, …] adding that baby tree kangaroos are “possibly one of the cutest animals to have ever lived. They look like stuffed animals, it's amazing.””
July 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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cupidlovesastro · 2 months
𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 #𝟏𝟓 (𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
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earth sun, moon, venus, or dominant people can have a love for nature as a whole, the animals, the plants, the sky, etc
water sun, moon venus, or dominant people have an attraction to lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds, rain, etc. they may even have a love for sea animals
fire sun, moon, venus, or dominant’s love the sun, summer time, drier weather, lava, campfires, etc
air sun, moon, venus, or dominant’s love the air, the sky, clouds, the stars, space, birds, butterflies, moths, etc
sagittarius in big 6 or stellium individuals are very free spirited and love being adventurous. they are very open minded and try to hear all perspectives
aquarius in big 6 or stellium people have a need for freedom and independence. they don’t like being tied down or held back
inner planets in the 6th house or 6h stelliums can have a love for animals and living creatures in general
uranus in the 1h means you are openly rebellious and go against the societal stereotypes. you question the rules and push boundaries while also being humanitarians
taurus in 2h can shows that you value the physical things in life. taurus is also an earth sign, meaning you enjoy the feelings of grass, the sound of the water, the smell of flower, etc
venus in 2h means that you value music, love, peace, and harmony
venus in 11h can show that you enjoy being around groups of people who share a love for the desire of peace, love, and music
uranus in 9h means that you go against the culture, the worlds views, and beliefs
aquarius moons/ uranus aspecting moon people find comfort through the rebellion and change
aquarius mars/ uranus aspecting mars people have a deep passion for change, especially when it comes to betterment of society. they are willing to take the risk if it means creating a difference
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8h stellium- lots of sexual activity happening, people feeling deeply connected, dark things happening
8h sun- one of the thing that woodstock is notoriously known for at its core, is the amount of people engaging in sexual activities
uranus is 9h- going against social norms, the law, religions, the american culture at that time
mars in 11h- groups of people being aggressive, sexual, violent. also passion about their hopes, dreams, wishes, and the future
neptune in 11h- idealizing the idea of people being all together and groups of people being delusional and easily impressionable
pluto in 8h- lots of karmic energy, people wanting sexual power fama conjunct eros- famous for sexual activity
jupiter conjunct uranus- large amounts of rebellion, lots of unpredictable behavior/events, growth through change
mercury sextile venus- communicating love, peace, and harmony instead of war
makemake conjunct sun- woodstock was made to make a change to the idea of war and violence and was known as an attempt to protect the environment and idea of peace
vesta conjunct venus- love, music, harmony, was what kept people going during woodstock. they were devoted to their beliefs of peace
fama conjunct venus- famous for being about music, love, peace, harmony, etc
makemake opposite karma- although wood stock was an attempt to restore and maintain peace. it took a turn for the worse and lead to many horrible incidents
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biceratops7 · 1 year
I’m gonna SCREAM-
We’ve already established as a fandom that Metatron could teach a masterclass on gas lighting, but I wanna talk about how he specifically validates the things Aziraphale cares for while simultaneously devaluing them under the surface.
First off, this moment?
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Tells us everything we need to know. It sets the scene for exactly the games Metatron is playing. He makes Muriel feel important while openly insulting them (flat out calling them stupid), aka seamlessly reinforcing the idea that they’re less than to both them and anyone else in the room. He knows he can get away with this easily, he knows that Muriel, lonely, overlooked little Muriel, will be completely distracted by the fact that someone so important is taking an interest in them.
This is already horribly clever, but then later on you realize it’s doing even MORE heavy lifting when he appoints Muriel to run the bookshop. “See? What’s important to you is what’s important to me! I’ve graciously taken the time to ensure your beloved shop is looked after by Muriel. You know, the dim one!” …let’s suffice it to say he’s ensnared too birds with one net for this one, and that a pattern is already starting to arise.
So when Metatron says Gabriel came to Aziraphale because he’s a “natural leader” and “doesn’t just tell people what they wanna hear”? Yah he’s full of shit. Aziraphale struggles with his sense of purpose when he doesn’t have someone or something guiding him, and for thousands of years he’s been terrified of sharing his true feelings and opinions to 90% of people he’s known. Completely just trying to butter him up. Wanna know the real reason Gabriel seeks asylum with Aziraphale?
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Exactly this. Gabriel just says so point blank. It’s not because Aziraphale is this person for him, it’s because despite knowing nothing, he has this instinct that Aziraphale is the only one who can possibly understand why Gabriel did what he did. He is, I mean as far as we know, the only other angel who has fallen in love. (In general, let alone with a demon.)
But nope, can’t have that. We can throw the promise of restoring Crowley in the mix to sweeten the pot, but we can’t acknowledge why he’d want that so badly in the first place. So now it’s cause they work so well together. We can praise the angel for the fallen archangel Gabriel himself coming to him protection and guidance, give him a gold star. But we couldn’t DARE imply that it was by virtue of Aziraphale’s courage to choose earthly love over heavenly. How Gabriel didn’t need a leader, but a friend who’s truly known the joys of adoring that “particular person” and the pain of needing to hide it.
Cause then Aziraphale would start getting crazy ideas, like that his silly little human feelings have a great deal of worth. That they have the power to inspire, form cracks in the institution, fundamentally weaken what has controlled and harmed him. We wouldn’t want him to know the true value of the cards he holds when he has the ace in a match against you, now would we? After all…
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Metatron uses this ingeniously sinister tactic of taking away Aziraphale’s choice while giving the illusion that he’s actually opening up doors. Notice how he tells Aziraphale he would have the authority to do something as extraordinary as turn a demon into an angel, yet he never once puts the much simpler alternative of just working with a demon on the table? The sleight of hand here is that he’s being offered the opportunity to freely be with Crowley… but he’s already freely with him as is, no bargain to be made. In fact he fought to be. Metatron disappears this accomplishment right before our eyes, while seamlessly maintaining the illusion to Aziraphale that he (Zira) is in control.
He sets Aziraphale up for failure by only providing the option he knows Crowley will not only decline but be deeply hurt by. It’s all so cleverly planned. Once this plays out exactly how he wants, he delivers the finishing blow by diminishing Crowley and his “damned fool questions”. Suddenly doing a complete 180 and emphasizing how foolish and troublesome he is. Metatron was offering Crowley by Aziraphale’s side as The Carrot. Now he’s telling Aziraphale it was stupid of him to want The Carrot, un-heavenly.
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Aziraphale’s life, love, happiness, it’s all not only a massive inconvenience for Metatron but a liability. He has successfully taken a weapon from Aziraphale’s hands he didn’t even know he had. Metatron sees the writing on the wall, and he wants it contained.
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ahaura · 10 months
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from 🧵
the entire palestinian coastal plain from haifa to rafah is underlain by a large aquifer. gaza possesses a significant lobe of it, in large part because of this: this is Wadi Gaza, known as Nahal Besor in Israel, one of, if not the largest drainage basins in the Naqab.
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Wadi Gaza is a perennial stream in a country with very few of them. it's very small but occasionally subject to massive floods; the highly permeable coastal loess topsoil gives the coastal aquifer a relatively quick recharge time. photo shows the stream inside israel
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so in theory there's no reason gaza should run short of water, even with 2.4 million people relying on it. well... this is what Wadi Gaza looks like inside the Gaza Strip. you may notice some differences.
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inside israel, i.e., upstream from gaza, huge amounts of water are pumped out of the aquifer in order to make all those kibbutzim and moshavim the highly productive agricultural communities that they are, and in order to sell the water to palestinians at a markup.
the river also naturally loses water through the riverbed, and this is not recharged, it doesn't have the flow rate inside gaza to carry pollutants out to sea. so they penetrate into the topsoil. where do all the pollutants come from? industrial and household wastewater.
gaza cannot import components to maintain its own water treatment plants, nor can it maintain its own energy supply, because israel restricts the importation of building materials, fuel, and other power sources (e.g. solar panels). so most wastewater goes untreated
as a result, wells are dug deeper, because the surface layers of water are contaminated. this causes horizontal subsidence, because gaza is adjacent to the sea, and saltwater infiltrates the water supply, making the water brackish. only about 5-10% of the wells in gaza are usable
can israel pump enough seawater into gaza's aquifer to render it completely undrinkable? yes, for as long as they keep the pumps going, and a few months afterwards. once they stop, fresh water flowing downhill from the israeli part of the aquifer will increase water pressure
salt water is denser than fresh water, so when fresh water flows into a brackish aquifer and water pressure increases, the salt water sinks deeper into the crust. in general, the artificial injection of desalinated water could restore gaza's water supply this way
if, of course, there were sufficient power to run all of gaza's desalination plants and water treatment plants, and if israel's water company stopped depleting the upstream aquifer (and, of course, if the risk of subsidence- and swelling-related earthquakes was mitigated)
IOW: the only reason this is a realistic plan for israel is bc they've spent the last 30-40 years already doing indirectly. even then, they'd need a lot more than five pumps. but the "permanence" of the effect is only true if the occupation and siege are also permanent
whereas, if the occupation and siege ended tomorrow, and even if 5 million people lived in Gaza, the area could regain not only its habitability but its famous and historic agricultural productivity within, at most, a couple of years. end of thread
(Dec. 6)
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whiskeyskin · 1 month
Praise You
Premise: Thaniel and Oliver are reunited and Halsin's feeling a bit aimless, a head massage is just what Silvanus ordered. Not that kind.. well, maybe that kind too 😏🍆💦
• Halsin x gn!tav • M rating • Religious themes •
Cleric Gn!tav, religious experience but it's sexy?, Silvanus take the wheel, m!masturbation, hair braiding, massages, taking care of Halsin, kissing, confessions, revelations, deliciously wet Halsin, horny, connection, divine threesome if you squint?
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Gods bless @naariel for these beautiful shots of this delicious man 😚���✨ Get The Full Picture
(Just imagine Tav is the bedroll 😏)
It was a particularly jovial time in camp this evening, despite the grim surroundings, however they seemed a little less bleak now that Thaniel and Oliver were together again.
From inside the protection of the Moondome, they sat together with many bottles of wine, as so generously provided by the Last Light's cellar.
They still had Ketheric Thorm to deal with but that was tomorrow's problem. Tonight, they drank.
Halsin had been carrying the weight of the Shadowcurse for over a century, now he'd finally been able to lessen it's hold and rescue his childhood friend from a terrible fate. There was almost a glow about him as he sat nursing his only glass.
He looked a little lost at times, almost in mild shock. As though he couldn't quite believe what had happened.
Tav smiled warmly, they wondered what was in store for Halsin Silverbough.
They'd been brushing out Shadowheart's hair for 45 minutes to redo her hair ready for tomorrow's foray into Shar's Gauntlet, down to find the Nightsong.
Finally, the brush glided through her long raven locks with ease.
"There, that's half the battle won already. Ketheric will be a walk in the park after dealing with your tenday's long hair." Tav jested, brushing her hair up into a ponytail.
"Oh, shut up you," she threw with failed derision, "I would have done it myself, but you offered." She shrugged, taking a sip of wine.
"Oh, yes. Forlornly calling out that you wanted to gussy yourself for Shar, only.. alas! You can't remember how to do your hair. The pinnacle of passive aggressive whinging." Astarion threw across the fire, nursing his own goblet.
"Well, you're the expert." Shadowheart countered, illiciting a jeering reaction from the group.
"Ooh, she's got you there Fangs!" Karlach nudged his shoulder with her elbow, a little too forcefully. Astarion rubbed yelped and rubbed his shoulder.
"What do you mean? When I'm unhappy, I come right out and say it. I don't waste time beating around the bush."
"Correct, but your continued and incessant complaints regarding self-cleanliness in this wilderness are tiresome." Lae'zel sneered.
"Not to play devil's advocate, Lae'zel but I have to agree with Astarion on this one. Trying to maintain any kind of a bathing routine whilst braving these perilous lands is a task most impossible to undertake." Gale retorted, holding his hands up in gesture.
"Well, now that Thaniel and Oliver are restored, these lands will flourish once more when nature takes it's course. Oakfather willing." Halsin did his customary gesture.
"I don't really mind, and you've been a very good model sitting here without whining." Tav stated, tying off her hair and pulling it tight but comfortable, "it reminds me of my childhood, we'd spend hours brushing and braiding each other's hair. It was practice for when we'd be braiding those in ceremony."
"Ah yes, the braids of your people are intricate indeed." Wyll nodded, "I've met a few with the most complicated of braidwork, it's very impressive."
"Well, I was never good enough to braid those. It's more about the smaller victories that I specialise in. Smaller and more personal to the individual." They explained, twisting her hair to make it more manageable to thread through her hair adornment.
"Smaller victories?" Lae'zel narrowed her eyes with a curious tilt.
Shadowheart handed Tav her silver adornment, "Yes, they can be anything really. Anything that the person overcame; hardships, trials, successes, even failures."
"Your people celebrate failure? Bah. Mediocrity must be cleansed-"
"-Cleansed, yes we know what the Gith think about all of that. Despite this apparently fatal flaw, my people are great warriors, Lae'zel." Tav interceded, threading Shadowheart's hair through the chains to secure the hair piece.
"I know this. You have shown yourself distinguished in battle many times." Lae'zel insisted, frowning in the way she did.
"And yet, I'm not your 'typical' warrior. I'm valued because of the strengths I do have, not shunned for the ones I don't. My people embrace failure without shame, or repulsion because it takes more from a person to admit their mistakes, than to admit their success."
A hush fell over the group as Tav's words sank in. A few uncomfortable shuffles echoed around the group.
"I feel like there was more I could do to help the Tiefling refugees. I should have done more." Wyll said, breaking the silence.
"That's not a failure, that's a regret. Regrets are useless, Wyll. They keep us from seeing the good. You taught those children enough to survive that attack. You told Umi it's about giving him enough time to escape and they did. So, I'd count that as a success." Tav replied, smiling. Wyll took a stuttered inhale, surprised by their perspective.
"I failed to stop the Shadowcurse, it shouldn't have come to this." Halsin admitted, a pained expression on his face.
"You failed to kill Ketheric Thorm but so did many others that day. But you, my friend," Tav leaned to rest a firm hand on his muscular shoulder, "are the only reason it's ended now."
"If it had not been for you-"
"-Then you would have found a way. Your failure, is now your triumph, Halsin. This pain that has clouded you for a century, is finally done." Tav jolted him hard to emphasise their point, then scanned his hair, "I need to give you a new braid."
His head jerked to look up, hazel green eyes wide, "I did not think-"
"You need two; one for your failing, one for your victory. We are defined by both and must wear them proudly. If you'll permit me?" Tav paused, seeking consent.
They allowed the revelation to seep inward. The tenants of their people were often the cause of deep realisations regarding the self. Even when those people were as wise as Halsin.
"You would honour me." His warm, kind eyes brimmed with the threat of tears but he stoically swallowed them down.
The evening passed in reflective revelry, the gang admitted many deep seated secrets that had shamed them. It bonded them further, in a way that was Tadpole-free. By the end, Tav would need to braid all of their friends.
Lae'zel touched the fresh re-plaiting Tav had done for her, adding another to symbolise her small achievement of befriending Istiki. She seemed pleased.
Halsin had peeled away from the fire a short while ago but hadn't returned. Tav hoped that they hadn't caused him hurt by what they had said.
After such a long time of carrying this burden, taking a step back and looking at the situation in it's entirety after being so intrinsically entwined with it.. blinded within it.. would take time.
But they'd meant every word. He was an incredible man. And they hoped he saw that in himself.
Eventually, everyone resigned to their bedrolls. A goodnight hug from Karlach, Wyll, Gale and surprisingly Shadowheart, a pat on the shoulder from Astarion, and the usual nod from Lae'zel, imparted with more warmth than before.
"You can feed on me again tonight, let me just go check on where Halsin's got to." Tav gently patted Astarion's arm.
"I appreciate that. Unless I want to eat cow, there's nothing around here."
"Cow can be delicious but not in the way you experience taste, I'll bet."
"Ugh, no. Livestock taste - ugh - well, you can imagine." He curled his lip in disgust.
Tav laughed, "If they taste as bad as they smell, I think I can."
After very little searching, Tav found Halsin by the lakeside, just inside Isobel's protection. There seemed to be a large, silver basin in front of him.
He was naked from the waist up, revealing his impossibly muscled physique. Tav gasped. They'd obviously seen his barely contained body in his Druidic armour, but laid bare in front of them like this, their mouth had suddenly run dry, yet salivated hungrily simultaneously.
His hair looked longer, almost freer, as he took the basin over his head with ease and poured it over his hair.
Again, Tav gasped and a pooling of lust hit low in their belly watching this mountain of an Elf drench himself in water.
Halsin placed the basin back on the rock and pinched the water out of his eyes. He shook with an exhale, squeezing out the excess water from his hair and caught Tav's gaze.
Immediately feeling foolish, Tav jerked themselves out of their stupor and waved nonchalantly, making their way down to him. Halsin returned with a half wave as he wiped his face down with his hand.
"I didn't see you there, didn't realise anyone else was awake." He smiled brightly, towering half naked and beautiful.
Tav returned the smile, "I just wanted to make sure you were alright."
"You were concerned for me?" He sounded surprised.
"Of course, I understand that what I said might have been quite a lot to digest before one sleeps. I wanted to see that you were well, and rested."
Halsin's brows pulsed together but his expression remained warm, "It has been quite some time since someone checked to make sure I was rested but I promise you, I'm perfectly fine."
"I didn't mean to offend, or speak out of turn. The Shadowcurse has superceded everything else in your life and having that finally lifted from your burdens-"
Halsin held up a large paw to silence them, "Hush now, you did not speak out of turn. In fact, you spoke more truth than I've heard in a long time. A redeeming quality of yours.." he trailed off, with an intense stare.
"I'm glad to not offend, because I don't regret what I said. What you've achieved today will change the course of this land forever, for good this time."
"I must admit, it is a strange feeling to see hope sprout anew in these lands, after so much darkness." He mused, looking to the spot he'd brought Thaniel through from the Shadowfell.
Tav thought on the fierce battle for the portal, the desperate need to keep Halsin safe. The sheer relief that flooded them when they saw him return with Thaniel unconscious in his strong arms.
They stole a glance at him while he looked out towards the water. He truly was beautiful.
The strong line of his scarred jaw, the definition of his muscles, the uncharacteristic growth of chest hair dark against his sun-kissed skin. The lingering droplets of water chasing each other down the contours of his torso and into the damp waistband of his camp clothes.
Tav swallowed. Halsin was obviously a stunningly attractive man, but the energy and presence that exuded from his very soul was intoxicating; His strength, his compassion, his bravery and his boundless capacity for goodness and hope-
He'd taken out his braids.
Tav blinked twice, then glanced down to the empty silver basin and now what they saw to be soaps, glass bottles and tubs.
"What are you doing down here, Halsin?" They asked, plainly.
He blinked, returning his gaze to them, "Well, I had hoped to commemorate this occasion, as you suggested. That you would honour me with a new braid. However, my cleanliness has not been the top priority these last days and my hair is seldom touched by anyone but me. It required some attending to." He chose his words delicately. It made Tav laugh.
"Would you like some help?"
"I think I have imposed enough on your good will for one day. Although, I must admit, I do not know anything about hair care." He admitted with a chuckle.
"Well, I see you come fully stocked." They motioned to the jars, picking them up to read the labels.
"I spoke to Isobel about blessing some water so that I may bathe, one of the Harpers kindly gave me some of their own poltices and potions to use."
Tav opened a container to gauge the consistency, Halsin also reaching for a bottle. They took a sniff of the thick, white poltice and found it to be coconut.
"Ah, this is to soften and strengthen hair. Plus it smells divine." They offered Halsin to smell the balm, to which he let out a hum of agreement.
"This is an oil. To help with hair?" He said shrugging his shoulders and unstoppering it, the scent of lavender and rosemary strong on the air.
Tav nodded in agreement, "That's for the scalp as well as the hair. A scalp massage is unlike anything else for relaxation."
"Is that so?" Halsin asked with a playful lilt.
"It is so. Would you like a scalp massage? I am very proficient in them." Tav boasted, taking the oil bottle Halsin offered.
"Another of your many talents." He admired in a low register. Another intense gaze burned them in place.
"Well, in order for me to braid you, your hair must be in a good condition. If you'll allow me?" They gestured for him to sit.
"Now? Here?" He asked.
"Where else could be better than at the site of your achievement?" Tav posited, gesturing to the jutting rock.
Halsin turned down his lips and nodded in agreement, "I can't argue with that."
They both settled on the rocks, Halsin sat lower down in front of Tav's crossed legs. Tav rolled his camp shirt to place against the rock to afford Halsin more comfort, to which he rewarded them with another warm smile.
Once they were both in position, Tav pushed their sleeves up, "Tilt your head back for me." Halsin dutifully acquiesced, and they poured a good helping of the rosemary and lavender oil, assuring that it didn't drip.
"That smells wonderful." Halsin said through a smile.
"That it does," Tav agreed, flexing their fingers against Halsin's scalp in small circles, "It should feel even better." They returned with a smirk.
"Ooh, that it does." He mimicked, after a few moments of groans.
Tav proceeded with the scalp massage, fingers practised and strong, offering healing and relaxation.
They saw the tension in his shoulders ripple away and he sank lower into the feeling, "You can rest your head against my legs if you'd like." They offered. A normal suggestion in these circumstances but this time it felt far more loaded.
They'd given hundreds of these kinds of treatments but this time felt different, important.. charged.
Wordlessly, Halsin sank back into them. The back of his neck resting on their crossed calves, as they continued their practice. His handsome face was contented.. at peace, as he gently lay on them.
Tav watched the small changes in his expression as their fingers worked their magic. His brows would flex, his closed eyelids would stretch as though his eyes were rolling back in his head.
Tav employed the subtle use of their nails to awaken the scalp for regeneration, raking them across his head. Halsin's jaw tensed and he let out a low rumble that sounded not quite human but it made their stomach tumble over uncomfortably.
"Apologies," Halsin's voice came out slightly breathlessly, "This is feeling quite good, and my grip over the animal within can be tenuous at times. I hope it doesn't frighten you." He opened his eyes to look up at them, his incomparable green hazel eyes shadowed with lashes and uncertainty.
"You could never frighten me, Halsin. You make me feel safe, protected. Never afraid." Tav spoke in a hushed tone and moved their thumbs to massage the worry lines that appeared there, "You are immense and powerful and you deserve to feel good."
"Mm, you make me feel good. Very good." Halsin licked his bottom lip and took a shaky breath.
Tav paused to add more oil to their hands, rubbing them together and gliding their full width to smooth his hair down. Then tossing his hair from side to side to work their way to the underside to massage the back of his neck.
Halsin groaned at the force of their fingers, "Tav, that feels quite extraordinary. You have a real talent for this." He let out a breathy chuckle.
"I'm not even started yet, Bear man." They teased, "You'll be practically unconscious by the time I'm finished with you." The tinge of unintentional sexual energy peppered their words, as they pushed the muscles of his neck under their hands.
"Bear man?" He shot out a laugh, "We shall both be exhausted after this, I'll wager."
"I've been doing this for many years, I could do this for hours." They braced into their strength and worked the heel of their palms hard, down into the extremely tight musculature of his shoulders.
Halsin let out a shuddering yelp, then a rumble paired with a gasp, "That.. was unfair."
"You're wound tighter than a Patrirar's arse, Halsin. You need to relax."
He sat up a little, pushing against the force.
"Oh, and how would you suggest I do that, when you're burying your fingers into my shoulders? Gods." He strained through gritted teeth.
"Besides a massage? A bath, masturbation, meditation, booze? There are lots of fun ways to unwind." Tav smirked, thumbs working over his wound muscles.
"All sound suggestions, apart from masturbation. That would be a tad inappropriate, don't you agree?" His tone was light and dark at the same time, it curled a devious smile to Tav's lips.
Their eyes flitted down to Halsin's crotch subconsciousally, only to almost choke at the sight of the thick snake straining against the fabric.
The aroma of arousal suffused around them, now turned to a thick smog, covering them unabashedly.
It gripped Tav low in their belly and held them by the throat, their own desire throbbing between their legs.
They folded themselves over him and leaned to whisper in his ear, their firm hands gliding down the strong plains of his chest.
They had never been good at being coy.
"Halsin. I would love you to touch yourself while I massage you. I would love to hear the sweet sounds of your pleasure and satisfaction, as we celebrate this together. To see you, to hear you. To bless this with an act of self love." Their lips caught on the hard edges of his Elvish ears, and he shuddered beneath them, his muscles bunching under their palms.
"You would?" He muttered, swallowing thickly.
"To see your beauty laid bare to me in such an intimate and scared act, yes I would.." They hummed into the shell of his ear.
He stretched his head back, pulling his lips back and baring fangs for a split second.
"Show that you're free of this regret, that it holds you no longer. Own this. Take this moment as yours. Praise the Gods with your surrender and pleasure."
Halsin huffed out an unsteady breath and began unfastening his trousers until his large, thick erection jutted free, sprouting from dark hair.
Tav eyed his cock hungrily with trepidation and intrigue, the image of Halsin buried deep inside them flashing before their eyes. The ghost of the stretch around him clenched their sex, filling their mouth saliva.
"Is this truly what you want?" Halsin asked, his large hand waiting in a fist on his toned thigh.
"If you mean to ask; is this an appropriate scenario for two friends to participate in, then no, it's probably not."
His fist squeezed tightly in frustration, as he sighed.
"I thought not." He said bitterly through tight lips.
"However, I was never one to follow rules." They moaned through a grin, as they flicked the tip of their tongue across his earlobe, nipping lightly with their teeth.
The air from Halsin's lungs whooshed out, as he slammed his to grip the back of their head, the other placed on their's across his heart. He fisted their hair, as he writhed against their suckling of his sensitive ears.
He pulled on their thickest braid, desire tugged them deeper with every follicle. Tav's eyes rolled back as they moaned, open-mouthed. Halsin trembled out a repressed groan, biting down on his lip and closing his eyes.
"Silvanus forgive me." He whined, sliding his hand from their hair, finally allowing himself the freedom to touch his twitching, weeping cock.
"No, 'Silvanus bless me'," Tav corrected, as they slid their oiled hand from under his grasp and held his forearm across his chest. They looked up, passed the moon barrier, to the sky, "Silvanus, bare witness to your faithful servant. Bless this act of devotion."
"Yes.. yes." He uttered, head sliding to their shoulder, cradled into their embrace. His huffed, hot breath jagged against their jaw.
Tav looked down to watch him pump his cock mercilessly, the beading precum that had leaked coating the blows. They swallowed his gasps and moans as he pushed against them.
Suddenly, the cold night of the shadows were ushered away, replaced by the sensation of sunlight and the smell of the trees and fresh earth. Tav could taste the juice of the fruits bore and the brilliance of light shining.
Tav smiled joyfully, bathed in the light of Halsin's God.
The All-Father was here with them.
"Do you feel-" He barely managed through gasps. They nodded against the sweat of his skin.
"Silvanus sees you, Halsin," they breathed, an irreverent smile across their face.
They heard words that had no source booming through their mind, they knew the meaning and listened.
"He has felt your faith and love. Your devotion and dedication to him and to the task of freeing these lands. He has found you deserving of his blessings. He granted you passage to retrieve Thaniel because he knew that you are worthy."
The divine words came out without thought, as tears slid down their cheeks.
"Thank you, Oakfather.. but.. none of this.. would have been possible.. without Tav." He keened, grip on his throbbing cock intensifying, "Bless them, Silvanus. Bless them."
The swell of the divine enhanced tenfold. Tav wept at the radiance coursing through them. The heat, the force.. it was indescribable. Incomparable.
"We would have been lost without you. All would have been lost without you." A low whimper rang from the back of his throat, as they kissed his markings.
The voice thundered inside their head once more, words of affirmation and benevolent boon. Tav gasped, their vision blinded by light, their lips rounded into a serene smile.
"You are the catalyst, Halsin. You are the might that wrenches away the rot, you are the sunlight and water to feed the earth.. Yours is the seed that brings new life."
Their other hand came down to grasp at his forearm, feeling the furious movement of Halsin's joy. Halsin yelped, gulping moans as he pumped his massive cock in abandon, thumping his strong hips to meet every stroke.
"I'm-I'm.." He choked, his jaw clenching, rhythm erratic.
"Yes, Halsin. Spread your fertile seed upon this land.." The feeling of the divine power crescendoing in their head.
"Silvanus.. Silvanus.." He struggled, "Bless me.."
Halsin convulsed and spasmed, roaring as he climaxed in hard, thick shoots of cum, spilling over the cold, grey earth beneath him. He jerked and strained, as he spurted thick and full, spattering the grass.
Tav held him close, guiding him through his orgasm, soothing him with sweet words, until his white seed wept down the sides of his softening member.
Still panting heavily, he licked his dry lips and removed his grip from his trembling cock; the remnants of his elation coating his fingers.
Tav's hand slid up his forearm in delicious abandon, bringing his hand to their mouth and greedily licking his cum off his fingers. Halsin hummed in appreciation of their enthusiasm.
Suddenly, the night was cold again, the warmth of divine embrace ended. However, heat rolled of Halsin in waves, chasing away the chill.
Several moments stretched between them, their breath still calming; both needing a moment to recompose. Tav moved their fingers to his temples and wound them in strong circles, Halsin exhaled long and slow.
Tav was reeling. Their body wrung out, their ears ringing. It had not been the first time a God had spoken to them but it was certainly the first time they acted as messenger for a God, especially for one that wasn't their own. They weren't even sure it had ever happened before, and especially not during such a sexual explicit act.
It was incredible.
"That was.." Halsin eventually began.
"..I know." Tav finished, as they carded their hands through his hair.
"What do we do now?" He asked, cock large and limp against his taut belly. An uncomfortable air of something akin to shame tinged his voice.
"We continue the celebration." Tav smiled, picking up the poultice beside them, smoothing it into Halsin's semi-dry, oiled mane of hair.
Wordlessly time spanned before them, as Tav slowly worked through his tangled hair. The coconut poultice soaked into the mess and loosened the knots, the scents of lavender, rosemary and coconut dancing together on the silent air.
Nothing stirred, apart from Halsin's soothed groans and the sounds of the brush through untangling hair.
"Did you feel it too?" He asked, uncertainly.
"Silvanus?" Tav clarified.
"Yes. I've heard his words before but that was.. different." He said, gravely. He sat taller removing himself from their touch, "I took advantage of the situation. I have been without the touch of another for some time now and I sullied this act of friendship with my own desires-"
"-Hush now," Tav murmured, gently pulling back into their chest, "You did not sully anything, nor take advantage of anyone." They kneaded their cheek into his to offer comfort.
"Silvanus was able to speak through me because I opened myself to you and by extension, to him. Put aside these fears. I wanted this too." Tav reassured him, grazing his cheek with the back of their hand. Halsin turned his head, nuzzling slightly and rested his hand on theirs, with another warm smile.
"That is good to hear. Thank you, my friend."
Tav laid their chin upon his head and pressed a small kiss there. A happy moment surrounded them both.
Conversation flowed easily between the two, now that the air had been cleared.
Tav brushed his hair through, with a modicum of difficulty, then sectioned his hair and retied the braids that had previously existed with Halsin's guidance. While he regaled the story of how the Shadowlands had come to be, Ketheric Thorm, Shar, the Harpers and Druids coming together. Fierce battles, death, terror, success, hubris and finally how he'd dedicated his life to the eradication of this curse.
Tav was just finishing the last braid, the one commorating his achievement.
"I've spent this last hundred years of my life in persuit of this goal, forsaking most everything else. Now that it's nearly done, I do not know. I-I feel.. hollowed.. aimless. Like I am without purpose. Apart from helping you with your tadpole, of course." He added with a incline of his head.
"Is that why you're helping us? To feel like you still have a mission?" Tav asked, curious.
The only reason he'd come to Moonrise with them in the first place was to get closer to the Curse. It would make sense that he would return to the Grove, now that that part was complete.
"Gods no, never think that. I'm here with you till the end, regardless of what comes next. You have aided me in ways I could never repay, there's not a chance I'll abandon you now." He said firmly.
"But you mustn't need to feel like you owe us anything, there's no-"
Halsin reached across himself to grab their arm, and with a fluidity becoming of an Elf, he slowly turned to face them.
His earthen eyes looked up at them with a fierceness and urgency that stopped their thoughts.
"My friend, I have lived a very long time. Many lifetimes of others. But I have never met anyone quite like you before. Your bravery, your warmth, your valour. You are unique," his big, warm hands covered theirs with ease as he edged closer, "and I am yours, for as long as you need me. Against Ketheric, against the Absolute.. everything."
Tav swallowed. The radiant energy flowing from his heart was almost unbearable to withstand. They felt themselves drawn to him, leaning in. Halsin followed.
The distance between them seemed miles and nothing at all, as they were pulled together. His eyes focused on their lips, head tilting to accommodate their impending meeting.
The air was hot and doused with lavender and clean soap; the energy palpable. Tav closed their eyes to let it overtake them.
"Ahem." Came a voice far too close, "Not to break up this lovely little moment, but that strange ox is looking more appetising by the second." Astarion drawled with a sass that was entirely his alone, "Any chance of wrapping this up?"
Tav opened their eyes to see Halsin looking irritated but resigned to the intrusion.
They laughed between themselves; the bubble of their celebration had clearly clouded their awareness for intruders.
"I'll be back up shortly." Tav said, tight lipped, their focus still on Halsin.
"I told you to leave it." Came angry, hushed chiding from Shadowheart. Tav heard a small scuffle of clothes being wrenched and Astarion being dragged away, bickering following their leave.
"Reality beckons it seems." Halsin said with a small smile.
"It seems so." Tav breathed out, disappointed.
They pressed their foreheads together, chuckling lightly. A moment shared between them, connecting them.
They both took cleansing breaths and Halsin kneeled up to stand. He took a little time to familiarise himself with his new braids, while they gathered the various glass containers, soap and brush, placing them gently within the silver basin for ease.
Tav had chosen one above either ear, pulling them up into his half-do, to help secure it.
He gave a murmur of agreement, "I will wear them with pride. Thank you for honouring me."
"Thank you for trusting me to do so." They leaned up and pulled out his usual loose curls around his ears to frame his handsome face.
Their eyes met and air around them stilled, cloaked in coconut and lavender.
Halsin quickly grasped them into a desperate kiss, wrapping his strong arms under them and pulling them into him.
Tav's arms wrapped around his neck, pulling in closer, willingly losing themself in him.
Halsin's heat flooded into them; his desire, his adoration, his need.. and into him they poured their reverence, their respect and loyalty, their awe and their unyielding desire.
They felt is arousal pressed flush against their own, and Halsin huffed out air.
He broke the kiss, breathing heavily, "My heart. If I could, I would take you as many times as you would allow. I would caress your skin and fill my mouth with your taste until you could bare it no longer," he licked his lips with the ghosting thought of your essence on his tongue.
"I would bury myself slowly inside you, feel you gloriously stretch around me. Gently make love to you underneath the light of the moon again and again until we are both spent.."
There was a pregnant pause.
"But?" Tav asked, eventually. Halsin gave a long, frustrated sigh.
"But.. tonight is not that night. Not here." Halsin looked disappointed but sure in his judgement. Tav brought a hand to cup his face, pulling their lips into a side smile.
"I know, I agree," Barely nodding, Tav looked into Halsin's gorgeous face, "But know that every fantasy that keeps me awake at night, has your name falling from my lips."
Halsin's eyes darkened, then softened with a sheepish grin.
"Those are unfair words spoken to a man so close to giving in." He teased, still grinning, "I would like to at least repay you for your efforts. It seems a travesty that I should reach orgasm and you should not."
"Dear one, I had Silvanus' light coarsing through me. Trust me when I say that is more than enough excitement," They paused for a moment, "I do believe you're the only man to have actually made me 'see the Gods'." They laughed, quoting previous, over-confident lovers. Halsin joined them, his chuckle warming through the night.
They kissed again, softly this time. Several slow, peppered kisses. Each one reaching new depths in their desire for him.
"We'll have to continue the celebration another time." Tav licked their bottom lip and gently sucked it between their teeth, trying to contain more words, that could potentially leave them delightfully bruised and aching the next day.
"I will sorrowfully count the hours until that moment comes." His loving gaze pouring over their face.
"I will gladly kill anyone who tries to stop it."
Halsin gave a short, breathy chuckle, "I'll take care of this, you have another waiting for you." He swallowed, beginning to pull away but stopped. His eyes narrowed in confusion and he looked to the ground.
Tav turned to see what he was concentrating on, to see a tree sapling unfurling out of lush greenery, on the spot where he had spilled himself.
Their mouth gawped open, eyes wide.
"That's an oak sapling." He breathed in shock.
Tav blinked hard twice, "Well. Silvanus did say that you were the seed to fertilise the land. Apparently that wasn't an aphorism." They returned their gaze to him, expression almost identical.
Halsin shot out a laugh, "Praise Silvanus. Praise you, my heart." He chorused, pulling them close, cupping their jaw.
"Praise you, my love."
Mmhm, that's some good eatin'.. want some more? 👀😏
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pastel-charm-14 · 7 months
·˚ ༘ practicing self-care when you're tired*ೃ༄
rest and recharge: honor your body's signals and give yourself permission to rest. curl up with a cozy blanket, sip on a warm cup of tea, and allow yourself to simply be. even a short nap or some quiet time can work wonders for replenishing your energy reserves.
nourish your body: opt for nourishing foods that provide sustained energy without causing spikes and crashes. focus on whole, nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
gentle movement: engage in gentle movement practices that help to invigorate your body and uplift your spirits without draining your energy. try a leisurely walk in nature, a restorative yoga class, or some gentle stretching to release tension and boost circulation.
pamper yourself: indulge in some self-care rituals that make you feel pampered and cherished. take a warm bath with epsom salts and essential oils, treat yourself to a soothing massage or facial, or simply curl up with a good book and lose yourself in its pages.
connect with loved ones: reach out to friends, family, or loved ones for support and connection. sometimes, a heartfelt conversation or a listening ear can provide the comfort and encouragement you need to navigate challenging times.
set realistic expectations: be kind to yourself and adjust your expectations to align with your current energy levels. prioritize essential tasks and let go of non-urgent commitments or obligations until you're feeling more energized.
practice mindfulness: cultivate mindfulness by bringing your awareness to the present moment with kindness and curiosity. engage in activities like deep breathing, meditation, or visualization to calm your mind, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.
remember, self-care is not selfish—it's essential for maintaining your health, happiness, and vitality, especially during times of low energy. listen to your body, honor your needs, and trust that you're doing the best you can. you deserve love, care, and compassion, always.
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houseoflibra-if · 8 months
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"House of Libra? It's best not to talk about them, lest you wish to end up silenced like how they once were."
House of Libra.
Once the peacekeepers of the kingdom, now reduced to nothing but a lost tale. They were well respected by many for maintaining the balance of the lands, yet betrayed by those who wished for too much.
However, without House Libra keeping the balance alive, the world succumbs to the ire of the Zodiac Aura. A powerful dose of magic pulses through the lands, mutating anyone without protection. But protection can only last so long, and it's only a matter of time before the Aura consumes the lands whole.
Your family remains as one of the only branches of House Libra left alive. Due to the natural essence of your house, your family is less affected by the Zodiac Aura. No matter, as House Libra grows smaller, the world continues to eat itself alive.
It's up to you to restore the peace in the lands, for you were born under the Equinox sky.
"Never forget my words, little star. This House may have fallen, yes, but we will rise again."
House of Libra: Resurgemus is an upcoming interactive fiction inspired by the zodiac signs. You will have the freedom to explore the story and its characters with depth, so questions and various asks are greatly encouraged! This series will be 16+ (TBC), on Twine.
Play as a male, female or non-binary person. Have the freedom to choose your appearance based on what you like.(Please take note that I am a new writer, as such I do not have much experience with writing non-binary characters/pronouns. Please bear with me!)
Shape your character and personality, should you be kind, cold or a sassy boss, the choice is yours.
Build relationships- or break them if you wish. The choice is yours, but your actions will have consequences.
Have a say in the way your back story is woven. Choose your desired trauma that will affect certain plots of the story.
Choices matter. Your actions and words will influence the ending you achieve, so be wise with how you wish to shape your story.
Romance ranges between the 4 given options, shower them with your own type of affection for they will adore you nonetheless. Or you could lead them to their deaths. Woopsie.
Choose your relationship with your family. Are you a loving family? Or do you constantly need family therapy? Choose their fates as well (but don't kill all of them, that's kinda mean.)
Gain new skills and various powers that will aid you in your journey. But be warned, will they great power comes great responsibility. And a greater chance of messing things up.
Various endings will (hopefully) be available based on your choices.
This IF will be more focused on interactions and choices compared to stats. I don't think I plan on having stats. Maybe a sanity bar, but I'll see how well the coding goes.
Romance Options
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Avira/Aurelius Lozenges, [RO]
Age: 26
The eldest child of House Leo, Avira/Aurelius is the epitome of the zodiac's charms. Charismatic, ambitious and loyal to a fault, there's no wonder why they're called by the admirable title of House Leo's Golden Lion. They are expected to take over the ruling throne once their father retires.
Although, with every envied perfect child comes a chamber of secrets, and they are no different. Guarded eye(s) and tense shoulders, they seem constantly restless under judgmental gazes of everyone in the kingdom.
Perhaps, you may be able to give them the freedom they long for. After all, a lion in a castle is still a caged lion.
Romance trope:
Love at first fight
Tame a wounded beast
Cocky/Arrogant -> Soft/Sweet
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Castora/Castor Dioscuri, [RO]
Age: 24
The renowned child of House Gemini, they are known for their sharp mouth and playful personality. Castora/Castor remains as the number one It Girl/Guy of the kingdom as they're not only captivating in nature, but they too posses a brilliant mind like no other. Having them on your side would be quite advantageous, no?
There's something off putting about them though, as the House of Gemini have always borne children that are twins no matter how different. Yet, Castora/Castor remains as the only member of House Gemini to be born alone.
Will you dig deeper into their depths? Or will you drown in their eyes, just like everyone else? With them, you are never alone.
Romance tropes:
Slow burn
Frenemies -> lovers
Closed off heart that's waiting to be loved
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Esme/Esmeray von Aquaria, [RO]
Age: 28
Some people call them cursed.
And to others, they were simply unlucky as a child for straying too far.
Esme/Esmeray is a child of House Aquarius, yet they couldn't despise it enough. Known for being one if the most influential houses due to their unyielding intelligence, a child of House Aquarius must be perfect in the eyes of others.
Yet Esme/Esmeray is the exact opposite of that. Cursed by the effects of Zodiac Aura when they were younger, they carry the mark of the Waxing Moon. This affected their life despite protection given, and they will not rest until they slay the beast that hurt them so.
They have a cold and distant personality, paired with one of the brightest minds in the kingdom only to be rivaled by the child of House Gemini. Will you be the one to thaw this icy heart? Or will you suffocate in the depths of Aquaria?
Romance trope:
Cold -> absolute simp
Heated arguments and soft confessions
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Nyoka Constello, [RO]
Age: same as player character
The forgotten children of the banished zodiac. Nobody remembers how this House used to flourish as they are now called the Followers of Ophiuchus. Scorned by the lands and cursed by the stars, the last surviving followers live in hiding. Now, they are nothing but tales woven in time.
Well, that's for everyone else. Nyoka just so happens to be your childhood friend, having been born under the same moon and stars aligned. They used to be docile and caring, but times have changed and so have they. Don't fret, little star, for they still have a soft spot for you.
They have an unusual appearance, with a long and sturdy sea-snake tail paired with sharp semi-curved horns. Their dark eyes seem to pull you in, rivaling the stars above.
But the mutation is spreading, and they've no clue how much time they have left. Save them, if you must. Or watch the one you once loved die.
Romance trope:
Angst. Just angst. And maybe fluff.
Childhood friends -> strangers -> lovers
"Perhaps we were soulmates in another life."
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Here are some things you need to know:
I am a new writer (this is my first interactive fiction project.) so not everything will be smooth sailing.
I estimate the demo to come out mid this year, but personal matters may change some things.
This is my passion project. Please don't expect me to dedicate all my time onto this as I have a life as well.
I'm very new to coding, so learning twine will take a while. I'll have to do a few test runs before releasing the demo.
I adore feedback and asks about the game. It helps me improve as a writer while getting to build my characters more.
I want to have fun with everyone, so hateful criticism will not be tolerated. Treat me with respect and I will return the gesture.
That's all for now (I think). Have fun reading!
Demo (TBA) || Character Post (TBA) || World building (TBA)
Credits to Doshiart on picrew for the character portraits!
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pointandshooter · 10 days
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Nachusa Grasslands
photo: David Castenson
Nachusa Grasslands is a 4100 acre (16.6 sq km) area of restored prairie grassland in Ogle and Lee counties of Illinois. The grasslands are managed by the Nature Conservancy, a non-profit group that purchases land for conservation. The area has grown from the initial purchase of 400 acres in 1985 to its present size. Ten years ago, bison were introduced to the preserve. The heard size is maintained at about 100 bison.
I grew up in a small town in Ogle county and would read about the vast plains of tall prairie grass that greeted settlers as they pushed westward. Now people can see for themselves what the land must have looked like, hundreads of years ago, before farming transformed the land.
You can read more about the site here: https://www.nachusagrasslands.org
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"The coral reefs of south Sulawesi are some of the most diverse, colorful and vibrant in the world. At least, they used to be, until they were decimated by dynamite fishing in the 1990s.
As part of a team of coral reef ecologists based in Indonesia and the UK, we study the reefs around Pulau Bontosua, a small Indonesian island in south Sulawesi...
In many places around the world, damage like this might be described as irreparable. But at Pulau Bontosua, the story is different. Here, efforts by the Mars coral restoration program have brought back the coral and important ecosystem functions, as outlined by our new study, published in Current Biology. We found that within just four years, restored reefs grow at the same rate as nearby healthy reefs.
Speedy recovery
The transplanted corals grow remarkably quickly. Within a year, fragments have developed into proper colonies. After two years, they interlock branches with their neighbors. After just four years, they completely overgrow the reef star structures and restoration sites are barely distinguishable from nearby healthy reefs.
The combined growth of many corals generates a complex limestone (calcium carbonate) framework. This provides a habitat for marine life and protects nearby shorelines from storm damage by absorbing up to 97% of coastal wave energy.
We measured the overall growth of the reef framework by calculating its carbonate budget. That's the balance between limestone production (by calcifying corals and coralline algae) and erosion (by grazing sea urchins and fishes, for example). A healthy reef produces up to 20kg of reef structure per square meter per year, while a degraded reef is shrinking rather than growing as erosion exceeds limestone production. Therefore, overall reef growth gives an indication of reef health.
At Pulau Bontosua, our survey data shows that in the years following restoration, coral cover, coral colony sizes, and carbonate production rates tripled. Within four years, restored reefs were growing at the same speed as healthy reefs, and thereby provided the same important ecosystem functions...
Outcomes of any reef restoration project will depend on environmental conditions, natural coral larvae supply, restoration techniques and the effort invested in maintaining the project. This Indonesian project shows that when conditions are right and efforts are well placed, success is possible. Hopefully, this inspires further global efforts to restore functioning coral reefs and to recreate a climate in which they can thrive."
-via Phys.org, March 11, 2024
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wh1sp3rr · 10 months
𑊡˚+₊🏆✦ — CERTIFIED PUSSY EATER + bkg; one shot
cw: nsfw, smut, aged up, established relationship, oral (f receiving), softdom!bkg, afab!reader
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
it’s a cool night. the room is airy and quiet: a detachment from the rest of the world. your moans are soft and natural, skin dark in the shadows of the room, torso taut and stretched as you lean yourself further into the grey, cotton sheets and spread your legs more to accommodate for katsuki’s voracious tongue.
he kisses with an open mouth. little suck sucks and lets the sheen of sweat and saliva reflect his craftsmanship.
he’s moaning with you in unison, encouraging and almost cheering you on. a not so silent exchange, the gentle beckoning of him almost saying: ‘yes, baby. just like that. sing for me.’
there’s a desperate slide your body makes, tensing up from the cricks of pleasure and the humble troughs his sweet tongue begs soon send peaking waves up to the hair on your head.
he adapts to your movement, pushing his head deeper into the aperture between the flesh of your thighs. he pinches said flesh between the dip connecting his thumb and index finger mirrored on both hands: left and right, and then pulls down harshly, reaching for your ass whilst simultaneously connecting his nose with your pussy, keying his pink muscle in the desperate, fluttering orifice.
you gasp out: choked, earlier committing yourself to maintaining quiet, polite sounds, a flash of a self-made promise you had bonded yourself to. hand on heart, flirtatious, half-hearted words to bakugo:
‘you’ll see! i’ll be quiet…’
an honest attempt at trying to quietly avoid the fact that katsuki was a certified pussy-eater pro. you didn’t want to feed into his already massive ego.
"and you were doing so well." he teases. his smirk brushing at your skin in such unkind ways…
you get higher, squeeze harder.
he slurps. "come on, babe." he goads, kissing your inner thighs multiply. lets them linger before pressing another.
you whimper what sounds like a no.
he breathes in deeply, not quite a sigh but an acknowledgment. he lets his tongue punish rhythmically— snidely knowing you can’t resist. certified pussy eater.
surprisingly, you still hold out. just about.
his hands loosen their tight grasp on your thighs, lets the expanded mass of flesh return to its normal size. instead, he restores to a lighter touch. barely touching your skin and dancing his spread fingertips on the plush of your legs as if it were an ice skating rink.
his moans; a stereo vibration, add to your guaranteed climax. it’s a waiting game now.
but katsuki’s impatient.
his lips stop suckling and he asks you to look down at him.
your heart takes the form of a hummingbird: fast and passionate. the pink on your cheeks is almost embarrassing, and you heave your head up from it’s sanctuary on the satin sleeved pillow and look with a fucked-out expression.
he almost comes on the spot. that sheen of sweat plasters and sticks little bits of your hair to your cheeks and forehead, messy and uncoordinated. your open mouth presents a pretty, breathy sound: in and out. your brows are furrowed, and pupils wide, painting your eyes almost completely black.
you can’t even talk.
he kisses your thigh again and stays staring at your face.
"give up, baby. i’m so fuckin’ hard for you right now, i need to hear you."
he shakes his head a little and speaks softly to himself.
"need to hear you so bad…"
you moan a decipherable ‘mhm’ and nod your head enthusiastically and sink back into the slope your head made its home in.
before even nestling back into your preceding comfort, katsuki’s tongue interrupts your action and your moans are incomparable to the ones before.
glossy eyes and open mouth: "yes, katsuki—" your voice cracks and it sounds like you’re about to cry. "yes—!" crack again.
together you come. katsuki’s grizzly, boyish moan first, yours second.
his moan fizzes out and the slick of his hand laddering his dick up-down-up-down ceases.
he kisses between your folds, right at the centre and rests his head over your thigh.
"fucking tastiest pussy in the world. i love you. mwah." and he air-kisses the sight of you from his new spot: heavy, laboured breath, lips engulfing you whole.
you stroke his face, tickle the blond tufts made soft from sweat behind his ear. he kisses your wrist.
you air-kiss his face back. "love you too."
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