#restaurants or out shopping and don’t want to leave then they won’t be surprised
rationally, pursuing a diagnosis is the way to go because it’s been over three years and i cannot keep living like this. however, it scares the shit out of me and everything i see about what they could potentially decide for treatment makes me start to panic
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Yandere Elite Serial Killer
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Thinking about the rich hunting the poor plot of thousands of movies
Popular and inexplicably vain it’s a surprise he goes to your college at all
But because of his status and immense popularity you never quite got close to him
Only knowing about him because of gossip 
His existence doesn’t matter to you until the college plans to take everyone on a cross-country trip
That happens to be sponsored by an anonymous donor 
You somehow end up in a travel group with him and his most loyal groupies
You didn’t even know you were in the same class
But when the school asks for a payment he generously pays for all expenses
“If all it takes is a bit of pocket change to have these nerds do my homework, then I’ll pay for it!”
He scoffs in your face if you try to refuse 
having the principal tear your check in front of your face if you try to pay yourself
But you pack your bags prepared to get on the plane booked for the class only for one of the nicer groupies to stop you
“Uh, where do you think you're going?”
“To the plane?”
“Our plane is on the tarmac. We’re not getting packed in like a bunch of sardines.”
“But I already bought the ti-”
“Look nerd stop complaining before he leaves you.”
When you do get on of course it’s a shock to have an attendant nicely handle your bag 
Of course, you fidget as you watch the groupies casually sit in specific padded chairs
As though those were their designated spots 
You’re watching them so intensely you miss the grey eyes watching you
“Huh? Me?”
“Where do you want to sit?”
“Uhm I’ll just sit over here.”
You randomly pick the spot farthest from them 
He scoffs again and snaps his fingers
“No, you won’t you’ll sit over here.”
The seat he’s pointing at is right beside him…
But a girl is already sitting there
You hesitate looking nervously at the girl who’s engrossed in her phone
Wille exasperatedly sighs before turning in his seat to kick the girl off it
It looked like it hurt
But no one reacts…at first
Before one of the groupies chimes in
“Move Piggie! It’s obvious Wille doesn’t want you here!”
The other’s laugh while ‘piggie’ slowly gets up moving her things she gives you a hard glare before moving to the row over
With Wille impatiently snapping his fingers you sit in the seat
Now being weirdly included in the conversation
Though it’s completely out of your realm of understanding they are seemingly including you
You don’t get the chance to ask  why he wanted you here but you couldn’t complain
When an attendant served you a hearty meal that happened to fit all of your likes and dislikes
You are made to hold someone’s bag or do the other’s assignments issued for the class but you can’t complain
Especially when ‘piggie’ is the one who keeps getting pushed around
Once the plane lands it’s constantly like this 
In museums, restaurants, and lectures 
The pattern continues and as expected you feel incredibly indebted to Wille
So of course you’ll look past the slightly demeaning tasks he sends you on
Or when the groupies need the opinion of a ‘commoner’ you answer
It’s never as bad as it is for ‘piggie’ 
Who ends up paying for some of the other groupies’ shopping sprees 
Or when someone deems their outfit ruined or out of style it’s ‘piggie’ who has to buy something new
You feel awful 
But you’re sure if you spoke up they’d absolutely leave you in this foreign country all alone
So you’ll try in another way
“Hey, I uh filled out an extra assignment if you’d like it?”
For once you might see them accept and start coming to you to talk
It’s nice 
To speak to someone more sympathetic to your situation
But things don’t really kick off until the last day 
And you by association are invited to the intense partying of your group who invite others from your college
There Wille demands that everyone in your group come to his vacation home where his family is 
To work off the hangovers and keep the party going he says 
He says it’ll be another week before you all head back to the college
Whether you drink or not you don’t mind the small extension on your trip 
after all, all of your expenses are paid for
So without being able to refuse you join the group  
a butler welcomes you as soon as the chauffeur drops you all off at the castle-like vacation home mansion
Unexpectedly there and looking at watching you all gawk are Wille’s family
His father, his mother, his older sister, and his younger brother
They all are just like him with long wavy hair and cattish grey eyes that seem to see all
They welcome the group but they’re honestly quite cold
You don’t mind all that much though
They’re polite enough for the first three days
But then as the end of the week approaches it just gets stranger
Not just for you but for the others as well
“H-h-hey did any of you guys notice Wille’s little brother has a lot of stuffed pets?”
“Well, did you see how that old man was looking at me? Creepy!”
Finally on the sixth day 
more accurately at midnight, the hunting really begins
Faced with Wille himself smiling wider than you could have ever imagined right along with his family with their own twisted faces
“You won’t believe how many social climbers cling to us like leeches! In our world. They have their protections and safeguards that stop us from bashing their brains in. But you–we could do that and so much more because no one cares about you. No one!”
It’s alarming, to say the least 
The dirt under your nails
The cries of the others
Wille continues
“But it's nice to imagine right? So we’re going to play a little game! You all get until midnight tomorrow to escape our property. If you do you get to keep your little worthless life. As a bonus, we’ll reward you an extra million for all the trouble! So, everyone ready to play?”
Screams are heard 
And a gunshot goes off
Someone else breaks down again
“Good energy, you have until sunrise.”
Like frightened deer you scatter
Part 2
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
It's my Birthday!
March 19th and im a year closer to meeting Arceus lucky me! So here is some of my Pokémon simps headcannons as to how they would celebrate your birthday. (I was going to do my top 5 simps but they are all from different things so I'm gonna leave those to myself) There will be no Scarlett and violet characters. They will be in they're own post (There's a lot I like)
Characters: Adaman, Lysander, Raihan, Leon, Cynthia, Volo
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Adaman’s number one rule is that every moment counts. So when it comes to planning your birthday, he makes sure every second he spends planning results in the perfect outcome.
He would make sure to remember all of your favourite things to do and put as many as he can in one day without overdoing it. Adaman was always good at planning. Execution was the problem.
Headstrong and passionate don’t tend to go well together, so no matter how many hours he spends detailing everything. Planning around possible problems; as always something is bound to go wrong.
Surprise bandit attack; Alpha attack; Something happens in the Demand clan; Irida
Will that stop him from making this day all about you? Arceus no! He’s just gonna try harder to make you happy. Even if you're already beaming with the royal treatment he is giving you. Adaman won’t stop until the sun is gone, and he’s carrying you back home.
I would try and pinpoint 1 specific thing he’d do, but Adaman would do basically anything you wanted. Your wish was his command, whatever you wanted to do - he would do. Want to go on a catching spree? Sure. Want to walk along the coastal beach, when do we leave? Want to scale the cobalt mountains to reach the temple of Sinnoh? He’s already racing you up there.
You could drag him to the Alabaster Iceland's and he would follow you like a Fidough. It’s your day and he is going to make damn sure you feel like royalty by the end.
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Lysandre is a busy man. Being the leader of Team flare and running his company and keeping his goal of beauty running smoothly. Time is not something he has! But for his darling's birthday, that's time he is happy to put aside.
He wouldn’t be particularly flashy about what he does for your birthday. He is a gentleman aftercall! Not psychotic at all he's fine i swear. Don’t expect Tengen Uzui level flashy. Lysandre is much more laid back than that. He won’t show you off to the world if you aren't comfortable with it.
His personal life is something he likes to keep behind closed doors, so for your birthday, the most public he would get is taking you out around Lumios, weather that be a shopping spree, a nice conversation at a quiet café. Dinner at a nice restaurant would be a must however. He still wants you to feel special so he will spoil you rotten with gifts. Dudes got the money to burn. 
I can see Lysandre planning something beforehand to keep the paparazzi distracted. Like calling in a favour with a friend high up and having them stage something on the other side of the city so you two can be together in peace.
Once you two get home, he will spend the night with you watching any movie or show you want. Reading with you, just talking with you. Anything you want so long as he can see that beautiful smile of yours. 
Lysandre will go to bed with you but… It's a 50/50 shot if he will still be in bed when you wake up. If he is there, lucky you! If he isn’t there, expect an apology note written quite detailed and a nice breakfast with a simple apology gift next to it.
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Battle dates. This man will take you to every single gym tournament and battle he can just to watch your excited face when something awesome happens. Seeing his treasure smile makes him all bubbly and giddy.
But don’t worry, he isn't just going to drag you around Galar showing you fight after fight. He isn’t that stupid. Raihan would definitely take you flying on Flygon so you can see the beauty of Galar from his view. Though his view won’t be on the land below.
For once, he will not mention Leon’s name once! I didn’t know that was possible but here we are. Today is about you, so Leon is flicked temporarily out of Raihan's mind and into the naughty corner.
Photo’s everywhere. Anywhere you two go, he will either stop to take a selfie with you or tell you to go pose somewhere so he can capture the moment. Defiantly will ask you before posting the photo though. Sometimes though he will sneak a photo of you when he thinks you like breath-taking. Something to keep to himself. And don't even think about saying you look bad in one of them, because he will then take a million more to prove you wrong. That or smother you in kisses so you won't say it again.
Raihan will be like Lysander when it comes to gifts. This man will SPOIL YOU! Anything you want, you’d have to grab him by the hood to stop him taking the crowd of people down with him. 
He would 1000% be down for a movie marathon as well if you would rather stay inside. He will have a fort built, snacks at the ready and every movie ready.
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Bless his soul, he has no idea what to do. Leon would want to take you somewhere really nice he found during his travels, if only he could remember which direction it was in. Then he thought about a nice restaurant you had mentioned wanting to try. Which city was that in again? Perhaps he could take you out to the beach, where was that again?
He would leave it at. “I’ll follow you.” So just drag him around with you and he will gladly follow you and do what you wanna do. Just nothing reckless, he won’t do anything that could get you hurt. Unlike Raihan he would avoid battle arenas. 
I feel like Leon would 100% be down for a gaming day, he’d let you take him to any game store and buy every game you wanted and just play all of them. Card, board, video all of them. Single player or multiplayer he will be right there cheering you on or giving you competitive gals with a smile.
If you're up for it, Leon would ask if Hop could join you two for a little while, not long as Leon does want to spend the day with you, but Hop sees you as a family too.
Dude cannot read. So do not ask him to read anything, he can’t tell the difference between Your and You’re. But if you like reading out loud, he will have his head in your lap listening to you read if that will make you happy. 
Leon would try and make you the best cake he can! We know this man can decorate very well, the baking half is a hit or miss, definitely would have gotten help from an unknown alias. His mom.
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Forest date. This woman would give you the royal treatment. Lysander got nothing on this Queen! She will take you anywhere you want for the day. But if you ask her to pick what you do or… a surprise!? She takes that as a challenge. You will most likely wind up on a secluded part of a meadow surrounded by nature.
Tranquil and beautiful, a place for just the two of you to spend time with one another. No champion duties, paparazzi, endless questions of your relationship. Just Her and you. 
Cynthia’s Roserade would make it subtly rain rose petals around the area to add to her love for you. If it’s raining, she has a plan for that too. No rain is going to ruin your special day! Hope you like dancing in the rain because she is already dragging you out to the flower meadows to dance with you hand in hand.
You can guarantee she has a picnic somewhere hidden, Where you will never know that. But this woman has come PREPARED! She’s prepared for everything, and your birthday is no exception.  She has everything, from your favourite snacks, drinks, everything. Even the blanket is your favourite colour. Cynthia even bought a pillow with her that you could sit on so you wouldn’t be uncomfortable if you wanted it.
Like Raihan her Pokémon would be involved. But instead of flying, she would use her Pokémon to put on a show for you. The rose petals from Roserade being just an example. Her Garchomp would show you a fireworks show when night arrived, along with the help of Togekiss.
She won’t spoil you with gifts. Instead she will have one thing she made for you herself. It won’t be very big, but it will show you the love she has for you. Whatever she made you, expect it to be incredibly meaningful.
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Cynthia had to get her skills somewhere and this is where. Volo does everything Cynthia does but somehow even more extra. 
If Cynthia gives you the royal treatment, he is giving you the Deity treatment. Man has Giratina at his call, he can literally give you anything! And he will use it to his advantage at every chance he gets. He will use his craftsman skills to make you a bracelet with all of the stones on as a mark of your journey together. If you want him to make another so you can match, oh look he already did! What are the chances?
This man will take you EVERYWHERE! Even places you have never been to before on the back of Giratina, he will show you the world most don’t get to see. The world he will build for you. But he won’t spoil that surprise.
He would definitely make you food, he travels a lot so cooking is a must know skill. So your birthday with him isn't a day, it's a whole week. And every time he makes you something it is completely different. Volo is taking zero shortcuts on this adventure. He may have a Deity on his team, his Deity is sat Infront of him admiring the stars.
Speaking of Stars. Stargazing is a must on every clear night you two get. He would lay his jacket down for you to lay on and look up at the sky together.
Volo would make sure to stop around different areas and tell you about the history there, watching your expression carefully to see the enthusiasm and curiosity on it which just makes him want to try harder to get that smile to stay there. 
He will also use his trade skills to get you something that caught your eye from wherever he took you. Volo may have money but he will use his skills where he can. Giratina isn’t the only benefit he has. Dude is a travelling merchant after all. He has more knowledge than everyone combined. Expect him to show you off however. He loves you more than anything, and wants the world to know that.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
Febuwhump - Day 6
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Pairing: Jensen x reader
Prompt: "You lied to me"
Warnings: language, fighting
“Where were you?” you demanded when Jensen walked through the front door. He froze for a split second, his brows furrowing before he shut the door and kicked off his shoes. “I asked you a question.”
“I heard it. I don’t understand it,” he said, shrugging out of his coat. “I was at a dinner with some producers.”
“The ones on that spin off show.”
“Yeah…what’s going on?” he asked, stepping over to you but you took your own back. “Y/N. What-”
“Funny. One of those guys you claim to have been out to dinner with called. Asking where you were.” You cocked your head, eyes narrowed. “But according to your apple account, you were at a different restaurant on the other side of town.”
His face paled slightly, words caught in his throat. 
“You lied to me,” you said. “If you want out of this relationship, then just say it. Don’t you dare sneak around behind my back.”
“Honey, I swear it’s not what you-”
“Your word doesn’t mean a whole lot to me right now. Explain or I’m leaving and I don’t know if I’ll come back.” 
“Oh my god,” he said, closing his eyes. “This wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
You grabbed your overnight bag from behind the couch and grabbed your coat, jumping when strong hands grabbed your arms. You stared straight through him, Jensen backing you up against the foyer wall. “Jensen-”
“That restaurant you must have seen me at was right next to another store. Please, please believe me when I said I was in that other store. Look on your phone. Once you do, you’ll understand.” 
You grumbled, pushing away from him when you took out your phone. It took a minute but you found the restaurant again, trying to checkout the other businesses next to it on the map. Your eyes shot to his when you say the shop that shared a wall with the restaurant, Jensen frowning slightly.
“Do you really think I could cheat?” 
“You’ve been…hiding things lately. You don’t want me to look at your phone anymore. You drive out to a part of town we don’t go to. It all started when I brought up the future and I thought I screwed up, that you weren’t ready for that…commitment.”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black box. “I want that level of commitment with you. I want you. But we gotta trust each other or it won’t work. Yes, I went behind your back and hid things. But only because I wanted to surprise you. Looks I got what I wanted I guess.”
He sighed, your hand moving over top of his when he went to open the box. “Show me when you ask…if you still want to.”
“Of course I do. But it does hurt to think you think I could cheat.”
“Trust me. That has everything to do with me feeling not good enough and not you. I’ve always been-”
“I know. Let’s just chalk tonight up to we both have to realize we’re worthy of each other.” He gave your hands a squeeze. “And we’ll figure out the future together. Okay?”
“Okay. Okay, Jens.”
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cosmichoneibeee · 1 year
Dating Reyna hc's
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Reyna is strong and powerful, a true queen and a queen don't fall in love with any mere pawn.
You're truly special
Your abilities on and out field draw her attention first
And your shiny personality keeps her interested
Flirts 24/7
With Reyna, it's never 'if' you like her, it's 'when'
She's as charming as she can be deadly
It's not a surprise when you fall under her spell
"I like you"
"I know, cariño."
Loves to kiss you and is a very good kisser
She has so much fun when she leaves her crimson lipstick mark on your lips and you don't notice, walking around for the rest of the day like nothing happened
Can't go without kissing you or touching you in some way for many hours straight
When you are in the same room, her arm automatically goes behind your back, holding you close
Asks for kisses as a good luck charm before going on missions, even though she doesn't need luck, as she herself says
Missions together are a nightmare for the Valorant leaders
It's usually faster and more efficient, yes.
But at the same time, Reyna begins to ignore the call-outs and the other allies asking for help, striving only to protect and help you.
Loves to friendly compete with you
Likes to bet on things that makes both win, like kisses or dinner
Zyanya loves to show herself off to you, make daring kills, aces, or knife eliminations
She gets really mad if you're not looking when she does something impressive
Hurts her little heart
Makes her have certain passive aggressive moments with you
But she goes back to her passionate ways once you apologize, even though you weren't exactly wrong
Mission-free weekends are dedicated to the two of you. She loves to take you on dates.
You usually go out to dinner and she won't let you go to any restaurant, of course not, you only go to the fanciest restaurants of the region and eat the most expensive food on the menu
Baby you so much
Won't let you pay anything unless you say that's really important to you
Also loves to take you on shopping dates and will only leave if you two have both arms full of store bags
When she is tired because of missions during the week, she likes to stay at home and have a self-care night.
Order pizzas, shower together (if you want and without any sexual intent), let you go through her 15-step skin-care routine with her before finally sitting on the couch and watching a movie marathon or her favourite culebrón [soap opera] all night long
Like it or not, you will end up learning Spanish because Reyna always mixes languages
If you ask her to teach you more than just a few everyday words, she'll be more than happy to help.
A great teacher, despite the rigidity
Tries to learn your language (if it's not English) in secret, and aside from her heavy accent, she does it pretty well.
"It's about having discipline, cariño."
Your shoulder to cry on 24/7, anytime you need it
She would do anything for you, from boosting your self-esteem with honest words to helping you hide a corpse
And secretly hopes that you'll be there for her that way too
It is not a person with a stable psychological state to be honest, being with her is knowing that there may be outbreaks
She most commonly has nightmares, about Lucia and about losing you, in different ways.
But sometimes some triggers make her go beyond
After a particularly difficult mission, comes the obsession with keeping you safe and close..absurdly close
Or some odd noise in the middle of the night and the paranoia that someone is coming to kill you both
At these times, she needs her support and not only to tell her that everything is fine, but also to encourage her to seek professional help
Few of the Protocol know what happens to Reyna and having you help her overcome all these demons, she is very grateful
Despite all this, she is not a jealous partner at all
Zyanya knows her worth and she knows you, you wouldn't dare to do such thing
If someone tries to flirt with you, she just smirks, enjoying their attempt.
But that doesn't stop her from...talking...to this person if they make you uncomfortable
Loves you unconditionally
You are the reason she became a better and more understanding person
And she is the reason you became a braver and more confident person
You are the perfect match, besides all the differences and she would not trade you for anything in the world
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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demonicbaby666 · 2 years
Making It Up To You
one shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff and mild smut 
Words: 2.1k+
Warnings: swearing, arguing, fingering (r!receiving)
Summary: After JJ forgot about a date, a fight erupted between you two. She left for a case the next morning promising to make things up to you.
The day dragged on as you waited for your girlfriend to come home, it had been radio silent the whole day despite finding out the team landed that morning. It wasn’t like JJ to leave you in the lurch without any updates. Before she left for her most recent case you got into a big fight over not spending enough time together, despite both of you wanting exactly that.
She’d forgotten about the date you planned, arriving home hours late from work. She hadn’t even bothered to text which led to you sitting in the restaurant alone feeling like an idiot. As soon as she came through the door a fight erupted between the two of you. When the morning came around and you were more level-headed, she was already on the jet, leaving you a note to tell you she’d make it up to you. Her lack of updates in the last few hours wasn’t exactly in line with her promise.
As much as you wanted to be annoyed, you couldn’t. The past few days had been hell without her, and the hours seemed to stretch thin. You didn’t want the last interaction you shared to be ingrained into your mind. Aggravatingly enough, it was. You withered under the sheer power and magnitude of your own brain, collapsing further into the couch and bringing your knees up to your chest, the fight replayed over and over in your head.
“I was busy at work okay?!” JJ said a little louder than necessary.
“That’s not good enough JJ, you didn’t even fucking text me! I sat there like an idiot waiting for you.” 
“I said I was busy.” JJ insisted coldly. 
“Too busy to see I called you six times and texted you over and over again? You weren’t even in the field!” your volume control was nowhere to be seen as JJ’s callus attitude began to piss you off. 
“Baby, look can we not do this right now I’m exhausted, and I can’t deal with this right now.” JJ flippantly pleaded. 
“Well don’t worry, I’m sure you won’t have to deal with THIS,” you gestured to yourself, “for much longer.” With that, you slammed the bedroom door shut and climbed into bed alone. 
All you wanted was to feel JJ’s arms around you again and you kicked yourself for banishing her to the sofa that night. Looking at the clock it was almost 6pm and you were about to reach for your phone to text JJ when the door flung open. Your body moved of its own accord, your feet carrying you to the door. 
There in the doorway was JJ struggling with different bags of shopping and car keys in her mouth. A sheepish grin was plastered on her face as she stumbled through the door, and you had to bite down on your bottom lip to hold back a chuckle. She still needed to know you were annoyed. Rolling your eyes, you yanked the keys from out of her mouth, throwing them in the key bowl. 
“I’m guessing I don’t get a welcome kiss?” JJ teased as you turned around heading back to the sofa. 
“Maybe you would’ve got one if you cared to update me today,” you said blankly leaning back into the sofa. 
JJ held up the bags still sporting that devilish grin, “Well then I’d ruin the surprise.” 
You knew she was baiting you, wanting you to inquire into what this surprise was, but you weren’t having any of it, frankly, you weren't in the mood. Instead, you questionably raised an eyebrow, that was the best she was going to get, and she knew it too. A loud sigh came from JJ’s mouth, she placed the bags down and joined you in the longue. 
She sat down on the footstool across from you, her eyes boring holes into yours, but you didn’t back down from her gaze. It was one of the things JJ liked about you, you held your own and didn’t give in so easily. Her eyes softened a little as she began to speak. 
“I’m sorry baby, I hate how we ended things, but I told you I’d make it up to you and that’s what I’m going to do.” She slowly stood up and took a few steps forward before crouching down and placing a hand on your knee. Her blue eyes held so much sorrow it was hard not to give into her apology right away, it was taking all of your willpower not to pull her up into your arms and shower her with kisses. “I promise from now on I’ll make more of an active effort. You’re the most important thing in my life and I’m going to treat you that way. I know my work is demanding but I promise we’ll work this out, together, and I promise to work harder. Just give me another chance?”
She had on her best puppy dog face and her little lips were so pouty. JJ knew that when she made that face you were putty in her hands, looking down at her face for another few seconds and you knew you were a goner. You placed your hands on either side of her face, bending over to place a soft peck on her lips, earning the cutest smile you’d ever seen. 
“You get one more chance.” As the words fell from your lips you knew you were bullshitting, you’d give your girlfriend a thousand and one more chances if she pulled that face every time. Even if she didn’t, you never wanted this amazing woman out of your life, especially when you knew she never wanted to intentionally hurt you in any shape or form. 
JJ stood up and scurried away to grab something from one of the bags. When she returned her hands were behind her back concealing the mystery object. You squinted your eyes as she pulled her hands from her behind her back. Held within them was a little box, kneeling back down she handed it over to you cautiously. 
You didn’t miss the change in her demeanour, and you knew she was nervous. Whenever JJ bought you a gift, she got so worked up you wouldn’t like it, despite nailing it every single time. The look on her face whenever she saw how much you loved it was an additional gift, her face would light up causing you to only fall further in love with her. 
When you opened the box you gasped, “JJ I love it but this is too much!” 
There in the box was a dainty gold necklace holding your favourite gemstone. You looked up to see your second gift as JJ’s face began to glow, she bit down on her bottom lip watching you admire the necklace, proud she’d once again wowed you. 
“Shhhh, now let me put it on you,” she commanded reaching out to take the necklace out of the box and climbing behind you on the sofa. You felt sparks run down your back as her hand brushed again your neck moving your hair out of the way. She placed a gentle kiss on your neck before placing and clasping the necklace on you. 
You held it in your hand admiring the beauty of it. You turned your head to meet those piercing blue eyes staring down at you. JJ’s lips came crashing down onto yours and her hands wrapped themselves around your waist embracing you tightly, providing nothing other than love and safety as they encapsulated you. You pulled away and held up your pinky finger. 
“You promise to keep me in the loop from now on?” 
She removed a hand from your waist and looped her pinky in yours, “Promise.” 
Her lips reconnected with yours, solidifying the promise she’d made. Soft lips moved against yours and her tongue slyly swiped along your bottom lip. Smirking into the kiss for a moment you slightly parted your lips to let her in. Her tongue swirled against yours before trailing a path to the roof of your mouth. A small groan escaped from your throat, prompting JJ to move her hands down your waist to rest on your thigh. 
Her lips left yours but before you could protest, they planted themselves on your jawline, peppering kisses down until she finally reached your neck. One of your hands flew to JJ’s blonde locks as you held her against you, letting sweet small moans fall from your mouth. 
“JJ, JJ, JJ,” you breathed out, “if we start, we won’t stop.” 
She hummed in response, showing no intention of stopping, moving a hand higher up your thigh, she started to play with the hem of your shorts. Her other hand snaked under your shirt to cup one of your breasts, making you bite down on your bottom lip in response. 
“Maybe I don’t want to stop.” She husked against your neck, her finger ran circles around your nipple, and a pool of wetness was growing between your legs. There was no way you wanted to stop things now, after all, make-up sex is the best sex. 
After more foreplay you found yourself naked on JJ’s lap with her fingers knuckle-deep in you, pounding relentlessly. Before you knew it your legs were convulsing, and JJ was soaking up the view of your chest rising and falling post orgasm as she held you in her arms. 
You both lay there after pushing each other to the limit repeatedly. JJ got up from the couch after a little claiming your top as her own, she walked back over to the bags by the door and took them to the kitchen, meanwhile, you pleaded for her to come back, missing the feel of her warm body against yours. 
Grabbing a fleece blanket and wrapping it around yourself, you joined her in the kitchen curious as to what she was up to. You were looking over her shoulder to sneak a peek at the ingredients when JJ quickly turned around and ushered you to sit down on the kitchen island. 
“I’m making us dinner, got to keep up the good girlfriend streak.” She said with a wink, placing a small kiss on your lips. 
You sat there and watched as JJ moved around the kitchen effortlessly in your baggy shirt, you couldn’t help letting your eyes wander to her slender legs, remembering all the times you’d been wedged between them.  
It was only halfway through JJ's cooking did you realise she was making your favourite and your heart swelled seeing all the effort your girlfriend was putting in to make things up to you. Dishes gathered in the sink, and you instinctively got up to your feet and moved to wash up. 
JJ’s neck snapped as she shot you a wide-eyed warning glare, but you laughed it off, which was the wrong choice because in a split-second hands were on your waist and you were practically dragged into the longue and placed on the sofa. 
“Hey! I like watching you cook!” you pouted. 
JJ reached for the remote and opened Netflix, “Well you can’t behave, so this is your punishment.” She put on a show you’d been watching before using a finger to tilt your head up to look at her. “Now relax.” She ordered before heading back to the kitchen to finish cooking. 
The smell wafting from the kitchen made your mouth water and you thanked the gods JJ was such an amazing cook. You had no idea how she could conjure up such amazing dished with those magical hands and remain so petite. 
“I SAID RELAX NOT GET LOST IN THOUGHTS!” JJ scolded from the kitchen. You giggled and rolled your eyes still astounded by how well she knew you. 
Soon enough the food was ready, and you spend the evening curled on the couch together laughing and chatting. The tv show faded into the background as you relished the moment you were sharing with your girlfriend. Somehow after two years of being together, she still gave you new reasons to fall more and more in love with her and you couldn’t be happier about it. 
As you both settled and watched tv you felt JJ shift a little, “I really am sorry about the date baby, I should have texted. I would do anything for you.” 
Looking back into the love of your life’s eyes, they seemed so saddened. You sat up and took her face into your hands, kissing her softly. Your heart sank seeing the guilt she felt displayed all over her face. You placed kisses all over her face until she was squirming and giggling, happy her mood had quickly changed. The sound of her giggles was music to your ears and your whole chest felt lighter. 
You slowed down your kisses until they came to a halt, “I know Jayje but you’ve more than made it up to me.” you said lovingly as you tucked yourself back into her arms.
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justtwotired · 9 months
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Part 1 - previous - next
Get ready guys, this is a long one :)
Your POV
Two weeks passed and in those weeks I had not seen Lloyd once, the only moments I texted him were in the night when I laid in bed.
I missed him so much and had demanded he sent me a picture of himself so I could see his face, making him comply and sent a picture of himself laying down on his bed.
I found it rather cute but was to embarrassed to voice this to him, so I had just sent a smiley face.
He promised we could go on the second date soon but days slowly passed and I felt a pit growing everyday.
I missed him a lot and couldn’t stand not seeing him or hearing his voice.
A few days ago, he had sent me a chocolate bar that was delivered by Nya, who I had spoken to for about an hour by the front door before she had to go.
This amazing man even remembered my favourite chocolate.
I had demanded Greenie to take me to the park, even though he didn’t really want to because we ran into a lot of fangirls there, but it was my favourite place.
“It’s your job to follow me around, if I say park, we go to the park,” I had said and he had grumbled but complied anyway.
So now we where set in the grass, backs against each other and I leaned my head back on his shoulder.
“I thought I’d see your boyfriend pop up sometime, but you don’t seem to be talking to him,” he said and I sighed.
“We talk,” I said pausing for a moment. “Through texts,” I said and he let out a dry chuckle. “He’s just been busy, alright!” I said and he fell silent.
“Alright, alright, I won’t make a comment,” he said and I smiled. “Thank you,” I grinned. “I do miss him though, it feels like I can barely remember his voice,” I announced and greenie was silent for a moment.
“Can’t you call him?” He asked and I shook my head. “He barely had time to text, let alone call, he needs sleep to, greenie,” I said and he chuckled for a moment.
“Alright, alright, busy boyfriend, I get it,” he said and I elbowed him. “How many times, we went on one date” I said and he chuckled.
“Alright, fine,” he said and I stood up. “Wanna get some coffee?” I asked and he stood up aswel. “Sure,” he said and I helped him to his feet.
I looked into his eyes and realisation washed over me. His eyes, they were the exact same colour green as Lloyd’s, and like- those eyes are very green it’s almost unnatural.
How do I only notice that now? Is that just a weird coincidence? Yeah probably, it couldn’t mean anything else, right?
“You may let go of my hand, Princess,” I quickly pulled my hand back and blushed. “Sorry,” I said quickly and he let out an amused laugh, “it’s alright,” he said before we headed to a coffee shop just outside the park.
When I laid in bed that night, I texted Lloyd again and I was surprised when a voice message came trough, making a smile appear on my face.
“Are you sick of being followed around yet? I know I’d be. Also, don’t mind the voice message, I’m just way to tired to type,” he said and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the goofiness.
I texted him back immediately and was happy to hear his voice again.
A few days later, I was in the living room of the house when I got a text from him.
Hey, I’m free later tonight, you think your ninja will allow you to hang out?
A smile spread across my face immediately and I started typing away.
Have to discuss that with my parents first
But Greenie is free tonight, Malcolm will be there but if we go to a restaurant or something he will wait in the car
Go ask
I want to see you :(
I’ll go ask now
I jumped up and headed towards the reading room where I knew my mother would be.
“Mom,” I entered the room, making her lay down her book. “Yes, sweetie?” She smiled. Threats had laid low and it made the stress slowly leave my mother’s body.
“So, Lloyd is finally free tonight and suggested we go out to eat, is that alright?” I asked and a smile spread across her face. “Alright, but Malcolm will go with you to stay in the car, alright?” She asked and I nodded eagerly.
I walked around the table and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before giddily leaving the room.
I suppose this means you may go?
I can’t wait!!
Okay, so there is this noodle place and I’ve gone there a few times and it’s amazing, you probably know it, once it was called Chens but it changed to Skylors!
I definitely know that place, I go there all the time
Skylor is Kai’s girlfriend
Awe that’s so cuteee
Makes sense if you think about it, they are a good fit together
I’m so sorry, but I really have to go, I’ll see you at Skylors at 7?
Yes see you then<3
I turned my phone off and pursed my lips in happiness of finaly going to see Lloyd again.
“You look happy,” Greenie walked in and I smiled up at him. “Lloyd just texted, he’s free so we can go on a date tonight!” I said and he raised his eyebrows.
“On my free night? Now I can’t see him,” he said and I rolled my eyes lightly. “Don’t you act like that,” I said and he chuckled, making me throw a pillow at him.
That night, Malcolm dropped me off by the door and I walked inside and looked around. He wasn’t here yet.
I stood to the side a bit and noticed Skylor by the counter. She smiled at me and I gave her a kind smile back.
She was great friends with Luna, so we knew each other a bit trough her, and I went here sometimes with my friends to eat, of course.
The door opened again and in walked Lloyd, who smiled when he saw me.
My hands itched as I saw him and my smile grew. He quickly walked over to me and pulled me into a hug and I enveloped my arms around me.
I had been aching for this hug ever since our last date and it felt great to be in his arms.
He took a step back and we headed to a table by the window.
He told me all about what he had been up to while I did the same, telling him about greenie, making him joke about being jealous.
It did remind me about how Greenie did the exact same thing in the same way. I didn’t say it though and just playfully rolled my eyes and made a snarky comment back.
I shook the thought off of me and we continued our date. I actually had so much fun and we joked around and ate the amazing noodles.
When we left, I paid as promise and we talked with Skylor a bit, before heading outside. “I could ask Malcolm to take us to the park, we can take a walk,” I said and he thought for a moment, before smiling.
“I’d actually really like that,” he said. I looked up at him, realising how tall he was… he was way taller than I was and I couldn’t help but blush at this thought.
He gave me a teasing grin and winked, making me stick out my tongue. He chuckled and we walked towards the car where I smiled at my bodyguard.
“Malcolm, can you drive us to the park?” I asked and he smiled lightly at us. “Of course, but I’ll be at the gates and you have to check in with a text every ten minutes.” He said and I gave him a look.
“Every ten minutes?” I asked and he gave me a look. “I can also follow you around?” He suggested and the corners of my mouth fell.
“Texts are fine,” I said before getting in.
When we arrived at the park, all three of us left the car and Malcolm stayed at the gate. “Every ten minutes!” He called after us, making me yell a “yeah, I know!” Back.
“You are pretty close with him, huh?” Lloyd asked and I nodded. “He’s like an uncle to me,” I admitted and he smiled down at me.
I suddenly felt his hand slip into mine and a blush spread across my cheeks as I held his hand and squeezed it slightly.
We walked for a while, of course, texting Malcolm every ten minutes.
“The park really looks beautiful in the night,” I looked around me at the street lantern lit park and stopped walking. “Meh,” Lloyd shrugged and I turned to him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I looked at him and he turned to me.
“That means that I think that there are way more beautiful things around here,” he said with a small smirk. “Like you,” he added making my cheeks heat up to my ears.
I looked up to meet his gaze and found my face incredibly close to his. My eyes couldn’t help but dart down to his lips for a moment and he then did the same, taking a small step towards me.
He laid a hand on my cheek, brushing it lightly with his thumb.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and butterflies took over my stomach as I nodded.
I stood on my toes as he leant down. I met his lips and god, they were so soft, even softer than I had imagined and yes, I had actually been imagining what it’d be like kissing Lloyd.
We pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine, giving me a VIP spot to look into his eyes.
I was surprised to see he actually has small golden spots hidden in his green eyes.
“Lloyd,” I said and he hummed. “I like you, like a lot,” I said and he chuckled, that familiar chuckle that was his but also greenies somehow.
“I like you a lot too,” he said, kissing my forehead. Before we could say anything else, my phone rang and I saw it was Malcom, making me quickly pick up.
“Yes, I’m alive, sorry for not texting,” I said and he let out a sigh of relief. “You little shit, you scared me,” he said, making me giggle lightly.
“Sorry, we’ll head back now,” I said and he agreed.
I took Lloyds hand in mine and we walked back to the park entrance, I didn’t know how he was feeling, but I couldn’t be happier.
When I got home that night, I immediately texted our group chat who bombardent me with questions which I happily answered for them.
Soon enough I went to sleep and when I woke up the next morning, it was because of a knock on my door.
I sat up and yawned. “Come in,” I called and the door opened, revealing greenie who chuckled at my bed head.
That damned chuckle. “Morning beautiful,” he said jokingly making me give him a glare.
“Don’t act like you woke up with perfect hair,” I said and he shrugged. “Well you wouldn’t know, you don’t even know what colour it is,” he said and I turned to him.
“What colour is it?” I asked as I started to pick my outfit for the day in my walk-in closet. He followed me and leaned against the doorframe. “Guess,” he said and I didn’t even think about it.
“Blonde?” I asked and he let out an amused huff. “Good guesser you are,” he said making me smile up at him. “Such a smart person, am I not?” I said and he grinned slightly, or well that’s what his eyes told me.
“Isn’t it easier to just take your mask off? I mean- I won’t tell anyone, I promise,” I said and he shrugged as he watched me pull out a hoodie.
“Standard procedure,” he answered. “Don’t worry, darling, you’ll see my face one day,” he said with a small wink, making me throw a t-shirt at his face.
“Get out, moron,” I said with a grin, making him laugh and walk out of my room. I quickly got dressed and then headed out of my room aswel.
“So, what are we doing today?” He asked as we walked down the stairs with me.
“I’m grabbing some breakfast with James and Luna, and after that I’m going to the store because my leather jacket needs replacing seeing it’s become to small,” I explained.
He hummed along and I chuckled at him. “And we’ll stop at the candy store for you,” I said making him cheer slightly.
I entered the café I had promised to meet James and Luna to see that both of them where already there.
Luna excitedly waved when she saw me and I chuckled and joined them at the table.
“No greenie today?” Luna asked and I shook my head. “He’s outside in the car, I invited him to eat with us but then he’d have to take of his mask,” I explained.
“Damn it, I have a list of questions for him,” James said and we looked at him weirdly. “Alright it’s like two questions, but still,” he said and we both laughed.
After breakfast, we paid and headed outside, deciding on asking the others if they where up for a hang out upcoming weekend.
I waved at them as they both got onto James bike, as he was bringing her to her aunt for her birthday.
I closed the car door and looked at Greenie next to me.
“Already decided on the sweets you’re getting?” I asked with a smirk and he gave me a look. “Are you ever going to stop teasing me about my love for sweets?” He asked and I ‘thought’ for a moment.
“Nope,” I eventually said, making him roll his eyes, though definitely smiling.
When we got back home it was already dusk, we had also decided on a stop at the ice cream shop and many other stores.
“Awe, now we only have an hour left,” I whined and he chuckled. “Not like you’ll miss me,” he said and I looked at him with raised brows.
“What’s that’s supposed to mean?” I asked and he stopped in his tracks. “I mean, you’re boyfriends coming over, I don’t think you have much time to miss me,” he teased and I hit his shoulder.
“Don’t you imply such things,” I scolded and he laughed, putting one of the bags he was holding down.
“Don’t you want to atleast make out with him?” He asked in a pouty voice and I chuckled, making my way towards the staircase to head towards my room, him following me.
“I don’t know maybe I do?” I said and he seemed surprised for a moment. “Really?” He asked amused and I blushed slightly.
“Stop, you are bullying me for wanting to make out with the boy I like?” I went to whack his arm and he quickly dodged it with a laugh.
We headed into my room, I dropped my bags and took out the new dress I had bought.
“Alright, greenie, I’m going to put on this dress, and you are going to tell me if I should wear it for the evening or no, okay?” I said and he let out a small chuckle.
“Yeah, sure,” he complied. I giddily headed towards my walk in closet en changed into the new outfit.
I looked in the mirror and turned around for a moment. I loved the dress… but me wearing it? I wasn’t sure…
I hesitantly walked out into my room and greenie looked up. He was silent for a moment, making me shift in my place.
“It looks good,” he said and I looked up at him a bit surprised. “Are you sure?” I asked, walking towards my mirror, him following me.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked and I shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s just- I’m not sure if this really… fits me, you know what I mean?” I asked and he sighed.
“Y/n,” he said and I turned to him. “Yeah?” I asked and he seemed to be smiling. “You look beautiful,” he reassured me and I sighed.
“Alright, alright, fine,” I gave in and then looked at him with a smirk. “Thank you,”
Eventually he left and when I closed the door behind him, I took a deep breath.
I really, really liked Lloyd, but every time greenie made me laugh, or started teasing me again, all that kind of stuff, I couldn’t help but feel attracted to him…
Of course, Lloyd still held the number one place, I knew him way better, and he was just so… Lloyd, he was everything I dreamed of as a kid, only the white horse was missing.
An hour later, after dinner, the doorbell rang, making me bold downstairs before either my brother or my parents could open the door.
“Hey,” I said a bit out of breath when I saw Lloyd, who smiled at me. “Hi there,” he said and I opened the door further, inviting him in.
He stepped inside and hung his jacket on the coat rack.
We walked out of the hall and my mother just came walking down the stairs. She smiled when she saw us and came over.
She extended her hand for Lloyd to take, which he did. “Hi there, Lorain L/n, nice to finally meet you,” she introduced and he politely smiled.
“Lloyd Garmadon, it’s great to meet you to,” he said and my mom gave me a suggestive smile, making me narrow my eyes at her.
My father came from the living room with a bright smile. “You must be Lloyd,” he said and shook Lloyd’s hand firmly. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said.
Lloyd nodded. “That would be me, it’s nice to meet you to, mister L/n,” he said and my father laughed. “Oh, it’s just William, boy,” he said.
I smiled at Lloyd interacting with my parents, happy that they already seemed to like him.
“Well, mom, dad, we are going upstairs now, if that’s alright with you,” I said, before an awkward silence could ensue.
“Yes, of course, call if you need anything,” my mother said, mainly to Lloyd.
I chuckled and took his hand, pulling him up the stairs. We entered my room and he looked around for a moment.
“Jezus, your room is huge,” he said and I sighed. “Why does everyone always say that?” I asked and he gave me a look.
“Hmm, let me think- maybe because it’s true?” He said and I huffed out a laugh. “Alright, alright, fine,” I admitted.
We both sat down and I happily told him about my day, complaining about greenie who kept bullying me and excitingly telling him about the new book I had gotten.
“What’s the green ninja like?” He asked and i frowned for a moment. “Have you never met him?” I asked and he shook his head.
“Yeah uh, my dad and him didn’t really keep in touch after all that, you know?” He said and I huffed a laugh but it did make sense.
“Right, makes sense, sorry,” I chuckled. “But besides the constant teasing and bullying, he’s actually really nice, and he’s a bit like you , you know?” I said and Lloyds eyes widened slightly.
“He is? Why is that?” He asked and I shrugged. “Well, he has one heck of a sweet tooth, to start off, he also had green eyes and blonde hair, hes really sweet, and also, he’s a huge flirt,” I summed up and Lloyd frowned.
“He flirts with you?” He asked and I nodded. “Yeah, I constantly tell him to stop, not to begin with the nicknames, but it’s all just jokes,” I reassure him.
He smiled at me and I could’ve melted on the spot. This man was to pure for this world.
It was silent for a moment and I took the time to shoot a glance at the mirror to see if the outfit still looked good.
I flattened it a bit, also combing my fingers trough my hair.
“N/n,” I looked at Lloyd who gave me a look. “I already told you, you look beautiful.” He reassured me and I let out an airy chuckle.
“Sorry,” I said and he got up, taking my hand in his. “Don’t apologise, darling,” he said and I felt my knees grow weak, I was thankful I was sitting on my bed because otherwise I might’ve fallen over.
Lloyds hand left mine and he rested it on my cheek instead. I looked into his eyes, too far away to see the golden specks.
I stood up, leaning against him ever so slightly, finally spotting the small golden specks hidden in his green eyes.
They shot down for a moment to look at my lips, before looking back at me again. I did the same, taking a quick glance at lips, his damn, way to kissable, smiling, lips.
I looked back at him again, he winked at me and I chuckled. His eyes shot down again, lingering a bit longer this time.
I moved one of my hands to the side of his neck, so slowly bring him closer. He leaned in and I stood on my toes.
Our lips met and I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss I’d been longing for for a while now.
My remaining hand searched for his and I held it tightly, making him smile into the kiss, causing me to aswel.
We parted and he leaned his forehead against mine, I caught my breath and giggled a bit as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
He kissed me again, it felt way more passionate than before, making me more relaxed, I hadn’t even realised I had been tense.
We parted again for breath, but it didn’t take long for our lips to connect again.
We slowly turned until Lloyd could sit on my bed. I stood between his legs, leaning down slightly as now I was taller as him.
Slowly we pulled apart a bit and I looked into his eyes again.
“Now I know how you feel,” I whispered, making him let out a throaty chuckle. “Doesn’t your neck ever ache?” I asked and he shook his head.
“It’s worth it,” he said before kissing me again, I was caught slightly of guard but leaned in immediately after.
I felt his tongue lick my lips, silently asking permissions to enter my mouth, which I granted without hesitation.
I allowed him to explore my mouth and moved my legs to sit on his lap, now straddling him, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.
God I was down bad for this boy…
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retnym · 1 year
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"Don't call me that."
We’re still in Germany for a few more weeks, having two other shows then moving on to the next country. During this time Jace will be hanging around us. Once we leave he has to go back to college. He’s been taking me on small dates like dinners and little shopping sprees. Well, it was more we walked around, I don’t like people spending money on me. I really just enjoy the company. And this company won’t last long once the distance becomes too much once again. 
I might as well keep him around to get my mind off the stress of touring though. It also bothers Tom that he’s around so it’s a plus in my book. Bill, Georg, and Gustav have been hanging around him as well. It’s been a week and a half since our second show. These are a little spaced out only because there was supposed to be another but the building it was in got shut down. I couldn’t tell you why but it did. 
Since the boys hang out with Jace, I’ve been with Johanna during that time. They only hang out with him when Tom isn’t around though so it’s a rare occasion. Some bro-code they have they can’t all hangout together.
Tonight we’re going out to dinner together. Even Tom will be there. It’s a night to just relax and be around each other. These shows will be tiresome and this is about to be a crazy time. 
It’s a casual but formal dinner so I dressed in a black silk dress that has a slit on the leg that starts from the top of my thigh all the way down. Silver heels to match. I was currently waiting for Jace to pick me up, I kissed Springroll goodbye and decided to wait outside. 
I live with my aunt for the time being. I thought about getting my own house but since I travel so often there’s no point. My cat will stay with my aunt until after the Germany shows then I’ll pick her up and she’ll travel with me on the bus. 
Pulling out my phone real quick I check the time. It’s 6:13, Jace was supposed to be here 13 minutes ago. It’s a good thing I wasn’t the one who made the reservations. He’s been doing this every day. He’s late to come to get me for everything, always having an excuse too. 
I still haven’t given him an answer on us trying again but he seems keen on getting me to be his. I’m going to make him work for it a little longer though. 
A horn honks from down the street and I step down the stairs of the porch as his car pulls up near the mailbox. I wanted to wait for him to get out and open the door for me but we are running too late to be dramatic about opening a door. Getting in with a huff he immediately drives off before I even buckle my seat. 
The car ride was short, his driving being a little crazy as he swerved around other cars, almost running a few lights and signs. My hand never un-tensing. His one hand was on my thigh and the other was on the wheel. 
Once we came to a stop, I got out of the car as fast as possible. “What’s the rush?” He laughed, slowly getting out of the car. I tried forcing myself to laugh too but it came out almost like a croak. “We’re late, Jace. They’re waiting for us.” I don’t even wait for him to catch up with me, I’m already at the doors to the restaurant. 
“Reservation?” A man who looks like he’s in his younger 20s asks me. “Oh, Kaulitz?” He nods, motioning for me to follow him. Jace was now behind me, he never sped up he kept the same pace. It frustrated me a tiny bit but what can you do?
“There’s Jo!” I smile, waving to her. It looks like she just got out of the bathroom. She returns the favor and walks over to me. She was wearing a dark green velvet feel dress that had long sleeves but her cleavage showed and it looked amazing. She pulls me into a hug and we continue to follow the guy to the table. 
“There she is!” Georg grins, high-fiving me. Bill scoots over and we sit next to him. Johanna was next to Gustav. It was a curved booth, so it went Georg, Tom, Gustav, Johanna, Bill, me, and then Jace. I was right across from Tom. He was on his phone, no surprise there of course.
 I couldn’t stop myself from looking at him though. His dreads were down and it was weird seeing him without a hat. Before I could think too much Jace had taken my hand and I smile up at him and then join the conversation with the others. They were all wearing button-ups and nice pants. Nothing too fancy but it was something.
We started drinking right as the food came in. It was just the appetizer so we didn’t even feel a buzz with our drinks yet, that’s when I tapped my spoon on the glass earning everyone’s attention. My eyes flickered between Johanna to Tom who automatically looked up my way.
“So, I have been meaning to bring something up.” I laugh awkwardly, now with everyone’s eyes I began to feel a little nervous. Biting at the dead skin of my bottom lip and taking a deep breath I continue. Even as a performer, I get extremely nervous with complete silence.
Also, something on my mind has me suddenly confused with my thoughts.
“Um, we all know Johanna is a pretty good photographer. She’s also very organized. Unlike most of us.” I adjust the top of my dress, letting go of Jace’s hand to wipe the sweat onto my dress but it doesn’t help wearing silk. “I want her to be our personal photographer, along with managing certain things for us. Helping us get interviews, ads for products, speaking for us over the phone, things like this that we’re too busy for.” I explain to them, glancing at her who nervously stared at the table. Her leg was bouncing up and down, I could tell from the way her body is shaking slightly. “That’d be amazing.” Bill was of course the first to speak up and I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “I think it sounds like a good plan.” Gustav shrugs, smiling at Johanna whose eyes lit up like stars. 
“What do you think, Tom?” Bill asks his brother and Tom was playing with his piercings, jumping from the sudden attention his way. “I don’t think it’s a bad idea. We do need it.” He points out and we all look at him like he’s crazy. “What?” He gives a look. 
“No negative input?” Georg chuckles. “Why would I?” He asks and a few of us deadpan, his eyes lock with mine and he finally seems to get it. “My comments go to you, not innocent bystanders.” I roll my eyes at what he said but then Jace says something. “But I do?” Tom just presses his lips together awkwardly before going onto his phone. I cough to get the tension to just go away.
The night ended up getting better as we ate. We all started drinking even more, except Jace who we all decided was going to drive us home. The others got dropped off by other people because they knew they were going to drink. 
Let me tell you, we were having a blast. Laughing loudly as we ate, telling stories and jokes with each other.
Since it was getting pretty late I order my last shot and beer. Quickly taking the shot I went to grab the beer but Jace stops me. “You might want to slow down.” He places a hand on my lower back but I shake my head. “I’m enjoying myself.” I went to take another sip but Jace takes it from me completely. My face scrunches in confusion along with a little irritation. “Give it back, Jace,” I mutter going to take it again. “Drink water at least.”
“I have been. Just give it.” I please with him. “[Name].” He warns but I slide the cup back my way. “[Name]-” “You’re not my boyfriend,” I whisper, bringing it up to my lips he tries to grab it and it spills on my chest, sliding down my dress. I gasp, standing right up and climbing over him. “Woah, what happened?” Bill laughs.
I just ignore him pushing myself over Jace’s lap which was quite difficult in a dress and with the small amount of room with the table. I’m sure I was giving Georg and Gustav a show. “I’m sorry.” He says, trying to help me but I push him back. Speeding off to the bathroom even though I’m stumbling a little bit he stays behind me. “Wait, slow down.” I try to continue walking but Tom… I mean Jace grabs my wrist right as we're outside the bathroom. The music played loudly so even if we argued no one was to hear. I don’t really care though, I’m drunk off my ass. 
“Babe, I’m sorry.” I slam myself accidentally against the wall, standing up straight. “Don’t call me that.” I put a finger against his chest.
“We aren’t dating. You left me.” I shove him with every word. “I know, I know.” He whispers, his face looking a bit blurry. I slowly blink, forgetting exactly what I was saying but I keep running at the mouth. “You announce how you feel and then next I’m nothing to you. Sleeping around with all those-” I cut myself off with a cry and his face contorts again and it’s Jace once more. “What? That- I didn’t.” He looked confused and even when drunk I can realize where I messed up. “You’re a dick. You had a girlfriend for a month and you’re back to me?” I hide my face in my hands and he pulls me into a hug. 
“I’ll always love you, that’s why.” He kisses my head and I close my eyes.
Why did I say that?
Shorter of a chapter but this is kind of getting more into you and Tom as the chapters go on. It's still a slow burn so figuring everything out might take a minute.
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shuadotcom · 2 years
Crush on You | HJS
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❄ Summary: Joshua hates the idea of you being all alone for winter break so he wants to surprise you.
❄ Pairing: Joshua x GN!Reader
❄ Genres & AUs: Fluff, friends to lovers au, college au
❄ Rating: PG
❄ Warnings: None just Joshua being the sweetest
❄ Words: 3.3k
❄ Note: First fic of 2023! Big thank you to @toikiii​ for reading this over for me! This is an old fic of mine that I’ve been meaning to get around to rewriting when I was feeling especially soft. My brain simply would not rest and I literally couldn’t work on any other wip until I got some of these Joshua feelings out. The swiftness at which he shot up my bias list since last year is unfair because I didn’t ask to be this down bad for him, yet here I am.
I told myself I’d start working on my Seventeen wips in the new year and here we are - soft hours for Joshua are open forever!
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Being broke during winter break sucks. Being broke during winter break and alone sucks even more. Being broke during winter break and being alone and being in a whole different country sucks the most.
You plan on buying your plane ticket to go home for the break early on. You tell yourself over and over again that you’re going to get it months ahead of time. Of course what you plan and what actually happens are two different things.
September is when you’re going to get the round-trip ticket. If you get it out of the way three months in advance, you won’t have to worry about doing anything last minute or having to pay more as the day grows closer. You have the money in your account and as soon as you finish your homework for the week, you’ll sit down, get the ticket, and plan the trip.
Unfortunately, you make the fatal mistake of allowing all of your friends to squeeze into your dorm room to celebrate the coming weekend. Thanks to the half-full bottle of soju that spilled all over your laptop, you learn two things that day; one is to never let a group of college boys drink excessive amounts of alcohol in your dorm room. The second thing is to never let a drunk Kwon Soonyoung anywhere near your expensive things ever again. Ever.
October rolls around and after buying a new computer and making sure Soonyoung knows that he’s indebted to you for basically the rest of his life, you’re back to saving up again. That’s short-lived though when you leave your backpack, which just so happens to have most of your textbooks in it, on the train.
This time you mostly blame Seungkwan. There’s a new restaurant opening in Gangnam that he really wants to try and everyone else is either busy or doesn’t want to go. He has to bribe you with a free meal, but you ultimately agree.
The problem is, he gets so caught up in trying things and gushing over the food that you miss your train back to campus, meaning you’ll likely be late for curfew. He pays the bill and the two of you sprint to the train to catch the next one. Once you reach your stop, you have to push through the abnormally crowded train passengers to get out, and in the process, your backpack is forgotten on the seat you and Seungkwan shared and you don’t realize that your bag isn’t slung over either of your shoulders until the train is long gone. While, yes you blame the incident on your forgetfulness, Seungkwan had told you that he'd carry your backpack and then didn’t so it’s still partially his fault.
November is your fault, which you can admit. Dragging along as many of your thirteen closest friends as will go with you to a SHINee pop-up shop in Busan means more planning and money than you account for. At the time all you have on your mind is getting your hands on as many limited edition fan items as possible, but once you’re faced with the double-digit number in your bank account, irresponsibility and guilt settle heavily on your shoulders.
December brings on tests and projects almost nonstop which barely leaves enough time for you to sleep and eat, so your mind is on school and school alone. You’ve seen the holiday decorations and heard plenty of people talking about the upcoming break, but your homework takes precedence over anything else.
After months of excuse after excuse, and you simply forgetting, here you are now; alone while all of your friends have already gone home for break, most of them only having to hop on a train to get there. Barely anyone is on campus at all and the few students that did stay back are unfamiliar to you so you choose the solitude of your own room for the next week.
Your family doesn’t have the funds to get you a ticket, so your financial irresponsibility is your problem and yours alone. Of course, your friends offer to pay for your ticket home, which when you decline, their next suggestion is to let you go home with one of them, but you turn them all down on that offer too. You want them to enjoy their time with their families and not have to worry about their foreign friend tagging awkwardly along.
You regret your decision just a little bit as you trek through the freshly fallen snow to the bus stop. The fact that the school's cafeteria would be closed with most of the staff gone, hadn't occurred to you either, which is why you found yourself in the small tteokbokki place about fifteen minutes away from school on New Year’s eve.
You’re in the middle of grumpily stuffing your face full of rice cakes when your phone rings on the table. After glancing at the contact name and photo, you quickly swallow the food in your mouth before swiping your finger across the screen to answer the phone.
“Is that any way to greet your lovely friend?” A chuckle comes through the line making you scoff while simultaneously trying to ignore your rapid heartbeat.
“You're Joshua, you don't count.”
“Are you saying if I was Jihoon or Jeonghan you would've answered nicer?!” He gasps in faux offense.
“I don't know, maybe. Neither of them has hit me in the face with a door you know,” you taunt, trying not to laugh. You’ll never let him live down the fact that your first time meeting was due to him accidentally smacking you in the face with the door to your shared math class.
“How long are you gonna keep bringing that up?! I said I was sorry!” Joshua lets out a deep sigh and you can practically hear him sulking over the phone. “Anyway, where are you?”
“Tteokbokki,” you simply answer, not needing to explain where since he’ll know “Why?”
“Go back to your room.”
“I sent you something and you have to hurry back, like, now.”
“I'm serious you have to go now. I’ll time you and if you aren't there in less than twenty minutes, I'm sending it back.”
“You can’t just unsend a mailed gift!”
The sound of the dial tone is his reply.
You usually aren’t one to listen to people demanding you to do things. You can admit to being pretty stubborn and petty at times and you can proudly say no if you didn't want to do something.
Well, unless the one telling you what to do was Joshua Hong.
You did a flawless job (in your opinion) of hiding the fact that you’ve, more or less, fallen for one of your best friends. All of your male friends were handsome and fun to be around, but there is something about Joshua that you can’t put your finger on, but it makes you feel so many things for him. His sweet smiles always make your heart practically beat out of your chest. His laughter makes you weak in the knees; the sound is like your favorite song. Anytime you sit close to him, you find yourself daydreaming of being more than friends, the urge to hold his hand always at the forefront of your mind.
Obviously, you haven’t told a single soul about this and you plan to keep it that way. The last thing you need is to disrupt the dynamic of your newfound family with a silly little crush, but you still can’t help the giddy feeling you get around him or the way that you tend to do nearly anything he asks of you.
Today is no expectation as you promptly stand up, throw away your trash, and beeline out of the restaurant and to the bus stop to go back to campus.
With your boots caked in snow, palms sweaty, and breathing labored from fast-walking to get here, you’re back at your building and rushing into your room. Upon stepping inside, you instantly note that it looks different than the way you left it.
Your walls, which are usually covered in posters, now have sparkly, silver stars hanging haphazardly around the room. There’s a string of blinking fairy lights hung up on the ceiling, a few feet above your head and there’s a candle burning that smells strongly of sugar cookies. Sitting on your desk is a small artificial Christmas tree complete with rainbow-blinking lights and a little gold star on the top. Your eyes only scan these things briefly before they land on the man sitting cross-legged in the middle of your bed. His phone is next to him, playing a soft R&B song that you can’t name, but it sounds nice. He’s wearing a red and white sweater and a glittery ‘Happy New Year’ headband. Joshua’s wide, bright smile completes the ensemble.
“Surprise!” Joshua bounces off your bed and throws his arms in the air.
You’re still standing in the doorway, unsure of what to even say. A jumble of things runs through your mind, but the only thing you manage to get out is, “How'd you even get those lights on the ceiling? You’re not that tall.”
Joshua throws his head back and laughs in response. “I show up here when I'm supposed to be at home and turn your room into what looks like the holidays threw up in it, and that's what you say to me?”
As if a switch is flipped, you snap out of your daze and kick your soggy shoes off, tossing your coat on the back of your desk chair and plopping down on the edge of your bed.
“Okay then, why are you not in California and how did you do this?” You try your best not to sound as giddy as you feel and ignore the somersaults your stomach is doing under your sweater.
“Well, as you know I did go home.”
“Yes, we all facetimed for Christmas I’m aware.”
“Don’t interrupt!” He playfully scolds, and it makes your face heat up. “As I was saying, I went home, but I was still thinking about you here alone and I just couldn’t stop imagining you sitting here with no one to celebrate any of the holidays with and I hated it. So, I bought a plane ticket and got back here this morning to surprise you. I actually didn’t know if you’d be in your room or not, but when I came by you were already gone so I let myself in and decided this was a better surprise than showing up with the decorations in my arms and making you put them up with me. Worked pretty well I'd say.” Joshua pats himself on the back and admires his work with a pleased grin.
“Okay… but why?”
“Why what?” Joshua sits on the bed next to you, your body going rigid. You try to create some distance between the two of you, the usual butterflies in your stomach going insane.
“Why did you go through the trouble of setting all of this up and leaving your family? During the holidays of all time.”
Joshua's face is suddenly serious as he turns towards you. “Because I know you. I know when you're unhappy, even when you try and hide it. You've been unhappy all month and I could tell. When you’re sad about something you get weirdly quiet all the time, whether you notice or not. You also get more agitated than usual and you stare off into space a lot.” He scoots closer to you ever so carefully. “We've known each other for two years so I've had plenty of time to pick up little things about you. I probably know more about you than you think.” Joshua shrugs and glances away from you. His tone has been casual, but you don’t miss the blush that spreads over his face.
“So… you ditched your family early to come back to school during break and spent your time and money on decorations for my room because you wanted me to not be unhappy?”
“Well, I mean you're my friend, obviously.” His face is still turned away from you, but the strain in his voice is noticeable. Seeing Joshua act so flustered gives you a boost of unexpected confidence, so you decide to see how far you can push this conversation. Admitting that you have a crush on him terrifies you to no end, but maybe you can gauge his feelings.
“But I'm also friends with Mingyu and Chan and they didn't go out of their way to do this for me.”
“Yeah, but they're not clever enough to think of doing this. And they're also nowhere near as nice as I am.”
“What about Wonwoo? He's pretty smart. And Seungcheol is actually the sweetest man I've ever met. If anyone would've planned all of this, it would've been him,” you say matter-of-factly.
Joshua finally turns to look at you then, clearly offended.
“What do you mean?! I’m very sweet! How about that time I brought you all of your homework and let you copy my lecture notes that whole week you were sick! And the time last year that I surprised you with EXID tickets for your birthday! And let us not forget all the food I’ve made and bought you when you have cravings! I’m so nice I don't know how you stand it! Seungcheol sucks." He puffs out his cheeks and crosses his arms, a pout forming on his perfect lips.
You have to turn your head and change the giggle you nearly let out into a cough.
“Well yeah, but Seungcheol always compliments me. He also makes sure that when he gets coffee for himself before our Tuesday morning class, that he brings me a caramel latte since he knows it’s my favorite. You've never brought me anything before our class.”
Joshua’s brown eyes stare into yours as you talk, his jaw clenching in annoyance, but you keep talking. “Oh! And he always holds doors open for me. Let's not forget what happened the last time you and a door were anywhere near me.”
“Not this again -” He groans out through gritted teeth.
“And, Seungcheol also makes sure any restaurants we go have plenty of nut-free options for my allergy and -” Joshua grabs your waist, tugging you forward and sending you falling against his chest. When you look up at him and your eyes meet, he hesitates for only a second before bringing his lips to meet yours.
He moves his hands up to cup your face and turns his head, aligning your lips at a better angle. Your fingers grip the front of his sweater, hands bunching up the fabric.
Kissing Joshua Hong is only something that you dream about and keep to yourself, but this moment, right now with him, is better than any scenario your brain has conjured up on its own.
The two of you lose track of time, nothing mattering except how soft Joshua’s lips are and how good he smells, and how warm his hands on you are.
It isn’t until you need to breathe do both of you pull back slowly, neither of you really wanting to do so. Once your eyes flutter open, they widen, the realization of what just happened hitting you. Joshua on the other hand looks much more relaxed - relieved even.
“I can’t believe you kissed me,” you breathe out, almost in a whisper, afraid that if you’re too loud you’ll wake up from what you’re still convinced may be a dream.
“I can’t believe you kissed me back.” The two of you share a quiet laugh.
“Is that why you came back to do all of this for me?”
Joshua gives you a look that very much feels like a non-verbal ‘duh!’ “I thought it was obvious honestly. I’ve wanted to kiss you since I first met you.”
“With my bloody nose and all, huh?”
His pretty face twists in agony at your teasing. “You’re going to make me apologize for the rest of my life about the door huh?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“Our kids are going to ask how we met and you’re going to tell them that their father nearly knocked you out and had to rush you to the campus infirmary and how for the rest of the day I stalked you around school to make sure you didn’t randomly pass out because I gave you brain damage.”
You chuckle at his dramatics, telling your heart to stop trying to leap out of your chest at the idea of kids and a future with Joshua. You’ve been more than friends for less than an hour at least - you have got to calm down.
“Oh, before I forget, no more talking about Seungcheol like that anymore, okay? And I'm going to tell him not to bring you lattes in the morning because I'm going to do it.”
“But your classes on Tuesdays don’t start until eleven.”
“Guess I'll just have to get up early and meet you then. I’m going to be nicer than Seungcheol can ever hope to be. You’re mine now so no one can be nicer to you than me.”
“Whatever you say, Shua.” You roll your eyes at him, fighting back a giddy smile.
“Good. Now that that's settled, let’s pack a bag for you.” Joshua hops off of the bed and drags your suitcase out from under your bed.
“What? Why?”
“You wouldn’t let me buy you a plane ticket back home, so you're coming home with me,” he says as he bounds over to your closet. Just as you open your mouth to object, he puts a hand up. “You're not going to spend the rest of the break here alone. I got a round-trip ticket for myself and one for you too. The flight leaves tomorrow morning, so we should get your stuff ready now.”
Crossing your arms, you watch him casually look through your clothes. “And what if I didn’t like you back? You didn’t even know that I felt the same way about you.”
He only shrugs. “Honestly? I didn’t plan that far ahead. I just wanted to get to you so you weren’t lonely anymore and I’d figure it out from there.” He emerges with an armful of your sweaters, beginning to neatly fold them and set them in your open suitcase. “But now I don’t have to vanish off the face of the planet due to embarrassment and a broken heart which is good because I told my parents I was bringing you back. My mom is super excited to meet you.”
The thought of going home with your friends was awkward to you which is why you turned everyone down. The thought of going home with your used-to-be-friend-who-is-now-your-boyfriend makes you just as nervous, if not more, but even so, you don’t object as you join Joshua in packing your things and set your bag by your door for the morning.
The two of you spend the rest of the night cuddling, something you never want to stop doing with him as long as you live. When the countdown to midnight starts, you watch on your laptop as a new station counts down and as soon as midnight hits, Joshua’s pulling you into another kiss, this one just as magical as the first.
Your lips are still tingling when he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
“Happy New Year, Shua.”
Sleep comes next for both of you, Joshua mentioning that the flight is pretty early and that you need your rest before dealing with the chaos of the airport. He rambles a little as you fall asleep, going on about wanting to take you to all his favorite places back home. Just hearing the excitement in his voice helps you decide that maybe visiting his family wouldn't be so bad. Especially if he keeps kissing you the way he does and looking at you with those soft, sparkling eyes. Hell, if he asked you to fly to the moon with him right now, you’ll likely say yes without a second thought and not regret a single thing. Not as long as you’re with him.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 8 months
Sunflower, Book 1 Chapter 7
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Tom Hiddleston x OFC Series rated: M Chapter warnings: Tom sticks his foot in his mouth some? AN: Sorry for the delay, we didn't get home as early as I thought. Chapter 6, Masterlist, Chapter 8
Dinner time quickly approached, giving Mia and Tom both a break from the awkward small talk. Tom sat on the couch, Sally next to him talking through her favorite movie. A blond haired fairy in green fluttered around the screen while Tom had the origin of the fairy explained to him. 
He didn’t need the lesson in Tinker Bell though, no one did. The whole point of the movie itself was to explain that but Tom was a good sport about it. Mia couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her daughter with what, maybe- if she gave into Tom’s delusion for a second- could be a father figure.
“Mom, what’s for dinner?” Sally’s ability to change trains of thought quickly and rather suddenly seemed to catch Tom off guard but Mia was used to it. 
“I’ll figure something out.” Mia couldn’t commit to anything. 
She had been so focused on surviving the day that she hadn’t thought to pull any meat out to thaw. There were dishes in her sink that were not there when she had left her apartment yet had appeared by some magic before she had returned. The sandwich bread was left open as was the sandwich meat in the refrigerator, leaving both dried out. 
It was disheartening. Money was tight and the kitchen was hardly stocked before she had left. In a ideal world, she should have been surprised that the maintenance staff helped themselves to her food but she wasn’t. It wasn’t the first time it had happened and she was far from the only person it happened to.
“Is there anything I can help with?” Tom had excused himself from the lecture on Tink without Mia noticing. 
“No.” She choked on the word and closed the fridge.
“What’s wrong?” He kept his voice low.
“Nothing.” She lied but he didn’t buy it. 
She was helpless as he opened the fridge to find it nearly empty. The same was said for most of her cabinets and the freezer. “You have no food?” 
“I did- not a lot but it’s fine.” She sighed. “But the maintenance guys used it up. Repairing the AC was hard work and I’m sure they don’t get paid well, they probably needed something for lunch.”
“Are you being serious right now?” Tom was clearly incredulous. “They ate your food?”
“I can’t make it not have happened.” Mia shrugged. “I’ve got a box of Kraft and some cans of peas- It’s better than nothing. I’ll go shopping later.”
“When’s later?” Tom wasn’t letting it go and she wanted to scream. “That’s hardly a nutritious dinner.” 
He didn’t realize it but he was walking a very dangerous line. Mia had spent everything she had to provide for her daughter. While their meals often missed the mark nutritionally, she did the best she could with what she had. 
“Look- if you don’t like it go out to a fancy restaurant or order yourself some take out.” The conversation wasn’t going how Tom wanted it. “I’ll make sure my daughter is fed, don’t worry about that. When I can, I’ll get her better food but she won’t starve. Kraft hasn’t killed a poor kid yet.”
Don’t slam things. Don’t bang things. Don’t snap. Don’t crumble in the face of reality and an empty bank account. Don’t scream. Don’t cry. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.
Don’t ask for help.
Never ask for help.
Tom ate the overly yellow mac and cheese and too mushy canned vegetables without complaint. He had enough sense to back down in the end. 
It was surprising, if Mia was honest. She had expected him to order himself some take out or order a Lyft to take him to somewhere with proper food. 
Before they knew it, it was time for bath and bed time. Sally had insisted Tom read her the bedtime story. Mia stood in the doorway, an ever present shadow supervising her daughter’s time with the stranger in her home. 
While his velvet voice finished ‘One Fish, Two Fish’ and moved onto the next book in the small stack Sally had gathered up, Mia searched everything she could find about Tom’s background. He surely had people to hide controversies and poor behavior for him but she had to look for any sign that he would be unsafe to have in their home overnight. Every search came up that he was perfectly fine, though a little flirty.
Could that be trusted? Could she trust him?
“Alright.” Mia pocketed her phone and put her hand on the switch. “Tom needs to get his beauty rest so he has the energy to play tomorrow. Us adults don’t have unlimited energy like some kids.”
There was a soft pink light that spilled into the hall from Sally’s room. The pink bulb in her desk lamp provided more than enough light to keep childhood monsters away. Usually, the door would be left creaked open but tonight, Mia closed it.
In her hand she had a string of Christmas bells Sally had refused to part with when it came time to put away the Holiday decorations. Careful to make as little noise as possible, Mia tied the string of bells to the doorknob while trying to ignore the feeling of Tom’s eyes on her.
Sally was a easy sleeper and was probably asleep before the door latched shut. She also tended to sleep through the night and sleep in some in the mornings.
 Mia had little doubt she would have the bells removed before Sally got up in the morning. If the child did wake in the middle of the night for the bathroom or something, she would be amused by the tinkling of the bells when she opened the door. Mia could make up some story of silly fairies and their antics. 
Unlike Sally though, Mia was often a light sleeper. With a stranger in the home, Mia would be even more easy to wake. She hoped she was just being paranoid. 
Really, she probably was, she knew that. But she couldn’t help it.
“Bells?” Tom asked.
“So I know if the door opens.” 
“Is that necessary, really?” 
“If it was, would you honestly tell me?” Mia challenged and Tom had to admit she had a point. Still, the idea of someone being so threatened by his presence as to put a make shift alarm on a child’s door ruffled his feathers. 
Thankfully, he didn’t argue as they made their way back downstairs. 
Mia stood and watched as Tom spread out the fuzzy throw blanket on the small couch. He was dedicated to sleeping on it, just as he had said. It was clear as day that it wouldn’t be comfortable for him. The couch wasn’t six feet long or even close to it. He wouldn’t fit.
Sure, he could sleep on the floor but she couldn’t have him do that. Not down stairs. Not sandwiched between the front door with it’s gaps around the poorly hung frame and and the kitchen. 
Tom fluffed the couch cushions and a large stuffed animals. 
“Stop.” Mia failed at hiding her annoyance from her voice. 
“I figured I’d sleep early?” Tom turned to her as he continued to fluff. “For all the excitement of last night- I’m knackered. I figured, lay down, check the emails I’ve been ignoring…” 
“Grab your bag.” This was fucking dumb, she told herself as she grabbed the smaller of his bags and started her way up the stairs. This whole situation was awkward enough as it was. Why not make it just a little worse?
Tom followed her as she marched single mindedly down the hall. She had paused at the stairs to flip off the living room light and again to turn off the light in the stairs. She didn’t stop or look back until she tossed the small carry on bag onto her bed. 
“I’m not following?” Tom carefully set his own bag down on the floor.
“You can’t sleep on the couch.” He started to protest but she spoke over him. “You don’t fit. And the floor isn’t an option either.”
“I’m not going to have you sleeping on the couch in your own home.” 
“I’m not.” She sighed and fluffed blankets just to busy her hands. “We shared a bed last night, didn’t we?”
“As you’ve reminded me multiple times today, we were very drunk.”
“Look- I agreed to give this thing a chance. I don’t think making you break your back sleeping rough when there’s a bed is giving this a chance.” 
“Okay.” He watched her cautiously. “Only if you are sure. I don’t want to rush things before you’re ready.”
“That ship’s already sailed.” Mia mumbled to herself as she walked into the closet portion of the room. “You can put your bags somewhere in here, if you want.” The sentence was finished through a long yawn. Tom was right- between the late night and the hangover exhaustion was quick to set in.
As Mia grabbed a pair of shorts and an over sized shirt from the closet, Tom’s bag unzipped in the room behind her. She came out into the bedroom space to Tom rummaging for a pair of sweatpants. 
“I’ll go change in the bathroom.” Tom shut the bedroom door behind him on his way to the hall. Mia started working the buttons of her shirt. “Oh, shit-” Tom’s voice was cut off by the shutting of the second bathroom door. 
She couldn’t help but smile for just a moment. It was exhausting being on guard, keeping her walls up even as he did everything right all day long. Every so often though, she would find herself caught by the way the sunlight lit up his eyes or the way his voice sounded when he remembered there were two doors to the bathroom. 
There were moments of tenderness he extended toward her that were easy enough to resist- thank you anxiety for that. It could be so easy to just give in and care. 
The moments of every so slight judgement helped too. 
Was there actually judgement though or was she imagining it? No, they had been there. She needed them to be exactly what they felt like, an attack on her parenting and her ability to provide for her daughter.
What made it hard to resist the fairy tale romance he petitioned for that morning was the moments of tenderness she caught sight of with Sally. He was good with her, that much couldn’t be denied. Sure, it’s easy to be easy with a kid on day one as an unknown stranger. How things would go when Sally got really comfortable with him was the real question.
Would he be around long enough for that to happen though? They said they would give this a fair shot but neither had defined what giving it a try looked like. He had to go back to England in a few days or so, didn’t he? 
They would be married legally but what did that really matter? What was that more than a paper? What was that at all?
This was all too confusing. How was she expected to make sense of this fucked up situation? 
A knock on the door between the bathroom and the closet area brought her back to reality. Thinking herself into a circle wouldn’t do any good. 
“Are you decent?”
“Does it matter?” The exhaustion made it hard to keep her thoughts to herself. 
“Why shouldn’t it?” Tom peeked from a cracked door as if that would somehow filter his view, preventing him from seeing anything indecent while letting him evaluate if it was safe to enter the room. “Are you good?”
“If you could have any ring, which would you want?” Ton asked in front of the jewelry counter. Everything glittered and was shiny. There were no price tags to be seen. 
“I can’t tell you that!” She giggled, leaning over the counter. Her hair was messy and her lipstick was smudged slightly but to Tom, she was a vision. 
“Why not?” Tom wrapped his warm arm around her and looked over her should at the sea of rings.
“You’re supposed to pick for me.” She teased and so he did. 
He took his time as she fluttered from display to display looking at trinkets. Every ring looked to be either too much for his bride to be or not enough. She was normal but she was lovely. She was natural but she was beautiful. 
“Can I see that one?” Tom pointed to a rose gold band with what looked to be a pile around the top of the band. 
It was small and delicate in his fingers as they held it to him. “We have it in her size.” The staff offered without prompting. 
There was a larger center diamond, sparkling as a traditional center piece. To each side of the larger diamond was a scattering of five smaller diamonds, each getting smaller than the next and looking very much like snowflakes. The band wasn’t crowded with the number of stones and there were bare points between the diamonds. 
“There’s a band that goes with it.” The woman behind the counter supplied, taking the ring from him for a moment. She slipped the tip of her index finger into the rings and lined them up.
The wedding band nestled right against the engagement ring. The band waved against the larger one, reaching down into a delicate point below the large center stone. There were five diamonds on the wedding band. Much like the engagement ring, the diamonds of varying size looked to be scattered like snowfall. The rose gold band was a warm complement to the icy fire of the diamonds. 
Would she like it?
~~~~~<3 Tag List: @winterisakiller, @alexakeyloveloki @jennyggggrrr @dangertoozmanykids101, @tilltheendwilliwrite @tinchentitri, @wizardcherryblossom @buttercupcookies-blog @violethaze @kats72
21 notes · View notes
lovelywritinglady · 1 year
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Forget pt.2
Suguru Geto x fem!Reader
Fluff, slight angst. Geto tries to make it up to you on your “date”.
First Person pov
Suguru Geto was about thirty minutes late and we were suppose to meet at 5:30. He promised me last night over text that he wouldn’t be late and that in fact I would be the one late. Yet here I am waiting on his slow ass. I can’t believe that guy. I decided to leave our designated meeting spot to do some shopping for myself. If he won’t take me out, then I’ll just treat myself. No use wasting a perfectly good day waiting on his flaky ass.
“Hey L/n!!” I heard from a distance.
I turned my head to find the voice and to my actual surprise I saw Geto running full speed towards me waving his right arm in the air frantically. A few seconds later he was by my side catching his breathe.
“You better have a good reason to be late Geto”! I exclaimed to him
“I know I’m sorry. My alarm didn’t go off and I rushed here as fast as I could.” He said while taking short breaths.”
“Yeah…sure” I said while rolling my eyes
“L/n I really am sorry. I overslept and I’m being honest about that. I really do keep fucking up our friendship don’t I?” He said as he composed himself and looked at me. His hair was down and he looked tired. I guess he really needed some sleep.
“Fine I guess. Well you’re here now, so what did you have in mind to do today?” I asked him still slightly pissed that he was late.
“Well I have a big surprise, but that’s for later today. So we can do whatever you’d like until then if you want.” Geto said with a smile.
“What’s the surprise?” I questioned
“It really wouldn’t be a surprise then if I told you.” He chucked
“I suppose it wouldn’t. Alright then I guess I’m a getting a little hungry if you wanted to go get something.” I told him
“Any place in mind?” He asked me
“Yeah, let’s go to that new restaurant just a couple of blocks from here.” I suggested
“Sounds good to me L/n. Lead the way.” He said.
As we walked to our destination I couldn’t help but feel comfortable with him. He was good company when he wasn’t late or being an asshole with Gojo. We passed many different shops that I wanted to go to. I expressed my desires to Geto and he didn’t even question why I wanted to go. He seemed to like to say yes to everything. I have a feeling he’s sucking up to me because he flaked on me during our mission and because he was late.
Just as we were about to arrive at the restaurant, I noticed an orange cat in a alley way. They were a bigger cat with a long tail and a missing ear. My heart hurt for the little guy. I bent down to pet him and so did Geto. They were as friendly as could be and I couldn’t help but smile at the cute creature. Turing my head to see how Geto was doing I noticed he had a big smile on his face as well. For some reason that made me feel fuzzy inside. And a faint blush graced my features.
“Damn this cat his cute.” Geto suddenly said
“Yeah. I wish I could take it with me. I don’t think Yaga would appreciate that though.” I said in a solemn tone.
“If he never finds out I don’t think it’ll matter. Geto responded
“He’s pretty good at finding out stuff like this. Remember that time Gojo found a dog and tried to keep it?” I asked laughing at the memory.
“Oh yeah how could I forget the look on his face when Yaga told him he couldn’t keep it. I think this is different though.” He said
“How is this any different from that?” I questioned him.
“Well for one Yaga actually likes you and you’re a responsible person. Two that dog was massive and had flees and who knows why else. Three I know for certain Yaga likes cats.” Geto spoke honestly
“Okay you got me there. And how the hell did you know that he likes cats?” I asked him while petting the cat.
“I may have over heard him talking on phone with someone. And he called that certain someone kitten.” He said with a serious expression on his face that caused me to laugh.
“Yeah sure he did Geto” I responded
“Hey I’m sure this cat will be here when we get back. So do you want to head out?” Geto questioned
“Sure, I’ve been dying to try that new place anyway.” I responded getting up
After we said our goodbyes to that cat, we made our way to the restaurant. Just like before it was a quiet comfortable walk. Today was beautiful as the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and the day was warm. I loved days like this because they reminded me of my mother. We use to walk in the family gardens together when I was a child. That was so long ago. I smiled at that thought.
“Hey what’s got you so happy?” Geto asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.
“Nothing just enjoying the day is all.” I told him
“It is a lovely day.” He responded
“It certainly is.”
“Almost as lovely as you”he said in a whisper. This made me blush. I’m sure it was just him being kind to me. Yet I still couldn’t help but feel fluttery at his comment.
After a short amount of time we made it to our destination. Just as I was about to open the door, Geto beat me to it. Stating it was a gentlemanly thing to do. I rolled my eyes at his comment and walked in. The restaurant was simple yet elegant. As soon as I walked in I smelled a wonderful aroma of baked goods that a little giddy with anticipation. Geto and I then made our way to a table near a window so that we could enjoy the sun a little more. Opening our menus I noticed a lot of really wonderful dishes and baked items. Our waiter came up to as for our orders and I ordered (f/f) and (f/d) and Geto ordered a coffee and a piece of chocolate cake.
“So are you enjoying yourself today L/N?” Geto asked leaning back on his chair with crossed arms.
“Yes I think I am. I haven’t had a day where I can just do anything in a long time. My father is persistent that I do training whether I can do that I can reach my full potential.” I spoke honestly mimicking his posture.
“He sounds like a hard ass. He won’t give you shit for being here with me today will he”? He asked with sloughs nervousness in his tone.
“Nah and if he does I’ll deal with it later. It’s not like I do this everyday. Plus he thinks your strong so he won’t care that I’m out with you.” I said turning my head to look out of the window.
“We’ll me and Gojo are the strongest y’know.” He chuckled.
“I’m fully aware of that. However, I’m not too far behind you and I will surpass you in power. Or at least be able to rival you in my curse technique soon. I just need a little more time.” I told him Turing my head to look him in the eyes with a serious determined glare.
“Sheesh alright then I trust you. You have me beat with just hand to hand combat so hell maybe you will surpass me with your cursed technique. Just don’t push yourself too much.” Geto spoke reaching his hand out and giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“I’ll try but I can’t promise anything. Like you said my father is a real hard ass.” I said while softening my glare. Damn this boy he has some sort of hold on my that makes me feel so soft inside. I’m not sure if I hate it or not.
Just then our waiter came with our meals. The food was divine and the first bite left my body with goosebumps. Geto laughed at my reaction to the food, but then I teased him because he want any less funny. He had chocolate cake all over his lips. He looked like a toddler eating their first piece of cake. It was hard not to laugh. One of the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers eating like a toddler was a sight to see. After my laughter and pointing out the sugary mess he quickly wiped his mouth. A little while later Geto paid claiming it was his treat for being so late. I don’t complain one bit considering he did owe me. As we left the sky began turning a deep orange with purple, yellow, and pink all blending into the heavenly sky. The cherry blossoms looked ethereal with the sunset cascading onto them. It was truly a lovely sight to behold. I have no idea how long I stared at them but I felt Geto tap my shoulder.
“You okay up there L/N”? Geto questioned.
“Yeah I’m just fine.” I said to him. I then turned my head to look at him only to be completely awestruck. Just as ethereal as the cherry blossoms was the sight before me. Getos skin had been kissed by the wonderful colors. His eyes were glowing with radiance. He was smiling at me and I swear I had never seen a more beautiful smile than the one graced before me. I couldn’t speak all I could do was marvel at the sight before me with a raging heat on my face.
Suguru Getos pov
A goddess. That’s what Y/N L/N was at this very moment. Todays sunset was particularly beautiful. However the ways the sunsets color had illuminated her. Her eyes seemed to glow with a raging fire. Her skin was radiating a godlike glow. She as an ethereal being I swear. I’ve met plenty of pretty girls but none of them compare to the goddess that stood before me.
Her lips in this moment seemed so soft and plump. All I wanted to do was kiss her, but would that be okay? Would I ruin what little grave I had left with her? Did today make her forgive me for my shitty behavior? All of these questions came flooding in yet left as soon as they came. She was leaning in so I did what anyone would do. I leaned in too. My hand found her cheek and I could already feel her breath on my face. Time seemed to completely slow down. Our lips barely touched and I was ready to take this next step with her. And then at the worst fucking possible time I hear this agonizing voice booming behind me.
“HEY YOU GUYS!” screamed the one and only Satoru Gojo. I’m normally use to his annoying behavior. He is my best friend after all. And yet I find myself wanting to strangle him right about now.
“Hello Satoru” I say irritated and gritting my teeth.
“Hey Gojo” L/N says in a similar tone
“Well damn are you guys both in a sour mood or something?” He asked innocently
“Nope not at all” I say facing him with a slight annoyed glare.
“Alright, I was just in town and knew you guys were here. It’s almost curfew ya’know. You guys don’t want Yaga on your asses.” He joked
“We were just leaving Gojo. I could also say the same thing about you. Why are you here?” L/N asked
“If you must know I felt a little peckish, so I decided to get some mochi. I heard this place was pretty good so I wanted to come get some before curfew.” He responded excitedly
“Well, it certainly was good. Hope you have a good time bud.” I said while patting him on the back and pulling on L/N’s arm indicating I wanted to go.
“Aww alright see you guys later.” Satoru pouted.
“Yeah later” L/N and I spoke at the same time.
After we had said our goodbyes, we began walking back to our school. I guess we spent a little long in the restaurant. I just hope I have time for the surprise I had planned. Hopefully she’ll like it. And as if on cue…
“So what about that surprise huh?” She said tugging on my arm.
“We need to go to the school in order to see it. Don’t worry I think you’ll like it.” I said confidently.
“Hmmm alright. I’m sure I’ll like it. It’s not too hard to please me.” She joked
“Hehe yeah I’m sure” I chucked nervously
“It’s a shame though.” She spoke
“What is?” I questioned
“We passed that alley that cat was at and he wasn’t there. I hope he’ll be okay tonight.” She said as her head was looking at the sky.
“I’m sure he will be. If you’re that worried, we can go look for him. Although I’m not sure you’ll get your surprise tonight if that’s the case.” I told her honestly.
“It’s okay. I’m sure you’re right about him. Plus I’m pretty excited about this so called ‘surprise’” she said while doing air quotations with her fingers
“Alright then I’ll race you there” I beamed as I began running.
“What the hell Geto!!!” L/N screamed as she began running too.
Your pov
Dammit all right to hell. I just ate and now I’m running. This is not exactly what I’d call fun. But at least I’m getting some training in today. Plus the school isn’t too far from here. I’m surprised at Geto’s attitude. I never took him for the randomly racing type but I guess you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.
I won of course. Even with a head start Geto can’t beat me. His cursed energy is a little stronger than mine, but I’m a hell of a lot more skilled than he is. Still I needed to catch my breath at the gates of Jujutsu high. Eating a lot of food and then running wasn’t exactly smart. I can tell that Geto is probably thinking the same thing as he is currently hunched over catching his breath.
“So, heh, L/N follow me would ya” he said in between breaths
“Yeah sure” I said in between my own breaths.
“You beat me again it seems” Geto spoke taking the lead
“Of course I did Geto.” I laughed
“I had a good time with you L/N” he suddenly spoke in soft voice
“Me too Geto. And you know you can call me by my first name, right?” I questioned him
“Yeah, alright then Y/N.” He said looking at me. This made me melt. His eyes were beautiful and to me they were more beautiful than Gojos.
A little while longer of walking and chatting about random things we made it to the rooftop of the dorm rooms. I was confused on what kind of a surprise could be on an roof top. It was now dark with only some lights hanging by the dorm building’s door as well as the moonlight that kissed the landscape below. I noticed Geto pulling down his sleeve to look at his watch and smile.
“It’s almost time for your surprise, so make yourself comfortable.” he said
“Alright just know if you’re planning on killing me, my father will hunt you down.” I joked or tried to.
“Umm yeah I’m not gonna kill you Y/N” he deadpanned
“Good because I really don’t feel like dying yet. I’ve still gotta get stronger.” I said as I say down and looked at the moon.
“Why do you want to get stronger” he questioned
“So I can protect the weak.”
“You mean humans?” He asked
“Yep” I said emphasizing the p
“Understandable although they are the reason that we have to kill curses in the first place.” He said in a slight malicious tone.
“You okay they can’t help it. I bet if they could they wouldn’t. We have the power to stop it and I think that we should if we can.” I passionately said looking into his eyes.
“Yeah I guess you’re right. By the way we’ve got less than ten seconds until your surprise. So close your eyes.”
“For how long?” I asked him raising my left eyebrow.
“Just until I say”
After those seconds go by I hear him tell me to open my eyes. To my surprise shooting lights were gracing the sky at lightning speeds. It was such a beautiful sight. I found myself smiling at the marvel above me. I have never seen a meteor shower and I’m happy that I’m seeing one now with him. His surprise definitely was worth the wait.
“Like it?” He asked sheepishly
“Yes of course I do!” I said excitedly moving over to hug him. I have no idea why I hugged him I just felt this was the best way to hug him.
“I’m glad you do” he responded wrapping his arms around me. This hug felt just as good as the last one we shared. I didn’t notice how cold I was until I felt his body pressed against mine. It was comforting and I felt like letting go would leave me with an uncomfortable chill.
“Yeah thank you for today and you’re forgiven by the way. Today was perfect.” I said holding him a little bit harder.
“Anytime Y/N I had a good time today too.” He said as I felt him hold me harder too.
As we finally let go I looked back up at the sky to marvel again at the sight before me thankful that I get to share it with Suguru Geto. After about an hour we headed back to our dorms.
“You know we should hang out more Y/N. I enjoy your company.” Geto suddenly spoke as we reached my door.
“I agree you’re good company.” I said honesty
“Anyway goodnight I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast.” He said with a smile
“Goodnight Geto.” I smiled back looking in his heavenly eyes
After he left I did my nightly routine and got into my bed. My thoughts were consumed by my day and how well it went. I’m glad I agreed to spend my day with him. I hope that I can spend more time with him without him finding out about my crush. That might be a bit embarrassing. As I closed my eyes I was all but consumed with thoughts of Suaguru Geto.
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Thank you all for reading. Sorry this part took a little longer than expected. Please stay tuned for the next part. And please comment I enjoy reading them💜
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
Part 1 Part 2
Not too sure if I’ll continue this fic or not. Please let me know if you’d like a part 3. Thank you!💜
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alumort · 1 year
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Ao3 - Prev - Next
It was time to go home, and the rest of his team had gone to their houses already; Lee walked alongside his mentor, who allowed him to stay in his guest room until he could solve his problems with his mom.
… although it would be hard that, after three long years, Jazz suddenly decided to let him go home out of nowhere. Nonetheless, Gai liked having his student close by, being more like a father to him. Lee always saw him being joyful alongside Kakashi, even more since they wore an identical golden ring on their fingers; they had a small ceremony shortly after team Gai was formed, and afterwards they spent most of their time glued to each other.
If anyone knew about love, it was him!
“Gai, can I ask you something?” the boy mumbled, not knowing if he would be heard by anybody, but his companion still turned around.
“Of course you can, Lee! Ask me whatever you wish,” he exclaimed, slowing down to not leave his student behind. “If I don’t know the answer, I’ll research it!
His determination always gave Lee hope; there was nothing Gai couldn’t do! At least, not in the boy’s eyes.
“It’s just… I think I like someone. We are very close, and he even lets me hug him sometimes,” Lee started, looking at the ground as he talked, for he could feel his cheeks warming up already. “I do not know how to tell him, or how he might react. He is a bit serious… Do you know what I could do?”
Even if no specific details were given, it was obvious who he was talking about and perhaps that's why his mentor’s smile had widened. The boy received a warm embrace as a response before any word could be heard.
“Lee! Love is something beautiful in any and all stages of youth, and I’m happy that you decided to talk about it with me. I think it’s better to talk with Ne– him directly, about your feelings,” Gai said, doing a thumbs up as he talked. “I’m almost completely sure he won’t mind at all. He’ll be happy to know such a kind boy is in love with him!”
That was all Lee needed to find courage, already determined to speak with the brunet about his love; all he needed to do was wait for a reunion, or maybe visit him…
He would need a gift that would show how Lee felt about him, even if Neji always said material things weren’t important; the black haired boy wanted to give him something that his rival could keep no matter how the confession went.
Lee had the rest of the day to plan about his present and so, for the first time in a while, he decided to not do his late afternoon training just to find something for his crush. Something small; Neji didn’t like to be the center of attention, not even when he had to look for someone in a crowd.
There weren’t many stores open at that time, apart from a restaurant and… Ino’s flower shop. She would be happy to help! Although, it wasn’t his friend who attended that day; her father was in charge of the shop at that hour, and gave him a small smile at seeing him enter.
“Hello! I am looking for some flowers, but… I do not know which to buy,” the boy exclaimed, looking at every plant with all of his attention.
“That depends who you want to give the flowers to. A girlfriend, maybe?” Inoichi wondered, and Lee almost chuckled at hearing his words. “Maybe they’re from yourself. Those are the things you have to consider.”
“Well… I want to confess my love for someone! I know he likes sunflowers, but I wanted to surprise him with something new.”
Inoichi got up from his seat and walked towards colorful flowers, looking for specific ones without saying much… until he found what he wanted, in different hues of red and pink.
“I think some tulips might help. They symbolize love just as roses, but those are pretty common gifts,” the man commented, making a small bouquet and giving it to his companion. “They grow even if you cut them. Giving these to him is like saying ‘my love for you is eternal.’”
A huge smile appeared on Lee's face that didn't disappear even after exiting the shop. It was perfect! All he had to do now was find the best moment to give the bouquet to Neji, but…
If he waited too much the tulips would die, and he didn't want that. So Lee decided to do what any ninja would do: sneak into the Hyuga Compound, making sure Neji would receive his gift no matter what.
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Other Pairings/No Pairing Oneshots 001-100
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They are all in order from highest word count to lowest. Everything is under the cut.
39 fics total
🥵 = smutty goodness 😏 = implied smut 🥰 = fluffy sweetness 🥺 = angsty heartache 🙂 = neither fluffy nor angsty
Word Count: ~2.6k
🥰 You’ve Already Won // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe, and Tom wants to change that.
Word Count: ~2.3k
🥰 Malibu // Chris Evans // Summary: You’ve never been to the beach, let alone leave your home state. You’re a waitress at a small restaurant with your two best friends but you’re dating the famous Chris Evans after you met him a marvel convention. He comes to you with a surprise trip and you love it more than expected.
Word Count: ~2.2k
🥺 Please Don’t Leave Me // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You have a terrible fear of crowds and your boyfriend, Tom, doesn’t know of this. When you two encounter a college rave in the middle of the Central Park, your worst fear comes to life.
Word Count: ~2k
🥰 Best Birthday Ever // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: It’s your birthday and while at a stoplight, you meet Tom Hiddleston. Your friends embarrass you and you move onto shopping where Tom Hiddleston is again because he can’t get you out of his mind.
Word Count: ~1.9k
🥺🥰 Not Alone // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: While editing your videos for YouTube, something strange happens. Footsteps coming from above you, doors opening by themselves, and knocks on the front door when no one is there. So, you call your boyfriend for help.
Word Count: ~1.8k
🥰 Truth… or Dare…? // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: A game of truth or dare with your childish friends turns into something more when you get stuck in a closet with your crush, Tom Hiddleston.
🥺 Always Make It Back To You // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Being away from your husband is har enough, especially with a one year old. All you can do is push through until the end, hoping you’ll make it out alright.
🥺 Not A Problem Anymore // Tom Hardy // Summary: Your boyfriend is very possessive over you and effects your life in a negative way. Tom has been by your side through it all until one day it just gets too much for him and he has to do something about it.
Word Count: ~1.7k
🥰 You Won’t Know If You Don’t Try // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: After your husband dies on the job, you didn’t think you would find love again until Tom comes into your life. Will you ever move on and try to find love again with a new man?
🥰 What Christmas is All About // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: You and your girlfriend celebrate Christmas in different hemispheres, and you’re all too happy to show her just how you and your family spend Christmas in the middle of summer.
Word Count: ~1.6k
🥰 Taking Care Of You // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You hate missing out on your dates with Tom but sometimes, Mother Nature just won’t let you leave the house, much less the bed.
🥰 Words Can’t Describe… // Chris Evans // Summary: You and Chris are high school sweethearts. You’ve been through every up and downs there are, and right now, you need him for a really big down.
Word Count: ~1.5k
🥰🥺 Fighting Your Battles // Tom Holland // Summary: Anxiety is always lurking around the corner for you. It’s worse when you’re in the dark and Tom knows just how bad it can get. Luckily for you, he is always there to help you.
🥰 Knowing Your Worth // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You are always there for Tom Hiddleston, one fo your closest friends and when he and Taylor Swift ended, you were there to pick up the pieces. Now, you are here to defend him against her when a fan brings them up.
🥰 It’s What Family Does // Carol Danvers // Summary: Your relationship with Carol isn’t exactly known, and she encourages you to tell your brother despite your fears of being rejected.
🥺 At A Crossroads // Ikaris // Summary: You’re kept in the dark of Ikaris’ past because he refuses to share anything with you, but you never ask him about things he’s not ready to talk about. That is, until he’s forced to deal with it, and he may not like the outcome.
Word Count: ~1.4k
🥰 Running From Your Feelings // Sebastian Stan // Summary: Sebastian is the kind of person you need to stay away from. Ever since the incident, all you want to do is ignore him. But something inside of you won’t let you.
🥰 Feels Like Home // Chris Hemsworth // Summary: You live on the beach and one of your favorite things to do is surf. Chris Hemsworth comes back to Australia and things are different than the last time you saw him.
🥰 Tomorrow Is A New Day // Chris Evans // Summary: being far away from home is taking a toll on you, but Chris is by your side to help you through it.
Word Count: ~1.3k
🥰 I Can Always Count On You // Tom Holland // Summary: You’re at a marvel convention with your boyfriend because of how hot it is, you pass out. Tom does whatever he can to help you get better.
😏 Get Up! // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You’re tasked with getting Tom out of bed and ready for work but the problem is he doesn’t want to get up. 🥺 Wrong Time, Right Person // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Tom Hiddleston has been a part of your life ever since your daughter was born. He’s been with you through thick and thin, especially through this thick time.
🥰 Grab Every Opportunity // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: Working with the famous Elizabeth Olsen is one of your dreams come true. Working with her permanently, now that’s a different story.
🥰 Always Have A Place To Stay // Chris Evans // Summary: Meeting Chris Evans at the airport is amazing, but taking him home? That’s just unbelievable. 🥺 Too Good To Be True // Chris Evans // Summary: Having a family is everything you and Chris wanted. It was very hard to get pregnant so when you finally do, you knew it was too good to be true.🥰 Friendly Competition // Chris Evans // Summary: You drag Chris in your childhood traditions, and it’s a lot more fun than you anticipated.
Word Count: ~1.2k
🥰😏 Best Holiday Ever // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Tom takes you away for a weekend getaway, and it’s more than you could ever ask for.
🥰 New Tree, New Relationship // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Without even realizing it, you found something much more than a Christmas Tree. You finally found the spark in not only your regular customer but also your friend.
🥰 My Car, My Music // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You only have one rule and everyone knows it: when you’re driving, it’s your music.
🥰 Disneybounding // Chris Evans // Summary: Just because you and your husband can’t dress up at Disney, doesn’t mean you won’t look like iconic characters.
🥰 Forbidden Love // Pepper Potts // Summary: You had one mission and one mission only: track and report Loki. It never said anything about falling for a certain mortal.
🥰 Right Where He Belongs // Pietro Maximoff // Summary: Pietro died on Sokovia. Right?
🥰 Not Really Good With Heights // Eddie Brock // Summary: Eddie has to go to extreme measures to get you to help him against the battle with Carlton Drake.
Word Count: ~1.1k
🥰 Te Amo // Tom Holland // Summary: When you think Tom is doing one thing, he is actually doing another. You were so quick to judge.
🥰 Make The Pain Go Away // Tom Holland // Summary: You’re sick and as much as you hate it, Tom is there to make sure you feel better.
🥰 That’s Not Fair // Tom Holland // Summary: Your client, Tom Holland, comes to the gym all the time to train for his Marvel movies, but how can you focus on training him when he looks like that?
🥺🥰 It’s All Coming Back To Me Now // Tom Hiddleston // Summary:You’re in love with Tom Hiddleston but it gets harder and harder to be with him since most of the time you spend away from each other instead of together. You live in New York, he lives in London. Can the two fo you make it work? 🥰 Other Ways To Have Fun // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: There are other ways to have fun than being on your phone.
🥰 We’re Doing It Together // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: You and your best friend are pregnant together, but that doesn’t mean you are just best friends. 🥰 Everything Falls Into Place // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: The person you’ve been talking to for a long time, you’ve only known her online. Now it’s finally time to meet her.
🥰 Unbreakable Bond // Chris Evans // Summary: A relaxing day at the lake with all your friends turns into something much more than you bargained for. 🥰 Everything I Ever Wanted // Chris Evans // Summary: Chris Evans has everything he ever wanted: a steady job, a wife and a beautiful daughter. You’ve done everything for him and he will spend the rest of his life trying to pay you back.
Word Count: ~1k
🥰 Alternate Means For Warmth // Sebastian Stan // Summary: When you and one of your regular customers get trapped in your store, you have to find other means of getting warm.
🥰 The Secret Is Out // Sebastian Stan // Summary: Sebastian takes you on a vacation of your dreams, away from everyone you have to hide from. Once the secret is out, it isn’t as bad as you might think.
🥺 He Was Supposed To Come Home // Chris Evans // Summary:You’ve patiently waited for your husband to come home from active duty. It’s everything your daughter wants. Sometimes we don’t always get what we want.
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moonpiemoonshine · 1 year
Dog eat Dog world pt.2
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(I still don’t know what I’m doin but hope you enjoy)
Olivia recovered fast, having been treated by Rocky and getting lots of rest to let Rocky go and train with Micky. Rocky was getting in amazing shape, Mickey expressing his contempt and eagerness to finally get to train Rocky and have him be a good fighter. Olivia only came to watch Rocky train every once in a while, not wanting to be tempted to get into the fighting ring again. She hasn’t talked to her father since the incident, she was happy to not be bothered but she at least wanted a phone call. Since she doesn’t work at the bread shop no more, Olivia picked up a job at a small restaurant as a waitress just to get the cash flowing back up again.
At work Olivia ran into the man she had fought and without being met with anger Olivia was surprised that this man was rather fond of her, in a proud sense.
“Hey your the Steel Toed Dancer aren’t cha? I ain’t never thought I’d be knocked out by a lady, you are a hell of a punch” the man said with a cocky smile.
“Yea, wanted to test the limits on my fighting skills. I’m gonna stay at my peak before I get hurt or somethin” Olivia responds in a cheeky manner
“Well you don’t gotta stay at that peak, I’ve got word on a new underground tournament. A bare knuckle tournament, and get this it’s unisex if the woman can pass the trial fight. You don’t need no trial pass cause It’s in the records you’d already beat a man” this guy states with a confidence that won’t seem to break. He seems proud he lost her.
“Oh I dunno, doesn’t anything go for bare knuckle?” Olivia asked with worry in her tone
“You’d be perfect, you’d get to use your legs more in a match and you get to beat up all the men you want!” He beams with excitement and it creeps it’s way into Olivia.
“Well I’ll think about it” she answers hime and actually does her job and takes his order.
it’s late when Olivia finished work, the thought of fighting again haunting her thoughts. Fighting her own way and such a brutal and almost animalistic type of fighting tickling her with excitement and dread. She knows Rocky would not want this, and she can’t even comprehend how more painful this could be. How would she train, she needs guidance but the only person who comes to mind is her father. Getting closer to her apartment she decided to leave the thought on hold. If she feels brave enough she’ll talk to Rocky about it, but yet again he has that big fight and she doesn’t wanna stress him out more. Frustrated she gives out a exasperated sigh and opens the door.
Rocky sitting patiently at the bar table reading the newspaper, the sight alone makes Olivia wanna forget everything that’s been troubling her. Rocky heard the door and snaps his head to face the sound, he looks like a puppy waiting for it’s owner to come home. The thought made Olivia look at Levi and the two boys seem to be in the same position, patiently waiting for Olivia to come and make dinner.
“hey Rocky, sorry to keep you waiting” Olivia puts her jacket on the coat rack and Rocky gets out of his chair and heads straight to Olivia and gives her a firm hug.
“It’s no problems, I barley beat yous home” Rocky says when pulling away from the hug.
“I’ll start dinner, I’ll be quick so you can get to bed. I know training has you working at both ends” Olivia rolled up her sleeves and heading straight into the kitchen.
“It’s ain’t no problem to stay up a little longer, i gets to looks at yous more” Rocky sweetly states sitting back in his chair.
“Oh my oh my, what am I gonna do with you Rocky” Olivia hums and starts dinner. The two start to eat together on the couch after she finishes up cooking. They watch the tv and have small talk.
“I ran into the guy I knocked out” Olivia says out of the blue to spark a actual conversation.
“He ain’t givin you any grief is he? Just Keene know and I’ll knock him down this time” Rocky says with a hint of worry.
“No, no don’t worry. He was a real champ about it. Asked if I was still in the fighting game” she broke her eye contact with Rocky when those words left her mouth.
“Ya not. Right?” Rocky asked worry stinging Olivia.
“Yea I’m not, I wouldn’t wanna do that to you” Olivia stated putting her plate down and leaned on Rocky’s shoulder. “Sorry for brining it up” Olivia apologized.
“No, yous fine. Yous did nothin wrong. Let’s just head to bed” Rocky suggest and Olivia happily agrees. The two share a quick kiss and the two rinse out the
The night before the match Rocky leaves and goes to the stadium where him and apollos fight is gonna happen. Olivia feels the weight be lifted off the bed and lightly wakes up to watch Rocky leave. Olivia so tired couldn’t muster up enough energy to wake up and follow so she falls back asleep, but later wakes back up when Rocky returns. He is fully dressed and must’ve been gone for a while.
Rocky expresses how he doesn’t think he can do it, he doesn’t think he can win the fight. He vents to Olivia on how he’s a nobody and doesn’t deserve the chance he’s been given. Hearing his sad words makes Olivia sit up and hug Rocky from behind continuing listing to him rant. He talks about how nothing really matters if he loses and says
“Doesn’t really matter is he opens my head” and Olivia hugs harder into him
“Don’t say that, it matters to me, you matter to me” she says in a loving but serious tone.
“I just wanna go the distance” Rocky continues, he talks about how no one has gone the distance with creed and how if he does go the distance he’s gonna know that he truly means something and isn’t a bum.
“Well, I don’t think you’re a bum. If the bell rings and your laying down or standing up just know I’ll be here. You’ll always mean something at least to me” Olivia states sleepily and gives the back of his neck a kiss and lays back down and sleeps, Rocky doing the same soon after.
The next morning Olivia wakes up with Rocky, she quickly gets ready and meets him downstairs.
“What’s yous doin?” Rocky asks with a confused smile on his lips
“I wanna go with you to the stadium, I don’t wanna just meet you there” she answered waking closer to him.
“That’s alright with me, Mickey on the other hand” he said dragging on Mickeys name at the end.
“It’ll be fine” she replied wrapping her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips.
The two left to mickeys gym and surprisingly Mickey didn’t say anything about Olivia being there. They all head to the stadium and go to Rocky’s locker room. Rocky gets dressed in his white shorts and big gold robe. Rocky sits on his bench getting his hands wrapped and final touches being put on him. Rocky goes and prays at the sink and we give him his moment. Once he finished they go to leave and Olivia stops him.
“I’ll be right here watching.” She says placing a hand on the side of his face. Leaving a light kiss on his lips.
“Why don’t I watch and yous fight?” Rocky jokes and she rolls her eyes.
“Ha ha very funny” she responds and the two share a intense gaze
“I gotta go now, but don’t yous leave town. Wish me luck” Rocky says confidence slipping after every word.
“Good luck Rocky” Olivia states lovingly while Rocky leaves. He makes a joke about his robe being too baggy but Olivia pushes him to go and ready for the fight.
Olivia follows behind Rocky, once entering the stadium the spotlight being on them. They track through the crowd once Rocky gets to the ring, Olivia takes a front row seat. Annoyance hits Olivia when she sees the absolute fool Creed looks in his weird boxer George Washington outfit and then when he gets on the ring and puts his Uncle Sam hat on.
Once the announcer gets into the ring Olivia listens intently to the announcements of the boxers and Olivia just wants the match to tart already. When the ring of the bell goes off the match starts, police cringes at the missed jabs from Rocky but quickly gets excited when Rocky had knocked creed down. Now she expects this match to really turn up its pace.
After the end of the first round Olivia runs up to the ropes of Rocky’s corner. Helping Mickey give some advice, Olivia putting her two cents in of being just a smidge quicker. After the next round starts she goes back to her seat but Mickey wants her standing next to him.
Round after round the two big boxers went at it. Trading off who was getting the upper hand, both starting to get more and more tired. Olivia helps with the small breaks rocky gets between matches. At the end of the last round and the two of them didn’t fall down everyone crowed on the mat. Olivia being pined outside the ring. Interviewers asking Rocky questions but he’s yelling Olivia’s name. Finally Olivia sneaks into the ring and she runs up to rocky and holds him in a embrace and shouts
“You’d did it Rocky! I- I love you” she looks and him and his beaten and battered face a sight to see but tired and exhausted rocky responds.
“I love you too” and with that the two continue their embrace. Happy laughs leave Olivia in pure joy of seeing rocky come out alive and done well.
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lomodocs · 2 years
Hidden map in iphone
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Try it the next time you are in your favorite shopping mall. In some expansive buildings, you even navigate indoors with Apple Maps. Apple Maps displays all of your favorite and recent desitnations for quick, one-tap navigation when you open the app on your device or on your CarPlay dashboard. Your everyday favorites are always just a tap away. In the ‘Useful to Know’ section see if Apple Pay is listed. After you’ve searched for and located your destination, scroll down below the general business information. Once your dining experience is over, you can even leave your own Yelp review right through Apple Maps.Īpple Pay is a big convenience, but knowing whether a business accepts this form of payment before you get there can be a bit of a hassle. Just scroll down after typing in the restaurant name and you’ll find a plethora of Yelp reviews to assist your dining decision-making. Trying a new place can be risky, but Apple Maps integrates with Yelp to give you in-app reviews. You can locate eateries right in the part of town you’re currently in, and once you find a place that interests you, you can:Īpple Maps includes a direct link to Open Table, so you don’t need to open up a separate search to make an online reservation. While you’re out and about running errands and suddenly have a craving for Thai food, turn to Maps to find a restaurant near you. Looking for a longer-range forecast? Tapping the hourly forecast will directly connect you to the multi-day forecast in the Weather app. That icon will show the current weather conditions in the area, as well as an air quality index.įor an hour-by-hour forecast, touch and hold the weather icon. You probably already use the weather app on your phone, but you may not know that Apple Maps has a weather feature, too! Simply zoom in on a map until you see the weather icon in the lower right-hand corner. You’ll also get a heads-up regarding any outages so you won’t be surprised by unanticipated delays. If your errands include a trip out of town utilizing public transit, real‑time transit information provides you with live departure and arrival times, detailed transit schedules, system connections, and even the current location of the bus or train on your route. Simply let Siri know about the blockage, and the phone will route this information to the proper authorities. With Apple Maps, you can report road hazards or traffic accidents hands-free so you can keep your focus on the road. The map gives you exact locations of individual speed traps so you’ll know when to ease back on the gas pedal. If there’s a speed or red-light camera, your Apple Maps will give you a heads up before it’s too late. Get there on time and plan ahead for any possible gridlocks with these traffic features. Of course, you use Apple Maps to get where you’re going. 5 Apple Maps features you’re going to love! 1. These convenient features will make running around town easier, safer, and more fun.
However, you don’t need to travel far from home to take full advantage of this app’s great features. That’s why the iPhone’s Apple Maps feature is such a critical tool. 5 Apple Maps features you’re going to love!.Overall, the GPS tracking system functions like Find My Friends but with more reliable features and an extended battery life. They can monitor the device’s movements through a Web or mobile application. GPS tracking devices such as Tracki enables users to track down their loved ones. But there are several disadvantages with tracking a location via a smartphone, including an increase in battery consumption and the probability of it being left behind. GPS technology has continuously been improving over the years, and mobile phones have been the most commercially used device in tracking someone. So you might want to resort to more ethical methods and use this article as a way to check if someone is monitoring you without consent as well. But at the end of the day, it is still a complete invasion of privacy. The application to secretly track someone using iPhone may come useful if you are trying to track suspicious activity. But do note that after restarting the phone, it will appear in the home screen again. To make sure, you may always hide the app by making it disappear using the dock feature in iPhones. So unless they are tech junkies or happen to come across this article, then you are safe. The chances of them discovering this are slim, as many users are not even aware of the Find My Friends app at all. So your next worry is how long would it take for you to get caught. You will receive notifications if they leave or arrive a certain location once you set it up through options. Congratulations! You can now track down your subject and secretly track someone using iPhone.
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thedietfantasy · 2 years
Can Meal Delivery Help in Losing Weight?
Meal kits can be very beneficial as they include measured, not unlimited portions. It's essential to make sure the size of the portion offered is satisfying enough and if you find them lacking, have them supplemented with extra produce. Meal delivery schemes are becoming very common in the US. Such programs can be customized to just about any lifestyle, so you can have meal delivery for weight loss, keto, veganism, and even less popular diets like the primal diet.
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Low calorie weight loss food delivery benefits
1.Estimating macronutrients:
If you are estimating macronutrients on your own, it can be confusing at best, especially if you have no experience with it. Macros comprise carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, each with their own caloric amount per gram. For the purpose of determining exactly what is needed on one’s own, they first must determine their REE and NREE using a defined scientific formula. Post that, it’s time to start tracking, which can be stressful for many people, mainly because it’s often estimated. Through meal deliveries for weight loss, the caloric count and specific macronutrients are laid out, and there’s no guessing involved.
2.Helps in portion control: 
Portion control is something many people struggle with. There is no surprise when you see the giant portions served at restaurants. In common, portions have doubled since the 1990s and that’s not even close to how portions looked a century ago. It’s human nature to eat when food is right in front of you. While choosing a meal delivery program, it can considerably help you better understand an ideal portion size. They won’t follow the rules modern restaurants follow, they strictly follow the exact recommended portions of the food being served. Neither more, nor less.
3.Saves time:
Preparing food, particularly cooking healthy food, can be a time-consuming approach. Preparing the meal plan for the week, shopping, and making breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be quite a process, leaving less time for other things that could benefit your overall life, such as spending time with family and going to gym. Many people don’t go to the gym because they feel they don’t have the time, while they opt for getting weight loss meals delivered at home. You spend more time doing what you love when you avail these services; you are quite literally buying yourself more time in a day.
4.Understanding health better: 
Beginning on a meal delivery for weight loss program can help you to better understand your health. Since meal delivery schemes lay out the caloric input, macronutrients, and minerals, clients have a better understanding of what goes into their body to keep them healthy. Education for health is essential for losing weight, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. The more the understanding one has, the better they can monitor their nutrients, caloric intake, and overall health. Enhanced overall health leads to a better overall you.
5.Weight loss meal delivery meals: 
Foods provide a variety of different meal delivery plans based on your lifestyle needs. You have the opportunities to select from weight loss, intermittent fasting, healthy lifestyle, and even vegetarian meal plans. Food delivery services are becoming more popular all the time, and it is easy to see why. Numbers of these services provide a straightforward approach. You can look at recipes online, decide which you’d like to try, and choose how many people the meal needs to serve, and pay.
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Thereafter, you will either receive a pre-cooked meal, that you just need to reheat, or an easy to follow recipe, as well as most of the ingredients that you need to make it. You have many advantages to meal delivery services. They are a paradigm for those of us that are short on time but still want to eat tasty and nutritious food instead of takeout or sandwiches. They are a lot supportive for people who are keen to try new things but don’t feel confident in the kitchen.
Read Also :  Why choose diet food delivery?
Additional advantages involve saving time on shopping, reducing food waste and far less washing up without all the cooking pots and pans. Meal kits are perfect whether you choose to use them all of the time, or just for the occasional one-off. Weight loss meals delivered at home offer some other benefits to anyone looking to take better control over their diet, but can they actually help you to lose weight?
6.Less unhealthy options:
 Numerous best prepared meal delivery service providers deliver an extensive range of healthy dishes to choose from. Whereas some also provide desserts and less healthy options, many focus on the healthier end of the market and certainly provide less fatty food than your local food store or takeout restaurant. It is simple to lose weight when most of your options are good for you and you get weight loss food delivery at home.
7.Pre-portioned servings:
 A major issue that many of us have with eating well and losing weight, or maintaining a healthy weight, isn’t what you eat, but how much of it. You collect your plates high, and eat until you are stuffed, instead of stopping when you feel more comfortably full. As you order your food in, it’s pre-portioned, so you are only ever eating the suggested amount. This can decrease your calorie intake heavily.
8.Convenient nutritional information:
 Estimating calories and working out macros is difficult. Although it’s usually displayed on the food that we buy, working out the amounts per portion can be tricky. Almost all meal delivery services show the nutritional information online, so you know what you are going to be eating before you even order it. A meal delivery service shares either proportioned meals or all the ingredients to make them right to your door. This assures you can select fare that supports your individual nutrition goals and promotes the consumption of a vast array of foods for more dietary diversity.
To get weight loss food delivery at home, visit https://thedietfantasy.com/
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