faefaye · 1 year
BtT: Locus Minoris Resistentiae
"breakdown of the Artificial Death project" - does not happen in canon, but is seen here because of Azik's choice.
I feel like that faction weren't important anchors for the Goddess and 'She' only tried to control them so they wouldn't mess with 'Her' existing image. So in a situation where Azik chooses to be whole, 'She' could just offload all of that to him and digest the Uniqueness in peace :p.
Canonically there's only a year or two between the mausoleum event and Klein becoming a god, but here I imagine there to be four to five if only because I want Klein present for the change in Balam but the canon time period is too short for such a change in government.
I think that's about all I have for this one.
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WIP - Fuente "natura, sapientia et resistentia"
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0mossymeep0 · 2 years
~La Pulmenti Resistentia~
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Soup Group <3
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anglerflsh · 4 months
Oh, rich folks, you want monarchies in 2024? Y'know what else we could bring back? Guillotines. (/half joking)
Bring back this super-cool thing called ius resistentia
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rausule · 1 year
In Occidente Bank, oliveta proelii facta sunt. Per tempus autem olea, quae quotannis inter Octobrem et Novembrem fit, impetus Israeli coloni contra agricolas Palaestinos frequentiores et intensiores fiunt. Anno 2021 fuerunt saltem 42, hoc anno, in duabus primis septimanis, UN documentis 22, in quibus saltem 800 oleae deperditae sunt. Quidam ex his sic fuit in villa Burin, 80% quarum zona C cadit sub potestate administrativi et militares et amni Yitzhar et Har Bracha sita est: duae mansiones i quorum incolae saevitiam suam innotuerunt. Per impetum in mense of Novembris, puer rusticus de Burino, lapide ictus colonus iactus est oculus unus. Palaestinae operarius oleum olivae recenter pressum in vas, deinde to
molendinum oleum lapideum in Palaestinae vico Bizarya prope the Urbs Occidentalis Bank Nabli, die 6 Novembris 2022. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH Pro 2.500 incolae pagi inter meridiem et meridiem Nabli in Occidentali Bank septentrionali, the ex olivibus maxime reditibus; ut sunt saltem 100,000 familiae Palaestinae, iuxta IR. Sed in hac villa,
cotidiana opera agriculturae periculum movet. In terra arabili sita in zona C, vetitum est sine speciali permissu obtentae agriculturae actiones exercere Ab Israele Civilis Administrationis, Israelis gubernatio in Occidente Bank edita est. Et etiam cum rustici procurant illud accipere et ad agros vadant, pauci haben diebus complere collectio.
Palaestinae agricolae foliis ut eruat olivis ; sita in extrema parte ripae occidentalis pagi Asera, prope urbem Nablum, 11
Novembris 2022. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH Impugnationes colonorum pressius in his gradibus contractae sunt et intendunt deterrere Palaestinorum accessus ad agros eorum est ut tunc ibi imperium civitatis enuntien. Israel. In facto, secundum legem terre Israelis hereditariam ab aetate Ottomanica, a ager incultus ultra triennium fit de jure proprietatis judaici. Not pauci sunt agrestes qui, verisimilitudine pugnandi sentientes, deserueruntad agros in zona C. Colonus violentia non solum impedit messis vincere. Ratam approbatio permissionum est revera in declinationibus acutis, eundo ab 71% in 2014 ad 27% in 2020 . Declinatio in numero permittit agricolas Palaestinos non permittit suas actiones exsequi agriculturae necessariae sunt ad curam terrarum et arborum per annum difficultas, quae fructuositas agrorum multum minuit et consequenter eorum afficit reditus qui minora omni anno. Palaestinae agricolae ientaculum habent in oliveto suo, in extrema parte ecclesiae Villa Occidentalis Bank Asera, prope urbem Nablum, die 11 Novembris 2022. EPA/ALAA
badarneh Messis olea non solum est vectigal, sed significat praesertim tempus quo familiae simul conveniunt ac suum vinculum cum Ecclesia celebrant terra, saepe ramis centenariis arboribus percutiendo, prioribus generationibus consita. Re quidem vera, in cultura Palaestinae, olea arbor symbolum est longaevitatis et resistentiae. Sed iuxta sedes Israelis, vita harum arborum periculum est. Secundum crucem rubra, inter 2020 et 2021 saltem 9, 300 olivae in Territoriis Palaestinae exstirpatae sunt; figura, quae ad 800,000 surgit, si tempore repetuntur, usque ad annum 1967 bellum sex dies, quorum finis Israel magnas partes vicit quae nunc est Argentaria occidentalis Sinai Peninsula, Orientalis Hierosolyma et Arces Golanae. Renovatio oppugnationum a maximis fimbriis incolarum illegalium Israeli secundum ius gentium, comitiis die 1 mensis Novembris factum est anno proximo, partes ius religionis extremae sequitur (Zionist Party Religiosus et Otzma Yehudit) 6 sedes obtinuerunt ex 120, quotquot satis fuerunt tractatus de formatione crucialorum in regimine.
Dr De Beer
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hetesiya · 1 year
Dünden bugüne corona ve sonra(sı) [*] – Temel Demirer Kimse inkâr etmeye kalkışmasın: Covid-19’unbir yoksul hastalığı olduğu, sınıfsal bir nitelik taşıdığı tartışmasızdır ve zengin-yoksul farkını büyüttüğü, derinleştirdiği de bir vakadır...
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krakair · 2 years
resistance (n.)
mid-14c., resistence, "moral or political opposition;" late 14c., "military or armed physical opposition by force; difficulty, trouble," from Old French resistance, earlier resistence, and directly from Medieval Latin resistentia, from present-participle stem of Latin resistere "make a stand against, oppose" (see resist).
From 1580s as "power or capacity of resisting." The meaning "organized covert opposition to an occupying or ruling power" [OED] is from 1939. The electromagnetic sense of "non-conductivity" is from 1760. Also used  in science and engineering with a sense of "force exerted by a medium to retard motion through it," hence the figurative phrase path of least resistance "easiest method or course" (1825), earlier a term in physical sciences and engineering.
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scart69 · 4 years
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Many Thanks to Evan of @recollectiongraphics for the killer artwork. "In a Reality Far Far Away, The Molotovians continue their voyage to seek out Trippy New Sentient Life Forms & Party with them....." (see comments for this 'episode' in full 😂) #scifi #metal #NewSkies #TheMolotov #musicvideo #RESISTENTIA  #comic comicart #graphicnovel #webstagram #punk #bands #music #followforfollowbackalways #followforfollowback https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqVD8th9gD/?igshid=mee3o7ceftzu
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stayallnite · 3 years
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Here it is the recap of our fourth and last week of posting!! If you didn’t have the chance to read the fics we posted, now it’s a gret time to do it. We’ll see you on the 2nd, with our Reveals!
☆ Locus minoris resistentiae [Mature - 17,343 w]
Summary: When Harry Potter decides to take his petty revenge on the Dursley, there’s only a man that really knows Petunia Dursley enough to help him. Grudgingly, or maybe not so much, Severus agrees to help him. Too bad they catch feelings along the way.
 ☆ Per noi è reale [Explicit - 52,070 w]
Summary: Severus Snape viene salvato dalla morte certa ma non è l'unica cosa inaspettata che gli succede ma anche i legami che grazie ad essa riuscirà a creare.
A volte, per quanto assurdo sia, devi semplicemente appartenere a qualcuno.
 ☆ From the Beak of a Bird, Truth [General Audience - 2,803 w]
Summary: Harry Potter is having a difficult time after the death of Severus Snape. He wants to write his feelings down and send them to Snape’s final resting place. He walked into Eeylop’s looking for a post bird. He got a little green, talking parrot with an uncanny sense of direction.
☆ Threading the Needle [Explicit - 15,814 w]
Summary: Red String of Destiny AU. Harry insistently dreams of the red thread leading off from his ankle. Harry being Harry, will not rest until he finds a way to follow where it leads. A surprise waits for him at the other end.
- -
The man’s–no, Snape’s–eyebrows drew together and he repeated himself, “How may I help you?”
Harry, helpless and now terrified and so terribly confused, gestured to his ankle, the bright red thread piled around his foot. He didn’t think he could get his voice to work even if he tried. But he tried, not one to back down.
“We’re soulmates. I think we should talk.”
 ☆ when we were young [General audience - Moodboard, Aesthetic]
Summary: Aesthetic based on the million of time travel prompts around the fandom.
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danzanelfuoco · 3 years
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Locus minoris resistentiae
Prompt: Fake/Pretend relationship @warmandfluffybingocards Fandoms: Harry Potter Ship: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: Mature  Warnings: Multiple POVs, Unreliable narrators, slurs, Dudley Dursley redemption Wordcount: ~ 17’300
Summary:  When Harry Potter decides to take his petty revenge on the Dursley, there's only a man that really knows Petunia Dursley enough to help him. Grudgingly, or maybe not so much, Severus agrees to help him. Too bad they catch feelings along the way
or, Married Severus and Harry move into 5 Privet Drive and make their neighbors' life a living hell.
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faefaye · 2 years
Locus Minoris Resistentiae
So I have this WIP fic for Azik and Klein that I don't think I'm ever going to finish and thought it'd be better to post the two snippets I do have here on Tumblr :p.
I haven't really canon-checked it like I do with my posted fics, feel free to leave concrit.
Sia Palenque Eggers is devoted to the cause. Which is why, no matter how confused "She" is, "She" won’t ask about the man who appears around Death Consul Azik. "She" definitely won’t ask why the Death Consul behaves so– so warmly around him.
(or: the AU where Azik fuses with the other half of his soul after all, Klein is his anchor to humanity and the Numinous Episcopate has no clue what’s going on.)
If one thought back, the first sign of oddity was probably the letter.
Sia remembered it with crystal clarity.
It had been two weeks since Death Consul Azik Eggers had returned. There had been rumours of "His" appearance in the high seas a few months before that, alongside a crazy adventurer, and it was followed by events like the calming of the Berserk Sea and the breakdown of the Artificial Death project, but nothing had come of it.
Then one day, the Death Consul had returned to the Southern Continent.
Even if “He” was a Sequence 2, making “Him” technically on the same level as Sia, “He” was the direct descendant of Death. “He” was the figure around whom the remains of the Balam Empire would rally without question.
Sia didn’t even need to think about giving up “Her” position as the head of the royal family faction. As a mark of “Her” devotion, “She” had even – if somewhat reluctantly, no one else needed to know – handed over the Grade 1 Sealed Artifact in “Her” possession. The Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristic it held would no doubt serve better in the hands of the Consul.
“He” had called for a meeting with the other descendants of their family, to discuss what "He" had missed in “His” millenia away.
They were halfway through their reports when there was a change in the air. Being members of the Death pathway, they had a spiritual intuition even before a fountain of bones had sprung from the ground next to the Consul and arranged itself into the form of a four-metre tall skeleton.
It respectfully knelt and handed over a folded piece of paper.
The Consul took it and, without giving a look to the rest of them, "He" started reading it.
Sia couldn’t see the contents nor would “She” dare to peek, but “She” could clearly see the Consul’s face. The cold emotionless stare flickered with a change that was too subtle to be grasped.
Then “He” took a fountain pen and spare paper, penned down a short note of “His” own–pausing after a few lines with that same flicker of expression again–and handed it over to the messenger who promptly vanished.
None of them asked any questions. The Consul gave no answers.
While that may have been the first sign, the next was undoubtedly the most notable.
Sia knocked on the office door, having a report to make on the handful of rogue factions that still refused to yield to them.
There was a silence that stretched for a dozen seconds before the Consul’s clear voice rang with, “Enter”.
“She” stepped in.
The first thing “She” noticed was that the room was dark. One would imagine that to be the aesthetic of an inverted mausoleum, but they actually had gas lamps in almost all the rooms, and the Consul’s office was no exception. In fact, it probably had a few more than the rest.
The second thing was probably what “She” should have noticed first, but one could forgive "Her" for completely skipping it, because there was no way “She” was actually seeing someone curled up on the couch, right?
“She” opened "Her" mouth on instinct, then forced it shut, instead shifting "Her" gaze to the Consul in wariness of causing offense. “He” had already caught what "She" was looking at – it was impossible not to.
Before “He” could say anything though, the person on the couch sat up and asked with the barest traces of sleepiness, “Mr. Azik?”
Sia startled. Mr. Azik? Who did he think he was talking to, his friend? Did he want to be turned into a corpse? "She" awaited how the Consul would deal with such insolence.
…except “He” didn’t bat an eye at it. In fact, “He”...
Sia wasn’t sure “She” could trust “Her” own eyes. If “She” didn’t know better… the Consul was smiling? It was like watching snow melt under a beam of sunlight or, to be more accurate to the person, a corpse rot under the sudden influence of heat. The Consul was a being only a step below Death. "He" didn’t smile.
“It’s been almost three hours. Have the negative effects dissipated?” “He” asked.
The man nodded. “The effects last just two, actually. I should get going. Thank you for letting me stay.”
The Consul shook "His" head… fondly? “It's nothing. I’ll temporarily lift the protections against the spirit world here.”
The man nodded, then pulled at the air, retrieving a skin-like glove. He wore it and vanished.
Sia was half-tempted to hurt “Herself” and check if “She” had just experienced a dream or an illusion.
“She” didn’t, because the Consul turned “His” gaze on “Her”, back to its usual dispassionate state. “He” lit the lamp on “His” table and asked, “What do you have to say?”
“She” forced herself to put aside all thoughts of what "She" had just seen.
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monalonasworld · 3 years
resistance (n.)
mid-14c., resistence, "moral or political opposition;" late 14c., "military or armed physical opposition by force; difficulty, trouble," from Old French resistance, earlier resistence, and directly from Medieval Latin resistentia, from present-participle stem of Latin resistere "make a stand against, oppose" (see resist).
From 1580s as "power or capacity of resisting." The meaning "organized covert opposition to an occupying or ruling power" [OED] is from 1939. The electromagnetic sense of "non-conductivity" is from 1760. Also used  in science and engineering with a sense of "force exerted by a medium to retard motion through it," hence the figurative phrase path of least resistance "easiest method or course" (1825), earlier a term in physical sciences and engineering.
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poisonedfrederick · 7 years
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Is it constant ignoring or am I just so dump that I forger all the pain and visible changes every day. It's really complicated to have black stitches inside your mouth and still not be able to stop purging. Dancing infection. Tumors of shame. Burning, itching anxiety. I am a fish with a fishing line in my mouth. Too healthy to go to sleep, too sick to be awake all night. I have to go to work early in the morning. Everybody will see the fat painful ruin I made of myself. I try so hard to feel love and start again.
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aster-azura · 3 years
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Цени краткое счастье, данное жестоким неумолимым временем
Когда молодость еще вечна, и ты бываешь частенько пьян,
Когда нет ежедневной боли, а есть творческий голод и жажда все старое переделывать,
А на душе всегда место найдется под будущий шрам.
Трагедия конечности лучшего времени явственна, словно хорошая графика,
Но будет понята слишком поздно и только post-factum,
Слабей руки, люди черствеет как корки хлеба, все ближе классика,
Но не ad aster ведёт путь minoris resistentiae.
Неподъемная тяжесть ночных кошмаров сложится из маленьких и больших ошибок.
Она придавит к земле, заставит ссутулится и склонить голову.
Как летать, если нет сил даже выпрямить спину.
Жизнь беспомощности выучит даже самого гордого.
А пока - грусти не бойся, пока в ней еще есть зерно радости, что ты еще можешь грустить.
Разочаровывайся - это значит ты еще способен очароваться.
Пока есть молодость торопись обжигаться, чтобы не пришлось потом выть
От неизбывной тоски, что в груди за звездой не пошедшего старца.
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kherabek · 6 years
Latin Phrase of The Day
Locus Minoris Resistentiae
Meaning: Place of Least Resistance.
Elucidation: A phrase to describe a location that can be damaged easily, in comparison to the rest of the body, or A weakness.
Example: The throat is locus minoris resistentiae.
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