#requests still open : D
emil1863 · 20 days
hello I saw your post can I request a Law having a crisis about something either Luffy or Kid did?
Hi! Of course! Not sure if this was the exact idea you had in mind but this is what happened ^^ Was originally going to be much shorter but it devolved into a full comic thing
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grassyhorizon45 · 15 days
Help. - Pt 2
part 1 || part 2 || part 3 (soon)
uhh my bad... looks like it really is gonna be longer than I thought. It'll be worth it I promise! I fought through writers block for this forgive me
Marauders × DiD!Reader who's slowly but surely developing it and starts experiencing symptoms :l
Warnings: A bit more yelling? and a bit of angst.
Words: 1115
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James's quidditch match the next day had the whole school in high spirits. Rumour from Hufflepuff was that a new quidditch captain had been instated; and knowing James, he was definitely gonna have a pre-match panic attack in the changing room while the rest of Gryffindor prepared for the after-party.
Y/n and Remus made their way to the Gryffindor changing room about an hour or two before the match. 
Sirius and James were there already, sitting side-by-side as the latter vented. Sirius put a hand around James, offering support. 
“And then Murphy decided to sprain his ankle yesterday! Now we’re one frickin’ beater short…”
James caught sight of the two that just entered, going quiet.
Y/n’s expression softened, “Can’t Siri replace him?”
His tone was quieter now. “Even then, we don’t know what Hufflepuff has up their sleeves with that new captain of theirs… New captain means new plays and- and—”
Remus went to sit next to Sirius while Y/n sat next to James, leaning on him.
“You’ll be fine, love.” Y/n sighed, “Stop panicking.”
They spent the last few moments of ‘quiet’ together there on that bench. Y/n and Remus leaving only after the Gryffindor team had filled the once-private space.
The three knew their support pre and post match meant the world to James. He was the kind that needed attention, love and affection to grip onto mental stability. Somehow, it was just one of the things that made James…well, James, and Y/n loved him for showing that level of vulnerability. 
“Do you think James and Siri will win today?” she asked Remus as they walked to the stands.
“They’ll be fine with whatever the outcome is. Don’t worry,” Remus smiled.
Y/n nodded, “A happy James is better than a swear-y one though…”
Remus gave her a pat on the head, agreeing.
The rest of the Morning was a blur after that. Y/n hardly remembered the outcome of the quidditch match. It was all a fog, hazy in her brain. So much so that she convinced herself the morning events were all really just a dream……
There was a sharp ringing in her ear when she ‘woke up’.
Accept, Y/n wasn’t lying down… Nor was she in either her or the boys’ room.
“Bunny, what’s wrong?”
Y/n came to the realisation that someone’s hand was supporting her waist. She shifted a little, making Sirius’ hand fall to the side.
“A-Aren’t you and Jamie playing in the quidditch match today?” She mumbled, observing her surroundings as she did. “Wh-Why are we in the common room eating the food for the after-party?”
Sirius froze, catching James (who was chatting with someone across from where Y/n and Sirius stood)’s attention. He excused himself and walked towards them.
The taller boy ran a hand through the other’s black curls.
“Sh-She thinks the match hasn’t started…”
“Huh?” This sparked James’ intrigue too. “We won the match, love… You and Moony came to see us before it started, remember?”
Y/n nodded slowly, “I th-think so. I thought it was a dream…”
The boys exchanged worried glances.
“You don’t remember the match at all?” Sirius asked.
Did she?
“M-Maybe I just f-forgot,” Y/n lied.
“Capt- Can I borrow you for a second?” someone interrupted.
“I-” James hesitated. “Okay… Pads, Moon will wanna hear about this.”
Sirius nodded at James before he left. 
“I-It’s not a big deal,” Y/n mumbled, faking a collected smile. “You can just… tell me about the match instead.”
“It’s not about the match, bunny,” Sirius put an arm around her, giving her a slight squeeze. “This kind of memory loss isn’t normal…”
Which brought her back to their earlier discovery. What if Remus’ previous assumptions were right? What if she did have Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Y/n excused herself from Sirius’ company, making her way to the library once again in hopes she’d find something useful. There was this sinking feeling in her heart that if she properly had this ‘multiple-personality disorder’, things would change.
Y/n got tired of the big terms after a while. Her brain felt like shutting off and she couldn’t think straight. Sleeping in the library wasn’t soooooooo bad was it?
“You can’t just d-drop that on me l-like that–!”
“How d-did I get here……” 
Y/n was obviously not in the library, instead she was in the boys’ room facing a near-to-tears James. 
“Jamie… You okay?”
James flinched away at her touch, storming out of the room as he tried to get a grip on his emotions.
“Wh-What the—”
The door opened again with urgency, making Y/n jump.
“I want to know why,” Sirius demanded as he stood by the open door comforting a now crying James.
“Wh-Why?” She was so confused.
Sirius’ eyes narrowed. 
“You really want me to spell it out for you?”
The bitterness in his voice was clear as day, giving Y/n the chills. 
She nodded to his ‘question’, genuinely stating, “I d-don’t know what you’re talking about…”
Sirius seemed pissed… Pissed that Y/n was ‘faking innocence’, pissed that Y/n of all people had made James cry—
“I want to know why you want to break up!”
“I do?”
The two boys looked at her with quizzical looks.
“I-I didn’t say that…” Y/n’s heart was pounding, so loud that she could hear it in her ears.
“B-But you d-did,” James mumbled from behind Sirius.
“I only r-remember f-falling asleep in the library… A-And then waking up here.”
Sirius gulped, “We need to get you checked love; you’re scaring us.”
Y/n tensed up, “I don’t wanna see a doctor…”
James was still shaken to the core, scared of the possible end of their relationship. She noticed this…
“Oh Jamie,” Y/n went over to give him a hug. Seeing James in such a shaken state was rare. 
According to the books she’d read, Y/n suspected she wasn’t in control of her own body when…well—
As she comforted James and whispered sweet things in his ear, Sirius stood hovering by the door, deep in thought with a frown on his face.
Y/n felt guilty. Sure she wasn’t conscious when it happened but it was still her that hurt James, their Y/n that told him they should break up.
Remus came back from his prefects’ rounds to find Y/n and James cuddled up cosily, fast asleep together on James’ bed. Sirius was admiring the sight, smiling thoughtfully.
“Come here Moony…” He patted the spot next to him.
Remus smiled too, “Did I miss anything?”
“Quite a bit actually… I’ll fill you in.”
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snazzydwarf · 8 months
Hello hello! I am here to spread my moss etho arctic bdubs propaganda for the fanon swap :> also your art looks rlly pretty!
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Your request has been answered!!
I'm in a huge Etho wave rn, so anything with him in up my alley lol Apologies for the long wait! Didn't see the ask rip :/
And thank you!!! :D
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justaghostysposts · 2 months
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Okay so i saw your last few posts and i love your art style which is why i decided to follow you (like you're so amazing at what you do!!! 💖) so i wanted to ask you to draw my oc Jué(you can do whatever you feel like doing)
Just for funsies
Hope you have a great day! 🫶🏻
Thank you so much!! :D
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I had a lot of fun doing her! Tysm for the request! ✨
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thewisestdino · 2 years
scourge and 27? :D
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Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
Took me a while to figure out what I wanted to see you draw, but I think I got it now:
Would you be able to draw a character of your choice being "bear"-hugged by a Hildebear (haha see what I did there)? I feel like it might be excellent for comedy purposes, and I know how much you adore them :P
Thank you in advance :3
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See, now you're starting to see why they're so cool, their arms were made for bear hugs :3 (surely your character would be inclined to agree, right? /s)
(but also, it would be a crime to miss an opportunity to draw Ralsei)
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Thank you for the request! I feel closer to the Hildebears already :D
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tinyowlet · 1 year
bee moodboard for @folkinpunk 🐝🍯🌻
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theroseyhues · 8 months
May you please doodle what you think Jaiden snd Empanada’s reunion will look like?
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A bit messy but overall adorable! I think that there reunion would be very similar to how slime and sunny's was today. like, at first a lot of shock for Jaiden but give her like an hour and if anyone looks at her kid weird they are so dead. anyway hope you enjoy! :D
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sysig · 11 months
Ah, if there are slots open still for requestober, and if you'd like to draw this one-- human RGB, and Hero's reaction to meeting him, please? Apologies if I misunderstood any of the rules and this isn't in line with them...
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Day 22 - Nuh-uh! That's not a TV!
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pyre-sea · 1 year
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HJSCHVCBHGSG Somebody sent Marco for the drawing request thing but I accidentally deleted the ask or smthn?? Cannot find it so ✌
Here’s a handful of Marcos because he is so fun and I love him and I’ve never had the excuse to draw him before. 💖 Thank you to whomever sent the ask for him, I promise this won’t happen again, oops, hopefully the bird man makes it to you eventually. 
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emil1863 · 23 days
Hi! I saw your post for requests. Can you do kid luffy meeting g5 luffy?
Hi! Sorry this took me a second to do! Of course!
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gerrycoco · 1 year
Hello! Stranger but fellow Shipwrecked fan here. I saw your (fabulous) Shipwrecked Plays DnD post, and if you're still up for gif requests, could I possibly request a gif of that scene in Part 4 with Poppy being like, "Can I use my torch again?" and Gabe replying, "You...are currently a crocodile"? No obligation, though! Thanks and keep rockin'~
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That moment when you forget you're currently a crocodile
Thanks for the request! This was such a funny moment, I love Sarah so much she's so cute
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
For drawing requests uhhh anything with Bryce? I just super adore the way u draw his limbs idk what it is about it !!! I'm just like 0-0 like a cat at him every time
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here he is!!!!! thank u :D!!!!!!!!!!
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Hello! I really really really love your writting, I just got into Milgram and yours is my favourite in the fandom!! I love how much depth and nuance you manage to fit into short stories and your characterization is on point! (Specially for Kazui, but I might be biased since I love him so much)
I'm not sure if you're still taking requests (if you're not, feel free to ignore!), but if you are I wanted to request Tears + Kazui
(I thought about maybe the old man finally having a moment where the mask falls? When keeping up the image he's built gets tiring, how does he deal with it, and is he by himself or is there someone nearby? Then again, just an ideia, have fun and take your time!!!)
Woo welcome to the fandom! And thank you so much omg, that's so kind!! ;--; I really like that concept -- I definitely think he'd only allow himself a break from the masks when he's completely alone, and even then it'd be hard to draw out of him, so I went for an unexpected release and even more unexpected company... (Haruka :3)
Kazui woke from a dream, immediately unable to stop his eyes from brimming with tears. It hadn’t been a nightmare. It hadn’t shown him broken glass, or blood, or screaming. He hadn’t faced another night staring into Hinako’s twisted expression. No, the dream was wonderful. He was happy. He was in love. He was just… himself. As he rolled over in his sheets, he couldn’t tell if it was the longing that made him cry, or the guilt of longing so deeply for something like that.
It was easier, there in the dark. He didn’t have to keep his cheeks raised in a pleasant look. He didn’t have to hold his chin high. He could hug his arms around himself, not worry about all those eyes on him, and cry for the life he would never have.
He’d kept the thoughts at bay for so long, there was something equally painful and relieving about facing them head-on. The more his body shook with sobs, the better he felt about the weight he’d been carrying on his shoulders. The more he thought about who he was, the worse he felt about being doomed in this life. As always, he was split in two.
His stomach clenched in both shock and shame. He kept his face away from the cell bars. He coughed, though it did little to hide the thickness in his voice when he spoke. “Haruka? What are you doing out there?”
“Ah, um! I’m sorry! I was just getting s-some water.”
Kazui desperately scrambled for any kind of excuse to explain the sorry state he was in. Haruka continued, though. 
“It’s- it’s okay if you’re crying.”
His throat squeezed. How pathetic he must be, for a kid like Haruka to try and comfort him.
“No, no. I’m alright.”
“I cry in my cell all the time. And Muu comes in so we can talk. I feel m-much better after that.” His feet shuffled outside. “Do you… uh… do you want to talk? I’m not as smart as Muu, b-but it might help.”
Kazui kept his pained smile hidden. It was an incredibly kind gesture, to be sure, but the boy would never understand. He could open up about everything that had happened in the past forty years, and there was no way Haruka would understand a bit of it.
It was easy to dodge the question. When under the spotlight, he’d found it was helpful to place the attention on someone else. “What do you talk to Muu about?”
“Uh! Well.” There was more shuffling, and Kazui realized he was coming to sit right next to the cell. He hadn’t meant it as an invitation to stay... 
He rolled onto his back, hoping his face was still obscured in the shadows of the panopticon.
“I usually cry because… I’m not like everyone else.” Haruka said. “I don’t-don’t know why. I don’t know why everyone else can be normal and I j-just can’t. I try so hard. I try so hard. If I could be like them, m-maybe my mom would’ve loved me. M-maybe she wouldn’t think I was broken all the time. M-maybe,” he got quiet, “no one would have died.”
Kazui stared up at the ceiling. A few more tears slipped down his face. It looked like an old man like him could still be wrong, now and then. “And… what does Muu tell you, to comfort you?”
“Oh, she tells me lots of nice things. Mostly that she loves me very much.” Kazui could hear the smile in his voice. “And she also says that… that it wasn’t my fault. That there’s nothing wrong with being me. That we can’t be anyone d-different, even if we want to more than anything in the whole wide world. She says, she says people were mean to her too, just because of who she was.”
“Yeah?” The younger prisoners had avoided someone as intimidating as him, so he never heard much about Muu’s reason for being here. 
“Mhm. She said they would say all these awful things, b-because there was this one girl in her class, and… and, well… things were…” Haruka stopped. “Ah! I didn’t mean to make you cry again! I’m s-so sorry…”
Kazui sucked in a shaking breath. “No, I’m sorry you have to hear all this from me. It’s good, though. It’s really good.” 
“I just realized, I’m a lot like that too.” 
Kazui didn’t know what possessed him to continue. He’d been hiding things for so long, he thought he’d be better at keeping it in. It must have been something about the darkness of the hour, and Haruka’s complete innocence, and the dream that still lingered around heart. 
“When I was her age, there was someone in my class like that. He was… well, I’m sure you know. My parents also said I was in need of fixing. I’m sorry you had to go through that too.”
Haruka let out a small sound of acknowledgement.
“You should head to bed, now. It’s late.”
“R-right. Sorry, again!”
“Don’t be. I think I needed this.”
Once Haruka’s footsteps had rounded the panopticon, Kazui brought his arm up to cover his eyes. He knew he had plenty of blood on his hands for what he’d done. This was his fault. But regarding who he was…
A sound rocked through his chest, something between a sob and a laugh. It was nice to think there was nothing wrong with that, after all.
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multifandom-hcs · 2 years
May I request clotted cream x chubby reader hcs? Just randomly found your pure vanilla x chubby reader fanfic and adored it...so wholesome!
𝐀𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭! 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐜𝐬!! ^^
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♡ Ok, first of all let me tell you something about him, he would compliment you non stop!! HE ADORES YOU!!
♡ What do you mean you might be too heavy for him to carry you?? You are as light as a feather to him!!
♡ If he hears you saying something negative about yourself he would give you a hug while passing his fingers through your hair telling you that you are perfect the way you are
♡ Someone on the republic is bothering you and saying mean stuff to you?? He would immediately banish them of ever coming back to the republic
♡ In case it's out of Creme Republic, he would send Financier to take care of the person bothering you
♡ Spoils the hell out of you!! You saw a necklace but you don't have money with you?? No problem, You want those earrings? You got them
♡ He might be kinda busy on the counsil meetings, but he would always make sure to have time to spend with you!
♡ When he arrives tired from a meeting he would just drag you to bed and use you as his personal pillow because, come on, he works non stop, he deserves a break like everyone! Doesn't he?
♡ In summary, he loves you so much he's not afraid to show it!! You deserve all the love on this world and he will make sure to give it to you!
𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 ^^"
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tuliptxffi · 1 year
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Hi there, maybe you'd consider a request of my happy go lucky Halfing Georgina Petalpusher? She's a halfing who loves pie, nature, and of course, flowers. SHe owns a flower shop called the pretty petal:) Thank you for considering her.
Your OC is very cute! Since you said she loved flowers I couldn't help but put flower details and a flower crown! Cheer up!! :))) <33
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(Click for better quality)
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