dark-elf-writes · 5 months
I'm just imagining Reborn and Tsuna having a YouTube channel or TiktlTok dedicated to this nonsense and a mass following that's one part 'oh, the sexual & romantic tension is delicious' and one part '...I swear to God these guys are on a watchlist at the very least'.
The exact vibe I’m going for tbh
Tsuna starts the tiktok as a joke and didn’t really anticipate it going past the first stupid trend he got his friends to do with him but the algorithm has his damn number and kept pushing the “Italian boyfriend” videos so he thought what the hell he might as well have some fun with it.
The first video where he broke spaghetti in front of reborn went wildly viral because Renorn is at his heart the most dramatic person alive and also because Tsuna is very good at playing the “innocent confusion” card. The rest is history tbh.
There are both people who absolutely stan the two of them because A) funny B) both of them are unfairly pretty and C) over half of their audience is convinced Reborn is in fact mafia (in the stereotypical “well dressed Italian man has to be mafia” way than any real knowledge of the mafia) and are looking for proof. There is a very small very dedicated group that all sweat up and down that Tsuna is actually the mafioso that are mostly clowned on because Tsuna looks so fluffy and sweet in all the videos.
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dragonwars · 9 months
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Gold dragons once served as the divine guardians of the Goddess Kelraėlmír (lit translation: The High Sun Mother in the divine language of Renorn), the Goddess of the Righteous Sun. When they arrived on the world of Eldaria, they were the first of dragonkind to pledge a bond with humans to combat against the evil Nevenii. These bold and fearless actions prompted other dragons to forge bonds. When the connection to the divine weakened and dragonkind became trapped on Eldaria, it was felt more profoundly by the Astral Dragons - Gold, Black, Silver, and Purple Dragons - who were more tied to their divine ancestry. It weakened their morale compared to their Primal counterparts—Red, Blue, Green, and Brown Dragons - and this growing dissociation has led to a notable decline in the ability of Gold dragons to form bonds. But when a bond is forged between a Gold Dragon and their Seldorai (Dragon Rider), the human is more likely to awaken a divine signet closely related to the Gold Dragon's roots which are the magical elements of solar, light, and energy. Gold dragons choose their riders carefully, often selecting individuals who exhibit qualities of courage, justice, and a commitment to protecting others - no matter the cost.
Please note: these are just recommended powers. If you have more ideas, we're open for you to run it by us and add to the worlbuilding!
Please note: these are just recommended colours. If you have more ideas, we're open for you to run it by us and add to the worlbuilding!
Radiant Gold:
This is the classic and most common coloration for gold dragons. Their scales shimmer with a brilliant, radiant gold, reflecting the purity and intensity of the sun. This hue signifies a deep connection to the divine and the Goddess of the Righteous Sun.
Dawn Gold:
A softer shade of gold; with lighter scales that shimmer with the promise of dawn. Dragons with this coloration may possess a more diplomatic and refined demeanor, emphasizing their wisdom and the regal qualities that come with their divine role.
Amber Gold:
In certain individuals, the gold may lean more towards a fiery orange, reminiscent of the sun as it sets. Dragons with this hue might have an affinity for solar fire magic, combining the elements in a visually striking manner.
Bronze Gold:
While still within the golden spectrum, these dragons exhibit a lustrous bronze sheen, giving them a slightly earthier appearance. This coloration might symbolize a balance between the divine connections of gold dragons and the grounded nature of the earth.
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khr-guilded-cage · 2 months
Another wonderful KHR Vongola bashing fic
While this Rouge sky had come out of the blue, he'd built himself the beginnings of a solid family with Guardians that outshone anything the Vongola could currently produce.
The kid wasn't related to them. They'd checked, going over records as far back as the records went. They did find rumors of flame users in the UK many years past, but other than that, the Sky, Harry Potter, was something new.
And given their newness, something they might be able to take advantage of down the line.
So with an invitation to a Vongola social event (where they could attempt the draft them into the Alliance) in hand, he marched into enemy territory and discovered the Sky and his guardians arranged along a table waiting for him
Harry would probally reject Renorn anyway
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eliadacampoy · 5 months
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This bitch survived the last day of ENEM and I am
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First off who the fuck allowed this shit eating exam to need extra info from the participants that was never needed before and it means I definetelly didn't place it down on the first day which means IT MIGHT FUCKING GET NULLED BECAUSE OF IT AND
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And dear fucking god the exact moment I marked the last fucking answer on the sheet the fucking church bells in the neighbour church rang
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This was either a sign of something good or just the fucking imminent doom of my fucking college life and I am betting on the latter
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I j u s t
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I am just so ready to eat a full fucking pizza and pass out for the day to the point I can't even bring myself to put on clothes after I took them off outside
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444names · 2 years
eldamo: khuzdul and external khuzdul names, khuzdul dictionary + forgotten realms wiki: dwarvish dictionary + inheritance cycle dwarvish dictionary
Abran Acie Ackborn Ador Agretair Agrill Akilcous Alle Amarmgread Arace Araulten Ards Ared Arldee Arnarû Arril Arting Arts Atoper Azards Azariml Badow Barang Barbilâb Barg Barn Barver Beakrimsti Bealled Beld Beorn Beowed Bess Bilve Bine Bizaragic Bland Blazar Bled Bofultaeld Bong Bornarres Borop Brone Brortretar Brouthoso Brover Browle Buthavald Buzun Cabrome Cess Chestones Chordûnal Ciall Clak Clandive Clecklen Cler Cley Clingle Clualed Clukart Comanuth Cone Conessalf Corght Corunnû Counect Couns Coup Cous Crendarak Crily Crinflukk Culbrod Cummail Cumurgh Curlly Cuthlibil Dabley Dackboard Dans Dard Darg Darrve Darâghund Dectle Deeth Dentoolf Ders Dest Diall Dift Difuld Digatone Dimst Dimstvol Dindive Diround Divred Docur Dork Dorv Dowdeannom Dows Drachoil Drauthreep Drelind Drivenht Druct Drâg Dugly Dulent Dustion Dwanvrus Dward Dwarn Dwartake Dwarûn Dway Dûnder Dûnol Dûnow Eadverith Eaut Eave Ebar Ebater Encara Encial Enknost Enton Envidive Erak Ervilf Etherak Ethir Exter Fail Fald Falk Fardork Fark Farn Farrglon Feirv Felagodly Felents Feli Fender Feribeoway Fins Fling Flins Flurûg Fook Forfelrans Forn Free Frough Fuldjar Fílims Gable Gabled Gatem Gaverg Gind Ginge Glis Gnhteim Gnienting Gnitdere Godd Greestake Grith Gron Gálder Halial Hancial Harathin Harder Hardulûnd Hartid Harzûl Hastbors Hatiorn Heep Heft Heigialeg Heinger Heingnhted Hell Henwascren Hereen Higna Hing Hoht Holan Holdj Holdu Hout Hrend Hridush Hrrin Hugh Hund Hundionehe Hune Hunt Iensiongn Ifur Iginded Igthmérn Inbarthy Indanago Indanknur Inth Irts Itergh Jeak Khatchelin Khilly Khunrukth Killy Kilval Kins Knulurl Knur Knurfer Knurgeng Knurlurna Knurrimry Knurzûln Knzmans Kords Kortharaut Kuldjark Kult Kulë Kílimne Kóst Lakin Lannahive Lauthougen Layerges Ledinect Liginball Lings Liss Liter Lithûn Loral Lorn Loutch Luestal Lurmeangue Länowalf Mahakes Mahinflant Mall Mance Mandarbizn Mani Manturer Marathar Maritumand Mater Mearn Meit Meitded Melaut Mell Mentelfz Menthra Meounts Mers Mestre Mettle Mezzigh Milgatess Mill Ming Moribeith Morop Moth Moverss Murabin Myconsiny Môgriong Naer Naman Narmar Nodderim Nork Nounts Nuld Nâlars Oble Ociesto Olight Orin Ortiont Ortrunard Oted Pair Pantian Patheim Pers Perso Plad Pleshur Pluck Poods Qenda Qual Quive Racks Renorn Rinbelve Rind Rindards Rinknur Rion Rit's Rive Rivid Rouns Rover Ructimb Rult Sabac Safaks Sagarteri Sager Sairs Sandles Sarvery Secar Shana Shend Shiem Shing Sigh Singue Siniturl Siones Skibeogh Skin Smands Smar Smisû Somend Sondunde Sonnor Sper Spil Spils Stval Sultoseck Sulûndarad Swing Tack Tallans Targhal Thanvres Thaol Thar Tharhony Thin Thknur Thmérnd Thoundivil Thourger Thourl Thowarve Thron Thundus Thûth Tinguall Tonces Torak Torakril Torillson Traces Tradest Trethy Tropefief Trudisher Truess Trukher Trultool Tums Turgh Ughalm Ught Uglân Ulds Undialm Undionnû Undân Unting Unzanient Upoug Uradn Ureep Urlcal Useargh Ustal Uzdays Varbilvers Varbily Varvern Vating Vloumor Void Vork Vost Vreciar Vrin Walflical Wang Warn Wativeril Weithadows Weithmann Weitoraut Werbung Werger Wholess Withûr Womeenta Womencear Worgren Worn Wortry Wurak Wurlanclin Wurûrg Xund Yauthy Zahappeam Zein Zemon
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 8 years
Do the different regions speak different languages? Apart from the common tongue? If so, what languages are they similar to?
Thanks for the question! I’ll turn this into a lore post. We’ve created the ancient magical language of the Elves from scratch, but the Eldrissian languages and accents aren’t something we’ve explored too heavily in (yet!).
- Admin G
The native language of Eldris is the ‘common tongue’.
Although there are no huge differences in language anymore in Eldris, the accents can vary. The southern people in Varthal still boast accents that are comparable to Spanish or Italian voices, the central regions are more prone to sounding English or Welsh (especially in Carn), whilst the north boast heavy voices that can be imagined as Norwegian or Swedish accents.
The ancient languge of Renorn is found in ancient tomes, temples and relics across the world. Its origins are unknown, but the Mages of the Star Tower believe it derives from humanity’s golden ages thousands of years ago. Few are truly fluent in the language, as it is technically extinct, but its influence is still visible as countries, cities and places still boast names from it.
For example:
the name Eldris literally means ‘the new land’ (el = new, dris=  land)
the country Varthall means ‘the fire core’ as it used to be a hotspot for dragons and phoenixes (va = fire, thall = core)
the Netherworld’s creatures, the Nevenii, are often just called Netherspawn in the common tongue. Nevenii means ‘demon’.
(PLOT NOTE: in reality, Renorn is the language of the Elf race but the races have not been seen for thousands of years and few believe now that they actually existed at all. This will be explored in future chapters of the story.)
(NOTE: the full language of Renorn is currently 12 pages long and we think it’s a good idea if we post a few extracts up so that Mages, who are the wisest and learned of all Humans, can boast some knowledge on it.)
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madisondaft · 2 years
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ani-tsultrim-wangmo · 2 years
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What we must realize is that at the moment of death we are plucked from this life like a hair drawn from a piece of butter, leaving everything behind, including this body we have held so dear. Death is not like a fire that simply goes out, or like water that vanishes when it lands on dry ground. There will be rebirth, and this rebirth will be conditioned by our positive and negative actions. If we have accumulated negative actions, we will be reborn in the lower realms. However much we long to be renorn in the celestial realms, unless we have prepared for this by accumulating positive actions, it will be quite impossible. As it is said: "There is no result that we have experienced that was not created by past actions, and there is not a single present action that will not bear fruit." So, we should never feel contempt towards accumulating even the smallest amount of merit and virtue, because the results can be enormous. Nor should we ever think that if we indulge in only atiny negative action it is a little or no significance.
~ Dilgo Rinpoche
我們必須認識到,在死亡之際,我們就像從一塊酥油中拔出的頭髮一樣,從今生被拔除,只留下了一切,包括我們如此珍惜的這個身軀。死亡不像一團熄滅的火,也不像水在乾燥的地面上消失。將會有投生,而這種投生將取決於我們的善行與惡行。假如積累了惡行,我們將投生到下趣中。無論我們多麼渴望投生到天界,除非我們通過積累善行以為此做好準備,否則這是不可能的。正如人們所說:“我們所經歷的果報,無一不是由過去行為所造成的,也無一現在的行為不會有果報。” 因此,我們永遠不該輕視積累哪怕最微小的功德和善行,因為其果報可能是巨大的。我們也不該認為,如果我們耽著於一個小小的惡行,那是微小或不明顯。
~ 頂果法王
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lu12335 · 4 years
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【 LegioMade 】Dead Renorn Series — 復生系列
《 作品介紹 》
🐕 Dog 狗·骸骨戒指
▪️作品規格:38 * 9mm (H*D)
🐎 Horse 馬·骸骨戒指
▪️作品規格:43 * 12mm (H*D)
🦉 梟·骸骨戒指
▪️作品規格:34 * 9mm (H*D)
🐐 山羊·骸骨戒指
▪️作品規格:34 * 10mm (H*D)
🔥 有被小編推坑想入手的朋友歡迎私訊唷
🏠 地址:台北市敦化南路一段177巷37號1樓
🐚 電話:02-87710751
原PO文FB: https://www.facebook.com/koolook.inc/
YouTube搜寻:KOOLOOK time
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tobasatu · 5 years
  tobasatu.com, Medan | Gerak cepat (gercep) ditunjukkan oleh Relawan Bobby Nasution (Reborn) dalam mencegah penyebaran virus corona (covid-19) di Medan. Tim Reborn melakukan sterilisasi dengan penyemprotan disinfektan di sejumlah rumah ibadah, Jumat (20/3).
Penyemprotan ini dipimpin oleh Ketua Reborn Suwarno. Penyemprotan dilakukan di enam masjid antara lain di Masjid Al Yasamin, Masjid Mukhlisin, Masjid Muslimin, Masjid Raya Aceh Sepakat, Masjid Ubudiyah dan Masjid Jami Kampung Sejahtera.
Titik awal penyemprotan disinfektan dilakukan di Masjid Al Yasamin di Jalan Iskandar Muda Baru. Penyemprotan ini dipimpin oleh Ketua Reborn Suwarno. Di masjid ini, penyemprotan dilakukan di setiap sudut bangunan. Dimulai dari lantai 1 hingga lantai 3 masjid yang didominasi warna kuning tersebut. Selepas dari Masjid Al Yasamin, tim bergerak ke Masjid Al Mukhlisin di Jalan Sei Rokan/Jalan Darussalam.
Ketua Reborn Suwarno mengungkapkan penyemprotan disinfektan ini bagian dari kepedulian Reborn untuk meminimalisir penyebaran covid-19. Ia berharap dengan dilakukan disinfektan ini membuat masyarakat tak perlu dilanda kecemasan ketika beribadah.
Suwarno yang juga Ketua DPP Pelindung Persaudaraan Pedagang Pasar Bersatu (P4B) melanjutkan untuk penyemprotan kali ini dilakukan di rumah ibadah yang ada di seputaran Kecamatan Medan Baru.
Bukan cuma masjid, rumah ibadah seperti gereja, klenteng dan lainnya akan dilakukan penyemprotan serupa. Demikian pula dengan pasar-pasar tradisional di Medan. Akan dilakukan sterilisasi dengan penyemprotan disinfektan.
“Kami memang berniat untuk membantu mencegah virus corona. Ini lah bukti dari Reborn berbuat. Kami Sangat terpanggil untuk melakukan ini. Kami berharap tindakan kecil seperti ini bisa berguna bagi masyarakat Medan,” beber Suwarno.
Tak hanya itu, Suwarno juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pengurus masjid yang mau memberi ruang bagi Reborn melakukan penyemprotan. “Tentunya kami sangat berterima kasih karena telah diterima dengan tangan terbuka. Semoga apa yang dilakukan ini menjadi ladang pahala bagi kita semua,” bebernya.
Sementara itu Ketua BKM Al Yasamin M Syukur melalui Wakil Ketua BKM Al Yasamjn Fuad mengapresiasi penyemprotan disinfektan yang dilakukan Reborn. Karena ini baru kali pertama masjid dilakukan penyemprotan. “Kalau dari pemerintah belum ada. Inilah baru pertama kalinya. Kami berterima kasih karena justru Renorn yang pertama kali peduli dengan kami. Harapannya, setelah penyemprotan disinfektan ini bisa meminimalisir ketakutan masyarakat terhadap corona,” tandasnya. (ts/rel)
The post Cegah Covid-19, Reborn Semprotkan Disinfektan di Rumah Ibadah appeared first on tobasatu.com.
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Reborn only really begins to understand just how powerful Tsuna is after Skull surrenders
Bc Tsuna is Tsuna, and he hardly ever calls upon his Divine Powers, much preferring Flames and his daggers
And Reborn knows demigods are Built Different and on another level of powerful, especially Big Three Kids from the way Dino talks, but the only other Big Three kid he knows is Skull who also doesn’t flaunt his powers, so his frame of reference is screwed
So he underestimates Tsuna, or more so doesn’t have the capacity and knowledge to see how powerful he truly is beyond Flames
(Reborn learning what it means to be a child of the Big Three when Tsuna and Skull meet, learning that it means more than just attracting a greater amount of monsters, learning what it means to have domain over a third of the world)
Reborn hadn’t understood.
No matter how many times Dino told him that Tsuna was different, that kids of the “Big Three” could run laps around other demigods, that the very three gods themselves had made a vow never to have kids again lest they ended up destroying the world (which was funny considering Tsuna was born far after that particular cut off even if Skull wasn’t.) he hadn’t understood.
“It’s like comparing a school gang to the Arcobaleno,” Dino had said fae-like features scrunching up as he said it. Morning the comparison. “Don’t get me wrong, I can handle myself on a more godly level just as well as I can the mortal side but…” he shook his head. “Tsuna is different.”
Renorn had thought he understood. Tsuna was a magnet for monsters in a way Dino never was. Sure his first student had drawn them, he was far too powerful to go unnoticed, but Tsuna could hardly go a day without bringing some monster down on him. Skull had been much the same he remembered from their missions before the curse. All of their plans had needed a “monster fuckery” time allowance factored in just in case Skull missed the evacuation because he was wrestling with a Minotaur or something.
He thought he understood, but he hadn’t until he stood next to his student, seemingly cornered and trapped on an island.
An island surrounded by water.
The sea had roiled. Waves had batted Skulls little fleet around like they were nothing but toys. All around them the air was heavy with the scent of sea water. Reborn swore he could feel the beginnings of an earthquake rumbling under their feet.
Then Skull surrendered. Then Tsuna started to breathe again. Then the rumbling stopped.
He hadn’t understood, but he was beginning to.
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Li’ora the Bright Lady
Li’ora: literally, beautiful heaven; graceful sky in Renorn
Lore submitted by: @priestoftheshadows
There is a saying within the southern tribes of the Narfeni that to be blessed by the Brilliant Lady is to be touched by the hand of light itself. The legend goes that hundreds of years before Arden Skoldin discovered the Islands, the people that lived there were much the same as they are today. They were a mainly peaceful people, particularly invested in seafaring and trading amongst the tribes, of which there was a single chieftain for each of the, then, small tribes, numbering twelve in total. The politics of the Islands was a crude system, the very beginning of what is today known as the Golden Summit, and the disagreements held between the chieftains there often resulted in the useless deaths of many men, their women, and their children.
It was into this world that a young Li’ora El-Amin was born. Her family was one steeped in poverty, her father having very little luck in the way of trade. His mercantile business was a humble one, kept afloat by the workings of he, his wife, and their five children, elder siblings to Li’ora and names, sadly, lost to the Island’s memory. Li’ora’s birth was the last for her mother, for she would pass into the Balance bringing her daughter into the world. Her father, though saddened greatly by his wife’s death, felt this grief to be overshadowed by the child who would become woven into the very fabric of the Islands’ history.
Born with a shock of pure white hair, Li’ora was doted upon by her father, a simple man who believed her coloring to be a sign from the Balance, a great thing that would manifest in this little girl who laughed often and grew so quickly at the hands of her siblings. She was a curious child, eager to learn, quick to jump to any challenge placed before her and, when she looked at you, her eyes spoke of stories she should have been much too young to witness, but witness them she had, all the same. Li’ora was a small child and grew to be a small woman, her size a direct relation to her mother’s stock. Her diminutive size, however, was not something to deter her and, as would be common traits found in all those given her blessing, she was clever and possessed a quick wit, using these attributes to make up for her small stature.
Despite her humble upbringings, Li’ora craved understanding and, above all things, knowledge. When she was old enough to come out from beneath the protection of her father’s house Li’ora would complete a pilgrimage that spanned the rest of her years, going from her home Island of Bujan in the south into the northernmost reaches of the Islands, settling and eventually dying in Az’zynia. It was on these travels that she learned much of the teachings that would become the basis for the Oracles, later on. Li’ora believed it her duty to learn and to share what she had been taught to her people, believing that each Island could learn from one another, thus making her impartiality a great feat for a tribal community whose leaders often disagreed about many, often trivial, things. It was this impartiality that moved the tribal heads to call upon her in times of great strife and hardship, hoping that her forethought and, even, her healing could mend the broken bonds within the tribes.
She owed much to the elderly wise men and women of the isles and, as repayment, she shared her gifts of foresight and healing with their grandchildren, the first of their kind to be blessed by the Brilliant Lady and rumored to be the foundation for the greatly revered Oracles. Because of her immense knowledge, it is thought to be believed that the Balance granted Li’ora a long life, one which she passes onto her Children through her blessings, as well as those who began to exhibit similar gifts as she had early in her youth. Though most are no longer born with her shock of white hair, those rare few are revered by the Narfeni as holy, believing them to be capable of great things and, thus, to be protected at all costs.
Though Li’ora no longer walks in this realm, it has been a rumored believed whispered for many years by the elderly ones that, if you are lucky, she may guide you in your dreams, a bright light in the darkness of this existence. In the times of strife and panic that loom on the horizon, belief in Li’ora has reemerged in the Exotic Islands from the cracks and crevices of time, in hiding for so long that if one were to hear her story in Eldris they’d believe her to be only a mirage, a figment of a feeble mind and too much drink.
| Narfeni Islands | World Map | RP Plot | Open Characters |
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Eldrissian years are divided into twelve months of thirty days each. There are five holidays that fall between some months and count as a day. This means there are 365 days in the year. The months are divided into three ten day weeks.
The names of the months are addressed by both their formal Renorn names and the common titles, with the common being more popular in conversation.
Month, Ancient Name, Common Name
1 - Carádír - Eveborne
2 - Maedrell - Moonfall
3 - Rielos - Dawndew
4 - Ornrhín - Rainsong (+ 1)
5 - Dyvest - Springtide
6 - Rithell - Brighthour
7 - Raenthell - Sunhour (+ 1)
8 - Kelvaen - Highflame (+ 1)
9 - Saelorá - Silversky
10 - Farndrell - Greenfall (+ 1)
11 - Naelmorn - Nightvoice
12 - Dormâlín - Stormwinter (+ 1)
Holidays & Extra Days:
NOTE: more festivals will be added over time.
El Dyine/Springtime: this event takes place in the last week of Rainsong and welcomes Springtide with a joyous week of celebrations. There is an extra day between the months of Rainsong and Springtide which is called Greenday (Farvaeth). It is considered especially lucky to be born on Greenday.
Summer’s Day: this extra day is at the end of the Sunhour month. It encourages all Eldrissians to rest from their work and stresses, and to relax in nature’s warmth. People are expected to nurture the wildlife around them and to appreciate the world’s beauty.
Va'tanth/Fireheart Festival: this event is especially popular in the southern countries. It starts on the fifth day of the second week of Highflame. It is a wild and loud festival which lasts until the end of the week. It is meant to be the farewell festival to summer and is usually accompanied with music, plays and plenty of food. Children born during this period are said to be born with fire in their veins and are fiercely confident.
Brightend/Ricled: this extra day is at the end of the Highflame month and marks the ending of summer. Communities are encouraged to be kind to their neighbours and to help prepare for the colder months to come.
Harvestsong: this event takes place at the end of the tenth month, Greenfall, and is usually around the harvest season for the middle to northern countries. It acts as an extra day between Greenfall and Nightvoice. Although the harvest season is different across Eldris, this particular day is still celebrated throughout as an opportunity to spend time with one’s family and community with food, wine and songs.
Evesong (Carrhín): this extra day is in between the end of Stormwinter and Eveborne. It celebrates the end of a year and welcomes the new by singing songs by huge fires. If a child is born on the day of Evesong, it is said they are born ‘out of fate’s sight’ and could be destined for great or terrible things.
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Dragons are arguably the most powerful creatures in all of Eldris - only a Phoenix is able to match their raw power. They are an ancient and magical species; capable of wielding the Four Elements in complex spells and dominating the skies with their huge wings. They communicate with Humans through telepathy and boast a deep, ancient understanding of the world.
In appearance, they are huge, muscular creatures. They have four, strong legs, meaning they are very fast on land as well in the sky, and they run across the land with the strength of a lion. Their wings are massive to carry the Dragon’s impressive weight, and help the Dragon become swift and agile in flight. Some dragons can match the size of a village or even a small town, and are able to crush villages if they land on them. In some stories, the five Dragon leaders can shapeshift into horned humanoids.
The Five Ancients lead the Dragons. These five are meant to be the oldest and most powerful of their race, and are possibly thousands of years old. Their leader is the Dragon Queen Sairtanya and her Four Consorts; Mylzonádorn, Cardornell, Tyoráthorn and Raemorras. Each Ancient is identified by their glowing colours in stories. The younger Dragons are not as wise or powerful as these Five Ancients who seem to be uniquely blessed with incomparable wisdom.
The people of Eldris are often told about the stories of the other Races and the Portals to the other worlds in children’s tales - few truly believe in such fantasies. Some stories describe the Dragons as the keepers of these portals. After the portals were destroyed centuries ago, the Dragons were left stranded on Eldris and retreated to the secret places in mountains until they were needed again. Whether these old tales are true is yet to be discovered.
As Mages themselves, they are more likely to communicate with Humans who possess the Spark for magic or the rare Dragonborns who are also born with a connection to the skies above.
Dragons are one of the few species which are fluent in the ancient language of Renorn. Their names are often long titles in the language.
Sairtanya (sair-tarn-ya) lit. the divine above (white)
Mylzonádorn (meel-zohn-er-dawn) lit. the blue sword of storms (blue)
Cardornell (car-dawn-nell) lit. the evening storm of joy (yellow)
Tyoráthorn (tee-or-rer-thorn) lit. the watcher of brilliant skies (green)
Raemorras (ray-more-rass) lit. the chaser of sun stars (red)
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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The Crywren region was called Crywrendris in the previous Age. The name was shortened throughout a thousand years of changes to society and politics until ‘Crywren’ eventually became the norm for its address. The name is derived from the ancient language of Renorn.
Crywrendris literally means the land of high wings and refers to the great gryphon population in the Norvelling Mountains. Few scholars refer to the country by its ancient name anymore but there are ancient ruins and forgotten monuments that have its full name engraved in the aged stone.
When Morrelin renamed their capital to Highwing, it created a lot of anger in the northern territories. They thought the southerners were being purposefully oblivious to their ancient traditions and were trying to usurp Crywren’s historical name.
‘cry’ = high; ‘wren’ = wings; ‘dris’ = land
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