krokosays · 4 years
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krokosays · 4 years
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Does anyone remember Fred Astaire?
I used to love dancing I used to love the smell of lavender I used to care about the magic of a still image and the preservation of memory within in it.
I used to pray to God,
but now I envy the whale.
Oh how desire enters the hearts of man and smothers the light of the moon.
I suppose a dead soul must look for a tree once fiction hardens and the world stops lamenting.
And when the abstract cannons fire black paint across the horizon touching briefly the lines of our own sensitivity will we cower like the rabbit in the company of a fox?
We were raised by screaming and yet we’ve become so quiet here, on our own.
Sleeping in separate beds
reading different books.
When a glass breaks from time to time, we’ll remind ourselves of the unwanted love we had and the ugly way we would breath air.
I am afraid of losing time. I am afraid of the rhythm in my chest,
and the way it keeps me up at night.
I could sleep away the days of winter with dreams of cedar and the collection of milk, the same way smoke hits the window and stays.
A vegetable garden,
white lilies,
an old man and his train.
The road to Alberta,
the seats of a car
in the morning sun.
The edge of the universe
and the laughter of children
like a sleeping dog,
that once was mine.
I want to cut off all my hair, over and over again. I want to feel my teeth falling one by one as I call out your name.
I want to feel cotton against my skin, I want to bleed evil from my pores. I want to cover your eyes with gold, so that I appear  luminescent.
Watch the flint in my face watch me dance for you watch me sing for you let me in let you in let me let me let me
(a child)
The rattle of a shopping cart
throwing stones bare feet muddy faces sore lip
“burry the submarine”
Winston Churchill drank scotch at breakfast and so did my father, but he never could never save anyone.
In Japan I learned to write very small, (sometimes the world feels very small)
When Ondaatje wrote about the lion, the lion as the enemy, I remembered that I found her in a mirror.
Bells tied to pigeon wings,
rip the seam.
Forget the shape of faces
and taste the salt
I promise,
we can go on living
and find new ways to spend the time
without fear
without blind consumption
without fixation
with love.
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krokosays · 6 years
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“You should have seen who I was, in the last town.”
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krokosays · 6 years
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“Passing stranger
you do not know 
how longingly I look upon you.
You must be he 
I was seeking
or she 
(it comes to me as of a dream)
I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you.
All is recalled,
as we flit by each other-
You grew up with me, 
were a boy with me 
or a girl with me.
I ate with you (and slept with you).
Your body has become not yours only,
nor left my body mine (and mind behind).
You give me the pleasure of your eyes, 
face, flesh, as we pass.
You take of my beard, breast, hands, 
in return (not a woman or man).
I am not to speak to you, 
I am to think of you only
when I sit alone 
or wake at night 
I am to wait.
I do not doubt 
I am to meet you again,
I am to see to it 
that I do not lose you.”
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krokosays · 6 years
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The sadness of
every little sound
you will never 
ever hear.
The way a fire spreads across an aired landscape, 
centred in the mind of a narcissist. 
Rage without warning. Without any reason, just time and space.
You do not exist- not even the same air.
So clever watcher are you, systematic in your way of being (taking).
So eager to inflict pain, so easily find the holes of another.
Substantial damage, beyond repair. Inhuman.
Do I scare you because I am everything you cannot be?
Did you want me to die? It is you that beats the lamb for returning,
again and again and again.
The inability to cease.
Poor thing. Poor,
I am certain that anything I feel is,
and will always be
alien to you.
poor, sad thing.
You have no more mentally in common with me
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krokosays · 6 years
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A voice rose from the depths of my years and howled into the night, 
like a wounded animal longing for its mother.
I wish for you to break, break down at the moment when your cup has emptied- dried and drained of everything that you have tried to save.
Let the emptiness make room,
for some light to come.
(no, not you. not even close.)
a desolate cul-de-sac of no defining moment (words with no meaning).
I wanted to know everything, I wanted it all.
The whole entire nightmare.
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krokosays · 6 years
“We were solitary and apart. Slept during the day, uncurled at dusk like evening primroses; fragrant and lush. We never wanted to conquer the world, only our demons. We didn't keep in touch. Somewhere, though, our memories had.”
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krokosays · 8 years
there are walls and windows
and sounds
that make up a room
we know nothing about.
i wonder if you dream the way i do?
my navigation of feelings
is insurmountable.
i want to greet you
in truth
i want you to peel like an onion
let me in.
breaking glass
i’m losing my voice
i have become tiny water
dense air
floating light.
the ocean carries my body away
engulfed in flames.
a willow branch
a lilac bush.
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krokosays · 8 years
the way i have come to know myself
is through dreaming.
i appear like floating pieces of glass
or something shiny.
here and there
a fluid sphere that is always expanding and shrinking,
illuminating memories
of people and things
a balance beam
a tip toe in time
a blink of an eye,
this mirror.
if only we could rearrange
the what and where
make it stay,
or ask it to go.
the same way furniture moves
so easily
from place to place.
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krokosays · 8 years
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krokosays · 8 years
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krokosays · 8 years
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krokosays · 8 years
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krokosays · 9 years
People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.
Thích Nhất Hạnh
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krokosays · 9 years
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krokosays · 9 years
Carol, did you know the sun was going to die?
Max (Where the Wild Things Are)
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krokosays · 9 years
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“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” - Rumi
i recall some moments differently than others. some moments, in the memory form, are distinct and viscerally remembered. as if experienced in real time (with close eyes). i can see myself now, in the present mirror and acknowledge certain things about myself (an awareness which heightens and becomes more defined with the trajectory of our singular life as a human being).
geographical place, time, circumstance, the wind. the roll of two dice. things we can control and things we cannot. desire, intention, logic, emotion, motivation. the chaos of stars, and every unanswered why?
i found ali bosworth in some (apparently not memorable) art history class. caught my eye. interest. intrigue, as with most things of unique beauty. there have been times of self doubt, restrain, non-action. a kind of suppression of self. but there have been those (remarkable) times of not. of freedom of self and honest living (action and intention). for better or for... even better than that.
i was walking and dreaming.
ali reminded me of something, or someone...
i was looking for myself and a place.
the things you hear, see, feel, remember.
then there was meeting sinead. a voice says “hey, wake up.”
a voice says, “hey, hello, are you there, are you thinking, what are you saying?”
.....a voice that shows you a mirror, or, stops you from running wild without direction. the desire for something you considered without detail or definition. a feeling made tangible. real time awareness.
(i brought you whiskey, soup, loving things.. for a cold sickness, i offered this unassuming limb, a limb of desire to bring you in and to be brought in..a limb that you accepted, and one that i will forever cherish and hold sacred.)
night walks, quiet bluffs, picnic parks, long drives, swimming pools and foggy nights. your penetrable laugh, and fierce (political, ethical, social, intellectual) passion. your way of speaking. your history, experience, generosity, empathy, charisma (such good taste), determination, and pursuit of justice. the way you instigate thought, reflection, revision. how you situate yourself (in conversation and physical presence). the way you walk, and tilt your head. the shape of your face and your ability to accomplish, create, formulate, make into action an intention. your truly authentic and natural beauty. perhaps the most stunning head of hair i have ever seen, in my entire little life (and i am a very observant person). thank you for being the memories of true joy that live inside my heart. you have stayed with me there in the warm summer lakes of vancouver island. in every spirit walk, i do not feel alone. wherever you are, i hope you feel my love.
dear sinead, until the end of time.
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