#remy's rambles
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sunny-possum-pal · 5 months ago
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My mom gave me a stick n poke while I was visiting ! Now we match 🐇
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big-boy-noodle · 2 years ago
Shipping did Not work out and I spent all morning trying to find any information after being turned away for not having labeled boxes so I am just going to drive with everyone in their shipping boxes
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carsickcrow · 26 days ago
arthur likes cowboys….this is everything to me i hope you all know that. malevolent is such a great and wonderful podcast because somehow someway it’s medieval fantasy right now but also the main character has seen cowboy movies. no. he has seen a specific cowboy movie (with a gay ass title) Four Times? also he tells this fact to the fragment of a god that he shares a body with before he tries and barely succeeds to mount a horse that will soon be named john wayne by a talking skull. what a beautiful world..
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perplexedjokist · 6 months ago
x-men "superpowers" have to have downsides, and yeah they do but I mean everyday downsides that aren't talked about
wolverine with chronic pain because his bones are literal metal
cyclops with sensitivity to blue light because he's so used to seeing red
jean and charles with chronic migraines
gambit with burns from accidents with his powers
GIVE ME MORE PROBLEMS. I don't want them to be cool and superpowered all the time I want them to FEEL human to me
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the-void-has-questions · 8 months ago
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My love language is meme creation
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remthegremlin · 7 months ago
Well then... since we got a anti Gem.... anti pearl is next
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oh man she was much harder to design than anti gem. pearl doesnt really shy away from any styles, so i went with a more classic “evil twin” vibe. she changes her outfit to match pearl, so i drew a design for classic anti pearl and season 10 anti pearl
a common theme for pearl is that she likes to help her fellow hermits with services, so anti pearl ofc would do the opposite! if pearl is a postmaster who delivers sweet messages, than anti pearl is a postmaster who delivers harmful messages
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as you can see, i tried going for an eclipse theme, though it translated more to a “dark version” of pearl’s actual skins- which inspired the whole anti pearl matches pearl thing
five am pearl definitely made this a challenge bc she’s kinda designed like a helsknight/evil xisuma version of pearl, and i didnt want the design to look too similar so i had to keep trying new things until i settled on her gimmick. the black sclera is just bc its fun, and it separates her from 5am pearl :)
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crowsgrudge · 1 year ago
kayne: what kind of great old one calls himself fucking john
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janustrash1 · 1 year ago
Can we take a minute to talk about how the dark sides appear? Like, we've seen Virgil rise up onto the screen many times with ease, however we've also seen him be summoned in a flash by outside influences. We've only ever seen Remus flash onto the screen (unless you count his first appearance in DWIT but I don't because he was behind the TV) He clearly has no interest in rising up like the light sides do. He's there to spook you and catch you off guard. However we've seen Janus ATTEMPT to actually rise up multiple times. Once when he was pretending to be Logan in SvS, and another in the latest Asides. We can tell he isn't very good yet, as he keeps stumbling and has yet to go up smoothly, but he's TRYING. He's trying to fit in and be like the light sides. He's trying to prove to Thomas that he's on his side. HE'S TRYING TO SHOW THOMAS THAT HE ISN'T A THREAT. Anyway this has been your sporadic "Remy Wont Shut Up About Janus Sanders" post, come again.
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lunarasphodel · 8 months ago
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More collage content!!! He deserves joy, methinks :]
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kyoukamiiz · 1 year ago
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sunny-possum-pal · 2 months ago
Going to the gym in the same way people with neurotic herding breeds put their dogs on a slat mill a few times a week so they don't eat their house
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big-boy-noodle · 2 years ago
Alice my pink toe unfortunately passed yesterday
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wincest-in-the-corner · 5 months ago
I think the craziest thing about life is that I started watching supernatural FOR DESTIEL. I watched the first 3 seasons, and I was thinking "hmm these brothers are awfully codependent. hmmm we'll just have to wait until we meet Cas, I've heard so much about his and dean's unmistakable chemistry." and then I was STARVED. I watched the first several seasons, TRYING to see what destiel shippers see, and I FAILED. I do love destiel, I like the idea, I like the Fanart, I like the fics. but there is so much more with wincest.
it took me a long ass time to actually see it (who am I kidding I saw it from the beginning I just thought it made me evil #puritycultureandreligioustrauma) but when I finally accepted it BAM it's all so clear. like HOW the fuck do some people see "unmatched chemistry" between cas and dean but not between sam and dean.
I am not hating on destiel, as previously stated I do enjoy it occasionally. I simply do not understand how someone sees destiel chem and not wincest chem. H O W.
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carsickcrow · 4 months ago
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make your statement, face your fear. do not fear the dark, fear what darkness brings.
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this took me 7-8 entire hours according to my drawing program!!! very proud of it! everyone’s favorite traumatized british men from horror podcasts with matching throat scars and lighters and eye motifs. i’ve loved the magnus archives since i started it when i was 14, right before starting high school and now i’m almost 18, graduating in 6 months, and malevolent is the main thing on my mind. i wanted to make some good serious fanart for these guys, they mean a lot to me.
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babyboywilson · 1 day ago
Hilson request!! Cuddy keeps on playing matchmaker without them knowing which leads to the ducklings joining in!! The rest is up to you
cuddy had been watching and waiting for years. she’d seen the spark as soon as she’d hired wilson (with a surprisingly authentic recommendation from house about how she needed to hire this up and coming oncologist). she’d watched the two of them be drawn together, push each others buttons to the breaking point, fall apart in a catastrophic implosion, and then be drawn back together like the earth and the moon drawn into each other’s gravitational pull.
this last set back had been the worst she’d ever seen. amber’s death had shifted wilson and house’s relationship into devastation. she’d never seen wilson ice house out that way, and she’d never seen house unravel the way he did without wilson in his life.
but then house’s father passed away, and wilson dragged him to the funeral. and suddenly house and wilson were houseandwilson again. they were pranking each other again. wilson was following house around. everything was back to the way it was.
except that wasn’t enough in cuddy’s mind. that spark was like a live wire between house and wilson, threatening to electrocute both of them and everyone around them. and that was why cuddy had made an executive decision. it was time for her to take on a new role. lisa cuddy md, dean of medicine, chief hospital administrator, and matchmaker.
step one.
cuddy walked into house’s office, hesitated, then moved back towards the door as if she were unsure. house glanced up, giving her a questioning look. “if you’re going to profess your love for me, you might as well spit it out,” house said. cuddy rolled her eyes, and instead strutted forward. “i shouldn’t be giving this to you. he was back and forth on if he should even go through with the idea.” that piqued house’s interest. “give me what?” he asked. cuddy hesitated again before reaching into her pocket and placing the tickets onto the desk. front row monster truck rally tickets. house cracked a smile and reached out for them, but cuddy pulled them back. “if wilson asks, you bullied me for the tickets. and you tell him that he’s going with you,” cuddy warned. house grinned, snatching the tickets from her hand. “as if i’d want to go with you,” house said. cuddy quickly walked out, as if she was scared of second guessing her decision. once she was around the corner, she laughed to herself. and that was how you set up a first date.
step two.
a week later, cuddy went to wilson’s office, knocking cautiously. “come in,” wilson called. cuddy cracked the door open and peeked inside. “you got a minute?” she asked. wilson nodded and she stepped into the office and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “i need a favor,” she started, waiting for wilson to nod again. “there’s a charity event this weekend, and i was going to go on behalf of the hospital, but now the board needs me to attend a conference instead. the board wants house to go. show face since his department takes most of the budget. i need you to go too. he won’t go otherwise, and i need you to keep him in line,” cuddy said. wilson’s eyebrows scrunched together. “he’s not going to go for that and you know it.” brushing her hands down over her skirt, cuddy replied, “i know. that’s why i’m willing to offer him pick of any case he wants for the next couple weeks with no clinic hours,” cuddy said. sighing, wilson shook his head. “wouldn’t it be better for the hospital if he goes with you? he flirts with you enough that it’ll be entertainment for everyone,” wilson pointed out. cuddy hesitated, glanced down, and half shook her head. “not when he told me to my face he prefers your company over mine.” she let those words linger for a minute before looking up again. wilson was blinking rapidly, as if in shock. “it’s a 7pm on saturday. make sure he behaves,” she said, knowing wilson would do as she asked. she saw herself out of his office….
and ran right into kutner as she closed wilson’s door. “there isn’t any conferences this weekend, is there?” kutner said. cuddy squinted her eyes at him. she really wasn’t surprised that house’s new team was as sneaky as his old team. “they don’t need to know what,” she said, starting to walk away. kutner hesitated for a moment, glancing towards wilson’s office before following after her. “what’s your goal here?” he asked. cuddy scoffed, “not any of your business.” kutner jogged a couple steps ahead of her and stopped in front of her. “it could be. because if you’re trying to set them up, i can help with that,” kutner replied. freezing, cuddy darted her eyes up and down the hall before pulling kutner to a quieter hallway. “how did you know about that?” she asked. offering her a grin, kutner replied, “i’ve been trying to get them together for weeks now. but my efforts haven’t been enough. but if we combined forces…” he offered with a half smirk which mirrored house far too much. she should say no. she’d known house and wilson for longer than anyone else in this hospital. she could do this by herself. but… if she got the underlings involved, it might get house and wilson together quicker which would mean she wouldn’t have to deal with their ridiculous version of pining anymore. “fine,” she agreed, “but don’t make me regret it.” with a bow, kutner replied, “you won’t. now just to get taub and thirteen involved.” before she could say anything, kutner disappeared. yep… cuddy was already regretting it.
the next morning, cuddy found her office filled with house’s ducklings. “what’s the plan, boss?” kutner asked with a grin. luckily, cuddy had had a feeling she’d be faced with the team coming to her to scheme about ways to set wilson and house up. and she’d already come up with a great plan. “alright… this is what we’re going to do,” she said.
house glanced around the charity event, looking for cuddy. she said she’d meet him here in exchange for no clinic hours for a month. that was the only reason he was here and not out doing something more enjoyable; preferably with wilson, but wilson had said he was busy this weekend. he caught sight of the rest of his team. they were huddled in the corner of the room, whispering; flashing glances his way as if he were the target of some prank they were about to pull. knowing his luck, that’s exactly what was about to happen. he’d already decided he was going to tell cuddy he was firing them all immediately… when his eyes fell on wilson. wilson who was walking his way with two drinks in his hands. he offered one to house and house raised an eyebrow. “thought you were busy this weekend?” house asked. wilson ducked his head. “cuddy bargained with me to come in her place. said you would prefer my presence over hers.” house huffed out a sigh, glancing back over to his team. taub looked away, thirteen held his gaze, and kutner flushed and turned away. suddenly the pieces fell into place. “i think we’ve been parent trapped,” house said. wilson’s eyes snapped up to house’s. “we’re being set up? together?” he stuttered out. “that manipulative little… she’s been setting her trap for weeks,” house muttered. taking a large gulp of his drink, wilson asked, “do i even want to know?” flicking his cane against the ground, house pointed at wilson. “you didn’t buy those monster truck tickets, did you?” wilson shook his head. “she’s been playing matchmaker,” house huffed. he glanced up to wilson, who had a puzzled look on his face. “you think the team was in on it too?” wilson questioned. house glanced back over to the team, who were all deliberately ignoring them while casting furtive glances their way. “definitely.” and then wilson was moving, stepping closer into house’s space. “then let’s get even,” wilson said, dropping his head down fractionally and darting his eyes down to house’s lips before looking back up to meet house’s eyes. house laughed, placing his drink on the counter behind them. “wilson, i like the way you think.” and then house leaned in and kissed wilson. when they broke apart, house caught sight of the team staring at them in shock. looks like they hadn’t expected that. house grinned smugly to himself.
cuddy may have been winning up until that point… but house was pretty sure with that move, he’d just tied the game.
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analoceits · 10 months ago
i love DLAMP as a dynamic however i find it viscerally boring when theyre all boyfriends that have a completely normal relationship but also boring when they are just besties. i need them to be Insane and weird.
moceit is in an on-and-off again that could be straight out of a sitcom with how bullshit the dramatics are. they are so divorced and also married. this somehow does not effect the rest of the polycule.
janus keeps trying to break up analogical. virgil and logan both think this is him flirting. this pisses virgil off, and makes logan blush. logan and janus have made out abt this before. virgil and janus almost did but virgil panicked, bit him, and ran away.
moxiety and royality are both very VERY cute qprs. prinxiety arent dating or a qpr but they do occasionally make out. usually after sparring or after heated arguments. no one knows why, and no one plans to ask.
virgil one time, for sillies put out official polycule roles for everyone on the fridge. patton was the cook, roman was twink, janus was gender transer, and logan was tax-filer, before virgil scratched it out and replaced it with "poor little meow meow". the chaos after shouldve been expected.
(janus's official role is Gender Transer bc her being genderfluid made both virgil (bigender, she/he) and logan (transfem, they/she) realize they may Not Be Cis.)
remus isnt in the polycule but he has Something going on with every non-roman member of the polycule. no one can quantify exactly what, but it is Something. roman covers his ears and goes "LALALALA" when anyone brings this up.
roman AND janus both have an official Boyfriend Leaderboard. they are both permanently at the top of each others leaderboards because "mutually assured destruction". somehow, this causes very few problems.
remy has had a Thing with all of them. all of them really want to ask abt adding him to the polycule, but none of them know abt remys Things with the others so they dont know if its appropriate yet. remy knows and finds this fucking hilarious.
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