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They have loved each other all their lives…

Aaron and Ella.
is all it says.
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Kinda funny. Three “professionals” who failed at understanding what SW is about and who turned out to be unable to come up with a cohesive story and a satisfactory conclusion.
#star wars the rise of skywalker#the rise of skywalker#star wars episode IX#jar jar abrams#chris terrio#star wars nonsense
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My TRoS review
This movie is a real mess. Rian Johnson left a lot of possibilities for developing the story in many different [and interesting] directions and I hoped thanks to that we would not get another OT rehash. How stupid I was... Abrams and Terrio created a heartless movie which consists mostly of cheap fan service. The characters do not advance in their development and the plot is completely uninvolving with lots of holes and out of the blue sort of twists. I have a feeling that most scenes here were written just for merch [the same with new characters who are just useless from the plot perspective]. This film is everything that SW are not and it's a pity we got another MCU superhero like movie instead of something more insightful and thought-provoking like "The Last Jedi". The action speeds and goes so fast you don't have time to think about what you see, the editing is just horrible [who the hell cut this movie?], the cast do not even pretend they are doing their best and what's more "The Rise of Skywalker" tries to recton "TLJ" so hard that it's just a pain to watch it. I wish this movie had never been made, it's just a joke and should be treated this way. It destroys prequels and original trilogy, but also flushes the new canon in the toilet. I do not envy LF story group...after this "masterpiece" they will have to patch the lore and it won't be easy...I think it's justified to refer to Abrams as Jar Jar from now on. For all this mess he has made... The only positive aspect of the movie is Adam Driver [hence 1 out of ten, not 0] who does incredible things on screen being given maximum five lines of the text throughout the movie. Although his character could have been written much better, the actor seems to be the one who cares. The rest...just to forget, bury deep down under the ground and pretend it had never existed.
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Donate, donate
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Probable TRoS ending? [/spoilers] [/spoilers] [/spoilers] [/spoilers] [/spoilers] [/spoilers] [/spoilers] [/spoilers]
This is what I heard from the guy who claimes he has been on a screening for Disney’s employees on the 4th of December if I remember correctly. Take it with a grain of salt, but keep in mind such possibility...
“Kylo dies healing Rey and because he uses all his energy to save her, when he is thrown down the pit he is unable to save himself. Reylo is only addressed at that exact moment when he proves he loves her after dying for her. Apparently Luke sends her to Tatooine with the crew she buries the sabers and takes the Skywalker name and looks at the Twin suns with all the force ghosts. Her belonging was to carry on the Skywalker legacy even though she is Palpatine’s granddaughter”.
If this is really true Disney wont get a dime of my money. So disappointing...
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I’m dead :D
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Reylo on the cover of the upcoming issue of “Total Film” :D Plus an interview with Adam Driver.

Originally posted by Sleemo:
#TROS#reylo#the rise of skywalker#star wars episode IX#adam driver#daisy ridley#kylo ren#ben solo#rey of jakku
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Looks like Chewie’s crossbow and a belt :D What the hell?
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An interesting article by SWSC on how the film industry works regarding possible "leaks"
In the article we have some interviews with people who work in the movie industry on the daily basis and they are sharing their thoughts on "leaks" from the perspective of film makers.
It's worth reading for all those who are worried and who feel down by Jedi Paxi’s “leaks”as it might shed some light on the issue.
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More sample pages from Snoke Comic! heartbreaking and soul-wrenching...
There are more pages related to Ben’s “training” with Snoke on Dagobah this time with the visions of Han and Leia. This filthy mothafucka in golden robes is trying to kill all the humanity in Ben Solo...
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Once again about Bendemption
As far as I can see recently many people started to claim that Ben Solo’s redemption became too obvious and predictable in TRoS. And that they shouldn’t redeem him, because it will be kinda ‘play it safe’ plot solution.
Excuse me, but I cannot disagree more. Yes, Bendemption at this point is to be expected because it's STAR WARS and redemption has been one of its main topics since the very beginning and practically nothing changed.
Some people say redemption is kinda playing safe. I’m sorry, but redemption is never the safer narrative. They rarely happen in western media which is part of what made Star Wars so unique. Especially if the villain is redeemed and lives which not even Star Wars has done in the main films yet.
Also a trilogy follows a 3 act structure with TLJ being the second act. In a redemption arc the villain tends to seemingly get better only to slide further back into evil in the second act. People think TLJ subverted a redemption, when its actually textbook redemption narrative.
While a complete subversion of Star Wars themes and narratives might be good for shock value the first time, how is it going to be good for the story as a whole in hindsight once the novelty wears off?
In 20 or even just 10 or 5 years what we’ll be left with is a nine movie saga that revolves around a specific theme and message only to trash it and have it amount to nothing in the end.
That is why for people who use their brains and are able to connect two plus two there won't be any controversy in that.
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If we all assume correctly, TRoS will be inf fact the first time EVER in the history of SW when the stormtroopers and the rebellion will be fighting alongside against a greater cause and if done well - it’s gonna be incredible!
I remember that MSW leaked that there will be Red Troopers but they speculated that they are “obviously Kylo’s.” lmao with the name Sith attached to these troopers, I doubt they are part of Kylo’s army. And looking back at the teaser with Kylo fighting with a white stormtrooper, you could really piece together and have small inkling of who these troopers belong to.
I mean, if we’re getting Bendemption (we are), there’s no GD way he’s leading that Red Stormtrooper army, but a part of the rebellion? With the white Stormtroopers? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
AND THEN WE HAVE THE ANGRY GANG BELOW. Guys, guys. GUYS. I’m having a moment lol.
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"That lightsaber. It belongs to me." Why Maz Kanata Knows Some Shit Regarding Ben Solo
It’s why her eyes are so big. They’re full of secrets.
So, I haven’t written any meta since… Well, roughly 2004, and it wasn’t called ‘meta’ back then on 'ol Leaky Cauldron, it was just fan theories. So I apologize if I’m rusty, and if someone has postulated on this previously.
Basically, I have two theories I want to lay out here:
-Ben Solo was the one to find the Skywalker lightsaber -Rather than keep it, he entrusted it, along with some other possessions, with Maz Kanata
Czytaj dalej
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“Game of Thrones” and its “evolution”. Gosh, the final season is just a piece of crap. Let’s hope Disney won’t do sth like that with “TRoS”, let’s just hope...

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Regarding Daisy’s interview about Reylo and LF/Disney’s marketing for IX - relax, people... just relax :)
I’m not sure how accurate this person is, but it seems they want to attract everyone to the movie: ReySkys, Reylos, Bendemptionists, FinnReys, anti-Reylos... so the information we will be getting is going to be confusing with up and down tendency for different shipping groups or people who expect certain plot.
Only time will tell and December is not that far away.
So stay calm and think positively :)
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The same look, different prince/princess :D We see you, Disney!
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (2015) | ALADDIN (2019) insp: this post by @fluffycakesistainted
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