#remus lupin being an oblivious
elenawritesxx · 7 months
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PAIRING - remus lupin x reader
SUMMARY - in which the academic rivalry between you and remus turns into something more with the help of his friends, who make sure that their best friends get his happy ending
WC - 821
EXTRA - mentions of drinking, dancing, remus being jealous, no mentions of y/n, lower case intended,
NOTES - hi angels, leaving you on cliffhanger heheh;) this was requested in my ask box and thought i would finally get it out, ik its short but let me know if you want the second part:)
PS. - english isn’t my first language so of you see any grammar or spelling mistakes please don’t hesitate to point them out<3
from the moment you and remus lupin first crossed paths, you two knew that you were destined to be rivals. both of you were exceptionally gifted students, with a thirst for knowledge that knew no bounds. and so, from that fateful day onwards, you engaged in a fierce competition that would last for almost the entirety of your time at hogwarts.
your rivalry manifested itself in many ways, from academic achievements to gaining more house points and everything in between. you vied for the top spot in every class, each determined to outshine the other and prove their superiority. and as the years went by, their rivalry only intensified, with neither willing to back down from the challenge.
yet, amidst the fierce competition and the constant battle for supremacy, you and found yourselves drawn to each other in a way that neither could explain. it was a connection that went beyond mere rivalry, a bond that defied logic and reason.
as the two of you navigated the treacherous waters of your academic rivalry, you and remus found solace in each other's company, sharing late-night study sessions (even if you two wouldn't say a word to each other, the comfortable silence was actually comforting) and engaging in spirited debates about your favorite subjects. you challenged each other's beliefs and pushed each other to new heights, each secretly admiring the other's intellect and determination.
but it wasn't until your fifth year at hogwarts that you and remus's rivalry took an unexpected turn. the marauders, remus's friends who were too tired of seeing their friend arguing with you and at the same tine punishing himself by not admitting his true feelings, decided to intervene, determined to help their friend realize his true feelings for you.
the rest of the marauders had a plan, and they were determined to make remus realize his feelings for you once and for all. they had enlisted the help of the girls, and they were all in on the plan. they knew that you had feelings for remus (even if you didn't know it yet), of course they did- they were your best friends after all. and so they were determined to help you win his heart.
the gryffindor common room was decorated with streamers and fairy lights, and the air was filled with the sound of laughter and music. they were all dressed to the nines, ready to have a good time.
lily was wearing a beautiful green dress that complemented her fiery red hair and made james’ jaw drop and eyes almost pop out of his sockets the moment she entered the common room, marlene was in a sleek black jumpsuit, and alice was in a stunning pink dress that matched her bubbly personality.
but it was you who caught remus's eye as soon as you walked into the room and made your way towards the girls, in need of a drink. remus couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy as he watched other guys eye you from head to toe from across the room.
as the night went on, the marauders put their plan into action. they made sure that you were always by remus's side, engaging him in the conversation and laughing at his awkward jokes (which to be fair were actually funny). they even got sirius to ask you to dance, knowing that it would make remus jealous.
but remus was too caught up in his own feelings to notice what was going on around him. he couldn't take his eyes off you, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about you tonight. you seemed more confident, more sure of yourself, and it was driving him crazy.
as you danced with sirius, his hands on your body and you laughing at his stupid jokes, remus wished it was him instead, he hadn’t realized that his grip had tightened around the cup he was holding, his eyes narrowing. he wished it was his hands on you, dancing with him, and he realized he was longing the sound of your laughter at his admittedly stupid jokes.
it was then that Remus realized the depth of his feelings for you, a realization that both thrilled and terrified him. he had spent so long denying his feelings, burying them deep within his heart, that he didn't know how to express them. he was scared, terrified from both the fact that there was a possibility you didn’t share his feelings back, and the possibility of him hurting you one way or another.
with a surge of determination, and maybe too much of alcohol in his system, even tho he couldn’t really get drunk due to his condition, he still could get tipsy, and the tipsy remus was way more confident than the sober remus. he made his way over to you and sirius, his heart pounding in his chest. he had to tell you how he felt, before it was too late.
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adharastarlight · 10 months
The Oblivious James Potter Chronicles P4
James, running down the corridor after Reg: hey! Regulus! Wait up!
Reg stops suddenly so James has to skid to stop, lip quirking up as he fights away a laugh
James: Reggie, hi :)
Reg: James, what's up?
James: would you like to go on a date with me?
Reg: sure, love, what's the occassion?
James: you want to go out with me?
Reg: I wasn't already?
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outromoony · 4 months
My favorite ship dynamic: James thirdwheeling Wolfstar but he doesn't know he's thirdwheeling.
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hitmewithsomebooks · 8 months
@jegulus-microfic Jan 17 - dream
253 words
It was just a bad dream, just a bad dream, just a dream.
Except it wasn't a dream. It was a want. But Regulus refused to accept that.
Why would he want James Potter swooning over him? James Potter hugging from behind, playing with his hair, kissing him? And holding his hands and picking him up and cuddling him and kissing him...
It was just a dream, anyways. Whether he wanted it or not.
"Remus." James said, breaking the silence Remus had just settled into.
"James." He replied, urging him on.
"I had a weird dream."
"About what?" Remus asked, still reading, not really interested in another story about treacle tart castles or whatever else James's brain could imagine.
At this, Remus's eyes snapped up, staring directly at James.
"As in Sirius's little brother?"
"As in Sirius's little brother." James confirmed, nodding his head ruefully.
"What exactly was so weird about this dream?"
"Erm, we may have been... kissing? And cuddling? And it's really weird because like yeah we’ve been talking a little bit more and it’s kind of nice ‘cause he can be like sweet? But I still don’t know why—"
"James. You love him, don’t you."
"I do?" James asked, brows furrowing.
"Think about him." Remus told him, and James paused. A slow smile spread across his face. His eyes widened in realization.
"Oh, shit. I do."
Later, Remus would hear about Regulus's dream, and would immediately bring the young Slytherin to talk to James, because they were both idiots.
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bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 28 – prompt 28: Langlock – word count 549
Langlock - Causes the target’s tongue to stick to the roof of his mouth
It was well past midnight in the dorm, and it was the fourth time Sirius had tried to sneak into Remus’s bed. Peter knew that, of course. He had known since the first times Remus had kept reading the same page of a book over and over again because he kept looking at Sirius. He had known since Sirius had started looking back, blush and babble some nonsense. He had known since that Gryffindor party when he had turned around and seen them way too close and with their cheeks way too red for a chat between two friends. He had known since the number of times he had found the door to the dorm locked or had heard Sirius’s feet quietly paddle to Remus’s bed in the middle of the night. He knew, and it was fine. They would tell them officially when they were ready. James, on the other hand, didn’t know and didn’t seem to notice anything. What James did know now was just that Sirius wasn’t asleep and he had taken that as an opportunity to talk to him across the dorm.
Sirius’s feet shuffled once again across the floor.
“Pads?” James’s voice came from behind the curtains around his bed.
Sirius’s feet quickly shuffled back to his own bed.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“Do you think I should get Lily flowers for Valentine’s?”
“Didn’t you try and get her flowers for her birthday and didn’t she smack them in your face?”
“Oh. Right. Thanks.”
There was a moment of silence before Sirius’s feet padded across the room.
Sirius’s feet padded immediately back.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“Do you think I should move on from her? Find someone else?”
“I mean, it could do you good.”
“But I love her.”
“That might make it hard to move on, mate.”
“Right. Thank you Pads.”
“You’re welcome.”
Another moment of silence, longer this time. Then Peter heard Sirius’s feet across the floor once more.
Sirius’s feet made a hasty retreat.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“I love Lily, but it doesn’t mean I can’t find other people attractive.”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
“Your brother is ridiculously attractive, Pads.”
“Merlin’s beard Prongs, if I had known kissing you as a dare would end up with you being attracted to Regulus I would never have done it!”
“Shut up, you loved it.”
“Go to sleep, Prongs.”
Another silence, and Sirius’s feet now gliding across the floor. Peter shook his head and took his wand from his bedside table, being careful to be quiet. He didn’t want Sirius to glide back to his own bed because of him. A slight shuffle from the other bed indicated that James was about to speak again.
“Langlock,” Peter whispered, pointing his wand at his friend’s shape through the curtains.
No one spoke, and Sirius’s feet finally glided across to Remus’s bed, where the curtains opened and closed in record time. Peter waited a couple of seconds then cast a sleeping spell on James. He didn’t want him to jump out of bed, panicked because he couldn’t speak, and interrupt Remus and Sirius once again. With a yawn, Peter put his wand down and settled back under the covers. One day he would tell his friends this story. Probably as part of a speech at their wedding.
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"Nooo... Please don't leave me..."
The way Remus sounded was heartbreaking really. Sirius was having a protective feeling over him. His Moony, looking adorable, whining and pouting against the pillows.
But Sirius was angry. Furious even. The smell of alcohol rotting their dorm reminded him of how much Remus had drunk.
And Sirius wasn't going to be a hypocrite, he had drunk in parties as well, he had gotten himself very very pissed. But never like this. Not until the point when it stopped being fun. Not until the point of vomiting three times already, not being able to stand, and having to be dragged back to the castle.
Sirius didn't know what had happened. He had left Remus perfectly fine, they had only been smoking and laughing together. With that wonderful warm sensation inside his chest he always felt when Remus was around.
Then Sirius went and danced with Marlene because she was looking rather pretty tonight. But it all had been a mistake. For both of them.
Now thanks to Remus's stupidity, their brilliant plan of sneaking out and having a party in the Shrieking Shack had been ruined. They were caught. Only to wait to what McGonagall would say in the morning.
"Sirius...Sirius...." Remus mumbled.
"What?" Sirius snapped angrily as he took off his boots.
Now Sirius had to babysit this wanker until Peter went for some medicine from Pomfrey and James cleaned up their mess a bit. God! They had done this for Remus. All of it for Remus.
Sirius just wanted him to be happy, gain money for his top surgery. And make him happy. He did it for him.
"Siiiiiriiiiuuus!" Remus moaned again.
Sirius wanted to kill him.
"Sirius, come..."
He tried not to think about how adorable and hopeless Remus looked and how much he wanted to hug him. Tears were running down his cheeks.
"I feel so bad, everything is spinning... Sirius... My Padfoot..."
"Why did you have to drink this much, ha?" Sirius asked, he sounded like a father scolding his child.
Remus was closing his eyes.
Sirius poked him on the ribs "Have you any self preservation? Eh? Did you want to kill yourself?? What's wrong with you!!?"
Remus whined in pain.
"I colunstubeee..."
"What? Speak clear!"
Remus removed his mouth from the pillow "I couldn't stand it!!" he yelled, his voice echoing in the room "You were kissing her... and not me... and I couldn't... couldn't stand it..."
Sirius was speechless. Marlene. Was he talking about Marlene? It was nothing. It had been a mistake. Marlene was into girls, she told Sirius right after the kiss.
"It hurt..." Remus added, now crying and sniffing "It hurt, Sirius"
Sirius felt immediately guilty about the whole thing. Which was ridiculous considering Remus and him were just friends. And Sirius had snogged plenty of girls in the past.
He had the strange urge to hug Remus, comfort him and say sorry sorry sorry. That he would never hurt him like that again.
But in that instant, Peter crossed the door looking rather out of breath.
"Poppy is on her way to check on him, she said that we should give him a lot of water and let him sleep in a comfortable position and if he vomits, we have to let him vomit all he wants..."
But Sirius had stopped listening, his mind wandered to what the drunk boy next to him had told him. Over and over again.
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
James finds out about Wolfstar.
James woke up and dragged himself out of bed. He didn't bother with his glasses, it was too early to see anyways.
He walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, taking longer than usual to try to comb out his hair a little nicer today. (It didn't work)
When he got back out he headed straight for his trunk, pulling out his clothes for the day, he wondered if Lily would want to go for a stroll by the lake after-
"Shit-" A hissed whisper cut off his train of thought. He turned to see Remus standing on the other side of the room, a blanket wrapped around him.
He looked like a deer caught in headlights, not a usual expression for him.
"Moony?" James muttered, squinting, "What's wrong?"
Remus only threw a glance at Sirius' bed, his eyes wide.
James sighed and walked to his end table, slipping on his glasses.
"Holy-" His jaw dropped when he looked back at Remus.
Hickeys and bite marks covered his skin. His chest and neck were so full of dark splotches you couldn't quite tell what his usual color was supposed to be.
"Remus. What-" James gave a short, surprised laugh. Remus gave a terrified squeak and tumbled onto his bed, yanking the curtains closed around him.
James turned as Sirius stepped out of his own four poster, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Moons?" He mumbled, still half-asleep, "Love, you okay?"
"Oh fuck!" James laughed loudly, clamping a hand over his mouth.
Sirius, also with a neck full of hickeys, was wearing shorts that hung low on his waist. James could see the finger-shaped bruises on his hips peeking over the waistband. His thighs were covered in hickeys and bites like Remus' chest had been.
His hair was messy, adding to the Freshly Shagged look. His eyes finally found James and he jumped,
"Oh! Hey Prongs!" He laughed, scratching the back of his neck, "Goodmorning."
"Don't goodmorning me!" James called, pointing at Remus' bed, "Dude, what the fuck?"
"Oh." He looked at Remus' bed, then back at James, "Okay, yeah, I'm not awake enough for this conversation." He laughed.
James sputtered, watching as Remus slowly made his way back out of his bed, his eyes fixed on the floor.
"You two-" He gestured between them wildly, "You two are-"
"We're fucking." Sirius said bluntly, yawning, "And I'd really like to get back to it, we can talk about the engaged part at breakfast, yeah?"
James' eyes widened, "Engaged?" He shouted.
Remus looked about ready to throw up.
Sirius nodded slowly, as though he was speaking to a child, "Yes, y'know, 'Remus, will you marry me?' Engaged."
James turned to Remus, "You're engaged?" He asked again.
Remus closed his eyes and pulled a necklace out of the drawer of his end table. James noticed scratches covering his back that looked deeper than they probably should have been and threw a glare at Sirius who only smirked proudly.
The necklace held a white-gold band on the end of the chain,
"We've been wearing them under our shirts. We were planning to tell you but it just got... complicated."
"Wh-" James threw his hands up, "Y'know what? I'm going back to bed, I don't know how to deal with this."
Sirius smiled, "Great, c'mon Moons." He tugged Remus' hand eagerly back towards his bed. Remus threw an apologetic look at James on their way.
They came to breakfast the next morning with the rings on their fingers, showing them to all of their friends. James noticed they charmed their hickeys away too.
Peter took the news a lot better than he had, tearing up and hugging them. He congratulated them and told them how happy he was.
Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, and Frank all acted similar, happiness and tearful hugs. But no amount of outraged surprise.
"So nobody's going to ask how long they've been together?" James asked, his eyebrows furrowed. Peter paused,
"You didn't know? They've been together for ages."
Remus looked to him now too, frowning, "Wait, Prongs, I thought you were just upset at seeing us sleeping together."
James pinched the bridge of his nose, "You two have been dating, and I didn't even know?"
Sirius snorted, "Guess so, mate. I thought it was obvious."
"Yeah, James, they kiss like all the time." Marlene nodded.
"And the handholding?" Alice added, "I don't think they've stopped holding hands since third year."
"Didn't Pads literally sit in Moony's lap at breakfast yesterday?" Peter asked. Sirius nodded,
"Yeah." He smiled, unashamed.
James stared at them, shocked, "Well how come you never told me?"
Sirius sighed, "Fine, you know what, James. Next time I'll sit you down and have a talk with you, okay?" He offered.
James nodded, "Okay. Thank you." He picked up his toast as Sirius suddenly pointed at it,
"There's butter on that by the way." He said, smirking, "Just gonna start stating the obvious right away to get in the habit."
James rolled his eyes as the group broke out into laughter.
Needless to say, Remus and Sirius had been dating for years, and sleeping in the same bed for at least one of them.
James was... well, he was a little oblivious sometimes.
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shootingthe-stars · 4 months
chapter 39 of nowhere man is out!
i call this “i didn’t mean to make it as gay as i did. but it is.”
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chapter 39 or from the beginning!
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cloud-of-sugar · 4 months
The other day I was playing an online game of kingdoms and one of the members of my alliance was named Moony. I don't chat with anyone there but I was so curious I asked them if they were a marauders fan and they said no, a friend had given them that nickname.
Now I can only think if that 'friend' was a sirius kin who is secretly in love with this person and was indirectly telling them that they were their soulmate like moony and padfoot 😭
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mses-mist · 1 year
Regulus: I can't believe Sirius and remus are so blind, they literally like eachother! Its right there at their faces- and im the only one seeing it
James: *wearing a shirt that says pls date me reggie and been flirting at him for the past weeks but reg couldnt tell* fr? thats crazy-
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padfootastic · 1 year
first he replaced James as the most important person in Sirius's life and now he's taking James whole personality MAKE IT STOPPPPP
quick who’s writing the (body?) horror fic where remus is SO obsessed with sirius, he needs to have him, and knows the one and only obstacle in his life is james potter. so he plots.
he plots, gets into their group, gets close to all of them. but that’s not all. he slowly…very slowly starts replicating all of james’ personality traits, wears them like a winter cloak but all year round. and then, like the slowly boiling a frog situation, he eventually becomes james. the final step: taking over his body. getting rid of the man himself.
until all that’s left is sirius black and james-who-was-once-remus potter. but what’s an identity if u can have the man of ur dreams, the love of ur life?
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elenawritesxx · 7 months
Are you planing on writing a part 2? Because I don't think I can live without it😭... Like the cliffhanger?? Remus being tipsy AND WANTING TO CONFESS???? THAT'S MY SHITT!!! The way I LOVE drunk confessions😭
Anyway, hope you're doing great and I will be praying for that part 2.💕💕💕
HI angel:))
thank you so much😭 ily!!! i do on planning on writing a second part and it will be up by the end of this week!
ikr? i also love drunk confessions;)
i hope ur doing amazing as well:))
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adharastarlight · 11 months
Remus: awwww, reg you have a diary???
Reg: no no, don't read that-
Sirius snatches it: Ooooo you have a crush??? Who's JP??? Tell me tell meeee
Reg: ...no one
James Oblivious Potter: isn't that some hufflepuff?
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based on a conversation i really had with my best friend :
remus, the morning after a big gryffondor party: pete, can i talk to you a second ? i made the most incredible but at the same time most stupid thing of my life.
peter: what’s wrong ??
moony: there is a tiny little possibility that, yesterday… sirius and I… we kinda kissed. we actually did more. and I’m totally freaked out, what the hell was I thinking ???
peter, the most observant man in the world (not like james): Am I… supposed to be surprised ? Okay then… MERLIN’S BEARD I HAD NO IDEA THIS WOULD HAPPEN THIS IS A SHOCK
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alexangelo01 · 1 year
Baby wolfstar headcanon-
- sirius fall first
- sirius fall at the first time he saw remus
- sirius admired him from afar
- peter and James teas sirius As if their lives depended on it
- only Peter understand why sirius do it
- sirius don't know why he spay on Remus
- remus also don't understand
- Marlene does understand but she thinks it's funny
- at second year all the group together and no one talks about it
- remus finally understand in fifth year
- sirius understand too but later this year and freaking out
- Marlene still thinks it's funny
- peter telling James to remember he's always right
- they FINALLY start to date.
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mxmagestyk · 1 year
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