#remus | the first wizarding war
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I don’t think we talk enough about Lily Fucking Evans.
She (unwittingly) wielded ancient magic, the oldest and most powerful form of magic in existence. By 19th century, it had nearly been forgotten in the wizarding world. According to the Harry Potter Wiki: „It was not widely known about or understood, even by Professors of Hogwarts.” At just 21 years old, she used sacrificial protection to save her son.
Lily Evans single-handedly ended The First Wizarding War. An absolute queen.
#lily evans#lily potter#harry potter#first wizarding war#she’s so cool#the coolest#marylily#hp marauders#marauders#james potter#regulus black#remus lupin#sirius black#ao3#hp#wolfstar#jily#dorcas meadowes#voldemort#lord voldemort
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I was thinking today and I need people to give me more feral Remus Lupin during the first war actually.
Considering he had told Harry that during war you kill not disarm.
Give me Lupin who was the first of them to use the killing spell in defense of one of his friends, give me Lupin who stood there panting and teeth clenched and who turned around to the faces of his terrified friends and just collapsed in horror of what he’d done.
Each of them rushing forward to hold him because “Oh no we’re not having that here-“
Give me the wolf inside him, protective and snarling and ruthless, ever raging and a little stronger near the full.
Give me Lupin who was so beaten down and skin and bones and scraps but who was scarier than any of the rest, give me Lupin whose eyes glinted yellow in the light.
Give me Lupin who fell apart internally, emotionally by the doing of his own hands and was held and glued back together by the hands of Sirius and James and Peter and.
Give me Lupin who took a deep sigh, a deep exhale, nestled among his friends - or with his cheeks between the hands of one Sirius Black and who came to terms with this new world - with the ugly parts of himself, that lingering possessiveness that had always been there that now allowed him to recklessly defend but to kill too.
Give me more complicated Remus Lupin please.
#remus lupin#rei rambles#remus x sirius#wolfstar#marauders era#the marauders#james potter#peter pettigrew#the first war#dead gay wizards
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Death Eater Recruitment Age During The First War
In this meta I'll talk about Voldemort's strategy in recruiting underage Death Eaters. Fandom often portrays teenage Death Eaters like Snape, Evan Rosier, etc as officially joining Voldemort after they graduate or, at best, their 7th year.
But the most logical conclusion is that Death Eaters recruited as teenagers would have been required to take the Mark at 16 and no later - at earliest Christmas break of 5th year and at latest the summer after 5th year. Regulus joining at 16 wasn't an exception or an anomaly - it was the expectation and the norm.
Additionally, younger Death Eaters’ age during the First War is cited as reasons they couldn’t have committed violent war crimes in the short time they were Death Eaters, but this too is contradicted by canon. I’ll go through the evidence for these points below.
1.0 Voldemort’s strategy
Firstly, I really don't know why people think Voldemort would have qualms about making 16 year olds murder and torture - given that Tom Riddle himself had murdered 4 people by the time he was 16 (killing the Riddles summer after his 4th year at 15 years old) as well as tortured students ("nasty incidents") with his gang.
Yes, many characters in HBP claim that there’s no way Draco was marked because he’s only 16 and still in school - but the whole point is that they’re wrong, that Draco WAS Marked at 16, that Voldemort thought Hogwarts was a good recruiting ground, that he was creating child soldiers. The whole point is to recruit them young - when they're most vulnerable and malleable.
On the other hand, it's unlikely that they were allowed to be Marked younger than 16 - Regulus was eager to join years before he was Marked, so if there was a way for him to be initiated sooner, he would've taken it. From Voldemort's POV, he'd want the Black heir under his control, so he would've Marked Regulus as early as was possible under Death Eater protocol. (Sirius also runs away at 16, so it’s a possibility that this had to do with Voldemort recruiting him at that age.)
So presumably, Voldemort chose an age where they're young enough to be easily manipulated, but old enough to be competent as Death Eaters.
(While Tom killed his family a year earlier, his proto-Death Eater gang was involved in their first murder together at the same age - Myrtle end of their 5th year; which imo was accidental but fits the tradition).
But once they reach that age - there's no stalling. Future teenage Death Eaters would be trained for maybe months, maybe years, before finally taking the Mark at 16.
Voldemort wants his army and he wants it now. You don't get to wait around to take the mark. Even marking a Death Eater at 17 vs. 16 is a whole entire year of the war wasted where Voldemort could have them under his control and doing useful things for him.
(It's possible the recruiting pace was a bit slower pre-war, but once the war started Voldemort needed as many Death Eaters as he could get.)
Certainly no important pureblood heir would be marked later than 16. Marking an heir means Voldemort has solidified his control over that family’s wealth and political/magical resources (at least in future).
Despite being Hogwarts students, teenage Death Eaters still have substantial windows of time when they could be committing crimes for Voldemort - 2 months of summer; 1 month combining Christmas/Easter breaks; Hogsmeade weekends; maybe ways of sneaking out other weekends. (Even many adult Death Eaters do have day jobs and keep up appearances of normal lives.)
They could also get a lot done at Hogwarts itself - spywork (i.e. out muggleborns hiding their status, similarly gather info on political enemies via other students), magical research (esp. given they have access to the Hogwarts library which Voldemort doesn’t - presumably, this is a library as coveted as pureblood libraries), invent things and experiment (i.e. Snape inventing Levicorpus which we know the Death Eaters used), and most notably, commit war crimes on campus.
Examples include Mulciber and Avery torturing Mary Macdonald with Dark Magic - which clearly wasn’t an isolated incident - and Snape having used Sectumsempra so often at Hogwarts it became known as his specialty. This is the kind of terror junior Death Eaters would be expected to perform on campus during the war.
Then there's the Dark Mark itself. The way the Death Eaters are bound to Voldemort parallels house-elf enslavement contract, and the Dark Mark is the main way of enforcing it - it’s a tracking device (per Karkaroff), a communication device, a means of control, a way to make sure you don't escape. So of course Voldemort would want to brand his followers as soon as he could. (see also: this meta on the Dark Mark by @artemisia-black)
2.0 Examples
Regulus (waiting to join years earlier) took the Mark at 16. Draco, Marked the summer after his 5th year, only a month or two after he turned 16. Barty Jr. was 19 in 1982 during the Longbottom trial, so it's a reasonable extrapolation that he too was Marked at 16, particularly since he was very dedicated and loyal to Voldemort and would've been desperate to join ASAP. As Lucius was clearly instrumental in recruiting Snape (and logically there have to be Death Eaters on campus recruiting), I assume he was Marked by the time the Marauders entered Hogwarts, so likely Marked at 16 too.
Then there's the fact that the Death Eaters is a multigenerational cult and that Voldemort expects the kids of his Death Eaters to join - examples are Mulciber, Avery, Rosier. These kids were essentially born into the cult and inherited being a Death Eater, they've known since childhood that they would be expected to take the Mark, and perhaps were trained for it very early, so there's no reason they wouldn't be Marked at 16.
Of course, not all Death Eaters are recruited underage, there are plenty recruited as adults - when you're recruited matters when Voldemort actually notices you, or when he needs you (i.e. Peter was recruited much later on, purely as a spy). Other exceptions to the “Marked at 16” rule would be if the Death Eater isn't politically useful enough (heirs from less powerful pureblood families etc) and if they weren't talented enough by 16 and would require more training.
Regarding Snape specifically, he became friends with Lucius Malfoy as soon as he entered Hogwarts, and stayed friends with the Malfoys long into his adult years. Lucius would've been the main one to bring him into Death Eater circles (particularly since Lucius would've graduated Snape's first or second year, and the rest of their contact had to be out of school, perhaps Lucius inviting him to events with Death Eaters, etc.)
His friendship with his gang - Mulciber, Avery, Rosier - would function likewise, especially because they're not just any junior Death Eaters, they're the children of Tom Riddle's original gang. So, Snape was pulled into the network of pretty high ranking Death Eaters from the very start.
Snape's talent was also apparent to everyone from the get go (i.e. Sirius’s statement that Snape was famous for the Dark Arts at school, and as a first year knew more curses than half the kids in 7th year). Therefore, he would’ve been on the Death Eaters’ radar long before SWM, and there’s no reason for them to wait until then to recruit and train him. Most likely he was training under Voldemort as his student his 5th year, perhaps even 4th year, and then took the Mark summer after 5th year. (In this fic, he's already taken it by SWM, because teen Death Eaters take the Mark their first school holiday after turning 16, which was 5th year Christmas break for Snape, which is an interesting and believable scenario).
And no, his status as a poor halfblood wouldn't be an issue - canonically Voldemort makes poor Death Eaters high ranking (Snape, Amycus, Alecto), as well as female Death Eaters.
This, of course, conflicts with a certain narrative parts of fandom want to push about Snape being driven to the Death Eaters due to the Marauders’ bullying and Lily breaking off the friendship - because in any realistic scenario the Death Eaters would have recruited him long before this happened.
Regarding the level of violence teenage Death Eaters commit, it makes sense to me that you'd have to kill to be Marked - Voldemort is not going to have his Death Eaters hesitate before killing and mess up his missions (Additionally, once they’ve committed crimes for him he could use exposing them as a threat to keep them in line). I HC that you have to cast all three Unforgiveables on a victim to be Marked.
So, this means that all your faves like Regulus, Snape, Evan, Barty, that fandom often whitewashes, did in fact commit many violent war crimes while they were Death Eaters. Potentially Draco is the exception to this wrt actual murder (we know he's using the Imperius and Cruciatus 6th year), though it's always possible Voldemort made him murder someone off screen and we just didn't see it. (ETA: It’s also a misconception that Draco being Marked was only to punish Lucius - the punishment was that Draco was assigned a suicide mission that he couldn’t possibly succeed at in being ordered to kill Dumbledore. It’s likely he would’ve been Marked even without those circumstances.)
As more examples of this, even Crabbe and Goyle - who were not Marked or trained as official Death Eaters - are torturing first years with the Cruciatus their entire 7th year under the instruction of the Carrows, and presumably students in the years below them were also forced to do the same. (Crabbe also tries to cast an Avada Kedavra, so it's possible he murdered someone for the Death Eaters outside of campus.) This is further proof that Death Eaters have no issue making underage students commit violent war crimes.
3.0 Conclusion
We can extrapolate from the known numbers we have - Lucius Malfoy in his year, 3-5 Death Eaters in the Marauders' year (Mulciber, Avery, Snape, Rosier, Wilkes), Barty Jr. in the year below, Regulus in the year below that - that there were a few wannabe and/or actually Marked Death Eaters in every class year during the war.
So, Hogwarts during the first war wasn't just full of Wannabe Death Eaters - it was also full of actual Death Eaters who were already actively murdering and torturing others.
And this contextualizes the Marauders' actions in their Hogwarts years, and why they would've been pushed to that kind of violence to protect others on campus. (read more about that in this meta)
#lord voldemort#voldemort#tom riddle#tom marvolo riddle#regulus black#evan rosier#barty crouch jr#death eaters#death eater#hp meta#harry potter#first war with voldemort#first wizarding war#marauders#lily evans#sirius black#peter pettigrew#remus lupin#james potter#marauders era#*
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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚
James Potter x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Next Part Series Masterlist
Summary: In which James Potter is beyond shocked to see you introduced as the newest Order member. After all, to him, you’re nothing but a cruel, cold, pureblooded Slytherin
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: House stereotyping/prejudice (I think that's it, if not, let me know please!)
A/N: The inspiration for this came while I was reading @ellecdc's Sirius Black x Reader series called Come Back, Be Here and it was such an amazing read! Go read it if you haven't already! <33
───※ ·❆· ※───
The Order of the Phoenix, a secret society founded by the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was gathered once again in another secret location. All the members were seated in their respective seats, looking at the Headmaster to begin speaking.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice.” Dumbledore said, his voice bouncing off the walls, “I received a tip that revealed a death eater meeting is to take place tonight, not too far from Diagon Alley.” He said. “I will have to arrange a few members to be sent to scout out the meeting, but before that, I have an important announcement.”
Everyone in the room exchanged glances, a nervousness settling for what could be bad news to be revealed.
“I have recruited a new member, who has already proven what a great asset she will be to our team.”
“Who?” Sirius asked.
Albus Dumbledore gestured towards the door, “Come in.”
You strutted in, dressed in dark clothes with your wand twirling between your fingers as a smile sat upon your lips.
And two sets of chairs screeched as two individual wands were directed at you.
“What are you doing here?!” James shouted, Sirius nodding as he backed his best mate.
“Charming. Quite a nice welcome you’ve all prepared for me, Headmaster?”
Dumbledore’s blue eyes twinkled as he directed his gaze from you to the pair of Black and Potter.
“Wands down, boys. Y/n L/n will henceforth be joining us from today.” He said, declaring it to the whole room.
“But, Professor!” James exclaimed, “Y/n’s a Slytherin!”
“Gee, thanks for noticing.”
James glared at you before he turned his eyes onto Dumbledore, his expression having turned into one of desperation. “You can’t possibly let her join!” He practically begged. “They’re all the same, the treacherous snakes can’t be trusted!”
Dumbledore opened his mouth to reply but you beat him to it.
“Well not everyone can be so dimwitted that they would end up in Gryffindor.” You said, making both James and Sirius scowl.
"We are very intelligent, thank you very much!" Sirius interjected, making you shoot a look in return that said are you really though?
“Plus," You continued "Not everyone is the same because even a lion could be a snake in disguise.”
James’ eyebrows furrowed together, “What do you mean to imply by that?”
You merely shrugged, earning a scoff from James.
“That’s enough now.” Professor McGonagall called out sternly, making both you and James fall quiet and take your seats.
“Now that we have exchanged small pleasantries,” James and you loudly scoffed, “Onto the mission. I will be sending out Remus Lupin, James Potter, Benjy Fenwick, Dorcas Meadowes and Y/n L/n.” Dumbledore gently smiled, “This tip was given by Y/n herself and this proves how much of a help Y/n’s addition to the Order will be.
A cry of protest sounded from the young Potter, “Headmaster! How can you believe her? For all we know, she could be sending us into a death trap!” James exclaimed, glaring at you, who stood up with a scoff.
“And that is the exact reason I am coming along! If something happens, I will be there too!”
“Nope! Not happening! Headmaster, I refuse to go if she goes!” James said.
“Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, “Stop behaving so childish. Miss. L/n will be going and that is final.”
James grumbled and muttered, “Fine.” Knowing by now that Professor McGonagall could get real scary when she needed to be.
“Good, now get going.”
James glared your way to which you only smirked at him, irking the young Potter even more.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
The mission was partially successful as like the tip you had given, there was a death eater meeting. However, they sensed the presence of Order members too early and before you all could even cast a spell their way, they had gone.
Most of the Order had been kind and accepted you in, after all, if Dumbledore trusted you, what reason did they have not to? Well, everyone except for Sirius Black and James Potter.
Especially James Potter.
He loathed you. Simple as that. Your mere existence irked him, like it has been since your shared days at Hogwarts. You always had a way that managed to annoy him, and he had been always determined to get under your skin every time he caught sight of you within the castle.
James wasn’t sure when it started but the interactions between the two of you had become frequent since fifth year. He despised you for being a Slytherin, after all you were just like the rest, acting as if you were superior. But it was also the way you winked at him or that teasing smile that crawled onto your lips. Or how you would speak in a playful tone, flicking your hair over your shoulder every time you walked away or how you twirled your wand teasingly between your nimble fingers.
It infuriated him.
Everything about you annoyed James Potter to no end.
Henceforth, why he was so against your arrival into the Order and how he was determined to get at you every chance he could get.
"Wow, L/n, I'm surprised you haven't melted yet." James said later one evening at an Order meeting.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, "Meaning?"
"Meaning my burning hatred towards you, I was expecting you to have skedaddled out of here."
You gave him a weird look, "Well, that genuinely made no sense, Potter. Now excuse me." You said, returning to your conversation with Remus.
James grumbled, turning towards his best mate, "Moony! Stop hanging out with her!"
Remus let out an exasperated sigh, "Listen, Prongs, I love having you as a friend, truly I do, but if you're going to keep this up, I won't hesitate to hex your arse off the planet."
James stared at his best friend, dumbfounded, while you doubled over laughing.
"Moony," James muttered out hollowly, "How could you? You're my best friend!" He accused Remus in an over dramatic manner.
"And Y/n is also a friend of mine."
This threw James off completely, "She's WHAT!?"
"A friend. She was nothing but polite to me throughout school and I have no reason to be rude to her."
You shot Remus a smile of gratitude before moving your gaze to James, eyes turning cold as you stood up.
"I love to annoy you, truly, but I find it unfair how you're always taking out what most of my house has done against me. Not everyone is the same. I'm not like them." You breathed out, your voice wavering near the end.
James suddenly felt a weird sensation wash over him and he watched you turn around and go.
"Mate," James looked at his friend, his attention snapping from you to Remus, "You don't need to be so mean to her. She has gone through a lot."
James scoffed loudly, "I doubt that."
Remus gave his friend an expression of what looked like pity and exasperation. He patted James on the shoulder before walking away. James stood there, lost within his own thoughts. He shook his head vigorously after a few seconds.
No, to him you were merely one of them. You were from a family of death eaters. You were from the house that turned out all the dark wizards. You were just one of them and nothing more. And he hated them all.
"I hate you." He whispered.
Although, James' perception about you would be challenged as the next Order mission would bring an unexpected twist.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
A/N: Ok, so I had this idea of this one scene and I was planning on just a oneshot but instead I decided to go ahead and make a mini series, just so I can write more about James and Reader in this enemies to lovers sort of trope. I've never really written for James before, so I hope you all liked it and stay tuned for the next one because it's going to be good! Love you all and take care! <33
Love, Serina ❤
#harry potter#marauders#sirius black#marauders era#wizarding world#remus lupin#fanfiction#james potter#magic#james potter fluff#james potter fanfiction#james potter x reader#james potter angst#james potter fanfic#the marauders#the marauders era#first wizarding war#dreamingofmarauders#its me serina#im so excited for this idea ahhhhh#james fleamont potter#the order#order of the phoenix#dumbledore#minerva mcgonagall#death eaters#gryffindor#slytherin#hogwarts#hogwarts houses
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Lily should have survived.
“Harry was saved by his mother’s love-“ Let me stop you right there.
I present to you: James Fleamont Potter.
You’re telling me that James didn’t love Lily and Harry enough to evoke the ancient love magic that Lily saved Harry with?
Mr. “Had an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it?”
He loved both of them so much that he literally died trying to give them a chance to escape and that wasn’t enough?
I don’t buy it.
The only semi-logical explanation I can come up with is that he didn’t have his wand and maybe you can’t do something like that wand-less but did Lily have her wand?
Even then we’re talking about a guy who literally became an illegal animagus at the ripe age of 15.
He also loves and cares for people so deeply and it was LOVE MAGIC.
Look me in the eyes and tell me James Potter couldn’t have just saved BOTH of them without his wand.
Exactly, you can’t.
Honestly I could go on about all of the reasons James and Lily dying didn’t even make sense.
This is just another thing that makes me question why they died the way they did.
Them dying on an order mission would’ve been more realistic. There were just too many plot holes in them dying in Godric’s Hollow.
In conclusion, the ending of the first war didn’t make sense. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Guys this post is not that serious I just mean that everything about what happened that night and the explanation for all of it felt like a stretch and kinda vague to me 😭
Even with the stuff about James not having a choice. Like yeah Voldemort didn’t verbally give him the option to back off but James still made the choice to try and hold him off.
Also James was a Pureblood and Voldemort made it known that he would spare them if they didn’t fight him because his whole thing was blood purity.
So like the “Lily was given a choice” still feels so vague to me.
Also Voldemort making the promise to Snape feels weird. Snape asked him not to kill Lily but Voldemort said that he wouldn’t as long as she didn’t get in his way. And Lily did get in his way of killing Harry so he didn’t break that promise by killing her.
Yeah he probably could’ve just knocked her out or something but he still didn’t break any promises.
And the whole reason Snape joined Dumbledore before the end of the first war is because he didn’t think Lily would just let Voldemort kill her son. He didn’t make an unbreakable vow or anything so Snape knew that Voldemort would probably kill Lily.
#‘Lily HAD to die to save Harry 🥸’ SAY IT TO MY FACE#James ‘good old-fashioned lover boy’ potter deserved better#honestly they all deserved better a lot of the war just didn’t even make sense#marauders era#marauders#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#james & peter & remus & sirius#moony wormtail padfoot and prongs#lily evans#lily potter#the valkyries#harry potter#baby harry potter#the first wizarding war#atyd marauders#jily#make it make sense#anti jkr#jkr is trash#i do not support jkr#godrics hollow#October 31 1981#until the end of time#wolfstar#live laugh love ao3#what if I wrote a fic where Voldemort exists but the order makes smarter choices about the prophecy#what if dumbledore doesn’t manipulate everyone
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lily would win a magic fight. james would win a muggle fight. sirius would win a verbal fight. remus would win a speed knitting fight. peter wouldn't win a fight, but would win a war
#i feel like i worded this weird sooo#lily would win like a wizarding duel yknow. like with spells her wand and shit.#<- would beat all the rest at this#james would then beat all of them at a physical muggle style fight. like punching and shit yknow#sirius win basically like arguments debates battle of wits roast battles all that stuff#remus would beat them all in a knitting fight (like he could knit faster and better 😭😭 it was like the first/only thing i could think)#then peter wouldn't beat them all against any type of fight#BUT would be able to best them in a long-term war. ie with strategy and manipulation and planning and all that#so like yeah chess. he'd win at chess#ig#marauders era#marauders#lily evans#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew
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Headcanon that sometime in the war when things were looking particularly bad Lily gifted all her friends a little vial on a necklace with a small bit of amortentia. Not enough to be effective as a love potion, but enough for each of them to be able to smell the things they love and give them a little happiness in such a hopeless time, all in a tiny vial designed to sit right by their hearts.
#odillisea.txt#lily evans#lily evans potter#mary macdonald#marlene mckinnon#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#james potter#dorcas meadowes#sirius black#pandora rosier#pandora lovegood#marauders#marauders era#first wizarding war#jily#marylily#marauders headcanon
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Dumbledore: Apparently, someone has been leaking classified information to the death eaters. The entire order is under investigation.
Marlene: That's crazy. No one here's a spy.
Dumbledore: How can you be so sure?
Marlene: Because I know these guys. I know everything about them.
Dumbledore: You're naive if you think people can't surprise you.
Marlene: Not these people. Here, watch this, I know what everyone's going to do tonight. It's Thursday, so Lily's going to leave early for healer training. Sirius will be working on his stupid bike. Remus will be warning Sirius about how dangerous his stupid bike is. And Peter will be visiting his mum.
Pete: She gets worried if I don't check in regularly.
Marlene: And, if I run and jump at James, he will most certainly catch me in his arms.
Marlene, sprinting to James: COMING IN!
James: *Drops tea to catch Marlene*
#one of the best brooklen 99 openings!#harry potter series#the marauders era#marauders#marauders era#the marauders#first wizarding war#albus dumbledore#marlene mckinnon#lily evans#lily potter#remus lupin#sirius black#peter pettigrew#james potter#wolfstar#remus x sirius#sirius x remus
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#harry potter#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#severus snape#mauraders#marauders era#its basically canon#first wizarding war#anti marauders#anti james potter#anti sirius black#anti severus snape
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Remus 12 years after losing all of his best friends at once.
Remus going to Hogwarts to teach and constantly feeling like he should turn a corner and they would be there, waiting for him in their school robes, telling him all of the crazy things they had planned for the day.
Remus getting close with Harry and seeing all of his old friends in him.
He sees Lily in his passion and understanding.
He sees Sirius is in knack for mischief and carefree laughter.
He sees Peter in his youthful positivity and desperation for validation.
And he sees James everywhere. In his face. In his voice. In his willingness to always do what's right. In the tick of his jaw when he's angry and the way his hands shake when he's gone through too much.
And it's hard.
It's so fucking hard.
Because who is Remus if not a mixture of all of these people too?
Remus is Sirius' smoking habit and short temper.
Remus is Lily's academic aspirations and hope for a better future.
Remus is Peter's late night snack routine and knowledge of wizarding chess.
Remus is James' eye for trouble and slight abandonment issues.
Because Remus spent the majority of his life leading up to those tragic events with all of them. And after a while, you start to become the people you love.
You become bits and pieces of them.
You become your best friend's birthday as the password to your safe.
You become your ex-lovers favorite color as the shade of paint on your walls.
You become your childhood crush's mother tongue as the language you picked up learning for fun.
You become your study partner's habit of biting the end of their quill as a quirk you can't seem to get rid of.
You become a mixture of all of the people who have touched your lives.
And it hurts.
Because Harry and Remus were mixtures of the very same people.
Only Harry had no idea who they were.
And Remus couldn't stop them from haunting him.
#marauders#marauders era#harry potter#marauders headcanon#remus lupin#remus lupin headcanon#remus lupin hc#remus lupin angst#marauders angst#marauders hc#remus angst#post first wizarding war#first wizarding war
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Fluffy Fluff!
@wolfstarmicrofic 23rd: Mistaken for NOT a Couple
370 words
This Thing Between Us
“‘Not very believable’?!” Sirius scowls as he paces the room. “What’s that supposed to even mean?”
Remus calmly stirs his tea. “That Moody doesn't think us pretending to be a couple would make for a very credible cover story for our next mission.”
Sirius stops in front of Remus, placing his hands on his hips and glaring at him. “Why, thank you, Moony. Of course I know what it means, but what is he trying to say?”
“Probably that you are very obviously out of my league, and it doesn't seem very realistic that someone like you would be with someone like me.” Remus shrugs. “And honestly, he's not wrong.”
Sirius bristles. “Hogwash. Absolute hogwash.”
“Siri,” Remus says gently, with a slightly amused smile. “Remember we actually don't want anyone to know about-” He pauses.
About what? About us? Can he say ‘us’? Is there an ‘us’, or is it too soon for an ‘us’? Is this thing between them even an ‘us’-type of thing?
“About what's been going on between us,” he settles on. “If it comes out, the Death Eaters will only see it as a weakness to exploit, so even the people we are more close to thinking that the idea alone is preposterous, is actually a good thing.”
Sirius rubs his temples. “I know it's what we want, I know it's a good thing, but I just…”
He lets himself fall into the seat beside Remus with a deep sigh. “I just hate it. I hate that they look at me and don't see how I barely notice anyone else in the room whenever you're there.” Sirius turns to look at Remus, who's looking back at him with a wondrous gaze, and says softly “I wish they could see you the way I see you.”
Remus’ cheeks colour and he lets out a disbelieving laugh. “I wish I could see me the way you see me.”
“Nah, that won't be good.” Sirius smiles softly. “It’s probably not very healthy to see yourself as the best bloody thing that has ever happened to the world.”
“No,” Remus says, averting his eyes, but unable to stop the smile spreading on his face. “That's probably a bit much.”
#sweet sirius#smitten sirius black#first wizarding war#wolfstar fluff#secret relationship#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar#wolfstar fanfiction#wolfstar fic#marauders#marauders fanfiction#marauders fic#sirius black#remus lupin#remus x sirius
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okay but like is there a fic that is more tragic then remus' canon? because like I think it's pretty damn hard to beat growing up alone because you were bitten when you were five and are afraid of hurting anyone, going to school during the start of a war, being thrown straight into fighting with your best friends as newly graduated teenagers, losing trust in eachother and coming home more and more tired, 'three' of your best friends dying all in one day and your boyfriend being the traitor who gets sent to askaban, having to survive alone for the next twelve years and endure the moons alone for the first time as a child because your pack is dead, becoming a teacher at the same school you grew up in and having to endure the ghosts of your past while trying to make a better future, having your deads best friends son be in your class who you saw on the day they were born but haven't seen since James and Lily's death, finding out that your traitorous ex boyfriend has escaped from prison and is near the school, finding out that one of your old best friends is still alive and that your ex boyfriend was never the traitor, reuniting with your ex boyfriend and feeling sixteen again, being thrown from the only job you have ever loved because you've been exposed as a werewolf, fighting in the second war with your boyfriend only to have him die a mear two years after you finally got him back, picking up the pieces and trying to find love again, marrying the cousin of your former boyfriend, having a child with her and then dying in the final battle of a war you've been fighting your whole life and being unable to see your son growing up.
#fanfiction#remus lupin#harry potter#marauders#sirius black#wolfstar#prisoner of azkaban#canon hp universe#all the young dudes#atyd#teddy lupin#james potter#lily evans#peter pettigrew#voldemort#first wizarding war#second wizarding war#im in so much pain#fuck#please help#i need emergency emotional assistance#iobe remus so much why did canon have to do him so dirty#not to mention he was always told that werewolves have the shortest lifespan so he was prepared to die first only to outlive all of them#i need a reunion in heaven#wait what if i just reinvented canon for my own means#james and lily never died i dont know ehat you're talking about
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“to the dark lord. i know i will be dead long before you read this, but i want you to know it was i who discovered your secret. i have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as i can. i face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B."
regulus black’s letter to lord voldemort
#regulus black#the mauraders#mauraders#sirius black#timothee chamalet#timothée chalamet#ben barnes#remus lupin#andrew garfield#james potter#aaron taylor johnson#slytherin#house slytherin#harry potter#wizarding world#first wizarding war#regulus deserved better#r.a.b#regulus arcturus black
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I just wanted to sleep and then my brain just went whole angst mode, so if i had to suffer, everyone else will too. I know it’s late for valentine’s but i don’t give a fuck
It was late when Remus came home back from another Order mission. It wasn’t anything too dangerous this time, just patrolling around.
He opened the door to see candles lit up, a bottle of wine and dinner on the table. And Sirius waiting for him.
“Hey, moonbeam” he said, wrapping his arms around him.
Remus hugged him close, “Hey, love” he kissed his cheek, “what’s all this?”
“It’s for valentine’s day!” he smiled, “I know I should let you sleep, you’re probably tired” he sighed, “but I don’t…” I don’t know how much time we have left, “I wanted to do a little something for you.”
Remus kissed him deeply and sweet, pouring all his love on the gesture. “Thank you, love. Happy valentine’s day” he said, smiling.
They drank and laughed together, the way they only did when they were together. They danced to Bowie’s ‘Heroes’, letting the music consume them. They looked and touched each other, trying to remember every detail, every mole, freckle, and scar, afraid that someday they’d forget. They lived, and they loved, forgetting about the dread of the war, at least for a bit.
And when they went to sleep, they held each other close, trying desperately to show how much they felt for each other, because both of them knew: they didn’t had much time.
(yes i did cry while writing this)
#dead gay wizards#marauders#marauders era#fanfic#sirius black#wolfstar#remus lupin#remus x sirius#first wizarding war#valentines day#the marauders#wolfstar angst
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𝐈'𝐦 𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧
James Potter x Slytherin!Fem!Reader!
Summary: In which you go back home only to find something dreadful waiting for you there already
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, torture, also blood but nothing extreme, crying, death(s), knives, I think that's it?
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Over the next week and a half or so, James was there as you recovered. To the surprise of Lily and Molly, you were doing better than they expected, you were healing fast. Of course, only you knew how many times you had been tortured that landed you on the brink of death, and made it back, all in that hellhole you used to call home.
James was constantly asking if you were alright, if you needed something, and even though you had told him not to, James Potter was full of guilt.
Not only had he misjudged you and been rude to you for years, he was the reason you could have lost your life. He had to make it up to you, somehow. And he was glad you two decided to turn back the pages and write a new story, as he found your company very pleasant.
Sirius was completely blown away at the behavior of his best mate. Sure, you had saved James' life, but that didn't mean James had to follow you around like a lost puppy. Sirius had nearly stopped his cold behavior towards you but didn't try to warm up either. Remus merely quietly chuckled to himself at the sight of James and you. It was quite amusing to him, how James had hated your guts but was now wanting to spend quality time with you.
Going into the second week after the incident, you realized you were well enough and had to head home. James however declared he would escort you home, and would not take no for an answer.
"Potter, I'll be fine." You gritted through your teeth. James' constant stubbornness did manage to get on your nerves from time to time.
"No. I am going and that's final." He said, being stubborn as ever.
"Prongs, let L/n go if she says so." Sirius spoke in between, not happy about the newfound connection between the two of you.
James glared at him and gripped your forearm with a tight grip so you couldn't remove his hand, but not tight enough to hurt you.
You sighed in exasperation. "Fine." You said, giving in. You waved goodbye to Remus and Sirius, the latter not giving any response while Remus wished you farewell.
You and James walked out of headquarters before you closed your eyes, imagining your little cottage and the two of you apparated. You felt a wave of nausea hit you as your feet hit the ground and you bent over.
"Are you ok?" James asked with worry, trying to peer at your face.
You waved a hand, "Yeah, I'm fine." You answered, straightening up. However your mouth went dry and fear filled your whole being at the sight before you.
The door to your cottage was wide open, darkness pooling out. Above the building you called home, a colossal skull, composed of what looked like emerald stars, with a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue, etched against the black sky like a constellation.
The Dark Mark
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" You whimpered, running towards your cottage with James on your tail. You rushed in, halting near your kitchen when you saw a dark red liquid staining the walls. Your breaths began to come out short and quickly, you felt your legs weaken as you leaned against the wall for support.
"This can't be happening." You breathed out, afraid of what you would see if you walked a few more steps in. James came from behind and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, surveying the situation.
"Y/n," He spoke softly, "We should go. I'll let the Order know and they can come and-"
"No." You shook your head as you freed yourself from the young Potter's grip, walking further in.
“Y/n.” James tried but you paid him no heed.
In the middle of the room sat such a heart wrenching sight that crushed your heart and soul entirely.
Your beloved House-Elf, the one companion you had since childhood, the one who healed your wounds, the one who had always made sure you ate and slept properly. The same House-Elf who had stayed by your side no matter how many times you had freed him, the one true friend you had for the longest time.
And what broke your heart even more was that he had sacrificed his life, as his body lay lifeless in front of a small bundle of fur, also drowning in a pool of blood. The same puppy you had rescued from the streets only two months prior.
Both of them,
You sank to your knees, sobbing your heart out.
"I'm so sorry." You managed to say out in between the heavy sobs escaping your mouth. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you two."
James stood rooted to his spot, reeling in with shock.
You shakily raised your hands out, grabbing the handles of the very metal that was pierced into your friends bodies and pulled them out. You tossed the knives to the side in anger, letting out a scream. At that, James finally snapped out of it and kneeled down beside you, bringing you into his chest.
"I'm so sorry." He said, rubbing your back as you cried.
You two stayed in that position for the next few moments. However a new sound caught both your attention.
You pulled away from James' chest, wiping your face as you both exchanged a look.
Someone had just apparated onto the premises.
You both immediately jumped to your feet, wands raised in front of you.
You heard very tiny sounds of the pitter patter of feet and James moved forward, putting himself in front of you. You watched with bated breath over James' shoulder and when the newly arrived came into view, you shrieked, happiness and relief overwhelming you as you pushed past James. You fell onto your knees as you hugged your best friend.
"Willy! You're alive!" You spoke, feeling like your heart would burst.
A bark sounded and a very small bundle of white fur pounced onto you, excitedly licking your face. You picked him up, peppering his face with kisses.
"Hello to you too, my sunshine." You spoke as you hugged your dog, Fluffy, to your chest and pulled in Willy for a hug with your other arm. You were so overwhelmed with joy that tears began to cascade down your face again.
"Mistress, please do not cry. Willy did not mean to make Mistress cry."
You let out a watery laugh.
"How many times have I told you to call me Y/n, Willy?"
The House-Elf's cheeks colored pink. "Sorry, Mistress."
You wiped your tears away and then frowned, turning back to look at the scene in the kitchen.
"But if you're alive then, what's that?" You asked Willy, pointing over your shoulder.
"Those are fake, Mistress." Willy squeaked out. "About two weeks ago, I heard someone apparate and the wards shifted. Willy thought it must be you, Mistress, but it was not. You had told us to run if anyone evil came here, and we did but Willy had a good idea and with magic, Willy made the impostors so the evil people think it is us but Fluffy and Willy were gone and safe."
You let out a happy cry.
"You are an absolute genius, Willy, always have been! But how did you know we were here?"
Willy's ears bounced as he replied, "Willy had put up a new ward that allowed Willy to sense a new arrival if someone passed that ward."
You shook your head, smiling brighter than James had ever seen as you turned around, almost forgetting he was there.
"We need to go back. I need to stay at Headquarters until I can find a new place to shift us all."
James nodded but spoke without realizing, "Of course, but you could come to my place, it's fairly empty."
He mentally slapped himself. You two were at loggerheads two weeks ago and now here he was offering you to stay at his flat.
You smiled, "Thank you for the offer, but it wouldn't be nice of us to intrude, plus," You looked down at the excited puppy in your arms, "Headquarters may be more ideal for Fluffy in terms of space."
James nodded, not trusting himself to speak for if he did, something stupid would escape his mouth again.
James and you went through your cottage, collecting anything of importance and essentials, before apparating back to Headquarters, leaving the cottage in the state it was in case someone came back.
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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're all well! This chapter was okay I feel but I'm more excited for the next few chapters, you'll see why when they're out! Take care! <33
Wizard Buddies (Taglist): @quack-quack-snacks @jamespottergf @themarauderswife7 @amethyistheart
#harry potter#marauders#wizarding world#marauders era#dreamingofmarauders#remus lupin#sirius black#james potter#fanfiction#its me serina#new chapter#i hate you#james potter fanfic#james potter x slytherin reader#james potter x reader#james potter x you#james potter x y/n#order of the phoenix#the first wizarding war#james potter fic#series#james potter fanfiction#the marauders era#james fleamont potter#enemies to friends to lovers#voldemort#slytherin#gryffindor#james potter fluff#the marauders
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Summer of 89’
Pairing: L. Evans & J. Potter.
“I can still recall our last summer.”
Synopsis: The summer of 89’ is a marauders fanfiction, detailing the last summer before a group of eighteen year olds would be forced into a waging war. On the cusp of adolescence, they travel the world, desperate to ignore their impending doom.
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: course language, sex, substance abuse, talk of death, reference to violence, violence….




Chapter One
Chapter Two
#fanfic blog#fanfic#my fic#fic rec#fic writing#fiction#marauders#jily#jily fanfiction#jily fic#james potter#james x lily#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#wolfstar#summer#marlene mckinnon#mary macdonald#voldemort#first wizarding war#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#wizarding fashion#wizarding politics#dead gay wizards
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