#remains of creation
birdmans · 2 months
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I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
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prism-forgone · 10 months
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at least they still have that sick pink belt i guess
an assortment of doodles of strange someone frisk - they're @the-meme-monarch's! go! check them out if u don't know them!! - simply because they were on the mind to the point where i had to visualize my thoughts or risk falling into the shadow realm
bit of a less serious doodle under the cut as a surprise lmao i did it once as warmup
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unnecessaryligatures · 5 months
I didn’t have Bertie calling himself a bimbo on my The Mating Season bingo card
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utilitycaster · 5 months
The thing about Otohan is that she had an awesome mechanical build and she served a narrative purpose in that the party lived in fear of her for nearly 60 episodes but she truly did die as she lived, with a personality replaced by frogs and murderous intent. And the thing is I suspect there's plenty of interesting stuff about there. I've been there as a DM, having built a super cool NPC with worldbuiding ties that the party simply did not give a shit about, and I think that's the same situation here.
Legend of the Peaks isn't particularly meaningful since only two party members have any recollection of the Apex War and neither show the slightest interest in the politics thereof and they haven't really been relevant to the story. We don't know why she worshiped the Raven Queen once nor what happened to make her stop while still using that symbol...and it hasn't really been relevant to the story. We don't know if the backpack came from her or was from Ludinus...but it's not really relevant to the story other than tracing the potions of possibility back through Treshi and Jiana. We don't know what specifically drove her towards the Vanguard other than lacking answers as a Ruidusborn - which may have simply been enough - but again. Not relevant. We have Liliana to represent the perspective of a Ruidusborn who went through the Omen Archive study and whose motivations warped and twisted from a place of genuine worry and fear, and we have Ludinus to represent the centuries-long architect of this entire plan (plus he can't stop monologuing about his motivations, and that is a compliment). That's plenty.
And so Otohan consistently fails the Sexy Lamp With A Gun Attached Test, and it doesn't really matter, and I'm sure there was a backstory there but there's quite literally been no reason to care about it at any point, and I think most people do not. Her entire purpose within the narrative was that of a sentient evil Jersey Barrier that ultimately had to be blown up. I'm infinitely more interested in the loot drop that resulted from her death (and obviously the emotional ramifications of FCG's sacrifice) than any of her repetitive zealot bullshit.
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(Mostly) EndHawks sketch dump
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kieranthropy · 2 years
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“Bard Coven Head, Raine Whispers, spotted out grabbing a sweet summer treat this afternoon with their girlfriend’s two children. A spot of well-deserved respite for this lovely family!”
more of the TOH fanart backlog from 2021! This is from August and still a personal favorite of mine, it made me realize how much i love drawing raine and luz 
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haomnyangz · 2 years
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I don’t know what the future holds, but it would be so cool if you were a part of that.
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dazai-on-my-mind · 2 months
How did Asagiri somehow give us strong female characters with interesting personalities, backstories, motivations and dynamics with other characters only to do almost nothing with said female characters?????
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dividedsingularity · 2 months
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Robos Ky from my notebooks.
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offshore-brinicle · 6 months
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regulusrules · 4 months
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crying sobbing blessed with fandom rays of love!!! 🥹
will get a cake at 50K and send it to you all so that we could eat crumbs together just like this ship has done to us
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simply-sithel · 7 months
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Edwardian Ball 2024. a success. good times. pleased with my new sketchbook. moved by the performances. love how it's constantly evolving. looking forward to next year.
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festivalfoxes · 3 months
me: well i might as well start "re"reading sehhinah since the other people who've been around lately have ongoing intense performance anxiety* about living up to expectations. the guy who read it the first time went wild about it and thought it was enormously personally relevant and transformative so let's see what it does for me.
the first line of the prologue: at this point, tamar's pretty sure she's not who any of her friends think she is.
me: ah.
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strxnged · 6 months
something something i'm not as interested in reading/writing x reader/r anymore something something
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
So, I have seen the Gloob teaser (the one announcing they will broadcast new episodes in June), and I am getting some Revolutionnary Girl Utena's Shadow Play vibes from the "puppets" shots we got
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