#religious services
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incognitopolls · 1 month ago
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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brinaarcadia · 5 months ago
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Been hearin' rumors. Sounds like somebody name o' Wales is startin' up worship services down in Siren Alley, believe it or not. All faiths and creeds welcome, they says. They got big promises… salvation, immortality. A way outta here. I don't care how crazy it sounds -- a way outta Rapture's music to my ears. Next Sunday morning… I'll be there.
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deservedgrace · 2 months ago
I've been thinking about resurrection eggs today, those plastic eggs with items related to the crucifixion they give to kids around Easter, and thinking about how disturbing the whole thing is
Like, I think the whole concept of essentially celebrating human sacrifice is disturbing enough, but imo it's even more disturbing that we're told about the crucifixion as kids, that we're told about the torture and violence in detail, that we're told his suffering is our fault because we specifically are so evil and horrible and sinful that someone had to be tortured to death to make up for it, that we're told it should have been us up there, that we deserve suffering and violence and abuse and torture simply for existing... and probably other things I'm not thinking of right now, it's all just so sickening
But to do all that while trying to wrap it in a ‧˚₊*̥∗*‧˚₊*̥ uwu cute and innocent little interactive activity for kids uwu ‧˚₊*̥∗*‧˚₊*̥ where they physically have items like a mini spear that represents the one that pierced his side, a crown of thorns to represent the one he was forced to wear, nails to represent the ones that were used to hold him on the cross, leather cords to represent the whip he was beaten with, dice to represent casting lots for his clothes, cloth to represent the linen he was wrapped in after... i don't really have proper words for how disgusting it feels to me now. It's such a "look at what you've done, look at how you did it, look at what you personally contributed to by existing being sinful" while actively trying to make it more appealing to kids in the hopes that they'll internalize it better
Idk. The whole thing is just extremely repulsive to me. It's one thing to talk about the resurrection specifically, but I don't understand how so many people believe graphic depictions of torture and violence are totally fine for kids on its own even without all the other shit that comes with it
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
what kind of hobbies does machete have, and is there any artist, musical or visual, that he likes in particular?
He's an avid reader and has an impressive personal library. Crowds and big public events aren't his thing but he enjoys going to theatre and opera occasionally. He commissions and collects art, I'd like to believe he's a patron to at least a couple of painters and sculptors. If I had to pick one artist to be his favorite, I think it might be an obvious choice but I'd have to go with Caravaggio, a contemporary of his.
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soft--dogs · 4 months ago
sad update, my grandfather passed away over the weekend. my family is doing all right, we're all still processing what's happened. honestly he was so sick and far gone for a while, it's a relief to know he isn't in pain any longer.
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worstloki · 10 months ago
thor keeps making up asgardian days of celebration to get time off from avengers work and they're starting to suspect the guy just likes living in the tower rent-free and drinking barrels of ale but they can't prove anything because they know nothing about asgard
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tseecka · 2 months ago
*slaps Jayce Talis on the shoulder*
This man can fit so much devotion in him. I am going to cram so much devotion into this critter. I am going to absolutely stuff this man full of acts of service and providing as a love language.
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brainkeeper-service · 4 months ago
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an inviane identity connected to the faith the unholy trinity movie poster; this can be a gender, alterhumanity, aldernic, its own identity, or anything else the user wishes it to be.
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tags: @gender-mailman (who brought the poster on our dash), @sxyphen, @horrormogai, @indie-media-mogai
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deklo · 4 months ago
went to a good ol fashioned catholic funeral today. haven’t been to a real funeral since my grandma died (2018) and it was very nice tbh. got to see my family friends who i don’t see as often anymore. then got french food with my dad and sister and now im a bit drunk and took the dog im watching on a nice little walk at sunset 🥰 im a bit. emotional.
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incognitopolls · 1 year ago
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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clownprince · 2 years ago
i truly thought it couldn't get more insane than the last snyder interview segment i posted but he's proven me wrong once again. what the actual fuck
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mareastrorum · 6 months ago
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defensenows · 29 days ago
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batcavescolony · 11 months ago
S4 E20 Supernatural
Misha Collins is an amazing actor, I can't see a shred of Castiel when he's playing Jimmy. He's in the same clothes but when he's Cass he's Cass and when he's Jimmy he's Jimmy. He holds himself differently, He speaks differently, He is fully another character.
Jimmy seems cool, but why don't Sam and Dean check and see if the people that they save from demons are possessed by demons? Just a 'Cristo' or splash of holy water just to make sure? I'd take like half a minute and then you know they're truly safe? Jimmy giving himself up so Clare doesn't have to be a vessel 😭😭😭.
Then Dean finding out Sam has been drinking demons blood for a power up. Saying he's not mad just disappointed then him and Bobby devised a plan to get him to quit cold turkey, this'll be interesting. We're getting to the end of the season.
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infamousbrad · 2 months ago
As MAGA persecutes the equally fanatical right-wing white Catholic leadership for not being loyal enough to Trump, could it split the coalition that the Moral Majority crafted, drive them out of politics or back to the Democrats? Could Republicans ever win an election without white Catholic votes?
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mayoonmytippietoe · 2 months ago
Do you ever think about David in Alien : Covenant telling his Creator he won’t die unlike Him and the Creator ordering David to serve Him tea as an answer, forcing him back into a submissive role. Do you ever think about Walter telling David their model was altered to be simpler and more compliant because David’s unsettled people with his questioning and almost free-thinking. Do you ever think about David saying they can do anything - but create. Do you ever go absolutely insane
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