#National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
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defensenows · 23 hours ago
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theologyforthelayman · 1 year ago
National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Begins with Invocation from AMS Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
WASHINGTON, DC – “Come to our assistance, Lord our God!” Today, with those words of supplication, the Reverend Monsignor Anthony R. Frontiero, S.T.D., Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), prayed the invocation opening the annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in the Nation’s Capital. Msgr. Frontiero invoked God’s favor on the…
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qqueenofhades · 23 days ago
What are the odds the task force will “root“ him out?
After prayer breakfast, Trump creates task force to root out ‘anti-Christian bias’
Look, it would be the one and only beneficial thing that political evangelical American Christianity has ever done, if they finally looked around and went "hey wait what is the orange antichrist doing here?" and threw him the fuck into the ocean or something. Which they won't, because they suck, but still.
That said, and as much as I loathe thinking about the odious eyelinered shitweasel JD Vance almost even more than Trump, this is a great time to read up on Opus Dei. Vance is busily quoting their slogans and is widely suspected of being a member; many influential right-wing billionaires, including SCOTUS and judiciary funder Leonard Leo, already are. For an investigation into this terrible, terrible organization and its active interference in American politics on behalf of "religious freedom," I recommend Gareth Gore's recently released and thoroughly chilling expose:
So yeah. This is sad/funny because they're so in hock to literally the worst person alive, but keep your eyes on who is really pulling the strings about (lolololol) "anti Christian bias in America," and read up on who they are and what they want. Opus absolutely hates being focused on and talked about, so hey. Book club reading time.
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pyxes · 4 months ago
BUCKLE UP FEW FOLLOWERS/MUTUALS WHO INTERACT WITH MY POST... because right now is a good time for me to tell you all the tale of Idaho’s cannibalism law and the still very much relevant christian-fascist fear of anything that goes outside their bubble.
Idaho House code 18-5003 is perhaps my favorite part of history because it’s one of the most unknown but most jarring example of moral panic and is comparable to what we see today with Q-Anon, MAGA, and even general republican politics. I am going to try to keep this as short as possible but that might be a hard for me (post writing warning this is like...super long but also super cool and interesting). Like I said, I am completely entrenched in this part of history so I may go off rail a couple times.
To preface, Idaho is the only state in the union that explicitly has a law outlawing cannibalism. There is nothing like it in any other state which, when hearing this, people are generally shocked. The law states:
18-5003.  CANNIBALISM DEFINED — PUNISHMENT. (1) Any person who wilfully [sic] ingests the flesh or blood of a human being is guilty of cannibalism. 
(2)  It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of the provisions of this section that the action was taken under extreme life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival. 
(3)  Cannibalism is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding fourteen (14) years.
One would expect this to be cause by some crazed cannibalistic maniac but no. In 1990, it was caused by an orchestrated nationwide fear that “satanist” (use context clues on who was labeled as such) would kidnap children-specifically white, Protestant, blue eyed, blonde hair, girls-who would then be sacrificed. We know this now as a product of the Satanic Panic of the 80's-90's. But where does the Satanic Panic and fear for our little Suzy’s life come from????
Well with all terrible things in contemporary American history the vast majority of this goes back to gross, disgusting, turkey-neck Reagan. I know. Yuck. Don’t have to tell me twice. But to understand more we have to go back a little further to the Vietnam Era and the Jesus Freak Movement.
The fundamental idea of the Jesus Freak Movement was to break away from the period typical charismatic Protestantism. The "Freaks" were generally peaceful but a few bad seeds lit the fuse for what would become the early aughts of the Satanic Panic. Two of the most notable are The Manson Family and Jim Jones' Jonestown, both of which used New-Age Christianity to further their dark self-fulfilling prophecies. Because of this, anti-cult organizations began to form and would label anyone with differing opinions from, again, charismatic-fundi Protestantism, as "devil worshippers". These organizations really did nothing to help victims, nor did they care, they only served a purpose to yap and uphold Christian Morality.
Okay, so with that out of the way, it's time to talk about the man who unfortunately survived a gunshot, Ronald Reagan. Even with the recent assassination attempt, Reagan was dropping in the 1882 mid-term polls. He was not a good man but he was a good grifter, like what we have currently been witnessing with Donald Trump. Seeing that he needed to align with something he sought refuge in the growing Religious Right movement, even though he was the first president to not attend church while in the whitehouse. His “griftey-ness” seemed genuine to some, especially Protestant Evangelical America. This is because of three calculated speeches at the National Religious Broadcast, the National Prayer Breakfast, and the National Association of American Evangelicals. These speeches would regain confidence in Reagan and would give way to a new political group to rise, the Moral Majority.  
After this alignment with the Religious Right, Reagan was to the average American W.A.S.P (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) as John F. Kenndey was to the average Irish American Catholic. And if you have ever met and old Irish Catholic lady, you know they SALIVATED at the meer image of sexy John EVEN before he was president. Before Reagan, the Moral Majority was a right-wing movement whose relevance could be compared to a child putting their fingers in their ears and going “la-la-la”. The movement was founded by known anti-semite, Teletubby hating, sexual abuse defending, televangelist, Jerry Laymon Falwell Sr in the late 1970's. The Moral Majority was a loud but ignored group until Falwell’s association with Ronald Reagan. 
Falwell saw how moldable Reagan was and would personally invite him to speak at the National Religious Broadcaster Conference of 1982 previously discussed. He would use Ronald Reagan as a tool to further legislation that made his world more comfortable for him. SOUND FAMILIAR???? The moral majority had one mission and that was to create a ginormous red voting block that upheld conservative Christian ideals. These ideals really have not changed much from today with them focusing on a “traditional”, nuclear, bible abiding family. Traditional meaning strict heterosexual gender roles with males at the helm that we all know and are disturbed by.
One aspect of the Falwell’s Protestant Christianity, also referred to as charismatic Protestantism, is the idea of eschatology. While yes, all Abrahamic religions believe in eschatology, Falwell’s version was much more extreme. Instead of pondering of what happens with one's soul after they die, Charismatic Christianity cranks an imaginary biblical dial up to its max setting. Anyone who did not follow their beliefs were sinners and were bound to go to hell. It was, and still is, quite easy to be persuaded by the Devil, some examples include being gay, trans, Jewish, Muslim, a democrat, not want children, not tithing, playing Dungeons and Dragons, wearing pants if you are a woman, listen to secular music, breathe wrong... the list goes on. All things that deviated from the views of the growing Moral Majority turned into a calculated tabloid sensation that created a real time imaginary world that only served to push their political agenda.
Many of the tabloids were orchestrated in a way that disrupted the white suburban lifestyle institutionalized by the “White flight” of the 1960’s. A good chunk of these rumors was formulated via fear to persuade blue collar workers of the growing divide between them and those who wish to push a liberal agenda. The component of Protestant blue collar workers is important because it is distortional composed of economically stressed people who still held on to traditional American cultural values which affirmed the theology of the Moral Majority. This is still relevant today, I mean look at the voting stats in this years election. Or I don't know listen to you weird uncle who gets his checks garnished talk about how he voted for trump because of "taxes".
There are more blue-collar workers in the nation than televangelist, but the televangelist still persuaded the working class with the teachings of the prosperity gospel because that is the goal of their game. Fear provokes rumors and that was the plan to control the general population at the time. Rumors are created to both satisfy the need to reduce uncertainty and provoke more anxiety. It did not help that at the core of these rumors all held shared beliefs between thousands of people who share the stress of demoralization fronted by Satan.
Besides the views held by the religious right, a book would come out in 1980 that would confirm all the mass rumors surrounding satanic ritual abuse. Now discredited and laughed at, Michelle Remembers is the book that conservative America needed in terms of mass satanic cult confirmation bias. The book was written by “recovered-memory” therapist Lawrence Pazder and details the not-so-true story of his patient and later wife, Michelle Smith. Although the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was not around at the time the book is straight HIPAA violation after violation. The book is filled with Smith’s accounts of being tortured, sexually abused, and witnessing human sacrifices that she was sometimes forced to be a part of. One of the books many covers plays into the fear of the kidnapped blond-hair blue-eyed child previously discussed, the child is holding a doll surrounded by candles with the eyes of an evil satanist looking down at her ready to sacrifice and consumer her at any given moment. 
Smith’s story set shockwaves and inspired another “victim” of satanic ritual abuse to come forward named Laurel Rose Wilson with her book Satan’s Underground. The two would go on and appear on the Oprah Winfrey show and speak their “truth” and have it confirmed on nationally syndicated television furthering the fears of many. Although both books have been disproven and scrutinized by investigators both books sent a shockwave throughout the globe, with Michelle Remembers being known as the “whistle-blower” book. One of my favorite reviews regarding the book is “Five Baphomet pentagrams for originality and five more for hilarity.” Looking through the lens of today it is easy to call out the embellishments and laugh at Smith and Pazder’s elaborate trolling, but back then this book was truly groundbreaking and instilled more fears in Christian America. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR ARE WE MAKING CONNECTIONS YET! I mean think of all the brain dead idiots on youtube still claiming to be a victim of satanic ritual abuse.
At this point the Satanic panic has surpassed cult rumors and became a real threat to once secure neighborhoods. Parents began to fear for their children's safety when sending them to school, nowhere was safe from the evil grasp of Satanist. One event regarding this would be a product of the rumors and be the catalyst that ceased the Satanic Panic of the 80’s and 90’s. This event is known as the McMartin Preschool Trials which would later become the longest and most expensive series of criminal trials in American history. The story of the trail starts with Judy Johnson claiming her son was sexually molested by McMartin Preschool employee Ray Buckey. Ray Buckey was soon arrested, and a letter was sent out to the about 200 parents who sent their children to the preschool detailing the alleged acts perpetrated by Buckey.
Quickly receiving this letter, the number of children abused by Buckey reached 360. During the investigation claims were getting muddy with Buckey having an array of costumes, branding children, creating child sexual abuse material and dispersing it to others, slaughtering animals, and any other satanic ritual abuse activity. Buckey was not the only one charged in the case, his mother, sister, as well as several other employees were charged with the same counts as well. All together they had 208 counts of abuse that were a product of cult practices. There were even claims of underground tunnels made to traffic children. Eventually it would come out the children were being coached by investigators to make false claims in regard to what happened at the preschool. In the end all charges but 12 were dropped and the preschool was demolished which can serve as a metaphor for the panic in general. Something created out of falsehoods only to be destroyed by factual evidence based. 
Do I believe the Buckey and others involved were abusing children in the name of Satanic Ritual Abuse? No. But I do believe that something must have happened for a child to recount what happened, persuaded by investigators or not. What could have happened to spark such controversy could take the form of many types of abuse, it does not always need to be sexual abuse is abuse. One thing about children is that while yes, they have very active imaginations they also lack awareness of what being abused is like unless they suffered. It is not a concept they are born with so it should be a red flag to an adult when a child says something relating to being abused. Instead of focusing on the real issue of the claims being made, the parents of McMartin Preschool could not face the reality of abuse being perpetrated by a non-Satanic cult affiliated person with bad intentions. I think the idea of parents automatically blaming Satanic ritual abuse is, well to be frank, disgusting. It takes away from the reality of the situation and gives backswords credence to abuse happening inside their bubble. 
That is where the crux of this super mega long text post lies. People have always refused to acknowledge reality outside of their safety nets. When the reality of their constructed world is broken there is no other way to explain it other than fiction with the intent to blame everyone but themselves. Reading this you can not help but make comparisons to today, most notably with that of Q-Anon and Charismatic Fundamentalist. It feels like every week Q-Anon comes up with a new child-trafficking conspiracy like Pizza-gate/Wayfair-gate, turning Jill Biden's panda costume into some symbol of child abuse, thinking a trans predator is awaiting in every women's bathroom, creating child victims with drag queen story time, etc, all while turning a man (Donald Trump) into a god who has been charged numerous times with abuse of a minor along with his sex-trafficker friend (Jeffery Epstein) who certainly did not kill himself.
These hypocrites all preach the same ideas as Falwell and his Moral Majority constituents: that all those who do not follow their path are monsters out to abuse children, when in reality they do not care about the abuse of children. The state of Idaho does not care about children and is actively pushing legislation to make the lives of women and children more difficult every day. Long before the overturning of Roe v Wade, Idaho governor, chud Brad Little supported sentencing women to death for getting an abortion. Shortly after Roe v Wade was overturned, Idaho immediately put an abortion ban in place, making sure to sign “abortion trafficking” laws that would prosecute anyone who crosses state lines and then followed that by eliminating Idaho’s committee dedicated maternal deaths. Eliminating a committee who’s sole purpose was to understand maternal deaths all while OBGYN’s flee the state the to follow that up by cutting $38 million in state funds dedicated to preventing child abuse while also repeatedly killing bills that would put an end to child marriages in a state with one of the highest rates proves the Brad Little and his cronies do not give a single shit about kids. This obviously is not just an Idaho thing but this is a growing trend across the nation. They only care about ownership. They only care about furthering an agenda to keep their world theirs. Thus, they orchestrate lies to control the masses while they themselves turn them into truth. 
For the few who read this I hope you are now informed and also enjoyed this little history lesson that is doomed to repeat itself. We are all aware of the signs of what is to come but stay strong and do not fall into it. They want you to. Be vigilant and be informed.
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marta-bee · 23 days ago
Some of the plans coming out of President Trump's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast today have really gotten to me.
He's starting a commission to investigate anti-Christian bias (like, the FBI, IRS etc. allegedly targeting Christian groups). He's ordering AG Bondi to go after "anti-Christian violence and vandalism in our society and to move heaven and earth to defend the rights of Christians and religious believers nationwide." Which sounds like you'd almost have to prioritize them over non-religious groups (*waves @ Masterpiece Cakeshop*)
At the same time he's sending ICE into churches to deport people. He's looking at Christian groups helping immigrants like Catholic Charities and those Lutheran groups. And he's cutting off so many of the funding streams religious people rely on to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc.
I'm trying to not throw around the f-word, but it really does feel like a certain kind of Christians' rights is first and foremost (probably not the ones like me), but the things Christians are actually supposed to be doing will continue becoming a lot harder.
I don't know. Possibly I'm overreacting. Most things feel extra fascist-y just now, and I want to be fair. But the chasm he seems to be setting up between the "good" Christians and people like me's a bit dizzying and it all reminds me a little too much of Putin with the Russian Orthodox Church.
I'm not going to lie: this one hit close to home. Hopefully the next bit of shiny that distracts him will at least feel a bit less personal.
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queenofcandynsoda · 1 year ago
Christmas in Sol Fertilis
In the Catholic counties of Sol Fertilis, Christmas is a major holiday as it blends the Catholic Christian traditions with the Sol Fertilian cultural elements. Their variation of Santa Claus is named Pater Nativitatis. He has a companion named Comitissa Luminis. Pater Nativitatis, meaning Father Christmas in Latin, takes center stage as the benevolent gift-giver. Adorned in traditional Sol Fertilis attire, Pater Nativitatis embodies the spirit of generosity and blessings. Families eagerly await his arrival as he travels across the counties, delivering gifts that symbolize the cherished values of the heart, home, and prosperity. Pater Nativitatis becomes a unifying figure among the ranks. Comitissa Luminis, Pater Nativitatis' mystical companion and name meaning “Companion of Light”, enhances the Christmas celebrations with her radiant presence. Dressed in flowing garments adorned with luminescent motifs, she carries a lantern that represents hope, knowledge, and the enlightenment of the coming year. With her Romani heritage, her lantern also means resilience, wisdom, and nomadic traditions. Comitissa is not merely a companion but a symbol of the guiding light that leads the nation toward understanding, harmony, and wisdom during the festive season.
For the days leading up to Christmas, there would be Christmas trees being decorated and set up everywhere, along with poinsettias, wreaths, and garlands. The ornaments would look like acorns, pomegranates, wheat, quail eggs, and stars. There would be gold and white ribbons around it with Christmas lights that have red, black, green, blue, and purple. On the top, there would be a topper that resembles a crown with a lantern on it.
On Christmas Eve night, families attend the midnight Christmas Mass services in their county’s church, adorning their homes with Nativity scenes. In their homes, families would leave a bottle of sweet white wine for Pater Nativitatis and rosé wine with panellets for Comitissa. In the morning, families would open presents while having a light breakfast consisting of orange scones and coffee.
Throughout the day, every store in the county would be closed, causing many people to spend their day at home. Families would come together in households while lower ranks would celebrate in communal gatherings. There would be watching Christmas specials, either from government or network channels, listening to music from government-sanctioned musicians, or enjoying the folklore of Pater Nativitatis and Comitissa Luminis.
In the evening, families would have Festum Lucis, meaning Feast of Light in Latin, to commemorate the light that Comitissa has brought to their homes. In this banquet, families would eat the Lux Aves, which has Romani game birds such as quail, pheasant, and partridge. They are roasted with herbs and spices. Pater Nativitatis' Blessing Ham is a dry-cured ham roasted with rosemary, thyme, paprika, honey, salt, and pepper. Comitissa Luminis' Enlightened Seafood Platter is a Romani seafood and fish dish. Nomadic Pilaf is a rice dish that has Romani spices and herbs. Luminaria Fruit Salad has pomegranate seeds, grapes, apples, ruby strawberries, oranges, and mint, drizzled with red honey. Rosemary bread is often eaten as well. Finally, there is a Light of Wisdom Dessert Platter comprising Romani and Mediterranean desserts. They would include cannoli, sorbet, rice pudding, and semolina cake. To go with this, there is beer and sparkling wine, along with non-alcoholic options.
When night comes, families look at Christmas lights on public buildings and Households. They also consist of scenes of the Nativity, Pater Nativitatis and Comitissa Luminias, and other Christmas decorations. Finally, they carry around luminaries, symbolizing the Romani when they had to travel through the night.
At the end of the day, families would make a final prayer before heading to bed. On the next day, the Head of Households will start preparations for New Year’s celebrations.
Pater Nativitatis
Pater Nativitatis appears to be a handsome older, tall man of French/Germanic descent. He has silver hair and green eyes. He wears black robes adorned with gold and silver embroidery and a golden crown with rubies and onyx. His footwear is a pair of black traveling boots. He also wears a red velvet cape and a staff that is made of polished wood, wrapped with holly and the Lux Aves symbols. 
He is also known as “Sexy Santa” in other countries.
Comitissa Luminis
Comitissa Luminis appears to be a young Roma woman with long black hair and a pair of chocolate-brown eyes. She wears a flowing and long white and gold ankle-length skirt and blouse, intricately patterned and adorned with Christmas stories. Her headscarf is white with gold embroidered stars. She also wears a shawl that has the colors black, red, green, purple, and blue, representing the colors of the ranks, along with gold Roma embroidery, coins, and beads. Finally, she wears a pair of light brown boots with golden toes as she walks around a lot.
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buffaloskyblue · 5 hours ago
Vice President Vance Defends Pope Francis’ Papacy by Calling Him “Holy Father” and a Great Shepherd Who Tells the Truth
Vice President JD Vance, a Catholic convert, has expressed respect for the pontiff’s leadership. Speaking at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast…Vice President Vance Defends Pope Francis’ Papacy by Calling Him “Holy Father” and a Great Shepherd Who Tells the Truth
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awesomegoodmusic · 21 hours ago
TheWhiteHouseSpin.Com / SPIN PUBLISHING:
Vice President JD Vance Delivers Remarks at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Reported by Karen Ann Carr
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shiontokyo · 1 day ago
#FOX WATCH LIVE: JD Vance speaks at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TIHGBIYdTM WATCH LIVE: JD Vance speaks at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Vice President JD Vance delivers remarks at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC. #FoxNews Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: https://ift.tt/p4PHsvG Watch Fox News Channel Live: https://ift.tt/EAZHXL5 FOX News Channel (FNC) is a…
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brookston · 1 year ago
Holidays 10.1
Armed Forces Day (South Korea)
Bad Bunny Day (California)
Captains Regent Day (San Mario)
CD Player Day
Children’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala, Sri Lanka)
Chronic Urticaria Awareness Day
Chuuk Constitution Day (Micronesia)
Cut Out Dissection Day
Day of Prosecutors (Azerbaijan)
Day of Teachers and Inspectors (Uzbekistan)
Day of the Defenders of the Ukraine (Ukraine)
DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Day
Feast of Penha (Brazil)
Fire Pup Day
Fiscal Year begins (US)
Foundation Day of the People's Republic of China
Green Day
Ground Forces Day (Russia)
Guoqing Jie (China, Hong Kong, Macau)
International Day of Older Persons (UN)
International Gaucher Day
International Music Day
International Raccoon Appreciation Day
International Raise It Up Day
International Willy Wonka Day
Investiture of the Captains Regent (San Marino)
Journalist Day (Peru)
Kung Fu Day
Las Vegas Shooting Remembrance Day
Less Than Perfect Day
Lincolnshire Day (UK)
Little Golden Books Day
Magic Circles Day
Model T Day
Monkey God Festival (Hong Kong)
Moving Day (NYC)
National Architect Day (Mexico)
National Black Dog Day
National Book It! Day
National Day of the People's Republic of China
National Green City Day
National Hair Day
National Lace Day
National Latino Physician Day
National Massage Day (UK)
National Seniors Day (Canada)
National VHS Day
National Walk Your Dog Day
O’qituvchi va Murabbiylar Kuni (Day of Teachers and Instructors; Uzbekistan)
Pancasila Sanctity Day (Indonesia)
Popcorn and Tears Movie Appreciation Night
Postcard Day
Stone Fishing Ceremony (French Polynesia)
Tampere Day (Finland)
Teacher’s Day (Uzbekistan)
Umbrella Academy Day
Unification Day (Cameroon)
US-ROK Alliance Day (US and Korea)
Vat Day (French Republic)
White Rabbit Day
Willy Wonka Day
World Ballet Day
World Bluegrass Day
World Handmade Day
World Paralysis Awareness Day
World Postcard Day
World Series Day
Yosemite National Park Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coffee Day (Japan)
Croqueta Day (Miami, Florida)
German Brewer's New Year's Day
Homemade Cookies Day
International Coffee Day
International Sake Day
Japanese Tea Day (Japan)
National Marinara Sauce Day
National Pumpkin Spice Day
Pudding Season begins
Vegan Baking Day
World Cocoa & Chocolate Day
World Sake Day
World Vegetarian Day
1st Sunday in October
Blessing of the Fishing Fleet (San Francisco) [1st Sunday]
Change a Light Day [1st Sunday]
Country Inn, Bed-and-Breakfast Day [1st Sunday]
Cream Cake Day [1st Sunday]
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem [1st Sunday]
Erntedankfest (Potato Harvest Festival; Germany) [1st Sunday]
Get Out and Drive Day [1st Sunday]
Grandparents’ Day (UK) [1st Sunday]
Great Books Week begins [Sunday of 1st Full Week]
Intergeneration Day [1st Sunday]
International African Diaspora Day [1st Sunday]
International Blessings of the Fishing Fleets Day [1st Sunday]
National Police Memorial Day (UK) [Sunday Closest to 9.29]
Pickle Day [1st Sunday]
Stepparents Day [1st Sunday]
Territorial Defense Forces Day (Ukraine) [1st Sunday]
World Communion Sunday [1st Sunday]
World Quaker Day [1st Sunday]
Independence Days
Cyprus (from UK, 1960)
Nigeria (from UK, 1960)
Palau (from UN Trust Territory status, 1994)
Tuvalu (from UK, 1978)
Feast Days
Abai (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Agnolotti Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Bavo of Ghent (Christian; Saint)
Descension of the Lawyers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Edward James (Christian; Blessed)
Festival of Fides (Pagan)
Festival of Juno Sororia (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Rosary (Christian; Saint)
Fides (Old Roman Goddess of Faithfulness)
Fidharieus of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Kalends of October (Ancient Rome)
Katsushika Hokusai (Artology)
Ms. Barrett (Muppetism)
Nicetius (Roman Catholic Church)
Nicolaes Berchem (Artology)
Oschophoria (Autumn Dionysus Festival, Greek God of Intoxication)
Pergolese (Positivist; Saint)
Plat (Christian; Saint)
Remigius of Rheims (Christian; Saint)
Romanos the Melodist (Christian; Saint)
Thérèse of Lisieux (Christian; Saint)
Protection/Patronage of the Theotokos (Eastern Catholic Churches)
Wasnulf (a.k.a. Wasnon; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Abbey Road, by The Beatles (US Album; 1969)
Alice Cooper #1 (Marvel Comic Book; 1979)
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, by Gertrude Stein (Autobiography; 1932)
The Big Country (Film; 1958)
The Big Fix (Film; 1978)
The Big Knockover, by Dashiell Hammett (Short Story; 1927)
Bugs in Love (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller Jr. (Novel; 1959)
Cool Runnings (Film; 1993)
The Devil’s Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce (Book; 1906)
Dexter (TV Series; 2006)
Ferdydurke, by Witold Gombrowicz (Novel; 1937)
The Fighting Prince of Donegal (Film; 1966)
Fountains of Wayne, by Fountains of Wayne (Album; 1996)
Freakonomics (Documentary Film; 2010)
The Fright Before Christmas or A Visit from Saint Nicholouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 217; 1963)
Ghosted (TV Series; 2017)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest, by Stieg Larsson (Novel; 2009) [Millennium Trilogy #3]
Green Onions, by Booker T. & The M.G.’s (Album; 1962)
Happy, Texas (Film; 1999)
The Horse's Mouth, by Joyce Cary (Novel; 1944)
How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie (Self Help Book; 1936)
The Hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy (Novel; 1985)
Jackass (TV Series; 2000)
Journey to the End of the Night, by Louis-Ferdinand Céline (Novel; 1932)
Knight-Mare Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Kubla Khan, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Poem; 1797)
The Last Hero, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2001) [Discworld #27]
Madame Bovary (Novel; 1856)
Mad #1 (Magazine; 1952)
The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1962)
Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka (Novella; 1915)
Mickey’s Choo-Choo (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Midnight Love, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1982)
The Monks Present, by The Monks (Album; 1969)
Mutiny on the Bounty, by Charles Bernard Nordhoff (Novel; 1932)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1920) [1]
A New World Record, by Electric Light Orchestra (Album; 1976)
Night of the Living Dead (Film; 1968)
Now We Are Six, by A.A. Milne (Poetry; 1927) [Winnie the Pooh #4]
The Poky Little Puppy, by Janette Sebring Lowrey (Children’s Book; 1942)
Rabbit Hill, by Robert Lawson (Children’s Book; 1944)
Redwall, by Brian Jacques (Novel; 1986)
Ringworld, by Larry Niven (Novel; 1970)
Screaming Life, by Soundgarden (EP; 1987)
Selling England By the Pound, by Genesis (Album; 1973)
She, by H. Rider Haggard (Novel; 1886)
The Social Network (Film; 2010)
Soups On or Rocky Goes to Pot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 218; 1963)
Stranger Than Paradise (Film; 1984)
Surfin’ Safari, by The Beach Boys (Album; 1962)
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter (Children’s Book; 1902)
The Tartar Steppe, by Dino Buzzati (Novel; 1940)
Teaser and the Firecat, by Cat Stevens (Album; 1971)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Film; 1974)
Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser (Film; 1989)
The Three Little Kittens, by Marie Simchow Stern (Children’s Book; 1942)
This Is Your Life (Radio Series; 1952)
The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1962)
Vincent (Disney Cartoon; 1982)
Walt Disney World (Theme Park; 1971)
The Waste Land, by T.S. Eliot (Poem; 1922)
Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys (Novel; 1966)
The Wiz (Film; 1978)
The Young Lions, by Irwin Shaw (Novel; 1948)
007 in New York, by Ian Fleming (James Bond Short Story; 1962)
Today’s Name Days
Theresia (Austria)
Remigije, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Igor (Czech Republic)
Remigius (Denmark)
Ragnar, Rain, Rainer, Raino, Rauno, Reinhard (Estonia)
Raine, Rainer, Raino, Rauno (Finland)
Ariel, Mélodie, Muriel, Thérèse (France)
Andrea, Remigius, Theresia, Werner (Germany)
Ananias, Romanos, Thiresia (Greece)
Malvin (Hungary)
Teresa (Italy)
Lara, Lāsma, Zanda (Latvia)
Benigna, Mantas, Mintė, Remigijus (Lithuania)
Rebekka, Remi (Norway)
Benigna, Cieszysław, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Igor, Jan, Remigiusz (Poland)
Ariadna, Irina, Sofya (Russia)
Arnold (Slovakia)
Teresa, Teresita (Spain)
Ragna, Ragnar (Sweden)
Carter, Remington, Remy, Rhea, Rhiannon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 274 of 2024; 91 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 17 (Ren-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 16 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 4 Shù; Fourday [4 of 30]
Julian: 18 September 2023
Moon: 93%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Pergolese]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 8 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 8 of 30)
Calendar Changes
October (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 10 of 12]
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Holidays 10.1
Armed Forces Day (South Korea)
Bad Bunny Day (California)
Captains Regent Day (San Mario)
CD Player Day
Children’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala, Sri Lanka)
Chronic Urticaria Awareness Day
Chuuk Constitution Day (Micronesia)
Cut Out Dissection Day
Day of Prosecutors (Azerbaijan)
Day of Teachers and Inspectors (Uzbekistan)
Day of the Defenders of the Ukraine (Ukraine)
DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Day
Feast of Penha (Brazil)
Fire Pup Day
Fiscal Year begins (US)
Foundation Day of the People's Republic of China
Green Day
Ground Forces Day (Russia)
Guoqing Jie (China, Hong Kong, Macau)
International Day of Older Persons (UN)
International Gaucher Day
International Music Day
International Raccoon Appreciation Day
International Raise It Up Day
International Willy Wonka Day
Investiture of the Captains Regent (San Marino)
Journalist Day (Peru)
Kung Fu Day
Las Vegas Shooting Remembrance Day
Less Than Perfect Day
Lincolnshire Day (UK)
Little Golden Books Day
Magic Circles Day
Model T Day
Monkey God Festival (Hong Kong)
Moving Day (NYC)
National Architect Day (Mexico)
National Black Dog Day
National Book It! Day
National Day of the People's Republic of China
National Green City Day
National Hair Day
National Lace Day
National Latino Physician Day
National Massage Day (UK)
National Seniors Day (Canada)
National VHS Day
National Walk Your Dog Day
O’qituvchi va Murabbiylar Kuni (Day of Teachers and Instructors; Uzbekistan)
Pancasila Sanctity Day (Indonesia)
Popcorn and Tears Movie Appreciation Night
Postcard Day
Stone Fishing Ceremony (French Polynesia)
Tampere Day (Finland)
Teacher’s Day (Uzbekistan)
Umbrella Academy Day
Unification Day (Cameroon)
US-ROK Alliance Day (US and Korea)
Vat Day (French Republic)
White Rabbit Day
Willy Wonka Day
World Ballet Day
World Bluegrass Day
World Handmade Day
World Paralysis Awareness Day
World Postcard Day
World Series Day
Yosemite National Park Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coffee Day (Japan)
Croqueta Day (Miami, Florida)
German Brewer's New Year's Day
Homemade Cookies Day
International Coffee Day
International Sake Day
Japanese Tea Day (Japan)
National Marinara Sauce Day
National Pumpkin Spice Day
Pudding Season begins
Vegan Baking Day
World Cocoa & Chocolate Day
World Sake Day
World Vegetarian Day
1st Sunday in October
Blessing of the Fishing Fleet (San Francisco) [1st Sunday]
Change a Light Day [1st Sunday]
Country Inn, Bed-and-Breakfast Day [1st Sunday]
Cream Cake Day [1st Sunday]
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem [1st Sunday]
Erntedankfest (Potato Harvest Festival; Germany) [1st Sunday]
Get Out and Drive Day [1st Sunday]
Grandparents’ Day (UK) [1st Sunday]
Great Books Week begins [Sunday of 1st Full Week]
Intergeneration Day [1st Sunday]
International African Diaspora Day [1st Sunday]
International Blessings of the Fishing Fleets Day [1st Sunday]
National Police Memorial Day (UK) [Sunday Closest to 9.29]
Pickle Day [1st Sunday]
Stepparents Day [1st Sunday]
Territorial Defense Forces Day (Ukraine) [1st Sunday]
World Communion Sunday [1st Sunday]
World Quaker Day [1st Sunday]
Independence Days
Cyprus (from UK, 1960)
Nigeria (from UK, 1960)
Palau (from UN Trust Territory status, 1994)
Tuvalu (from UK, 1978)
Feast Days
Abai (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Agnolotti Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Bavo of Ghent (Christian; Saint)
Descension of the Lawyers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Edward James (Christian; Blessed)
Festival of Fides (Pagan)
Festival of Juno Sororia (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Rosary (Christian; Saint)
Fides (Old Roman Goddess of Faithfulness)
Fidharieus of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Kalends of October (Ancient Rome)
Katsushika Hokusai (Artology)
Ms. Barrett (Muppetism)
Nicetius (Roman Catholic Church)
Nicolaes Berchem (Artology)
Oschophoria (Autumn Dionysus Festival, Greek God of Intoxication)
Pergolese (Positivist; Saint)
Plat (Christian; Saint)
Remigius of Rheims (Christian; Saint)
Romanos the Melodist (Christian; Saint)
Thérèse of Lisieux (Christian; Saint)
Protection/Patronage of the Theotokos (Eastern Catholic Churches)
Wasnulf (a.k.a. Wasnon; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Abbey Road, by The Beatles (US Album; 1969)
Alice Cooper #1 (Marvel Comic Book; 1979)
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, by Gertrude Stein (Autobiography; 1932)
The Big Country (Film; 1958)
The Big Fix (Film; 1978)
The Big Knockover, by Dashiell Hammett (Short Story; 1927)
Bugs in Love (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller Jr. (Novel; 1959)
Cool Runnings (Film; 1993)
The Devil’s Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce (Book; 1906)
Dexter (TV Series; 2006)
Ferdydurke, by Witold Gombrowicz (Novel; 1937)
The Fighting Prince of Donegal (Film; 1966)
Fountains of Wayne, by Fountains of Wayne (Album; 1996)
Freakonomics (Documentary Film; 2010)
The Fright Before Christmas or A Visit from Saint Nicholouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 217; 1963)
Ghosted (TV Series; 2017)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest, by Stieg Larsson (Novel; 2009) [Millennium Trilogy #3]
Green Onions, by Booker T. & The M.G.’s (Album; 1962)
Happy, Texas (Film; 1999)
The Horse's Mouth, by Joyce Cary (Novel; 1944)
How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie (Self Help Book; 1936)
The Hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy (Novel; 1985)
Jackass (TV Series; 2000)
Journey to the End of the Night, by Louis-Ferdinand Céline (Novel; 1932)
Knight-Mare Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Kubla Khan, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Poem; 1797)
The Last Hero, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2001) [Discworld #27]
Madame Bovary (Novel; 1856)
Mad #1 (Magazine; 1952)
The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1962)
Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka (Novella; 1915)
Mickey’s Choo-Choo (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Midnight Love, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1982)
The Monks Present, by The Monks (Album; 1969)
Mutiny on the Bounty, by Charles Bernard Nordhoff (Novel; 1932)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1920) [1]
A New World Record, by Electric Light Orchestra (Album; 1976)
Night of the Living Dead (Film; 1968)
Now We Are Six, by A.A. Milne (Poetry; 1927) [Winnie the Pooh #4]
The Poky Little Puppy, by Janette Sebring Lowrey (Children’s Book; 1942)
Rabbit Hill, by Robert Lawson (Children’s Book; 1944)
Redwall, by Brian Jacques (Novel; 1986)
Ringworld, by Larry Niven (Novel; 1970)
Screaming Life, by Soundgarden (EP; 1987)
Selling England By the Pound, by Genesis (Album; 1973)
She, by H. Rider Haggard (Novel; 1886)
The Social Network (Film; 2010)
Soups On or Rocky Goes to Pot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 218; 1963)
Stranger Than Paradise (Film; 1984)
Surfin’ Safari, by The Beach Boys (Album; 1962)
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter (Children’s Book; 1902)
The Tartar Steppe, by Dino Buzzati (Novel; 1940)
Teaser and the Firecat, by Cat Stevens (Album; 1971)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Film; 1974)
Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser (Film; 1989)
The Three Little Kittens, by Marie Simchow Stern (Children’s Book; 1942)
This Is Your Life (Radio Series; 1952)
The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1962)
Vincent (Disney Cartoon; 1982)
Walt Disney World (Theme Park; 1971)
The Waste Land, by T.S. Eliot (Poem; 1922)
Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys (Novel; 1966)
The Wiz (Film; 1978)
The Young Lions, by Irwin Shaw (Novel; 1948)
007 in New York, by Ian Fleming (James Bond Short Story; 1962)
Today’s Name Days
Theresia (Austria)
Remigije, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Igor (Czech Republic)
Remigius (Denmark)
Ragnar, Rain, Rainer, Raino, Rauno, Reinhard (Estonia)
Raine, Rainer, Raino, Rauno (Finland)
Ariel, Mélodie, Muriel, Thérèse (France)
Andrea, Remigius, Theresia, Werner (Germany)
Ananias, Romanos, Thiresia (Greece)
Malvin (Hungary)
Teresa (Italy)
Lara, Lāsma, Zanda (Latvia)
Benigna, Mantas, Mintė, Remigijus (Lithuania)
Rebekka, Remi (Norway)
Benigna, Cieszysław, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Igor, Jan, Remigiusz (Poland)
Ariadna, Irina, Sofya (Russia)
Arnold (Slovakia)
Teresa, Teresita (Spain)
Ragna, Ragnar (Sweden)
Carter, Remington, Remy, Rhea, Rhiannon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 274 of 2024; 91 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 17 (Ren-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 16 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 4 Shù; Fourday [4 of 30]
Julian: 18 September 2023
Moon: 93%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Pergolese]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 8 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 8 of 30)
Calendar Changes
October (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 10 of 12]
0 notes
arcticdementor · 4 years ago
The presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world. It is necessary that all of you Catholics of America are well aware of the role that Providence has deigned to entrust to your President, and that you are aware of the extraordinary battle that He is preparing to fight against the demonic forces of the deep state and against the New World Order. I am at your side with fervent prayer, together with millions of Catholics and with all people of good will throughout the world. Our trust rests in God, the Almighty, whose right hand always works wonders.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
0 notes
whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
The Real Issue in the Case of Rev. Moon (1984)
Tumblr media
△ Pictured:  From left to right: Senator Orrin Hatch, Rev. Everett Sileven, Moon By Colman McCarthy
February 5, 1984
The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder and leader of the Unification Church, is not everyone's idea of the Second Coming. I confess to having had a passing feeling of elation when in May 1982 he was fined $25,000 and sentenced to 18 months in prison for tax evasion and filing false returns. An appeals court upheld the conviction.
I wasn't alone in that feeling. Polls have reported wide hostility to Moon. Perhaps it's his mysterious smile that irks us, because in fact he's as completely normal as any commie-hating, money-loving preacherman at the head table of the town prayer breakfast beating a pious breast when the cameras roll.
Unfortunately for me, I understood more the reasons that Moon was unpopular--his methods of programming recruits, the mass weddings, his real-estate holdings--than I did the reasons the government won its case. Last week, when Moon asked the Supreme Court to review his conviction, some reconsiderations were in order.
First Amendment principles of religious freedom are involved, as well as procedural questions on whether Moon's original trial before a New York jury was fair. What the appeals court described as "troubling issues of religious persecution and abridgement of free speech" has created a unification of believers that only amazing grace or love of the First Amendment can explain.
It is the latter. Some 40 national groups joined the appeal last week as friends of the court. These include the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Baptist Churches, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus, the United Presbyterian Church and the National Council of Churches.
This is a Noah's ark of views and styles. Everyone is on board, not to express faith in Moon but to perform the good works of protecting his right to express his Unification beliefs. If his church is under unfair attack this time, someone else's may be next time. The First Amendment forbids the government from nosing into lawful internal church matters, regardless of how odd those matters appear to outsiders. The more bizarre, the more reason for protection.
Moon was prosecuted for not reporting as personal income--and paying taxes on--$162,000 earned as interest, mostly from a Chase Manhattan bank account. The critical question was who owned the money, the church or the church leader. Moon argued that he was the trustee of the money. It was given by church members to be used, through Moon, for their religious purposes. The members had decided, in a legal process, that this was the way they wanted their assets to be managed and used.
Laurence Tribe, a legal scholar and a professor of constitutional law at Harvard, is Moon's chief counsel. In the petition to the Supreme Court, Tribe argued that the religion clauses of the First Amendment are violated when the government decides it is wrong for a church leader to use funds that his followers want him to use.
In United States v. Moon, the government, Tribe writes, "simply proceeded with a theory that ignored Rev. Moon's relationship to his followers; a theory that Rev. Moon's ownership of the assets were in Rev. Moon's name and under his control, and that the assets had been used for what the government deemed Rev. Moon's personal investments and expenditures. This theory treated the intent and religious identity of the assets' donors as wholly irrelevant, and relegated Rev. Moon to the role of an 'ordinary high-ranking businessman'--the very image the government continuously conjured up before the jury."
The national concern generated by this case isn't wasted. Moon's unpopularity is unimportant. Even then, the personal attacks against him are similar in meanness and bias to those vented historically against Jewish, Christian and Moslem leaders when they were newcomers bringing a minority religion into the community. The Unification Church members I know are decent and honest citizens.
The conviction of their leader represents a brick knocked out of the wall of separation between church and state. Every church, and every leader of one, will be more at the mercy of the state if Moon's conviction is allowed to stand.
Note on this article: This editorial by Colman McCarthy in the Washington Post portrays Rev. Moon as a victim of oppression. This may appear to be a defense of religious freedom but on closer examination, the biases and class interests become evident. The media is not a neutral and impartial observer, but rather an active participant in shaping public opinion and promoting the interests of those in power. The emphasis on religious freedom in the Rev. Moon case should be seen as part of this larger pattern of deception and propaganda, rather than as a sincere defense of religious liberty. The media, including the Washington Post, is not a neutral and impartial observer of events but rather an active participant in shaping public opinion. The media is dominated by large corporations and the wealthy, who have a vested interest in promoting their own views and interests. Media outlets often focus on stories and perspectives that align with the interests of their owners and advertisers. In the case of the Rev. Moon, the Washington Post editorial emphasizes the importance of religious freedom, and the diverse support from civil leaders that Moon received in his struggle for freedom, but fails to mention the financial interests of those who benefited from his release. The fight for Rev. Moon's freedom was not just about religious liberty, but also about the interests of those who financially supported him and the organizations that advocated for his release. This was not just the forming Religious Right and Evangelicals, but also included Democratic politicians, former Civil Rights leaders, the ACLU, the National Council of Churches, as well as other political and civil leaders. They were all paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, in some way or another. 
None of what was said in this editorial addresses the constant abuses and mismanagement of funds by religious organizations, which often go unnoticed and unscathed, and how Moon’s victory would likely ensure that they remain unscathed. The emphasis on religious freedom can distract from these important issues and create a false impression of the reality of the situation.
The Washington Post is part of the bourgeois establishment and represents the interests of those in power. Its support of religious freedom can be seen as an attempt to protect the interests of religious organizations, which have significant influence and resources, rather than as an impartial promotion of religious liberty.
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jeanjauthor · 4 years ago
Hello there. Please can you do a guide on how a king would live in the Medieval Era/Middle Ages? (Daily routine, hourly tasks/things they occupy themselves with each week) etc. Thanks.
Unfortunately, there's a LOT of ground to cover in that request, because the Middle Ages covers basically from 600s-1500s, and is presumed to be European, which means a gazillion kingdoms big and small. The best I can do for you is to point you at some possible times & places where there might actually a number of resources.
There isn't a lot of information on the early period stuff outside of Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire), but you might want to look at resources covering that empire/timeframe as Romans were notorious for writing down almost everything. There may be more information floating around Charlemagne (the start of the Holy Roman Empire).
Next era could be in England, the time of Richard the Lionhearted (Richard II, his brother King John & the Magna Carta era, etc), also the Empress Maude (Empress Mathilda, mother of Richard & John) who lived in France, etc--her epitaph reads something like "Daughter of a King, Wife of a King, Mother of a King, but Never A Queen"...so you know there's going to be some history there.
Other spots that have royals that are fairly well studied: the Borgias and their influence across Mediterranean Europe, the Holy Roman Emperors of Austria, et al, all the way up through to the court of the Sun King, Louis XIV of France (admittedly more Age of Exploration than Middle Ages). With these latter timeframes, remember that a king's life gets more complicated and regimented by customs & rituals the closer you get to our most recent centuries, less complicated the further back in time you go.
For much of the above 1000-year timeframe, the daily life of kings wouldn't be that much different from the daily lives of nobles--better than peasants, with people to do your cooking, cleaning, and laundry--and if if you were lucky, you'd be able to read and write, though not always. The daily schedule would vary from place to place, time to time, and would not necessarily reflect our own mealtimes of breakfast-lunch-dinner for a start. Breakfast might be something simple like fruit, cheese, bread, or it could be pottage (porridge, a mix of grains & dried fruits, or leftover veggies & meat, etc), or it could be an actual elaborate meal, depending on the era, etc.
Daily concerns, there wouldn't be the agricultural labor expected of 90% of the population, and not so much any of the crafting labor expected of most of the population, though it's possible a king could have an interest in blacksmithing, leatherworking, even doing spinning. (Spinning was done by everyone, regardless of age or gender, though social class did have some effect.)
For absolute sure, most kings would definitely spend a few hours a day, either each day or most days a week, in combat training, weapons practice, mounted combat, and of course riding, since they could afford the horses. It is also possible some kings did their own falconry, but as rearing, training, and caring for hawks, falcons, etc, is a daily job, that would more than likely actually be the work of the king's falconer, with the king knowing enough of how to handle the bird (well, one hopes he'd know enough).
Hounds (various breeds of dogs) are depicted quite frequently in the presence of kings, so having a loyal canine companion would be a high probability (cats would be around, too, and might be favored), and while the full training and responsibility of feeding wouldn't be on the king's shoulders in all likelihood, dogs are much more likely to stick around than fly off back into the wild than, say, a hawk, so the king would have a lot more daily contact and interaction with them.
I include hounds and hawks because one of the things a king would be expected to do was to hunt. A lot of places had rules about the deer in the king's forests belonging to the king, to the appointed game wardens, to the local nobles...but hunting down feral animals was also an expected job of the nobility, so feral cattle and pigs, wild boar, those would be skills a king would train for, and would certainly have specialist warriors and huntsmen to surround him when going out on one of these hunts.
The king (or queen) would likely have petitioners arriving to speak with him. In earlier eras when travel was more difficult, these would probably be less formalized, but might still be frequent enough to require a formal royal court session (you know the one portrayed in movies, with the audience members, the petitioner being announced and brought up to the throne, etc).
Remember, however, that the earlier you go, the smaller the facilities, the less regimented-by-custom the activities, the less formal things will be--the king might hear petitioners in the solar (a room with a lot of natural light, where the royal family would hang out and do things indoors), the equivalent of sitting down in someone's living room and having a chat over coffee or tea. (Or rather, small beer, lightly alcoholic and drunk instead of water because after being brewed, it was more sterile and safe to drink, plus, calories!)
There might be specific days when the king does have royal court sessions, but again, that'll depend on timeframe, nation size, ease of travel, and overall frequency of petitioners asking to be heard...along with how close an acquaintance or how unknown they are to the king. Some would bring gifts as bribes in the hopes of getting their petition favorably handled...but this wouldn't always be guaranteed. (iirc, there's a cueniform tablet saying that a pair of sandals "in the greek style" had been brought to a king in the Middle East as a gift, and that said king had ordered them returned, though the reason why was not written down, wrong size, wrong person, wrong petition, who knows?)
The king's taxes would have to be assessed, with reports coming in and orders going out across the kingdom at certain times of year. This could be in the form of coin, crafted goods, or raw resources such as grain, lumber, ore ingots, etc. He would have to see to whatever passed for a standing army, making sure from time to time that they were being kept well-trained and well-armed--not all kings or kingdoms or eras had a standing army! But there would be a group of warriors whom the king would be able to call upon, professional or voluntary (or voluntold, as the case may be).
This is because one of the duties of a king (at least a good or reasonably competent one) would be to ensure the kingdom--ts peoples, livestock, resources, borders, etc--were kept as safe as possible from invasions, raiders, roadside banditry, random skirmishes between disgruntled nobles, possible uprisings, etc.
Another duty (presuming good or competent) would be to engage in diplomacy both within (disgruntled neighboring nobles) and without (neighboring nations, potential trade partners farther away, etc) their lands. This could involve sending diplomatic couriers with letters, or it could involve sending spies to integrate and ingratiate their way into the ranks of the persons or groups trying to be spied upon and/or influenced in certain ways.
Queen Elizabeth I of England had a very widespread network of spies and informants throughout most of her reign, and engaged in diplomacy while wielding the weapons of knowledge and influence upon her opponents--not necessarily her enemies every time, but her opponents. (Mind you, she also had a temper at times, and could make threats with the best of them, but most often she chose to try things diplomatically to start, at least from what I understand.)
One more thing to consider when it comes to Medieval Europe and the monarchy. The Church's power stretched everywhere--even after Protestantism got started!--so a monarch would be expected to bow to the religious expectations of piety, etc. They'd be expected to pray near-daily, would certainly be expected to attend masses, and would without a doubt be expected (pressured or coaxed) into giving gifts to the Church.
When King Henry VIII got pissed off at the Catholic Church (and was strapped for cash), he did an about-face to Protestantism so fast, there were monasteries and churches in England literally in the midst of upgrades and renovations that got informed all the Church lands belonged to the king now, so bugger off, but leave all the valuable silks and gold and silver behind, kthxbai! *doorslam!* That was because the Church held a lot of lands, and a lot of wealth, and the king was tired of not having all that land and wealth himself.
In earlier periods, the fear of Excommunication was strong, because Christianity was what tied disparate peoples together...gingerly and fragilely in many cases, but even if you couldn't speak each other's language, you could mumble along the Latin phrases for the prayers and services of a mass, and your unintelligible buddy over there would know and nod along and mumble them, too, hey, you do have something in common!
In later periods, when trade became quite widespread and strong, when secular interactions could hold together alliances, not just the "we're all in this together as fellow worshippers," then it became easier to break away from the Church's hold, and to not fear excommunication so much. (Shunning can be a powerful social activity regulator.) So that's something to consider: how strong is the influence of the local religion(s) in your area? The heart of Byzantium, Constantinople, had many religions working and living together for years. A lot of that was live-and-let-live in attitude. Other areas were very...fanatical...about their specific local belief systems, and so the local sovereign would be expected to go along with that, or be trampled by the zealotry of their population base.
...As you can see, there is quite a lot to consider. The daily life wouldn't always be the exact same 9-to-5 office hours, but there were certain rhythms to the day, the week, the season (life was very much seasonal in medieval times), and the passing of each year. But in many ways, there would be many similarities.
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azspot · 4 years ago
The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast will present an award to Attorney General Barr for “Christlike behavior” tomorrow morning. A.G. Barr has ordered the executions of six men with at least one more on the calendar. What is “Christlike” about using discretionary power to kill?
Sister Helen Prejean
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keywestlou · 4 years ago
Ho Ho Yogi Bear
DAY 11…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 7, 2012 by Key West Lou
Ho ho Yogi Bear! I am having a terrific time!
Donkeys have become a part of my life all of a sudden. First in Navaro when I discovered horse meat and donkey meat were sold in butcher shops for human consumption. Donkey was viewed to horse meat as veal is to cattle meat. Now donkeys in Santorini.
Before I made the trip, many told me to be sure to ride the donkeys up and down the hill. The hill that in reality is a mountain of lava.
I saw the donkeys yesterday for the first time. I was taking a walk along the other road. The road that runs between the cave hotel apartments and lesser accommodations. Actually the other side of the road is where the working people of Santorini live. Much like Stock Island is to Key West.
All of a sudden, I came upon eight donkeys on the side of the road. All saddled up and ready to go. What beautiful animals! I am a horse lover of sorts. The horses that race at Saratoga. Especially up close. Magnificent beasts. So too were these donkeys. Beautiful shiny coats. Ears standing straight up. Big bright eyes. Muscular legs. Very muscular.
These donkeys carry people up and down the side of a nearby lava mountain. On a path running along the side. Along a five foot wide path has been constructed 2,000 feet plus long. It consists of 500 plus steps. The steps of varying widths. A short 3 foot wall on the ocean side.
The ride did not appeal to me. I did not wish to be an ass on an ass. I was fearful of either the donkey or me or both of us falling over the wall. I raised that issue with the man in charge of the donkeys. I think I insulted him. He told me very firmly that no donkey or person had ever even fallen off the path into the ocean.
The path was made of dirt and rocks.
I had Nikos give me a ride in his car down the mountain.
The volcano sitting out in the water is like a magnet. It draws me to it. I have decided to visit the volcano in the next few days. I want to look into the opening and its depths. I want to view the smoke and sulfur and whatever else my eyes can see.
The volcano is not too high. Most of it sunk into the sea. So I should be able to walk to the top.
There is an added attraction. There are springs periodically spraying water and smoke. Baths from the emissions are available on site. I want to bathe in these waters. Supposedly healthful, I will be doing it merely for the experience.
Santorini is the largest of the several islands which were born 3,500 years ago when the volcano had its major eruption. It is big. How large, I am not sure. Larger than Key West I do know.
The whole island has a mere 13,000 permanent residents. Compared to Key West which has 19,000.
Santorini is the name of the whole island. There are several villages and towns located on the island. I am staying in Oia, one of those towns. People are nice here. Just as in Key West.
Sociable, helpful.
I spoke of beauty parlor proprietor Catherine Risvani yesterday. Catherine owns the only beauty shop in Oia. One to a town, I guess. Called Hair & Soul. It is a beautifully done small place. Two chairs, two sinks, a manicure station and a counter. Two lovely ladies working for her.  Catherine gave me a manicure this week.
Catherine is lovely in appearance. A typical Grecian beauty. Tall, thin and blond. Hair swept up and somehow tied in back. Interestingly, I have yet to find a Grecian woman who wears her hair down. Catherine also has high cheek bones. Another trait of Grecian women.
The bill for the manicure was 20 euros. About $28 american money. I was out of euros. I asked Catherine if she took credit cards. No. So I took out one of my $100 bills and told her to hold it while I went to the ATM machine for euros. She would not take the $100. Strangers though we were, she trusted me. In a tourist town. Typical of the Greeks here.
Which brings me to Nikos and Maria. Proprietors of my cave accommodation. Nikos and Maria are around 60. Own the Filotera Cave Houses aka Filotera Villas. A superior accommodation. Consistent with historical Santorini.
They and their son Adonis work their asses off. They have staff, but work along with staff from very early morning to late at night.
When I first arrived and met Maria, she was in a dress and apron. Smiling always. She does not speak English. I no Greek. Yet we have had several conversations. Each of us has spoken our native tongue. We understood each other!
I figured after first meeting Maria that she was the typical Mama Mia. A dress and apron. Always cooking and cleaning. Always watching the grandchildren.
Was I wrong!
The next time I saw Maria she was in peddle pushers and a tee shirt. Directing the employees.
Nice people these two.
It was Maria’s birthday the day I arrived. She sent a piece of birthday cake to my rooms. Nikos picked me up at the airport. Nikos drives me where ever I have to go. And picks me up. Their caves are lovely and clean. Very clean. Take a look at them. www.filoteravillas.gr, www.filoteravillas.com and www.santorini.com/hotels/filoteravillas. These sites will give you a flavor of cave living. They will surprise you!
The second day here, their son Adonis showed up with a bottle of wine. He said it was from his father’s vineyards. A special brew. Please enjoy it. I did, the next day. A cross between a white and red. A distinctive special taste.
Yes, Nikos and Maria besides owning the cave villas also own a vineyard and wine producing facility on Santorini. They ship world wide.
Nikos and Maria live across that street I mentioned earlier. In a small apartment less accommodating than the caves. In November, it gets cold on Santorini. They move to their home on the other side of the island. When it gets colder, they move to their home in Athens. During the winter months, they generally take a one to two month trip to the Caribbean or South Pacific.
It gets better.
Santorini and the Greek isles are not the United States. Many amenities we are accustomed to do not exist or are not provided. Like my clothes getting washed and ironed.
I was warned before I embarked on this odyssey that such would be the case. I came prepared. Purchased shirts and shorts at Orvis. That special material that is light, easy to wash and dry. Generally requiring little or no ironing.
I wash my own clothes. For real. Easy. In the bathroom sink. Drop some dish washing fluid on the clothes. A bit of water. Wash with my hands. Then shake dry.
The clothes still need hanging. Dryers are not common place on the island. Could not hang the clothes in front of my cave accommodation. It would not look right nor would it be proper.
There are clothes lines across the street at the cheaper accommodation. I hung my first washing there to dry. When I returned that evening, Maria came out to greet me. She insisted on ironing my clothes. My savior in disguise!
If you ever plan to come to Santorini, stay with Nikos and Maria. You cannot do better. Their telephone number is 003022860 71110. Fax number 003022860 71555. E-mail [email protected].
Enough for today.
There is much still to share.
This afternoon I am going to a beach somewhere on this island. Where I am guaranteed seeing bare breasted women. And, if I am lucky, some bare assed ones.
Enjoy your day!
As I have said in the past, vaccine distribution to Monroe County and Key West is not good. We seem to be forgotten. It appears political pull helps in getting enough vaccine to take care of an area.
Monroe County and Key West seem to be lacking in that regard.
I am happy for the person in Pensacola who was reported to have had excellent service. Not the case here. And none of us are doing anything wrong!
This morning’s Citizens’ Voice had two interesting comments re vaccine distribution/availability.
“Citizens of Monroe County should be outraged that the Medical Center at Ocean Reef, a private club, was allowed to administer 4,000 vaccines that were not available to the public, only to club members. This represents over 85 percent of the vaccine provided  Monroe County.”
“Now I know why after five tries I am unable to get an appointment for the vaccine: politics trumps health.”
Eugene Robinson is one one of the Washington Post’s finest columnists. He also has a touch of Key West in him. Every year, he and his wife spend one month in Key West. Normally January. They were not here in January. Probably the virus.
Robinson’s Washington Post column this morning is titled “To Rebuild the Grand Old Party, First Tear It Down.”
A passage from the column: “Before a sane, responsible political party can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of today’s dangerously unhinged GOP, there must be ashes to rise from. The nation is going to have to destroy the Republican Party to save it.”
Biden has been impressive so far. As he will continue to be. I have faith in the man.
He is moving fast. The  stimulus package, foreign matters, vaccine, etc.
It is very true that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
Biden spoke before the National Prayer Breakfast. Called out white supremacy and domestic terrorism. And a multitude of other things.
Brian Burch is the President of CatholicVote. After the Breakfast, Burch slammed him for backing abortion and transgenderism. I do not know if Biden mentioned either during his talk. I suspect not.
One old, the other relatively new. Burch forgets that Biden, as with any President, represents all the people and not just one segment.
John Kennedy had a similar problem. Directed primarily at his Catholic faith. His response simple and understandable: “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.”
Christopher Plummer died. An outstanding actor. His age at death 91. Did not pass away under normal circumstances. He fell and struck his head. The blow to his head resulted in his death.
One of Plummer’s most famous roles was that he performed in The Sound of Music.
His movies many. However, Plummer most enjoyed his Shakespearean performances. He considered himself a Shakespearean actor rather than a movie one. His famous Shakespearean parts were his performances in Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard III, and as Mark Anthony.
He won his first and only Oscar at age 82. He also was rewarded with 2 Tony and 2 Emmy Awards.
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men was published this day in 1937.
Steinbeck had a marked influence on my young life. My parents had purchased several volumes of Steinbeck’s works. For their enjoyment, not mine.
I was about 10. The books attracted me.
I would sit in a huge easy chair in the living room. A thick red dictionary at my side.
The first work I read was Of Mice and Men. Obviously I did not understand everything. One thing the book did however was to increase my vocabulary and expose me to a world I did not know. Some of which I was happy not to have experienced.
Over a period of time, I also read The Grapes of Wrath and several other Steinbeck works whose names at the moment I cannot recall.
Looking back, the reading I did probably was not uncommon. There were no television or cell phones in those days. Yes, there was radio. However radio did not particularly turn me on except for baseball.
Enjoy you day!
  Ho Ho Yogi Bear was originally published on Key West Lou
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