#advice throughout life to his grandkids was always
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deklo · 3 months ago
went to a good ol fashioned catholic funeral today. haven’t been to a real funeral since my grandma died (2018) and it was very nice tbh. got to see my family friends who i don’t see as often anymore. then got french food with my dad and sister and now im a bit drunk and took the dog im watching on a nice little walk at sunset 🥰 im a bit. emotional.
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theriu · 3 years ago
Okay I am looking forward to Breath of the Wild 2, but you know what I really want? That we havent got yet? An older Link. In every game, he has to save the world as either a child, a young man, or a child in a young man’s body. Same with Zelda. These poor kids get the fate of the land thrown at them and theyre KIDS.
Give me a Link who reaches the age of 40 before he gets called to his destiny. Give me Zelda as queen instead of princess, ruling her kingdom with wisdom and hoping she isn’t the one who has to save it this time but prepared if she is. Ganon/Ganondorf always gets to have a life and grow into an adult before he goes nuts or whatever, let’s switch it up! Show me responsible adults who have some life experience and connections in place to help them when things go to crap.
I want a Link who’s lived a good bit of life already and gained wisdom and experience, maybe already gained lots of friends throughout the kingdom or knows a bunch of hunting tricks that help against monsters when the hoardes come back. Give me a Link who has raised a family and whose kids know how to fight and join him. Yes yes give me family man Link, with an awesome wife!!! Can you imagine all the great extra unlockable characters?! Link stopping on his journey at Link Jr.’s stable for Descendant of Epona (and Link is SO GLAD it wasn’t his son who was the destined Link, he’s kind of regretting passing on that tradition now), and getting some advice from his researcher daughter, and having his other son tagging along who is even better than Link at archery or hammersmashing, and SEEING LINK’S GRANDKIDS?! Can you imagine him having a wife who just goes to town on some bokoblins that attack their homestead with her own sword or, better yet, a frying pan?!
I wish I were better at drawing older men, I need this version of Link even more now. Nintendo get on this, we have enough teenage heroes! Give me middle-aged Link!!!
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shemarmooresfedora · 4 years ago
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: one allusion to sex
A/N: me and @samuel-de-champagne-problems are doing a 500 follower co-celebration that you can find here! we would love to hear from you <3
Chapter 34
You came down the stairs in the morning to see Spencer staring out the window of the sun room.
He occasionally sketched something in his journal, poking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, before glancing up again.
“What’s up, love?” you asked him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind so you could peek into his journal full of sketches.
“I want to build a treehouse for Jo to use and the twins eventually. Maybe even grandkids,” Spencer smiled softly.
“I like that idea but please tell me you are having someone help you. I don’t want you up on a ladder by yourself,” you warned him.
“Derek was more than happy to help,” he kissed the top of your head.
“I’ve got to go to Lowe’s to get the wood planks. Do you want to come too or I can bring all the kids with me?”
“I am not going to miss alpha-male Spence,” you bit your lip, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
“I’ll get the kids up if you make coffee,” he bargained.
“Deal,” you gave him a quick peck before sending him up the stairs.
Spencer came back downstairs with the two twins in the double carrier and Jo holding his hand. He was dressed in jeans with a measuring tape hooked to his belt and the leather brown doc martens you bought him on his feet.
“I was not expecting to be this turned on at 8 in the morning,” you whispered to him with a giggle which caused him to blush.
“Can we get donuts on the way, Mommy?” Jo asked.
“Of course, Baby J. Let’s go.”
You had Ollie and Ophelia in their portable car seats in the shopping cart while you and Jo were eating your donut munchkins and watching amusedly as Spencer pretended to know what he was doing.
“It’s okay to ask for help, love,” you reminded him.
“Fine,” he huffed, “Let me go get an employee. I have all the practical knowledge of how this should work but believe it or not, I was never a big handyman. I would just call my landlord when something broke.”
After getting the wood situation settled, Spencer brought Jo to the paint swatch section.
“Princess, you can pick any color you want for me and Uncle Derek to paint the tree house,” Spencer told her.
Jo took her time, carefully examining each swatch and considering her options before deciding on a pale lavender.
“Excellent choice,” Spencer smiled, kissing her cheek, “You got your love of purple from me.”
“I’ve got it!” Jo announced at the knock at the door.
“Jo!” Derek smiled as she opened the door.
“Uncle Derek!” she jumped into his arms.
“Long time, no see, kiddo. You’re growing so fast.”
You walked into the entry way with Ollie and Ophelia in your arms.
“Spence is already out back. Please be careful, you two. I don’t want to drive to the hospital today,” you cautioned.
“I’ll be out in just a second. I need to see my two godbabies first,” Derek extended his arms, taking Ollie from you and giving him little kisses on the cheek before doing the same to Ophelia.
“They still keeping you up at night?” Derek asked.
“Not as much nowadays, it’s a little harder with twins because as soon as one cries, the other follows. But Spencer always insists on getting up so I really can’t complain,” you smiled.
“Alright, I’ll head out there and get to work so Jo can have her new treehouse as soon as possible,” Derek waved.
“Hey, man,” Derek greeted Spencer as he walked outside.
Spencer looked up from his journal, “Oh, hey! I have got some preliminary blueprints sketched out that you can take a look at. Thank you so much for your help today. I really appreciate it and the kids will too.”
“Of course. You know things between me and Savannah are getting pretty serious so maybe my kid will be playing up there one day too,” Derek smiled.
“That’s so great to hear, Morgan.”
“I have you to thank for that. Seeing this life that you created outside the BAU inspired me. It made me realize I want more than to be a travelling single man my whole life,” Derek stated.
“I’m happy you’ve found someone you can see yourself settling down with,” Spencer smiled, “You and Savannah are welcome over any time for dinner.”
“When did you know Y/N was the one?” Derek asked.
Spencer couldn’t believe the Derek Morgan was asking him for girl advice. But then, he remembered he had everything. He had managed to win over his dream girl. His soulmate. His everything.
“The first time she laughed at an awful joke I made. I just knew from that moment on, I wanted to hear it over and over again and I would do everything in my power to keep that smile on her beautiful face,” Spencer admitted.
The sliding glass door of the sun room opened.
“Sorry to interrupt but Jo and I just made some fresh lemonade and I don’t want you guys to get dehydrated out here,” you said as you placed the pitcher and cups down on the table, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Spencer’s lovesick gaze was laser-focused on you.
“I asked him when he knew you were the one,” Derek informed you.
“Oh,” you smiled softly, reminiscing, “For me, it was on our first date when he held every single door for me and would even run ahead to make sure it was open. I knew I had found myself the perfect gentleman.”
You gave him a quick peck before heading back inside.
You woke up already crying. You cuddled further into Spencer’s chest as you teared up.
“I don’t want to go. Please, Spence, I want to stay home with you and the kids,” you sobbed.
“Love, remember, I asked you last week if you wanted to go back or if you wanted me to find a job instead and do you remember what you said?” Spencer cupped your chin and gently forced you to look up at him.
“I love teaching,” you sniffled.
“I completely understand if you change your mind but I think you should give it at least a day.”
“No, you’re right,” you kissed him before getting up and heading to the bathroom to get ready, “Besides, it’s spring so before you know it, the semester will be over and I’ll have all summer with you and the kids.”
“That’s my girl,” Spencer smiled.
“Okay bye, my beautiful babies,” you kissed Ophelia and Ollie’s heads, “Be good for Daddy while Jo and I are gone.”
“I will text you pictures of them every hour on the hour and you can facetime us at lunch if you want,” Spencer assured you, giving you a goodbye kiss.
“Ready, Jo?” you asked, extending your hand for her to grasp on to.
“Yes, Mommy,” she grabbed your hand.
“Have fun at school and work!” Spencer called out, crouching down and moving Ophelia and Ollie’s little arms as if they were waving goodbye.
Your day had gone as well as could be expected. You felt like eventually you would be able to adjust back to your regular work schedule. Spencer’s constant texts throughout the day and the multiple framed family photos that he got you for your office desk definitely helped.
You got home, setting your keys and bag down on the counter next to a takeout bag. Of course, Spencer got you takeout from your favorite restaurant on your first day back because he’s just that sweet.
You hadn’t heard any noise from within the house since you got home so you headed out to the back porch.
You saw Spencer in a hammock tied between two trees in the yard, soaking up the sun. Ollie and Ophelia were sprawled across his chest with a protective arm draped over them and Jo was curled up into his side with his other arm wrapped around her.
You quietly walked over and snapped a picture that definitely would be added to your office desk’s collection before laying down on Spencer’s other side.
He awoke from the rustling you made trying to get yourself settled.
“Why are you crying, love? During our last check-in, you seemed fine,” he whispered concernedly.
“Nothing is wrong, my family is just too cute and my husband is too sweet,” you smiled softly, “Now pass me a baby. You can’t hog them all to yourself.”
in case you missed it, i posted a stand-alone smut one-shot of RF titled ‘All Clear’ but it is not necessary to read to continue the plot of the story and it is strictly 18+
taglist (just ask to be added or removed): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @doctorreiding @reidsfish
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juniorgman187 · 4 years ago
Things We Know By Heart (Spencer Reid Fluff)
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Summary: Reader teaches Spencer how to slow dance in preparation for his wedding. The only problem? Reader’s in love with Spencer, and she isn’t the bride. 
A/N: S/O to Kyla who bullied me throughout all of elementary school. Ik you’ve probably changed since then, but you literally traumatized and tormented me for more than six years of my life. So I felt like including you in this story as, “Kayla,” Spencer’s fiancé. Tehe, I’m petty like that.  Couple: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Category: Fluff Word Count: 6.5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
I think we’d all like to believe that somewhere out there is our person. And somehow, someway, they’ll get to where they need to go, right where they belong. 
With us. 
That’s what I’d like to believe. 
I’d like to think that no matter what happens along our journeys to each other, we’ll arrive at the same destination regardless. 
But that isn’t necessarily true, is it? 
Because maybe, my soulmate got lost along the way. They met somebody great, someone they think is their person, and they married that person. They had kids and eventually, grandkids with that person, even though, deep down - they knew it wasn’t right. They stayed with them anyway because their fear of being alone superseded their fear of being with the wrong person for life. 
And what am I to do when that happens? When my person finds a different person. 
Am I supposed to believe that the universe will be so kind as to give my soulmate the courage to leave their relationship behind and forge a new one with me? 
Am I supposed to expect that the world will supply me with another person, the person I’m supposed to marry? 
Or do I simply wait for my person to come to the conclusion that they’re meant to be with me after all and my naive entitlement to a soulmate is validated?
Is life really that magical? 
This is the story of what happens when your person loves a different person.
With his hand at the nape of my neck to support my head and his other hand flat against the small of my back, he dipped me backward, leaning with me as I arched my back and bent the leg closest to the crowd, pointing my foot to elongate my leg artistically. This was our ending position so I remained in it until the song ended. The two of us bowed to thank the audience and to conclude our performance. Roses fell at our feet while the sound of applause echoed in the room. I was never a fan of being the center of attention, but there was something about this overwhelming praise that was particularly blissful. It was intoxicating. 
“I didn’t know you knew how to dance like that.” I gushed to my partner; my cheeks growing pink from the heat and the head rush I got. 
He positioned his mouth right beside my ear so I could hear his words clearly over the rowdy cheering. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Princess.” said Morgan.
A gauntlet formed to clap for us both when we walked off the dance floor. Hand-in-hand, Morgan led me back to the table through the double file line of people. The team howled with excitement when they saw me and Morgan approaching.
“So this is what you two were keeping a secret from us? That you’re dance partners?” JJ had to ask. 
“Yep. All those late nights and secret rendezvous.” Morgan said, shimmying his shoulders be suggestive of a sexual innuendo, which I was not a fan of. Out of mock offense, I chucked a small towel at him with a grouchy command to “Shut up!” 
He took the towel to the face like a champ, laughing it off and dabbing his sweat away. 
“I don’t know who was sexier up there - Princess or my Hubba Hubba!” Garcia squealed pretending to claw at Derek, reeling him over towards her. 
“You looked like a natural up there, Y/N. Were you a dancer before?” Prentiss questioned while handing me a glass of water that I desperately gulped down. 
“My mom sent me to dance classes as soon as I could walk.” I jokingly explained after gathering my hair into a makeshift ponytail and lifting it off of my neck, cocking my head to the side and fanning the back of my neck to cool down. 
“Maybe you should teach Reid how to dance before the wedding. He’s got two left feet and I don’t think he wants Morgan to teach him how to waltz.” JJ quipped, making Derek throw his head back in laughter. The thought of Morgan and Reid slow dancing would truly be something - something hilarious. I laughed, too, until Reid’s voice interrupted me.
“Yeah, that’s actually a really good idea. Would you mind, Y/N? Kayla would be so happy.” 
I thought he was joking, but his humorless expression told me otherwise. 
“You want me to teach you how to dance?” 
He pursed his lips and nodded, not understanding why I was so confused. 
“Um . . . yeah. I can do that. Sure.” My tone wasn’t very convincing, but Reid’s optimism made him oblivious to my reluctance. He smiled and hugged me with one arm around my shoulder. 
“I have to call Kay and tell her the good news.” Reid dashed away from the table, pulling out his phone to dial his fiancé. 
I darted toward JJ with fury and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her into the bathroom for privacy. 
“What the hell was that? ‘Oh, Y/N, you should teach him how to dance.’ You know how I feel about Reid!” 
Rather than giving me hostility back, she broke into a smile. “Exactly! If you spend more time alone with him, maybe he’ll finally admit to himself that he shouldn’t be marrying Kayla,”
I rolled my eyes and turned my back away from her. 
“We all know Spence would be happier with you.” 
As JJ spoke, I trudged to the nearest sink, holding onto the sides for stability as the ground below me swayed. She followed me, rubbing up and down my back comfortingly. 
“You know how he is. He keeps things to himself, until eventually they’re forced to come out. If you dance with him, maybe he’ll finally tell you he loves you without actually having to say it. Do this for him . . . and for you.” JJ gave me one last pat on the back before exiting the bathroom to leave me to my devices.
Normally, teaching a friend how to slow dance in preparation for his wedding would be sweet. It’d be a selfless gesture and an act of service for him that would show how much love there was in our friendship. In this case though, it was anything but. 
For the six months that Spencer and Kayla had been engaged, the team was relentless in trying to end it. I tried to stay out of it in case all hell broke loose, but I couldn’t escape it. No - I was at the very center of it. 
Before Reid even knew Kayla existed, he was head-over-heels in love with me. He’d ask me on coffee dates, wait by my desk for me, and he would always try to sit beside me at the round table or on the jet. It was sweet, really, but it could never go anywhere. 
I was in a committed relationship with my high school sweetheart Patrick. (Maybe Spencer had a thing for unavailable girls).
I moved in with Patrick after graduating from college, and after years of working in the BAU (and years of Spencer loving me) Pat proposed. At first, being engaged brought me so much joy, but halfway into our engagement, something changed.
I was in Wisconsin, consoling a grieving widow. She was hysterical after I delivered the treacherous news of her husband’s gruesome murder. She eventually calmed down and proceeded to ask me about my engagement when she noticed my ring. I gave her the bare minimum, fabricated a couple things here and there, but then she asked me the million dollar question. 
“Are you in love?” Her eyes glimmered with hope. 
My immediate answer was a habitual “Yes, of course.” But after seeing how deeply this widow loved her late husband, I couldn’t say in good conscience that that answer was actually true. 
That night I went to the hotel and lied on the bed, praying for clarity. 
Perhaps I wasn’t actually in love with Patrick. Maybe we’d been together for so long that it just felt safe and comfortable and familiar. Maybe it was the fear of disrupting the arrangement of my life that stopped me from ending things sooner. 
The fact of the matter was that I’d only ever known a life loving him, but that didn’t mean I was in love with him. Maybe I was settling for something with Pat, because I wasn’t sure if I could have a better relationship with anyone else. With all these doubts, I needed a sign. 
A knock on the door interrupted my inner dialogue. 
When I opened it, who else was standing there, but none other than Rossi.
“We need to talk.” He ordered. 
He followed me back into the room and sat at the foot of the bed. He said he noticed something was off about me, and I admitted that there was. So that night, I took advice I probably shouldn’t have from the man with multiple failed marriages, but it was a sign - and it was good enough.
When we returned to Quantico, I asked Hotch for some personal time, which he was happy to permit. That same night I went home and broke off the engagement with Patrick. 
I felt despicably cold when I watched him tear up and ask me, “Why are you doing this?” 
There was truly no concrete moment in our relationship that incited my decision, but it was merely the realization that being with him wasn’t right, because how could I stand there watching him beg for a change of heart but still feel nothing? 
Maybe I was much less than not in love. Maybe I didn’t feel a thing for him at all. Not hate. Not empathy. Not love. Just . . . nothing. 
Completely indifferent. 
Within the week of personal time I took, I spent most of it moving into Rossi’s guest house. After I came back from work, it took all of two hours before someone brought up the absence of the ring that I used to never take off, and I’d assumed they’d already noticed it the moment I walked in - they were just too afraid to ask.
“I ended things with Patrick.” I casually stated, not even looking up from my portfolio to give it the attention it probably deserved. 
While the rest of the team’s jaws dropped on the floor, Rossi was fighting a smirk considering this wasn’t news to him and having seen everyone else’s reactions was a priceless moment for him. 
There was a brief moment of awkward silence on the jet as the team processed my information, until finally Hotch cleared his throat and started debriefing again. In the seat next to me, Spencer was very poorly hiding his enthusiasm. Hearing I broke off the engagement was like a green light to make his move. And honestly, it was. 
So I waited. 
And I waited. 
And I waited. 
Then I waited some more for him to jump at the opportunity. 
But he didn’t. 
He never did. 
Instead, he introduced Kayla into our lives, and eventually, they’d get engaged, too. 
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t developed feelings for Spencer while I expected him to act upon his palpable affection for me. And because of my newfangled feelings, I could never tell another soul that I sincerely believed Spencer got engaged just to spite me - to show me just how painful unrequited love was. 
The strangest part of it all, though, was that there was never a moment following the ending of my engagement and the birth of his own that showed me that his feelings went away. He never treated me differently or stopped talking to me. Even in the early stages of his relationship with Kayla, he continued to act like I was the only girl in his life. He was so consistent with his actions that it confused me.
Did he love me or not? And was I in love with him or not?
Evidently, the team seemed to have my answer. 
“He loves you and you love him. It’s as simple as that.” Prentiss explained curtly. 
Agreeing nods came from JJ, Morgan, and Garcia, who’d abducted me as soon as I exited the elevator that morning and snuck me into Garcia’s Bat Cave for an intervention. 
“We need to stop this wedding.” Garcia demanded. 
And since that glorious intervention, the team (minus Rossi and Hotch because Rossi seemed genuinely happy for Reid, and Hotch would definitely tell us it wasn’t our place) began trying to put a wedge in the relationship. I, however, made the smart choice not to be involved. 
If I was trying to get him to love me, why would I do something that would surely make him hate me like breaking up his engagement? Plus, the blind optimist in me believed that if I was actually meant to be with Spencer, it would happen regardless of Kayla. 
So anytime Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, and Garcia suggested something, I refused to participate. I was able to steer clear of any wedding crasher shenanigans up until JJ’s “slow-dance” suggestion. 
If Reid knew the true intentions behind these dance classes, he surely wouldn’t be pleased, but clearly - he didn’t. Because when I walked out of the restroom and back to the table, Reid still had a huge grin that took up half of his face, making his eyes look nearly shut. 
“Thank you again for doing this.” Reid beamed. 
“Of course! What are friends for?” 
Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, and Garcia exchanged satirical glances at my choice of words. 
What are friends for if not to purposefully set two people up in hopes of ending one person’s betrothal?
Later that weekend . . 
“Come in!” I called out, buckling the ankle strap of my heels. 
The door opened partially and then all at once to reveal the one and only. I peeked my head out from behind a wall that was obstructing my view of him, immediately noticing a bouquet of lavender wrapped in twine. 
“Oh my goodness, what is this?” I asked in pure delight as he handed me the pretty purple flowers. 
“It’s a thank-you gift for agreeing to help me.” His lips formed a thin straight line, which was his version of a smile. A smile I appreciated whenever I was lucky enough to have caused it. 
“They’re lovely, thank you.” I told him, hugging him briefly before fetching a vase from the kitchen to put them in.
“Oh, good, I’ll tell Kayla you liked them. She’s the one who picked them out.”
The glass vase nearly shattered the moment he said that, but luckily, my reflex skills spared the vessel.
How big of a fool was I for thinking that he gave me flowers out of the kindness of his heart because he knew lavender was my favorite? But then again I probably needed that brutal reminder of why he was here in the first place - for Kayla.
As I put the vase on the kitchen island, I spun around, brandishing a fake smile. 
“So we should probably get started. I don’t wanna keep you here for too long.” 
“There’s no rush. Kayla won’t be home until late at night.” 
I tried not to think of the potential innuendo that lied within his statement, but Spencer wasn’t type to be disloyal, and I wasn’t going to be the woman to make him such a person.
“You look really nice, by the way.” I heard him say from behind me, catching a whiff of his cologne that was intoxicatingly sweet.
I did my best to not take the comment personally and let it get to my head, but I’d be lying if it didn’t elicit any response. I smiled to myself, which thankfully, he couldn’t see since my back was towards him as he followed me into my backyard. 
“You smell different.” He added. 
“Good different?”
“Yeah, absolutely. Is it a new perfume?”
I furrowed my brows. “No, it’s the same one I’ve been using for years.”
“Interesting,” I could feel him taking in this information, and I could hear the gears in his head turning at an even faster rate to spit out more information. “Did you know that you pick your soulmate by subconsciously reacting to pheromones that transmit their genetic compatibility? Yeah, there’s a relationship between attraction and scent, which dates back to our primal instinct. So if someone smells appealing to you, even if you don’t know it, it could relate to your attraction to them and vice versa.” 
“Ah, then maybe I should consider changing my perfume to improve my love life.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous. I love the way you smell.”
In the back of my mind lied the unanswered question I neglected to voice, “But do you love me?”
When we reached the backyard, I heard him gasp in awe. 
“It looks beautiful, Y/N. You did great.”  
Nestled in my backyard was a dark wooden deck, surrounded by plentiful greenery. Lining the perimeter of the shiny wooden deck were asymmetrical rocks, while above us hung strands of fairy lights that cast a sheer golden glow on the entire scene. The ambiance was not for Spencer specifically, but I was happy that he appreciated it nonetheless. 
“You ready?” 
He signaled yes by putting his thumb up and so it began.
“Alright, so slow dancing can be broken into four easy steps, but first, you gotta know how to hold your partner correctly.” 
Spencer and I took a step towards each other, and I could feel the nervous energy radiating off of him. I tried not to call attention to it, so I simply continued with my process. Outstretching my arms to form a T with my body, I guided him verbally. 
“So I’m the follower. And you’re the leader. Got it?” 
He nodded. 
“Leader puts their right hand under the follower's left armpit and cups their hand around the follower's shoulder blade.” 
He understood my instructions, and in the most awkward manner possible, he fumbled his way into the right position, albeit, not perfect. 
“Now, hold my right hand as high as my eye level without raising my shoulder.” 
Spencer was glaringly anxious, so I gave him a word of encouragement. “Hey, don’t be nervous. It’s just me, okay? And you’re doing great.”
I could see the nerves beginning to settle, translating into the conviction with which he took my hand, raising it at the perfect height. 
“Great. Just like that.” 
My praise brought out that smile in him that only ever came out on rare occasions. The kind where it’s brief, his teeth showing, a light chuckle escapes him, and he’s looking down as if he’s too shy to look at me. 
“Okay, step two is basic footwork. Leader starts with their left foot and takes a step to the left. And then your right foot is going to meet your left foot and tap. The count is one-two.” 
I watched as Spencer tried to process what I was saying. 
“Do you want me to demonstrate first? And then you follow?” 
He nodded rapidly as if saying yes wouldn’t be enough to communicate how much he needed me to lead. We broke apart so that I could turn my back towards him. I felt a cold draft blow under my dress as I spun on the ball of my feet, making my skirt flutter upwards majestically. 
I felt him watching. 
“Alright, so I’ll start and then you can catch on. It goes one-two.” 
Left foot step. Right foot tap. 
“Then three-four.” 
Left foot step. Right foot tap. 
“Then to the right this time. Five-six.” 
Right foot step. Left foot tap. 
Right foot step. Left foot tap.
“And back again. One-two. Three-four. Five-six. Seven-eight.” 
My eight count continued until the click of my heels on the patio was joining by the sound of Spencer’s feet shuffling behind me. I knew if I turned around to check on him, it would only psych him out and make him more nervous, so I stayed facing forward so he wouldn’t feel that I was scrutinizing his technique. 
After a minute or so of following me, I spun back around, catching his lingering stare in the region of my hips. He tried to play it off and pretend he wasn’t, but I felt it. 
“You did really well tonight. I’m proud of you. I think that’s a good place to stop for today.” 
He thanked me with another hug, the kind where we nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. 
God, I could feel him breathing on my shoulder. 
I tried not to not to let myself indulge in it, reasoning that this was just a way for one friend to thank another, but I couldn’t help myself when the hug lasted longer than it should’ve. I tightened my embrace around him, drawing him in closer, and shutting my eyes as if taking my sense of sight away would heighten my sense of touch and magnify this feeling I never wanted to end.
“You take care, okay?” I said, rubbing my hand up and down his back to signal we should pull away, a signal he understood.
I was the first to walk away, merely because of the worry that I might sooner cry if I had to stay under these lights with him a moment longer. 
I wasn’t sure I could do this again unless he was mine. Otherwise, I’d just be under the stars, dancing with the love of my life that I couldn’t have - feeling that feeling again, and not being able to act on it. 
Is this what happens when your person loves somebody else?
I know I said I couldn’t do it, but I did it anyway. 
I guess that’s what love is. Doing things you don’t want to do because your care for the other person surpasses the discomfort. True love makes you do things like that, even if they aren’t in your best interest.
When he came over the next night, we danced again. Undoubtedly, he stumbled - even came close to falling - and yet, I fell in love all over again. After that, it got harder to separate dancing from my feelings. 
The next day, we had a case. He came to my hotel room and we danced in the dim golden light of the hotel room’s chandelier. God, it was so ambient and romantic, I think I fell even harder for him - if that was even possible. 
From then on, every time we were in the same place, he leapt at the opportunity to dance with me. 
“Guys, look what I learned last night! Come, Y/N! Come on, come on.” 
He waved me over eagerly with his hand, even helping me out of my seat in the round table just to speed up the process. All too excitedly, he assumed the leader’s position, and he danced me around the entire conference room in front of our coworkers. He spun me around the table, he dipped me in the doorway, he held me in his arms by the glass board. 
Can you really blame me for falling in love? 
“Wow, Y/N! I’m impressed. You really whipped him into shape.” JJ remarked with a clap. 
I hid behind a faux smile, but Spencer was too elated to recognize the deceit. He was like that now. Maybe love made him more of a fool, more naive and blissfully unaware, whereas love made me more devoted and cognizant. 
It went on like that for weeks. Practicing whenever and wherever we could. 
He’d pull me into the hotel lobby at midnight to dance - not even batting an eye at the looming presence of the receptionist. 
He’d ask me to come to his apartment and we’d dance in his living room or in the narrow hallway, just for fun. 
When we were at Rossi’s, he’d drag me to the kitchen, with Rossi’s gentle music playing in the background, and we’d sway by the fireplace sometimes. 
We danced once in the elevator when it got stuck. I never thought he’d be so fearless to do that, but he looked like he was genuinely enjoying himself, almost like he didn’t even notice we were stuck in an elevator. 
While we waited for the jet, we’d danced on the tarmac, looking like a moving bundle of clothes, our movements stifled by our thick peacoats, layers of clothes, and scarfs. 
After a dinner during cases, when we’d split a cab back to the hotel, he’d get me to dance on the sidewalk, even convincing me not to pay attention to the onlookers on the street, the honking cars, or the confused pedestrians. I was always embarrassed to be in the spotlight, but somehow with him, it was easy. It felt like it was just the two of us, dancing under that streetlight. 
I never understood why people wanted to live in a moment forever, but for the first time that night, I did. That was a moment I wanted to freeze in time. I wish I could’ve stayed there forever. There in that moment, it really felt like it was our own little world. It was easy to believe we’d end up together, and we were the ones getting married, and we were in love. 
But again, that was in that moment. In that singular, fleeting moment. And then life moved on, whether or not I was ready for it to. 
The day of rehearsals inevitably came, and I wasn’t originally supposed to be at the wedding rehearsal since I wasn’t part of the ceremony, but Spencer asked me to be there, deliberately neglecting to tell me that the reason he wanted me to come was so that I could fill in for Kayla, which had I known that, I would’ve certainly declined. 
When I walked in, the team was all there, sitting in the pews, with their heads turning to me where I was standing at the entrance of the church. It felt like an eerie nightmare that I was living out where I was Spencer’s bride walking down the aisle, and this was our wedding. I couldn’t tell you what was so nightmarish about it - probably because none of it felt right - but I was sick to my stomach when Spencer gestured for me to meet him at the altar. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Kayla had a last minute dress alteration in Norfolk and got stuck in traffic. She won’t make it for this rehearsal, but she’ll be there in time for the dinner rehearsal.” 
“So why am I here?” 
“I wanted to practice my vows on you, if that’s okay.” 
I gulped hard, trying to swallow the lump in my throat to open up my suddenly-closing airway. 
“Um, I don’t really know if -”
“Please, Y/N. I’m just nervous that I might mess up-”
How could I say no? True love makes you do crazy things, even if they aren’t in your best interest, right?
I reluctantly agreed. 
Spencer’s hands were trembling and I could see it by the way his notecards were shaking, even from the fact that he brought notecards alone, and that he didn’t already memorize his vows. I wanted to put my hands around his and hold them to settle his unsteadiness, but I knew that wasn’t my place. I figured my words would do a better job at not crossing a boundary that was already crossed.
“Hey,” I comfortingly whispered. “It’s just me, okay?” Calling back those words from the first time we danced months ago. “You don’t need those notecards. Just speak from the heart.”
And sure enough, his heart spoke. 
“When people used to tell me stories about what love felt like and what is what, they always said they fell in love with that person. Like it was sudden and all at once, but with you - I walked into love with you. With my eyes wide open, choosing to take each and every step along the way. I never believed in fate or destiny, but after I met you, I finally believed. I believed that we are only fated to do the things that we’d choose anyway. And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality. I’d find you and I’d choose you.”
My breath hitched as I got lost in his eyes and how they were looking right at me, completely unmindful of the way everyone around us saw how he spoke to me. 
I think he even got lost too, because what he said next, didn’t even seem to register in his mind before it came out of his mouth. 
“I love you . . . Y/N.” 
Gasps rang through the church, ricocheting off the high ceiling, and in that moment I knew, I knew he was going to kiss me. 
He lunged forward in the heat of the moment. Clearly not thinking straight, he held my face in his hands, and I swear to God, I could’ve kissed him back. 
I would’ve. 
Every single head in the church turned toward the small voice, too distinct to misplace. 
“Kayla, wait!’ 
And there I stood, alone at the front of the altar, watching him run after her. 
I sat by my phone the entire afternoon, waiting for someone - anyone - to update me. No one ever ended up texting or calling, so I figured the dinner rehearsal wasn’t cancelled. At least, in that case, my dress didn’t go to waste. 
After spending an ungodly amount of time curling my hair and putting on my makeup, even achieving a smoky eye look, I finally slipped on my navy-blue, satin, floor length dress, donning nude heels and a dainty gold necklace with a single diamond pendant that laid right on my sternum. 
It was a shame that this was a moment where I should’ve felt at my prettiest, and yet, I’d never felt so ugly. 
I was riddled with the guilt of knowing I would’ve kissed Spencer if Kayla hadn’t walked in. I felt even worse that I was so consumed by his speech that I didn’t even hear her come in. 
How long had she been standing there? Long enough to watch what I knew everyone else saw? These questions never left me. Not even when I pulled into the site of the dinner rehearsal. 
Clutching the front of my dress to walk without resistance, I came to the entrance, and opened the door to reveal . . . nothing.
Staff was removing chairs and tables. 
Waiters were collecting plates and utensils. 
And Spencer was standing in the very middle of the empty room, watching it all happen silently, like he was just the shell of a man. 
“Spencer!” I called out from the entrance, in no hurry to meet him at the middle of the room. He turned on his heels, with his hands sheepishly shoved into his pockets. 
“Gosh, I’m sorry, Y/N. I should’ve called to let you know it got cancelled, but um, Kayla broke my phone.”
“Well, it’s time you got a new phone anyway.” I chuckled, which thankfully earned a chuckle from him, too. 
“What happened, Spencer?” My voice was quiet, as if it was any decibel higher it would sound more like a scold than genuine concern. 
“She, um, she told me she needed some time to think. And I, I told her to come to the rehearsal dinner if she still wanted to get married and,” He mirthlessly chuckled. “Well, you already know.” His words were chosen carefully to deliberately avoid what he hadn’t yet come to terms with. 
She didn’t come. 
I wasn’t yet sure whether or not to console him or to berate him for what he almost did, but I chose the former. 
“I’m so sorry, Spence.” 
He looked up from the ground, still managing to avoid my gaze, by looking up at the ceiling, and pretty much everywhere my face wasn’t. 
“I understand if you want to leave right now. I just need to pay the owner and I’ll be out of here.” 
I shook my head instantly. “No, I’ll be right here. If you want me to be.” 
He bit his lip to stop a sob from escaping. “Yeah,” He nodded, cowering his head. “I’d like that a lot.” 
As soon as I saw his cheeks get red, I took it as a cue to approach him and hug him. He was grateful for my compassionate touch, immediately opening up his arms to hug me back. His embrace around me was needy and desperate, and it felt like he was clawing at my dress, acting out of anger that the fabric was stopping us from being that much closer. 
With his shoulder digging into the spot right underneath my chin, it was hard to utter the words, “You look really handsome, by the way.” I said, finally acknowledging his light beige suit and white button up shirt. 
“Thanks.” I heard him mumble into my shoulder. 
“Kayla doesn’t know what she’s missing.” 
To my surprise, he didn’t recoil, flinch, or so much as react to her name. Instead, he simply pulled away, wiping the moisture under his nose, and straightening out his suit. 
“We should . . . we should probably talk about what happened earlier, right?” 
I sighed and shook my head. “Not if you don’t want to. We can save that conversation for another day.”
He looked appreciative of my avoidance, but I knew he wanted to talk about it. 
“Hey, excuse me,” He stopped a staff member by clutching their arm gently. “Do you mind, actually? Leaving two seats behind.” 
The staff member complied, doing as he said, and leaving two chairs behind, setting one right across from the other. I took my seat, and Spencer took his.
“I probably shouldn’t have spoken from the heart, huh?” He joked, finally seeing the humor in his situation. 
“No, it was good that you did.”
“You think so?”
“Definitely. I think Kayla would’ve appreciated it.” All too quickly he responded with, “I wasn’t talking about Kayla.” 
I was talking about you, his somber eyes said. 
I looked away from his gaze immediately, trying to find a reprieve from the conversation that I was doing my best to avoid. 
“It was a really good speech. It sounded so natural. Like something you knew by heart.”
“Something I knew by heart?” He didn’t seem to understand what I meant. 
“Yeah, some things we just know by heart. Like the lyrics to our favorite song, or a recipe, how to dance,” We both chuckled at the reference. “Or . . . how to love.” 
“Do you think we know who to love by heart or do you think we make that choice ourselves?”
“I think it’s both. I think we can’t control the person we’re meant to love. That, by some miracle, we’re handed this person that complements us better than anyone else. But I also think it’s our choice on whether or not we pick them. Maybe we aren’t willing to stand the test of time and wait for our person, so we don’t pick them and settle for someone else. Or maybe we do pick them and we live out the rest of our lives together. I think that’s what makes love so special. It’s a person choosing you over and over again.” 
Isn’t that what we all want? To feel chosen?
“And what if we make the wrong decision? What if we’ve met who we’re supposed to love, but we chose to love another?” His eyes were searching within mine for the words that I wasn’t saying out loud. Out of fear that my eyes might expose me to Spencer, I looked away. 
“I think -”
Spencer cut me off. “Look at me.” 
My head didn’t move, but I shifted my gaze just as he wanted.
“When two people are meant to be, nothing and no one can end them. They may get lost a time or two on their journey, but true, real love will always conquer. Nothing can compete with them. Others can only attempt to fill a void. And eventually, the two will be reunited. That’s the beauty of true love; you always end up with the right person, at the right time, regardless of any other factor.” 
Quiet fell upon us two after I said my piece. My breathing slowed down and the knot in my stomach came undone. The lump in my throat disappeared. 
All my bodily barriers broke down. There were no more emotional walls up between the two of us anymore. I was completely vulnerable - nothing to hide me. Not even my eyelids could hide the windows of my soul. Spencer had already seen into them. 
He saw my soul, my secrets. 
“Dance with me.” He extended his hand in the air between us two. With no hesitation, I accepted his offer and followed his lead. He’d never danced so naturally before. Somehow, his stiffness had withered away. The thick tension that used to loom in the air above us two dissipated. Something new replaced the contents of the atmosphere. 
Limitless love. 
Spencer drew me in closer so my head could lay on his chest. Previously, I was looking at his face, but now the view was of our connected hands. My fingers were intertwined with his, and I didn’t even notice how his thumb was rubbing small circles on the back of my hand until I saw it with my own eyes. 
Had he always done that, but I couldn’t feel it until I saw it for myself? If so, what else had he been doing that I couldn’t feel?
“Loving you.” 
I removed my head from his shoulder after hearing him answer the question that I pondered silently, wondering if suddenly just acquired the superpower of telepathy.
“Loving you. That’s all I know how to do by heart.” 
A wave of relief came over me when I realized he hadn’t read my mind, he was just simply adding to our conversation from before. 
“That’s not true,” I mirthlessly chuckled. “There’s lots you know how to do. You know thousands of chess permutations, you know how to geographically profile - you know how to dance now.” I countered playfully.
He shook his head. “I know how to do those things, but sometimes, none of it makes sense. I used to lose matches against Gideon, sometimes the comfort zone is inaccurate, and until today, I couldn’t dance very well,” He chortled. “But loving you. That always made sense. It never failed me or disappointed me and it’s so all-consuming that if I try to love anyone else - it just doesn’t make sense.”
Of all the words in my vocabulary, each of them were failing me. I was rendered speechless. Spencer cleared his throat and looked away for a moment, before finding the nerve to say it. 
“I choose you.” He proclaimed. 
So, I was right. 
There are some things we know by heart. 
Lyrics to our favorite song.
A recipe. 
How to dance . . . how to love.
And who to choose. 
“I choose you, too, Spencer.” 
. . . So to answer my question from before, is life really that magical? . . . 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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i-need-entertainment · 4 years ago
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of old man they’ll be
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi and Daishou
*Minor Timeskip spoilers*
TW- Old men, mentions of being senile, mentions of retirement home.
Akaashi Keiji: Old man with the best stories
The kind of old man who has the best stories.
He doesn’t tell fictional stories, they’re really just stories from his youth, but he always makes them so fun to listen to.
his grandkids always want him to be the one to read them bedtime stories.
He also gives really good advice.
Will do fun things with his grandkids like outings and what not, but he’ll also help out at home, take them to/pick them up from school and all that stuff.
Comes off as ‘wise’, and he’s stayed pretty sharp throughout the years.
Spends his mornings drinking coffee and playing crossword puzzles.
Aged very nicely, like he looks older sure, but he still looks nice.
Goes by Grandad
Washio Tatsuki: Sweet old man
The old man who only seems scary, because in all actuality he’s a softy.
Definitely loves kids, and keeps candy in a little bowl by the front door for when his grandkids come to visit.
Always offers to help people move into their houses, help with people’s housework etc. (He kept his nice physique playing professional volleyball dUh)
Always there for his family too. He hosts all the family dinners, makes sure his kids/grandkids are okay, all that good stuff~
He’s still pretty quiet though, but it’s never uncomfortable.
Like, you could sit in silence with Old Man Washio, both of you doing your own thing and you’d still enjoy your time with him.
Goes by Grandaddy
Konoha Akinori: Old man that shamelessly criticizes people
“haaa?!?! Well why the heck didya do that? That was dumb.”
He wasn’t exactly censored when he was older, so I find it very unlikely it got better as he aged.
He is in no way mean, just blunt.
Gives his two cents on everything.
The news? No don’t get news from them they’re stupid.
That brand of canned peas? They put way too little salt, there’s no flavor!
It seems like in any and every situation he has something to say about it.
Doesn’t get angry when he’s wrong, just laughs and moves on with life.
Goes by Poppy
Kita Shinsuke: Strict old man
Takes things very seriously, to the point he comes off as intimidating.
He’s spent a long time perfecting his routine, even as an old man he still has his life perfectly put together.
He remained blunt and perceptive, and he can sometimes come off as critical.
Just try cooking with him for example.
Really? You’re gonna do that? No, no it’s fine...just wrong.
But he’s passive aggressive with it.
Doesn’t realize it, but all of his kids/grandkids just want his approval r.i.p.
But little do they know they already have it, he loves his family and is already proud of him.
Goes by Grandpa Shinsuke
Suna Rintaro: Lazy old man
Yeah...he COULD do that..but he could also..like..not.
Spends his days. Uh. Watching tv mostly.
He’s pretty chill, and he’s is definitely the type to spoilt the heck outta his grandkids.
They don’t really even have to ask for it.
He’s just like ‘Hm...whelp, I’m the granddad, it’s not my job to parent you. Sure why not?’
His grandkids love him lol.
And not just because he buys them things, but he’s generally just a fun (but incredibly) unmotivated enjoyable old man.
Goes by Gramps
Ushijima Wakatoshi: He’s hOw old?!?!
He aged, but he didn’t...
Even in his old age he remains stoic and quiet.
Another one who becomes that ‘wise old man’.
He also tells good stories, even if most of them do revolve around volleyball...
Regardless his grandkids always enjoy spending time with him cause he’s just the coolest :)
But his grandchildren love him nonetheless!
Also calls his grandchildren by THEIR full names.
idk man it just works.
Goes by Grandfather...Yes, the whole thing but he doesn’t mind nick names, I mean they’re from his precious grandchildren after all.
Yahaba Shigeru: “When I was your age-”
The type to reminisce...you might even know what he’s talking about.
I don’t wanna say senile...
But he kinda goes senile y’know?
Gets a l l  the girls at the retiring home though.
He also aged well, his hair has not changed, just it’s color lol
Has told the same story countless times, but each time his grandkids still enjoy it, whether if that’s for his enjoyment or theirs they’ll never tell.
He speaks very fondly of his volleyball days, and high school in general.
Plays volleyball with his grandkids, just for fun! Doesn’t teach them everything, but if they want to he’ll play negotiator with the parentals.
Goes by Pops, he rEFUsed to be called ‘grandpa’ it made him feel old.
Iwaizumi Hajime: “quIET DOWN” Grumpy old man
The old man all children are afraid of.
It’s not...intentional...
Okay it’s a LITTLE intentional. But he doesn’t make them cry or anything!
But Let me tell you, there will be n o t h i n g  on Old Man Hajime’s lawn.
At one point some rowdy and punk teens started causing trouble on the street he lived on. 
His solution was to sit on his porch and just...yell.
After years of being an athletic trainer and intimidating all those around him, he was made for this.
Those kids never stood a chance h a.
1,000% A good grandpa though. He’s very supportive of his grandkids, and is nothing but good and soft to them.
I see him as having been a stricter parent to his kids, but once his grandkids were born was just like ‘Your turn to be mean, I get to be the fun one now sucker’.
Goes by Grandad while the grandkids are young, but once they grow a little older they call him Old Man.
Futakuchi Kenji: Immature old man
If he didn’t look old, you would never have known he was 60+.
He does all the fun things with his grandkids.
Spoils them rotten and sends them home to his kids with a ‘Goodbye~’.
Definitely the type to fill them up with sugar RIGHT before they go home just to do it.
Despite his age if the family is all together and he’s asked/challenged, he’ll do what the kids are doing despite the knowing pain he’ll feel later.
One time his family and Aone’s family (...Futakuchi’s son married Aone’s daughter :0) had a little reunion and were playing volleyball. Even though it had been a *few* years since the two had played, they figured they’d do it ‘for old times sake’ as they had called it.
Ignoring the warnings from their wives and children they started playing.
And actually played quite well, and avoided any serious injuries miraculously.
Goes by Grandad
Daishou Suguru: Mean old man
He is brutal.
To everyone not his wife, kids and wonderful grandkids that is.
The type of Old man to tease and provoke everyone, then plays it off like he’s just some ‘crazy old man’ who can’t control what he’s saying.
He can, or he is very much capable of doing so but chooses not too.
He’s a fun grandad though. Has all his grandkid’s favorite games/toys and snacks always stocked.
If his kids ever mess up he is rUthLess. 
Those are HIS grandbabies how dAre you.
Used to tease them (lovingly) about relationships.
...And then his eldest granddaughter started dating Kuroo’s oldest grandson...and due to the death stare his wife gave him he couldn’t do anything about it.
Had to ‘welcome’ the boy into the family, ugh gross.
Goes by Grampa (tHeRe’S a DiFfErEnCe oKaY)
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brendamariesmith · 3 years ago
Some Ways to Write What You Know
People told me, “Write what you know,” and I thought, “Well, that sounds boring.”
But I’ve since discovered ways to follow that advice. We can put our personal emotions into our characters and use them for different purposes. We can pull bits from one facet of our lives, add pieces from other aspects, stir them up, and sprinkle them throughout a story to good effect.
After I self-published my first novel, a paranormal thriller called Something Radiates, friends who read it kept saying to me, “This book is about you and your ex-husband, isn’t it?”
“My exes were bad,” I would say, “but they weren’t supernatural stalkers.”
Still, the truth is that my two ex-husbands were abusive to me in different ways. One was controlling and tried to squelch my intellect. He burned my poetry, saying I was on an ego trip. The second ex had a serious mean streak that first emerged in increasingly cutting remarks. Then, he lost it and beat my kids. He came damned close to pushing me down a steep flight of stairs. I was frozen in fear, but he did me an enormous favor and dumped me.
Once I was free of these men, I got my revenge by taking the worst aspects of each of them, smooshing them together, adding supernatural abilities, and ramping them into overdrive to create a truly creepy villain for Something Radiates. It was healing for me to make my villain even worse than my exes, especially when the villain gets his comeuppance in the end.
I also used my experience of falling in love with a good man, my longtime current husband, to write a romance for my protagonist—the best kind of revenge. And I set the novel in Baton Rouge, where I once lived, with a trip to a cave near Boulder, where I’d camped out long ago. The novel is loaded with hippie spiritual lore and belief systems that have always fascinated me.
In my next novel, If Darkness Takes Us, and its standalone sequel, If the Light Escapes, a solar pulse destroys the U.S. grid, and the characters must survive with no power, cars, phones, or running water. Many reviews for If Darkness mentioned that I must have done a lot of research to describe the details of their lives so well. But when I was much younger, I’d lived off the grid for many years by choice, in a vegan hippie community where my sons were delivered by midwives. I didn’t have to research it. I lived it. And I set both novels in an altered version of my own Austin, Texas, neighborhood.
In If Darkness, which is narrated by a grandmother named Bea who’s raising her grandkids in an apocalypse, I was able to draw on my experiences with love and divorce as well as my twenty-eight years of raising five sons, plus several more years of being a grandmother. I also gave Bea some health issues I’m familiar with. While she is similar to me in certain ways, she’s her own woman with plenty of differences, too.
For If the Light, which is narrated by Bea’s eighteen-year-old grandson Keno, I believe his heroic nature and casual-cussing voice came straight from those sons of mine, tempered by the college students I worked with for fifteen years. Keno was waiting inside me to be let loose. It was astonishing how fast his words spewed out of me. And as I delved deeper into his character, he revealed even richer veins of heroism, intellect, and moral conviction. I have watched many young men come of age in my life, but seeing Keno do it in an apocalypse made my heart bleed.
I have a novel in development that will call on my experience living in the woods of the Ozark Mountains, on my attraction to Eastern religions, and on the time that I spent living communally. For all my fiction, I pull character emotions from the various ways I have felt them myself or have observed them in others.
The best advice I can give to any writer is to dive into life and live it to its fullest. Then you will have no shortage of tales to tell and experiences to draw from, whether your characters dwell in alternative worlds or come straight out of history. And your stories will never be boring.
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chenanigans-draws · 5 years ago
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Here’s Grimmshaw “Sr”, Griswalda’s deceased father and her adoptive uncle, Torngasak.
Grimmshaw Sr
He's a Tundra Grimm and Griswalda's deceased father.
He was 200 years old when he died, he's a man, and he's gay. 
Despite his serious expression, this old man’s a softie. He’s a real joker, kind, calm, and a little bit of a worrywart. He’s very protective of his family and isn’t against using violence to protect them.
Despite that, he’d prefer not to fight. Much like his daughter, he will only fight if necessary.
He loves painting. He did many landscapes and portraits throughout his life. In his old age, most of his paintings were of his beloved daughter.
He always referred to Griswalda as his world. He loved her so much. 
In the present, Griswalda visits him in the Nightmare Heart. He was quite shocked to see how much she had grown and equally as surprised to learn about her husband and kids.
He, of course, had to tease Elliot at first, but eventually lets his son in-law know that he's thankful for someone so compassionate to be looking out for his precious daughter. 
He often gives her advice and comfort when she goes and visits him. 
He's a bee, a close friend to Grimmshaw Sr and Griswalda's adoptive uncle. 
He's 64 years old, he's a man, and he's gay. 
He's peppy, short-tempered, aggressively caring, and hard working. 
He met Grimmshaw when he was 8 years old and he was obsessed with Grimmshaw. 
He always wanted to practice Grimmish, learn about the past from the old Grimm, and just genuinely enjoyed Grimmshaw's company. 
As an adult he became a close friend to Grimmshaw. He even tried to get the old man to move in, but Grimmshaw kindly said no. 
He would always give Grimmshaw a ton of food to take home when he’d visit. Grimmshaw was thankful for this.
He was pissed when Grimmshaw didn’t visit for 4 years straight. Grimmshaw would visit semi-frequently prior to this. When he saw the reason aka Griswalda, his tune completely changed.
He adores his niece so much. He can’t help but spoil her a little when Grimmshaw brings her over.
Their Story
Grimmshaw lost his mother, Griswanda, as well as his sister, Grimmalda, when he was 13. He ended up being found by a bee and his son, Palartok and Cupun respectively. They took the grimm in, taught him standard, and learned Grimmish as well. He became a part of their bee family/hive, raised by Palartok, who he sees as a father figure, and grew up alongside Cupun, who he sees as an older brother. Grimmshaw outlived his adoptive father and brother, as well as their kids, and their grandkids. Growing tired of the loss, he began leading a life of solitude.
It wasn’t until the 7th generation of Palartok's family when he met Torngasak, an 8 year old boy with a huge interest in Grimmish and grimms in general. He would visit him at his parents house and soon his own home. The two became close friends. Despite Torngasak's insistence on Grimmshaw coming to live with him, he politely declined.
Grimmshaw would consistently visit until he was around 187 years old. This concerned Torngasak greatly but he had no means of tracking the grimm down. The reason as to why he stopped visiting was simply because he had Griswalda and was raising her. The pregnancy was strenuous on his old body and raising her even more so, but he loved that child of his with all his heart. When she was 4, he finally took her to meet his dear friend. 
He was pissed to hear that familiar knock on his door and demanded an explanation. Grimmshaw said no explanation would suffice so he'd just showed the bee. He opened his cloak, revealing a lil Grimmchild and Torngasak's tune changed completely. After hearing the whole story with the pregnancy and raising her up to this point, he scolded Grimmshaw for not coming to his home for help and support. Griswalda must’ve been tough to raise, especially at his age.
Grimmshaw also comes clean about the other reason to see him aka to ask Torngasak if he could take care of his daughter when he eventually dies. Grimms indeed can live a long life, but they aren’t immortal. Torngasak agrees to care for Griswalda, of course, since they’re family and he cares about them. For the next couple of years they prepared Torngasak’s house for Griswalda to live there. They also talked to her about living there and got her used to being around and sleeping over at Torngasak’s house. Things seemed to be on track until Grimmshaw died and Griswalda disappeared into the tundra instead of going to her uncle’s as planned.
Torngasak searched for her for years on end but to no avail. He gained the ability to find flames from Grimmshaw prior to the old grimm’s death, so he’d leave flames out for her in hopes that she’d come home to him or as a means to see she was still alive. About 2 decades later, she finally came home to him, albeit all grown-up and with her own life going on. She felt terribly guilty for not coming all those years, but Torngasak didn’t care as he was just happy to see her alive.
In the present, Griswalda goes to visit her dad in the Nightmare Realm. His soul resides within the heart so in a sense he’s alive. She often brings her kids and Elliot to see him or just for some advice. He’s always very happy to see any of them and is especially happy to see his dear daughter all grown up and big. She also went to find her uncle and they reconnected as well. He ended up moving closer (with the help of her magic) so it was easier for him to visit her and vice versa. He adores her kids and is as happy as Grimmshaw Sr. to see her all grown up.
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itshillaryrodamn · 7 years ago
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Hillary Clinton's Letter to Her Teenage Self
Dear Hillary,
Well, you’ve nearly finished your first semester at Wellesley—congratulations!
When you first arrived on campus, you found yourself surrounded by brilliant, accomplished women. They were fluent in other languages. They had lived abroad. They had already read half the books on the syllabus. That was intimidating—so intimidating, in fact, that you called your parents and told them you didn’t belong at Wellesley after all, and you needed to come home. Your dad, who’d never really wanted you to go so far away for school in the first place, was more than ready to welcome you back. But your mother was not about to let that happen. She said you had to be brave; you had to stick it out. And you had the good sense not to argue, which turned out to be one of the best decisions you ever made.
I know it’s hard to believe right now, Hillary, but soon you are going to share that story with those classmates who seem so worldly today. You will all laugh when you realize that every single one of you felt the same way. There is a lesson there for you: Take risks, and don’t be afraid to get caught trying. Do your best to embrace the excitement that comes with not knowing what’s next, and remember that confidence and an open mind will always serve you better than insecurity and doubt. And the next time someone raises her hand in class and says something really smart, go up to her afterward and introduce yourself. You’ll be glad you did. At Wellesley and throughout your life, you’ll find yourself in plenty of rooms where you’re sure everyone is smarter than you are—and sometimes they will be. But one of the best things in life is getting to know intelligent, inspiring people who have something to say. Learn from them. Ask their advice. Support them, and let them support you. After all, you’re plenty smart, too. Remember how Mrs. King in sixth grade used to tell you not to hide your light under a bushel basket? She was right.
Here’s something else, Hillary: For a girl who likes to have a plan, you are going to take a lot of leaps of faith. I can’t promise they’ll all work out the way you want them to. But I can promise that you will learn from every single one of them. When your fellow students at Wellesley ask you to give the graduation speech on behalf of the class of 1969, you’ll be humbled and a little terrified. Do it anyway. Down the road, your tall, handsome boyfriend who’s crazy about politics will ask you to move to Arkansas with him. It will be a pretty outlandish suggestion—in fact, your friend Sara will spend the entire drive to Little Rock trying to talk you out of it—but your heart will steer you right. Later, that same man will encourage you to run for the U.S. Senate: “You’d be great at it. I’d love to vote for you.” You should do that, too. Oh, and when president-elect Barack Obama says he wants to talk to you about a job opportunity in his cabinet, hear him out. Serving your community, your state, and your country will be the greatest privilege of your life.
There are a few other pieces of advice I can’t resist passing on (that’s an impulse you’ll understand soon enough): Always send thank-you notes. There’s nothing a good night’s sleep can’t make better—you’ll really put that one to the test. Treasure your parents, because as much as you value your independence, there will come a day when you’d give anything to just sit between them on the couch and tell them about your day. Keep reading, and never stop learning. When you’re facing an uphill battle, be grateful for your persistence. (You’ll have no idea what a gift this particular trait is until you’re dealing with Congress—but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.) And in the moments when you feel lost, it’s your friends who will see you through. They will lift you up and keep you grounded all at once. Best of all, they will help you learn to love yourself exactly as you are: human, imperfect, a work in progress, but always striving.
Along the way, you’ll get things wrong. You’ll make mistakes. Sometimes you’ll have to do things you don’t love (you’ll spend a lot of time on your hair and makeup in the future even though you hardly give them a thought right now). But you’ll muddle through. For a few years, it’s going to feel as if you are single-handedly keeping the tabloid industry in business. You’ll get through that, too. Take criticism seriously but not personally. There will be people who want nothing more than to see you fail, but you can’t let them scare you. Live your life on your terms, not theirs. You’ll be reminded over and over again that you are “flawed,” a word you will come to loathe. But years from now, you’ll come back to Wellesley on commencement day. The student speaker, the daughter of Syrian immigrants, will stand in front of her class, just as you once stood in front of yours, and insist on the beauty of imperfection. “Flaws show authenticity and character,” she’ll say. “Let yourself be flawed.” It’s hard to think of better advice than that.
Well, Hillary, I’ve got to sign off for now. There are dogs to walk and grandkids to FaceTime (don’t even try to understand that one right now). Before I go, there is one more thing I want to tell you.
You’re at a college that was founded on the belief that women can do anything. And while I know sometimes it seems like we have an awfully long way to go, progress will come. It won’t happen as quickly as you hope, but in your lifetime, you will see the world change for women in ways you wouldn’t believe. You will have a daughter, and she will have a daughter, and they both will be born into an America more fair and equal than the one you know in 1965.
And when you find yourself standing on a stage in Philadelphia on a historic night in July 2016, accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president of the United States, give yourself a moment to take it all in. Don’t forget to enjoy the balloons.
Believe in yourself. You’re going to do great.
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jamieprosser · 4 years ago
More of my trip through hell!! I feel like the most stupid woman on the planet! I let the biggest narcissist I've ever known sucker me in! I’m the one that gives other people advice about the dangers if narcissist’s and their mental warfare. I spent fifteen years gaining my experience. What the hell possessed me to think that my situation was any different or that it was going to be different this time? Why now? I had my own place and was doing just fine and I wasn't miserable!
This is what happened. About two weeks before Thanksgiving I was struck by a rheumatoid arthritis flare up. It's been the worst one yet.I couldn't walk most of the time. I seriously thought the intensity of the pain was going to kill me. I am pretty sure that my brain had disconnected somehow. I don't remember a lot other than that and the fact I needed help to walk. The narcissist even made an appearance that totaled maybe 30 minutes. This was the beginning of my downfall! He didn't really give a shit, he just wanted something I had! That was it! the whole time he would talk to me or come see me it was behind his girlfriend's back. The girl he left me for originally almost two years ago! throughout those years he's always made sure that he had some sort of connection! He has gone as far as moving in and out with me telling me that's all he wanted was our life back. Everytime he left again just leaving me in shock and broken-hearted with a shit load of questions. Plus, my Rheumatoid gave him an upperhand. He even said he read everything he could read about my condition like he cared. It was a lie! All lies!! He was working on getting his girlfriend out of his house to make room for me and our new life. Which he did. Even though I was feeling better but with cleaning and moving, I over done it and here came another flare-up. He's been mean and hateful. Plus,  I am more alone now than ever. He moved me out of my apartment under the pretense we were going to put our life back together and fix up his(our) house and make a home for our kids and grandkids to enjoy. They would have something when we go! Well, I can count on one hand how many times he's been home or spent time with me! He says he's working all the time. He gets fifty dollars every two days and he stays gone all night! Who is going to work that many hours for peanuts? Like I’m stupid and don’t know what's going on. I hate being treated like I'm stupid or made to look like a fool! He has done both! I am stupid and I’m also a fool! For two years I fought to get him back. I didn't date anyone! I couldn't! I couldn’t bring myself to do it because my heart still belonged to him. He was in a full-blown relationship with the bitch he left me for!!
So here I am stuck at a house that I do not belong in. My apartment is history and I have no money until I get my check at the end of the month. He told me yesterday he felt obligated but he wasn't in love with me anymore!! All excuses and mind games! I am afraid this time I am not going to bounce back and I will never be the same! I am still in shock and broken-hearted! I feel like a zombie walking through fog! I am so alone and I can hardly breathe! I do not know what to do!
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oceanivoxjoquainx · 7 years ago
Still not over Andi Mack. Not anywhere close.
I really need to rant and I have no one else to rant to (cuz my friends have never been into the same stuff as me) so I'll just rant to myself about this. I really love Andi Mack. Not just cuz of Cyrus and repressntation, but because the show on the whole is amazing from the theme song to the shows themes and honestly every character is perfect.
Andi herself is amazing. Shes a chinese american girl with a passion for crafts, nice, smol, and just great all around. She was upset when the whole family stuff went down of course but that girl bounced back soooo quick it was amazing. She handled it so well (Well as well as a 13 year old can handle something like that). Shes grown so much over that first season too and ot made me soooo happy to see it happen. She stood up for herself more and gained a whole lot of self confidence in the process. How she treats Jonah in the beginning of season 1 and where they are now is just.... Mind blowing and inspiring. People falling for someone and doing whatever they say is a serious thing. I felt it and did whatever the guy I liked wanted. I'm glad the creator felt the need to show it.
Next is Buffy. My mixed curly haired queen. I love her man she's a bamf and reminds me so much of my best friend its scary. She's athletic, super competitive, fierce, supportive of everything and no matter what you know she has your back. She has her own baggage too cuz I assume her moms overseas in the army maybe? They haven't gotten into her family life and that's an arc id love to see happen. Her relationship with my boy Marty from the party is super cute and I'm glad she has someone who can match her blow for blow because thats exactly what she needs. How she handles Cyrus is honestly the cutest thing and if they are literally me and my best friend. Shes like his mama bear always there to comfort and show him the way. She's like that with Andi too. Its beautiful to see.
After her is Bex. I applaud Bex because she's really trying to change and be there for the daughter. I admire her ability to just play along with her parents for so long just to ensure that Andi had the best life possible. Even now she's back she's helped change Andi so much. She's even grown up a lot since her return. She works hard like a mother should and reminds me of my mom. Doing everything to ensure her kids happy even if that means giving her up (tht scene almost made me cry tbh). She tries so hard and when Andi called her mom I was crying with her too. Bex is a good noddle, makes me proud and hopefully she can continue to do so.
Ham is my boy. My ultimate goal of being a dad. Not too 'cool' not too 'cringey'. He knows what's right for his family and even tho he's a sub to CiCi he loves them all unconditionally. He's soft but still firm enough to know what to say and when to say it and to whom. Alwyas giving advice and supporting his family.
CiCi rubbed me the wrong way in the beginning but then i began looking at life in her eyes and began to understand her. Her only kid got pregnant as a teen (16? 17 maybe?) And she's terrified that Andi would do the same. I still don't condone lying to your grandkid (Oh yeah Celia. I said it) and keeping them from their real mom but I still get it. I'm glad shes come to term with it now and decided to accept her daughter back into her heart and give up Andi. Like mother like daughter I suppose?
Jonah... Jonah, Jonah, Jonah. My fav little hearttrob. He has this gravitation to him that give no choice but to like him. He reminds me of my first love which makes Cyrus all the more relatable to me. He's charismatic, spontaneous, and a generally happy guy. I'm sure there's some back story behind those eyes but I guess I'm going to have to wait to find out what.
I even like Amber. Sure she was a snotty bitch in the beginning but she did a 180 when Jonah broke up with her. Who knew a she needed was a little humility to make her seem a little bit likeable? Everyone. But anywho. I can't wait to dive into her arcs as well.
I can't remember his name (I sowwie) but its Andi's dad and he has such a kid attitude to him its also hard not to immedeatly like him. Its refreshing to see dads who try as hard as him because so many kids these days have dads who really just aren't good for them. He loves his kid even though he barely knew her and they act so alike its hard NOT to see Andi's his child. He's just so cute about everything and he has his quirks which make him a very likeable character.
Now on to my untimate favorite character in the show, Cyrus. I loved Cyrus as soon as I first saw him. Hes such an innocent cinnamon roll and hes too adorable for this world and we dont deserve his him here and I just want to protect him and keep him safe from all the bad in life including heartbreak. Luckily he has Buffy for that. He's such an oddball with so much personality. If I was a character I would be Cyrus because he's just so pure and perfect. His whole Cirus thing was cute as hell and because he's such a princess it was nice seeing Iris take over when he couldn't. His obsession and attraction to Jonah was obvious from the beginning and I love how the situation was handled. It was all so real and just perfect. Cyrus was confused and alone and sad because he has these feelings for a guy which he's never felt before and not only that there's a high chance these feelings would be unrequited because Jonahs falling for Andi. Cyrus is such a trooper because there's a small part in him that even accepts that. I also love how he isn't given a label yet in the show because its honestly realistic. If you're 12 or 13 and having a sexual awaking you wouldnt know what to identify as and the fact that he doesn't call himself gay when he's talking to Buffy makes it even better because he just doesn't know what he is. And its beautiful how Buffy accepts him instantly without hesitation. That whole scene where he tells Buffy how he feels was so beautiful and perfectly executed. I love how normalized it was liek it wasn't a big deal at all but it was still important. I love how Cyrus' orientation wasn't the focus of the whole episode but was still felt throughout the entire episode. You could feel and see the emotion, confusion and fear in his voice and eyes and Buffy just takes those all away. Hes so amazing and perfect and I want a real life one. I know there's a high chance he and Jonah aren't getting together because of Andi and Jonah so I'm 100% sure Cyrus is going to get a whole other interest. Id love to see how the show implements him and I can't wait to have a ship that transcends my love for Jack and Ennis (and trust me Brokeback Mountain owns the keys to my soul). Even if Cyrus pines for Jonah until the very end I'll be perfectly happy and fine with that because its realistic. Also in my eyes Cyrus can do no wrong.
Andi Mack is a masterpiece of a show and I can't wait to watch it grow and inspire the millions of kids it already does. I wish I had a show like this when in was going through all this but I think I can settle for enjoying it for now. I'm happy the next generations are going to grow up being able to see the LGBT+ people in the world being validated and accepted. Ik this is a lot and if you've read all of this then you're a goat and the mvp. Thanks.
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mulliganpt · 4 years ago
Reduce Your Risk of Being Injured in a Fall
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Though Americans ages 65 and older have a one in four chance of falling, falls are not an inevitable part of aging, they’re preventable. If you find yourself losing your balance, it's time to reduce your risk. At home is a great place to start, and if you or a loved one is at risk of falling, you’ve probably already implemented a couple of tactics like installing grab bars in the bathroom and eliminating trip hazards around your home. But you may not have pursued the most impactful way that you can improve your safety. A physical therapist can help improve your strength, stability, and mobility and reduce your risk of falling.
Here’s how I help my patients reduce their likelihood of injury from falls:
Step 1 - Assess risk
During a balance and gait assessment at my practice, I discuss the patient’s history (past falls, especially in the last year, and any recent hospitalizations or other causes of weakness or lost muscle mass) and any diagnoses like osteoporosis or arthritis. I assess their strength and stride and conduct a range of tests to check their balance. 
I typically ask about the patient’s medications, too. If you take multiple medicines (prescribed or over the counter), your risk for falling is higher. Many drugs can cause you to be dizzy, lose your balance or have blurry vision. Once identified, these side effects and medications can be discussed with your doctor or pharmacist. Additionally, it helps to be aware that fall risk increases significantly in the days following a medication change (start, stop, or dose change), according to some studies.
Step 2 - Implement a personalized treatment plan
The best treatment plans combine exercises to address four key areas: strength, balance, coordination and posture. Flexibility matters too, since range of motion in the legs or spine impacts your walking and gait pattern. I utilize various tools to get baseline scores and track improvement throughout the treatment plan and sessions.
In many cases, the best way to improve balance is to challenge it. We accomplish this by combining upper body and lower body movements, working on steps and curbs, practicing standing on one leg, and navigating unsteady surfaces. All of these potentially risky actions can be practiced safely and beneficially with the help of a trained therapist.
I can also help a client prepare for how to minimize injury if a fall can’t be avoided. We practice getting up from the floor, and we evaluate safety measures like life alerts or smartphone/smartwatch apps for fall detection. 
Importantly, my patients’ treatment course extends outside the clinic to touch their daily lives. We talk about the importance of staying active to maintain strength, flexibility, coordination and balance. Staying active has the added benefit of typically reducing your fear of falling. I help my patients select activities that they can do safely - yoga, swimming, walking, or other pursuits they enjoy.
Overall, physical therapy can be extremely effective in preventing falls and building confidence, and that leads to other benefits. Recently I worked with a client who was reluctant to walk on the grass for fear of falling, and as a result he’d missed out on many backyard picnics and his grandkids’ sporting events. When I help a patient like that achieve new goals and do things they thought they couldn’t, it improves so much more than their physical function, it improves their quality of life. It’s a privilege for me to play a role in that. 
If you or a loved one needs a falls screening and guidance about reducing risk, please contact me today.
Be well,
This article is not medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your physician or dial 911.
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junker-town · 5 years ago
All hail Andy Reid, the NFL’s most quotable coach
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Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
He’s given us some infinite wisdom on coaching, Mozart, cheeseburgers, and more over the years.
Andy Reid won his first-ever Super Bowl as a head coach when his Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers. Reid, who has been a head coach since 1999, entered the game at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami as the NFL’s winningest head coach without a Lombardi Trophy. A win in Super Bowl 54 completed his impressive coaching legacy.
Reid is known for his innovation on offense, most recently with Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs’ high-powered offense. But coaching styles aside, the man nicknamed “Big Red” is also known for his big personality.
With that comes a lot of great quotes from him throughout the years. These are just a few of his greatest hits.
Rei has offered a lot of insightful wisdom in his years of coaching.
Reid is one of the longest-tenured, and most respected, coaches in the NFL. He started his head coaching career with the Philadelphia Eagles in 1999. He was then hired by the Chiefs in 2013 after the Eagles moved on from Reid following the 2012 season.
After his first season in Kansas City, he gave some advice to prospective coaches.
“Respecting people is an important part of life whether it’s the person doing janitorial work or the person above you,” Reid said, via the Associated Press. “It doesn’t matter who you are, I’m going to respect you.”
He’s expressed that sentiment other times, too, including after the Super Bowl win:
Andy Reid on reflecting on the last 30 years: “I’ll tell you, it’s awesome. I’m not sure it’s completely settled in… we all know that it’s not a one-man show. It takes a team together. Not just the players, not just the coaches. Everybody."
— Arrowhead Pride (@ArrowheadPride) February 3, 2020
And for those who might be getting older and need to be composed in big moments — like the 61-year-old Reid — he had a PSA about heart health:
“My heart’s racing. I’m getting older, can’t let it race too fast.” Andy Reid with the quote of the night!
— Liz Gonzales (@TheLizGonzales) February 3, 2020
He’s always ready with a great one-liner, too.
The morning after winning the Super Bowl, Reid was asked if he slept with the Lombardi Trophy. He responded with a shoutout to his wife, which probably would have been a lot creepier if it was anyone other than Reid saying it:
Reid: "I didn't spend the night with the trophy. I spent it with my trophy wife."
— Adam Teicher (@adamteicher) February 3, 2020
Reid and his wife, Tammy, have been married for 38 years. Goals!
He’s also had some pretty good quips about football. Now I’m not exactly sure what a tiddlywink contest is exactly, but it’s apparently not something you want to do during a football game:
Andy Reid quote of the day, in any context: "We're not in a tiddlywink contest. There's a certain amount of pressure that comes with the sport."
— Brooke Pryor (@bepryor) November 28, 2018
As Reid and other head coaches know, not every game will be flawless. After Kansas City won a sloppy game against the Detroit Lions in Week 4 of the 2019 season, Reid said “not all of Mozart’s paintings were perfect” because, sure?
How bout those Chiefs! pic.twitter.com/qv7wq28BuT
— Kansas City Chiefs (@Chiefs) September 29, 2019
This other football quote from him about a four-point stance really needs no comment:
Favorite no-context needed quote from Andy Reid this morning: "You don’t come out of the womb in a four-point stance. Well, you kind of do. But you don’t stay there very long." Btw, this was also the second time he said womb at the coaches breakfast.
— Brooke Pryor (@bepryor) March 26, 2019
He also once compared himself, unfavorably, to Von Miller:
Andy Reid on @VonMiller’s athleticism: “He can bear-crawl faster than I can run.”
— Nicki Jhabvala (@NickiJhabvala) October 24, 2018
I’d like to see this race happen in real life, just to be sure this is correct.
The man really loves his cheeseburgers, and talks about this love A LOT.
After the Chiefs’ Super Bowl win, Reid said he was ready to “get the biggest cheeseburger you’ve ever seen ... might be a double.”
Andy Reid's going to get the biggest cheeseburger he can find, might make it a double pic.twitter.com/BjTeYvtPsb
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) February 3, 2020
He expanded further on his cheeseburger plans at his postgame presser, adding that he was going to get one with extra cheese:
It’s cheeseburger time for Andy Reid. pic.twitter.com/IOblwkIDxU
— USA TODAY Sports (@usatodaysports) February 3, 2020
Following up big wins with cheeseburgers is kind of Reid’s thing. It’s how he celebrated the Chiefs’ AFC Championship victory over the Tennessee Titans:
“I had a cheeseburger and went to bed.” - (Classic) Andy Reid on how he celebrated last night.
— BJ Kissel (@ChiefsReporter) January 20, 2020
He doesn’t just crave burgers after games — he wants them before games, too:
#Chiefs coach Andy Reid gets to work around 4:30 am for a noon home game, and he wants a hamburger. pic.twitter.com/E2g4Rzgt2y
— BJ Kissel (@ChiefsReporter) December 7, 2018
Reid knows exactly how he likes his burgers. Via Arrowhead Pride, from 2015:
“I like it medium,” Reid said on 610 Sports (24 minute mark here). “It’s hard, I mean, you have to execute that thing the right way. You have to get it to where it’s perfect and juicy when you cut it open but not raw. Then a nice slice of good, fresh Vidalia onion on it. Some mayo and ketchup. A little squirt of mustard but not too much. Pickles, lettuce and tomato and I’m ready to roll. The bun becomes very important. To put all that together and make it perfect, there’s some time involved. That’s where it comes in. You practice, you get it right and then when you bite into it baby, it’s ecstasy right there, so that’s like a good play.”
Speaking of food, Reid often discusses his love for various cuisines.
In the week leading up to Super Bowl 54, Reid compared having his nine grandchildren to ... wait for it ... sweet and sour pork:
A wise man once said that grandchildren are kind of like sweet and sour pork. pic.twitter.com/4U7yB0ZSOd
— Arrowhead Pride (@ArrowheadPride) January 30, 2020
“Those nine grandkids are awesome. They make you feel young, and at the same time, they make you feel old. It’s kind of like sweet and sour pork.”
Seeing a pattern here? Reid is a big red meat guy, and as someone who probably eats more red meat on a regular basis than a human should, I really appreciate this about him.
On a related note, please know that Reid apparently once ordered three steaks at one sitting. In 2017, five years after Reid had coached in Philadelphia, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie said Reid did it the first time the two met at dinner:
Lurie says the first time he went out to dinner with Andy Reid, Reid ordered 3 steaks at once #Eagles
— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) September 7, 2017
A regional VP of Del Frisco’s steakhouse, Rich Furino, amazingly confirmed the story to NBC Philadelphia:
“Basically, when the server comes up and gives their speel, they describe the different cuts of meat, flavor profiles, and textures, he described them to Andy and said, ‘Would you like the ribeye, the New York strip, or the filet mignon?’” Furino said on a radio appearance. “And Andy said, ‘Yes.’ Like yes to all three. That’s kind of how it got started. They put all three in front of him. He put down about 90% of them.”
Reid is officially my hero after reading this story. As for the head coach’s side of the story, he claims he doesn’t remember doing it, but will take credit for it anyway:
“That’s what he said? He’s too funny,” Reid said on a podcast with Adam Schefter. “Well, I might have. It might have been for Joe, Jeffrey, and Andy. Other than that, I don’t remember ordering three steaks. I’ll take credit for it though.”
Years before that, he put down a 40-ounce steak in 19 minutes when he and current NFL Network analyst Steve Mariucci were assistants with the Green Bay Packers.
“When we were rooming together at Green Bay, our wives weren't moved there yet, so we’d go out to eat every night,” Mariucci said on the Rich Eisen show in 2015. “We went to this one place, this Prime Quarters, a steak place, and if you could eat a 40-ounce steak and the salad, and garlic bread, and other stuff around it — if you could eat it under an hour, you get your next meal free, and you get your picture on the wall with a big bib, and that baker’s hat or whatever it is. Andy finished his meal in 19 minutes, and I finished mine in 30 and we are still on the wall over there at that restaurant.”
Amazingly, that photo exists on Twitter:
As promised, @SteveMariucci photo with @Chiefs HC Andy Reid after they destroyed 40oz steaks when they both were @packers assistants. pic.twitter.com/VLMUkGWMBz
— Rich Eisen Show (@RichEisenShow) December 6, 2016
He doesn’t exclusively just eat or talk about red meat, though.
Before his 2019 Super Bowl-winning season with the Chiefs, Reid’s biggest offseason accomplishment was eating chile relleno, which is a Mexican dish:
Andy Reid was asked if he did anything fun or exotic this offseason: “I attacked a couple Chile rellenos.”
— Jeff Darlington (@JeffDarlington) July 23, 2019
In 2013 when Peyton Manning was still in the league, Reid compared what Manning can do in football with what Reid can do at a buffet.
“I would tell you he’s talented. There’s talent. You and I could do this at a buffet, but he does it on the football field, and there’s some athletic ability that takes place there.”
Same, Andy. Same.
How he eats Snickers bars is especially innovative, just like his schemes:
More Andy Reid being Andy Reid: 'It's like a Snickers bar in the freezer, right? I mean, it's treasured.' #Chiefs #NFL
— Sean Keeler (@SeanKeeler) June 5, 2014
Who doesn’t want to try that now?
It’s really hard not to love a coach who can crank out one-liners like these. He’s not going anywhere, and neither are the Chiefs, so expect more of the ever-quotable Andy Reid in the future.
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shazyloren · 7 years ago
The Dragon Club: Chapter 5 - Identity and Support
Summary:  Jon Snow is an online blogger who gets an interview with the sort after Daenerys Targaryen, the Editor of Valyrian, a multi-million dollar fashion magazine. He'd heard so much about the silver-haired and silver-tongued woman and the running of her business; he would have to be smart to get anything more than five minutes. Will he be safe walking into the Dragon's lair or will he get thrown to the Lions?
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12018519/chapters/27335871
Jon couldn't quite believe the praised he'd received for his honest opinion on Daenerys Targaryen; he would've been thankful for it all if he didn't feel like he'd possible gone a little overboard in his anger towards her. But he had felt almost humiliated when she chucked him out that he needed to expel the worked up aggression inside him. But he'd had so many messages and emails from fellow Journalists in congratulations and many news outlets had wanted to interview him. He'd said no to them all; he didn't need that fame at all.
And then out of nowhere; Daenerys had tweeted him on twitter. He hardly looked at anything or replied to comments he occasionally got, before this article he'd only had 14 thousands followers. But she tweeted him 'No legacy is so rich as honesty'  and he'd felt confused by everything that followed for the rest of the evening. Had she appreciated the article? Did she think it was an accurate assessment of herself? Was she just putting on a front to make him believe that? All these questions ran through his mind as he replied to her 'Shakespeare' and watched as his follower count went up tenfold.
He'd been on his own that evening which was very unusual in his family. Either Arya would be round without Gendry eating Jon's chocolate as Gendry would only allow healthy stuff in the house or Sansa would sleep in his spare room after arguing with her mother profusely. Sometimes Robb would even sleep on his sofa after been kicked out by Talisa because he refused to give her anymore cream cakes during her current pregnancy craving. But Jon only had his husky, Ghost as company that night and even he was staying in his bed rather than joining Jon in the study. So he'd had to navigate through the weird evening by himself, which was unfortunate because he wasn't good ins social situations such as this. He wrote his articles and that was it. And now here he was; parading through twitter as people began to comment on their exchange online.
After he'd replied with 'Shakespeare' She'd put up a photo on her instagram of her and five other people with the caption. 'Welcome to the Dragon Club' it was her first post and she'd linked it to her twitter page. Jon was clicking the link and looking at the photo before he could tell himself to stop. She was wearing a white floor length dress with some sort of cape and all her guests were dressed up just as smartly. They all had wine in their hands which mad Jon get up and go to the cooler for his own wine. Looking around the room he suddenly felt lonely, no one to drink his wine with and no one to celebrate his success with. Of course the family had texted him and congratulated him; even Catelyn whose number he had in case of an emergency had said he'd done a good job.
His relationship with his father's wife was a strained one at best. After she'd had Robb; both she and Jon's father Eddard had engaged in a period of estrangement. Eddard had had a short term relationship with another woman who Jon only knows by the name of Wylla and Jon had been conceived. She'd died after giving birth to Jon; pneumonia taking her in the night and so Eddard was left with Jon to care for. He and Catelyn had re-connected and Jon had been apart of their life ever since. Catelyn did not particularly like Jon; he wasn't her son; he was a reminder of the lowest point in both Eddard and Catelyn's relationship and that had weighed heavy on him. She'd never been mean to him; and when he'd been poorly she'd stayed with him throughout the night and when he'd been hurt by words from bullies at school she'd listened to his tears and gave him advice. But as Jon got older it became a different relationship after he found out everything that happened.
Robb had served in the army and had come home after retiring even at the age of 29 that was almost unheard of but when he went off to fight, Catelyn had been so proud of him. He now worked with Eddard at his Art restoration company in human resources and married the medic he'd met on tour in Iraq and they both were expecting their first child. Sansa had got a modelling contract and had been in many famous adverts and fashion collections over the last four years but recently got on the cover of Valyrian and Vogue within four months of each other, Catelyn had been so proud of her. Arya and Gendry ran a gymnasium together and offered different courses in lots of different martial arts and olympic sports such as fencing. Catelyn has been so proud of them when they got the keys to the The Wolf and Bull gym.
Yet when Jon started his online blog and began travelling with his then Girlfriend Ygritte; she'd said he needed to get an actual job, and not one which wasn't going to pay him. That had always stuck with Jon; he'd always been motivated by catelyn's lack of faith in him. And Ygritte... her... she'd been so support of him and his vision while they were together. everything he did now was because of her faith and his defiance over Catelyn's lack of faith in him.
Now; the following morning Jon awoke with those words fresh in his mind and felt compelled more so than ever to write to the best of his ability. So showering and getting dressed he took ghost for a walk around the countryside and looked for inspiration. There had been several things happen in the news of late that he thought he could commentate on. A woman had been assaulted outside an abortion clinic not far from where he lived and being an advocate for choice he thought about doing this. it was different from the previous stuff he'd done. He'd always shown positive sides of the fight, women's march and and protests. But as he thought it over he felt more compelled to get on it.
Making sure Ghost had had enough exercise they walked back home Jon fed him before feeding himself and getting to work on his research. It was hours before he was pulled out of his computer and heard his front door bang. Life, his first human interaction in a while. "Jon?"
It was Sansa. "In here"
Sansa entered his office and Jon leapt from his chair as he looked at the sight of her. Holding two bags of clothes and tears streaming down her face. Her red hair was strewn all over the place and her mascara was running down her cheeks. "Can- Can I stay with you for a while?"
"Of course!" He took her bags from her and led her to his spare bedroom in which Ghost was laid on the fresh sheets. he dumped the bags on the rug by the bed and turned to see her face in the proper light of the window. "What happened?"
"I met someone they don't approve of" Sansa said sadly. "A fellow model of mine asked me to dinner tonight and as I was getting ready Mother said I was not to go on the date. I got angry and came to the one person who doesn't judge me like everyone else does"
When Jon looked at Sansa, she was dressed in a nice outfit; he wondered why his father and Catelyn did not approve of someone that she's dating? they'd never had an issue with Ygritte and she was more of a free spirit than any of the other partners the stark children have. Even Bran's stoner girlfriend Meera was loved by Eddard so he didn't know why there would be an issue. He furrowed his brow in confusion and sat on the edge of the bed. "What's his name?"
Sansa breathed deeply before sitting next to Jon on the bed. "She's called Margaery"
Jon's mouth formed into an 'o' shape as he understood what had happened. Eddard and Catelyn had never commented on Jon's LGBTQ pieces when he wrote them for his blog, he didn't think anything of it but now it made sense. Surely they didn't have a problem with Sansa being interested in a woman? But as he looked at this crying mess on his spare bed he knew they'd said some horrible things about it, they must've.
"I was getting read and mother asked me what I were I was going and who I was meeting. I said I had a date with one of the models on the agency with me. She seemed excited and pressed me for details. As soon as I said 'she plays the flute' Mother's expression turned dark. 'I will not have an of that lesbian nonsense in my house', she was so horrible Jon. Father didn't say much; just the odd few nods in agreement with her. So I stormed up to my room and grabbed my bags before yelling at them I was coming here and leaving them behind"
Jon realised he had to be careful of what he says. "What's she like? Margaery that is"
"Bold, really out there. She's super chill though, doesn't take rubbish from anyone" Sansa half smiled while she was wiping away her tears with a small tissue.
"Does she like you?"
"I think she does, she asked me to dinner so I suppose so" Sansa's sniffles calmed down then.
"And do you like her?" Jon already knew the answer.
"Then I believe you have a date to get ready for; I'll take you" He offered.
"Thank you, Jon" He kissed his sister on the forehead in support before leaving her to get changed. Enraged at her state she'd arrived at his house, he picked up his house phone and dialed his father's number furiously. How could they treat their own daughter like this? They have five children in Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon, all who Jon loved dearly. So what if Sansa is gay? She might not be, but she's excited about the fact she's met someone and why can't they be happy for her? They'll get grandkids from all the other children no doubt (maybe not Arya). What is there problem?
Jon waited as he dialling tone rang and rang before his father picked the phone up. "H-hello?"
His father's voice was coarse; perhaps he'd been arguing with Catelyn he did not know. All he knew was that his sister was at his house upset all because of the fact she likes someone of the same sex. Jon felt the anger inside him burst out. "Why did you say those things?"
"Jon..." His father started.
"No, you don't get to talk father. Sansa is so excited about her date tonight and Catelyn and yourself have been horrible about it. So what if it's a girl? It doesn't mean she's gay and even if she is it's not a problem. She's still Sansa this doesn't change her in any way; just because she's going on a date with a female does not mean she's any less than the daughter you raised. She wanted to share with you both her excitement about tonight and you told her her feelings were invalid, they were nonsense. Margaery asked Sansa and Sansa said yes and I'm taking Sansa to her date whether you like it or not"
"Son, it's not that simple. You can't just expect us to not be shocked and confused about this" Eddard was trying to reason with Jon but when Jon was on the roll he was now he wasn't going to have any of it. "She didn't even come out to us"
"And why does she have to? She has never dated a girl before only boys. She's never had to come out as straight to you when dating the boys she has. She wanted you to be happy for her; to support her during this relationship that's blossoming and all you've done is devalue her" Jon spat in a tone that was quieter than his normal speaking voice; he did not want Sansa hearing his outburst to their father on the phone. "I don't want to hear excuses; I want you to apologise to Sansa tomorrow and ask her how her date went. And I want you to be happy that she is happy! Is it really so hard to do?"
Jon hung up after that and started tidying a few things in his house while he waited for Sansa to finish getting ready. It wasn't long after that she was and so they got into Jon's car and he drove her to the centre of King's Landing to let Sansa meet Margaery for her date. They said goodbyes and she thanked him again for his support. He told her to let him know when she needed picking up to which she cheekily replied that she was a 'supermodel' she didn't need to be picked up. Jon cheekily remarked that perhaps she should get her own place instead of living at home if she was a 'supermodel' to which Sansa flipped him off.
Jon decided while he was in town centre, he'd go do some shopping. As he walked through malls and roads he found himself spotting something out of the corner of his eyes. Silver hair, small and large sunglasses covering her face.
"Hello Mr. Snow"
"Daenerys? What a pleasure"
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minimrmn · 6 years ago
I have been incredibly blessed throughout my entire life because of one man putting the needs of his wife above his own career.
My grandmother had what at the time (mental health diagnoses being what they were back then) was considered a type of schizophrenia. It was always there but only "flared up" during periods of extreme stress - which they discovered after the first time she miscarried. My grandfather quit his job on track to reach management/executive, moved his family to her home town, took a job as a custodian at the school his kids would attend, and told NO ONE (with very few exceptions) about his wife's condition because he knew the stigma around mental health. Even my father & his siblings didn't know until long after they were all adults, and even then only because there were health challenges that caused another flare up.
My dad grew up in a home where my grandma lived her dreams unfettered by stress because my grandfather made it his life's work to prevent her from having another attack. She played & taught piano, sang with her children, and was ADORED by her friends and family because when the mental illness was kept in check she was seriously the most sweet and loving person to walk this earth. Her children only knew she took medicine "to help her sleep".
My grandfather was the reason my dad grew up thinking it was normal for a man to never so much as raise his voice to his wife in frustration or anger... All while thinking his own father was a loving but not ambitious janitor. They found out 30+ years later that he had been turning down callings at church which would have taken him away from home, refused to take jobs that would put more stress on his wife, and sacrificed (happily) his own career to make sure his wife was safe & able to live her best life. Even in death, they were not separated for long and the way my grandmother told her kids she knew it was time was to tell them she "was going to be with Curtis again soon". Do any guys out there honestly believe you'll get a happier ending to their story by holding women back?
My grandparents were proof that being old doesn't excuse toxic behavior. They both welcomed anyone into their family, especially my grandma who wanted everyone to feel loved. My adopted brother joined our family in his teens and was probably (understandably) a little nervous about meeting the white, small town Utah grandparents - but he was immediately "one of her grandkids". The same was true of their LGBT grandkids (or pseudo grandkids, but that's a longer story lol). I don't know if it was because of her miscarriages, but they LOVED their family and anyone was welcome to join it. The legacy of that kind of love will echo into eternity, infinite & incalculable. And THAT, my dudes, is real power.
TLDR - My advice to my fellow men: don't be intimidated into dulling the shine of the women in your life. I don't think there's a single member of my family on my dad's side who doesn't at least get choked up thinking about the enormous debt of gratitude we owe to my Grandpa D. I could not have asked for a better namesake & have so many questions that I can't wait to ask him.
The stories of women in my family who were forced into lives they didn’t want and didn’t utilize their passions breaks my heart. My grandma wanted to be a journalist and write about the injustices she saw inflicted on disabled ppl while she was volunteering at a state run institution as a teen. Her father decided that she was “too fat and stupid” for college and forced her to get married at 17 or else he’d make her homeless. As a kid she told me that she wished people believed that she had meaningful opinions on events around her. One of my great grandmothers wanted to be an artist but was pressured into marrying a man who beat her. She stayed up late each night when her children were in bed writing poetry and pasting it over elaborate collages she mad herself. We still have stacks of these notebooks she created but was never allowed to do anything with. My mother wanted to be an operatic singer and was considered a musical prodigy in her town because she taught herself three seperate instruments by 13. When she was 18 she met my then 30 year old father who emotionally manipulated her into giving up her dreams to start a family with him. As a kid I would hear her up at night playing the violin or doing vocal exercises until she became too depressed to practice anymore. Like idk y’all there’s a quiet type of violence in the way women’s talents are devalued and brushed aside in favor of bullying them into “traditional” roles that ultimately don’t fulfill what they wanted for their lives. We’ve lost so much art, music, writing, science, and happiness to misogyny.
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ourmrmel · 6 years ago
Mel Feller Looks at Being a Grandpa and Keeping up with Young Grandkids
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Mel Feller Looks at Being a Grandpa and Keeping up with Young Grandkids
 Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching.  Mel Feller a Texas- Utah Innovator and Investor.  Currently an MBA Candidate.
  Sit in the bleachers at any Little League or Soccer game and you will see almost as many grandparents as parents cheering on the teams. Grandparents have an unequaled enthusiasm for attending and participating in activities, sports and fitness opportunities with their grandchildren, especially grandpa!
   As I think of my own life, it may be the additional time that grandpas have after their own children are grown and out of the house or the excitement in sharing an interest or hobby with a younger person. On the other hand, maybe we as grandpas just have more energy when the time spent with an overactive grandchild is limited and that they will be going home afterward. Whatever the reason, grandpas, just want to be a kid again, seem to be very much a part of the activities of their grandchildren.
  Grandpas Need to Be a Role Model
 With the many recent reports of increased obesity among children in our society, it is very important for grandpas to encourage increased activity in their grandchildren's daily lives. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle lead to overweight and unfit children. Grandpas can improve those statistics with activities that increase their grandchildren's fitness levels beginning at an early age and continuing to adulthood.
  Those activities may vary depending on the age of the child and the interests of both the grandpa and the grandchild. For example, a baby is perfect for a nice walk with a stroller or jogger. All of the new equipment available for babies these days allows ease in walking, running and bike riding. Baby no longer inhibit daily exercise, but rather enhances the experience.  I know that when my oldest granddaughter Rachael was small it was daily wagon rides from grandpa’s house to her house!  It helped that my daughter and son-in-law lived a few houses up the street.  Oh those memories!
  For another great experience with grandchildren this age, try a trip to the park. All the climbing, digging and swinging is just right for an active toddler. Some supervision is required of course, but much of the enjoyment comes from watching. I would attend my youngest daughters Soccer games and slip over with Rachael to play.  Older children gladly participate as well. There is always something to try when a swing and slide are involved. It is also a great place to meet other grandpas.
  As the grandchildren grow older, there are many more activities, and grandpas are great teachers. They are more than willing to share their own interests and talents with their grandchildren whether it is in golf, bowling, ping-pong, tennis or especially fishing. All of these are activities that grandchildren relish with enthusiasm and carry with them the rest of their lives. How many adults claim they first were first introduced to a sport or a particular skill from a grandpa? Many grateful adults learned skills they use throughout their lifetimes from patient grandpas who always have something to share.
  Moreover, how many grandchildren remember a weekend of camping and fishing with grandpas? There are so many activities that grandpas are able to share with grandchildren, providing not only hours of fun but also educational opportunities as well.
  Grandpas You Must Show Your Support
  Of course, there is nothing quite as special as having grandpa in the cheering section during a game. Whether it is a game of soccer, football, basketball, baseball or a dance recital, grandpas make the event extra special. It is not only a time for pride and cheers but also an opportunity to meet other parents and grandparents who share the same experience. It is a time to socialize and build memories!
  As the grandchildren get older, fitness activities bring an even more special bond. Those activities become a time to talk, share and become acquainted with that unique and special person known as your grandchild. Walks, sporting events, both as spectator and as participant, games of chess, badminton, dancing or horseshoes provide an opportunity for conversation.
  I fully believe that grandpas are special people for teens and young adults, not only for their inspiration and their support but also for their advice and teaching. Teens will listen to a grandpa even when they are reluctant to hear a parent's opinion. Fitness activities are the perfect openings for conversations about important topics regarding life.
  Therefore, whenever grandpas and grandchildren are involved in activities, remember it is about bonding, sharing knowledge, appreciation, conversation and pride as well as fitness.  That is why I love being a grandpa!!
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  Mel Feller, MPA, MHR, is a well-known real estate, business consultant, personal development consultant and speaker, specializing in performance, productivity, and profits. Mel is the
President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching For Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching, a real estate and business specific coaching company. His three books for real estate professionals are systems on how to become an exceptional sales performer. His four books in Business and Government Grants are ways to leverage and increase your business Success in both time and money! His book on Personal Development “Lies that Will Sabotage Your Success”. Mel Feller is in Texas and In Utah.  However, the greatest accomplishment is being a grandpa!
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judgebrix · 5 years ago
I cannot believe that it has already been 10 years since my father passed away.  Time has flown too fast at times, and we have missed you during many great celebrations.
That day in April 2010 we lost a father, mentor, friend, neighbor, badminton enthusiast, avid gardener, a known local businessman, hero, husband, and a loving person.
Some say that over time we forgot our loved ones.  We forget their voice, their smile, the laughter, their roar, their personality, and what they even look like.
Just because we do not have the opportunity to longer meet, chat, laugh, and love, does not mean that we will forget this wonderful man.
We, the loved ones that you left behind, are still thinking about you.  Your grandkids remember you, and our hearts ache when we think about what we lost.
No selfies, although I know it would not have been your favorite challenge
No playtime with your grandkids and missing the birth your great-grandkids
Seeing the grand wide open on the US plains and the bustling streets in NYC
Sitting at the beautiful beachfront in Svendborg, Denmark
Sharing a beer and just sit in silence enjoying each others company
Getting some DIY advice and perhaps even moral support
We have missed sharing these memories with you!
So, it is only fitting that on Father’s Day on the 5th of June 2020 (in Denmark) that we celebrate the great man you are.  Not were, but are.
I’m only saddened that we did not have easier access to cameras and smartphones when you were around, so we could have taken more pictures together and of our journey in life.  But, I have my memories of you, and I smile when I think of them.
You taught me many great skills and provided excellent guidance throughout our time together.  Did I listen and follow all this?  No, but you never asked me to follow in your footsteps.  Your words were to guide me and help me in the right direction.
During these troubled times, with riot, division, political mudslinging, power-struggles, pandemic, and a failing economy, I look to you for advice.
I know you can hear me, and I hear you too – the best advice you gave me rings true today, and would easily resolve many of these obstacles we face.
“Treat every person the way you want to be treated!”
I share this simple and powerful message with my kids, friends, and others who will listen.  It is how I go by in life and how I approach every person I meet; irrespectively of color, gender, religious orientation, ethnic background, or economic status.  And, I expect my kids to do the same.
I cannot expect others to listen or follow the advice, but if we would just see past our differences and treat each other with respect and treat others as we want to be treated by them.
Wow! Could it really be that simple?  Yes, I believe so.
Thank you, Dad, for being there for me then and now!  We love you and we always think of you, and even now your departure brings tears to my eyes as I could really use your friendship and love again.
I know you were with me during my illness and downtime and felt your support throughout the dark times.  Reaching out to me from the home of the All-Father, our savior, sitting at his table in your chair.  I wanted to join you in 2018 when at my lowest, but you talked sense into me and told me to push on.
I did, and look at me now.  Stronger, wiser, and more loving.  I’m resembling you more these days, and I hope I continue to make you proud.
We will meet again my friend and father.  I love you!
You are the First Heart Warrior, I’m following in your footsteps – and proud of everything you did for the family, your kids, your community, your friends, and your beloved wife.
Father ‘o Father, Where Art Thou? I cannot believe that it has already been 10 years since my father passed away.  Time has flown too fast at times, and we have missed you during many great celebrations.
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