halcyonterror · 1 year
crying because my enclosure lacks enrichment.
shipping writing prompts please?
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fordeadleaves · 10 months
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the only thing i hate more than drawing gay people kiss is not getting to look at images of my gay people kissing
[reblogs > likes!]
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boogeyblade · 2 years
okay royal au ship talk .
zam is a disaster of a man. so is pangi, funnily enough. pangi is in love with zam, and vice versa. neither of them realize this. subz realizes this, and thinks they're both fucking idiots. newsflash. subz is also a fucking idiot.
subz and zam fall in love. they r devoted to each other wholeheartedly. it's so cringe. neither of them realize their feelings for each other for quite some time.
vitalasy and subz have known each other for forever, and they love each other, but they don't get together.
clowndoons is also a thing here. clown and redd have something going on, and it's not quite platonic and not quite romantic but a Secret Third Thing. they do not address it. swagdoons makes a few cameos but i cannot say much on it as it will spoil a future oneshot.
rek, chief and branzy r all in love. rek would write love letters to branzy and not send them. chief would later discover these letters, and since chief is married to branzy after a very drunken decision, he gets close to branzy and ends up catching feelings. so chief confronts rek and is like hey, if you tell branzy you like him i'll do the same thing, and so they do. they are so horrible about it slash positive. i hope they die
they r all insane.
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stellarvacation · 2 years
hiiii Xoxo here, the blog is under construction still!  
as the one and only girlblogger on the crew, I am collecting posts that remind me of friends, crewmates, rivals- anyone I know enough to have posts remind me of em, really
posts are tagged: 
The crew:
#x for Xoxo (me! :D I fix the spaceship)
#r for Rekzis (they’re an artist, a good one!)
#k for Ki-Zu (my boss technically? captain)
#j for Jax (owns the ship; technically a disgraced diplomat)
Rival crew: 
#rr for Riv Ranco (ex-actress/popstar, invasion survivor. still iconic, still slaying)
#p for Pfi (Riv’s bodyguard)
#pf for Pezzefaux (technically a stowaway, but they take this little freak everywhere)
#cdv for Chaunce DeVista (this one is the captain. he is kinda shit at his job :/ ratio)
#s for Strobe (genius biologist allegedly, idk, she’s fun)
#sv for Stiv (rat bastard, he runs a bar)
//OOC: everything is in development. but anyways, here’s a toyhouse folder of characters, some are not there yet, I have drawing and describing to do, yea
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dunyatraveler · 6 years
Each time I complained about life, deep down I will feel guilty.
We pray to Allah S.W.T everyday seeking His help and guidance and when He gives us test to overcome it, we complained. Little did we know that those test helped us to find the right path, guiding us to be stronger and better person than before. Without those difficult tests, we won't be where we are right now.
Hunger makes you feel thankful for the rekzi He blessed us with. Good health makes you feel thankful for the times you're able to walk normally run actively eat deliciously.
I always complained 'why me?' 'why am I going through such a rough time?'
But I forget those people who are suffering more than me. Those people who struggled just to live. Those people who fight for their rights but being oppressed. And so much more...
Ya Allah, guide us to straight path. Make us stronger to overcome Your test so that we can be a better person and help those in need. Forgive us for being ignorant and selfish. Forgive us for all of our shortcomings. We want to be a better Muslim. Bless us with goodness in this world and hereafter. Help us guide us ya Allah. We're sorry for the times we complained too much without knowing Your love for us. Forgive us ya Rabb. Open our hearts to accept everything that You provide for us. Help us to be among those who are thankful.
Amiin ya Rabb
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screbelbaziu · 3 years
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me? reviving SPORE OCs from 2011? yea sounds like the kind of dumb shit I'd do right now.
Ki-Zu, Jax, Rekzis and Xoxo are space travelers of various races that end up running a spaceship together.
First one is Ki-Zu, from the Keezyan Empire. Keezyans are all rather small and adorable, covered in slightly iridescent feathers. They are in general a peaceful species, most of them are quite religious, believing that everything in the galaxy exists in harmony. Ki-Zu himself is kind of a controversial figure, as he is not religious and has the ability to rage out and basically go apeshit on anyone and anything that endangers him. He is somewhat socially outcast, but that makes him a perfect candidate for solo space missions. He's the only one here fully trained and qualified to be a space captain. Personally he is still quite mild-mannered by everyone else's standards outside of his home empire. Polite and soft-spoken, though he can bark orders when that kind of management is necessary. "Ki-Zu" is actually an abbreviation of his name, which he doesn't reveal to almost anyone - he's transgender and doesn't want to go through the hassle of changing his legal name since he likes it, but doesn't want to use it to avoid gender-related confusion. Though the only ones confused would be his own species.
Second one, Jax from the Snoutzer Empire. Snoutzers are a very capitalistic species, and they tend to be a bit uncomfortably overfamiliar with each other and alien races, mainly for the purpose of selling stuff. Jax is just a guy who saved up money for a personal spaceship, though he's not really a captain and he's just barely qualified to fly the ship. He also advocates for alien rights in his empire and is responsible for their first interstellar alliance, with the Keezyans. So, officially, he is a diplomat. Jax is actually quite socially awkward, especially compared to a statistical Snoutzer. He gets stressed easily, but he hardly ever fails to overcome his stress and does well in terms of public speaking.
Third one is Rekzis from the Thratsh Empire. The Thratsh are a very tall, spiky and violence-driven species, their government are edgy warlords hellbent on destroying just about everything. Rekzis is just an artist who saw through the propaganda and wants to save as many people as possible from the calamity. He can fly a spaceship and use its weapons most of the time, that is taught in Thratsh schools, but he is not officially licensed to do that. Noone really cares though, he is already an outlaw. He acts like he hates everything - but really, he doesn't. He just wants to keep up his edgy facade because he doesn't want to show any weakness. He draws and paints and is proud of his work. He also writes poetry, which he hates sharing more than anything.
The last creature is Xoxo the Snapparak. Snapparaks are not a space empire like the others, but they're getting there slowly. Xoxo is just a mechanic with a passion for exploration, who built her own spaceship, and promptly crashed it into the nearest space station. She is extra optimistic and has a tendency to address everyone per "boss", no matter their actual position. Even herself.
The story is basically, Snoutzers and Keezyans achieve interstellar flight and discover each other's existence. Snoutzers want to exploit the aliens for money, but Jax wants to make friends with them and the government is just kinda like, alright, try to do that, it would be beneficial to everyone. So they invent a spaceship connector and send the plans for it over to the Keezyans with an invitation to a one-on-one negotiation of the terms of the alliance. Keezyans send their bravest captain, Ki-Zu. Ki-Zu and Jax have a widely publicized conversation where they basically discuss that the two empires should be friends and trade and visit each other. The two also hang out a little off-camera and they become quick friends before they go back to their respective homes.
A bit later, the Thratsh empire shows up, and they attack all Keezyan colonies outside of their home planet. Keezyans hate fighting and don't want to send their bravest guy, Ki-Zu, away from their home planet, so the colonies get demolished. But meanwhile, a young Thratsh named Rekzis gets enlightened out of nowhere and decides he needs to try and stop his government from slaughtering everything they come across. He heads out to a public space station in a stolen ship, where he meets Xoxo, who, as stated previously, built a spaceship by herself and crashed it. He recruits her on the spot seeing as she is talented and not prejudiced against the Thratsh yet.
Jax gets sick of being a social outcast on his home planet and sick of being lonely on his spaceship, so he decides to visit Ki-Zu and try to recruit him for some space adventures or something, or maybe join him in whateverthefuck he happens to be up to. Ki-Zu happens to be home and invites Jax to experience the sights and culture of his home planet. Though he is under constant stress since the colonies got wiped out recently.
They coincidentally notice Rekzis and Xoxo landing on the planet. Ki-Zu, seeing a Thratsh in his town, attacks Rekzis and attempts to take an eye out with his beak. He doesn't actually do it (out of mercy), but the attempt earns him respect at least. Rekzis manages to explain that the Thratsh are planning an invasion in hopes of wiping out the Keezyan empire forever. Ki-Zu goes full captain-mode breaks the news to everyone on the planet, tells Jax to evacuate as many people as he can. He himself grabs Rekzis and Xoxo, gets on their ship and prepares to defend his home. The invasion happens and they manage to hold off the attackers long enough for Jax to evacuate most of the Keezyans, somehow. The planet is ruined, but the refugees integrate into the Snoutzer societies fast.
Ki-Zu, Xoxo and Rekzis find Jax afterwards and they form a team. They all live on Jax's spaceship and go on adventures together, trying to stop the Thratsh empire's invasions, but mostly just exploring and seeing cool stuff around the galaxy. Much to disdain of their respective governments.
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frsfauzan77 · 5 years
Rekzi Punya Cerita
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Dari kejauhan, si Rekzi terlihat sedang tak baik-baik saja. Pasalnya, sejak turun dari motor sampai di meja kasir ia cengengesan — sambil sesekali menunjuk-nunjuk ke arah saya. Aneh tapi nyata. Nyata tapi bikin kemekel.
Setelah memesan kopi ia lanjut bergabung dengan kami.
“Woe Noorca ngopi sama aktivis rek”, kata Rekzi sambil tertawa terceguk-ceguk mau batuk.
“Aktivis-aktivis ndasmu”,…
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fordeadleaves · 11 months
rekzy is kind of like ghostkicks to me
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