#rejanis fic
idontplaytrack · 8 days
Make me hate Boston
Regina George x Janis ‘Imi’ike(+ little sister reader)
Warnings: coarse language, angst, mentions to sex, fluff
“How'd you make me hate Boston? It's not its fault that you don't love me.” Part 3 of 3.
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“I asked if you talked to y/n recently?”
Janis puts down her paintbrush, “Oh. Sorry I nearly dropped the brushes so I couldn’t hear you over the clatter.”
Regina sat down at the kitchen table, “I haven’t been able to get her to call me back or even text me back for like, 2 days.”
“To answer your question, yeah.”
“When?” Regina’s eyes widened a little, hands holding onto a coffee-filled mug.
“Today’s Friday, so…uh, Tuesday?”
“I’ll try to text her again, though.” Janis reached for her phone in her pocket, immediately texting you.
“At first I thought she was just busy with schoolwork, but no.” Regina continued.
“Why do you say that?” Janis asked, the worry growing.
“Her reposts. They’re few and far, but she’s obviously going through something.” Regina picked at her nails nervously, “shit.”
“We just talked to her two weeks ago about Th— oh, fuck.” Janis had a thought creep into her head. “I’m getting Damian to go over there to check on her.”
“What’s going on?”
“My gut is telling me it’s got something to do with Thea.” Janis revealed.
“Thea?” Regina’s voice went a little louder, “What the hell do you know that I don’t, Janis?”
Janis sets her phone down after shooting Damian a text. “After she went out with Thea on that Friday after school, they went out again the next day for brunch.”
“Please don’t tell her I told you this.”
“Just spit it out, Jan. Come on.”
“It suddenly came up in their conversation that Thea’s parents were not home and that they should hook up. Based on what I know, they talked it out first then what happened was they did make out. When Thea tried to go further, y/n wasn’t ready and stopped her. She listened, but y/n went home right after that. I only knew because that night, she couldn’t sleep and she called me, you were already asleep because you took your pain meds.”
“So she seemed okay then? When you two talked?”
“She did, but then I haven’t heard from her since. She’s been posting on Instagram so nothing seemed too off, Reg.”
“Let’s hope Damian replies soon.”
“Yeah—” Janis bites back a sigh. Her phone buzzed, “Okay, Damian’s on his way.”
“Mom’s out of town too, how convenient.” Regina sighs, pinching her temple. “Girl’s trip with her friends. She won’t be back until next week.”
Janis reached over to hold onto Regina’s hand, “One step at a time. Damian will update us once he’s there.”
“It’s been going on since before mom went on the trip. Why didn’t mom say anything? Why didn’t she tell me?”
“Maybe she didn’t pay as much attention as we thought she’d be.” Janis frowned.
Meanwhile, you heard a string of very urgent knocks at your door, causing you to roll out of bed and answer it since you were the only one home. You saw through your window that it was Damian.
“Oh, thank God.” Damian heaved a sigh, hand clutching at his chest, “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded, squinting at him confused.
He walked inside, you shut the front door and locked it. “Are you doing okay? Honestly I’ve been very worried. I was gonna come down here to talk to you even if your sister and Janis didn’t ask.”
“That depends.” You scoffed, sitting down on the couch, “I’m alive. But it feels like I’ve been going crazy over someone that I thought I could trust, that I thought actually liked me, that was a good person.”
“Okay, talk to me.”
“I went on a date…thing with this girl at school like two Fridays ago. That was great, it felt right. Then the next day she asked me out to brunch— I agreed because the first ‘date’ went well so it couldn’t have been that bad. Anyway, it went south when she outright asked if we could…hook up because no one was home.” You explained to him while fiddling with your fingers nervously, “We did talk about that, and I did wind up going over. I wanted to. But we only went as far as making out, because when she tried to initiate more, I decided to tell her to stop because I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was. She was okay with that, I went to the bathroom and proceeded to freak out for a good minute before deciding to go home because there was no way I could continue being around her without the anxiety that day. Late that night, I called Janis to talk to her about this because it was weighing down on my mind. All was fine, the girl, well, Thea— she texted me to check on me. But then when I got back to school on Monday…”
Damian saw how tense you were, “Hey, it’s chill. Don’t rush it, I’ve got time.”
You nodded, taking in a deep breath as your eyes closed for a beat, “Monday, people were laughing at me. I heard my name come out of their mouths— clearly. Then I heard what they were saying. Apparently they found out that I ‘chickened out and ran away from Thea’s house that afternoon’.”
“Bitch.” He gasped, startling you. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”
“Anyway I saw Thea, she was talking to me like usual. I was going to ask her about…y’know, the gossiping but I didn’t. She then asked me to this party that night. Again, started out okay, but then I lost her. And found her— screwing someone in the bathroom.”
“I’m— what?” Damian’s mouth hung open, utterly shocked.
“She saw me, and wasn’t even shocked, or sorry. In fact, they continued.” You licked your lips, swallowing thickly, “I went home, screamed into a pillow and just fell asleep. When I woke up, she was at my front door saying that she didn’t mean to uh, do that with that person. Saying that she was tipsy and she only did it because I wasn’t ready but she really needed relief? I mean, I just—”
Damian wrapped his arm around you, “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.”
“I yelled at her for that. We fought, then it came out that she started that rumour. She’d told the guy she was fooling around with, then he told people.” You continued as a tear slipped down your face, “That’s not all, she’d already been dating that guy that I saw her with. I never mattered to her, I was just someone she wanted to— fuck for the sake of trying it with a girl.”
“Girl, I’m gonna throw hands, where does that bitch live?”
“Forget it, I just need to ride it through.” You stopped him, “I never should’ve agreed to that. I should’ve just focused on my own life instead of trying to get to know someone and want them to be a part of my life. I knew it was too good to be true but I let my crush on her decide for me.”
“Having feelings is complicated.” He nodded, “Just ‘cause this didn’t work out, doesn’t mean there ain’t someone out there for you, you know? You’ve got a long life ahead of you, there are still so many people that you don’t even know you’d meet yet.”
You stayed silent for a minute but nodded, “Thanks.”
“Always.” He hugs you.
“I can’t even apply to the schools I want to because all those she’s applying to, are the ones I’m planning to apply to.”
“Honey, apply anyway. You deserve the chance as much as anyone else who’s qualified. Don’t let her hold you back. Who knows? You might get in and she wouldn’t.”
“You’re right, she doesn’t control me. The future’s in my hands.”
“Out of curiosity, where are you applying to?””
“UMass Boston, NYU, Carnegie Mellon. The rest are safety schools. I really want to go to UMass Boston— I think Boston could be good for me, and it’s near Regina.” You answered, “Hey, you want something to drink?”
“Honey.” Damian held onto your wrist as you tried to stand up from the couch, “Look at me, are you okay?”
“I’m not in a very good mood if that’s what you’re asking.” You shrug, “Look, if you don’t want a drink, I’m thirsty. I need one. Would you let me go, Damian? I’m just gonna be right there.”
“Alright.” He responded quietly, “Sorry.”
He hung around for a few hours, watching TV with you and just making you laugh so hard you forgot what you were even troubled about. You also replied to Janis and your sister, letting them know how you were doing and telling them the whole situation through text messages to avoid more crying. They were shocked but Regina especially, was so mad at Thea. This was typical of your sister— for her to be this protective of you. And as much as you knew shit like this? The heartbreak? Was a part of life and being human, it was a crazy thing to actually be going through. You were trusting that with time, you would get back on your feet again and move forward.
“Imma make you dinner.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise it was so late already.” You gasped when you saw that it was almost 6:30 in the evening.
“You gotta stop apologising. We’re have a good time, I was just home alone anyway. It was boring, but now I’ve got company.” Damian nudged you playfully. “You wanna cook together or do you just wanna chill here?”
“Let’s cook.” You shrug, smiling a little.
He went to your kitchen to check what you had, “Okay, we’re just gonna pop by the grocery store real quick to get some things then we’ll be right back.”
He managed to get you out of the house— willingly. Damian didn’t even have to persuade you. You actually just followed him out right away.
“You want some ice cream?” He asks, stopping in front of the freezer, “Yeah, you deserve some.”
He tossed two tubs of Dreyer’s cookies & cream ice cream into the cart along with the rest of the ingredients and snacks he wanted and needed.
“Stop.” You pulled the cart back.
“What’s up?”
“That’s her sister. Thea’s sister, Phoebe.”
“Working the checkout?” He followed your gaze.
You nodded, sighing inevitably.
“We’ll go to the other one.” You pulled you away from that lane.
After that little hiccup at the store, you guys were back at your place again and he immediately got down to business in the kitchen. You helped out wherever you could, but he worked pretty fast because before you knew it, Damian had popped the dish into the oven.
“Now we have some snacks and continue that movie while we wait.” Damian hands you a bag of Skittles that you bought and opened up the box of Goobers he got.
You turned the TV back on and pressed play on the movie to let it resume.
“Mac and cheese. Always makes me feel better.” He quips.
“It smells amazing, Damian.” You remarked.
“It better.” He laughs, “That’s my family’s recipe.”
“It does, I’m sure it’ll taste just as amazing too.” You chuckled over your words, popping a handful of the candy into your mouth.
A bit later, while you were helping Damian set the table, your phone rang. “One sec.” You said, grabbing your phone from the couch.
“Hi, Reg.” You answered.
“Wanted to check in on you, baby.” She says, “How you feelin’?”
“Well, I was in a shitty mood but Damian’s been hanging out with me. Made me laugh until my stomach hurt. I’m doing better now. It’s gonna take some time, but right now, it’s as good as it can be.” You admit.
“That’s good to hear. We’ll always be here no matter what time of day it is. Hm? Please eat, and stay hydrated. Okay?”
“Okay, I promise. I'll take care of myself. You too, Reg.” You smiled, it was nice to finally hear her voice after some time.
“I promise too. You have my word— you two silly gooses have fun. Good night, baby.”
“Night, G.” You bit back a laugh at the nickname.
“Alrighty, let’s eat.” Damian gestured for you to return to the table.
“Yep.” You nodded, “Let’s. Oh holy shit, that looks incredible.”
“Why, thanks.” He grinned, “Okay. Eat. I don’t want your sister to kill me for not taking care of you.”
“Mind you, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
He gasped dramatically, “You know what I mean.”
You sat down opposite him, “I do. And thank you, for coming all the way here to make sure I was okay. And everything you’ve done with me today. I really appreciate it. And you. I’m really glad we got to hang out together today.”
“Hey, we’re friends, aren’t we? That’s what friends are for, y/n. You’re so welcome.” Damian smiled, “Also, with summer coming up, let’s go to New York, how’s that? You get to surprise your sister, I get to see my best friend.”
“It’s on.” You agreed,
Eventually, he had to go home. But you were okay. He knew it, so he wasn’t worried like he was before. “Now you, go get some good sleep.” He hugs you, “I’ll see you again soon, hun.”
“Good night, Damian.” You hugged him back.
“Text me, or call me— whatever you prefer. Wanna talk about something or if you’re just bored, I’m here.”
“I know, thank you.” You smiled, swallowing your tears.
“Don’t cry.” He looked at you, “Okay, you know what? Cry if you need to, it helps you release those feelings. Feel what you gotta feel, dry those tears, drink some camomile and go to sleep. Tomorrow’s a new day.”
“See you, Damian.” You hugged him again, not wanting to say anything else for fear of crying in front of him again.
You watch him leave before shutting and locking the front door. With that, you got upstairs, took a shower (while having a good cry), then changed into your favourite pyjamas— all ready for a good night’s sleep. But first, you had a cup of camomile tea and did some reading before turning in.
If your current situation was teaching you anything, it’d be that, if they wanted to, they would. Damian did not have to come all the way over here to spend any time with you— you two weren’t even that close of friends before what happened today. But you knew it in your heart that he was one of the best people you knew. One of the best people you had in your life that would always be there for you no matter what. You were going through a tough time now but you were still taking care of yourself—just that it has been a little difficult too because you were heartbroken and feelings a lot of other emotions all at once. So you went easy on yourself and just did what you could.
Despite what other people had to say about your mom, one thing she did do right was to teach you and Regina— never keep those who don’t care about you in your lives. So you knew, you would be okay. You knew eventually, Thea would just be a part of your history, your distant memories. But right now, you were taking it one day at a time and trusting that time would heal, why? Because you had your people. The best little family you could ever have.
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
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the-dreadful-bard · 1 month
As suggested by an anon, I wrote a oneshot based on one of my rejanis text memes. Here it is. No title because I'd rather die than pick titles for fics. Lmk what you think if you read it <3
Warnings: light sub/dom dynamics if you look too closely????, pretty obvious praise kink, Regina has bad thoughts, all that and there's not even smut in this??? Pairing: Regina/Janis Based on this:
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Janis drives at the speed limit, her heart pounding against her ears as her thoughts run rampant. Did Regina really mean what she said? She needs to take the chance, there's no way she's losing an opportunity like that. If she's being messed with, she'll get mad at herself (and at Regina) later, not now. Now, it's time to take the leap. 
Her blood is rushing and she feels apprehensive about what she's about to do. She parks her car in Regina's driveway and has to will her heart to stop running, but she fails pathetically. She checks her reflection, making sure she looks acceptable, before getting out of the car and sending another text to Regina, even though her hands are shaking so hard she can barely hold her phone right.
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Janis anxiously makes her way to the door of the large George household, waiting for Regina's response. She doesn't get anything back for a while. She waits a bit, shifting her stance every few seconds, and when she's ready to turn around and leave, the door opens, revealing a surprised-looking Regina George, who can't stop the nervous laugh that comes out of her lips as soon as she sees Janis standing there. 
“You actually came,” Regina says, with disbelief in her voice.
Janis scratches the back of her neck, face flushing as she takes in the sight in front of her. Regina is wearing pajamas. She clearly didn't expect visitors. Was she bluffing?
“Oh. I did. Should I go and pretend this never happened?” She asks, gesturing back to the car parked a few feet away. Her heart still won't stop pounding like crazy.
“No! I just thought you were playing around.” 
Regina's voice sounds softer than usual, which makes Janis even more nervous. She's so… 
“And I thought you might be messing with me,” Janis interjects.
Regina shakes her head and steps closer to her guest, who shivers. 
“I don't do that anymore. Not with you. I'm trying to be better, you know. To be honest about… how I feel. I was flirting. For real. I didn't know if you would believe me but a part of me really hoped you would.”
Again, Regina's voice makes Janis' whole body quiver. She looks up into those deep blue eyes that show vulnerability for the first time in what feels like forever. She didn't think she'd ever see that Regina again. Not even after they made up and stopped “hating” each other. It's thrilling. 
Janis finds herself filled with confidence. Regina was flirting with her. But did she mean what she said? Janis smiles shyly, trying not to lose her nerve.
“Well, am I getting the kiss you promised or nah?” She manages to ask, feeling proud of herself for not stuttering or choking on her words.
A smile takes over Regina's lips and she plays with her hair for a moment while taking a quick look around before touching Janis' cheek and pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
It's over before Janis' brain can even register the fact that she's being kissed, and Regina stares back at her with a tiny grin. Janis tilts her head and pouts. 
“That was way too quick, I could barely even feel it!” She complains.
Regina chuckles, running her fingers through her hair.
“Fair. Come in, I don't want my creepy neighbors watching us.” She says, grabbing Janis by the hand and pulling her until they're standing inside the house. 
Regina slams the door behind them and pushes Janis' back against it, grinning as she stands dangerously close to her and raises an eyebrow as if challenging her to make the move this time.
Janis gets on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around Regina's neck before kissing her with obvious desire. The blonde lets out a low moan when Janis pulls on her hair.
“Oh, you like that, don't you?” Janis teases.
“Shut up.” Regina protests, face flushing in a way that's actually adorable.
“Make me.”
That's all she needs to hear before kissing Janis again. 
They kiss for what feels like hours, discovering numerous new ways to make the other blush, until they separate with heavy breaths and ridiculously dilated pupils. Janis' legs feel like jello, and Regina's heart won't slow down.
“So… about that other thing you said earlier…” Janis says, holding onto Regina by the waist and looking up into her eyes adoringly.
“Oh, that. You think you're being a good girl?” The blonde inquires, smirking.
How she loves having Janis in the palm of her hand like this... It feels inebriating. She can't believe it took her so long to realize what her fucking problem was. If only she knew that before wasting so much of her time with mediocre guys. 
Janis rolls her eyes and gives her a pointed look. “You think I'm not? What else do I possibly need to do? Kneel? Do you want me to beg for you? Because that's a little mean, don't you think? Especially coming from someone who's already humiliated me plenty.” 
That makes Regina reconsider her strategy. Maybe Janis is right. Maybe, after all she's done… she should be the one begging.
She sighs, straightening her back. “You know what? You make a great fucking point. Let's change things up, kay?” 
With that, while keeping direct eye contact with Janis, Regina kneels down at her feet.
She takes one of Janis' hands and kisses it, then positions it on the back of her head, wrapping her fingers around her blonde locks.
Janis struggles not to completely lose her shit at the image she sees. Regina George, on her knees for her, looking up at her with those blue eyes, her lips slightly open. It's truly a sight to behold.
“Do you like me like this, Jay? What d'you wanna do to me? I'm at your mercy, come on. Take me, boss me around, shut me up. Do what you've always wanted to do to me.”
That voice. Janis feels like she's on top of the world. She can't believe Regina would just give her so much power. With her other hand, she touches the blonde's cheek gently.
“Is this what you want?”
She would never put Regina in this position without her consent. She still feels bad about her revenge and how the girl died for fifteen seconds right in front of her not even a full year ago.
“I want you to want me,” Regina whispers, so soft she can barely hear it.
Janis sighs, rubbing her thumb over the soft skin under her touch.
“I do. More than I should,” she confesses.
“Then take me. Show me what I've been missing. Show me how to atone for what I've done to you. Punish me.”
Regina's entire body is in flames. She needs Janis. She can't handle it anymore. She's always wanted her. She doesn't know how to stop thinking about her eyes and her lips and the way her nose scrunches. She can't stop thinking about having Janis all to herself.
“You've been punished enough. What if I reward you instead? After all, you're a really good girl now, aren't you?” Janis asks, smirking as she finally finds the right thing to say. 
Regina's pupils dilate even wider as she takes in Janis' words. She nods, still staring into big brown eyes eagerly.
“I want to hear you say it. Tell me what you are.”
Regina tries to will the words out of her mouth, but there's something stopping her. She doesn't believe she's good. Not even now. She still feels like she's rotten to the core and undeserving of love. Undeserving of Janis.
“I- I don't know if I can.” 
Her voice breaks. 
Damn. That little voice in her head speaks up like it always does whenever she feels inappropriate. She tries to ignore it, but it knows her too well, it is her. It knows just how to affect her.
Congrats, Regina! You can't even do the most basic shit, like saying four words to please the girl you like. How pathetic. How long will it take for her patience to run out and for her to give up on you? After all, you gave up on her first, didn't you? You ruined her just like you ruin everything you touch. You'll never amount to anything. You'll always be a sad little rich girl with nobody to play with.
The look in Regina's eyes makes Janis' heart break. She has a fair idea about what must be going through the girl's head. Regina's always been easy to read when she wasn't pretending. Her eyes hide deep emotional turmoil from those who don't know her like the back of their hands. Like Janis knows her. She shakes her hand and crouches down so she's close to Regina's ear. 
“I know you can.” 
She presses a kiss on her cheek. 
“You're such a good girl, Gina. Being honest and open and offering me so much... that's a lot more than the old Regina would ever give me.” 
She leaves a kiss on the girl's forehead. 
“But it's okay. You don't have to say it. Not today. I'll make you say it eventually, though. I'll get you to believe it if you let me.” 
Janis lifts Regina's face and kisses her before straightening herself again.
“Get up.”
The blonde looks up at her with something that seems like sadness and confusion in her eyes. Janis doesn't want her anymore, does she? Because Regina failed. And of course, she'd fail, she can't ever do anything right.
Janis shakes her head and holds Regina's face again.
“It was incredibly sexy to see you like this, but I think we should go to your room.” 
Those words ignite the hope inside her again and muffle down the noise in her head.
Janis helps Regina up and pulls her by the hand. She still remembers how to get to the girl's bedroom. Regina lets herself be guided, in silence as she still tries to come to terms with the fact that Janis might still want her. 
As soon as they get to the bedroom, Regina stares at the other girl with a question in her eyes, suddenly shy and nervous, which is a sight that Janis finds herself weirdly enjoying.
“What is it, Gina?” She asks, embracing the girl in front of her around the neck in a way she hopes seems casual. She's not sure she's ready for her to know just how much she actually cares.
“Are we still…” She trails off, avoiding Janis' eyes. She might seem like the most confident bitch alive, but Janis has always been her weakness.
“That depends on you, princess. I'm down for whatever you want to do. But we can also take a rain check and cuddle in bed for tonight, maybe make out for a while, I might let you get to second base if you behave. You know… take our time. But I mean, that's assuming you're not looking for a one-night stand, which-”
“I'm not! I want to see where this goes.” Regina interjects, unwilling to let Janis think even for a second that this is a one-time thing for her. 
Janis smiles softly, then gets on her tiptoes to kiss Regina with no rush. “Do you like me?”
That makes the blonde frown, confused. She thought it was obvious by now. How can't she tell?
“Uh, I'm starting to question your intelligence. Do you really need to ask? Of course I fucking like you, Janis. I got on my knees for you.”
Janis chuckles, enjoying being so close to Regina after having convinced herself she would never get this. 
“I wanted to hear you say it out loud. I mean, you already figured me out, you know I've been trying to suppress my feelings for you by giving you a hard time. No use denying it now.” She admits, smiling shyly at Regina, who squeezes her around the waist and leans down to kiss her soundly.
“That's good to know. Can you stay the night? We haven't shared a bed in forever. I, uh, I guess I missed you. And maybe you're right, maybe we should really savor this before going all the way. I mean, that would be different from what I usually do, which could be... I don't know, nice? Don't get me wrong, I'm-”
"Hey. It's okay. I know what you mean."
For some reason, hearing Regina say all that makes Janis feel more confident about whatever they're doing. It gives her the impression that she might be serious about this.
Janis grins, “And of course I can stay. Do you have some clothes I can borrow? I don't really feel like sleeping in jeans.”
Regina nods before letting go of Janis and walking away, only to return a moment later with sweatpants and a cozy-looking shirt. She hands them to Janis.
“Should I get changed here or...”
“I'll turn around.” She says, doing as promised, except... there's a mirror right there, which she obviously knew about. She winks at Janis through the reflection, and the girl, smirking, turns around, taking her shirt off and exposing her back to Regina, who can't take her eyes off the mirror. 
Soon enough, Janis is wearing Regina's clothes, which brings her back to years in the past before everything changed between them. It's bittersweet. But she likes where they are now. She just hates that it took them hurting each other so much before they could get there.
Regina gets under the covers and gestures for Janis to join her, which she does. She snuggles into her and presses her head against her chest, the thrumming of her heart bringing her peace. Janis gently runs her fingers through Regina's long blonde hair. 
“This is really nice,” Regina whispers, a few seconds later, eyes closed, truly enjoying their closeness and the way Janis touches her.
She hums in agreement, not stopping her gentle caresses on Regina's scalp. 
“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” The blonde speaks up again, incredibly relaxed. Only Janis could get her to slow down this way. She's missed everything about this. About her.
“Not really. Why?”
“Let me take you out. On a date.” 
Regina can feel it as Janis' heart speeds up. She smiles to herself. 
“Oh! Really?” Janis asks, genuinely surprised. She didn't expect Regina to be so direct so fast, she thought for sure she would be the one having to make those moves. She's not displeased, though. As a matter of fact, she's excited. Giddy, one could say.
“Yeah, really. I told you I wanna see where this goes. I've never gone on a date with a girl before and I'm used to not putting in any effort with guys. They're easy, but boring. You… you're worth the effort.” 
Janis leans down to kiss Regina on the forehead, unable to stop herself from showing her affection. It feels so unbelievably nice to be with her like this.
“My answer is yes. But can I ask... When did you find out about how you feel?”
“About you?” Regina inquires.
Janis nods, making a little humming noise like she's saying yes. Regina fully knows the answer to her question, she's just unsure how the girl will react to that information.
“You're not gonna believe me.”
“Try me, I might.”
Regina sighs, resigning herself to her fate. She won't lie to Janis. It would be a terrible way to start a potential relationship.
“At first, I got really jealous when I saw you with Cady in the cafeteria. I wanted to take her from you. And then I wanted to take Aaron from her. Because if I couldn't be happy, nobody could. And I wasn't happy, no matter who I dated or what I did. I had no idea why- thought I was just not meant for happiness or love.”
Janis stays in silence, intently listening to Regina's confession. She had theorized that the blonde had a crush on Cady in the past. She never thought she was the one Regina might have wanted.
“I ignored it. Ignored how I felt when you and I kissed, ignored how I felt whenever I saw you since we stopped being friends—I couldn't think about you, it was dangerous in my head. Then I died.”
Janis' grip on Regina gets tighter then. She hates remembering that. The sight of her former childhood friend lying on the ground, bloody and broken. Not breathing. It still haunts her in her dreams sometimes. 
“You know, you were actually the last thing I remember seeing before I lost consciousness. And it felt like ages went by, and all I could think about was how I was going to die right there, with you hating me.”
Regina stops for a second, absorbing the heaviness of her own words. She's still not completely sure what happened that day. She doesn't remember much about the accident. Janis' arms feel even tighter around her, grounding her. That's what inner peace must feel like, she wonders. Being in the arms of someone you love, knowing they love you back. Maybe someday she might have that. This is the closest she's ever felt to it.
“When I woke up, it was like my brain was knocked into place, I guess. Everything felt different. I dreamed about you when I was in my coma, which is insane.”
That surprises Janis. The idea of Regina dreaming about her while she was fighting for her life is so… it is insane. She never would have guessed it.
“I dreamed that we were talking in the restroom during spring fling and I came out to you. I dreamed that you visited me almost every day while I was recovering. Those all felt like different realities, in a sense. It would never happen for real. It didn't happen, but this... this feels pretty close to those dreams.”
She sighs before continuing. “I think… the accident knocked out the part of me that was able to compartmentalize what I felt about you. Because when I woke up, I couldn't stop thinking about you. About what I did to you, and what you did to me, and how I needed to fix things. And when we did talk, when we agreed to forgive each other and see where that would take us, I found myself wanting to be around you more and more.”
Regina trails off for a second and lifts her head to watch Janis, who looks back at her silently and nods as if to encourage her to keep going.
“I don't know exactly when I started liking you. I can't fucking tell. Maybe I've felt this way forever and never knew on a conscious level. But I thought I would never get you the way I wanted you, I mean, I thought you still hated me until an hour ago.”
Janis gasps. “You did?”
That makes Regina chuckle amusedly and roll her eyes.
“Can you blame me? I was trying to send you a cute text earlier and you told me to shut the fuck up.”
Janis sighs, admitting to herself that Regina's perception makes a lot of sense. Sometimes she acts before she thinks. Maybe that's something she should work on.
“I don't know why I say the things I say sometimes. Well, this time specifically, I didn't want to listen because I was scared my brain would catch up to the fact that I could never really get over you. But I was, uh, I was surprised by your response.”
Regina's expression turns into a shy smile. She gently leans closer to Janis' lips, giving her the chance to push her away if she wants to, but she doesn't, so she kisses her softly before speaking up again.
“Yeah, I was being hopeful, though I fully expected you to tell me to fuck off. But when you didn't… I had to try and see what I could get away with. When I saw your text saying you were at the door I was really fucking shocked.”
Janis holds both sides of Regina's face and pulls her in for another unrushed kiss. She still feels warm and her heart shows no sign of calming down. This feels surreal to her. She really is in Regina George’s bed, lazily making out with her, after an insane turn of events that likely would never happen if they weren't so efficient at matching each other's freak.
“Oh, I wouldn't wanna waste an opportunity like that, ‘you kidding me? I'm glad you weren't messing with me, that would have been really embarrassing.” Janis admits when they separate a minute or so later.
“And I'm glad you came,” Regina reveals, kissing Janis’ neck. “I really wanna kiss you for like eighteen hours nonstop but I'm really tired and my back is killing me, so can we do that tomorrow?”
Janis leisurely runs her fingers through Regina's hair. “Of course. Do you take anything for the pain?”
“Sometimes. But right now I'm too lazy and cold to get up and take it so we're just gonna hope I'll wake up feeling better.”
Janis won't accept that. Not while she's around. “No, ma'am. What do you need? I can get it for you.”
Regina's heart fills with affection at those words. Her boyfriends were never so considerate and kind to her, not even Aaron (which deep down, she knows is her own fault.) It's hard not to swoon at Janis' obvious care for her.
“That's… really fucking sweet of you. It's in the bathroom cabinet, you can't miss it. It's the only orange bottle in there.” 
Janis kisses Regina on the cheek before gently untangling herself from her grip to get up. “Okay, I'll be right back, princess.” 
The girl returns less than two minutes later, with the medicine bottle and a glass of water for Regina, who thanks her before swallowing one of the pills with the liquid and setting them on the bedside table when she's done. Janis climbs back under the covers and the blonde immediately snuggles into her again, kissing her jaw. 
“Now get some sleep, yeah? I'll be here when you wake up.” Janis whispers, gently squeezing Regina in her arms and getting comfortable.
The blonde's voice sounds exhausted but adorable. Janis sighs relaxedly.
“Of course, I would never miss our first date.”
Right! They're going on a date tomorrow! Regina can't fucking wait. She hopes she can impress Janis by taking her on the world's best first date. She might need a plan. Fast. Luckily, Karen and Gretchen have been really good at stupidly romantic plans since they started dating a few months ago. She'll text them asking for tips as soon as she wakes up. 
“Good. See you in the morning?”
“You bet,” Janis says, pressing one last kiss on Regina's forehead and closing her eyes, allowing herself to drift off to sleep holding the girl she never thought she'd ever get.
Regina falls asleep feeling like the luckiest person alive. She won't waste this chance. She'll do everything in her power to make Janis feel just as lucky for as long as she can. 
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frogs00 · 4 months
I want Regina and Janis to bond over their shitty home life. (they both have shit parents, trust me, I am Mean Girls 2024.)
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pezberrywhoreee · 5 months
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pairing: dom!janis imi'ike x sub!regina george
words: 2,685
content warning: harddom!janis, puppyslutsub!regina, bdsm, d/s dynamic, hypno kink, puppy play, forced puppyfication, cnc, strap, humiliation, corruption, oral fixation, orgasm torture, overstimulation, frottage and grinding, spitplay (drool)
summary: she doesn't know what's good for her, but she'll learn
a/n: any tist's or people that do hypno (whether erotic or not), i want to make it clear that it was an artistic choice to not include dialogue of each suggestion of triggers that janis gives. i thought that it would get too repetitive and it could've potentially made the reaction a little underwhelming. however, i fully understand that suggestions must be made in order for a trigger to essentially function. i don't know if im overthinking it or not but im really not out here trying to misrepresent the art that is hypnosis with my subpar knowledge :D
"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" Janis stalked behind the taller girl, her voice eerily calm and collected by her neck.
Regina only scoffed in return, finding the girls attempt at intimidation humorous at best.
"Kneel right now" the brunette ordered, her low tone already tickling Regina's inherent need to submit to the woman. "Fucking kneel!" Janis raised her voice when the blonde gave her an unimpressed look.
They had been playfully arguing about how Regina would make a beautifully pliable puppy, to which the blonde counter argued that the brunette was crazy to think that she would ever have such little dignity, especially in front of someone who knew her to be so confident in the way she held herself.
It was when Regia kept insisting a little too seriously that Janis was "delusional" that the brunette knew it was the perfect time to start the scene.
Janis grabbed the girl's wrist and dragged her into their shared bedroom. Not one part of her was surprised when Regina didn't put up a fight. She would never admit it but she arguably preferred submission over dominance. It was very obvious but she liked to think that it wasn't.
The blonde held the fierce eye contact that the brunette threatened her with, her peripheral catching how the girl's chest heaved in rage. Regina couldn't help the way her eyebrow cocked along with the smirk that pulled at her lips, which ultimately drove Janis to quickly push the girl onto the floor by her head, forcing weight on it until her knees gave out and she dropped on the hardwood.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" the blonde exclaimed as Janis forced her arms behind her back and gave her a warning and expectant look to stay put.
"You don't know what's good for you, Regina" the brunette hummed, controlling the rage in her voice as she moved to retrieve a couple of accessories to aid what she was about to put the stubborn girl through.
After Regina collected herself from being called her name by her girlfriend, she scoffed once more at her words. "So you're going to force me to find out what is?" she challenged, cocking her head though she kept her position.
"Oh please, don't act like you don't want it!" Janis retorted as she stepped back in front of the kneeling girl.
Regina rolled her eyes because she knew that the girl was right.
Janis joined the blonde on the floor, sitting in front of her to bring her to eye level. "Deep breath" she commanded as she forced eye contact with the blonde once more. She smiled as the girl complied, seeing a bit of her reserve dissolving. "Relax your body, untense, let your knees and arms slack if they need to" the brunette tapped into the familiar soft, monotone part of her voice.
On the exhale, the blonde allowed her body to relax. Her head dropped slightly and her arms unlinked, falling by her sides. Her weight fell into her hips, pushing down into her thighs.
"Good girl, one more time~". Janis encouraged as she mirrored the action, hopefully pushing the girl to feel more comfortable. "Let those eyes fall, listen to your body", she hummed as she kept a close eye on the girl's breathing.
Regina slumped on the exhale further. Her head closer to lolling but still not fully dropped, her stomach more pushed out as her chest hallowed.
"Such a good girl. Every time I say 'good girl' you are going to feel yourself relaxing deeper into that safe, secure place. Don't resist it" the brunette continued, smiling as she saw the girls eyes starting to flutter shut and become one with her breathing.
"Now, every time I touch your forehead and say 'stop' you're going to return to your normal state. Your breathing will be normal as if you just woke up. When you hear a snap, you're going to fall two times deeper into that safe, dumb, thoughtless place. Nod if you understand". Janis hummed, pleased with how quickly the girl was falling into trance.
The blonde gave a slight nod, showing the brunette that she was actively listening.
She brought her finger up and tapped her forehead, humming the release trigger. Regina blinked her eyes open, a tired smile on her face as the brunette came into sight again. "Very good~. How was that, baby?", she asked as her hand reached to stroke at the girl's thigh.
Regina gave her a less powerful scoff. "Do you think this is actually going to work?" she got out just before the snap resonated in her head and she instantly dropped deeper into trance.
Janis let a soft laugh leave her at the irony of the moment. "I'm going to touch your forehead and you will undress unknowingly. It will feel instinctual and natural and you will not realise until I point it out. You're doing so well, baby" she suggested, her tone becoming a bit more commanding, but still recognisable to the tranced girl.
As soon as Regina felt the touch to her face, her eyes fluttered open and she took in the girl's pleased face. She reached for the bottom of her shirt, pulling it over her head and handing it to the girl in front of her. Janis took it with a chuckle at which Regina furrowed her brows.
The blonde pushed back on her ass to peel off the boxers that she was wearing, handing that to the girl too. Janis took a moment to acknowledge the light sheen of arousal that glazed the girls cunt. She waited for Regina to kneel again before piping up.
"Notice anything?" the brunette gestured to her body, fighting a smirk.
Regina looked down, taken aback by her naked state. "Oh fuck...I'm getting wet" she mumbled, feeling the growing throbbing at her cunt. She fought the confusing urge to let her hands fall between her thighs.
Janis let that smirk make itself known. "Well that was quick, huh?" she teased lightly.
"Shut the fuck up—" Regina just managed to retort before that snap triggered that familiar response that now become muscle memory.
The brunette took this opportunity to secure a leather collar around the girl's neck, making sure it wasn't too tight but tight enough to always be felt. She also slipped a leather harness onto her hips, fastening the buckles in the front snugly.
"When I touch your nose and say 'puppy' you are going to only think puppy thoughts. You will act like a puppy and nothing will exist besides following commands and being a good girl.". Janis hummed, feeling herself really getting into it now.
The trigger elicited a low whine in the back of Regina's throat as she came back into something akin to reality. These puppy-like sounds continued as she planted her fist against the ground and pushed her back up, now on all fours with her back arched.
She briefly shook her head, as if to rid of the hazy feeling in her body which Janis found endearing.
The blonde looked up at the shorter girl, her tongue threatening to loll out.
"Let go, puppy" Janis encouraged softly as she moved to stand back up. She hummed when the girl let her tongue hang out, little pants accompanying the act.
Regina started to barely noticeably wiggle her ass along with her panting but was encouraged by the hummed "good girl" that once again fell from the brunette's lips.
The brunette watched as the girl began to lightly shake from the amount of attention she was getting, a satisfied grin appearing on her face.
She reached for the attachable toy that connects to the harness as she spoke. "Puppy's don't think. You're too dumb to think on your own and you need someone smarter to think for you, isn't that right?" Janis hummed, her tone now mocking.
The blonde nodded, a wide smile obstructed by her tongue.
"Such a good girl-" she hummed before tapping the girls forehead again "in heat: 8". A shit eating grin appeared on the brunette's face as she attached the toy into the rings of the harness, quickly averting her attention back to the panting girl.
Regina sunk into the ground with another throaty whine, her tongue disappearing periodically to whimper. She looked up at the other girl with begging eyes, her ass pushed out.
"Please, mommy" she whined as she dropped her head, hopefully muffling the desperate plea.
The brunette tried to hide her surprise at the infrequent honourific that so beautifully rolled off the girls tongue.
"Uh uh, puppy's don't speak, you know that! Be a good girl and bark for me. In heat: 9" the brunette played around with triggers, laughing sadistically when the girl quietly barked as her face was tapped.
Janis marveled at the panting girl, in love with how deep in her mind she already was. Her eyes caught how the blonde was pushing her hips into the air, cocking a brow.
"Come here, puppy!" her voice jumped up an octave as she sat down on the edge of the bed, patting her lap enticingly.
The brunette hummed contently as Regina crawled over to her without question. She was rewarded with a few a scritches behind her ear which she leaned into. Janis couldn't help but find it endearing to see the girl give into what they both knew was good for her.
"What are we going to do with this mouth?" Janis teased as she ran her fingers along Regina's lips, pushing them into her practically drooling mouth and collecting some saliva to spread on her chin.
She chuckled as the vibrating girl's eyes went between her face and the toy resting on her pelvis, her eyes intense and eager.
Janis gave her a challenging look at which the blonde took the opportunity to nuzzle against the leather decorating the girl's hips, whining while doing so.
"Oh—do you want something?" the brunette taunted as she continued to softly stroke the girl's head. Regina let her tongue loll out once more before giving a low growl in frustration.
Janis knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to not think. She needed to turn her brain off. Now there's no reality in where she would admit this but the brunette could see right through her, and besides they had excessively talked about it during negotiation.
"Is the puppy all bothered? Is she not getting what she wants?" the brunette mocked as she slipped her shin between the girl's spread legs. She gave her a gentle nod as desperate eyes looked up at her.
With a growl the blonde lowered her cunt against the girl's leg, her eyes fluttering and another whine resounding in her throat. "You better put that mouth to use, baby" she purred as she took hold of both the girl's head and the toy, running the tip along waiting lips.
Janis bit her lip as the girl stuck her tongue out and took the silicon tip into her mouth, her hips starting a rather quick rhythm as she rubbed against the brunette. Her eyes squeezed shut at the heightened sensations that were powering her body.
The blonde started to feel thoughts fading away, her mind slowly becoming empty. This only increased her already debilitating arousal.
The shorter girl's hand found a comfortable grip on the girl's jaw, lightly forcing her to take the strap deeper into her mouth. She wanted to show her that filling her holes could potentially make up for being blank otherwise.
"All it took was a little coercion and mocking to get you right where you belong. To get you doing the only thing you're good for. Good girls only think about pleasing" she purred as she stared down into lidded eyes that held nothing but space. A heavy groan left her as she felt whines reverberating through the toy and push against her own cunt.
Just as Regina took the girl into her throat, she felt a grip on her wrist that elicited a stuttering of her hips, her eyes rolling into her skull and her jaw falling slack from its previous suction.
The grip on her jaw tightened "Who said you could stop?" the brunette taunted as she held her grasp on that wrist, prolonging the sudden orgasm.
Muffled moans fell from stretched lips as she instinctively continued to lave her tongue over the toy, eyes begging for mercy.
Janis let go of her wrist, a satisfied smirk plastered on her flushed face. "Good girl! You took that so well~" she hummed.
Regina panted around the length on her tongue, her eyes falling closed at the slight suggestion of falling deeper into trance. Her hips started up again, momentarily jumping due to the sensitivity of her cunt.
The brunette threw her head back as the girl resumed her eager sucking, the flat of the harness continuing to press against her.
She waited until the girl took her into her throat, her eyes fluttering at the fullness. "Statue" Janis hummed, tapping the girl's forehead once again and sighing contently when she completely froze.
The brunette chuckled as took a hold of the girl's hair and started pushing into her esophagus mercilessly, her breath hitching as she forced past the blonde's gag reflex. She stared down at the frozen girl in awe as she was literally transformed into a manipulatable subject to be used.
"Good girl" Janis groaned as she gave her a couple of deeper thrusts as to feel that friction against her aching cunt. "Such a good, pliable puppy" the soft laugh turning into a breathless moan.
A new wave of arousal shot through her as she caught sight of Regina's teary eyes, the trigger having had disabled her from blinking. Reluctantly she tapped the girl's head again, muttering a release before giving the girl some control over her own head.
An agonised cry left the blonde as she felt a grip on her wrist once more. Her thighs grasped at the shin between them. The soft touch of the brunette wiping the tears from her cheek made her realise just how sensitive her skin had become.
"Oh is it too much, puppy?" Janis mocked, feigned care in her voice as she let go of the shaking wrist. She couldn't help but admire how the girl trembled beneath her assault just like she was meant to.
The brunette guided Regina's lips away from the toy to allow her to fill her lungs and clear her uncomfortably empty throat. The blonde looked up at her with dead, watering eyes that begged to be consumed by the other girl's essence, to have someone make a decisions for her.
"Go ahead, baby" Janis whispered as she felt the girl's hips regain its effort in rutting against her leg. Regina wrapped her arms around the girl's thigh to brace herself before her hips took control over her being.
Her lips fell open in a pant, causing a steady stream of drool to pour out of her vacant mouth. A quiet growl left the brunette as the thin liquid made contact with her thigh, watching as a needy tongue pushed out more of what was left of the blonde's brain.
"That's it~ my undignified girl" she purred as she aided the humping girl by flexing her leg against her core. Janis knew that Regina would have scoffed at the comment if her mind wasn't currently leaking out of her holes.
The whines in the blonde's throat increased in pitch which was Janis's cue to press her forehead one last time and utter "In heat: 10", causing the girl to instantly tumble over the edge of another wrecking orgasm. Unintelligible pained sounds fell from drooling lips as her head collapsed in exhaustion, hips stuttering reluctantly.
"Such a good girl" Janis hummed, stroking the blonde's flushed face.
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dove00 · 6 months
Rejanis Shippers who love angst!
Olivia Rodrigo song “stranger” when they’re mean to each other?
“You’re just a stranger I know everything about.”
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toxinoire · 4 months
Rewatched Mean Girls Broadway.
Cady cannonically uses a some sort of gun (it's not very clear I can't tell. But it's close to a sniper)
It happens in It Roars
This just fuels my belief that Cady likes weaponry
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magicmumu2 · 1 month
Can I have a Rejanis fic where either Regina or Janis is set up to be part of a senior auction for a picnic lunch thing and it catches everyone off guard when the other one outbids everyone else for the date? I don't care who's auctioned and who bids because I think it would be a fun fic either way.
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super-rangers · 7 months
Rejanis fic be upon you
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erikahenningsen · 7 days
SPF but from the Rejanis teacher AU?
Kylie pauses at the top of the stairs. “Can I get my cartilage pierced when I go to the mall on Saturday?”
“Uh, no?” Regina says, bewildered. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Because Becca and Emma have theirs pierced,” Kylie whines, naming two of her cheerleading teammates.
“Becca and Emma are three years older than you,” Regina points out. “Besides, you’re not getting anything pierced at a fucking Claire’s.”
Kylie smirks. “Swear jar.”
“How about I put that money towards your college education instead?” As if they’d ever had a swear jar; there is no jar in the world big enough.
Kylie’s smile turns to a wicked grin. “Fuck off.”
“Hey!” Regina snaps. “I’m gonna push you down the stairs if I hear that again.”
Kylie looks at her dubiously and goes down a few steps to the landing. “My health teacher says we’re supposed to report it to a trusted adult if our parents ever hurt us.”
“I’ll push your health teacher down the stairs, too.”
Kylie snorts. “Is it not enough to threaten my art teacher?”
Regina’s mouth falls open. “I did not threaten your art teacher.”
“You threatened her art teacher?” Shane asks from somewhere below them.
“No, I did not,” Regina says. She gives Kylie a warning look as she follows her down the stairs. “I had a conversation with Kylie’s art teacher because she gave her a failing grade.”
“You failed art?” Shane says, incredulous. He’s standing by the front door, Kylie’s duffel bag over his shoulder.
“Mom,” Kylie hisses. “Did you have to tell him that?”
Regina ignores her. “She got an F in the first quarter.”
Shane looks at Kylie. “Dude, how?”
“Can we stop talking about this?” Kylie jams her feet into her shoes.
“We can stop talking about it when you’re not failing art,” Regina tells her, then turns to Shane. “Doctor’s appointment Thursday.”
“I got it, I got it,” Shane says, waving his hand. “We’re out.”
“And make sure she does her homework—that’s a full half-hour of reading every night,” Regina says as Shane pushes open the door. “And for god’s sake, please eat some form of fresh produce.”
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sapphroditewrites · 5 months
what if i fucked around and wrote rejanis smut
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idontplaytrack · 2 days
little teaser for tonight's fic :)
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the-dreadful-bard · 3 months
Future Rejanis fics that I have planned:
- New installments of the you set my world on fire series
- New oneshots for the Under the Blossom Tree collection
- New Multichapter fantasy/d&d au.
Summary: Lady Regina is a noble warrior who wants to travel the world in search of adventure instead of ruling her boring town. Her mother offers her a deal: she will be allowed to step away from her responsibilities and chase after her desires for one year, and then she's expected to take her place as ruler of Fey's Peak.
The catch is, a bard is supposed to escort her for the entire year and write about her greatness, spreading the word about how glorious the future duchess is, all to better her family's reputation. An annoying, stupidly attractive bard who keeps driving Regina mad.
They don't get along at first but, forced to work together, they eventually learn to like and trust each other, and find out there's something stronger than death itself tying their fates as one.
- 2 other possible multichapter fics that I'm not ready to talk about yet.
Will I post them? That will depend on you. If you want to read any of those fics, I'm going to need your support.
How? By leaving comments regularly on the fics as they come out and get updated. That's it. All I need is your continued feedback. If you give me your word that you will do that for me, I'll write/post everything as soon as possible, including the rest of my current multichapter, threads, oil paints, and textbooks.
I'm being very open with you here, if I get another situation where the majority of the readers ignore my pleas for support (which you can do by sharing your opinion on my work through the comments, no matter how simple or short), I'm walking away, as this really hurts my confidence as a writer.
I won't leave my current fic incomplete, no matter what, because I made a promise and I always keep my word, but I won't post any more fics for this fandom if this happens for a third time.
So again, if you want to read any of the things I mentioned in this post, or you liked any of my previous works and you want me to keep posting new things, and you're willing to do the one thing I'm asking in return for my work, let me know by replying to this post and I will. All I need is a few people who are willing to comment regularly. Just a few. That's all I'm asking for.
I'm very excited about my future projects, and I wanted to share them with this fandom, but like I said, that will depend solely on you.
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anternity · 6 months
regina met a kid who looks exactly like janis used to 😁
warnings: regina is a therapist, obsessive ex girlfriend, gr0oming, this is rejanis (not a fan).
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her parents are worried about her low self-esteem and other issues, that's why she's there. and regina is supposed to help her, but there's something in that girl that brings her back to her toxic behavior.
then, she finds herself slowly trying to get into the girl's head to make her dependant on her, regina wants her to need her.
she can't let her go like janis did. regina will do anything to keep her under her control, even if some nights the guilty make her cry on her bed, regina keeps trying to turn that girl into the perfect version of janis, the one who would never leave her behind.
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dove00 · 6 months
Be honest. Would you guys be interested in a Mean Girls (2024) rejanis fanfic?
It would have Janis’ girlfriend from the movie, angst, fluff, Karen/Gretchen, a lot of time at therapy, art metaphors, and love!
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shessoft · 4 days
i really want to finish/mostly finish these fics before my brain turns pink and green 😫
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thejanisimiike · 5 months
Just discovered the Rejanis wolf story through your blog and omg it's amazing! I read it all in one night. I died at the most recent chapter. Did you read it yet? 😍
so glad you're enjoying the werewolf!janis AU for rejanis too bc its so good !! so happy i ran into it and i love to reblog any new update posts for it and other fics i follow,,
i haven't read the most recent chapter just yet (i'm *so* incredibly backed up on newer fic updates RIP me 😭) but i saw that it followed spring fling canon so i'm really excited !!
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