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butterflytherapies · 8 months ago
I'm on enjoyholistic.com
https://www.enjoyholistic.com/butterfly-therapies-sheila-williams Sorry it won’t embed, you need to click on the link. This is my bio on there: My name is Sheila Williams. I am a Beauty and Holistic Therapist, Reiki Master and teacher in Usui Reiki Ryoho.I teach reiki one to one or in a group for the same price and try to fit in days and times to suit, in person or via distance learning. I…
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reikiforallanimals-blog · 6 years ago
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We heal Animal Kingdom https://www.reikiforallanimals.com
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adeeti2812 · 4 years ago
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Again healing cat's chakra ✨Animal Reiki✨ Animals have chakra systems just as humans do, with an additional main chakra and 21 minor chakras 6 bud chakras. Reiki can be very powerful if the animal is open to it as they don’t necessarily have the means to express themselves as a human can. Addressing their chakra system can be incredibly insightful as to what the animal is experiencing. Just as it does for humans, attaining energetic balance for the animal can allow: -Anxiety relief -Pain Relief -Strengthen the immune system -Support healing -Help with behavioral issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction -Promote overall health and wellness As well as: -Speed up the healing process after surgery or illness. -Help an animal who is sick —Reiki energy can pinpoint the source of the problem within the animal’s body. -Calm and assist a dying animal—Reiki can clear an animal’s energy centers (chakras) so the transition process is less traumatic. It’s incredibly important to remember to allow space for the animal to chose to accept Reiki or not, it is their choice and should never be forced on them. . . . #lifecatalystaditi #animalreiki #animalreikipractitioner #reikihealing #reikimaster #animallovers #intuitive #psychicreading #spiritualbeings #costamesa #animalhealth #chakrahealing #animalchakras #energyhealing #intuitiveguidance #intuitivehealer #truthseeker #reikiforanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/CKF8GBZpQsf/?igshid=1ntegndvog2j9
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hazardcrusher-blog · 5 years ago
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Are you brave enough to see ?? 👍 🤔😍👈🙌🎇 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : #learnreiki #reikionline #reikiattunements #distantlearning #chakrabalancing #attune #energyhealings #reikienergyhealing #upliftment #remoteteaching #backpains #healbackpain #healersjourney #careersuccess #reikiforanimals #spreadpositivity #reikinearme #guidancecounselor #reikicoach #distantreiki #distantreikiattunement #reikiprinciples #spinalpain #chakrasystem #sufilines #sufis #sufisme #blockages #energyblockages #chantingdaily (at The Universe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_uy_ByHD1r/?igshid=16757w0wpv444
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durgauniverse-blog1 · 5 years ago
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#AllThatIs is beyond the #mind, beyond the outer, beyond perception, it is only #Within. There can not be an outer saviour, or someone taking away others' sins... There is no #light to go to or attain, only #nothingness(fullness) and #stillness, there is no serving of others - just sharing of the #samadhi, since all outer is an #illusion. It is the simplest effortless effort - to just #BE When you come for my wellbeing session there is no such activity as helping you. For only You hold the key to your own #empowerment. In your core you are are #infinite and #perfect and there is nothing to change. I only assist to connect with the inner, the #source of All that Is and to find answers to your questions beyond the mind. Continuous #peaceful #wintersolstice! Photography and copyright @durgauniverse The flyer of my practice www.higherconsciousnessenergy.com #quantumhealinghypnosistechnique #reiki #cosmoenergy #reikiforanimals #yinyoga #reikiattunements #energypurification (at Higher Consciousness Energy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6iZff4AYxD/?igshid=1802geh0sschg
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thenorfolkapothecary-blog · 7 years ago
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I went to treat a horse called Billy-Bob again this morning. He had a recurring condition which is now thankfully managed through energetic healing and additional nutrition. He's been 'flare free' for 18 months now. He's a cheeky chappie and is really expressive. His fur parent, a veterinary Nurse tells me he likes to play pranks on people too..... #AniScentia #animalwellness #holisticanimal #horses #equine #horsesofinstagram #horse #ilovehorses #love #animalhealing #healinganimals #reikiforanimals #animalhealer #animalhealth #complementaryhealth #healer #healing
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100-procent-jacqueline · 6 years ago
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'Hi crew, Bora here! We made it through the night. I kept us up pretty much all night. Don't tell Jacq I kept waking her up because I didn't want to sleep in the kennel. Okay? It worked. She finally decided to let me out at 3.33am (She doesn't remember that I slipped and missed a step from the staircase yesterday early afternoon but does remember the time I wake her up. 🙄), and brought me 2 glasses of water. #yes #imalady And that's when I could lay on the bed, where I belong. Obviously. Jacq stroked my ears and continued to give me reiki until I fell asleep. She says that was around 5am. It's now 4,5 hours later, I had breakfast, and some pain medicine and although I am tired I would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and let you know that I'm feeling a little better. Pain was a bitch and I really couldn't sleep. But this morning I can walk, and sit and lay down easier. Not sure about Jacq but I'll be home snoozing all day. J says I need bedrest for at least a week. Well.. Okay, Jacq, don't mind if I do...It's too hit to move a muscle anyway. Happy Tuesday friends, and thanks again for all the love! - Bora 'Ps. Jacq will take care of any follow ups. And since she reads all your messages to me, please do continue to send them. I quite enjoy them. Thx!' #boratherottweiler #rottweilers #seniordog #ouchie #reikiforanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/BzH_P82CePO/?igshid=1xdqfnmlebubm
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janicklemieux · 7 years ago
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Look at this cutie pie! I received this testimonial from Lorie this morning (Lorie was in Usui Reiki 1 at @yogafitinc 🇨🇦 this Saturday) She writes: « My cat gingerbread is quite old and arthritic and I have been practicing Reiki this past week with the old guy and for the last 2 nights he has woken me in the wee hours to tell me he made it onto the bed for the first time in probably 9 months!! I was beyond moved and thankful. His back legs allowed him to push himself up into bed where we snuggled with the heating pad together.. lol 😘❤️❤️the 🐈 ❤️😍🙏👋👋 » Thank you for sharing this with me Lorie, feeling grateful 🙏💞🙏 . . . #yogafitcanada #yogafitreiki #janicklemieux #reikilove #reikiforanimals #reikiforcats #cat #yogafit #usuireiki #reiki #reikilevel1 #reikiattunement #selflove #selfcare #respect #love #light #reikiprecepts #yogaandwellness #openheartsoulutions #soulnakedjanick #angusyoga #alternativehealth #lightworker #energyshift #reikichannel #reikiinfused #reikimaster #reikitoronto #torontoreiki (at Janick Lemieux - Open Heღrt Soulutions)
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reikiforallanimals-blog · 6 years ago
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Cats are humans guardians https://www.reikiforallanimals.com
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divine-illuminations · 7 years ago
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Alongside Cardslinging I decided to take the plunge & launch my #reiki business this month. I will offer distance healing for humans & pets!! #reiki #reikiforanimals
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adeeti2812 · 4 years ago
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✨Animal Reiki✨ Animals have chakra systems just as humans do, with an additional main chakra and 21 minor chakras 6 bud chakras. Reiki can be very powerful if the animal is open to it as they don’t necessarily have the means to express themselves as a human can. Addressing their chakra system can be incredibly insightful as to what the animal is experiencing. Just as it does for humans, attaining energetic balance for the animal can allow: -Anxiety relief -Pain Relief -Strengthen the immune system -Support healing -Help with behavioral issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction -Promote overall health and wellness As well as: -Speed up the healing process after surgery or illness. -Help an animal who is sick —Reiki energy can pinpoint the source of the problem within the animal’s body. -Calm and assist a dying animal—Reiki can clear an animal’s energy centers (chakras) so the transition process is less traumatic. It’s incredibly important to remember to allow space for the animal to chose to accept Reiki or not, it is their choice and should never be forced on them. . . . #lifecatalystaditi #animalreiki #animalreikipractitioner #reikihealing #reikimaster #animallovers #intuitive #psychicreading #spiritualbeings #costamesa #animalhealth #chakrahealing #animalchakras #energyhealing #intuitiveguidance #intuitivehealer #truthseeker #reikiforanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/CJxek02Lzdx/?igshid=15yh1qqbtz603
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anagimli · 8 years ago
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This morning was all about Reiki, love, birds and Mate (South American tea-like-baverage).
I woke up at 5am to have enough time for everything I wanted to do before work.
Mate with lemon, quick stretch and loooong walk with Gimli and Daisy. It was warm, sunny and so quiet in our park. I love to walk both dogs together. Gimli is my soulmate dog, and Daisy is our beautiful neighbor staying with us for 10 days. She is the calmest, warmest lady in the world. Her energy is easy and flowy and her heart is huuuuge. She is such a good little guest to have.
After our morning walk we had Reiki session. I felt that Gimli needs to get his Reiki first, as he was getting little jealous around Daisy. He needed some love and support, and our beautiful Reiki session was surrounded by pink and golden light. We were laying on the grass with hearts wide open, strongly connected with pink and white energy and light. After 12 minutes he had enough, and just like every time he is done with the session, Gimli started barking and pushing me with his head to “wake up!” (in a really nice and gentle manner).
When I opened my eyes, Daisy was already there - waiting for her turn! She looooves Reiki so much, and can not get enough. We are sharing Reiki daily, and I can see how beneficial it is for her.
*Daisy is recovering from cancer removal surgery and has had uneasy life. I will write more about her in my next post.*
So, going back to this morning... Daisy was already there, sitting patiently, licking my hands - “we can start now, please”. It is always very easy with her as she is accepting treatments so well. I can do hands-on-reiki with her. Not all animals are allowing hands-on treatment, at least in the beginning. It is equally beneficial to do hands-on and distance healing. I was already in “the zone” so it took me only few seconds to connect to her. It was really deep and wonderful experience for both of us. I used Lavender and Vanilla spray in the room and on Reiki carpet, and I have placed also Selenite crystal heart on her back. Selenite is wonderful crystal absorbing all negative energy and clearing it out itself. No sunshine or moonlight needed, no water or anything else. This magical super-stone is a little miracle, and I love using it on animals that are having physical issues, not just emotional ones.
Last month Daisy had cancer removal surgery, and the mass was (thank God) benig and completely cleared. Even tho it is all in the past now, I was still able to sense some dark energy blocks around that area where cancer was growing. It looked like scared issue or burned skin. It was heavy and I could feel in my mouth metal taste. She needed help in that area so I placed my hands on her back to share Reiki. Usually I use the same mantra, and I am “sending” Reiki Healing Energy from my hands or from my heart (depends on the moment). 
I felt how Daisy was cold and slightly in pain in her back area, so I focused on making for her some kind of shiny blanket made of warm golden sparkly energy with purple lines in it. It was hot and sooting, and I feel that it healed us both in the same time. I left her lay down in that glowy energy blanket, but I knew there is so much more to be done. Sweet dear lady Daisy is on her road to recovery, and she will need all possible help that she can get.
I will write more about her recovery and how she made huge progress within just two days of getting Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki Healing.
Goodbye for now. Speak soon! x Ana
#reiki #healing #anamaksic #dog #gimli #crystals #daisy #help #energy #happy #heart #goodvibes #morning #reikiforanimals #reikihealing #ana #goodmorning #walk #park #forest #dogwalk #bach #bachflower #bachflowerremedies #healingcrystals #selenite #seleniteheart
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hazardcrusher-blog · 5 years ago
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Don't touch 👍 it's dangerous 🤔😍👈🙌🎇 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : #learnreiki #reikionline #reikiattunements #distantlearning #chakrabalancing #attune #energyhealings #reikienergyhealing #upliftment #remoteteaching #backpains #healbackpain #healersjourney #careersuccess #reikiforanimals #spreadpositivity #reikinearme #guidancecounselor #reikicoach #distantreiki #distantreikiattunement #reikiprinciples #spinalpain #chakrasystem #sufilines #sufis #sufisme #blockages #energyblockages #chantingdaily (at The Universe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sukpFnxI9/?igshid=11ee1jucdkjfg
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khristine-bognot-blog · 8 years ago
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Haha some funny reiki humor. 😹😹😹 #reikiforanimals #reikiforpets #reikihealer #khristinebognot #lawofattraction #sundayhumor #lol #thirdeyechakra #holistic #lifeforce #chi #crystaltherapy #reikimaster #reikipractitioner #energyhealer #bookasession #bookyourapptnow #complimentaryconsultation #laughteristhebestmedicine #hairball #lifecoach #alternativemedicine #empowermentcoach #distantsessions #distancereiki #referrals #businesstobusiness #kitty #empath #hypnosis (at Los Angeles, California)
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100-procent-jacqueline · 6 years ago
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Tucked in tail, tired face, awkward stance; energy readers and healers know what's up, B is in pain. I kindly request for your healing energy, reiki, and any other positive energy to help my best girl through this injury. I have no clue what exactly happened to her, other than old age, #arthritis and too much walking? Due to the high temperature today, I noticed too late in the day that B wasn't panting so much because of the heat, but because of a painful left knee. She can use it, but she favors the other, and kneeling down is painful. Nurse Jacq gave #reiki, put ice packs on, and added some extra #cbdoil, to hopefully, make it through the night peacefully. Please send #boratherottweiler all the love, positive and healing energy until I can call the vet's office in the morning. She ate well tonight. And she stubbornly wanted to go outside (2 staircases down and up! 🙄) for a big pee, instead of using puppy pads on the balcony. #imalady I'm hoping and praying this is just a sprain, or arthritis flaring up due the heat. Because God knows where this goes if it's anything else. (Jacq is out now to breathe a panic attack away and trying to block out any negative thoughts.) Thank you all in advance for the help! 🙏🏻❤️ #rottweilers #seniordog #reikiforanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGnqLYiEfA/?igshid=dj2mqtchld7g
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jeffcoltenback · 5 years ago
Animal Reiki. Pet Reiki. Dog Reiki. Two Reiki Practitioners chat Reiki
Video is now live. For any animal caregivers, handlers, rescuers or trainers; you don't want to miss this. If you want to improve your ability to help animals, watch this conversation about Reiki. I want to thank my guest, Cora Baker, for all the wonderful work you do helping animals in need. #reiki #animalreiki #reikiforanimals #reikiforpets #petreiki #doesreikiwork #reikihealing #spiritualconnectionwithpets #reikireiki
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