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thepartyponies · 6 months ago
allthatI wantedwasalittleTouch
alittleTendernessandTruthI didn’taskforMuchno
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gratitudeavenue33 · 4 months ago
Own Lane! Mutual Respect For AllThatis... Any Steppin Outta Line? True Truth Slay! Respond From The Heart Space! They Want That Reaction Out The Brain!
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babyawacs · 11 months ago
#keypoint liability accountability for criminal securitypolicy trickery shuffled for 23years usually around psychiatrisation criminalisation sssexxxsleaze demonisa tion scapegoat victimblame nothinghappensnessquell and anyother tricktheyhad lawyers banks insurances idemand liability for criminal securitypolicy trickery ar ound psychiatrisation forinstance doom weenie their procedures are based around #keypoint which ever trick sticks goodenough for rightnow whatever the facts thati t leads to all they overtape  didnot happen then because nuts then allthatis dayti me charged is then nuts then instead prosecution of how them rule letalone compensat e their crimes each trick and try allalong becomes then a trackrecord trick as thatguy has a history then of aeh and noone says a history of criminal securityp olicy trickery shuffled around psychiatrisation criminalisation sssexxxsleaze demo nisation and literally e a c h and everyother trick they had intheir dirty criminal governance set each healthcare checkup every 2years 3years each durable teeth r epair cut foodbudget instead cheap short term fix is then aeh doomweenie anyway an d quick damamge toberight noone to correct them and ifthe trick doesnt work they s huffle the clowns until another year is over of thatguy has then a trackrecord of aeh
#keypoint liability accountability for criminal securitypolicy trickery shuffled for 23years usually around psychiatrisation criminalisation sssexxxsleaze demonisation scapegoat victimblame nothinghappensnessquell and anyother tricktheyhad lawyers banks insurances idemand liability for criminal securitypolicy trickery around psychiatrisation forinstance doom weenie their procedures are based…
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theuniversealive · 2 months ago
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“There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O traveler, if you are in search of That. Don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek That.” — Rumi
Galactic Mountain Talon Abraxas
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Removing of What Is not In Alignment ~ 5D
Trust that spirit and your highest self will synchronistically remove by whatever means, subtle or otherwise, job offer, new home, new adventure, of what is not in alignment, not in value or honour of you -
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All in creation must match; there must always be equal receipt, nourishment; especially for chosen ones; we must be nourished intellectually, spiritually and other wise; why we need what most do not - soul fulfillment is unique and not what satisfies the superficial
All is meant and purposeful to occur to ensure balance and equally yoked experiences are honoured -
Understanding universal law and order
Blessings and light
#trustinginascension #universallaws #lawofOne #higherorder #God
#unity #worldpeace #ascensiontools #oneness #one #allthatis
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johnhmcintosh · 3 years ago
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The universe does not ‘inform or guide’ YOU … it is a projection ‘within’ YOU. There ‘is’ nothing ‘outside’ YOU … -no people -no world -no universe -no God -Nothing.
Whatever ‘appears’ to exist ‘out there’ is really ‘in’ YOU as a temporary projection – ‘believed’ to be separate.
Whatever so-called ‘guidance’ that seems to ‘come’ is YOU informing the slumbering God-SELF YOU Are … until, YOU are ‘fully Aware’ that YOU are ALL THAT IS – the ONE SELF.
Until this ‘Knowing’ arises and remains … YOU are dreaming.
“THE GRAND DREAM” -You Have Been Dreaming, Its Time to Wake Up https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0927S31ZH
BOOKS by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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theholistichedonist · 4 years ago
Grounding Meditation
wherever you are right now,
take a deep breath in through your nose
feel your breath fill your lungs, moving to fill your stomach and to the top of your head
you are enveloped in the energy of
All That Is, creator energy, source
hold in that energy for a short pause
breathe out and feel the chills of release sweep over your precious body
noticing in your body where you are feeling dis-ease 
taking a deep breath in again for 5 seconds 
realizing that your breath is the conduit for life force energy
breathe out for 5 seconds, releasing all discarnant energy that does not serve you or your purpose here on Earth
breathe in to your heart
putting your awareness to your heart and feeling unconditional love, joy, and gratitude for this breath you are taking
and breathe out, releasing all energy that does not serve you 
for you,
I am worthy of love
I am worthy of all that I desire
I am grateful for my life
I live a life of joy, peace and traquility
love you
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shasharishi · 5 years ago
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🔥HIGH PRIESTESS🔥 When she looks at you, you think she wants you, so present is she in her very gaze. Your thirsty spirit longs for that connection, so rarely found in human kind. Over time you become confused, she’s not making any moves, and yet she seems to care about whether you are well or not. She offers you a chance to connect to something deeper than just her self. She guides you to a connection with All that Is. Your skin may never touch hers, but when you touch the infinite deep of creative life force, you will realise it was not just she you were reaching for, but yourself. 🙏🏽 Side note: If she wants you. You will know. She is much too honest to leave you hanging 🥰 #shashaspiritledlife #highpriestess #thelookoflove #divineconnection #starseed #findyourself #loveyourself #allthatis #connection #human https://www.instagram.com/p/B21O-aFDN_0/?igshid=9hvtol0bda59
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handsofspirit · 6 years ago
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Good Morning! 🌞 Tag a friend who needs some Amethyst energy today! This glorious triple cluster is a powerhouse of energy. Amethyst helps with surrendering to source and All That Is 💜 - - - #amethyst #pietersite #onyx #zebraonyx #topaz #greenfluorite #fluorite #kunzite #spodumene #quartz #amethystcluster #amethystobsessions #amethystcrystal #amethystcrystal #crystalporn #crystalsofig #meditation #source #allthatis #crysttalhealer #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #healingstones #healingenergy #boulder #bouldercolorado #yogalove #crownchakra #handsofspirit (at Hands of Spirit Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9hWxcBdOe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fnok8tik8q0p
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healingartspace-blog · 7 years ago
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Freehand energy stamp on a 7” vinyl record, using Posca markers. #aom #love #light #spirit #allthatis #healingartspace #energystamp #energy #energetic #freehand #art #mandala #center #source #essence #sunlighthearted #integrity #respect #harmony #peace #posca (at Nacka)
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gratitudeavenue33 · 4 months ago
Strength! Courage! Power!! That's My Divine Shower... (Add A Anthem To Go With) World Stage! AllThatis... Gratitude, Grace, Smiles On Every Face! 🙌🏼
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
itwasnot support itwas soulbreak camp to brainwash and breakdown and swedishmobbing and such campaigns which held weeks only because h a l f of class was nonhostile at all but all inthisland was toxic hideousharm a llthatis good onsurface was despite severe trick degrade and such ididnot f igureout how they measured performance but they knew what ican allalong therole of somestudy istowrite a handbook how to exploit use them and how to maximise the performance withmany informal tests too from ripeness to colleguiality and such itis f a r more than highperformance to sort only theyknew as how i knew howto masterit years like six sevenyears despite highperformance but theclowns today are like be scared of the ancient eg yptian algebra in cartoon undergarments and if you are too foolish to d ate germans or such //// the chronsaeule-I technikgenie techgenius was b e f o r e study the highpotential d u r i n g study and m a y b e only a s e c o n d chronsaeule in finance maybe ie centralbank related was a f t e r economics maybe but terrorised doomish desperation burnout doomish a fte a decade resillient victimfury shuffled harms and sexualassault and meng ele crimes then humanrights court highhopes was no humanrights violati ons are obvious case dismissed to do w h a t the next 13years since ech28 00/10 till echr4781/20 and thenext three years todate bad snapshots in b ad situations were their longterm efforts harms before during and after /// / trytounderstad how brainswork: iwouldhavebeen engineering without bs but they didnotletme on techtalent and tech genius stamps but luckily economics rhymes with .. .. p h y s i c s and management has a l w a y s been complementary to .. .. .. engineering //// makesure my formal edu isnot dumpstered onewas a di ploma they modularised andrigorouslytested eachbracket each ofthe 90modul es hadtobe passed across 5 layers of the business matters around economic s hiddenchampiongade theother was theoppositeofelite but iwanted ivy care and ivy stamps onit four stages of master whateveritwas wereunlocked too a f t e r this itwasnotonly a meager ebcL a test itwas q u c i k l y pas sed as 80percent didthe ivystamps happen the inventions and performance a fterwards wasnotonly govt and law managed withbravery emptyhandedly but inv entions one two three mankindchanging
itwasnot support itwas soulbreak camp to brainwash and breakdown and swedishmobbing and such campaigns which held weeks only because h a l f of class was nonhostile at all but all inthisland was toxic hideousharm allthatis good onsurface was despite severe trick degrade and such ididnot figureout how they measured performance but they knew what ican allalong therole of somestudy istowrite a…
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fifthbuddha · 4 years ago
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Yaye! Are we having fun yet you MF'ing land, keiki, kupuna, animals, trees, nature, flower, gold, silver, medicine, anti-aging (Karma free all my ladies and gentlemen, without Adrenachome!) dancing monkeys and culture thieves, white face anyone? I got your psycho, but you ain't got conservatorship over me and no one has permission to sign on my behalf. Time is running out to Ho'oponopono and make it righteous... Do not pick flowers in public spaces, no beach access, no spiritual or gathering rights, next thing you know we are not allowed to breathe, eat or drink water from our own wells! When I go on a spiritual fast, I AM the healing, the bones talk, the trees talk, the rocks communicate but I love when the birds tell on you! When I drink the poisoned water, the walls in the jail smell like death and when I smell the poisoned air, they try to replace me with a clone! Fuck you! You can't get all the ingredients without conscious consent, and your curses continue... How's your illuminati festival going? Do you remember your original purpose and who you serve? Watch when I pull the plug on the electricity, again! Greedy MF'ing assholes! Everybody better bow the fuck down and bring me offerings of my #Palapala, stocks and bonds owned by #Kalakaua Rex... You can take the shit festival on top the aina, you can steal and buy the mana but the land is not for sale, but the LEASES are! Yaye! Or meet the Abyss! Fun? Keep using me! I'm like crack, mean the dope! Until you used up all my #Adrenochrome and there's no more #Mana, no more #Sun, no more #Aloha and you're ALL fuct! Who wants a liquid mercury challenge? Trick or treat! Who's in control of those invisible robots with guns and needles? That's the ones you need to watch! EVERYTHING they've done unto me, they plan to do to EVERYBODY! Let us bow our heads and pray that the Wizards of Oz know what the fuck they're doing to #AllThatIs... "I'm still standing..." - @eltonjohn #BabylonIsBurning🔥 #HawaiianLivesMatter✊ (at Kingdom of Hawai'i) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0NqrnsTsG/?igshid=d01j0tp54ske
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gongfu4u · 4 years ago
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Lotus Peak Shui Xian @tong_xin_she @ninedragonstea - helping me ground a bit after another mysterious day on/ in spaceship earth - much contemplation on the dance of dogma - much gratitude to all that is for making this all possible - life is juicy, amen #latenighttea #grounding #contemplation #dogma #allthatis #muchgratitude #lifeisjuicy #spaceshipearth #amen #cha #chalife #teaasmedicine #thankyouforthis https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_AJ5-At8z/?igshid=9i21z8nl24vl
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johnhmcintosh · 3 years ago
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 It is common to hear phrases like:
 “The spark of God is within you”
“You are within the universe”
“Look within”
 … and the inclination is usually that this means the body. Some will say its in the pineal gland, others will claim its in the heart, while still others will say its in the heart chakra. However, the body is an illusion and NOT Who YOU Really Are.
 ‘ALL THAT IS’ resides within the ONE SELF and despite its temporary nature [making it un-real], it has a certain reality [this is a Divine Dichotomy]. Consider a circle and call it the ONE SELF. Then, remove the line defining the circle and that is as close that a ‘word description’ can get to the ONE SELF.
 ‘God’ by any name resides ‘within’ the ONE SELF … an instruments ‘of’ IT. When you look  … it is the slumbering God-SELF looking at IT SELF so that, that ‘one’ Truth EXPANDS in Awareness and Experience. There ‘is’ nothing ‘outside’ the ONE SELF YOU Are.
 -image by Solveig Larsen
YOU ARE GOD: It's Time To Shine
  BOOKS by John McIntosh
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theholistichedonist · 4 years ago
You Are Worthy
did you know that you are worthy of ALL of your desires just because you were born on this earth plane?
it is our divine right to have, be and do everything we would love to have in our lives
we are worthy of abundance just by being alive
when we are born we are worthy of everything
through time is where we gain layers that contribute to our beliefs that we are “unworthy”
repeat after me
i am worthy of love
i am worthy of being told im beautiful even when i feel ugly
i am worthy of a love that makes my heart race and the hair on my body stand straight up aknowing of being in the deepest love known
i am worthy of a partner that appreciates me and tells me every chance they get
i am worthy of BELIEVING that my partner thinks the sun shines outta my arse and loves every part of me
i am worthy of a fat savings account to feel comfortable and free
i am worthy of an amazing income because i am doing what i love and helping others
i am worthy of health because my health is what keeps me alive
i am worthy of loving myself at every possible moment in time and having my own back even when no one else does
i am worthy of being awake when i want to be and sleep and nap at whatever hours i choose because i fucking work hard through out the day
i am worthy of a beautiful comfortable home with all the creature comforts that light my Taurus moon up inside
i am worthy of loving caring like minded friends that totally love me
i am worthy of receiving all of my desires
i am worthy of that thing i think is impossible right now because look at what i’ve been through
i am worthy of loving money as much as money loves me, money being an energy it always flows my way because i want to share and give freely
i am worthy of a happy life with pleasure and pain and the will top overcome every obstacle
i am worthy of finding new amazing music all the fucking time that keep me motivated and dancing
i am worthy of such a beautiful life that i am in awe everyday that it is mine and i am living it
i am worthy of all of my desires
the list goes on, what’s in your list lol
love you,
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