#regulis black
aidyaiden · 4 months
if someone ever asks me my favorite harry potter character i'm so ready to answer "harry potter's dad's best friend's brother's best friend"
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quillkiller · 1 year
also im fucking removing the word casanova from the marauders fandoms dictonary yall are always. always wrong
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reggie is my roman empire.
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achillvs · 2 years
regukus is joined by regulis in my "way too common typos for regulus" club
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lixzey · 11 months
Monster Among Men
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September 1st, 1972
The family of four eased their way through King's Cross station. The Potters; Fleamont and Euphemia, held onto each of their children—twelve-year-old James and eleven-year-old Y/n—It was their youngest's first year at Hogwarts. 
“Mummy, Jamie's being a little prick!” Little Y/n Potter huffed angrily, glaring at her older brother.
 “James Fleamont Potter, stop bothering your sister.” Euphemia Potter chastised her eldest child, swatting his hand away from his whining sister. 
“Who? Me?” James feigned innocence. 
Euphemia sighed, “What am I going to do with the both of you?” 
“Love us? Buy us sweets?” James smiled cheekily at his mother. Euphemia looked at her children, tears welling in her eyes. Y/n immediately hugged their mother, James following her lead. Euphemia chuckled, as she tried to flatten James' hair—which stood in different directions at the back of his head. She kissed her son's cheek before turning to her youngest child. Euphemia threaded her fingers through Y/n's mass of curls. “My little girl, all grown up! Be sure to write to us as soon you get sorted, Y/n.”
“Don't worry, Effie. Our daughter will be sorted into Gryffindor.” Fleamont beamed at his daughter, ruffling her hair.
Euphemia shot a glare at her husband, causing him to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. “Don't put the wrong idea in your daughter's head,” Effie turned to her daughter. “Any house is fine darling, your father and I will still be proud nonetheless.”
“Don't worry, Mummy. I'm gonna write to you and Daddy every day.”
“Y/n/n's gonna be in Slytherin.” James teased, which he instantly regretted because Y/n stomped on his foot, digging her heel into his shoe.
“Your mother is right, anywhere's just fine.” Fleamont chuckled at his bickering children. “Look after your sister, James. I mean it.” He patted his son on his shoulder twice before taking the twelve year old in his arms into a tight hug.
After releasing his son, he reached out to his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug as well. “Do great things, alright sweetheart?”
“I will, promise!” Y/n hugged her father tightly before pulling away.
“Go on then. Take care of each other, alright?” Euphemia smiled lovingly at her children.
“Yes, Mum.” Both siblings chorused. As soon as the siblings boarded the train, James pulled his sister to the side. “Do you want to sit with me and my mates, or do you want to explore the train?” James asked, tapping his foot impatiently.
“As if I want to sit with you and your smelly friends.” Y/n rolled her eyes at her older brother, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Oh come on, baby sis! They're not bad.” James urged, pulling his sister to a compartment where three other boys sat. 
“Boys, this is my sister, Y/n.” James grinned, introducing his younger sister to the rest of his friends as soon as the compartment door slid open. “Say hi, Y/n/n.”
“Do I look like a house elf to you?” Y/n snapped, swatting her brother's hand off of her arm. “Y/n Potter, sister to this git.” she jerked her head towards James. 
“Can't argue with that, he's a prat.’' A boy with black hair that reached his shoulders chuckled, “Sirius Black, at your service.” 
“Oi, don't flirt with my sister.” James growled.
“I wasn't!” Sirius defended himself, “I'm just being kind.” he smirked. Y/n rolled her eyes at the two, her eyes landing on the two other boys. 
“That's Remus,” James pointed to the scarred sandy brown haired boy, “and that's Peter.” he pointed to a blonde boy with watery blue eyes. 
Y/n waved at the two with a smile, “You boys go ahead and talk about……boy stuff. I'm gonna walk around and explore the train.”
“Don't get in trouble, baby sis!” James teased as he plopped beside Sirius, reaching for a sugar quill in the middle.
“No, you don't get into trouble, Jamie.” 
“Jamie? Merlin, that's cute.” Sirius smirked, playfully punching James on the shoulder. 
“Don't call me that.” James growled, glaring at him. 
Y/n shook her head before walking out of her compartment, eyes wandering through each and every compartment hoping to find a friend. As she wandered through the train's halls, gazing into each compartment she passed, Y/n she bumped into someone. The youngest Potter fell to the ground with an audible thud as the train trudged along the tracks, when she looked up a boy who looked like Sirius was sneering at her. 
“Watch where you're going!” the boy hissed. 
“I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.” Y/n apologized as she stood up, meeting the boy's eyes.
“Clearly, you don't pay attention to your surroundings.”
Y/n scowled, “I said I'm sorry! What's got your wand in a twist?” 
“Let me guess, you're a muggle-born?” The boy sneered, moving away from her as if she was dirt beneath his feet. 
Y/n stood up face to face with the rude boy, “For your information, you little prick,” Y/n glared at the boy. “I'm a pureblood.” she hissed, poking him in the chest, making him scowl. 
“Ah, a Gryffindor in the making then. No wonder.” 
“What's that supposed to mean?” Y/n snapped. 
“Ooh, the little lion has claws.”
Y/n felt her blood boil at the mere sight of this arrogant, pompous, prat in front of her. “Aren't you a little ray of sunshine?” 
“Get out of my way, you filthy blood-traitor!” The boy pushed her hard to the side which made something snap inside of Y/n. She grabbed him by the back of his shirt, forcing him to face her and then she punched him square in his nose with all of the strength her little arms could muster.
The boy winced in pain as he stumbled backwards, clutching his bleeding nose. “You're gonna regret that, you filthy blood-traitor!” he hissed at her. 
“You're threatening me!? How about I  break your jaw!?” 
The boy snarled, before turning to walk away from the angry little witch. Y/n angrily stormed back to the compartment where her brother was. 
“What's got your knickers in a twist, baby sis?” James asked as soon as he saw his sister fuming. “Why's your hand all bloody?” he asked, eyeing his sister's bloody knuckles. 
“I punched some boy who's acting like a prat.” Y/N muttered, pulling out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiping the blood—his blood—off of her knuckles.
“Wow, you're not even in Hogwarts yet, and you're punching people.” Sirius teased, “I like you, you're feisty.”
Y/n's thoughts immediately went back to the boy she had just punched. He looked so much like Sirius, only his face was more annoying than Sirius'. 
“Hey Sirius?”
“You wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you?” Y/n asked, wincing slightly from the pain in her knuckles.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at her, confused. “I have a brother, well, I wouldn't call him my brother anymore because he's a prat. He's starting Hogwarts too.”
Y/N smirked, “Oh, really?” 
“What are you hinting at, Y/n?” Remus asked. 
“Oh, nothing. I just punched that little prick.”
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Hours later, after Sirius' extensive questioning, the train slowed right down and finally stopped. Students made their way toward the door and out onto a tiny, dark platform. 
“First years! First years over here!” A loud voice called, “C'mon, follow me—any more first years? Mind yer step, now! First years follow me!”
“See you later baby sis, I'll save you a seat.” James smiled at his sister, ruffling he curls.
Y/n held his hand, “Jamie, I'm scared.” she mumbled, almost whispering.
“Don't be, you're going to be great.” James gripped his sister's hand tightly. “Whatever house you get sorted in, I'll be proud of you, Mum and Dad will be too.” James pulled his sister close, giving her an assuring hug.
Y/n smiled softly before letting go of her brother's hand and began walking behind the half-giant. The half-giant—Hagrid—led the first year students through the darkness, separating them from the rest of the students who were stepping onto large horseless carriages.
“No more'n four on a boat!” Hagrid yelled through the loud chattering, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. 
Y/n slowly walked to a boat, bumping into other students as she did. She sat at the back of the boat, scooting a little bit more to the side. Suddenly, she heard another voice, which made her blood boil again. 
There he was, the rude little prick. 
“You again?” He snarled. 
“Bugger off.” Y/n snapped. 
The rest of the boat ride was in silence. Both Y/n and the boy sitting beside her glaring at each other the whole ride.
The students hopped off of the boats, Y/N walked as fast as her little legs could carry her, hoping to avoid the rude boy as much as possible. The first years walked through the entrance hall with intricately designed stone walls. A weary woman stood at the top of the staircase. The woman nodded at the first years, before leading a herd of eleven year olds into The Great Hall. The hall was lit by hundreds and thousands of candles hovering in the air over four long tables. Y/n looked around, before spotting a familiar mop of messy black hair. She sighed at the sight of her brother, her worries fading away. 
The woman, Professor McGonagall, stood in front of the little first years. Before placing a four-legged stool in front of the students. On top of the stool, she put an old ratted pointed wizard's hat. The Professor then stepped forward, holding a long roll of parchment. “When I call your name, I will place the hat on your head and you shall be sorted into your Houses.”
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, standing up straight. “Abbott, Amaryllis!”
A blonde girl stepped forward, her hands were visibly shaking as she sat over the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the ratty old wizards hat over Amaryllis' blonde pigtails before it yelled: “Hufflepuff!”
Y/n didn't pay much attention to the next students that were sorted. The youngest Potter was nervous, her hands were all sweaty and shaky from anticipation. What if I don't get sorted into Gryffindor? My whole family's been in Gryffindor.
“Black, Regulus!” Y/n's eyes darted to the boy she has come to hate, barely a day at Hogwarts and she already hates the boy. 
“SLYTHERIN!” the hat shouted, barely even touching his head. Regulus smirked before running over to the Slytherin table, Y/n visibly cringed at the sight of his smug face. 
Professor McGonagall continued calling out names, until it finally came to Y/n. “Potter, Y/n!”
“I knew you'd be a lion just like us.” James grinned. 
Y/n took a deep breath before making her way up to the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the hat over her head, which fell over her eyes.
After what felt like hours, the hat finally yelled: “Gryffindor!” Y/n let out a long sigh of relief before she ran to brother's side.
Y/n smiled before turning her attention away from her brother. Suddenly, her eyes locked with a certain Slytherin. 
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @bobthe-turmpetman29
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vixzstarz · 3 months
Regulus hated love. Ever since he was little the only love he knew was toxic. He believed he could never love someone.
Then he met Pandora on the train his first year. Immediately she declared they were best friends. Even if it wasn’t romantic love it was still the most love he’d ever felt.
Then when he got sorted he met Barty. At first he thought he’d hate Barty. He talked too much, he was loud, and most of all he knew Reg’s family. And anyone who knew his family couldn’t be good. But then he got to know him and Barty was everything he ever wanted in a friend.
In the dorms he met Evan. He wasn’t sure what to think of Evan. He was quiet like him but still, he was a part of the Blacks inner circle. Then again he got to know Evan and everything clicked. Evan wasn’t quiet like he first thought but still Regulus considered him one of his best friends.
In his second year he met Dorcas. She was a year older yet she hung around him instead. She was intimidating at first. But then Regulis got to know her and although she was cold to most, in quiet she was kind and cared for him so much. She was in their dorm more than her own and she was like the older sister regulus never had.
When Regulus was 14 he finally got to be close with Sirius again. He met Remus and Lily who seemed to be the most similar people to him he’d ever met. Then he met James.
When Regulus first heard of James Potter be absolutely dispised him. Potter took his brother away. Once he was older he realized James saved Sirius. James seemed determined to be Regulus’ friend. He was successful to, soon they met up all the time. Regulus could feel there was something different about this. It wasn’t the same love he felt for everyone else.
Then James kissed him in 5th year and he understood. It wasn’t the first time he ever felt romantic love but it was the first time he felt it could last forever.
Over the years, Pandora, the weird girl no one liked turned to Dora his absolute best friend. Crouch the boy his family forced him to know turned to Barty, who he knew would kill for him. Rosier, the other boy his family needed him to be friends with turned to Ev who he knew would take a bullet for him. Dorcas Meadows, the weird third year who showed up in his second year turned to Cas who was like his sister. Lupin and Evans, Sirius’ friends turned to Lils and Remus who seemed to always understand him. And lastly Potter, the boy who stole his brother turned to James, his boyfriend who he loved unconditionally and would for the rest of his life.
Somehow between 1st and 7th year Regulus found himself, and although everything in his life changed Regulus had never been happier.
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OOH also can i request the sun exhibit for a marauders character pls 😔🎀
mmm okay
marauders: uhh most likely regulus black, since he's headcanoned as an emo poet + everyone says he's a simp for james (cough, cough) and idk you just give off regulys black vibes????
pjo: hmm. probably like. piper mclean, JUST BECAUSE you're super nice to strangers/people you don't know well but you're fucking M E A N to people you do know well (threatening your nephew with death and a trip to hell is not sigma runaur 😔😔)
also i get the impression you're pretty af irl
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faesjy · 1 year
part 1 of the brooklyn99 x marauders crossover
[We start off with James Potter walking out of a car. We hear his voice-over while he ducks over some tape, heading inside a store.]
JAMES: [Dramatically] This job is eating me alive. I can't breathe anymore. I spent all these years trying to be the good guy, the man in the white hat. I'm not becoming like them. I am them.
REGULUS: Hey! What are you doing, idiot?
[The camera pans onto a frustrated Regulus Black. We then see James projecting his face onto multiple TV screens inside the store, using what seems to be a video camera that's attached to the ten monitors.]
JAMES: I'm doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco. Or actually, ten of me are doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco. [He stares at the screens of himself.] 'Sup?
REG: Get it together, man. Okay?
[Regulus is now talking with the store owner. He has a notebook open, and a pen in hand.]
REG: So the store was hit about two hours ago. They took mostly tablets, laptops, and cameras.
[We hear a keyboard playing an 80s hip-hop beat. James is seen fiddling with it.]
JAMES: Sorry.
[He stops the music. Regulus returns back to the store owner.]
REG: I'd like a list of all your employees, whoever had access to the store. I'd also like to apologize for my partner. His parents gave him too much attention and now he believes he is the centre of the world.
JAMES: Uh, Detective... [regulus looks to james slowly.] I already solved the case. We're looking for three white males, one of whom has sleeve tats on both arms.
REG: [Walking over to James.] And how do you know that?
JAKE: I had an informant on the inside. He's been here for years. Watching, learning. Waiting. His code name? [He holds up a stuffed bear.] Fuzzy Cuddle bear. He's a nanny cam. [He flips the bear over to show the electronic device inside, which appears to be the end of a camera.]
REG: [Scoffs] You got lucky.
JAMES: No, I got here five minutes before you and figured that in this gigantic electronics store, there had to be at least one working camera. [He plugs the camera into the TV screens, broadcasting the recorded video of two guys stealing. We see their face clearly.] Oh! Hi, bad guys! [He looks to the bear] You did it, fuzzy. You busted 'em. It's time to come home.
JAMES: [Imitating the Fuzzy while holding him up.] I'm not sure if I can. I've been undercover so long, I've forgotten who I am. I have seen terrible things. I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons.
REGULIS: [Turning away.] All right.
JAMES: [Still imitating Fuzzy, however there is desperation in his voice.] Detective Black! Don't walk away from me!
[At the precinct.]
[James is bringing in the thieves from the store, heading over to the hold-up cells. While putting them in, he ends up bumping into Regulus while trying to get out. Regulus holds his hands up in defense, James pretends as if nothing happens, grinning stupidly.]
[We are then guided into the briefing room. It is 8:31 AM.]
[James is sitting down, in a room full of detectives when he looks to everyone.]
JAMES: Yes, I did crack the case. So, Black, would you do the honors?
[Regulus, frustrated, sighs and gets up from heisspot, heading over to a board. There is a small table in the corner of the board, which has a row called 'Potter', and another called 'Black'. Under Potter, it has 23, and under Black, it has 22.]
[Regulus sighs]
JAMES: Ah, yeah. And you're just gonna add one.
[Regulus changes the 23 to a 24. However, he wrote it really small.]
JAMES: I'm winning.
[The whole room applauds, cheering the situation on.]
[Regulus sighs, again.]
JAMES: It's a good feeling. It's a good feeling. Yeah.
REGULUS: [Returning to his seat.] Enjoy it while it lasts.
JAMES: I will!
[Remus Lupin is now standing up front. He is going to start up the briefing. There is a TV behind him.]
REMUS: Potter, update on the Morgenthau murder?
[James standing up from his spot, heading to the front of the room. There is now a slideshow on the TV which James is controlling.] Yeah! Good news for all you murder fans. Earlier this morning someone decided to shoot and kill luxury food importer Henry Morgenthau. [He flipped through the slides of the murder scene from the TV.] Body was found by the cleaning lady, during her interview, I deduced, using expert Detective work, that she had something super gross on her chin. [He changed the slide to the woman, and zoomed in on the white blemish on her chin. We see Peter Pettigrew perk up on his seat.]
PETER: I think it was flan.
JAMES: Peter thinks it was flan. I think it was butterscotch pudding.
[We now see Dorcas Meadowes with her legs on the table and crossed arms.]
DORCAS:Maybe it was just old person gunk. You know how old people always have that gunk on them.
JAMES: Oldie gunk. Could be, yeah. Anyone else?
REMUS: How about we focus on the murder and not the old person gunk?
REG: Crime techs are at the scene now. We're heading back when they're done.
REMUS: Okay, I want you on this. It's gonna be priority one for the new C.O.
DORCAS: Wait, tell us about the new Captain.
REMUS: Captain McGonnagal will be here soon. She'll wanna introduce herself. Dismissed.
[Everyone gets up from their seats and heads out the room.]
[We see Sirius Black at his desk. There is a template that says 'Sirius Black Civilian Administrator'. He is filing his nails, leaned back on his chair, unbothered. Peter comes up to him, smiling wide and sitting in the seat in front of his desk.]
PETER: Hey, Sirius. You know any scalpers? I wanna ask Dorcas to go to the Rihanna concert with me, but it's sold out. [The camera zones on Dorcas at the end of the room, getting a paper out of the file box.]
SIRIUS: Okay, two points to make here. First, Rihanna... You... [he looks disappointing.] And then Rihanna. [he flares his hands in the air to emphasize on the point.]
PETER: Yeah. What's your second point?
SIRIUS: She's got a type. Which is really anyone but you.
PETER: Yeah, that was my ex-wife's type too.
SIRIUS: Look, a Rihanna concert's a pretty big swing, man. I don't know. She's into watching old movies.
PETER: Cool. Where would I find a place that shows old movies?
SIRIUS: Oh, yeah, just go on the Internet and search for the phrase "I want to buy two movie tickets for a girl who doesn't like me."
PETER: Great. [Genuinely thinking he has given him good advice. He stands up to leave.] Thank you.
SIRIUS: [as he is leaving] Good...
[Reg is leaning against James' desk.]
REG: Hey, you heard anything about the new Captain?
JAMES: Uh, no, and I don't care. I just wish Captain McGintley never left, he was the best.
REG: He was terrible. You just liked him 'cause he let you do anything you wanted.
[We see a flashback of James and Dorcas on their chairs in an open space inside the precinct. They have fire extinguishers in hand and it's pretty clear on what they want to accomplish. Everyone is around them, anticipated for the outcomes while clapping and cheering along.]
JAMES: On your marks, get set...
[The Captain's officer doors open and in comes who we presume is Captain McGintley. Everyone stops.]
MCGINTLEY: What the hell's going on around here?
JAMES: Fire extinguisher roller chair derby?
[He goes back into his office, closing the door behind him.]
JAMES: And go!
[They shoot the extinguishers which projects them through the precinct, however it isn't as fast and powerful as a rocket launcher, however they do get pretty far.]
JAMES: Yeah!!
[We now get back from the flashback, where Regulus is looking at James with disappointment.]
JAMES: What's your point?
[he sighs.]
REGULUS: If I'm ever gonna make Captain, I need a good mentor. I need my rabbi.
JAMES: Sorry, dude. But this new guy's gonna be another washed-up pencil pusher who's only concerned with [He imitates a robot.] Following every rule in the patrol guide. Meep morp zeep. Robot Captain Engage.
WOMAN: Is that what you think?
[We now see a woman behind James, who is staring him down. She has the new Captain uniform on, and seems to be the new Captain, Minerva McGonnagal.]
JAMES: He-hey! New Captain alert. [He stands up.] You must be the new C.O. I'm Detective James Potter. Great to meet you.
MCGONNAGAL: Now don't let me interrupt. You were describing what kind of person I'm gonna be. I'd like you to finish.
JAMES: That's not necessary. [McGonnagal stares at him, and James is sort of intimidated.] Or I could recap very quickly, sure. Um, let's see. I think I said some joke about being a washed-up pencil pusher.
MCGONNAGAL: Now do the robot voice.
JAMES: Which-
MCGONAGALL : The robot voice you were doing when you implied I'm a rule-following robot. I wanna hear it again.
[James looks around the room where everyone is watching the scene happen. Regulus seems rather proud in the moment, clearly enjoying the scene.]
JAMES: [Softy, slowly and without any enthusiasm.] Meep morp zarp. Robot.
MCGONAGALL: That's a terrible robot voice.
MCGONAGALL: The next time I see you, I'd like you to be wearing a necktie.
[McGonagall starts to leave.]
JAMES: Oh, actually, the last Captain didn't care if we wore ties.
MCGONAGALL: [Stopping just before he enters his new office.] Well, your new Captain does. And more importantly, she cares that you follow her direct orders. [She then turns to the rest of the detectives and officers in the precinct.] Everyone, I'm your new commanding officer, Captain Minnie McGonagall.
REG: Speech!
MCGONAGALL : That was my speech.
REG: Short and sweet.
[in minnie's office]
MCGONAGALL : [Standing up and heading to her office window, looking over the precinct.] Tell me about your Detective squad.
REMUS: Um... Well, Barty and Evan [we see two men talking by the vending machines, giggling among themselves, most likely plotting something] They're pretty much worthless, but they make good coffee.
MCGONAGALL : Copy that.
REMUS: Now the good ones. Dorcas Meadowes.
[We see a woman at her desk, browsing online. The internet seems to be slow since she tapped the TV with her hand once. Then again. Then multiple times in a row.] Tough, smart, hard to read, and really scary.
[Flashback time. It is Christmas, and we see Evan at the printer when Dorcas comes in.]
DORCAS: Tell me who has me for Secret Santa.
EVAN: No! That takes all the fun out of it.
[EVAN is smiling, but Dorcas is far from happy. She glares at him while Barty pales slightly.]
EVAN: It's Barty. He got you a scarf. I'll make him return it.
DORCAS: Yes, you will.
[Back to the present.]
REMUS: Peter Pettigrew
REMUS: He's a grinder. Not the most brilliant Detective, but he works harder than anyone else, he really does.
[Flashback to Peter in the staff kitchen, ready to eat a muffin only to drop it on the floor.
PETER: Oh, man! My muffin. [He goes to pick it up, but his head hits the counter instead.] Ahh! Oh, my head! [He looks to the muffin which he accidentally stepped on.] My muffin, my head! And I stepped on the- On my muffin! And my head and my muffin.
[Back to the present.]
REMUS: Regulus Black.
[We cut to Regulus at his desk. A ball of elastics in hand, and his face scrunched up, concentrated.]
REMUS: He’s got mommy issues and a weird love-hate relationship with his brother Sirius, so he’s always trying to prove he's tough.
[Flashback to Reg pouring hot sauce over his hotdog in the staff room.]
BARTY: Careful. That stuff's pretty hot.
[he puts down his sandwich, staring at Barty.]
REG: Oh, is it? Hmm? [he puts more sauce on his sandwich, until the top is filled with sauce. He goes to eat it, some sauce dripping onto his hand. His face starts to scrunch up, and he's gagging, spitting the food right out. Barty doesn't even bat an eye.]
[Back to the present. We see the camera zoom in on James at his desk. He and Regulus have close desks, and we can see that in the frame.]
REMUS: He and Potter have some big bet over who gets more arrests this year. Ever since the bet, their numbers have gone way up.
MCGONAGALL : Tell me about Potter.
[James now has an action figure in hand of a police man, and is examining it. In the light, out of the light, everywhere.]
REMUS: James Potter is my best Detective. He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up.
MCGONAGALL : That was very well put.
REMUS: I've talked a lot about James in my departmentally mandated therapy sessions.
MCGONAGALL : Look, you know my history. You know how important this is to me. This precinct is doing fine, but I wanna make it the best one in Brooklyn. And I need your help.
[McGonagall is in her office with Sirius sitting in front of her desk, seeming that McGonagall has asked him to chat.]
MCGONAGALL: So, Sirius. Civilian administrators like yourself often have their ear to the ground. What do Black and Potter have riding on this bet of theirs?
SIRIUS: I will tell you under six conditions. Number one, you let me use your office to practice electric guitar. Second-
MCGONAGALL : How about this? If you tell me-
SIRIUS: Mm-hmm.
MCGONAGALL : I won't have you suspended without pay.
SIRIUS: Oh, that sounds great. [McGonagall sits down.] Okay, the deal is if Regulus gets more arrests, James has to give him his car. It's an old Mustang, and it's pretty sweet. If he gets more arrests, he has to go on a date with him. He guarantees it will end in sex, -which makes me uncomfortable because Reg is my brother but oh well-, I bet on at least some over-the-clothes action. At the very least, some touching-
MCGONAGALL : No, that's enough, Sirius.
SIRIUS: Caresses. I could see James showing up in a silk robe.
MCGONAGALL : That's enough, Sirius.
SIRIUS: All right.
MCGONAGALL : Thank you.
that was the first part, any feedback is appreciated :)
- jules
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mariekavanagh · 4 years
Drabble challenge, 51
"What the hell is all this rubbish?"
Regulus looked up from qhere he sat cross-legged on his bed, his thoughts buried deep in the Arithmancy textbook open in his lap.
His elder brother stood in the doorway of his bedroom, slouched sideways against the frame, his face twisted in a grimace of disgust at Regulus's bedroom walls.
"I wouldn't call it rubbish" Regulus replied stiffly, keeping his eyes fixed firmly down at the numbers on the page.
"I would" said Sirius as he strode into the room, uninvited but unperturbed. He lifted the silver-embroidered corner of one of the several large, green Slytherin banners hanging from his younger brother's bedroom walls. "Come on, Reg, why would you want to go and plaster your walls with all this mess?"
Regulus let out a stifled huff.
"What?" Sirius demanded, folding his arms.
"That's a bit rich, is all, wouldn't you say?"
The fourteen-year-old's voice was quiet, muted, but his elder brother looked as put out as if Regulus had shouted the accusation at him.
Sirius never took kindly to remarks about his own gaudy display of red-and-scarlet Gryffindor banners.
"At least I decorate my walls with symbols of bravery and decency" Sirius replied with a toss of his shaggy black hair. "Not all this... slimy crap"
He tossed the corner of the serpent banner out of his hand.
"It is not crap" Regulus shot to his brother in a voice not quite strong enough to be a snap, but enough for Sirius to know he had crossed a line.
But then, there were very few lines that Sirius had ever expressed regret in having crossed.
"Don't be daft Reg, of course it is"
The elder boy's gaze fixed on the wall above Regulus's bed.
"Bloody hell, Reg, what have you gone and done that for?" Sirius snorted a laugh as he gestured to the large image of the Black family crest which Regulus had painstakingly painted on the wall several days ago. "Could you have been any more ostentatious?"
"It's out family's symbol" Regulus replied defensively, stifling his growing irritation with his brother.
"Yeah, and that's precisely what's wrong with it" Sirius leaned in to read the precise, golden, italic words beneath the crest. "'Toujours Pur' - what a load of bull"
Regulus cringed at his brother's coarse language and buried his nose deeper into his book, desperately trying to focus on the numbers.
"What're you reading, anyway?" Sirius cocked his head sideways to examine the book. "Arithmancy? Really, Reg? Schoolwork in the summer hols?"
"Some of us care to take an interest in self-improvement" Regulis sniffed haughtily.
"So you're telling me it has nothing at all to do with the look Dad gave you when he read that A on your end-of-year report yesterday?"
Regulus's shoulders tensed, his fingers tightening their grip on the book. His cheeks flushed with warmth.
"I knew it" Sirius snorted with a triumphant smirk. "I don't know what you're bothering for, Reg. Its just school. It doesn't matter"
Regulus felt himself burn with indignation. It was easy enough for him to say. Sirius always achieved irritatingly-high marks for one who was always so openly lazy when it came to studying - marks Regulus had always had to study extra hard to have a hope of keeping up with.
"Some of us like to make an effort"
Sirius snorted another laugh and leaned back against the wall beside the bed, rumpling the silk Slytherin banner behind him.
"What's the point in worrying about academics, anyway? It's not like you've got career prospects. Not in this family"
Regulus recognised the all-too-familiar note of resentment in his brother's voice. He peeked upwards from his book for just a second and saw that Sirius's face had darkened dangerously.
"There are... expectations" he offered, weakly, turning back to his book.
Sirius did not bark out a laugh, did not offer a snarky reply. A moment of tense silence hung between the two brothers.
"It will never be enough for him, you know" Sirius’s voice was quiet when he finally spoke. "You could chuck a bit of parchment in front of him with straight O's across the board and you still won't get a 'well done' out of him"
Regulus's stomach churned.
"That's not the point"
"Well what is, then?" Sirius demanded sharply, staring down at his brother.
Regulus did not reply. His eyes remained fixed on the sums on the page before him. He must have read the same sum ten times by now, but the information just didn't seem to absorb into his mind, however hard he tried.
Frustrated, Sirius turned away and paced across the room.
"Really - what's the point in all of it? All this?" He waved his arms in the air, gesturing to the green-and-silver walls.
Regulus peered up at his brother, who continued to pace the length of the room. He reminded the younger boy of a caged lion.
"I'll tell you what the point is - there isn't one!" Sirius ranted, his anger clearly growing. "Not to any of it. It's all just a load of crap, the lot of it"
Just as Regulus began to worry that his brother's latest fit of temper might lead to him tearing down his banners, Sirius seemed to simmer down again, his scowl replaced once more by a mocking smirk.
Regulus felt himself relax a little. The speed with which his elder brother's mood could change never ceased to unnerve him.
"I'll tell you what though, Reg, if you weren't shackled to this spectacle of a family, I wouldn't recommend you for a career in interior design, that's for sure"
The way Sirius laughed cruelly as he shook his head at the silver-and-green walls was the straw that finally broke the donkey's back. Regulus slammed his book closed and set it aside, fixing his brother with a hard stare.
"If you don't like it, leave" he snapped coldly.
Sirius froze, staring back at his brother with a look equally as chilly, his cocky smirk now nowhere to be seen.
"Alright" Sirius finally replied, quietly, his face drained of all visible emotion. "Perhaps I should"
The elder boy slowly turned to leave the room, his hands thrust deep into his pockets as he walked. He did not look back as he left his brother's room, slamming the door closed on his way out.
Regulus winced as the slam rang through the room and shuddered the banners on his walls. He felt a familiar moist feeling begin to brim in his eyes - a sensation which always seemed to coincide with an altercation with his brother - and bit the inside of his cheek hard to stifle his emotions back down.
He opened the book to the page of the sum he had been stuck on and buried his gaze deep into the numbers, hoping against hope that this time, the information would stick.
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okregulus · 6 years
have you been re-introduced to regulus black? last we heard, the pureblood was most familiar with timeline two. I don’t recall if they were always a slytherin, but I’ve heard the sixth is still empathetic, incisive, trustworthy and callous, temperamental, vindictive, so that’s familiar. at least he remembers their way around the castle.
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about / pinterest
timeline one:
regulus arcturus black is born the younger son of walburga and orion black, little brother of sirius 
he’s raised to believe that purebloods are superior and, while he never takes it to such extremes as his parents, he’s never given adequate reason to doubt his beliefs 
he splits his time between his studies and quidditch and excels at both 
with no war to create tensions or cause a distraction, regulus falls in line and fulfills his duties as the prodigal son 
he’s quiet and thoughtful, focused and loyal — the ideal pureblood boy
timeline two (his timeline)
regulus learns to resent his parents much more quickly here, but seeing sirius leave quickly diminished any hopes he had of forging his own path
once again puts all his energy into schoolwork and quidditch
however, the war creates an opportunity for his parents to raise their status even further — get in good with the dark lord
orion promised regulus’s loyalty to voldemort, and before he knew it, reg found himself with a dark mark on his arm fighting for something he barely believed in himself 
here regulus is stuck between having grown up too soon and feeling in over his head 
timeline three
very similar to timeline three tbh
his parents haven’t passed him along to voldemort — yet — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a possibility
this regulus is the one most likely to break away; the war’s crept along a little more slowly, and provided him a chance to really evaluate all sides and realize that his parents might not be in the right here
still terrified to do his own thing, given the sirius of it all, but there’s at least a small chance here
overall the most well-adjusted regulus, not striving-for-perfection but also not a baby soldier. this one’s just kinda doing his best all things considered
general stuff:
regulus is also gay but are we surprised
given the fact that his parents are his parents, he has....... very little understanding of anything muggle
rn as things stand, regulus is just............ really fucking happy that he’s in a timeline where there isn’t a dark mark on his arm. that’s it. that’s how low the bar is.
cares about playing quidditch more than he cares about 98% of the wizarding population
honestly is probably prefect in all timelines and all future reguluses (reguli?) will be highly pissed if he doesn’t make head boy bc he’s That Bitch™
has a lot of feelings but is bad at expressing them and even worse at talking about them
and yeah like i said before i’m really bad at plotting and connections but !!! i’m down for brainstorming!!!
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stireazileiuk · 3 years
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Reguli noi de Black Friday. Comercianții nu vor mai putea face anumite lucruri
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primestartes · 7 years
Primarch OC
This one have been on my mind a lot and decided to finally give it a try.
If you (or an OC you most identify with) were to be a Primarch in command of a space marine Legion, how would you do things? Here are some questions.
1. What would your Legio name and colors be? (You could use a homebrew chapter for this!)
The Reverent Reguli - Floral Rose and Red with silver trim
2. What would your signature style of warfare be? Adaptability; while the art of personal warfare is a go-to strategy, it is a front to a multitude of tactics ready to unleashed. From sending shocktroops for weak positions to reconnaissance and black operations to identify end potential threats before they come onto the field. 
3. How would you shore up as a primarch? Would you make a good warrior? General? State-builder? Just a good family member? A General of personal merit; standing with the soldiers and leading the battles on most occasions. When battles demand a more strategic hand, I would keep to the war-room and command from there. On the peaceful moments, strategize on how to defend a claimed planet or preparing for the next campaign whileensuring the morale of my men.
4. What would your armor be like? Fancy version of an existing mark, or something new? What mods would you have on it?
I would wear artificer power armour, before my fall it is of ornated design that appeared of old terran influence to abrahamic angels and greek Olympians. A dueling cloak hanging from hooks under the pauldrons and reaches to the thigh.  On the rare occasion of helmet, it is motif of a golden-maned lion. 
Upon my fall, it become an manticore’s sneer that almost seem alive. Armour provoking a multitude of influences from the Ruinous Powers without conflicting one another; Khornate red corrupted the once innocent red and draconic spikes decorate the back and shoulders, Slaanesh pink appear almost flesh-like on the muscle-etched battle-armour with a more elegant flair to robes. Tzeentch’s incarnations etched along the trims of robes and armour and Nurgle’s decay almost appearing skin-deep at the glossy calamite. 
If my armour had mods that supplement my geneseed’s intention, it would be a quicker reaction for the muscles to follow brain intaking quick anaylzing and vox-enhancers to empower the Lion’s Roar from my vox behind the lion helmet’s maw. Also well as a slight gravity dampener or lighter armour to move more easiler. 5. Would you have a signature vehicle? Like the Ætos Dios or the Tormentor?
A Scimitar Jetbike modified for smooth turns and a heavily-plated front, optimized for assault battles. 6. Traitor or Loyalist? Traitor - Out of the evident moral degradation among that my fellow primarches and their legions suffer through without aid as well as my legion’s own near eradication. 
A. Which Chaos alignment? Undivided Chaos with a noticeable favoritism towards Slaanesh.
B. How keen on the Codex Astartes are you?  Not keen and amused but understanding of the necessary decree to decrease the possibility of wholesome corruption.
7. How would you spend the next 10,000 years after the Heresy? Addition: if you’re a loyalist you HAVE to go missing.
Spending the ten millennia, I end up suffering the soul-taken disgrace as a Daemon Primarch who ‘ironically’ serve as a wandering card for the Gods, allegiance fluxing and effectively keeping my brothers from uniting or putting attention on their own ambitions during the Gods’ great games. Occasionally appearing in real space, claiming a world in the demands of the current master(s).
8. Preferred Legion organization style before horus heresy, after horus heresy, or both. (added by @ask-mortarion-the-death-lord)
The Legion organization is almost typical of style and by the time of the Codex Astartes, I separate my ancient legion into different chapters and coordinate with the Alpha Legion with the secret desire; to find an end to the gods’ bondage and keep Tzeentch in entertainment. While I can not ultimately one-up the Master of Fates and Grandfather of Manipulation, I can certainly use each failing to an advantage. 
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2008 Movie Awards
Best Picture: The Dark Knight Milk Rachel Getting Married WALL-E The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Doubt, The Class, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, Burn After Reading, Wendy and Lucy, Man on Wire, Hunger, Ballast, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Happy-Go-Lucky, Synecdoche New York Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, The Wrestler Jonathan Demme, Rachel Getting Married Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Andrew Stanton, WALL-E Gus Van Sant, Milk HONORABLE MENTION: Laurent Cantet, The Class; Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, Burn After Reading; David Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Lance Hammer, Ballast; Charlie Kaufman, Synecdoche, New York; Kurt Kuenne, Dear Zachary; Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky; James Marsh, Man on Wire; Steve McQueen, Hunger; Kelly Reichardt, Wendy and Lucy; John Patrick Shanley, Doubt Best Actor: Michael Fassbender, Hunger Richard Jenkins, The Visitor Ben Kingsley, Elegy Sean Penn, Milk Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Francois Begeaudeau, The Class; Michael Cera, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man; Colin Farrell, In Bruges; James Franco, Pineapple Express; Brendan Gleeson, In Bruges; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Synecdoche New York; Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon; Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Michael Pitt, Funny Games; Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop; Jason Segel, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast; Anton Yelchin, Charlie Barlett Best Actress: Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married Sally Hawkins, Happy-Go-Lucky Kristin Scott Thomas, I've Loved You So Long Meryl Streep, Doubt Michelle Williams, Wendy and Lucy HONORABLE MENTION: Amy Adams, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Kate Beckinsale, Nothing But the Truth; Cate Blanchett, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Rebecca Hall, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Scarlett Johansson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Nicole Kidman, Australia; Melissa Leo, Frozen River; Frances McDormand, Burn After Reading; Frances McDormand, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Tarra Riggs, Ballast; Jess Weixler, Teeth; Kate Winslet, Revolutionary Road Best Supporting Actor: James Franco, Milk Bill Irwin, Rachel Getting Married Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight Eddie Marsan, Happy-Go-Lucky Brad Pitt, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Russell Brand, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Josh Brolin, Milk; Brady Corbet, Funny Games; Liam Cunningham, Hunger; Aaron Eckhart, The Dark Knight; Ralph Fiennes, In Bruges; Danny McBride, Pineapple Express; Liam McMahon, Hunger; Mos Def, Cadillac Records; Gary Oldman, The Dark Knight; Dev Patel, Slumdog Millionaire; Haaz Sleiman, The Visitor Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Viola Davis, Doubt Rosemarie DeWitt, Rachel Getting Married Samantha Morton, Synecdoche, New York Evan Rachel Wood, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Hiam Abbass, The Visitor; Amy Adams, Doubt; Patricia Clarkson, Elegy; Vera Farmiga, Nothing But the Truth; Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Taraji P. Henson, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Anjelica Huston, Choke; Beyonce Knowles, Cadillac Records; Sophie Okonedo, The Secret Life of Bees; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Tilda Swinton, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler; Debra Winger, Rachel Getting Married; Elysa Zylberstein, I’ve Loved You So Long Best Original Screenplay: Burn After Reading - Ethan Coen & Joel Coen Hunger - Steve McQueen & Enda Walsh Milk - Dustin Lance Black Rachel Getting Married - Jenny Lumet WALL-E - Pete Docter, Jim Reardon & Andrew Stanton HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Charlie Barlett, Chop Shop, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Happy-Go-Lucky, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Pineapple Express, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Visitor, The Wrestler, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Adapted Screenplay: The Class - Francois Begaudeau, Robin Campillo & Laurent Cantet The Dark Knight - David S. Goyer, Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan Doubt - John Patrick Shanley Elegy - Nicholas Meyer Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy HONORABLE MENTION: The Counterfeiters, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Speed Racer, Wendy and Lucy Best Ensemble: Burn After Reading The Class The Dark Knight Milk Slumdog Millionaire HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Doubt, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Funny Games, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Rachel Getting Married, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Limited Performance - Male: Andre Blake, Rachel Getting Married Justin Long, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Denis O'Hare, Milk Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road J.K. Simmons, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, Flash of Genius; Michael Caine, The Dark Knight; Tom Cruise, Tropic Thunder; Bill Hader, Pineapple Express; David Rasche, Burn After Reading; Victor Rasuk, Stop-Loss; Mark Rendall, Charlie Barlett Best Limited Performance - Female: Patricia Clarkson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Hope Davis, Synecdoche, New York Karina Fernandez, Happy-Go-Lucky Amy Ryan, Changeling Robin Weigert, Synecdoche, New York HONORABLE MENTION: Heather Burns, Choke; Zoe Kazan, Revolutionary Road; Jennifer Jason Leigh, Synecdoche New York; Lena Olin, The Reader; Amy Sedaris, Snow Angels; Sigourney Weaver, Vantage Point; Dianne Wiest, Synecdoche New York; Kristen Wiig, Ghost Town Breakthrough Performance: Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop Tarra Riggs, Ballast Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast Jess Weixler, Teeth HONORABLE MENTION: David Kross, The Reader; Lina Leandersson, Let the Right One In; Charlie McDermott, Frozen River; Gabe Nevins, Paranoid Park; Esmeralda Ouertani, The Class; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Rachel Regulier, The Class; Brandon Walters, Australia Best Film Editing: The Dark Knight - Lee Smith Hunger - Joe Walker Rachel Getting Married - Tim Squyres Slumdog Millionaire - Chris Dickens The Wrestler - Andrew Weisblum HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Burn After Reading, Chop Shop, The Class, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Dear Zachary, Doubt. Funny Games, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Man on Wire, Milk, Paranoid Park, Pineapple Express, Speed Racer Best Cinematography: Australia - Mandy Walker Ballast - Lol Crawley The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Claudio Miranda The Dark Knight - Wally Pfister The Wrestler - Maryse Alberti HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Changeling, Chop Shop, Doubt, Elegy, Funny Games, Hunger, Let the Right One In, Milk, Paranoid Park, Rachel Getting Married, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Synecdoche New York, Wendy and Lucy Best Original Score: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Alexandre Desplat The Dark Knight - James Newton Howard & Hans Zimmer Milk - Danny Elfman Slumdog Millionaire - A.R. Rahman WALL-E - Thomas Newman HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Burn After Reading, Changeling, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Kung Fu Panda, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Revolutionary Road, Speed Racer, The Visitor, Waltz with Bashir, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Original Song: High School Musical 3: Senior Year - "I Want It All" - Matthew Gerrard & Robbie Nevil Slumdog Millionaire - "Jai Ho" - Gulzar & A.R. Rahman Synecdoche, New York - "Little Person" - Jon Brion & Charlie Kaufman WALL-E - "Down to Earth" - Peter Gabriel & Thomas Newman The Wrestler - "The Wrestler" - Bruce Springsteen HONORABLE MENTION: Australia - “By the Boab Tree”; Bolt - “Barking at the Moon”; Cadillac Records - “Once in a Lifetime”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “High School Musical”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “A Night to Remember”; My Blueberry Nights - “The Story”; Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist - “Ottoman”; Sex and the City - “All Dressed in Love”; Slumdog Millionaire - “O Saya”; Trouble the Water - “Trouble the Water”; Twilight - “I Caught Myself” Best Art Direction: Australia - Beverly Dunn & Catherine Martin Changeling - Gary Fettis & James J. Murakami The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Donald Graham Burt & Victor J. Zolfo Revolutionary Road - Debra Schutt & Kristi Zea Synecdoche, New York - Mark Friedberg & Lydia Marks HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Frost/Nixon, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, Iron Man, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Pineapple Express, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Best Costume Design: Australia - Catherine Martin The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Jacqueline West Milk - Danny Glicker Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - Michael O'Connor Sex and the City - Patricia Field HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Cadillac Records, Changeling, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Doubt, Frost/Nixon, Happy-Go-Lucky, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, W., The Wrestler Best Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Frost/Nixon Hunger The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Cadillac Records, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Saw V, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Tropic Thunder, Twilight, W. Best Sound Mixing: The Dark Knight Iron Man Pineapple Express Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cadillac Records, Cloverfield, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Let the Right One In, Mamma Mia!, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler Best Sound Editing: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Iron Man Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Pineapple Express, Saw V, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Hellboy II: The Golden Army Iron Man Speed Racer HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Eagle Eye, Get Smart, The Incredible Hulk, Tropic Thunder Best Foreign-Language Film: The Class - Laurent Cantet The Counterfeiters - Stefan Ruzowitzky I've Loved You So Long - Philippe Claudel Let the Right One In - Tomas Alfredson Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman HONORABLE MENTION: JCVD Best Documentary: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father - Kurt Kuenne Man on Wire - James Marsh Taxi to the Dark Side - Alex Gibney Trouble the Water - Carl Deal & Tia Lessin Young@Heart - Stephen Walker Honorable Mention: HONORABLE MENTION: Bigger Stronger Fast, Encounters at the End of the World, Religulous, Standard Operating Procedure, Waltz with Bashir Best Animated Film: Bolt - Byron Howard & Chris Williams Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who - Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino Kung Fu Panda - Mark Osborne & John Stevenson WALL-E - Andrew Stanton Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman Every 2008 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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thecreaturecodex · 8 years
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“Black Basilisk”  © Kate Pfeilshiefter. Accessed at her deviantArt here
[One thing that always confused me about D&D was its basilisks. In D&D and other spinoffs of “the world’s most popular roleplaying game”, basilisks are chunky, six legged lizards. This look does have some folkloric basis, but the original version, of a small, crowned snake, never came up. I’m awfully proud of the design of this creature--I feel like it models the multiple insta-kill abilities of the mythological basilisk in a way that’s not totally game-breaking and has precedent elsewhere in the rules.]
Regulus CR 11 NE Dragon This serpent slides forward smoothly, its head raised above the ground. A cluster of horns and crests growing from its brow suggests a crown. Its gazes at you with a self-satisfied expression.
The regulus is a proud and haughty creature, and its intensely deadly nature justifies its arrogance. Rare to the point of being almost mythical, tales of the reguli often intermingle freely with those about basilisks and cockatrices, as all three of the creatures have abilities that can bring swift death. The regulus, however, kills with poison and negative energy, not via petrification, and is capable of wiping out entire villages in its toxic wake. Scholars theorize that the regulus is a close relative of the larger guivre, and represents poison as its mighty cousin symbolizes disease.
Reguli hate the company of their own kind; they are too selfish to ever cooperate and consider each other rivals to be eliminated. This racial madness is in part responsible for the rarity of reguli, which reproduce only asexually and very infrequently. It is also the root cause of their hatred of mirrors, for a regulus’ killer instinct works too quickly and it can easily target itself with its deadly gaze if it sees its own reflection. The only creatures a regulus has any care for are mundane snakes, which it can speak to and control effortlessly. It is not for nothing that the regulus is called “King of Serpents” and a regulus’ favored demesne is usually filled to the brim with venomous and constrictor snakes of all sizes and kinds.
In combat, reguli weave throughout the battlefield, exposing all enemies to their venomous aura and killing the survivors with their gaze. If forced into melee, they respond with their bites, which are relatively weak but carry a debilitating poison. Reguli do not hesitate to flee if a battle turns against them, and reguli lairs always have at least one escape route.
Regulus CR 11 XP 12,800 LE Medium dragon Init +11; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +17, scent Aura deadly venom (30 ft., Fort DC 20) Defense AC 23, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+7 Dex, +6 natural) hp 126 (12d12+48) Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +12 DR 10/magic and silver; Immune paralysis, poison, sleep effects; SR 21 Vulnerability mirrors Offense Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Melee bite +19 (1d6+3 plus poison) Special Attacks death gaze Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +17 Constant—speak with animals (snakes only) At will—charm monster (DC 19, snakes or snake-like creatures only) Statistics Str 14, Dex 23, Con 19, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 20 Base Atk +12; CMB +14; CMD 31 (cannot be tripped) Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +19, Bluff +20, Climb +25, Diplomacy +20, Intimidate +20, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +22, Swim +25 Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Infernal Ecology Environment warm and temperate land Organization solitary or court (1 plus 5-25 HD of charmed snakes) Treasure triple standard Special Abilities Aura of Deadly Venom (Su) A regulus is constantly surrounded by a 30 foot radius of poisonous vapors that function as the cloudkill spell, except that they do not provide concealment. All creatures in the aura with 3 or fewer Hit Dice die with no save. Creatures with 4-6 Hit Dice must succeed a DC 20 Fortitude save or die; success means the creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage. Creatures with 7 or more Hit Dice must succeed a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Constitution damage; on a passed save, the damage is halved. Creatures in the aura of deadly venom must make this save every round. A strong or stronger wind can disperse the aura of deadly venom, but the regulus can recreate it as a free action once the wind has calmed. This is a poison effect. All snakes are immune to this effect. The save DC is Constitution based. Death Gaze (Su) Once per round as a standard action, a regulus can focus its gaze on a living creature within 60 feet. Any creature so affected must succeed a DC 21 Fortitude save or take 12d6+12 points of negative energy damage. A successful save reduces the damage to 3d6+12. This is a death effect, and methods used to avoid gaze attacks can protect against a regulus’ death gaze. The save DC is Charisma-based. Mirror Vulnerability (Ex) Whenever a regulus sees itself in a mirror, it must succeed a DC 25 Will save in order to recognize the reflection as itself. If the regulus fails to recognize the reflection, it will attack its reflection, and therefore itself, with its death gaze on its next turn. Once a regulus has attacked its own reflection once, it recognizes the nature of the image and will not attack its own reflection for the next 24 hours. Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 20; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; damage 1d2 Con drain; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based.
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adrianseoblr · 7 years
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ANPC vrea sa verifice promoțiile magazinelor online de Black Friday. Ce reguli trebuie sa respecte comerciantii ANPC vrea sa verifice promoțiile magazinelor online de Black Friday. Ce reguli trebuie sa respecte comerciantii…
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sainthound · 5 years
bricolage pour les nuls
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A elles seules, elles apportent un vrai plus-value a la construction alors peuvent declencher unique tamponnement en meme temps que cur Chez ennui en meme temps que revente. On peut tant estimer que cette davantage-value a bizarre objectif direct sur ceci montant en meme temps que revente. Bizarre conception bioclimatiqueEtagere Pendant bambou design canape naturel 6 espaces a legard de rangement dim. 98L x 28l x 132H cm 98x28x132cm MarronCelui norient enjambee continument evident de trouver ce bon fondateur autocar ils ne sont foulee Complets reconnus puis Celui-ci orient difficile en meme temps que savoir qui sera le meilleur place pres retraiter cela superieur a votre projet.Cependant c'orient le Felin lequel se mord cette tige courrier.....ces banques nous-memes demandent certains Evaluation nonobstant l'interieur mais nous-memes a elles repondons qui sans disposer commencer a acquitter l'architecte nous-memes non pourrons disposer en meme temps que diagramme malgre faire des Evaluation ect ect.Plus qubizarre fondamental contrat, dolevant bizarre assortiment avec chemise dont est objectife aux fondateur apres aux maitres douvrage.Modele fait chez un cagibi en compagnie de conception architecturale : Entre 350 alors 600 euros aupres cette univers vrais diagramme alors cette preparation du dossier en tenant permis en tenant construire (Si au dela laisser tomber - Cela selection levant eleve-)Est-il subsequemment possible et envisageable malgre toi lequel vous-meme puissiez me transmettre Dans quelques lignes ces resultats svp ?Ca dit, il me manque quelques details pour finaliser ma recherche lequel seraient d'autres davantage moyen et qui concernerait les resultats en meme temps que test de limite en meme temps que chantier lequel valident votre batiment aux normes exigees dans la RT 2012.To see regulier prices and occupancy fraiche, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search.Tant, Nous-meme me suis dit que Personnalite pouvais creer du courtage Parmi travaux pres les particuliers. Moi-meme'detiens meme hisser mien dispositionLinterieur en meme temps que cette adorable logis est entierement en black autobus elle-meme doit representait en quelque sorte lsilhouette dans cela paysage desertique.Moi toi-meme but avec remplir ceci formulaire en tenant effleurement aupres letablissement dunique Estimation darchitecte.Pendant ca pressant, l'Logement a ceci allure Chez poupe. Nous observe un aggravation en meme temps que la demande concernant l'emplette a legard de maisons d'constructeur, introduit Julien Haussy, fondateur puis dirigeant du recontenant d'cagibi immobilieres ecart Atypique.Pareillement Ego'detiens fait un ecole en meme temps que negoce, il m'a dit en tenant chercher a a elle placette. Parmi cherchant tombant convenablement 1moi alors demi, j'detiens obtenu unique montant bien 55% moins cher qui ces initial Evaluation. Ceci Appreciation ceci plus cher contre un maison de 175m2 etait avec 6000euros, ceci moins cher 1450 euros.Pareillement unique fois, rien n'levant fondamental. Total celui-ci j'detiens decrit deca levant verifiable sur internet. Celui suffit de chercher sur unique moteur en tenant recherche reconnu cela limite en tenant 'Permis de construire'https://www.mitigeur-cascade.fr/
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