#regressors and all adjacent ONLY
cassiewiththeie · 3 months
school bus graveyard agere hcs!!
all, if not mostly, inspired by my agere series on ao3..,,,
read if u dare… -> hehe (+hcs that r directly correlated w/a fic will have the fic link imbedded)
first cuz shes my favorite
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Regresses the youngest 3-4)
Doesn't talk a lot other than simple one-worded responses
^luvs to communicate via fervent pointing to something she wants, or just …not communicating at all.
^ Luckily, Aiden is a mind reader and always knows what she wants (and he’s secretly her favorite while regressed bcuz of this)
Easily entertained but also easily bored
Follows whoever is closest like a little baby duck. Especially if someone (Taylor and Aiden) is regressed with her.
No one has really taken the title as her “caregiver” because;
1: she doesn’t really care like that, and it feels too serious (and also awkward) (but thats me projecting)
2: everyone already takes care of eachother, and since shes so low maintenance while regressed, it’s hardly different to treating her as normal, so why bother taking the title?
BITES AND CHEWS EVERYTHING. Her hair, nails, blankets or pillows around her. pencils have been demolished.
Her 2 comfort items are a stuffed animal (a seal, given to her by aiden) and a VERY old doll from when she was actually a child, given to her by a dance instructor from a party gift-bag or something
(the fic where she’s gifted it)
Mostly an involuntary regressor in the sense that she doesn’t really notice she’s regressing until she’s regressed
Doesn’t hate her regression, it’s just a thing she does, but does see it as a … vulnerability, since it makes her feel vulnerable.
uncoordinated & clumsy which can frustrate her, since when she’s not regressed, she’s agile and meticulous with every movement
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Oldest of the regressors! (7-10)
Talkative, which is good because she’s extra needy (easily bored and will loudly complain to whoever until she is no longer bored)
love-love-loves arts and crafts!!!
Needs very specific requirements to be able to regress; calm environment where she is incapable of being stressed (extreme voluntary regressor, basically)
regresses the least compared to Aiden and Ashlyn because of this (and out of the 3, Aiden regresses the most)
not the clingiest of the regressors— surprisingly, such an award goes to Ashlyn!— but when it comes to the her, Taylor is pulling Ashlyn to whatever activities seem most fun, or joining Ashlyn in whatever she’s doing.
^but the latter frequently leaves her bored, since Ashlyn is often doing more simple activities. Taylor always wants to do more than just color, resisting to bend and crease the coloring-pages to fold it into something cooler.
Tyler is the closest thing to a caregiver for her, only because she complains the most to him. Because he grew up with her, he usually knows what she’s about to complain about before she can.
Ie; Her attention has been drifting from the cartoon that was put on and she’s fiddling with the cuff of her sleeve or fidgeting with whatever ; she is bored, and about to whine about such. Tyler drops a stack of colorful construction paper and all other sorts of office supplies near her to play with before she can get too antsy.
(he already put up with her never ending phase of such whining when she was actually 8, and will do whatever he can to avoid it a second time.)
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right in the middle, between ashlyn’s and taylor’s ages (5-7)
very independent regressor (bcuz he was alone a lot when he was younger, and alone when he first started regressing, so he just adapted to that)
^but is always happy to be with his friends!!! he’s extra attentive to them and likes to offer his things to them (often, they amuse him and hold whatever he gives them until he asks for it back)
either concerningly quiet for long periods of time or very talkative and loud for too long
still vehemently mischievous (will misplace someones drink or the TV remote, or wait forever for someone to get off the couch to take their spot)
has known of / has been regressing the longest (approx a year longer than ashlyn and taylor)
^kept it very personal and secretive, for a long time only Ben knew
has a lot of impulsively purchased toys and activities like diy kits. he has too much money and not enough supervision (Ben occasionally manages to convince him to not buy something if it's outrageous)
aiden is THE no.1 victim to my projecting, ESPECIALLY ANGST .... so these are just the fun HCS
this was just for the regressors!!
logan, ben & tyler are not here for that reason😞… mayb i will do the others if i feel like it
will probably add more headcanons and thoughts of these lil fellars with time!!! i love them so much i get actually sick thinking about them
read my fic series if u liked :3 but dont say anything if you didnt like.
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duckieberry · 1 month
BG3 Classification AU
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This AU was made in collaboration with @dustbunnybaby
All of the base AU information used to write this AU can be found —> HERE!!!
This post is for specification for how Classifications would work in BG3 (and technically DnD but not really since the logic between the games is a bit different) so it will not go over all the aspects of the AU! Please look at the base information post linked above first before continuing, thank you!
Though I will reiterate this here - There are many different versions of classification AU’s that focus on different dynamics. This version is specifically based around and is for age regressors so this ISN’T a k*nk based AU and is ENTIRELY sfw.
The treatment of littles varies from place to place and group to group.
The city of Baldur’s Gate is fairly good to their littles as there are multiple policies put into place to support littles that live there.
Some religious groups -like the Church of Shar- do not treat littles well within their ranks as they are viewed as incapable and liabilities to their deities. While other religious groups -like those who worship Silvanus- treat them as equals and think that all classifications should be celebrated.
The Githyanki specifically have very cruel views on littles. While they don’t have classifications themselves they look down upon those who have them, especially if they’re littles. They view classifications as an easily exploitable weakness.
Race Info:
Note: for those who aren’t familiar with DnD and by extension BG3. Race does not refer to ethnicity, it's the term used for species!
Humans were the first race to have classifications. Other races began to inherit them from humans til eventually they became a normal part of all human adjacent species (a human adjacent species is identified by whether that race can parent a child with a human or come from a human through cursed bloodlines). Elves, half-elves, Orcs, half-orcs, and Tieflings are capable of developing classifications (My research into dwarves, gnomes and halflings provided inconclusive evidence so those guys are up for debate as to whether or not they can have classifications). Meanwhile Githyanki and Dragonborn are incapable of developing classifications naturally but they are able to act as a caregiver if they choose to.
Testing is performed by clerics. The cleric will gather a small sample of blood either with a syringe or by making a small cut on the shoulder. The blood is put into a small dish where the cleric will cast a version of the spell ‘Identify’ called ‘Ascertain’ ; it allows the Cleric to learn the individual’s classification. If applicable they will also learn the individual’s age range.
Suppressants and Spells:
While there are herbal suppressants available, most people turn to potions and spells since the effects of herbal remedies are minimal in comparison to other options. Potions for headspace management are fairly simple to make and therefore are cheap to buy and easy to come across though they aren’t overly effective in comparison to spells.
There is only one potion that is more effective then its spell counterpart. The potion is called ‘cotton thoughts’. It helps littles/flips slowly enter their headspace. It will put them in what would roughly be considered the middle of their age range. This potion is very sweet thanks to the large amount of berry juice used to mask the taste of the ingredients so it’s easier for littles/flips to take. These potions are extremely hard to make and its ingredients are incredibly rare so they are very expensive and not worth producing because of this. Coming across these potions is incredibly difficult to the point of being nearly impossible so most people use spells anyways. (Yes, we know goodberries don’t occur naturally. No, we do not care)
Certain spells (Au specific) are specialized for effects on classifications instead of being a chance side effect.
The spell ‘Little mind’ can temporarily put a person regardless of classification into a regressed headspace for about an hour. This spell has a very high chance to fail.
‘Guardianship’ does the same thing as ‘Little mind’ but instead gives the affected person caregiver instincts for about an hour. This spell also has a very high chance to fail.
‘Clear head’ is very good for headspace management. Even though its name implies it does similar things as ‘Calm emotions’ it does not change or affect the person's emotional state which is why it’s preferred.
There is also a menagerie of normal spells that can: act as suppressants, have a low chance to force a person to regress, enhance instincts or even temporarily shift a person into a false classification as a side effect of their primary purpose.
Spells like ‘Fear’ can possibly cause a little to almost instantly regress. It also has the chance to cause a neutral to enter into a pseudo-regressed state, or possibly make a caregiver enter a protective rage (for flips which ever classification they lean towards typically tends to be the effect they experience)
The spell ‘Antipathy’ has a similar effect to ‘Fear’ but its opposite, ‘Sympathy’, only has a note-able effect on caregivers, flips and neutrals in which it enhances a caregivers/flips caring instinct and there’s a chance it can give a neutral temporary caregiver-like instincts.
‘Calm emotions’ can be used as a headspace suppressant; but it is also used by caregivers to help a Little/flip calm down if they’re extremely distressed though it is used very rarely for this purpose as it has a high chance to push a little/flip outside of headspace.
Hags and Devils:
Classification affects many aspects of life, one of which being how a person's magic feels. The magic of a little might be described as soft or dainty though it is no less powerful than the magic from an individual of another classification, a caregivers magic may be described as warm and protective and a flips would be somewhere in between.
Hags and Devils can pick up on this difference in magical aura and use it to their advantage to coerce and manipulate people into making deals with them. They tend to favour those who have conflicts with their classification and offer to take their classification away in return for their soul or something else. Both Hags and Devils are fully capable of ‘removing’ a classification but in reality they’ve put up a powerful magic blocker that prevents the person from entering headspace and removes the symptoms of headspace repression. In doing this the person who’s classification has been ‘removed’ will seem hollow as if they’re not all there. These classless people are still themself and are still able to go about their lives; they just feel a constant sense of emptiness and distance from the world around them.
It is also possible for a Hag or Devil to give a classification to a race that would otherwise not have one. The exact effects this has on the individual is unclear as it rarely happens.
Illithid Tadpoles:
Illithid tadpoles are extremely dangerous to littles due to the fact the symptoms of infection are very similar to and often confused for regression sickness.
Due to the illithid invasion, it’s been discovered that these little parasites can cause a classification change. When this classification change occurs it’s often preceded by the parasite progressively getting more active and moving a lot more violently. The tadpoles' increased activity can prevent the host from sleeping while also causing them headaches.
What exactly it does to elicit the change is unknown, but it’s assumed that it bites the part of the brain responsible for classification. There is a sharp pain for a few moments before the host feels what’s often described as ‘a switch being flipped’.
The classification changes caused by these worms can happen at any time and without much forewarning. They don’t seem to do this often as it’s been an undocumented effect for so long and the number of recorded cases is very small (under 200)
This section has some changes that would allow certain story events to fit the AU better and adds new things that doesn’t fit in the above categories.
Ethel - the encounter with Ethel would go basically the same as it does normally but the move set she uses has a new addition. Ethel has access to the ‘Little mind’ spell. Just like her ‘Vicious mockery’ she has some unique dialogue for each of the companions upon the spell succeeding:
“Toothy for someone who’s nothing but a helpless babe!” -directed towards Astarion
“Gonna cry to your mummy, little one?” -directed towards Gale
“Now now, no need for the tantrum, deary” -directed towards Karlach
“Cry harder, petal. Maybe Vlaakith will finally hear you” -directed towards Lae’zel
“Feisty for a little pup” -directed towards Wyll
“No wonder Shar doesn’t want you… sniveling like a little babe” -directed towards Shadowheart
“Bear? You look more like a cub to me” - directed towards Halsin
“Done playing hero, petal?” -directed towards a Tav character
“Tiny things like you shouldn’t play with things so sharp” -directed towards a Durge character
Upon the spell failing she gives one of her existing exclamations of frustration.
In the Underdark there is a new variety of extremely rare mushroom called the Tiny cap. These mushrooms, despite what their name implies, are rather large. Their cap is a dusty pink with vibrant blue spots. The reason they are so rare is because their mycelium only grows one to two mushrooms every 5-7 years. It takes decades for the mycelium to grow enough to support the large fungus they produce. Older books imply they used to be more prevalent but their slow development and the overharvesting of their spores has damaged their numbers severely.
The fungus gets its name from the effect its spores have on littles/flips. When inhaled the spores cause a little/flip to drop near instantly. Caregivers and neutrals are unaffected.
The spores of this fungus are the main ingredient in the ‘Cotton thoughts’ potion. Within the potion the effects of the spores are diluted so they’re more manageable and safe for use as rapidly dropping isn’t healthy nor comfortable for a little/flip.
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thesmallestofall · 2 years
🌷~🌸 Pinned Post 🌸~🌷
Last updated: Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023, 12:44 PM
This post, and this blog as a whole, are still works in progress! Please be patient with me while I set things up! - Bean
🍼 Welcome to my SFW agere blog! 🧸
~~~ Here's a link to my resource masterpost! ~~~
Hi there! I'm Bean, an age regressor who typically regresses from 3 to 10 years old. I speak English (🇬🇧), French (🇫🇷), and am learning Welsh (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), so feel free to talk to me in any of those languages! I love kitty cats, dinosaurs, and going to the arcade! If I had to pick one, I would say my favourite colour is blue, but I pretty much like all of them! I go by they/them pronouns (and occasionally it/its while regressed, but that's only on a case-by case basis, so I'd prefer if those are only used when I expressly ask). Just as an FYI for those who may be uncomfortable with the word, I sometimes refer to myself as a "little" (especially while I'm actively regressed, because baby me simply vibes with the term). I am in no way using it in a k!nk context, and while I fully support consenting adults doing whatever they want, I would prefer that people respect my boundaries and not bring n.s.f.t content into my safe space regardless of the terms I use. Both regressors and those in the k!nk community can use the word, and still be in no way affiliated with each other!
I interact from my main blog, @toosmallformyowngood, though since thats my "big blog" it has some curse words and the occasional mention of not quite kid friendly things (I.e. politics when relevant and maybe some "grown-up-ish" jokes). I never post n.s.f.t stuff either here or there, and I do my best to properly tag everything, but this is a heads up just to inform you! I also have a fandom blog @smallandterriblyafraid, and I occasionally post some agere stuff there (such as headcanons for characters and whatnot). I would recommend being big when you scroll through that one as well, however, seeing as not all of the fandoms I engage in over on that blog are kid friendly.
With all that out of the way, my DNI list can below the cut! Please take a peek at it before interacting!
In no particular order...
🚫 DNI if you: 🚫
- Are rac.ist, homo.phobic, trans.phobic, bi.phobic, pan.phobic, able.ist, aro/ace exclusionary, poly exclusionary, or any other form of xeno.phobic. And yes, this includes supporting people who fit into the above categories. Being a bully isn't nice!
- Are a N.S.F.T blog. Your space is yours to curate as you wish, but this space is mine; I'm just a kid, please don't be yucky!
- Are a t.erf/rad.fem/etc. "Tradwife" adjacent (?) stuff is okay, since your life is yours to live however you want (and if you wanna be a housewife more power to you!), but I don't wanna be told how to live mine.
- Are a practicing M.AP. People with intrusive thoughts can stay, though. It's not your fault that your brain is giving you icky thoughts. I just don't want any talk about anything grown up on my blog, so this isn't the place to discuss it!
- Are anti-endo. Everyone's experiences are valid, so shush!
- Are anti age.re/pet.re, etc. I don' wanna hear your arguments while I'm trying to have fun!
- Vilify mental illness. Nobody is inherently mean, and its rude to pretend like they are!
- Don't support neopronouns, including emoji pronouns. It doesn't have to make sense to you, and nobody reasonable expects 100% accuracy with no occasional mistakes. Just try your best and be nice!
- Are anti it/it's pronouns. I and everyone else can call ourselves whatever we want!
- Are a T.rump supporter, anti.masker, c.ovid denier, etc or just generally a bully. Your conspiracy theories are no fun!
- Crosstag posts with both strictly N.S.F.T and sfw tags, or tag N.S.F.T posts with sfw tags. Mistakes are fine as long as it's just a genuine slip up and you do your best to correct it, though. Accidents happen, but doing it on purpose or leaving it up after being told the issues is a big no no.
- Are one of those "autism warrior moms" or anything even remotely adjacent. Please, please just go away.
And last but not least:
- Think DNI lists are bad or a waste of time. I'm allowed to have opinions, baby or not!
And that's the end! Apologies for the incredibly long and probably overcomplicated list; I tend to have a bit of a hard time putting my thoughts into words, but I hope I got my points across well enough regarding who I do and don't want on my blog. As a thanks for getting through all my rambling, though, have a cupcake! 🧁:D
- Love, Bean!
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soulless-strangers · 3 years
Disney era power rangers regressor headcannons!
((This doesn’t include SPD because I want to keep it time line adjacent))
Ninja storm
-either goes really quiet or won’t sit still
-motorbikes is special interest
-current hyper fixation is marvel comics
-Shane And hunter are caregivers
-big sister Tori
-totally tries to bite people when he doesn’t get his way
-when he’s hyper he will just run around Ninja opps or storm chargers (wherever he regresses)
-multiple times he has found a wrench or something in the shop and just starts chasing the other Rangers
-Kelly is really good with him tho
-she has a back room with some old parts and comics for him to play with if Shane and Hunter aren’t around
-loves to play pretend as a lion ((low key also a lion regressor))
-does it ALL the time with Cole
-sometimes Jarrod will join in
-very very rarely he can convince little Jayden to play too ((big Jay is always up to spend time with his siblings))
Dino thunder
-doesn’t actually know he regresses, patchy memory from trauma
-Trent does and is his main caregiver
-Trent tells their team about it so they know just in case
-Dr O is confused at first but works out he’s like Jason
-just gets really quiet and small
-doesn’t like confrontation
-really bad at playing with others
-has a t-Rex stuffie called Kass
-is really just a baby
-defo sucks their thumb, like all the time
-Dr O wants to get him a paci but isn’t sure if that’s over stepping
-Haley found out and defo made a little den in a corner of the Dino cave
Operation overdrive
-absolute zoomer
-human version of ‘you wanna see some real speed’
-talks and talks and talks about her cars for hours on end
-main caregiver is Rose but sometimes Summer if they are in the same universe
-so much rough housing
-has knocked multiple of Mack’s circuit boards loose as a result
-Will is the only one that can really old his own against her
-she fights dirty!
-always have to keep sharps away from her as she will and has tried to cut her own hair
-mullet Ronnie superiority
-big age range
-can be anywhere between 4-9
Jungle fury
-small boy, only really 1-3 years old
-cuddly baby, always clinging to RJ
-RJ and Jarrod are main caregivers
-Conner is big brother when not regressed
-Greyson is quiet and reserved where as little Casey is jumpy and grabby
-would totally hold his breath to get his way
-also low key a tiger regressor
-normally doesn’t talk just makes a lot of noises
-his team will just find him curled up under a pile of blankets in the loft at random times
-Greyson is not a regressor
-super stimy
-will just jump on Jarrod if he is sitting in the loft
-“Hey Case, what’s up little one?” Shaking hands and humming “oh? Ok let’s go bug Theo for some pizza.”
-really likes being carried
-though everyone knows to show him their hands before touching
-he needs a little warning
-originally didn’t know what was happening and was very scared and confused
-quickly turned into anger
-“I’m in the Air Force! I’m the red ranger! I’m not a baby!”
-is actually a baby lol
-Ziggy loves taking care of little Scott
-uses it as his own form of therapy ((yes being a CG can be as much a coping method as regression))
-age range is between 2-6
-when on the older end just breaks everything he touches
-it drives dr K crazy
-literally breaks the side mirror off Dillions car “not my fault Dillion!”
-best play mate is Gem, Gemma is fun too but Gem can pick him up so he’s the favourite twin
-younger age range just likes being put in a car and taken for a drive
-Flynn has been banned from driving the baby
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dirtycreekwater · 4 years
Hey! If you are still taking prompt suggestions for the analogince au how about 2. Character B goes to A’s room to grab something, only to stumble upon A’s little gear. (with character B being Logan maybe?) Have a great day 💓
ok so i actually already started writing this prompt with Roman before i got this ask so i hope you don’t mind that. i also combined it with 6. Character A and B have been good friends/dating/work together for a while now. For one reason or another, they’re going to be moving in together! A feels that it’s time to reveal to B that they’re an age regressor. this is just how this au is starting. the actual reveal will be in another part!
au: platonic analogince/agere Virgil
dni: remrom shippers and nsfw/abdl/ddlg etc. blogs
Virgil was going to do it. He had to.
He was finally going to move in with his two best friends, and he would no longer be able to keep his secret. His hidden coping mechanism, lifestyle if you will. He was going to have to tell them that he was an age regressor. The only problem was the possibility of losing them because this secret was not normal. Or at least it wasn’t socially acceptable. It was seen as strange and unhealthy or even worse seen as something sexual. Virgil just had to laugh at that incorrect detail. As if being in the same mindset of a child, and behaving like one should ever be sexual. The mere idea made him shudder. Hopefully Logan and Roman would not mistake his regression for something so horrible. Hopefully he would be able to explain everything before he could be judged.
With that last thought Virgil took his pacifier out of his mouth, and placed it back into his box of “regression gear.” Which unfortunately he had labelled; he would have to cover that somehow before he brought the box into his new apartment. He wouldn’t keep it covered forever of course. Just until he was ready to come out. Virgil looked around his room for a moment before his eyes landed on his sketchbook. He reached down to grab it off the floor, and opened it up to a blank page to rip out. He then took a black sharpie off his bedside table and wrote “books and random shit” onto the piece of paper. He shrugged as he grabbed some tape, and placed the new label over the one on the box. That would do.
Roman was perplexed. He knew Virgil had anxiety, and he knew moving was always stressful, but his friend seemed to be on the verge of a total breakdown. He was picking at his skin again, an old habit he thought he broke, and he was absolutely refusing any help bringing in his possessions. He was a nervous wreck.
“Virgil?” Roman called as his friend was carrying the last of his boxes to his room.
“Yeah?” Virgil responded.
“You seem like extra stressed. Do you wanna do a movie night once Lo gets home?”
Roman swore he could feel Virgil’s anxiety radiating off of him. It was like he was frozen in time, probably running through a million different scenarios in his mind.
“I’m not trying to assume anything, Virge. I’m not going to pry. Just a little concerned and I want you to have a good first night with us.” Roman tried to assure him.
Virgil let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, and mumbled, “Yeah, yeah, no that’d be cool. Chill. Whatever.” as he quickly headed down the hall.
Roman watched him go, not entirely sure how to feel about what just happened before shrugging it off and walking into the kitchen. No movie marathon was complete without dinner, and snacks.
Once Logan returned home he was made aware of the movie night plans after expressing his happiness to their new roommate. Of course before they could even begin they had to have maximum comfort. They each got changed into their coziest pajamas, and filled the couch with the softest pillows and blankets. Virgil unfortunately had to forgo his pacifier this time. Hopefully this would be the only time. Luckily he could have his favorite blanket. Which he of course forgot, and only realized once he was sitting.
“Shit,” Virgil exclaimed. “Forgot my blanket. Why does this only ever happen when you get comfortable?”
“Oh, I can grab it for you,” Roman offered as he was still gathering some necessary items. “Where is it?”
Without thinking of the potential consequences Virgil accepted his offer, and sunk further into the cushions until he was practically one with the couch. Logan just chuckled and shook his head as he sat next to him.
Meanwhile Roman had entered Virgil’s room and scanned it for the box labelled “blankets” he was informed of. Roman opened it once its location had been spotted, and sifted through it until the specific blanket was found. As he turned to leave he noticed the adjacent box’s label was peeling off, and was revealing different words underneath. Roman wasn’t sure if peaking behind the label counted as snooping but it surely didn’t feel right. He just couldn’t help it. His curiosity would kill him if he didn’t. Careful not to fully rip the label off, he pulled it back a bit until all of the words were showing.
“Re.. gression... gear?” Roman read out loud. “Whatever could that be?”
Regression was reverting back to a former state of some sort, right? What state could Virgil be regressing to, and why did he need gear for it? Why was he hiding this fact behind a made up label? Would looking inside the box to figure it out be going too far?
“Yes, idiot,” Roman mumbled. “That’s definitely too far.”
Roman quickly stuck the label back on, and left the room before his roommates could wonder what on earth was taking him so long. He’d have to ask Virgil about his finding later. Or maybe just forget about it. He wasn’t sure yet.
The rest of the night went on with no problems, but Roman couldn’t get that damn box out of his head. He so desperately wanted to know what was inside, what secrets Virgil kept.
He thought Virgil had told him, and Logan everything. He opted for the bandaid method every time he wanted to say something. What was so different this time?
Roman could only wonder, and hope his friend wasn’t hiding something dark.
They would find out eventually, right?
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syskideren · 3 years
this is a blog for all syskids and age regressors!
i’m eren (he/him) and i’m a syskid in a proDX DID system! i’m 3 years old and i love dinosaurs and anime and pokemon! i have the best dada ever! some other members help me with this blog~ i’m autistic too, and my SIs are dinosaurs and rocks mostly!
DNI: nsfw, ddlg/cgl/adjacent, maps/pedos, terfs/adjacent, nazis/alt right/adjacent
members who help me and might post occasionally:
lucky - 25 - he/him - system host
rosie - 30 - she/her - caretaker
andrew - 23 - he/him - protector
(note from lucky: this blog is 100% sfw and always will be. eren is a literal child and only has a blog because older alters supervise it.)
we also take agere/syskid writing requests! they’ll be either little drabbles/oneshots or headcanon lists, whichever fits best. we write for anime (mostly sports), including :
kuroko no basuke
ookiku furikabutte (big windup)
fire force
all out
and many more! please check here for more information about requests!
we also run a discord for regressors/syskids whose bio ages are over 18! feel free to come join at: https://discord.gg/k8d8GTZYRD
thanks for looking!
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