#finally tagged this with sbg. sigh.
cassiewiththeie · 3 months
school bus graveyard agere hcs!!
all, if not mostly, inspired by my agere series on ao3..,,,
read if u dare… -> hehe (+hcs that r directly correlated w/a fic will have the fic link imbedded)
first cuz shes my favorite
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Regresses the youngest 3-4)
Doesn't talk a lot other than simple one-worded responses
^luvs to communicate via fervent pointing to something she wants, or just …not communicating at all.
^ Luckily, Aiden is a mind reader and always knows what she wants (and he’s secretly her favorite while regressed bcuz of this)
Easily entertained but also easily bored
Follows whoever is closest like a little baby duck. Especially if someone (Taylor and Aiden) is regressed with her.
No one has really taken the title as her “caregiver” because;
1: she doesn’t really care like that, and it feels too serious (and also awkward) (but thats me projecting)
2: everyone already takes care of eachother, and since shes so low maintenance while regressed, it’s hardly different to treating her as normal, so why bother taking the title?
BITES AND CHEWS EVERYTHING. Her hair, nails, blankets or pillows around her. pencils have been demolished.
Her 2 comfort items are a stuffed animal (a seal, given to her by aiden) and a VERY old doll from when she was actually a child, given to her by a dance instructor from a party gift-bag or something
(the fic where she’s gifted it)
Mostly an involuntary regressor in the sense that she doesn’t really notice she’s regressing until she’s regressed
Doesn’t hate her regression, it’s just a thing she does, but does see it as a … vulnerability, since it makes her feel vulnerable.
uncoordinated & clumsy which can frustrate her, since when she’s not regressed, she’s agile and meticulous with every movement
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Oldest of the regressors! (7-10)
Talkative, which is good because she’s extra needy (easily bored and will loudly complain to whoever until she is no longer bored)
love-love-loves arts and crafts!!!
Needs very specific requirements to be able to regress; calm environment where she is incapable of being stressed (extreme voluntary regressor, basically)
regresses the least compared to Aiden and Ashlyn because of this (and out of the 3, Aiden regresses the most)
not the clingiest of the regressors— surprisingly, such an award goes to Ashlyn!— but when it comes to the her, Taylor is pulling Ashlyn to whatever activities seem most fun, or joining Ashlyn in whatever she’s doing.
^but the latter frequently leaves her bored, since Ashlyn is often doing more simple activities. Taylor always wants to do more than just color, resisting to bend and crease the coloring-pages to fold it into something cooler.
Tyler is the closest thing to a caregiver for her, only because she complains the most to him. Because he grew up with her, he usually knows what she’s about to complain about before she can.
Ie; Her attention has been drifting from the cartoon that was put on and she’s fiddling with the cuff of her sleeve or fidgeting with whatever ; she is bored, and about to whine about such. Tyler drops a stack of colorful construction paper and all other sorts of office supplies near her to play with before she can get too antsy.
(he already put up with her never ending phase of such whining when she was actually 8, and will do whatever he can to avoid it a second time.)
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right in the middle, between ashlyn’s and taylor’s ages (5-7)
very independent regressor (bcuz he was alone a lot when he was younger, and alone when he first started regressing, so he just adapted to that)
^but is always happy to be with his friends!!! he’s extra attentive to them and likes to offer his things to them (often, they amuse him and hold whatever he gives them until he asks for it back)
either concerningly quiet for long periods of time or very talkative and loud for too long
still vehemently mischievous (will misplace someones drink or the TV remote, or wait forever for someone to get off the couch to take their spot)
has known of / has been regressing the longest (approx a year longer than ashlyn and taylor)
^kept it very personal and secretive, for a long time only Ben knew
has a lot of impulsively purchased toys and activities like diy kits. he has too much money and not enough supervision (Ben occasionally manages to convince him to not buy something if it's outrageous)
aiden is THE no.1 victim to my projecting, ESPECIALLY ANGST .... so these are just the fun HCS
this was just for the regressors!!
logan, ben & tyler are not here for that reason😞… mayb i will do the others if i feel like it
will probably add more headcanons and thoughts of these lil fellars with time!!! i love them so much i get actually sick thinking about them
read my fic series if u liked :3 but dont say anything if you didnt like.
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zhvakinnn · 6 months
Hi can't find your rules or anything and I'm sorry if this is out of your comfort zone but may I request the sbg crew and cuddle headcanons where reader is the big spoon. If possible can the reader be male?
Hii, yes sorry i haven't done my rules yet I'm kinda getting lazy but i will make one 🫡
Male reader!
Warning/s: homophobic's
Characters: Logan, Ben, Aiden
Part 2 characters : tyler, Taylor, Ashlyn
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Logan fields
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∆ He always wanted to be hold tight because he finds you're hug comfort
∆ whenever he got beaten up all he wanted was your hug, he always stopped you attacking Barron
∆ " he literally fucking beat the shit out of you for not doing his homework?! How can't i beat his ass too!"
"please, i just want a hug.."
∆ you'll see him startled when you raising you're voice, you suddenly stop and wanted to melt
∆ you'll just stop being mad then hug him telling him I'm sorry
∆ so whenever he wanted to hug he wants to be the little spoon because like i said he finds comfort in your hug's
Bonus fanfiction:
You we're all looking for Logan he said his going to the bathroom so you went there but as you went there you saw him and Barron hearing their conversation
"you think that little boyfriend of yours is gonna save you faggot?"
That last sentence hit you, you noticed Logan looked at you widen eyes you can see him having a black eye
"who you calling little and faggot?.."
You and Barron ended up in the guidance room
Once you got out you glare daggers to barron as he walk out with his new bruises you scoff as you went to find your gang
Once you got there they looked at you in a worried faces they all ask you if you're ok, i only nodded and looked at logan who was more worried once we all got home Logan wants me to go in his house
His grandparents asked me how i got these bruises then i explained to her grandma what happened while Logan got a ice
"thank you for protecting my grandson, now i know who will protect him after i die"
"grandma please don't say that..."
Logan finally got the ice and you two went upstairs once you got there he hugged you and he buried his face in your neck
"thank you.."
You smiled and cuddle for a while
" i love you too"
Ben Clark
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∆ another one of those who were bullied which means he likes being hold aswell well sometimes if you're not in a good mood he will hug you but most of the time you're hugging him
∆ he likes being a small spoon because of his anger issues too, whenever his mad just take him somewhere private and hold him like a damn baby because he is
∆ like dhar mann would say 'dont judge a book by its cover' he may look tough and imitating but inside his such a softie
∆ when you two are cuddling he likes to play music in the background
∆ "hey what happened to him?"
"(name) finally you're here ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ"
Aiden was covering Ben's face and saw his fist rolled
∆ you have to drag him in the bathroom to hug him and tell him to calm down
Bonus scenario:
You were all in the classroom then the bell rang meaning its lunch time
You stretch a bit then when to ben who was sleeping
"love c'mon were to the cafeteria"
You nudge him a bit then he woke up when he lifted his head he smiled at you making your whole body melt
"ok c'mon now you lover birds"
That make him chuckle and so was i when he got up i hold his hand tight, we were all chatting in the hallway while walking to the canteen
You were both holding hands then a bitch went between you too
"exuse me"
She pushed you and Ben apart making Ben angry
"hey hey its ok nevermind her" He sigh and nodded
Then the same girl came annoying you again and again and again
"you're a disgusting homo"
It kept that on Ben's mind
Once you tag along with aiden chatting with him on the way
I pulled ben upstairs
"its ok nevermind her I'm here and i love you" you smiled as you hug him
Aiden Clark
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∆ sometimes you hate him being a small spoon because he wont stay still while sleeping!
∆ you, him and Ben went to a sleepover and he wanted you to hug him behind his back but as you hug him he will turn towards the wall, then the ceiling, then at you and annoying you're face
∆ "i might be annoying but i know you love it (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆" you wanna deny it but you cant because you love him
∆ like Ben he wanted to listen to music but his more into you humming him a lullaby
∆ he's so clingy
Bonus scenario:
He was so hyper everyday but today its ten times worst
Everyone looked at you and like 'how the hell did you get together with this maniac' or ' how do you have so many patients'
After all this you just wanna lay down and sleep
When he was yapping something who knows what that is he suddenly stop when he saw you getting annoyed
For the rest of you're class you wonder what happened to aiden he suddenly became silent
He might be annoying but you miss him yapping
"what the hell happened to him?"-tyler
" yeah he suddenly became-" -taylor
"silent..." -ashlyn
You shrug and looked at aiden once you got him home you greeted his parents and went to his room
" ok what..why...um why did you suddenly became... Silent?"
You said but panic when he looked down the ground, when you're about to speak he said
" am i annoying?"
Oh no no no
" why would you say that" you melt at his words why did he suddenly said that
" because whenever i talk to you you just frowned, i know that fine with everyone for me but whenever i talk you're face suddenly change to annoyed"
You didn't answer and just hugged his head
"I'm sorry I'm sorry i didn't mean to be like that but I'm just stressed but i shouldn't do that I'm sorry i love you"
He hugged you back as you both lay down you hum him a lullaby and both of you fell asleep
Finally donee🤸🏻!
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