#regressor bruce wayne
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starsurfacemortalkombat · 3 months ago
Gala Problems - CG Selina Kyle w/ Regressor Bruce Wayne
TW: Really light cursing (Crap)
I don't know if it's triggering, but there's talk of diet restrictions? Because Batman's Batman, and his body needs to be in top condition, yada yada. So I'll put it in here incase that makes anyone iffy.
Link to Fic: Gala Problems
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
None of the Wayne's truly liked going to Gala's.
They were loud, crowded. Fancy Gala's meant fancy (or restrictive, as Damian claimed) suits. Fake smiles, too many people touching, and the food way always a hit or miss.
Fortunately for them, Bruce really needed only one plus one when he got invited to an event.
Unfortunally for Bruce, he still had to go.
Luckily, however, this time his plus one was his girlfriend, Selina. They had been going steady, thankfully. A few hiccups here or there, but nothing big or terrible. And for once in a long while, the Dark Knight felt more peaceful than he had in a small while.
Still, Bruce zoned out as some rich prick rambled about . . . something- He wasn't actually paying attention. He knew he should, especially if it was Wayne Enterprise related
. . . But he wanted to go home.
He had been at this event for almost four hours! His usual nice suit no longer felt as nice anymore. He wanted something comfy. The food was eh, but he kinda wanted something else? Like apple slices!
. . . Crap, was he regressing? And at a Gala of all places?! 
No, no, he was fine. Just peachy! 
Sure he felt a bit fuzzy, and he'd love nothing more than to go home and watch Gray Ghost. Maybe he could tell Alfred about how yucky some of the food here was? . . . Uh, how unappetizing some of the food was.
Suddenly the man laughed, playfully hitting Bruce's shoulder, "Those were the days, huh? Well, I need to see some potential clients. I'll see you around, Bruce!"
Bruce gave a nod and a wave as the man walked off. He would have said bye back . . . But he wasn't even fully sure what they spoke about.
"He took forever," Selina scoffed, eyeing her boyfriend. ". . . You look out of it."
"Do I?" Bruce tried to cover it up with a smile. "Well it has been a long night-"
"Right, of course, long night," Selina rolled her eyes. "What's wrong?"
"I have no clue what you mean," Bruce tried to brush her off. "Did you see the dessert table? I think Jason would have enjoyed it . . . Don't give me that look."
Bruce didn't like the look Selina gave him, or how she crossed her arms. It made him feel small, tiny. Clearly she didn't believe him. And clearly, she was waiting for him to speak about what was wrong. 
But Bruce was never a man to voice many things. So he also crossed his arms in reply, and the two glared at each other.
"Are you going to stay silent all night?" Selina sighed, putting a hand on her hip. "Or are you going to tell me what's going on? Because somethings clearly wrong, Darling."
. . . . Dirty cheap move, sweet nicknames.
". . . Wanna go home, Kitty," Bruce whispered, looking at the ground.
He didn't like calling Selina 'normal' caregiver nicknames when he was small, even if both her and Alfred insisted any nickname was normal. It felt . . . wrong, calling her 'Mama' or 'Mommy'. That title slipped away long ago. And while Selina might have adored the nicknames themselves, she didn't like how iffy Bruce got saying them.
Plus, Kitty was cuter anyways.
Selina's eyes widened, "Oh Baby . . ." She grabbed his hands, looking around. There were still many people, although none that came to bother them, yet.
Still, publicity was key.
And leaving an event before it ended wouldn't look the best . . .
"Do you think we can stay for another ten minutes?" Selina asked quietly, gently squeezing his hands. "Then we can scramble away from this silly party, okay?"
Bruce grimaced, he hated being small in public. He would always be afraid that someone, anyone, would pick up on the fact that he regressed.
He rarely ever regressed in public. Maybe once or twice, where he quickly ran home.
He was Batman, the Dark Knight himself. . . Who might have regressed the moment he walked into the Batcave after a bad night- But that only happened three times! 
But right now, he was Brucie Wayne. And if the press found out that he used age regression? 
. . . He didn't want to think of those headlines.
Still, he reluctantly nodded, ". . . O'kay."
Selina smiled, "Good boy. I know, I wanna go home too. But in about ten minutes we'll hit the four hour mark and then we can blow this joint."
But ten minutes seemed like so long! Bruce held back the want to stomp his foot and huff. They were in public after all, he couldn't be too pouty, yet.
Selina grabbed his arm, leading him towards the tables filled with food. Some of it was . . . there. Not healthy enough for Bruce's taste. Or perhaps Alfred just spoiled him with his cooking.
Still, there was the dessert table, which Selina made a b-line to.
"Look at all these sweets!" she said in a semi hushed tone. "Which ones should we try before we go? Hmm, such a tough decision, don't you think? I don't know which to choose!"
Selina was amazing at distraction tactics.
Bruce looked at all the tiny, bite sized cakes and finger foods. Normally he didn't tread near this kind of table. But tonight was an exception, he guessed.
He glanced around, just to make sure no one was watching or two close by, before smiling widely.
"Everything!" he whispered excitedly.
"Everything?" Selina gave a quiet laugh. "Someone's going to get a tummy ache if they eat all of that. How about we only choose a few?"
Bruce pouted, but looked again at all the yummy snacks. None of them compared to Alfie's snacks, but it all did look good. Better than the boring foods at the other tables.
He pointed to a mini cupcake, looking at Selina, almost for permission.
"Good pick, looks tasty," Selina smiled, handing Bruce the treat.
Bruce happily took the cupcake, immanently putting half in his mouth. Selina chuckled slightly at the scene. She wanted nothing more than to ruffle his hair, but they were still at the Gala, and Bruce needed to look presentable.
"Thank yew, Kitty," he managed through the mouthful.
Alfred would have a field day if he saw that, talking with his mouth full.
"You're very welcome darling," Selina smiled. She reached out and wiped the bit of frosting that got on his face. "Such a messy boy."
She side eyed as another man walked over, probably one of Bruce's many bushiness partners. He had a smile on his face . . . Selina didn't quite like it.
Bruce quickly shoved the reach of the mini cupcake in his mouth, quickly wiping his hands with a nearby napkin. He was really hoping no more social interactions tonight. He knew they should have left earlier!
"Bruce! There you are, I was hoping to catch you tonight!" the man laughed, holding out his hand for a handshake. "I assume you caught my email?"
Alfred had warned Bruce about several businessmen at the Gala tonight. If Bruce had anything to go by the silly little name tag on his suit, this was the one that was the most persistent. Always trying to get some kind of 'partnership' from Wayne Enterprises. Which really just mean he wanted to use Bruce for his money. He thought Tim had dealt with him, the partnership didn't look very promising.
Selina noticed as Bruce tensed, almost glaring at her. She gave a sheepish smile, putting a hand on his back, gently running her hand up and down. She hoped it would soothe him a bit . . . Which it did.
"Ah, yes of course," Bruce nodded, giving the man the best handshake he could muster up. "Caught me at a poor time, I was just about to head back to the manor."
"Oh?" the man raised an eyebrow. "I was hoping we could have a conversation actually-"
"Unfortunately, as my boyfriend said, he's had quite a long week, and he's just exhausted. We were just about to leave," Selina stepped in,
Selina's glare made him shut up,
"Well- That's a shame," the business man quickly chuckled, seeming now a bit nervous. "Are you sure your alright there, Mr. Wayne? I mean, you usually spend a bit more time partying. Barely seen you with any drinks tonight!"
Bruce gave an annoyed smile. He didn't want to deal with people right now.
He wanted to go home, curl up in a nice blanket, and maybe have Kitty play with his hair. He could practically feel himself slipping!
"Fine," he mustered out. "Just tired."
Before the man could speak again, Selina grabbed Bruce's arm, giving another smile, "Well, we have to get going now. Have a good day."
Selina didn't care to look at the businessman's face as she dragged Bruce away and out of the building. She didn't bother to stop for anyone that tried to grab their attention, b-lining to the car.
". . . That was rude," Bruce pouted as they stopped in front of it, Selina already grabbing his keys. "Leavin' like that . ."
Selina huffed, "That man was insufferable. And you were in distress! We need to get you home, poor thing."
Bruce pouted a bit more, he didn't like leaving things unfinished. Especially when it came to his business . . .
But Selina's concerned tone and the little petname at the end made him decide it was better to just not argue.
. . . Another dirty cheap trick.
Selina carefully helped Bruce get into the passenger side, buckling him in, ". . . How about we get some McDonalds for the ride home?"
Normally Bruce was so strict about his diet, which made sense really. When competing against men like Superman or the Flash, who basically had super genetics, diet was important to being Batman.
Even little Bruce was a bit strict about what he ate, although a little less so. He gravitated towards things like fruit, which there was nothing wrong about that, but wouldn't turn down Alfred's cookies . . . or ten.
Still, Selina was sure he could coax him.
Bruce let out a quite hum, thinking. McDonald's sounded great right now. He'd probably regret it later, but right now? That didn't matter one bit! Big Bruce's problem after all!
". . . Can we get a toy too?" he asked quietly as Selina got into the car.
Selina smiled, turning on the car and starting to drive, "What if we go to Bat Burger instead? You could get a Batmite! Some Robin nuggets, a toy, some fries. How does that sound?"
Bruce seemed excited by the idea. Normally, Bruce didn't care much about the whole Bat Burger thing. Sure it was . . . there.
But his kids liked it. And more importantly, little Bruce liked it.
He fiddled with the cuffs on his suit, ".  . . Can we get some apple slices too? Please?"
"Of course, Handsome. We can get you some apple slices too, I bet they're very yummy, aren't they? Anything else you want?" Selina asked. "Chocolate milk? Apple juice?"
Bruce thought about it, shaking his head, "No thank you."
". . . I'll get you an apple juice," Selina promised, earning a small huff.
She pulled into the drive thru, coming to a stop. Luckily, there was almost no one in line, and they got their order done quickly, ordering something for herself too.
Selina handed the happy meal to Bruce, setting her own food on his lap, driving back to the manor.
. . . But he didn't open it. Just letting it sit on his lap.
"Something wrong, Kit?" Selina frowned.
". . . Alfie says it's not proper to eat on the car ride home," Bruce quietly insisted. "Wait till we get home. Eat at the table."
Selina had to suppress a small laugh at his insistence.
She gave a soft smile, "I doubt one time would be such a crime. Besides, Alfred isn't here right now. Kitty will take full responsibility if Alfred gets all huffy about it. So there's no need to worry, okay?"
Bruce shifted slightly in his seat, looking a bit upset. He didn't have many rules when he was small . . . He wasn't even sure if no eating in the car was a rule for when he was regressed. it was a rule when he was a kid, and none of his kids were encouraged to do so either.
Sure, Alfred never lectured him or got too upset with little Bruce. Mostly because Bruce couldn't handle certain tones when tiny. But he was rarely bad on purpose . . . Unless it was a bad regression night- But Alfred never got upset at those either! In fact he tried very hard to make sure he didn't snap at Bruce on those nights, no matter how stubborn or fussy the Dark Knight was.
"I won't tell," Selina promised. "No Alfie, or Clark, no anyone else, I promise. It'll be our little secret, okay?"
". . . Pinky promise?" he asked quietly.
Selina coulnd't help but smile more at Bruce's question. Pinky promise? he was too cute sometimes.
It was nice, seeing him act more like this. She hadn't been Bruce's caregiver for very long. Technically that role mostly applied to Alfred. But Bruce's regression . . . Well, she was glad he was more worried about pinky promises and being naughty than helping her baby stop spiraling.
It saddened her, really. 
She stuck out her pinky, "Pinky promise. And once we get back, I'll help you put on your comfy clothes, and then we can have a special night just for you. I'm sure you'd love to watch some Gray Ghost, right Sweetheart."
Bruce perked up at the idea. He loved that show! Both little and big- He could talk about it for hours if he could.
He hesitated, but linked his pinky with Selina's. Selina was telling the truth, and she wasn't going to tell on him. He immanently opened his happy meal.
He didn't eat . . . a lot. Only a fry or two.
But he quickly grabbed his toy, smiling at it, "Look! 'S Batwoman."
"Cousin Kane?" Selina asked, receiving a happy nod. "You'll have to show her it later, I'm sure she'd love to see a picture of it."
Bruce smiled at the thought, showing off his new toy.
They quickly arrived back to the manor, and Selina insisted on helping Bruce unbuckle, much to his pout. He might have been small, but he could very easily get out himself!
. . . But this once, perhaps he could let himself be helped and babied. Just a bit.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Uuuuh, I got really into DC lately.
Other requests will be done soon, I promise!!!
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starsurfacedc · 5 days ago
I had someone ask if I was going to do Regressuary 2025, and in the entire month, this was all I could come up with. :(
Read-more link because I'm embarrassed of my art-
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I normally don't post my art, because I think it's cringey to look at, but here y'all go 😭
I kinda liked the idea of Bruce deciding that he wants to watch Gray Ghost in a hidey area. But this is the Manor, so there aren't many places to hide. So he steals the chairs, blankets, and pillow to watch Gray Ghost by himself and be small for a bit. (Also absolutely the shirt is a purple guy reference, a gift personally from Damian himself)
I dunno, it's a cute prompt. Think I'll write about it some time.
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rizzanon · 3 months ago
Undoing Fate
neglected to regressor batsis! reader x platonic batfam
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what if after 20 years of neglect from your family full of vigilantes, you face an unfortunate death, only to find yourself regressed back to when you were 16?
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⤷ lots of emotional neglect, reader was batgirl, reader was a tryhard and an overachiever, reader had no social life in her first life, mentions of drugs, mentions of human trafficking, mentions of death, regression themes, toxic and unhealthy relationships, dysfunctional family, toxic mentalities, reader and everyone else needs therapy…, canon divergence, major character death(s) | tba | based on this
⤷ info! (background) 1 | 2 | read this first to understand the plot and each batfam better :)
⤷ art!!! 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
⤷ if you’re bored m.list—under reconstruction
00 | And she cried over nothing
01 | Sixteen again
02 | A quitter? | ?
03 | Everything is awesome…
04 | Until it’s not | .
05 | Untouched memories
06 | Another suffocating day | .
07 | 1–Paranoia at its finest
| 2–Sneaking about
| 3–Umm…
08 | Tricks and Riddles (TBC)
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(idk why i can’t tag some of y’all, must be your settings i think 😓) (or let me know if i accidentally spelt ur user wrongly 😭💀)
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24hrsoda · 3 months ago
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that one time the batman adventures writers gave us two entire agere bruce comics
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babiestbubbles · 2 months ago
(A character study/analysis that kind of stumbled its way into being a drabble?)
I absolutely love when people play around with the consequences that Jack and Janet's neglect would have on Tim, and the ways it would foster a desperation for affection/attention with little to no regard for the cost or consequences. But I hate when people write it off as, "Bruce saves sad sad Tim from his neglectful parents. Tim finally gets the love he wants and deserves. They live happily ever after." (I'm using affection and attention interchangeably here to denote the same concept of positive recognition)
Because, while i do absolutely think that Tim's neglect, coupled with the intrinsic human desire for companionship and positive attention, would result in a desperation for affection. I don't think it would be that two dimensional. I think that instead Tim with end up with a really complicated relationship with affection.
I think it would play out more like, Pre-Bruce Tim really wanting affection, fantasizing about being saved/cared for, and constantly oscillating between self blame + fear that he brought his neglect upon himself and anger or resentment towards his parents for neglecting him.
But then post-adoption? (induction? whatever?) Tim, watching his fantasies be fulfilled and being absolutely revolted by it. Tim who craves affection so badly, deflecting or avoiding attention and affection when he does get it. Being uncomfortable when faced with the same acts of care he'd spent years yearning for. Running from family dinners and movie nights and any form of platonic intimacy, locking himself away in his room and isolating to avoid the discomfort that bubbles under his skin.
But also immediately regretting it. Locking himself away only to sit in his bedroom and yearn for something that's right outside of his door. Pushing away anyone's attempts to be close to him or care for him, but then being devastated when people pull back and give him space.
Him sneaking out and going to parties, acting out, breaking things all over the manor all for the same attention he pushed away when spoon fed. Him having no regard for consequences because everything he breaks could be replaced, and the worst that could happen to him when he sneaks out is ending up sick, and thus not expecting to be punished or reprimanded.
Because of this, I really see Tim being entirely caught off guard when presented with punishment and consequence. Begging Bruce not to bench him, apologizing, desperately trying to bargain, barter, or hell blackmail his way out of trouble, all to no avail.
And Tim subsequently throwing a literal tantrum as he realizes there's no getting out of this. Because this is the first time Tim has ever been faced with a punishment that contains no loophole or means of negotiating his way out. A punishment he KNOWS will be personally fufilled/carried out by Bruce. Unlike Janet and Jack's approach that Tim is used to, where they rarely cared enough to even remember the punishment, not to mention follow through. Meaning Tim's being faced with, for all intents and purposes, his very first real consequence/punishment as a result of his actions. And that, the unequivocal nature of his punishment makes Tim feel trapped. It’s suffocating, terrifying, and entirely uncharted territory for Tim, which results in his 14 yr old grown ass literally throwing himself on the floor sobbing begging Bruce to let up. Because he feels so absolutely helpless in his situation, he's begged and he's pleaded and he's tried everything he could think of and none of it's working and he has no idea what to do with himself, how to react. He cannot comprehend his newfound lack of autonomy at all and it results in him literally melting down on floor of the manor hoping that it will somehow change the circumstances, or at the very least relieve the caged desperation thrashing in his chest.
And Bruce is absolutely shellshocked to see this 14 yr old straight up collapse into tears so, for a couple seconds, he's just kind of frozen, not sure what to do. And this only upsets Tim more, because on top of the insufferable affection and now overbearing rules and damning punishments, Now? When Tim needs him the most? Is when Bruce decides he's done with the whole caring parent act? Now is when he's being deprived of affection and soothing? When it's the only thing that could possibly make the world around him stop spinning?
And the further frustration manifests in like, the meltdown evolving from just crying and a bit of kicking, to incoherent and self destructive distress. Head hitting, hair pulling, biting, scratching, clawing at himself anything to make the feeling go away, anything to distract him from the fact that everything is wrong and awful and miserable and there's no escaping any of it.
And it's this transition into physically harmful behavior that snaps bruce out of his little trance and has him bending down to meet Tim on the floor. Shushing him and trying his best to comfort Tim knowing full well that every other instance in which he's tried this has ended with Tim making a break for it before Bruce could get more than a sentence out.
Except this time is different. This time Tim is tiny and helpless and heartbreakingly overwhelmed thrashing on the floor. This time Tim is that tiny broken 5 year old, begging the parked cars in the garage to bring his parents back. This time Tim doesn't *want* the comfort, he *needs it*.
And he clings to it like a lifeline. His arms are trembling in Bruce’s hold, and he continues to thrash and fight for a minute, as he fights for shuddering wet breaths. But after a few seconds of soothing, the fighting subsides, and Bruce drops his wrists in favor of wrapping the boy in a hug. Tim refuses to let him go. For the rest of the night.
Yet another,Obligatory self-promo for my DC agere discord server
Join it! Come harass me for fics, hcs, and drabbles personally ‼️ /silly
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alittleplaytime · 4 months ago
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Caregiver Batman Stimboard!!
🧥 🔦 🦇 | 🧥 🔦 🦇 | 🧥 🔦 🦇
🌼 media: the batman (2021)
🐝 age appropriate? depends! the film was officially rated PG-13 due to it's high amount of violence, drug content and strong language. i recommend looking into any warnings before watching and remember, it's always okay to turn something off if it isn't for you.
🍯 rqd by: @phantomhivestims
🌻 note: this board took so long because... the city needed me (i'm batman)
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cutiepieautistic · 6 months ago
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Caregiver! Bruce wayne stimboard
×/×/× ×/× ×/×/×
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kiddieblogs · 6 months ago
lego movie doodle icons!
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i was in the mood to do a few little doodles n this is what i got!! some images are screengrabbed & some are from pinterest BUT heres some silly lego doodled icons!
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darlingdespairstims · 4 months ago
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31 days of agere stimboards ;
Day 5 : your favorite animated series pt. 2
Link to OG post!!
Note ; I'm batman
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pummoosun · 6 months ago
Jason and Bruce having a day at the playground together during winter after it snowed! (Playground is in the Wayne manor garden)
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Bruce packed a few diffrent additional clothes in case Jason felt like changing up stuff like his hats or mittens
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Playtime is super fun! Jason is playing with Bruce the whole time!
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After long playtime, the two of them hang around in the garden. A bit of reading, some hair brushing - and eating snacks that Alfred made! At the end Bruce puts Jason in the carrier, when they begin going back inside
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Naptime is much needed for a very tired Jason. Some milk and bedtime reading help him go to sleep. Plus, some nightlights too
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martyrbat · 26 days ago
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the batman's grave #12
[ID: Batman saying, “Just like Daddy,” as he gets shot in the chest. END ID]
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pekejscatbed · 1 year ago
Band-aids and too many scars | Jason Todd centric
SFW age regression, little! Jason, slight cg! Bruce, slight cg! Alfred, lots of fluff with a dash of angst (only a sentence)
batman masterlist
song: little space - sxye
It's not the first time Jason finds himself in this position, breaking into Wayne Manor and crawling through his adoptive dads bedroom window while said dad is away at some fancy gala or work meeting, and it's also not the first time that Bruce's bedroom window has been left unlocked and Jason wonders if it's on purpose- if Bruce is aware of what his second son is doing, breaking into his room and regressing to the age of a child to relive the childhood he didn't get to experience, and if Bruce is intentionally leaving the window unlocked to make Jason's feats easier. Either way, Jason tries not to think about it too much, because he really doesn't want Bruce to know about his regression, even if Bruce is the one person Jason craves when he's slipped into that state of mind, and instead he just chooses to believe that the constantly unlocked window is merely a coincidence.
Today, Bruce is attending one of the many galas Alfred urges him to go to in attempt to keep up appearances, and Alfred is with him as part of his "butler duties" as he calls them. Dick is still in Blüdhaven, Tim is on a date with his boyfriend, and Damien is... Jason isn't sure actually- that kid can disappear- but he's not at the manor, so Jason's happy (yes, Jason stalks his family, so what? it's not weird-). Since no one is home, it's the perfect time for Jason to indulge in his coping mechanism, which just so happens to involve breaking into his dad's bedroom, yes- but, in Jason's defense, being in the head space of child makes him crave his childhood home and the comforting smell of his Daddy's cologne, okay?
Speaking of his Daddy, little Jay is currently sitting on his Daddy's king-sized bed, pulling little gear out of the small, black backpack he brought with him. The first item Jay pulls out is his black bat Hello Kitty stuffed animal, a Beanie Baby Halloween plush in an orange outfit with details in the same color. Next, he pulls out two coloring books, the first being Superhero themed and the second being of the Lisa Frank brand; he also grabs a few small packages of crayons. The last thing Jay grabs from his bag is his pacifier, black with a red handle, decorated with a small array of stickers.
Jay slips the paci into his mouth, lightly suckling, and opens his Lisa Frank coloring book; he flips to a page of a girl in a princess dress, standing on what looks like a castle wall, a vase of flowers on the floor next to her. Grabbing a light brown crayon, Jay colors her skin first, then switches the color to a dark purple to color the girls curly hair, lips, and eyeshadow. Next, he grabs hot pink to color her dress, switching to a light pink to color the big bow on the front of her gown. Jay then moves onto the flowers, filling them in with different shades of purple and pink, then colors the vase with a orange-ish-brown. Finally, Jay colors the castle walls grey, switching between dark and light shades for every other brick.
The little continues coloring for a while, filling in a couple more pages, the last he does being a picture of Batman from his Superhero book, a present for his Daddy when he's finished, though he knows he'd never actually give it to the man (Jay wipes away the tears building up in his eyes with a sniffle, wishing the thought away). Once the picture is fully colored, Jay smiles at his work with pride, before a small yawn escapes his lips, muffled by his paci. His eyes start to close and his shoulders begin to droop, and the boy realizes just how sleepy he is and lies down on side, curling in on himself and grabbing his Hello Kitty stuffie to cuddle up to his chest. In his small, sleepy state, Jay falls asleep in the comfort of his Daddy's bed, forgetting that he really isn't supposed to be there in the first place.
When Bruce comes home and steps into his room, the last thing he expects to see is his second son asleep on his bed with a stuffed animal in his arms, an adult pacifier in his mouth, and a mess of crayons and coloring books next to the boy's body. The man takes in the sight before him, a fond, although slightly confused, smile on his lips.
Alfred comes up behind Bruce, wondering why his Master has stopped in the middle of his doorway with a genuine happiness on his face, though the butler immediately understands when his eyes lay on Jason, and he smiles, too, then whispers, "It seems Master Jason has made a mess. Shall I clean up for him?"
Bruce nods, though advises Alfred to be quiet, careful, not wanting to risk waking his sleeping son, then lightly walks towards his closet to change out of his suit and into more comfortable clothes. Alfred understands and quietly puts away all the crayons in their respective boxes, going as far as to put them in color order, then moves to pick up the coloring books, eyes widening when he sees the open page of a fully colored Batman. The butler waves over Bruce, who is pulling on a shirt, and shows him the carefully colored picture, hand drawn hearts covering the border as well as the single word, "Daddy".
Grinning, Bruce takes in the picture, asking Alfred to rip it out of the coloring book for Bruce to keep (Alfred has always been better at tearing along perforated lines than Bruce). Alfred does as asked, then gently puts the packages of crayons and coloring books into the backpack at the end of the bed, making sure to keep the Batman page out. As he does this, Jason shivers from his spot on Bruce's bed, a mumbled, "Daddy" falling from his lips as his pacifier gently slips out of his mouth and onto the bed next to him. Both Alfred and Bruce smile warmly at the sight, and Bruce grabs the fuzzy blanket at the end of his bed and gently covers his son with it. He then grabs the pacifier, asking Alfred to clean it off, then slowly pushes it back between his sons' lips. Once Jason is warm and comfortable, and the bed is clean, Bruce and Alfred both quietly make their way out of the bedroom, Bruce slowly shutting the door behind him with the coloring page in hand.
Together, the Master and his butler search the internet for answers to Jason's behavior and learn about the terms Age Regression and Little Space, quickly understanding the coping mechanism and how and why it would benefit Jason.
When Jason wakes up, all his coloring tools are put away, and moonlight shines in through the window he came in. His eyes widen, realization setting in; someone saw him. Quickly, Jason shoves his pacifier and stuffed animal into his bag, momentarily pausing when he comes across a plastic baggie filled with chocolate chips cookies. A light blush spreading across his tanned cheeks, Jason shakes his head, leaving the same way he came in.
(He eats the cookies when he gets to his apartment, the taste immediately giving away who baked them: Alfred. Jason smiles.)
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rizzanon · 1 month ago
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The sharp cool air bit at your cheeks as you walked down the streets of Gotham, the din of the city surrounding you. People rushed past, bundled up and hurried, but you barely noticed. Your thoughts were too loud, replaying the awkward lunch with Barbara.
And Dick.
You knew they planned it. It wasn’t a coincidence. Dick showing up just as Barbara tried to soften you up? His concerned eyes, his cautious tone, the way he leaned forward every time he spoke—as if proximity could somehow mend what was broken. It was calculated. All of it.
You didn’t hate them for trying. But you couldn’t sit there and let them pick at the wound they’d left in you.
The moment Dick started talking about “your life” and how “you both haven’t spent some time together”, you felt your chest tighten, the coffee in front of you suddenly too bitter to swallow. You hadn’t meant to leave so quickly. But the words had stuck in your throat, choking you. You made some excuse about having plans and got out of there as fast as you could without outright running.
It wasn’t a lie. You did have plans. Caitlyn and Adrien were meeting you at the library later. But “later” was still a few hours away. You could’ve stayed and talked to them. You could’ve let them say whatever it was they needed to say.
But you couldn’t do it.
Why couldn’t you?
The question burned in your mind, eating away at the edge of your thoughts. You didn’t understand it entirely. Sure, you had expected to feel awkward seeing them again after all this time, maybe a little angry. That much made sense. But what you felt in there was something else entirely. Something heavier. Sharper.
It was like a storm had cracked open inside of you, filling your veins with rage and grief that didn’t belong to you.
It didn’t feel like you. No, that wasn’t right.
It did belong to you—it just wasn’t yours anymore. It belonged to someone you used to be, someone you thought you’d left behind.
Sixteen year old you.
That version of you, when your father had been lost in the timestream—presumed dead—and the weight of Gotham’s shadow had fallen heavier on your shoulders. On everyone’s shoulders. When you threw yourself into every mission and patrol, desperate to prove yourself. To prove to everyone else that you were useful—that you could help. The one that was benched and replaced, the one who’d walked away with more bruises inside than out… that’s what you’d felt.
Your older self had moved on—or at least you thought you had. You weren’t that angry, reckless kid anymore. You’d told yourself you understood why Dick and Barbara did what they did, even if it hurt. You had buried whatever sort of negative emotions you felt back then. You’d told yourself you forgave them. Because they meant well.
They only did what they thought was right at the moment.
But sitting across from them just moments ago, seeing their faces, hearing their voices—it all came rushing back. The raw, unfiltered pain. The bitterness you thought you’d buried. The feeling of being left behind by them.
And it wasn’t fair. Not to them, and not to you either. But it was there, clawing at your chest, screaming for attention.
None of this matters, you told yourself.
It shouldn’t matter.
Not now. Not anymore.
You weren’t sixteen. You weren’t the same girl who needed their validation to feel whole.
So why was that old pain refusing to go away? Why was it still clawing at your chest like it was desperate to be heard?
Was it because you were back in this time? Back to when the wounds were still fresh, when everything was falling apart?
The ache throbbed like a second heartbeat, making you grit your teeth.
You exhaled sharply, willing yourself to focus. None of this would matter in a few hours when you were with Caitlyn and Adrien. For now, you just needed to clear your head.
As you walked, your mind wandered aimlessly through the noise of Gotham’s streets. You were too wrapped up in your thoughts to notice much—the chaotic honking of cabs, the sharp clatter of hurried pedestrians, or the faint scent of roasted nuts from a street vendor. Everything was muffled, distant, like the city itself was trying to fade into the background.
That’s why the sudden impact took you completely off guard.
The force slammed into your side, nearly knocking you off balance. You staggered a step, your boots scraping against the pavement as you barely managed to steady yourself.
Blinking, you looked down to see a small figure sprawled on the sidewalk.
“Hey, you okay?” you asked, your voice softening as you knelt down to check on the kid.
The kid on the ground, no older than nine you think, was rubbing his back, wincing. His round face scrunched up, his wide brown eyes framed by impossibly long lashes, blinked up at you.
“Yeah,” he muttered, looking up at you. “Sorry. I wasn’t looking.”
You sighed, offering him a hand. “No, it’s okay. You just caught me off guard. You sure you’re not hurt?”
He hesitated for a moment before nodding, though his wince when he tried to stand made you narrow your eyes. That’s when you noticed it—a scrape on his shin, the fabric of his pants slightly torn. A thin trail of blood trickled down his pale skin, standing out starkly in the cold light of the afternoon.
“Hold on,” you said gently, guiding him to a nearby bench. “Sit here for a second, okay?”
The kid obeyed, his small legs swinging idly as they dangled above the sidewalk.
“I’ll be right back,” you promised, already heading towards the convenience store on the corner.
Inside, you quickly grabbed a small bottle of antispetic, some wipes and a pack of bandages, rushing back to where the kid sat. The boy was still swinging his legs, humming softly to himself as he traced the patterns on the bench.
“Okay,” you said, kneeling in front of him again. “This might sting a little.”
The boy just shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m used to it.”
You arched an eyebrow but didn’t comment. As carefully as you could, you wiped the scrape clean, dabbing at the blood with gentle precision. He flinched only once, biting his lips to keep from making a sound, but his tiny hands gripped the edge of the bench tightly.
“There,” you said after pressing a bandage over the wound. You patted his knee lightly and smiled. “Good as new.”
The boy tilted his head to look at his leg, then back at you. His big brown eyes practically sparkled with wonder. “Thanks! You didn’t have to do that.”
“Sure, I did, you replied, leaning back on your heels. “It was my fault you fell and scraped your knee, after all.”
He giggled, a soft, bubbly sound that melted through the cold air. “It wasn’t your fault! I wasn’t watching where I was going. I was running.”
“Running, huh?” you asked, tilting your head. “Why the rush?”
He puffed out his chest a little, trying to act tought almost. “I like running! It makes me feel like a superhero!”
The earnestness in his voice made you chuckle. “A superhero, huh? Well, superheroes need to be careful too, you know. Especially in Gotham. You don’t want to go running into the wrong kind of person.”
“I won’t!” he promised, his little hand lifting as if he were making a vow. “I will run really fast, so no one can catch me!”
“Good plan,” you said, giving him an approving nod.
He kicked his legs again, glancing around the bustling street. “My name’s Elliot, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Elliot. I’m (Name).”
“Nice to meet you too!”
He tilted his head, studying you with a curious look. “You’re really nice. Are you from around here?”
“Yeah. I live nearby.”
You studied him for a moment, his small frame dwarfed by the oversized coat he was wearing. “What about you?”
“I live at the orphanage,” he said simply, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
The casualness of his tone tugged at your chest. “The one down the street?”
There was no sadness in his voice, no hesitation. Just a simple fact.
“How long have you been there?” you asked, leaning back slightly.
He shrugged. “I dunno. A while, I guess. I don’t really remember anything else.”
The weight of his words settled over you, heavy and uncomfortable. The casual way he said it made something twist in your chest. You cleared your throat. “Well, you should be more careful running around out here. Gotham’s not exactly the friendliest city, you know.”
He nodded earnestly at your words.
“Just don’t go running into any supervillains, okay?”
He giggled. “Okay!”
Satisfied that he was okay, you stood and brushed off your jeans. “All right, kid. You’re good to go. Take care of yourself.”
“Okay! Bye, (Name)! Thanks again!” he said, hopping off the bench.
You watched as Elliot disappeared into the crowd, his small figure weaving through the bustling pedestrains with ease. The city swallowed him up in seconds, his bright energy and carefree smile lingering only in your memory.
And then all of a sudden…. something hit you.
Flashes. Sharp and sudden, like a flood of images pouring into your brain.
You saw Elliot. But not on the street. He was in a dimly lit room, his wide eyes filled with fear. Shadows moved around him—figures closing in. You heard muffled cries, the sound of something heavy scraping against the floor.
And then it was gone.
You gasped sharply, your breath catching in your throat, as you clutched the back of the bench for support. The world tilted for a moment before steadying again, but the ache in your chest hadn’t left.
“What the hell was that?” you muttered, your voice trembling.
You glanced back toward the spot where Elliot had disappeared, your pulse racing. The flashes still lingered in your mind like afterimages, vivid and unshakable. You could still feel the weight of his fear, the sharp edges of the shadows closing in on him.
It felt real. Too real.
But it couldn’t be.
Could it?
Your chest tightened as you wrestled with the questions clawing their way to the surface. What was that? A vision? A hallucination? You’d never experienced anything like that before. There was no warning, no explanation to what you just experienced, just those flashes of something you couldn’t comprehend.
Your gaze darted over the crowded street, searching for the small boy, but he was long gone. A part of you wanted to chase after him, to grab his hand and demand answers—even if you weren’t sure what those answers could possibly be. Another part of you felt frozen, stuck in the swirling chaos of your own thought.
Even if you did catch up to Elliot, would he be able to give you the explanation you needed? From the looks of it, the kid seemed fine. He looked content with where he was, content with his life. Nothing seemed amiss.
No. There was something amiss.
His clothes.
They weren’t in terrible shape, but they were clearly old—faded fabric, a few loose threads, and patches in places that made it clear they weren’t new. Passed down. Not what you’d expect from a child living in an orphanage funded by Wayne Enterprises’ charity foundations.
Your father’s charity had strict guidelines. Proper care, sufficient resources, and decent clothing for all the kids under its wing. That much you knew. Elliot’s oversized coat and scuffed shoes didn’t fit that picture.
But that wasn’t proof. You had no solid foundation for your suspicions—just flashes of fear and shadows that may not have even been real. For all you knew, it was nothing. Your mind could have been playing tricks on you, filling in blanks that didn’t exist.
Still, the thought gnawed at you, refusing to let go. There was more to this. There had to be. And you knew it. You had to check this out. You had to investigate this—
But then came the reminder: you weren’t Batgirl anymore.
You clenched your jaw at the thought. You’d quit that life, stepped away from the vigilante world and everything that came with it. You’d promised yourself that you wouldn’t go back—not for anyone, not for any reason.
But what if there was something deeper here? What if those flashes were real, not some random trick of your mind? You couldn’t ignore it. Not completely.
A sigh slipped past your lips as the internal battle raged on. Investigate? No, that wasn’t who you were anymore. And yet, you couldn’t just let it go.
For now, there was only one thing you could do without crossing the line you’d set for yourself: check out the orphanage in the Batcomputer’s database. If there was something wrong, there’d be records—staff changes, supply reports, funding discrepancies. Something that could confirm or deny the flicker of unease twisting in your chest.
You’d start there. That much, at least, was safe.
You had other plans with Caitlyn and Adrien. Whatever this was, it would have to wait until later.
Damnit. You couldn’t wait. This couldn’t wait.
With that, you turned to head towards the orphanage down the street. You had to see with your own eyes that Elliot was okay. That what you experienced was a figment of your fucked up imagination.
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The orphanage loomed ahead as you walked down the street, its iron gates standing tall, though not imposing. A modest building of faded red brick with large, neatly trimmed hedges lining its perimeter, it seemed well-maintained. The kind of place that didn’t scream luxury but gave the impression of care.
You hesitated just outside the gate, your fingers curling around the cold metal bars as you peered inside. The soft sound of laughter drifted through the crisp air, and you spotted a handful of kids running around in the garden. A boy and girl were tossing a ball back and forth while another group of kids crouched near a flowerbed, clearly engaged in some secretive game.
And then you saw him.
He was in the middle of the yard, darting between two other kids as they played an energetic game of tag. His oversized coat flapped as he ran, his laughter echoing through the space. His carefree smile, his bright energy—it was a relief to see.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
He was fine. He looked fine. And so did the rest of the kids.
Maybe you were imagining things after all. Lack of sleep? Stress? Yeah, probably. The flashes you’d seen earlier couldn’t have been real. There was no sign of fear here, no shadows closing in. Just kids being kids, carefree and safe.
Still, you couldn’t shake the unease simmering in your chest. The orphanage itself didn’t give off any bad vibes. The garden was tidy, the kids seemed happy, and the building looked well-maintained. But something about it all still felt off.
You leaned against the gate, lost in thought. Was it guilt? Anxiety? Or was there actually something here you were missing?
“Can I help you?”
The sudden voice startled you, making you flinch.
Your eyes snapped up, landing on an older woman standing just beyond the gate. She was thin, with silver hair neatly pinned back, and she wore a pale green cardigan over a plain blouse. Her sharp, gray eyes studied you with polite curiosity.
“Oh, uh…” you stammered, stepping back from the gate. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to—uh, I wasn’t—”
Her expression softened, and she offered you a small smile. “No need to apologize, dear. It’s not every day someone stops to stare at the children playing.”
You cringed internally at her words. Damn, the way she put it made you sound like a creep. But before you could say anything more, she stepped forward and gestured for you to follow. “Why don’t you come in for a cup of tea? It’s much warmer inside.”
You hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the kids before nodding.
Inside, the orphanage was cozy but simple. The hallway walls were painted a soft beige, and framed pictures of smiling children lined the space. The faint scent of lavender lingered in the air, mixing with the aroma of freshly brewed tea.
The woman led you into a small sitting room with worn but comfortable-looking furniture. A sturdy wooden table sat in the center, and on it was a tray with a teapot and two mismatched cups.
“Please, sit,” she said, gesturing to one of the chairs as she poured tea into the cups. “I’m Mrs. Cole, the warden here. And you are?”
You introduced yourself, feeling a bit awkward under her steady gaze.
“So,” she said, handing you a cup before settling into her own chair. “What brings you here today?”
You hesitated, your hands warming against the cup’s surface as you searched for the right words. “I, uh… I was just… checking on one of the kids. I bumped into him earlier on the street, and I wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Her brows lifted slightly, and then she chuckled softly. “I see. Spying on children, were you?”
The way she said it—lighthearted and without malice—made your shoulders relax, but the heat still rushed to your face. “That sounds so bad. I didn’t mean—ugh.” You groaned, cringing at your own words. “I didn’t mean to make myself seem so suspicious and creepy.”
Mrs. Cole waved a dismissive hand, a warm smile on her face. “It’s quite all right. You don’t seem the type to mean any harm. Which child was it that you were worried about?”
“His name’s Elliot,” you said, setting your cup down. “I just wanted to check in, that’s all.”
“Oh, Elliot,” she said, her tone light. “He’s a lively one, isn’t he? Always running around, full of energy.”
You nodded, watching her carefully as she took a sip of her tea. “Yeah. He seemed pretty happy.”
“Of course,” she said with a soft chuckle. “We do our best to make sure all the children feel safe and cared for. It’s not an easy task, but it’s rewarding.”
Breathing is steady.
No rapid blinking.
Stance isn’t rigid.
No notable pupil dilation either.
Either she’s telling the truth, or she’s an excellent liar.
“Has he been here long?” you asked, trying to keep your tone casual.
“Elliot? Ah, yes,” she said, setting her cup down. “His parents passed away in a car accident when he was only a few months old if I remember correctly. There was no next of kin, and he ended up in my care. He’s grown up well. A sweet boy, really. A bit of a dreamer.”
You nodded slowly, forcing a polite smile. “That’s good to hear.”
But it wasn’t. The pit in your stomach only grew. You wanted to believe her, to convince yourself that everything was fine, that you were overthinking this. But the image of Elliot’s oversized coat and scuffed shoes kept gnawing at you. And then there was that flash—the fear in his eyes, the shadows.
You glanced around the room, taking in the neat but modest surroundings. There were no obvious red flags, no signs of neglect or mistreatment. And yet… something felt glaringly wrong.
“I don’t mean to pry,” you said carefully, “but I noticed his coat seemed a bit… old. Do the kids get new clothes regularly?”
Mrs. Cole’s smile didn’t waver, but you noticed her fingers tighten ever so slightly around the handle of her cup. “We do our best with the resources we have. Of course, donations don’t always cover everything we’d like.”
“Right,” you said, keeping your tone neutral. “Well, it’s great that you’re doing so much for them. I’m sure it’s not an easy job.”
Mrs. Cole inclined her head, her smile firmly in place. “It’s a labor of love, as they say.”
You nodded, though your mind was already racing. Something about her demeanor—the way she’d hesitated when you mentioned Elliot, the overly smooth responses—set off alarm bells.
Her words sounded rehearsed, like something you’d hear at a charity gala. Polished, pleasant, but impersonal. Something in your gut twisted. You didn’t have proof—nothing concrete—but the flashes from earlier refused to leave your mind.
But maybe it was nothing. Maybe you were projecting, letting your own guilt and unresolved issues cloud your judgment. But you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this place than met the eye.
You finished your tea quickly, standing up and offering a polite smile. “Thanks for the tea, Mrs. Cole. I should get going.”
“Of course,” she said, rising to her feet. “It was lovely to meet you. Do stop by again if you’d like to volunteer. The children always appreciate new faces.”
You nodded, murmuring a quick goodbye as you stepped out into the cold air. The sound of laughter still drifted from the garden, but it felt distant, almost hollow.
Your mind raced as you walked away, replaying the conversation over and over. The flashes you experienced, the shadows closing in—they didn’t feel like random visions. They felt like something real, something you couldn’t ignore.
And then there was Mrs. Cole. Polite, warm, and perfectly pleasant on the surface. But there was something beneath it all, something she wasn’t saying. You were sure of it.
You glanced back at the orphanage, its brick walls bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun.
You weren’t Batgirl anymore. You weren’t a detective or a hero. But right now, none of that mattered.
Something was wrong here. You didn’t know what, but you were going to find out.
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Tim stared at the coffee cup in front of him, the steam long since gone cold. The café was quiet, save for the hum of conversation and the soft clatter of cups against saucers. But his mind was loud—too loud. Gotham’s shadows seemed heavier lately, the air thicker, and even though crime rates had started to level out with Bruce’s return, Tim couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Maybe it was just him. Bruce was back. Dick was Nightwing again. Damian was still Robin. Everyone seemed to be slipping back into their old roles, their old dynamics.
Everyone except him.
He stirred his drink absentmindedly, watching the ripples swirl and fade. Red Robin was his now, his own identity carved out of necessity. He wasn’t exactly proud of what he’d built with it, but the question lingered: what did Red Robin mean in a Gotham where everything was supposed to be falling back into place? He wanted to feel like things were normal again, but there was an unease in his chest that he couldn’t quite name. Maybe it was the way Bruce had been lately—colder, more distant, like the time apart had left cracks in the foundation of their already-fragile relationship. Maybe it was the weight of managing Wayne Enterprises on top of everything else. Or maybe it was something deeper, something he hadn’t figured out yet.
The voice pulled him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Cassie standing across from him, arms crossed and a brow raised. She tilted her head, a soft smile tugging at her lips. “Brooding even in a café. Classic Tim Drake.”
“Cassie.” he said, blinking away the fog in his head.
Tim hadn’t even noticed the time pass until Cassie slid into the seat across from him. “Did you forget the whole reason we invited you out to eat?”
Tim glanced up from his coffee. “You mean forcing me to postpone my work and dragging me out to eat?”
Cassie shrugged unapologetically. “Same thing.”
Tim sighed, already feeling the weight of the conversation that was about to unfold. He hadn’t wanted to go out, hadn’t wanted to leave his thoughts behind. But here he was, surrounded by familiar faces. The air of the café was warm, the clinking of cutlery and cups acting as a faint soundtrack to his spiraling thoughts.
Cassie leaned forward, eyes softening as she looked at him. “So, what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. Just the usual.” Tim tried to brush it off, shifting his gaze away. But Cassie wasn’t buying it. He felt like he was wearing his discomfort like a badge, too heavy to ignore.
“Don’t even try it. You’ve been cooped up with work, patrols, and whatever else Gotham’s been throwing at you. But this is something else. When’s the last time you got out of your own head?”
He hesitated, looking down at his cup. “I’m fine, Cassie.”
“Tim.” Her voice softened, and when he looked up, her expression was tinged with concern. “You don’t have to do that with me. What’s going on?”
Tim opened his mouth to respond, but his mind flickered to Gotham once again—its fractured streets, its shadows that felt even darker now. He leaned back in his chair, taking a long breath, trying to find the right words. “It’s Gotham. It’s everything. Bruce is back, Dick’s Nightwing, Damian’s still Robin, and I’m… Red Robin.” He let the words hang in the air, not fully knowing what to make of them. “It’s just—where do I fit in all of this? Everyone’s falling back into their roles like nothing’s changed. But I’m not sure I fit anywhere anymore.”
Cassie raised a brow, clearly sensing the deeper meaning behind his words, but she didn’t push him too hard. Instead, she tilted her head and spoke in a gentle, teasing tone. “Are you sure this is just about Gotham? Because if it’s only Gotham, that’s a lot of caffeine for someone who’s just having a ‘midlife crisis’ at, what, eighteen?”
Tim let out a half-laugh, the first hint of relief he’d felt all day. He was grateful for the distraction, but the nagging feeling at the back of his mind wouldn’t let go. Gotham was one thing, but there was more to it, something beneath the surface. He couldn’t stop thinking about how things had shifted within the family, how everything had changed after Bruce’s return. Even with Stephanie as Batgirl now, there was something unsettling about the way Bruce had leaned into her role, leaving you behind.
Tim’s grip on his drink tightened.
Maybe that’s what’s been off.
You had been Batgirl, the title was yours before Bruce being lost in the timestream turned the whole family upside down. When he returned, Tim thought it would bring you relief—that it would give you the chance to be Batgirl officially again, to rebuild what had been fractured. But instead, it seemed to push you further away.
Tim wasn’t stupid. He’d noticed how Bruce had interacted with you, how he seemed to choose Stephanie over you, without even saying a word. Tim had noticed the way Bruce seemed to regard Stephanie as Batgirl more openly, more comfortably, than he ever had you. It wasn’t spoken out loud, but the difference was there, in the little things Bruce did—or didn’t do. And Tim knew better than most how much that could sting. How it could make you question whether you really had a place at all.
And that was what gnawed at him the most. He knew that feeling intimately. And unlike him, you hadn’t fought back.
You had fought back.
But it hadn’t been enough. Not really.
And now, you’d chosen to step away completely. And Tim couldn’t fathom why.
That wasn’t all that had changed.
Something about your recent behavior, the way you’d started to act differently, unsettled Tim in a way he couldn’t explain. The day he’d seen you and Damian talking had only made things worse. You’d apologized to him over something. And Damian—he had actually apologized too. That alone had been jarring enough, but the way he leaned into the small pat you gave his head afterward? The way he smiled—actually smiled—when you walked away?
Tim couldn’t wrap his head around it. You and Damian, who were once at each other’s throats constantly—more him than you—were suddenly… close?
Maybe not that close. But whatever had shifted between you two, it felt monumental. And it only made Tim’s unease grow.
He couldn’t help but wonder if your connection with Damian was what solidified you decision to quit being Batgirl.
Tim hated not knowing for sure. Hated feeling you were slipping further away while he stood on the sidelines, powerless to understand why.
You had stepped away, and the world kept turning, and yet, Tim was left here wondering why he was the only one who noticed how wrong it all felt.
Why was it so easy for everyone else to move on?
Why did it feel like you were disappearing right in front of him?
And why—
Why did it bother him so much?
Tim exhaled sharply, rubbing a hand over his face, barely registering the scrape of his palm against the stubble on his chin.
He was spiraling. Overthinking. Doing exactly what Cassie didn’t want him to do when she dragged him out here.
“Still with me, Drake? Or am I interrupting a brooding session?”
Tim didn’t even look up, though he felt a sense of relief wash over him at the sound of his friend’s familiar tone, watching him slide into the seat next to Cassie. “What do you want, Kon?”
“Food. And maybe some actual conversation?” Kon’s grin was sharp, teasing, but Tim could hear the undercurrent of something else beneath it. Concern, maybe. Annoyance. Behind him, Bart bounced in, all energy and bright eyes. “Hey! You really went out and left us all wondering if we’d get the invite back into your brooding circle.”
“You’re late,” Tim deadpanned. “I’m already way ahead of you in the ‘feeling sorry for myself’ game.”
“Yeah, that’s a surprise,” Kon muttered, tossing a fry into his mouth. “So, what’s up, man? You finally coming to terms with how much Gotham sucks?”
“Do I look like I’m ‘coming to terms’ with anything?” Tim said dryly, running a hand through his hair.
The words sat heavy in his throat.
Because no. He wasn’t coming to terms with anything. He was still stuck in that place between knowing something was wrong and not knowing how to fix it.
He wanted answers. He wanted to understand.
Because this wasn’t just about Gotham, or Damian, or the changes in the family.
It was about you.
The words about you were sitting just on the tip of his tongue, but something was holding him back. Was he ready to say it out loud? Was he ready to admit to them that the problem wasn’t Gotham, but you?
“I don’t know,” Kon teased. “You don’t look nearly as miserable as you usually do when you get all angsty. Cassie’s worked her magic on you?”
Cassie rolled her eyes, but before Tim could reply, he felt Bart’s gaze flickering over to him with that sharp energy he always carried. “So, who’s the real problem? Because I’m guessing it’s not Gotham, but you’ve been keeping something from us.”
Tim hesitated, his hand tightening around the cup in front of him.
He hadn’t meant to talk about this.
But the words were already there, sitting on the tip of his tongue, refusing to be swallowed back down.
“It’s nothing,” he finally said, his voice quieter. “It’s just… (Name).”
There, he said it.
The words hung in the air.
“You mean your sister?” Bart questioned.
Tim paused. The simplicity of the question caught him off guard.
Your sister.
The word sat strange in his chest, like an ill-fitting puzzle piece forced into place.
Was that what you were?
Of course, that was what everyone thought. What everyone had always assumed. It was easier that way, wasn’t it? Easier to slap a label on something so tangled and complicated and pretend it all made sense.
But did it?
Because the truth was, the two of you had never really acted like siblings. Not in the way that mattered. Not in the way Dick had been like an older brother to him all these years, not in the way Bruce had been a mentor and partner to him. There had always been distance, always something unspoken and unresolved. You were just… there. Always there. Not quite a sibling, but not not one, either.
You weren’t like Stephanie, who shoved her way into his life until he had no choice but to care. You weren’t like Cassandra, who slipped into the role of family so seamlessly that it felt inevitable.
You were just… there.
Sometimes close. Sometimes so far away he couldn’t even read you.
And yet—
Yet, there had been moments. Quiet ones. The kind that didn’t fit into any neat, easy definition of family but still meant something. The nights after patrol when neither of you spoke but just sat in the bat cave in companionable silence. The rare times you had backed him up without hesitation, without question, even when no one else had. Moments where, in your own quiet, detached way, you had shown that you cared.
Hadn’t that meant something? Or had he just imagined it?
Tim faltered, staring down at his hands. The words felt heavy in his throat.
“No, she’s—”
He stopped.
He couldn’t say it.
Because what was he going to say? That you weren’t his sister? That you had never really felt like one?
Or that you were, that you always had been, even if neither of you had ever been good at showing it?
He couldn’t say it, because at the end of the day, you were his sister. Maybe not in the way that everyone assumed. Maybe not in the way that was easy or simple or made sense.
But you had been there. And Tim didn’t just let people go. He couldn’t just let people in his life go.
No matter how far away you seemed now.
“Whatever,” Tim said quickly, brushing it aside. “That’s not the point.”
“Sure, sure,” Kon said, his tone full of mischief. “Whatever you say, Tim.”
Before Tim could respond, Bart’s eyes suddenly widened. He tapped the table, pointing past Tim toward the window. “Oh, wait, isn’t that her right there?”
Tim’s breath caught in his throat.
He turned.
And there you were.
Walking past the café, completely unaware of the inner turmoil that had just been about you.
What were the chances?
“Oh yeah,” Kon said, leaning back in his chair as he squinted through the glass. “That is her.”
Tim felt his grip tighten around his cup.
Cassie tilted her head, watching you as you passed by the café window. “Oh, she cut her hair. Looks good on her.”
Tim barely processed her words, too caught up in the sheer coincidence of it all. Or maybe it wasn’t coincidence at all. Maybe Gotham was just cruel, always forcing things in front of him that he wasn’t ready to deal with.
“Should we invite her over?” Kon asked casually, already shifting in his seat.
“No—” Tim started quickly, panic flashing through him.
But Bart was already gone.
A gust of wind, a sudden rush of air—
And then you were there.
Hair windblown, eyes wide with confusion, breath still catching up from the sudden shift in space.
“The hell—” you started, blinking fast, clearly trying to process the fact that you’d just been yanked off the street and dumped at their table.
Tim didn’t even have time to glare at Bart for pulling this before your gaze finally settled on him.
Tim met your gaze on instinct.
And just as quickly, he wished he hadn’t.
Because the moment your eyes landed on him, your expression shifted. Slightly. Just the smallest shift. It was subtle. Barely even there. Just a small, fleeting change in your features.
Just enough that someone else might have missed it.
But Tim saw it. Of course he saw it. He always saw it. He felt it.
Like a blow to the chest, knocking the air right out of him. Like something sharp was twisting in his gut.
He barely kept himself from wincing.
Well, this is already going great…
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Your visit to the orphanage had left you feeling unsettled. You kept replaying the conversation with Mrs. Cole in your head, dissecting every word, every glance, every hesitation. There was something about her that didn’t sit right with you. Something about the way she had looked at you, the way she spoke, like she knew more than she was letting on.
But before you could dwell on it any longer, you suddenly heard someone call your name.
You barely had time to turn, to see who it was, before—
Everything blurred.
The world around you shifted in a rush of wind and color, and the next thing you knew—
You were inside.
Inside a random café, sitting at a table surrounded by familiar faces.
The scent of coffee and something sweet hit you first, warm and inviting, but your brain was still playing catch-up.
Your eyes landed on Bart, who was grinning from ear to ear.
You blinked.
Your eyes then landed on the others at the table.
Cassie, Conner, and—
Your stomach twisted.
It took you longer than it should have to realize what was wrong, why seeing Tim like this felt off.
Because this wasn’t the Tim you remembered.
This was a Tim who was younger, just as you were younger now.
It was the first time you were actually seeing him like this since you had found yourself back to when you were sixteen.
And god, did it feel weird. It never stopped being weird.
“Hey!” Bart grinned, all bright energy and no regard for personal space. “You looked like you were gonna wander around aimlessly, so I figured—why not save you the trouble?”
You blinked. Your brain was still trying to process what the hell just happened.
Kid Flash. Right. Speed. No sense of boundaries. No concept of asking first. Should’ve expected that.
You inhaled, barely holding back the urge to sigh, schooling your expression into something neutral, something polite. “Right. Thanks for that.”
“Oh nice! You didn’t scream,” Bart noted cheerfully, plopping into the seat next to you. “That’s an improvement.”
You turned to him, blinking. “Excuse me?”
“Y’know,” Bart waved a hand. “Last time I zoomed someone into a new location without warning, they kinda freaked out. You just looked mildly horrified.”
“That’s… comforting,” you said dryly, still adjusting to the sudden shift.
“Glad to be of service,” Bart chirped.
You exhaled sharply, finally taking in the people around you.
Cassie, smiling, looking a little amused.
Kon, grinning, elbows on the table.
Tim, staring at his coffee like it suddenly got so interesting.
You weren’t sure if that made things better or worse.
The café was warm, the scent of coffee and pastries filling the air, but you felt off, like you didn’t belong here, like you had been dropped into a scene that wasn’t meant for you.
Because you weren’t close to them. Not really.
Sure, you’d fought alongside them before, shared battlefields, been in the same circles because of Gotham and Tim, but outside of that? Outside of the life you’d left behind? There was nothing. No real connection. You weren’t friends.
Cassie leaned forward slightly, her expression open, easy. “You cut your hair.”
You blinked at the casualness of it. “Uh. Yeah.”
“Looks good on you,” Kon added, resting his arm on the back of his chair like he had all the time in the world.
You stared at them for a beat too long, trying to figure out if they were messing with you. If this was some kind of setup.
But their expressions were… genuine.
And you didn’t know what to do with that.
Why were they even being this nice?
Why were they looking at you like they actually wanted you here?
“…Thanks,” you said eventually, the word feeling foreign in your mouth.
You’d never really talked to them before. Not beyond polite small talk or necessary battle strategy. But now they were trying to make conversation, pulling you into their little group like you belonged there.
You watched as Kon casually elbowed Tim, who hadn’t said a word. Not once.
“What? Not going to say hi to your sister?”
Tim’s posture stiffened, like he hadn’t expected to be dragged into this.
You didn’t look at him.
He didn’t look at you.
The tension was immediate.
Cassie sighed, kicking Kon under the table. “The one time I’m asking you to not make things awkward..”
“I’m not the one..!” Kon tries to argue, but he backed off under Cassie’s glare.
Bart, either oblivious or just not caring, was still watching you with that bright-eyed curiosity, like he was studying something interesting under a microscope. “So what were you doing before I heroically saved you from walking around alone?”
You tensed, caught off guard by the question.
“I wasn’t—” You cut yourself off, shifting in your seat. “I was just running errands.”
Not a lie, exactly. But not the truth, either.
Mrs. Cole. The orphanage.
That wasn’t something you were about to share. Not yet.
Bart hummed, clearly not convinced but also not pushing it. “You sure? You looked pretty deep in thought.”
“Yeah,” Kon added, tapping his fingers against the table. “You weren’t exactly giving ‘casual stroll.’”
You glanced at them, at their easy camaraderie, their familiarity with each other. With Tim.
He still hadn’t said anything.
You could feel his presence across from you, a steady weight pressing at the edges of your awareness, but you didn’t look at him.
Not really.
You weren’t exactly ignoring him, but you weren’t acknowledging him either.
It was easier this way.
Easier to pretend like there wasn’t a tension suffocating the air between you two, like his presence wasn’t pressing against your awareness like a phantom touch.
But his friends?
They definitely noticed.
Of course they did.
Bart’s gaze flickered between you and Tim, curiosity written all over his face. Cassie’s smile faltered slightly, like she could sense the awkwardness and was trying to find a way around it. Even Kon, usually laid-back, was watching the both of you a little too closely.
Not subtle in the slightest.
And you hated it.
Hated that they were trying to figure you out.
You weren’t stupid.
You knew how this worked.
They were trying to get something from you, weren’t they? Information? They were being nice because they wanted to know something. About you. About Tim.
But why?
You barely even knew them.
Sure, you’d crossed paths, had mutual connections, but that wasn’t enough for them to care. So why were they acting like it was?
You didn’t want to be a part of this.
Didn’t want to be here.
“Y’know,” Cassie begins, breaking the silence. “You had this really intense thinking face on. Do you always look that serious?”
You blinked at her, caught off guard. “I—”
“I bet she does,” Kon interrupted before you could finish. “Bet she’s just like Tim—probably broods in her free time, too.”
Tim, for the first time since you joined the table, finally acknowledged the conversation, shooting him a glare. “She doesn’t brood.”
Kon raised a brow. “You sure? Because I was getting major brooding vibes when she was outside.”
“I don’t brood,” you said flatly.
“See?” Tim muttered.
Kon just shrugged. “Alright, alright. Serious vibes then. That better?”
“Not really.”
“I dunno,” Bart chimed in, resting his chin in his palm. “I kinda like the serious vibe. Makes it even more fun to mess with you.”
You gave him a blank look. “That’s not very reassuring.”
Bart grinned. “Wasn’t supposed to be.”
Cassie sighed, shaking her head. “Ignore them. They get like this when they meet new people.”
Your brows furrowed slightly. “New people?”
Cassie shrugged. “I mean, kinda? We’ve never really hung out before. Outside of fighting crime, that is.”
And that was true.
You had crossed paths before, sure. But actual conversation? Actual interaction? It had been minimal.
Which made this—whatever this was—even stranger.
You were still trying to figure out why they were doing this.
Why they were talking to you.
Why they were being nice.
You weren’t stupid.
They were fishing.
For what, you weren’t sure.
But you didn’t want to find out.
So you took the out when you saw it.
“I should go,” you said abruptly, pushing your chair back.
Kon blinked. “What? But you just got here.”
“Yeah, well I have other plans.”
Cassie frowned slightly. “Are you sure? You don’t have to rush off—”
“It’s fine,” you reassured, already standing. “It was nice seeing you guys.”
Your voice was polite. Empty. And you still didn’t look at Tim. You barely spared him a glance.
Cassie sighed, but didn’t push. “It was nice seeing you too, (Name). See you around?” You gave a polite nod at that, and then turned to leave.
But for a second, just a second, as you turned to leave, you felt it—
The way Tim’s gaze lingered on you.
You saw something flicker in his expression.
Something that looked almost like—
You didn’t let yourself think about it. Didn’t let youtself feel anything about it.
It was something you didn’t have the energy to unpack.
So you didn’t.
You just walked away.
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Bart let out a low whistle as the café door shut behind you. “Well, that wasn’t awkward.”
“Bart,” Cassie scolded, elbowing him lightly and shooting him a pointed look.
“What? It’s true.” He gestured at the door. “Did you see that? I mean, I was expecting a little awkwardness, but that was painful.”
Cassie sighed, giving Tim a quick glance, but he wasn’t reacting. Not outwardly, at least. She knew what was bothering him. They all did. It was impossible to miss, the way his shoulders were slumped, the way his hands fidgeted with the cup in front of him, his gaze unfocused as he stared down at the table like he was trying to break it apart with sheer willpower, the weight of the encounter settling heavily in his chest.
It wasn’t like Tim didn’t know things were weird between you two. But that—that was something else. His mind kept returning to the look on your face, that tiny flicker of discomfort as you’d stepped into the café, only to fade into polite indifference.
Indifference. That’s all it was.
He’d expected… what? That you’d at least acknowledge him more? That you wouldn’t act like he was just another person at the table?
Because that’s what it had felt like. Like he was just another acquaintance, someone who happened to be there, and nothing more.
You were polite, careful, giving Cassie, Kon, and Bart the same level of conversation you always did. But with him? It was like you had a wall up so high he couldn’t even see over it. And what made it worse was how easy it was to see through it. You weren’t ignoring him outright, but you also weren’t letting yourself interact with him beyond the bare minimum. It was deliberate.
Which meant you were doing it on purpose.
Which meant you didn’t want to talk to him.
And the worst part? Tim couldn’t even pinpoint why it bothered him so much. He’d seen you pull away before, but this felt different—he could see it in your eyes, the way you actively avoided him, the way you kept your answers to him curt, brief. Every word from you seemed to fall flat, like you were already somewhere else, mentally preparing to leave. He hadn’t expected an embrace, or anything dramatic, but this? It felt like an emotional wall, one that he wasn’t sure how to scale.
Tim swallowed, shaking the thought out of his head before it could get too deep.
Kon, likely sensing the shift in mood, stretched his arms over his head and leaned back in his seat. “Anyway, how’s everyone’s food? Because my burger is phenomenal.”
Cassie gave him a flat look. “Seriously?”
“What? I’m just saying, good food is good food.”
Bart, thankfully, jumped onto the change in conversation. “I knew I should’ve ordered the burger…”
Tim let the conversation fade into the background, keeping his expression neutral. He should just move on. It was one interaction. One awkward conversation. Nothing worth thinking about.
Except he was thinking about it.
He couldn’t help but compare it to the way you were with Damian.
That still didn’t make sense to him.
Because while you barely even looked at Tim, you were actually getting along with Damian now?
You’d apologised to Damian. Damian had apologised to you.
Tim had seen the way you pat Damian’s head, how Damian had smiled at you.
Damian, who used to view you as nothing but another obstacle, another person he had to prove himself better than. Damian, who you used to dismiss just as easily.
Tim gritted his teeth slightly.
When did that change? How did that change?
What had he missed?
And why did it even matter to him?
You were your own person. He had no right to dictate who you were close to, who you let in. It wasn’t like he had a claim to your time or attention.
But it did matter. Because for all the years you’d spent working together, for all the time you’d spent in the field, all the fights you’d fought—together—he’d never once seen you look at him the way you’d looked at Damian. Like you trusted him. Like you cared.
He shut his eyes briefly, then exhaled. No.
He was overthinking it.
He had to be.
He forced himself to let out a short breath, fixing his expression into something neutral before glancing back at Kon, who was now dramatically going on about his burger.
Tim let himself nod along, pretending to listen, pretending everything was fine.
But his mind was still on you. And no matter how much he tried to push it away, the feeling sat heavy in his chest.
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“Ever going to turn to the next page?”
Adrien’s voice cut through the haze in your mind, snapping you out of whatever daze you’d fallen into. You blinked, realizing your eyes had been stuck on the same paragraph for—who even knows how long? Right. You were in the library. With Adrien and Caitlyn. You should be focusing on this now. But no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t. Not after the absolute mess of a day you’d had.
“Right. Yeah.” You muttered, hurriedly flipping to the next page even though you hadn’t actually processed a single word from the last one.
Adrien and Caitlyn exchanged a glance. You didn’t see it, but you could feel it. That unspoken concern. You weren’t exactly the most talkative person on a normal day, sure, but this was different. This reminded them of before. When you were on the brink of exploding. When you pushed them away because of everything that had happened.
And Caitlyn? She was having none of it.
She leaned in slightly, keeping her voice low for the library’s sake. “Okay, what’s up with you?”
You shook your head. “Nothing. Just exhausted.”
Adrien snorted quietly. “You say that every time you don’t want to talk about something.”
“Because I am exhausted,” you shot back, but your voice lacked any real weight behind it.
Adrien didn’t buy it. “Uh-huh. And I’m Batman.”
That earned a small huff from you. “No, you’re an idiot.”
Caitlyn smirked. “He can be both.”
Adrien gasped, mock-offended. “Et tu, Cait?”
“You were literally just shoving the cart return door for five minutes before realizing you had to pull it open,” Caitlyn deadpanned.
“Okay, but in my defense—”
“You have no defense,” you and Caitlyn said at the same time.
Adrien groaned. “Okay, you two suck. I’m being bullied.”
It was lighthearted, easy. A familiar rhythm. But it didn’t last long, because the next time Caitlyn looked at you, her expression softened again. “Seriously, though. You’ve been weird all day.”
“I’m fine,” you muttered.
“Liar,” Adrien echoed.
You let out a sharp breath, the sudden pressure getting to you, and the next words left your mouth harsher than you intended. “Can you two just drop it?”
There was a brief pause. Adrien and Caitlyn both stared at you, taken aback.
You sighed, immediately regretting it. “I’m sorry. I just—there’s a lot of bullshit going on.”
Caitlyn’s gaze didn’t waver. “You wanna tell us?”
You hesitated.
Where would you even start?
With the lunch you had with Barbara? The way she invited you out, how it seemed normal at first—until Dick showed up and you realized it was a setup? That it wasn’t just a casual lunch, but an intervention in disguise? Dick trying to talk to you like you weren’t avoiding him, like things weren’t still awkward between you two? The way he looked at you, like he still saw that younger version of you that needed him, and not the one that knew how to work without him now?
And the worst part? You could tell Dick actually believed he could fix things between you. That he could sit across from you, act like things weren’t broken, like he could just talk and that would somehow be enough to undo everything that happened.
Or maybe you should start with bumping into Elliot? How after your little encounter with the little boy, your head had suddenly filled with these flashes—images? Visions? Hallucinations? Images that weren’t yours but felt too real to be just dreams. You didn’t know what they were, only that they left you feeling unsettled, disconnected from your own reality.
And that was what led you to visit the orphanage. Where you met the warden, Mrs Cole. How something about Mrs. Cole didn’t sit right with you. How everything about her felt too perfect, too practiced, too pristine—like a picture frame with something ugly hidden behind the glass. Like she was playing a role rather than living a life. Something about her had unsettled you, made your skin crawl in ways you couldn’t even articulate. You weren’t sure if it was paranoia or instinct, but something about her wasn’t right. And that thought had lingered long after you left.
And then, of course, there was Tim.
Tim and his friends.
That whole encounter had been worse than you could’ve expected. When Bart had suddenly whisked you into that café, you hadn’t even had time to process it before you were sitting across from Tim and his friends, completely caught off guard.
Superboy. Wonder Girl. Kid Flash. You weren’t close to them. You had barely interacted with them, and yet they had acted so welcoming—too welcoming.
And Tim?
Tim barely spoke.
And neither did you.
You answered questions too quickly, too politely, all while making a conscious effort not to look at him. And Tim—he did the same. The two of you danced around each other, careful and distant, as if eye contact alone would shatter whatever fragile thing was left between you.
And the more you thought about it, the more it frustrated you, because—why had it been so awkward?
It shouldn’t have been.
There was nothing to be awkward about.
And that was exactly the problem.
There was nothing to be awkward about.
No bond. No closeness. Nothing substantial.
If anything, the two of you had the kind of dynamic distant coworkers would have—barely interacting, only speaking when necessary, a mutual awareness of each other but not much else.
So why had it felt so suffocating? Why had it felt like you were both tiptoeing around something?
And you knew it wasn’t the current you feeling like this. It was your sixteen-year-old self.
And you couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
Maybe it was because of everything that had led up to that moment. Maybe it was because of what happened before all this.
Because despite everything—despite the distance, despite the lack of an actual bond—there was still something there. Something unspoken, something unresolved.
And that was what made it awkward.
That was what made it feel like more than just an uncomfortable run-in.
It was why you had left as soon as you found an opening.
It had been a mess. The whole day. One tangled, suffocating mess. And even now, hours later, you could still feel the weight of it.
There was no way in hell you could tell Adrien and Caitlyn all of that.
You let out the biggest sigh, slumping back against your seat. The sound was loud enough to earn multiple hushed scoldings from around the library. You muttered out a quick, hushed apology before running a hand down your face, fingers threading through your hair.
Adrien nudged your foot under the table. “Hey. Whatever it is, you don’t have to carry it alone.”
Caitlyn nodded. “You don’t have to tell us everything. But just—don’t shut us out, okay?”
You swallowed, the guilt creeping in. Because they were right. They were always there for you, and yet here you were, keeping them at arm’s length. Not because you didn’t trust them. Not because you wanted to. But because dragging them into your family’s secrets—into the chaos that surrounded you—would only do more harm than good. For both them and your family.
Some truths just weren’t meant to be shared.
You exhaled through your nose, glancing between the two of them. “I know. And I appreciate you guys. Really.”
Adrien narrowed his eyes. “That felt like an ‘I’m not actually going to tell you anything but please don’t be mad at me’ appreciation.”
You let out a small, dry chuckle. “It’s exactly that kind of appreciation.”
Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Of course it is.”
Silence settled between you.
Yet, you found your thoughts drifting towards Elliot once more. The flashes that you still couldn’t pinpoint whether they’re real or just a fucked up hallucination. The orphanage that felt off in ways you couldn’t quite put into words.
You couldn’t let it go.
You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you didn’t at least try to figure out what was going on.
You needed an excuse. A reason to go back. A way to investigate without drawing too much suspicion.
And then, suddenly, something clicked in your mind.
You looked up at your two friends, a new thought forming. “…What do you guys think about volunteering at an orphanage?”
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FInally done with this chapter ohmygod…. thank you all for being patient with me and hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter 🥰 lmk your thoughts on this chapter lol. also, this was definitely more of a world-building/plot developing chapter (yes! the plot is finally moving lesgo!!) expect more of young justice core 4 and uf trio in chapter 7 as well as two surprise people soon 🤭
reader 🤝 tim — overthinking things to the max (i actually hope i did his character justice 😬)
also i promise i’ll answer my inbox soon 😭 there is just so much stuff to reply to but i’ll eventually empty it out sooner or later
taglist is closed ‼️
taglist (1/2): @tricksters-maze @dusk-muse @quethekillerqueen @silverklaus @isupportorbitalbombardment @nxdxsworld @vanessa-boo @coffeeaddictxd @moonsbluekingdom @yuya-bubbly @percythebitchwitch @anonymousdisco @jason-todd-fangirl-14 @redsakura101 @what-0-life @idkwhattoputhete @secretyouthcomputer @witch-waycult @allycat4458 @dazed-lavender @eclecticfurylady @wizzerreblogs @marsmabe @daddysfangirls-dc @hoeinthehouse @lisalamona @ilxandra @agent-nobody-knows @thethingwiththefeathers @mochiivqi @pix-stuff @narration-ator @nebulousmoon3990 @delias-stuff @froggy-voidd @jjsmeowthie @kore-of-the-underworld @nen-nyy @juthesillylesbain @vikkus-main @emilylouise123 @blueiones @horror-lover-69 @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wassupbroski55555 @reallyromealone @plsfckmedxddy @sea-glasses @203moonysello @luvly-writer @dovey-quacks2332 @love-theangel @hotdinoankles @vebbiewuzhere @animegirlfromvietnam @estreiiuh @simply-lovely78 @twismare @ssak-i @g4bbi3xx @alor-thes (idk why i can’t tag some of y’all, must be your settings i think 😓)
2K notes · View notes
comicfive · 11 months ago
Hi there! I like your blog!
I was wondering if you'd maybe please be able to make an age regression themed moodboard for Bruce Wayne from the movie The Batman (2022)? And maybe a paci icon too, a pink pacifier would be nice! If you want to! Thank you for considering!
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
here you go sweetie! i should definitely watch this, I love Robert! ill get on that, here you go! :)
Regressor Bruce Moodboard & Paci Icon
(color inclusions: dark grey, black, yellow, whites etc! paci inclusion!)
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-- &
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thank you for the request:)
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34 notes · View notes
mae-kent · 2 years ago
pushing my age regressor tim drake narrative once again
it’s like all the adorable de-aging fics, but he remembers everything. he just wants some comfort.
regressor tim seeking out jason in crime alley, breaking into his safe house and just curling up on his bed because he’s sad and jason was Robin so what’s he gonna do? the worst he could do is beat him up a little or kick him out and it would be worth it anyways.
regressor tim after red robin missing when dick actually felt like his brother and just showing up at his apartment in bludhaven and asking to play scrabble even though they haven’t spoken outside of work in weeks.
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alittleplaytime · 4 months ago
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Caregiver Bruce Wayne Stimboard!!
🧥 🧸 🦇 | 🧥 🧸 🦇 | 🧥 🧸 🦇
🌼 media: the batman (2021)
🐝 age appropriate? depends! the film was officially rated PG-13 due to it's high amount of violence, drug content and strong language. i recommend looking into any warnings before watching and remember, it's always okay to turn something off if it isn't for you.
🍯 rqd by: @phantomhivestims
🌻 note: i imagine him cutting sandwiches in his kitchen and immediately think: dad.
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