#regression model
cradle-quill · 2 months
No Turning Back - An ABDL Story by CradleQuill
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Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+
Image Credit: @crinklecutie, used with permission _
You aren’t an adult anymore, not by any stretch of the imagination. I mean seriously, how can you even pretend you’re an adult while walking around with a full diaper sagging from your hips? If you’re going to behave like this, then I have no choice but to treat you like exactly what you are. A helpless little girl who can’t stop having accidents in her pants. Are they even accidents at this point if we expect them on the daily? When was the last time you actually made it to the potty like a big girl? Can you even remember?
You know what this means, don’t you? No more big girl privileges. That’s right. No more staying up late. From now on, you’ll have an early bedtime. No more changing yourself, either. Little girls who can’t even realize when they’re filling their diaper can’t be expected to put their diapers on by themselves, so I’ll just have to take care of it for you from now on. I don’t want to hear any whining. You should have thought about these consequences before you let yourself get to this point. Or did you think I’d never address these behaviors of yours? If you did, that was foolish.
Where were we? Ah yes, I was pointing out all the big girl privileges you don’t have anymore. No more big girl drinks, that’s a good one. Oh, I don’t want to hear any complaints. If you can’t sleep through the night without waking up with wet sheets, then you don’t need to be drinking alcohol. It would just make you even more incapable of controlling yourself. Unless that’s what you want? Is that it?
You don’t want to have to control anything anymore, do you? You don’t want to be in charge? You want someone to come along and take care of all your needs for you, even when it comes to monitoring your bathroom habits. I don’t care if it’s embarrassing when I say it out loud; you should be embarrassed. Grown women who behave like little girls, filling their pants and waiting for their caregivers to change them, they deserve to feel their cheeks burning when they have their childishness pointed out to them. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? For someone to see you as you are, as you really are? Not the facade you put up, the one where you pretend to be a capable, independent woman qualified to take care of yourself.
No, you wanted someone to see you for who you really are. A petulant little child who needs to be put in her place. Well congratulations. I’ve seen you for who and what you are, and I’ll never be able to unsee it. This is how I’m going to treat you from now on. We both know you can’t stop having accidents and whining about it like a little girl, but even if you did stop, there’s no going back now. You can’t unring this bell, kiddo. I’ve seen through all those walls you put up, and I know what you really need. So go ahead, be a good girl for me, and tell me that this isn’t just what you need. Deep down, it’s what you really want too, isn’t it? Go ahead, admit it for me, and I’ll make all your silly little fantasies come true. _
Find CradleQuill on: Instagram | Subscribestar | Tumblr | Twitter
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haljordns · 1 month
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tell a friend to tell a friend im back
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cenestpasisa · 1 month
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cradle-quill · 2 months
Under His Watchful Eye - An ABDL Story by CradleQuill
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Image Credit: @daddysbaby4eva, used with permission
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
Imagine having to send a picture to your Daddy every evening, of you in your PJs, with the waistband of your diaper peeking out over the top. You fibbed one too many times, insisting to him that you were wearing your protection and that he didn’t need to check, only for you to wake up the next morning with your soaking wet sheets sticking to your skin. You weren’t sure what was more humiliating, having to wear diapers to bed every night in the first place, or having to show your Daddy proof that you were padded.
Now imagine, each night, Daddy sends you back a text asking you to put on a little show for him. He wants to see every side of you. The way your diaper hugs your hips, how it accentuates your curves. Most of all, he wants to see the diaper’s bulkiness as your pajama bottoms struggle to contain the extra thickness. He wants to know that if you were to walk outside right now, no one could ever mistake you for anything more than a toddler, just the way he liked it.
What would you do? Would you follow his instructions, obeying his every wish and putting on a little show for him? One for just the two of you, in a space you could create together. Where there were no prying eyes, but where there was also no way to hide. Would you open yourself up to him, allow yourself to be completely vulnerable, at the mercy of him? Or would you hide, too afraid to let someone see that side of yourself? The side of you that’s always been there, lurking in the depths, that you’ve been too afraid to let see the light of day.
Imagine what it would be like to show that side of yourself to him. To let go, to relinquish all your worries and cares. To just be you, unadulterated, in all your babyish glory. Could you give in? Could you let him get that close? Imagine yourself, as you truly wish to be. The carefree little girl that’s been within you this whole time, always in the back of your mind, observing and hiding away until it was her time to shine.
Imagine letting her out. Imagine finally letting her roam free. Imagine Daddy holding her and loving her and taking care of her, always. Just the way you’ve always longed for. But you don’t have to imagine, do you? Because this is your life now. This is the life you’ve built with Daddy, and as much as you grapple with the ramifications internally, you already know what you’re going to do.
You’re going to let that little girl run free, uninhibited by the expectations of the “real” world. You’re going to watch her as she leaps into Daddy’s arms, which have been waiting right there this whole time, ready to catch her. These moments of hesitation, they always give way in the end. Because you know he’s got you, that he’s here with you, and that he wants this just as much as you do.
Imagine that sense of giving in, of letting someone else carry all your burdens and fears for a little while. And imagine him meeting you there, right where you are, and catching you. That’s what it means to be his little girl. That’s why you allow yourself to wet the bed, to show him all these embarrassing and childish sides of yourself. Because you know he loves you, and that he’ll always be there to hoist his little girl up over his shoulders and carry her across the finish line, even when her little legs are too tired to cross it themselves.
That’s why he’s your Daddy, and that’s why you’re his baby girl. You don’t have to imagine anymore, little one. Daddy has you. He’s got you. And he always will. _
Find CradleQuill on: Instagram | Subscribestar | Tumblr | Twitter
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totallytob · 4 months
When you dont have the money for toys so you make your own /silly
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Im modelling some car and truck toys that have connectable trailers and things! I have a 3d printer, so im using that to my advantage!
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honeybabymp3 · 1 year
yesterday I was gonna make a post about how the single thread separating us from “gaylors are enforcing gender norms by saying a woman in pants looks gay” is that the only people bothered by this are too scared of people who say dyke to start a fight with us so of course this is actually already happening on twitter
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foegs · 10 months
my stats final paper is due tomorrow and I sort of know what to do but I think I'm missing so many steps, someone please remind me that it's better to hand in something wrong and maaaaaayyyybe pass than to get scared and hand in nothing at all :(
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colourfulmes · 8 months
Guess who’s adding “Make a picrew” to their New Year’s resolutions
((I will most likely not do it))
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thisismyanimus · 2 years
hijacking the tags
i imagine that this post will show up if you search for a combination of any two words appearing here
if you like any of those topics or are brazilian, hit me up, follow me, message me, idk
se você gosta de algum desses tópicos ou é brasileiro, me segue ou manda mensagem
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artificialllovers · 11 months
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Idk why but this twitter ad is sending me so bad. Like forget the vyvanse babe, what you really need is a data analytics bootcamp 😭
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femmeroi · 11 months
kill yourself faggot
Our relationship is rough right now, but in a few episodes we will be married.
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#Pretty sure I know who sent this considering... everything#If you manage to see this even after I blocked you heres a list of reasons why I blocked you- since you want to know so bad#1.) Your views on sex work are regressive- I don't like how you demeaned that line of work simply because a of model was mean to you#2.) I am not comfortable with the way you talk about trans people- you are casually mysgonistic and transphobic when talking about them#You being trans does not give you a pass for this imho#3.) For all the posturing you do about the ZeXal skirts you and your friends are weird about under age characters + the post about#Edo being “apparently legal” was just gross to me. Your friend being weird about Yuri is how I originally found and blocked you.#4.) I don't like how you called someone a bitch just because they blocked you- you said you gave their art “nothing but support”#Before they blocked you. People do not owe you kindness or time or patience just because you liked their art.#You are not entitled to friendship or courtesy or anything at all just because you rebloged someones art.#5.) You hate Yu/ bel so much you call them a “child predator” I REALLY don't think you'd like following me considering they're my angel#When I have time again I want to dedicate more of my posts to Judai/Yu/ bel/Jun content and you'd fucking hate your life seeing that#So I blocked you before that became an issue.#I had you blocked for a while but when the VRAINS discourse happened I unblocked you so I could easily see what was up#Unfortunately I forgot to reblock you and I only remembered about your whole existence after you interacted with me#Usually I say shit like “Not everyone is going to like you and you just have to accept that as okay”#But in your case- there's a reason so many people have you blocked.#It's not because you have a “problematic fave” like you claim- it's because you have rancid fucking vibes#I'd rather people not interact with or acknowledge this post btw- I'm going to ignore anything further because idgaf about it all#I just wanted to annoy mr deranged by yu/beling all over their ask lol
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taiwantalk · 1 year
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i want my otp’s to be naughty. i want my otp’s to be disturbed. i want my otp’s to be reactionary. i want my otp’s to be dirty. i want my otp’s to be mischievous. i want my otp’s to be poorly processing shit. i want my otp’s to be fucked up. i want my otp’s to fuck. i want my otp’s to have bad sex. i want my otp’s to have discomforting sex. i want my otp’s to be surprised by what they’re capable of. i want my otp’s to be shocked by what the other’s capable of. i want my otp’s to be unbearably human. i want my otp’s to be my otp’s anyway. 
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tenmyoujump · 1 year
i love stats homework so much it gives you incredibly stupid and hilarious scenarios like “what if you were so bad at sports that we predicted you get negative fourteen thousand people attending your home games”
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years
Book of the Day -Mathematics for Machine Learning
Today’s Book of the Day is Mathematics for Machine Learning, written by Marc Peter Deisenroth, Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong in 2020 and published by Cambridge University Press. Marc Peter Deisenroth is DeepMind Chair in Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Computer Science, University College London. His research areas include data-efficient learning, probabilistic modeling, and…
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