#reginald hargreeves is a good parent
cardigan-ns · 30 days
Wandering Star
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Your parents helped run the commission with the handler, Reginald hargreeves somehow caught wind of this and invited you to help on missions with the umbrella academy as a child. You befriended the Hargreeves, becoming one with the group, you fell in love with Diego, even though it was never technically good for either of you. Later to find out you don’t have a marigold, your power is something much stronger.
Synopsis: HERE. PART2. <- here
A/N: PART 1 - this will be a series, lemme know what you think of it, I’ll have it on Ao3 soon.
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On the first of October 1989, 43 women gave birth, having not been pregnant when the day first began. Reginald hargreeves adopted seven such children, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben and Viktor. He trained them up to be an elite academy, to save the end of the world, and to bring his wife home from the moon, that last part they weren’t in on. They’d go on missions and save people, causing some destruction in the meantime.
That was until on their 13th year, Reginald called them down to the grand foyer, alerting them he had someone he’d like to show them. The seven kids stood confused as there was a strange suited man with a young girl at the door. The man was holding a briefcase and the girl holding a small bag, looking annoyed to even be there.
“Children, this is your new comrade. Y/N Bardot.” You looked up at the old man introducing you to a bunch of wannabes. You could fight miles better than them, you’ve time travelled and assassinated multiple people fucking up the previous timeline. Yet the hargreeves think they’re something special. Your eyes scanned each and every one of them, each of their emotions similar, that, you could feel. Except for one of them, he stood second in line, flipping a knife, trying to intimidate you, only making you roll your eyes and laugh at how dull his tactic was, yet you had to take one more look, he felt different than anyone else your powers picked up, he wouldn’t shake from your mind.
“Is she even capable?” He chirped, angrily, typical boy, you thought, you been exposed to too many rageful assassins in your time, Diego was on his way to being another stuck up prick. You looked at the boy, flicking your hand and suddenly he started crying, your power made him see his worst fear, needles, making you hold back a little amusement. Reginald looked at you excited, he was proud. You acknowledged his approval, while Diego stormed off to the kitchen.
You’d been brought here by your father, Peter. He was a head organiser at the commission, along with your mother, Eliza. They had you unexpectedly on the same day the hargreeves came along. Just like the umbrellas, you had powers, extended empathy. It was a lot more than intuition and premonition, you could warp, ripple and even freeze someone’s emotions, sometimes causing them to be in a loop of anything you’d like them to feel. It was amazing, you had the world in your hands. Their world. Your parents were horrified yet proud at your arrival, immediately declaring that you’d continue the Bardot name, and that you did, being the youngest assassin on the entire commission. Except for Lila of course, but she can’t use her power unless you’re there. That brightened your ego significantly, being raised to believe you’re better, which was going to make staying here for the summer a difficult ride.
“Where’s she staying?” Luther asked his father, he seemed stuck up, you coined. You’d declared he hated this predicament. Reginald gave Luther a look of bewilderment at this question, as if he was being very rude. “Why boy, she’s staying here for the summer. Keep this up and she’s taking your room.” Their number 1 immediately kept quiet, now annoyed and guilty that he made his father mad.
“I’ve heard you have 43 bedrooms, I’m sure there’s room for me to squeeze in.” You spoke sarcastically to Luther, which made Five let out a dry laugh at how high strung you were. You looked at the gelled haired boy, he had a smirk painted on his face, as if he respected you, you liked that. But you looked at your father who now gave you a stern look, you just nodded, it was his ‘be nice’ look, god you wished your mother had brought you, your father was way too nice to strangers, made you wonder how he came so far. You huffed and started swingling your back slowly, a little bored of just standing at the front entrance.
Allison then walked over to you, she touched your hand and it glowed a little, that’s never happened with you before, you froze up a little at the sudden lilac highlight to your fingertips. Your power was usually invisible. But as soon as she spoke the glow dimmed and your apprehension eased, “Come on, I’ll show you around, it’s good to have another girl around.” Reginald dismissed the children and he then took your father into his office for a meeting. You knew how they usually went, you were debriefed on it already, you’d visit here every summer and winter, and spend fall and spring at the commission, a season swapping between lives, for the foreseeable future. You didn’t like that arrangement at first, but you were a weapon who didn’t have a say, causing you to see this as something to hate.
The boys retreated to their rooms, Allison giving you a tour of the entire house, around 20 minutes went by, you got very irritated all of a sudden, then you looked to where the girl was taking you, down the bedroom halls, you’d be across from Diego, great. What a joy. You walked into your new room, setting your bag on the desk, a lady was there already making your bed, the room smelt like fresh paint and air freshener. You looked over at Allison wondering who this lady was. “That’s our mom, Grace, she’s a robot.”
She taught you of their parental situation and you soon clocked that they have never met their birth parents, that actually made you sad, for once since you got here, you didn’t know if that was just because you picked up on Allison or that you realised were going to suffer being in a shoebox room for 3 months at a time. “Purple” you looked at the wall, making Grace turn to look at you, a simple smile on her robotic frame. “I had a feeling you’d like it, dear.” She was wonderful, she was correct, it was your favourite colour. “Thank you.” You thought it was only right to be kind to her, after all she had no choice but to be a machine, following orders, just like you.
You and Allison left your room, your heart feeling heavy suddenly as you walked closer to Diego’s room. Why the hell was this happening, you could usually just project emotions onto people, now it’s affecting your actual body. Not in the way it usually worked, you’d feel empathy obviously but not just randomly out of nowhere, you knew it wasn’t Allison feeling this, and not Diego, you could differentiate. And you weren’t going through anything to enable this. “This is Diego, whom you’ve made your stance clear on…” Allison spoke, a little humour in her tone as she found you making Diego cry funny. Allison left the room, seeing to that you spend some time with each sibling, her tour over.
“What’re you bringing her in here for?!” Diego spoke loudly at an exiting Allison, he threw a knife at you, tad bit aggressive, it hit the wall, he didn’t actually want to physically impale your brains. You gave him an angered look, you just got here and now he’s being violent, you took everything within you to not use your practiced training on him, you’d win of course. But as your father said, “They’re your equals. Not your enemies.” You just walked to the wall and yanked the knife off of it, suddenly, your eyes glowed white, making you halt, seeing him imagining throwing it right at your head, you falling to the ground. Your eyes went back to normal and Diego gave you a concerned look.
“Why’d you go all thriller?” He stood from his bed yanking the knife from you, the contact with both your skin causing his fingertips to glow a purple colour, just like yours did earlier when Allison touched your hand, only now it actually lingering, not vanishing, it was now rushing up his veins, and his face grew more and more pissed of as it retreated up his arm. “What the fuck?” You were concerned until you then felt it too, you looked at your arm, the purple glow absorbing into your skin. You looked up at Diego a little defensive. “Look I didn’t do this. I don’t know what’s happening.” He just gripped the knife and pushed you out of his room, slamming the door. You just stood in the hallway, hearing Ben and Viktor talking in Bens room. You’d hoped to god your father hadn’t left yet, you were scared.
You ran through the academy and down into Reginald’s office, getting stopped by a chimpanzee, this wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d ever seen, your board of directors for the commission was a man with a fish for a head. “Uhm, I need to see my father.” You looked really petrified at what just happened between you and Diego, hell, even you and Allison. What was wrong with these kids? “Madam Bardot, I’m afraid your father has just left.” Your face contorted into heartache, which is what the chimp was feeling, why? “Wha- he didn’t even say goodbye. I’m gonna be here all summer.” Usually you didn’t care but today you felt especially homesick. “Please, come with me.” He ushered you to walk with him downstairs further into the kitchen which lay in the basement.
Klaus was in there, sleeping on the sofa across the arch, you coined that he’d crashed out from lack of sleep from treacherous outings in a mausoleum. Pogo poured you a cup of apple juice and sat by you. “You’re different than the rest, dear.” He just immediately broke the news, causing you to become angry. “The hells that supposed to mean?” He put his hands together. “Your power isn’t the same source as the hargreeves children. Yours is a Durango.” Your eyes questioned him, you didn’t truly know much about how you got a power but it was called a Durango? That was cool you figured. “The hargreeves have what’s called a Marigold. They aren’t meant to mix per se, but when they do, its effects may mean trouble.” Its effects may mean trouble. Wow great. So why on earth did Reginald scout you knowing its dangers. “So I’m a fucking time bomb as long as I’m their presence.” Your language was sour for someone of your age, and that made pogo wince. “Language, madam.” It made you shut up, and let him speak. “Only if you make contact with one another. Some marigolds are okay, some are more severe of an impact. 5 percent have a reaction.” Hence why you felt calm with Allison and hostile with Diego, yet through that hostility brought you unbearable magnetism. “You’re fine with contact with all but Diego. Master Hargreeves noticed that when you walked through the door. He alerted your father of its danger in their meeting. I’m only telling you now because nobody else had the decency to.” As pogo concluded your debrief, your mind wouldn’t shake Diego. You craved to be around him or atleast just see him ever since he kicked you out of his room, but it was easy to push back for now, but it wouldn’t be for long. You rose from the table and ran up to your room.
The sheets now on, the room still pulling your senses with the fresh paint, you lay there, unknowing of what to do.
How were you meant to go forever without accidentally bumping into them. What if the longer you stayed here you became friends, you wouldn’t be able to hold hands, hug. It’s vile. A life of torture that you’re not allowed to become close to them in extended amounts. Even though the rest of them could handle your durangos presence, It still meant that your relationship would be more extreme than an average one. It’s almost making you want to more.
You remembered when you sparred with Lila, at commission training, nothing severe happened, she mimicked your Durango power hence cancelling out her marigolds effect. So you thought to yourself, Diego’s the only problem. But he wasn’t a problem. Maybe befriend him, maybe then he won’t hate you so much.
Feeling bored, you stuck a cassette in the player you brought with you, and put your headphones on, listening to some music to calm yourself down but no matter what, that heaviness in your heart and soul were still there. Usually you loved music, you could feel what the singers were feeling when they portrayed the lyrics but now your own absence was taking over, your own emotions, you’ve never had to feel them, usually intellectualising them and shoving them away, but now that you didn’t have to worry about shooting someone in the head everyday, your mind was whirring. You angrily yanked the headphones off and screamed firing the cassette player on the ground, hearing a crack. You immediately snapped out of whatever frenzy you were in and scrambled to the ground to pick it up, as if what you just did wasn’t in your own doing. “Shit shit shit.” You picked up the cracked player and sat back down in defeat, resting it on the bedside table.
It was late anyways so you just laid down in your bed, and slept.
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Morning came and you heard a faint alarm ring, Reginald had planted mini speakers in each room to ensure everyone woke up on time, you looked at your door and found a navy boarding school uniform hanging from your door, with a domino mask dangling from the door handle, Grace had left them there, so you were prepared. You’d groggily got changed and immediately you had a vision, Diego and Luther arguing in the living room, then your eyes adjusted back to your room, you were confused at this new ability, it startled you, you hesitated putting your tie on, knowing that after that you were one step closer to walking into the living room and being the new kid who nobody cared about.
As you slipped on and tied your brogue shoes, you flattened your skirt and looked at yourself in the mirror. “Pull yourself together. It’s pathetic how miserable you’re being.” You gave yourself a not-so pep talk and ran briskfully downstairs. Reginald sat at the table, eating his breakfast, starting at you. They’d moved a dining table in here. That was new. “Number 8 you’re unbelievably tardy to breakfast.” He sounded astounded at your rudeness to his meal. You nodded and took a seat beside Viktor at the head of the table, it was chilling how he had you all sit in numbered order. “Sorry, sir.” You corrected your lateness and he just shook his head.
You noticed all of the kids doing their own things which made them individuals. Your stomach churning from hunger and unknowing. Grace handed you a plate of pancakes, with a smiley face on them, it made you smile at how positive your food was. Diego just looked at Grace, wondering why he gave her smiley faces too. That wasn’t fair. As klaus rolled a joint, Ben read a book, Diego carved the table, Allison and Luther mimed a conversation to one another, you and Viktor sat and jumped when five slammed his own knife on the table, begging to time travel. You’d done it many times, your favourite decade was the 80s that past was extremely entertaining and you just wish the hargreeves could fully see it. Having only been born on the last year of it.
Reginald and number five argued back and forth which you figured was an average breakfast thing. But then five stormed out. And that was the last you’d ever see him.
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His disappearance confused you greatly, time travel was not to be messed but you messed with it almost bi weekly. They held a local search lookout for him, and you wondered where he’d got himself stuck. He definitely wasn’t here, not in this year at least, any object of his you touched didn’t make you see where he currently was. It worried you.
It’s been 4 weeks since you arrived and 3 weeks and 6 days since five disappeared. You haven’t really spoken to many of the hargreeves except for Allison. You two realised how similar your powers were and just how much chaos you two could bring. She was, and you hated to admit this, your first true best friend. You both adored having another girl around and it made life a little easier admitting things to each-other that you couldn’t tell anyone else. Diego hasn’t spoken to you since your Durango mishap, not a single word, you’d slipped a letter under his door, an angry letter, pleading your innocence, and after you did it, yet again you felt like it wasn’t your own emotions, it must’ve been him causing you to reach those angered states, but you still weren’t so sure why this was causing that effect.
As you and Allison laid on her floor reading magazines; which she rumoured the both of you to get on the front cover of. You were painting each-others nails you got startled when the door burst open. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Diego yelled and you just looked confused but also your hand glowed a little at his closeness to you again, you haven’t really seen him, he’s got another cut on his face, on his eyebrow, it looked deep, like it would scar.
“What are you talking about?” Allison chimed in now standing up to confront Diego’s forward entrance. Diego just scoffed and pulled up his sleeve to show his arm glowing again, he had a cut on the area where it glowed, as if trying to cut it out. “Ask her!” Diego looked at you and you stood up slowly, looking at the damage that’s been done. “You should stitch that up Diego, let’s go get your mom.” You tried to get him out the door but he just looked at you, “Why’re you even here, nobody wants you and your freakshow.” He spat out and stormed out slamming the door, Allison just pulled you into a hug, seeing how his words hit you, but you pushed her off after a brief comfort, storming out and finding Diego. You pushed him, this caused a rise out of both of you, both extremely volatile in emotions. “I told you, this isn’t just my fault! It’s also yours!” The way you spoke to him, he didn’t like that. He pulled his sleeve down, grabbed your hand, yanking you back to Allison. “Rumour her!” He spoke demandingly. Allison immediately shook her head and got protective over her friend. “Are you crazy?” She shouted at her brother, disgusted that he would suggest she use her power on her. “Do it. Rumour her to go home!” Diego pushed you towards Allison, and she caught you. You just flicked your hand and made Diego locked in a trance of yesterday, making it repeat highlights of his day in his mind, his eyes glowed white and you left allisons room.
These outbursts continued over the years, eventually getting worse and worse until Reginald had to bedrid you guys and forbid you from participating in missions and dinners together, making you take turns with the family, having you train in separate rooms, and eat dinner in bed. Some days were better than others but Reginald couldn’t predict how they would go so he did this as precaution.
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You were now 16, it was the 1st of December and you were back from the commission and at the academy, it was a free day and Reginald figured that the power sources in your bodies could calm down for one day. Due to you being away for 3 months prior. He let you see Diego for longer than 15 minutes at a time, that was nice. You sat in the kitchen with the 7 hargreeves, you all sat around playing monopoly, as Ben asked you a question. “How was your fall?” You looked at number six with a ‘god why did you ask this’ smile and you told him, “Gained about 7 more bodies on my kill count.” They all laughed thinking you were fooling them, all laughed except Diego, he’d been having visions of you assassinating people left right and centre with the commission, not bringing it up, in case you admitted to seeing what he’s been up to when he’s alone. Which you’ve seen but won’t admit for the same reason. The hargreeves thought you’d just be home with parents when you weren’t with them, little did they know.
As the night died down, some of the hargreeves retreated to hang out separately, Viktor, Klaus and Ben went to the garden to chill and watch the stars. Allison and Luther both just went to sleep. Diego stayed though, wherever your eyes looked his did too, you said you wanted to stay in the kitchen, he did too. His connection felt different somehow yet still the same. “Thought you were boxing tomorrow? You said you needed an early night.” You relayed what Diego had told the group when you first walked in here earlier that day. “It’s not happening right now, is it?” He was sat beside you just staring at the abandoned bored game. You peered your eyes over to him, he seemed off, as did you when you thought about it, maybe the marigold and Durango had wore off from the both of you. Thankfully. You hated being angry, even though you’ve virtually always felt that way, you wanted the academy to be a calming focus on your life, knowing that after 3 months you’d need to go back to getting blood on your hands again, at least the blood here was minimal and it was mostly rescue missions and retrieving artefacts.
“What’s up your ass?” You spoke in a more bantering way than angry, which made him confused. Obviously it’s been three years since your first big argument but he still always assumed and theorised that it was all your doing, in making him so hostile, even though it wasn’t. Diego chuckled at your question anyways, “Nothing, I’m just sick of not being able to talk to you all the time.” You gave him a pondering look, as if you’d thought he was joking, he despises you why would he miss seeing you. The more you thought on it, you couldn’t really say much, you missed Diego when you’d go back home, non stop talking about him to your parents. You’d miss Diego when Reginald locked you away from one another and you also missed him when he was right in front of you. “Me too. It’s seems like when we’re told to stay away it makes us want to actually talk.” You looked around the room, as you spoke, not exactly wanting to make eye contact in case that send another anger spell through each of your veins. You noticed him nod along and proceed to pull out his favourite knife and start flipping it, it was his comfort thing to do, helping him get through conversations of great thought. You’d noticed that everytime you’d watch the group train outside while you were conditioned to train in the gym upstairs. He did the same with you when it was his turn to do isolated training. He’d look out the window and notice that how every-time you use your power on someone your veins become a little more prominent. Not that he cared or anything…
“Why’d you decide to stay up?” He asked you as he kept flipping the knife as he stood and walked to get one of the cookies that Grace made earlier. He bit into it as you began to speak. “I like the silence.” He narrowed his eyes, his face going a little sour as he didn’t agree. “Don’t you think you get enough of that?.” Yeah, Diego also loved and craved being alone but somehow he missed the human interaction with literally anyone when he got it again. Now that he’s been trained to be alone he wants to refuse it. You just shrugged, your power never really leaving you with much muted mind time, your thoughts always raging, peoples thoughts always raging and their emotions impacting your own down time. “No, I don’t.” You were honest, standing up to get a cookie too, he made you want one by savouring his bites on it, as if it were going to turn into cardboard if he didn’t appreciate it.
You snatched one off the plate, now you took a bite. “So why are you letting me invade your quiet time?” He stood close to you. And as if a dying lightbulb were there, your wrists flickered, the Durango taking shape again, but not fully, you haven’t touched. “Because you won’t leave me alone.” You spoke with fake annoyance, finished your cookie now. His eyes gazed on yours, lingering glances all night left him no other choice, and he thought ‘fuck it’ and pulled you in for a kiss. It was a little awkward seeing as it was both your first kiss, but also felt like you were destined to do it. His hand cupped your cheek and yours wrapped around his waist. It didn’t last too long but the spark was there, he pulled away hastily and sat down, running his hands through his hair. “I shouldn’t have done that, fuck.” You stood there, not angry and not happy, just a middle emotion you’ve never seemed to feel, definitely not like this. “Then why’d you do it?” You asked a little pissed now, there we go, you’re back on track. The Durango reminding you it’ll never leave. He looked at you, tilting his head, taking in your every movement of the face. “I needed to.” He spoke now completely dazed, knowing that he wanted and craved doing that since you left to see your parents again in the fall. “Ah, but you said you shouldn’t have done it. Sounds pretty mixed, can you make up your goddamn mind?” Your words made him bothered, but you didn’t know what to think, you’ve never gotten along, you’ve been moral frenemies and now he kissed you and is giving you two reason as to why he should and shouldn’t have done it. He stood up, slinging his knife back in its holder and pointed his finger to you, “I’ll make up my mind when you learn to fucking see me.” He seemed hurt by that, as if he’s been trying to signal he’s liked you for a while, but he hasn’t. “I’m not a mind reader, Diego.” He scoffed at your excuse, grabbing your wrist. “You are, actually.” Signalling that he knows you had visions of him while you were gone, just like he had of you, he wasn’t stupid so why on earth were you making this so difficult on him.
“You were right. You shouldn’t have done it.” You pushed him away from you and made your way to your room, you knew in the morning you’d beg Reginald to keep you away from him again. Not ready to admit your drowning feelings.
Note: okay this was part one, an introduction before the season one part, part 2 will be them when they’ve left the academy at 17.
Tags: @shadowbriar @total-lunareclipse4 @vesper4seance
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kazcreates · 4 months
Six of Crows // TUA
Number One
Character: Matthias
Reasoning: This one is the easiest to determine and makes sense from both a power point of view and story-arc point of view. Matthias is a natural born leader, and sees himself as someone who needs to keep the rest of the crows in line and act as a sort of moral compass. This reflects well with the position of Number One, as the leader of the group and a somewhat self-righteous character in the beginning.
Number Two
Character: Inej
Reasoning: Although it would make sense for Jesper to be Number Two due to the metal/trajectory manipulation, Diego’s character better fits Inej in my mind. She would definitely hold a grudge against Sir Reginald Hargreeves for taking them away from their parents and for not protecting them when they were kids. She also would fit the vigilante role well, due to her pirating arc at the end of Crooked Kingdom.
Number Three
Character: Nina
Reasoning: It was a toss-up between Number Four and Number Three for Nina, due to her powers as a corpse witch, but I feel that she would fit better as Number Three with the reality manipulation/rumor ability, because of what she was able to do under the effects of Jurda Parem, and the line about her and Jesper seducing all of Ketterdam into submission.
Number Four
Character: Jesper
Reasoning: This decision is mainly based on character arc and personality. Klaus and Jesper are similar levels of chaos, sass, and queerness. As well as the fact that addiction is a big part of both of their arcs. I felt that Number Four was a better fit than he would have been for Number Two.
Number Five
Character: Kaz
Reasoning: I felt that out of all of them, Kaz would embody the 50+ year old man in a 13-year-old’s body arc the best. He and Five just remind me a lot of each other, and view themselves as the leader of their respective groups, whether or not everyone sees it that way. Plus, Kaz, due to his PTSD, is kind of stuck in the past sometimes, and I think that preventing the apocalypse would be a good mirror to his drive for revenge against Pekka Rollins.
Number Six
Character: Jordie
Reasoning: I find this one very, very interesting to explore, and for this reason, I thought about giving Kaz the role of Number Four, but no one else really embodied Number Five like he did. Plus, the idea of Jesper being able to talk to Jordie while Kaz can’t? I want to explore it. But other than the fact that he is dead, I like to think that Jordie would act as a common sense filter for Jesper, and by extension, Kaz, much like Ben does.
Number Seven
Character: Wylan
Reasoning: This was another fairly easy decision for me. The treatment of Number Seven by Sir Reginald Hargreeves is somewhat similar to Wylan’s treatment by his father. The isolation, the constant reminding that they are not special and are nothing compared to everyone else. The fact that Wylan was very much considered an outsider by the Crows for a large portion of Six of Crows. As well as the connection of both Wylan and Number Seven to music.
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cosmic-day · 1 month
Having seen the final season of The Umbrella Academy: I didn’t hate it quite as much as most of fandom seem to, but I also didn’t love it. Rambly thoughts and massive spoilers under the cut:
First of all, I don’t know how much the compressed episode count affected things, but I felt like adding  ‘could/would have worked better if fleshed out more’ at the end of every sentence in this review.
As far as positives go, I was OK with the ending. It has been baked into the show from the beginning that the Hargreeves siblings only break whatever they try to fix, and their erasure from the universe being the only thing that restores the timeline does make sense. I kind of respect the show for committing to that, rather than finding a last minute “they died but not really” cop out.
I loved Abigail’s role in it as well and think that is a really underrated bit of satisfying writing: Abigail who has been literally and figuratively fridged for three seasons gets to tell Reginald that she never asked for this and never wanted it, and most importantly gets to not only seize control of the narrative but end it. That part really worked for me.
Viktor had a decent arc and also got to confront Reginald about his shitty parenting which was also satisfying.
Unfortunately, there the positives end.
Most of the other characters got short changed. Klaus was stuck in an irrelevant subplot, as he often is, but here it felt more irrelevant than usual, and also gratuitously dark – I mean, it’s a dark show at times but this felt like trauma porn for the sake of it. Allison had some good moments, but not much of an arc. Diego and Luther were both reduced to goofy, borderline pathetic comic relief in a way that just felt mean spirited at times. Ben and Jennifer needed way more time to work properly.
And then there’s the Five/Lila of it all.
I love these guys. Not only are they my favourite individual characters, but I loved their enemies to chaotic besties arc, and I really wanted more of that friendship. The subway plot was a brilliant idea, and I could have watched a whole episode (I’m thinking the Last Of Us episode ‘Long Long Time’), following them surviving together and developing their friendship (and also maybe addressing little irrelevant details like Five being the killer of her parents). But they just had to shoehorn in a romance, by Steve Blackman’s admission, because they ‘had to have a love story’ for Five. OK, but why? Why does a character ‘need’ a romance? Also, protip, but if you do something because you feel it ‘has’ to happen, and not because you want to develop the characters in any way, it shows.
I should say I don’t particularly care about the age gap issues. Nor do I entirely agree with the argument that it’s ooc for Five, because our precious blorbo Would Never betray his brother like that. I love Five, but he’s a little shit. Also, I’ve seen many complaints that he spent decades in the apocalypse and never gave up so why is he giving up now, but maybe he gave up because he spent decades in the apocalypse. Maybe he’s just tired. Everyone has limits, and Five has hit his.
I just hate that platonic relationships are always erased, sidelined and overwritten in favour of romantic relationships because those are obviously more important and more interesting. Five’s friendship with Lila and devotion to his family are also love stories, and they’re not lesser because they’re not romantic. I also violently hate love triangles. This one was particularly annoying and not even properly resolved.
Overall the season just felt lacking. Where were the great big goofy, joyous setpieces, or alternatively, if such is your jam, the dark and deranged pieces of ultra violence set to a banger of a pop tune. Where, in short, were Footloose and Istanbul Not Constantinople. (Though I will admit Baby Shark made me laugh.)
Anyway. I wouldn’t say the show is ruined for me, but it was a disappointing conclusion and my least favourite season by far.
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dazed-poltergeist · 2 years
Powers of Eden (I)
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Associated fandoms: Assassin's Creed x The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Altaïr Ibn La'ahad x Reader (Platonic), perhaps some Altaïr x Malik in later pieces
Warnings: One (1) spoiler for The Umbrella Academy
Summary: The reader, who is similar to the "The Umbrella Academy" character Five Hargreeves, attempts to travel back in time. While it succeeds, they travel a lot further back than what they would've liked..
Add. Notes: Allow me to give some background on Five, for those who haven't seen the show: The original Five Hargreeves comes from an adopted family of 9. The siblings' names are Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Viktor, and his "parents" are Reginald and Grace. Along with his siblings, Five has superpowers, which in his case are teleportation and time travel. He used to work for a timeline related commission as an assassin. In this story, the reader/Five has no affiliation with the said Commission.
{ I've returned with a new piece! I'm pretty sure that I will write more parts for this, but I'm not sure how I should write a specific part related to languages without using Google Translate. So if any of you has advice related to that, I'd appreciate if you spare some for me. In any case, it looks like I managed to write something before St. Patrick's, so happy (still early) St. Patrick's Day! My so-called "spice" for this time is that I speak in English a lot more than in my mother tongue, which causes me to forget words in the latter language. }
-Eero, March 2023
Masterlist ✧⁠*⁠。
When you were younger, you would practice teleporting –and on a few rare occasions, time travel– with Reginald's guidance, starting with a few small units at a time and then building up from that. On these very few occasions, he only allowed you practice time jumping to the future, and whenever you questioned him for that restriction, he would say things along the lines of "A wrong move down the line could change the whole world as we know it," "Time travel is far more complex than teleportation," and "You were not educated enough to understand time travel."
Even if what the older Hargreeves had explained to you these days was true or not, he wasn't just a prick, he was the whole cactus. Today felt like a good day to not listen to what he had told you, just to spite him. It wasn't like Reginald was going to stop you anyway; He was dead, "playing tennis with Hitler in hell," as Klaus said before his funeral.
You told Grace and Viktor about what you were going to do, even though they weren't going to know that when you meet them yesterday, the day you planned to jump back to. You strutted to the Umbrella Academy's courtyard, where after two attempts you successfully opened a way through time.
Except, when you stepped through the ripple of time and looked for signs that you actually time travelled instead of teleporting in an arduous manner, you realized that you weren't in the Academy's courtyard anymore.
You were standing on the roof of a small, sand-colored building. You could see a city around you, with a bunch of houses and towers in different shades of yellows and whites. You recognized a large building as you took in your surroundings; a blue and white temple with a gold dome acting as its roof. With the famous temple in mind, you easily concluded that you somehow ended up in Jerusalem.
Once you came out from your daze of admiring the landscape around you, you realized that a hooded man dressed in white was behind you, staring bullets into your head. You wanted to tell him about what happened to you, but given your location, you doubted that he would understand you.
The assumption ended up being correct, because he began speaking in an unrecognizable language. The only useful thing you could do in that situation was gesturing to him that you didn't understand him, which was exactly what you did. Some gears seemed to align for him, and as a response he took you by the arm and into the building below you.
The two of you landed on the floor of what seemed to be an outdoor living room. You couldn't really take in many details, since the strange man continued dragging you through the building. The room you stopped in had a collection of bookshelves, baskets, pots, and many other things, but what caught your eye was a one-armed man standing behind a table.
The cripple noticed you the moment you and the hooded stranger walked in, and began to question the latter about you. They talked for a short period of time, then the man behind the desk walked away from the table to you and the other strange man.
The two men turned to you, and tried to introduce themselves in the most simplest way they could to someone who didn't understand their language; they pointed at themselves and said their names. The now formerly hooded man introduced himself as Altaïr, and the other one with a dark robe over his similarity white outfit introduced himself as Malik. You told tell them your name in the same manner; you pointed at your torso and said "(Y/N)."
Altaïr looked at the other man and said something in his language, to which Malik chuckled and made another comment as a response.
("A name. That's a start.") ("What a funny name. You certainly weren't wrong about the 'odd person' part.")
The two began brainstorming on what they should do with you now; they couldn't let you leave the bureau, because you didn't understand their language, you likely had no idea what the surrounding world was like, and you looked like someone out of a bizarre story told by a drunk bard. All they could think of with the given circumstances was that they needed to take you in.
Malik went to one of the shelves in the room, and began looking for books that could possibly help with the language barrier. You joined him to look for documents with dates on them; you needed some year written on a recent paper, to get an idea of how far back in time you actually jumped.
Altaïr realized what you were doing, and found some excess paper to write down the year for you. You took the paper and thought that you wouldn't be surprised about the year, since their appearances seemed to give it away. Yet, you were very surprised, even for someone who just time travelled on purpose. You had jumped into the period of the Third Crusade.
You quickly recovered from the shock that came with that fact, and wrote down "2019" onto the other side of the paper Altaïr had given you. You gave the paper to him for both him and Malik to see. The two froze in place, and Altaïr dropped the piece of paper onto the ground. They turned to look at you again, and visibly wanted to ask multiple questions about the future from you; you could see the eagerness on their faces. Unfortunately, the language barrier was no help.
The presence of an inability to communicate with you made the two white-clothed men determined to try and teach you their language while you were under their wing.
For a change of scenery to let you process what happened, Altaïr took you back to the main area of the building, where he sat you down. He walked into a third room to get you some food, after Malik had left you two alone to find you some clothes that would help you blend in—to make it less obvious that you've come from 900 years into the future.
As Altaïr handed you some food, Malik came up to you two and placed a small stack of clothing next to your legs. He muttered something to Altaïr in their foreign tongue as he was walking back into what you concluded was probably his office.
("If they need help with the clothes, you can count me out.")
Since the building usually didn't have any visitors of your kind, majority of the spare clothes were related to what seemed to be their uniform. The clothes Malik had provided you included a pair of dark pants, some white robes similar to the ones Altaïr was wearing, and plain boots fit for running and climbing, along with a leather harness to keep the clothes in place. Those clothes obviously weren't what you were used to wearing, but they were relatively better than the ones you had on at the moment.
You left Altaïr alone into the main area to go change into the robes. Only after you had changed you realized that your clothes looked like a downgraded version of the two men's outfits. You concluded that the clothes they wore had different features based on ranks. You didn't even know what kind of organization they worked for or what their jobs were, so you couldn't put more thought into the conclusion that you had just made.
As you got back to Altaïr, you only then felt the exhaustion from the energy-consuming time jump kick in. Even if you would've had enough energy to try time-jumping again, you wouldn't have wanted to risk accidentally travelling into the Stone Age. The little "living room" seemed comfortable enough to be used as a bedroom, which was the reason why you lied down in the bundle of pillows that were sitting on the ground.
The white-clothed man briefly disappeared into another room and returned to get you a thin blanket. As you prepared to rest, Altaïr sat down to begin contemplating on the things he could try to do in order to help you adapt to a possible life in Jerusalem. Thanks to a sheer lack of ideas, he only thought of recruiting you as a novice for the Assassin Order.
Now that you had fallen asleep, Altaïr went to Malik to consult him on what they should do.The latter thought that recruiting you—a strange person who literally emerged out of nowhere and couldn't even speak their language–into the Order was an outrageous idea that should be out of question. The dark-coated man also added that they couldn't even take you to Masyaf to swear you in and train you there because of the language barrier. But even then, their morals told them that teaching you was the best they could do with the lifestyle they had.
The two decided to show you a little thing or two about being an assassin, without making you an official member, and see how it would go. Malik proposed that he would teach you their language whenever he could multitask, and Altaïr added that he could show you a move or few while he trained or when he brought you along for an info hunt. All they could do now was to wait for you to wake up and get ready for a bring-your-novice-to-work day with the two men.
Personal pointers: A particular bureau for Assassins that Altaïr frequently visits in certain fanart is in Jerusalem, since Malik is the Rafiq there. Like majority of the buildings in that city, the hideout is in the color of sand and maybe a few specific spices.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
The tone in multi-word additional-tags, and how they develop and what they mean, is interesting. Like, "John Winchester's A+ parenting" is many years old and means an abusive AND neglectful father. "Reginald Hargreeves' A+ parenting" obviously evolved directly from that, and means the same, while there are also tags like "Good Parent Geralt z Rivii" or "Mediocre Parent Bruce Wayne", meant genuinely, and then there's "C+ Parent Jango Fett" (for AUs) and that is somehow also genuine...
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fic title : Why Didn't You Say Anything Before?
@newwwwprompts Chronic Pain Awareness Month 2023 prompt : Character with chronic pain has a flare-up in their back
Rating : General Audiences
Fandom : The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Pairing : Five & Viktor
Additional tags : Chronic Pain, Pain, Back Pain, Number Five | The Boy Has Chronic Pain, Hiding Medical Issues, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Ibuprofen, Good Sibling Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Bad Parent Reginald Hargreeves, Autistic Number Five | The Boy (if you squint), Body Dysphoria (not in the trans way), but also Canon Trans Character
Word count : 884
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lunannex · 2 years
What do you hope the writers do with Allison's arc next season? Ngl s4 broke my heart because it really felt like she was separate from her siblings. She was at such a low point and just feeling so much anger and grief. It was hard to watch even though Emmy was phenomenal.
I love this question! See, the thing with my views on Allison is that they tend to be sort of separated from the general plot of the show. By this I mean that what I’ve always been the most interested by are the parts of her life that we’ve never gotten to see…her life pre-canon, her time in the 60’s, and now – what happens after she reunites the with Claire and Ray.
I hope they explore the topic of emotional dependency and bodily autonomy with her. You know, have her question her own morality and what it means to be good and bad – if those are even concepts that exist. It’s different with her siblings because of how all of them were raised, but when paired with someone like Ray – who is such a beacon of justice and a believer in doing what’s right, I feel like that could be something she struggles with. I want them to explore her relationship with Claire. Has been away from her for so long made her view parenting through rose-colored glasses? She hasn’t parented Claire in YEARS and even when she was married to Patrick, what she did wasn’t really parenting either.
Mostly, I just want her arc in S4 to be about self-growth. Does she owe some of her siblings apologies? Yeah. Mainly to Viktor for the whole Harlan thing and Luther for violating his autonomy. The Hargreeves have all done TERRIBLE things to each other, Allison isn’t an outlier here. At least in the first episodes of the season, I want her to be sort of in her own little world with Ray and Claire. A picture perfect family (tho you can still see the fractures in that illusion in some instances). But I want the main focus to be on her relationship with her siblings. Maybe she goes to find them after hitting a low point with Ray and Claire (possibly after using her powers on Claire again and Ray catching her? So she feels like she’s stuck repeating the same mistakes all her life)
From what I can gather, Reginald and Abigail are gonna be key players, so have her join forces with her siblings. Have them learn how to PROPERLY be a team. Have Allison try to fix those bridges she burned. Even in S3, she still has kindness left in her, she’s just….really struggling. Have her express that. Give her a scene with Five where they discuss the deal she made with Reginald where it ISN’T just him pointing fingers and her getting defensive. Remember, Five made a deal too (the difference came down to the way they were portrayed but no I’m not bitter why do you ask). Everything he’s done is for his family. He UNDERSTANDS the lengths people will go to for the ones they love. Have them FINALLY team up and reach some sort of understanding
On another note: her powers! I don’t think she’s still figured out which lines are okay to cross and which aren’t – so have her explore that. Through Claire and Luther, have her evaluate WHY it’s wrong to use them on the people she loves. The Hargreeves aren’t saints and they’ll always make mistakes, but deep down I DO think they want to do good – they just get a little lost along the way. And it’s important to remember that Allison didn’t get Ray and Claire back by being “good”. If she does make the decision to better herself, I want her to do it for HER. Yes, she absolutely wants to be an amazing mother to Claire, but she needs to realize that this isn’t something she should only do for the sake of other people
And this is totally self-indulgent but I want the show to end with her getting her purple hair from the comics! Idk! Let it be a metaphor for how she’s working on moving forward after spending so much time stuck in the past. At the very least let her have a hopeful ending, she deserves that much
Anyway, if it wasn’t already obvious, I care so much more about the characters than the plot so sorry that barely any of this includes actual… y’know. plot things lol. Hope you liked it tho!! I love one (1) woman
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Gotham's New Children
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EVAhGdK
by skeletondust
Wayne Manor has some new neighbors.
A crossover of Batman and the Umbrella Academy.
Words: 3067, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV), DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Grace Hargreeves, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Number Six | Ben Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Dr. Pogo (Umbrella Academy)
Additional Tags: Crossover, Batman crossover, Dead Reginald Hargreeves, Mentioned Reginald Hargreeves, Past Child Abuse, Good Parent Grace Hargreeves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EVAhGdK
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thegayhimbo · 2 years
No idea what Fandom to suggest so I'll just go with Umbrella Academy 👀
I’ll give fair warning that it’s been a while since I’ve watched the show, so apologies if my memory is spotty. Also, I haven’t seen season 3 yet, so no spoilers please!
my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave:
Don’t know if I have one. 😐 All of the characters were messes in one way or another.
my trash-shit fave:
Tie between Diego and Viktor Hargreeves.
my I love to hate them fave:
The Handler. Reminds me of Cersei Lannister from GoT in that she’s awful, but also entertaining to watch.
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my I hate to love them fave:
Allison Hargreeves. She does a lot of morally questionable stuff with her powers, but I still feel for her in spite of that.
my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave:
Harold Jenkins/Leonard Peabody. Dude was a manipulative creep who tried to groom Viktor and turn him against his siblings. I was not sorry when he died.
my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave:
Again, don’t have one. It’s been a LONG time since I watched the show.
my I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave:
Sir Reginald Hargreeves. I get why he’s hated, and I agree he was an abusive parent to all 7 kids, but at the same time, he was still interesting to watch. I wanted to know more about his backstory and his reasons for doing what he did, and I’m hoping season 3 goes more into that.
my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship:
David Katz and Klaus Hargreeves. I really wanted them to make it! 😢
my dirtybadwrong fave ship:
Lila and Diego in season 2.
my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship:
Viktor Hargreeves and Sissy Cooper in season 2.
my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship:
Don’t have one.
my MAKE IT STOP non-fave ship:
Allison and Luther in season 1. Just..............why?
Thank you for the ask! This was fun. 🙂
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annegraves · 2 years
S2E4 “the majestic 12”Anne Graves version.
The Umbrella Academy☂
A.N. Hi guys! I hope you’ll like this. I know it took quite long, but I hope this was worth the wait. S2E5 is coming soon. This is a self-insert I hope you all are fine with that. I modeled Anne after myself. Should I make a x reader version of this? Let me know. Ok enjoy.
A.N. but with spoiler:
I decided to put Anne with a loving version of Reginald because I think it would make a more interesting story line. This is also a Five x Anne kinda thing. I know what you’re thinking like “ew he’s 58” but I promise it’ll make sense.
1776 words
`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ(ノ><)ノ `、ヽ`☂ヽ`、ヽ
Diego walks up to Grace with an open mouth, “Mom?”
“Now the only one that calls me that is my daughter.” Grace says amused with a Texan accent. “Everything all right, hon?”
“You’re real.” Grace chuckle at that sentence, “If this is your idea of a come-on, it’s not goin’ well.”
Diego shakes the smile of his face, “No. Actu… Uh… Uh, do…do you know a man named Sir Reginald Hargreeves?”
Grace became a little confused, “Reggie? He’s my date this evenin’.” Diego’s eyes fell out of his sockets.
“Your date?” Diego, looking like a kid who just saw his parents kiss, “Ugh.”
“Do you have a problem with that?” Grave said sounding very much offended.
“No. No, no, it’s… it’s just, uh…” he started stuttering realising he’s about to blow his cover, “It’s just a lot to process. The…”
Grace was still very confused, her face looked like if she just witness an alien abduction. “The thought of the two of you, I… I can’t picture that in my head. That is…”
“That’s nasty.” Diego said with the sass of Cardi B.
“Uh…” Grace said then she sighed. “You’re a little odd, aren’t you?”
Diego said “Yeah.” Like she just taught him the world’s hardest maths problem.
Grace laughed softly. “I mean, no.” Diego stopped himself realising he just called himself odd.
“Uh… Do you know where he is?”
“He said somethin’ about a quick meetin’, and he’d be right back. That was 20 minutes ago.”
“Never good to keep a lady waiting.”
“Tell him that if you find him.” With that and a sip of her drink she walked away.
“Wait.” Said Diego. “Didn’t you say you have a daughter?” Diego ask genuinely curious. 
“Yep. She my little ball of sunshine.” Grace saying with a little sigh and laughter. “Actually she’s not really mine but,” Grace moved back to their original speaking position, “She’s Reggie’s kin.” She said that kind of space out and sort of sad. “But she accepted me from day one, calling me ‘Ma’, giving me mother’s day presents-“ while saying that she change her demeanour to a happy one. “She actually gave me this for my birthday.” Grace said that while holding her necklace, smiling brightly.
“Ma!” an East Asian girl ran over to Grace. She looked to be in her early teens, she was one the bigger side but she wasn’t fat, she had short black bob hair with it curling at the end there was also a hairband on it, she was wearing a nice A-lined dress that was teal in colour. “They’re going to be playing your favourite song! You gotta come see!”
“Annie. That was rude you didn’t even greet this kind-“She looked Diego up and down, and went ‘well… close enough?’, “gentleman.”
“Oh. Sorry, Ma.” Then she looked at Diego. “Good evening, Sir.” Anne said giving a bow, then her hand. “My name’s Anne.” Anne said in a calm demeanour.
Diego took her hand to shake it. “Diego. Diego Hagreeves. ” Diego suddenly realise what he was saying mid-sentence, but it was like his mouth and his brain were 2 different people.
“Huh. You the same last name as my father.” Diego wanted to dig a hole and die, because you know Five and/or Lila would have done it themselves. Thank god what followed was…
“Must be a very common last name.” Diego let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. “Yeah, must be.”
“Now if you would excuse me, I need to take my Ma to the dance floor.” Grace laughed. “Of Couse, don’t let me stop you.” Diego moved his arm in the direction of the dance floor.
Anne turned around excitedly, “Ma. We gotta go fast if not you’re goin’ miss it.” The young girl held her mum’s hand and pull her to the dance floor.
“Sorry I couldn’t talk more.” With that Grace’s daughter, now established as ‘Anne’ pulled her away.
“Hey, uh, Grace?”
“It was nice meeting you.”
“You too.”
Diego watched as his (mum?) walked away with his (sister?), and sighed, “Poor kid.”
…☁-*✧..☂˚.        .˚☂..✧*-☁…
Anne brought her mum to the dance floor, where Grace proceeded to say “Oh, this is my song!” Grace put her belongings with Anne to go dancing. While dancing a random guy asked her if he could buy her a drink and she accepted.
Anne watched all from afar, she couldn’t dance due to her being a kid. (there was a strict no kids allowed party, but when you’re Reginal Hagreeves’s daughter you are allowed into the party)
While watching she decided to go find her father maybe she’ll be more of a helping hand there. As she was walking she got lost every staircase looked the same, every part of the wall was covered with the same colour or the same wallpaper, every window the same. (I mean the view was different but, it wasn’t helping)
All of a sudden, she heard noises that sounded like fighting? She followed the sound. (what did she have to lose?) She got up just in time, to see five yeet someone out the window! She looked around to see the man she met not 30 minutes ago getting choke to his death by 2 white-haired men.
 She ran to his aid. Firstly, Anne grabbed a knife that Lila was previously using to save five and used it to stab into (the white haired-man that was using a piece of (cloth?) to choke Diego)’s thigh. (We’re going to call this one A, the other Mofo and Yeeted one, Yeet. Okay?)
He stopped choking Diego due to the pain on his leg, and fell to the ground. Next was Mofo and Diego, They had a battle like they we’re in street fighter 2. Highlights included: Diego yeeting Mofo’s head out of the window, Diego smashing a glass bottle on Mofo’s head and Diego high kicking Mofo. Anne watch in awe as this all happened.
When Diego finally knocked out Mofo, he looked out the window and said “Dad.” Without acknowledging Anne he ran down the stairs.
Anne wanted to following him but her curiosity got the best of her, and she went looked out the window. She saw her parents that seem to be talking to the police, “Oh, shoot.”
She quickly ran down the stairs.
She ran as fast as her leg would take her, because she was scared that her father might punish her. Don’t get me wrong her father might be much more loving than how he treated the Umbrella Academy but, she was still Reginald Hagreeves’s daughter and he was still Reginald Hagreeves.
Anne ran to her parents and acted normal. (maybe if she acted like nothing happened they’ll act the same way)
“Annie! Darling! Where were you? I turned my head and you were gone! We we’re about to report a missing case to the police!” Grace said frantically.
“Anne Gables Hagreeves! Where were you?”
“I’m sorry daddy. I saw Ma having fun, and I wasn’t of much help. So I wanted to find you. I thought maybe I could help out, but I got lost.” She ended it a bit softly.
Reginald face soften. “Okay. At least you’re back in one piece.” This might be very out of character for the Umbrella Academy’s Reginald, but this is Anne Hagreeves’s Reginald. “Let’s get you in the car and back home. That’s enough playing for you.”
Without a word Anne walked to the car. Reginald open the car for his girlfriend and daughter to get in. First was Grace, then Anne but before she could step in, there was a boy about her age who started shouting something that she could not understand. While she was yelling her father looked locked in, like he was in some sort of spell.
Anne asked her father, “Daddy, what is that boy saying?” Reginald seem to snap out of it and said, “Nothing that you need to know, Sweetie.”
“Reggie. What are you waiting for? We need to go.” Her mother said firmly. So, she stepped in the car, followed by her father. Confused her mother asked “Who was that?”
“No one important.” Reginald said nonchalantly.
“Was that him?” Diego asked.
“Yeah.” Five replied.
Grace turned her attention to the young girl sitting in front of her, “And you. Never run away like that again. Okay?”
“Yes, Ma.”
“You gave me a heart attack.” Saying that Grace cupped her daughter’s face.
…☁-*✧..☂˚.        .˚☂..✧*-☁…
Anne lied in her bed, she was so confused her dad always told her everything, she even knew about the Kennedy assassination and how her father was against it. He denying her information to her was weird to say the least. She was also thinking about the fight that Mr Diego was having. She didn’t know that he was a fighter. He even used the same techniques that she was used to, the same ones her father taught her. She was also thinking about Diego calling (her dad maybe?) dad. It all didn’t make sense to her. When she was done stressing about that she was wondering about who was that crazy boy that was yelling at her and her father. She’d met crazy people and people that liked yelling at her father but she couldn’t stop thinking about this boy-
“Annie are you asleep?” Reginald said in an assertive manner.
Anne sat straight up like a spring that had just been bend. “Why do you ask Daddy?” Anne said excitedly, “Are we going out?”
“Sadly no, my child. Your mother and I are going out.”
“But Daddy… why can’t I go?”
“It’s about a serious matter-“
“Like JFK?”
“Okay. Then I’ll stay home alone.” Anne said sadly. “But you won’t be alone.” The father said to his daughter. Before Anne could question it, Reginald said “I want you to meet Pogo.”
A small young baby monkey walked out from the darkness of her room. “You may treat him as a brother, or a servant, either way he’ll listen to your every word.” While he was saying that the young Pogo jumped on the bed next to Anne.
She was a bit scared. “Don’t be scared darling.” She did not move. “Come on touch him.”
She reluctantly did, and Pogo snuggled against her hand. She was happy at this.
“Okay. Go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He walked out but before he completely step out the door, he said “I love you.”  He said without looking back. “I love you too.” Reginald smiled at that and closed the door.    
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cardigan-ns · 28 days
Wandering Star Masterlist
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Chapter 1 :
Your parents helped run the commission with the handler, Reginald hargreeves somehow caught wind of this and invited you to help on missions with the umbrella academy as a child. You befriended the Hargreeves, becoming one with the group, you fell in love with Diego, even though it was never technically good for either of you. Later to find out you don’t have a marigold, your power is something much stronger.
Chapter 2 :
Ben’s dead and there’s no reason to stay. Diego gives you an ultimatum. Live with him or rot away in the commission. But after being with him things take a turn for the worst.
Chapter 3 :
You and Diego were getting by, some years have passed, both good and bad. Your parents left you alone and your father occasionally visited. But Diego had an ambition, and he wasn’t going to give it up, causing you to crumble.
Chapter 4 : (SOON)
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uniasus · 2 years
fic rec! 9K TUA AU
Summary: The Handler doesn't know why Reginald Hargreeves adopts seven children, but she knows it's about power and she is determined to get it first. So she adopts children of her own.
Comments: This is part of an AU where The Handler tries to pick Reggie's plans apart across timelines, in this case putting together her own version of the Academy called the Timekeepers which is a mix of the Sparrows and OCs (and eventually Viktor, but not in this fic). It's a good look at how creepy and manipulative the Handler can be, if that's your jam. And most of the parents of these kids are not nice, so be wary of an array of child abuse.
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lahotelbellamuerte · 3 months
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - lower floor + lobby
series masterlist ! current: lower floor ! next: the time that was before + lobby
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There's a saying that every decision we didn't make somewhere in the universe we did. And that version may look like you, but isn't. Just like you they made many other decisions to make that one different than yours. But beware if you ever run into your doppelgänger. 
Many of those end up dead when their doppelgängers appear, so it's advised to stay away. Especially if you're a time traveler, we don't know where you might end up. Listen to the cosmic rules of never looking for your parents, or yourself. 
Now, the very day, the Umbrella Academy decided it was a good idea to meet their father in the 60s—it wasn't. Reginald Hareegeves had studied the bunch of adopted children and realized they weren't what he needed for his plan. So, he changed the future through the actions of his once-upon children on the future. 
Take a seat, grab a drink, and have a snack. Here we begin the story of the Hargreeves back in the present day, but not to meet what they expected. Not a relaxing return but a much different look on things. 
I invite you to check into Hotel Oblivion...
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ᴀɪᴅᴀɴ ɢᴀʟʟᴀɢʜᴇʀ— ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ꜰɪᴠᴇ —ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ
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ᴘʜᴏᴇɴɪx ᴍᴀɢɴᴏʟɪᴀ — ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ꜱɪɢʜᴛ
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the rest of the umbrella + sparrow academy as their prospective actors/actresses 
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ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴛᴇʟ'ꜱ ʟɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ:
1. ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴜꜱ — ɢᴜꜱᴛᴀᴠᴏ ꜱᴀɴᴛᴀᴏʟᴀʟʟᴀ 2. ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ — ʜᴀʀʀʏ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇꜱ 3. ʙᴏʀᴅᴇʀʟɪɴᴇ — ᴛᴀᴍᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴀʟᴀ 4. ᴍʏꜱᴛᴇʀʏ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴠᴇ — ꜱᴜꜰᴊᴀɴ ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇɴꜱ 5. ɴᴏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪᴇ — ʙɪʟʟɪᴇ ᴇʟʟɪꜱʜ 6. ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ ɢᴏᴏᴅ — ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ʙᴜʙʟÉ 7. ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ — ᴅᴏᴠᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴏɴ 8. ɴᴏ ʙᴏᴅʏ, ɴᴏ ᴄʀɪᴍᴇ — ᴛᴀʏʟᴏʀ ꜱᴡɪꜰᴛ (ꜰᴇᴀᴛ. ʜᴀɪᴍ) 9. ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛɪᴍᴇ — ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋɴᴅ 10. ᴍᴀʀʏ ᴏɴ ᴀ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱ — ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ 11. ᴇxɪᴛ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ — ʀᴀᴅɪᴏʜᴇᴀᴅ 12. ꜰᴇᴀʀ — ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴊᴏʏꜱ 13. ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏɴ — ɢʀɪᴍᴇꜱ 14. ʜᴏᴡ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ — ᴍᴀᴅᴀʟᴇɴ ᴅᴜᴋᴇ 15. ʜᴀʏʟᴏꜰᴛ ɪɪ — ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 16. ꜱɪɢɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ — ʜᴀʀʀʏ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇꜱ 17. ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴊɪᴅ) — ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴꜱ 18. ᴍʏ ɪᴍᴍᴏʀᴛᴀʟ — ᴇᴠᴀɴᴇꜱᴄᴇɴᴄᴇ 19. ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴍʙʀᴇʟʟᴀ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ — ᴊᴇꜰꜰ ʀᴜꜱꜱᴏ
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zo1nkss · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
-> My AO3
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~Fics listed under the cut~
Hard Times -
Social media AU written in prose instead of screenshots. Ed and Stede meet online during the pandemic and a relationship develops over time. Feel-good, mostly angst-free.
This fic is marked safe from Calico Jack.
Ship: Gentlebeard
Characters: Main cast
Rating: Teen+(might post standalone smut for it but that will come later if it does at all)
Word count: 16,375
Language: English
Archive warnings: None apply
Content warnings: Brief / mild discussions of the pandemic and how it affects ppl mentally and/or emotionally.
Incomplete(Still updating)
Catboy HRT -
Trans Stede AU. Stede buys some questionable T from a possibly shady merchant and discovers some side effects he certainly wasn't expecting.
Ship: Gentlebeard
Characters: Ed and Stede
Rating: Teen+
Word count: 2,444
Language: English
Archive warnings: None apply
Bird-Brained 4 You
Twitter / AO3
Stede Bonnet has just been dumped by his long-time girlfriend because he’s not ready for kids. In an unexpected turn of events, an injured bird landing on his roof forces Stede to face the facts - he’s been looking for love in all the wrong places.
Ship: Gentlebeard
Characters: Ed and Stede main + various crew members in various settings
Rating: M for Mature content
Language: English
Archive warnings: None apply
Co-authors: Me and @n3v3r-l3ft
Bly Manor
The Morning After -
Feel good fic of what I think The Morning After COULD have been if we were allowed nice things. Dani wakes up the morning after the Moonflower talk, only things get a little more intimate than we were lead to believe.
Ship: Damie
Characters: Dani, Jamie, and Flora
Rating: T+
Word count: 926
Language: English
Archive warnings: None apply
Content warnings: None apply
Come be Lonely With Me -
Character + relationship analysis of Owen and Dani and the connection they share through having lost someone deeply important to them. Dani and Owen share a quiet heart-to-heart in front of the unlit fireplace.
Ship: None
Characters: Dani and Owen
Rating: T
Word count: 2,275
Language: English
Archive warnings: None apply
Content warnings: Death, loss, grief, survivors guilt
Stardew Valley
Kiss me like it's an adventure -
A new farmer has moved to the abandoned farm up the road, and they find themself unable to shake this desire to spend more time with Abigail despite their natural aversion to people. Will this small-town romance blossom like a snow fruit, or will Pierre continue to meddle in Abigail's business until she's simply too cautious of life to take chances?
Ship: MC x Abigail
Characters: MC(Void) and Abigal
Rating: T+
Word count: 2,756
Language: English
Archive warnings: None apply
Content warnings: Transphobia, helicopter parenting
Nightmare oh Hargreeves Avenue -
Diego is in hiding, barely escaping their supposedly darker other halves while they figure out a plan to fix the new timeline. An attempt at whump.
Ship: Delila
Characters: Diego, Lila, Reginald, The Handler
Rating: T+
Word count: 1,711
Language: English
Archive warnings: Major character death
Content warnings: PTSD, derealization, reliving trauma, child abuse, emotional neglect, just general BAD PARENTING from Reggie and a lot of themes that could be upsetting.
0 notes
rivalisteaser · 2 years
i just wanted to let you know that i am so excited for this group !! would it be alright to ask if you could give us any info about the powers or dynamics or even more about the original leaders? literally any crumbs pls
Hollis Navarro aka Gorgon - (inspired by Reginald Hargreeves and Erik Lehnsherr). Leader and adoptive parent of The Enigmas. As you could probably tell from the plot, Hollis is a strict and vengeful person but they are not heartless. Their number one priority is their adoptive family. They don’t have many rules for the family, but the ones that they have set in place are absolutely nonnegotiable. They have the ability to turn anyone to stone with a glare but they use their power very sparingly, mostly just as a threat. 
Harold Knox aka The Headmaster - (inspired by Charles Xavier) Headmaster of The Oculus Academy. Harold was an old-fashioned man, he prided himself on restraint and diplomacy. His main objective was peace between humans and mutants. For the safety and well-being of his students there were many rules set in place, and while he’d be willing to hear out any argument, his stubbornness and ability to guilt-trip made it so that his students often didn’t voice their  dissent to him without prompting. However, he was extremely forgiving and always gave people another chance, since he always saw the best in people. His mutant ability allowed him to manipulate dark matter. He only used his abilities to prove to other mutants he was one of them and that control was possible. 
Benjamin Moe aka Mr. Moe - (inspired by Hank McCoy and Pogo) One of the teachers at The Oculus Academy and Harold’s right hand man. Mr. Moe is the softer and more empathetic counterpart to Harold. He served as counselor and teacher to the children, but seemed more like a fun-uncle. He always listened to them and gave them the opportunities to have fun with their powers. He was extremely well-loved by the students. His mutation caused him to transform into a beastial creature whenever his emotions got out of control. The most common triggers were grief and anger, but he was in very good control of his powers by the time he joined the academy. In a way, he was The Headmaster’s first unofficial student. He uses his powers for demonstration and self-defense now. 
Florence Nik aka Bloodhound - (inspired by Wolverine and Sabertooth) - Florence was not around very often during The Enigma’s upbringing, but they treated her like a cool aunt. She is stoic and unyielding, much like her partner Hollis, but she prefers to let the kids learn lessons for themselves and will let anyone slide on breaking the rules so long as she thinks they won’t do it again. Her mutant ability allows her to sniff out the scent of any mutant.  She is the reason The Enigmas were found and brought together. And while she loves The Enigmas, she never stays in one place long enough for any of them to truly get to know her. 
Hope that’s enough crumbs for you! I hope it’s easy enough to read, I have the flu right now, so this could be word garbage! Anyways, Hollis and Harold dated briefly in the 80s. And Florence and Hollis are long-term, long-distance partners now! 
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queercreati · 4 years
Season 3 Prediction, Part 4:
Diego: So, um, tell me. Are you single? 
Sparrow! Lila: Uh... 
Patch: Who the fuck are you?
Time Comission! Lila: They’re not single fyi 
Diego: And you? 
Time Comission! Lila: *Nervous laughter*
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