#regina (oc)
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yard work - chapter 16 [final chapter] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warning(s): talk of past drug use and withdrawal symptoms.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 12 / chapter 13 / chapter 14 / chapter 15
[love renée but fuck am i getting sick of this gif. been looking at it for sixteen goshdarned chapters. finally i am freed.]
You woke up first. Naturally. Every time, every single morning that you'd had sleepovers, you'd been the first to wake up. The sun was shining through the blinds in a pleasant, warm yellow tone. Still morning but not unreasonably early.
You shifted to a more upright position, looking down at the girl still snoozing, whose hand was holding onto your forearm. She was all sprawled out, starfished as much as one could be on a couch. Her body was taking up the shorter end of the L-shape, one knee curled up towards her body, just barely on the couch, while the other stretched well beyond the end of the divan. You were situated much the same, except the other way around. You laid on the longer end so that your heads had almost met in the corner.
Her arms reached out towards you, one around your pillow and the other holding onto you. You knew you'd fallen asleep with much more distance between you, but you couldn't say you minded her having drifted.
Did you, though? You sighed and grumbled as you got up. Might as well do something while you contemplated reality, or something. Mrs George had insisted on some classic American breakfast ingredients, such as bacon and pancake mix. You didn't feel like causing a fire hazard, so pancakes were a no-go, at least for now. Eggs and bacon you could do.
What did you even, like, want? Realistically, actually, no, unrealistically what did you want? There was no sense in trying to make your base wants and desires realistic because at that point was any of that yours anymore? Likely not.
You wanted nights spent with Regina, talking and eating take-out, laughing until your tummy hurt and looking at her glowing in the blue light of whatever Adult Swim show was on at the time. You wanted grocery trips with Mrs George and to go to Kylie's games. You wanted people at school to just, simply not be jerks. You wanted Janis to find peace. You wanted Cady to wake up.
You wanted yesterday to not have happened. You wanted Thanksgiving dinner at the Georges' to never have happened. You wanted for your dad to be different, for Mr George to be different. You wanted your mom to not have died.
Looking at the bacon sizzling in the pan, you chewed on your lips and thought about that. You wanted many things. So many things, mostly for things to not have happened or to have happened differently. It was all wildly unrealistic. You were not a wizard, a time-traveller, or some other mystic being. You were a teenager.
You cracked the eggs into the mix. God, it smelled divine. You pulled a salt and pepper shaker from the spice rack and sprinkled a reasonable amount on there. You groaned out loud and threw your head back when you remembered there was sriracha in the fridge. Mrs George had seen you eyeing the bottle and had not taken a no for an answer, despite your abundant protestations.
"Spare your kitchen utensils the horror and go masturbate in your room like a normal person!" Regina hollered from the living room.
"Oh! Spatula! Harder! Harder!" You cried, moaning like you were receiving the blowie of your life. "If you want breakfast you're gonna have to witness this sordid affair." You called back, giggling. You leaned back from the stove, bending back at the waist. Regina was leaning her chin on the armrest, still more or less sprawled on your couch. There was a pout on her lips and a light flush to her cheeks.
"I'll show you sordid, nerd." She grouched before getting up. You straightened your posture, turning back to the stove, and probed the eggs in the pan with the spatula with a satisfied grin on your face.
You wanted this and more, above all. Was that something you were allowed to want? More importantly, was that something you were allowed to ask for?
Regina came up behind you, hand coming to rest on the small of your back. You didn't jump, much, which you were proud of.
"Looks yummy." She pointed out.
You hummed in agreement. "Can you put toast in the toaster?"
Then, as if no time at all passed, you were sitting down. Then eating and chatting. There was toast, eggs and bacon, and you'd made yourself a bowl of oatmeal. Mrs George had splurged on some blueberries and local honey. Regina refused to make eye contact when you were chewing, citing that your O-face was hard to look at. You only moaned louder and made more faces at her.
Then, just as you were heading to the couch to digest the meal as god intended, lying down, Regina yanked you to the foyer. Still in your jammies and everything, she insisted you bundle up and go for that walk she was talking about yesterday.
You'd hoped she would've forgotten. Sure, the weather was nice for once but if you didn't have to go outside then why would you? It was below freezing!
Much like her mother, she would not budge. You were going on a walk.
"What am I? A dog?" You muttered as you wrapped your scarf around your neck.
"If you were a dog, you'd be a... A Doberman." She was already dressed. It was odd for your roles to have switched like this. Usually, you were the one waiting for her to get ready. She had on a thick, white parka and a cute beanie. She also had on black leggings sure to insulate absolutely nothing and bulky, also black, fur boots.
"What? 'Cause I'm big and scary?" You preened at that, smiling widely.
"Nope." She tilted her head, examining you. "Gloves."
"Geez, okay, mom." You grabbed some mittens from the hat rack. "Why Doberman?"
"They wouldn't look so scary if they didn't have their ears clipped, y'know?" She said. You just looked at her weirdly, not catching her meaning. Your ears were not clipped. "Anyway, let's go."
"Aye aye," With that, you were out of the door.
You walked the block and down to the street. The sidewalk stopped so you went by the side of the road. She was walking ahead of you. It was cold out but not too windy, so it didn't feel so bad.
The sidewalk started again eventually. There, you walked side by side. You were just looking at a bird perched on a wire when you felt her grab your hand. Thinking she had something to say, you turned to look at her. She was still facing forward, the other hand in her pocket, walking along. She was just holding your hand.
Oh. Oh. She was holding your hand. Out in public. Not a lot of people were out at this hour, not even cars since it was a weekend. There was a woman with a stroller. A psychopathic man out on a jog. A dog walker. Still, it was outside where anyone who walked by could see.
You arrived at the park, hands clasped together. You stopped by a bench.
"I don't think we should sit." You said, observing the coating of snow piled on top.
"Let's go over there." Regina pointed to a tree a little ways away.
You went obediently, following the tug of her hand in yours. She was holding your hand. You felt all warm in your chest, like you were full of warm water.
You stopped by the tree. She looked around, trying to spot if anybody was nearby. Then, like she had a secret to tell you, she motioned for you to bend down closer. You did. Her hand squeezed at your fingers as the other came up to your neck, pulling you down the rest of the way.
The warmth you'd felt became hot, like an oil fire erupting in the foil-covered saucepan that was your heart, kernels and half-popped popcorn sputtering out as she kissed you. Your eyes just barely got to shutter closed before she pulled away. Instinctively, your body so starved of affection and touch, you chased her and found her lips again.
She smiled against your mouth. It felt like a secret of the utmost importance being shared, like a pinkie finger wrapped around your own in the corner of the room during a sleepover, giggled promises and childish adoration. She tasted vaguely like breakfast, and maybe egg-breath should've been nasty, but it wasn't.
Cold seeping in, the anxious feeling like you were soon going to be caught taking hold, you pulled away. You didn't lean away entirely, crowding her against the tree. When you'd gotten so close, pinned her, you weren't sure.
"Do..." What were you supposed to say post-kiss? "Do you like it sloppy?"
"What?" Her brows furrowed and the smile on her face turned sharper. What to say post-kiss: Not That.
"Uh, I mean, I just- uh..." You swallowed. "I don't know how to, like, I don't have technique. I dunno. Was that good? I saw Aaron was doing it differently..."
Regina rolled her eyes, head thumping lightly against the tree as her neck lolled back. "You would bring up Aaron now." She sighed. "It's fine. It's- it's good."
"Okay." You swallowed again. A slow smile crept up to your face. "It was good?"
"Ugh, yes, shut up." She shoved you away, but you just allowed the momentum to swing you back to her. "I... I don't think I'm good at words."
You chuckled at that. "No, you're not." She glared. You shrugged. "But, hey, you know me. I'm Chatty Kathy."
"No," She huffed through her nose, seemingly in frustration. "I wish I could say to you what I mean. What I feel. But I just... It's... It's not supposed to be but it's embarrassing."
Looking at her, hunched in on herself like a girl her age was supposed to be at times, so different from how she was most of the time, made your chest feel tight. You figured a person having been raised like she was, having turned out the way she had, would find being vulnerable uncomfortable. Or, as she said it, embarrassing.
Then again, it wasn't your place nor your duty to psycho-analyze her.
"Reg, I..." You hesitated. "I'm tired of, like, sitting in the passenger seat while you bulldoze everyone. I'm tired of feeling like if I do something you don't like you'll push me under too." You pulled away from her, hands getting sore from leaning your weight against the rough bark. "And then there's this whole thing." You gestured around you at the empty park. "Even if we were the best couple ever in terms of, I dunno, vibes or something, we're still..."
"Lesbians." She finished for you. "I'm a lesbian, Jorts." A sentence you never thought you'd hear from Regina George. "I know. For me, it felt justified for a long time, keeping them in their place, but since we started talking again, doing all that stuff just started to seem... Unimportant. And stupid." She fiddled with her fingers, eyes glued to the space between you. "It hasn't gone away. I still want to, I guess, hurt people because it does make me feel better even if it's, like, fucked up. But I want something else more than I want that."
"What's that?" You couldn't help but ask, hope stuck in your throat. Choking hazard.
"You, obviously." She said it so flippantly as if those words didn't just send your heart into the Milky Way. "I want you. I'll stop doing that stuff for you. I know we can't be out yet, but I... I have good grades."
You looked at her, puzzled. She huffed and continued. "I'll go to college. Major in, uh, I dunno, some sorta politics and I'll change the law. Maybe a law degree would work better for that, actually." She seemed to think about it for a moment before returning to her point. "Whichever one would be best in getting gay marriage legalized."
"You..." You had to laugh at that, disbelieving as well as delighted. "You're gonna change the world for me?"
"If that's what it takes." She said, determination shining so bright it made your eyes water.
"Wow, okay." You licked your lips, trying to will the stupid grin off your face. You had some important questions still. "If I moved away, would you still stop?"
She paused at that. Took a moment to really look at you, like she hadn't considered that to be a real possibility.
"Yes." She sounded so sure you believed her. "I just don't have... What it takes anymore. I guess. I don't know if there's something wrong with me that I... I want to be mean, sometimes. It's funny. For me." She glanced down and then looked somewhere over your shoulder. "It took a lot of work to get to what Regina George is now. I don't want to put in all that next year."
"Y'know what they say. New year, new me." You quipped, looking down at her. You were quite sure your pupils had morphed into heart shapes, despite your valiant efforts to have this meaningful conversation without seeming like a love-drunk idiot.
(She kissed you. You kissed her. It was a beautiful morning, you were on a walk and you'd held hands and then you'd kissed under a barren willow tree. It was the first day of Christmas break and you were spending it with Regina George.)
"Does that mean I can be a raging bitch till January 1st?" She asked, eyebrow notching.
You laughed. "Only if you..." You bit your bottom lip, getting nervous. "Only if I get a kiss for every mean thing you say."
"Deal." She offered her hand to you, a cheesy smile on her face.
You pulled your glove off and spit on your hand, then made to take hers.
"Ew! That's disgusting!" She flinched away from you, violently shoving herself back against the tree. "Don't- no! Not near me! Don't touch me with that!"
She bolted and you ran after her, cackling maniacally. You waved your spat-on hand at her as you chased her around the park, her shrieking and you laughing.
"I'm serious, J!" She looked at you over her shoulder as she ran. "Stop chasing me!"
"Stop running away from me!"
"You're just gonna smear your spit on me, you- you fiend!"
"Pinky swear I won't!"
"I won't pinky-swear with your disgusting paws, you-"
With a yelp, Regina tripped over something, probably a root, and fell to the ground. You, having been closing in on her, put the brakes on, windmilled your arms, and tried to stop, but soon followed her into the snow.
"Ouf!" The breath wooshed out of her as you fell on her. She wheezed as you rolled off of her, half-heartedly punching in your direction. You giggled and dodged to the best of your ability, not even minding the snow seeping through your pyjama pants.
Giving some time for her to recover, you laid on your back and looked up at the sky. Clear blue with some thick, greyish clouds looming in the peripheral, morning was turning to day fast. Soon, the park would surely get some more traffic. Kids and their adults, mostly. There was a sizeable play area in the centre. You were pretty much on the outskirts of the park.
It was a familiar spot. You and the guys used to meet your other friends here all the time. Those times it'd been night, too dark to see the faces of the guys with big gym bags, filled to bursting with little plastic baggies and glass bottles.
You turned your head to look at her once her breathing had quieted down.
"You bitch," She hissed at you, the usual venom in her voice gone, replaced by exhaustion. You could only smile, somewhat sheepish but mostly just happy.
"It'd be a lot harder to resist if we were still in school, y'know." You said, turning back to watch the sky. "You can't change the law until we graduate. Until then, we're stuck here. And then, let's say you do change the law and it's passed, it's gonna take some time for people to accept that."
"Yeah," Regina agreed, folding her arms under her chin to lean on.
"And you can say that you'll change a hundred times easily, but actually doing it is different."
"When did you get so wise?"
"When I was all alone for years and did some stupid stuff."
"Like what?" You could tell she wouldn't be expecting what you said next. Even you weren't expecting it.
"You know how I sell drugs and alcohol, right? Where do you think I get the stuff from? I got to know some people while we weren't talking." You sighed. Remembering those times, the worst of them, still so fresh despite it having been years, wasn't nice. "Vandalism, underage drinking, shoplifting, driving without a licence... Did some harder drugs than weed... Stupid shit. I stopped most of it when I got caught the last time and almost went to juvie. Dad got me out, somehow. Probably threw money at people."
You turned your head to look at Regina. She was already paying keen attention to you. "I told my mandated therapist I was gonna change. I said I wasn't going to ever do anything like that ever again. I lied, of course."
"When did you actually stop, then?" She asked.
"Months after the mandated therapy was over." You put your hands in your pockets, getting cold. "I wanted to do it before then. I wanted to just, not be that. A druggie fifteen-year-old spraypainting some dilapidated trailer, hanging around guys that were way too old to be hanging around me. I didn't want to be that but at the same time being anything else was terrifying. I don't think highly of myself, but that was low even for me. Then, Mrs George found me one time."
"Mom?" The question was more out of shock than actual inquiry.
"Yeah." You blinked a couple of times. "I was in a bad state. Withdrawals. I made her promise she wouldn't tell my dad if I allowed her to take me home. She was talking the whole ride from downtown to mine, trying to keep me awake. I just lost it. I don't remember what I said or exactly what I did, but she had to pull over and restrain me." You gulped. "It was awful. Then she offered that I could mow your lawn for some money. I used it the first couple of times to get a new dose. She used to ask what I'd be spending it on and those times I had some bullshit excuse, but the first time I said I was probably gonna get some McDonalds', she cried. Cried real actual tears." You didn't feel like looking at Regina, but you could feel her eyes on the side of your head. "After that it just... It wasn't worth it."
"You never told me." Regina breathed out, still sounding shocked.
"I didn't want to." You turned onto your side, body facing her. "I was- am ashamed."
You didn't feel shame now, though. You undoubtedly would later, tomorrow perhaps, but not now. You were glad for it. You regretted it, wished you hadn't gone down that road, but lying there in the cold snow there was only indifference. That had happened. You had done that.
"Me too." She whispered. "Obviously, it's not the same, but-"
"I know what you mean. And it could be more similar than you think. Quitting an addiction is hard, but I wouldn't say quitting a behaviour is easy."
"It's stupid to compare drug addiction to being a bitch." Regina huffed, a frown on her face. "It's incomparable."
"Well, then let's not compare. Both can be hard in their own way without diminishing the other. What I'm trying to point out is that," You thought for a moment. "We're both trying to get over a bad, toxic habit that feels safe and good and like the only option, without seeing the merit or the other supposedly better option first. It's scary."
"Are you still trying to get over it?"
"I haven't been on drugs since, no. But it's not something that goes away. Not ever."
"And you're still kinda in it." She said, remembering your hustle around the school.
"Yeah. I can't expect you to be all buddy-buddy with everybody suddenly. That'd be hypocritical."
"So what do we do?"
What a question. One that you did not have the answer to. You didn't feel unsettled by the confusion. You hadn't told anyone of your dark past (gosh, could you be any more emo?) since those that knew had just kind of stumbled across it, so telling somebody felt... Good. You'd just sort of blurted it all out without thinking about it too much.
"Can we go back home? I wanna..." You stopped, realizing I wanna make out with you on the couch sounded awfully crude.
A lecherous grin spread Regina's cheeks. "Oh, I see. You just want me for my body."
"No!" You denied, indignant. "I would never."
"You would never want me for my body." She reiterated, purposefully misconstruing what you said. "Wow. Just wow."
"Regina, c'mon, I just mean..."
"Say what you were gonna say." She rolled away and up, towering above you with a twinkling smile pointed down at your prone body.
"Let's just go," You said and tried to get up. Like some bondage dominatrix, she pushed you back down with a shoe on your chest.
You hated how that sort of got to you. Your heart beat faster against her Ugg. Hopefully, she didn't feel it through the thick sole.
"Nuh-uh. Say it."
"I... I wanna make..." You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. "I wanna go home and make out with you on the couch."
"Oh, that wasn't so hard, now was it, baby? Let's go."
It was only once you'd made it back, chucked your wet clothes into the hamper, and spent a considerable amount of time in liplock, that either of you thought to circle back.
"Hey," Regina said, adjusting her weight to not be leaning on you so heavily. Your lips smacked apart and, gosh, now you were the gross ones. "I just now realized,"
"What are you realizing while you're supposed to be kissing me?" You pouted, falling onto your side and away from her. Your hand went over your eyes like you were a swooning maiden. Regina just patted your leg in mock consolation.
"You have your drug thing-" Only she would refer to your past addiction as your drug thing. "but I was, like, the only one doing anything actually wrong. Actively. You know what I mean." You craned your neck to look at her. Your double chin was probably epic.
"I lied to you by omission. I was really mean to you on Thanksgiving."
"Okay, lying by omission was bad and never do that again," She paused, waiting for you to affirm. You nodded solemnly. "But you were only mean after I was mean first. So, both forgiven. Anyway, I'm talking, like... I don't know how to say it."
You blinked. You didn't know what she meant so you couldn't really help. Regina huffed, nails scratching absent-mindedly on your calves.
"You made it sound like we were both wrong for how things exploded." She eventually said. "That was all me."
"I shouldn't have been such a doormat. I let you walk all over me and I never said anything about how I really felt."
"I don't think you can be in the wrong for that."
"I think I can be. At least the way that I was. I could've said something."
"And what would that've achieved? Me cutting you off and nothing changing?"
You clambered up to your elbows. "And now we're here." You smiled, one side a little crooked with how gleeful you were. "Look, we can hash everything out during the break, now just... Let's focus on other things."
Regina, still looking conflicted, caressed a hand up your leg. You shivered. You were in just a hoodie and loose briefs. Regina was more covered up than you, but still in just your old basketball shorts and a big band tee.
"Reggie, I'm getting used to asking for things I shouldn't want. Amuse me." You turned onto your back and hooked your legs around Regina. She fell forward, hands braced on either side of your torso. "Kiss me."
"I just don't want to mess up and have all this go away." She swallowed, a worried crease between her eyebrows.
"I think we're gonna mess up plenty of times. It's a possibility you'll find some justification to make somebody's life hell for a time. I could relapse." You pulled her closer with your legs, arms coming up to cross your fingers behind her neck. "A lot of the time we're not gonna want to admit it, we might not even know it. So, we can lay out a few... Promises, or something."
"Okay," Regina said, gazing down at you like you never imagined. Like you meant things to her. Important things.
"Promise me that you'll listen. Even if you disagree, please hear me out." She nodded seriously. "And, in turn, I promise to speak my mind. When I don't like something, or just like something, I'll say so." Again, she nodded. You loosened your hold on her neck and rubbed your thumbs on her cheeks. Getting to touch her like this, having her literally between your legs, was more than you ever thought you'd get.
Even if this ended in a similar fashion to the Thanksgiving kiss, or even much, much worse, you'd have regretted not taking the chance for the rest of your life.
"And... This is the most important one... Come closer."
Regina shifted closer, bending down, her elbows coming to rest next to your chest as she turned her ear towards you.
You whispered conspiratorially, like this was top-secret: "Still let me do your yard work."
Notes: Fucking christ. I wrote this all in one sitting. 4.3k words. That's like two chapters. I've written long chapters before, longer than this, but I got so used to the 2k on average pace that this felt huge.
Also! Don't be spooked by the [final chapter] marking! This is the last chapter in the story, yes, but we'll be hearing more from Reggie and Jorts still! I have a couple of epilogue sequences I want to write. Would y'all be interested in a poll as to what order those should be published? As in, chronological. Do we start from 10 Years Later... or something more like, idk, next summer? Lmk in the comments :)
This might be counterintuitive to add, and if my lovely amazing readers have exercised their reading comprehension during this series they might get why on a more nuanced level, revenge on Gretchen was left out purposefully. This will not be the last we hear of her, I have some plans for her in some of the epilogues, but yes. That plot point was left open on purpose.
The name. A lot of people like it! I was feeling insecure about my lack of foresight and impulsive naming, but hey, as it turns out it's not that deep! To add, it went really nicely with the end there I think :) No changes will be happening.
This note is getting so long. I just wanna thank everybody that's been along for the ride so far. I read every single comment and check my notifications way too often for new ones. I'm pretty used to writing for quite dead/inactive fandoms on AO3, and I love that site it's my origin, but it's very different to Tumblr. I just feel like people on here are much more open to sharing their thoughts. Everybody who's bore witness to my grief with the taglist, thank you for your patience. And thank you so much for wanting to be on it. I cannot believe people wanted that. For little ole me? Oh, you shouldn't have...
If there are spelling errors or grammatical weirdness, shhh. I'm not reading all that again at 1am. Toodles!
Taglist will be posted separately! Comment on that post if you want to be added to be notified when the epilogies are published!
#mean girls#mean girls 2004#mean girls 2024#regina george#regina george x reader#regina george x you#regina george x oc#regina george x ofc#mean girls x reader#lesbian regina george#wlw#fic: yard work
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The similarities have been on my mind stg
#lady dimitrescu#resident evil village#mother miranda#donna beneviento#bela dimitrescu#wlw#re village#sad lesbians#daniela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#re8 alcina#alcina dimitrescu#lady dimitrescu x reader#re8 oc#re8 village#alcina dimitriscu x reader#ouat#maleficent#regina mills#evil queen#middle aged actresses#middle aged women#women#maleficent x evilqueen
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Anyone finding the daughter from 'the new norm' to be a closeted queer? Hear me out - From a closeted queer
As you can see here, the 'daughter' is excited that she meets a non binary person. Now, as a closeted queer, one of the biggest desires in these trying times is to meet other people like us, suggesting that chloe (the character's name) is non binary. This is contributed further with the clouds of pink and blue as well as the rainbow in the background, obviously symbolizing queerness and even the trans flag. The trans flag is crucial cuz it aligns with non binary, a lot of non binary people also call themselves trans.
This is amplified through the B plot of the episode where Chole wanting to impress Chaz, indicating that she wants to bond with other queer/non binary people like her.
The most damning thing though, is her bracelet.
This is a pride bracelet which is uniquely a closeted queer experience where you wanna be open about your queerness without actually being open about it, using more subtle symbols such as this. I can confirm as an closeted queer who uses my aro bracelet that my friend made me as a way to express myself and my identity.
I've seen people who think chole is one of the performative allies or at least the allies that do more harm than good (infantilising/fetishising queer people) which I can understand. Hell I thought Karponzi from mr birchum was more of a performative ally than what they were trying to actually satirize. But what makes chole different from karponzi is that from these key details, her allyship stems more from solidarity for queer people rather than performativity or fetishization. Thus, her being excited about Chaz being non binary may stem from her BEING non binary herself and given her 'anti woke' household, obviously cannot be open about it. Therefore, Chole is a closeted queer and I'm gonna steal her as my oc thank you very much.
#the new norm#the new norm chole#her and regina (not regg-ina) are gonna be my stolen ocs now#*evil queer laughing
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(Requests Open) - What I write: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Mental disabilities, Age gap, Minor reader (I'll only go as young as 16 though)
Who I Write For (Female Reader)
Abbott Elementary: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader (romantic)
The Parent Trap: Chessy x Reader (romantic)
Wednesday: Marilyn Thornhill x Reader (romantic)
Yellowjackets: Adult Misty Quigley x Reader (romantic)
The Wheel Of Time: Moiraine Sedai x Reader (romantic)
Wandavision/ Agatha All Along: Agatha Harkness x Reader (romantic)
Resident Evil Village: Donna Beneviento x Reader (romantic)
Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills x Reader (romantic)
Ted Lasso: Rebecca Welton x Reader (romantic)
Doctor Who: Thirteenth Doctor x Reader (romantic)
Agatha Harkness
Christina Ricci (Marilyn Thornhill, Adult Misty Quigley)
Donna Beneviento
Melissa Schemmenti One Shots
Melissa Schemmenti Series
Moiraine Sedai
Rebecca Welton - coming soon
Regina Mills
Thirteenth Doctor - coming soon
Fics in the Works
#agatha harkness#agatha harkness x reader#wandavision#agatha all along#kathryn hahn#chessy x reader#chessy#the parent trap#melissa schemmenti x oc#melissa schemmenti x reader#melissa schemmenti x you#melissa schemmenti#melissa schemmenti fanfic#abbott elementary#lisa ann walter#law#marilyn thornhill x reader#marilyn thornhill#misty quigley x reader#misty quigley#christina ricci#donna beneviento x reader#donna beneviento#resident evil village#moiraine sedai x reader#moiraine damodred#moiraine sedai#regina mills x reader#regina mills
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Massive Deal [1]
This is the full story version of Too much of a massive deal, it will be a few chapters!
Regina George x Fem!Reader: Part 1: 3.7k words including intro
Btw, if you think things are going to fast or what not, this is like 3 of my wattpad chapters in one, so i don’t have to do to many updates and theres not as many parts.
It was really unrealistic, I mean, having a crush on Regina George? When you told your best friend she said she wasn't surprised, It was almost the same reaction when you told her you were lesbian. You tell your best friend everything, she's the only person you truly trust in your friend group. Her name is Bella Christensen
You love all your friends but you were friends with Bella during elementary school, you told her you were lesbian and you haven't told your family yet, she's been a really good friend about it and hasn't said anything.
The worst part about having a crush on Regina George is being related to her best friend, Gretchen, you guys don't talk much because she is always with Regina, you just think it would be weird dating your sisters best friend.
Like the thought of Bella dating Gretchen makes you want to throw up inside.
You know this crush was just some silly teenager thing that will go away, you know she's not lesbian and most likely homophobic, so when you get into your senior year of high school you're plan for the year is to study hard (MOVE ON FROM REGINA GEORGE) and to have fun.
What will happen? Will Regina like You? Will people turn against each other?
“I fucking hate High School”
The sound of your loud alarm started to go off, waking you up instantly and you groaned, summer break goes way too quickly. You take all the energy inside you to move your hand and press the snooze button on your phone, wanting to sleep for some extra you close your eyes but then open again at the sound of your door opening, it was Gretchen, what the fuck is she doing up this early?
She made her way to your closet and started throwing your clothes everywhere, making a mess. "Gretchen! What are you doing?" Your sister rolls her eyes answering, "I'm looking for my white blouse, the one you wore on the last day of school." You get up out of bed and rush to your closet before she ruins anything else and searches through your doors, finally finding it. "Here it is." She smiles slightly, "Thanks sis." You smile and think about heading back to bed but you decide not to, you know if you went back in you would never get out again.
You looked through your closet, groaning seeing the limited choices, "Ugh! I have nothing to wear," You looked at the weather, wanting to dress appropriately for the weather. You see that it is quite warm, you sigh and leave your room, sneaking into your sister's room. She has a lot of good clothes.
You take a blue shirt and a white skirt, hoping that she doesn't notice you in her room. When you leave her room you bump into her, hiding the clothes you took behind your back (as if she hasn't already seen them) So she doesn't get mad, your sister sighs. "Fine, I'll do your makeup too."
She brings you into her bathroom and does a small natural look, and finding you a better outfit, you look at yourself in the mirror, "Damn, all the boys will be crushing on you." Gretchen says, applying a little more mascara, you hesitate but nod at her works, not wanting to tell her the truth.
"I'll add lip gloss after you eat." She smiles and the two of you go down stairs, greeting your mom before going to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Gretchen has some avocado toast and juice, while you just had some cereal.
The two of you sit on the table, she talks about how she is excited to start the year. It's crazy how different she can be at home compared to at school. Everyone in school knows that the two of you are related but you never sit with each other.
You thought about how you would move on from Regina, your best idea was to just ignore her at all costs, every time you see her you stare at her with heart eyes, but she will never dare to look back at you. You sigh deeply, lost in your thoughts, thinking about the first time you realised you liked Regina.
You were sitting with Bella, it was the last first day of middle school, you decided to start the year by trying out for the cheer team, you were very nervous because you know that everyone sitting here as already tried out and made the team, you were the only, who was trying to do it for the first time.
They called your name, Bella cheered loudly, you giggled, getting up off the bench, you stood there nervously as the judges sighed a few things, you stood there awkwardly. They told you to start and you started to do your audition, you did a few tricks, after you were done you saw that there were smiles on their faces.
They all told you that they would be in contact, you nodded and walked back to your friend, she smiled brightly, giving you a big hug. "You did so well!" You smiled, hugging her back, you also felt like you did quite well.
The two of you walked out of the gym and walked into the change room so you could change out of your sweaty clothes, when you walked in, you gasped at the sight. Regina George standing there in her bra and tight leggings, you have never taken a close look at her body before, you must have been staring for a while because you had lost focus for everything else that was going on.
Bella waved her hand in front of your face to make you come back into reality. You jumped looking at her and she looked at you with a confused look, walking away she could change. Fuck, you were like every guy at the school, you had a crush on Regina George.
End of flashback
A similar situation was happening out, while you were thinking of this moment you were clearly spaced out, Gretchen shook your body to bring you back into reality. Damn, moving on from Regina will be harder than you think, she can still make you feel the same butterflies like she did in middle school.
"Regina is giving me a lift to school if you want to come." You thought that would be awkward as hell, you were honestly confused as to why Gretchen was asking you. You awkwardly laugh saying, "Oh.. It's okay, Bella is picking me up!" Gretchen nods, grabbing her purse, before walking out the door.
You grab your phone and call Bella, she answers instantly, "Hey! Y/n!" You smile at how happy she sounds, "Hey Bella, when will you be here?" You ask, only so you can know how long you have to get ready. "I'll be there in 10 minutes, " You rolled your eyes, Bella would always be late.
It was like Bella could hear you rolling your eyes, "What! My alarm didn't go off!" She defended, making up an excuse. You giggled, "Yeah sure, I'll see you soon." You say hanging up the phone, you look over and see that Gretchen didn't put her dishes away, being the better sister, you get up and put both yours and hers in the sink.
You go upstairs to brush your teeth and fix your hair, you put on both deodorant and perfume, you start to apply your lip gloss but you hear a car horn beeping which messes you up, and she doesn't stop. "Jesus Christ! Bella I'm coming!" You yell, as if she could hear you.
You grab your back and quickly rush outside the door, rushing into her car, you give Bella a massive hug, you don't feel her hug back which you find strange, you pull away and you see that she is looking at you with a glare, "What?"
"Y/n, you look like a fucking plastic."
Bella parked outside the school smiling happily at you. "So" Bella started, "When will I decorate my car park?" She asked, you smiled back, hitting her leg, "Soon." You smile, getting out of her car, waiting for her to come to your side so you could link arms and walk into school.
"I'm so annoyed we don't have many classes together," Bela groaned, leaning her head on her shoulder, smiling at you, you look into her eyes and smile at her, "Yeah but one class is better than none." You mention she nods, taking her head off her shoulder.
"I can't believe we have maths first." Bella groans, walking into homeroom sitting down on the table, you sat down on the table next to her, rolling your eyes at her, "At least we are in the same class first period." You mention but Bella jumps in, "I have PE right after!" You laugh at her, "That sucks, I have English."
You roll your eyes, throw your head on the desk, lie down until the bell rings, Bella laughs at you, "Jesus Christ, first day and you're already falling asleep in class?" You look up at her, glaring into her eyes, making her laugh more. "Don't try to be intimidating with me."
The bell finally rang, everyone was happy to be out of the homeroom, but not excited to start class. You and Bella decide to take the long way to get to class because the two of you really hate maths.
Luckily, maths class went quickly and now you were in English class, you didn't see anyone that you knew in the class so you decided to sit alone, on the table in the back. Soon after the class started Regina walked in, not even looking at the teacher or saying sorry for being late.
You looked around the class and noticed that the only available seat was next to you, so you moved your stuff without her asking, for the whole lesson you were breathing heavily while she didn't look your way once, she was actually just on her phone the whole lesson.
Probably texting her stupid boyfriend.
Finally, the class was over and it was time for the first break. You met up with Bella, who was sitting under a tree. Eventually, all your other friends join up, you were a bit sad that a few had moved schools, but the group was still close, it just wouldn't be the same.
"So how your guys' classes?." Jennie asks, smiling, you groan, "I have Regina In my English class." Everyone else groans, feeling bad for you but Bella smirks, hitting your shoulder, making sure to do it quickly so no one sees.
"I can't believe you're related to Gretchen." Charlie commented, giggling looking over at Jennie, you chuckled, nodding your head, "Yeah me too, but at the end of the day she is my sister and I love her." The two girls just roll their eyes, you look at Bella who gives you a sympathetic look, you just shake your head, you weren't bothered by them.
The four of you continue to talk, none of you notice Oliver Kim walking over to you. "Hey, Y/n, I was just wondering if you like to go out tonight." You look at Bella, still feeling slightly bad to reject some nice looking people. You open your mouth to answer, but you hear someone else talk. "She would love to!" Oliver smiles, "Great, I'll text you the details."
"Jennie!" You exclaim, "What! You have never been on a date with a guy! you deserve this." She says, rubbing your knee. You sighed knowing she was just trying to be a good friend and she doesn't know that you are lesbian, so you try your best not to get hurt by it.
The bell rang, everyone quickly gathered their stuff and rushed out to their class. You walked to your chemistry class, it sucked that it was on the opposite side of the school. You walk into the class and observe the people in the class, you see Janis sitting alone.
You weren't friends with Janis but you weren't enemies, you smiled, walking over, "Hey!" you say, she smiles, looking up at you, you smile back, "Can I sit here?" You ask, feeling a little nervous, she smiled at you, moving her stuff so you could sit down, you sat down smiling at her, taking your stuff out, she looked over at you and smiled.
You took notes on the lesson, It was around half way through the lesson, you felt Janis tap you on the shoulder, "What other classes are you in this year." She smiled at you, you smiled back at her, telling her what classes you were in, you were surprised and happy to find out that.
You put your attention back to the teacher, you wrote down a lot of notes because if you were being honest, you were scared for this year, so you wanted to do your best in the classes. At the end of class, you and Janis had art next, "Hey so, do you want to walk to art together."
You smile nodding, walking to art with her, you start to talk about what you guys did over the summer. You walk inside and you smile when you see Damien, you know Janis and Damien are close so you let Janis go off to be with him. "Damien! You know Y/n." She smiles, He smiles back, "Of course I do, she's beautiful!" He exclaims, you giggle, looking down slightly shy with the complement.
"Class, Listen up!" Everyone turns their heads to the teacher, she continues to speak once everyone is paying attention, "Today we will paint freestyle, you can paint whatever you want." You smile, go through the paint box grabbing what you need, you look up images on your laptop, to get some ideas on what you can paint.
You settle on a landscape of a flower field, you put on an apron because you know Gretchen would murder you. You started to work on the painting, making sure to stay very focused. Janis sees this as a perfect opportunity to talk to Damien.
She pulls him into the other side of the classroom, making sure that there is no way that you would be able to hear, leaning in close she opens her mouth to talk, "Girl, you're way too close!" Damien says, too loud for Janis' liking. She quickly shushes him, backs up slightly and whispers.
"I think I like y/n."
Damien looked at You then looked at Janis, "You.. Like her?" Janis nods quickly. Damien rolls her eyes. "She's like the straightest girl here." Damien exclaimed, Janis hit him on the shoulder. "Ow!" He said, grabbing his shoulder, Janis rolled her eyes at him saying, "It shouldn't hurt that bad.." He glares at her his arm didn't really hurt, he was just being dramatic. "Anyway, you can't assume someone's sexuality!" Janis said a little too loudly, grabbing the attention of a few people.
"Look, my point is that. She's really pretty." Janis smiles, looking at You as if she could get lost in your eyes, "You know she's related to Gretchen." Damien whispers, Janis looks back at him, rolling her eyes before saying, "So what? You literally date Regina's ex boyfriend." Damien hits Janis softly, not too hard to the point where it hurts, they go back to greet you, gasping at the amazing process.
"Wow! You did that all just now?" Janis exclaims happily, you nod but don't say anything back, you don't want to lose your focus on the artwork, Janis smiles behind you, admiring your focus in the artwork, you have no Idea how she is looking at you, but she is looking at you the same way you looked at Regina George in middle school, the time you realised you liked her.
You looked back and she looked away, making you smile brightly. The teacher says that the bell will ring soon so everyone should start to pack up. You signed, packing your things and cleaning the supplies. You waved goodbye to Janis and Damien, knowing you would see Janis in PE.
You head to the cafeteria, smiling when you see your best friend, you sit down on the table, sitting next to Bella, you decide to wait for the line to die down before getting food.
You smile at her but she doesn't smile back. You look at her confused. "What's up?" You ask, honestly confused. She pulls you close so no one else hears, "I'm saying this before they come, aren't you worried about that date with Oliver tonight?"
You sigh, you had forgotten about that. You're very self-conscious so texting him or bailing on him wasn't even an option, and Bella knew this. She tried to comfort you the best she could because she knew as soon as Charlie and Jennie would come over, they would not shut up about it.
You heard the two girls walk over and just like you and Bella guessed, they didn't shut up. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're going out with Oliver Kim!" Jennie said happily, "Yeah!" You say, trying your best to actually sound happy, you look over at the line and see that it's smaller now. "I'm going to get my lunch." Hoping up, you go and grab a tray and line up to get your lunch.
In the line you could feel someone's eyes on on, they were standing next to you and you couldn't make out who it was, you decided to glance to the side to see if you can make out who it is, you smile brightly when you see it is Janis, pay for your food then sit down, smiling at your friends, "How was your classes?" Charlie asks, looking at you, smiling, you say, "Good, we did painting in art already!" They all smile brightly.
Lunch goes by quickly and you have to rush to the change room to get in your PE clothes, when you get in the change room with Janis you gasp at the sight, it was like you were back in middle school again, Regina George was there, in her sports bra. She was in the same PE class as you.
You don't notice how long you are staring at her, a loud voice brings you back to reality, it was Janis this time. She pulled you to the side, a space where no one could see. "You were staring at Regina.." She says, with almost a hint of sadness in her voice, you shake your head, wanting to deny it. "I wasn't! I swear."
She rolls her eyes, "You were staring at her boobs!" She whispers, yells, you sigh, looking down at the floor. "Y/n?" She asks, making you look up. "Yeah?" You ask, wanting her to continue, "Are you.. Gay?" She asks and you stare at her in shock, "No, I'm not!" You exclaim, scarred that Bella might have told someone. "I think you might be.." She adds, which makes you more upset. "You have no right to tell me my sexuality."
You push past her and go to change into your PE clothes, not bothering to even look at her when you exit the change room, or on the field, the teacher asks everyone to get into two teams and you try your best to not be in the same team as Janis, but just your luck you ended up on her team, along with Regina and a few other people.
The teacher asked everyone to do soccer drills, you couldn't help but stare at Regina, she looked so hot in a high ponytail. Fuck, you're doing in again y/n. You brush yourself out of it this time, you focus on ignoring how pretty Regina looks and ignore Janis' many attempts to talk to you, the only thing you should focus on is worrying about the date tonight.
For a boy you don't even like, the gender you don't like.
You must have been lost in your thoughts because the next thing you remember is a ball being kicked to your stomach and you were clutching it, struggling to catch your breath, you look over and see to girls laughing, you don't know their names but you can tell that they are new and already don't like you. "Hey! Assholes!" You hear someone yell, but you can't make out who it is.
You feel someone grab your hand and sit you down, you look over and see Janis, she is holding your water bottle and allows you to drink some of her water. You look at her with sad eyes, "I'm sorry for being a bitch." Janis just giggles, "It's okay, I'm sorry for assuming anything." You smile, nodding your head, drinking the water that Janis gave you. God you're good at covering your sexuality up, it's become natural.
"Hey, you okay?" You look up and you're surprised to see Regina standing there asking if you are okay, you try your best to play it cool but she is wearing a white top and a black bra, you try your best not to stare so you just quickly answer, "Yeah, I'm okay now." She nods, running away to other people in the class, your eyes follow her, a smile slowly creeps up on your face. "Y/n." You hear Janis call out. You turn your head back to her, "Yeah?"
"Wanna hang out with Damien and I tonight? We are going to stay at mine and watch movies, I'll give you a lift to school!" You frown slightly, you want to go, but you have other plans, "Sorry I can't tonight." You can see that she looks sad, "But hey! If my plans end early! I'll join you guys!" Her facial expression changes and she smiles brightly, "Can't wait!"
Now this is gonna be a little confusing, let me know if you would like a page that has a list of all the main characters/oc’s because there are quite a few.
#regina george#regina x reader#regina george x reader#regina x fem!reader#regina george 2024#janis imi'ike#janis imiike x reader#mean girls 2024#reneé rapp#auli'i cravalho#mean girls#gxg#wlw#lesbian#fluff#angst#gretchen wieners#oc
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Irelin, writing: “Many things have been said about this mysterious Morrigan, that she’s a shapeshifter, a powerful mage, an advisor to the inquisitor… “
Irelin: *looks up*
Bellara: … so that’s what really happened?? Wow Morrigan you’re really knowledgeable about these things
Morrigan: ‘Tis but a small thing to pick up when one has been caught in the midst of things just as they unravel one too many times. Had I half the wit that you possess I would have probably picked up twice more
Bellara: Oh that’s… stop! Morrigan you’re being too nice
Morrigan: Of all the epithets I’ve had assigned to me I think “too nice” might be my new favorite
Bellara: Oh, that’s so funny!
Irelin: *narrows eyes*
Irelin, continuing writing: “It is also said that she has had as many lovers as there are trees in the forest”
#easy there Regina George#Irelin are you doing all right#please dont slutshame the bird lady she's our guest#look Id have a hard time getting over Bellara too but this isnt healthy#yes this is an actual codex entry I did not make this up#datv#datv spoilers#datv shitposting#veilguard#veilguard spoilers#veilguard shitpost#meme#oc#shitpost#bellara lutare#dragon age morrigan#irelin#irelin dragon age
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Be afraid of the cold They'll inherit your blood Après moi, le delugé After me comes the flood
a beautiful rendition of my aasimar, Idris, done by olivpit! you can view all of her links here! she did such a gorgeous job and was so pleasant to work with, please take a peek at her comms, prints, and artfight!
#oc: idris#art commission#art#commissioned art#aasimar#dnd#dnd 5e#curse of strahd#fate cleric#raven queen#the lyrics are from apres moi by regina spektor btw#cos: tcc#cos
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Misfits in Toyland: Book Two
The profiles will update themselves in future books with any changes they go through and to serve as a "story-so-far" for each character.
#misfits in toyland#my ocs#my art#original characters#toyfolk#maria#melissa#Jennifer#regina#spots#Eleanor#paul#tammy#gabe#charlie#toys#dolls#andre#dolly#dolores
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yard work - chapter 1 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 2
Summers spent cleaning the Georges' pool, mowing their lawn, fixing up their garage door, and giving the odd oil change to one of their cars was the norm for you. Your father had made it big as a self-made entrepreneur, climbing the ladder rung by rung all the way up from rock bottom, but he had ensured your upbringing reflected his humble roots. That meant that while you never had to go hungry like he did, your allowance was minimal. Enough for school lunch and a few dollars to spare.
Doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood had been your primary means of making money for the last couple of years. The block was pretty fancy, so not everybody wanted to hire some twerp with no experience when a professional was easily available. Even so, rich folk were surprisingly stingy. You had your own equipment, didn't ask for much and had a familiar face. The Georges were your longest-standing clients. Mowing their lawn in summer and shovelling their driveway in winter had been your job since you were thirteen.
That was probably the reason why Regina kept her distance instead of ridiculing you like everybody else. You went to the same high school, Northshore, but that was pretty much it. You hung around your own (loser) ilk and she had her (cool) troupe. She had this odd little clique with Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith. You didn't know much about the two girls and you couldn't really tell if Regina even liked them. They hung out so they had to have something in common, right? You were but an observer at the end of the day, no matter how your neighbourly vantage point gave you a glimpse into Regina's life.
You counted her ignoring you as a blessing. It would've cut deep to fall victim to her new ways. This persona wasn't that new, you had to admit, but when you'd known her since practically diapers, high school was a pretty new development. She'd never been what people would describe as sweet or nice, but this mean girl persona was on a whole other level.
To be fair, you could very well understand why Regina was the way she was. You knew Mr George. You'd sat at the same dinner table as him, had experienced first-hand how his presence weighed on his family. Especially on Regina. Your father was the same way, all sharp edges with no time for tenderness, not even- especially not for his daughter. That'd been the reason you'd gotten so close to Regina in the first place. Most of the time it was just Regina, her mom and you at their house. Mrs George left you two by yourselves a lot 'cause she had to take care of Kylie. You loved being at the Georges' house.
(Expect, of course, those select few times Mr George was also there. But that was rare. Regina didn't invite you over when he was home.)
And now it'd been reduced to this. You, fishing leaves from the pool. Regina, inside with her new friends. Mrs George, lounging on the patio with a virgin margarita, chatting with you when you rounded the pool closer to her. Kylie, probably in the sitting room dancing along to whatever they played on MTV.
You straightened from your slouched position and groaned at the ache in your back. You leaned back with your hands braced at your sides, trying to stretch out the crick.
"Mrs George?" You hollered and waved your arms in her direction.
"Yes, dear?" She brightened up, perching up in her sun bed.
"You mind if I put my headphones on while I mow the lawn?"
"Oh, sure, of course!" She waved a hand dismissively. "Remember the glasses! And once you're done why don't you have dinner with us?"
"I'll think about it, Mrs George." You smiled with thin lips, knowing you'd be turning the offer down. With that, you plugged your headphones into the Walkman at your hip and walked to the shed.
You wore the safety glasses obediently, knowing all it took to blind you was one unlucky pebble to the eye. Your dad had been sure to lecture you about workplace safety over the years, like every time you stepped foot in the shop, so at this point putting on embarrassing safety equipment was second nature.
The Georges had a big lawn. Stingy rich people, couldn't get one of those driveable mowers. You'd be pushing this cart around till nightfall, or something...
Usher's newest album blasting in your ears and the rumbling of the lawn mower muffling all background noise, you didn't notice her at first. By the time you caught sight of Regina standing on the patio stairs, looking your way, hands on her hips and a displeased frown on her lips, you feared you were too late.
You let the engine die and tugged your headphones away from your ears. "What?" You yelled across the pool.
She rolled her eyes before answering. "Mom wants you in for dinner."
"Oh," This had never happened before. Usually, Mrs George would come round to give you your payment, ask you to stay and you'd say no. She'd smile sadly and say "Maybe next time, sweetie".
"She made casserole," Regina said, inspecting her nails. What was for dinner was definitely not the reason for your hesitation.
"Uh, I don't wanna intrude-"
"You wouldn't have been invited if it was an intrusion, idiot." She cut in sharply. "Don't be rude." And so, she swept inside.
"Uh- I- I'll finish up as fast as I can!"
#mean girls#mean girls musical#mean girls movie#mean girls 2004#mean girls 2024#regina george#regina george x reader#regina george x you#regina george x oc#regina george x ofc#mean girls x reader#wlw#lesbian regina george#fic: yard work
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Soooooo... Can we learn a little bit about Regina?
But Of course! This is what I came up with so far: Name: Regina Pronoun: She/her Race: Ferret Age: early 30s Place of birth: Silk Cradle Background story: Regina used to be a spy who infiltrated the Lamb's cult to steal when she was just a teenager. Her main objective was food. She sneaked into the storage in the middle of the night, but that's when she noticed a follower messing with the food and preparing a dish using poison from Silk Cradle she recognised. Regina could have just shrugged it off, taken the food and escaped. But she didn't! And tackled the follower before they could give the poisoned dish to the Lamb. The heretic was killed and Regina was redeemed and invited to stay in the cult by Lambert. She is now in charge of the kitchen and she has never been so happy before! Even happier now that she has a very cool co-worker, who "could throw her over the shoulder and carry her to safety, should the need arise" (teehee)
Personality: Regina is bubbly, very talkative and active, but only at certain times of day. The rest of the time she sleeps a lot, that's why she was assigned to the kitchen as it fits her sleeping schedule better. She has never been involved in aggressive behaviour or violence... but when it was time to sign Heket to the fighting pit, she bent over backwards to make sure her coworker participated and she was in the front line with pon pons! That's it so far! Thank you for asking!💙
#cult of the lamb#cotl#the last bishop the first to fall#blue answers#text post#cotl regina#cotl oc#cotl follower
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— Once Upon A Time OC 🎻
-> The Littlest Jones — Eugene Maverick Jones
Full Name: Eugene Maverick Jones
Cursed Name: Derek Rogers
Nicknames: Mav, Gene, Genie, Shepherd, Little Brother
Height: 5’11
Age: 34
Birthplace: The Enchanted Forest
Friends & Family
Brothers: Liam & Killian Jones
Sister In Law: Emma Swan
Friendships: David Nolan, Snow White, Regina Mills
Surrogate Nephew: Henry Mills
The rest of Storybrooke gang
Seasons: 2-7
Face Claim: Aaron Taylor Johnson
Romance: He has dated before, having fell in love with an old friend once. Other than that, he hasn’t found his true love yet. He’s a Jones, he falls quick if he likes you that long.
Sexuality (if anyone cares): Bi
The titles he’s taken on: Pirate, Prince, Thief, Bartender, Knight
His most notable titles is: Flynn Rider.
Yes, Eugene as a child was made to play and read books, while his big brothers went on to scrap for food after their father sold them away. So there was this one book, The Tales Of Flynnigan Rider, an amazing swordsman who traveled across the land in search of riches, great with the people he met and secrets to discover. And for a kid who had nothing? Well, he dreamt about it and took on that idea for himself. It inspired him to take onto that journey in the future and read those stories to all the children.
Relations: Worked for Evil Queen whenever she needed someone to do something for her. Him and Regina had some…chemistry going on as well. Once due to his behavior to steal a stunning pearl, he found himself in Wonderland where he was captured by The Queen of Hearts and forced to surrender to her bidding. On the bright side though, he escaped with Jefferson Hatter.
None-Relations: Yes, he doesn’t like Rumple. The man took off his big brother’s hand and killed the love of his own brother! Heck, Eugene saw Belle from a mile away and thought to himself, he’ll be a great boyfriend for her instead of that crocodile of a man, just sayin’.
Personality 📺
Eugene “Flynn Rider” Jones is a rather charming, impulsive rogue with wit and a heart of gold. Yes, he can often get caught in trouble, his loyaly to his family and friends comes out on top. He is someone who’ll do anything to protect those he loves even if it means putting himself at risk.
He hold a playful and laid-back nature that hides a deeper vulnerability, shaped by loss and responsibility. When he does let that vulnerable side be showcase, he will often appears moody and a bit smug or harsh, but he’s often times trying to not let it show.
—Backstory ⚒️
After everything with their bastard father, the brothers Jones were founded apart of the The Royal Navy. Due to Eugene being the second youngest one, he was forced to take on jobs with Killian on the ship meanwhile Liam decided to be the overachieving big brother and take on jobs that should’ve been left alone.
Eugene often mumbled and rolled his eyes at his eldest brother’s role, however admired his bravery to take control. Killian however, as much as he loved his big brother, hated how he never listened to him and was too stubborn for his own good. Which unfortunately led to Liam’s death, after going to Neverland due to the royals back home wanting a plant from that island, not knowing or caring about what dangerous situation they sent their own men towards.
Due to Liam Jones’s death, both Killian and Eugene made a very important decision to never return to the navy again or that blasted island. The Crown Jewel Of The Realm became The Jolly Roger overnight. Captain Jones and Lieutenant Jones. They were consider as pirates to many other sailors that passed through, including the places they sailed to and the people they met.
Despite the presence of their pirates to their crew, in reality, Killian was just a big brother trying to do his best to protect his only family he had left. So that’s why it bothered him at first glance when Eugene announced that he wanted to travel the land without him being involved. Killian was hesitant at first, he knew his little brother was a bit foolish and tend to get himself into some sort of trouble, but he didn’t want to act the same way Liam was towards him. Eugene had a good heart and a great intentions, it also helped that he was skilled with a sword—so with a soft smile, Killian let him go.
But made sure Eugene knew to always come back to him and reach out, if he needed anything. He nodded with a grin and gave his big brother a light hug before rushing off to pack his things. Killian rolled his eyes with a grin at his baby brother’s cheerful expression. Eugene Jones was always a big kid at heart with such a profound sense of humor and passion, despite his silliness or lack of self awareness at times. However it made him charming, in his own right.
Sometimes it made Killian wonder if his baby brother would ever survive without him, or live to see the day he’s old and grey.
After Eugene left for his travels to explore the land—read to children the tales of Flynniagn Rider, fight against the odds creatures in the forest, steal a thing or two, give to the poorest people, end up in a bit of trouble himself, drink and dance with the lovely folks in town, etc—Killian didn’t think he’d see his younger brother for a while until The Evil Queen brought both brothers to do her dirty work and much more.
~ Years Later When The Dark Curse Broke ~
(Also known as Eugene Jones’s Arcs each season)
Season 2 ~ ♟️
Eugene met Emma Swan, Snow White, Cadence Nolan, Elionwy Llyr and others in The Enchanted Forest. He hasn’t seen Killian since the curse came into effect, he had no clue what happened to his brother and assumed he was a goner, so when he found Snow White, Mulan and Aurora, he decided to accompany them for a while.
He had recently been on his way to the taverns for shelter, and escape from The Stabbington Brothers, when he spotted them. He went as far as to ask what happened to them beforehand and recalled how The Enchanted Forest has taken recently to the years of being stiffened in time.
Emma asked, “So who are you supposed to be exactly?”
Snow scolded her softly, “Emma, be nice. But you didn’t give us your name.”
“Flynn Rider.” Eugene said with a soft smile.
Which of course, his real name was revealed later on in the season as Eugene Jones, after he sees Killian again. Back in Storybrooke, he relentlessly accompanied his big brother and the blasted Queen Of Hearts to their revenge. Eugene just wanted The Dark One to pay for what he’s done, after it’s revealed in a flashback, Rumple harmed his old love due to a payment that wasn’t sealed and stole the pendent that belonged to him.
He just wanted his pendent back in his hands. Later, he even met Baelfire, also known as Neal Cassidy, taking a liking to him and grew a short lived friendship. Oh! Eugene’s surprise to this ever growing Family Tree—Henry is The Dark One’s grandson?! Regina has a daughter named Theresa and her adoptive son Henry is also the child of The Savior?! It was a very long yet odd day for him.
Eugene wondered what mess did he get himself into? But he didn’t actually think he could leave this journey now, because he unexpectedly got roped into the family drama.
Season 3 ~ 🍃🧚🏼♀️✨
Return to Neverland! To say, Eugene was happy to return back to that island was a lie. He wasn’t sure if he could survive reliving the past again, once he saw Peter Pan. But to help save the young boy, Henry Mills? He was willing to take the risk!
While he was there on Neverland, after insisting to Pan’s rules of the island with the others and realizing they needed help. Killian smirked at his younger brother who scoffed and gripped the pendent in his hand with an uttering smile.
Tinkerbell. Eugene old friend and once upon a lifetime love. After Regina and her daughter Theresa Mills, tracked her down, the two shared a few glances before a soft embrace.
“Rider.” Tinker said with a light smile.
“Lady Bell.” He repiled with a grin before holding the pendant out to her. “I believe this is yours.”
“My pendant? You found it? But I thought it was lost at sea and fell into the wrong hands…”
“It took some effort and a fair amount of patience, but I got it back for you.”
During the rest of the session in Neverland, David and Eugene somehow managed to get along, even if Charming wasn’t a big fan of his brother. Even rolling his eyes at Killian and Emma possibly being together one day, knowing Neal Cassidy was still in the picture.
Returning to Storybrooke, with Henry in hand, resulted in a few moments of uncertainty within the town as Pan decided to enact another dark curse but Regina was able to stop it sending everyone back to The Enchanted Forest. Expect for Emma and Henry, of course.
A whole year passed, and everyone was suddenly shocked to return back to town with new friends along with a curiosity of who did it. Tinkerbell was gone after she believed in herself again, so everyone parted ways with her. Robin Hood and his Merry Men were brought with them this time around, and let’s just say Eugene rekindled a friendship twice!
Bromance all around at this point for Eugene. He wasn’t mad about it one bit and even made friends with Ruby. The man could’ve sworn he was checking her out once or twice, and who can blame him? Ruby Lucas was a lovely lady in his eyes. Of course, Emma and Henry returned, well Henry had no memory of his past but Emma did so they were on the hunt to figure out how to get his memories back, while also trying to figure out what happened during that missing year. Especially since they don’t know who cast the curse for them to return!
Eugene went out of his way to make sure no townsfolk panicked or threatened to cause any damage, chatting with Henry whenever he bumped into him, searching for clues about the missing years and a few other things. Also him and David took Henry out for a driving lesson—it didn’t go as planned but Henry had plenty of fun! Even if Emma and Regina were in shock at the news. At some point, Eugene tried to convince himself that maybe there’s a reason why those memories weren’t brought back with him, but a part of him was curious about what truly happened.
They all found who cast the dark curse and what exactly they were dealing with eventually.
“Seriously? The Wicked Witch Of The West? She’s real too…?” Emma asked in shock and disbelief, looking around.
Cadence raised an eyebrow and remarked, “Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.”
As Elio and Eugene snickered to themselves.
Of course, after beating Zelena aka The Wicked Witch Of The West, Henry’s memories returned and whatnot, everyone headed back to the diner a few days later to celebrate. Henry was reading to Snow and Charming’s baby boy the story of how his parents met, in which Ruby and Cadence chimed in with their comments before Theresa and Elio arrived. Robin and Eugene were sharing a laugh over a drink with Regina while they watched the scene happen. It was good!
Killian accidentally let it slip that Emma was thinking of returning back to New York City, possibly with Henry in tow, in which left everyone in surprise. Henry exclaimed how Storybrooke is our home and Eugene added that maybe we should all discuss this privately. Regina didn’t even looked pleased with the idea, after wanting her son to stay with her and if anything, Emma should just leave. Eugene gave her a look at her idea as she shrugged.
Eventually, a few hours later, Emma returned in a new light with realization that Storybrooke is her home along with the friends and family in it. Among other events that occurred during that time.
Season 4 ~❄️🪄🌙
Elsa came to Storybrooke. Robin Hood’s wife who was supposed to be dead retuned due to Emma’s actions, causing a rift between her and Regina. Killian and her decided to go a date. Eugene was on Team Let’s Have Maid Marian Be Gone, but Snow glared at him. Regina silently agreed with him at first but knew that it wasn’t right thing to do.
Eugene would never admit it, but he developed a fondness for Elsa and actually found her to be very nice, despite what Grumpy said. He just wasn’t a fan of The Ice Queen, no offense to Elsa and Emma. Speaking of Emma, he felt sympathy for her during everything, he couldn’t related to what she was going through exactly but he knew she must’ve been upset. He seen from experience, that one wrong decision, can lead to people not trusting your judgement or treating you like someone who should be kept an eye on instead.
At some point, Snow snapped and actually yelled at Emma for accidentally hurting her father. When Eugene knew that all David was trying to do was push Killian out of the way before he could even get hurt, so it an obvious accident. When they arrived at the apartment to discuss what happened, Elio was holding Cadence back from saying something she might regret or not.
But Eugene wasn’t them. So when Snow said to David that “we” failed Emma—that’s when Eugene let his tongue slip. The same tongue that usually got him in trouble according to Killian, telling Snow White off and that it wasn’t David’s fault for any of this—but her own.
You can already imagine the disrespect and annoyance after that. Snow and Eugene apologized to one another sometime later.
Of course, later on in the season, things slowly got into a better gear, as despite The Shatter Sight spell, the Darkness, secrets being revealed, the team separating into two different groups. Even the concept of good vs evil, heroes vs villains were taken center stage. So Eugene was faced with his moral compass and what side he stood on, he wasn’t considered a bad character or an amazingly good one either. He was seen at sometimes as an anti-hero by some and some kept their opinions to themselves. Nothing is truly black or white, anymore. And honestly? Eugene was okay with that.
Oh! Henry introduced him to Star Wars and Marvel Comics, who knew the kid had good taste? He was shocked to find out who Luke Skywalker’s father was and he became a fan of a few characters from the Marvel movies. The two of them bonded this season!
Season 5 ~ 🌒🍂⚡️
The Darkness comes circling back! This could be summarized as The Gang’s No Good Very Bad Day (sorta). Cause Emma’s The Dark One sacrifice after not wanting to the darkness to come and get Regina, she sacrificed herself to become a part of it.
Theresa mumbled, “…why was that kinda gay?”
Eugene rolled his eyes sighing, while sharing a look with the others and Cadence snickered at her comment. Elio just put a hand on Theresa’s shoulder and shared a look, smirking. Killian tried to take the dark one dagger to summon Emma but it was no use, because she wasn’t in this world according to Regina.
Anyways! Off to Camelot!
Eugene spend a bunch of his time in Camelot basically being a knight with Elio and David, he actually enjoyed it. And yes, of course he danced with Belle at the ball after getting all dressed up, even flirted with her to cheer themselves up. Honestly, he said that he could live here and never return home a couple of times. Belle and Eugene read together to solve the mystery of how to resolve the darkness from Emma, shared a few drinks together, and went on an evening stroll.
But he hated King Arthur from the beginning and thought that David was replacing him in the bromance section, so he went off with Robin instead. Pff, he wasn’t jealous he had his best friend Robin Hood to accompany him, he was just concerned mainly for Charming’s safety.
During the rest of the season, they returned to Storybrooke suddenly with no memories of what happened as Emma went full Dark One and was hiding shit from everyone. Of course, they all got their memories back and Eugene wanted to murder Emma after finding out what happened.
His freaking brother was the dark one too?! Regina and Eugene tried to convince Dark One!Killian Jones, what kind of man he truly wants to be. Thankfully in the end, Killian made the right choice but sadly died in the process. Eugene dropped his sword and fell to his knees once he returned home to his apartment that night, letting out a silent sob.
He lost both of his older brothers to the fire…
A few short days later, Emma showed up at his door claiming that they’re going to drink Killian back. Eugene shook his head, last thing he wanted was to deal with dark forces after everything that happened and slammed the door in her face. It wasn’t until Regina and Elio convinced him, that’s when he joined.
Yay! Road Trip to The Underworld.
Eugene spends most of his time in the beginning a bit bitter, annoyed and tired. At first he directs it all towards Emma, just wanting all of them to get out of there as soon as possible and possibly get his big brother back. Robin knows his best friends is in a vulnerable state right now and suggests he waits for Killian to return back to them with Emma, instead of him doing something reckless. Reluctantly, Eugene agreed and decided to put his mind on other things while they were here, doing what can to make things better.
But that doesn’t stop a snicker towards Emma from him. As he comes across Rumple with his ex-wife, Mliah, and Emma in the street. As Milah says, “You’ve been with my former lover and my son?”
Eugene holds back a light smirk and pats Emma’s shoulder telling her, she’s on her own as he walks away. She sent him a soft glare in return, swearing that she saw Rumple smugness on his face.
During this time, Snow and Robin pull him away from the mess deciding to distract Eugene for his own good. They are going to help people find out their unfinished business, Henry suggested he comes along knowing he can do some good in The Underworld. Eugene hesitated before feeling a slight pang of sadness and guilt, he’s been acting bitter and annoyed—when he could be helping people! With a soft smile, he ruffles Henry’s hair and agrees to do so.
So Eugene and the others were willing to join in, did their best to help people in The Underworld. Going as far as teaming up with David and Snow to trick Cruella into getting the key. It was an awkward yet humorous moment, Cruella enjoyed it but David and Eugene did not.
He went to the loft afterwards to unwind and shake off that uncomfortable moment with Cruella. He told David he’ll meet up with him later on, but his plans got switched when the sound of the door open. Eugene looked up from his drink to see Emma walking in with Killian behind her. His expression soften at the sight. There was a silence that ranged between the three of them, nothing wild or strange, but familiar enough to send waves through their minds. Killian stepped forward pulling in his younger brother into a tight embrace, not even giving him time to react before returning the hug. Eugene glanced at Emma, reaching out his hand in which she took and gently squeezed.
A silent apology between the two of them was made, sharing a brief smile and sigh of sympathy.
They all knew the road ahead back home wouldn’t be easy, but it’s worth the risk to do so.
Ahhh okay, yes I know I stopped at Season 5! But I didn’t know what else to write yet and I didn’t want to bore anyone into reading more about this story hahaha
Anyways please let me know what you think about everything! 👀 remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff f @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @aidanxsophxoxo @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @ximehs @savemewattpad @rose-of-oz @rowinablx @rickb-chaos @capsshinyshield
#fyeahonceuponatimeocs#once upon a time#once upon a time oc#ouat oc#ouat fanfiction#aaron taylor johnson#killian jones#regina mills#snowing#robin hood#ouat fic#ouat s2#ouat s3#ouat rp#ouat rewatch#emma swan#flynn rider#ouat imagine#david nolan#once upon a time imagine#ouat x reader#oc x canon#oc introduction#ouat au#once upon a time au#tangled
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Christmas Skirtz!




#spooky month#spooky month oc#skirtzsquad#sm skirtzsquad#sm regina#sm regina evermore#spooky month art#sm rachel#sm regan#sm rachel hedony#spooky month regina evermore#spooky month regan#sm regan johnson
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art dump from tonight with no theme except lots of. gay


ft this peak chaz redesign 😇
(edit, the link was busted! i hope this new one is still good)
#earthbound oc#minzy mother#gigi deirdre#chaz the new norm#that is NOT my new norm oc ok. that’s regina ❤️#kumatora mother 3#ionia mother 3#mother 3#mother series#my art#it is WAY too late
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Scott's mother, Regina Ford!
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Princess Red Thief - Rumplestilskin

"She stole from the Dark One"
Everly, referred to as the "Red Theif" and who is also the daughter of Princess Abigail and Knight Frederick has been keeping a secret from her parents as long as she could. She seeks help from the one man who knew everything about magic, but was anything but good. Will her secret finally be revealed when the evil queen casts her curse???
1 - Life Changing Deal
2 - Cinderella's Prince
3 - Confusing Conversations
4 - Must Be Fought For
5 - Definition of Justice
6 - Directions of Truth
7 - Playing with Fire
8 - Getting Closer to the Truth
9 - A Man Named Jefferson
10 - Closest to His Heart
11 - Finally Awake
12 -Thief History
13 - We're in Trouble
14 - The Golden Newborns
15 - True Rumplestilskin Fashion
16 - Meeting the Parents
17 - Not His First Witch Lover
18 - The Pirates Crocodile
19 - The Pirates Crocodile pt 2
20 - "Tiny" the Giant
21 - Through the Looking Glass
22 - The Crocodiles Heart
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @onentaien-kwara
#ouat rumple#ouat rumplestilskin x reader#ouat fanfiction#ouat fic#ouat fandom#ouat family tree#ouat fanfic#rumplestiltskin#rumplestilskin x reader#rumple x reader#the dark one#once upon a time#emma swan#henry mills#regina mills#ouat snowing#wattpad fanfiction#ask box is open for feedback#comments really appreciated#robin hood#ouat princess abigail#ouat prince Fredrick#storybrooke#thief#magic#siphoning#siphon witch#oc : princess everly#oc : valerie gold#oc : robin gold
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