#reggie x julie x flynn
daintyduck99 · 1 year
Cafe/Diner AU and Regal Butterfly?
Willie smiles knowingly at the pouting couple standing in front of the counter.
"Flynn's on break, she'll be back in five."
"Nope, she's back now, she saw her partners sulking through the glass," Flynn says, popping up from where she'd been sitting on the floor—which she cleans, so like, fair—and Willie resists the urge to fist pump as her partners light up, because he so called that they were already a thing, and now a certain blond coworker owes him a date.
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Another moodboard prompt: something for Closest to Heaven 👀
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veysxrge · 5 months
Story of My Life (J.A.T.P)
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentions of Parental Death
Pairings: Luke Patterson x Julie Molina
AU: Everyone lives, no one dies (minus Julie's mom, for plot, of course)
In honor of the fandom growing again, and the possibility of a second season, have this little story.
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
Luke always watched Julie from afar, admiring the girl from a distance. His friends always made fun of him for it. Especially Alex, who later on became quick friends with Flynn, Julie's best friend.
But, he never talked to her, he knew she knew who he was. He was sure Alex told her a story or two about him to embarrass him. But he never talked to her, he always clammed up whenever she was around.
Luke was content with admiring her from afar, staying quiet as he watched her interact with everyone around her with an energy that could never be contained.
Everyone loved her, that was the thing. Julie was kind to everyone, always helping out people who needed it. He couldn't even count the amount of times she went out of her way just to make sure a stranger passed a class.
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die, these words will be written on my stone
But he watched her light dwindle, fade over time. No one around her seemed to notice, except maybe Flynn. He could see the way her smiles stopped reaching her eyes, and watched as she stopped going to play a random tune on the piano in the middle of class.
But soon enough, she stopped trying to put on a front. It was like a switch flipped and she stopped caring. The light left her eyes, she stopped helping people out, she even distanced herself from Flynn. Well, she tried to. But Luke knew that Flynn was way too stubborn to let herself be pushed away.
He didn't know exactly what happened, but from the whispers in the hallway it seemed that her mother passed. When he found that out, he felt his heart break for the girl he adored so much.
A piece of him seemed to break every day as he watched Julie become a shell of her former self. He hadn't seen her touch a piano or hum a tune in almost a year. He yearned to hear her angelic voice once more, but alas he didn't know her, nor did she know him.
And I'll be gone, gone tonight, the ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight, with nothin' in between
Luke wanted to be able to help her, to bring back the life and energy that she had lost. But he couldn't, he couldn't find the words. He couldn't figure out what to say to her. How he would start the conversation, he had so much he wanted to say but he didn't have the ability to form it into words.
He sat at his desk every night, thinking about the beautiful girl who had lost her spark. The girl that had to grieve over the loss of such an important figure in her life. The girl who had stolen his heart without even realizing she had.
He wished he could tell her the way she made him feel, but he knew if he ever got the courage to he wouldn't say it. He couldn't tell her, not while her wounds are still so fresh. If there was a way to make her happy again, he'd do it. He'd do anything to see her smile again.
Luke went through pages and pages of his notebooks, crumpled up papers overflowing in the trash can that rested under his desk. But he couldn't find the words, he couldn't figure out how to explain the storm that was going on in his head. He didn't know how he could help her.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
In a perfect world, Luke saw himself and Julie smiling and writing songs that they sang together. Their friends surrounded them and helped bring their songs to life. In this world, they knew each other and they loved each other deeply. But sadly, a perfect world doesn't exist.
So instead, Luke was going through a funk. Everyone could see it, his friends were worried. He hadn't written a song in months, and his last one was barely a song if he was being honest. He couldn't write, his brain was in scrambles and everything he had written down wasn't good enough.
This went on for long enough that even Reggie had told Luke that maybe it was time to take a break from the band. That's the moment that Luke felt his heart completely shatter. He knew he had to do something, he had to get out of this funk.
But his mind was only filled with Julie, filled with the ghost of what the girl used to be. Overflowing with ways he could help but also the anxiety of being rejected. Filled with longing and anguish for this girl that he had never spoken a word to. He couldn't figure out what to do.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life
Eventually, his friends started to give him space. They still hung out with him, gave him ideas of how to get his rhythm back. But they just gave him a bit of space, which Luke was immensely grateful for.
He still watched Julie from afar, finally, after a year it seemed that she was opening up a bit more. She was smiling again, joking around with her friends. She stopped pushing people away, started helping people out again. But she didn't touch the piano.
He saw the longing in her eyes whenever she passed the piano in Music class. He also saw when Mrs. Harrison stopped Julie one day to talk after class. When he saw her leave, dejected and nervous, he knew what the conversation was about.
The need to help her had finally grown too strong, he knew he had to do something. He couldn't watch her be kicked out of music, even if she was having a hard time singing. His choice was solidified when she choked the next day, starting to play a tune only to not be able to get the words out.
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open, but it stays right here in its cage
As Julie ran out of the class after Carrie's particularly harsh comment, Luke had finally had enough. He got up, sending a glare towards Carrie, "That's a new low for you Carrie, real mature of you."
He saw the way her eyebrows furrowed, Luke never got upset. He was a pretty energetic, gung-ho type of guy. He never glared at people, and he definitely never was rude or talked back to someone if it wasn't directed at him or his friends.
But he still walked out of class, after Julie, much to the surprise of all of their mutual friends. He looked both ways, trying to figure out which way Julie turned, seeing her curly ponytail turn around a corner at his right.
He was quick to follow, and once she was finally in his sights he spoke, "Julie, wait!"
At the sound of his voice she turned around, shock evident on her face once she realized who called her. He wasn't surprised that she reacted that way, he never spoke to her despite their mutual friends.
I know that in the morning, I'll see us in the light up on the hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
"Luke?" She asked, tilting her head as she looked his figure up and down, making Luke scratch the back of his own head.
"That's my name." He mumbled, becoming shy once they were face to face. "I just, I wanted to say to not give Carrie any mind. I'm sure you'll be able to sing again soon."
Julie smiled sadly, shaking her head, "Thank you for that, but that was my last chance."
Luke furrowed his eyebrows, a frown appearing on his face as he looked at Julie. "I'm sure they'll be another, you're way too talented for Mrs. Harrison to give you up."
Julie sighed gently, her eyes flicking back to something behind Luke before going back to him, "I appreciate the encouragement Luke, and I really hope you're right." She mumbled before walking past him.
Luke turned around to watch her walk away, towards Mrs. Harrison. From the look on the music teachers face he knew that it may be the last chance for Julie. He knew he had to figure out a way to make sure she didn't get kicked out of the music program.
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burnin' bright
When Luke sat at his desk that night, he finally knew how to word how he was feeling. He finally knew what to write, and that's what he did. He wrote, he put words to how he felt. The want and need to help Julie, the adoration he felt for the girl he barely knew.
When he finished writing, he was quick to message his bandmates that he finally finished a song. A song that he actually loved, one he was proud of for once.
Alex was the first to reply, expressing his happiness that Luke was able to get his groove back and Bobby was quick to second that. Reggie of course just sent a bunch of keyboard smashes that caused a small smile to form on Luke's face.
They ended up meeting later that night, meeting up at Bobby's garage and finding out what melody and music they could add to this song. They worked hard, and were happy that they would have it ready for the pep rally at the end of Spirit Week.
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothin' in between
The next day, Luke went up to Mrs. Harrison, giving her a small smile, "Hey Mrs. H, I was wondering if the offer to play at the pep rally was still open for us?"
He could see the way that Mrs. Harrison's eyes lit up at that, "Of course it is, you can perform after Carrie and her group."
Luke grinned at that, nodding at Mrs. Harrison before going back to his friends. It seemed that while he was gone, Flynn and Julie had ended up joining the conversation.
His eyes ended up meeting Julie's and he gave her a shy smile before turning towards Bobby, Alex and Reggie, "We're in."
Reggie was quick to bring the 4 of them into a hug, wrapping his arms around all of their necks and pulling them towards him, "The band is back!!" He exclaimed, causing Bobby and Alex to laugh.
Luke looked back over towards Julie, noticing how she smiled softly at the boy's actions. He grinned a bit before finally pulling away from Reggie, clapping his shoulder as he did, "We still will need to practice, we've only played the song once."
"You finally were able to write a new one?" Flynn asked, raising an eyebrow towards Luke. Julie seemed surprised by this, obviously unaware about his current creative block.
"I had a bit of inspiration." He replied, forcing himself to not glance over at Julie as he said it. But Alex just rolled his eyes, letting out a soft laugh.
"That's one way to put it." He said before turning his attention to Flynn, "He wrote a love song."
Luke felt his cheeks heat up as he awkwardly scratched his neck, "There is no way, actually?" Flynn asked, grinning a bit as she looked at Luke.
"Yeah, it's actually really cute! A bit sad, but it's such a mushy song!" Reggie said, smiling brightly, "Like one of those cheesy one-sided love songs you hear on the radi-"
"Alright alright, enough with that, would ya?" Luke said, wanting to turn the attention off his song and the implications of it. He wanted it to be a surprise. He looked towards Julie once again, realizing she was already looking at him. He smiled a bit towards her before looking away once more.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
After that day, Julie and Luke seemed to finally get closer. Surprisingly it wasn't because of Luke, but because of Julie herself. She went out of her way to walk up to him after class, and pair up with him instead of Flynn in their shared Biology class.
Flynn didn't mind, instead pairing with Alex seeing as he usually paired up with Luke. All these things made Luke beam, brighter than he had before. It was embarrassingly obvious to almost everyone how infatuated he was with Julie. To everyone but her that is.
Julie herself seemed a bit happier, even offering to help Luke write another new song. She didn't sing it, but she did hum along to the melody he came up with which surprised Luke immensely. He ended up gifting her the lyric and music sheet, saying he'd rather hear her sing it when she was able to again.
He didn't notice the way Julie's heart almost leapt out of her chest when he said that. He didn't see the way her eyes practically formed hearts at the fact he'd rather wait for her to be ready so she could sing it instead of doing it with his band.
He couldn't tell that all these little things, all these small subconscious things he always did with people he cared about slowly made Julie feel less empty. He didn't realize he was helping her find her music just by existing by her side.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life
The pep rally was close, Luke was feeling more and more anxious by the day. There was no way for Julie to know that the song was about her, but he still felt nervous at the fact she was going to hear it.
He yearned deeply to know what she would think of it. Would she hate it? Would she love it? Would she not think anything of it at all and just be counting down the minutes until she could go back to class?
He knew the last thought was ridiculous. Julie was too much of a compassionate and kind person to not have her full attention on the band's music when they performed. But the knowledge of that didn't ease his worries.
His friends were quick to notice his nerves a few hours before the pep rally started. Alex was the one who decided to confront him about it, seeing as he himself knew what nerves Luke was feeling.
"Hey bud, you doing alright over here?" Alex asked, making Luke jump up from his thoughts, staring at his friend like he gained two heads in the last half-hour since they had talked.
"Yeah." Luke finally answered, wringing his hands together as he glanced off to the side of the room, "Just pre-performance jitters."
Alex nodded hesitantly, pursing his lips in thought before he responded to Luke's obvious deflect of his original question, "She's going to love the song, just don't think about it too much." He said before walking away, pretending not to notice the way Luke's shoulders sagged in relief at the assurance that it'll be alright.
And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But, baby, runnin' after you is like chasin' the clouds
Before Luke knew it, he was on the stage, staring at his peers looking back at him from the bleachers. His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find the familiar set of curls among the students. Soon enough he found her, sitting next to Flynn and Willie, smiling at him.
Luke shyly returned the smile before averting his attention away from her, "Hello, Los Feliz Bobcats! Thank you for having us today at the Pep Rally, we really hope you enjoy the few songs we've got today."
Bobby was quick to join in next, grinning and winking at the crowd as he spoke, "My good friend Luke here wrote all the songs from deep within his heart, so please show him some love for that!" Applause was quick to follow, seeing as Bobby was the more popular person in their band.
"Without further ado! We are Sunset Curve!" Alex said, causing Reggie to quickly chime in, "Tell your friends!" Laughter settled over the students before they eventually quieted down at the start of their first song.
Luke felt his nerves quickly vanish as he sang, his song for Julie wasn't until the end, and this he was extremely grateful for. He could lose himself in the music he spent ages on writing and composing to the best of his abilities. Smiling and running around the stage as he sang his heart out, having to force his laughter to stop when Reggie made a face when they harmonized on the same mic.
This is what he missed, performing, the cheers of the people around him as they learned the chorus as tried to sing along for later verses for the songs he hadn't yet released and sang for the public.
He caught Julie's eye multiple times throughout the first couple of songs, and he knew she loved them. He saw her eyes light up when she realized she knew the song, mouthing the words, but he knew she wasn't singing. He'd recognize her voice among the crowd that harmonized before him.
Soon enough, it was time for her song. He waited for his classmates to calm down a bit before grabbing the mic and pulling it closer to him, "This last song is a bit slower... Don't get me wrong, the chorus is obviously still upbeat- But..." He subconsciously glanced towards Julie's direction, "This song is one that's close to my heart, I wrote it for someone I've always admired from afar."
He smiled a bit, looking at his shoes before shaking his head, "Sappiness aside, I really hope you all enjoy it. Here's our final song, Story of my Life."
As he performed, he couldn't help but look at Julie. He didn't care if he was being obvious, and by the way her smile seemed to brighten as she listened to the words that he sang to her, he didn't think she minded either. He never wanted to see her smile fade ever again.
When they finally finished, they all bowed, smiles never fading as they stepped off the stage. Mrs. Harrison was quick to take their place, saying her final speech before sending the kids back to their classes.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
Luke wasn't sure what he expected as he checked the strings on his guitar, not yet having unplugged it just yet. But he definitely didn't expect to hear a piano start to play a few feet away from where he stood in the wings of the stage.
He glanced over, recognizing the cords that started to play, but he was surprised to see Julie sat at the piano. She glanced over at him, not too surprised to see him staring in awe back. She sent him a nervous smile, and he was quick to give her a beaming one back, mouthing the words 'You got this.'
That seemed to be all she needed, smiling softly before she started to sing the song they had written together. She had quickly caught the attention of the students and teachers, pausing in their leaving to watch the girl in surprise.
Luke could see the way Julie stared at the keyboard, her voice still a bit timid, not the usual loud and bright voice he missed dearly. He glanced at his bandmates, and by the way they were all reaching for their instruments, it seemed they had the same idea.
So soon enough, the boys joined on the stage, joining in on the music. Julie was surprised, but obviously happy at the surprise addition to her performance. Soon enough they were singing together, smiling and dancing around each other.
Luke and Julie's voices harmonized beautifully, not that it was much of a surprise. It was obvious that they would, you could ask anyone with a musical bone in their body and they'd say it was clear they would sound amazing together.
It was clear that Julie didn't expect the reaction of the crowd when they finished, surprise evident on her features as she stared at the crowd that was cheering and clapping in front of her. Luke smiled softly, glancing towards the crowd as well. When he noticed the principal and Mrs. Harrison whispering, he knew that this might be Julie's chance to get her spot back.
He placed a hand on her shoulder, heart melting just a tad when he saw her bright smile directed towards him. He said nothing, instead motioning towards their teacher and principal who seemed to want to speak with her. He watched as she walked towards them, nerves already showing just by how she walked away from him.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
Luke sat nervously on his truck in the school parking lot. He hadn't seen Julie since the end of the pep rally, he was worried that it hadn't worked out well for the girl.
His friends were sitting in front of him, but he barely paid them any mind. He stared into the sky, watching the clouds pass as he chewed at the skin by his fingernails anxiously.
After what seemed like hours, he felt the hood of his car move slightly, signaling someone had sat down beside him and successfully breaking him out of his trance so he could look next to him. Julie sat there, smiling fondly at the boy.
"Julie!" He said, immediately standing up so he could face her properly, "Tell me, how did it go? Did you get in trouble? Did you get kicked out?? Are you rejoining the music program? DID YOU GET EXPELLED??"
Julie laughed softly, placing a hand on Luke's shoulder to calm him down a bit, "Slow down, cowboy. Nothing bad happened." Luke felt his face light up at those words, waiting patiently for Julie to finish, "They were able to pull some strings and add another spot so I could rejoin the program, as long as I was sure I wouldn't choke again after this."
Luke couldn't help the smile that grew, immediately moving and wrapping his arms around the girl, "I am so happy for you, you deserve it Jules." He felt her arms wrap around his middle, melting into his embrace. He knew he wanted to stay like this forever, but he knew it wasn't likely.
"So, that song you wrote." Julie started, pulling away a bit so she could see his face, "Who was it about?"
Luke felt his cheeks heat up, glancing away for a second before returning his attention to Julie. He was about to answer, but by the grin that was growing on Julie's face it seemed like she already knew. He groaned in annoyance, resting his head on her shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
His suspicions were confirmed when he heard her beautiful laughter hit his ears and her hand came to pat his back, "It's alright, rockstar. I like you too."
The story of my life
The story of my life
Luke glanced up at Julie, tilting his head to the side instead of lifting it up so he wouldn't have to lose the close contact he craved from the girl, "Do you?" He asked, his voice soft as he scanned her face as if to try to guess if she was lying or not.
"Have for a while now, I thought I was being pretty obvious." Julie responded, her smile softening at the hesitant look on his face. His own smile finally appeared, pulling Julie close once again and burying his face in her neck.
It turns out he did end up saving her, just like he wanted to since the beginning.
The story of my life
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we will fight to shine together, bright forever
happy three years to one of my favorite comfort shows ever <3
taglist: @joshkiszkashusband @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @someguyiguess @genuine-possum @dramabeansoup @blueskiesandstarrynights (lemme know if you want to be added or removed)
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ashleycatchemm · 1 year
1-23: School Days
Part 23 of ??
Parings: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: School Days (AC/DC)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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It was quiet between us as we walked through the hallway. So many questions flew through my head as I walked side by side with Arius. We almost reached my first class when I decided to speak up "Thank you." Arius stopped in his tracks, causing me to stop as well, turning to face him. His blue eyes, stared down at me in confusion, raising a brow as if to ask 'for what?'. I shrugged before continuing to walk forward "Back there with those kids. What you did-" Arius suddenly appeared in front of me, successfully cutting me of as I stumbled back in surprise.
"Let's get one thing straight."
Catching myself on my feet, my (e/c) eyes met his angry blue ones. Pointing a finger at me "I didn't do this for you." Poking me hard in the chest with the same finger, my eyes widened a little, bringing a hand up to rub my chest because it hurt. "I did this for me." Arius' hand turned into a fist sticking his thumb out, he turned his hand so that his thumb was pointing towards him. "I was pissed and needed an outlet." Shoving his hands back into his pants pockets he continued "Besides, your grandmother would be pissed if she knew I just sat by and watched as those pitiful humans talked about you like that." I watched as Arius turned around and continued the trek through the hallway.
Quickly following after him, I managed to catch up "Hey, how did you do that disappearing and reappearing thing?" He glanced over at me "What?" Looking back in front of him, a bored expression on his face, only to disappear. This caused me to stop in my tracks, my eyes darting around the hallway to find any sign of him. Suddenly he reappeared by the door to my classroom, which was a little ways down more. "This?" He asked, I was quick to catch up to the black haired demon.
"Yes that."
I leaned across from him against the door frame, leaning forward a little, as if to move closer so I could hear. This caused me to lean forward as well, an annoyed smile graced his lips "I believe you have a class to get too." He was quick to change the subject, standing back up straight, I was quick to state "You can't just waltz in there and-" the black haired demon swung open the door in front of him, successfully cutting me off. Walking inside, I went to follow, only for the door to come back towards me and almost hit me in the face. Putting my hands out in front of me, I stopped the door, pushing it back open as I walked through.
"Ah, Miss (L/n), how nice of you to join us."
The teacher sarcastically stated, but I paid no mind to her, sending a glare to the back of Arius' head. Asshole. "I was just about to introduce our new student." My eyes drifted over to the teacher in confusion, How the hell does she know about him? Was the question that rattled my brain, my eyes moving back to Arius. He glanced over at me as my eyes moved between the both of them "well? You gonna sit down or just stare?" Shaking my head a bit I found my seat at the back of the room.
"Now then, everyone, this is Damon (L/n)."
Slumping down in my seat I glared at the black haired boy at the front of the room. "He just moved here from Arizona." I glanced around the room only to see most girls fawning over him, some guys fuming with jealousy, and the rest glanced back at me as if silently checking to see if he was actually related to the freak of the school.
As the teacher continued to talk I sat there wondering how he even managed to convince her that he was a new student here. I'll have to ask him about it later. I thought as Arius finally took a seat in the only available spot, which just so happened to be next to me. "What was that about me not being able to walk in here?" A smirk sat on his face as I sent him a glare "Shut up you damn demon." I angrily whispered, not wanting others around us to hear me.
This is gonna be a long day.
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"Alright so tell me how you were able to do that with the teachers."
Arius raised a brow, deciding to act clueless on the matter. "Do what?" Every class that we've been to he was able to somehow convince the teachers that he was a new student and that he just moved here from Arizona, keeping the same story in each class. At least he's being consistent. Sticking my fork in the pasta that sat in front of me, I lifted it up, taking a bite of pasta I was quick to turn my fork towards him. "Don't fuck with me you damn asshole. Tell me what you did." (e/c) eyes narrowed at him, having already been slowly loosing my patience with Arius.
Letting out a small huff, he ran a hand through his hair, moving it out of his face "Fine. I'll tell you." Leaning forward, his arms sat crossed on top of the table "I-" before he could tell me anything two girls sat down on either side of me, the two of them being none other than Julie and Flynn. "And who might this fine piece of candy be?" Before I could even respond, Arius spoke up for himself.
"Someone who absolutely despises your species. Now fuck off."
Nodding his head off to the side as if shooing her off, his face wearing the same bored expression it has been all day. Flynn's eyes narrowed in anger slamming her hands down on the table as she shot out of her seat "The fuck did you just say to me?!" Arius seemed to find the reaction amusing, a small smirk making its way to his lips "You heard me." Flynn looked to be getting angrier just from his simple response. Rolling my eyes, I was quick to jump in, as to prevent the fight that was bound to happen.
"Don't mind him, he just has a superiority complex."
I stared down the black haired demon across from me, crossing my arms a crossed my chest, narrowing my eyes at him. Arius scoffed, his expression mirroring my own as he responded "And she just suffers from dumbass syndrome." My teeth grit in anger at his statement, only for the corner of his lips to upturn into a smirk, finding this whole thing amusing.
Julie quickly jumped in before the situation could escalate "Enough! Let's just all try to be civil, and not draw attention to ourselves." Julie, Arius and I all expectantly looked over at Flynn who was currently standing up out of her seat and leaning on the table. Some hushed voices could be heard around us but I payed them no mind as I stated "That means sit down Flynn." she seemed to not get the message. Her eyes stayed glued onto Arius, letting out a small huff in anger as she crossed her arms and sat back down on the right side of me.
"So, (Y/n)."
Looking over at Julie who held a forced smile on her face as she gestured towards the rude black haired boy across from me. "Care to explain who this is?" I could tell Julie already didn't like him either, but was trying to play peace keeper so no one would get in trouble. "Who? Him?" Throwing a thumbs over my shoulder in Arius' direction, I shrugged my shoulders, crossing my arms a crossed my chest, resting them on the table "He's just some jackass I met, who now seems to be following me around like a lost puppy." I glanced over at Arius as he shot me a glare. "Not by choice. I can assure you of that." An annoyed tone being heard in his voice.
Rolling my eyes, Flynn the (ever protective) friend she was, decided to question the dark haired demon in front of us "Alright, so then what's your name? And why are you following her around?" His face went from a glare to a bored look as his blue eyes drifted over to look at Flynn. "How about you mind your damn business?" Flynn growled in anger as she shouted at him "You talking to one of my friends is my business jackass!" I felt a small tick in my throat, as a small cough passed my lips, not loud enough for anyone to hear or notice.
Flynn and Arius now being at each others throats, as Julie tried to jump in and keep even a fragment of peace between the two of them. The continuous arguing, mixed with the constant itch in my throat and the slow burning of my right wrist caused me to close my eyes for a quick second. Trying to keep myself together as another cough slipped past my lips, my left hand now gripping my right wrist in pain as I shot out of my seat and headed towards the direction of the bathroom. Ignoring Julie and Flynn calling my name.
My coughs started to get even worse, throwing a hand up over my mouth to try and stop it. I swung open the bathroom door, heading straight for the sink, not bothering to make sure if no one else was there.  Leaning over it, placing my hands on either side of the sink, the stamp and my throat both burning in pain. I could feel the liquid in my mouth from all the coughing, the metallic taste letting me know just what it was. Spitting out the red substance into the sink below me as the coughing slowly died down.
Letting out a few huffs, glancing down in the sink I noticed the blood that slowly sunk down towards the drain "The fuck...?" Looking up at my reflection, I saw some blood dripping down my mouth towards my chin, bringing up my left hand, I wiped it off using the back of the hand. Catching site of the palm of my hand, the smeared patch of blood sitting on it. Glancing down to look at the counter top, a half hand print made of blood sat on top of it.
What the hell is happening to me?
I was quick to wash my hands and rinse down the counter top, not leaving any trace of blood behind. A jolt of pain coursed through my arm, Caleb's crest burning even more, huffing in pain, I shoved my sleeve on my right arm up, throwing a hand over the stamp as if it could ease the pain somehow. Shit. This must be Caleb's doing. I slowly remembered something that Caleb said last night, about Reggie and my time to live. An angry growl arose from the back of my throat "Once I figure out a way to get these stamps off..." I let out a small huff and groaned in pain "I’ll kill Caleb myself." A small cough passed my lips as I backed up and slid down against the wall.
But if I don't figure this out soon...
Looking down at my hand that covered the stamp, teeth grit in pain. I'll end up dying, and Reggie, Luke, and Alex will cease to exist. Narrowing my eyes at the wall below the sinks across from me. No. I have to figure this out. Even if I die trying. I can't let them disappear like this. I won't. I thought all while staring across from me, a determined look in my eyes, not planning on them dying for the second time, anytime soon.
♬♩♪♩♬♩♪♩♬♩👻 ♪♩♬♩♪♩♬♩♪♩
The rest of lunch went by in a flash. Once I got back, Julie and Flynn were quick to question me about what happened and I just told them that I think I'm getting a cold and that I just had to use the bathroom. Arius gave me a look as if telling me he didn't buy it but didn't say anything. Julie ended up telling me what happened between her and the guys last night as well which caused me to feel a bit bad because I felt as if half of that was my fault, I could've prevented it in a way, but I didn't.
Passing the soccer ball towards Arius with my foot I continued our conversation from earlier "So tell me how you managed to convince the teachers that you are in all of my classes? Did you bribe them or something?" Arius stopped the ball with his foot, stared straight at me all while hitting the ball with his other foot, sending the ball hurdling back towards me.
"No. I used my powers. Only a little bit. I can only use so much on my own."
Stopping the ball I looked up at him "What do you mean 'on your own'? You need someone to help you?" Narrowing his eyes at me as if I somehow offended him he was quick to reply in an annoyed tone "No. I don't need help. What I need is a better connection with my dumbass witch." Sending him a glare I kicked the ball back at him.
"Not just a blood connection to my previous witch either, I need a spiritual connection."
Stopping the ball, he switched feet and sent it back towards me. "Well how the hell are we supposed to get that?" I questioned, an annoyed huff passed through his lips "I've told you a thousand times. You need my respect." I stopped the ball and looked up at him "Once you have that, everything else comes falling into place." Crossing my arms across my chest, I rolled my eyes before narrowing them at him.
"Well how the hell am I supposed to get your respect in the first place?"
I questioned, almost angrily, Arius opened his mouth to say something, only to get cut off by the coach "(L/n)s! Less talking, more passing!" Arius' head shot toward the coach, sending him a stone cold glare. While he was distracted, a smirk graced my lips, I brought my leg back and kicked the ball sending it hurdling towards the side of the dark haired demon's face. Sticking his hand up, catching the ball in it, his glare shifted over to me before reeling his arm back, sending the ball flying towards me. I jumped up and caught the ball with both of my hands bringing it close to my chest.
Arius' held his annoyed look that he always seemed to wear crossed his face "Since when could you catch a ball like that?" Placing the ball on the ground in front of me I answered his question "Since I became a goalie." Backing up a little to get a good angle on the pass, I stared down at the ball "So, since I was about..." looking up at Arius, I ran forward, passing the ball towards him "Four or so." Stopping the ball with his foot, Arius was quiet as he sent the ball back towards me.
I was quick to pass it back only for him to ask the question I didn't want to hear. "So are you going to tell me the truth about what happened back in the cafeteria?" He stopped the ball and waited for my response, I stared at him, debating what I was going to say. I opened my mouth to respond "I-" a loud whistle noise grabbed everyone's attention.
"Alright, leave the balls there and come over to me!"
I glanced at Arius for a quick second, noticing the serious stare he was giving me, already knowing that something is going on, no doubt. Not wanting to have this conversation, I decided to run off and see what the coach wanted, avoiding the conversation all together. All while an annoyed Arius yelled.
"I'm gonna find out wether you like it or not!"
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Someone asked about a Taglist so I decided to start doing one! Feel free to lmk if anyone would like to be added to it!
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onlygenxhere · 25 days
On this featured Friday I’m recommending a fic by @jmrothwell. She has so, SO many JATP stories to choose from. I went with an adorable short fic about Flynn, Luke, AND Reggie all thinking Julie is attractive called Glasses.
Julie, Flynn, Luke, and Reggie's study session takes a detour when Julie puts her glasses on.
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strangercarla · 10 months
I Moved On, He Stayed There
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It's been four years since Julie Molina left everything behind to study music & music industry in New York.
With her family's support she felt confident enough to leave home. However, there's a certain ghost who was left shattered.
Genre - Fluff & Angst
This will be a short fanfiction but I can't wait to post this!
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I’m really enjoying this show! I love the relationship Julie has with her dad and brother it’s rare you see single dads in tv shows. Flynn is easily becoming one of my favorite characters definitely a great best friend and the music this episode was great as well
Really glad I gave this show a chance
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aprill-99 · 2 years
Julie: “you know how you lie to your parents?” + “motherfucker is this how you write songs?!?”
Luke: “My parents used to ask me what I thought I was doing but that really just meant ‘stop’ they didn’t actually wanna know my thought process.” + “That’s my wife!”
Reggie: “I need everyone all day long to like me sooooo much.” + “I am very small and I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress I’m under.”
Alex: “People look at me and they’re like ‘get some rest tall child!’” + “I was raised Catholic as I’m sure you can tell by my everything about me.”
Flynn: “Do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I would totally kill that guy for you. Lol see you at improv practice!” + “this might as well happen. Life is already so goddamn weird.”
Willie: *to Lifers in the HGC* “How dare you applaud the worst decision I ever made?” + “for interest I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.” + “fuck da police.”
Bobby: “I don’t drink anymore because apparently I used to black out and ‘ruin parties’.” + “you have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair.”
Carrie: *pulls in to a McDonald’s drive through with a van of excited children. Orders a single black coffee. Drives away.* + “None of us ever really knows our fathers. Anyway…”
Nick: “I was shiny and dumb and easy to trick.” + “Ah yes. My title of Alpha which I definitely had once.”
Ray: “I try to stay a little optimistic. Though I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky.” + “Our house was built in the 20s but got flipped in 2014 so it’s definitely haunted but has a lovely kitchen backsplash.”
Carlos: “Well here goes nothing. You ever seen a ghost????”
Tia: “Shut up you’re all gonna die! Street smarts!”
Caleb: “A child came up to me once and told me that I could do whatever I wanted forever. And I took his advice.” + “he looked like a man who should be the conductor on a locomotive powered by confetti but instead he made his living in murder.”
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I love how almost 98% of JATP fan fictions has every single character, originals as well, as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It soothes my soul on a level i do not want to understand.
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littlemissaddict · 2 years
Snowman - Reggie Peters x Fem!Reader
Summary: Luke suggests a snowman building competition and Reader and Reggie do their best to provide the winner
Word Count: 558
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She was sitting alongside Julie and Flynn in Julie’s room, all three girls had textbooks open in front of them as they attempted to get through their homework but it was proving tricky from the moment that Flynn had spotted the snow. This was LA it didn’t snow often so the excitement that was running through the girls was understandable.
None of them were sure how long they had been working for or how long it had been snowing when a knock on Julie’s bedroom door tore their attention away from their work. “Come in” Julie replied, thinking it was maybe her dad but when Reggie’s head popped through the door with a big smile on his face they all knew that their homework was going to have to wait.
“Do you wanna build a snowman?” he sang, making Julie groan. She and Flynn shared a look before looking back between Reggie and Julie. If Julie’s reaction had dampened his mood then he didn’t show it, still waiting for their answer with the same big smile on his face.
“If you stop with the Frozen references then yes” Julie says, her resolve to finish the work first crumbling at the first offer.
Reggie cheers before poofing away, she assumes to tell Luke and Alex the news, as they all pack away their homework. Julie explains her reaction to Reggie’s outburst as it turns out one watch of the movie was all it took for him to be singing the songs from it over and over again, “It’s not just Reggie, it’s Luke as well” Julie divulges as they stop at the bottom of the stairs to pull on their winter boots and coats.
“I wouldn’t’ve thought that it was Luke’s thing” she muses, relatively amused at the thought and Flynn seems to agree.
“Whatchu talking about?” Alex’s voice comes from behind them, almost like he was singing it. Rolling his eyes when Julie mentioned Frozen, clearly it wasn’t only getting on Julie’s nerves.
As they made their way out into the backyard they came face to face with Luke and Reggie throwing snowballs at each other. She notices that the snowball seems to be just phasing through the boys rather than breaking up as it would if it hit her, Julie or Flynn.
“There they are,” Luke cheers as he spots them walking towards them.
“So snowmen?” she says, it comes out as a question than a statement though and she’s not sure who she’s asking.
“Yeah, we were thinking maybe a competition of sorts” Luke reveals, glancing around at the group, “Losers get snowballed” he chuckles.
Breaking up into teams of two, Luke claiming Alex and Flynn claiming Julie which leaves her with Reggie, though she’s not disappointed out of the whole group he seems to her more likely to help her build the better snowman. He’s clearly more excited than the rest of the group which also means it’s going to be a lot of fun for them both.
And when their snowman is called as the winner by Carlos, who was completely unaware whose snowman was whose, Reggie celebrates by picking her up and spinning her around as they both laugh uncontrollably because of his actions. While a down trodden Luke and Alex prepare for the impending snowballs they are to receive as the losers.
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
 maybe their whole dynamic is built around jokingly flirting, so they just always assume that their flirts/compliments are all platonic and regal butterfly?
Heads up: this got VERY sensual
Julie's going to dissolve on the dance floor.
She never should've agreed to go clubbing, but you can only bow out so many times before it starts to look suspicious. Especially when your entire friend group likes to go almost every other weekend for one reason or another.
Now she's sandwiched between Reggie and Flynn and she can't tell if it's the bass pounding in her body or just raw desire.
It's mesmerizing, how they move in sync, with Reggie molded to her back and Flynn her front. Reggie's broad hands clutch Julie hips through the lattice siding of her dress, hot on her skin. His lips are dangerously close to her ear, and every short burst of his breath makes her shiver.
He's definitely hard and if Julie thinks about that too much she will combust.
Flynn isn't helping. Her palms are splayed on Julie's ribs, so so close to where Julie wants them as their bodies rock together. She looks striking in the neon lights, eyes popping against her glittery makeup as she flashes Julie a sultry smile. Their noses touch, and her breath is warm on Julie's lips. They're practically panting into one another’s mouths and it's only by some miracle that Julie hasn't moaned.
She really shouldn't have let them flirt their way into this situation, but Julie'd had a feeling that she'd succumb to something like this the second she'd agreed to come to the club. They're already incredibly flirty, and there's something about the scene.
Still, she never expected them to be this forward with her, and she should've worn different panties, apparently.
Reminding herself that it's simply supposed to be fun doesn't help. She's liked them way too much for too long and if she doesn't leave now she's going to do something stupid, like beg for a kiss or for someone to keep her or even just fuck her.
Julie squirms, but that only encourages them, and her eyes flutter shut as Reggie’s lips graze the spot behind her ear.
"Please what, babe?" Flynn says silkily, nuzzling their noses together, and Julie exhales shakily as something in her snaps.
They release her, and even through the blur of unshed tears, she can tell they both have concern carved into their features.
"Should we go outside?" Reggie murmurs, so low it's nearly lost to the music.
Flynn nods, gently taking Julie's hand.
"Come on, Jules. It'll be easier to talk."
Julie numbly follows Reggie, feeling abruptly off-balance in her heels without both of them holding her, but Flynn keeps her from toppling over as they make their way through the throng of people and slip out the door.
They settle on top of a low concrete wall, pressed shoulder to shoulder with Julie still in the middle, but the breeze makes Julie shiver, regardless. Reggie and Flynn both shrug out of their jackets, with Reggie draping his across Julie's shoulders and Flynn laying hers in Julie's lap.
Julie sighs through a wan smile. "Thanks."
"Of course," Reggie replies earnestly, and she hears a warmer smile than hers in his voice as she snuggles into their jackets. "We can't have our girl getting cold."
She fights a fresh wave of tears.
"Am I, though? Your girl?"
Flynn covers Julie's hands with hers.
"Do you want to be? Because if you do, we'd take you in a heartbeat, babe."
Reggie hums in agreement, wiping a stray tear from Julie's cheek with his thumb.
"We've been trying to seduce you for ages. And kind of seduced each other along the way? But yeah. We really like you, Julie."
Julie swivels to fully gape at them both.
"Wh—but you've always flirted with me! You're both very flirty people! How was I supposed to know that it meant anything?"
"Flirting with intent is definitely different—" Reggie starts, and Flynn nods, jumping in.
"We don't dance with just anyone like that. We want you."
Julie huffs, furiously scrubbing the remainder of her tears away.
"You'll have to tell me exactly how. In great detail. Then I might forgive you for driving me crazy without ever directly saying anything!"
Reggie and Flynn exchange devilish grins.
"We can do that," they say, voices heavy with promise and more.
And Julie has to admit it's the perfect apology as she dissolves between them on a nice set of sheets.
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jmrothwell · 2 years
AU Prompt! Soulmates, Reggie/Julie/Flynn
For as long as they’ve known each other Flynn and Julie have known two truths, they were soulmates and that they were also missing someone.
They knew this because their butterfly swarms had halved after they met each other-the Purple Emperors Flynn had and the Orange Emigrants Julie had flitted away leaving behind the red and black Crescent Swallowtails for both of them.
After completing their first round of college midterms they decided to celebrate at a local rock music festival; becoming completely distracted by one of the band’s bassists and his swarm of Purple Emperor and Orange Emigrant butterflies.
3 Sentence AU Prompts
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bananakarenina · 1 year
17 and Fleggie??
every time we lie awake
flynn taylor has never had a normal-person sleep schedule, and her schedule as a dj doesn't really help matters. weddings, parties, clubs; she's all work and no play and sleeps in the middle of the day because that's the grind, baby.
so she's always up late, and there's this guy--well, she assumes it's a guy; his tumblr username is nerfherderhero and she's pretty sure she's seen some posts referencing his pronouns--who seems to have the same late-night schedule she does; he's always reblogging funny dog videos on her dash at just the right time and adding amazing tags to star wars posts (she still hasn't stopped laughing about him calling kylo ren "evil emo mayonnaise")
they have this funny little tumblr mutual relationship--the thing is, they have so much in common; he's always posting cool music for her to explore (she adds a LOT to her playlists, it's awesome) and he reblogs every artistic photo of food she uploads. (she has a whole series of ironic portraits of the stuff she orders from in-n-out; it's pretty hilarious if she does say so herself.)
they chat through tags. nerfherder is so off-the-wall funny; he says the most random things and flynn fucking loves it. he also has excellent taste in music.
julie starts giving her A Look whenever flynn mentions "my tumblr friend".
whatever! flynn is allowed to have friends she doesn't like. Know Personally. that's what the internet is for!
except there comes a two-week stretch where nerfherderhero kind of goes quiet. flynn even checks to make sure he didn't change his username but that's not it--he's just. not posting at the moment. no queue, no reblogs. her artistically-arranged chili dog photo goes un-noticed.
it's fine. flynn is Fine About It. he's probably just busy!
it's just rough because julie is also away, on tour with her new band--she met this group of dudes at college and has been spending all of her time writing songs with the guitarist (writing songs. suuuure, says flynn, and julie sticks her tongue out on their facetime call.)
flynn taylor has never been a coward, though (well, much of a coward) so she takes that terrifying internet friend plunge and pulls up a direct message.
hey--this is awkward but uh. hi! i just i just noticed that you're not around as much anymore which is totally your right obviously good for you for digitally detoxing lol i just--i miss you
she doesn't add the exclamation point even though it would make her seem more unaffected.
because the thing is: she's affected.
carrie laughs at her when she brings it up at brunch. it's not actually a mean laugh, despite it being carrie.
"only you would manage to crush on someone you don't even talk to," she says, sipping her passionfruit mimosa.
"better than when i had a crush on you," flynn retorts, but carrie just laughs again.
it all comes to a head when she facetimes julie late one night after a dj gig. she's wired, and there are no posts from Han Solo (which is unfortunately what flynn is now calling him in her head), and she just wants to mope with her best friend.
"oh, god, not you too," julie says. "reggie's all whiny because he broke his phone and we're in the middle of nowhere right now, so there aren't many places to go to fix it or get a new one. he's miserable. he keeps asking to borrow our phones to log into tumblr, of all things. something about his friend rapunzel."
flynn's username is remixingrapunzel bc she's flynn and she's a dj and also her braids are really long.
"yeah, he's like totally obsessed with her. them? i'm...not actually sure."
and julie's forehead wrinkles on her phone screen.
"how do you know?"
and the whole thing comes spilling out. han solo, funny captions on her in-n-out fries, the humiliating "i miss you" message that was never returned.
julie's eyes just keep getting wider.
"hang on," she says, and turns to yell over her shoulder. "reggie!"
there's a scuffle and julie hissing "come ON" and a long sigh, and then, sitting with julie, is the cutest boy flynn has ever seen in her actual life. he's got dark hair and nice freckles and right now he seems kind of sad, but oh my god, he's so so cute.
she can't help herself.
"nerfherder?" she says, tentatively.
his eyes lighten and it almost makes up for the last two weeks of misery.
"rapunzel," he breathes, and flynn has a feeling there are even more late nights in her future.
she's more than fine with that.
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not to be sentimental but i really love this show and i know that many fantoms are but i met so many of my favorite people (including my bf) and i hate netflix for canceling it but it will forever be my comfort show <3
taglist: @joshkiszkashusband @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @thedragonemperess @blueskiesandstarrynights @genuine-possum @someguyiguess @depressedtransguy (lemme know if you want to be added or removed!!)
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 2 years
The Mercer Legacy - Epilogue
Pairings: Reggie/Luke/Reader, Willex, Carrie/Julie/Flynn
Warnings: none
a/n: hey so it's been a minute... these funky little guys have truly been haunting me for years now and I've wanted so badly to give you more TML but I just haven't had the inspiration. But I was on a call with @bright-patterson and they mentioned giving TML an ending and I immediately knew what that would be. So, here is an epilogue of sorts.
Masterlist TML Masterlist
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Of course the whole thing had to end with the whole crew heading off to college together. Alex, Wilie, Reggie, and Luke are all sharing a dorm (the kind that has 2 2-person bedrooms) and Y/N, Carrie, Julie, and Flynn are all sharing a dorm (the kind where they each get their own bedrooms). And they all live happily ever after or what have you.
I can't guarantee that I'll ever officially write the middle bit to this series but maybe I'll open it up as an AU and you guys can request little scenes here and there if there's any interest! Regardless, I hope this brings you all some closure <3
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayenneferburnham @n0wornever @bright-molina @reg-peters @calamitykaty @sunsetcurvecuddles @dream-a-little-bigger-x @bright-patterson
TML Taglist: @marinettepotterandplagg @everyonesannoyedwithme @percico-heronstairs @starjane312 @ifilwtmfc @jatphatones @cherrymaybank @sorrowfulfragmentation @stargazing-dreamer-girl @daisybutterlions @mynameisntluke @willex-owns-my-heart @cucumbers-and-olives @90ssunsetcurve @avngrsinitiative @thatfandombitcch @genevieve-the-adventologist @axgelre
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