#regardless of what jkr does or says
i hate the fact that so much of the harry potter fandom on tumblr is dead or else insanely fucking wrong about everything. like. i wanna rant about absurd canon things to people. but i don't want to interact with the parts of the fandom that are unbearable because they butcher canon and all characters past all recognition or endurance
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Unless I missed something, it seems you don't have anything about Rita Skeeter in your HP masterposts (other than "what if JKR was Rita").
I'm wondering what you think of her? I feel like I barely even remember her in canon, but fanfic uses her for everything under the sun.
You know, I think you're right anon.
Generally, she's unscrupulous as hell and will do nearly anything to chase down a story regardless of the devastation it may cause an individual (see her roasting a 14-year-old girl in a national paper to people who otherwise would never have heard of Hermione Granger but then only knew her as WHORE, including Mrs. Weasley who for a year thought Hermione was a gold digger), incredibly hard working and ambitious, very thorough with her sources, and has an unfortunate tendency to be... not wrong a lot of the time.
Say what?
Yes, I know, I know, she uses the quotes quill which is clearly intended to exaggerate a person's reactions to whatever she's saying (and infuriate them so they'll say more things to her face while they're flustered) but the woman is meticulous with her sources.
The Dumbledore book was extensively researched, with letter evidence, interviews with everyone Dumbledore had pretty much ever known in his life, and it turns out it's... pretty much... entirely... correct...
We learn that the reason Rita knows all this information she shouldn't is that she's been wiretapping (well, being a bug in a room). And that's the thing, she doesn't make things up, she does put them in the worst/most scandalous way possible (e.g. misconstruing Hermione and Harry's friendship into being romantic and theorizing what Hermione gets out of this relationship) but it's not wholesale made up.
So, I actually like Rita as a character. The woman will ruin you for a story, and is absolutely vicious and manipulative as hell, but she's just so interesting.
(And JKR clearly despises her, to a hilarious degree, Rita represents all of JKR's hatred of the British tabloids in one human form that she calls ugly.)
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necromosss · 7 days
I’ve followed you since 2020, through SWTOR and D&D and BG3. The imp trio are some of my favorite original characters by any creator. Your art style absolutely captivates me, and I love your sense of humor. I’ve really admired you as an artist and thought you were generally wonderful.
So seeing that you’ve been posting about Harry Potter up to the year 2023 absolutely breaks my heart. I know that you don’t owe your followers transparency about what other media you engage with, and that you’ve attempted to distance yourself from the franchise. But on the other hand, as a transgender person, I feel deeply torn. I genuinely want to keep following you, but the fact that you can still give any time or attention to that media and the person behind it just makes me feel awful.
I know that leaving behind a character you’ve invested years in wouldn’t be easy. But I really, sincerely hope that someday it will no longer be worth it. No matter how much you love a character, they’re not real, and the harm Rowling is doing with the platform you’ve helped give her is very real.
Hello anon, Thank you so much for voicing your thoughts out. I really appreciate you doing this and I understand your concerns and disappointment. You have ALL the rights to be disappointed! But please hear me out on this one (it is absolutely ok too if you dont!):
I absolutely, 100% in utter disdain about the fandom and that person. Heck, they supported the blue-white flag and i have zero tolerance for that (Palestine WILL be free). To say all love that I hade for the franchise died. (A lot of it was inconsistent and fucking awful anyway.)
and as you said; my characters are fictional, and in that regard what I did was to make a whole new worldbuilding of myself. And places my old OCs in there. (I hate the thought of using the old fandom, I really do. We are hating the same thing here). Was my world inspired by the 'original' world building? Yes. But does that mean I support them? Heck no. If anything, It is under my SPITE that want to STEAL the good ideas from there and make it my own. To my eyes they have lost the entireity of those rights and I will steal it for me and my friends. and mark my words and emphasize with the utter hatred: I WILL TWIST it to the thing that THAT person HATE THE MOST.
If you're curious, I have an entire world made to scratch. The only thing that is similar are just the 'houses' (which is to my knowledge, is a common thing in UK schools, but correct me if im wrong)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So fuck JKR really. I want them to go to the ground and to the bloody dust. Me and my friends in this RP are also sharing the same thoughts in this matter. We spite them, and we want just want to rip the good things out of their bloody, rotting hands.
But regardless if you want to leave or not, it really is up to you. I have no rights to keep you around, and you 100% SHOULD prioritize your own comfort first. Thank you anon, and I really appreciate your support of all this years 💖
Oh and before anyone asks "Why dont you make an entierly different setting" Oh but I do! I have tons of world buildings, one of my pride and joy is KLIEVERDE UNIVERSITY where you can literally check the world here:
Mysthaven is placed in THE SAME worldbuilding as KU does. Just different campus, different aesthetics. There are other tons of other campuses in that worldbuilding too, so its not just one RP, really. (i try to make do! >.<)
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chaifootsteps · 10 days
I think you may have deleted the post, but I wanted to talk about that insta story Amir posted with the lesbian flag fan and the “#king of the lesbians” comment.
I want to start by saying I don’t know Amirs gender identity or sexuality. Everything I could find stated that Amir’s pronouns are he/him, but there are he/him lesbians, and there are also trans lesbians who aren’t out yet, and still pass publicly as male. I don’t know if Amir identifies this way, and don’t really want to say anything super critical that would pressure him into coming out if this is the case.
I know a lot of helluva criticals are also a bit critical of his online presence, but he does seem to have acted as a pretty good ally, and talked about how **requiring** pronoun disclosure for work can accidentally have the side-effect of forcing people to out or mis-gender themselves, which is a good point.
Despite knowing all of this, as a nonbinary lesbian, seeing that post did make me anxious. I think it’s mainly because, even if Amir IS a lesbian (and I know some people may even laugh at that thought, or act like that could never happen, but the truth is we DO NOT KNOW Amir, and do not know anything about his inner life or identity that he has not explicitly shared) but even if he is a lesbian, seeing *anyone* proclaim themselves “King of the Lesbians” just sets off alarm bells in my head.
I think its most likely because since I don’t know if he’s part of the community or an ally, it feels very much like someone claiming to speak for us or be representative of lesbians.
And I’m VERY sensitive of celebrities or people with influence claiming to speak for us or have clout with us—especially since JKR started using lesbians as a shield against all criticism of her transphobia.
I know I’m probably overthinking all of this—over something I’m pretty sure was posted as a joke (and I don’t even know if the “king of the lesbians” caption was made by Amir himself, or a social media manager).
But. Idk. Regardless something about that post just gave me a real big ick. My initial reaction when I saw that post was “no, you’re fucking not. If anyone is king of the lesbians it’s Tracy Chapman, not you.”
It’s something minor, and I know I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but I can’t help but get frustrated by it. I want to say, “okay, what the hell have you done for us then?” You don’t just announce that you’re a gay or lesbian icon. It’s something that is earned and given to you by the community. Even if you are a part of the community I still think it’s something that has to be earned.
I know I’m just rambling now, but I wanted to let you know that yeah, that post was not okay with me either. I think I would have even liked the post if it had said something that was more supportive of lesbians like “let’s go lesbians!” Or “shout out to the lesbian fans!” Or something.
Anyway. Thanks for letting me vent. I know this is probably ridiculous to vent about but I wanted to get these feelings out, and didn’t feel safe talking about it on my own blog.
Nah, it's an entirely valid frustration. There are ways to show solidarity and that wasn't it, and also high five for recognizing Tracy Chapman as the queen of the lesbians she is.
(For the record, I deleted that post because apparently it's not yet common knowledge just how incredibly fucking creepy Amir is. Someday.)
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roblogging · 18 hours
Its not that i dont agree because i do but theres bigger conversations to have
I think theres bigger things in the world and your world than the reboot and those are conversations you could be having ie Gaza?
hi anon !!
i am SO glad this has started a conversation !! so fucking glad !! i've seen a lot of people discussing it on tiktok now (a lot of my mutuals too so ily). i'm glad we're talking about it now because as i said in another post here on tumblr (the one where i had 47 trans people reach out to me and tell me about the transphobia they've faced in the fandom) this is bigger than a reboot.
and i do have bigger worries in my world, you're so right. my world is so messy in so many ways.
which is why i discussed how to make This world, the marauders fandom, feel safer and more inclusive. because i don't want to be arguing with my hormone clinic about the prices being raised, as i do every two months when they're raised to try and steer me off of it, and then come home and "relax" in fandom to see people hyping up something that profits jkr. i think that's valid.
i think this is a valid discussion for this space, right? i think the "what about xyz" view of conversations is actually more harmful?? we absolutely can discuss more than one thing at a time but i do also think that the hyping up of a reboot of the franchise on which our fandom is built upon but claims to be entirely against the franchise creator? i think that's a very big discussion that absolutely does need to be had in a queer-based fandom that a lot of trans people engage in.
and because, as stated, we can discuss more than one thing at a time:
here is the link tree that is accessible via my tiktok (and has been for months). here you can find gofundmes for palestinian families that have reached out to me for support, charities for palestine, information on gaza, and resources for congo, sudan, and trans rights (also putting together a lebanon section <3)
here is a link to my "🇵🇸river to the sea🇵🇸" playlist on tiktok . the videos that i have made for palestine are all in there, and they all have resources in the comment sections (such as exchange rates, families to follow and support, and people within the fandom that are offering buddy systems for donations)
here is the link to my public favourites folder full of videos to boost, families to support, informative videos, ways to indirectly support etc.
and if you go to my tiktok here and check the third pinned video, that is for Haneen and her family who still need as much support as we can offer <3 (gofundme here: please be wary of exchange rates !! NOK is a very weak currency, hence why the amount of donations is so high but funding isn't)
i will continue to discuss what i believe strongly in, regardless of how many conversations that takes. there is no limit on support, and there is no end to change, and it is possible to discuss the things that harm us personally, and those that harm others at the same time.
what a silly thing to say i fear
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merlinsleftit · 7 months
just curious - why post in a ship tag complaining about the ship? you knew people were going to be upset regardless that you did that but also isn’t it…unnecessary? like, at the end of the day, fanfiction and ships are fiction for a reason. sometimes it’s fun to imagine the impossible and to imagine au’s - and to hate an entire fandom for it seems excessive and quite frankly, rude. i’m not saying dramione is the end all be all bc yeah, some characterizations are so ooc that it’s just like why bother. other times it’s like wow this is really good, but these things can also be related to any other fandoms.
idk, i mean we are all entitled to our own opinion, of course. i guess it just rubbed me wrong way that you’d post something shitting on a ship you so clearly hate and posting it in said fandom.
its not just about "let ppl have their own ships and opinions" it's about hating on the canon and making up their own ships and characters just bcs they didn't like the original one. i totally get whatever jkr said upset a lot of ppl and that's absolutely normal and right thing to do and im not here to defend her or something. i usually separate the art from the artist bcs harry potter always had a special place in my place and i have always loved the canon. i think the hate on canon characters and ships started more after jkr transphobic jokes. ppl are romanticizing toxic characters and toxic ships to go against jkr and i have seen these in so many fanfics. they mainly do it to show that they do not care about the canon or they are against it but they still wanna like it somehow.
saying how some characters should've done this or that in the canon is absolutely bullshit. obv the characters had no idea this will be consequences. nobody is perfect but isn't that what makes a series relatable in some way? every characters had flaws and every character resembled somebody from our daily lives. hating on the canon characters to just make your fav character look like a saint is hypocrisy.
the main reason why the percy jackson fandom is less toxic than hp is bcs they like their author and we don't and they accept their canon the way it is bcs they like their author. i get y'all don't like jkr and neither do i but i dont go out of my way to change the canon bcs i just don't like her.
these new ships and characters are scaring new fans away from canon bcs some of y'all convinced them that fanon is somehow 'better" and when these so called "fans" come on here to share opinions that they've based off of the misinformation they've been fed, they will be unprepared to handle any kind of backlash they may face except their usual "let ppl have their own ships" or "its just fanfiction"
also i use the tags bcs i want ppl to know the misinformation they've been fed by the new genz fandom and how they think shipping random characters don't affect anyone but in reality, it does. i mean literally see how many ppl have been influenced by meneclad and how they think dramione is endgame and how jkr wasted their potential. they never even had any real chemistry in the canon so there was nothing to wasted on.
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maleswillbemale · 6 months
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
First of all, I should be financially compensated for having to watch this guy in an Ethel Cain shirt for thirty minutes.
Also, all of the voices used to narrate the posts were so blatantly exaggerated to make people he disagreed with sound cartoonishly villainous which was cringy as fuck. He was incapable of handling this topic with maturity or neutrality at all, and that made it incredibly difficult for me to digest this.
Here's what I learned, unbiased, from the video.
JKR saw a tweet from another user that claimed that nazis burned books related to trans healthcare as an argument point against her. This original tweet had no sources. JKR asked if this was a fever dream and commented that she would need to check her sources because it sounded false. Because it does. Because the original poster didn't provide any proof of this. That isn't Holocaust denial, that is skepticism towards a random Twitter user who made a big claim on a sensitive subject without providing further information. You shouldn't blindly trust what you're told online, especially on Twitter.
The books that the Nazis burned were by a homosexual Jewish man. Someone apart of the LGB alliance who was not JKR got into arguments over whether or not the author of the books was truly a good person, with accusations of him being pro-eugenics and supporting the castration of homosexuals being brought up with a book as a source. JKR posted a link to the thread with this information, but did not make the claim herself nor did she probably read an entire book or look too deeply into the claims happening, which granted she should have done, but she clearly took the elaborate thread and source for granted.
According to mister YouTuber, neither he nor someone else on his source team could find exactly what the LGB alliance claimed was in the book. He admitted things could have just been worded differently than on the thread, but the exact phrases such as "genes" were not in the book. Apparently the author was with a man 40 years younger than him though which I don't know why mister YouTuber brought that up (not even negatively, just randomly dropped) but okay I'll mention it here I guess
Hirschfield (the author of the burned books) was in fact racist and a supporter of eugenics by admission of mister YouTuber. Oops! Mister YouTuber admits that Hirschfeld supported castration for the "feeble-minded", but argued that there wasn't any evidence for homosexuals being considered under that umbrella for Hirschfeld. He also admitted that Hirschfeld, regardless of showing support for some feminist movements, still viewed women as inferior to men.
Hirschfeld's research partner created vaginoplasty, and it's mostly practiced the same way today. He (the research partner, Gohrbandt) also practiced horrific experiments on people for research in hypothermia apparently (and was never punished afterwards), but that's somewhat unrelated. Which leads to:
Mister YouTuber conflates criticism of Hirschfeld's political views and research to the criticism of modern transgender plastic surgeries sterilizing people, which is something JKR has expressed concern over before. This entire discussion isn't even remotely related to the denial of the Holocaust.
Next a user named Alejandra accuses JKR of Holocaust denial with screenshots to various articles that discuss the burning of Hirschfeld's books. JKR replies that the burning of Hirschfeld's books does not mean all healthcare books researching transgenderism were destroyed nor were trans people the very first victims of nazis, which Alejandra didn't claim and argues that she didn't. JKR responds with a screenshot from another user who was making those claims to clarify that despite Alejandra not saying it, others were. That was a bit off topic, but mister YouTuber goes on about people commenting unrelated to JKR even outside of the whole LGB alliance discussing the Hirschfeld mess as well, it's not just JKR going off about unrelated shit during this discussion.
TRAs were trying to twist the narrative of Hirschfeld's books being burned to instead mean that transgender people were the first target by Nazis and that ALL books pertaining to them were destroyed, which was factually not true and, frankly, incredibly insensitive. Mister YouTuber argues that a TIM named Dora who had vaginoplasty surgery at Hirschfeld's institute disappeared during Nazis storming the institute. Dora may have died or been arrested, the actual fate is unknown. I have no comments on this because no one ever said trans people never died to Nazis which he is insinuating and arguing against but I'll mention it here.
Mister YouTuber uses this incident as proof that trans people were targeted by Nazis and they lost all of their research - which was mostly worded with the same mythical usage as when people describe the burning of Alexandria, where people assume we'd be way ahead of what we are right now if the burning didn't happen. I wish I could drive home the fact that transgender people were killed and targeted (and still are today!) because they're seen as homosexuals. A lot of them ARE homosexuals. Man who is feminine = gay = a threat that needs to be dealt with. That is the reality of violent 'transphobia'. Homosexuals were murdered by Nazis. People like Dora were seen as homosexual males. Hirschfeld was a homosexual Jewish man.
The video then pivots to be about whether or not transgender people were killed by Nazis for being trans. JKR criticized TRAs for making the literal Holocaust center around themselves.
Mister YouTuber then goes on about transgenders being targeted by Nazis. We could go in a circle again explaining that transgender people were conflated with homosexuals which is exactly why Nazis would want them dead, or we could go over how NO ONE SAID THEY WERE NEVER KILLED BY NAZIS, but it's useless to keep having this argument. I will bring up that race was a big factor for transgenders when they encountered Nazis according to mister YouTuber's source excerpts though - 'aryan' transgendered people were almost always safe while Jewish and Roma ones were not according to this video's sources. When they (aryan transgenders) were charged, they usually had to pay a fine or go to prison rather than concentration camps. While still bad, it's not even remotely comparable and it happened far less because usually they were deemed not guilty in court since they were "racially superior"
Mister YouTuber brings up JKR's goblins in Harry Potter which is beyond a dead horse at this point.
Here's a direct quote from the fucking video YOU linked me from this man himself: "Joanne may have denied Nazi war crimes, but she isn't a Holocaust denier."
She literally only showed skepticism towards a random Twitter comment that didn't provide sources or any explanation. Should she have researched on her own time before responding with skepticism? Probably! But to stretch skepticism to mean Nazi war crime denial is just that: a stretch.
YouTuber uses anti-Semitic comments from other Twitter users as proof that JKR is bad somehow. Not her fault and there's plenty of TRA idiots who comment dumb shit all the time too. It's irrelevant. She has millions of followers and I see disgusting comments on random Twitter posts literally all the time, it's extremely common to have annoying bigoted trolls on there.
Anyways, here's my takeaway from this:
JKR needs to stop responding to random TRA comments who say dumb shit without sources. That TRA was using the Holocaust, a horrific and traumatizing part of recent history, as an argument point for the trans movement. She probably should have just ignored it or researched what the commenter was talking about so she could be better prepared.
With that being said, I didn't get any notion of Holocaust denial from her whatsoever. I saw nothing but skepticism at a random comment because people love nothing more than to be painfully inaccurate about historical events
I don't think Hirschfeld sounds like a good person at all thanks to his racism/hatred towards black people, his misogyny, his support of eugenics, and his bizarre 40 year age gap relationship, but I don't support Nazis terrorizing him for being a homosexual Jewish man fucking obviously. I would say that Malcom bringing all of this up is sort of irrelevant to what was actually being discussed. It's good to know that Hirschfeld had horrific political views but that wasn't really the point of the discussion going on so it felt really unrelated and out of place in my opinion, but Malcom isn't JKR.
JKR linked to Malcom's thread because he expanded on what these claims were talking about and he provided sources about Hirschfeld and his beliefs. She just didn't read the book that he used. I think she needs to be more careful about source checking and research, because otherwise she's ripped apart even if it's not her saying it.
'Aryan' transgender people were spared the horrific crimes of the Holocaust more often than not according to the very video that you linked to me. I hope white TIMs think about that before they make the Holocaust about themselves, which is exactly what JKR was saying she didn't want them to do. Because she doesn't deny that the Holocaust happened and knows it was a horrific event. It was almost alwaysJewish and Roma homosexuals/transgenders who suffered the brunt of Nazi hatred.
I don't read Harry Potter, and I don't have a deep attachment to JKR. I went into this video wanting to see where exactly the accusations she's receiving were coming from, and I'm left just feeling frustrated and disappointed. It's normal to not trust what a Twitter user claims at face value. It's normal to be skeptical about big claims surrounding the Holocaust. It's normal to not want something as serious as that trivialized.
There were some talking points in the video I didn't cover because I'm on mobile and I didn't have as much to say about it. The link is there for anyone to watch it and take away their own opinion afterwards.
My opinion is that I think JKR handled this poorly, but I do not think she is a Nazi nor do I think she is denying the Holocaust.
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fischerfrey · 2 years
a psa regarding the upcoming release of hogwarts legacy:
disclaimer: the following is not targeted towards anyone in particular
this has been said a billion times and i’m getting kind of tired of saying this: no, buying and playing the game does not immediately make you a bad person or a transphobe.
however, if you do buy the game, you’re not being an ally to trans people. being an ally requires giving up things you don’t want to give up. it’s recognizing that your entertainment is not more important than the dignity and rights of trans people and the dignity and rights of jewish people, since the story seems to lean heavily on antisemitic tropes.
i really don’t want to hear your justification for why you buy or play the game, that’s your business. but if people don’t feel comfortable engaging with your content anymore, or have an opinion to share that makes you uncomfortable, then i want you all to know, from the bottom of my heart, it’s not trans or jewish people tearing this community apart.
i say this all as a non-binary person who is obviously still creating content for hphl era (and the hp universe at large, but that’s a whole other conversation). i got into hphl not really knowing any of the game’s context. i should’ve looked into the background more, but i saw people creating ocs for late 1800s and i ate that shit up.
i chose to be a part of this fandom. i chose not to drop harry potter once i realised what kind of person jkr is. that was my choice and everyone is entitled to make their own. but choosing to support this particular game, even after everything that has come out about it, is going to affect this small corner of the hp fandom that we have all created together. there’s nothing to be done about that.
however you feel about this issue, i don’t condone hate or harassment. there are discussions to be had here but i really, really hope we can have them in a respectful manner.
i love my hphl era ocs, and i’m not going anywhere. i might start using a different tag for my legacy-adjacent content though, since my story lines really have nothing to do with the game anyway.
i wanted to play this game so badly. i wanted it to be good. but i’m not buying it, even if the story line ends up not being as antisemitic as the trailers made it out to be (doubtful, but hey, it could happen). i strongly encourage engaging in some good, old-fashioned piracy if you want to try it out.
please watch this video, or at least the part about legacy itself (starts at around 2 hours and 13 minutes), if you have the time:
“i know many people say and feel like ‘well capitalism makes us all complicit in one way or another. why bother fighting this fight? why not buy this game if it makes me happy? rowling’s gonna rowling anyway, regardless of what i do.’ and it creates a cognitive dissonance in people. they realise jk rowling is causing harm but they don’t wish to feel like a bad person if they want to play the game. they want to be made to feel okay.”
“but what discourse like this does is try to comfort those who want to buy the game, to make them feel like they’re still good people if they support a system that causes harm, because they can’t fight it anyways. yet it ignores that you do actually have power. it tries to make you forget that you don’t have an obligation to buy the game. you don’t have to give it your attention.”
to reiterate: i don’t think everyone who buys and/or plays this game is a terrible person, but i do disagree with those saying that buying the game is a non-issue.
finally, there are so many good games out there that don’t support a terf or subscribe to antisemitic tropes!!! i know you all fellow gamers have loads of unplayed games on your devices or libraries just waiting for you to play them. maybe try those out instead. 
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fiadh-doodles · 2 years
Obligatory, you can be trans in the game, there is a trans character that’s prominently featured. The goblins aren’t connected to any race other than the points you’ve made up.
The whole suppressing a goblin rebellion plot everyone was calling racist and problematic actually turned out to be an operation where the goblins were framed by the actual antagonists and the goblins were innocent all along. This is revealed later in the game.
I’m sorry your upset. Be better. You embarrass the real members of the trans community by getting upset at a non issue, now speak out against atomic heart funding a terrorist nation attacking a peaceful one, thanks.
Made up? This is a text book case of blood libel. This is a game made by neo nazis that uses the IP of a known antisemite. The goblins are very clearly antisemtic caricatures. The inclusion of a shofar silenced by a non-kosher cheese that references the Fettmilch pogroms of 1612 is included in the game. It is so blatantly antisemtic. Y'all just care more about a dogshit game than jewish lives.
The trans woman character is voiced by an unlisted va that gives her a masculine voice. Her name is SirOna Ryan, aka he she ryan. A friend who hadn't seen her since pre-transition & in years immediately clocked her & recognized her. It's blatantly transphobic. The dev team is also so notoriously homophobic that this is the only queer character in the game. A transphobic caricature of a trans woman.
Supressing a slave revolt is pro slavery. It doesn't matter if the slaves turned out to "be good all along"(also a deeply weird a fucked up narrative in it's own right), it's racist regardless. Y'all care more about this dogshit game than y'all do about racism.
I am a real trans person. I am now officially living in the worst state in the US to exist as a trans person because it is now A FELONY TO BE TRANS IN PUBLIC in my state. If I am openly trans in this state I can be arrested, charged, sent to prison, and if I don't die in prison, will have 0 rights if I make it out of prison. Which I doubt because my government wants us dead. This legislature was lobbied for using money & rhetoric from JKR's campaign for trans genocide.
A town in my state has also just been revealed that its CITY COUNCIL has compiled a HIT LIST agaisnt queer people & their families in that town. These are real world issues that I live with. My life as a trans person is in danger. I'll never be able to start T here, or get a hysterectomy. My friend can't get top surgery now. My little sibling can't get any trans affirming healthcare now either. I can't afford to leave, and even if I could, I would never be able to leave my people behind.
This is what giving the TERF Supreme more money and power does. She is personally funding trans genocide with y'all's money because y'all don't care about trans lives.
I'm an embarassment? You can't even say that too me off anon & with your full chest. I, and every trans person in my state are fearful for our lives more than ever. How long until we start getting rounded up? My state is notorious for how torturous our conversion camps are, I don't want to find out what they'll do to us when they've got us all locked up in prisons, but that is now a very real reality I face.
But y'all don't care about trans lives or jewish lives or BIPOC or any of that. You want to play a bad game & not face any backlash for it. You want to never be confronted with the objective reality of your choices. Y'all could choose to simply never talk about online, but that has never seemed to occur to y'all. No, y'all wear your bigotry like a point of pride to purposely agitate marginalized folks. Y'all can't even do the BARE MINIMUM to be decent human beings. I don't give a single fuck about y'all's opinion about trans people being "embarassments" for being upset at y'all for funding our genocide.
Anothing thing, I'm slavic. 2nd gen Polish. I'm very tapped into the war with Ukraine and how awful Russia is as a colonial superpower. I have living family that remembers how bad living under Russian rule is and family living in Poland right now. But I wasn't talking about a terrorist attack being funded by a game and IP that is frankly hardly anyone is talking about & isn't anywhere close to having the cultural chokehold HP still has. Made by a game studio with less than 40k followers on twitter. I was talking about a deeply racist, antisemtic, transphobic IP being used to make a deeply racist, antisemtic, transphobic game that funds trans genocide.
BUT HERE IS MY OFFICIAL STATEMENT ON ATOMIC HEART: Don't buy it & don't support the devs that help fund terrorist attacks & have anti-Ukrainian sentiments everywhere in their game.
LITERALLY get fucked. Y'all are sick & twisted & I hope y'all have a horrible life. Genuinely.
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blueopalsystem · 9 months
Hello, we're Blue Opal
Here's some things you should know about us! (Under cut ^-^)
(Pro/Com/Darkshippers DNI! Putting this above because proshippers keep interacting)
Tl;dr at the bottom ^-^
Common posters (subject to change):
🌺, 💙
Art tags are "artist tag [emoji]" ^-^
💤 has a pronouns.page ← Link (yes he asked for this to be here)
Current hyperfixations: fnaf, cuphead, tnmn, onaf (we do not support the creator), frogs
Our syscourse stance is "be respectful and do your own thing"
We trigger tag a lot of things
We're very queer
Some parts may reblog their sideblogs to here
We support mspec identities
Most of us can't handle being tagged in tag games
At least 13+ please! If you're under 13 we'll have to report your account due to the tos
Can interact if AGE is 18+ but prefer not to interact if ACCOUNT is 18+ (won't stop you, just know we have minor followers)
Emmet (🐈‍⬛) says cunt a lot and does not tag it as swearing, if that makes you uncomfortable you're free to leave
Dni: (things in bold are because they keep interacting)
Pro/Com/Darkship or ship incest/pedophilia/rape like it's cute and fun
Anti agere/petre, objectum, religion (religions themselves are not bad, there are just bad people ^-^), (non contact harmful) paras, queer, recovery (remember to read with the "anti" in front! Ex: anti objectum, anti religion)
Sophieinwonderland and the like + supporters (see sophiecourse tag for why ^-^)
Tulpa language users (see tulpacourse tag for why ^-^)
Exclusionists, terfs, radfems, transmeds
Use "sysmed" genuinely (regardless your stance, it makes us uncomfortable ^-^")(you sound transphobic when you use it. -🐈‍⬛)
Harry Potter fan/jkr supporter
Nsfw "agere" blogs
Yandere blogs (you'd freak out if you met a person with bpd)
Vivziepop supporters/defenders (hh/hb enjoyers thin ice)
Ai 'artists' (other uses of ai is fine)
Part blogs:
@terrys-thomas-blog (little inactive, hasn't been motivated)
💙's Thomas and Friends blog
Agere + little blog for 🧸🐈‍⬛
The-bat-system (Dormant alter, not @ ing)
Dormant alter, blog not in use (tw in the bio of the blog)
@ponies-and-kittens (less in use, trying to leave syscourse)
My (🌺) and 🐈‍⬛'s syscourse blog
VERY anti endo alter blog! Pro/endos block this blog if you don't wish to see it! ^-^
💄's blog to keep anti endo only stuff off this blog
- (Part prefers not to have the blog @ here)
🌂's vent blog (dm for @ ^-^)
💙 and 🦇's fnaf 6 au ask/art blog
💙 and 🦇's undertale au ask/art blog
💙's cuphead blog, 🦇 is there by force (help)
@hungry-opal (won't let me tag no matter what I do >:()
💙 vore blog, 🦇 is here too (help)
No syscourse, no proshippers, no radqueers, no hp/jrk fans, no anti mspec identities, no anti regression blogs, no nsfw "agere" blogs, alter blogs above (warning: 2 are syscourse blogs)
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fugamalefica · 1 year
No but what is your excuse to still engage with Harry Potter? It used to be my favorite thing ever but I have a working brain and know when to let something go. If you see nothing wrong with JKR then girl, bye.
Because it makes me happy. Why would I need an excuse to do something I enjoy?
Listen, anon. I am going to give you an invaluable advice here, one that if you follow properly, you will have a much happier and better life.
The only person you need to please is yourself. Do whatever makes you happy, regardless of whether people approve of it or not. If no longer engaging with HP is bringing you joy, good for you! But if it isn't, ask yourself why are you compromising on your own happiness for other people's approval? Why do you have such low sense of self worth that you're giving up something you enjoy, just so other people approve of you?
People leave. They are unpredictable. Old relationships fade and new ones form. Why alter your life for something so fleeting? Only you stay in your life forever, and only happiness can truly last.
I stopped people pleasing when I realised it was bringing me nothing but misery. I no longer care if someone doesn't like what I do. I don't even care if it makes them uncomfortable or unsettles them. As long as it is not significantly against the law and harms nobody – and engaging with Harry Potter certainly does not, no matter what clueless Tumblr users say – I would continue doing so for as long as it brings me happiness. I am not responsible for other people's comfort or welfare, and certainly not above my own. If they dislike what I do, they are free to stop interacting with me.
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pamphlettyr · 2 years
JKR has always been a fascist and i can prove it mathematically
Exhibit A: Wizard School is British Public School. The School admits the elite regardless of origin. The Bell Curve had just been released, and basically the only 3 people who knew about it were scientists (disproved the concept) leftists (ethically negated the concept) and racists (loved it). Whether she had read the book, she reproduces the idea here. Hence why hermione must hyper-overachieve in order to prove her place. 
Exhibit B: Magic system is just servants. This is why it goes straight from ubermensch to slaves, because the servants have been erased. This is why the magic is dogshit, because instead of tapping into the divine, it is rendering the mundane as mystical. "carry this for me" "run and grab me the thing" "give me the chamberpot, and then take it away for me". This is why the three unforgivable curses are "kill him" "torture him" and "i don't care what it costs, make him do it anyway". The elimination of the caring labor that makes society actually run is deeply misogynist, but is also a cornerstone of fascist ideology. There are mothers, there are aurors, there are business owners, and there are slaves. 
Exhibit C: pottermore and the liberal brownie points debacles. Everyone pretends this was her being weird and the falling into reactionary ideology ass-first, but her behavior absolutely follows the patterns of other right wing ideologues, creating sensationalist, spreadable content which also contain right wing ideology. In her case specifically If she was a liberal but stupid, she’d have made dumbledore gay *and* tonks trans, tonks trans is a slam dunk, a no brainer. But that’s not what she did because she has always viewed queerness as degeneracy, and views tonk’s ability as an analog for getting a makeover by a team of professionals. You can tell she views queerness as degenerate because she displays the 3 types of gay experience that fascists will allow in society: You can be an invisible celibate monk like dumbledore, a victim who does everything right like lupin, or a pedophile rapist like fenrir.
Exhibit D: JK wrote House Elves as black people. Fascists constantly tell jokes which reproduce the idea that black people would be and had been happier under slavery (and if i understand correctly, segregationists said the same thing about segregation too)Indeed the speakeasy in Fantastic beasts has a House elf Jazz Singer. Her staunch argument in the story, and on Pottermore that slavery is good for the elves is a paternalistic one, and paternalism is the cornerstone of colonialism, which itself is the foreign policy of a fascist. Understanding this, we are legitimately lucky that she never had a reason to show wizard america in the 80’s because she would doubtless have introduced us to a little guy named rocky who can’t get enough of his crack pipe.
Exhibit E: the naming conventions. I know it’s innocuous, but fascist both require a teaching method that prevents you from imagining others complexly, and also find pleasure in reducing people to stereotypes. It is aesthetically pleasing to them, and fascism loves smuggling itself in through aesthetics, since it takes a massive fucking post to unravel them.
Exhibit F: The post HP franchise elements. The play where the kind guy who is murdered by a fascist, isn’t murdered and joins the fascist because it turns out you can be a nice dude and a wizard nazi. Same play where the woman who staunchly argued against slavery and was belittled for it was portrayed by a black woman. Black Hermione just tickled JK Rowling, that’s how she put it too. Also, nobody can say enough about How fucked fantastic beasts is, the movie in which we have to stop johnny depp from preventing the holocaust because the wizarding way of life is actually immoral, but that won’t stop the guys with the torture prison. Exhibit G: The casting. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all the queer british actors, and queer allies didn’t wind up getting cast in the film, even as cameos, when the list of british actors who did wind up in the series is 20 miles long. Exhibit H: the goblins: A ton of ink has already been spilled about this, but I think something needs to be said. By “reading you into” the wizarding world, and giving you the secrets about what’s happening behind the scenes, you can already see where this is going, it flips the moral calculus about who is wrong in antisemitic violence, and creates a conceptual framework that a fascist could exploit. Crucially it doesn’t have to be jews, For the sake of argument, let’s say, she could expertly slip into this kind of rhetoric where she reads you into the secret way that the world is being ruined by trannies like me. Exhibit I: new labor. If you know you know, I'm not going to rehash the last 30 years of British politics for you, but JK supported new labor, even in their choice to attack Iraq in support of America's genocidal slush fund.
Conclusion: Orson Scott Card, noted bastard and Direct Descendent of Brigham Young, wrote the novel “Ender’s Game”. Ender’s siblings engage in a political project in order to catapult ender’s brother into political prominence, and inject his ideas about how to solve the world into the public discourse. To accomplish this Ender’s sister starts Demosthenes, and Ender's brother starts Locke. Demosthenes' job is to constantly pull in liberals with lowest common denominator crowd pleasing stuff, Locke's job is to bring in a dedicated audience of hierarchically minded fascism enthusiasts. Demosthenes will grow her audience, until she has sufficient margin, and then begin to signal how Locke has some good ideas, weeding out the savvy audience who would reject Locke anyway. This sets the stage for an accelerating rightward shift which takes people who might never have come to Locke on their own, and grabs the furthest left available audience and everyone between Demosthenes’ original position and Locke’s platform, and rapidly sweeps any who could be even temporarily bamboozled into supporting Locke into doing so at a critical juncture.
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breakingthroughdawn · 2 years
Hiya! I’m gonna post this and see how long it takes for someone to get mad. I hate serious talk, but I have to put this somewhere where I won’t get an echo of what I already think. Because echo chambers suck. (I’ll use the block button if I need to for my own well-being.)
Videogame debate does more harm than good and makes no progress in the long run, and actually seems to be more counter-productive for the people against the game, because the attention and drama seems to be enticing to more than you’d expect.
Yelling and hurting eachother does more harm than good, and all it does is divide everyone more. We have enough divisions already, why are we making more?
Trying to eradicate information or the existence of something entirely does more harm than good (and you’re honestly not likely to succeed, people find workarounds anyway).
Telling everyone the content is horrible and morally wrong makes some people shocked. …I’m pretty sure most people would follow it up with “tell me more!” or “explain it?” Or “how’s that?” To get more details. Forbidden Fruit is a phrase for a reason, many enjoy the idea of something they think is bad or taboo. They’ll probably go looking for information to find it on their own anyway.
These are arguments about violent and Mature-themed videogames like GTA, what did you think I was talking about? 🤡
See, memes aside, the problem I’m having with a lot of the discourse rn is that everyone is pulling out every stop. For a goddamn game. The game has problem-themes, mhm. The source has problems, mhm. We knew this, regardless of what side of the problem you’re on, most people are aware of the discourse (and if not, bless you sweet person, please continue to live in blissful ignorance as long as you can).
Will everyone just *shut up and actually use some empathy please*?
Imagine with me, you tell a person that GTA is harmful to others in concept and don’t think people should interact with it. It has sexual/nude context, it allows murder without true consequence, and encourages bad driving. Obviously, playing as someone with such morals is going to encourage that behavior! (Just follow my thought experiment for me if you’re still reading)
There are a few ways that seems it could go (in my mind):
1) they put it down and never touch it again, losing something they were enjoying that was not from their view hurting anyone, but because you told them they were morally wrong for doing it they listened. They agree with you, and they simply move on, finding a new focus and carry on with their lives.
2) they don’t put it down, but they understand what you’re saying, and they actually find more details of this as they go along, recognizing the discourse you brought to their attention, and actively thinking about what they’re playing. They analyze it, they actively argue or debate it, if they stream it they point out how they’d change it, or they headcannon something new and argue with the problematic narrative every chance they get.
3) they don’t put it down, and they argue back at you for being overly sensitive and trying to control what they’re doing.
If you attack them more personally/vigorously than I described, it will likely be more visceral: they argue back with more force, and you have now gained a new enemy and possibly a ruined relationship with this person, and they probably have a more aggressive view of “your side” of this discourse.
4) they do put it down, as you asked, and now go and tell others why it’s evil and spread the word.
This can also be blown up into aggression, harassing and attacking anyone who is still ‘being part of the problem’.
Does- does no one else see which of these are upsetting? It baffles me sometimes how horrible people can be to each other.
To speak plainly and without reserve now: JKR already got her royalties, afaik. She’s been paid.
The people who made the game are going to sell copies wether you want them to or not. People are already playing it anyway.
Everyone turning on each other like this is so goddamn asinine to me.
Edit: Mhm, royalties are gradual, got it, she’s gonna make more money, got it. Doesn’t mean you call someone names.
I’m not saying that you should buy it, I haven’t even said what my own plans were. If you want to boycott everything made by assholes, microsoft, apple, twitter, google, amazon- you gonna toss your phone and computer? Yell at everyone who doesn’t? Goodness.
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vyachki · 8 months
Jk rowling was not "cancelled on the spot" shes been spouting crap for years that pisses people off and naturally collected a large amount of haters. Her amateur writing and many strange plots in her books have been heavily scrutinized by critics. Extreme stereotyping, racism, homophobia, writing weird shit about children on twitter, the whole thing with the elves who loved being slaves is weird as fuck, aids metaphors etc. Everyone knows she's annoying. She's hated by transphobes ands trans people alike. Young people hate her and old people hate her. Harry potter fans hate her. Even many of the movie cast hate her. She's a bigot. She doesn't care about people like you. why are u falling over yourself to defend her honestly its so pathetic and we can see right through you. I'm sure you never really gave a crap about the books or who wrote them until you became a radical bitch. You just love her because she hates trans as much as you. That's all you have in common. Shes not a feminist, shes not fighting for anyones rights, she doesnt spread any important information or have any educated opinions. Her new books and movies suck. All she does is sit writing drivel and spreading hate which sounds a lot like you. No wonder you admire her so much. Honestly i bet if Kim Yo Jong or someone came out as a terf and a radical feminist u would all start fanning over her and convert to her ideologies bc u have no back bone or brain and the only thing u care about is worshipping ur chronically online terf cult, making up shit and hating trans people who have nothing to do with you. News flash! Your radical feminism isn't any more radical than what normal ass women have been talking about for generations. All the issues are already included in normal feminism, it's just the same except: you ignore big issues (especially those involving minorities and women of colour), act horrible and rude to everyone, isolate yourself and most of all, devote your existence to being transphobic. It's like a cry for help or something. You're ruining your life by being a bitch. and noone is going to feel sorry for you. Mental illness innit. 🤣 - Sincerely a happily married cis white woman. Get a life.
Oh my god this is so funny, did you copy and paste this from somewhere or did you really type all of this out for me?? I am blushing🤭
People will always have a lot to say about JKR and that's okay, she's a famous female author who owns a billion dollar franchise—people are going to talk shit on her name and some of it may be true, and some of it may not. With the way now that people deliberately skew what other people say (e.g. "JKR wants trans people deaaaaad!!!"), take a lot of shit you see from non-sources with a grain of a salt.
Regardless of the discourse & semantics you want to engage in, biological sex will still be real, women will still face sex-based oppression, and same-sex attracted people are still being erased in favour of "queer" activism. It is not hate to call that out. But it is very condescending to say all this to a detransitioned trans woman / homosexual man since I am still dysphoric, but I am not a victim nor will act like one because of it.
I made this blog to support detransitioners & same-sex attracted people, and to call out lies I was told by the trans cult during & after my transition. I really don't need "happily married cis white women" lecturing me about gender ideology that you never lived. Thanks though!
Sincerely, a "radical b*tch"
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littlequeen7 · 1 year
I would honestly appreciate any responses to this, I would love to get people's opinions and/or start a discourse. I'm sorry if any of this is controversial, I've just had this on my mind a lot lately.
Okay, so I grew up with Harry Potter. It was one of the first "big kid" books that I read as a child, I was an early reader and an undiagnosed neurodivergent kid so I immersed myself fully in the universe. It became one of my special interests and it has continued to be so for most of my life. It was an escape from an abusive upbringing, and a focus of my maladaptive day dreaming, a safe space. I spent a great deal of time with the books, films and video games. As such, I am very much attached to the series.
That being said, I understand all of the controversy surrounding the series and it's creator. I understand the insensitive racial stereotypes that were written into the books, and I know that the author turned out to be an awful person. I am nonbinary and my brother is trans, so the transphobia that JKR is so open about is very disturbing to me (it would be even if I wasn't a part of the community, but it hits very close to home). I regretfully went to Harry Potter world when I was at Universal Studios a few years ago, and I regret giving any money to JKR or her cronies. Other than the trip to Universal Studios, I have not spent any money on the HP fandom directly since JKR came out with her transphobic views.
I have talked to my brother about the upcoming HP Legacy video game, where I expressed my excitement of having a modern version of the OOTP video game I obsessed over when I was younger, but also expressed trepidation at wanting to spend any money that would directly or indirectly line JKR's pockets. He encouraged me to go through with buying the game anyway (or asking for it as a birthday present), saying I could recognize that I disagreed with her beliefs while still getting to enjoy something I had been looking forward to for years. I still don't know where I stand on this.
Even aside from the moral implications of spending money on the franchise, I have seen a lot of hate on Tumblr for people that still enjoy being a part of the fandom, regardless of if they financially contribute to it or not. I saw a popular post saying they wish the entire fandom would "disappear off the face of the earth" or something like that.
At this point, I use an already paid for HBO subscription to watch the films, and read a LOT of fanfiction, and that is the extent to my interaction with the fandom. What are people's viewpoints on interacting with the fandom without contributing financially towards JKR's bigotry? I honestly find pride in the HP fanfiction community, because they have reclaimed something that meant so much to them, and removed that awful transphobe from the community entirely.
I would love to hear anybody's ideas on this, regardless of where you stand on the issue. I don't know if this will even get views or not, but I would like to learn more and hear more people's opinions. And not in an "I'm too lazy to Google why transphobia's bad" way, in a "I genuinely want to hear from individual people that feel passionately about this" way.
If anyone does reply to or reblog this, I appreciate it!
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leogichidaa · 1 year
I actually have even more thoughts. The fight with Sirius is the only time we see Bellatrix yell after a fight, she never does this on page again. Harry says it’s a scream of triumph, but as Harry is not actually in Bellatrix’s head, this is technically speculation (did JKR intend for Harry’s interpretation to be correct? Yes, but that doesn’t make it any less true that Harry’s not a mind reader and has no idea what’s actually going on on in Bellatrix’s head).
Later, we get the second “dear cousin” mention, Bellatrix reminding Harry that out of two of them, she’s the only one with a blood connection to Sirius. Harry got Sirius for 2 years, Bellatrix knew Sirius since he was a child/since he was born and then spent 12 years locked up in the same prison as Sirius.
I feel like it is a scream of triumph, but I also don't think she necessarily realized that Sirius was dead. It seems unlikely that she knew or cared what the veil was and it's reasonable to think that she, like Harry, assumed at first that Sirius would be alright. Her scream of triumph could have been about hitting her mark, particularly right after he taunted her - not killing him.
But regardless, I think there's an exhilaration that Sirius brings out in her that others can't. She duels with him like an equal.
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