#reg;; 001
amissafide · 8 months
who: @thelionshrt where: Home of Regulus
Trust, loyalty and an understanding that words alone could never fully comprehend; such a rare thing and yet one that she held dear. The world had changed and despite all the steps taken forward, every now and then it still felt like a world the witch had yet to fully settle in. No choice was made with regret, each step taken with purpose until it all made sense. In that regard she felt bound, no connected and ever so grateful.
Quite the familiar place that she eventually found herself in, knocking on his door after being let in, to await being let in. The former Slytherin wasn't one to make requests a lot and yet today seemed to be the exception, finding herself wishing for a soul that understood, potentially.
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Emmeline waited to be let in, questions burning on her mind and yet quelled by the knowledge that no question ever held near the rush that it felt like at first glance. "Still hiding?" Her eyes shot up. "I couldn't blame you if that's the case but, if you permit me, I do have one request."
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corvusalas · 8 months
who: @thelionshrt where: Home of Regulus
A day off wasn't a day off if she didn't at least consider the idea of some time spent with the people she cared for and thus it had come almost like the most natural choice to visit Regulus. Without much thought she'd dropped by, waiting a short moment before finally being let in. Time had changed things, but it was around people like Regulus that the witch felt a little more like her old self and that meant the world.
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"I've attempted something new. Baking. Never thought I'd give baking a shot but here we are. Try it for me?" The raven haired witch placed a box on the table. "It is something along the lines of a pumpkin pasty but with berries. I'm not entirely sure how it turned out." Selma plopped down on a chair, smiling politely. The whole mannerism in which she handled herself had never quite left, allowed her to work with patients in a much smoother way. Her eyes went, scanning the other. "How've you been?"
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medasgalaxy · 2 years
Being the mother of a metamorphmagus was something odd, she was a healer and sometimes she thought of the biggest threats her daughter could face, when in reality Dora could simply change her body at will and sometimes loved to scared her mother.
This lead to question after question on her daughter’s condition, was something she had from Ted, was something that the Blacks passed along, did it meant something other than a general mutation? She wasn’t sure, however, she thought that a good idea would be to search for lineage registries, the kinds that most pureblood families had, and that could only be found in antique shops, making Andromeda navigate, with a really curious Nymphadora, the Knockturn alley until they reached Borgin and Burkes.
She remembered being there when she was Dora’s age, and she warned the 8 year old not to touch anything, not that Andromeda would leave her alone in that store.
Reaching the front desk she rang the bell to request some assistance, she didn’t want to wander too long with the kid by her side. However, the person that came to greet her wasn’t the one she expected.
“Oh, Regulus…” she said softly, not sure why she was so shy around the younger man.
Regulus avoided facing the clientele at Borgin and Burkes as much as he could. Nobody on earth would describe Regulus as a people person; he was introverted by nature, preferring the solitude of researching and studying the items that came through the shop. He could usually be found in the back workshop during his work hours, bent over a book or trying to unlock the magical properties of artifacts. It was the more charming employees that were placed at the counter at the front of the shop, ready to talk up a sale, barter on a price, or compliment the customers.
It was a slow day, from what Regulus could tell. No items had come into the shop so he was catching up on a few items he still needed to research. As he sat in comfortable silence in the empty workshop, he heard the distant ding of the bell at from the front counter. Then another ding. Regulus frowned in irritation– where was the clerk? Had he snuck out for a cigarette again? Regulus would not be able to focus with that irksome bell ringing. With a sigh, he stepped out to the front, hoping this would be a quick transaction.
Regulus went still. The sight of Andromeda was not one he had expected to meet. He lingered in the doorway before stepping forward, his eyes sweeping the shop to see if there were any other customers about. “How may I help you?” He asked, his expression unperturbed, his tone neutral.
Andromeda knew Regulus sort of took a job, she felt it was more like a hobby, but it definitely was odd to see the heir of the great Black family behind the small counter of the Knocturn Alley shop.
It was still awkward between them, they had seen each other more recently, but it wasn’t exactly in a social convention, it almost felt like they shouldn’t be talking in public like that, when no one knew that they were in contact again. She felt like at the beginning of Ted and her dating, always hiding, always looking over her shoulder for an elder to reprimand her.
She was about to say something, when her daughter just blurted “I thought cousin Sirius worked in a tattoo shop.” Making Andromeda almost laugh at the statement.
“This is cousin Regulus, Sirius’ brother.” she explained, looking at the 8 year old, who looked confusing because that wasn’t exactly Sirius, but they did look alike.
Despite being blood cousins, Andromeda seemed more stranger than anything to Regulus. She had been disowned when he was so young that they’d hardly had a chance to get to know each other. He did remember feeling as a child that Andromeda favored Sirius more– that she enjoyed his rebellious nature, probably because she was secretly a rebel herself. Now, more than a decade later, Regulus still hardly knew what to make of Andromeda. She was helping the Order just like Regulus was, but that was not common knowledge. Which complicated things even further between the Blacks.
Regulus startled slightly at the sound of a child’s voice. He moved to look over the counter and there, standing by her mother, was a girl like none that Regulus had seen before. She had shocking pink hair, and in her confused expression it was odd to see his own shared features on someone so small. She did not possess the haughtiness of the Black family, more like a softened version of it, but she was clearly Andromeda’s daughter. It was Regulus’ first time ever seeing her. Of course, he knew she existed– Bellatrix had thrown an incredible, terrifying fit when the news of Andromeda’s half-blood child had reached the Black family. Regulus had never quite given this child’s existence much thought. Now, he simply stared in surprise and, admittedly, awe, at this new relative.
“I’m not Sirius,” Regulus replied flatly, still looking at the kid. The hair stood out the most. Andromeda probably let her dye her hair, even if it looked pretty terrible, in his opinion. Regulus found himself lowering slightly over the counter to move closer. “My name is Regulus. And you must be Nymphadora.”
The weren’t many things that Andromeda regretted leaving her family, she tried reasoning, she tried compromising, but every time she thought something was getting through she realized that the only one coming to an understanding was her, she always bent her will to fit with the family and at some point enough was enough.
However, she did regret leaving the littles behind. Regulus, Narcissa and Sirius could barely understand her reasonings for leaving, they weren’t exactly babies, but they still believed that the elders were right in most of their beliefs and she couldn’t act against the Black family without getting her and them some backlash. She was glad to have some sort of relationship with Regulus, and to get in touch with Narcissa, even if things were awkward.
“Don’t call me Nymphadora.” the kid replied immediately, her hair changing from bright pink to dark red in a second. It was clear she didn’t love the name, making Andromeda roll her eyes, but she didn’t do much more than sigh. “Tonks or Dora is fine.” the child explained as she looked at him, he was certainly familiar but he seemed more stuck up that Sirius. “Do you have a flying motorcycle too? Or just the stuffy job?”
“Dora!” This time Andromeda did reprimand her, the kid could be blunt, but politeness was something she could learn. “I’m sorry, Regulus, she tends to run her mouth and forgets some thoughts should not be uttered.” she replied looking at the child, that change her hair back to light pink. “I didn’t know you worked here.”
Regulus quirked an eyebrow at the child’s sass, clearly unimpressed. She immediately reminded him of Sirius at that age, defiant and brash simply for the sake of it, something his brother had never seemed to grown out of. Then, to his utter shock and awe, the girl’s pink hair shifted into a bright red in an instant. The mention of a flying motorcycle and the slight insult to his job barely registered in his mind as he watched her hair return back to the brilliant pink from before.
“She’s a Metamorphmagus,” Regulus said, turning to his older cousin. His near permanent closed off expression had suddenly opened, a look of genuine curiosity on it. He’d never met someone with such abilities, and to see it in a child was fascinating.
“I… yes, I’m an artifact apprentice,” Regulus answered, glancing towards the door instinctively in case any of their clients or his fellow workers walked in. “I didn’t know you shopped here.”
Dora looked at him and crossed her arms, “I’m right here,” she mumbled, Andromeda put her hand on the child’s back, hoping to reassure her that they weren’t talking on top of her. Andromeda didn’t want her child to grow up feeling she wouldn’t be heard and her concerns addressed. “He’s just in awe of your colorful hair, no one in our family does that.” she admitted to the kid, who seemed to be proud of that achievement.
“She is, that is why we are here, I was hoping to get some books on ancestry, hopefully find some link between her and another relative?” she offered to her cousin, maybe now that he knew he would actually help.
“Aren’t you too old to be an apprentice?” the girl asked, curious about the older man as well, he wasn’t fun like Sirius, but she always wanted to know more relatives.
“I usually don’t, but I don’t think the Diagon Alley has what I’m looking for.”
An inexplicable fondness blossomed in his chest at the confirmation of Nymphadora’s abilities. Regulus could not properly articulate it, but up until that very moment, his cousin’s daughter had been more of a concept than a person. She’d only ever been referred to as a smear and a burden to the family name. But the child in front of him was real, an extension of Andromeda, of the generations and generations of Blacks before him. Andromeda’s disownment did not change that Nymphadora and Regulus still shared the same blood.
“She’s right– nobody else in our family can do it,” Regulus said with a nod. “Not that we know of. We would have to trace the lineage past our grandparents.” He looked to Andromeda, confirming that he understood why she’d come to the shop now. It wasn’t like she could approach any of their parents for this information. Luckily, purebloods loved to publish books about their lineage.
Regulus stepped out from behind the counter. With a swish of his wand, the front door to the shop clicked shut and the sign turned to say CLOSED. Regulus would probably lose his job should the shopkeepers come back, but he ignored the incessant nagging in his head and instead motioned for his cousins to follow him. He looked down at the child with a raised brow and a frown at her words. “And you’re too young to be speaking to your elders in such a way,” he said in a clipped tone. “It’s rude to ask such questions.”
Regulus was never around children. He’d grown up as the baby of the family, the youngest of them all, until Draco had come along. But Draco was nothing more to him than a babbling blonde lump, with no personality except high pitched crying and giggles. Nymphadora was a whole different story– she clearly had a mind of her own and a lot to say.
Andromeda gave a look to Regulus letting him know that was exactly what she was there for, she wanted to make sure that not only there was someone like her daughter in the registry, but also know if they had any health issues she should be concerned about.
“Mum always says I have more magic in my little finger than the rest of the family, so it must be true.” the little kid said proudly, making Andromeda chuckle.
“I do say that,” Dora was more magical than anyone, and not only because of he abilities but how Andromeda felt after becoming a mother, Dora was her reason to push forward and do better.
“Being curious is not rude, avoiding the answer with a lecture without giving a reason is.” the little wix told him, she may be direct but she knew that there were sore topics like family and politics, your job was something you did, and it seemed that Regulus did a boring one.
“There are less harsh ways to ask that, love. That’s why cousin Regulus is implying.” she explained taking the child’s hand, “Maybe try not to touch some of these things, some might have weird magic and we don’t want any trouble.” making the little kid nod. “Do you have the registry for the Rosier and Black family or you don’t think it’s in the shop?”
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thyspite · 2 months
Hello, doctor! May We please request prince-themed NPTs? TransIDs and usernames are optional. Thank you!
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⠀◟ ͜⠀⠀ ۪⠀⠀test subject no. 001 . . .
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𝒞   𓈒  names . .   ❜
alexander ◞ arthur ◞ caspian ◞ edmund ◞ leopold ◞ henry ◞ philip ◞ william ◞ nicholas ◞ louis ◞ alaric ◞ sebastian ◞ frederic ◞ gabriel ◞ maximilian ◞ christian ◞ theodore ◞ august ◞ damien ◞ victor
𝒞   𓈒  pronouns . .   ❜
he╱him ◞ h✧╱h✧m ◞ prin╱prince ◞ roy╱royal ◞ reg╱regal ◞ duk╱duke ◞ emp╱emperor ◞ nob╱noble ◞ maj╱majest ◞ lux╱luxor ◞ sire╱sires
note : nearly all of these are nounself pronouns
𝒞   𓈒  titles . .   ❜
(prn) highness ◞ your grace ◞ the prince ◞ (prn) royal highness ◞ thy noble ◞ sovereign made of gold ◞ (prn) excellency ◞ the crowned prince ◞ (prn) serene highness
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𝒞   𓈒  usernames . .   ❜
thyroyalheir ◞ princelyelegance ◞ princeplus ◞ writhingroyal ◞ webregal ◞ princefail ◞ dearheir
𝒞   𓈒  transids . .   ❜
transroyalty ◞ transadored ◞ transcontrolling ◞ permasmiling ◞ transowned ◞ permaroleplay
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therealv1 · 1 month
Some ultrakill headcanons
Gabriel has a lichtenberg scar from a fight with a fellow angel or heavenly entity that he was not on good terms with. - - Also generally a lot of scars. A fuckton. Metric ton, even. Eleven donuts worth, if we're going American.
Mad levels of anxiety. He struggles with GAD + panic attacks on a regular basis but has been able to maintain it after a while especially with the help of his husbands / start of living with them and working out the past issues.
I really like the idea of Gabriel being deeply into gardening, knowing the meanings of SO many flowers and sketching various things, don't get me wrong (+ he DEF has impostor syndrome) but. But hear me out.
TEA ENTHUSIAST! (I love tea, so I'm def projecting some.) And I love the idea that he just has a stash of tea + books he has found lying around about herbalism, medicinal properties of herbs, etc. Definitely has a mortar and pestle, makes his own spice mixes, has various tea strainers (maybe he'd find or make some cute ones, IDK) and so on
I go back and forth on his appearance, if it is even visible at all, so on. I like the idea that he is half oriented around the whole "biblically accurate angel'' portrayals but also has the head of an animal, specifically slightly lamb-leaning. I have more reasoning that it just being for religious symbolism, but I also won't deny that plays a part in it.
I also based his appearance somewhat off of the black and white art of the gate guardian from the SCP universe / Dr. Clef's Proposal for SCP-001 <3
Gabriel is intersex in my au
(This totally has nothing to do with my love of lichtenberg scars + lightning and storms or anything... /s)
V1 (humanoid ish/prime soul adjacent, I ought to get into detail about the AU but... bla bla, brevity bla bla, I digress) has a deeply uncanny face / appearance on the reg. It can't fully control it but even in the few moments where it has more power over its body it just typically chooses not to. It does get hurt though when people immediately get startled by its appearance but it "got used to it after a while"
Because I'm evil and a massive faggot V1 is in a harem w/ like. 99% of the ULTRAKILL cast. (Ignoring filth, sentry's, maurice', drones, virtues, et cetera/anything similar) - - Like dude kisses Gabriel, Minos, V2, Sisyphus, Ferryman, MDK, etc. ALL GOODNIGHT! And not even with the lights off, either... what a homo!
Learned pottery / how to mess with clay and ceramic type making things from the Ferryman. Violently enthusiastic over the concept of using its hands, very into craftsmanship. Would likely be a carpenter and/or "tinkerer" in life.
Used to reconstruct and deconstruct its body regularly (both for healthy and unhealthy reasons) but had to stop at Minos behest after getting caught one too many times.
Dissociates heavily. Sue me, I love and know the lore, I reread the wiki a disgusting amount but damn it! I love my own fanon.
Very curious about weather patterns
I'll try to think of more HC's for the others, but this is it for now haha + omg I just saw 1:11 on my clock. (I am tired)
one random and final headcanon: I'm really clinical over the idea of transfem minos. I feel like we deserve some transfem rep in ultrakill ngl Like obviously I love my transmasc homies, (I'm.. somewhere in an entirely different area of transgenderism at this point, transmasc no longer fits me, but again, I digress), and maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but I really feel like I do not see a lot of transfem or slightly unspecific fem variations of ULTRAKILL characters. I am ALLL for various depictions and I crave MORE MORE MORE! Perhaps I just need to scour the internet more
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saileisie · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pokemon TCG Cards Bulk Lot 100 Fire Common Rare Holo Reverse Charizard V Energy.
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xaracosmia · 6 months
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name / alias: Jessica age: 26 pronouns: she / they ooc contact: causalitymark on twitter other characters in xc: Raven (Path to Nowhere), Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen), Sonetto (Reverse: 1999)
name: Langley age: 42 pronouns: she / her series: Path to Nowhere canon point: Post-Chapter 13 app triggers: Assassinations, murder, war
A war criminal, a lapdog, a “cold-blooded Melanosuchus”... Langley has been called many names throughout her life, but the one trait that has managed to stick throughout them all is a fear of her. Known for her ruthlessness, Langley will see that a goal, or as is often the case, a target, is met with finality. To her, no cost is too steep for the right cause. Anything that stands in the way of her course is set to be removed.
  On the other hand, those who have bonded with her will describe her as someone who ensures they are cared for. A kind person. In a world with perpetually winding turns, with psychic phenomenons overwhelming masses, catastrophes wiping out populations, and authorities who hold the sole pen over history, Langley provides a sense of safety to those taken under her wing. She finds no use in wasting the lives of good men and treats treats them as companions rather than pawns.
  Beyond these two sides of her, Langley as an individual is cunning, devoted, humorous, loves to break the rules and leaves all the paperwork for her subordinates to fill out. She’s quite lazy.
something your muse struggles with: Flexibility. Langley is an extremist who is unwilling to stray from her path once she’s decided even if she’s walking towards her death.
your muse’s greatest strength: Loyalty, and a desire to see world change.
history / background: 
  Born in Paradeisos, a young and defiant Langley had quickly escaped its suffocating grasp by enlisting in the military. She soon rose towards the highest rank of the navy as an admiral with her own fleet to command. All of that would change when BR-003 broke out during the navigation observatory incident, awakening Langley as a Sinner. The first use of her newfound power was pointed towards the peace negotiator of the war at that time, whom she insisted on killing in spite of orders.
  Records say that she had been court-martialed but no punishment had been established preceding her employment as the Head of the 9th Agency, an intelligence network working directly under Paradeisos. That is where the trail grows cold, and any other information related to her has been classified.
  After Chief wipes out BR-004 and is detained for interrogations, Langley uses her authority to release them in exchange for delivering them to BR-001, the first and most potent of all recorded Black Rings. Before Chief delves in, Langley presses her gun against the back of their head and places a Causality Mark on them, stating that she gives them liberty to do as they please, that she pardons their secrets, but will ensure this bullet finds its way inside their head should they ever endager DisCity. 
  With that, Chief sets out to successfully wipe out BR-001, earning Langley’s approval. In that time, Langley had also made arrangements to place MBCC under the 9th Agency’s authority and now oversees Chief as their superior.
  After a little more than a year passes, Langley herself is deployed within the re-awakened BR-002 to kill Parma, a target she had set her sights on for a long time. She turns her aim towards the rest of the Underground, meanwhile guiding her dearest subordinate, Chief, along their course among Paradeisos.
powers / abilities:
CONDITIONAL CAUSALITY: Langley is able to predict the conditions necessary to ensure her bullet hits any target marked with Causality. This, of course, may only be achieved if she fulfills all conditions.
inherent abilities: 
SINNER: A Sinner carries superior physiology to the ordinary human, allowing them greater physical strength and faster regeneration of their body.
items / weapons: 
PISTOL: It’s a shiny silver pistol that’s been customized to all hell to suit Langley’s tastes.
CANE: It’s a shiny silver cane with four snake ornaments coiled at the head, no of course it’s not a weapon, why would you think that? She’s an intelligence agent, not an assassin for goodness’s sake.
Here are the following features of her cane:
Darts coated in ricin. One of the ornaments acts as the trigger.
Knife. Slotted between the mechanism which shoots darts and the exterior, this is activated by pushing down on the head of the cane and retracts by pressing down on a surface that is greater than 5 on the Mohs Hardness scale.
Grappling hook. Also activated by a trigger, this sends the snakes sprawling into a four-pronged hook.
Mobility, for actual limping on her part.
starting ability: Conditional Causality
starting item: Cane
she is trans, and also so beautiful, and so scary, and my dream woman
i’m sorry there’s so much packed into the cane, i promise she rarely uses it for anything other than her messed up leg
discord id: 9thagency
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serverparts4less · 7 months
The HPE 850881-001 is a high-performance 32GB DDR4 SDRAM DIMM designed for HPE Gen10 servers. Offering superior speed, reliability, and compatibility, this memory module is ideal for enhancing your server's overall performance.
HPE 850881-001 OVERVIEW:
HPE DDR4 SmartMemory enables server memory optimization and greatly delivers on performance and reliability. HPE DDR4 Smart Memory reduces server downtime and has Advanced Memory error detection such as Error Correcting Code to protect against data corruption and system failure.
HPE 32 Gigabyte, Single Rank x8, PC4-21300 (DDR4-2666), CAS-19-19-19, Registered Smart memory. HPE SmartMemory have a high performance, is ECC Registered and has a CAS Latency timing of CAS-19-19-19. The Refurbished HPE 850881-001 is for HPE Gen10 ProLiant servers.
Main Part Number: 815100-B21 Spare Part Number: 850881-001 Assembly Part Number: 840758-091 Manufacturer: HPE Memory Size: 32 Gigabyte Memory Speed: 2666Mhz Memory Technology: DDR4 SDRAM Memory Standard: DDR4-2666 Signal Processing: Registered Form Factor: 288-Pin DIMM Error Checking: ECC
The 850881-001 is Compatible with the following HPE Gen10 ProLiant Servers:
HPE ProLiant BL460c Gen10 HPE ProLiant DL160 Gen10 HPE ProLiant DL180 Gen10 HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 HPE ProLiant DL560 Gen10 HPE ProLiant DL580 Gen10 HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen10 HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen10
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jazzy-ocean · 2 years
Hi, I like fantasy consoles/fantasy cpus so I'm making one!
Things needed to like actually function as an architecture: - Move data between registers - mov reg > reg. - Move data from registers to memory - mov reg > [i16]. - mov reg > [reg]. - Move data from memory to registers - mov [i16] > reg. - Move immediates into registers - mov i8 > reg. - mov i16 > reg. - Essential math operations on registers - Arrithmatic: Add, Sub. - Bitwise: Or, And, Xor, Not, Ror. - Multiplication and division be damned, implement it yourself. - All except not takes the form of opc src > dst where dst is set to src opc dst. So, add r1 > r2 sets r2 to r1 + r2. - Math operations can only occur between registers, and between an immediate and a register. There are no math operations directly to memory. - Program control - Jmp: Set program counter unconditionally. - Call: Push program counter and jump. - Ret: Pop into program counter. - Conditional operations - Checks if certain flags match certain values. - Interrupts - Not required right now but will be necessary for halfway decent I/O later on.
Registers are neat, so lets show what registers we're cookin' with: - Each register is 16 bits. - There are 8 in total, so registers can be encoded using 3 bits. - All can be directly accessed with code, so don't be stupid. - ra (000): General purpose. - rb (001): General purpose. - rc (010): General purpose. - rd (011): General purpose. - rp (100): Register typically used for storing pointers. - fl (101): Register containing cpu flags. - pc (110): Program counter. - sp (111): Stack pointer.
Hey that's a funky little flag register, what's it do? - It has 16 bits, which corresponds to 16 flags. - The lower 8 flags are the ones checked by conditions, the top 8 are reserved for internal use if they are to be used at all. - 0/OFF: Set to 0 while cpu is active. - 1/ZR/EQ: Set if the destination register of an operation was set to 0. - 2/CR/BR: Set if the destination register of an operation under- or overflowed. - 3/NEG: Set if the destination register was set to greater than or equal to $8000. - 4/OP/ODD: Set if the destination register was set to an odd number. Specifically, it is set to the least significant bit of the destination register after any given operation. - 5: Reserved - 6: Reserved - 7: Reserved
Thats cool, but how is all of this encoded? - First, some terminology: - An instruction is the entire encoding of an operation including opcode, source, destination, and flags. - Immediates are not part of instructions, but are complements/arguments to them. - An opcode, in regards to instructions, is a unique number specifying what operation the instruction is encoding (such as adding, jumping, what have you) - A group, also in reagrds to instructions, is a unique number specifying what type of arguments the operation requires. - An immediate is a static fixed number provided as an argument to an instruction which is either 8 bits long or 16 bits long. - Instructions are all 16 bits long and take different groups to distinguish between different arguments: - Groups are 3 bits long, and are as follows: - 000: i8 > reg - 001: i16 > reg - 010: reg > reg - 011: reg > [reg] - 100: [reg] > reg - 101: reg > [i16] - 110: [i16] > reg - 111: - Each group has its own opcodes, which are 3 bits long: - 000: i8 > reg - 000: add i8 > dst - 001: sub i8 > dst - 010: mov i8 > dst - 011: or i8 > dst - 100: and i8 > dst - 101: xor i8 > dst - 110: ror i8 > dst - 111: int i8 - 001: i16 > reg - 000: add i16 > dst - 001: sub i16 > dst - 010: mov i16 > dst - 011: or i16 > dst - 100: and i16 > dst - 101: xor i16 > dst - 110: jmp i16 - 111: call i16 - 010: reg > reg - 000: add reg > reg - 001: sub reg > reg - 010: mov reg > reg - 011: or reg > reg - 100: and reg > reg - 101: xor reg > reg - 110: ror reg > reg - 111: ret - 011: reg > [reg] - 000: mov reg > byte [reg] (Moves lower byte into memory) - 001: mov reg > [reg] - 010: - 011: - 100: - 101: - 110: - 111: - 100: [reg] > reg - 000: mov byte [reg] > reg - 001: mov [reg] > reg - 010: - 011: - 100: - 101: - 110: - 111: - 101: reg > [i16] - 000: mov byte reg > [i16] (moves lower byte) - 001: mov reg > [i16] - 010: - 011: - 100: - 101: - 110: - 111: - 110: [i16] > reg - 000: mov byte [i16] > reg (moves memory into the lower byte of reg) - 001: mov [i16] > reg - 010: - 011: - 100: - 101: - 110: - 111: - 111: - 000: - 001: - 010: - 011: - 100: - 101: - 110: - 111: - okay jesus that was a lot, heres some crabs: - 🦀🦀🦀🦀 - Flag checks are 4 bits, and execute the instruction only if a certain flag is set to a certain value. - That is, flags are in the format fffc, wehre fff is an index into the flags register, and c is the value being checked. - An instruction with a flag check of 1001 would only execute the instruction if the carry flag is set. - All of these come together in the following order: - gggo ooss sddd cccc - ggg: Group (3 bits) - ooo: Opcode (3 bits) - sss: Source register (3 bits) - ddd: Destination register (3 bits) - cccc: Flag checks (4 bits)
I'm gonna start implementing all of this shortly, but I'm gonna be taking my time as not to burn myself out again. I intend to write it in C. When time comes for graphics, I'm probably gonna use raylib.
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airmanisr · 2 years
LBG | #Antonov #AN-132D #UR-EXK #Prototype | #AWP-CHR_2017
LBG | #Antonov #AN-132D #UR-EXK #Prototype | #AWP-CHR_2017 by CHRISTELER STEPHANE Via Flickr: Antonov Design Bureau Antonov An-132D "MSN: 001" • ENG : PW150A • REG : UR-EXK • RMK : Prototype Serial 001 The Antonov/Taqnia An-132 was an improved version of the Antonov An-32 twin-engined turboprop military transport aircraft that was under development jointly by Saudi Arabia and Ukraine. It was cancelled in April 2019.
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pxdfootx · 3 years
Sirius stood outside Mary and Emmeline’s flat, hesitant in a way that was unusual for Sirius Black to be. He knew that it was shitty of him to have not stopped by Mary and Emmeline’s yet. It had been a couple days since Emmeline’s rescue and he really should have been there that same day, but after finding out about Peter’s betrayal, Sirius had been staying close to James and Remus. He hadn’t been up for talking to or being there for anyone else. Maybe that was selfish, but he had just found out that one of his best mates, his brothers, his marauders had been a traitor and now was dead. There was a whole raging mess of emotions happening inside of Sirius, and finding out from Lily that Regulus had been a part of Emmeline’s rescue had just brought those emotions to the boiling point. And if Sirius was being honest with himself (which he rarely did), he had been avoiding Mary and Emme’s place because of the chance there was to run into his brother.
Sirius wasn’t sure what to think about Regulus’ defection. Once upon a time, Reg had been the most important person in Sirius’ life. Their childhood had been spent together, whispering, plotting, discovering. They had been side by side, except for the times that Sirius stood in front of Reg, protecting him from the harshness of their parents’ expectations. Sirius would have done anything to protect Regulus, but then, in those days he would have done anything to protect Bella and the rest of his cousins too. But things had changed after Sirius met James. Hogwarts had brought him a sort of freedom that he hadn’t known he’d been longing for. For the first time, he wasn’t an heir, a legacy, a piece on the family chess board. He wasn’t young Master Black, he was just Sirius. When James had boasted about Gryffindor on the Hogwarts Express, it had sounded so damn fun, and all Sirius wanted was to have a little fun for once. In fact, he had been so focused on having fun that it became his ultimate mission. Of course, he still thought about Regulus, stuck at home without Sirius to protect him until he came to Hogwarts. He wrote letters to his brother and slipped right back into their dynamic on breaks from school, but things weren’t the same. There was a part of Sirius that was separate from his brother now, a part that Reg couldn’t understand until he got to Hogwarts.
And when it finally was Reg’s time, Sirius just assumed that his brother would follow in his footsteps. It had always been the two of them, Reg following along with whatever Sirius did. But when the hat bellowed out above Regulus’ head, it had been for Slytherin, not Gryffindor, not even Ravenclaw. Sirius had been disappointed, but even more deeply, he had been resentful. Now he was the only Black that hadn’t gone along with being in Slytherin, and here was more ammunition from their parents about Sirius being a disappointment. Maybe it had been wrong and selfish for him to assume that Regulus would do his part to share that burden, that it was Reg’s responsibility not to make Sirius look like a black sheep even more than he did. Looking back, Sirius knew that this resentment was the first crack in their relationship. Regulus was still his brother, sure, but he was too weak to be the brother Sirius wanted, the kind of brother he saw in James and Remus and Peter. Hell, Peter could be a total wuss sometimes and he still had more of a backbone than Regulus. These feelings all festered inside of Sirius, but he was too young and immature to examine them, to consider that maybe the way he thought about Reg’s decision and sorting was flawed. Instead, he threw himself even further into the Marauders — into the pranks and the jokes and the fun. Fuck, being a Marauder was so fun, the kind of fun he didn’t experience when he was around Regulus, who was so damn serious and careful.
But Regulus was still his brother, and that meant something to Sirius. The rest of the Gryffindors knew that Reg was off limits, and every time Snivellus seemed to get too cozy with his brother, retribution was swift. And then came that fateful day that summer. Sirius knew that Regulus hadn’t meant to snitch on him for being friends with a werewolf or snogging a muggleborn, but that didn’t change the pain he felt from the cruciatus curses his parents took turns throwing at him. When they finally left him alone, Sirius had recovered enough to dart into his room and pack the essentials. He could still hear the pleas from his brother — Regulus begging him to understand, apologizing over and over again, pleading with him to stay, to not leave him alone in this house. But Sirius had been hurt and angry and felt betrayed that Reg had thrown him under the bus, had made him into a scapegoat. So he had harshly brushed his brother off and gone, finding refuge in the Potters. And when they got back to Hogwarts, the cracks were too wide for Sirius to know how to breach, so he had pretended not to care as he watched Regulus fall further and further under the sway of the budding DEs in Slytherin.
Looking back now, Sirius wished that he had done things differently. He could have convinced Regulus to come with him; the Potters would have welcomed him too. Or if not, he could have stayed and put up with it for a couple more years. It’s what he should have done; it was his duty as an older brother to protect Regulus. Sirius knew in his heart that Reg didn’t want the life their parents were forcing him into, that he didn’t have what it took to be a Death Eater. Yet he had convinced himself otherwise; too afraid to take a closer look at how his own actions had pushed Regulus right down that path. But now, he was forced to confront that reality. Regulus had been more brave than even Sirius — he had walked out knowing there would be a price on his head for the rest of this war.
Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Sirius took a deep breath and forced himself to reach out, turning the knob and making his way inside. “Oi, Vance, took ya long enough to talk your way out of there!” His voice was more boisterous than usual, the only sign that he was overcompensating to disguise the hesitance he felt. Pausing on the threshold of the living room, he took in the scene before him. Emmeline, Moody, and Greta were all in the room, and so was Regulus, looking out of place. As his eyes fell on his brother for the first time in a long time, Sirius heard a sharp intake of breath coming from his own mouth. His eyes locked on Regulus’, and the other occupants of the room seemed to sense the change in him; they quickly made some excuses and scuttled off to the kitchen, leaving Sirius alone with his brother for the first time since that day he had run away from home.
“Uh, hi,” Sirius said lamely, nervously running his hand through his hair.
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lxlypxttxr · 3 years
Lily still felt like her head was spinning after everything that had happened in the last week. The mission at the ball, Emmeline’s capture, Peter’s betrayal, the mission to rescue Emmeline, finding out that Dorcas was a spy, and now Regulus Black defecting? It was all a lot to take in, especially at more than eight months pregnant. But even though it was an emotional rollercoaster that was a bit too crazy for Lily’s comfort, it involved the people she loved most, and so Lily did her best to be present through it all, trying to process her own emotions while supporting the ones who needed her. 
The most pressing thing right now, as they were all crammed in Mary and Emmeline’s apartment reeling from the turn of events, was Regulus. More than anything, Lily wished that Sirius were here right now. Lily knew what it had cost her friend to leave his brother behind, to watch as Regulus fell right into the path that had always been laid out for him by the Blacks. Sirius had seemed to lose hope long ago that Regulus would be any different from the rest of the family, but now here they were: Regulus had defected, putting himself in danger to rescue someone he didn’t even know. 
Lily watched Regulus hold himself awkwardly apart from the rest of them, and felt sympathetic towards him. She had seen Moody pull him aside for a conversation, but he still seemed unsure, maybe afraid, and no one else was approaching him for the moment. Thinking of Sirius, Lily moved forward, a comforting smile flitting across her face as she came in his line of sight. “Regulus, hi,” she said lamely, not really sure where to start. “How are you doing? I know this is all a lot.”
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stcrsaligned · 3 years
@multiverseofmuses​‘s Reggie sent Luke birthday stuff: "Hey Luke! I was thinking we could go see a movie or do something fun. Not that today is special or anything! Just, you know, a normal old day that ends in 'y'...." 
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Luke rolled his eyes at the not-so-subtle suggestion from his best friend. Crossing his arms, he tilted his chin up and raised an eyebrow. "Birthday ends in ‘Y’, dummy." Exasperated, Luke shook his head, and braced his hands on his hips. "I told you, bro, we don't have to do anything for my birthday. I want today to be as normal as possible."
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regulusblock · 4 years
Toujours Pur. (Le coeur)
— about the brothers Black
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aciiers · 3 years
»       CLOSED   STARTER    !            @reg-arcturus     :
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    ❛     𝑟𝑒𝑔 ,   ❜       sirius   raps   his  knuckles  over  his  brother’s   open   door ,   taking  it  as  just  as   good   invitation  to   come  in   as  any .    ��it’s  helped   nothing   for  his  mood  being  home  to  consider  that   regulus   —  his  usual   only   source  of   non - hazardous   communication   over   the  summer   —   had  been  mostly   attentive   to  their   guest  .    whose  situation  was .   tragic ,    sure .   whatever .    sirius  would  likely  feel  an   ounce   more  sympathy  if   everything  else   didn’t  come  with  it .    namely ,   a  lack  of  attention  he  can’t  fathom  his   own   hypocrisy  in   creating .    still   —    he   is   standing  here ,    smirk  on  his  face ,    hand  behind  his  back ,    with  a    purpose .      ❛     not  too   busy   in  there ,    i  hope ?    ❜
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kindofvertigo · 4 years
Reggie thinks Danny is the coolest, send tweet
danny didn’t know what cool was until he met reg
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