#referencing side order btw
flaame · 7 months
I need to stay awake for 22 hours today this should be fun let’s hope the lesbian cephalopod wedding dlc will keep me awake long enough
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pleasecallmealsip · 3 months
Zizek, the poets, and Przybyszewska
The weirdness (affectionate) of Przybyszewska does not only stand in her hyperfixation on the French Revolution. It stands in her refusal to make Robespierre a person that invites the readers' empathy or imitation.
Sure, in her universe, everybody from Eléonore to Barère are impressed with Robespierre, but that admiration has been framed as neither comfortable nor desired. Saint-Just is the closest to an equal friend to Robespierre that we see, and Saint-Just's love language is a paraphrase of "take care of your mental health: do a dictatorship". Robespierre does all the internal battles, and the affection he gets is from several individuals, and never from "the people"; he does not become a hero of the people à la Danton-in-Wajda's-Danton (no, i will Not stop trashing Wajda).
The entire unreality of Robespierre predicting military dictatorship in Act V of The Danton Case, of Robespierre dreading for the continuation of the always-already-too-long contamination of always-already-late-stage capitalism in the second act of Thermidor, keeps a distance between Robespierre and any communist in Przybyszewska's audience (and one needs only recall the situation of Polish communists in the late 1920s and early 1930s, to see how much trauma her plays were supposed to instill), and shatters the possibility of any member of audience leaving the theatre and uttering "he's just like us".
Przybyszewska did not theatricalise the more commonly-celebrated moments of the French Revolution. 14th of July was not the point. 10th of August was not the point. Valmy was not the point. It is almost as if she wanted to confront head-on the contradictory liberal formula of "1789 without 1793". To paraphrase Bertolt Brecht: what is the strangeness of Przybyszewska setting her theatrical works in 1793-94, compared to the strangeness of setting the fête nationale on bastille day (as supposed to, for example, danton death day)!
It is insufficient to state that Przybyszewska chose a correct side of the barricade. It would be more accurate to say that she escaped the temptation of representing the French Revolution as an event that defines a modern country, as mythic violence (as supposed to divine violence), in short, she managed to be a poet without nationalism (and for a Polish socialist, avoiding French nationalism might have been even more difficult than avoiding Polish nationalism). Such a feat is as rare as it is fine.
Slavoj Zizek keeps repeating Plato's idea of banishing poets from the city, and more than that, Zizek apparently agrees that poets should, in fact, be thrown away. This is the Zizek who, in Less than Nothing (2012), said that "the Elizabethan era occurred in order to produce Shakespeare". This is the Zizek who illustrates how external war should lead to internal revolution by referencing Fight Club.
How do we square this? Well, we are not saying No here, we must say Yes And. Yes, by "poets", Zizek means the likes of Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, or W.B. Yeats, all of whom sympathising with fascists (this, btw, was not a coincidence of "they wrote beautifully but they also happened to dupe themselves into less-than-based ideologies": recall only how Walter Benjamin saw fascism operating through aestheticising military violence itself, through providing metaphors that could give the cowardly soldier a calm respite from his horrible deeds of slaughter). No, by "poets", Zizek also means the likes of Aleksandr Dugin. It is the nationalistic function of poetry that Zizek is especially wary of.
There was a time where without poets, towns-people and village-people would not know whom their compatriots were, and now we have a time where, without poets, the imperial core would know the power of the imperial periphery, would come into terrifying knowledge of their own cowardice and contradictions.
Far from exclusively advocating peace and friendship and tender sentiments, poets can make even the most innocuous and folk-wisdom-like sayings into nationalistic propaganda, the type that drenches the reader in pride and pathos for the far-away and the long-ago, and numbs the reader's senses regarding specific sufferings of the here and now. In his preface to Sophie Wahnich's In Defence of the Terror (2012), Zizek wrote:
There is no ethnic cleansing without poetry — why? Because we live in an era which perceives itself as post-ideological. Since great public causes no longer have the force to mobilize people for mass violence, a larger sacred Cause is needed, a Cause which makes petty individual concerns about killing seem trivial. Religion or ethnic belonging fit this role perfectly.
If we look at apologists for the usamerican army for the past at-least-twenty years, do we not observe exactly this kind of defence-for-the-sacred talking points? we rarely hear apologists say "we need to steal natural resources from countries that we have intentionally kept away from economic growth by tactlessly slaughtering non-white people for the sake of it". no. we see the narrative of "some of the army are village teenagers struggling to pay college tuition fees", the narrative of defending the liberal (derogatory) illusion of individuals climbing up the social ladder.
Do we return to Przybyszewska purely out of a desire to recount the events during 1789-1794? Again, we must yes-and this. Yes, recounting the revolution is the least we can do. And, frustrating the dream to be the perfect revolutionary, frustrating the idea that friendship can come cheaply as commodities do in the revolution, frustrating the illusion that with revolution comes heroism, comes national pride, comes guarantee of the big Other — these frustrations are sorely needed for a pessimistic view, the view where the only way through a crisis is by revolution. Only the optimists would think that a reform, or worse, a "revolution without a revolution", can do the job.
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Paranormal / psychic read whatever comes out.
1 2
3 4
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Group one
You guys seem to be respected by spirits or at least the ones that have the dignity to show the right beings respect. It seems like you guys are closed off to a lot of spiritual activity especially low vibing.you guys might subconsciously or even consciously somehow help spirits in conflict perhaps humans using advice from spirit.it seems like you guys aren't aware of what activity does take place surrounding you because you're used to it and it just seems normal. It might be more in the daytime too. I do see you guys helping lower vibing situations spirits and or people somehow someway. Something about snoopy and something about awareness. Maybe also something about ice cream.
Group two
You guys might be or have a history of fighting against lower vibing entities at night. Like most likely not that bad just random ghosts and stuff. This seems like it could manifest in tons of ways but I'm seeing for some it could be insomnia or general stress with seemingly no source. You guys might want some type of pretty lights and all around make your rooms and or homes a good vibe especially at night. I'm seeing some of you need sage or something to burn. The brighter you glow the less the negative stuff will show up and be around. I'm getting something about something in the background.
It might be a good idea to focus on your subconscious mind maybe you need background noise or decorations or lights in order to help your subconscious.
Group three
Looks like there are spirits helping you and trying to take part in controlling certain situations going on in the 3d plane of existence. Earth. Whatever you want to refer to it as ok.i see someone smiling so maybe that's significant somehow.im seeing you guys being sort of lifted up or protected somehow by an or multiple entities. I see this entity or the multiple of them view you as a child I want to say kind of like how cats do. To be honest I am getting something about aliens. I'm seeing some spirit or spirits or somebody like that trying to offer you something positive specifically when you're upset in some way so my advice is if you will just sit or lay back close your eyes and let your imagination take you wherever ok.
Group four
Ngl I'm getting something about a morgue. I'm seeing an elder and a youth that are related somehow or just similar. I also see kind of a dickish peer coming to try to take over or something. If you somehow know what I'm talking about then spirit is just confirming that they see this and they're acting accordingly. I keep getting a reference to the dynamic of ash and the kid Gary I think and professor oak. This could somehow be referencing the importance of perspective.
If you feel vulnerable or lonely somehow you should rely on spirit at this time. Is this group scared of ghosts btw? Like I used to be scared of ghosts but still was interested type of thing haha. Some are good some are bad, like people. You definitely have some good ones by your side. So no worries. You just have to have faith in them and lean on the good ones. Something about a pig like a pet pig for someone or some of you. Something about a statue of a woman figure for somebody. This could even actually be the statue of liberty or a lady with a torch similarly. Or a bell maybe. You guys need to learn to reject the negative entities then it won't be so scary ok.
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cressidascowper · 1 year
I would love if you could give some tips on making blended gifs with two dominant colors - for example your friends cheesecake set. I would love to make like that but I have no idea were I’m going wrong
friends cheesecake set
hi!! blending is honestly so hard to give tips on bc it's so dependent on the scenes but i can try! below, i link some tutorials that i have used and try to explain the methods i personally use :)
btw this is very image heavy with gifs as visuals to try and explain my processes!
the tips i give assume you have basic giffing knowledge and at least some knowledge and experiencing of both blending and coloring. if you have any questions on anything i explain, please don't hesitate to come ask!
firstly, here are some very very helpful general blending tutorials that i have used in the past: this one and this one go pretty in depth (both by the lovely @yenvengerberg.
secondly, here are some coloring/color manipulation tutorials that i love:
general color manipulation (different methods) again by @yenvengerberg
manipulating the background by @fionagallaqher
coloring gifs for rainbow sets! by @rhodeys
now, as for combining the two techniques, i use trial and error. again, both blending and coloring are very fickle and the methods can change based on the scene i'm using.
there are two ways that i blend gifs with two dominant colors:
color the gifs separately and then blend
or blend the gifs together and then color the whole gif
first method: color first and then blend —
i usually use this method for gifs with little movement and where the colors can be easily manipulated (see the coloring tutorials i referenced above).
an easy way to tell what colors are dominant in a gif, go to the hue/saturation adjustment and turn saturation all the way up to 100.
for instance, this gif of anakin has little movement and i can see the background has hints of blue.
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this gif will be easy to manually color on its own, seeing as i can use selective color and brushes to color the background. here is the same gif but now i have colored the background, and i used the method outlined in this tutorial:
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NOW, moving onto the second gif. the second gif/scene i chose also has little movement and a background that can be easily manipulated:
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using the same method as the first gif, i'll now color this padme gif on its own.
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TIME TO BLEND!!! after converting the two gifs to smart object and putting one on top of the other, i set the top object to screen. for this example, i put the padme gif on top of the anakin one. this is what the blended gif and my layers panel looks like:
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now, i'll create a layer mask on the padme gif and get rid of any parts i do not want or expose any areas of the anakin gif i want to see.
next, as you can see, the left side of padme's face is purple and pretty transparent. so in order to make it more visible, i will add a blank layer in between the two smart object and use a black brush to paint the areas i want to see (see this tutorial!!)
and here is the final blended gif:
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now, you can totally stop here, but for me, it's pretty purple-heavy and i'd like to see some more orange. so i simply take an orange brush and color some areas i'd like to add more orange, and then set the layer's blending mode to color.
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second method: blend first and then color —
i usually use this method when at least one of the gifs/scenes i want to use has colors or a background that is difficult to manipulate. or sometimes i do this because i just don't know what i want my coloring to look like and blending first gifs me a better sense of the whole gif.
there are two different ways you can blend first and then color. using the brush tool or the gradient tool.
brush tool:
using the brush tool is the best method when there is little movement and when you have distinct subjects to color around.
for instance, this gif of rhaenyra. while there is little movement, the background is a similar tone to her skin so it would be difficult for me to use selective color.
i could possibly use a brush to color the background, but i do not know how that will blend with my other gif and i don't know what coloring will work best overall. this is why i want to blend first!
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and now for my second gif. similarly to the rhaenyra shot, the background of this alicent shot has very similar tone to alicent's skin color, so selective color would not work:
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TIME TO BLEND!! i do the same thing as the last method (placing one smart object on top of the other) and this is what it looks like:
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following the same steps as last time, i erase what i don't want and paint over areas i want to be more visible. this is what i came up with:
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because there is that orange light on the left hand side of the gif (on rhaenyra's side), i decided to play into that and go with orange as one of the colors. sometimes the color scheme i go with depends on the colors i find in the gif bc that's just easiest!
now is when i use a brush to color the background! i color the left side with an orange brush and set the blending mode to 'color':
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for the second color, the background on alicent's side is kind of neutral so i'm going to pick any color i want! i decide to go with green bc that is her color lol, and i do the same method, coloring with a green brush and setting the blend more to 'color'.
this is what i came up with:
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you can totally stop here, but i like adding colors to the bottom, orange on the right and green on the left, so it kind of ties it all together.
HERE IS THE FINAL PRODUCT! (notice how in the bottom left corner, there is some hints of green. similarly for hints of orange in the right corner)
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gradient tool:
another tool i use is the gradient tool (not to be confused by an adjustment layer).
this tool is really good for blended gifs that have lots of movement or where there are subjects that are difficult to draw around with a brush.
for example, this blended gif of yennefer has lots of movement so the brush tool may not be the best method.
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here is where the gradient tool comes in! i add a new layer and draw a gradient in the direction i want. this is what my gif and layer panel looks like:
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next, i change the blending mode. this heavily depends on the scene and also what looks good to your eye, but i usually alternate between 'overlay', 'soft light', or 'color'.
for this gif i chose 'overlay' and this is what it looks like:
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again, you can stop here...BUT i want to go back in and intensify the pink/purple color at the top in the white areas. to do this, i am going to use a large soft brush and paint areas, setting the layer's blending mode to 'color.'
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and those are my methods!! if you made it this far, thank you for reading and following along. i hope that this was at least somewhat helpful and huge shout out to @yenvengerberg who's coloring and blending tutorials basically taught me everything i know.
if you still have any questions at all pls feel free to hope in my inbox :D
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sideordertheories · 7 months
10 days until side order releases!!!
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^ this was heavily referenced from an image of the spire btw. just felt like making that clear
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
uncle ninaaaa since u talked abt please please please by miss sab carpenter as ravesey ( i love this idea im obsessed btw like if u ever write a para on them doing this mv i would eat it up and i already eat up everything u write !! ) , do you think ravenstan would do a diff style for the song or keep it essentially the same as her vers ? and would the mv elements & settings change at all ?
i thought i was bein too self-indulgent and INSANE when i made that headstannon because i have been listening to please please please nonstop for Days, so i am stoked you understand the VISION!!!!
like it is just soooo...*sTARTS FERAL GIRL SCREAMING*
you Know i LOVE a little music video moment!!! ;)
( also Thank You for what you said about enjoying all the silly little things i write — it really means The World to me <3 ;-; ) and bc i am criminally and batshit Insane, i have an entire concept, thought about ALL the corresponding music video outfits and i gave cd doing the song a little ~Lore~ bc i need everything that i do to be extremely thorough and have basis in my weird little rm auniverse.
so...beneath the cut is literally nothing that anyone needs to read necessarily — plus, i get the feeling i am going to be long winded and scream a lot — so there is no obligation ( as with anything i write or create ) to read this, but should ye dare; i thought i was going aWHFF.
...you Do, however, need to know about the music video/song to understand pretty much anything i am talking about/referencing or else it will sound like complete *sab carpenter vc* Nonsense, so i am going to link the plsplspls mv riiiiight HERE. it...is a work of Art. and i am so sorry you cannot tell me that is not Them like....OKAY.
*breathes aggressively into a paper bag*
it's insane feral girl mv time ( w/ plot & a lil twisty-twist )
i just checked and this ask meme is literally...3,772 words. not of fine literature or nina prose, btw. of me. it’s all just lowercase…Screaming. with links. like i literally added…Links. SO UNLESS YOU HAVE AN HOUR ON YOUR HANDS OR REALLY WANT 3K WORDS OF PROOF THAT I DESPERATELY NEED TO RECIEVE A FKN CLAIRES LOBOTOMY, Please, Please, /Please/, don't read this, lmao.
but on the off chance that you do...
i hope you heal, smile pendejo,
and ofc, as always, now and forever...
please enjoy the very WORST part of your day.
-Evil Genius Uncle Nina <3
*cracks knuckles aka my writer girl carpal tunnel*
alright, so i am going to say that all of this takes place Post RM and marjorine actually plays a large part in it ;) xx ( ilysm marj )
because one of the things that i am the most bummed about regarding spoiling my fanfic/answering asks about it is that, in order to give you guys as much Ravesey!Style content as possible and because there is just SO much happening at all times, i don't really get to talk about the sideplots as much as i would like or fully unpack all the epic side-relationships in the rmverse.
and the lil ~second string romance~ that happens in rm...
Is Kenjorine <333
( AAAAAAAA I LOVE KENJORINE SO MUCH ) and throughout rm they've kind of had this slow burn Will They Won't They thing going on because, y'know, dating within the band is Strictly For-boden because it's messy and has the potential to cause looots of problems…
( scott having a crush on jimmy and jimmy vice versa was Soooo against the butterfly trampstamp boy band brotherhood code of ethics, but just this One time, i will support mens rights...and Wrongs )
however, my dear darlings, the Biggest hang-up regarding my kids not hooking up and instead settling down was that KENNY IS A MAJOR SLUTFACE HO-BAG ( also the LOML it's okay ) and the devil's lil boytoy plaything, which meant dating in that sense was also...
Strictly For-boden.
HOWEVER! post rm, it went from marj relentlessly pursuing kenny and following them around like a little love-sick puppy, to kenny being extremely HEADASS for marjorine and like begging her to their girlfriend...which marj, ofc, wants more than anything in the world...but she's trying to Protect Her PEACE! ( good for her )
because her and kenny had a lot of messy, fucked up moments in rm where she got hurt a lot by them, but she's also that one friend you have that IS CONSTANTLY dating losers...and i mean
bc i'm sure it seems like bebe would be That Girl, but barbara angelica stevens does Not Date LOSERS, okay??? because she's a bad motherfucking bitch...but also because, in her line of work aka camming, she has to stay on the market/look available bc if people find out she's dating someone it'll fuck up her (s)income )
and marj....Sigh.
god bless her, is v sensitive, easily swindled and super vulnerable. that unfortunately makes her an easy target for *tlc vc* BUSTAS and dirtbag douchebag guys who demolish her heart and leave her crying on the couch with bebe, tweek, craig and kyle all holding her, handing her tissues n telling her she's gotta stop fuckin w/ losers.
( it is ironic for j.k...but he is a PROFESSIONAL HEAUX. )
ANYWAYS! kenny is trying to get marjorine to be their girlfriend and reform their womanizing, manizing, peoplizing ways, but marj keeps Rejecting Them because she's scared. and rightfully so, queen!
but back to plsplspls and it's ~Immaculate Conception~:
and it...pains me to do this: miss sabrina carpenter, i am so sorry, babygirl, ilysm legend, but to make this actually Work in my fanfic universe, i am going to say that she either doesn't exist or didn't write the song because...
Marjorine Wrote It.
...Specifically About KENNY. ;)))
but basically, marjorine approaches ravenstan one day, mad nervous, poor angel, and asks if she can
'show him something she wrote. '
...and he is SO EXCITED, marjorine is his Baby, his transgirl princess, he vouched heavily for her during auditions and Made them put a girl in the band because she fkn shred. so, naturally, he pats an empty spot on the couch, marjorine sits down, drapes her legs over ravenstan's beautiful cinnamon scented lap because they are besties and says Of Course, Margorina <3 ( ravenstan calling marj margorina is so stinkin cute to me, i love them so much wow )
soooooo she breaks out her cute little hello kitty journal, ravenstan gives her his super weathered, emo-boy stickerbombed aucostic guitar to play and she sings please, please, please to him. <3
( she gets nervous a lot but #baeven is the cutest nicest person in the world so he squeezes her shoulder a lot and tickles her leg c’: )
marjorine finishes playing and is cringin so hard going ‘was that the worst thing you've ever heard?’ IT WAS NAUGHT BTW, HE THOUGHT IT WAS A STROKE OF GD GENIUS AND GAVE HER A LIL ROUND OF APPLAUSE WHEN HE COULD SPEAK BC HE HAD A LITERAL STROKE & WAS BREIFLY BREATHTAKEN, WOWZA!!!
but also like *eye emoji* 'is this about who i Think it is?'
*pierced eyebrow wiggle*
ravenstan is soooo Team Kenjorine, btw.
like him and kenny grew up together, chef basically raised them and he wants kenny to get his act together SO BAD, jersey is a hater, btw, he is also very overprotective of marj...i will say in the second half of rm, he does warm up to kenny after threatening them within an inch of their immortal life like
'i don't care if you're immortal, skeleton key, if you hurt MY marjorine, i will find a way. SO WATCH YOUR BONY FUCKIN BACK, BITCH!'
anyways, she's like...sigh, 'is it that obvious?' which...Yes, baby. but goes onto explain that it is about them but she wrote it out of spite.
however, Despite that, crimson dawn does need One More Song to add to to the tracklist of their upcoming album, so loverboy ravenstan with the plan, ( who is in a big ratty stanime shirt, his pijama pants and, ofc, the sharkchanclas bc when r.s. is not in The Raven Cosplay, he's the most slovenly, sickeningly fione man on earth )
gets The Stanley Marsh Smolder in his pretty blue eyes then suggests that they not only put it on their new album, but make it the Single, that she sing it, and use to address talk to kenny without having to SAY anything...
…Annnnd Not So Secretly Humble Them. <3
( marjorine really said Don't FUCK With Me, Fuckboy! )
but is like 'nO, NO, NO I CAN'T SING IT, YOU'RE THE LEAD SINGER YOU SING ALL OUR SONGS, PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO HEAR ME' *hides face in hands, is regretting her entire life, aaaa*
then r.s., v earnestly and preciously, takes her hands in his and says:
'this is YOUR song, preciosa. your truth. plus, i can't sing that high…but what i CAN do is sing your backup vocals. that way if you get nervous...i'll have your back.
*cute boy ravenstan under eye beauty mark wink*
Literally. ;)
so what do you say, margorina...'
bats his eyelashes, and so she'll laugh, sings
'Please, Please, Pleeease?' <3
CUUUUTE AAAA. she also thinks this is cute, caves and says 'okay, okay, Okaaaay~ but on ONE. CONDITION."
*dramatic slightly southern pause*
"You And Kyle Have To Star In The Music Video." :*
BECAAAAAUSE ravenstan and jerseykyle have been secretly dating for a Hot Minute ( and i do mean HOT, baby ;))) xx ) ever since the tail end of rm and have been *wanting* to go public abt their relationship [ sneaking around is lowk spicy, but they are soo over it, dude, fml ]
bc they wanna hold hands, go on real #hates and just be super fkn annoying in public ( also, just know the ravesey alleygations are damning, istg the ravesey die hard dawn spawn should all go to columbia LAW for the mountains of Evidence they are building -- with shrines, probably -- for #RaveseyGate ) but weren't really sure how to do it because it's kind of a big deal and changes Everything.
...buuuut it would soft, basically Hard Launch their relationship, so they wouldn't have to release an annoying statement, pluuuuus...
majorine already /has/ a FIRE Music Video Concept!
( she is a creative queen, i love her. also, since you asked, it is basically the same as sab carp's bc i get the feeling that miss marjorine watches a lot of really old, vintage movies and reads those smutty pwp paperback romance novels with the huge curly font and the dramatic picture of some dummy fine mad ripped shirtless guy and sexy scantily clad lady looking longingly at each other bc their love is *nina vc* Strictly For-bodden on the cover.
...iykyk. )
buuuuuut ravenstan has to ask kyle, which...
tbh y'all: he's a liiiittle worried...
...bc he does Not think j.k. is gonna do it.
so naturally, he's buttering up that man up for the Kill, does laundry, finishes the dishes, pours ky a glass of box wine, sits Very Seductively ;) in jerseykyle's lap and says
'hoooola, miiiiii amor, have i told you how handsome you look today? or how funny and smart you are? like so so funny and so so smart! w-wowza, h-haha...anyways...will you do Something for me, guapo?' <3
ft. yersey squinting bc he's already sussed by the flirty ravenstannish ( stan in his lap is a MAJOR W tho ) going
point. And. LAUGH!
pero like long story short, ravenstan asks him if he'll do the music video and he is Seriously Rambling And Gambling, trying to convince kyle to do this and is like 'it's for marjorine, it would mean a lot to her' rambling, rambling, rAmbLing and mid-sentence kyle is just like
'sure; i'll do it.'
but honestly…i really do think that kyle understands what it would mean to marj and secretly...
iiiii think he thinks it might be Fun. ;)
rs does not know this though so he's like *confused giant eye boy blinking* 'you...you'll do it?' and jersey, still tryna to be an unbothered, unsentimental king, says 'well, i don't want you makin crazy googly eyes at some annoyin airheaded actor guy in ya tiny pants'
( oh my god, hi jealous jersey ) cue stan literally yelling
peppers jks pretty statuesque face w/ one million thousand excited Kisses, hugs him and almost CRUSHES him to Death bc he’s so happy. with alleged unbothered unsenitmental jersey literally Squirming like
''yeah, Yeah, YEAH, whAteVa! now quit smotherin me, you're gonna make me spill my wine.' >.>
( showing j.k any affection is like trying to kiss a hissing street can. he is…blushing like hell though, oh my god. )
then is like *squints again*
'—but speaking of your little pants, rockstar boy…
...i don't have to wear a Silly Outfit, do i?'
so here’s my raveseystyle!pleasepleaseplease mv PITCH.
it's a home run i think, btw. ;)
edit: so i forgot to say, marjorine is singing it w/ her cute slightly southern twang ( also yes, ravenstan mouthing it is really funny ) stan does do all the backing vocals like an octave lower and i think the vibe is mostly the same, just harder w/ more electric guitar <3 i forgot to answer that part of your question, my bad bb...but an-ee-Wayz!
so i think the entire music video is just one gigantic cameo/easter egg just full of little references ft. all the people they know. like, legit, no outside actors, just all of their friends/rm side chars.
also i can Vividly see that jail scene in the beginning but it's ravenstan in a some glitzy high fashion mesh metallic top and his demonias after a rough night out doing god knows what ( idk what they locked him up for...punk rocking too hard? being bi without a lisence? buying too much taco bell? being too Fine? Indecent EXPOSURE? )
and i think marj’s little cameo is that she is the police officer :) wITH ACAB ALL OVER HER UNIFORM BTW!
and yells 'mCELROY!
( stan going by chef's last name instead of marsh is so cute to me aw, i hate you randy, pls die ) but he gets, up, shrugs and does the cute lil
'Oh, Me?' ;) xx thing
also i think officer marj being like 'i said go left' via the og vid is so funny bc u knooow stan's tiny locationally challenged hiney would go in the wrong fkn direction, lmao, i fear that might not have been scripted, god bless him...also...bc he's technically marj in the mv...do i…have him go Blonde again?
...it's for the ART, okay!!!!
anyways, she hands him his belongings in that clear evidence bag and i think what's in Ravenstan's Bag is probably: the big obnoxious upside down cross earring, his signature heart vial necklace, a lil pack of cinnamon extra gum andddd...a shitty black CVS eyeliner pencil. :)
which, instead of doing lipstick, i think he totally starts doing his Eyeliner in the reflection of that scratched up prison info-window. like just starts absentmindedly filling in his waterline and everything. king shit.
you can Tell that man was meant for Jail...
because he's got F-I-N-E written AAALL OVER HIM.
but, alright so...Concept?
i really wanted to lean into the OG Jersey!Kyle design, so i'm putting him in the baggy, ripped up, bad boy, street fighter jeans, THE KYLEY B TANK TOP WITH KYLEY B WRITTEN ON IT IN SHARPIE, the star of david chain necklace and oooh, do i slick his hair back? STAAAHP.
edit: i just remembered that because of the gunshot wound...jersey's hair is short which...lowkey?
kind of a LEWK, HONESTLY????
but okay, they're reading him his miranda rights, he's rolling his eyes. i think his contacts are in...for Vibes? idk.
( look, you just gotta rock and roll with it, baby. )
during this, i honestly think he should spit in whatever one of their friends is playing the cop's face ( bonus if it's clyde, help ), i also think they should take his bone thug mug shot with his middle finger up,
regardless, stan and ky Lock Eyes,
and it is....Extremely STEAMY, my goodness.
( pls note: if they are staring longingly at each other or are very down horrendously/not so slyly checking each other out, they're not playing it up for the cameras, they’re Simply Obsessed with each other. )
my lil mv divergence is that i think jers should give raven The Nod, v suggestively mouth 'Call Me' xx. ;) and r.s. should be chewing a piece of his gum, blow a big ass bubble and have it POP! for shock value.
This is MY Mo!mentttttt!
speaking of moments, i thought that part where sab and barry were talking on those iconic jail phones and touching their hands together against the glass was cute asf, so that's staying. outfit wise, idk how to replicate the sick blue dress/shawl thing, but i'll put him a blue fit ig and he can wear the blue standana have some sunglasses as a treat. i kind of want them to be the flame ones...pls. also think j.k. is wearing the stan s necklace and r.s. is wearing the kyle k choker. <3
Gay Rights. happy pride month.
and when they let kyle out...i'm putting him in THIS outfit from it's a jersey thing because i am Obsessed with it. it really has to give like harley davidson, affliction sleeveless shirt/tank top, crazy ed hardy jeans, gigantic chunky sneaker, gold chain, y2k hot boy cringe VIBES.
( i love you edgy boy yersey, that man looks fine as hell. also no sleeves that whole mv, we just get to marvel at j.k.'s beautiful, freckly, MASSIVELY TONED ARMS for 4 minutes & 22 seconds...ur welc. )
but *sweats* do we see...My VISION?
*will graham vc* This Is My Design.
and i’d say sorry for insanely and meticulously matching their outfits to sab/barry's in the OG video but again.…I’m A Visionary.
as such, i am totally going to take the gigantic jacket that sabrina is wearing and have it be...The Stanley Marsh Signature Leather Jacket with all his lil emo boy pins ( do i leave the 'I Love Nerds' pin on it ) ft. ofc, a cd blood moon pin, a #raveseyforever pin and the bi-flag.
i’m also totally putting him in the tiny vegan leather pants and what else but...THE SAVE ROCK, FUCK A ROCKSTAR TANK TOP.
god, i'm sorry, this is IMMACULATE content to me.
also stan is 5'10" but he can be tall and wear his lil doc martens and cool goth boy platforms that whole mv bc that is hot boy shit.
beeeeesitos, ravenstan. :****
AS FAR AS THE CAR GOES THO...originally, i was like i should have the car be stan's cool badass celebrity boy motorcycle ( ily crim ) BUT
lady is my favorite rm side character, btw. :*
so yeah, ravesey reunite in the jail parking lot with stan loungin on lady and they drive off into the sunset. <3
NOW REGARDING THE PART WHERE THEY'RE IN THE RESTAURANT, i thought it would be cute asf if it was Cookie's Diner to reference their first hate and cookie can cameo in it ( edit: i forgot i think on 'so act like a stand up guy' jimmy is doing standup or sit down, aka what he used to call his routine for gigs bc he can't really stand )...but back to cookie, who leads them into the backroom with all the bad guys and thugs, who are kingpinned by none other than The King himself...
Chef ;)
who...got a little Too IN Character.
( bc i know he kind of wanted to beat kyle's ass at first, he was like that is my precious son, you no good new jersey Gangbanger! they are cool now, i promise, but given that most of rae’s childhood was spent with him trying to prevent stan from trying to track jersey down and blow his cover...chef had to Cook a little, tbh. )
idk who all the goons are, probably like tolkien, all of kyle's law student friends, other waiters/waitresses working at cookie's, but what i do know is that scene in the backroom wITH JERSEYKYLE FUCKING THUGS UP GODFATHER JOHN WICK MOB-STYLE IS SO GOOD.
( also i never finished it -- what's new -- but him cracking a huge bottle over someone's head is actually beautiful foreshadowing because in the post-divorce future where kyle is in that back alleyway fight, gets his shitrocked and then rocks those three drunk guys ShiT for trying to talk sHIT?? on his punrock ex??? yeah....Yeah. beautiful. )
speaking of....can we see ravenstan in the doorway, singing, being oblivious, batting his eyelashes, archin his back doing hot boy shit...Wowza. truly a blessing. kind of want to put him in that sexc red corset top thing sabrina was wearing bc it's fuego and i saaaaid i wouldn't put him in the new perspective anti-christ leather mini AGAIN but tbh? my mans flat ass looked phenomenal in that Thang and i Do think the sick kindness dagger thigh tattoo should make a guest appearance At Least ONCE. we deserve a win, everyone.
and we stay winning, because lady gets to come back. and while ravenstan is patching up jerseykyle's fake black eye ( also delicious foreshadowing ) and the back of the car pops...i think the person tied up in the trunk...SHOULD LITERALLY BE SOMEONE DRESSED UP EXACTLY LIKE CARTMAN SO WE CAN LAUGH.
edit: stan flipping kyle off from the car…amazing.
but fr they really were acting crazy when they were making this mv, they said fuck you cartman, rot in hell, you piece of sHIT. that was a win for the crimson dawn boys bc he tortured them for his entire reign of Terror running that evil record company...*jersey vc* JUSTICE!
anyways, INJUSTICE bc jerseykyle robs a bank in that next scene, i'm sorry he just gets to live in that sleeveless y2k ed hardy looking ass black shirt and the baggy jeans because i am obsessed with scary sexc hoodlum yersey, it's also extremely funny because he is literally always in a button down and slacks...
( nina stop saying speaking of challenge, smh )
sabrina's little cropped button down office siren outfit, i actually had this dating hc that stan took one of kyle's suits he was going to get rid of, SHREDDED IT WITH SCISSORS!!!!
made it into this super raw, edgy, shabby chic rockstar haute whore couture art piece and i thought abt having him wear it at a show as a lil nod to kyle but THIS MIGHT KYLEY-B THE MOMENT!!!!!
and ravenstan looked v cute, if i may, <3 the hip tattoos were hip tattooing SO HARD ( i am srs when god made stan he did not have to give him that slutty lil waist like what do u need that for WHORE??? )
jerseykyle's jaw doing the scary boy twitch at the bank teller holding the prop gun and then cheeky bad-boy winking at ravenstan? <3 i am obsessed...also grabbing his hand and escorting emo boy bambi business uncasual ravenstan all shook out of the bank? CUUUTE.
all the money is monopoly money…for shits and gigs.
okay, the part where kyle gets arrested Again. rip. smh. canon. that lil black outfit? i'm sorry but if i don't put ravenstan in this lil black shirt with the leather chest harness and the tiny pants...it will haunt me. it'll also haunt me if i don't tell y'all that i had an hc where one time backstage stan was also wearing this lil chest harness thing bc he’s a baddie ( i think it crisscrossed in the shape of a satanic star ) AND JERSEYKYLE PULLED HIM UP TO KISS HIM...BY THE LEATHER CHEST HARNESS???? he never…Ever recovered from that, oOF.
the deeply madly in love simp staring while kyle gets carted away with ravenstan singin to him, holding his face...Beautiful.
with all the side characters shaking their heads like smh kyle please stop doing ILLEGAL SHIT, BROTHER! its okay, he gets out of jail again, they're in the parking lot, lady is back, stan looks Pissed...it is unfortunately not forced because i think that baeven mi amor mi vida has pulled yersey out of the police station a lot bc hes always on some angry boy easy to provoke rage mode FUCK SHIT...its why stan begged him to stop fighting because it was stressing him out. :(
( he also loves kyle v much n hates like seeing him hurt )
BUT ONTO THE MAIN EVENT ( we're almost done guys, i promise ) in that lil questioning room with the table and the chair...listen, i don't know how to replicate this outfit Either, all i know is that ravenstan was def in something white and i think this waist chain belt situation happened in lieu (lewd) of the gigantic silver buckle...AAAAAAAA.
i don't know, okay? HE! LOOKED! GOOD!
( he also was totally rocking The Sexc Lip Ring Chain )
that's what Matters!!!
jerseykyle...also looked good. HONESTLY FOR LAFFS I THINK I SHOULD HAVE KYLE NOW WEARING THE SAVE ROCK FUCK A ROCKSTAR TANK TOP...idk maybe stan can be in the kyley b one. listen, it's giving the super gay chad/ryan outfit switch in hsm. mwah.
that scene is...very gay, btw. it was also STEEEAMY, whEw! stan swinging the handcuffs in kyle’s face looking bad as hell, oh my God! tbh jersey did think this was funny because okay go off Dom King Ravenstan like he can ask for a fork without whImpErIng, but also spicy scary stan...he was Sweating. i have never seen a man want to violently kiss a man as much as jerseykyle wanted to kiss raven, i know truly horrible things happened in the undressing room. woops.
but the preformance art of that entire thing, ravenstan handcuffing jersey ( also why the HELL did barry arch his back like that, who told him to do that, i know it wasn't scripted, it also wasn't scripted for kyle either he was like oooooh my god HI SCARY STANnsdhlsd )
he was like please, Please PLEASE
— Step On Me in the scary goth boy demonias.
OKAY, ITS THE END!! WE REACHED THE END!!! NINA PLEASE SHUT UP!!! JERSEYKYLE PLEASE SHUT UP ALSO IG bc stan does the thing where he duct tapes kyles mouth...that was also doing crazy things to him...boys will you please stop thinking about touching ass and think about touching Grass, maybe? A BIBLE??!
maybe i'll put stan in a lil black lipstick so when he gives jersey that little kiss at the end it can also leave a lovely lipstick kiss mark except in a goth font....with jersey staring at him in wonderment and awe.
-uncle nina, sabrina carpenter superfan
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So, I'm new to the fandom and ur blog has been a massive help. Thank you so much for your hard work!! I wanted to ask, what's the relationship between the abilities of the characters and the authors? Like, No Longer Human is BSD Dazai's ability coz of Dazai-sensei's book, but how does that make the ability a nullifier? What's the connection? Asking in general for all abilities, btw. If u already answered this b4 in someone else's question, sorry I couldnt find it.
I'm so glad that my blog has been helpful! It's hard to find information about Japanese literature on the English side of the internet, so most of the information I've gathered comes from physical books (I have a big bookshelf full of just Japanese literature now!). I hope my collection of quotes and facts can continue to be helpful for you.
I have a list of where the titles of the abilities came from you can find here, but it doesn't go into any detail about why the ability does what it does.
Japanese audiences are much more familiar with the authors and literary works referenced in BSD, so the abilities are usually more symbolic. Dazai's ability No Longer Human might be easier to understand with the Japanese title, Ningen Shikkaku. The word ningen means "human" and the word shikkaku means "disqualification, elimination, or incapacity" so the title translates to "disqualified from being human." BSD Dazai's ability is based on the word "disqualified" because he negates, or disqualifies, other abilities. Or you could think about it like he makes their abilities fail. Here is the definition if you want to check it out:
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For most of the BSD Japanese authors' abilities you would have to read the work their ability is named after, know a famous line from it, or understand the author's life in order to know what the ability is referencing. Like how Fukuzawa Yukichi's ability "All Men Are Equal" comes from the opening line in his collection of essays An Encouragement of Learning: "It is said that heaven does not create one man above or below another man. This means that when men are born from heaven they all are equal." Or to understand Akutagawa's ability Rashomon you'd have to read the short story and pick up on little details in it, like when the main character steals an old woman's clothes, in order to understand where Asagiri Kafka and Harukawa35 might have gotten the inspiration for BSD Akutagawa's ability.
The abilities for Western authors in BSD are pretty straightforward in comparison. Like John Steinbeck's ability Grapes of Wrath is literal grapevines growing from his body, or Fitzgerald using money to become more powerful like Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby, or Herman Melville controlling a gigantic whale named Moby Dick. I've wondered if the abilities for the characters based on Western authors are more obvious because Japanese readers aren't as familiar with the authors' lives or the time and culture they lived in; kind of like how understanding the Japanese authors' lives and works isn't something most of us were familiar with until watching BSD.
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nicosraf · 1 year
May you list out the classes of Angels in your story? I know Lucifer is a Cherubim and it’s implied that Uriel is an Ophanim and Rosier is a Seraph! What are the list of the Angel classes from the other characters? Is there a class system with the hierarchy of heaven?
Short answer: I wrote in cherubim, seraphim, and ophanim, though there isn't any hierarchy/class-system in Heaven.
Michael is a seraph (towards the end, he's described as having six wings), and I imagine Baal to be a cherub, Asmodeus to be an ophanim, Phanuel to be a seraph, Raphael to be a cherub, and Azazel to be a seraph. (I say 'imagine' because one of these might shift but I'm like 80% sure on it.)
Long answer about celestial hierarchy and etc.,:
You made a mistake asking me this because I have really strong feelings about about The Celestial Hierarchy and about Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. I actually recently finished studying the The hierarchie of the blessed angells: their names, order and offices: the fall of Lucifer with his angells, which is some 1635 didactic poem by Thomas Haywood that I need to post pictures of because it was very pretty, so thank you for reminding me. I’m only mentioning this because Pseudo-Dionysius (and Heywood) are in this camp of theology guys who think there’s a type of angel assigned to each sphere around the Earth to correspond to the old Ptolemaic model of the universe. What this means is that most old angelology books are all trying to force this connection that isn’t biblical, and this is why the whole hierarchy is pretty messy.
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite himself was also just someone pretending to be St. Dionysius the Areopagite. Whether he did it out of respect or to try and gain some legitimacy for his angel fanfic – who knows. Either way, I'm not a fan of him (and apparently neither was Milton, who is my lover btw), and I think there's a really long conversation to be had about why early Christian authorities may have liked the idea of a hierarchical heaven with levels of authority, rather than only God's authority reigning over paradise. Hm.
Anyway, I personally don't think a paradise can exist where there's a strict hierarchy in place. And in the Bible, there is no referenced hierarchy beyond the fact that there appears to be a chief of the angels, which is Michael. (Catholic Bibles tend to include Raphael calling himself an archangel, too, if I'm remembering correctly). The only "types" of angels that are explicitly referenced are the seraphim and cheurbim. "Ophanim" as a term isn't found in most Bibles, but they're described, so I've accepted them too. (It's worth noting that the Bible never refers to the seraphim, cherubim, or ophanim as angels, so they might not even be angels at all but some other celestial things.)
The way I interpreted it is that these three are the non-material forms of angels, which they're actually not in often. This is my personal interpretation of the fact that angels are only present and described strangely (you know, that "biblically accurate angel" meme) in proximity to God's throne.
For story reasons, angels are almost always enfleshed, so their different "types" don't come up much, but they do have casual knowledge that differences exist, like when Baal instructed Lucifer to take out "only two" wings. But it's clearly a difference that doesn't have an effect on their society.
Dw, there will be more on the "types" in the books to follow. As a side note, it was kind touchy to write the categorization at all into ABM. I didn't want to make it a big thing because 1. equality among the angels is pretty significant to the story and 2. I was afraid angel categorization could become a sort of quasi-gender or, even worse, quasi-race for them.
But yes sorry for ranting I hope this answered your question ahsjdsajdhlhjsl <3333
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Episode 7:
A Richelieu-centric episode ??? Sign me THE FUCK IN (seriously though he may be my favorite character in the book i'll take any crumbs I can)
Also loved to see him and Milady interacting more !!! Super nice 🖤⚜️
In the book (SPOILER ALERT) Milady tells a story very similar to the false testimony she gives in court in order to make Buckingham's right-hand man believe he abducted and raped her and turn him against him- it's really nice to see that referenced in the show
Like to see Louis actually having a personnality
Liked Ninon ! But why would you fall for Athos when ARAMIS IS RIGHT HERE
Also I do think they didn't need her to romance anyone to make her interesting in that episode ? I understand it's the usual plot device but ah well
Love how the last shot of the episode is Constance pining d'Artagnan against a shelf. We all know who's the top in the relationship
To conclude: great episode, did I mention i loved to see more of Richelieu ?
Episode 8:
Love how the skirt-chasing for money is exactly how it works in the book
Alice (Porthos' love interest) is a pretty good reference to his mistress in the book and a very nice lady but I think the hilarity of Porthos having to deal with her original version would've been amazing (an older woman married to a cupid man who won't spend a dime while they're both just desperately waiting for him to pass to inherit his fortune)
Love how (in the French version at least) d'Artagnan is barely portrayed as actually caring for his farmers' lives, only his cash xD
De Tréville is a good dad
Love d'Artagnan just walking into Richelieu's office like he owns the place
Richelieu is having a mental breakdown
But don't be mean to Milady >=(
Milady and Athos being like: love in the air ? Wrong ! Gas leak =D
Mr. Bonacieux is very nice with Constance though. Like I would not have reacted that well
Also nice to see him working for Richelieu. The people who made this show clearly dearly care for the book
d'Artagnan getting promoted !!! Yeah =D now he's got the cool shoulder pad
d'Artagnan in the book 5000000000% wants Milady and does still a dude's identity for the second time in order to essentially rape her though so it's nice to see d'artagnan having a moral backbone more solid than that of a chocolate éclair
So uh. I do think Aramis took his own sword back from his ex's grave
Btw in French at least right before they start the duel d'artagnan says something like "speaking from personal experience, never trust in love" and Athos gives him a dramatic side eye. This can be explained in two ways: 1- he relates 2- d'artagnan YOU'RE SAYING THAT IN FRONT OF YOUR POLYCULE
Also once Alice dumps Porthos in the French version him and Aramis have an exchange that's like "So you're not gonna marry her" "Who would take care of you if I did" and I love them
Before he gets dumped, Porthos also says something to the effect of "there's a life after being a musketeer" to shut Aramis' criticism down. Boy don't give him ideas. If this was book! Aramis he'd take it to heart have an existential crisis lock himself in a room for weeks and whip himself crying about how he's gonna become a cleric
Edit: fixed a typo from Milady and Porthos to Milady and Athos
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btw i will be tagging all my side order posts with either "side order" (for things so removed of context they can't really spoil more than a trailer) or "side order spoilers" for anything referencing gameplay/plot. i wont post any major story spoilers either, not that there seems to be anything huge so far!!
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skenpiel · 10 months
ok so that erm impromptu birthday celebration was fun but also. maybe some of the weirdest shit thats happened 2 me in awhile im gonna have to go through it all in order. first off it was at an irish pub and my uncles friend was like. a friend of the owners and he was irish so everyone was switching between languages all the time..... then i met my uncles mom (not the same as my grandma for the record) who IMMEDIATELY went "oh my god is your liver okay?????" and i was like ????? what do u mean. she was like all those painkillers you swallowed!!!! and i thought she was referencing an incident from a couple years ago and was like oh that was a long time ago im fine now haha. turns out she was talking about sometime when she babysat me when i was a TODDLER and i guess i somehow swallowed pain meds???? and she was like. still super worried about that even though it wasnt even a dangerous amount of medicine so like. lol. but then we got to talking and she asked about what i wanna be when i grow up.. i was like ohh i dunno im mostly just trying to finish school first and foremost. then we SOMEHOW got into talking about astrophysics (subject i love very much) and she got more excited than anyone i have EVER MET about that. she was squealing and stomping her feet and clapping her hands and rushing over the table to hug me and THANKING GOD i was like ???OK!!!!!!!!!??. and she leaned over to her friend and whispered, completely serious, "we need to bring her to the woods. satima, dont you think we need to bring her with us to the woods???" and Erm i guess it turns out they have hippie ass drum sessions in the woods and im apparently invited. she went on a whole spiel about how i needed to open my third eye like completely fully serious too. "your brain and intellect has invaded your third eye, you need to learn how to balance them..... here have some more wine btw". on the way back i found a dead mouse on the ground and then it turned out it WASNT DEAD and was STILL MOVING but seemingly near death and everyone gathered around and was like ohhh it feels so horrible to just leave him to die slowly like this :( and i was like. well does anyone have like a big rock or something then. i scooped it up in some box i found on the ground and moved it to the side of the road and this drunk ass irishman started talking about all the various animals thatd bitten him and how he was lucky to be alive after having been bitten by a rat. i was like. ok big pat (his name. also everything we ordered literally went to his tab, it was unreal) im sorry to hear about all your animal mishaps. he just went "ahhh they dont mean to bite ya they get scared but you shouldnt touch em" like yeah bro way ahead of you 👍. anyway this is a long ass post but everyone was SO WEIRD it was funny to watch. oh and by the way my uncles mom (the shaman lady because she apparently also works as a shaman) told a story about how she got in trouble while babysittig me once to the point where HER DAUGHTER had to scold her because she BIT MY HANDS. as she talked about it she was holding my hands and was like i just couldnt help myself they were so small and cute ^__^ i just wanted to GOBBLE THEM UP!!!!! at which point she brought my hands to her mouth and imitated gnawing sounds. like. ok so um. this lady BIT ME when i was a baby.....? and now she wants to bring me to the woods so i can open my third eye...??????? shes sami btw but she seems to be Erm sort of all over the place in terms of culture and religion. lmfao. annnnnd now im going 2 bed Bye 4ever
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bluerabbittarot · 11 months
Black Moon in Lilith: Natal Chart Placement & Shadow Work
The position of this mathematical point on your birth chart is an indicator of what you may have to face in shadow work should you have the spiritual foundation & mental/emotional wherewithal to take on such a task. I decided an actual blog post was probably in order since I don't tend to share that way here. Black Moon in Lilith & shadow work in general deals with facing the pain, trauma, shame, etc. from the past. I don't recommend shadow work for everyone: sometimes the best thing you can do is not to "walk through a trauma." In fact, in order to heal, sometimes you just acknowledge it happened, & move on. There isn't any "integrating" or "feel it to heal it" in some situations. It can actually hurt people MORE deeply by forcing them to re-visit a traumatic experience/event. That's not healthy! As such, please only consider shadow work if that is a burden you are at a place in life to bear for yourself, & please know that there is nothing wrong with you if you aren't. It's not the best path for everyone! Healing is not linear & there is no one right way to heal. There are paths. Choose yours according to your best interests mentally/physically/emotionally/spiritually. Thank you.
That being said if you're still here, I deal with shadow work as the basis of my own healing journey so it will be referenced sometimes. Shadow work is a psychological practice that involves exploring & accepting the repressed/wounded parts of ourselves so that we stop acting subconsciously from them. It falls under the umbrella of self-reflection/introspection & involves looking at our pasts to understand our present consciously. The concept was first developed in western practice by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Shadow work can lead to greater authenticity, creativity, & emotional freedom as we can more clearly see ourselves, "warts & all." It can also help to heal trauma & resentment as we learn to see what we went through in terms of what it can teach us about others/ourselves. The more we understand why we are the way we are, the more we can choose to be authentically who we are. The more we understand why others are the way they are, the easier it is to move through the pain of what they did, or at the very least acknowledge that everyone acts according to their wounds first before they (if ever) do according to their healing.
I'm not a proponent of forgiveness…I've lived through unforgiveable things & I am an unforgiving soul by nature (Scorpio Stellium). But I do think that we can release people & things. We don't have to carry the weight of the experiences negatively if we learn to transmute the pain from open wound to scar. Everything can be a lesson if we choose to look at it like one. If we're able to come through the other side saying "This broke me, but I didn't stay broken. This hurt me, but I didn't stay hurt.", then we've done the work. Forgiveness isn't a necessary step for everyone: scars are evidence we survived. Shadow work is about more than survival though. It's about making evident our personal growth in tangible ways, even if we will always carry the scars: we don't have to carry the pain negatively. We can transmute it into our strength. Shadow work can be done using various tools, methods, & practices. I choose to do mine through tarot & the use of shamanic ritual. I don't claim to be a teacher of either; they've just been what I've found in my journey to be the most helpful in terms of processing my trauma & integrating the lessons I've lived as an Indigenous person along the way. I'm MIXED, btw, so don't come at me with the "You don't look Native." I'm sorry I came out like raw bannock, that's not my fault. I'm still brown enough to matter, & if I'm not then that's some work for you to do on your own time because I've already done it.
Since it's Halloween this week & we had a major lunar event (partial lunar eclipse), I wanted to touch a little on the Black Moon in Lilith placement on the natal chart since it deals primarily with the shadow self & how our unhealed wounds can show up in our lives. The eclipse closed out the past 2 years of things (going back to November 2021!) Black Moon Lilith translates to "Dark Side Of The Moon" essentially (not exactly), the untamed aspects of the feminine archetype. Untamed in this context means atypical, socially speaking "unacceptable." It doesn't necessarily mean "bad!" Just wild & raw.
As an example we'll look at my Black Moon in Lilith, which is in the sign of Aries in the 4th House. I was made to feel a lot of shame for displaying assertive traits, for taking the lead without asking, or for making "self"-centered choices. A.K.A: the not-ok feminine in a lot of religious people's eyes. I harbored fear because of that shame for a lot of years over taking the lead, asserting myself, or making executive decisions. And because of the fear I acted out in many ways with the raw & wild side of these traits: I was alternately either shy or domineering, wildly disorganized or perfectionistic. Learning to accept my fiery Aries traits & integrating them healthily required me to learn boundaries, conflict resolution, when/how to use my voice, & that it was ok to take up space, in order to turn what was always seen as something to reject into something that is empowering. I can still be hard headed & I'm not the greatest team player, but I have also become self-confident & lost the fear of speaking up. Still a little wild & still a little rough around the edges, but tempered by wisdom from experiences & consequences. I no longer feel the need to people please, or alternatively, to disrupt things unnecessarily. I have learned to discern the timing of my assertiveness & to be firm, but kind. How others interpret that is up to them. A lot of insecure people take assertiveness as aggression because they're reacting to you out of their own fear.
4th House in a natal chart is two fold: private (your subconscious/the you only known to your closest people) & the public: family & home. It describes where you come from in terms of your biological beginnings, generational baggage (especially maternal), the atmosphere you grew up in, the kind of parent you are, etc. It's a karmic house as well: not only dealing with beginnings, but endings. You have the opportunity to work through these root challenges & end things well in this house: didn't have a good childhood? Integrate the lessons & reap the rewards in old age/your last years on this planet. Personally I had a shit childhood & most of my young adulthood was as a consequence full of the fallout of unhealed crap. I'm on track to have a great senior citizenship because I am in the process of learning & have learned a lot about the wounds I carry here. Such as feeling rejected in my birth family, being the black sheep, having a chaotic relationship with my boundary challenged mother, etc.
4th House Lilith people often feel unsafe in the world with a lot of anxiety because of the rejection & chaos in their childhood, which often is a direct result of generational traumas/baggage being passed down to them. I chose to say it stops with me as much as possible. I have been no contact with my mother for 2 years, after 5 years of constantly trying to establish healthy boundaries & it not being respected. I can say it was the BEST decision I ever made for myself.
I don't recommend no contact for everyone, but it was the decision for the well-being of my family & my own healing that was best for us. You can't change how you were parented, but you can change the relationship you have with your parents if they're still around. I don't believe in the whole "They're still your family" bullshit, just like forgiveness. I can't choose my biological roots, but I can damn sure choose my future. And I choose to not be the same kind of person that hurt me, or to continue to be an unhealed person who hurts others because I can't see my own shit. Personal accountability in shadow work, when you're dealing with generational things, is huge. There's a lot of feelings that come up that need to be held & worked through; that I'm still working through. It's not a fast process or quick Band-Aid. It's a whole ass quest. We don't get the strength & steel here easily: we have to face the inner demons so to speak.
In light of the eclipse being one that closes out the past 2 years, moving through them discovering how to be in my strong-willed feminine without being passive aggressive or domineering, has been the second greatest learning curve in my own shadow work journey. I am so happy to be closing this out knowing that I'm a better parent, a better friend, a better partner, because of the choices I make to protect the peace in my soul & in my home.
So, what's your Black Moon Lilith placement? The sign will tell you the traits that will challenge you the most & the house will tell you where to focus those traits! At least, that's been my interpretation. As always, you're on your own path.
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swaglord-3000 · 7 months
haey gang btw im not back i think idk i just remembered tumble existed so that's fun1! i have autism . in love w . mushroomhead its a big giant hyperfixation for me actually i am a numetal blaster yep NUMETAL NATION RISE UP official new special interest added to my list : slipknot . also maybe mushroomhead not going to lie because its kinda crazy how obsessed i am bcos why im out here doing deep dives on facebook. FACEBOOK. AND MYSPCACE. MY . SPACE. (using wayback machine) every other day bro. like im not kidding. im out here listening to side project bands i can now flex that i listen to and am a fan of a handful of bands that have under 100 monthly listeners on spotify .
my priv twt on my private twitter all my mooties day in day out just see me talking about mushroomhead n none of them know what i am talking about to them i am now their mushroomhead moot i am probably now the biggest fan of mushroomhead in Australia lowkey it makes me want to kill myself
ive discovered the excess of yaoi faggotry that hides behind the scenes of mushroomhead and its a little crazy how they are all gay for each other like fym they all go out on boy dates w each other fym jmann n dr f have almost kissed fym jmann n church have almost kissed fym shmotz n rick had sex (real ones know haha just a little funny thing im referencing for any mushroomhead fans out there haha the little jokes i make haha!!) like FYM SCOTT CALLS STEVE STEVIE... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DO YOU MEAN
the list goes on btw i have so many pictures so many videos of so much fagginess its actually insane like what the fuck why r all these (mostly) midwestern (mostly) 40-50 yr old men doing being GAY with each other why why why why are they doing that!!!!!!
by the way i am so desperately in love with rick stitch thomas its actually not okay its also lowkey like worsening my bpd and my autism like its actually kind of scary the depths i have gone to learn more ab this man its ok guys im so silly and whimsical!!
anyways if anyone care to know my fave mrhers are . rick , scott, steve, church, shmotz, diablo, ryan, dan, tommy, benis, gravy, waylon, jmann, joe (gaal)
i was going to like do my main favies but i felt bad leaving some people out so its like. KIND OF? IN ORDER hang on let me order them actualy
rick, scott, shmotz, steve, dan, tommy, church, ryan, gravy, benis, diablo, waylon, j, joe
ok order still a bit scuffed but just know that like . all those guys r my fave ok. but esp like . rick n scott n shmotz n steve n dan n tommy n church i love those guys a lot the most too
any other mrh fans out there followed diablo n then he followed u back or was that just me and i had a main character moment also does anyone know why scott is fucking counting down on his facebook bcos week or smth ago he was like.. 30 days!!!!!! n then a couple days ago he was like 20 days!!!!!! and i don't know what he means by that but then like October last year he was like on his facebook he was like be patient... its all coming together.... N I WAS LIKE HUH1?!?!!?!!? WHAT ....
idk if its a new album because i feel like w j quitting touring n rick doing his nightmare Cleveland (ALSO YES. J IS NOT COMING BACK SHUT THE FUCK UP HOLY SHIT. he quit touring. that's that. he's not on hiatus not coming back he quit touring. . but i think rick is coming back because he's been very adamant in saying that he hasn't quit he still very much wants to come back n misses the band) . anyways i just feel like its too soon n whatnot but idk MAYBE IM WRONG.
i know that there IS. or HAS. been new music made because rick has said like last year or something that he heard some of the new music eventho he's been out of the loop which btw is worrying bcos i love rick and i don't want him to lose his footing in the band and suddenly he's just out of it eventho he is kind of very much in skinnys pocket and is like skinnys #1 goon in mrh sorry any delusional people but its kinda canon .
bt man whenever the album comes out im just so excited for it because i love scott so much and i hope he stays for a really long time because i love him and steve together on vocals i think tey sound so great together and play off each other so well and im so excited to hear scott on an mrh album because he's so great in ventana and I've been listening to a lot of resist lately and he also sounds so good in that too and idk i love scott im very excited to see more of him in mushroomhead!!
also does anyone have any ida if the entirety of the vol 2 dvd is on the internet because I've been searching high and low but i cant find any vol 2 rips except for the mushroomhead fooling around vids on youtube but that is of course not the whole movie and . I NEED. THE WHOLE MOVIE. PLEASE GOD PLEASE DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND IT ON THE INTERNET PLEASE GOD PLEAAASSEEEE
anyways thank u nad oodbye !!! mushroomhead fans please talk to me on twitter @/_swaglord3000 or on my priv which im way more active on and i actually talk ab mrh exclusively on there LAWL anyways my priv is @/auggie_swaglord
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sharpestasp · 1 year
Crocodile on the Sandbank
Crocodile on the Sandbank (Amelia Peabody Book 1) by Elizabeth Peters, copyright 1975
Someone gave this to me the Christmas right after I'd lost my partner. I did attempt to read it, but like vampires were HER thing that I enjoyed alongside her, Egyptology was MY thing that she enjoyed alongside me.
So I do not think I gave it a fair shake, and am realizing I hardly remember anything of it beyond 'archaeologists' and 'mystery'.
ETA: Halfway through the chapter, and I think this is going to be a spite-read by the end of it. You are warned.
Dedications and Author's Note
Dedicated to the author's son, Peter
The author, whom I have learned was interested in actual archaeology, makes a note about referencing real life archaeologists. She also notes she absconded with some of Petrie's models and discoveries to her protagonists.
Also, she has modernized the spelling of Egyptian words and names, and I must say she went with the more sensible ones than Ms. Gedge had, in a novel that was published not long before this one.
Chapter One
First person POV. This is always a risk with me. Sometimes it embeds so hard that I can't write it any other way (see the Sacketts and Barsoom), or I just struggle to read it.
(Both other books written in my birth year I had considered and could get access to were also first person POV. One was an Amber novel, the other a Nero Wolfe. The third, which I had no access to, I cannot recall from my one reading as a child if it was.)
Oh joy. The natives are all out to get you in Italy, lady? Villainous and rude?
Well, I suppose its par for the course with tourists and locals. I know I was rude AF to the snowbirds that invaded Florida every year.
Okay I snickered at Papa preferring his languages dead. But we have established that the protag is a person of means, with a late father, and educated. Also youngest of six, with some gap between her and the five brothers. So quite indulged, no doubt, especially as the brothers did not take to their father's studies.
"The only one of his children who had not an income of its own" is such a way to phrase that. And her the sole heir of a surprise fortune.
She calls herself a plain spinster, at 32 years of age. And proceeds to sound off about marriage and fashion alike. She's opinionated, at least?
It is the 1880s. She hired a companion… and the "weak-minded female she was" up and caught typhoid. (I may be having some issues with the brand of feminism on display, BTW.)
We have a fainted woman with no compassion in the hearts of those around her, and Miss Amelia taking charge.
Okay, Amelia, waxing poetic on the beauty of a woman, just because you find yourself plain is… an interesting choice.
Also, the 'rotund' couple both being so nasty… leaves me questioning narrative choices.
Oh look! That issue of the 'ladies' being ALL ALONE, but in truth, they have servants.
And Amelia is going to be a force of nature, ordering the girl into a life at her side as a companion, at least for the journey to Egypt.
And then we switch to the girl's story. Her name is Evelyn Barton-Forbes.
She is the granddaughter of an Earl.
And of course the earl is a racist dick, and the only heir is of mixed descent (Latin, aka Italian).
And then Evelyn falls for an Italian as well. Which was a fortune hunter, as the heir's father had been thought to be. And now she is destitute and disowned.
Back to Amelia.
"I never had a sister" - Honey, if I were writing this, you would NOT be feeling sisterly.
And Evelyn begins making Amelia over as they assemble a wardrobe.
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doodlingbot · 2 years
When you say 432 passes along whatever we want to give them, I just imagine an arm extending slowly from a computer screen to reveal… a handful of seeds. Or like, check under the pencil sharpener on 432’s desk to find the latest offerings. How does he pass things along?
Oh my, just want you to know, I got absolutely giddy when I saw this pop up in my inbox. Because that means I finally have an excuse to explain in more detail :) I do have an ask in my inbox that has been sitting there for a while that's asking for The Narrator to "give a pencil to the guy in the box (it's 432, tumblr is making it a bit hard for me to find my own posts for some reason, but here's the post that ask is referencing to.)" And I've had the basic script written out for... also a while now... that I haven't actually drawn yet. (I'll hopefully get to it! When I, you know, stop getting as side tracked.)
For now though I can use this moment to talk about and explain in much more detail what I had planned to briefly showcase in that, hopefully eventual, comic. Be prepared for a wall of text.
I made it a point to mention that The Narrator doesn't actually know where these items are coming from, he's only seen 432 that one time with that box, it gave him an existential crisis and I don't think he wants to think about it. Another important point is that The Narrator isn't supposed to know about 432's existence, not in these comics at least.
While my interpretation of The Narrator is NOT omnipresent, not fully, he still has a VERY good view of whatever room he's looking into. (I like to imagine it as a room by room-ish(?) basis as it allows him to be surprised by Stanley, who he normally follows, entering into rooms with weird shit in them. instead of him being surprised at weird things being across the map as soon as an odd run starts. Example would be the confusion ending.)
This very good view of whatever room he's looking into at any given time makes it difficult to sneak up on him unless he is distracted. (In the last part of the Googly Eye Arc he was too preoccupied with trying to pry off the google eyes stuck to his model's screen that he didn't notice Stanley was already making his way to the cargo lift.)
However my version of 432 is the very fabric of the universe, and I heavily associate him with time, hence the clock eyes and constant ticking noise when he makes an appearance. So in order to be able to sneak around in areas that The Narrator is currently looking at, He freezes time, pops in, places whatever object or note down, skedaddles, and then resumes time.
That only applies to areas that The Narrator is looking into however. When he wants to give a note and/or object to Stanley, and he just happens to be in an area that The Narrator can't touch or even see into, like the museum. He pops in without meddling with time :)
(btw I wouldn't say he fully manifest in the office in either occurrence (not usually atleast.) I imagine both instances he makes a rip in space time just big enough to put an arm or his upper torso through. And then seals it like nothing ever happened afterwards.)
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
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Karakuri Benihime Kaikuguri[絡繰紅姫攫い潜り]
Karakuri[絡繰]: Mechanical Doll
Benihime[紅姫]: CrimsonPrincess
Kai[攫い]: Abduction/Kidnapping
kuguri[潜り]: Side door/gate
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Karakuri isn't a general term, btw. It's a specific kind of traditional Japanese puppet that became popular in Japan in the 1600s. Some were utilized as curiosities that could preform singular and at times complex tasks like serving tea, or writing simple calligraphy, or shooting a bow and arrow at a target. But more relevantly they were used in theater and in parades to act out mythic or other dramatic scenes.
More colloquially it can also refer to a general string puppetry as well, which seems to be what the design here is more referencing. This and the actual bankai both draw on Japanese balljointdolls as an aesthetic, but it should be noted that the more important aspect tying these two types of puppets together is the aspect of control, and not the doll quality itself.
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The kuguri bit is also a specific reference to a kind of Japanese architecture, and not just anything fitting the the literal description. The actual etymological root is the character for "concealed"/"hidden"/"quiet" rather than "side." It's probably meant as a play on Urahara's tendency throughout the series to backdoor his way into places he's not supposed to be.
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Sakae Madowashi Senkohou[逆廻惑閃光砲]
Sakae[逆廻]: Reverse + Rotation
Madowashi[惑閃]: to bewilder/perplex/puzzle/delude/ mislead/deceive (but also derived from Klesha*) + Flash
Senkohou[光砲]: Light + Cannon
Not that it's been uncommon for Bankai to change names, but it seems odd that this is now the third time from Sakanade[逆撫]: "Reverse+Pet(Irritate)", to Sakashima[逆様]: "Reverse Order," now to Sakae[逆廻]: "Reverse Rotation."
Anyway... this one's a little more straight forward...
*I was gonna try and summarize this myself but the wiki page covers it concisely enough:
Kleshas, in Buddhism, are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions. Kleshas include states of mind such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, desire, depression, etc. Contemporary translators use a variety of English words to translate the term kleshas, such as: afflictions, defilements, destructive emotions, disturbing emotions, negative emotions, mind poisons, neurosis etc.
So, a flash of emotional or mental or spiritual disruption inflicted by a cannon blast of literal light. (Not as if it isn't commonly used in other kidou, but it's the same [閃]:"flash" Kubo uses for Cero[虚閃] which feels like it might be relevant to Shinji having his mask on for this. And visually the attack in the game looks like a variation on a Cero.) I totally forgot! Even though Kubo wrote Cero as [虚閃] he wrote Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero as [王虚の閃光]. I wonder if this wasn't a simple reference error... The last time a Cero was referenced in a new BBS character was the special Resurreccion zombie Luppi, which was another Gran Rey Cero, specifically. I wonder if when checking for how Cero was written just assumed Gran Rey Cero's was the same as the regular and went with it. The "cannon" bit seems a little redundant though... "Disruption Cero Cannon"
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On the one hand the more literal take on this is that it's a blast of light that confuses the opponent, but given the rotational motif and directional reversal, in conjunction with the buddhist themes this seems to imply reversing the progress one makes toward enlightenment; a kind of regression of development. And technically that's kind of what the whole hollowization process is, a conflict with the inner self, the opposite of enlightenment. Almost like it's a hollowization beam...
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