#refer to these installations
lies · 10 months
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Sometimes when I'm birdwatching
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rahabs · 1 year
current mood: eternally annoyed by people who refer to the variation of English spoken in the medieval era as “Old English.”
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deltoidlover · 10 months
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'The Day' a drawing i did for the first chapter of my HL fanfic Lucky. this is actually a redraw, as the first iteration was just. awful. if you really want to see it, you can probably find it on my DA, i'm not linking it though lol you can read the first chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46879288/chapters/118086676
i plan to make illustrations for each chapter so stay tuned for those
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ovcii-doodles · 6 months
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The Director always said it was important to have ambition, Captain Tucker. We are the Meta, and together we will be strong enough to save your friends.
meta tucker gang we've waited almost 10 years for this (I made the quote up btw)
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bonefall · 9 months
How do the researchers react to the clan cats leaving the lake for a time?
You mean the little patrols they send out?
They aren't aware of them, EXCEPT for the Beaver Expedition that Dovepaw was on. They found out about that one because they got a phone call from the team in charge of the beaver introduction.
It was NERVE WRACKING. Both teams were terrified the other would injure their subjects. They were horrified when the cats dug out the top of the dam and pulled the squealing baby beavers out, thinking this was going to end BADLY, but practically cried in relief and excitement when the Clan cats baited the parents towards the lake.
(I like to imagine someone on the beaver team ended up hitting it off with someone on the Clan cat team. The wedding cake was cats and beavers.)
But generally? They don't know about expeditions. Sometimes they catch them leaving, but don't have the funding to chase them down.
Clan cats are also not under constant surveillance. Very important to understand this. Clan cats will attack anything that upsets them and good cameras are expensive; they snuck one into the ThunderClan Camp once in like 2009, and Firestar dug it up at the stake and dropped it down the WindClan border ravine because it was freaking his warriors out.
(The cats don't understand that the cameras watch; they just don't like the Freaky Human Thing)
So the team has to be careful, not install too many, and hide the ones they do have. They don't want the cats to move again.
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Hi so is it okay to read novels and start from lust arc, then gluttony arc ect. Instead of reading pride arc novels first? Because my friend wants to read the novels but the time line is confusing for her and I know know in which order I should tell her to read the novels because I don't want her to get even more confused than she already is.
It's "okay" in the sense that this is a fictional series meant to be enjoyed casually and no one should be shamed about their choices regarding how they consume it (even if I do think it leads to a lesser reading experience), but if your intention is specifically to make the series less confusing then I personally think you're going about it the wrong way.
Issues with the timeline aside, Evillious as a series has a lot of concepts and worldbuilding to learn. Who certain characters are, how magic works, how demons work, the nature of the world, its countries, etc. The Daughter of Evil series (the Pride novels) introduces these concepts gradually. The plot of Cloture of Yellow can be easily described as "Fantasy French Revolution with some magic elements on the side"; the demons are barely even mentioned in them. It's mostly a political and character drama. Wiegenlied of Green, being an alternate perspective of Cloture, is able to explore more of the worldbuilding and fantasy concepts while still having the familiar setting and characters (and mostly being a romance, besides). Praeludium and Praefacio are then able to take the same setting and characters in a new direction that introduces yet more mechanics and character development for the bigger players in Evillious overall (like Elluka and Irina, the demons, etc).
The Lust novel then assumes you are already familiar with these concepts and just drops you immediately into how HER works, demonic contracts, etc.
To put it another way--the Pride novels prime you for the rest of Evillious. You build upon the foundation of your knowledge as you go. Like, I'm not going to judge someone who skips them because they find them boring or just aren't interested but I personally don't find "this book is a prequel to X" to be so difficult a concept that it's worth going out of order.
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strangersatellites · 1 year
pride, envy, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed, ao3
Seven Deadly Sins Series (NSFW 18+)
lust (noun) - a shortcut to sexual fulfillment, but it doesn’t actually get you there. When you lust after someone, you are objectifying that person for your own selfish pleasure. 
The summer heat beats down with a strength that must rival that straight out of Hell, Eddie thinks. 
The thermometer Wayne keeps on the porch outside reading somewhere between ninety degrees and the devil’s asscrack and Eddie can feel all of it. 
Sweat rolling down his spine even where he’s sat in the shade, sunglasses and baseball cap on and a glass of ice water pressed to the back of his neck. 
You couldn’t pay him enough money to set foot in the grass, to feel the sun hit his skin and start burning it instantly.
The only thing keeping him even outside is Steve. 
Steve who is washing his car like it's the most important job he’ll ever have. He’s paying attention to details that Eddie’s never even noticed, let alone noticed were clean.
But that’s not what Eddie’s paying attention to anyway is it?
No. There might be one thing in the steamy July air that is hotter than the sun, and it's the thoughts running through Eddie’s head. There’s nothing cool about those. 
See, Eddie’s covered in a layer of grime and his hair has gone frizzy and he’s sprawled across the couch in a way he knows makes him look less like a man and more like a deflated balloon.
But despite the heat, Steve looks like a vision.
He’s got on a tight little pair of cut-off shorts that do absolute wonders for his thighs. 
He’s ripped the sleeves off and cropped one of Eddie’s old band shirts, a white one at that, and Eddie’s eyes can trail all the way from his shoulder to his happy trail, view unobstructed. 
He’s got his hair pushed back with a pair of sunglasses that started on his eyes but were apparently hindering his vision too much. Whatever. Eddie’s not complaining. He looks sexy with his hair pushed back.
It started out innocent enough. With Eddie mentally making a note to tell him he looks cute the next time he’s close enough to the porch.
But that was before he took a break from scrubbing to douse himself under the hose. 
Because now Eddie’s old, white band shirt is stuck to his skin like glue. Like it was painted on just for him. Eddie loves Steve’s strong arms, he does. But he’s never going to pass up an opportunity to watch the way the muscles in his back ripple under his skin. The “Metallica” stretched across his shoulders is just icing on the cake.
When faced with the wrath of the sun, Eddie’s skin turns pink and tender. But Steve goes a beautiful warm golden and his freckles seem to multiply. 
Right now Eddie’s eyes are glued to Steve’s legs. The way his muscles go taut when he squats down to scrub at his hubcaps. If he squints hard enough against the harsh afternoon light, Eddie can almost make out the indentions of his own teeth on the underside of his thigh. The fading purple bruise he’d sucked into soft skin, sweaty for an entirely different reason. 
He thinks of the way he’s made those strong legs tremble and shake. The way he’s had them wrapped around his waist, his head. 
Steve shifts and sits on the grass, leans back on both of his hands and throws his head back with a sigh. Eddie’s gaze gets redirected to the shirt clinging to his chest, his soft, but still strong tummy. 
He wants to lick his collarbones and leave bruises on his neck. More bruises, that is. There’s already a few mottled across his skin because Eddie just can���t help himself. How could he? How could anybody help themselves with Steve in their lap whimpering their name like a prayer? Eddie gave up trying to hold back a long time ago. 
When his eyes come back into focus Steve is stretching to reach across his windshield, back muscles stretched long and strong. If Eddie closes his eyes he can imagine the feeling of the welts he’d left across his skin. Claw marks drug all the way down his back. Can almost imagine the feeling that elicited them. The groan he’d pulled out of his boy in turn. 
Eddie snaps his eyes open and is met with Steve’s lazy smile looking his way and he really can’t be blamed for the heat it sends dipping into his stomach and the strained huff he grits out. 
The way Steve throws his head back again, this time in a laugh at Eddie’s distress, doesn’t help his case. 
It gets the worst though, when Steve sets to detailing the hood. 
Now he’s got his back directly facing Eddie. He’s bent over at the waist, hips popped back and his spine dipped low and Eddie’s not a praying man, he’s not. 
But he’s about to send up one of gratitude because sometimes he can hardly believe Steve’s his. 
And Eddie’s not stupid. He knows Steve’s onto him. He knows because he’d laughed. Because he’s peeking over his shoulder every few seconds to see if Eddie’s eyes are still on him. He knows because he’s tugged his little shorts up enough that the crease of his ass and his thighs sits right below the frayed denim hem. 
There might’ve been a time where Eddie would’ve tried valiantly to redirect his train of thought. To stop himself from making a fool of himself. But now Steve’s his boyfriend. And Steve knows Eddie’s thinking about getting him naked more often than he’s not these days. He’s just as bad. 
So Eddie lets himself sink into it. Into the visions of the bounce of Steve’s cheeks when Eddie smacks him. Of the tiny freckle just shy of his hole and how he loves to sink his teeth around it. The tiny heart tattoo on the back of his right hip that Steve totally should not have let Eddie give him, but they both love nonetheless.  
He thinks about the way his normally strong voice, breaks and goes soft when Eddie fucks him. The way he squirms when he rides Eddie’s face. 
The goosebumps that break out across his skin on the comedown and his glassy eyes and soft smile. 
His eyes are wide open but he’s so lost in the memory of his boy’s ass pulled against his hips that he misses when Steve stops washing his car and climbs the steps of the porch. Doesn’t see him until he feels his weight drop down across his lap and hears Steve ask what he’s thinking about in a sultry whisper.
So Eddie really doesn’t feel all that bad about his thoughts burning hotter than the summer sun when he says, “Nothing, baby. Just you.”
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st-hedge · 1 month
Sometimes people will say they want a new game within a series but then also say they didn’t like any of the new changes/additions in the existing continuations. U want a remake, not a new game
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socs-art-references · 2 months
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Yuichi Inoue (1916-1985)
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In the words of Captain Hook, "Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't you dare try to stop me this time, Smee... Try to stop me." (The Sebastian/Damien brainrot is too real; too real, I say!)
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Hey everyone! I've been working on this spreadsheet for a while as I am super interested in android models and parts. I'm still working on the sheet, but you're welcome to have a look at my progress! A lot of information is from the wiki, but there are lots of bits and pieces that I'm still pulling from the game itself. Anyway, enjoy!
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thegreenhordes · 1 month
Survivor Diaries - A Foal's Tale Pt.1
Pa likes to write stuff down when he gets angry, or scared, or needs to think. Almost all the stuff we've done since the sick ponies started hurting others, was written down in Pa's old thick journal. So, I figure if it helps, and it keeps us all alive, then it must be good right? So I'm gonna write what happened today! It was really scary, then it was really cool. This tall green maned stallion saved our lives today! He looked so cool! Like, he's COVERED in bandages, he's got some mask on you see doctors wear, and he's a blank flank like me! Ma says everypony gets their cutie mark eventually, so I shouldn't worry about other foals bullying me, but if this adult doesn't have his and is still so strong and brave? Maybe being a blank flank isn't so bad. I'm gonna tell Ma I don't want my cutie mark anymore, I wanna save lives and not care about my flank at all! But, anyway, I wanna write about what happened today. Pa says I need to sleep, but I just can't close my eyes until I get this all out of my system. So, like, Pa has us going through the town square, and he keeps looking at the main hall building. I ask him why cause its' freaking me out- he shushes me, only for a sick pony to come crashing through the window! They moved sooooo fast, and it was really scary watching this big heavy bulb-headed thing attack my Pa. I thought he was bit or dead for sure! I was crying and everything because I knew if my Pa died it would be my fault for not keeping my big dumb mouth shut like I shoulda. But then this green haired stallion comes rushing! He's all tall and skinny and smelled like he hasn't had a bath in weeks. Like, wade in some water dude. But he came running over and rams the sick pony right in the side with his big horn! THAT was cool, I admit. It was like one of those comic books Ma doesn't want me reading, all blood and action. The sick pony goes BAM right to the dirt! And the stallion tears out his horn and just starts bashing his hooves into the big green bulbs all over its' head, until they make a loud pop and it stops moving. We hear more in the distance, and the unicorn tells us to follow him. He says his name is Null, and he can take us somewhere safe for the night. So we follow behind, laying low and being super super quiet this time. Guess where he takes us? Sugar Cube Corner! I was excited until I realized all the sweets were spoiled or gone. Shame, I haven't had candy in over a month! That's like, a hundred years for a foal! But still, even with the weird red-brown stains everywhere and Ma telling me to stay away from the Kitchen, everything seems fine. No sick ponies nearby, its' warm inside, and we can all shuffle into one room to sleep with plenty of places to hide or escape. There's more, but, like, I should go to bed. I'll write about what happened next tomorrow! Ma will tan my hide if she sees I'm still awake anyway.
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averlym · 8 months
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@remylong :
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#newest broken telephone installment#the remy renaissance#or rather standard avvycc dms. broken telephone elements include ccsims designs of my old designs plus prev hp art plus the general sepia#of everything on fire. bonus to the chromatic aberration on hp it feels quite fitting (yknow bc the chorus behind his lines..) idk vibes#this colouring style is actl terribly fun i'm quite !!! about it. i'm also glad that I made reference sheets for them all long ago bc#otherwise i would have gone insane rrying to rmb them from scratch. lately despite the rainbow hp seems to overall be turquoise blue? which#is so fun compared to the more purple/ neutral blues and greys i have in mind for mark...#anyways doing well! getting back slowly into Making things again! having fun etc etc#have been in OC-land late​ly but nothing i'm ready to share yet haha#so occassional bit of fanart it is. i inexplicably want to draw hands now though i was walking back home#pondering my adamandi era (mad the most insane fanart i've ever made; no recollection of it now) and after enough mulling it over#it would be nice to return to it. don't think i'm as obsessed anymore but it's certainly not lacking in inspiration#ideas are there just havent reached the sweet spot where you get so taken by an idea you're compelled to turn it to reality#and i think itwould be fun. perhaps even gratifying to set wips to rest#so maybe. in the meantime px11 brokentelephone is sustaining my urge to make miscellaneous fanart haha#melliotverse so true. wonder why despite watching taopp i haven't been compelled to draw it but i get the inkling it's just that specific#aesthetic that doesn't do it for me. <blinks> it was very good and i enjoyed it immensely! i think i just surprised myself by being normal#about a musical for once. i think also bc irl i've been more Good Busy the drive to engage in fandom has dissipated somewhat..#so overall i think it's a good thing. just different. but then again this stretch of time is a transitory period for me so changing ought to#to be expected. ah well tldr don't overthink just do what sparks joy be happy? literally so lucky to be spoiled for choice wrt things#i want to do. so much to do and see and learn and time still to get to figure it all out!
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
latest promotional article for the tmatl production referring to anne stanhope/seymour as 'violent'...booooooo
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girlsharting · 7 months
sometimes for fun i like to sit and imagine a shakespeare fangirl scribbling her thoughts about him down onto pages with a feather pen and going out into the town square yelling “here ye! here ye!” while she passes them out to people
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