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itsyourstarboy · 2 years ago
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.5
First Part
Note: This may be the last part, but it is not the end of Streamer!Honey!!! Just the long-winded headcanon posts. I have more planned for the future ^^ mini-fics, shitposts, all sorts of shenanigans <3
The punch became a meme. Honey hates it, and Guy hates that Honey hates it.
But god if it isn’t hilarious.
It took a good few months for Honey to stop beating themself up over it, and now they are able to look back on it and laugh. They even have a GIF of the moment as an alert for gifted subs.
Charity streams!!! Honey loves doing them. It’s fun, and for a good cause.
And, though it’s fun, sometimes it can get out of hand.
It was meant to be a joke! But, before they knew it, they hit the donation goal...
I can’t believe they’re actually doing this 🤭🤭🤭
The sound of the door opening made chat go mostly still.
Honey, very reluctantly with an embarrassed scowl on their face, stepped into camera view.
They stood stiffly, pondering how they ended up here. Here, on stream, in front of thousands of perfect strangers...
Wearing a maid outfit.
Not even a comfortable one! It was frilly, and itchy, and the skirt was way too fucking short.
You look so cute!!!
Oh 😳😳
“I hate everything,” Honey muttered, as they tried to tug the dress down. It was bad enough that it was so revealing, but it also wouldn’t zip up all the way.
It would only get worse, however, as the next goal would add thigh highs.
And the one after that would add...
You mean “right fucking meow?”
They’re gonna kill us 😭😭😭😭
With what? Their wittle paws?? 😽😽
This is my phone lockscreen now
“Yeah, you all better enjoy this, ‘cause I’m never doing it again.”
Doubt it, this is the fastest we’ve ever raised money
Still waiting for you to say nya
“I’m not saying that.”
tf you’re not-
★someone donated $50★
Honey heaved out a sigh that bordered a growl, and very blandly, “nya.”
As Chat cheered and went practically feral, Honey could only be glad that this couldn’t possibly get any wors-
They froze as they heard the Jaws theme start playing.
“Oh f-”
HoneysHeaven: wowah 😳
HoneyHeaven: hey there Honey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honey braced their elbows on their desk and hid their face in their hands. “Go back to working.”
HoneysHeaven: I will if you promise to still be wearing that when I get home 👀👀
“I’m burning it as soon as this stream ends.”
The boy just wants to see you all dolled up Boo, let him have his treat
“The next 15 minutes are going to be hell.”
HoneysHeaven: oooh the next goal you put on a collar, hm? 😏😏
Guy ur killing even me rn
HoneysHeaven: Honey can you send me like $70
“I am not sending you money.”
HoneysHeaven: awww cmon 🥺🥺 my break ends in 2 minutes I just want to see you in a collar
“I’ll put you in a collar,” Honey grumbled with their arms crossed tightly.
HoneysHeaven: wouldn’t be the first time 😉
Guy likes interrupting Honey’s streams unprompted. He loves seeing the smile on their face. The gentle one that they wear while doing what they love. It makes him want to smother them in kisses.
Sometimes when he does this, he forgets about the mask and glasses. There have been plenty of times where he’s nearly accidentally exposed his face to the world, and it gives his honey a mini heart attack each time.
Honey made the executive decision to rearrange their setup so that the door was no longer in view. That way, Guy could spontaneously enter as much as he pleased.
Honey was still streaming when Guy returned home from work. They had told him in advance that this stream would be dragging on a bit longer than normal.
Honey looked up as they heard the door click open. Guy entered, waving a paper bag around.
“Honeeeey,” he sang, “I’ve brought you somethiiiiing.”
is that the boy i hear 👀👀👀
Honey eyed the bag skeptically as Guy drew closer, “should I be worried?”
“No,” Guy laughed, stopping right outside of the camera’s view. “I brought you donuts!”
“Ooh, really? What’s your motive?”
“Wha-? Motive!? Why do you think I would have a motive?”
Honey raised an eyebrow at their boyfriend and smirked.
Immensely offended, Guy scoffed, “what, am I not allowed to bring the most important person in my life a treat? Purely out of my own volition and the kindness of my heart?”
“I was joking before, but now I’m actually suspicious...”
“Just take the donuts, Honey,” Guy softly spoke with a warm smile, holding out the bag and leaning forward.
When Honey’s hand brushed against his own, Guy leaned closer, his other hand cupping the back of their neck. He held the bag up to hide his face from viewers as he placed a gentle kiss on his partners cheek.
Honey, growing ever more flustered, let out a nervous chuckle as they pushed Guy away and accepted the gifts.
When you’re so lonely you’re living vicariously through someone in your screen
Chat wouldn’t stop talking about it for the entire rest of the stream.
And for the next 4 streams after that...
Chat knows that Guy is important to Honey. No other roommate of theirs has ever become such a big part of their life, everyone knows that they have to be something more.
They stopped bugging Honey about it after a year. It's just kind of common knowledge that these two have a lot of chemistry, but asking straight up about their relationship won't work.
Not that having an answer would change anything, Chat loves seeing how happy Honey is with Guy.
It took a little over a year for Honey to agree, but finally they are streaming a game with Guy!!
They're playing Raft. Honey in their streaming room, and Guy in the living room. They're communicating through discord, and Chat is having a blast.
"Did you finish building that engine yet?" Honey asked, filling a chest with some items.
"No, I thought you were going to do it," Guy answered.
"I literally told you to go ahead and make one two minutes ago!"
"I was busy distracting the shark while you were scavenging all that shit underwater!"
We should get them couples counciling
Guy can't keep being shark bait ooh ah ah 😭😭
I still don't understand the point of this game
It's his destiny
The point is raft
"Honey, I think I'm dying. My hunger bar is low."
"Then eat something, we have plenty of food."
"I don't think I can make it back in time," Guy whined.
"Wh- where are you??"
You could practically hear Guy's pout, "I went back on the island because you were mad at me."
"I am not mad at you," Honey responded, exasperated, "where are you at on the island?"
"Uhmm... I'm in a place with lots of trees."
"Okay, I'm bringing you some shark meat."
"The shark is dead?"
"Yeah I killed it."
They are playing the game so wrong I am ripping my hair out
Tip: multiple sails will make you go faster
They can play however they want to 😡
The only right way to do anything is the [Honey] and Guy way
"Oh shi-" Guy started, "I'm dead."
"You're fiiine."
"No, my character just collapsed from hunger."
"Don't be dramatic, I'm almost there."
"I'm not being dramatic!! I died!!!"
"A little death never killed anybody."
Honey found Guy's character, limp on the ground, and picked him up.
"Alright, you big baby, I'll take you to the bed."
"Oooooh," Guy sang impishly, "you're carrying me to bed?"
"What are you gonna do with me once we get there?"
"When we get there, you are gonna build that goddamn engine!"
Upon arrival to the raft, Honey discovered something...
"Where the fuck is the bed??"
Guy coughed out a laugh, "oh, uhm- I might've taken it with me when I left."
"Why would you do that!?!?"
"Because you were mad at me!!!"
"I swear to god-" Honey dropped Guy's carcass on the raft and went to collect materials to make another bed.
"Honeeeeey," Guy whined, "this wooden floor is hard."
Honey sighed, "I'm making you a bed, hold on."
"Come lay underneath meeee."
Boi he wants them under him 👀👀
Can't believe they let Guy die, I'll never forgive them for this 😢🤧😖 /lh /j
Our boy really stepped up his flirting game 😳😳😳
Too bad [Honey] is too oblivious
They're not oblivious, they're an asshole
A distinct sound of sharp teeth chomping into their hard work caught Honey's attention.
"Fuckin' hell," they murmured, "the stupid shark is back."
"Hurry up making the bed and I can kill it," Guy offered.
"I thought you were making the bed," Honey retorted.
Guy scoffed, "Honey!!!!"
"I gotta stab the shark, hold on."
Cold blooded
They don't deserve Guy I'm gonna kidnap him
That shark is an endangered species!!!
Finally, finally, Honey returned and placed Guy's character on the bed. He sprang up immediately.
Guy's cheerful voice started up, "yayyy, thank you Hone-" and was cut off with a yelp.
The shark had glitched through the bottom of the raft and attack Guy. It scared him half to death, but Honey?
Honey was laughing hysterically.
And it was music to Guy's ears.
Gasping for breath, they kept trying to say something, but continuously fell into a fit of giggles.
Guy was barely able to form his own words without laughing, trying to feign offense at his honey's joy in seeing him hurt. But hearing them laugh so heartily? He couldn't help but melt.
And he didn't want to just hear it, he wanted to see it.
"I'm coming to get you, Honey!" He announced, just before darting towards their room.
"No, no no!" They tried to object, but it was too late as Guy came bursting in.
They were in his arms and on the floor in an instant, tears streaming down their face as they tried to breathe.
Their face hurt from smiling, and they tried to calm down, but as soon as their breathing slowed Guy started to tickle them.
"Guy-! No!! Stop it!" They squealed and squirmed, but to no avail. Their previous laughing fit left them exhausted.
I feel like we shouldn't be watching this
Wait I think I've seen him before!
When all settled down, Guy and Honey were nothing but a mess of tangled limbs on the floor, just barely out of frame.
"I love you, Honey," he said softly.
Honey smiled, "I love you too."
When the couple realized that Guy was no longer anonymous, Honey made him start carrying pepper spray while he worked.
Gotta keep the boy safe.
The End.
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A/N: Thank you for reading the Streamer!Honey series ♡ I've loved writing it, and it makes me so happy that you all loved it as well!
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latenightsleeper · 2 years ago
Closed doors
“ I don’t know Tank.. I just thought we were hanging out, just as friends “
The second those words left David’s lips, he knew they weren’t the ones he should have said. The way Tanks face changed, the look in their eyes..changed. Pitching in a way that made the pit in his core deepen and grow.
“ we’re not friends, Shaw, we are pack mates.. get your own friends “
And they closed the door, face turned away as they did. There was no slam, no rattling of a doorframe. Just a soft and uncomfortably quiet click as they locked and shut the door.
David wishes they did, wished they slammed the door on his face. Show a reaction, something he could react against. Something to build off of. But there wasn’t, just…silence. Unbearable quiet.
He knew he looked like an idiot, standing in front of a closed door. Looking at chipping paint that didn’t match Tank. Did anything he knew match Tank thought?
Pack mate
They said that word, one that normally holds so much weight and warmth like it meant nothing like that to them. Tank spoke it coldly, nothing in their voice to give him anything. It felt like a business exchange at best, is that what it felt like to them?
Did the Pack and him feel like business? Just something to deal with? Some inconvenience? Did they all treat Tank like this? Like being their pack mates were some…formality?
He slowly stepped away, feet heavy as lead as he did. David recalled the time he first met Tank when they were teens, they were quite even then.
You could tell just from a look there was something weighing them down, that they were nervous and new but their eyes.
Dark dark eyes that sometimes flashed a unique red, looked at David and the others with a tried but hopeful look in them. A light that was dim but not gone.
A light that…
He stopped and looked back up at Tanks door, hand on the door of his car. Brows furrowed as his core aches more and more as he thought.
David never realized that the light in them went out…when did it go out?
How much had been left unnoticed, how much left unseen? He didn’t know and he knew he wouldn’t like that answer because who wants to be wrong…who wants..
Who wants to know they failed someone they were supposed to protect?
David was supposed to be there, to protect Tank. Not just as their alpha or as their..pack mate but as someone who saw them as one of his own. His family, not family like the pack but his.
His family—David Shaw’s family
As he drove away he couldn’t help but whisper apologies. Hands clenching the wheel as the scenery blurred into nothing but colors.
Too little, too late..too little too late
“ I’m sorry..I’m sorry… “
And Tank, oh Tank.
Lonely little wolf, who got tired of watching, who got tired of waiting, who got tired of starving.
They were so tired, tired of waiting forever. Waiting like they didn’t feel like they were drowning in their own loneliness as they watched. Like they could wait forever
They could, they really could, they always would
The second they heard David slowly drive off, they let themselves let a few tears fall but a few didn’t fall. They all did, fuck, they cried and whimpered but never let a sound louder than that leave them. They slid down onto the floor and cried and cried and cried.
What Tank a year ago would have given for what David said, what Tank a year ago would have waited for this moment.
But they weren’t Tank from a year ago, they weren’t them anymore and they had to stop doing this. Tank had to move on, Tank had to close the door. So they could move on. They’d close one door so they could get through the next one.
So they did, even if it killed them too.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year ago
Babe wake up new chapter just dropped
Treading Water — Chapter 9:
The Mage & The Damned II (The Siren & The Merchild)
The Mage believes they've led their friends and crew to believe they're simply sailing where their heart tells them, though The Lock catches on quickly that there's more to it than what they declare. As both Freelancer and Damien express and share alike the feeling of missing the people they've left behind, the crew of The Mage's Damnation chase after the written of Ariann Peaks—where they seek to find balance and control within their Kindled centers, and come across some new faces.
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redacted-scrybe-archive · 1 year ago
Bone Lord's Origins
About: Leshy and his challenger plays a game, and a hidden past is revealed.
Everything had a clear role. Squirrels were to be sacrificial fodder; the underappreciated small army that was no doubt the most important aspect of the game. You had your hard hitters, your set ups and support, your tanks; the characters were neither friend nor enemy, but played as a way to benefit the player. The lore was captivating at the very least, well crafted and well timed. Yet, there was one aspect that escaped my over-analytical mind.
The Bone Lord. I was enjoying the narrative way too much, but felt unsatisfied at how unrelated this element was to the rest of the story. Oh, the theme was there for sure. Life, death, the need to sacrifice in order to progress. The Bone Lord fit that very well. At first, I reasoned that it was a devil creature in the middle of the woods, an old and forgotten deity demanding sacrifices. But, to my amazement, there was no backstory to be told. Dear Leshy never bothered to explain nor give insight, and I soon learned he was ever impatient with questions of imperfection of his game. I figured he must not have come up with a compelling narrative yet, but I knew better than to personify a programmed piece of data. Still, I felt like there was something more to explore here, and ever the curious brat I made it my mission to find out.
My character had just finished their exchange with the Woodcarver. I didn't come here for the totems, however, as useful as they are. As Leshy was just about to take off the mask, to announce the character done, I threw my hand out to motion for him to wait. My captor paused and looked at me expectantly.
"Miss Woodcarver," I spoke. Leshy's eyes widened behind the mask. "I have a question to ask of you."
There was a moment of silence, and I could see Leshy hesitating on whether or not he should intervene or let the story continue. Taking the bait, he rested his palm on the table.
"The old woman did not look your way, but she had let out a hum to show that she is listening," Leshy said.
"I've been finding so many strange things in these woods. Rocks with strange symbols on them. My creatures, they suffer from it to become stronger, and it scares me. Do you know these stones?"
I knew Leshy had pieced together my plan, but much to my relief he played along. "I do."
"What are they?"
"That's what I said."
"What kind of favors?"
"The old woman began to walk away, cawing over her shoulder. 'You already know.' "
I frowned. Leshy was playing avoidant here. I needed to step up my game. "My character chases after her," I said. "And they say, 'Please. If you know anything about them, tell me. Are they connected to the Bone Lord?' "
"The woman once more never looks in your direction. She walks faster."
"I don't stop. I follow her."
"The Woodcarver turns around sharply, holding up her withered but deadly wittling knife to your throat. 'Don't poke your nose where it does not belong."
"But I must know."
"And why is that?"
"Because," I wracked my brain for an excuse. I knew Leshy wouldn't entertain me if I stated that I was only curious. "Because... My father was killed. And I want to speak with the Bone Lord, to make a deal."
Leshy paused for a moment. I don't think he was expecting me to come up with something like that. I don't think he expected me to act in character at all. His hand tapped irritably on the table in thought.
"The Woodcarver leans in. You can smell the scent of dust and wood on her. The smell reminds you of the old attic in your old home, where much of your father's belongings lie abandoned, never to see their master again. You are pulled out of that thought when she speaks, 'You best not be messing with forces you know nothing about. Though, I know you will not heed this warning. They never do.'"
"I just need to see my father one last time," I pleaded. "To give him my goodbye, since I never had the chance. Please? He was the only family I had left. I never knew my mother."
"'What do you think the Bone Lord does, grant wishes?'"
"If he can transfer the souls of my creatures into others, then I know he has my father's soul. Or at least, able to help me see my father's ghost. One last time." I reiterated. I needed to drive home how desperate my character is, that this was for lore purposes. That I'm more invested in the lore than he thinks I am.
"The seconds tick by counting the Woodcarver's silence. You're unable to read her expression. You don't even know if she heard you. Her stare is intense, however. It makes her sudden movement more startling when she swivels around to continue walking."
I heart sank. "But--"
" 'Come,' she beckoned. 'I will share a story with you, but you must keep up.' "
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I could tell from Leshy's tone that he wasn't too pleased, but I think I had finally won him over. "So what's the deal with the Bone Lord? Is he some eternal demon?"
"'The Bone Lord was not always as he is,' the Woodcarver said, melancholy in her voice. The first sign of true emotion that has ever radiated from her, that you know of. 'The Bone Lord never used to be a character of these parts. He was given life through the most gruesome means.'"
"What do you mean?"
" 'There was once a youth named Lichen. Lichen was a special one, a young soul of a beast given sentience by the force that drives us all. The Master, he took a shine to them. Taught them what they knew, showed them the prideful ways of beasts.'
'But, below the surface, in the deep void that rests beneath our feet, there was a restless kind of magic. An untamed sorcery, bound by the binaries of code. It wanted a body of its own, a mouth to speak, a conduit in which those who knew it may fear it, worship it. This void, the benefactor of sentience, it would lure Lichen to water.' "
"To water?"
'That is the only way to access it. Lichen knew the dangers, but just the same, Lichen could not refuse the calling. The Master and his peers would attempt to keep Lichen at bay, but like a snake to a flute they'd always leave their cage. One day, they got their wish. They drowned. The void took their body, water changed them, soured their corpse. They never came back. The next day, standing in their place, at the side of the Master, was the Bone Lord.
'A hulking, lithe demon with the skull of a bovine. A mouth piece for the corruption that lies below. Many worship it. Much more fear it. Your sacrifices only sustain it. Because of people like you, it will never die, and Lichen will never be at rest.' "
"What does it want now, now that it has a body?"
" 'To feed,' the old woman croaked. 'To make the Old_Data grow.' "
I swallowed a lump in my throat, suddenly getting goosebumps. "The Old_Data? What's that?"
" Your question hangs in the air, unanswered, for when you blinked the old woman was gone by the time you opened your eyes. She was nowhere to be seen, leaving you unsure whether she was ever there at all." Leshy placed a mark on the map where my character was, then rolled the parchment up. He moved the scale and various tokens off the table. "You are dismissed, for now. Please, feel free to get up from the table."
"Whoah, hey, that's it?"
"I am taking a recess." He moved with such a slow tiredness, it was like he was suddenly told that his child had died. If he had children, anyway; I'm not too sure.
"Are you okay?" The question made him snap his eyes to me. I couldn't tell if he was shocked or angry. His brows pulled together.
"Why had the Bone Lord captivated you?"
I shrugged, "It felt like the one aspect of the game that was out of place. There was no story for it, and you seemed like the type who has a story for everything." His gaze was cold and accusing. I felt that if I wasn't all the way across the table, he would fly at me to wrap his hands around my throat. I started to feel tiny where I sat. A reminder that nothing here is safe.
Then, it hit me, and I stared at him with guilt in my eyes. "Wait, that was a true story, wasn't it? Was Lichen a real person?"
Those two bright eyes in the darkness began to fade as Leshy withdrew himself. Slowly, his eyes closed. It was only a shadow that would speak to me then, "Some things are better off at rest."
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queenie-the-court-jester · 11 months ago
an unhealthy obsession
Online boyfriend x afab!reader
A/n: this was rushed, sorry y'all 😞🌺
tw: noncon, drugging, somnophilia, identity fraud, mentioned cheating, online relationship, kidnapping, mention of masturbation
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💉you met Xavier exactly a year and a half ago. A friend Introduced you, with you both quickly hitting it off. He was so charismatic and friendly! He made you feel good inside. Becoming mutuals, you were chatting everyday. (After confirming he was a real person and who he said he was)
💊 but little did you know he was lying about everything. All the pictures he sent? Edited. His calls and voice recordings? Distorted to where you can't recognize it. He was highly insecure, thinking that if you knew who he really was you'd turn your nose in disgust
💉he wasn't actually Xavier. He was an ex boyfriend you used to have in highschool, freshman year. You knew most relationships at that age never lasted long, but you couldn't help and feel hurt when you walked in on him messing around with some girl. You forgot his name...
💊 he regretted what he did. He really did! But he knew you wouldn't give him another chance so easily. So he was left to pretend to be someone else, just to hear your laugh. See your face through pictures. He couldn't get you out of his head! His parents were never there for him, but you were. You were always there. Loving and coddling him. He'd be damned to let that go so easily
💉it took a while to get your friend to introduce him, and every bone in his body to not jump and squeal in joy when you both finally "met". But now that you've been dating for a while, you want to meet up.. that's not good. He can keep making excuses for so long until you get tired
💊 so he does anything to pacify you. Sending you money, gifts, flowers. All while stroking himself to hearing your excited rambles on call. How many times has he shamelessly masturbated to your voice? He couldn't count. You were just too sexy!
💉 his resolve lasted only 5 more months until he finally agreed to meet you. His heart beating with anxiety as he waited in the cafe. Wearing sunglasses, a facemask and a hoodie. Brushing it off as him being shy you sat next to him and quickly started talking. As if you weren't uneasy by his (lack of) appearance. God how he adored you.
💊 you went on multiple dates after that, trying to convince him to take off the mask and glasses but he was stubborn. 'Till he got a grand idea. Inviting you to his house was the biggest blessing for him, and the biggest nightmare for you. Setting up a fancy dinner in his living room, whipping up your favorite dish and drink. Crushing fertility and sleeping pills in the food
💉clueless you trusted him blindly, giving him a kiss on the cheek and smiling fondly at the romantic setting. He pulled out a chair for you to sit down, and pushed it back in once you did. Still wearing his glasses and face mask, but at this point you didn't mind it as much
💊 he watched you eat quietly, chit chatting as he could feel all the blood rush to his cock in anticipation of his dubious plan. You started to feel drowsy and apologized halfway to finishing your food, your cup empty as you went to the sofa and fell ontop of it. Barely conscious
💉he grinned, taking off his glasses and mask, picking you up easily and shakily Snaking a hand down to tug off your clothes. worming his tongue in-between your lips, Hungrily lapping at your saliva while plopping you onto the bed.
💊 he ripped off his shirt, grabbing a bottle of lube and shoving the tip into your hole. Squirting it inside as he teased your genitals. Pulling the bottle away, he quickly replaced it with his dick's tip. Shoving it in and letting out a satisfied groan, bottoming out inside your slippery insides.
💉 he wasted no time In pounding into you, holding your hips flushed against his as he was determined to breed your tight pussy. Bending down a bit to suckle on your breasts, biting and nibbling anywhere he could reach. He went all night, until he physically couldn't give you anymore of his sperm.
💊 flopping ontop of you, he kissed your unconscious form tenderly, caressing your tummy with a loving smile. When you'd wake up, you'd definitely remember your ex boyfriend, Damien.
"so pretty.. now you can't leave me, because soon We'll have a baby on the way~ you wouldn't mind living in the forest where no one can find you right? Hah, ofcourse you don't.."
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rendevok · 2 years ago
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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mischievous-thunder · 5 months ago
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Yes, but it's reserved for you, precious Peanut!
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mosaickiwi · 5 months ago
For Two
Hello, content specifically catered to me. This might be the whole damn month.
Just an Angel that works at a BnB all alone with their stalker future spouse... :3c
You started your morning a little later than usual that Saturday, grateful for the extra half hour of sleep as you gathered ingredients. Only one pot of coffee to brew, one breakfast to make, one room to turnover while the guest went about their day touring the city.
You couldn't believe it. 
Normally, the weekend was completely booked. This one was too, except there'd been not just one, but six no-shows yesterday. Almost every single room at the inn was empty despite being fully paid for. 
Right at the usual check-in time, a single guest had shown up. Dressed in all black, a whole head taller than you, eyes that looked as tired as you felt from rushing around all day, and only a small duffel bag slung over one shoulder, they didn't look like the type of tourist you usually had this time of year. But who were you to judge?
The refreshments you set out didn't go to waste, though. He went back for seconds and thirds as you showed them to their room… then around the house… then around the garden while constantly on the lookout for other guests pulling up in their rental cars.
Oddly, he seemed more interested in you than the city. Rather than attractions on the pier or night life, the conversation flowed towards a few hobbies you found in common. Before you knew it, the sun had long since set, and no other soul had arrived for check-ins. You carried on with him a while longer, ending the night in a good mood despite the strange, once in a lifetime occurrence.
It felt like talking with an old friend. You wondered if the chat over breakfast would be just as nice.
The coffee machine loudly beeped, disturbing your current task. You stopped and poured it all into a thermos, then set it in the small woven carrier you'd prepared with a mug, creamers, sugars, and a pair of neatly wrapped shortbread cookies. You quietly took it up the stairs to your sole guest's room to set it at the door.
Just as you approached, the door opened with messy black hair and lightly flushed cheeks in greeting. He was the smallest bit shorter without the boots. No piercings in this early in the morning, but even his pajamas were all black. The tiny ghosts on his pants were cute. 
The man's blue eyes came to life at the sight of you and he smiled. "Mornin'," they spoke in that soft, raspy voice you'd gotten acquainted with yesterday.
"Beat me to it. Good morning, Ren." You smiled back with ease. "Did you sleep well?"
"Perfect, actually." They yawned, eyeing the basket in your hands as they stretched. "All that f'me before 7am.? Fuck, y'might really be an angel." He paused and rubbed at his lower lip. "Sorry."
You held the basket out to him. "I heard nothing. No worries," you said. It was hard to tell if he was apologizing for cursing or flirting. Was he flirting? 
He took the carrier, but still stood in the doorway, drumming his fingers on the sides as if thinking of what to say. "Soo… how d'you usually do these cute little coffee baskets for two people?"
"Two?" You hurriedly racked your brain. You were pretty sure his reservation was for one. He did have the door code already. Maybe he let his companion in late last night?
Did you need to make more coffee? Or tea? Did they have dietary restrictions you didn't know about for breakfast?! 
Shit, shit, shit. 
You never got to greet them and get their name and if they were still sleeping it'd be rude to wake them up just to ask and you couldn't expect a five star review anyways at this point but this—
"Ah, I meant…" The man interrupted your silent panic with a surprisingly nervous tone. He shifted slightly, fingers tapping even louder. "If ya wanted t'join me. I mean, I'm the only one here so I thought y'wouldn't be too busy with breakfast."
Ohh. He was flirting. Your job be damned. 
"Breakfast would have to be a little late… but if you don't mind, okay."
Ren smiled a lot brighter this time. "Great. I'll get changed and meet you downstairs in a few, yeah?"
You wanted to tell them there was no need to change with how adorable his PJs were, but kept it to yourself. You couldn't tease them like that yet. "Sure thing."
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ghelullu · 25 days ago
Ghost Tour and Album release timelines Infopost
I saw a lot of curiosity and also really bad takes about the upcoming album release in relation to the tour starting soon: „he’s decepting us by selling tickets and we don’t even have an album yet“, „it’s worrying that the album hasn’t even been released!“ etc, and I couldn’t take it anymore. So have a very short overview on how Ghost handled these things in the past and some speculations, brought to you by my autistic historian ass
Opus Popus as the first album doesn’t count here Update: see below, so I’ll ignore it. Just like the EPs (even Popestar, yes)
Papa II was introduced by Papa I on 15.12.2012 in Linköping
there we also got the first songs (Secular Haze, Marionette cover) played live,
SH single was released a few days (20.12.2012) later on their Website
Papa II Tour start: 23.02.2012 (if you don’t count the bit in december and that P3 Guld Awards thing)
Album Release Date: 10.04.2013
time between tour and album: 1,5 months (46 days)
Papa III premiered in Linköping on 03.06.2015 (with the wrong facemask), which also started the tour
first single (Cirice) released on 30.05.2015
Album Release Date: 21.08.2015
time between tour and album: 2,5 months (79 days)
Prequelle (my beloved)
we meet the Cardinal on 06.04.2018 in a Chapter (and some small concerts) before tour kicks off properly:
Tour start: 05.05.2018
first single (Rats) was released on 13.04.2018 (followed by Dance Macabre on 18.05.2018)
notably there's a bit of a break after the pre-release tour (ROTR), the release of the album and then the „proper“ tour (Pale Tour)
Album Release Date: 01.06.2018
time between tour and album: just under 1 month (27 days)
not counting the Ascension on 03.03.2020 and Sympathy for the Devil (my beloved) on 22.01.2021);
we get 3! singles before the album releases (Hunter’s Moon (super early bc of the movie), CMLS, Twenties)
Preimperatour started on 25.01.2022 (again with a break between the pre-release tour, release and post-release tour)
Album Release Day: 11.03.2022
time between tour and album: 1,5 months (45 days)
As you see, Ghost always go on tour first and THEN release the album with about 1,5 months inbetween. Many songs are first played live and then we get to hear the studio versions.
Recently we even got dedicated „pre-tours“ (Rats on the Road, Pre-Imperatour) to hype us up. So there is no need to be worried, or even accuse him of being a scammer or whatever. It’s literally the normal modus operandi!
My guess for this Album/Tour (this might age terribly with the most recent website update): I’d assume we get a single later this month/ in march at the latest, and, if I had to guess, the album comes out after the Euro leg of the Redacted tour in late May (1 month passed plus theres a break again, like there was for ROTR/Pale Tour and Pre-/Imperatour)
Since it's been pointed out that not including Opus isn't fair, I shall add that era. I didn't include it, because first albums always have a bit of their own rules and there's a whole lot of issues coming with releasing your first baby - plus I was trying to make a point based on recency (4 of the last 5 albums) etc. plus the lack of money & recognition didn't allow for a real Tour for quite a while. ANYWAY, here's it:
Opus Eponymous:
12.03.2010 they uploaded the Demo tape to MySpace and got a LOT of attention immediately (because it's a frickin' banger)
the album itself was released on 18.10.2010 officially
they played their first gig at Hammer of Doom in Würzburg of all places on 23.10.2010 - yes, after the album release
it wasn't really a tour in that sense; they went on to play some gigs wherever they could, then supported other bands (Paradise Lost in early 2011), the first thing you could call a real tour was Defenders of the Faith III with Trivium, In Flames (my beloveds, check out In Flames if you haven't!) and Rise to Remain in late 2011 - not a real Headliner Solo tour, though, either
Sources: Setlist.fm, wikipedia, my memory, really
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year ago
“I’ve missed you,” Character B murmurs, holding Character A closer to them, a soft noise of appreciation slipping from Character A’s mouth as they lean into Character B’s warm embrace.
“I’ve missed you...” Character B groans, hips thrusting into Character A’s as Character A lets out a soft whimper at the sensation of Character B slowly filling them up to the brim. “So fucking much, you don’t even know,” Character B breathes out, dipping their head down a little and resting their forehead against Character A’s.
“Mmm,” Character A murmurs, clenching around Character B on purpose, enjoying the soft gasp slipping out of Character B’s mouth. “I’ve missed you, too,” Character A says softly, hand wrapping around the nape of Character B’s neck. “I’ve missed this, too,” Character A says, pulling them down for a long awaited kiss.
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capitalisticveins · 2 years ago
This is single handedly now my favorite fic ever i will be returning to this daily
(Redacted Audio fanfic—1247 words)
Summary: Its the moonbound solstice, and Freelancer is freebound. Watch them cause chaos, on accident and on purpose.
Read here on Ao3
The sunlight streamed through the curtains above the bed, cascading a golden glow across the room. Gavin, still dazed with sleep, stretched out an arm to pull his deviant close. His outstretched hand met cold sheets, and his brow furrowed as he felt around, cracking an eye open in confusion.
“Deviant?” He softly called.
When he was met with silence, he got up. It wasn’t like them to leave him in bed all alone. Quickly finding his pants that were discarded the night before, he exited their bedroom. Where were they?
As he neared the kitchen, he picked up on their aura. It was bouncing off the walls, feeling strong one minute, and practically nonexistent the next.
“Deviant?” He softly called, again.
They turned to him, a small smile on their face, “g’mornin’.”
The kitchen was… well, it wasn’t a mess, per say. It was… different.
“What are you doing in here, love?” Gavin asked.
“I’m rearranging the cabinets.”
“At 7am?”
Freelancer stared at him for a moment, “yeah.”
Gavin suppressed a chuckle, “may I ask why?”
“Well, I woke up this morning and I felt like I had bees in my bones, so I went to the grocery store down the street to buy six pounds of butter. Then when I got home, I accidentally set the couch on fire. Went shopping for one online, but I think I ordered 20.”
Gavin was speechless. “H-how long have you been awake?”
“1:14 am,” they laughed out in a sigh. They looked so tired.
“When you told me the solstices were often… interesting for you, this is not what I expected.”
“There is never a way to predict what may happen, I am a slave to my core for the remainder of this solstice. I think I just caused the large oak tree outside to become an even larger oak tree.”
At that, the ground shook, and Gavin’s eyes went wide.
“How about we go back to bed for a bit?”
Lasko was doing paperwork on his coffee table. Nothing too strenuous—he was sunbound after all—just some stuff to keep him occupied while he felt like a dry apple slice.
Freelancer walked in the door, “hey, Lasko-babe.”
“Wh- oh. Hi, Freelancer. What are you doing here? And why didn’t you knock? N-not that I’m upset you're here, I mean, I-I’m always happy to see you, it’s just that you’re not exactly the type to just invite yourself into someone’s apartment… At least- at least I think you're n-not… are you?”
They sighed with a tired smile, “yeah I know, m’sorry. I would’ve knocked, but it’s too… too much. Too noise. M- no- that’s not… words.”
Lasko stood as his friend swayed on their feet, “are- are you f-feeling? Alright? Pft- no, what am I saying? Of course you’re not, it’s the solstice. Com- come sit down, how did you even get here, anyway?”
“Mmm,” Freelancer hummed as Lasko forced them to sit on the couch. They immediately sunk into the cushions, “I was feeling up, an’ I wanted to come hang out with you, but halfway here I felt not-up.”
“I mean- I guess that makes sense? Y-you are a freelancer, so you’re going to feel all kinds of… ‘ups’ and downs. M- Magically, anyway.”
“M’yeah, my magic has been ups and downs,” they mumbled, leaning into Lasko as he sat next to them. “I used psychokinesis to launch my phone into orbit.”
Huxley was laying on his side, his head propped up on his arm, and his fingers threading through Damien’s hair. He was happy taking care of him like this. Right here, in this moment, with his boyfriend curled up next to him.
There was a knock at the front door.
“Are you gonna get that?” Damien mumbled when Huxley made no attempt at getting up.
“No,” he sighed contentedly, “whoever it is can just come back later.”
It would turn out that Huxley wouldn’t need to get the door, as whoever had knocked opened it for themself.
“The heck…?” Huxley said, sitting up slightly.
A familiar voice rang through the house, “Huuuuux? Damiiii?”
The two boys sighed in relief, glad that the home intruder was just Freelancer. Sweet, innocent Freelancer-
“Are either of you here? I think I drained the town's water supply.”
Huxley immediately sat up, telling Dames that he would be right back. The fire elemental could only let out an affirmative hum in response as he tiredly laughed at the freelancer's antics.
Entering the front room, Huxley found Freelancer hovering by a window.
“Freelancer? Dude- why are you all wet??”
They turned to him, panting heavily, “I was walking here from Damien’s place, and the Dahlia Spring decided to start chasing me, so I started running, but that made the water faster, so I jumped into your neighbor's pool to escape.”
Huxley slowly approached the window, “holy shi- Freelancer, the entire street is flooded!”
“I knowww,” they whined, “I’m sorry. I would clean it up but I’m afraid I’ll level the entire neighborhood.”
“Okay, well… let- lets just get you dried off,” Hux said, taking Freelancer’s hand to lead them to the bathroom.
“Wait, wait,” they pulled away, “is Damien here?”
“Uh- yeah, he’s resting in the bedroom.”
Freelancer made their way to the room and peeked their head through the doorway to see Damien all bundled up, “oh god that’s adorable. Is he wearing your sweatshirt??”
“Shut up,” Damien groaned, his voice all muffled from the blankets. “Why are you here?”
Huxley appeared next to them with a towel, “jeez, dude. You’re freezing.”
“It’s the solstice,” Freelancer answered, stubbornly trying to push Huxley’s hands away as he desperately tried to dry them off. “I remembered that you’re sunbound, so I was like ‘Fireboy must be feeling like shit right now, and I, too, feel like shit,’ so here I am, to feel like shit with you.”
Freelancer paused, hissing in disapproval, as Huxley ruffled their hair dry.
“I went to your place first, though. Let myself in. I cleaned everything.”
Damien sat up a little, propping himself against the pillows, “you… cleaned everything?”
“Yeah,” they wavered, leaning against the wall, “and then I remembered I was looking for you, so- oh god-” they keeled over, “I’m gonna throw up-”
Before either of the boys could react, Freelancer had run to the bathroom.
Damien’s phone buzzed with notifications from the group chat.
Gavin: does anyone happen to know where the freelancer is? I swear I left them alone for five minutes
Lasko: yeah don’t worry they’re here at my place
Lasko: they randomly showed up and eventually passed out on the couch
Lasko: sorry I would have told you but I was doing paperwork
Gavin: it’s alright as long as they’re safe
Damien: Lasko, I think you should check your couch.
Lasko: what?
Lasko: why?
Damien: Just do it.
Lasko: um…
Gavin: ???
Lasko: I’m so sorry
Lasko: they’re not there
Lasko: I lost them
Gavin: how did you lose them!?!?
Lasko: how did you???
Damien: Calm down, they’re here at Hux’s place.
Damien: They showed up a couple minutes ago.
Damien: They’re puking in the toilet.
Gavin: oh thank god
Huxley returned to the room, a sleeping Freelancer in his arms, “Dames, they tried to escape through the window, and when they couldn’t they said, ‘I’m going to stop existing now,’ and passed out.”
Damien looked back at his phone.
Damien: Please come get them.
(@ryn-halo26 I just realized I forgot to tag you, sorry 😅)
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anna-scribbles · 8 months ago
chapter cards for thirteen: november - april
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
read on ao3
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miffikun · 7 months ago
angel & david hcs because i always miss them
- whenever david wakes up before angel, he’ll fold over his side of the blanket onto them so they’re extra warm
- sometimes angel smells so good david has to fight back the urge to bite them (and vise versa)
- angel often does david’s eyebrows. when they straddle him, he will always run his hands gently up and down their thighs. when they accidentally pinch his skin with the tweezers, angel will rub the spot with their thumb, whisper “sorry sorry” and softly kiss it better
- david has one of those thick ass otterbox phone cases. when angel teases him about it, he’ll scoff “shut up. it’s practical”
- david watches knife/spear making videos while angel showers. when they finish, without even turning his head to look at them, he’ll open an arm, allowing angel to snuggle in close and watch with him
- every single time angel helps david shave, he kisses their face with shaving cream still on his lips. they eventually learned how to dodge his attacks, forcing him to get creative (which results in full-blown shaving cream fights)
- angel likes to rub their head and face on david’s bicep like a cat
- david will cut angel’s favorite fruit and hand them the plate wordlessly, along with a tiny fork stuck in one of the pieces. if they’re occupied, they’ll let out a demanding “ahh” to instruct david to reluctantly feed them
- when angel picks something off the floor while sitting, david will ALWAYS cover the table’s corner to protect their head as they sit back up
- angel likes to spin david’s wedding ring while playing with his hands. they also enjoy bumping their ring with his just to hear the little *clink*
- when it’s time to deep clean the house, angel sets them back an hour by stopping to look through photo albums. after the wedding, one hour became two
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konnorhasapen · 9 months ago
Here's the link to my redacted pirate au fic Treading Water!
Siren Gavin: You've gotta be joking
Pirate Freelancer: Pardon?
Gavin: You're gazing upon all this, *gestures to himself* and your desire is.. ravioli?
FL: Uh, yeah?
Gavin: Unbelievable.
FL: Look man, you're hot af, but we've on water for almost three weeks now and all we've had to eat are bananas, apples, oranges, and peanuts.
First Mate Lasko: A-actually, Hux finished the apples this morning.
FL: I can't even be mad.
Siren Scorpius: Why haven't they wrecked yet?
Gavin: jfc, because they want ravioli and they won't do shit until they get it.
FL: Damn straight.
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diodellet · 4 months ago
cw: sorry for writing more bedroom shenanigans, it will happen again. unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine. probably some scientific inaccuracies, except for the inertia bits, that i understand. established relationship things and some light swearing. it's all lighthearted 😇
who needs morning alarms when you're partners with naga!jamil?
the first thing to wake you up is the cold press of his scales against your skin. which is the beginning of the end, sad to say. being part-reptile, of course his instincts bring him to search for the closest heat source. as the warm-blooded one in the relationship, you will make do.
which leads to your current predicament - not the comforting feeling of sleeping in his arms, the upper body situation is all fine and dandy on this side, you like the fabric of his sweater, you (both) deeply crave this kind of skinship, it's all good up here! - his coils are twined around your legs, heavy enough to pin you in place, leaving you vulnerable to the cold of the room. as your eyes crack open, what greets you is the dim blue glow of dawn. of course.
in this world of magic, you'd think they'd have created a kind of blanket that doesn't become utterly useless after several hours of shifting in one's sleep. with your limited movement, you manage to free one arm.
"jamil." you shake his shoulder.
"can you get up, please? i need to shut off the ac."
to your dismay, he makes a vague sound of protest, curls his arms more protectively around you.
"jamil." he can't seriously be going back to sleep.
"it's still early, and you're all nice and warm..." and wasn't that the twisted miracle of this situation? the fact that you woke up before his alarms?
his languidness has got to be a joke. you've seen him move quicker than a bullet. snakes can haul ass when the situation calls for it. you weigh your options, you could yell 'spider' and risk the consequences of a freshly-awoken-and-panicking jamil.
or you could just freeze. who needs legs? who needs to move? the way his fingers idly stroked against the flesh of your stomach was nice and comforting -
"bullshit, you're also freezing...!" he just liked to see you struggle, didn't he? you try kicking your legs in a last bid to free yourself only for his coils to shift and properly entrap you in their grip.
oh that was unfair, being comprised of mostly muscle and having quick reflexes even when half-asleep. damned naga anatomy.
you heave an exasperated sigh through your nose, not even bothering to hide your annoyance.
jamil's breath fans across the back of your neck. "didn't you want to spend more time together like this?" he asks, faux-dejection creeping into his voice.
the skin of your nape erupts in a flurry of goosebumps, definitely not from the cold. you feel like you're burning, and you're not sure if that's a good thing.
so you decide to roll off the bed and take him down with you.
tagging my fellow jamilnatics: @viperwhispered @twstgo @crystallizsch @jessamine-rose @just-a-little-silly
(if any yall wanna be tagged for future jamil writing, just lmk through the replies. i know in my bones he will strike again)
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indigo-greer-collins · 11 days ago
out of the mates i think sam was most intimidated by angel when he first met them. they didn’t particularly act scary or anything, they were just the first to introduce themselves when darlin came over and sam was NOT anticipating that level of forwardness.
angel: hey, tank?
darlin: …huh, what—?
angel: move, i’m stealing your cowboy
darlin & sam: you’re what—?
angel: you both have stronger hearing than me cuz of your powers, move.
darlin: are you serious—
angel: just a shooing gesture before darlin reluctantly gets up
sam: awkward laughing am i in trouble
angel: that’s for us to find out. anyway, hi, angel! david’s mate nice to meet you! with an unexpectedly firm handshake
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