#i think i’m ready to be *redacted*
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year ago
“I’ve missed you,” Character B murmurs, holding Character A closer to them, a soft noise of appreciation slipping from Character A’s mouth as they lean into Character B’s warm embrace.
“I’ve missed you...” Character B groans, hips thrusting into Character A’s as Character A lets out a soft whimper at the sensation of Character B slowly filling them up to the brim. “So fucking much, you don’t even know,” Character B breathes out, dipping their head down a little and resting their forehead against Character A’s.
“Mmm,” Character A murmurs, clenching around Character B on purpose, enjoying the soft gasp slipping out of Character B’s mouth. “I’ve missed you, too,” Character A says softly, hand wrapping around the nape of Character B’s neck. “I’ve missed this, too,” Character A says, pulling them down for a long awaited kiss.
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gothgamergaara · 2 years ago
Good shift today I think! After like three weeks I finally got TWO! Spanish speaking patients so I could do some interpreting which went alright AND I got to give an IM injection 😁
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homeofthelonelywriter · 8 months ago
Your lips | Pt. 1
(A/N) I don't think this will be along series, but there will be at least on more part! Also, I'm no doctor, or nurse, that's why I mostly skipped over the exam part!
Pairing: Simon x fem!pregnant!Reader
Warning: mutual pining, medical stuff (nothing graphic), mention of scars, pregancy
Synopsis: Almost done with your day (and your pregnancy), you get a last minute patient. The usual stoic and guarded Ghost is immediately charmed by you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
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“There is a lot I can spare you from Simon, but the medical checkups are mandatory. There is nothing I can do about that.”
Price had his arms crossed over his chest, his eyebrows were pulled together in a slight frown as he regarded his Lieutenant. Simon on the other hand just looked annoyed. There were many reasons as to why he joined the military, but being fussed over by grown people was not one of them. He opened his mouth to, surely, whip out a smart remark, but Price held up his hand before he had the chance.
“You have until tomorrow six p.m. to go to the clinic yourself, or I’ll drag you by your scruff, you hear me?”
With a defeated sigh, he nodded, before he left Price’s office. Might as well get it over with, right?
One look at your computer told you that it was almost time to go home. Your to-do list for the day was all ticked off and your list of patients had no name remaining. With a heavy sigh, you pushed yourself out of your chair and onto your feet, your hand instinctively cradling your swollen belly. Your lips pulled into a smile as you felt a kick right against your hand.
With slow, even steps you made your way to the door of your office and leaned outside until you caught the secretary’s eyes. She smiled at you. But not a bright, sunny smile, no, it was a sad, apologetic smile. Your own smile faded, but you nodded before waddling back to your desk. By the time you sat down, a new patient file was displayed on your screen.
His entire name was redacted, only his callsign was displayed. Ghost. You quickly read through his file, noting that he obviously hated all medical personnel, since he barely showed his face here. By the time you were almost done, a sharp knock rang out from your door.
From the heavy steps, you could discern that it was the soldier who had been added to your day last minute. Still, you kept your eyes on the screen, trying to get all the information into your head.
“Take off your shirt and sit down on the bed. I’ll be with you in a second.”
Your tone might have sounded harsh, but you quickly learned to use an authoritative tone with soldiers. Otherwise, they might not listen. Your eyes were still fixed on the screen as rustling sounded through the room, followed by the creak of the bed. Now that he was done, you slowly rose to your feet again and squeezed some sanitizer into your hand, grabbing your clipboard before waddling over to the man.
“Just a regular checkup, right?”
Your eyes finally landed on the man’s back when he grunted in response. And good lord, he had one hell of a back. Covered in scars and a few tattoos, his shoulders were broad and strong. You felt yourself blush as some not-so-innocent thoughts entered your mind and it took you a second to switch back to work mode and to stop admiring him. You dealt with soldiers all day, every day, and yet none have had that effect on you. Until now.
To distract yourself, you quickly started with the exam. Looking for any injuries, listening to his lungs and heart. Within a few minutes, you were done with his back and slowly moved to his front. You were ready to just continue the exam when your baby landed an especially firm kick against your womb. You came to a quick stop, placing your hand against the place the baby had kicked.
“Woah, you okay there, love?”
Ghost jumped to his feet, placing a firm hand on your shoulder, but you just waved him off, by now being used to it.
“I’m fine…just…pregnant with a very active baby.”
An amused huff left his lips before Ghost sat back down. And even though he looked the same as before, you noticed how his eyes were more focused now, looking for any sign of trouble. He almost seemed…protective.
After a few moments, you recovered and let out a sigh, closing the distance between you and Ghost. But you hesitated for a moment. How would you reach his chest? As if reading your thoughts, Simon spread his legs, allowing you to step between them and reach his chest. A smile tugged on your lips.
He nodded in response, keeping still while you continued your exam, only moving when you asked him to. You instinctively reached to your right, ready to take his blood pressure, but your hand came back empty, you had forgotten to bring it with you from the table. A tired sigh escaped your lips and you took a few steps in the direction of the table when Ghost placed a hand on your arm and stopped you.
“I’ll get it.”
Before you could answer, he was on his feet and already at the table, picking up the device. Something that always seemed so large in your hands was easily dwarfed in his and you couldn’t help but admire his hands. Hands which he used to kill people. Hands which surely could do unholy things to your body. Hands which…
Your thoughts were interrupted by the clearing of a throat and you finally noticed that you had been staring at his hands.
“Oh, uh, sorry.”
With flaming cheeks, you grabbed the device and swiftly pulled the sleeve up Ghost’s arm. Pressing two buttons, you watched as the sleeve slowly began to fill with air. This part was always kind of awkward since all you could do was wait. You expected it to be the same way with him, but instead, he suddenly spoke up.
“How far along are you?”
You looked up, surprise clear on your face.
“Uh, thirty-three weeks.”
A small smile pulled at your lips as you gazed at your belly, your hands softly gliding over it.
“Hm…husband must be excited.”
You chuckled dryly and shook your head as the device finally displayed the value you had been waiting for.
“No husband. No father at all, to be honest. Left as soon as he found out I was pregnant.”
If you weren’t so focused on filling out the form on your clipboard, you would have noticed Ghost’s entire body tensing up and his eyes darkening. His gaze swept over you, following your curves, as his mouth watered. How could someone abandon someone who looked this delicious?
But before his thoughts could continue, you looked up from your clipboard and smiled at him.
“All that’s left is drawing some blood. But since it’s already late, I assume you’re not sober, so could you come in tomorrow morning before breakfast? That way we can get the most accurate values.”
Ghost found himself nodding, a smile hidden behind his medical mask at the thought of seeing you again tomorrow.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
You grinned before waddling back to your desk and sinking down on your chair. As soon as you were out of sight, Ghost quickly pulled his shirt on and got to his feet. He turned to look at you and for a split second, caught you staring before you quickly averted your eyes.
With a grin under his mask, he started to walk to the door, before he got an idea.
“Are you done for the day?”
You looked up at him, your eyes sparkling with confusion.
“Yes, why?”
Ghost nodded and walked back into the office.
“I could accompany you to your car if you’d like. Carry your bag, you know.”
Your eyes widened, a smile tugging at your lips.
“I’d like that, but I took the bus to get here. I don’t exactly fit behind the steering wheel anymore.”
“Oh, in that case, let me drive you home. You shouldn’t be on your feet that much.”
You shook your head, about to protest, but Ghost insisted and finally, you accepted. He watched you finish up your paperwork and pack up before he grabbed your bag and offered you his arm to hold onto.
With slow steps, he led you through the clinic to the doors and towards one of the base cars. One that could be used by all soldiers. On the way you gave him your address, not noticing the smile once he noted that you lived on base yourself.
After he helped you get settled and made sure you were buckled in, he got in and started the car, carefully taking off in the direction of your house. The car ride was spent in comfortable silence, and with you almost falling asleep in the passenger seat. But all too soon, the car pulled up in front of the army-issued house and Ghost quickly rounded to your side to help you get out.
He insisted on helping you get inside, only being satisfied once you sat on your couch with a glass of cold water in front of you.
“Thank you, Ghost. I really appreciated you bringing me home.”
He nodded, his mask hiding a sheepish smile and red cheeks.
“When do you start tomorrow?”
With a slight frown, you told him that you usually started at seven a.m. and he nodded, before saying goodbye and walking towards the door. But at the last second, he stopped and turned to look at you again.
“It’s Simon…my name.”
A grin spread on your lips as you nodded and slowly repeated the name, almost to yourself. But Simon heard it and he couldn’t deny that he loved how his name sounded coming from your lips.
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Call of Duty - Masterlist
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year ago
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“Promotion” (Black Noir x Fem!Reader)
| Being Black Noir’s new handler and him becoming obsessed with you since Mr. Edgar himself assigned you to him.
| SFW, vought employee!reader, (TW: Noir is kind of stalking the Reader, who’s uncomfortable but adapting mostly)
| 1k+ words
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“You want me to…what?”
“Be Noir’s new personal handler.” He fans his hands out on the table with a shrug and gives you a disarming smile. “You’ll be expected to parlay direct mission instructions from me, accompany him to said missions and stay with the deployment team. I expect you to give written reports on his performance at the end of every day, active mission or not…”
Your eyes continue to widen as his barrage keeps going. This job would require you to be present for everything short of Noir wiping his ass and even then you’ll be outside the restroom.
Mr. Edgar finishes, gives you an expectant look, and you clear your throat.
“And, what if I don’t want the new position?”
“I don’t see why not.” He shrugs, “I mean unless you don’t think you’re good enough for the promotion. Then I suppose I’ll just have to tell Ashley her recommendation was for naught.”
You laugh.
“No no, that’s fine. There’s no need to tell her anything…” you gulp, watching the man just look back at you before taking a second more to inhale, “…ex-cept that her recommendation payed off.”
He tilts his head and it feels like his eyes are boring through your own, boiling your brain to mush. Your voice is small as you push the rest of your words out in one exhale.
“And that I’ll be starting my new position tomorrow. Sir.”
You stretch a smile across your face and hiss out a sigh of relief as that finally gets the man to respond.
He instantly reanimates, reaching atop his desk to hand you a secure black portfolio made from hard plastic.
“That’s great. I’m glad you decided to take on this new journey, Ms. L/n. May it serve you well. Have a good day.”
You don’t dare drop your smile as you take the offered portfolio and shove it under your arm.
“Right.” You take a moment to mourn the loss of your old job before nodding, “Thank you for the opportunity, Sir. You have a good day as well.”
The older man nods back at you, attention immediately gone back to his computer monitor afterward. You blow out air from your nose and then turn on your heels.
It’s not until you’ve left the board room that it hits you.
The man had just played you. Goddamn Edgar and his resoluteness. Once he’d decided to “ask” you about the upgrade in position he never intended for it to be an actual request.
You rub your temple and head to the restroom. At least you had the rest of the hours in the day before tackling your new job.
You hunker down in the stall after peeing to look over the papers Mr. Edgar gave you. As you're skimming through a whole lot of shit marked “classified” or “redacted” you have the stray thought to be glad that Translucent’s creep ass wasn’t here to ogle you and be all in your business anymore.
Thank the higher power for small mercies, you suppose.
All the snippets of information you're gathering are kind of baffling. Legal name: Earving (of all things), biological male, six foot two, African-American (that’s fun; may be the reason he took such a liking to you too, not many black people made it to the top floors of Vought after all). You dog-ear a packet about some sort of imaginary animals he sees in his mind before looking over a page about a severe peanut allergy. Hmm.
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By the end of the day you’ve nearly gotten all the way through Noir’s portfolio, and you’ve also worked up an itch to get out of your skin that means you’re not working overtime worth a goddamn.
At six o’clock on the dot all of your crap is already quite thoroughly packed, your former workspace - barren thing that it already was due to regulations - was cleaned out and ready for the next poor soul, and you’re in the elevator heading for the sub-level garage.
Dead stare locked onto the floor numbers you become acutely aware of the bags weighing your eyes down.
“Fuck,” you sigh.
Black Noir's Personal Handler.
Despite Mr. Edgar’s clear efforts it was more than a little known open secret that personal handlers rarely got to retire. Madelyn Stillwell’s death might’ve been something none of you dared discuss for fear of either Edgar or - heaven forbid - Homelander catching wind and putting you back in your place, but it was a pattern of the job that you all were well aware of.
Though you’d take Mr. Edgar’s culling over whatever Homelander could possibly come up with.
Something about his blonde, blue-eyed, ass didn’t sit right with your spirit.
Far as PR and wrangling went though, short of maybe Starlight, any wrinkles Black Noir managed to make would be the easiest to smooth out.
Plus, even with you and Noir having some form of a pre-established relationship it was in no way dependent or built upon you being Noir’s emotional epicenter like Madelyn and Homelander’s weird…dynamic was.
You had seen and heard far too much in your years working for Vought to think for a second that there wasn’t something dark and twisted going on with The Seven, but Noir still seemed mellow in comparison to the rest and their constant ego trips and dick measuring.
You had zero clue how letting the fully covered man teach you a few notes to a song at the Christmas party when everyone was drunk off eggnog and watered down booze and sitting with him when he was crying on the floor once led you to this.
Sure the silent man and you had somewhat hit it off - so far as you were one of the few non-supers he didn’t intimidate or just flat out ignore - but to be made so intimately in charge of him seemed like a bit much.
Noir had seemed endlessly patient with you as he played for you and then eventually decided he’d teach you how to play the piano yourself, the sides of your bodies’ shifting incrementally until you were pressed flush to one another in both of yous concentration, so you could really only hope he kept that same levelness with you as his handler.
You bank the corner, work bag and portfolio on the same arm, and fish out your keys so you can unlock your trunk and shove your shit inside.
Hope truly was the name of the game here unfortunately. You could only hope Noir kept up his “good” streak, and that that streak wasn’t just a farce that you were now in charge of covering up. Hope that he didn’t end up getting angry or reckless and making you one of those *redacted* cases with a ‘cause of death, unknown’ attached to your name, because you could do nothing to stop him if he wanted to kill you.
Shiver racking up your spine and turning your blood to static, you snap your trunk closed, turning to leave when—
“—Fucking Christ!”
Eyes gone wide and spit having nearly choked you from your sharp inhalation before your exclamation, you do your best to appear composed as Black Noir himself steps out from a conclave of shadows to stand in front of you.
The Devil, you find yourself thinking. Had he been following you this whole time?
For his part Noir doesn’t move aside from cocking his head to the side.
Steadily, you force calmness onto yourself. Ignoring that your voice is too high when you call his name.
“Black Noir,” you say, trying to seep the professionalism back into your tone while smoothing down the creases in your pantsuit, “surprised to see you here. What can I do for you?”
The smile you offer him feels wonky even as you command the muscles up, but it’s the best you can do with your heart hammering against your chest as if it wants to run off and leave you behind.
For a couple more beats the man doesn’t do more than size you up presumably before finally - as you were weighing the pros and cons of just getting in your car despite his presence - raising a hand to point at your trunk.
You catch on to his meaning fairly quickly, your smile dropping to something more natural whilst you huff a tiny laugh.
“Oh yeah, guess Mr. Edgar must’ve told you. I’m your new handler - you know, if you had one before that is. I don’t…actually know…” you trail off, shifting on your heels when Noir only continues to keep his stillness.
“Mhm,” you mutter, rocking backwards, just staring until finally Noir shifts and there’s suddenly a pad and pen in his hand.
He flips casually to a clear page before starting to write and you’re fairly sure this is the first time he’s ever actually ‘talked’ to you.
Not long after does the pad get flipped over and brandished to you. You click your teeth together.
‘Edgar says you’ll do good,’ he scribbles, writing absolute chicken scratch and letters far too large on the medium sized pages, before flipping the pad back to himself and writing some more.
‘Believe in you!’ and a whole bunch of smiley faces is what meets you once he lets you see.
You blink. Noir puts the pad back wherever he had it initially to give you two thumbs up.
You muster a slightly bigger half smile for his efforts.
“Thanks Noir,” you say, words more sincere than you’d been expecting.
A nod and an eternity more of silence and staring is what he gives you in response.
You’re getting ready to shift, to awkwardly relay that you’d like to be getting home soon, when Noir stiffens suddenly - and isn’t that startling, a man so tall and so strapped with sharp explosive deadly things going so alert like that - head tilting like he’s listening for something.
A few seconds go by like that where he doesn’t do anything else and you fight to keep yourself still, smile gone and part of your lip caught firmly between your teeth.
Then Noir’s giving you a nod and leaving just as silently and unseenly as he had come.
You wait another two-three beats before scrambling into your car. The sound of your lock engaging sounds like salvation and the steering wheel feels like a lifeline as you grip it with stiff nearly foreign fingers.
You force a deep breath into your lungs, make sure it comes out more steadily than it came in.
At least Mr. Edgar didn’t dump you onto Homelander’s lap. Something in you shrivels up and dies at the mere prospect. You nod, your hands flexing on the steering wheel.
This was definitely better.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
This is a semi companion story to “Pandora’s Melody” if you’d like to check that one out as well.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it!
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literaila · 10 months ago
How would gojo propose? Would he be serious or would he lock in and ask 👁️👁️
there is not one single proposal. oh no.
it’s starts off fairly simple—
“you have to fold it at an angle so that it doesn’t bunch up when you—“ you glance at satoru out of the side of your eye, sighing. “are you even listening to me, satoru?”
“marry me.”
and you drop the sheet in your hands. you turn to him, eyes as wide as can be. “excuse me?”
“marry me?” he’s smiling at you, leaning down so that you’re eye to eye. “please?”
you blink at him. staring for just a moment. the laugh that falls out of your mouth next is nothing short of bewildered, disbelieving. “i can’t—“ you scoff, returning to your sheet which satoru is supposed to be learning how to fold. “no, thank you.”
he pouts. “no? why not?”
you laugh again, kissing his cheek. “nice try, baby.”
and then he stands there with his arms crossed, just staring at you for almost an hour.
or maybe it’s date night and you’re just walking down the street, and satoru points out a lantern that’s bouncing colors off of the wall, a rainbow of light on both of your faces.
and you’re walking arm in arm, just looking at each other.
“marry me,” satoru whispers, his voice lithe and warm, something tangible.
you’re already smiling at him, so you don’t stop. “are you flirting with me?”
“c’mon, just one little marriage. i’ll even buy you a cake. and a ring.”
“wow. that’s a temping offer.”
“marry me?” he repeats, stopping you so that you’re just looking at him.
looking at the light in his eyes, and the colors on his face, turning his skin all sorts of magic.
“i’m think i’m going to pass.”
he groans, almost falling into you. “why not?”
“that’s just too easy, satoru,” you say, kissing his cheek, and then you drag him along as you resume your walk.
the colors fade, and so does satoru’s dejection. your smile is too contagious for him to keep up the act for long.
but then it molds into something else—far more desperate.
you’ll just be opening the fridge, looking inside.
“did tsumiki already pack her lunch?” you’ll ask him.
and satoru will nod. “yes. marry me.”
you just roll your eyes, shutting the door.
or you’ll be in the shower and satoru knocks on the door, peeking a head in. “what time will you be ready?” he asks.
“half an hour?”
“okay…” there’s a pause.
“satoru?” you ask, when you don’t hear the door shut.
“marry me?”
you scoff. “go check on megumi.”
or you’ll be in the store and satoru will put another carton of ice cream in the cart, which you scold him for.
“put it back.”
“only if you marry me.”
“i want you to redact that sentence in the next three seconds—“
or you’ll be exorcising a curse, just finishing up, still panting when you get a phone call. “satoru?”
“marry me.”
“do you actually need something? i’m kind of busy.”
“yes. marry me.”
“i’m hanging up.”
and this goes on for months. it will spread into a year, and at some point you stop feeling guilty for rejecting him every time, and satoru stops looking sad each time you do.
it’s like a habit, some weird tradition the two of you have. you come to anticipate it. appreciate it for what it is—easy, something ridiculous.
megumi personally hates it. “she already said no,” he’ll grunt at satoru, passing him through the door. “just get over it.”
tsumiki just sits there, waiting expectantly every time like the answer will be different. but it never is.
and then there’s one day. you’re both at jujutsu high, both working, and satoru just happens to be sitting on the steps of the entrance.
it’s been a long day for him. maybe something happened with one of his students, or maybe yaga said something just to get under his skin.
or maybe it’s just one of those days—the ones where memories cling to his skin like dirt.
it’s hard being here, sometimes.
and you’ve been looking for him for twenty minutes (because you always have lunch together) when you finally find him.
“hey,” you say, hand going to his shoulder as you approach. satoru doesn’t flinch because he heard you coming. “not hungry?”
he just shakes his head.
and there’s something about him, sitting there with his legs spread out, chin resting on a hand, staring off into the distance like he’ll never be able to see far enough.
he looks like a boy, for just a moment. a boy you used to know well—a boy you fell in love with, almost a decade ago, now.
and you smile, but only a little. because it’s always been easy to be here with him, even when he’s this quiet, and even when his eyes are this haunted shade.
so you’ll sit there, sipping on some tea you brought out—a soda you brought satoru sitting between the two of you.
your thighs are just barely touching, hands inches away from each other. you could cozy up to him, remind him that everything is okay—somehow. but you won’t.
sometimes you just have to sit with it.
but eventually, you’ll start to get goosebumps for sitting outside for too long, and you can hear satoru sniffing as his nose runs.
so you sigh, looking to him. “satoru,” you whisper, voice lilted like you have a secret to share.
he looks over, face mercifully blank. “hmm?”
“will you marry me?”
and then satoru’s face stills. the air is calm, the wind shifting, and he turns right towards you.
it takes a couple of seconds, but his face is like the flash of a camera, sullen one moment, and lively the next.
his incoming smile is almost intoxicating.
“really?” he asks, almost breathless.
you laugh, moving over to him, finally wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your cold face into his neck. “next time you ask,” you tell him, “you better make it count.”
and satoru only smiles, wrapping an arm around you.
“okay,” he says.
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persevereforahappyending · 4 months ago
No Man's Land |10|
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Sam can’t help but be drawn to the cute stranger from her gym, even if everything about them makes them the perfect suspect, just when Ghostface has returned.
Warnings: Fighting, Attempted Murder, Stabbing, Strangling
Word Count: 4k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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You sat on the back of an ambulance as one of the medics checked you out. You didn’t get hurt in the fight, but you didn’t realize you had ripped open your stitches until a medic was running over to you, asking if you were okay and pointing at the drops of blood. You denied them when they asked if you wanted to go to the hospital, you didn’t have time for all that, so they just stitched you up there and gave you a disapproving look.
“Gone up against Ghostface twice and game come out on top both times,” someone said. You looked up to see Kirby walking over to you. “Not many can say they’ve done that.”
“Seems like plenty have survived Ghostface,” you mumbled. Your eyes moved to focus on the figures behind Kirby. Sam was next to Tara as they were checked out by a medic and gave their statement to an officer. You took notice that the detective who was apparently on the case was the one person yet to be on the scene.
Kirby bobbed her head back and forth. “Not usually on their first encounter, unless they were running away or someone else showed up.”
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” Bailey shouted as he stormed up to you and Kirby. “You had a gun?”
“It’s licensed,” you snapped. “And it came in handy, would you like me to not have a weapon when a psycho is attacking us?”
Bailey scoffed and shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you dared argue with him. “Lot of good that did, he got away,” he gestured to the store.
“I got him, it’s not my fault you didn’t arrive in time.”
“Well, you didn’t finish the job,” Bailey snapped, as if it were your fault Ghostface got away. “Thought you were supposed to be special forces,” he scoffed.
You slowly rose from the ambulance until you were standing tall, staring Bailey down. “I’m a soldier, not an executioner,” you kept your voice steady but there was an edge to your tone, one daring Bailey to cross the invisible line.
Bailey let out a chuckle, as if he were truly amused you said that. “Your file isn’t even legible with how much is redacted,” Bailey stepped forward, puffing out his chest. “How many missions have you had involved you getting your hands dirty?” You clenched your jaw, he was trying to compare your missions to Ghostface, they were completely different, as a cop he should know that. “How many people have you executed without them even knowing you were there?”
“It’s different,” you said, your tone quiet as you tried to contain the rage underneath. You were aware of Sam’s eyes on you from where she still stood next to Tara, though she moved forward a few steps, as if she were going to come intervene between you and Bailey.
“Why?” Bailey chuckled. “Because those were your orders?”
You stepped forward, ready to give Bailey a piece of your mind when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked to the side to see Kirby, silently asking you to let it go. “Let’s all just take a breath,” she said, looking between you and Bailey.
“I got civilians dead because-”
“Because we haven’t got this guy,” Kirby snapped. She positioned herself in front of you, so she was now standing between you and Bailey. “So, why don’t we stop placing blame and catch this fucker.”
Bailey gave a little snarl but finally backed away. “I have a crime scene to work,” he mumbled as he turned and walked towards the store.
“When did you get the call?” You asked, your eyes tracking Bailey as he crouched down at the body of the store owner just inside the door.
“A thank you would suffice,” Kirby said when she turned around. The amused smirk on her face told you she wasn’t actually mad at you.
“Thank you,” you said sincerely anyway. “When did the call come in?”
“About twenty minutes ago. Someone saw Ghostface chasing after some people down the street,” Kirby looked back at the bodega. “Then several calls about shots fired came in a minute later.”
“Response was quick,” your eyes scanned all the cops working the scene. There was more than what would usually be considered necessary, but most of the officers were being used to hold back random people trying to get a look and the media.
“I was at the station.” Your eyes instantly snapped to Kirby. “I actually thought we might get here in time,” she let out a humorless chuckle. When she looked back at you, she furrowed her brow. “What?”
“Where was Bailey?” If Kirby was at the station, then there was no reason for Bailey to arrive as late as he did. All the other cops and Kirby arrived well before the detective who was supposed to be working the case, who claimed to care so much about the innocent lives being lost.
“I’m not sure,” Kirby shook her head. “Wait, you don’t actually think…” her voice got quieter with each word. “But you hit Ghostface.”
“Only in the chest,” your tone dropped to barely above a whisper. You didn’t know who to trust, you couldn’t risk anyone over hearing you. On top of that, just because you had your suspicions you didn’t have proof, you couldn’t be spreading rumors about Bailey if he wasn’t actually guilty, it could ruin his career. As much as you hated the guy you weren’t about to destroy a man’s career without evidence that he was dirty. “Whoever it was, was wearing Kevlar.”
Kirby followed your gaze and watched Bailey with the same kind of gaze as you. “They could have just seen the movies, learned to always wear a vest.” You nodded, that was likely, based on what little you heard it seemed like these psychos studied each other, trying to learn where the previous incarnation went wrong.
“Everything in me is telling me not to trust him,” you said.
“Better safe than sorry if you trust no one.” You looked at Kirby, watching as her eyes scanned the crowd, memorizing every face, just in case someone stood out or someone popped up again.
“Even you?” You raised an eyebrow.
You liked Kirby a lot more than Bailey. She’d done nothing but treat you with respect so far and you’d return the courtesy. At the end of the day though, you didn’t know her, you didn’t know any of them. Kirby hadn’t given you a reason to be suspicious of her but that didn’t mean she couldn’t possibly be involved. It was hell of a coincidence for Kirby to show up right after Ghostface attacked Sam, but she said she investigated Ghostface attacks, she knew Sam, they had a shared history, it was clear Kirby had a history with at least one of the previous Ghostface’s, like Sam and her friends did.
Kirby turned her head and looked at you, her eyes seemed to analyze you. She gave a little shrug. “Can never be too careful,” she said, nodding her head. “How much do you know about Ghostface, the attacks?”
You shrugged. “Not much,” you said. Of course, you knew the stories, everyone did, but you didn’t know the details. “I know the rumors whispered about Sam,” you looked across the way where Sam still stood with Tara.
“Well, I won’t say anything about Sam, that’s her story to tell.” You gave a ghost of a smile at that, you didn’t believe the rumors, you wanted to hear Sam’s story from herself. “But Ghostface is usually connected to the group of friends he’s going after. The first attacks were done by Billy Loomis and his best friend Stu Macher all to get back at Sidney Prescott, who Billy was dating.” You nodded, you were aware of that much of the story. “Me and my friends were attacked in 2011.” You furrowed your brow, you had been a freshman in high school, you probably heard people talking about the attacks in school but didn’t know any details.
You looked at Kirby when she didn’t immediately continue. She was clearly trying to remain composed but there were tears in her eyes, and rage underneath. “My best friend and the guy I liked were the ones behind the attacks. All because Jill wanted to be famous,” she shook her head and let out a humorless chuckle. “Of my friends, I was the only one to survive.”
You looked at Kirby in a new light, you understood now where all her pain and motivation came from. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. Those words wouldn’t do anything, but they were the only thing you could offer. It wasn’t easy being the only survivor, it was lonely, no one could quite understand it, you knew that all too well.
Kirby gave you a thankful smile. “I know why you didn’t finish the job,” she whispered. “But this kind of thing,” she shook her head. “It only ends in two ways, kill or be killed.”
You looked down, taking in Kirby’s words. You had done a lot of terrible things, things you never talked about. You did all of them for the greater good though, at least that’s what you told yourself, you were following orders, trying to stop someone bad from doing something worse. Killing Ghostface in self-defense was one thing but executing him when he was already down was another. It wasn’t like you hadn’t done it before, but those were always terrible people, terrorists, crime lords, people who did unspeakable things. You knew Ghostface wasn’t good but in your head, there was a separation, that being in New York, being home, it made things different, war was one thing, this was another altogether.
“Are you okay?” Kirby asked, bringing you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see Sam and Tara had approached.
“Now that we’re done with the endless questioning,” Sam grumbled.
“It’s just protocol,” Kirby gave her an apologetic smile.
“Are we free to go?”
“Of course.” Kirby looked back at you, “I just need your gun.” You let out a displeased sigh. “Protocol.”
“I know,” you said, still clearly displeased. You pulled out your gun, releasing the magazine and making sure there wasn’t one in the chamber before dropping it into the evidence bag Kirby held out.
You fired your gun, it was an active crime scene, and that meant your gun was evidence. Even though you didn’t kill anyone they still needed your gun to at least know which bullets were from you and which ones were from Ghostface, even though your 9mm was completely different than the shotgun Ghostface was using.
“Don’t worry, I will personally make sure the lab gets this,” Kirby said.
You watched her walk off. “Are you okay?” Sam asked, making you look at her. “Things with Bailey seemed tense.”
You rolled your eyes and looked around until you found Bailey across the way talking to one of the other officers. “Apparently he wasn’t satisfied with the way I handled things,” you said, glaring at Bailey.
“You saved our lives,” Sam said softly, you stopped glaring at Bailey to give Sam a grateful smile.
“Did you have a gun this whole time?” Tara asked, speaking for the first time since the attack happened. She was looking at you suspiciously, trying to appear strong with her arms crossed, but you could see the fear behind her eyes.
“Yes,” you answered honestly, you knew it would do no good to lie to Tara.
“Did you know?” she looked at her sister.
“Yes,” Sam said. Tara’s face morphed into one of hurt. “I thought it was better if no one knew, we don’t know who to trust.”
Tara clenched her jaw as she wordlessly nodded. “You could have told me.” Sam guiltily looked down as Tara stormed off.
You gently tapped Sam’s shoulder and offered her a small smile. She returned your smile and the two of you followed after Tara. You understood why Tara was upset, if the roles were reversed, you’d probably feel the same. On the other hand, the only reason you were able to get the upper hand on Ghostface was because no one else knew you had the gun on you.
The three of you walked back to the apartment without another incident. You noticed how Sam shoved her hands in the pockets of her jacket as you passed people, keeping her head down, probably hoping none of them recognized her. Three of you trekked up the various sets of stairs until you finally got back to the sister’s apartment.
“Where is everyone?” Sam asked as soon as she stepped through the door.
You came up behind her, peeking around her to see Ethan and Quinn were nowhere in sight. “Quinn is with a gentleman caller,” Mindy said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Ethan left a little bit after you,” Chad said, not even bothering to look up as he mindless flipped through channels on the TV. “Said he had Econ.”
Sam rolled her eyes as she walked towards the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of water. Tara flopped down in the chair next to the couch and you made your way to the far end of the couch, taking a seat next to Chad. A moment later Chad furrowed his brow and sat up straighter. You looked up to see he had stopped flipping through the channels and had stopped on the news. You furrowed your brow as well when you saw a picture of Sam pop up on the screen. Mindy plucked the remote out of Chad’s hand and turned up the volume.
“Ghostface is taking on New York,” the report said. “And the prime suspect seems to be Samantha Carpenter, daughter of the original Ghostface killer, Billy Loomis.” You looked to the side to see Sam standing in the doorway, her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the TV, trying to remain strong. “She is rumored to have setup her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch, in the killings last year.” Your ears instantly perked up at the name, it was the same name that popped up on Sam’s phone before the recent attack. “Right before killing him herself. Now-”
“Bullshit!” Chad snapped, aggressively pressing the power button. “They don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.” He slammed down the remote on the coffee table.
Chad jumped up from the couch and stormed over to the dining table where Tara was sitting next to Sam, Mindy following close behind. You watched as Sam curled in on herself, trying to make herself as small as possible as Tara tried to comfort her. You couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, and you didn’t feel right about eavesdropping, they deserved their privacy. You decided to focus on your feet, as Sam’s friends tried to comfort her. You tried not to let what the reporter said invade your mind, you learned a little more about Sam, but you didn’t want to take the media’s word for it. Sam wasn’t a suspect, they already got that wrong, she was the victim.
You heard loud banging coming from Quinn’s room but didn’t think much of it as everyone laughed it off, seeming to go on as if this was regular occurrence. Everyone’s phones, besides yours, went off, shifting the energy in the room. You slid next to Anika, looking over her shoulder as she opened a message on her phone, showing a picture of Quinn being stabbed by Ghostface.
Everyone shot to their feet, the yelling from Quinn’s room got louder then suddenly stopped. Everyone gathered in the middle of the living room as they stared at Quinn’s door, waiting to for what would happen next. Before you knew it the door flung open and Ghostface tossed Quinn’s body out, which landed on Anakin, sending her to the ground.
“Go!” you shouted, pointing at the front door.
Chad grabbed Tara and yanked her out the front door. When Mindy tried to follow Ghostface slashed her across the arm and sent her to the ground.
Anika pushed Quinn’s body off herself and pulled herself to her feet. Ghostface was right there though, grabbing her by the neck and slamming her into the wall. He raised his knife, twirling it back and forth as he got ready to stab Anika. Without thinking you rushed forward and tackled him to the ground before he could stab Anika.
You punched Ghostface in the face, ignoring the pain that radiated through your knuckles with each hit to the mask. You grabbed his hand that was holding the knife and slammed it on the ground until he dropped it. You pushed the knife away before trying to stand up. As soon as you started to get off Ghostface he swung his legs around, tripping you and sending you back to the floor. He scrambled away from you as he grabbed his knife again.
He jumped back to his feet and stood over you, tilting his head as he waved the knife back and forth. You smirked when you saw Sam come up from behind him and hit him on the back of the head with a wood block of some sort. When Ghostface stumbled forward you kicked out your foot, tripping him and sending him tumbling to the floor.
Sam held out a hand to you and as soon as you took it, she yanked you up. While Sam was helping you, Anika helped Mindy up, then Sam ushered the three of you into the bedroom. She ran across the room and into the bathroom to lock a door while you slammed the door closed as soon as you got inside. Everyone rushed around the room, knocking over furniture and using anything to try and barricade the doors.
“Danny?” Sam asked, furrowing her brow as she looked out the window. You followed her gaze to see her neighbor waving his arms out his window as he tried to get someone’s attention.
Sam opened the window. “Are you crazy?” she called out. You made your way next to her to see Danny pushing a ladder out of his window. You helped Sam grab the ladder and stabilize it so everyone could crawl across.
“Go,” you said, nodding at Sam.
Sam looked back at Mindy and Anika as they tried to hold the door closed as Ghostface attempted to shove his way in. “But-” she looked back at you.
“Go,” you ordered, your tone leaving no room for argument.
Sam reluctantly got on the ladder and began making her way across. You ran to Mindy and Anakin, falling into place right beside them as you helped hold the door. “Your turn,” you nodded at Anika.
Anika shook her head, there were tears streaming down her face. You looked at Mindy for a little help and when she looked back at the door you assured her you had it. Mindy grabbed Anika and dragged her over to the window. Anika’s crying only got louder as she convinced Mindy to go first. Once Mindy was out the window and making her way across Anika turned back to you.
“Go!” you ordered again. “Go,” you gestured with your hand. “I’ll be fine.”
With shaky hands Anika lifted herself out of the window and began making her way across the ladder. Almost as soon as you loosened your hold on the door Ghostface plowed through, sending you falling to the ground. You recovered almost instantly and jumped across the bed when you saw he was making his way for the window, to Anika.
You grabbed the curtains and wrapped them around Ghostface’s neck before he could get his hands on the ladder. You pulled the curtain tighter, feeling his body spasm and kicked as he clawed at the fabric, but you were stronger than him. You caught a glance out the window, seeing Anika be pulled to safety. It wasn’t until you had him so close that you were confident this Ghostface was one of the ones from the gym, not the one from the bodega.
Ghostface stopped pulling at the cloth, but a second later you felt a sharp pain in your thigh. You gritted your teeth, suppressing a scream as best as you could. You looked down to see a knife sticking out of your leg before Ghostface ripped it out. You let go of the curtain, releasing Ghostface as you brought a hand to the wound.
You tried to stand up as straight as you could, but blood was gushing between your fingers. Ghostface recovered quicker as he whipped around and swung his knife down. You raised your hand, making sure the knife only sliced your forearm.
Your hand shot out, catching Ghostface’s arm before he could bring the knife down again. You ignored the blood running down your arm, you didn’t have time to worry about stopping the bleeding. While your other hand was still pressing against the wound on your thigh, Ghostface took his free hand and punched you in the side, right where your stitches were.
You let go of his hand as you brought your hand to your side, surely having ripped your stitches again. You ignored the others yelling for you as Ghostface brought down his knife again, this time when you blocked his arm with yours and brought your knee up, nailing him in the stomach. While he was doubled over you brought your good leg up and kicked him square in the chest, sending him tumbling over the side of the bed.
As much as you wanted to finish the fight you knew you were in no condition to do so. You limped over to the window and climbed out onto the ladder. When you looked ahead you could see Sam and Danny gesturing at you to hurry. You crawled as best as you could with one good leg and one good arm, ignoring the way the blood dripped down your hand, making the ladder and your hand slippery with each movement.
“Hurry!” Sam yelled; her voice strained. You looked up to see her eyes wide and not focused on you but something behind you. You glanced over your shoulder to see Ghostface standing at the window. He impaled the knife in the windowsill before using both hands to grab the end of the ladder.
You gritted your teeth; you were really starting to hate this guy. You continued to crawl, your grip tightening as Ghostface lifted the ladder, jostling it back and forth to try and get you to fall. You nearly lost your grip once, having to wrap your arm under the rungs and keep your body low so you didn’t go over the side.
You looked up, judging the distance from where you were to the window. You let out a shaky breath as you slowly loosened your grip, despite Ghostface still shaking the ladder with all his strength. You got into a crouch position and kicked off, ungracefully launching yourself off the ladder and at the window. You reached out, catching on the windowsill with one hand. You brought up your bloody hand, which instantly found the home of someone else’s. You looked up to see Sam holding onto you as Danny held your other hand and began to pull you up.
You made it through the window, instantly collapsing on the ground next to Danny. You looked back at him as he moved out from underneath you, his hands instantly going to your wounds to try and stop the bleeding. You couldn’t help but groan at the pressure. Sam helped drag you against the wall to prop you up. You let your head flop against the wall, you strained to stay conscious, focusing on Mindy’s voice as she called for an ambulance, and on Sam’s hands as they wrapped a scratchy cloth around your arm, trying to stop the bleeding.
Taglist: @thatshyboy1998 @artrizzler19 @btay3115 @acutenobody @godamnityess
@luvwanda @rqizzu @riyaexee @bella423
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months ago
Red Hot Ghouls chapter 11 2/2
He leaned back a little.
There was a very strange silence. Jack’s face initially turned to fury, then a shocked contemplation. Jason waited it out and wondered if he was going to get in trouble for shooting a civilian in genuine self defense.
“Son.” Jack’s voice was grave. “You’re not Jeremy Waters, are you?”
It took a moment to parse through the immediate offense that this guy had busted his cover and to actually register the full name.
Oh, fuck. That Jeremy? The cult guy? Jason made a face involuntarily. “I am not,” he admitted. Oof. Fuck. Here it goes. “I lied because I wanted to be sure you would meet with me.”
“...Honey!” Jack shouted. He shot up in an alarmingly fast motion for such a big man. “Uh, change of plans! Why don’t you get what we all drink on movie nights?”
Something broke in the other room. “Oh, dear,” said Dr. Fenton. “Just a moment.” A vacuum started up. What the actual fuck was going on in there?
“You thought I was that creep?” Jason said blankly. “What were you going to do?” What sounded like a high pressure hose started up in the other room. He had to deliberately decide not to hunch his shoulders defensively. Jesus fucking christ. They were definitely mad scientists.
Jack Fenton looked shifty. “...Talk,” he tried.
Jason looked at the older man. He didn’t say anything. Jack gradually began to look sheepish but he didn’t break.
“Don't worry about it, honey,” Madeleine Fenton said. She set down three alarmingly green glasses and gave him a close-lipped smile.
Jason was very much going to worry about it. He looked between the two of them.
“Melon soda!” Jack Fenton cheered, obviously overreacting to get out of the conversation. He put both his hands up in the air and then grabbed at his glass. “Yummy! So good for growing young men, drink up.” He laughed awkwardly and then buried his face in his own drink.
Meanwhile, Dr. Madeline Fenton looked at him with catlike consideration. She clearly wanted to see him drink the soda.
He was pretty sure they'd been planning to get rid of Jeremy Waters, permanently. Mixed feelings on that, since Waters clearly sucked. He’d human trafficked Jason to the afterlife, after all. On the other hand, you can’t assume someone is chill when you know they want to kill someone. “No thank you,” he said to the melon soda, stomach a little queasy. Even if Jack was drinking it. And the glasses were identical.
“That’s fair,” Dr. Fenton said and sank into the couch cushion next to her husband. “So, you were interested in learning about the Ghost Zone and the afterlife?” She exchanged a meaningful look with her husband. “Any… particular reason?”
These people were intense when they goggled at a guy.
“Nothing I’m ready to talk about yet,” he evaded. It had the advantage of being true. He didn’t know how Jack made him yet.
They proceeded to have a somewhat tense conversation where the Fentons happily elaborated on all their current research and repeated, “I’m sorry, but we’ve withdrawn that work and won’t discuss it,” whenever he mentioned a publication from before 5 years ago. They’d even gone and gotten a lot of their stuff redacted. They talked and talked until Jason’s throat was hoarse. The Drs. Fenton were a brick wall on those topics that he couldn’t bust or wheedle past.
‘What does a person who posts about ghosts on their family blog think to redact?’ Jason wondered.
Eventually, Jack held up both hands. “It’s bothering me that you won’t drink anything,” he admitted. “Let’s go the Nasty!”
“Good idea, honey,” Dr. Fenton agreed. She stood and swung keys around her finger. “I’ll drive!”
Jack Fenton let out a dramatic “Awww, honey bunches,” and followed her around wheedling for a chance to get behind the wheel.
“No, we don’t want to scare our guest.” Dr. Fenton was immovable. A bit ominous as well.
Jason thought about pointing out that he hadn’t agreed to come with them, but he stood up anyways. It wasn’t like he could just sit on their couch and watch them leave their own house.
He had his first inkling of how badly he’d initially fucked up on that phone call when they got outside. Jack pulled the canvas off the family van with a flourish to reveal an absolutely horrific mural of Danny the ghost king giving gifts to humanity. There was text explaining his generosity, scrolling across the bottom of the van.
Jason stood stock still in horror.
The van gave off the same general impression as psychedelic howling wolf print art.
Jason put a hand over his mouth and tried to process it.
Danny’s white hair floated nobly across a few more feet than Jason was pretty sure it should. He was also kinda built in this painting compared to reality and he looked more… kingly. Not that Danny wasn’t in shape, but he was built more like Dr. Fenton than Jack Fenton, if that made sense.
Wait. Why’d he made that comparison? That should have been a frame of reference for Danny Fenton, not Danny the ghost king. …Was the ghost king basing his form off the Fenton’s kid?
“Come on, son!” Jack slapped him on the back. The force was enough to jar Jason forward and out of his dissociative state.
He moved numbly. ‘Alright, they like Danny king,’ Jason managed to think through the wound to his artistic soul. ‘I can be honest with them about the problem. They’ll want to help him get a spiritual separation from some sketchy guy who lied to them.’
They took him to a mid-tier burger restaurant with weird pretensions. The burge had both garlic aioli and shitty neon nacho cheese sauce on it. Jason picked at it for a while, disturbed and pleased by the unexpected combination.
They got back into their discussion. The next time a Fenton asked him a question, he cleared his throat and put down what was left of his burger. “I asked about Phantom because I’m in a little bit of trouble with him.”
It was weird to call him Phantom when he’d introduced himself as Danny. On the other hand, the Fentons also had a kid named Danny, so it was probably for the best.
Jack’s smile faltered. “What kind of trouble, sport?”
Jason shifted in his chair. “I uh. I may have gotten in Waters’ way. I didn’t know who he was,” he admitted. “Next thing I knew, I was in this green place?” He made a confused hand gesture. “Few minutes later, Phantom shows up, kinda pissy, asked if I did it on purpose, and then says that Waters basically.” He stopped to clear his throat. “Spiritually married us to each other.” His voice got a bit smaller than he meant it to.
That meant there was no audio competition for the loud crack when Madeline Fenton broke the table.
“Jesus fuck,” Jason said, looking at her with wide eyes. “Is your hand-”
She put her elbows on top of the tabletop that still existed and cupped her chin on her palms. “Tell me more.”
“You’re a handsome boy, aren’t you,” said Jack consideringly. “Maddie, honeybunches, d’you know, I was thinking about tracking down the Wishiewish ghostie again today. D’you think-”
“Oh, he should absolutely come with you,” Dr. Fenton agreed. She was beaming. It… did not feel villainous.
‘Why did telling them that make her less scary all of a sudden?’
“What do you like about Phantom? Do you think he’s cute? Was he nice to you?”
Maybe she was just a romantic.
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mosaickiwi · 10 months ago
Your Actual First Kiss
@taeee0902 first kiss with redacted fdsjklfsdjalk
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
~Your Actual First Kiss~
Hiding their nerves behind his normal cool demeanor, [REDACTED] let you push them down on the couch and lay atop his chest. You’d been getting bolder in the past few weeks of dating and he was ecstatic about it. Still, he always played a passive role as you got comfortable, intent on having you set the pace for every encounter.
You fiddled with the collar of his shirt for a while, then shyly asked, “So… when can I kiss you?”
“Whenever y’want,” came their instant reply. He’d been patient for the moment you were ready, but felt just as delighted that you asked them.
“Right now?”
[REDACTED] blinked for a second, blood warming his cheeks as he muttered, “‘Course, Angel. It’d actually… be my first.”
“Really?” you asked innocently, smiling and leaning down over him.
They knew you were only teasing. He’d never even think of giving their first anything to anyone other than you. The man could feel the redness crawling further up to his ears as you leaned closer.
You suddenly pulled away and frowned to yourself. “I’m a little disappointed it’s not my first, though.”
His blue eyes widened a fraction, though the information wasn’t a surprise to them. Well aware of your past relationships—and all the ups and downs they entailed—he immediately knew which one you were thinking about. “It’s not?” they gently pried, testing the waters of how much you wanted to open up. 
“Yeah, it was a long time ago. The relationship was kind of… messy?” Your brow wrinkled and your tone turned a touch softer as you dwelt on it. “I wish it never happened, honestly.”
He couldn’t voice his own thoughts just yet. Their heart sank at the idea that they couldn’t go back and fix it—to make sure you’d never have such an ill gotten memory that made you upset, no matter how small. It’d be easier to give you a better experience now.
“Then it didn’t happen,” [REDACTED] decided aloud.
You raised your eyebrow and crossed your arms over his chest. “But it did?”
“If y’don’t like it, ‘didn’t happen,” he repeated. He absently brushed a hand through your hair, lingering at the nape of your neck. “Y’can try again with me, yeah?”
“Oh…” The frown on your face quickly melted away, replaced with the shy, devious smile you wore when you pushed him down earlier. “Yeah.”
Lips parted, breath caught in his throat, your ever-patient hacker waited as you leaned down once more to bring your lips close to theirs. He could hardly form a thought the moment they felt your breath, then your warm skin. 
It was everything he imagined it’d be. From how they felt your heart beating in an uneven rhythm with his, down to the way you tasted was just what he dreamed of each night. One kiss from his angel was worth the seemingly endless years of waiting.
As you pulled away—no doubt stealing what little breath remained in them—he followed after, the desperation he normally kept at bay rising to the surface as he held you close with their hand on your cheek. 
“H-how…” [REDACTED] laughed, caught off guard by the butterflies in his stomach that made them trip over their words. “How’s that? Better?”
You bit your lip and he noticed the sparkle in your eyes as you had to fight off your own butterflies. “Perfect, Ren,” you whispered.
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catscidr · 1 year ago
Hallo... can I get some fluff for akademiya dottore where he, fem!reader, and a couple others are on an expedition and eventually dottore finds himself falling for reader cuz they share like all the same interests... 😊 eventually he confesses to reader and reader accepts happily. smiles :)
i. note — if akademiya dottore has ten lovers, i am one of them. if akademiya dottore has one lover, that's me. if akademiya dottore has zero lovers, i am dead. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ง✧ also i meant to finish this like a week ago but shit happened n then i was bleeding in yamcha pose™ in my bed........ My Apologies ii. includes — akademiya era dottore (zandik), fem!reader and a very special friend :) iii. warnings — nothing but friendly banter and tooth rotting fluff amen. also not proofread we die like [redacted] iv. wc — 3,2k -> also on ao3 if u prefer to read fics there
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You wish you had slammed your door shut the second you saw who was on the other side earlier today. Instead of having a relaxing, free day, you were out on a hike with people whom you were acquainted with at best and with one of the biggest enigmas in the Akademiya, Zandik. If it wasn’t for your curiosity and deep yearning for an answer as to why he sought you out specifically to go out on an expedition, you wouldn’t have accepted— but alas. Here you were, sweating your body mass away in the humid, sticky weather of Sumeru. 
The group only got to the other side of the bridge leading out of the city, right after passing through an old tree trunk serving as a makeshift overpass, when you had to take a break. It wasn’t your fault you weren’t used to walking for long periods of time; being a Rtawahist student meant you didn’t need to go outside of the city as much as other darshans. You weren’t the only one that held that sentiment though, so you all (thankfully) took a brief moment of respite before heading on. 
You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t enjoy the scenery at least a little bit. Even though your arm was starting to get sore from shielding your eyes from the bright sun, the flora almost made it worth it. The air felt crisp on your skin and in your lungs, the distant sound of a flowing waterfall was washing away the tension in your shoulders, and you started to think that maybe you should spend more time outside. Watching the water near the mystic domain in the area of Chatrakam Cave, you start to ponder if it would be worth it to go for a dip to cool off while everyone else discusses where to go next... 
An impatient voice rips a yelp out of you, pulling you right out of your daydreams. Minty hair obscures the sun, giving your arm a much-appreciated break from shielding your eyes. “We have places to be, you know. Are you ready to go or do I have to leave you out here for eremites to rob you?” 
Blinking away the initial shock, you scoff at your schoolmate’s bluntness and drag yourself up to your feet. “And you wonder why you don’t have any friends,” you huff under your breath, patting away any dirt that had stuck to your uniform. Zandik rolls his eyes and frowns, sharp canines looking more akin to a puppy’s maw than a shark’s. “I don’t wonder why I don’t have any friends, mind you. I already know why I don’t have any,” he retorts, turning away from you to walk away. You grumble ‘sure you do’ quietly under your breath before catching up to him, glancing at the others in your group. “Guys, wait for us!” 
You watch them begin to walk along the left side of the intersection and go to follow them before the aforementioned boy grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re supposed to follow me. Or did you forget who invited you in the first place?” Yeesh, talk about a short fuse. Being (mostly) used to his sharp remarks, you manage to push down the urge to bite the bait he had laid out for you. “I mean, it’s not like you told me where we would be going or why I’m here. Besides, aren’t we supposed to stay grouped up? Professors have always warned us about Rishboland Tigers roaming outside the-” Zandik cut you off by tugging you towards him, away from the group of students. 
“The stuff I need is over this way,” he said quietly. Irritation seeped through his pores, though for what reason you didn’t know. Wriggling your wrist out of his (lax) grip, you pick up your pace just enough to catch up to his long legs. The cliff to your left provided some nice shade, but the more he led the way the more he picked up the pace. You didn’t even have time to ask about your schoolmates— though it seemed like they were fine with you two splitting up from the group, anyways. 
“Stop going so fast! Hey- what's up with you all of the sudden?!” 
You place a hand on his shoulder in a poor attempt to stop his run for answers. Zandik shushes you with a harsh glare and his index to his mouth, earning himself a baffled expression from you. “What is your problem today?” you hiss, voice quieter than before. Too busy glaring holes into the back of his head, you fail to see the focused and starry eyes your friend had as he looked ahead. He stops walking abruptly, making you bump into him with an elegant ow fuck! Your face had met his nape, minty hair tickling your forehead as you step back to rub the ache away from your nose. 
“I don’t feel like playing charades, Zandik. Seriously, what’s up with y-” he hushes you with a hand motion, frustration boiling in your gut. Ready to give him a piece of your mind, you step to the side to stand next to him; what you didn’t expect to see a few feet in front of him were sentient mushrooms— fungi, hopping and playing around a cluster of ores. 
“...they look like matsutake,” you whisper, glancing at Zandik to catch a glimpse of his face. He crouches down and you follow suit, silently observing the fungi alongside him. There were three in total; they all seemed to be standing still, occasionally... wriggling in place, a dim green light emanating from their thick stems. “Are they feeding on the iron?” you murmur, dumbfounded. Since when did mushrooms eat rocks? 
“They’re absorbing nutrients from the ground. It just so happens that there are an abundance of it around ore clusters,” Zandik explained, the lack of condescension in his tone puzzling you. “How do you know that? You’re not an Amurta student.” Though you couldn’t deny that seeing the fungi in their natural habitat was captivating, even if they were still just living mushrooms. 
The boy exhales sharply, “I don’t care for the fungi themselves. It’s because—” leaves rustle, making him pause his sentence to look around, checking if anyone was listening. When the coast is clear he continues, “they’re... related to ley lines.” You peel your gaze away from the sentient vegetables to look at your friend with a look that clearly displayed your confusion. As the cogs turned in your brain though, you start to piece things together and come up to your own hypothesis about his claim. 
“That makes... sense. They’re part of the forest, so it would make sense if they were extensions of ley lines since they’re kind of like roots...” you mutter your train of thoughts out loud, grabbing a stray stick to draw on the ground. Your sketch was... lackluster, but it got the point across. “Trees are rooted to the ground, and mushrooms grow on trees or around them—” you point at the messy “drawing” of a fungi you just made, “but if they gain some elemental energy from nearby ley lines, then they’ll become sentient!” 
As you exclaim your new discovery, your eyes meet Zandik’s carmine ones— and your face flushes once you realize he had been staring at you this whole time. A choked noise of surprise rips itself out of your throat, the noise startling the fungi nearby, making them scurry away further along the dirt path. He smacks your head, “I told you to be quiet!” 
You don’t have time to protest because a horde of fungi run up to you— so many of them that you couldn’t even take the time to count. A string of curses fly out of Zandik’s mouth, and as he scrambles to get up, he grabs your wrist, pulling you up to your feet to run. “They look harmless, but they can seriously injure you if they’re in a group— book it!” he shouts, jumping up on a moss-covered rock, climbing up on the hill going around the path blocked off by the fungi. He helps you up quickly and you both make a dash for it, in the hopes that they’ll stop coming after you. 
You’re grateful that the sun had started to set before you and Zandik got ambushed, at the very least. The sky had turned a beautiful shade of indigo, orange and pink dotting the horizon and the clouds above. Without the sun sapping away at your energy you were able to get away scot-free and enjoy a breathtaking sunset; you hadn’t even noticed that Zandik was leading you somewhere, too engrossed in the familiar sight of the sky you had gazed into so many times. 
“Look over there,” he places a hand on your shoulder to grab your attention and you look as he points to a small group of fungi. Their shape looked more like drills than mushrooms, and they definitely lacked the “natural” camouflage that their other skin had, since they were white and periwinkle, and not dirt brown. A quiet woah leaves you as you look at them, brain working overtime once again. Zandik walks with you, slowly, away from the fungi before you can get attacked again. 
You begin to ramble about your theories to Zandik when you’re both far enough from the living vegetables, making grand, expressive gestures with your hands to emphasize your thoughts. The sound of your shoes crunching the grass beneath your feet, crickets chirping and the gentle evening breeze rustling the verdure around sound distant compared to the sound of your voice enthusiastically talking about the creatures you encountered. He absentmindedly scolds himself, wishing he had dragged you out of your dorm room earlier. 
“Nara Zandik!” a voice says from behind him. 
“Fucking Archons-” his head whips around to gawk at the culprit; a small, cyan colored mushroom creature. Completely oblivious to the newcomer, you halt your steps to look at Zandik’s mortified expression. “Why’d you stop?” 
The boy’s attention is torn between you and Ararycan, head spinning. Based on your reaction (or lack thereof), you couldn’t see it; which brought up the question. Should he tell you the truth— that there’s currently a “friendly” sentient mushroom right beside you, or should he lie through his teeth and say- 
“N-Nothing. Just keep going, I’ll catch up. I have, uh... a stomachache.” 
Zandik has never been a good liar, but deciding to spare him the embarrassment, you nod. “Alright. Shout if you need me!” You walk off, looking over the hill to admire the large trees below, more akin to giant lotus plant leaves than actual trees. Your form retreats far enough that Zandik’s sure you won’t hear him if he whispers. 
He looks down at the aranara, panicked red eyes meeting oblivious, beady black orbs and a smile that never faltered. “Why did you show up now?” Ararycan dismissed the harsh tone in which the boy spoke (or didn’t understand it); it didn’t care either way. The creature brimmed with optimism. “Nara Zandik should say what’s on his mind!” it says, little arms waving up and down. “The forest is happy, iron chunks are asleep, and the sky is bright! Why is Nara Zandik scared?” 
His brows furrow, lips curling into a pout as he murmurs, “I’m not scared.” The aranara blinks at him, still smiling- waiting. “I’m not,” he repeats, “it’s just... argh, what do I do? Why is my head so...” “Fuzzy?” Ararycan finishes, tilting its bulbous head to the side, the leaves on its head flopping over. Zandik grumbles, hands coming up to cover his face 
“Is the strange Nara nice?” it asks curiously, turning to look at your figure sitting on the hill a few meters away. You lean over carefully, observing the signs of life below; lanterns made from sticks and leaves, dirt paths separating in a multitude of directions and a small, round house with large leaves serving as a roof. Why you had never seen anything like this was a mystery to you, but you figured you’d just pester Zandik about it later since he was the one to bring you here. 
Zandik looks back down at his friend, his expression having softened from just a few moments ago. “Yeah. That’s why I’m being... stupid. What do I say?” 
Ararycan uses its tiny legs to turn back to look at the flustered boy, black eyes focused on scanning his face. “Talk to her about the sky!” it finally says enthusiastically, walking away before the boy can get a word in. “Hey-!” Little noises echo in the same rhythm as its footsteps, but right as Zandik turns around to ask something, the creature jumps up and disappears into the ground. A frustrated groan leaves Zandik’s gritted teeth, having resigned himself to the “advice” the aranara gave him. 
You hear light footsteps behind you, drowning out the noise of your thoughts as you look back to see Zandik grimacing at you. Or not— his eyes weren’t focused on you, but you happened to be in his line of sight, which made it look like he was judging you heavily. Giggling at him, you pat the grass next to you and shuffle away to give him some space. 
“Feeling better?” He remembers the excuse he gave you and cringes internally as he sits down, body stiff and awkward. “Yeah. Sure. Listen, uh...” Zandik trails off, losing his words. He sheepishly fiddles with the scarf draped over his shoulders, ears reddening the longer he stalls. You nudge his side with your elbow, “Did your stomachache affect your cognitive functions or something?” 
The comment slides off of him as if it were water and he was made up of extra virgin olive oil. What did Ararycan say? Talk about the sky... 
“Hey, can’t you see the stars clearly from here?” he manages to say, glancing up to look at the streaks of white in the welkin. You follow suit, mouth agape when you realize that you can, and the sky is so clear that you can see smudges of different colors in the sky. The navy backdrop was covered in soft shades of purple and blue, stars glistening so softly it was as if someone had gently and strategically placed them there. 
“Woah...” you whisper, your eyes sparkling just as brightly as the constellations. You point out the ones you recognize, eager to talk about your field of expertise. "This one right there is called Leptailurus Cervarius, it looks like a cat!” He leans over to look at where you pointed at and there it was, a small cluster of six stars. He couldn’t say that he saw the cat you spoke of, but he didn’t want to bum you out either. 
“It looks like it’s jumping,” he mutters. You turn to face him with a smile on your face, one that rivaled the brightness of the stars above your heads. He thought his heart would jump out of his chest and into your lap— but even then, he didn’t particularly mind if it did. “It is!” You nod quickly, pointing out more constellations with names he wasn’t even sure he would remember the next day. But he wanted to know more, to listen to you talk about the galaxy so much that he could be a Rtawahist student, too. 
You soon begin to grow drowsy, having spent most of your energy talking Zandik’s ear off (not to mention the sprint from earlier). As you wobble, struggling to hold yourself up, Zandik gently takes ahold of your head and places it on his shoulder. The fabric of his uniform felt comfortable, earning him a small smile from you. His mind drifts away for a moment— his heart clenched in his chest as he thought back to all the time he spent with you. 
From your roaring arguments about trivial matters to info dumping on each other, Zandik couldn’t help but wish you’d make more memories with him. Maybe it was selfish, but he didn’t like picturing someone else leaning their shoulder for you to doze off on. If he could be your pillow forever, he would take up the job in a heartbeat. 
You jolt awake, surprised by Zandik’s sudden movement. He straightened his back, clearing his throat awkwardly. Thankfully there were any creatures around, or else you two would have gotten mauled already. 
“We should get back.” The suggestion draws a groan out of you as you stretch your arms over your head, flopping back onto the grass. It was slightly cold and soft enough to relax your limbs once again, sleep pawing at you desperately, “It’s nice here though.” 
Zandik pushes away whatever indecent thought had begun to brew in his head from seeing you laid on your back next to him. He carefully grabs the hem of your skirt and brings it down to cover your legs as he speaks, “You’ll catch a cold. Come on, we have to go.” 
You blow a raspberry at him, turning away. “Maybe you will but I won’t. I’m strong, I can easily fight off a measly cold,” and you flex an arm to prove your point. It doesn’t convince him in the slightest, and he pulls you up to your feet with him. You decide not to point out the way he struggled ever so slightly— he definitely wasn’t hiding any beefy muscles under his uniform. 
“Okay fine we’re going,” you huff while dusting off your skirt, “but you owe me!” 
“Owe you what? I’m not the bad guy here.” 
“Uh... a drink. You’re paying for my caffeine next time we go out,” you say, and Zandik rolls his eyes. Very typical of an Akademiya student. 
“Fine. It’s a date.” 
You nod quickly, eager to get a tasty drink and to save a handful of mora the next time you go out. Of course it’s not like drinks were that expensive in Sumeru, but it feels nice to be treated every once in a while- 
“A date?!” 
Some birds fly away in fear from the sheer shock your voice carried out. You gape at Zandik, cheeks flushed brightly and eyes wide like saucers. “Yeah. A date,” he repeats nonchalantly, a stark contrast from the way he was acting just shy of an hour ago. Gone was the nervous wreck that was Zandik. 
“If you don’t want a free drink, you can always refuse,” he teases, nudging you with his elbow in the same way you did with him when you were sitting on the hill overseeing the lotus leaf trees. You scoff, then shake your head, and scoff again in pure disbelief. You were stunned; dumbfounded, even. But the idea of a date didn’t sound as unappealing as you made it out to be. 
You glance away from him and mumble your answer. “What was that? I didn’t hear y-” 
“Fine, it’s a date!” 
He looks at you with a boyish grin, making your heart skip a beat. Was he always this handsome? The moonlight made his hair look ethereal, glowing almost pure white where the light shone directly on it. And his eyes— they looked irresistible. Crimson red orbs appearing to have more of a pink hue to them, though you weren’t sure if that was just your imagination. 
Zandik grabs ahold of your hand and matches his steps with yours as you make your way down the hill, back to where you found the familiar dirt path you had walked on when the sun still shone brightly in the sky. As you get closer to flat ground you notice a small horde of mushroom-shaped... mushrooms, and get hit by a wave of déjà-vu. Although asleep, the fungi were blocking the path back. 
“...How are we supposed to get back?” 
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help-with-elevator-advice · 5 months ago
A letter suddenly appears in front of you! Looks like it’s from Protag… it reads:
Dear Manuel,
Hey. Thank you again for the other day, sorry I left so suddenly.
Are you free today? Do you want to come over? If so, my address is [ REDACTED ]. You can visit whenever, works done for the day. Coworker convinced the boss to let me go home without overtime today.
Love, Protagonist.
> [Manuel reads over the letter before he does a double take to reread it, he was supper excited, he’d just have to get out of the office for once!.. that was easier said than done… well that wouldn’t stop him! Manuel grabs a pen and tries to write in his nicest handwriting, key word was tries. Manuel assumably writes out:
“Dear Protagonist,
I understood why you had to leave so soon, plus I think you look nicer with your face not rearranged and gray.
And I am free today and I’d love to go to your house when I’m done with work for the day (it will be done in an a bit since the boss is kinda strict)! I will get there as fast as I can be (with out leaving work early)
Love, Manuel!” ]
> [Manuel’s handwriting got smaller at the bottom due to the page he was writing on being small and he accidentally got some oil on it from a broken speaker box he had been working on. Manuel sends the letter off to Protag. Manuel was going to get ready since he wasn’t doing much currently.]
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paperstorm · 5 months ago
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Thanks for the tags @heartstringsduet and @corsage! Have a slightly longer snippet than usual to introduce you to a musician AU I am in the very very early stages of working on. ([Band name] redacted only because I haven't settled on one yet 😂 My dumb brain that loves a pun keeps suggesting Strand and Deliver but that's too silly)
TK blinks. For a moment, he’s sure he heard wrong. “A tour?”
“Limited American, to start,” Billy says. “And then expanding to Europe if we can, depending on ticket sales.”
With another blink and a dumbfounded shake of his head, TK reiterates, “You want me to go on a world tour? When I literally just got out of rehab?”
Billy frowns. “Oh, is there like … more shit you need to do? With that?”
“I – not, there isn’t …” TK babbles, unable to adequately voice why he’s reacting this way, because really, Billy isn’t wrong. He finished his 30 days. It’s been two weeks on top of that, and he’s stayed away from anything stronger than a regular strength Tylenol for the headache he had last Thursday. He’s not on probation, he’s not being required to do another month in some kind of halfway house. The only thing on his calendar for the foreseeable future is rotting on his couch with a bowl of cereal and binging some sitcom he’s already watched a million times. He doesn’t really have a good reason that he shouldn’t jump right back into work, he just wasn’t expecting it to happen. He hasn’t even reconnected with his band, yet.
“I’m not gonna force you to do anything,” Billy tells him, folding his hands on his desk and looking at TK with a furrowed brow. “If you don’t think you’re ready, we can put all this on hold until you are.”
“But?” TK asks, sensing there’s a big one coming.
Sniffing loudly, Billy’s hands transfer to his keyboard. It clacks noisily in the quiet room as he types, and then he rotates the monitor so TK can see the screen.
The sight that greets him is a Google search of his own name, and as Billy slowly presses the down arrow on his keyboard, TK’s eyes travel over headline after headline – Musician TK Strand seen emerging from upstate drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, and Lead singer of [band name] checks out of rehab; fans wonder what’s next for the group, and [Band name]’s critically acclaimed album dropped almost eight months ago, here’s why no one’s heard from them since.
He gets stuck for a moment on a particularly cruel one, questioning whether the band will have what it takes to pick up where they left off after a widely publicized relapse derailed what should have been their biggest tour to date.
“The most surefire way to shut all this up, is to get right back on the horse,” Billy says, in a voice that’s serious but not unkind. “You’ve still got an album full of new songs that your fans are dying to hear live, it’s just a few months later than it was supposed to be.”
“They don’t think I’ve got what it takes.” TK nods toward the computer screen.
Billy rotates it back toward himself so TK can’t see it anymore. “They’re wrong.”
“What if they’re not?”
“Only one way to find out.”
“I guess,” TK concedes, swallowing over his dry throat.
“There’s one more thing.”
“The label suggested it, just so’s you know.”
“God, what?” TK groans, expecting the worst.
“If you agree to this tour, they want to pick your opener.”
“Oh.” TK frowns. It’s not nearly as bad as some of the things he was imagining. “That’s all?”
Pursing his lips, Billy asks, “You heard of Carlos Reyes?”
The name sounds vaguely familiar, but TK doesn’t recognize it well enough to be positive as he asks, “Carlos … wait, that song that’s been all over TikTok? That people are like hoedown dancing to?”
“That’s the one.”
“He’s a country singer,” TK says, stating what surely must be obvious.
“He is,” Billy agrees without further explanation.
“I don’t feel like we’ll have a ton of crossover fans.”
“He is up and coming.”
“Does he even have more than that one shitty song?”
Billy turns to his keyboard again and shows TK the guy’s Wikipedia page. He’s a year younger than TK and handsome in that wholesome, good Southern boy sort of way, complete with a cross necklace glinting against his clearly shaved chest. As Billy scrolls to the bottom, TK’s gaze catches the information that the lead guitarist and bass player for Reyes’s travelling band are a married couple, and TK barely holds in a scoff.
“He has two albums and an EP,” Billy points out. “He just hasn’t really taken off much, until now.”
Annoyed, TK asks, “And the label thinks, what, we can’t put asses in seats anymore without some lame TikTok star? That I can’t?”
“He’s not a TikTok star, he’s a musician with a growing fanbase. And he’s got a reputation that is not, unlike yours at the moment, covered in shit,” Billy explains in a no-nonsense voice.
“Right.” TK huffs and slides back in his chair. “So, that’s what this is. I was high at a Grammy party three months ago and now my name is mud, so the label wants me to bring some Mouseketeer in a cowboy hat along to calm the shareholders down.”
“I doubt they’d put it exactly that way.” Billy exhales and shrugs. “But basically, yeah. That’s the long and short of it. Reyes and his band are good clean fun, whereas people are still circulating pictures of you almost puking on Ariana Grande, so they’re not willing to put up the money for the tour unless you agree to bring him with you.”
“Fabulous,” TK mutters. “What could go wrong.”
“For the sake of your future in this business, you better hope absolutely fucking nothing,” Billy warns, and it still isn’t unkind, but he isn’t joking.
Tagging @theghostofashton @birdclowns @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@carlos-in-glasses @actual-sleeping-beauty @thisbuildinghasfeelings @herefortarlos @heartstringduet
@goodways @alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader @freneticfloetry
@liminalmemories21 @nancys-braids @whatsintheboxmh @bonheur-cafebonheur-cafe
@reasonandfaithinharmony @thebumblecee @never-blooms @lemonlyman-dotcom
@sanjuwrites @orchidscript @jesuisici33 @kiwichaeng @honeybee-taskforce
@fifthrideroftheapocalypse @butchreyes @just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @captain-gillian
@tellmegoodbye @anactualcaseofthetruth @ironheartwriter @eclectic-sassycoweyes @ditheringmind
@emsprovisions @irispurpurea @nisbanisba @corsage @cheekgirl89
Want to be added or removed from the list? Lmk
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n30nwrites · 12 days ago
Chapter 7 - Play Dead
Masterlist here
Warnings - Suicide (still alive, not detailed)
Beta Editor: @letmelickyoureyeballs
Note: Not back, but I need to post ig?? I'm 20 now.
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Part of being on the job was having a code name. Maya’s was Silver, named after the element. Yours was Chimera, for reasons that you didn’t like thinking about. Price’s was based off his last name, a little on the nose but the man was cocky. Ghost was silent, unknown. His face was unknown, it matched him. But revealing identities was dangerous in the workforce. It did not take a lot for people to sell people out, which is why you had to focus on calling them the correct names. 
Soap interrupts your thoughts.
“I thought you had a car? That jeep you-”
“I can’t drive. I never really cared to learn how too.” You tell Soap, leaning next to Silver as she just stares outside the window. It took her a different mindset to get ready for a mission, one she was currently mentally preparing for. 
Price speaks up next, “It’s kind of important to know how to-”
“Why weren’t you alive 6 years ago?” Ghost interrupts Price, and you know he thinks it's for a good reason. Since the showdown, things have been tense between the two of you. Silver had to convince you to share a vehicle with them, and you only agreed for emotional support. The vehicle was a Ford Explorer, three rows with two seats in each. Soap was driving, Maya sat next to him and was controlling the radio. Price was next to you, and Ghost and Gaz were behind you. “Laswell told me to stop looking into you. Are you a threat?” He decides to not mention how Laswell only hired the two of you through KorTac because of him and how he mentioned you two were his new neighbors. He figured it would irritate you more and he didn’t care to have a gun pointed at him again.
“To you? Probably. As of right now, no.” You look at the flag of your country of origin. It reminded you of your naivety of the world when you first came here. Things had changed since then. “I was alive 6 years ago, I’m older than all of you-”
“Not possible.” Price cuts you off. 
“It is when you aren’t human.” Price’s eyes widen, and Ghost’s movements come to a halt. “It seems Soap forgot to mention that to you.” They turn to the driver who has a sheepish smile on his face. Even Gaz seems surprised. You scoffed at them, turning back to the window Maya was looking at.
The building was plain. Mainly gray and it looks like a warehouse. It’s meant to be inconspicuous, an unofficial military base. There isn’t even a fence surrounding it yet it is one of the safer buildings in this state. There’s not many people in this building, and the ones that are are mostly human. You could see the state of their souls, including the direction they were heading when this journey of life was done.
The walls were bland, the entire building was quiet. You didn’t like it. Despite looking abandoned on the outside, it was meticulously clean. Maya was the one leading, despite it being her first time in the building. She was going off of instinct, all of them knew it.
The room you entered looked the opposite. It looked, lived in, messy. There were papers scattered on a table, and some pinned to a cork board. It looked like something out of a tv show. But some of the information was redacted, marked off with thick black sharpie covering words of an unknown origin.
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Laswell flinches once you enter the room. Your energy is heavy to her, she’s aware that the boys can’t feel it, but she knows they can tell of her distaste for you. She was glaring from the minute you walked in, but smiled brightly at Silver. You didn’t blame her for her distaste, it ran in your guys' blood. Hating each other was normal. Even though you two personally had no beef.
“Angel. Nice to see you again.”
“I’m sure.” Laswell hated that nickname. She gets reminded of why she had this position in the first place. Most task forces in SpecGru that are made up of the supernatural were under her order. But you were KorTac, she couldn’t control you. “Your file is blacked out, like usual.”
“Aw, reading up on me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” She tells you, “The only reason you’re here is because of your history with Graves.” 
“And the only reason you’re here is because-”
“Get on with the debriefing.” Price interrupts as Maya pulls you away from the Archangel. You don’t stare at her with hatred, despite your words making everyone think you hate her, instead it’s just some neutral stare with a cocky smirk. “We don’t have all day.”
Laswell goes over the mission. It’s always the same. Flying to a different country, killing so many people that Charon himself would regret being born, grabbing files (it’s always files?), and leaving, not thinking about the chaos you left behind. Graves has the support of the Shadow company, obviously. With a hidden location, and a benefactor that no one knew, the only way to get to Graves was to find the people closest to him.
It was time to leave. 
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You had separated yourself from everyone, Price had stared after you and kept staring even when you were gone. It was strange. Almost like you blended into the shadows, but he knew you weren’t in the room. 
He just didn’t know where, and it almost worried him. 
Laswell didn’t seem to like you, she seemed disgusted in fact. Though she was smiling with Maya at this moment, and he didn’t understand anything. He wouldn’t get answers either, not from Laswell and not from you.
You were so unbelievably complicated. An intricate web of deceit and neutrality. He had no idea what to think of you. You weren’t perfect. If you were, you would actually tell him what was going on in that beautiful head of yours. He wouldn’t have to fight to have a conversation with you, and you’d actually go on a date with him.
To be fair, he had never asked you. That was what he was going to do after this mission. Just take you on a date, you had to at least give him a chance.
When you come back, you are in full uniform. A helmet that blocked your eyes so he could no longer see them, it was black as well. And finally your gun, an M4 Carbine with a nice scope on it. Silver had a more traditional helmet, similar to his and Soap’s. You seemed different though. 
He could’ve sworn your eyes were glowing red. Bright enough for him to see through the sunglasses but dull enough that he had to take a second look at you. But you didn’t look at him, you didn’t look at anyone, and even Maya seemed to step away from you. She talked with Soap on the way to the carrier. You were left alone, in the back of the carrier, at least 5 feet away from the last person, which was Ghost. You didn’t speak at all. He couldn’t hear much from you.
Now that he thinks about it, he couldn’t even hear a heartbeat.
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You will always remember your first encounter with violence. After just two days of being on Earth, you had entered a bank in the process of being robbed, and because of your idioticness (really your innocence on everything that was Earth) you died.
You died 7 more times after that. The last time being to your Husband. You packed up and left after that. You didn’t care to remember that now, not when you could die again and meet your maker. Not when your mates could die.
You were angry.
You had the high ground (Anakin) as you stared from the top of a building, watching over Silver, Ghost, and Price. Soap and Gaz had gotten separated but were still alive, considering you could hear the Scot yelling in your ear about how they wouldn’t let up. You aimed at a man hidden behind a vehicle, between Silver, Ghost, Price, and the men from the Shadow Company who are more than determined to kill Task Force 141, no one was paying attention to the man attempting to get away.
No one was until he dropped dead. Then it seemed half of the soldiers that you were in battle with turned your way and you ducked under the building parapet. Your eyes dart to the next building. You could make it, you had jumped the River Styx, You’ve made your way through Jaaniw, Jumped out and into Hell (and even Heaven a few times), Escaped the Lake of fire, you could make a simple jump between a building.
Even while being shot at. You had survived worse.
Your head shook, almost inhuman, and your fangs became refined. Your eyes glowed as did your veins as your nails sharpened. This was who you were. Well, part of it. You were still missing two parts. 
You jumped, higher than needed and the gunshots followed. With your heightened sense of hearing you could hear the surprised gasps from the Shadow company along with the inquiries of Price and Ghost. You sat up and aimed once again, shooting twice, never missing.
You didn’t miss. You never missed. With each kill it seemed you got worse, more bloodthirsty. Panting as you craved this feeling. This was what your Heaven was. Punishing those who deserved it, and what was better?
Getting back at Graves of course. 
You dashed to the opposite side of the wall, before turning around and jumping immediately, not worrying about dying due to height. Your body almost collided with the building but you put a stop to it, your claws extending as you dug into the brick, the building cracking as debris fell with you. You jumped once again, almost like you were climbing down the wall without some sort of protective gear.
You didn’t care anymore.
Your feet hit the ground and you growled. Gunshots were still ringing, and you locked eyes with one of your temporary teammates.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick.
How was he so gorgeous even when sweating his ass off. It wasn’t fair. The words ‘mate’ left your mouth faster than you could think. You were angry at the idea of something happening to him, to both Soap and Gaz.
You turned to your other temporary teammate. Soap was staring, blood covering him from head to toe, he looked worse than Gaz. You rushed over, checking their bodies for wounds. You couldn’t smell his blood, just the enemies. “You guys are okay?”
“What’s gotten into you?” Gaz questions, touching your shoulder, which causes you to pause. You don’t like touch, not from strangers and you have to convince yourself to ignore the shiver from it, and ignore the feelings that rose with it. They were fighting against each other and you hated it. “You seem different.”
“You two should stay near me.” You tell them, “Keep safe. Mates are safer together.” You spoke the last bit to yourself as you turned towards the gun shots. “The rest are over here.” The two followed you as you snuck over to the others. It seemed that the chaos was almost over, just a few more men. And you decided to end it right there.
Sneaking up from behind, you quickly put one man into a chokehold, shooting the other point-blank in the head, his body collapsed onto the ground right as you yanked your shoulder back, snapping the other guy’s neck and dropping the body with a large thud. Gaining the attention of the final man, he shot at you quickly, firing three rounds at your chest, which would’ve hit.
They should’ve hit.
But you were gone, and Soap and Gaz watched as you appeared right behind him, knife in hand as you slit his throat. You were smiling, almost deranged as you stared at them while his body dropped. “Let’s go meet with the others, ay?”
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“He’s in the building.” Price tells you all, and Silver’s hand starts to glow as she finishes a rune she was carving on her arm. Before she turns to you. 
“Lift your sleeve.” She mumbles as Price continues to speak. It seemed like you two were in your own little world, she avoids your gaze though. It seemed even your partner was being cautious with you. As if a wrong move could set off a volcano, she gently turns your arm and traces your veins. “You need to calm down.” 
“They were almost hurt. They could’ve been hurt. They shouldn’t be doing this.” You lean closer to her yet you still look at the men behind her.
“They are grown men. They’ve done this before, and they aren’t human. They will be fine.” She reassures you. “You only feel this way because of your current mindset, once you get back home this won’t matter anymore.” She hates the words that leave her mouth, you would care in your own twisted way. The way that meant pushing everyone away because you were hurt once before and therefore every man would hurt you.
She wished you would just get some damn therapy.
Task Force 141 does not notice what is going on until they smell blood. Then their heads snap towards you, where they witness Maya cutting into your skin with her knife, the blood that forms is black. Soap takes a step towards her until you look at him, “Don’t,” you warn them as she carves the first rune into your arm. It was something simple, something that would help you in the near future.
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He’s inside the building. It’s four stories, looks to be abandoned but you can sense dozens upon dozens of people from the Shadow Company all looking around, waiting for all of you. It would be intimidating if you weren’t so confident. Plus you would never let humans hurt your mates, nor Maya.
Yourself, you didn’t really care. You always came back.
You weren’t paying attention to Price’s plan, and so while his entire idea was to sneak past everyone (which would fail because despite being trained, Gaz is not the best at sneaking around) and find your target, the less bloodshed the better, your plan was to just find his soul and drag him down with you. But that would require leaving your mates and you couldn’t do that right now.
The debriefing ended, everyone agreeing to sneak into the building through an unused underground hallway because of course this building had one. There seemed to be a gathering going on, you weren’t sure. But the group all walked in a line.
You stood behind Gaz, watching and preventing any misstep he might’ve taken. It was strange to suddenly start caring about them. You knew it would disappear as soon as the mission was over and yet you couldn’t find yourself to care. You would enjoy this for the moment.
You would enjoy him for the moment.
Yeah, you were staring at Gaz’s ass. It was inappropriate, especially when you were sneaking around. You had completely zoned out. Thankfully your face was covered because it was so obvious what you were doing. Especially to Maya who was following right behind Ghost but constantly glancing at you, and despite not looking at her you knew she was rolling her eyes. But you couldn’t care. It would all disappear, these feelings. After the mission it would disappear, so while you had half of your soul, you were going to keep staring. 
You barely hear Price yelling your name. It takes Ghost grabbing your shoulder roughly for you to snap out of it. It reminds you that he’s right behind you, walking in a row. “Something interesting with Gaz, sergeant?” He seems he wants to embarrass you, enjoying your pause.
“It’s Colonel, Second Lieutenant.” You called him by his title, “And just his ass.” You admitted, “It’s nice.”
Gaz just looks surprised, slightly confused but his heart is fluttering. He makes eye contact with you and you just wink. It’s not the time but you couldn’t care. “Let’s just get this shit on the road.” Maya says as she pushes Ghost away in a way to keep the peace between you two. “Let’s just find this guy and get out of here.” Maya glares at you as she says this sentence, trying to get you to act right for the next 30 minutes before you two would inevitably break off from the rest of the group.
It didn’t take long to find him. He held himself up in a meeting room, holding a gun out to everyone, he was severely outmatched but still thought he had a chance. He’s dressed in a nice suit, so nice it felt like he was overcompensating (he was) but he didn’t seem terrified, more like he was cocky. You could only guess that he thought he could talk himself out of this. The room itself looked like it was made to hold meetings, a large round table in the center that could hold up to 18 people, maybe 22 if some more chairs were pulled up. It was decorated in red and had deer heads mounted against the wall. He rotated the gun to aim at each and everyone’s head, but you didn’t waiver. None of them did.
“Tell us everything about Graves.” You ordered.
He told you where he thought Graves was heading, his plan to take over, and how he faked his death. He wanted revenge, as most men did. Then he continued his rant. It was all stupid, you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Being powerful was a drug, addictive but once you’ve had it you become stupid with desperation. Graves was, and so was this man.
“Graves won’t stop until he finds-” he says your name in disbelief and you glare at him, Soap stares at you, but the rest keep up the facade. “Which is strange because he’s supposed to be dead.” He doesn’t recognize you, he wouldn’t with the mask and the complete uniform change, if all he’s seen is a photo of your face, he wouldn’t know it was you. But they did, there was no way they didn’t.
Damn, he really just outed all your secrets didn’t he. Why doesn’t he tell them all about your heritage too while he’s at it.
You stalked closer to him, while he stares at Price. Silver is on the opposite end of where you are, she looks at you while you move closer and she does the same. He decides to start swinging his gun around at both of your movements, not sure who to shoot first, but he was making a choice.
Chimera or Silver.
The choice was obvious to him. And he fired.
“Oh you sexist pig are you kidding me! The woman really?” You exclaim as his bullet collides with her skin, but no longer does she look the same. Her skin has changed, now impenetrable. The bullet just flattens against her skin and drops to the ground. His face changes, and he yells in disbelief. It is always strange when a human suddenly finds out about the supernatural. But he didn’t have anymore time to react as you went over to him and snapped his neck. You felt his soul go through you before he went down, goosebumps formed on your arms because of it. Another soul you had to accept into the gates of hell, which you did immediately. 
“When the fuck were you gonna tell us you were married to Graves?” Price moves fast, stepping quickly to get in front of you before grabbing onto your shoulder, confronting you immediately once the man is down. “This is something we should’ve known.”
“Calm the fuck down, Alpha.” You pushed back, taunting him, “It wasn’t relevant information. And don’t touch me again.”
“You should’ve told us.” Gaz says, interrupting the showdown. “We should know you’re married.”
“Was married.” You were disgusted just thinking about him.
“That doesn’t matter, you have ties to the man we are hunting down!” Soap interjected.
“Oh god this is pathetic.” You rolled your eyes, “Is this what you’re gonna do now? You guys think you’re entitled to my business just because I made a bet with Isis years ago this is just bull shit. Are you guys gonna question me the whole way?” From the way Ghost was looking at you, you got your answer. “This is just great.” You backed away from them. 
“Were you gonna tell us?” Ghost asks.
“Maya, wake me up when we’re at the base.” 
You take out your gun, and shoot yourself.
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himluv · 1 month ago
The Incident, pt. 1
Here is Chapter 29 of Say My Name (Say it Twice)! Read it below or over on AO3!
SPOILER ALERT!!! This chapter contains spoilers for Veilguard's endgame! PLEASE do not read it if you haven't finished the game! (I do NOT want to be the reason [REDACTED] is spoiled for someone)
Now, then. Back to the fic.
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Lucanis had just hung up his dish towel to dry when Bellara entered the dining hall. He turned to face her, and was surprised to see her sheepish expression. 
“Hey, Lucanis?” She asked. She stood with her hands behind her back, and one toe of her boot drew tiny circles on the floor. She was nervous. 
“Bellara,” he said. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah,” she said, unconvincingly. “I mean, mostly.”
He sighed. This woman and her ‘mostly’. “What is it?”
“Well,” she said. “I need to go to Arlathan today, but Rook and Davrin already left, and Neve is in Dock Town. I have no idea where Taash and Harding went–”
“–Probably for the best,” he said.
She smiled. “Right?”
“So, you want company to Arlathan?” 
She winced. “If you wouldn’t mind?”
He shrugged. He could use the distraction of an outing. He’d cleaned the whole kitchen from top to bottom, and he was still thinking about the feel of Rook’s lips on his cheek. “Give me a moment to change,” he said. 
Bellara beamed at him. “Thank you, Lucanis,” she said. “I’ll meet you in the eluvian room?”
He nodded, then headed for the pantry to change into his leathers. He hadn’t planned to leave the Lighthouse today, and his knives could use honing before another battle, but an outing with Bellara shouldn’t be too dangerous. In fact, whatever artifact she was hunting was probably more dangerous than any enemies they might encounter. 
He counted and checked each knife as he sheathed them. The smallest slid into the sheath across his chest, above the vials of poison Viago had given him. His emergency knife, in case a target got far too close. The next smallest went in the sheath at the small of his back, hidden by his cape. His backup emergency knife, the one a foe wouldn’t see coming. Then his boot knife – for throwing – followed by two large daggers, one at the front of each hip. These were kept within easy reach in case he was somehow disarmed. Only then did he sheath his main weapons, a dagger and rapier, respectively. 
There. He was ready. 
He triple checked his blades – all seven firmly in place – as he stepped through into the eluvian room. 
“Oh, good!,” Bellara said. “Are you ready?”
“Ready,” he said, and gestured for her to lead the way. He followed her through the eluvian and into the Crossroads. They made it all the way to the Caretaker’s boat before she said anything.
“Don’t you want to know where we’re going?” She asked as she climbed into the boat.
He sat across from her and shrugged. “To Arlathan.”
She rolled her eyes. “I mean, yeah. But don’t you want to know why?”
“I assumed to investigate some magical artifact or another.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m just here to make sure you come back in one piece.”
“Oh!” She blushed. “Well, then, you’ve got a pretty good grasp on things already.”
He smirked at her, but she said nothing more for the rest of the boat ride. By the time they reached Elvhenan’s Haven, he could practically hear Bellara vibrating with questions. 
“What is it, Bellara?” He asked as he climbed out of the boat after her. 
“Oh, I just…” she blushed. “Wondered how things are going? With Rook.”
Lucanis frowned. “If you’re worried I’ll hurt her–”
“What?! No!” She said, turning to stand in front of him, making him stop. “That’s not it at all!”
He glanced around, confused. “Then, what?”
Bellara shrugged. “I don’t know. I just thought you might want to talk about it.”
He stared at her, wondering what could possibly have given her that impression. “Bellara. When have I ever wanted to talk about… this?”
“Ugh!” She said and crossed her arms. “Fine! Maybe I want to talk about it!”
Lucanis nodded at that and couldn’t help the tiny smile that flickered across his lips. “That sounds about right.”
She pouted at him, her eyes big and shining in the bright Fade-light. Lucanis sighed. 
“Fine,” he said. “Ask your questions.”
Her mouth fell open in shock. “Wait. Really?”
He smirked as he stepped around her. “I might even answer some of them.”
“Okay!” She said, hurrying after him. “So, she liked the torte?”
Lucanis rolled his eyes. “Everyone liked the torte. It’s a great recipe.”
She scowled at him as they climbed the stairs toward the eluvian they would take to the Veil Jumper camp. “Did you guys…?” She blushed. “You know…?”
He glared at her. “Next question.”
She raised her hands to ward off his anger. “Right. Too personal. Got it.” She followed him up the slope to the eluvian. “Did you at least kiss?”
Lucanis sighed and stopped, turning to face her. “No.”
“What? Why not?”
He looked away from her, suddenly embarrassed to be having this conversation. “We’re taking things slow.”
Bellara’s nose crinkled and her brow furrowed. “Why?!”
He glared at her again. “Because I asked to.”
She shook her head, still looking confused, and then she gasped. “No. Way!”
“Mierda,” he muttered and turned away from her. He marched up the slope, Bellara chasing after him. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” she said. “Lucanis! Does that mean Rook is your firs–”
He whirled on her, teeth bared. “Have you forgotten I am the best magekiller in Thedas?”
She pulled up short, blinking at him. Then she snorted. “You’re not going to kill me.”
Of course he wasn’t. “I am seriously considering it,” he grumbled. 
“This is amazing,” she continued as they approached the eluvian. “It’s so romantic!”
“It really isn’t,” he said. “This is my life, Bellara, not some romance novel.”
“Ugh!” She said. “Why does everyone always say that as if you can’t have both?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, then shook his head and stepped through the eluvian. She followed after him, and for a moment he thought she might continue pestering him about his love life as they walked into the Veil Jumper camp. Luckily, Irelin called to her, and she turned to look at the other mage. 
“I’ll just be a minute,” she said as she ran off. 
Which left him alone with Strife. They glared at one another, each with their arms crossed and chins high. Spite circled the elf, sniffing and growling, which only added to Lucanis’s sense of animosity. 
He did not like this man.
Strife sighed. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Lucanis kept his face impassive. “Then talk.”
Strife snorted. “You and Rook,” he said. “It’s not a good idea.”
He hated that those same words had once left his lips. Had she heard the echo of his voice behind Strife’s the other day? Had she questioned if both of the men in her life might be right after all? Maker, he hoped not. 
Strife interpreted his silence as permission to continue. “Rook is… emotional. She wears her heart on her sleeve.” Strife gave him a hard look. “She’s been lucky, but it’s going to get her hurt one of these days.”
“Not by me,” Lucanis said. 
Not us, Spite said. We would. Never hurt. Rook!
Strife tilted his head, conceding the point. “Maybe not on purpose. But, do you really think she won’t be hurt if something happens to you?”
“And if something happens to you?” He asked. He hadn’t meant it as a threat, but his voice carried one all the same. The man flinched, just barely. “Won’t Emmrich be just as wounded?”
He shook his head. “Emmrich isn’t the one with that damn dagger.” Strife looked down at his feet. “I never should have sent her away.”
That made Lucanis blink, his own defensive anger fading. “You blame yourself,” he said. 
“If I hadn’t sent her with Varric, she wouldn’t be caught up in this mess,” he said. “And maybe he’d still be here.”
Lucanis doubted that. From what he’d heard, Varric had been determined to talk Solas down, and he couldn’t imagine that working out, even if Rook hadn’t been there. 
“I know you don’t like me,” Strife continued. “But, I care about Rook. It’s why I hassle her as much as I do.”
Lucanis frowned, but his voice was softer when he said, “have you considered that hassling her is a terrible way to show you care?” 
He knew all about tough love, and it had never done him any favors. Lucanis had survived despite Caterina’s harsh brand of love. He’d learned his lessons, become the best assassin, the best Dellamorte he could. He’d learned his role well, and because of that, he had never truly thrived. Only now, with Rook, was he beginning to see the difference. 
Strife’s expression was pained, but he nodded. “I’ll… consider that,” he said. “And,” he added. “Emmrich mentioned that the knife was your idea, so–” he shrugged “–thanks, for that.”
Lucanis gave him the barest flicker of a smile, though he knew it still had a hint of sharpness to it. “I’ll give him the name of my blacksmith. She’s expensive,” he warned. “But also, the best. Tell her I sent you and she might cut you a deal.”
Strife nodded. “Appreciated.”
For a long moment, there was painful silence. Lucanis was about to turn away and find some corner to lurk in, when Bellara reappeared. 
“Hey,” she said, breathless. “Sorry about that.” She glanced between him and Strife, no doubt noticing the charge in the air. “Ready to go?”
“Ready,” he said. 
“Bellara?” A voice shouted over the sound of fires crackling and people talking all around them. 
They both turned to see Rook, Davrin, and Assan walk into the camp. Rook looked excited to see Bellara. Too excited. Then she laid eyes on Lucanis and gasped. 
“Lucanis?!” She sprinted toward him, as if she hadn’t just spent hours with him that morning. Immediately he knew something was wrong. Her gait was loose, almost unsteady, like her knees wanted to give out from under her. 
“Shit,” Davrin muttered. Assan let out a nervous squawk, glancing at his guardian and bobbing his head.
Rook barreled into Lucanis, wrapping her arms tight around his neck. He caught her with a grunt, surprise keeping him from returning the hug for the span of a heartbeat. When he did pull her close, she sighed and melted against him. 
Mierda, she was soft in all the right places. And warm. She was always so warm. 
“Embria?” He murmured at her ear. He shot a glare at Davrin, who spoke in a low, urgent voice to Bellara. 
“What are you doing here?” She pulled back just a little to peer up at him. Her pupils were huge, barely any of the violet edge of her irises visible. She grinned at him. “Did you know Assan can talk?!”
“He only says ‘worms’ and yet, he’s surprisingly insightful.”
Lucanis pushed her away gently, holding her at arm’s length to peer into her eyes. She held his gaze as best she could, but she seemed unable to keep her focus on him. Her smile was slow and dreamy, and utterly wrong. 
Spite sniffed at her and growled. Rook is sick. POISONED?!
Lucanis glared at Davrin over Rook’s shoulder. “What did you do?”
Davrin sighed. “It was an accident,” he said.
“An accident?!” He and Spite shouted at once. 
“I’m okay,” Rook said. “Please don’t fight.”
He flicked his gaze over to her, saw her chin quiver, and immediately reined in his fury. “Tell me what happened,” he growled at Davrin.
The Warden rubbed at the back of his neck. “Emmrich found this old recipe for gingerwort truffle tea.”
Lucanis grimaced. That sounded terrible, and he said so. “That sounds terrible.”
Rook shook her head. “It wasn’t great,” she said. “I’ve never had worms, but once Assan said that’s what it tasted like, I knew he was right.” She laughed and shook her head. “Worms.”
Assan squawked and she laughed again. She looked at Lucanis with tears in her eyes. “He’s so funny!”
Lucanis stared at her for a moment, dumbstruck, while Strife chuckled. 
“I thought we could try it,” Davrin said and looked at Assan. “See what all the fuss was about. Emmrich said there were some very rare potential side effects. Something about latent magic or… something.” He shrugged and gestured at Rook. “I’m fine, but she’s, uh, flying as high as a griffon right about now.”
Lucanis snarled at him, prepared to use the strongest language available to him to tell Davrin to fuck off, when Rook’s hand cupped his cheek. He blinked and looked down at her. 
“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m okay. Just… take me home?”
He covered her hand with his and nodded. “Of course,” he said. He glanced up at Bellara, an apology on his lips.
“Go,” she said. “Davrin and Asssan will come with me.” Even she glared at Davrin, who had the decency to look ashamed. 
“It should wear off in a few hours,” he said. “Maybe check in with Emmrich if it doesn’t seem to get better?” 
Lucanis growled again, and Bellara winced. She tugged on Davrin’s cape, then headed off toward the path to the lake. 
“And Lucanis?” Davrin called once he was a little further away from them. “I’d say this makes us even, don’t you think?”
No, he did not think this made them even. In fact, he thought this meant Davrin owed him, that he ought to get at least one free punch, maybe two. But Rook was clinging to him and giggling, as if she might tip over at any moment. 
“Let it be,” Strife said, more than a little humor in voice. “Get her home before she gets sick.”
Rook snorted. “I never get sick.”
“Uh-huh,” Strife said. “Wherever you post her up? Have a bucket handy.”
Lucanis grimaced, but nodded. “Come on,” he said to Rook. He slipped his arm through her elbow, and she held on as if she might float away if she let go. 
“Wow,” she breathed as she reached the eluvian. “It’s so pretty!” She reached out to touch the rippling glass, and giggled when her hand went through. “I am… so fucked up.”
Lucanis laughed at that, even though he hated seeing her so impaired. 
She turned too-wide, too-dark eyes on him. “Are you seeing this?”
“I see an eluvian,” he said. “I have no idea what you’re seeing.”
She marveled at the mirror. “It’s like I can see every spark of magic running through it, in so many colors? I didn’t know there were so many colors?”
Mierda, this was going to be a long trip back to the Lighthouse. He tugged gently on her arm. “Let’s go, Embria.”
She nodded and then wordlessly followed him through the mirror. 
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callipraxia · 18 days ago
What do you think of Dipper and Ford’s relationship? I definitely see it as a positive thing, and it benefits them both in many ways. They find kindred spirits after years of feeling like loners, they enjoy their time together, and Dipper helps humanise Ford and helps brings him into the family, while Ford boosts Dipper’s confidence and treats him with respect.
But there are some possible issues there. That Dipper’s hero worship might blind him to Ford’s flaws, and that Ford might be so focused on seeing Dipper’s potential that he forgets he’s still a child and might be unintentionally pushing him before he’s ready.
That could cause problems in the future, especially for Dipper. He’s got enough stressors without struggling to live up to his hero’s expectations.
I’m never one to shy away from arguing with Mr. Hirsch’s interpretations of his own characters, but I do sort of agree with one thing he said about Dipper and Ford: that if Dipper had stayed behind as Ford’s apprentice, it would have been McGucket all over again, sooner or later, or at least something similar. An interesting thing about Ford is how he’s perhaps not traditionally charismatic, but once the occasional person is drawn in, their lives can very quickly start to revolve around him, and how things are going in his world becomes how things are going in their world. If things had played out as originally planned, in a circumstance where the Rift was contained but not permanently sealed and where Bill was still alive, this could not have ended well, no matter how well-intentioned anyone was in the beginning. Killing Bill was not, in and of itself, enough to resolve his many, many psychological problems, but it was probably the clearest route he had to an opportunity to do so. While Bill lived – that was some ‘neither can live while the other survives’ kind of stuff, to steal a line from elsewhere. There wasn’t really a lot of room in his life for other relationships until that one was resolved. It would have been worse with Dipper than other people, though, because Dipper also had a history with Bill. Add in the hero-worship from Dipper, and, well, to borrow from Bill himself on the TBOB website:
“The truth was, [Ford] was half a genius. The other half seemed to be frozen at the age of 18, still a child, totally dependent on outside praise”
One of the reasons Stan and Ford can both get on so well with children is due to the ways in which their emotional and psychological developments seem to have arrested at some point in adolescence. And Dipper would, for at least a good while, have been a pretty constant source of that praise, and…well, we saw what happened the last time Ford had someone who fulfilled his need for outside praise. In a case where I did argue with Mr. Hirsch:
“He’s aloof, and distant, and he’s too perfect. And it’s like, ‘oh! I think he’s also aloof and distant from himself.’ I think he is, uh, deeply, deeply hiding from his real feelings about things, because at some point early on, he decided that he could run from hurt by achievement and by creation, and has dug that hole so deep that he has no relationships” (Hirsch, “Alex Hirsch Interview Transcript”).
One thing that almost immediately becomes apparent upon even a casual examination of the texts, though, is that Ford does at least very much want to have relationships...Whenever he has the chance, this supposedly aloof, relationship-less character can’t seem to stop himself from trying to form relationships…[redacted is a massive list of examples]. We are told by the writers that Ford is a loner, but throughout his life, the parts of his actual behavior that we are shown seem to betray a fairly consistent desire for collaboration, and one which is strong enough to override his belief in the solitude of great men (Hirsch and Renzetti) far more often than not.
Someone who understands at least a glimmer of what he’s been through, who reminds him of everything he likes about himself and not that much of the things he doesn’t like about himself, who wants to impress him more than anything in the world, and who, in that circumstance, would be basically the only person who he interacted with for long stretches of time? Recipe for disaster, one way or another. Eventually ceasing to see Dipper as a child would only be one of the issues.
Not, of course, that I disagree with your statement about the relationship ultimately being good for both of them. Dipper needed the ego reinforcement of being treated with more respect, which both Ford and the town itself give him, which has increased his confidence immensely by the end of the summer; Ford needed a sort of ‘starter relationship’ to ease him back into the world of, well, relating to anyone after thirty years as an outlaw and fugitive. I even think they could work well together at some point in the future, once they’ve both sorted themselves out a little, and when Dipper has the perspective and maturity to deal with Ford as a fellow human being instead of as this Ideal that Dipper can never really live up to or stop trying to live up to. Otherwise…well, Dipper understood about getting tricked by Bill, but eventually, Ford would disappoint Dipper in some way, and even at the very end of the show, I don’t think Dipper’s quite mentally ready to deal with that. We see a lot of growth in Dipper in season two – he takes to the role of town hero very well, and by the end of the summer is even becoming something of an orator/natural leader-figure; I’ve never seen anyone discuss it, but if Weird Science doesn’t work out, I could see Dipper having a future in politics or activism of some kind – but he is, after all, still a young kid, and one who is still to an extent growing into a better version of himself. At the very least, I think he needs to confront Piedmont, where it's implied he's been pretty unhappy his whole life, as the new, more assertive Dipper and prove to himself that he can still be that person without the outside reinforcement of being surrounded by a public that by that point pretty much universally thinks well of him.
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greensagephase · 4 months ago
this is kinda random but I sketched this of my OC and Miguel a couple days ago and I got thinking of Miguel and Dulzura😩
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Like UGH I CANT WAIT FOR THEM TO KISS😫😫 I honestly wonder who would initiate it because I know Dulzura is more ready to give affection but I feel like once Miguel gets more comfortable with touch and hugs (hugs!! They still haven't hugged yet😭) and stuff then maybe he'll be wanting to kiss her🥹 Especially since Dulzura kind of let's him set the pace for physical stuff out of respect for his boundaries.
I can't wait because I know it'll be so satisfying and cute❤️❤️
Hiii, llumetrii!! OMG OMG THIS IS SO CUTE!!! The way Miguel is holding your OC’s face and neck?? I NEED THAT!!! 😭🙏🏼 But AHHH!!!! NOW I’M IMAGINING DULZURA AND MIGUEL KISSING LIKE THIS!!!😩😩
There will definitely be a time when Miguel is ready for more contact (honestly, that man is already in the works of wanting more. He's been thinking about hugging us in previous chapters). Like, at some point I think he’s going to be like, “Boundaries? Forget about the boundaries, Dulzura! I need you to kiss me RIGHT NOW.”
And girl, SAME!! I’m so ready for them to kiss and also for them to have their first hug/big physical contact moment which is - umm, nvm!! I already know how it’s going to go, too (their first kiss). 🥺 At least, I have a plan for now, but as always, I’m not restricting myself to what I’ve already planned because sometimes in the spur of the moment while writing, my creativity pops off and/or the story leads me to changes, and usually they’re so much better than what I originally had planned, so we’ll see, but omg, as of right now… I know who initiates the kiss and -
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I wish I could say more like how [redacted] ends up [redacted] on the [redacted] and they’re both [redacted] - ok, I’m going to stop because I’m just teasing at this point, but just think about the fact that neither of them have kissed someone in years, hehe 😌🤭 Whether I end up sticking to what I have planned now or if it ends up changing, I do hope you find it satisfying, though!! Thank you so much for your amazing support, pookie!!❤️❤️
Thank you for the ask and also for sharing your beautiful art with me (I love your OC and Miguel so much🥹), and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! 💕💕
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idontknowreallywhy · 3 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Some John and Virgil pondering…
“But what has this to do with Scott?”
“One of the tenets of friendship EOS has clung to quite strongly is the desirableness of honesty. She considers Scott to be her friend and it is… bothering her… that she has information she thinks he should be aware of and isn’t providing it to him.”
“What information?”
“What do you think? The circumstances of Estera’s arrival and the aftermath. The fact she still can’t get past some of the redaction on her file.”
“Is she still trying? John! I thought we agreed to stop?”
“I agreed we wouldn’t look for more documents.”
Virgil huffed. “Way to loophole your way out of it, brother.”
John had the good grace to look a little guilty under his glare. Virgil suddenly felt overwhelmingly tired.
“Because… he likes her. You like her. Damnit… I like her and you know I was entirely prepared not to. She seems to be good for him and I do want him to have friends, Virgil. I’m not his floating probation officer trying to control his life from up here!”
“Right. So… WHY, John? Can’t we accept it for a stroke of good luck for once and let it be?”
“Because there’s something odd about it. I need to know why. If it’s going to blow up in his face I need to be ready.”
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