Student at Niagara College in the Business Administration-Accounting Program
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What COMM1133 has taught me?
Throughout this course, I have learned a variety of things including being able to: “write clearly, concisely, and correctly to fulfill audience need”, “choose organizational modes in response to purpose” and “analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.” In COMM1133, using the “Outcome/Learning Objectives” and the “Essential Employability Skills”, I have seen that my writing strategies skills have improved and have significantly prepared me for my future profession in the business world.
I have developed my skills to “write clearly, concisely, and correctly to fulfill audience need”. Firstly, I have shown this by ‘choosing vocabulary and writing style appropriate to the audience’. When I was write my papers, I now use a thesaurus more frequently to find the best, most intelligent word choice for my audience, as well as, choosing different versions of words to decrease repetition. Secondly, I have learned to “use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation”. During the course I was taught how to avoid different type of sentences errors and grammatical errors, like comma splice and run-ons. I feel when I write and edit my papers, I look more precisely at where I put commas, and if my sentences are run-on. Lastly, I always ‘complete the exercises in class to practise my language skills’. Throughout the class lessons, there always a few practice questions that I always try to do, to practice my language and writing skills, and to practice whatever we learned that day. Closing, I believe I have achieved the skill of ‘writing clearly, concisely and correctly to fulfill audience need’.
I have completed the task of ‘choosing organizational modes in response to the purpose’. I have shown this by learning to “identify the purpose for writing”. When I attended class, the purpose was identified for each of the different writings we did, such as all the expository writing. I learned four different types of expository writing, the purpose of each, and I now understand the differences. Secondly, I accomplished the ability to “write paragraphs and essays appropriate to purpose”. Together with the previous point regarding to being able to identify the plan, this part of the course has helped me to write with a purpose. As I explained earlier, I was shown how to write different expository writings as they are all very different. For example, an expository writing that I did, was a process paper, which is explaining in very clear details how to do something. This process of writing is very different than a definition paper, where you are defining something and giving context to the word. Overall, I was able to build in the project of ‘choosing an organizational mode in response to the purpose’.
I have learned some employability skills including “analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources”. Firstly, I learned different methods on how to find the best cite to use for a paper and how to make sure that the cite is credible. One example is the CRAAP test which stands for currency, reliability, authority, accuracy and purpose. Each of these are clear steps on how to tell if a cite is credible and appears valid. Secondly, I am able to tell from a citation which kind of level it is, and what the type of reading style it is. This method was the Gunning Fog Index (GFI), which has a few steps in it on how accurate tell the level of a citation They include picking a 100 words, count the sentences, then divide 100 by number of sentences. After that you count the ‘difficult words’ which consists of 3 syllables or more, then add the words plus number of average words in a sentence. Lastly, you multiply that number by 4 and that equals your GFI. You can tell what kind of level of cite you are looking at and if you need to lower or higher the cite. Overall, I accomplished the great skill of being able to “analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from variety of sources”.
In conclusion, I am well-educated in being able to “write clearly, concisely, and correctly to fulfill audience need”, “choose organizational modes in response to purpose” and “analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.” Using the “Outcome/Learning Objectives” and the “Essential Employability Skills” from COMM1133, I have seen that this course has prepared me for my future profession in the business world when it comes to my writing skills and strategies.
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How to pick and cut down the perfect Christmas Tree?
By: Kayleigh VanEgmond
Do you love the smell and look of a real tree but think the task will be overwhelming? It`s outline with these very clear detailed steps on exactly how to do that. To successfully pick and cut down the perfect Christmas tree, you need to have family & friends with you, cozy experience and last but not least, a set of good eyes.
First, you want to drive to the best Christmas tree lot in your area with your family. To find the best places for a beautiful Christmas tree, you will need to do some research, and talk to friends and neighbours. Also, it will depend when you are free to go because some places are not open all the time so you will have to look at their company hours. Some great advice would also be to check their holiday hours just in case they are closed on a day you would like to go. As well, when you go you want to take your whole family because it is such a better experience with more people and plus, more eyes to look for the best tree! Most importantly, you want to make sure you have a vehicle that you can put the tree on top or even better, to put it in the back of a pickup truck. When you get there, you will be greeted by the owner, who will usually provide you with a saw. Sometimes they will offer hot cocoa or apple cider with some cookies, so grab some refreshments while you are there to make it an even better holiday experience.
Secondly, you will start walking through all the trees. From pine, blue spruce and balsam fir, they will have it all! While walking through all the trees, you have to enjoy wandering and enjoy the nature to get in the overall view of all the Christmas trees. To narrow it down, pick one specific kind of tree your family prefers, let’s make it blue spruce. Now that you have narrowed it down you will want to walk through all the blue spruce trees. A tree with brown needles means it is dying so try to avoid these trees because they will not last as long. Also, make sure the tree is full but not too full. As well, you need to look for how straight it is, you do this by checking the trunk. You want to account for the height that you desire and how much you will actually have to cut off so it can fit nicely inside your house, but also in your vehicle on the way home.
Thirdly, once you have picked which you think is the perfect tree, you cut it down. This is normally where I make my older brothers do it (hehe), which they gladly do. You can cut it by laying down on the ground getting under and sawing it by yourself or you can saw it back and forth if there are two people, makes it more fun if you do the one with two people. Once it is down (timber!) you can bring it back to the owners and you pay for it. Then you will lug it to your vehicle, this where a pickup truck might come in handy, you will either put it in the back if you have a truck or tie it to the roof of the car carefully. This is to make sure it doesn’t fall on the road. Then you will drive it home checking frequently that it`s still there. After you have done all this it is up to you and your family to cut it to the correct height, put it in the house, decorate it with ornaments, lights and anything else you have. Also make sure to water it frequently.
In conclusion, these are the very crucial steps you can take to pick and cut down the perfect Christmas tree. With these steps, you and your family can get the best Christmas tree ever. I can’t completely make it fun; you will have to do some of that on your own. My family when we are walking through the trees, we always take photos to remember the memories and we wear cozy clothes. So, to successfully pick and cut down the perfect Christmas tree, you need to have family & friends with you, cozy experience and last but not least, a set of good eyes.
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“Validation” a short film by Kurt Kuenne
For this response paper, I watched a short film called Validation by Kurt Kuenne.In the film, Hugh Newman is a parking attendant and instead of charging people for validation, h. He would give them compliements that would cheer up their daythem up, the other definitionversionof validation. Validation can mean two things but here it means “recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.” (Google Dictionary) Throughoutthe video, he gave positive encouragementscomplementsto people and wanted to see everyone smile. I believe from this video the most important message was just to encourageseepeople to smile.
Throughout the video, he gave many compliements, just to see a smile on someone`s face. Firstly, he gave compliements to all the people coming to get their carsvalidatedinstead they got free parking and a wonderful compliement to cheer them up. Some compliements included “you are great”, “amazing cheekbones” and “that is a fantastic suit”. These make all the people feel good about themselves and positivesmile. Secondly, he encouragedshowedpeople to smile with genuine smilesfor real. One day when he was down in the film, he was asked to take someone’s photo. When he was about to take itt, he said “that’s not a smile, smile for real”. Then he gave a bunch of compliements and asked them why they were happy. This shows us that someone may be smiling on the outside but they don’t necessary feel it on the inside. He showed us that sometimes we justhavegotto smile and laugh it out.He Closing, it showsus thatecompliements have a way to warm someone’s heart and make them smile.
Throughout During the video, he made so many people smile but could not make this girl smile for anything.just by giving them a compliment. Firstly, he met athegirl while he was gettingwho was takinghis passport picture photoand she was taking it. She pointed to a sign that said no smiling or smirking of any kind which he wasn`table to do so he couldndidn’t get his photo taken. This shows us that sometimes we can’t stop smilingebecause we see something magnificent, it could be a girl/boy or just a very pretty sunset/sunrise. Secondly, after that one time he kept coming back to see that one girl smile, Victoria. He would present her withgivecompliements and flowers,.She buthe could never get her to neversmiledsadly and eventually he gave up on his motive to make anyone smile. He stopped with all the compliements and actually made people sad. This shows us that one small thing something as simple as a smile can make a huge differencesin someone’s life. HopefullyLastly, someone will always be there for you, to cheer you up. Later,When Hugh was down he was asked to take a photo and seeing theof a couple smilinge, this made him want to smile too. After that he went all around Soon he was exploring the city to see people have a realwith genuine smilesand started making compliements again. One experience was with a handicapped womaen who smiled when he gave her compliements and he took photos of her. Asa result,he just want to see people smile as it lighted up his day and other people`s days.
Finally, oOne moment can change so many moments afterwards. This is shown when Then hat a place where he had to show his driver’s license, he saw someone’s else`s driver’s license and it was the guyhimsmiling. Hughquicklyraced to the DMV but Victoria was not there. He went everywhere looking for her and eventually found her at a photo booth taking passport photos with smiles. It is at that moment that Hugh saw Victoria smilinge. It was all because of the handicapped women, Victoria`s mom. From this, we can see that every moment has a moment afterward. As well, that one smile can make a whole city or nation smile.
In conclusion, the points for the film “Validation” is that he gave many one encouraging compliementcan change your mood and make you smile.s and wanted to see everyone smile.As well in ending, one moment can change so many moments afterwards.My opinion ofI lovedthe video I loved it,and IIthought it was so inspiring. Overall, I believe the most important message the video displayed was just to see people smilebe kind and make people smile withgenuine happy smiles.
Google dictionary- Validation- 3rddefinition
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Defintion Paper: Success
What does it mean to have success or be successful? According to Collins Dictionary, “Success is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do.” (Collins Dictionary, n.d) In this paper, you will see the origin of success, the context and different types of success. People explain success or successfulness in many ways in this paper, I will give my opinion of what success means to me and to others.
‘Success’ comes from the 1530s, “result, outcome from Latin successus,” “ an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome,” (Online Etymology Dictionary, n.d) From this, you can see that success has meant something to someone for a very long time. “Successus is a noun use of past participle of succedere” “come after, follow after;” (Online Etymology Dictionary, n.d). As well, another way to say success is successful. Successful is from the “1580s, originally, having or resulting in any kind of success;” (Online Etymology Dictionary, n.d). According to Online Etymology Dictionary, “since late 19 century it has tended to mean ‘wealthy, resulting in financial prosperity.” There you can see the origin of success.
The context of success is what it really means and the model in which we should follow for success. Firstly, “success begins with a state of minds.” (Innovations. n.d) “The symbols of success are the milestones and goals achieved in the process” (Innovations. n.d). This shows that success is basically anything in life that you put your mind to and you want to achieve. Secondly, the mindset drive competencies produces one’s level of performance from ‘The Empowered Individual’ model. (Innovations. n.d) The model shows that you go from a mindset which is dedication and persistence. Then to competencies which is education and skills. The last is performance which means leadership, customer focus, teamwork, and interpersonal skills. Closing all these points, we can see that the ‘The Empowered Individual’ is a great model to go by to have the ultimate success in life as it works with skills rather than other factors.
There are so many different types of success and what everybody believes is success. Firstly, someone may believe that when you have lots of money or are going to get a lot of money that you are successful. There are many people that you can think of probably that are rich and are snobby about it. Secondly, some people believe having success or being successful is having a loving family & friends. This could be having a large family or just having a happy family. For example, Oprah Winfrey say success means to her to be happy. This relates a little to family and friends because if you are happy with family & friends you have success. Lastly, success or successfulness could be how well you do in school. This could be you trying to achieve a specific goal that you set for your grades. Also, it could be a way for you to get a successful job in the end and helps you communicate as well with all the success. Well, there we can see all the different types of successes people believe in.
Overall, what does it mean to have success or be successful? From this paper, we know the origin of where success came from, the context of success and different types of success. The true meaning of the definition of success is “the achievement of something that you have been trying to do.” (Collins Dictionary, n.d) As well, I will share what I believe is true when I hear the word success, I think it is achieving a goal that was unexpected or just general success as being happy in life. Throughout this paper, you saw different people explaining different types of success or successfulness, that they believe in.
Collins Dictionary. (n.d) Success.Retrieved from:
Innovations. (n.d) Work/Life Balance-Insights for Success - Establishing a Context for Success. Retrieved from: success.php
Online Etymology Dictionary. (n.d). Success(n.).Retrieved from:
Online Etymology Dictionary. (n.d). Successful(adj.)Retrieved from:
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The Increase in Technology
“What should we be worried about?” This is a question that was asked in my Communication writing strategies class, but it can also be a controversial topic asked in the daily life. The first thing that comes to mind is the increase in technology and what it is doing to family lifestyles, how much we use it/where we use it /what we do with it and the decrease of jobs. With response to this topic, I believe we should be worried about the increase in technology.
Family lifestyles involving technology uses are concerns that I am worried about and probably many others are too. Firstly, I do not believe kids should get phones and other technology devices before the age of 8 years old. I believe this creates a social behaviour problem which also could be said as that kids will get used to technology that they wouldn’t be able to talk face to face with anyone. As well, I find that instead of family talking at dinner they normally have the TV on, or people are playing on their electronics. I feel like at dinner or when the family is together, they should put away electronics and tell each other’s about their day. This will lead to better family lifestyles and better communication.
Electronics may be important and helpful, but they sometimes can have a bad effect. Let’s take a look at how much we use it, where we use it and what we do with it. First, technology and internet are very highly used by consumers age 15 and up. According to Statistics Canada, nearly all Canadians under the age of 45 use the internet everyday (Statistics Canada,2017). Also 70% of technology user, use it with their iPhone/smartphone (Statistics Canada,2017). Almost 90% of Canadians use internet connections and 61% engage on social media every single day. (McKinnon, M., 2019) The most popular social media being Facebook at 77% of users. (McKinnon, M., 2019) This displays the technology is used more and more as it is becoming more popular. Secondly, where we use technology is sometimes scary to think. Cellphone use while driving is becoming more of a thing especially with teens even though it is against the law. In 2017, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 3166 people were killed in 2935 distraction affected crashes, accounting for 9% of fatal crashes in the US. (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, n.d).) “Cellphone use is not texting, - it is multiple behaviours including social media, GPS and even music.” (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, n.d).) Cellphone use behind the wheel reduces the amount of brain activity with driving by 37%. (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, n.d).) This shows us that where we use technology can cause seriously injury or even death, so we need to stop looking at our phone. There are for sure other places that you shouldn’t look at your phone, but driving is the biggest one. Lastly, what we do with it can be very important as it can decrease our ability to communicate face to face with others. According to Statistics Canada, 77% says it helps to communicate with others, 66% says saves time, 52% says helps to make more informed decisions and 36% says help to be more creative. (Statistics Canada,2017) This shows that we would rather use technology than talk to people to make decisions and get creative with people in person. Electronics may be important and supportive, but they sometimes can have a bad effect on human life.
Everyone may think electronics are great in all, but I can see a shift in how technology is taking over some jobs. Primarily, self-serve checkouts are the first element that I can see that they are eliminating jobs for cashiers so that they can make more money without all the cashier. This I find foolish because if I have the option between a cashier and self-serve checkout, I would choose a cashier because I feel like having that personal connection with someone rather than a screen. I am a cashier at a fruit market, I know that they will never have self-serve checkouts at my work because there is so many codes. But I can imagine though if someone was a cashier at Walmart for example and they saw more and more self-checkouts go up, I would get really concern as soon they would take away my job. Furthermore, online shopping has decreased jobs because sometimes people don’t even go shopping anymore, they just shop from home. This is proven as the guy that invented Amazon- Jeff Bezos who started the company in 1994 out of his garage is now the riches person in the world. (Forbes, November 9,2019).This shows that technology use has increased, and more people would rather stay home and shop online than actually go out, our generation is getting lazy. Lastly, in offices they are also reducing staff by having electronic recordings instead of receptionists. It shows that 72% to 80% of callers do not leave a voicemail, if call is not answered. (Hasbun, M, August 14,2017) This shows that if there are recordings, it will increase business so that is why receptionist are losing jobs because electronic recordings are more reliable. You may think electronics are great but with the increase in technology, I can see that it is decreasing jobs.
In conclusion, we should be worried about the increase in technology in our world. More specific with family lifestyles, what we do/when/where it is used and lastly it decreasing jobs that anyone could do. Overall, in response to this very controversial topic, I believe we should be worried about the increase in technology.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (n.d). Cell phone use while driving statistics and texting and driving facts. Retrieved from prevention/distracted-driving/cell-phones
Forbes. (November 9,2019). Jeff Bezos. Retrieved from bezos/#40196f4b1b23
Hasbun, M. (August 14, 2017). 6 Interesting Statistics that Prove Your Business Needs a Phone Answering Service. Retrieved from statistics-prove-business-needs-phone-answering-service/.
McKinnon, M. (2019, September 30). 2019 Report: Social Media Use in Canada. Retrieved from
Statistics Canada. (2017, November 14). The Internet and Digital Technology. Retrieved from
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Instagram Vs. Snapchat -Comparative Paper
Instagram Vs. Snapchat
Kayleigh VanEgmond
Niagara College
While Instagram and Snapchat may seem different zoom out, but if we take a closer look, they are much more similar.
Instagram and Snapchat are two social media sites used by teenagers and young adults that are used for communicating with other people and posting photos to show others what you are doing. One fact for Instagram is that 59% of internet users are between the ages 18-29 which use Instagram (Nováková, 2017). This shows us that Instagram is popular by the younger generation and while it doesn’t include Snapchat, we can assume that Snapchat is also most popular by the younger generation. Instagram is a little more personal in that you comment or like on other people’s post on their wall. Snapchat you can follow news gossip to look at daily. Although these differences, they are still both very similar in that you can message people individual or in groups. As well, in both there are options to post photos to stories. Lastly, both have filters and text that you can use with photos. Even with the differences there is so much that is alike between these two as they are just both sites to communicate between teenagers and young adults.
Both Instagram and Snapchat have ways to message people individual or in groups. On Instagram you can direct message (DM) them by hitting the right corner twice on the home page and typing the individual’s name. It will also allow you to create groups and name the group. This is the perfect function for a group of friends or just for a group project, for college let’s say. Snapchat allows you to text someone too, but its main purpose is type over a photo to send. But you are allowed to text with no photos or even make a group that many people can see the photo or text. Within one source, the average number of daily snaps is 3.5 billion every day (Noyes, 2019). This shows that many people take advantage of sending photos on Snapchat to friends and peers. Including both these options of messaging the best is to use Instagram direct messaging (DM) to communicate with fellow students, friends as well as family, as it is more formal.
Secondly, there is an option to post photos on stories for 24 hours on both social media sites. Both allows teens and young adults to express themselves more frequent, for less time. On Instagram you can easily add a photo to your story by scrolling to the top and click the story bottom. Then you have the option to add any photo in your camera roll or take one on the spot. This is a great option to have if you are travelling and you don’t want to post a lot of photos at once. With Snapchat, you have the same option to post a photo on your story from memories in Snapchat or just take the photo on the spot. This can help you connect with friends as well as family far away or even close by. Alongside these benefits of posting photos to your stories for communications for 24 hours, the best way to do it is with Snapchat because it is much simpler.
Lastly, there is a choice to add face filters and text to your photos, with either of these social media sites which is fun for the younger generation. Instagram lets you take photos with face filters or backgrounds. As well, it allows you to add text to these photos. Evidence to prove that people actually use these filters and texts on photos is that around 95 million photos are uploaded per day (Nováková, 2017). This shows that when people uploaded this many photos in a day, they use the face filters and/or backgrounds. This is a great way for teens and young adults to connect with their surroundings and have fun. As well, Snapchat allows you to use face filters and add text to the photos you take. This allows friends to send snaps with faces to have fun, communicate and get engaged. With both these options, the best way for teens to use filters and text is with Snapchat as it is easier and more related to Snapchat main function and purpose. The face filters and texts on these social media sites are so great for teens and young adults.
In conclusion, all these aspects involving Instagram and Snapchat are great ways to communicate with friends, peers and family. Commenting and liking photos or reading gossip news are both differences that not both of these sites have, but the sites are still so similar. The similarities include messaging peers, individuals or in groups, posting photos to stories and the use of face filters or text to add to photos. Overall with the few differences we can see that Instagram and Snapchat are very similar in the perspective of a teenager or young adult. We can see that the best way to communicate more formally is Instagram. While the best way to communicate for entertainment is Snapchat. From this, we can see that there is not one better site, but they are both good for a specific purpose.
So finally, if we take a closer look, we can see that the differences between Instagram and Snapchat do not matter, as they are still so similar.
Nováková, M. (2017). 25 Instagram facts that you want to know. Received from
Noyes, D. (2019). The Top 10 Valuable Snapchat Statistics-Updated July 2019.Received from
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“We Are Garbage” Response
Garbage is gross and we may not want to think about it but let’s all be honest it is always in the environment and in our bodies. This is what Ziya Tong wrote in her article about how “we are garbage” She ends her article with this powerful statement “what we put into the environment will eventually find its way into our bodies”. I believe that this is somewhat to be true because we generate so much garbage where is it all suppose to go? Science shows that everything in existence is all part of a flow.
“Humans generate about 45 million tons of waste every year”. This seems like a lot of garbage. But where is it all supposed to go, we all ask ourselves. Well, Tong did a great job of writing her article by getting right down to all the different types of waste we produced and where it is all to be disposed to. She went from discussing waste on the moon to excrement. Where do you think all this goes? Reading this article made me think that I do believe in the last statement of her article, “that it will eventually be in our bodies”. That scares me to think that what I ingest could come back in my body, like that is gross we are talking about excrement here. If she is saying that the waste eventually ends up in our body that means it is about 45 million tons of waste each year that is allowed to come inside our body.
Also, after reading this article I believe that garbage is compared to a full circle. We buy whatever product it is, we throw the wrapper away and eventually that wrapper will come back to us but this time in our bodies which could harm us in the long run. Something that Tong said I thought was very fascinating is “Science shows us what our own eyes can’t see: that everything in existence is part of a network, part of a flow.” This statement puts the full circle theory to motion because of the line “part of a flow” meaning that garbage goes with the flow similar to a full circle.
Overall, the statement “what we put into the environment will eventually find its way back into our bodies”. This is such a true statement because there is so much waste, where is it all supposed to go and it shows us that the waste is a full circle. What is in our bodies and our environment may be gross, bet let’s be honest it is waste and garbage that we produced earlier in life.
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