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juststandingthere · 1 month ago
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I have never cooked so hard in my entire life lol
This was inspired by a reference I saw on Pinterest, which was also an old art trend, and the moment I saw it I knew Jiji & Evil eye would be great for this so I also took the chance to do an art study at the same time and practice stuff like expressions, background, shading and many more elements which led me to this piece.
I bet this'll be my best drawing of the year XD I'm really proud of this & I hope y'all will like it as much as I do!^^
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!🔁 Leave a like!❤️
_Version of the drawing without Jiji's hand & the reference below the cut_
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juststandingthere · 1 month ago
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"This lingering resentment will never go away."
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juststandingthere · 2 months ago
people ALSO underestimate the evil eye bc he was "defeated" by okarun, when really the only reason they didn't keep fighting was bc okarun was tired and ended up convincing EE to fight every tuesday instead. Had they kept going okarun wouldn't have been able to go all out again, meanwhile jiji has been shown time and time again to have near unlimited stamina
i feel like people underestimate how strong jiji is.
The guy saved 2 people (+turbo granny) while not having any power, having been beat up, stabbed multiple times and partially blinded,
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is able to do a literal kamehameha (and a powered up version of it right after he had part of his chi SUCKED OUT OF HIS BODY),
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is able to have the evil eye inhabiting his body without any physical repercussions and is called a prodigy by at least 4 different characters
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just for y'all to say that zuma would be able to beat him with no problem
(don't get me wrong, i love zuma and he is undoubtedly strong, but like okarun he can only go all out twice before suffering physical damage and he has the power of a yokai who is significantly weaker than turbo granny, +he literally just got out of the hospital)
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juststandingthere · 2 months ago
i feel like people underestimate how strong jiji is.
The guy saved 2 people (+turbo granny) while not having any power, having been beat up, stabbed multiple times and partially blinded,
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is able to do a literal kamehameha (and a powered up version of it right after he had part of his chi SUCKED OUT OF HIS BODY),
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is able to have the evil eye inhabiting his body without any physical repercussions and is called a prodigy by at least 4 different characters
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just for y'all to say that zuma would be able to beat him with no problem
(don't get me wrong, i love zuma and he is undoubtedly strong, but like okarun he can only go all out twice before suffering physical damage and he has the power of a yokai who is significantly weaker than turbo granny, +he literally just got out of the hospital)
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juststandingthere · 3 months ago
THE MOST INSANE THING IS! the first two pictures are of the same guy responding to my comments under TWO DIFFERENT VIDEOS! and i've found other similar comments from them under even more videos. This person is NOT ok
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juststandingthere · 3 months ago
no bc fr why do people hate this fictional 15yo so much😭
(TW for sorta graphic description in the first picture)
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juststandingthere · 4 months ago
also the jealousy (and lowkey obsession) that felix and jimmy feel towards jack and curly, the issues they had that got ignored (on purpose or not) until it was too late and disaster had already happened
how this ended up victimizing people that had nothing to do with anything, simple workers who should have gone home to their families but couldn't
felix taking credit for jack's success and jimmy blaming curly for his mistakes, both of them making themselves out to be the victims of the situation
has anyone made a twf x mouthwashing au bc holy shit why does it kinda fit
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juststandingthere · 4 months ago
has anyone made a twf x mouthwashing au bc holy shit why does it kinda fit
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juststandingthere · 4 months ago
i personally find the scene in the utility room to be so funny (not)
"Swansea is so despicable for hiding the cryo-pods! he was obviously lying and manipulating us all so he could save himself once we were all dead!" says Jimmy, right before sending daisuke to certain death by manipulating him to do a dangerous job he could have done himself.
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juststandingthere · 4 months ago
ISTG this game is making me insane, brainrot strong enough for me to make my first analysis post
One thing i love about the narrative is how distorted the characters, relationships and events are from jimmy's pov. Most posts discussing this focus on Anya, and it makes sense bc she's probably the biggest victim of this. She's seen as less than a person, she's an incompetent nurse, she has a meek personality, she'll let anyone(jimmy) step over her and she still follows his orders, despite everything he has done to her. We obviously see, from curly's pov, that she's simply too terrified of her abuser to act any other way, and when she's not with him she's way more confident and competent.
I haven't seen as many people talking about how this "distortion" affects Swansea and Daisuke as well, including the relationship they have with each other.
We see, in the first Curly section, that Swansea is a great mentor to Daisuke (one might even say they have a father-son/uncle-nephew relationship). He takes his time to teach him not just the basics, but also how to do his job as safely as possible. He lets him take notes, he himself writes stuff down for him to remember and even lets him doodle on those notes! Sure he is harsh with him, but he clearly cares about him and wants him to be safe.
And in return Daisuke looks up to him and has great respect for him, as both a mechanic and a man, while he also makes some jokingly offensive comments towards the older man, showing the close bond they have formed.
But that's not what we see when we play as Jimmy.
In his pov we don't see them interacting much, when they do we either see Swansea insulting Daisuke for no apparent reason or, in one occasion, we see him leading the kid down a "bad path" wanting to teach him how to "drink like a man".
When they aren't interacting tho, we do see hints of their actual relationship: Swansea asking where the kid is when he is "partying" in the lounge, confirming that he does not, in fact, hate spending time with him; him looking desperately for something, *anything*, that could help Daisuke with his suffering after he's injured; how whenever Jimmy tries to bring up to Daisuke how "badly" Swansea treats him, or how he "lied" to them about the utility room, Daisuke immediately shuts him down, because he knows what he's saying is completely wrong (i'm pretty sure those are the only times he doubts something Jimmy says), showing once again the trust and respect he has for his mentor.
(this part is kinda speculative but i think it makes sense)
There are two other times where we see them interacting, where we actually see how much Swansea cares for the kid, and coincidentally, neither of them is seen through Jimmy's eyes, but from a third person pov: what Swansea says right before they knock him out with the drink, about how he resents the people that let Daisuke, someone with his whole life ahead of him, with so much optimism and joy, board the ship for a job that would inevitably leave him "mangled" and "smarter in a worse way" (i could make a whole other essay on this part but i won't), and what he says right before mercy killing him. In that scene specifically, as the camera pans out in the corridor as Swansea raises his axe, ready to take the final swing, Jimmy doesn't see the hesitation in his body language, the way his body tenses, the way he comforts the kid, telling him to close his eyes, the heavy breaths (crying?maybe?) right after the act. He only sees the older man as a monster that would take away an innocent life that jimmy would have been able to fix had he been given the time to fucking think.
Hell, now that i think about it, Swansea's final monologue, where we find out that he is in fact a good man who tried his best to better himself, who simply wanted to protect the kid and give him "a chance off this goddamn rock"(implying that the Cryopod was meant for Daisuke all along) is also shown in third person!
A few other things i found interesting:
1-The missing pieces between what happened to Daisuke in the vent and when Swansea started attacking Jimmy. There's a cut from when Daisuke screams to when he's laying on (Swansea's) bed, bloody and in pain; from when Jimmy uses the mouthwash to disinfect him (which only causes him to suffer more) and two hours later; from after the talk the two men have and the moment Jimmy decides to go find the gun, the axe gone from Daisuke's face. What happened in those missing scenes? Was Swansea the one who helped the kid onto his bed, trying to make him as comfortable as possible? Did he try to comfort him, to distract him, and ease his pain as well as he could? What was his reaction when he had to take back the axe off the face of the young man he had started seeing as his own kid, whose life he had hoped he could save but that he ultimately had to take with his own hands?
I personally think those parts are blocked out of Jimmy's mind, as he couldn't fit them in his own narrative, where he was the hero, Swansea the villain and Daisuke the innocent, young man whose life he tried his best to protect from this "monster" that was now going to come after him.
2-Swansea attacking Jimmy with the axe, especially the cemetery scene, and how it can be interpreted in different ways.
We, the viewers, knowing everything that happened, will see it as a desperate man, Swansea, trying to avenge the lives that had been lost on that ship because of Jimmy (wether directly or not), with Daisuke's death being the last straw. But i don't think that's how Jimmy saw it. He saw swansea as a crazed, mad man, a ruthless killer, coming for him after taking an innocent life, Daisuke's photo and mausoleum as a reminder for Jimmy of what the older man had done, and a justification for what he was about to do.
(not to talk about the implication that the fight against swansea was not as intense as we saw it, only confirming the idea that jimmy was looking for a justification for shooting him)
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juststandingthere · 4 months ago
would anyone be interested in an extremely speculative and possibly incorrect essay on how Jimmy's pov distorts the events of the story, with a focus on how Daisuke and Swansea's father-son relationship is misinterpreted by him so that it can fit his version of everything that happens?
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juststandingthere · 5 months ago
i think he did rampage but it was not nearly as bad as jimmy made it out to be, like the man had just woken up from a spiked cocktail after months of non-stop drinking, idk how much strength he would realistically have
i see the cemetery scene and the cockpit scene as jimmy trying to justify killing swansea
what was Swansea’s plan? was he blocking off the vent to protect Anya? did he suspect the crew would fall to pieces if they knew only one cryogenic pod was functioning?
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juststandingthere · 5 months ago
i thought he was blocking it off bc 1-he didn't trust jimmy (with the pod and in general) and 2- he wanted to save the pod for daisuke (he implies it in the final monologue)
Also i think anya was aware of what was in the room and that's what she and swansea were talking about in that one scene, + i think they didn't want to tell daisuke bc they didn't want him to get involved with what was happening/to learn what jimmy did to anya, and bc they were scared that he would be manipulated by jimmy into revealing the truth
(idk if this makes sense english isn't my first language and my keyboard is fucked up)
what was Swansea’s plan? was he blocking off the vent to protect Anya? did he suspect the crew would fall to pieces if they knew only one cryogenic pod was functioning?
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juststandingthere · 8 months ago
chilchuck wouldn't have missed
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juststandingthere · 9 months ago
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is this y'alls sexyman?
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juststandingthere · 10 months ago
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you're welcome, also nice
people who liked jax in the pilot and dislike him after this episode are WEAK
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juststandingthere · 10 months ago
people who liked jax in the pilot and dislike him after this episode are WEAK
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