hi future me, It's been awhile I'm back in uni, finishing my second year now. Everything is exhausting but i've never had as much purpose as I do now. It took me awhile to get accustomed to it, I sometimes still need the time to calm down and think so I won't fall down and panic, but it is better. I'm no longer living at home altough i'm still financially dependent on my parents. I'm scared I won't be able to find a job and get free. I have to try. There's been developments since last time. My younger sister is no longer in therapy, altough I still think it could help her. She's an adult now, trying to get her driving permit. It's weird but nothing surprising, I just hope she doesn't freak out while learning to drive on the road, she's quite skittish.
I'm kind of scared for my brother as well, he's been depressed for a long time. I hope he lives to see his 40th birthday.
My dad landed in a hospital for a week. He's still not used to his body not being able to take as much as it did before, overworks himself without realising it. I'm kind of like that as well. I think he has PTSD after his time as a soldier and then a police officer. When he got angry and you pushed him he would say things about his more dark days as an officer, a lot of it quite bloody. Still it wasn't common and he has quite a grasp on those memories, so I haven't heard a lot. I wonder if any of my siblings know more.
On another hand, the volunteer work has been fun. I think im gonna stick with it, have a social escape when the routine gets to be too much. Sincerely,
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candlelightdiaries · 4 months
Hi, my name is Ember and I’m an alcoholic (“Hi Ember”). I’ve been sober for over 2 years now and I still have no clue what the fuck I am doing. The first year was just surviving and the second year was trying to deal with all of the problems of the adult world now that I actually want to live again. Who would have thought?
Year three is going to be the year of self discovery. All of my traumas and past experiences made me turn towards the “victim mentality” and filled me with self-pity, and I don’t want to live that way. Now that I want to live and am not always 10 seconds away from taking a drink I have realized that I don’t know who the fuck I am. I have things that I do, but it never feels like me. I desperately want to know who I am and eventually grow to love that person.
In AA you learn that you have a higher power of YOUR UNDERSTANDING and that can be whatever you want it to look like, as long as it is outside of yourself and it loves you. Growing up catholic was really hard for me. I was an anxious kid who thought that god was going to send me to hell because I forgot to look both ways before crossing the street. It’s been tough for me to divorce those feelings from my new reality—my new understanding of the powers that be—but we’re getting there. I have the willingness to be willing, and that has to count for something.
I’ve always felt a pull towards witchcraft and paganism. It just seemed so cool and beautiful and I wanted to join. Well, now that I’m going through the steps again it’s time for me to really focus on what my spiritual life looks like, because without it I will drink again. I’ve decided that as of right now, witchcraft and our relationship with all that is is where I want to start. Who knows, maybe this won’t be for me. But I really want it to be.
This blog is a place where I am going to record the process of learning new things and unlearning old things. I hope that my journey through this time of discovery of self is fruitful, and maybe all of my ramblings can help someone else. If there is one thing I do have to say about reading this blog: buckle up and get ready for the wild ride and all of the emotional rollercoasters that come with it while I journey through this phase of life and try to get my shit together.
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Welcome to My Recovery Journey: Unveiling the Truth Behind ED Recovery
Ever searched for someone in ED recovery and found yourself in a cycle of comparison? So did I. But here's the raw truth, free from numbers and full of real experiences.
Join me in this safe space where I share my wins, struggles, laughter, and tears. No comparisons, just genuine support and insights. Dive into my world, where every step forward is celebrated, and every setback is a lesson learned.
Get ready for a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and hope. Let's navigate this path together, one empowering story at a time.
Link to my main blog: https://medium.com/@thejournalofbeautyandthebeast
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magz · 1 year
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(Images: The cover of "My Alcoholic Escape From Reality" by Nagata Kabi. And a banner of the books she has written so far, including: "My Solo Exchange Diary: My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness", "My Solo Exchange Diary 2", and "My Wandering Warrior Existence". End ID.)
Besides Nagata Kabi's more well-known graphic novel memoir about her lesbianism and depression ....
In 2021, she made one about her struggles with addiction and medical issues. "My Alcoholic Escape From Reality".
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(Image: Manga panels by Nagata Kabi. Her dad asks, "Planning to make this a manga too?". She's on a hospital bed, shakes her head, and says "No. People would come at me so hard ... If I drew something like this." End ID.)
It's not that often that Japanese creatives are so upfront about their experience with alcoholism,
and get international translations of it.
"My Pancreas Broke, But My Life Got Better" is also slated to release on November 2023, too.
Synopsis of "My Alcoholic Escape From Reality":
"This comic-diary recounts Nagata Kabi's experience descending into alcoholism as a way to numb the pain of reality. Drinking heavily and consistently, Kabi eventually begins to feel intense stomach pains, and discovers she has contracted pancreatitis. In My Alcoholic Escape from Reality, Kabi chronicles her recovery and her attempts to start using manga as a means to process her experiences again. For anyone who has suffered the pain of addiction and depression themselves, or know someone who has, this book will be intensely relatable. A profound reflection on alcoholism, self-discovery, and the long journey towards healing. "
(The graphic novel is read from right to left)
Get the book at: "Penguin Random House" Publishing
Microcosm Publishing (Physical)
Amazon (Ebook Kindle and Physical)
Apple (Ebook)
Archive's Open Library (lending)
Better World Books (physical)
Read for "Free":
MangaDex (currently in Spanish and Polish)
Bato.to (English)
Download Links Archive (English. CBZ)
Can find her other books in the same places.
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intothewestwing · 3 months
Ch 18: If I Can’t Love Her
The next morning was a morning of recovery. While his physical injuries from his encounter with The Enchantress seemed to have magically disappeared overnight, the mental anguish and recovery from the trauma was one he would struggle with.
Beast was greeted by his regular cup of tea, and an array of breakfast pastries and protein.
The rest of the evening from the day prior was a blur, but at some point he must’ve retired to his bed.
His heart sank, as he realized his plans to connect with Belle over brunch were interrupted by his condition. It had been a while since he’d engaged in any type of flirtation or spark of romance, but being in close proximity in the pouring rain on the balcony, under perfect moonlight… That was undeniable. Wasn’t it?
Perhaps this would be the day.
The Beast dressed himself (with the usual assistance from stationary servants in the West Wing) in a clean set of clothes and bounded toward the East Wing to seek out Belle.
When he went to knock on her door, he saw it was already cracked open. Luckily, she was already awake. As not to spook her, he knocked gently on the wooden door before entering.
Belle was sitting at the writing desk, heavily focused on a piece of parchment she had seemingly just finished. She returned the quill back into its ink pot before lifting her head and happily responding, “Come in!”
But when she turned to see her visitor, her face fell.
“Oh you’re…not who I was expecting.”
This sudden shift in demeanor confused The Beast, but perhaps it was just a temporary disappointment.
“Uh, good morning. I hope you slept well.”
“I slept fine, thank you.”
Her tone was dry as she turned back around to face the desk and attend to her drying parchment. It appeared she’d rather watch ink dry than speak to him.
“The weather has cleared up. I thought you might want to take a walk in the gardens with me today. I know you’ve been wanting to explore them.”
Belle was still bitter about Beast’s behavior the day prior, and while it was a misguided aggression on his part, unfortunately, neither of them had communicated this. Sure, it seemed petty. But Belle felt her disdain was justified.
“I’d rather not.”
Her response was quick and without hesitation.
Beast’s insecurities suddenly came through. Perhaps she hadn’t felt the way he did that night on the balcony. Was it just a foolish fantasy he’d created between them?
Of course it was.
She’d realized the mistake she’d made in opening up to him, and realized what a pathetic creature he could be. With his memory foggy from the day prior, he had no other reason to think her change in behavior was due to anything else.
She’d never see him as anything more than a monster.
“As you wish.”
Beast accepted her rejection and hung his head on his way out the door.
With a hard thud, he shut the double doors and shut Belle out from his heart.
Belle listened for the sound of his heavy footsteps to walk away from the door before letting out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.
What was he thinking? That suddenly, after he’d growled and bared his teeth at her, demanding she leave him alone, that she’d wish to fraternize with him in the gardens the very next day?
He’d already let her down once, after a seemingly heartfelt night on the terrace, and Belle would not make the same mistake twice.
The young woman huffed and brushed the stray hairs out of her face before retrieving her letter from the desk.
Since the day she’d returned to the castle with the Beast, she’d been writing letters to her father. Letters she knew would never reach him, but the catharsis of a one-sided conversation was something that seemed to help with her odd situation.
She talked of The Beast and his servants, of the new discoveries she made each day in the castle, and most importantly, how she felt about it all. It was almost like a diary, in the way that these letters kept her company.
Once the letter was finished, Belle slipped it into an envelope, sealed it with wax, and tucked it away into the desk drawer, where it would stay safe and sound.
Hushed voices typically followed The Beast as he stalked around the castle, but today they were ever more agitated. The prying eyes of the walls had seen the two together on the terrace, and were given what the creature would describe as false hope of their release from the spell.
Their master typically ignored the whispers and echoes that followed, until one of them decided to face him directly.
The head of the royal staff appeared in his steampunkish form, adorned with ticking gears and copper finishings.
The Beast grunted in response.
“This month’s delivery has arrived. Would his grace like to inspect the contents?”
This was odd, as typically the staff handled what they needed and made sure it was distributed to their rightful places within the castle.
“We seem to have a p-problem!”
As The Beast followed his servant into the loading area, he peered at the many wooden crates that filled the space. If almost to fill the silence, the ticking man began to spiel on about each crate and it’s contents.
“…And as you can see, this one is filled with the necessary and requested cleaning supplies. We place our orders with the most revered company based in Paris, and have had no issues with them.
However, this crate over here, is one that I don’t recall ordering and it has an odd label on the front. It appears to be dusted with gold flake, perhaps? Though I’d need to test it to be sure…”
The mystery crate in question was addressed specifically to The Prince, in a script that seemed to anger him. He recognized the writing as the same script that graced another gift he’d been given; The Mirror.
This crate was from The Enchantress.
The Beast ran his claws against the wood, sinking deep scratches into its lid.
“S-Shall I open it, your grace?”
As a response, Beast pried open the lid with his claws and sneered at the contents of the crate.
Jewels, dresses, and other fine garments filled the crate to the brim, along with an array of books that sat toward the bottom.
Though it looked mundane, he knew all too well that every gift from Feya came with a catch.
“Recover it and store it in the tunnels. Nothing is to be touched.”
Without a word, his servants obeyed. Except, of course, a few approving words from Cogsworth.
“Yes, splendid. Excellent idea, sire!”
As he peered over the room, Beast suddenly came to a halt.
“Who ordered these?” He hissed and pointed to, not one, but three crates of books.
Interrupting Cogsworth’s panicked muttering, Lumiere bowed and entered the receiving area. “That would be me, your highness.”
The Beast snarled at the wax figure.
“Return them at once.”
“Bien sûr, bien sûr… Except I do know of someone who might appreciate some new things to read. Don’t you think?”
Unlike his master, Lumiere had noticed Belle’s affinity for literature, and snuck some extra orders of books from her village in the monthly supply.
With an annoyed growl, The Beast crossed his arms and muttered something incoherent.
“I thought so. Now- Did you want to deliver them to her or shall I?”
With how things had gone that morning, he wasn’t really desperate to go back into The East Wing anytime soon.
“I’ll deliver them…later.”
“Master, we don’t exactly have time for ‘later’, the rose is wilting now-”
The small mention of the cursed object caused Beast to fly into a rage. He gripped Lumiere by his upper arms and let his claws slowly sink into the wax.
“How dare you!” He spit and snarled as he reprimanded the servant. “If anyone here is aware of how quickly the wretched thing is wilting, it’s me!”
“Your highness!” Cogsworth shouted at he watched his friend be berated.
When Beast realized how much damaged he’d done to Lumiere’s waxy exterior, he released his grip in horror.
What had he done?
He’d almost destroyed one of his very best servants. One of the very few who hadn’t given up on him yet.
Luckily, Lumiere felt no pain and quickly molded himself back together. He was lucky- if it were flesh, he wouldn’t have been able to be reformed so easily.
“Sire,” He began. “We all felt the fall of another petal yesterday. We’re only trying to help you. If you’d let us, perhaps the girl won’t feel so much as a prisoner here, but a guest.”
His face fell.
“She’s the only stranger to wander even close to the castle since the spell was set. She is our only hope. Without her, we will all be…” He sighed.
“Well, you know.”
Though he didn’t want to admit it, Lumiere was right. His eyes still traced the places on his arms where his claws had harmed him, and for the first time in a long time, The Beast felt a sort of Regret. Guilt.
“I…I am sorry. For all of this.”
His voice broke as he exited the loading area, and restored back into his secluded corner of the castle.
Like a child, he curled into his chair by the fire and held his misshapen body close. As he closed his eyes, he wished for everything to disappear. That when he woke up, this would all have been a nightmare. He wished this every night for the past however many years the curse had been set.
Even before then, this was a common wish.
Some nights, he even wished he wouldn’t wake up. That the rose would be blown away by a storm, and it would end all at once.
He could only hope that another night’s sleep would bring some sort of clarity on how to redeem himself in Belle’s eyes.
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
2023 Roundup - books read
The Neverending Story - Michael Ende (re-read)
The Heavens - Sandra Newman
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo
Ruin and Rising - Leigh Bardugo
Monkey - Wu Chen'en (translation: Arthur Waley)
A Thousand Ships - Natalie Haynes
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins (re-read)
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (re-read)
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins (re-read)
Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins (re-read)
Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries - Alan Rickman
The Ninth Life of a Diamond Miner - Grace Tame
The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland - Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
I'm Not Fine, Thanks - Wil Anderson
Finding Me - Viola Davis
Maybe I Don't Belong Here: A Memoir of Race, Identity, Breakdown, and Recovery - David Harewood
Ask a Historian: 50 Surprising Answers to Things You Always Wanted to Know - Greg Jenner
A Million Years in a Day: A Curious History of Daily Life - Greg Jenner
Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar - Robert Lebling
The Hero with a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell
The Heroine with 1001 Faces - Maria Tatar
Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me - Ralph Macchio
The Novel Project: A Step-by-Step Guide to your Novel, Memoir or Biography - Graeme Simsion
Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators - Ronan Farrow
Pandora's Jar: Woman in the Greek Myths - Natalie Haynes
Killers of the Flower Moon: Oil, Money, Murder, and the birth of the FBI - David Grann
That makes 11 fiction and 16 non-fiction so 27 total.
I really didn't get to read as much as I wanted this year, but I did finally get around to the Shadow and Bone trilogy (and was surprised just how different the show ended up being to the third book especially) - the rest of the Grishaverse is on the to read list for 2024. After seeing The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes film (in contrast, a very faithful adaptation) I also revisited the books and do think they hold up as among the best of the YA genre.
It was the year of non-fiction for me, and really, the year of the memoir. I do love an actor's memoir in particular.
On the history front, Greg Jenner was a pleasing discovery, I do enjoy the irreverent tone and unique approach - I also recommend his history podcast You're Dead to Me.
On the true crime front, Catch and Kill was a hugely compelling (but confronting and infuriating) look back at Farrow's reporting of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, showing just how deeply the rot in the entertainment and media industry goes to foster and protect predators. Killers of the Flower Moon was an interesting read after seeing the film, although I was surprised at how much the book focused on Tom White and played as a whodunnit as opposed to the film's reframing of the story.
As for my one true love, myth and legend, I've gone back to Campbell as it's a foundational (if problematic) work before exploring alternate takes - The Heroine with 1001 Faces had some interesting ideas about the role of female archetypes in fiction, and Pandora's Jar was a compelling examination on the women in Greek myth specifically. That made be seek out Haynes's fiction work A Thousand Ships which explores the aftermath of the Trojan War from the female perspective and while I enjoyed that overall, it didn't quite hit the heights I wanted it to. Still, her novel about Medusa is on the to-read list.
Pretty much everyone I know bought me books for Christmas this year, so here's to a productive 2024!
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josephthesnailshow · 1 year
Sammy's Secret (Sequel to Sammy the Cat)
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Days turned into weeks after the discovery of the disturbing "Sammy the Cat" DVDs. The unsettling events and nightmares continued to haunt my thoughts. I decided to go deeper into the mystery, determined to uncover the truth behind this haunting show.
I have contacted the local police department again to inquire about any updates on their investigation into the second DVD I've reported. They informed me afterward that the man responsible for the show's disturbing content had been identified as Richard Turner, an actor who had struggled with severe mental health issues.
Intrigued and horrified by this disclosure, I decided to visit Richard Turner in prison. I wanted answers. As I entered the cold, dimly lit prison visiting room, I was met with a crooked and untidy man in a prison uniform. It was Richard Turner, the man who had portrayed Sammy the Cat.
He looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and madness. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him, despite the gruesome scenes I had witnessed in his show.
"Richard," I began cautiously, "I need to understand what happened with 'Sammy the Cat.' Why did you create such a disturbing show?"
Richard hesitated, his gaze fixed on the table. "It was my descent into madness," he mumbled, his voice trembling. "I was plagued by my demons, and I thought creating this show would somehow help me cope."
"But why the violence? The nightmares it caused?" I said.
Tears welled up in Richard's eyes as he recounted his troubled past. "I lost everything—my career, my family. I became consumed by my own darkness. I thought that by creating something so horrifying, I could share my pain with the world. It was my cry for help, albeit a twisted one."
I left the prison with a heavy heart, struggling to comprehend the depths of Richard's torment. It was a chilling reminder of the power of mental illness and the damaging impact it could have on a person's life.
Still, the mystery surrounding the second DVD remained. Why had it shown a seemingly different side of Richard, one that hinted at remorse and regret?
Determined to find answers, I revisited my great-aunt's estate, sifting through her belongings once more. Hidden among her possessions, she stumbled upon a diary that belonged to her. In it, she chronicled her experiences as a nurse at a psychiatric facility, including her interactions with a troubled patient named Richard Turner.
The diary entries revealed that my great-aunt had developed a deep connection with Richard, attempting to help him overcome his mental health struggles. She believed in his potential for recovery, even though others had given up on him.
As I pieced together the puzzle, it became clear that Richard had a complex history with my great-aunt. Her unwavering support and compassion had made a significant impact on his life, and he had dedicated the disturbing "Sammy the Cat" show to her memory.
The revelation left me with mixed emotions. While the show's horrors couldn't be excused, it was a stark reminder of the profound impact one person's kindness and understanding could have on another, even in the darkest of times.
I decided to preserve the story, not as a tale of terror but as a cautionary tale about the importance of mental health awareness and the potential for redemption, even in the most disturbing of circumstances.
After talking to Mr. Turner and sifting through my great-aunt's belongings, I realized that the police department was searching the house, and they found something unexplainable. It turns out he was living inside the walls the whole time before the police found him, and during that, they also found blood stains from the victims he killed. They already collected what he used in the show: his Sammy costume and the long-barreled shotgun. They decided to put the shotgun in a bag. They hired strong men to grab the costume and lock it away somewhere.
One of his friends was Jack Kennedy. How do I know him? I was searching more about Richard, and I found his name, so I clicked it to find more information; he was one of the people who knew Richard Turner at the facility where my great-aunt met Richard Turner, though the guy was less insane than he was. Jack Kennedy is a traumatized but intelligent man who suffered from child abuse. He later found the Sammy costume and saved it for family-friendly entertainment purposes, though he made it less low-budget in order to make it less creepy.
Now, before I end this, I have nothing else to say to anyone who reads this. Richard may not return to the public, but I assure you that I hope, and I'm being serious here, that despite him being a terrible person as seen in the previous tapes I watched, he does seem like he has remorse and regret for his actions, and I'm assuming that he's being truthful about it. Anyone can change if they put in the effort.
I'm glad I tried to end this on a little happier note, but I don't know yet, and luckily, I'm feeling a bit better after this situation.
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the year 2474, the boundaries of human exploration had expanded far beyond the Milky Way, carrying the legacies of ancient Earth histories into the cosmos. The Pala Empire, once a mighty power on Earth during the 8th to 12th centuries, had been reborn as an interstellar civilization, ruling over numerous planets with a blend of ancient wisdom and advanced technology.
On the planet Indravati, named after the capital of the historical Pala dynasty, lived Anika, a young historian passionate about the heritage of the Palas. Anika's interests lay in the unique fusion of past and future, where digital archives meshed seamlessly with texts written on palm leaves and parchment. Her recent obsession was the recovery of the "Chandra Codex," a lost manuscript believed to contain the secrets of the original Pala rulers' longevity and wisdom.
One day, while examining some artifacts at the planetary museum, Anika came across a peculiar object: a transparent sphere containing what seemed to be a perfectly preserved pink bubble, eerily similar to the chewing gum of ancient Earth. Intrigued by its anachronistic appearance, she took the sphere to her laboratory for analysis.
The sphere, once connected to her holographic interface, began to project sequences of DNA intertwined with quantum code – a technological relic far beyond the understanding of even the most advanced societies of her time. It was then that Anika realized she hadn't found just any artifact; she had stumbled upon a bio-encoded message from the ancient Pala emperors.
Deciphering the code with the help of her AI companion, Ravi, Anika unlocked a series of holographic diaries, revealing the true history of the Pala Empire. These records showed how the Palas had mastered not only the art of governance but also that of genetic modification, which allowed them to enhance their intellect and lifespan. The pink bubble, it turned out, was a symbolic storage device, used by the last Pala emperor to preserve his final message and genetic legacy, hoping it would one day be rediscovered.
Armed with this knowledge, Anika embarked on a mission to share these findings with the galaxy. However, not everyone welcomed this disruptive truth. A faction within the empire, fearing the implications of widespread genetic enhancements and the upheaval it could cause to the current societal order, began to oppose her.
The narrative of Anika's journey became a galactic beacon of debate over the ethical dimensions of genetic engineering, echoing the philosophical dilemmas faced by her Pala ancestors. As she navigated through political intrigue and the moral complexities of her discoveries, Anika remained committed to her belief in the free dissemination of knowledge, fighting to keep the wisdom of the past alive in the stars.
Thus, the legacy of the Pala Empire, encapsulated in a bubble of ancient gum, became a cornerstone of a new era in human evolution, with Anika at the helm of a movement that would forever change the face of the universe.
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Quando un libro parla proprio di te
ITA: In questo articolo l'autrice recensisce il libro Lontano dalla vetta. Di donne felici e capre ribelli di Caterina Soffici, che racconta del suo anno passato in una baita a 1700 metri di altitudine durante il covid. Il testo si colloca a metà tra un diario ed un saggio,  con citazioni e poesie di donne e uomini che con la montagna hanno intrattenuto un rapporto speciale. Racconta il percorso di scoperta della vita in montagna e le relazioni con alcune importanti figure femminili, come la pastora detta la Regina delle caprette; analizza la quotidianità di chi ha fatto della montagna la propria casa in chiave profondamente femminile; descrive le capre come animali intelligenti e ribelli. Il romanzo attraversa le stagioni ed è un percorso di consapevolezza e recupero della connessione con sé stesse/i. 
ENG: In this article the author reviews the book Far from the Summit. Of Happy Women and Rebellious Goats by Caterina Soffici, who recounts her year spent in a cabin at 1700 meters above sea level during covid. The text is somewhere between a diary and an essay, with quotes and poems from women and men who had a special relationship with the mountains. It recounts the journey of discovery of life in the mountains and relationships with some important female figures, such as the shepherdess known as the Queen of the goats; it analyzes the everyday life of those who have made the mountains their home, in a deeply feminine way; it describes goats as intelligent and rebellious animals. The novel traverses the seasons and is a journey of awareness and recovery of connection with one self.
🖊️: Sara Marsico
Articolo completo su Toponomastica Femminile / Read more on Toponomastica Femminile
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solhwellness · 1 year
Journaling for Mental Health: A Proven Tool for Healing and Well-Being | Solh Wellness
For the goals of self-expression, introspection, and personal development, journaling entails regularly recording thoughts, feelings, experiences, and observations in a personal diary or notebook.About 100 young adults participated in a study in 2006 to see how different writing assignments affected how uncomfortable they felt. The participants were told to doodle about it, write about their daily aims twice a week, or blog for 15 minutes each time.Particularly if they were extremely disturbed at the beginning of the study, those who journaled had a considerable reduction in symptoms like despair, anxiety, and fury. It's interesting to note that the majority of participants had little prior experience putting down their feelings, and a significant portion said doing so made them feel uncomfortable.
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Health journals for the mind
The study's findings show that keeping a journal has many benefits and is essential to the process of emotional rehabilitation. Let's examine its advantages in more detail:
By allowing one to express overwhelming feelings and fears, journaling reduces stress.
Numerous health benefits, including fewer doctor visits related to stress, reduced blood pressure, improved mood, and greater general wellness, have been associated with journaling.
By providing a more objective perspective and facilitating cognitive distance from unpleasant ideas, journaling fosters psychological well-being.
Feelings can be embraced and absorbed through journaling, which reduces their intensity and improves emotional control.
In order to make wiser decisions, those who journal are able to get clarity and insight into their ideas, feelings, and desires.
Regular writing allows one to explore their preferences, concerns, dreams, and personal development, which promotes self-discovery and self-awareness.
Last but not least, journaling has been proven to be a successful strategy for fostering mental health and recovery. By offering us a place to express and let go of our feelings, journaling helps us cope with stress and its negative effects on our lives. It promotes introspection, which aids in our understanding of our identities, feelings, and experiences.
Solh Wellness is conscious of the advantages journaling can have on overall wellbeing. In order for anyone looking for emotional support to utilise our Solh App fast, we've incorporated a straightforward journaling tool. Users of our software can keep a daily blog, interact with people who are also struggling with mental illness, and join support groups. Our app also provides a variety of tools and resources aimed at improving mental health, offering a thorough method of self-care and personal development.
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caneuroinst · 2 years
A new glimmer of hope for cocaine addicts is magnetic therapy.
Clinical exploration has gone through a change in outlook in the treatment techniques for cocaine fixation throughout the long term. A review distributed in the diary European Neuropsychopharmacology features magnets as the new counteractant which can possibly fix cocaine habit. The review recommends that invigorating piece of the mind with attractive heartbeats can be the principal restorative treatment for cocaine junkies.
Antonello Bonci, M.D., logical chief at the Public Foundation on Chronic drug use (NIDA) and one of the creators of this review, expresses that shining light emissions light into the mind might assist with killing the habit.
The Science Everyday reports that in 2014 NIDA had assessed that 1.4 million Americans were experiencing cocaine habit. The number was a lot higher in Europe as practically 2.3 million youthful Europeans matured somewhere in the range of 15 and 34 utilized cocaine. Cocaine compulsion is one of the hardest sicknesses to treat on the grounds that the cerebrum's pleasure place in the prefrontal cortex assumes a significant part in the illness, and is accepted to answer emphatically in junkies whenever presented to the attractive field.
The detoxification of a cocaine junkie is by and large a blend of restraint and psychotherapy. It might take a few patterns of medication recovery for a patient to ease him from the steady desires.
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Hereditarily designed treatments work on junkies
Scientists at the Public Establishments of Wellbeing (NIH) and the College of California at San Francisco utilized a moderately new procedure from hereditary designing called optogenetics, which has up until this point just been tried on creatures. The analysis was first done in 2013 wherein they set rhodopsins (proteins that respond to light) straightforwardly into the rodents' synapses at the prefrontal cortex. The light animated the rodents' prefrontal cortex, making them less intrigued by cocaine. Notwithstanding, when the shaft was put off, the rodents' habit-forming conduct continued.
However this method is too intrusive to even consider utilizing on people, the scientists estimated that a milder strategy, called transcranial attractive excitement or TMS, could yield comparable outcomes. This treatment included utilizing an attractive field through a curl into specific region of the mind. TMS is harmless and totally torment free interaction to initiate the cells. Aside from an infrequent migraine, TMS is supposedly liberated from aftereffects.
A group drove by Dr. Luigi Gallimberti of the College of Padova (Padua) Clinical School, began the clinical preliminary including 32 human subjects who were haphazardly doled out to two gatherings: trial (got the rTMS) and control (kept on pharmacological specialists) for a time of 90 days. During the main stage, hankering for cocaine was additionally altogether lower in the RTMS bunch contrasted with the controls. As a matter of fact, out of the 13 patients who finished the Stage 1 in the benchmark group, 10 got rTMS treatment during Stage 2 and showed huge improvement with ideal results. These discoveries upheld the security of rTMS and controlling cocaine addiction potential.
TMS a 'exceptionally protected remedial methodology'
Various examinations have been led for TMS that showed positive outcomes to treat different issues like OCD, Parkinson's, and habit-forming ways of behaving including liquor abuse, smoking and gorging. More clinical preliminaries will demonstrate assuming the alleviation by TMS is brief or require endless treatment meetings. As Dr. Bonci referenced in the official statement shared by Science Everyday, "TMS is a harmless and extremely safe restorative methodology which is utilized with other psychological wellness and neurological circumstances, like melancholy and neuropathic torment. Our review proposes that rTMS may likewise address another treatment for patients with cocaine use jumble."
For More Info: 
California Neurology Institute
Botox for migraines Bakersfield, CA
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atlastrust · 2 years
Schizophrenia auditory hallucination
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#Schizophrenia auditory hallucination how to#
#Schizophrenia auditory hallucination trial#
#Schizophrenia auditory hallucination series#
The level of interference with social functioning associated with the voice(s) (scored from 0 to 10)Ī baseline voice diary over the course of a week, with voice activity, severity, content and linked affect scored from 0 to 10 for the mornings, afternoons and evenings belief that the voice is the devil, police, a cyberman The patient's level of conviction in their key explanation of the voice(s) for each day (scored from 0 to 10), e.g. The average level of patient distress associated with the voice(s) (scored from 0 to 10: no distress to the highest possible level) The following information can facilitate a collaborative decision concerning the optimum choice of coping strategy: An exploration of the variety of voices that are experienced (and associated beliefs) will allow a focus on the most distressing voices and may involve other cognitive–behavioural strategies to change beliefs about voices.īOX 4 Assessment of the patient's coping strategies Voices may also be viewed as being very knowledgeable or very powerful. Difficulties with engaging in this process may be related to concern about losing positive voices, fear of commanding voices telling the patient to reject the process, or beliefs that the voices are a core symptom of an illness that cannot be changed. are they exacerbating or maintaining the hallucinatory experiences? Basically, if the experience remains distressing and is affecting social functioning, the guided discovery approach will usually lead the patient to the conclusion that what they are doing to cope is perhaps not working very well, or could even be part of the problem. Using the gathered information, the clinician and patient can decide collaboratively whether the current coping strategies are dysfunctional, i.e. The patient might then complete various informal and formal questionnaires relating to their voice hearing ( Box 4). 1), identifying triggers, appraisals, affect and safety behaviours. The assessment might begin with the collaborative creation of a Morrison maintenance model ( Fig.
#Schizophrenia auditory hallucination series#
The purpose of assessing how the patient appraises and responds to/deals with their voice hearing experience is to ask a series of questions to elicit information in a way that helps to illustrate to the patient that some explanations, behaviours and attempts to cope can be directly counterproductive to the goal of recovery. 1), as described by Reference MorrisonMorrison (1998). Instead of helping the voices to diminish, such ineffective coping strategies often perpetuate and exacerbate the maintenance cycle ( Fig. Without support and guidance, attempts to use focusing strategies can lead to exacerbation of linked affect (anxiety, anger and shame) and increase unhelpful safety behaviours such as social avoidance, thought suppression or worry ( Reference Howard, Forsyth and SpencerHoward 2012). The strategies used are almost entirely distraction-based techniques aiming to reduce distress and escape from the voices. The key problem is that individuals who experience ongoing distress with auditory hallucinations often activate dysfunctional coping strategies as they try to manage these unpleasant experiences. Focusing now includes metacognitive approaches such as acceptance and mindfulness ( Reference Wright, Sudak and TurkingtonWright 2010). They defined such focusing strategies as comprising exposure to voice content, responding to that content and modifying underlying beliefs. In a further study ( Reference Haddock, Morrison and HopkinsHaddock 1998) they found that any positive benefit of distraction approaches did not generalise and concluded that coping strategies based on focusing were preferable.
#Schizophrenia auditory hallucination trial#
Reference Haddock, Bentall, Slade, Haddock and SladeHaddock et al (1996) undertook a randomised controlled trial of distraction versus focusing for voices and were able to demonstrate that patients could exert some control over voices, but that some strategies could have a negative impact on self-concept and esteem. The purpose of this article is to reduce the distress caused by auditory hallucinatory experiences. Learn a variety of focusing approaches for delivery by mental health professionals and how these can be taught to patients in brief clinical sessions
#Schizophrenia auditory hallucination how to#
Understand how to teach patients distraction techniques and measure any benefit as an interim step Recognise ineffective coping strategies used by patients who are distressed by auditory hallucinations in community and in-patient settings
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Hi future me,
How are you? It's a quiet morning, I keep going back to stories unintentionally and get suprised when time passes. I keep forgetting to stay in a moment, to be aware. So I thought it would be good to take some time and write.
I don't think I ever mentioned it but I'm aroace. I think. It feels... Right.
Thought i don't like labels and pushing myself into a community this one doesn't feel so bad.
Let's talk about asexuality first. There's a lot to unpack.
So, I'm sure you remember thinking "hey I think I'm asexual" back in middle school. Taking time to figure it out and sharing it with online "friends". I just wanted to talk it over with someone, get an outside opinion, maybe some comfort.
I wasn't met with that, instead insults and malicious laughter filled my ears during the voice call. I didn't know at that time but it hurt me, to the point of questioning myself and my feelings. I think this event was the start of me holding my trauma as a weapon, never feeling vulnerable while talking about stuff that happened to me, wording everything in a way that would make the other person feel bad. I never used that tactic that much but it was there, just in case. (is that why I don't share anything with people? Does it still feel like a weapon?)
So, the conclusion I came to was met with huge disagreement. It made me feel like I had to be different, pushing myself into being more of what I wasn't.
When I entered high school I sported a "I must be pansexual" mindset.
It wasn't that hard, I never imagined doing the deed or even kissing with other people, it feeling wrong and just purely disrespectful to the other person. My hypersexualisation didn't help. Or the fact that I did feel sexual needs.
See, one third of toddlers use masturbation to self sooth, the touch feeling nice and nothing more. There's nothing sexual about it. It's like a new sensation that feels nice. Like a hug from their mom or someone stroking their hair. Nothing else. (Because I'm posting this on the internet, please note this: If you think it is something sexual please stop and go see a therapist. Those are children and they don't deserve to be treated like a toy for your fantasies. Get help.)
You're probably wondering why I'm mentioning this.
See, I was one of those toddlers, using the sensation to soothe the lack of attention, lack of understanding and affection from my parents and siblings. I was left alone most of the time, the rejection others gave me leaving me upset and sad. So the masturbation was left as a coping mechanism from my childhood and confused me even more about my sexuality. It was very confusing to figure out that bodily reaction. Especially with how I started searching, looking for information back in middle school about asexuality. It was very confusing and I didn't understand that it was "little to none or lack of sexual attraction". But there was a lot information about sex repulsed people that would never even discover their own bodies.
So the confusion from the label itself and the rejection made it pretty hard to think of myself as such.
So I pushed myself, other people's words making me put myself into situations I normally wouldn't put myself in. Several relationships online, because those wasn't physical and I had space where people couldn't touch me, and most of them were based on other people's needs. I didn't have to think, just manipulating my behavior to fit other people, to look normal. It was pretty easy, my mental state not letting me see or be in the moment. It felt like an RP, like the ones I wrote with kids online on Skype or games like feral heart or imvu. The reaction i would get was the one I thought I would get, like things following a script.
Mind you none of those relationships were official or anything. Just teenagers and grown men pushing their fantasies onto someone who wasn't there at all. It's kinda fucked up on its own and should get a post alone. There's a lot to unpack there.
After my last relationship, one that I met the person in real life, memories from middle school came back to me, making me think. The disassociation I've been in clearing and making me see things for the first time in ages. The meeting made me uncomfortable to the point of crying. Maybe my reaction to those people while texting should make it clear. I was always perplexed and thought of them as pathetic every time they fell for words i would write. I guess the dissasiocation made it difficult for me to even catch that.
It took me some time to come to terms with the fact that I was asexual again. Or at least on the spectrum, but I know that I've never felt sexual attraction to anyone. So really it's just that trauma of being rejected pushing me into denial again.
The aromantism is what's new. I never noticed it because I've been using books and stories as an escape since young, the romance genre one of my favorites. I was never too keen on reading about kisses though, hugs and cuddles being a favorite of mine. I realise now it's just the lack of affection I've got from parents while I was young that made me crave the touch, just the warmth of another person that would understand.
I figured recently that I am romance repulsed even, the thought of PDA, kisses and the like making me uncomfortable to the point of disgust.
Though looking at how romance centered our society is i didn't want to believe that I was aromantic. I thought i would never find company, never find a person I could hang out with and share my life with.
(I am very against living with another person though, I don't think I will be able to handle someone in my own space as weird as it can sound to other people. I had too many siblings to enjoy living with someone else I guess.)
Maybe what I'm searching for is a platonic relationship with another aroace, someone I could sit in silence and dance waltz for fun. And what I learned from our society was that without romance i would never have that person. But what made me realise how wrong that thought was, was seeing a married aroace person in Antony padila video.
That one segment made me calm, made me realise that I can just be with another person without any romance or hidden meanings.
I felt relieved.
I'm not alone in my feelings.
I'm not as confused anymore.
I'm pretty sure something will pop up about this again. Probably my internet experience when I was younger. Maybe the trauma i got from my parents. But it's okay. I can work through that, feel the hurt again and grow. Like a burnt forest finding life again.
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her-hair-on-fire · 4 years
I still can’t get rid of the letters I wrote for you, the notebook full of thoughts of you, the pictures still up on my bedroom wall - I feel if I set those on fire, I might as well join them.
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madleinemalade · 4 years
So I've been doing this recovery thing and it's been good. It's hard, but its helping. I mean when I look in the mirror, I can actually see whats there. No distorted body image anymore.
Bodydysmorphia was way worse than I had anticipated. I have never been so disgusted with anything in my life as I had been with my body at that point.
I'm glad that's over.
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damedatte · 4 years
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