#reconnecting epilogue
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I write texts posts but they don’t get as seen so you’ve been trapped by bright colors
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markantonys · 1 year
josha said #RandCaemlynEnding rights 😌 (source)
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july-19th-club · 1 year
love an ending that is 'happy' in that a desirable outcome is produced, but made complicated by the fact that the protagonist has given up something integral to themself in order to make it so. it's sort of uncool in some circles to admit you LIKE when characters give up something really cool for something pretty basic, but it's all about context and quality of storytelling, right? that sort of conviction - this is a part of my personality that i am permanently renouncing access to, and it's my choice, and i'm going to miss it, but i'm not going to regret it - that's compelling. ending in which a character who loves nothing more than the rush of finding the answer to a question is handed, one day, a puzzle they just don't want to solve. and that part of their life is over, but it's not a bad thing. maybe the answer doesn't need to be known. maybe not knowing it opens you up to a creative mindset you never had before. character who gains some kind of special power chooses to give it up not because they no longer love the ability, not because it hasn't improved their life, but because this thing they love comes with costs, is getting in the way of a life someone they love or loved and lost would want them to live. i'm glad it turned out this way. i miss the missing thing with all my heart. i would let go of it again if i was asked to choose.
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goofytrait · 9 months
just finished the Our Life wedding dlc ... IM GOING TO SOB !!!!
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redphlox · 2 months
Shouto's ruined character arc in the epilogue
The epilogue’s toxicity-positivity message about smiling ruined Shouto’s characterization and undoes the growth and purpose of his arc because he’s not allowed to mourn the imminent death of his brother Touya.
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Shouto partaking in these tone-deaf, festive activities with his friends in chapter 429 feels out of character, feels cheap and shallow, and is a slap in the face to his family. In the past Shouto declined school-related activities and prioritized spending time with his mom at the hospital. Now the narrative is trying to sell the idea that he would NOT spend every remaining minute alongside his family with his dying brother, who he has always wanted to know, the brother he practically begged to confront and said, "Our paths will cross whether you want them to or not" to. Shouto spent all this manga reconciling his feelings about his family and reconnecting to them to just... not be with them when they’re about to experience loss AGAIN? 
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I'm not saying I want Shouto to be miserable, but realistically (since readers are so obsessed with realism in this superhero manga), he wouldn’t be wasting the limited time he has left with his brother by going to a farewell party, or any party. Damn, can the author let him mourn? Despite all the celebration the kids are doing, Shouto didn’t get a happy ending. While the rest of their community is rebuilding and making sense of what happened, the Todoroki family is still going through their crisis. It’s not over for them. At least let them cry.
This is a regression for Shouto’s character because the concept of allowing heroes to cry was first presented through Shouto, literally through his own words. The narrative then picks up this concept again during Ochako's speech at the UA shelter civilians, and then... Shouto isn't allowed to cry in the epilogue, and is forced to fake a smile so his friends don’t worry about him.
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It’s not like Shouto has cried in this manga. He cried during the sports festival, during the Dabi reveal, and after Dabi escaped to Gunga to go after Endeavor because he knew this meant he had failed to reach his brother -- so no, it doesn’t make sense that he wouldn’t cry now. Instead, he's the one fake smiling, and only Ochako is allowed to be shown crying and being comforted. The double standard and retcon is astounding.
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You can literally see the light not reaching his eyes in this panel from 425 when Deku asks if he’s okay. And yes, Shouto is prioritizing his family in this panel, but like I said, Touya doesn't have much time left... why waste it?
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Shouto doesn’t want anyone to worry about him, so he’s putting on a brave face. And yet Deku and the other classmates reaching out to Ochako in 429 is selling the opposite message - don’t cry alone, let us be here for you, etc. Why isn’t Shouto granted the same support, especially from these classmates he claims are there for him?
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If Horikoshi was aiming for a happy ending where people smile, then Touya’s grimdark, cruel, second and final death doesn't fit because Shouto has to mourn. You can't have both fake smiling and off-screen assumed mourning… it makes no sense for Shouto’s arc, or for the epilogue’s message about reaching out for help or to help. It doesn’t make sense in any context.
Shouto's characterization feels so off in this epilogue. He’s a shell of the person he was becoming. The story starts out by saying that this character is supposed to process the trauma of childhood and a dysfunctional family that he always wished was different, but now he has his found family in his classmates instead. And I'm not saying he can't have both - I'd say the support from his friends is imperative - but, it doesn't make sense that he has seemingly moved on because the fact is, his family situation was his entire start. 
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It's not just Shouto that feels off, but his family too. Their once-considered-dead brother/son is alive, but now is dying in front of their eyes for real this time and they just… don’t try to spend as much time with him as possible? Even the sentiment that Shouto gave the family more time to talk falls empty because Touya can only endure a few minutes of conversation at a time, and it’s not like he’s slowly improving and that time will increase. It will only decrease. And yet, the family doesn’t seem too concerned or heartbroken that they’re witnessing someone they love die a second time, this time slowly. He can’t even communicate with them, and he’ll most likely have many things left unsaid when he dies.
The Todoroki family plot was set up to be about reconciliation, but they’re not reconnecting even with Touya’s upcoming death. This scene of Touya and the other siblings kicking a ball while Shoto looked on from the second story of the house begging his father to allow him to play with his siblings has been addressed like four times, and yet in the end he doesn’t get to spend happy moments with his siblings. His reward for his heroism is Touya’s slow march toward death and the knowledge that he has the same favorite food as the brother who his father neglected to death twice. 
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Instead of being shown mourning or connecting, the family is acting cold and distant - only Natsuo is acting with a semblance of his normal self. I know some readers attribute the family’s aloofness to Japanese culture not being very affectionate or open with their emotions, but that doesn’t mean Japanese people are devoid of feelings. That’s so fucking racist. We’ve seen parents express love and concern for their children in this manga, and yet the Todoroki family continues to say “we’ll talk, we’ll talk” but we’ve never seen any follow-up. It’s ironic because Shouto’s whole mentality is “actions speak louder than words”.
For a family that became unstable because of misunderstandings about feeling loved and wanted, the family continues to feel devoid of caring. No one comforts Shouto, no one talks about how they feel except for Endeavor. Shouto isn’t allowed to grieve in front of his friends because Ochako takes priority because the narrative is pushing this toxic positivity message about smiling that works on the surface but fails to address any systemic changes. 
This ending doesn't fit the hopeful tone of Shouto's arc.
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RIP Shouto’s arc. We loved you. 
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sunnys-out · 3 months
Always better than me | Lucy Bronze x Reader
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A/N: Hellooooo, this is a standalone that I did from a request. This is from the prompt list here. Reminder, that submissions are still closed.
WC: 2.1k
Warnings: gaslighting, emotional abuse, cheating, panic attack symptoms, swearing. angst w/no happy ending. slight nsfw
Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze, was my first love and my hardest heartbreak. Truth be told, I hated her so much when we first encountered each other on the international stage. She had admitted that I was as much of a pain in her ass as she was to me. 
I mean defending against a 17 year old Jessie Fleming was already a nightmare so when it was both of us, Lucy made it her personal mission to shut me out. Some tackles led to confrontation, some that had me so close to her face that I could see the dark specks of color in her eyes. 
Her stupid smile when she knew that I was frustrated in a game. I fucking hated it but I realized I loved seeing it all the same. Jessie followed me to Chelsea and she saw everything between me and Lucy from the beginning to the end, and the very bitter epilogue that I still, desperately, wanted to end. 
Lucy and I’s little rivalry continued in the WSL. It became a game at some point of who could make the other the most annoyed by the end of the match. Every other match, Lucy would push herself onto me in confrontations to looking down at me after a tackle…this only happened once, in anger, outside of the pitch. ‘
We were both a couple of shots of tequila in us, Lucy was arguing with me and I felt the wall hit my back. The sounds of the club, both are teammates dragged us to, seemed muffled. My voice, normally as loud as hers, was small and tiny. I was just staring, dumbly, at one little black speck in the blues of her eye. 
“You’re such a fucking brat ya know that?!” Lucy screamed at me.
I finally shifted my gaze to her mouth as it curled at my silence.
“What all talk before and now you’re fucking quiet, wish you’d stay this way”.
My brain finally reconnected to my mouth as I finally push back into her like we would in games.  Jessie, across the way, saw the confrontation wondering 
“Maybe I should intervene?...” 
My voice slurred, “Fuck you, Lucy… our first game against each other you brought me down. I fucking hated you for it and I still do. I still remember your smile, the soft quirk to it when you stood over me..” I poked the side of her mouth with my finger.
“How could I not? It’s ingrained in the back of my mind, Lucy, and I wish it wasn’t” I look at her my hand falling away from her face.
I did not realize that my face was now centimeters from hers. The same smile appeared,
“Maybe I don’t want you to forget it hm?” Her head tilts as she moves my chin slowly as so that I remain looking at her. 
I groaned, “Ugh you’re insufferable” I pushed her shoulder only to be met with her lips, hungrily devouring mine. 
Poor Jessie said she made the quickest u-turn of her life when she saw what happened. 
Lucy pulled back and stopped me with a small laugh when she saw that I tried to close the distance again. The taste of lime, salt and the burn of the tequila only added to the intoxicating taste of Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze. 
“I want you to never forget me” she sealed that statement by bringing me in again her grip rough on my chin…and she was, unfortunately, right about that. 
We began seeing each other more after we had a long conversation in her Manchester apartment. Well, the long conversation then involved both of us being naked in Lucy’s bed…and well that was never something that we expected…but we both did not stop.
Out times together stopped just being nights tangled in each other after tough matches to days lounging about. Then to waking up to her holding me close like I was the most important thing in our new apartment. 
I loved Lucy so much…she was there for my back injury that took me out of the season for a time. She learned all the little things that made me tick, everything that brought me joy, everything that brought me sadness…and unfortunately, she became one more than the other.
The little moments of love that were peppered throughout our relationship like the stars in the sky slowly faded away as she moved to Barcelona. If I’m going to be honest…it probably started even before that. We had done distance like this before, like when I was at Wolfsburg on loan for a season, Lucy always made sure to call…to talk about my game that she saw, and I would return the favor and offer my insight on her games and how much I missed her.
Even though the cloudy weather of London never bothered me…Lucy being gone really was felt in the weather now. Barcelona definitely had the light of my life and I didn’t realize it would stay there. 
Her distancing took some time to manifest but started when I had to reach out to her. I understood, I mean it took me a bit to adjust to the new culture of Germany, but it took her longer to respond to me and it was a simple “ok”, “goodnight” “good morning”,“love you”. The response just served as a “I read the message”. She never really did read my messages because the responses often didn’t make any sense to what I had sent. I never corrected her and just went along with it thinking it was just a typo…a pretty bad typo.
I remember I alluded to the idea that I should come visit her in Barcelona…and she said “Nah, things are picking up and with the international break coming up it wouldn’t be good for either of us”. It was true that I had the Gold Cup and she had the Euros qualification games but a few days wouldn’t hurt…she traveled to Germany for me once before and then returned immediately to play one of the best games of her life.
The feeling of rejection hurt…it hurt more when I saw the post of Lucy exploring Barcelona with Ona…doing things that I had planned to do with her. Seeing her with the flowers in the elevator…oh the flowers…it broke me. I put it in the back of my brain, Lucy would tell me right? She’d tell me if this wasn’t working anymore, right?
Our relationship was a secret, the fans had alluded to it before and Lucy and I would giggle at the theories and the compilations of proof, but we never announced or made it public per Lucy’s preference. Suddenly, she was comfortable sharing the little, soft appearances of Ona…something I prayed that Lucy would do for our relationship…
I don’t hate Ona…I would never hate her…
I was jealous and angry…Ona was getting what I once had and more but I was afraid she’d have my same experience. Living without a doubt that your partner loved you, cared for you, would hold you like you were the most important thing in the world…until it just stops…until they find someone better. It made me wonder if I made someone else question if I was the “someone better”. 
“Lucy, can you fucking tell me the truth for once?!?” I yell exasperated through the Facetime.
There was another bout of silence…like it always went. 
“It’s nothing, it isn’t like we were dating seriously anyways” she said as if it was something obvious.
I shoot up from my seat, “What the fuck does that mean, Lucy?!?” 
The roll of her eyes did not go unnoticed by me.
“Means we were just having fun, thought that is what we were, don’t know where you got that we were serious. I mean you probably are seeing someone else down there in London, you see me yelling at you and acting like I got a stick up my ass?”. Her words came without care awaiting my response.
Suddenly we were back to being rivals on the field. Calling each other bluff about a foul that occurred. Whether it was a yellow, deserving of a red, or a card at all. Everything was the same even the smirk on Lucy’s face at my frustration.
“You know what Lucy…fuck you…I’ve done nothing but wait for you…I’ve done nothing but continue to support you even though you stopped doing that for me and I… I still love you, even after all of this time and I fucking hate that”. I bite back the tears. I hated being a frustrated crier.
“You told me we’d be honest with each other and that’s not what this is…you can’t decide now when you’re fucking Ona that we were just a casual thing!” 
My chest tightened even further,if it was even possible, when I saw the indifference in Lucy’s face.
I could not tell you what I said afterwards, those words were not my own but I guess whatever I said caused Lucy to unfollow me on all social media and I bet my number is blocked too. Ona, funnily enough, kept following me…either she didn’t care or she didn’t know about what I had with Lucy. I’ve decided to not dwell on that.
Chelsea legend, announces retirement from International/Club Football
I like to think it was a well-thought out decision, leaving the sport that I loved. The numerous phone calls and emails from friends, family and journalists seemed to indicate otherwise. I still had another World cup that I could attend, another Olympics, another Gold cup…another anything really but I just couldn’t. 
This sport gave me everything, it gave me friends, found family, loves and losses…but its one loss that made getting on the pitch difficult. We were rivals, we hated each other, we fell in love with each other…well, I fell in love with Lucy, and now I’m alone with those thoughts of Lucy. I fell in love with the idea of Lucy, the idea of a good relationship and just me looking at her with rose-colored glasses. 
“So, did I miss the meeting where they were going to tell me that my vice-captain for Canada was retiring for good because I just found out through a Tiktok that was posted on Insta reels” Jessie said sternly over the phone.
Jess, being the first one of my teammates to contact me after the announcement.
“Oof, that’s definitely not the way that I wanted you to find out, all things considered,” I say trying to lighten the mood a bit even though the root of my retirement is more tragic than what I let on.
A groan erupts from my phone as Jess continues, “Ugh…ok, so why pray tell, am I without a vice-captain?”  
How do you tell your best friend that you can’t find yourself to love the sport that you’ve done your whole life because of a girl…
“I just feel like I don’t love it as much as I used to and I don’t want to fake the feeling for the sake of it…so I thought it was time”. I say pretty convincingly.
Jessie sighs, “I mean I can’t really say anything, because it is up to you…just wished you could’ve given me at least a heads up…still love you to bits though”.
I laugh as I pick up the phone to check a text that came in, “I’m sorry Jessie, it was a spur of the moment decision and I felt like I would regret it if I didn’t do it now you know?”
I never deleted Lucy’s number…didn’t have the heart to…maybe it was the small piece of hope that held on that she would message me and everything would go back to what it was.
“Was it because it me?” It felt more like a statement than a question…no hellos or good afternoons accompanying it.
I said my goodbyes to Jessie as I looked at the text…did she actually care?
I lied. We were past pleasantries at this point
“Not really. I mean I still can’t get you out of my mind even though I’m probably long gone from yours but no you weren’t the reason”
A few minutes and another text comes through,
“Then what?”
It felt like years were passing as I typed out the text, 
“Well, I did what you did, couldn’t fake “loving” this sport so I dropped it without notice”.
Lucy never responded…and I would be lying if I said I didn’t care if she did.
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neptuneiris · 1 year
sparks (03/04)
Did i drive you away?
pairing: business-boyfriend!aemond x fem!reader
summary: at the beginning your relationship with aemond is perfect and there were no worries. until he becomes the Heir of his father's company, the most important in the whole country and certain events and certain people start to interfere in the relationship.
word count: 8.8k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
there will be an epilogue coming soon!
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here it is finally! thank God!
I'm so sorry for the delay beautiful people, it's been heavy weeks where I was writing parts but I couldn't finish them, so my writing time was extended more because I didn't finish, plus I moved, my cat is lost and I've felt very sad about that, besides college, presentations and more, but seriously I love writing, it's my way to escape, so I didn't feel any pressure, don't worry about it :)
I hope you like this new chapter a lot, I'll be waiting for your comments, so enjoy and thank you so much for your patience and support!
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In the midst of your relationship with Aemond, things between the two of you are charged with tension.
After the conversation with his grandsire, Aemond's suspicions could not have been more accurate because of the way he behaved. Despite everything he told him and left him thinking about the future of the company, he still tried to talk to you about it.
But you, again, did not let him.
Aemond had to go back to work, just as you also went back to taking care of your own responsibilities such as college.
Aemond's life was still immersed in a whirlwind of responsibilities and commitments. From the moment he woke up, got ready and set foot inside the company, he was already doomed to a busy day.
He had to attend meetings with his key executives, discuss financial analysis, take online conferences, answer emails, calls with partners and clients.
Every moment his desk was filled with reports, financial projections, documents and more that he had to review in detail. Not to mention that the partnership with Alys Rivers is still ongoing.
Still he would make the effort to get home early and spend time with you, every night making an attempt to talk to you about what happened that night, but you wouldn't let him, as you had things to do as well.
If not college, then work, besides having to clean the apartment, do laundry and make food, which Aemond offered to help you with, but the two of you feel completely distant from each other.
Because both he and you know that things between the two of you just aren't right.
They are not since that one night nor does it help you to read every moment in the magazines how Alys Rivers has been seen entering the Targaryen building, where Aemond is always mentioned as well and he assures you that they only had meetings even though you don't even question him about it anymore.
Each of you is immersed in your own thoughts, Aemond feeling helpless, frustrated and sad, his gaze reflected by a deep regret in his heart at not being right with you.
And although he wants to find a way to fix things, you don't want to create any more problems, more than anything else you don't want to interfere between his grandsire and him.
And as the days turn into weeks, communication is no longer paramount, the whole relationship feeling like emotional paralysis, with no clear path of how to reconnect where you hide in your to-do's and Aemond barely has time to spend time with you.
So you find it easier to forget about it and wait for him to do it too. But inside you are still just as hurt, humiliated and sad.
And that little free time he has left for you is simply not enough to try to talk to you, besides you won't let him.
Until that time of the year when Aemond has to travel to attend social events or board meetings, also to meet with his partners around the country to oversee the expansion of the company.
Until he tells you that the first trip will be to Storm's End with his brother Aegon, then to Highgarden and Winterfell with Helaena and at the end to Casterly Rock… with Alys Rivers.
And that you definitely don't like to hear.
"I'm not traveling with her, we're just meeting there for the event."
He lets you know as he starts packing his bags for this two-week trip and you help him out, because even though you're both going through a silent fight, you still care about him and have always helped him with this kind of thing.
But you do feel that discomfort all over you knowing that she is also going on a trip to the same place as him. And Aemond knows it as he watches you out of the corner of his eye, knowing your mannerisms very well.
"Eleanor and Cole will be with me the whole time," he tells you softly, "And I'm already preparing everything with my publicity team for when the press starts publishing pictures of her and me, I don't—
"It's okay," you tell him softly, placing his ties perfectly in the suitcase, "I understand."
He watches you for a few seconds without saying anything, as you continue to put his clothes away the right way, feeling his gaze on you but not watching him back, to which he lets out a long breath.
"I just want to make sure you'll be okay," he tells you just as softly as before, getting up to stand next to you, "I don't want you to be worried all the time. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."
You press your lips together, watching him for a few moments to refocus on the suitcase.
"Yes, I know," you tell him to cut the subject short, saying nothing more.
At this Aemond watches you with some sadness, concern and anguish, but at the same time with love and tenderness, desperately longing for you to share more of your thoughts and emotions with him without pressuring you.
But since he knows you won't, he chooses to hug you.
And he does it carefully, tactfully, knowing that at any moment you may push him away, but to his surprise, you feel your high barriers of defense crumble at that moment, his gesture catching you off guard.
And you with a little hesitation, in the end decide to hug him back, since of course you missed him just as much as he missed you, both of you sinking into a soft and comforting embrace, where finally just for that moment, everything feels right.
There is hope.
Aemond feels his whole body stop tensing the moment he feels your arms wrap around him to hug him back, he lets out a long breath and pulls you tighter against him, hiding his face in your neck.
And you hide your face in his chest too, inhaling his comforting scent, feeling at home again.
"You know you can come with me, right?"
He murmurs in your ear, making you smile softly against his chest.
"I'd love to but I can't. I have to work and attend my classes."
He lets out a resigned sigh.
"Then on your vacation we'll arrange a trip, I promise," he tells you then leaves a soft, tender kiss on your forehead.
You raise your gaze to him as he lowers his so he can watch you.
"Like when you took me to Winterfell?"
"Yes," he smiles softly, "Now where would you like to go?"
"I don't know," you shrug, "Maybe to the Iron Islands?"
He tells you then leaves a soft kiss on your lips which you reciprocate, both of you pulling each other back into a tight embrace where neither of you want to let go.
And even though Aemond doesn't want to ruin the moment and the fact that possibly this invisible barrier between the two of you will no longer be there, he feels it's the perfect time for you both to talk about the topic you've been putting off that needs to be talked about.
"Y/N, about that ni—
"We need to keep packing."
You interrupt him instantly, gently pulling away from him and turning your gaze back to his suitcases, causing him to look at you sadly for a few moments.
"I'll go get your shoes."
You cut him off again, to start to move away from him and head towards the huge closet, leaving him with no choice since you definitely don't want to talk about it.
After that moment you both went through, that comforting moment, fortunately you don't feel that emotional distance anymore, since now you both sleep hugging each other, share breakfast and dinner together, also share about how the day went, like before.
Even on some nights there are movie nights, where finally Aemond finds that comfort in your arms, hugging and kissing you at almost every moment.
And you too after a stressful day at work or you are going through a lot of stress because of your classes, you hide from the world in his arms, feeling good and being that exactly what you need.
Until the day comes.
Aemond has to leave.
You drive him to the airport, where his private jet will be waiting for him along with Cole, Eleonor, you understand, his agent as well, and other security people.
The goodbye is hard, even though he's had to leave for business trips before, so neither of you know why. And by the time Aemond's jet flies, that discomfort returns throughout your body and so does that uneasiness.
At all times he lets you know of what he's doing, or at least the important things, like that he's already landed and also that he's already arrived at Aegon and Cassandra's penthouse where he'll be staying.
Before when he went on a trip he also did the same, letting you know where he is and what he will do, mostly to keep you informed, even now he sends you pictures of his breakfasts and also some views from Aegon's house.
You are more concerned that he is well and of course being miles away, it makes you feel safe that he talks to you about what he is doing and what he will do next, like attending those social events which is what he travels mainly for.
Until the day of the important event arrives.
Being at work, about to finish your shift, obviously you are not allowed to have your phone at hand, but when the time comes and now you have to go to class, when you look at your phone, you see severe messages from Aemond and also the notification of a link to a magazine.
This immediately tells you bad news.
And it definitely is when you read the title of what the magazine link is about.
Alys Rivers, co-owner of Riverlands Group seen at Storm's End… click for more.
You click on the link, curious, attentive and with a frown on your face.
The very famous businesswoman, soon to be partner of the important company Targaryen Inc, Alys Rivers has been spotted at Storm's End to attend an event attended by the most important businessmen from all over the country, among them, Aemond Targaryen. She has been spotted an early partnership between them but rumor has it that there may be more than just a partner relationship. We have also been informed that Rivers will be attending the same events as Targaryen in some parts of Westeros where Targaryen Incorporation has distributions of his company, so it is no coincidence.
After reading this, you read Aemond's messages, getting an idea of what they are about.
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And you… you don't even know what to think anymore, let alone feel.
It makes sense that he didn't know anything, since at this point after what happened with his grandsire, it doesn't surprise you that he didn't tell him anything because he knew Aemond would do something to prevent it.
And how convenient that also Alys didn't report anything about her presence at all the other events since it was only known that she would travel to Casterly Rock.
Later that day you see how Alys does indeed show up at the Storm's End event and Aemond quickly sends you a picture of everything, of him with Aegon, Cole and Eleonor, wanting to make you feel at peace and safe.
Then later he sends you picture of him arriving to his hotel room, he even sends you a voice message telling you about everything that happened at the event, he tells you that Alys talked to him, that again she tried to cross physical boundaries but he wouldn't let her.
Also that they both had to take pictures together, but nothing else.
And the next morning there are a lot of videos and photos of the event where he is with his brother, his partner Borros Baratheon and more businessmen.
There are also the photos of him with Alys, even videos where the two of them talk and she again touches him on the shoulder and arm like that, smiling flirtatiously at him all the time, but Aemond turns away from her to go to some men.
It's as if she knows that at that moment there are many cameras around and they are recording, so you get the impression that she is doing it on purpose.
But all you can do is really nothing since Aemond is the one telling you everything to make you feel calm, so you just continue with your daily routine, focusing on work and your classes.
Although of course unconsciously your mind is on Aemond and his trip, also on her.
Fortunately what comes next is more… relaxing.
The next event is in Highgarden, where once Aemond lands, he sends you a picture of him with Helaena, where he tells you that she sends you greetings, both smiling at the camera, making you feel a comforting warmth all over your chest as you see the picture, smiling softly.
During the whole trip in Highgarden there is nowhere where Aemond is not with Hel, even in the event when he is around Rivers, Hel is always with them.
The same happens in Winterfell, as Hel must also attend as she is the one who made the partnership with the Starks possible.
Aemond sends you picture of her very comfortable on one of the jet couches, also of the two of them having dinner and watching a movie, even at the hotel they both ask for a room for the two of them with two beds.
At the event also the two of them are together, there is even a very professional photo of the two of them with their partner, Cregan Stark, where he with Hel give a welcome speech to all the guests and then Aemond with him make known the innovations in their companies thanks to the partnership.
It's simply all work, as it should be. You even see Rivers in some photos and videos, but compared to Storm's End, she doesn't look very pleased lately.
Until the moment comes when Hel will no longer be in Aemond's company. And from then on, you can't help but feel uneasy.
And apparently Aemond also feels the same restlessness as you do despite the miles of distance that separate you.
He sends you pictures of absolutely everything, from the moment he starts his day until it ends. He also tells you what he's going to do, even if it's taking a shower, yet he tells you to let you know that's why he won't write you back quickly.
He even sends you video of what he will eat, mostly to let you know that there is no one with him in the room if that is your concern, also at night, telling you that he will go to sleep.
Honestly, Aemond has never done this before on a trip and even though you didn't ask him to, as if wanting to see where he is and what exactly he is doing, wanting to check on him at all times, Aemond does it for your peace of mind.
And without wanting to, you already find yourself waiting for him to send you picture or video of what he will do next, feeling paranoid and to some extent a controller.
You know that this is wrong, that it is not necessary, that neither of you have ever acted this way before and that it is as if you want to know Aemond's movements every second in an unnecessary and… toxic way.
And it's not right, you know it's not.
But Aemond feels that need and so do you, even if you don't want it, you feel that need to know that Rivers is not taking advantage of your absence and worse…. That he is giving in to it by making the partnership possible.
But Aemond would never hurt you, he has told you that and you know that, but you also know as well as he does that he has the eyes of almost everyone on him and will have problems with his grandsire by the time he returns because of Rivers' disconformity.
So even in the event, Aemond feels more that need to let you know that she's not around Rivers, that he's not doing anything wrong or giving her and him anything to talk about.
And the worst part is that you are there, attentive, waiting and watching it all.
Even after the event is over, Aemond tells you that he's going back to his hotel room, telling you that he's going to take a shower. Then he sends you a picture of him brushing his teeth and then another one of him in bed and at an angle so that you can see that he is all alone.
And only at that moment, for two full weeks, just this very night you feel completely calm and at peace, knowing that he is coming back tomorrow and will be by your side again.
And you don't understand.
You just don't understand what happened to both of you.
You don't understand how you went from having the most beautiful and healthy relationship ever, to this, where both you and he acted in a toxic and completely unnecessary way.
And when you least expect it, tears begin to flow from your eyes as you stare at the dark ceiling of the room, alone in the huge bed, with frustration and sadness completely invading you and loneliness settling in your heart.
You are honestly afraid.
In the midst of your storm of emotions, you fear that the beautiful and healthy connection with your boyfriend will soon be gone. You're afraid that the relationship will become toxic.
You just don't want to lose the intimacy and complicity you both have to be replaced to this, the insecurities and these needs to look good and want to prove that neither of you, especially him, is failing in the relationship.
And with everything that's going on, the company, his grandsire, Rivers, you have no idea how to fix it.
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Aemond's arms wrap around your body tightly, clinging completely to your figure, holding you tight against him as he hides his face in the curve of your neck, inhaling of your soft scent that drives him absolutely crazy.
And you reciprocate his embrace in kind by slipping your arms around his neck, hiding your face between his chest and neck, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek to cling to him again.
"I missed you," he murmurs lovingly and almost melancholy in your ear.
You hug him tighter, lovingly, as you place a small smile on your lips.
"Me too, babe."
He too leaves replete kisses on your cheek, tucking you back into his body, not wanting to let you go, while to you all his scent and the feeling of being in his arms is more than gratifying, being just what you needed.
He strokes your hair as he inhales deeply, not being able to get enough of it. And neither of you say anything else, as actions speak for themselves and what two need, is the touch of each other.
It was two weeks but for both you and him it felt like months.
You both look at each other and he leaves a soft kiss on your lips which you reciprocate as you both have a small smile on your lips. Then you both separate and start to head towards the car once Cole and the other men help Aemond to put his suitcases in the trunk.
All the way he keeps holding your hand, while you drive to the apartment and he talks to you about everything that happened on the trip.
"Our trip to the Iron Islands will now be easier," he tells you proudly and visibly excited.
You are glad to hear that the companies are doing well and that he has had friendly meetings with his partners, in fact you tell him so, as he smiles softly throughout and thanks you.
He also gives you the news that he will have a meeting with Rodrik Greyjoy very soon that involves talking about plans for an early partnership between Pike and Targaryen Inc.
You hum in agreement, smiling softly.
"I could tell," you look at him for a second to refocus on the road, "I'm sure your conversation with him will go well. But you want to go on a trip there too?"
"Sure," he tells you willingly, holding your hand against his lips, "They say it's a beautiful place. I've seen pictures too," he says then leaves a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
Once you both get home, you help him with his suitcases and unpacking, while now you tell him about your days at work, college and also here.
Fortunately for him and you, it's Friday, so you both stay home and rest. He tells you that he won't be going to work Saturday and Sunday, so you have the whole weekend for the two of you.
You still have to work Sunday afternoon but you don't mind, it still won't be long, so you enjoy and take advantage of these free moments with your boyfriend.
Later that same night you both resume your nights of intimacy, which is something Aemond had longed for since you both had that fight after the event, leaving after traveling not too soon after that was just awful for him.
First you both take a little nap where nothing feels better than sleeping in each other's arms again, both of you without being an inch apart from each other in the huge bed.
Then when you wake up you go together to the supermarket to do the week's shopping and at the end you stay in the living room watching movies.
And it was also something you craved.
Obviously you're not as insatiable as he is, as Aemond really can't get enough of you when it comes to sex and really takes all his time with you. This time is no exception.
But once that glorious weekend ends and a new week begins, you both resume your routines from before and in which he simply has no time for you.
Again Aemond tries to do everything in his power to come home early and spend more time with you, which is something you consider and are grateful for his effort, as you knew that sooner or later he would have to go back to his old busy routine.
Not being on good terms with his grandsire, having to attend meetings and phone calls from his partners, making and reviewing reports, delaying as much as he can the partnership with Rivers just so he doesn't have to see her, it's too much.
And little by little, although he doesn't want to, he returns to his exhaustive routine of before and in which unfortunately also affects you for seeing him only at night at a very late hour.
Although he still does everything he can to make sure that work doesn't take up more of his time than it should.
You continue as normal, going to work and attending your classes, but you find it again sad and annoying that you are again having less time with Aemond.
As well as what you didn't want to happen.
And of course Aemond would have to explain himself, having that need like on the trip so you wouldn't think other things, telling you all the time, either by message or in person, that nothing happened, they just talked about work and nothing else.
Sooner or later Alys Rivers would reach her breaking point, so if Aemond wasn't looking for her, then she would be looking for him.
So you had to go back to reading magazine articles online where they talk about how they've seen her in the Targaryen building and so on.
That's how things were going on for a few weeks, almost for a month, until again and unexpectedly, Aemond has to travel again.
Aemond is technically not yet the head of Targaryen Inc, his father is, but due to his health, he must attend for him.
Again to Casterly Rock to an important event and also to a conference where Aemond will meet with the board of directors and his partner Jason Lannister.
Other businessmen will also attend as it is a general event and heads of major companies all over the country are in attendance.
The news of having to travel again catches Aemond and you off guard, explaining that the board meetings normally take place in November, but that they are earlier this year.
So as soon as he gets the news, he starts preparing everything for his trip, even preparing work papers and other preparations for his presentation at the conference, while you again help him and make sure he misses nothing.
He can't miss his meeting with the board of directors, it is paramount and a really big commitment, so you understand but you are disappointed all the same.
Honestly you are disappointed that you have to be separated from your boyfriend again, as you were not expecting to have to stay home alone for a week again.
The event lasts two days and Aemond will have to travel there from before to ensure his presence and avoid any unforeseen events as it is an important event.
Until again when you least expect it, the day comes for Aemond to leave.
He paces back and forth, making sure nothing is missing, while you help him finish packing one of his two suitcases, while he talks on the phone to Criston and then to Eleonor to continue making sure he has the right information about what time he has to board his private jet.
You then head to the kitchen and make a quick breakfast for him and yourself, you also make him a cup of coffee and ask him to stop for a few moments to get some food in his stomach, to which he does while still busy on his phone.
"Which hotel?"
You hear him ask Eleonor as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"Ah, yes, that's fine. But… about the documents, did I bring the folder with me?"
You at all times stand still, eating your breakfast and listening to what he says to Eleonor back.
"Okay, I'll go check," he says and quickly heads back to his office, still holding his phone to his ear.
You continue to stand still, as you watch him disappear down the hallway and let out a breath, not really being able to do anything since you know him too well and he always gets paranoid when he has to travel, making sure to get everything ready one last time.
A few minutes pass and finally Aemond stands still in the kitchen to finish his breakfast, though when he's done he heads to the bedroom to check his suitcases one last time and start placing them in the hallway for when Cole arrives and he has to take them down to put them in the car.
He paces back and forth, wasting no time, watching his wristwatch every second, counting down the time for when Cole arrives and he has to leave.
You meanwhile take his briefcase and place it on the island with you, waiting for the moment when he has to leave.
When they start calling him.
You look at the screen and see that it's about his grandsire, causing an unpleasant feeling all over your body as you remember the way he treated you last time, but you quickly let Aemond know.
"Your grandsire is calling you!"
Aemond comes out into the hallway with one of his suitcases.
"Please pick up, love."
You nod and accept the call, put it out loud and resume your breakfast.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" he exclaims from where he stands.
"How's it going, son? Are you ready?"
"Yes," he replies with a little force in his voice, securing his suitcase one last time, "Cole should be here any minute."
"You got all the conference details?"
"Yes, Eleonor mailed me everything," he says as he walks over to the island and pulls the phone towards him to take a sip of what's left of his coffee cup.
"Very well. Then you'll meet Alys and her uncle at the airport, I've offered them to travel with you, after all the three of you are going to the same place."
You immediately stop chewing, as well as your whole body stops moving, standing completely still and with tension all over your shoulders.
Aemond also immediately watches you, instantly realizing your reaction, but you look away from him trying to appear indifferent and with the lump in your throat you go back to chewing, bringing your cup to your lips.
You feel your heart start to beat wildly, feeling instantly how your tranquility disappears and suddenly you feel overwhelmed by all the mixture of emotions that invade you.
Meanwhile Aemond frowns and with a bewildered and also annoyed look, quickly turns back to his grandfather.
"What?" he snaps at him.
Otto Hightower lets out a long breath on the other end of the line.
"I didn't even know she was going to the event too and why are you telling me this now?" he inquires her completely serious, in an annoyed and deadly tone.
"Because I knew you would do anything to avoid it and I wasn't going to allow it. We're so close to signing the contracts and I knew this was going to please Alys, so she'll see you at the airport and I expect… that you'll give her a good treat and please her for the entire trip."
A shiver of jealousy, insecurity and sadness runs through you, as you bite the inside of your cheek and try to act nonchalant about it all, but you know you're not good at hiding your true emotions and Aemond sees that, not liking his grandfather's words at all.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?"
He inquires him just as serious and annoyed as before and Otto sighs.
"I'm not having this conversation with you again, Aemond. Grow up and do what you're told if you want your company to survive."
"Maturity doesn't mean I have to do everything you say!" he exclaims angrily and exasperatedly at him.
"For the love of the Seven, it's only a flight, stop acting like a fucking little child!"
Aemond sighs and runs a hand over his face, wearily.
"I can't believe you're doing this to me."
"Everything is already decided. You're going to have to deal with it, whether you like it or not, I honestly don't care. And I hope..." he begins to say in a threatening tone, "That by the time you get back, Rivers doesn't cause a scene for me again because of your lack of commitment and interest."
"That's your problem and hers, not mine. When I get back I want to have a serious conversation with you."
And finally Aemond hangs up annoyed with his visibly frustrated face, where in comparison to him, you hide your emotions, not wanting to frustrate him more with your behavior upon hearing this new travel plan, acting disinterested.
So you try to make yourself really look carefree by taking your dirty plate and cup to the dishwasher, starting to wash them, not observing Aemond at any moment, fearing that he will notice your true state.
While you at all times bite the inside of your cheek, resist the urge to cry and insecurity as well as a host of other frustrating emotions completely invade your body.
And Aemond immediately notices, because he knows you too well.
So feeling the weight of the situation, he stands up with an almost tired face and walks towards you, instantly slipping an arm around your waist to turn you towards him and leave a soft kiss on your forehead.
Something inside you snaps as you hear this.
"I know what you must be thinking, but you have nothing to worry about."
He says softly, hugging you tightly and lovingly, holding you close against his body.
"The only one I care about is you and I promise I will stay in touch with you for as long as I can."
And a realization comes over you, holding you completely still against him.
"No matter how busy I am, I will always find time to call or text you, just like last time," he promises you, wanting to comfort you, "I will do everything I can to keep you calm while I'm away."
You feel that realization hit you all at once again and with your gaze gone and your lips parted you just blink, because suddenly you don't have the strength anymore, for anything.
And because of your lack of response and movements, Aemond separates his head from your shoulder to watch you, still hugging you tightly and not wanting to let you go until he is sure you will be okay, watching you with concern.
"Hey, did you hear me? You will always be my priority, no matter where I am."
"Tell me you understand, please love," he pleads with slight anguish, completely attentive to you, holding your face with both hands gently in a desperate action.
He assures you firmly, wanting to make you understand and wanting you to say something back, anything. But you just watch him for a second, then stare at a spot in the kitchen and say nothing, your face without much expression.
With a lump in your throat, because you really can't speak, you feel like a fool even though it's part of all the emotions you're feeling at the moment, unable to help it.
"Good," he murmurs confidently, feeling a little calmer and leaves a soft kiss on your cheek, to pull away and continue to prepare everything for when he has to leave.
So the only thing you can do, is that nod in his direction, without uttering a word. And apparently, that's good enough for him.
Aemond continues to make sure he has everything ready in his suitcases and that nothing is missing, leaving them by the doorway.
While you watch him silently, still with all that overwhelming mix of emotions invading your mind. Again you feel your strength drain away and anxiety takes over, with an ache beginning to spread throughout your chest.
While he in comparison to you is calm, unconcerned, having no idea of everything that is going through your mind at that moment, making you feel bad to be thinking this now.
How cruel am I going to be?
You wonder with sadness, as you bite the inside of your cheek and try to hold back the tears that want to come out of your eyes. You don't want him to notice your agitation, at least not yet, but it's getting harder and harder to control it.
You love him.
You love him deeply.
You know that perfectly well. There is no doubt about it. And you know he loves you too.
But it all comes to your mind hitting you like a violent wave, drowning you, the magazines, his work, the association with Riverlands, the event, his grandfather, the press, his travels and Alys Rivers.
You watch as he ready waits for Cole with his phone in hand at the entrance, typing quickly, assuming he must be texting him, with the suitcases at his side and his face of concentration.
"Love, could you hand me a folder I left on my desk, please? It's black."
He asks you while at the kitchen island he hurriedly checks his briefcase, as you bite your lips and swallow hard.
"Sure," you say without much emotion and head for his office.
When you return you hand him the folder and he thanks you to arrange everything perfectly back into his briefcase.
"Cole won't be long, we're already late," he speaks to you also in a hurry, "If you need anything you know you can call me. But you can also call my mom if you need someone to come over, she's going to Oldtown for another two months," he lets you know, "Okay?" he watches you for a moment and you force a small smile, nodding in his direction, "Okay," he mumbles.
And he disappears back into the room, mumbling that he hasn't taken his jacket, while you watch him, standing still again with your hard face, wondering:
How cruel am I going to be?
Then Aemond stands still again at the entrance to the apartment, answering a call from Cole.
"Have you arrived yet?" he pauses slightly, "Fifteenth floor, C100. All right," he ends the call and looks a little more paranoid, turning to his suitcases, "Almost leaving, love."
You don't say anything back, you just watch him and feel that lump in your throat again, wanting to talk to him but the words get stuck, feeling more of your anxiety, agitation, sadness and anguish, with tears in the corners of your eyes, not being able to control it anymore.
How cruel am I going to be?
It repeats constantly in your mind until the tears fall down your cheeks and that pain in your chest gets stronger, watching it without being able to contain your emotions anymore.
"I can't do this anymore," you say in a shaky voice, getting his attention.
Aemond looks away from his phone and watches you, where your state slowly takes him by surprise and he watches you completely attentively, a little confused, not understanding, starting to worry.
"I know it's not your fault," you make it clear to him, starting to cry loudly, shaking your head, "But I can't anymore."
Aemond surprised, quickly turns to you, trying to speak.
"The first time you went to Casterly Rock with her, I wasn't at peace. I was scared and not for you, but for her," you confess to him, sad, "And you sending me pictures and videos of where you were and what you were doing, made me feel like we didn't trust each other."
"Y/N, I only did it so you would be calm and safe while I was away," he tells you in a soft, confused voice.
"You don't understand," you insist, "That made me feel like a controller, like you think I need to be constantly watching everything you do, and when had that ever happened on your previous trips?" you inquire, "It hadn't been like that since she—
You stop, not wanting to say more, as you sniffle and wipe your tears with your fingers, lowering your gaze, sorrowful, sad and disconsolate.
Instantly Aemond stops in front of you, trying again to hold your face in his hands, completely worried.
But before you can say anything, the doorbell rings at that moment and you both know who it is, Cole. But despite this, he continues to be attentive to you.
"My love, I understand," he says softly, wanting to comfort you, "I understand that you don't trust her, I understand your reasons, but—
"It's not just her, it's also what happened at that event, the press wanting you and her together, the magazines, your grandfather, and I-I…" you sniffle your nose, "I don't want our relationship to become a toxic one."
At that moment Aemond looks at you completely unsure, his heart beginning to pound, his gaze completely intent and anxious.
"What? Y/N, what are you saying?"
How cruel am I going to be?
"I can't anymore, Aemond," you tell him in your completely broken voice.
He watches you silently, his lips parted, fully inspecting your expression, beginning to feel his pulse quicken a little too much, understanding perfectly what you are implying.
When again you ring the doorbell, which catches your attention amidst your trail of tears but not him, he remains attentive to you, not caring, beginning to feel a huge void in his chest, incredulous, advancing towards you in a needy manner.
"Y/N, don't do this."
"I don't have a choice," you tell him in pain and he again tries to take you in his arms.
There's a knock on the door, interrupting him, as he feels a painful lump form in his throat and he looks at you in complete shock, disbelief and hurt.
"Listen, can we talk about this when I get back, please?" he asks pleadingly, holding you by the waist firmly, not wanting to let you go, "Just…" he shakes his head anguish, "Wait for me, okay? And when I get back, we'll talk about it."
You shake your head, pointing your gaze at the door for a second.
"You must leave now."
And Aemond becomes more concerned about this, seeing the determination and defeat in your whole look of sadness, giving this up now and not intending to wait for him, beginning to feel his eye begin to burn and despair along with anguish invade him more.
"Sir? Are you there?"
You hear Cole ask from the other side of the door, but Aemond pays him no attention, wanting to fix this, desperately.
"Yell at me," he implores you, "Get angry, reproach me, anything you want, anything but this, please, I beg you."
You close your eyes, swallowing hard.
"Sir? I'm sorry but we must leave now," Cole again speaks from the other side of the door, "Your flight departs in less than an hour."
And al Cole again knocks on the door in desperation, clearly because he has to do his job and you're taking advantage of it.
You open your eyes and both of you stare at each other without saying anything, where you just wait until he has to leave, your face completely devastated.
But he barely processes what's happening, his eye reddening and his heart rate racing, waiting for you to understand and say something back to him.
"Go now," you mutter sadly to him.
"No, I'm not leaving until I fix this," he tells you desperately, on the verge of losing patience, "Just…please don't do this, not now. I-I don't… I don't want to lose you."
"Your grandfather will be upset with you."
"I don't fucking care about my grandfather, Y/N! Right now I don't care about anything, just this, us!"
Cole again knocks on the door, insistent.
"Just fucking wait!"
He yells at Cole desperate, upset, distressed, his emotions running high, not being able to control himself anymore and you decide that enough is enough, because Aemond won't leave, then it's best that you leave.
"I'll be leaving too."
You know that this trip is very important to him and you still love him too much not to worry about his work.
And the last thing you want is for you to be the reason for not being on time, which could lead to him not doing well at his event and conference with the board and his partner.
You murmur to him with a broken heart and turn around, walking towards the room, instantly being followed by him.
"No, Y/N, please, just wait," he tells you more pleadingly than before, "I promise you this whole thing with Rivers will be over soon, I promise!" he insists, "Or not, I just won't make any association with her, I can find another way for the company, I don't care what my grandfather says or—
"You can't do that and you know it. The company depends on hers."
"But you can't do this! Not now, please!" he exclaims in frustration, starting to cry.
And just as you're about to go into the closet to grab your clothes, he stops you, turning you to him to hold you and make you look at him, make you see how devastated he is, definitely not expecting any of this at all, feeling completely helpless and powerless in the face of the situation.
"Please Y/N, please," he says to you with a broken voice, as he puts his forehead together with yours for a moment, starting to tremble and feel an unpleasant sensation all over his stomach.
And seeing him like this completely destroys you.
You've never seen him like this before, you know you're breaking his heart and more by breaking up with him now, like this, like you're taking advantage of the fact that he has to leave to get on a plane.
How cruel am I being?
And even though you didn't want to do it, at least not now as he is asking you to, you know this is necessary.
Because you know that if he gets on his jet with her and you and he are still together, you will not be calm at all, you will over think things, things that are not.
If the partnership with Rivers passes and you and Aemond are still together, you will feel the same insecurity as always because the two of them will be partners and will have to keep seeing each other for the report of both companies coming together.
You will feel controlling, he will have this need to want to be good to you in an unnecessary way and you will just feel bad about yourself. And it won't end there.
And you'll have to keep putting up with the press, the boundaries Rivers oversteps, what Otto asks Aemond to do with her and the necessary justifications from him to you.
"I'm so sorry," you tell him with tears streaming down your cheeks and your face completely broken.
And Aemond shakes his head in frustration, in hopelessness, closing his eyes tightly, not believing it, not accepting it.
"Wait until I come back so we can talk about it and work it out. Don't end things like this, please," he tells you in a broken voice, starting to cry, "I-I love you."
"I love you too," you tell him the same way he does.
"And if you love me then why are you leaving me?" he asks you in a painful voice, not understanding.
Your whole face transforms into anguish.
"Please don't leave me," he begs you once more.
Silence envelops you, where you both cry, you completely broken and he in complete despair, in the room where you both have shared so many special moments throughout your relationship, in the apartment where you began to form a little life together.
The air is charged with so much tension and nostalgia, where you both suffer from an intense mix of emotions, where you both suffer equally, as everything feels unreal, so suddenly and without time to react.
And Aemond tries to find any hope of being able to hold on, to get you back. But in the depths of his broken heart, he feels and knows that he has lost the battle.
And you also feel and know that this has been necessary, as broken as it has made you feel and in which you know, you are probably not going to fully recover by doing this.
The last thing you see of Aemond is how with his completely devastated look he watches silently as you pack some of your clothes in a bag to leave, still not accepting it, completely broken inside and imploring you with his gaze not to do this.
But you knew that if you didn't leave, he wouldn't leave and it's important that he catch his flight to Casterly Rock.
So without even saying hello or giving Cole a glance, you leave the apartment quickly with tears streaming down your cheeks, walking away from there and him.
You arrive at Floris' house in search of temporary lodging where she opens the door and you burst into tears in her arms, without even being able to talk to her about what happened when you cried uncontrollably.
And after a few hours, the next thing you know from Eleonor, simply because you needed to know for the last time, is that Aemond managed to get on his jet at the estimated time to land promptly at Casterly Rock.
She tells you that it was difficult but that they managed to convince him. And that's the last you hear from him.
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Despite your determination to move on, every day at all times you can't help but feel a deep sadness and a sense of loss that won't leave you alone.
Letting go of your relationship with Aemond is difficult, you just can't. And rightly so if it's only been weeks, because leaving him behind, feels like giving up a very important part of your life.
You tried to find comfort in your daily routine, classes and work, but everything reminded you of him, all the time you were thinking about him and when you least expected it, you were already crying again, without being able to help it.
At night it is more difficult, you feel completely alone, you cry until you fall asleep, you questioned what you had done and in the middle of everything, you miss him deeply.
Days after Floris accepts you in his house, you immediately request a room in your university's residence halls and fortunately there is one available near your Marketing department.
You asked Floris to please accompany you to the apartment to get the rest of your things, which she did not hesitate to do in order to support you and also help you, taking advantage of the fact that Aemond was still away.
You did everything as fast as possible, not wanting to remember and think too much, you just wanted to get out of there with your things, avoiding to feel and let all the memories consume you, because you couldn't stand it.
A few tears escaped you, but as soon as it happened, the two of you left the apartment, locking it and slipping the key under the door, so as not to return it to him in person.
After a while, exactly after the week in which Aemond would already be back in King's Landing, he started looking for you through messages and calls, begging you to please see each other and talk.
Feeling even more broken, you decided to block him from everywhere, which caused him to come looking for you at work, hoping to talk to you.
But as soon as you recognized his car parking on the street, you quickly hid in the small back rooms, begging Sophie to cover for you.
You later found out that Aemond had been texting your mutual friends, asking how he could find you, where you lived now, wanting to sort things out, unwilling to let the two of you end up like you did.
Hel messaged you, so did Daeron, even Baela, but you decided it was best not to respond, because if you did, you would agree to talk to Aemond. And it broke your heart not to reply to any of them, especially Hel, but you know yourself too well and you did it for your own good.
But you never let him find you, because you knew you'd go back to him the minute you both sat down to talk and that's not what you want.
Not with his grandfather and Rivers still behind him.
Until one day Aemond stopped.
He stopped trying to find you and stopped asking your friends where you might be, you also stopped reading about him in magazines and social media. You read about his family, but nothing about him.
And so it went for a while, for about two months, where you to this day do not heal and you keep thinking about him, finding it strange this new life without him.
When one morning, a magazine article and almost all the social media announce a news that makes you understand now a little more the disappearance of Aemond not only from your life, but also from the world, surprising you.
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You read the news in complete disbelief, thinking of Alicent, Hel, Daeron, Rhaenyra, everyone, but most of all him.
You know what this means, the note itself says so, but even though you knew it was only a matter of time, as Aemond told you, you are still surprised to see this, surprised that it has already happened.
Suddenly you feel a need and urge to text or call him, but you know it's not a good idea, yet the urge is there, thinking about how he must be feeling and all that he and his family must be going through.
Fortunately you don't do anything, but this leaves you thinking.
After almost everyone reads this news, the whole Targaryen family is kept in hiding, there is no sighting of them, no statements and absolutely nothing, which is what the press wants.
That's what happens for a month, until finally sightings of Otto and Alicent Hightower are reported. Also of Aegon with Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Until you simply decide not to be aware of it anymore, having to continue your life without him, since these are matters that don't concern you, at least not anymore.
So a few weeks later, Floris' birthday arrives, who invites his closest friends to a pub to celebrate in a small group, wanting to have a good time, relax and nothing more, to which you agree to go.
What you definitely didn't expect, was to meet your ex, Aemond Targaryen after all that happened and after almost five months.
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754 notes · View notes
throneofsapphics · 11 months
the ebb and flow of fate part 3
(part one) (part two) (part four) (part five) (epilogue)
Cazriel x f!Reader
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Summary: Then they looked at each other, some sort of silent communication passing before their expressions shifted back to neutral as they turned to examine the surrounding area. As they turned their backs on her, right when she wanted them most. A tear finally dripped down her cheek.
Warnings: injuries, blood, poison, references to past sa, death, angst
Word Count: ~5.2k
A/N: sorry this took so long!
She paced back and forth in her bedroom, wearing a track in the wood. Overreacting. 
How does she fix this?
Wait. She paused. This isn’t her job to fix it. If they’re going to act like misogynistic, overbearing males and blame her for her sexual assault, she’s not going to give them the time of day. If they’re going to blame her for that, they don’t deserve her friendship.. 
Tears filled her eyes, as she turned to gaze at the mirror. Her hair was dull, skin pale, eyes almost … haunted. This wouldn’t do. A few deep breaths later, and she came up with a plan to get her life back. 
You can explain it, a soft feminine voice whispered in her ear. It might have been Azriel who said the words, but she knew Cassian believed them as well. They betrayed her in their own way, and she wouldn’t run to them pleading. 
If they really cared, they’d ask. She replied silently. The voice hummed. 
Her mind came back to Azriel’s threat. Don’t leave Velaris. She could play by his rules for now. Maybe even take a bit of revenge in her own way. 
She went out to Rita’s that night, reconnecting with a few of her friends. Lights flashed overhead as they danced, matching each other shot for shot. Thank the mother she has good tolerance. 
That night, she took out a piece of paper and tried to focus her blurred eyes. Play by the rules. 
One male looked at my ass for a secmpd. 
A female tolded me i’m preeeety.
Is that a danermeous situatomn? According two you it isss. 
She frowned down at the sheet. The words were barely legible, but he’d understand them. Play by the rules. A laugh left her as she folded the paper into fours, filled with messy creases. 
She stumbled out of her room, kicking her heels off before she left, still wearing the short and tight dress from earlier in the night. Her feet carried her down the hallway, the world swaying as she walked. 
She heard him, and slid the paper under the door, making her way back to her room as quickly as possible. 
Azriel opened the door, spotting a drunk y/n trailing down the hallway, holding onto the wall. He knew she’d gone out, but how much had she drunk? He crouched and picked up the messily folded paper. Her scent combined with alcohol flooded through him. This couldn’t be good. 
He closed his eyes after he read over the words. This is how she’s going to play. He should’ve known. A male looking at her ass. A female telling her she’s pretty. No threats, the bargain mark didn’t prick at him, but she was doing this to make a point. 
“Fucking brat.” He cursed under his breath. 
“Who?” Cassian asked from across the room, crossing to meet him at the door. He wordlessly passed the paper. 
Something between frustration and amusement crossed the other male’s face. “We should frame this.” 
“We’re not exactly on speaking terms with her.” They’d ignored each other for weeks now, and he knew Cassian was aching to speak to her - to clear the air and get back to their tentative friendship. But, she didn’t seem to give a damn. Going out of her way to avoid them, even training with Mor. If she wanted to play that game, he’d gladly participate. 
She’s the one who all but broke their bargain. He doesn’t owe her any apologies. 
Why didn’t you leave? His own words echoed, the broken look in her eyes took over his mind. She knows him well enough to know he didn’t mean that. He wouldn’t need to actually explain that, right? It could open up conversations none of them are ready for. 
Weeks passed, a few more notes - none of which got any kind of reaction from his bargain tattoo. The male had only sent one letter - in response to a strongly worded one sent by Rhysand. A half-assed apology he didn’t let her see. It wasn’t genuine, and maybe she was better off leaving this in the past. Part of him questioned if he should be making those decisions for her, but he was busy enough with work he could push that down. 
Two months had passed since the … incident, and she made her way down the hall. It was a day off for her, and she’d spend it out in the city, going through the various markets. Some fresh air would do her good - sun on her skin, and time away from the confines of the library. Her hair had some of its shine returned, her skin not quite as pale as before, and a bit of new life breathed into her eyes. She felt more like herself than she had in months. 
Of course, she still missed the two Illyrians. But - they made zero effort to approach her, and she returned in kind. 
She paused outside of the doorway to her cousin’s office. Three heartbeats. A new shield she’d experimented with hid her sound and presence completely, and their voices escaped into the hallway, clear as day. 
“Why are you avoiding her?” Rhys asked. She should leave, right now. Eavesdropping couldn’t lead to anything good. 
“Avoiding who?” Cassian hedged. 
An exasperated sigh came from Rhys. “Y/n.” 
“We don’t owe her anything. She’s nothing to us.”
Rhys snarled, she felt his power even from here. 
“Azriel,” Cassian said in a warning tone. 
Nothing. She left now. The damage was done. At least she knows exactly where she stands with them. 
In her distraction, the shield dropped and her heavy footsteps echoed as she broke into a run. 
Cassian whirled as he heard the footsteps. How had he not detected her approach earlier? Rhys’s power was still rumbling through the room. 
“I didn’t mean that.” Azriel said quietly. But, she was too far gone to hear that. 
“We need to find her.” Cassian fought to ignore the pure dominance rumbling from Rhys - the overwhelming power threatening to bring him to his knees. It abated, slowly. 
“I don’t think she’ll want to see us.” Azriel countered. 
“Tell me what the fuck happened between you.” Rhys all but ordered. 
They exchanged a glance. “You know about the letters.” Rhys nodded. They’d only shown him what she’d hidden and he could put the rest of the pieces together. 
“We … said things we regret.” At least he does, he can’t speak for Azriel. He’d seen her in the kitchen that day, and turned his back on her. There was more that happened Azriel hadn’t told him about. As much as he pushed, he was a stone wall - revealing nothing. 
“Why haven’t you fixed it?” Rhys carefully watched both of them. His brother’s eyes were almost black, and he saw the tentative leash on his power, threatening to break free and destroy anything posing a threat to his family - even if it’s them. 
“She hasn’t made an effort either.” The words came from Cassian. Suddenly, he felt … childish. Holding onto a grudge like this, foregoing friendship and something else that had built. He should’ve been the better person, to go to her and try and get both sides of the story - to let go of a stupid grudge costing him so much. Azriel was still quiet next to him. Rhys didn’t say a word, only studying the two of them. 
“Fix it.” It wasn’t quite an order. “Before it’s past the point of return.” 
Were they already there?
Alarm crossed Rhys’s face, eyes glazing slightly. His hand reached for the knife at his hip. He knew that expression - danger. 
“She left Velaris.” Rhys stood, shoving his chair back. “Find her.” That was an order. 
It had been months since the last threatening letter arrived - but immortals could be patient. A trap could be laying in wait for her, anywhere. Azriel was still trying to sniff out how they had eyes on her movements outside of Velaris.
“Any idea where?” Cassian asked. 
“I’m locked out.” 
He cursed under his breath. 
“I have an idea.” Azriel sighed, as if the situation was a mere annoyance - a fly fluttering around his head. Cassian fought the urge to snarl. 
“Be quick.” The worry in Rhys’s tone set him on edge. Azriel tensed as well, but grabbed on to his arm and winnowed them, traveling through the world through his shadows. 
The sleeping mountains. She’d told them they’d been used for healing in the past, and explored them before as part of her research, he and Azriel in tow occasionally. A pit settled in his stomach. A sense, tugged against his consciousness. One he’d never heard before, a soft and feminine voice pleading; find her. 
Clear mountain air filled her lungs as she winnowed to the first place she’d pictured. 
A sparkling, turquoise lake lay before her - dipped beneath two peaks. A lake for healing. One of the few places she could find complete peace. Where her thoughts seemed to float away, worries became insignificant, silence became healing. She settled herself on the edge of the lake, watching the water ripple across, tossing stones once in a while. The dew from the moss soaked into her dress, coating her legs as she kicked them out, resting back on her elbows. The midday sun was a warm glow on her skin, pleasantly heating her body. 
She tilted her chin up towards the sky, breathing in the fresh, clean, nearly untouched air. She let her mind drift, let the sounds of nature around her float in, acknowledged any thoughts - and let them go. 
The temporary peace was bliss, weights lifted off her shoulders - she felt her body calm for the first time in weeks, maybe months. Almost like a drug, she was high on the absence of how her mind went quiet for once. No memories beating against her mind, rattling and tightening her throat. 
Like everything, it was temporary as she heard the beat of wings. Loud in the way he was announcing her presence. The familiar scent hit her a second later, and her jaw clenched. Rhys had set up some way of notifying as she left the city. Boundaries, she needed to set some fucking boundaries.
He spotted her, propped up on her forearms - legs stretched out in front of her, the sheath of one knife. One. outlined under her dress. The midday sun set an ethereal glow around her, as if the light itself was drawn to her. Beautiful. She was beautiful, magnetic, and he hated how it drew him in. That wasn’t quite enough to abate his anger as he landed a few feet behind her, the slope set him a few feet above - towering over her prone form. 
“I didn’t know you were this stupid.” Cassian seethed. Any earlier thoughts of mending bridges disappeared. Her fists clenched as she stood, slowly turning to face him, but she didn’t meet his gaze - her eyes moved behind and a ring of white shown around them. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. In the split second, before he could react, a familiar wave of magic, her magic, shoved him to the ground. 
He was rolling, back on his feet - moving. He spotted Azriel landed ahead of him, no doubt his shadows whispering to him. It passed in minutes. Flashes. And it was over. They needed to leave now, the carnage and prisoners tied in front of them could be dealt with later. The archer, now dead, had come from the trees nearly one hundred paces away. 
It took a few seconds for him to realize her magic hadn’t joined the fray. 
A pained cry came from behind him and he swirled to see her, the tail of an arrow sticking out of her thigh as she fell to her knees. An arrow meant for his head. A string in his chest tightened, tugged, and his face went slack. 
Look, a voice had whispered. Beyond. Not at Cassian, she knew that. Her eyes scanned the horizon, magic starting to curl under her skin, reacting to a danger she couldn’t see. Treeline - the leaves shifted in the opposite direction of the wind, a small zing - her magic acted on its own, shoving him to the ground as a blur shot through the air. There was no question about it, no chance she could let that happen to him. Not only because he came after her, but she physically couldn’t let harm come to him. 
The ash arrow that would’ve gone through his head, lodged in her thigh. Magic left her at once, an empty stillness left behind. Azriel had landed as well, him and Cassian moving into action faster than she could think. Don’t look don’t look don’t look she chanted to herself, and palmed the knife sheathed on her thigh, a pained noise left her - it had gone right through the fabric and as she moved it she could feel it. Not lodged, directly through her leg. 
A pained and pathetic noise left her as she fell to her knees. The wood was slick, not like blood - something thicker. Hands shaking, she reached her opposite arm across to try and grab the knife - cut the arrow and get whatever the hell it was out. Wrong wrong wrong, her body seemed to scream. 
A hand gripped her wrist, Cassian’s face pale and raw. “Out,” she screamed, “I need it out.” 
“Hang on a second,” he murmured, examining it. Her body was barely holding her up, but if she fell backwards it would only push it further into her - push whatever was coating it around into her bloodstream.  Azriel was there as well, shadows swirled around her wound, examining. Two shields had surrounded her, tinted blue and red. 
Magic ripped shredded through them like paper. She knew exactly who that was, it sung to her like a familiar sound - echoing the magic she normally could reach. 
Her sister shoved Cassian out of the way, falling to her knees in front of her.
She bit the inside of her cheek harshly enough she tasted blood. 
Azriel’s hazel eyes met hers as he stood behind her sister. Something like grief, pain, and a hint of anger flooded through them. The normal cold mask had disappeared, replaced by raw emotion she’d rarely seen from him. He staggered a step back - his eyes going wide, pupils blowing. His expression mirrored Cassian’s from before. Then they looked at each other, some sort of silent communication passing before their expressions shifted back to neutral as they turned to examine the surrounding area. As they turned their backs on her, right when she wanted them most. 
A tear finally dripped down her cheek. . 
They turned their backs, again. That pain was more than the physical. That pain struck deep into her soul. He’d meant his words. If a friend was so easily discarded, were they friends in the first place? She was nothing to them, just as he’d said. At least she knows exactly where she stands with them now. The air is cleared. 
Mor’s frown followed her gaze - right at the two Illyrians, undoubtedly seeing the tears filling her eyes. She turned to her sister and saw the questioning look on the blonde’s face. She shook her head. Not here, not now, not ever. The last few months proved she didn’t need them. Want is different than need, and want she can overcome. As soon as she was well, she’d drag her sister back in the training ring. Luck or fate had him there in the nick of time, but she couldn’t rely on that. 
Mor had cut through part of the arrow with her magic - her hand now reaching to slide the arrow out, instinct guided her and she snatched Mor’s wrist. 
“Don’t touch it,” she snarled. 
“It needs to come out,” She replied, expression cautious. Gods, she wants it out … but a sense, something tickling at the back of her neck, tells her it’s a bad idea. 
“Pois-” she tried to force air into her lungs, tried to override the panic, but her sister's eyes had widened in understanding. Had the arrow been intended for her? Or designed to down whoever was in her path? 
“Just nod or shake your head,” Mor said softly. “Can you feel your magic?” 
A shake of her head. Mor’s mouth tightened and a small shield surrounded the wound - even as her sister’s magic seemed to recoil against it.
Cassian had to turn away from her, had to dig up every semblance of self control he could muster. The bond snapped for him and Azriel at the same moment - but he could see it in her eyes, it hadn’t for her. If he didn’t turn away right then, he would’ve done something abnormally stupid. Maybe Mor knew, because a shield had thrown up around the two of them, blocking out all sound and access. It’s likely Rhys was the only person who could break that down, or tear it away. Sometimes he forgot just how much power Mor has, of what the female was capable of. 
Rhys winnowed in, with a few quiet words he’d explained what he saw. Azriel stood next to them, one eye on the males still unconscious and bound a few paces away. They turned back in time to feel Mor’s shield drop. She met their eyes - and he could read the panic as clear as day. Her brown eyes glazed for a moment, before she winnowed out. 
“What?” He demanded. Rhys paused. Azriel had gone stiff next to him. 
“Some kind of poison.” He said under his breath and winnowed. Take care of this. House of Wind he spoke into their minds. Another clear order. 
She awoke to her sister pacing at the foot of the bed, burning a hole in her carpet. Y/n was laid on her side, arrow still poking from her thigh. 
“Don’t touch it.” Mor said, spotting her hand reaching for it. She withdrew it quickly, tucking her hand up into her chest. 
Normally, her sister's anxiety would increase her panic, but this time she calmed, like she needed to be the strong one now. Rhys came back with Madja, and she forced herself, promised herself she would keep her mind steady and centered. The lack of magic felt like a missing limb. 
The healer hovered over her, magic running different diagnostics as she asked questions she could barely answer. Mor explained what she could, still moving back and forth. 
“Good call.” Madja said to y/n, “keeping it in place.” She smiled weakly at the praise. 
“Getting the poison,” Rhys flinched at the word. Madja hadn’t explained exactly what it was yet, and probably for good reason, “is going to hurt.” Like hell. Her eyes had a silent question, do you want them here? She gave a slight shake of her head. 
Madja turned to them. “Both of you out. Keep a shield around here. Do not enter until I say so.” Their faces tightened, but they didn’t dare question her, only shooting a nervous glance to y/n. She nodded at them, looking more confident than she felt. 
“I can’t use any pain relief,” Madja talked her through it. She had spent hours watching the healer before. “I don’t know how it will interact.” 
“Do you know what it is?” her voice was hoarse and each word hurt like hell. Madja’s silence was an answer enough. She handed her a piece of leather. Y/n steeled herself, and dug her teeth into it. 
Her voice was hoarse from screaming by the end - like whatever it was was fighting to stay inside and she felt each droplet leaving, but the healer said she could only get what was clinging to the arrow, what was still clenched to her muscle. Anything in the bloodstream would have to come out the natural way. She’d moved quickly to get it inside a vial - out of the air and before it could make contact with anything. Because of that, it had to go slowly, in all it took around an hour. 
“Now the easy part,” she gave her a reassuring smile and yanked the arrow out before she could protest. Her teeth clenched, but soothing magic ran through the wound, stitching it back together. After what felt like an eternity, she helped her move to sit. Rhys must’ve asked her mind-to-mind, because the door swung back open the second she was situated.
Then - more diagnostics, more notes scribbled in between. Madja’s face was too neutral. 
“What was it?” Mor asked. 
“Bloodbane.” The two winced, although she knew they suspected it. She did, for certain, given she couldn’t feel her magic still. 
“How long?” Y/n asked. 
Madja clicked her tongue. “One week at least. It was a heavy dose,” she shot her a tight glance. “Once it wears off, you’ll need to be cautious. Your magic will come back in a flood.” 
“We’ll take necessary precautions.” Rhys assured her. 
She winced as pain echoed up her thigh, radiating through her body, and waited for the other shoe to drop.  Madja clocked her movement, and slowly added, “there was a small trace of modified hemlock.” 
Silence filled the room, and she could’ve sworn the temperature dropped. Modified? Madja, if she was unnerved, didn’t show it. Hemlock could kill in the right amount. “With the dose and the alterations, you can expect to feel sharp pains, perhaps just in your leg or body. Luckily it wasn’t a full dose.” Luckily. She supposed Madja was right - compared to the normal symptoms of that particular poison, she’d be grateful if that’s all she experienced.  
“What can you give her, for it?” Mor asked. 
From the brief studying she’d done on healing, and the books she’d read - y/n already knew the answer. “Nothing.” 
Madja sent her an approving nod. “We won’t risk any interactions. Nothing for the pain, no drugs, no alcohol.” Maybe this was the Mother’s way of scolding her - of calling her a dumbass. 
Madja clapped a hand on her shoulder. “Try to keep activity to a minimum. Drink plenty of water, let it run its course. I’ll come by twice a day for the first week.” 
She grimaced. If Madja’s insisting on coming twice a day. She’d be lucky if any of them let her leave the bed. 
The healer gathered her supplies and began to take her leave, Rhys walking her out. 
Azriel had escorted the leftover soldiers to Hewn City as he flew back to Velaris. Flying faster than he ever had, he realized - like the winds were adapting around him, encouraging him to move faster - faster. 
He landed on the balcony, Az a second behind him. “She didn’t …” his words trailed off, seeking confirmation. He shook his head. Maybe it was the ash arrow, blocking her magic and keeping her from realizing. 
“No.” He responded quietly. “She didn’t.” 
“Do we tell her?” Gods he’d thought about finding his mate before, thought about it a lot over the decades - they all had. He supposed it was some primal instinct in him, always searching for that connection. As soon as she’d taken the arrow for him, her magic working instinctively, he confirmed his suspicion. But, suspecting and feeling it snap were two very different things. 
“Not now.” 
Madja and Rhys’s conversation drifted through the open doors. 
“Keep a close eye on her,” she was telling Rhys, intending for the two of them to overhear. He noticed Azriel’s shadows swirling around him. “The Fae Bane,” he shuddered, “is significant. One week is the minimum.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“I don’t know exactly how they modified the hemlock.” His fists clenched, some of that deadly rage returning. “But the intention is pain without permanent physical damage. Expect sharp pains, depression, nightmares, and possibly hallucinations.” 
“We won’t leave her alone.” Rhys promised her. 
She gave a nod. “No alcohol, drugs of any kind, tonics, or pain relief of any kind. Even if she begs for it.” 
Begs? Would she be in that much misery? His chest tightened. As mad as he might still be at her, the thought of her in agony is worse. 
“Understood.” He replied, as if he’d heard this before. Maybe Madja was sharing it for their knowledge too. 
“I’ll keep looking into it. I’ll be back in the morning” Her careful eyes fixed on them, nostrils flaring. “I need a word with these two.” She fixed a look at Rhys, who gave a quick bow and strode back inside, not bothering to look at them. 
“I’ll keep your secret,” Madja murmured quietly as they approached her. She’d scented the bond - on them? Or y/n as well? Nothing flew past her. “I’ll trust you two to take care of her. She won’t be herself.” Her words felt like a warning and a plea. 
“We will.” Azriel answered, in that cool and voice of his. Cassian was nearly trembling with built up anger and those protective instincts - ready to tear apart the entire house, kill any threat - perceived or real. “Tell me everything, please.” Azriel said mildly.
Madja, of course, picked up on it too - and gave them all of the details she could; in layman’s terms. Depression, nightmares, pain. He picked up on those three - the ones she put the most emphasis on. And instructed them to hide anything that might slow down the healing process. Although, he got the distinct sense the house might do some of that work for them. 
She left them with one final word of caution; “I cannot guarantee how much she will remember - if anything.” 
Rhys, as if sensing the end of the conversation, strode back through the doors. “I’ll take you back,” he said to the healer. 
Minutes later, Rhys returned looking drained. “I’m sure Madja explained everything to you.” In more detail than he could know. “I’m not going to force you to babysit her, but your assistance would be appreciated.” 
“She doesn’t need a babysitter.” Cassian countered. Azriel noticed with a hint of amusement that he’d bristled and come to y/n’s defense. 
Rhys only raised his brow, running a hand through his already disheveled hair. Azriel, so far, had refused to process just how close they came to losing her. That’s something he could think about later. “For the next week or so, she does. We can’t leave her alone.” Azriel read through that; he’s terrified of what might happen if they do. 
“I’ll keep eyes on her,” Azriel said with a soft menace. Like hell he’d let anything hurt his … his and Cassian’s mate. Even herself. Even if he still was pissed at her. He kept the neutral mask firmly in place, but part of him felt a bit ashamed at the relief in Rhys’s eyes. He’d harbored some doubt they would help. 
“We’ll work things out.” A rotation, he figured. They all still had jobs to do, duties they had to keep. Rhys or Mor would tell the priestesses she would be off for the next few weeks. Perhaps she could bring some work for her to do here, if she had any moments of lucidity. 
Gods, he had no idea what to expect - and that put him on edge more that he’d let on. Azriel worked on knowing everything, that was his nature. 
“Can anyone else help?” Cassian asked, but he could sense the doubt in his voice. 
“I don’t trust anyone else. Except Amren.” Something pricked the back of Azriel’s neck. He knew Amren wouldn’t harm her, but something about her always made him uneasy. 
Madja hadn’t oversold the side effects. Not at all. When they entered the room, minutes after their conversation with Rhys. Mor was already wiping a wet cloth against y/n’s forehead. 
Pale and wan skin, fists clenched and eyes squeezed as her leg seized. The scar was red and angry. A contrast against the rest of her skin, marring the otherwise untouched flesh. Reflexively, he looked at his own hands. Cassian, putting on a much better show than him, sauntered up to Mor and snatched the cloth from her, nudging the female out of the way. Her eyes dug into his back, but she promised y/n she’d be back later, shooting each of them a warning glance. 
They had the gods-damned audacity to show up, acting like everything is perfectly normal. Like they hadn’t torn her soul in half this morning. The day had been too much. So much happening in such a short amount of time, maybe two hours if that. Words, words were too difficult as she clenched her eyes shut - a pain, one she wasn’t sure was phantom or real - ripping through her thigh. 
A gentle hand ran a wet cloth over her forehead, she hadn’t realized she was panting. The bed dipped, and she blinked her eyes open to see Cassian sitting next to her. Worry radiated through his features. Where she could usually feel his or Azriel’s emotions … nothing. Maybe a side effect of her magic disappearing. 
“Talking can wait until you’re feeling better.” He offered. An olive branch. She didn’t want it, so she turned her head away from him. One finger gently pressed against her cheek, dragging her attention back to him - frowning. “If you’d rather talk now, we can.” 
She slapped his hand away, gritting her teeth through the pain to cross her arms over her chest. “Why bother?” Her voice was bitter. “I’m nothing to you.” 
Did they both say it in Rhys’s office? She couldn’t remember clearly. Everything was blending together, memories blurring in and out. 
He blinked twice. “That’s not true.” Her eyes slid to Azriel, and he gave a short nod. There was some sort of emotion in his eyes, one she couldn’t read. That pissed her off more. 
“It doesn’t matter.” She muttered. Not now, she told herself. It’s not something she can talk about now. There’s too much to process. What happened earlier … 
“You’re not in your right mind.” Azriel cut in. Her jaw dropped and her eyes rolled. “Why did you go off on your own?” His voice almost sounded pained. Cassian cut him a sharp look, hissing in warning. 
“I’m a free female.” 
“Nearly a dead one. If we hadn’t been there - the arrow still would’ve hit you, and you’d be gone.” Maybe he learned something from the soldiers already. Did he forget she saved Cassian? Well, he wouldn’t have needed saving if she hadn’t left. Her head shook, those thoughts were useless. 
“Not the time Az,” Cassian snarled, standing abruptly and shoving him towards the door. Azriel’s shoulders tightened, and he strode out the door, shutting it softly behind him. Uncomfortable silence filled the room. 
“You should sleep.” He finally said. 
“Then leave.” 
He let out a low edged chuckle. “I wish, but you’re stuck with me princess.” I wish. The words had the effect he wanted and she willed the tears away as she turned on her side, facing away from him. This might be the most miserable week of her life.
taglist: @infinitely-kate @foreverrandomwritings @anuttellaa @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @justasillylittlegoofyguy @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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justbetweenus8789 · 5 months
To me this album has solidified the fact that Taylor was mourning the end of her relationship with Joe for a long time before she pulled the trigger, and the cracks where there from the start basically (by that I don’t mean it was bad all the way through. But that the fundamental incompatibility was always gonna come out. see the epilogue). The colour was slowly draining out of that relationship until she felt almost numb.
It seems like at some point when she reconnected w matty during either midnights or around the time she performed at the 1975 show in London he could smell the fact she was dying inside and why. Ie being ignored by joe, his resentment and jealousy and indifference to her. He then essentially lovebombed her in a targeted way making her think he���d give her all the feelings Joe wasn’t willing to. This is all over the record. And I think she knew she was gonna run to matty when she broke up with him . He made her feel amazing and postponed some of the pain of joe.
Then when he ghosted it hit lik a double whammy (see the prophecy).
I can’t stop thinking how painful it must have been in 2020-2 to have everyone talking about this secret engagement or marriage and the fact that they were “obviously hiding it well”. It’s a lesson to us all I guess. Also don’t wanna sound snarky but when midnights came out me and many others said there were red flags all over it and we were worried, and that was construed as “hate”. Idk.
Anyway- more than any of her previous records I feel like this album was for her. She made it bc she had to stand up for herself- and while she’s always stood up for herself - she’s never explicitly called out bad fan behaviour bc that’s hard to do. I’m really proud of her for doing that here . And just being so loudly messy. She’s never been more human to me and I’m so proud of her
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 13 days
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Chapter 10 <MASTERLIST
SUMMARY: A trip to Brooklyn Botanical Gardens with Sam and Steve trigger a memory buried deep inside Bucky.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warning: HYDRA, living a secret life, Bucky Barnes (isn't he always a warning?) — If there is any more you find not listed here please be sure to let me know so I can add it.
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Steve had suggested visiting the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, and he had insisted that Bucky and Sam join him. Bucky had grumbled about it, and Sam had joked about being the third wheel on their "date," but they had both accompanied Steve, albeit reluctantly. Both Bucky and Sam understood that this was a chance for Steve to reconnect with his past, and sometimes he needed the support of his closest friends.
As the trio made their way through the lush greenery, the sights and scents of the early summer blooms captivated them. While Steve and Sam explored the gardens with a sense of curiosity and wonder, Bucky found himself drawn towards a particularly familiar fragrance that seemed to tug at the edges of his memory. Compelled by the alluring aroma, he followed his nose, weaving through the meticulously cultivated paths until he came upon a serene, shimmering koi pond. The water's surface was blanketed in a vibrant display of lily pads and blossoms, their petals unfurling in shades of pink, white, and yellow that almost seemed to glow under the warm summer sun. 
As Bucky approached the pond, the scent grew stronger, stirring a sense of nostalgia deep within him. Though the fog of his past still shrouded many of his memories, something about this scene felt hauntingly familiar, as if he had experienced it before, perhaps in a distant life, or a dream half-remembered. He paused at the water's edge, his brow furrowed in concentration as he searched his mind, desperate to uncover the elusive connection. The vibrant colors were almost overwhelming to his senses, but it was the sight of the lilies themselves that truly captivated him, their delicate forms swaying gently in the light breeze. In that moment, Bucky was transported, if only briefly, to a time and place he could not quite recall, a memory that lingered just out of reach.
Suddenly, just on the edge of his peripheral vision, a figure emerged from the shimmering heat haze, a fleeting apparition that seemed to materialize from thin air. His heart lurched in his chest as a wave of recognition washed over him. Could it be? Squinting against the glare of the relentless sun, he hastily removed his cap, shielding his eyes as he strained to get a better look. The figure was there one moment, then vanished the next, like a ghost from his past slipping back into the ether. 
He blinked rapidly, unsure if his eyes were playing tricks on him in the bright light. For a split second, he thought he glimpsed a familiar profile, a turn of the head, a telltale gait - it had to be her, the one who had haunted his dreams for all these years. But just as quickly as she had appeared, she was gone, swallowed up by the shimmering haze, leaving him with a pounding heart and a head full of questions.
Who was that? Could it really have been her, after all this time? Or was it simply a cruel mirage, a figment of his imagination conjured by the relentless sun and his own yearning? He stood there, transfixed, searching the horizon for any sign of the mysterious figure, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions; disbelief, hope, fear. Whatever the truth, one thing was certain: the ghost of his past had returned, and he knew he would never be the same.
Bucky stood transfixed, his gaze fixed upon the calm, glassy surface of the pond before him. The gentle lapping of the water against the sides of the pond provided a soothing, meditative rhythm that had lulled him into a contemplative trance. In this moment, the bustling world around him seemed to fade away, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Just as Steve and Sam approached, calling out to him, Bucky was jolted from his reverie, the spell broken. With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly tore his gaze away, knowing he must rejoin the present, even as a part of him wished to remain in this tranquil, introspective moment a while longer.
“There he is!” Sam nudged Steve before calling out. “Hey, Tin Man!”
Bucky scowled, the serenity of his thoughts broken by the sound of his voice.
“Everything alright, Buck?” Steve asked, noticing his friend’s sorrowful expression.
“Yeah. Thought I saw someone I knew.”
“You have friends outside of the two of us?” Sam asked incredulously, making Bucky roll his eyes and Steve crack a smile.
“Ready to go?” Steve asked.
Bucky nodded, stealing one last glance at the pond as the three men walked away.
The cold steel of the makeshift bed pressed against Bucky's cheek, the chill seeping into his bones and sending a shiver down his spine. Even in the hazy, disjointed realm of his dream, the sensation felt startlingly real - the hard, unyielding surface, the musty, stale air filling his nostrils. He could feel the weight of the chains binding his wrists, the metal links digging into his skin with an agonizing bite. This was no mere figment of his imagination, but a memory, a phantom echo of a past he could scarcely recall. 
"Kotyonok," he whispered, his voice rough and cracked from disuse, the single word a desperate plea into the void. The name felt like a ghostly whisper from a forgotten world, a fragment of a life he had once known. But the face, the identity that should have accompanied that endearment, remained frustratingly hazy, obscured by the mists of time and trauma. He strained to grasp at the elusive image, to bring it into focus, but it slipped through his fingers like wisps of smoke.
For just a moment, he saw you - a flash of silky hair, a mischievous glint in beautiful eyes, a smile that could light up even the darkest of rooms. But before he could fully comprehend the vision, you faded, disappearing back into the shadows and leaving him with a suffocating, aching emptiness. He tightened his fist, the phantom pain of the missing arm shooting through him in a blinding wave. "Kotyonok," he tried again, his voice a desperate, guttural plea. "Who are you?"
The world around him twisted and shifted, the clinical, sterile room morphing into the dimly lit confines of an apartment. A shared laugh, a melody he couldn't quite place, echoed from a time he could no longer recall. The scent of lilies filled the air, a fragrance that made his stomach clench with a yearning so profound it was almost physically painful. "Kotyonok," he choked out, reaching for you with his metal hand. But his fingers only grasped at empty air, the phantom of your presence fading back into the darkness.
Bucky awoke with a gasp, his metallic hand clenching into a tight fist as he was pulled back into the familiar confines of his room, the cold metal of his bed keeping him grounded. He was alone, but the name ‘Kotyonok’ echoed in his head, a haunting whisper that promised a past he could barely remember, and a future he could scarcely imagine. It was a ghost, a shadow of something lost, and it left him aching with a longing he couldn't begin to comprehend.
Bucky's mind was a whirlwind of fragmented memories and emotions, like shards of a shattered mirror reflecting glimpses of a life he could barely recognize as his own. The sound of Sam's voice jolted him back from the precipice of that dark, tumultuous inner landscape, where the ghosts of his past threatened to consume him.
“Bucky? Are you alright, man?” Sam's tone was laced with genuine concern, his brow furrowed as he studied his friend's distant, troubled expression.
Bucky let out a weary sigh, trying to push away the phantom feelings that still lingered, the echoes of a life he could scarcely recall. "Yeah, just a little tired," he mumbled, the words feeling hollow even as they left his lips.
Sam frowned, the lines on his face deepening as he recognized the familiar signs, the haunted look in Bucky's eyes, the subtle tension in his posture. He knew all too well about the nightmares that still plagued his friend, the horrific visions of his time as the Winter Soldier. But these were different, Sam could sense it. These were the ghosts of something else, a love perhaps, a connection that had been ripped away and now existed only in the hazy, fragmented remnants of Bucky's memory.
“I know you're getting better, Bucky,” Sam said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder in a gesture of support and understanding. “But sometimes, the past doesn't just disappear. It lingers, like a shadow, always lurking just out of sight.”
Bucky nodded, the hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach growing more pronounced. He needed to know, he needed to find out who you were, who you had been to him. It was a compulsion, a driving need to uncover the truth, to reclaim that which had been lost. And so he began his search, scouring old files, questioning anyone he could from his troubled past, chasing every phantom echo that whispered your name. The weight of this quest was a crushing burden, and there were times when Bucky felt on the verge of giving up, the futility of his efforts overwhelming. But still, he returned to the gardens, again and again, as if drawn there by an unseen force, a connection that he was desperate to rediscover and understand.
Bucky had returned to the botanical gardens, his steps quiet and his movements stealthy as he moved through the lush greenery, his eyes scanning the faces of every passerby with a razor-sharp focus. He was certain that if he saw you again, he would recognize you instantly, no matter how much time had passed or how much you might have changed. Settling onto his usual bench, he allowed his weary body to sink into the cool shade, his eyelids growing heavy as he drifted into a light doze.
But his dreams were anything but peaceful, they were a jumbled, vivid mess of his own haunting memories, the HYDRA valley where he had fallen from the train playing out in horrific detail. Yet, suddenly, the dreams shifted, and it was no longer him plummeting into the abyss, but you. Bucky jolted awake, a crushing realization weighing heavily on his chest. Had his desperate search been in vain all along? Was his mission to find you a fruitless endeavor, doomed to end in failure and heartbreak?
Shaken, he rose from the bench, his steps quickening as he strode out of the park, his focus distracted as he marched blindly, only to collide with someone much smaller than his imposing frame. Bucky's brow furrowed, his metal arm flexing reflexively as he steadied them, his mind still reeling from the intensity of his dreams and the uncertainty of his quest. 
In that electrifying moment, as your gaze locked with Bucky's, the world seemed to slow to a standstill. The familiar stranger before you was unmistakably the man you had once loved with every fiber of your being, the same piercing eyes, the same chiseled jawline, the same aura of strength and resilience that had always drawn you to him. Yet, the years of hardship and trauma etched into his features were a painful reminder of the ordeals you had both endured. The horrors you had faced together, the anguish and suffering you had shared, had threatened to tear you apart forever. But now, in this fleeting instance, all of that faded away, replaced by a surge of joy and disbelief that threatened to overwhelm you.
“Bucky?” you whispered, your voice trembling.
A flicker of recognition ignited within Bucky, his lips curling into a hesitant, almost disbelieving smile as he uttered “Kotyonok,” his voice barely above a whisper. “Is it really you?”
In that moment, the years of separation, the torment and uncertainty, vanished into a distant echo, leaving only the overwhelming realization that your unbreakable bond had survived the darkest of trials. The love he had felt for you all those years ago came rushing back, a tidal wave of emotion that threatened to consume you both. As his fingers brushed against yours, an electric current crackled between you, a tangible reminder of the love that had once been lost, but now seemed to have blossomed anew, like a delicate flower emerging from the ashes of despair.
Bucky's gaze was filled with a mixture of wonder and relief, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within you. “I didn’t think you’d remember me,” you whispered, your voice choked with the weight of all that had transpired.
“I thought you were… gone,” he replied, the words laced with a profound sense of loss and disbelief.
“I… I thought you were too,” you said softly, your heart swelling with the realization that you had both defied the odds, that you had both somehow managed to cling to life in the face of unimaginable adversity. 
As Bucky reached up and laid his hand gingerly on your cheek, the tender gesture spoke volumes, a silent declaration of the love that had never truly faded, even in the darkest of times. A wave of emotion washed over him, a mix of relief and heartache. “I thought I had lost you forever,” he said, his voice husky with emotion. 
“I'm here now,” you whispered, squeezing his hand gently. “I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere.”
He leaned down, his gaze intense, a mixture of longing and fear in his eyes. “I don't want to let you go again,” he said, his voice barely a whisper.
“I don't want to let you go either,” you whispered back, your heart echoing the sentiment.
You motioned at the bench and Bucky took your hand as you both sat down.
“How did you find me?” You asked. “I expected Karpov would have ordered your memory wiped.”
“He did,” Bucky sighed.
“Then how-” you started asking.
“I remember you,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I remember everything. Being here, it triggered something, and I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you since then, Kotyonok.”
“Kotyonok,” you echoed softly, savoring the sound of his nickname for you, a reminder of a love that had defied the odds. “How did you know I would be here?”
“I didn't. My friend… Steve… he likes to come here. He asked us to come with him a few times, but last month, I… was drawn to this garden,” he said, his voice soft, almost shy. “The smell of the lilies, they reminded me of you.”
You grinned, a genuine, heartfelt smile that lit up your face. “They're my favorite.”
“You always smelled of them,” he murmured, a fond smile playing on his lips. You loved that he remembered that about you, the little things that made you, you.
“I've been watching you…  on the news,” you admitted, a faint blush rising on your cheeks. “I've seen all the good things you've done with Captain America and the other Avengers. You're a hero, Bucky.” You wanted him to know that you saw who he really was, not the person HYDRA had made him.
He chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. “I don't feel like a hero. I'm just... trying to make things right.”
“You are making things right,” you said, your voice full of conviction. “You're fighting for what's good, and that's all that matters.”
“Why… why didn't you come and find me?” he asked, his voice trembling with a mix of hope and apprehension.
You hesitated, a ghost of pain flitting across your features. “I was afraid… that you wouldn't remember who I was. And… I don’t know if HYDRA is still looking for me. It’s not like I was important in the grand scheme of things, but-”
“You are important,” he interrupted, his voice filled with conviction. He gently cupped your cheek, his touch sending a surge of warmth through you. He made you feel important, like you were the most important person in the world.
Bucky's gaze softened, and he reached out, his calloused fingers tracing the lines of your face. “How... how did you survive, Kotyonok?”
Your gaze drifted away, lost in the depths of your own memories. “Honestly, I don’t remember anything. I woke up in a farmhouse, this old couple… they took care of me. They were sweet, but I didn’t stay with them for long. Didn’t want HYDRA finding me with them, hurting them.” His hand on your shoulder gave you the strength to keep talking through the painful memories. “Moved around a lot after that, trying to stay under the radar. But I did it. I survived, and… so did you.”
His eyes held yours, searching for some understanding, some confirmation of the love that had survived the horrors they had endured. “I was so scared, Kotyonok. I thought I'd never see you again.”
“But you found me,” you said, squeezing his hand. “And I'm not going anywhere.”
As Bucky's cool, vibranium digits enveloped your hands, you couldn't help but revel in the sensation. The sleek, metallic limb glinted in the light, its surface smooth and unblemished. You gazed, awestruck, at the intricate engineering on display, the way the vibranium had been seamlessly integrated to create a prosthetic that was both functional and aesthetically captivating. Gone was the harsh, utilitarian titanium that had once clashed so jarringly with the Winter Soldier's dark, menacing attire. This new arm radiated an air of refined elegance and restrained power, its strength and capability hidden beneath a streamlined, sophisticated exterior.
As you traced the delicate golden veins that shimmered against the matte black base, you couldn't help but marvel at the sheer craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. Each groove, each contour, spoke to the meticulous attention to detail that had been poured into this prosthetic. It was a true work of art, blending cutting-edge technology with a sense of timeless beauty. You knew that beneath that exquisite exterior lay a strength and power that was truly awe-inspiring. This was no mere replacement limb, it was an extension of Bucky himself, a testament to his resilience and the remarkable feats he had accomplished.
“Bucky!” you exclaimed, your voice tinged with wonder. “It's incredible.” You took his metallic hand in yours, feeling its lightness and balance.
“How does it feel?” you inquired.
“So much better,” Bucky replied, his voice carrying a newfound confidence. “Lighter, more...natural.”
“I can tell,” you said, noting his improved posture. “You're standing taller.” A gentle smile spread across your face.
“You can't resist, can you?” Bucky said, a playful twinkle in his eye.
“Resist what?” you asked, feigning innocence.
“Taking care of me,” Bucky answered.
You couldn't help but laugh. “I can't help it. I love caring for you.” Your words were filled with an unwavering affection that warmed Bucky's heart.
“I don't want to let you go again,” Bucky said, his voice filled with both sorrow and a hint of determination.
“Neither do I,” you replied.
His face hovered impossibly close, mere inches from your own, as he sat beside you on the weathered park bench. The warmth of his breath caressed your skin, sending a shiver down your spine, and you longed to close the remaining distance, to feel the familiar softness of his lips against yours once more. Yet, a nagging doubt gnawed at the edges of your mind, a persistent voice whispering that something was not quite right. Was this truly the man you had loved with such fervent devotion all those years ago, the soldier whose every touch had ignited a fire within you? Or had he changed, subtly but irrevocably, during the long years of separation, his eyes no longer holding the same unwavering adoration, his tender caresses replaced by a hesitance that belied a shift in his affections?
Despite his reassuring words, the ones that had once made your heart swell with joy, you found yourself unable to silence the unsettling questions that plagued you. What if the feelings that had once burned so brightly between you no longer mirrored the all-consuming devotion of the past? What if the man you saw before you, so tantalizingly close yet somehow distant, was no longer the same person you had given your heart to all those years ago? The uncertainty weighed heavily upon you, a thick fog obscuring the path forward, as you grappled with the fear that the man you loved may have been irretrievably lost to you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, still reading you as easily as he always had.
You hesitated, your gaze dropping to your trembling hands. “It's just... you're here, and yet…”
“And yet it feels like I'm a stranger?” he finished, his voice tinged with sadness.
You nodded, unable to deny your feelings. “I've missed you so much, but I can't shake this feeling that something has changed.”
A deep sigh escaped Bucky’s lips as he reached out to cup your face. “I know what you mean. I've changed, Kotyonok.”
His words hung heavy in the air, like a weight upon your heart. “But you're still you,” you protested, desperate to cling to the man you had known. “Deep down, you're still the same person, aren’t you?”
The uncertainty lingered, a cloud obscuring the path ahead. But the flicker of longing in his eyes, the soft tremor in his voice, spoke of a man struggling to find his way back to the light. You knew, deep down, that this wasn’t just about the past, but about the future. About the chance to rewrite your story, to navigate the uncharted waters of your second chance.
“I don’t know.”
Your heart sank, but before you had the time to process your disappointment, he continued.
“But, if you’re willing to give me a chance, I would like to find out… with you.” He stared into your eyes, his gaze searching, questioning.
“You would?”
And then, a slow smile spread across his face, a glimmer of hope igniting in his eyes. He leaned closer, his voice a soft promise against your lips. “I would, Kotyonok. I want to fight for us. For you.”
In the depths of his eyes, you saw a glimmer of hope, a determination that had not been extinguished. Bucky was willing to fight, to embark on this journey with you, to rediscover the love that had once bound you together. It was a chance, a precious opportunity to rewrite your story, to forge a new path that would lead you both back to the light. And as he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender, hopeful kiss, you knew that you would be willing to take that chance, to walk this uncharted road by his side, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.
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Chapter 10 <MASTERLIST
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kingofbodyrolls · 7 months
My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | series masterlist
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Hi, and welcome to Bora Ranch!
At Bora Ranch you will rediscover who you are, reconnect with your sister, and your childhood friend, Park Jimin, that will stir old feelings back. There's a lot of ups and downs, a lot of heartbreak, misunderstandings, what ifs, bad timing, but in the end, you will know what truly makes your heart beat, and where your heart's home is.
It's a story that will take you on a heartbreaking journey to find out what love is and the meaning of 'home', coming home and finding love. There's a lot of angst in it, I'd call it HEALING ANGST. Everything will be good in the end! Just have to go through a lot of heartbreak before the sun truly shines. There's a lot of soulmates vibes/undertones in it, and it's a lovestory at it's core. It's very romancey (Why do I suddenly feel like I wrote a YA but with mature language???).
This story is HEAVLY inspired by McLoed's Daughters (both the world/setting/plot), some plot points follow that story, but most of it doesn't.
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“It will take some time To find your heart And come back home You could walk for miles Cross every river And find your not alone ‘Cos I'll be there” - From McLeod’s Daughters theme song
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🐴 Summary: You’d never thought you’d step foot back at the ranch– a place you used to call home a long time ago. When you are forced to go back, reconcile with your sister and a certain childhood friend that you had long forgotten, will sparks reunite? 🐴 Pairing: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter)*, jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc *I also want to clarify some things about the tags/pairings! Jungkook x reader only happens once, it is crucial for the sake of the plot, but please don't let that stop you from reading it (I take it you want to read it because of Jimin x reader). Jimin x reader is the main couple! 🐴 Characters: female reader (she’s more like an OC, but isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴 AUs: ranch!au, slice of life!au, childhood friends to lovers!au, cowboy!au, soulmate!au 🐴 Genres: smut, humor, fluff, slow burn and angst (yes, it’s got everything lol!) 🐴 Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact! 🐴 Word count: 230k (epilogue excluded) 🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴 Warnings/tag: will be tagged for each individual chapter. But it does contain sexual themes, smut and a lot of sexual tension and a hell of a lot of angst! Like series is an emotional rollercoaster ride, it will leave you both happy, sad, frustrated, mad, angry and oh so in love. All through the series. You have been warned, lol. 🐴 Status: completed 🥳 🐴 Fancy reading on AO3? It is cross-posted there! 🐴 Do you want to see the book cover (there's a teaser too)? [it's here] 🐴 Author’s note: this series is heavily inspired by the TV show McLeod’s Daughters. Some plot points will feel familiar, while others won’t (because I don’t follow that story structure to a tee). But If you love that show that I do, I’m 100% sure you’ll love this story too! Also, I don’t expect people to really be interested in this… this is more of a story about coming home, finding home, finding love and such… and I don’t know if you want to read that sort of thing? But I fucking love it! ✨
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Chapter #1 - Inheritance | word count: 8.2k | read → chapter one
Chapter #2 - It’s a Long Road | word count: 9.1k | read → chapter two
Chapter #3 - Sometimes | word count: 11.8k | read → chapter three
Chapter #4 - It Comes to This | word count: 7.5k | read → chapter four
Chapter #5 - Our Home, Our Place | word count: 11k | read → chapter five
Chapter #6 - Wild Horses | word count: 11k | read → chapter six
Chapter #7 - We Got it Wrong | word count: 9.5k | read → chapter seven
Chapter #8 - Love You, Hate You | word count: 9.5k | read → chapter eight
Chapter #9 - Take the Rain Away | word count: 8.2k | read → chapter nine
Chapter #10 - The First Touch | word count: 16.4k | read → chapter ten
Chapter #11 - This Perfect Day | word count: 14.4k | read → chapter eleven
Chapter #12 - Broken Dreams | word count: 14.4k | read → chapter twelve
Chapter #13 - Love Letter | word count: 13.4k | read → chapter thirteen
Chapter #14 - I Wish the Past was Different | word count: 10.5k | read → chapter fourteen
Chapter #15 - Did I Tell You? | word count: 13.7k | read → chapter fifteen
Chapter #16 - The Stranger | word count: 14.1k | read → chapter sixteen
Chapter #17 - Love of Your Life | word count: 13.3k | read → chapter seventeen
Chapter #18 - By My Side | word count: 14.7k | read → chapter eighteen
Chapter #19 - Home [END] | word count: 18.2k | read → chapter nineteen
Chapter #20 - My Heart's Home [Epilogue + Q&A] | word count: 7.4k | read → chapter twenty
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Please let me know if you're excited for this??? I'm still writing it, and honestly... I love it! But it's tough to write such a long series without any feedback or knowledge whether it's good or sucks... so.. yeah....
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rollingsins · 2 years
all hers, part i
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: “I’d kill everybody in this town before they’d take you away from me.” Tara says, eyes wild. “I’d kill everybody in the world. You belong to me.” ghostface!tara
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, possessive behavior, vaginal sex, murder of an OC character), smut. 
word count: 4.2k
a/n: for anon, who requested some smutty, possessive ghostface!tara. very, very fun to write, let me know if you want me to write some more ;) 
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Four murders in seven days. 
It was a nightmare. You’d heard the stories, sure. Seen the movies. But you’d never thought it would actually happen to you. 
That’s what you got for transferring to Woodsboro of all places. 
Your phone buzzes as you finish locking the remaining doors. It’s Tara. You smile instinctively as her name flashes across your screen. 
where are you? still coming over? 
You look outside. It’s dark already, and the thought of leaving the house when there’s a lunatic running around scares the shit out of you. 
not tonight sorry, baby. lost track of time. don’t want to leave Chase here by himself.
You contemplate asking her over. Her sister is in town, and you’d been trying to give them some space to reconnect. Sam was with her, you assured yourself. Besides, the last thing you wanted was her leaving the safety of her home and getting attacked. 
“YN! Popcorn ready?” 
You drop your phone to the counter, check on the popcorn in the microwave. 
Chase had been your first friend at Woodsboro High, before you’d met anyone else, even Tara. Since you’d started dating her, you hadn’t seen him much. He’d asked you over tonight - your parents were out and he didn’t want you on your own. He’d had a hankering, in somewhat bad taste, to marathon the Stab movies. 
It was nice being with Chase again, even under such terrifying circumstances. 
You tell him so. 
“You know why that is, right?” He laughs, shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Your girlfriend hates me.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“She does not.” 
“Does too. Every time I see her she gives me these eyes.” 
He squints, twists his face into an angry glare. 
“Like she wants to kill me.” 
“You’re imagining it.” You tell him. 
Throw a kernel of popcorn at him. 
“Uh huh.” He says, turning his gaze back to the movie, “Sure.”
Talking about Tara had always been weird with him. He’d had a thing for you, back in the day, when you’d first met. He’d even asked you out once. But you already had your sights set on Tara and nothing could deter you. He’d taken it well-ish. So you’d thought. 
“How are things going with her, anyway?” His voice casual. You look over. 
“Good.” You say. “Great. Why do you ask?”
He doesn’t look away from the TV. Shrugs, but it’s tense. Like he’s trying to appear more non-committal. You suddenly feel uncomfortable. 
“Just wondering.” 
The movie plays a little, you let awkward silence wash over the room. Peer down at your phone. No response from Tara. Maybe you should have gone to her house after all. 
“I-” He says suddenly, then stops. Purses his lips. 
“It’s nothing.” He says. “Nevermind.” 
You stare. 
“What, Chase?”
“I just get a weird vibe from her sometimes. That’s all.” 
You blink, caught off guard. 
“You don’t know her.” You say, instantly defensive. “There’s no vibe. She’s perfect. She’s the perfect girlfriend.” 
And she was. She picked you up everyday at 8am on the dot to drive you to school. She walked you to class, held your books for you. Showered you with affection. 
“She’s possessive.” Chase says. He’s looking at you now. Words spilling out of him like they’ve been pent up for a while. “You just don’t see it because you’re all moon-eyed for her. It’s not normal. It’s like you're her special toy and nobody else can play with you.” 
“Stop.” You say. 
“She’s isolated you from all your friends.” He continues. “You used to play soccer, remember? What happened to that? What about dance? All the things you used to love. You don’t do them anymore. Your whole world revolves around her.” 
You stand up. A lump rises in the back of your throat. You’d come here to watch movies with an old friend, not have him berate you about your relationship. 
“That isn’t true.” You say, “With school, I just don’t have time for those things anymore-”
“Because when you’re not in school, you’re with her.” He presses. “And she wants you with her all the time. Like I said, possessive.” 
“Great to know how you really feel.” You say. Grab your phone. 
“Sorry, YN. The truth hurts.” He slumps back into his seat, stares at the TV again. “Where are you going?”
“Bathroom.” You mumble. 
You open your phone when you reach the bathroom, go straight to Tara’s contact. 
She’s opened your message, but hasn’t replied. 
“Great.” You say aloud. Your perfect girlfriend has left you on read. 
You contemplate calling her, asking her to come get you. No. You chew on your bottom lip. You could just leave, chance an encounter with ghost-face. You decide against it. You’re annoyed with Chase, but not that annoyed. 
You wash your hands. Head back downstairs. Flick Tara another message. 
You’re not mad, are you? Love you. Wish I was with you instead. xx
Chase hasn’t moved. He looks up when you enter, looking a little sheepish. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You say. Sink into the sofa, as far from him as possible. “Let’s just watch the movie.” 
And you do. Forty minutes of cheesy dialogue and bad acting and not a word from Chase. You like it that way. You keep glancing at your phone, waiting for your girlfriend’s response. But nothing. 
The movie’s over. You can hear the credits rolling, but your eyes are drooping. Half gone. Your phone long abandoned, Tara’s reply nowhere to be found. You’re dreaming of Hawaii in the summer. Pina colada in hand. Tara dressed in a bikini, waist deep in the water. Kissing her in the sand, not a care in the world. 
Then you hear the crash. 
Your eyes jerk open. You sit up. Startled. You look around the room. The TV has shut itself off. Chase is nowhere to be found. There are noises coming from the foyer. Your heart beats, fast. You look wildly around the room. You want something to defend yourself with. 
You settle on a small wooden zebra. Some useless ornament only Chase’s mom would decorate with. It’ll do. 
You hear scuffling. More crashing. Then, Chase’s voice, shrill - scared. 
“Please! Stop!”
Your ears ring. Terror rips through you as you make your way into the hallway, quietly as you can. 
Chase is on the floor, writhing, both his hands wrapped around a curved, silver dagger. 
Your stomach drops. 
It’s Ghostface. 
Your bottom lip trembles. You want to run. Scream. Hide. All at once. But you can’t. You’re rooted to the spot, transfixed. 
Ghostface raises his arm, steady. Then slams his dagger straight down and through Chase’s chest. Chase cries out. Blood gurgles from his lips. Ghostface stabs him, twice, then three times. Crazed. Possessed. 
Your body gives way. You let out a scream. Topple backwards into the hallway cabinet. 
Glass smashes around you. Ghostface looks straight at you. 
Your back hurts from the fall. You writhe desperately on the floor, trying to get up. The Zebra has slipped from your fingers. Tears tumble down your face. 
In your peripheral, you see Ghostface abandon Chase. Head straight for you.
You cry out as he makes a grab at you. 
“Stop.” His voice is contorted, unnatural. He’s using a voice-changer. That same awful voice from that dumb movie you’d just watched. You sob as his hands tighten around you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you. Don’t struggle.” 
You flop out of his grip, kick up just in time to take the Zebra in your hands. 
“I’m not here for you, stop-” 
Your fingers tighten around the Zebra. You use all your force to smack it hard against Ghostface’s head. You hear him cry out. Fall back. 
You’ve hit him hard. He clutches at his head as he falls back. 
There’s a clang as his mask hits the ground. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. Your chest seizes painfully. The Zebra in your hand slips out of your grasp and hits the floor. 
She looks up at you, her eyes wide, like a deer in headlights. Tears prick at the sides of your eyes. You blink. 
She swallows. Stands upright.  
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” She says. The voice changer is gone. The sound of her voice makes you want to weep, “Don’t be scared.” 
She edges towards you, slowly. As if you’re a baby rabbit that might startle at any moment. You see the gleam of her dagger in her hand. Still wet with blood. 
“Tara.” You say again, voice trembling. You take a step back. Panic floods through you. How can this be happening?
“It’s me.” She assures. “You don’t have to be afraid. Look.” She holds out her hand, drops the dagger to the floor. It careens over the carpet. Stains it with blood. 
She inches closer. You don’t realize just how close she is before she’s reaching out, tugging you into her open arms. Your body locks up. The shock, the panic, the lump at the back of your throat. Everything spills over. You blubber into her chest as she holds you tight. 
“Shhh. It’s okay baby.” She comforts you, hands rubbing tight circles across your back. You want to push her off. You want to run. But you can't, you're frozen, all you can do is bawl. She tilts your head up to her. Rubs her nose against yours. She smells metallic. Like blood. She’s covered in it, you realize with a start. 
You tremble. 
“Don’t be scared.” She repeats. Strokes her fingers along your cheeks. “My pretty girl. I would never hurt you.” 
Her eyes are wild. Pupils blown. No trace of your sweet, loving girlfriend. You don’t recognize the person in front of you. You want her off you. But you don’t dare push her away. She presses you into her. Over her shoulder, you see Chase’s lifeless body. His glassy eyes stare up at you. 
“He’s dead.” You say. Tears leak like acid from your eyes. Tara holds you tighter. 
“I know.” You feel her lips graze the side of your head. She presses a lingering kiss there. “I’m sorry you had to see, darling. I thought you were asleep.” 
A whimper emerges from your lips. Tears fall hot and fast down your cheeks, your hands limp at your side as she holds you. Cradles you. 
She pauses. You feel her tense. 
“Because they wanted you. All of them. They wanted you, but I’d never let them have you. Because you’re mine.” 
And it clicks. There had been four victims so far. The first was Dan and his brother Sam, both boys you’d known since elementary school. Both who’d had crushes on you. 
Then there was Aaron, your first kiss. Then Sadie, your first girlfriend. 
Your bottom lip trembles. They were all dead because of you. 
Tears roll down your face. Your body starts to shake. 
Tara shushes you, pulls back only slightly to wipe away your tears. She’s so tender, gentle, you almost forget the bloodied body you’d just watch her maim lying in the corner of the room.  
“Don’t cry, sweet girl.” She presses her lips to your forehead. “Here. Look.” 
She steps back momentarily. Shimmies out of her black robes. She’s wearing your old varsity soccer t-shirt underneath. Your sweatpants. The necklace you’d got her for your one year anniversary. She looks like herself again. Your Tara. 
Your bottom lip trembles.
“See. It’s just me.” 
It makes you cry even harder. How could this be real? You’d just watched as your sweet, gentle, loving girlfriend had driven a knife into someone. 
Tara. How could it be Tara? 
“I know, I know, baby. It’s okay.” Her arms are around you again. She holds you as you sob. Every instinct in you screams to run. To get away from this deranged psycho who just killed your best friend in front of you. But you can’t. She’s the only one you want to run to. 
You press yourself into her, tears soaking through her shirt. She cradles you, you feel her lips ghost your forehead. 
“I didn’t want you to find out like this.” She says, “I’m sorry, baby girl. I know it’s a shock.” 
She holds you a while longer. Until your eyes are red and dry, nothing left to cry. Your heartbeat still hammering against your chest. 
What do I do?, You think. Where do I go?
She was calm now, much calmer than you. But that could change in a heartbeat. If you ran, she’d chase you. Maybe even kill you too. That look in her eyes, black, terrifying. You hiccup against her. 
What the fuck do I do? 
 She rubs your back. Draws away from you just enough to wipe the rest of your tears from your face. Lets her fingers linger on your cheeks. 
“Come here.” She dips down before you can protest. Presses her lips to yours. You don’t resist. Electricity flows through your body. Your stomach flutters the way it always does when she kisses you. Your body wants her just as it always does. Guilt flushes through you. You draw back, hold her at arms length. 
“I can’t.” You pull back, a fresh wave of tears rising. Your stomach turns. “I think I’m going to be sick” 
Her hands grip your shoulders. 
“It’s okay. It’s alright. Hey. Look at me.” She’s firm, suddenly. You look up at her through glistening eyes. She softens her voice again, brushes your hair out of your eyes. 
“I’m going to clean this up.” Her head jerks to the body near the corner of the room. “Then I’m going to clean you up.” She strokes the side of your face. Scratches on your cheeks from the glass. 
“And then I’m going to take you to bed and make love to you. Show you just how much I adore you. Alright? Will that make everything better, sweetheart?” 
Revulsion rises in your stomach suddenly. Her hands on you feel heavy. Suffocating. Your cheeks flush hot with emotion. 
“No. Don’t you dare touch me.” You say. You shake off her hands, take a step back. 
The words startle you as much as they startle her. Hurt clouds her features for a moment. She tries to smooth it over, tilting her head. 
“Baby. You don’t mean that.” 
“Yes I do. I don’t want you near me. Not after what you’ve done.” You back up, pressing yourself against the wall. Part of you wants to make a grab for the dagger but she’s too close. Besides, what would you do with it anyway? You weren’t like her. You weren’t a killer. 
Tara blinks. Her eyes fill with something you don’t recognize. 
“You’re just confused.” Tara says, voice hollow. “I know it’s hard to get your head around-“ 
“Please. Go. Just go.”
You’re shaking. Tara stares. Her bottom lip twitches. You recognize what’s behind her eyes this time. Anger. Irritation. 
“You want me to go? After all this. After everything I’ve done for you?” For the first time, her voice is trembling. She looks angry. Hurt. Confused. 
“For me?” You ask. Your voice rises. “You killed my best friend for me?” 
“For us.” She urges. “Don’t you see - there’s no distractions anymore. No one else. No one is going to take you from me.” 
She’s moving closer again. You don’t want her near you. You eye the door, move before she can stop you. 
You run. Blood rushing in your ears. 
She calls your name again, but you don’t look back. The front door is locked, so you sprint for the back. You can’t think straight, can’t trust your own emotions. So you trust your instincts. 
Run. Run. Run. 
You reach the door, fumble with the handle. Your heart in your throat. You twist it madly, but it doesn’t budge. 
“Come on!” You cry out. You twist again, but it’s too late. 
You feel her hands on your waist as she grabs you. 
You struggle against her, screaming. The sheer force knocks you both over. You scramble up, trying to stand but she’s too quick.  Her hands wrap tight around your waist, pulling you back down to her. She grabs your wrists, holds them tight over your head as she climbs on top of you. 
“Get off me!” You cry, but she doesn’t. Squeezes you down tighter. 
Wild eyes stare down at you. Her eyes, usually the softest brown, are wide, saucer like. Her eyebrows knit together as she pleads.  
“Please, baby, stop.” She begs. “It’s me. It’s just me.” 
She’s smaller than you, but she’s so much stronger. She’s always been stronger than you. It used to be hot, the way she could hold you down with such little effort. Now, it terrifies you. 
You try with all your might to push her off but she only grips tighter. A frustrated sob emerges from your lips. She presses you against the floor. You feel her lips on your forehead as she shushes you.
“Don’t cry, sweetheart.” She says, voice so tender you almost forget she has you trapped in a vice grip. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
“Then let me go.” You wail. Your body goes limp. There’s no point in struggling. She’s too strong. “Please, Tara, just let me go.” 
“I can’t do that, baby.” She says. Her voice soft, almost apologetic, “I love you.” 
You whimper, pathetically. Your mind whirls, going a mile a minute. There’s no way out, you realize. She’s stronger than you. She’s faster than you. And she’s hopelessly and desperately in love with you. She’ll never let you go. 
Your breathing evens out. 
“I love you.” She says again, voice barely above a whisper. 
Her breath is hot, against your mouth. You shudder. She presses her lips to your cheek. Nuzzles her nose into your neck. 
“I love you.” 
Her lips press into your neck. A hot jolt of energy sparks between your legs. Even now, after everything she’s done you can’t help but want her. You start to cry again. 
She tilts herself up. Looks at you, really looks at you. 
Gone is the manic, crazy killer who just chased you down a hallway and stuck a knife in your best friend. Her eyes are wide, that soft, sweet brown they always are. 
There she is. Your first love. Your high school sweetheart. The girl who had taken your virginity. Tara. Your sweet girlfriend, Tara. 
“I love you.” She whispers, a final time. Your heartbeat slows, steady. Your eyes flicker down to her lips. She notices. 
She lingers above you only a moment, before she leans down and captures your lips. 
Heat flushes to your cheeks. Butterflies erupt in your chest.
Warm, warm, warm. 
Is all you feel. 
You groan into her mouth. Confusion flashes through you once again. 
“Stop.” You murmur against her lips. Soft. Half-hearted, like you don’t mean it. She pulls back. 
“Stop?” She asks. Voice low. Like she knows what you’re going to say. 
Your breath hitches. Her hands loosen their grip on your wrists. Her weight on top of you suddenly feels erotic. 
“Don’t stop.” You whisper, and she claims your lips once again. 
Your kisses build, feverish. Desperate. A mesh of lips and teeth and tongue. You loop your hands through her hair, pull her tight against you. 
Her hands loop under your shirt, tug at your jeans. You pull hers off first, wanting her hot and naked against you, groaning at the heat of her skin against your own. 
All thoughts of Chase are gone as you slip your hands into her underwear. She’s wet already, gasps as you circle her clit. You press warm kisses to her jaw. 
She presses you back onto the floor. Tugs your underwear down your legs. Her fingers dip down to your heat. 
“Tara.” You gasp. She nuzzles herself into your neck. Presses, wet, sloppy kisses down your jawline. Her fingers brush your clit before she sinks her fingers inside you. 
She groans. Kisses you deep. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight. So wet.”
“Tara.” You gasp. Her fingers curl inside you, her thumb rubbing gently over your clit. She kisses you again. Works her fingers deeper into you. 
“Does that feel good, baby?” She asks. Her voice is graveled, thick with want. You moan out as she hits just the right spot. 
“You like that? You like my fingers inside you?” 
You nod, madly, clawing at her back, trying to pull her closer. 
“I like it too, baby. It’s my favorite thing in the world. I’d do anything to be inside you.” 
Her eyes are black, hazy, lust filled. You kiss her deeply. 
“I’d kill everybody in this town before they’d take you away from me.” She says, eyes wild. “I’d kill everybody in the world. You belong to me.” 
You moan. 
“Tell me.” She says, “Tell me who you belong to.” 
“You, baby.” You gasp. 
“That's right. All mine. Every inch of you.” She growls. Her hand movements are steady. Angry. Pounding into you. Your hips jerk with each thrust, your cheeks red. 
“Nobody else is going to touch you. Not ever. I’m the only one who gets to do this.” She says. Her eyes are starting to blacken again, jealous at the thought of somebody else sinking inside you. 
“No one else.” You pant. “I promise.” 
She growls, takes a nipple in her mouth. Bites down hard. Her fingers drive into your pussy. 
You moan her name. It relaxes her a little. She slows her pace, dipping down to kiss down your stomach. She nuzzles against your thigh, lovingly. 
“Who can blame them?” She says. She reaches up to touch your face, presses a gentle kiss to your belly. Her fingers pump in and out at a steady pace. Her fingers coated in your wetness. “My perfect girl. Always so beautiful. Who wouldn’t want you? I want you all the time.” 
She dips down, presses kisses to the tops of your thighs, rhythm steady as she fucks you. A low moan escapes from your mouth as she licks a long stripe down your center, stopping momentarily to wrap her lips around your clit. 
Your thighs clench around her head but she keeps your legs pried open. She sucks you only a moment before she’s grinning up at you, debauched, slipping a third finger inside your dripping cunt. 
“I wish I could spend every waking moment inside this gorgeous pussy. Always so pretty and tight and wet for me.  Always throbbing around my fingers. Squeezing. Trying to keep me in you, isn’t that right?” 
Her eyes gleam. Her pretty red lips sticky with your arousal. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you, baby? You’d like me to be in you all the time.” 
“Yes.” You groan. 
“Dirty girl.” She chides. Her head dips down again, and you throw your head back as she sucks on your clit, hard. 
She releases you after a moment. Lips back on your thighs, fingers pummeling up into your g-spot. 
Your stomach coils. She sucks on your thigh leisurely, her fingers slamming into you with no mercy. 
“Mine.” She says. “Say it.” 
“Yours. All yours.” 
Her arms grip tight around your waist. She licks her way up your length, not stopping the force of her fingers. 
You throb around her, so close. She presses kisses to your thighs as she works you to the edge. 
“You going to come for me, baby?” She murmurs, lips on your clit, “Good girl. That’s it, sweetheart. Come in my mouth.” 
She sucks your clit, hard, and you topple over the edge. 
Your back arches. You let out a low groan as your orgasm washes over you. She works you though it, lovingly sucking, her fingers curled. 
You slump back onto the floor as she presses kisses to your belly. She keeps her fingers in you as she leans up, kisses you so tenderly. 
“Good girl.” She murmurs. You sigh into her mouth. You can taste yourself on her lips. It’s intoxicating. She presses a kiss to your neck. 
Draws her fingers out of you. You whine. She smiles, sucks you off her fingertips. 
“Don’t worry baby.” She murmurs. Brushes a lock of hair off your sweaty forehead. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
Your heart beat slows. She shuffles herself off you.
Wraps herself tight around your waist, drawing you into her. 
Your eyes draw to the robes of the floor. The mask. The dagger. Chase is here somewhere, dead in another room. And you just fucked his killer. 
Shame floods through you. Your body tenses. She can sense it. She turns you in her arms, pulls you into her bare chest. 
“Shh. Don’t look, baby.” She coos. “I’ll clean it up.” 
“He’s dead.” You say. More monotone than anything. In the last thirty minutes you’ve felt every possible emotion you could ever feel. You’ve cried every last tear. You’ve fought and struggled and lost against your own desires. You’re exhausted. 
“It’s alright, babe.” She senses your resignation. Presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Now it’s just you and me. The way it should be.” 
She tilts your face up to hers. You let her press a kiss to your lips. Close your eyes. 
“I’m all yours, baby.” She says. “And you’re mine. Forever.”  
You nod, slowly. 
She is, there’s no point in denying it. 
Next part
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The Epilogue
It starts off on a simple hot sunny day at the lake.
The kids are giggling and splashing water in each other's faces.
Dustin and Steve are off to the side getting the sandwiches ready. Steve is watching Eddie flip the boys into the water.
"I'm so glad we're all like this together. I never thought I'd even get you an Eddie into the same room."
"Well he's really changed a lot. Definitely since we were kids. I like being his friend, I think we're better for it." He finishes wrapping up the sandwich he's working on and ignores Dustin's eyes piercing into his skull. Behind him he hears another splash and some screaming.
"I didn't know you used to be friends."
"Friends? It's been a long time since I've been regarded as one of those."
"Be for real I didn't know you and Eddie used to hang out."
"Yeah we used to hang out all the time." Steve looks off into the distance wistfully.
"So what happened?"
"Well, we grew up. I grew up and Eddie grew up and we both grew into different people and Eddie didn't like how different we ended up being. It happens all the time. We didn't have monsters to bond us like you guys."
"Well that sucks, maybe you guys will reconnect as strong as you used to be."
Steve rustles Dustin's hair much to his complaint.
"We'll be fine champ, we're doing well now aren't we?"
"Yeah Stevie we are." They both spin around at the sound of Eddie's voice. He's giving them a confused look. Squinting his eyes at Steve like he doesn't know how to feel.
A long time ago
"Do you want to be friends?"
"I think you're cool."
"No you don't you just think I'm cool cause I'm in 4th grade and you're only in the baby 3rd grade class."
"Am not!"
"You are!"
"UGH...I'm Steve by the way."
Middle school
"Steve there's something wrong with me."
"Don't be ridiculous Eddie, whatever it is we'll fix it."
"This can't be fixed."
"Dude just spit it out I won't get mad!"
"Ok...I have a crush...on a boy."
Eddie's eyes are welling up with tears.
"Hey it's ok Eds." Steve walks closer to him, slowly, like approaching a wounded animal.
"I won't judge you."
"Yeah! So what if you like boys I'll kick anyone's ass who says anything bad. You're still my best friend that's never going to change." He wraps Eddie up in the tightest hug he can muster.
"I love you Steve."
"I love you too Eds."
Before high school
"I just don't know why you're being like this!"
"What Steve? You can't believe I'm mad at you for blowing me off for your other friends?!"
"I wasn't blowing you off! I had basketball practice! Tommy's mom just drove me home dude it's not as crazy as you think it is."
"Oh really?!"
"Yeah! If anything you're being crazy!"
"Oh! If that's how it's gonna be then we don't need to be friends anymore."
Eddie's stomps off. So angry he doesn't hear Steve calling back out to him. The next time they interact, Tommy is pushing Eddie into a locker.
When Steve called Jonathan Byers a queer he remembers the promise he made to Eddie and promptly throws up afterwards.
When Robin comes out to Steve on the bathroom floor he thinks he has a second chance to prove himself. When she ends up being better than he imagines he is so thankful.
God he misses Eddie.
"Me and Stevie boy can pack up the car don't worry munchkins."
The two try to pick everything up but Eddie gets progressively angrier by the second. Steve is trying to figure out why he has personal beef with a cooler.
When they reach the car Eddie tries to shove everything in the trunk but it all falls apart.
"What's wrong."
"Me? Nothing, why?" he hastily folds the towels again, shoving them back in.
"Well...you're all huffy."
He spins around, his face getting closer, red with anger.
"You wanna know what my problem is?! I can't believe you told him that like I was the one to break things off, like you ever missed me, like you never hated me!"
"That's ridiculous! I've never hated you! You hated me!"
"No! You're the one who changed. You made the final decision!"
"Yeah because you pushed me away."
"You didn't fight me on it."
"I fought you everyday. Everyday I thought of you. Everyday with the name calling and the lockers, I was trying to get your attention."
"You think I wasn't? You think I stand on tables for fun?!"
"...it's all been a misunderstanding?"
The two stare at each other not even daring to blink.
"We wasted so much time, we could fix that, that is if you still want me"
"I never went a day without thinking of you."
he gets shy, his face darker than his sunburn.
"I know you've changed, I've dealt with that but a part of me still thinks you hate me. For what I am. What you'll hold against me. I don't know if I can handle being friends with you with that fear in my heart."
"I'd never. Ever. Do anything. Besides," Steve flicks his hair back. "Birds of a feather and all that." The blush on his cheeks is high and getting darker by the second.
"The what?"
"I'm uh kind of bisexual."
"Kind of?"
"Definitely. Definitely bisexual."
"Right um...so you won't have any problems from me. I hope that won't be a problem for you."
"No! Never! I'm just...surprised."
"Yeah you would be," Steve grumbles.
Steve is sleeping in his bed when he feels something wrong. His eyes shoot open and he spots a figure standing over his body.
"Jesus Christ!" He shoots out of bed and is ready to grab his weapon when he registers who's in front of him.
"Eddie?" He says softly. "What're you doing here? You had a gig tonight, how did you get in my house? Why are you in my room-"
"Steve." Eddie's face is golden. The moon is reflecting into his eyes, shining so bright. He looks so happy, like he's going to cry. His smile is so bright.
"Steve. I got it."
"You go it?"
"The record deal. I got it."
Steve runs at him and Eddie catches him. Of course he did. He always will.
"Oh my god oh my god," he mutters into his shoulder. Eddie's arms are squeezing his waist tighter. "I'm so proud of you oh my god."
"Steve. I have to tell you something, that's what I came here to say."
"What's going on Eds? You never sound this serious." Eddie lets go of him and sits him down on the edge of the bed. Eddie lingers closer to the door like he's ready to make an exit.
"The recording studio is in Chicago."
"I leave in a week."
"I want you to go with me."
Steve feels confusion run through him but he's not complaining. He'd follow Eddie anywhere.
"Yes! Ok! Let's go!"
Eddie smiles but it looks like it's causing him pain.
"There's a condition to you coming with me." He comes closer to Steve but still keeps his distance. "You need to know the truth before you agree to leave everything behind."
"What's going on Eds?"
"Ever since we were kids I've been in love with you. Big. Gay. Feelings. I want to hold you and kiss you and start a life with you. I know you're bi but that doesn't mean you'd be into me, especially considering our history. I was going to keep it a secret, never tell you, but it's not fair for you to be with me and not know my true intentions. I understand if you don't want to speak to me anymore but I'll do anything to keep our friendship. I've tried to forget you but have you met you? You're unforgettable. You're too damn loveable." He chuckles at that, eyes darting at every corner of the room.
"I understand-"
"Come here please."
"Edddiiie," Steve whines. He stands and grabs Eddie's hands and drags him back to his bed laying him down. He crawls on top of him and tucks his head into Eddie's neck.
"I am very confused right now Steve."
"Thank you for telling me, I understand how scary that can be to share your feelings. The only thing is I can't believe you don't see how I feel!" He props his head up until their noses are touching. "I love you you idiot. I've been in love with you since forever. Of course I want to start a life with you and whatever else you wanted-"
"Kissing. I wanted kissing."
"And you'll get it."
Steve giggles into his mouth and the two kiss for what feels like forever. They finally break apart and keep their foreheads touching.
Eddie's suit jacket is grabbed and he's thrown into a bathroom stall.
"Oh my god I can't believe you did that."
"Steve how did you even get back here? Bribed a guard. He knew who I was anyway, congratulated me on having such a loving partner." He ends the sentence smashing their lips together shoving Eddie against the wall.
"Mmm well," Eddie pulls away. "I didn't know the next time I'd win a Grammy I wanted to make it count."
"Eddie you confessed your love for me and came out in your speech that was something...something so special. God all I wanted was to see you, be near you. I couldn't go another second not being by your side."
"A bathroom stall was the closest you could get huh?" He smirks.
Steve smirks, sinking to his knees. "What? It's not good enough for you?"
"Nope! It's perfect! Absolutely perfect sweetheart no complaints here.
"You want to marry...me?"
"Yeah baby why wouldn't I?"
"I- I...yes! Ok! Yes!"
It ends on a simple hot sunny day
seventy years later
"Hello everyone, my husband lived a long successful life. You may know him as the lead guitarist for the many bands he's been apart of during his long career. You knew him as Eddie Munson rockstar but I knew him as much more. I knew him as my love. My husband. An uncle to our little gremlins little gremlins. A friend to all. A supporter of all. He passed away yesterday from natural causes. I was asked by his Manger how I wanted to handle this and I knew I had to do it."
There are tears in his eyes as he stares down the camera but a small smile on his lips.
"He lives on through our friends and family. Through those who have watched him grow. Through his awards and his fans. Through his charity work. Most importantly he lives through his love. He loved so much. So hard. Everthing had meaning to him. Everything had purpose." He wipes a stray tear away.
"I'll see you soon my love."
The final epilougue is the next day, for the sweethearts could not live long without the other. They had already been making up for the time they did not know each other, for they time they spent ignoring each other. They couldn't spend another minute apart.
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cheritzteam · 1 month
[The Ssum] “June” and “Henri” Ending Update Complete! Don’t Miss out on the Commemorative Event Too♡ v.2.1.7 App Update
Hello, dear lab participant.
You can now download the new version of <The Ssum: Love From Today>.
Google Play Store (Android) - linkApple App Store (iOS) - link
This update includes server maintenance, so you will receive 10 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by 16-AUG-2024 (KST) to get your compensation! *You must collect your reward within 3 days.
The following are the details of the update we have received from the Lab.
< ⓛ Ending Update, “June” and “Henri” Are Waiting for You Lab Participant! >
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Ending update has completed all the stories for "June" and "Henri"! What awaits the lab participant in the final chapter? Please join us in helping these two Ssumones find true love through you, the lab participant 💘
< ②The Future of Two Ssumones Changes with the “Choices” of the Lab Participant?>
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The Ssum Season 2's exclusive epilogue special support update! What if the lab participant's choices determine the Ssumone's future? Collect the epilogue special support you acquire based on their changed future!
< ③Observe the Ssumones’ Emotions at a Glance Through “Emojis!”>
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You can now view cute emojis in the chats with June and Henri. The round and endearing emojis level up the appeal of the Ssumones 🧡 Please look forward to seeing which emojis the two will use to express their love to you, lab participant!
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If you're currently matched with someone else, tap the Profile button on the main screen. Tap the arrow button next to your current match's profile picture to match with someone else.
*Chats with your current match will not be deleted and can be continued when you reconnect. When reconnecting, please note the time of your last chat so that you don't miss any chats/calls. *When you match with a new Ssumone, you will need to change your Ssumone at your wake-up time to ensure that all Day 1 chats can take place.
💛Commemorative Event Announcement💛
< X(Twitter) Repost Event >
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This August 13, the Update of 💙Henri💙 and 💛June💛 
…and to celebrate, we’re holding a repost event on Cheritz’s official X(Twitter)!
💌 How to participate 1) Log in to X(Twitter)🔑 2) Repost the event post(link) on @Cheritz_DL🔁
📆 Event ends on August 13, 2024 (Wed) ~ August 19, 2024 (Mon) KST
🎁 Event prizes - 50 Aurora Batteries (20 winners)
📢 Winner announcement August 29, 2024 (Thu) KST
※Disclaimer※ - You cannot participate with an account set to private. - Winners have 10 days to respond via DM to claim their prize.
We are providing every lab participant with Special Lab Support in celebration of the update!
Make sure to collect the items while they’re available - especially the Aurora Creature Box which can only be acquired through purchase💌
📆 Reward Period ~August 21th, 2024 (Wed) 9 AM KST
🎁 Lab Support Details 5 Aurora Batteries + 1 Aurora Creature Box
The additional update information received from the research institute is as follows.
[New Updates] > Henri's first birthday celebration with you!   Event data for Henri’s birthday has been added. Check out the upcoming event announcements for more details!
[Others] - Minor bugs were fixed.
We hope you hop onto the hype for our newly released Update of <The Ssum>.
We will do our best to provide you with more heart-racing content in the future.
Thank you.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
The Aftermath || LN4 {11}
Pairing: Lando Norris x widow!reader Summary: Lando just can't help himself, he's drawn to you even when he's supposed to leave you alone like the bachelorette party and before the wedding. Warnings: 18+ only, sexual themes, alcohol WC: 2.3k
F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven || Twelve || Thirteen || Epilogue
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The day could not have been more perfect for sailing along the Côte d’Azur as a warm breeze tousled your hair and the bottomless mimosas kept coming. You couldn’t think of a better way to spend summer break, and it was only going to get better.
You were surrounded by friends, both old and new. You had been afraid of reconnecting with the people you had ignored in your grief but the fear of rejection had been created in your mind and they had welcomed you back, grateful to have your friendship once again. As were you.
“Thank you for organising this,” you said to Maria as she refilled your glass and her own.
“You’re welcome, chérie.”
The captain had anchored the boat in a quaint inlet so some of the girls could swim but you had opted to catch the sun on the deck with Pietra. You had grown quite close to Max’s girlfriend when she came to the races with him and it was nice to have another female in the garage with you. As good as Max’s company was, it wasn’t the same as a female companion.
“It’s not too late to hire a male stripper,” Pietra suggested as she toyed with the rainbow umbrella spinning around her glass.
“No offence, but have you seen my soon-to-be husband?” you laughed with a shake of your head. “No man can compete with him.”
“It’s a bachelorette party, it’s tradition.”
You rolled onto your stomach and sighed as the sun warmed your back. “Nothing about our relationship has been traditional, why start now.”
Your eyes drifted shut as you listened to your friends laughing and splashing, music playing from the speakers and the smile on your face never faded until the sound of an engine grew louder.
“Sorry, boys, this bay is taken, find your own,” Maria called out and you peeked up to see a speedboat pull up, Lando’s smile growing when he spotted you.
“Oops, power failure,” he replied as the engine shut off and Carlos tossed an anchor into the water so they didn’t drift away. “Law of the sea, you have to save us!”
Lando’s best man was the first to dive overboard and make his way to the boat while Pietra went to meet him.
“He just can’t help himself,” Maria chuckled as she settled into Pietra’s empty sun-lounger and took your glass. “Go on, he’s not here to see any of us.”
You dove into the tepid waters as Lando bombed off the front of the sleek speedboat before resurfacing closer and shaking his hair out, sprinkling you with water drops as he swam closer. 
“Do you come here often?” he flirted as he pulled you against him and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
You shrugged coyly. “Just with my boyfriend.”
“Ugh,” he complained, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. “A gorgeous babe like you, of course you are taken. Is it serious?”
“Only enough to spend the rest of my life with him.”
You giggled as he nipped at your neck and pulled back with a smile. “Well, that’s a relief. I was totally prepared to dunk you if you said no.”
“Do you really want to start your honeymoon sleeping on the couch?”
His lips kissed down the line of your jaw before tracing his way back to your ear and admitting, “I don’t plan to be doing any sleeping, love.”
Your legs tightened around his waist in response and he chuckled knowingly as you asked, “Think anyone will notice if we disappear?”
“Yes. Do I care? No.” He was already paddling deeper into the water where the speedboat was anchored but a sharp whistle had you looking back to the yacht. 
“Don’t even think about it, mate!” Max shouted with a finger pointed your way.
Carlos joined him at the edge of the yacht and reached into the pocket of his swim trunks with a laugh. “I got the keys, cabron!”
“Bastards,” Lando muttered under his breath. “I can’t get out of the water now.”
“It’s a shame the water isn’t a little colder.” You kissed him softly before pushing away with a smile you couldn’t suppress. “I’ll see you on deck when you…calm down.”
“You could help me,” he countered as he started swimming to catch up.
“The water is crystal clear, you perv,” you said as you looked back with a laugh. “I’m not getting arrested today because you got horny.”
“It’s your fault,” he pointed out, grabbing you to stop your retreat to the yacht and wrapping his arms around your waist. “I take one look at you and lose my mind.”
“You don’t make it any easier by doing this.” You wriggled in his arms to prove your point as he groaned as it rubbed your ass over the prominent bulge in his swim trunks. “In fact, you make it hard.”
“Good thing I have a human shield,” he chuckled as he continued to the yacht with you held firmly in front of him. “I can still sunbathe with you on top of me.”
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“Are you sure you don’t want the big white wedding?” You had asked Lando plenty of times but it was the last opportunity for him to change his mind. 
“I would’ve been happy to go to the courthouse last year, love,” he said with a laugh. “Plus, I’ve already stood with you in a church for all that before. I mean René was standing between us but…same diff.”
“Good,” you sighed in relief, “because it’s a little bit late.” 
“Can you open the door now?” 
You put your foot in front of it as the handle turned and you pressed your back to the cold wood so your hands were free to text Max to collect the wayward groom. “No, it’s bad luck!”
“Come on, mate, stop slipping your damn leash,” Max’s voice trickled through. “Leave the girl to get ready.”
“I just want to talk to my bride real quick. Would’ve seen more of her last night if it wasn’t for you.”
“Be lucky you got to gate crash the bachelorette party.” 
“I would have got lucky, if it wasn’t for you.”
You tipped your ear to the crack of the door as you heard Lando complain about tripping over Max in the hallway and they both heard your laugh. 
“Did you really sleep outside the bedroom door?” you asked.
“I take tradition seriously, thank you very much,” Max stated proudly. “And I knew this muppet wouldn’t be able to stop himself from finding his way to your bed.”
“I don’t sleep well without Y/N,” Lando murmured and he nearly fell into you as you suddenly opened the door.
Max threw his hands up with an exasperated groan as he saw you wrapping your arms around Lando but when you heard the longing in his voice you hadn’t been able to fight the urge to keep the door closed. He needed your comforting touch and you needed him.
“I got a crick in my neck for nothing now. I hope you’re happy.” Max took one look at Lando and he couldn’t help smiling at how awestruck his best friend was as he saw you in your wedding dress for the first time. With a clap on Lando’s back and a kiss to your cheek he retreated down the hall and gave you a moment alone with your husband-to-be.
“You look…whew,” Lando exhaled loudly. “Wow, I…”
“You clean up pretty well yourself,” you praised as you ran your fingers over the lapel of his suit and admired how perfect the tailoring was on him.
“Don’t look at me like that, baby,” he begged as he caught your hands slipping down his chest. “If I’m going to have you now, it’s going to be as your husband.”
You gently pushed back before you were too tempted to close the door and make the guests in the backyard wait. “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go.”
When Lando said Daniel could be the celebrant you had thought he was joking. You couldn’t imagine the goofball, who never took anything seriously, being the one to lead you through your vows but he had taken the role seriously. 
“How did you get your celebrants licence?” you had asked him when you found him the next day. “Why?”
He had grinned and sat back in the chair as he stared at the clouds overhead. “I love love. It’s beautiful to see and be a part of, so I thought why not. I can be more than just the class clown.”
You nodded at his sincere answer and leaned in. “Okay, good, ‘cause I could do with some help with my vows.”
The guests were spread across the back lawn admiring the petals and tea light candles that floated in the pool. Their light would only grow as the sunset later and the fairy lights would come on soon after when the party really began, but first you needed to gather the guests.
“Danny,” Lando called out the kitchen window and waved him inside, catching the attention of some of the curious guests. “A change of plans.”
“Okaaaay..?” he asked dubiously before you stepped into the kitchen too and he smiled brightly. “You look beautiful!”
“What about me?” Lando propped a hand on his hip and tossed his hair back. “I look good too.”
“Very dashing,” Danny laughed. “So what’s changed?”
“We want to start now. Everyone’s already here so just round ‘em up and skip to the good part.”
“The good part?”
“I do, she does too, you know, the good part.” Lando was growing more animated by the second, the excitement filling him from head to toe to the point he couldn’t keep from bouncing on them. “Can we?”
“It’s your wedding, bro,” Danny laughed, clapping him on the back. “You can do it however you want, or more accurately, as much as your girl lets you get away with.”
“I’m happy with whatever Lan wants,” you confirmed as the same excited energy began to flow into you and you knew it was time. “The sooner the better.”
“Alrighty then, follow me.” Daniel stepped out onto the back patio and stuck his fingers into his mouth to let out a piercing whistle that had everyone turning his way. “Ladies and gentlemen, come on, come on, gather round. I could do with a sheepdog to get the stragglers at the back.”
There was no separation between the groom’s guests or the bride’s, you considered them all family and it was only the closest people to you and Lando that had been invited to the intimate ceremony. The other F1 drivers and crew, the Quadrant members, Lando’s family and Maria, they all gathered closely at the bottom of the stairs waiting to hear what Danny had called them together for. The ceremony wasn’t meant to start for another half an hour.
“Since everyone’s here on time, which is a miracle in itself, these two want to crack on and sign their lives away,” Danny said, earning a round of laughs. 
“Ready, love?” Lando asked as he slipped his hand into yours and lifted it to his lips.
With your free hand you reached for the necklace you had clasped around your neck that morning and ran your fingers over the metal band that hung upon it. Your finger felt naked without the wedding ring but when you woke up there had been a sense of clarity wash over you and you had slipped it off for the first time since it went on.
Removing the ring didn’t change your past and it didn’t erase the memories. Those would always be yours to keep no matter what the future held. But today was about making new memories and that would start with a blank space for the ring Lando was itching to slip on. 
You let the necklace go and felt the ring settle over your racing heart. “I’m ready, are you?”
His smile grew but he didn’t answer with words as he stepped out onto the sundrenched patio and turned to watch you follow. You could see the future in his shimmering blue eyes, the promise of a life full of love and happiness. You could see it all as he waited for you to take the final step towards him. 
“I love you,” he whispered, his eyes darting down to see your shoe peek out from the floor length dress as you took a step forward.
“I love you too.”
The air stilled as if the world took a breath and only you and Lando existed in the moment. It hung suspended like the fairy lights around the yard and you could have stared into his eyes for eternity but eternity would have to wait just a few more minutes. 
Lando could sense the need and urgency to make your vows, to make him your and you his, as he pointed to Max. “Rings, rings, tell me you’ve got them.”
“Of course I’ve got them. What kind of best man do you think I am?” he said as he pulled the matching set from his breast pocket and placed them in your palms.
“The best,” Lando grinned before nodding to Danny. “The good part, yeah?”
“Someone’s a little eager,” Danny teased as he flipped through his folder to the last page.
“More than a little. I have been waiting for this moment all my life.” Lando turned to face you and shook his head like he still couldn’t believe he wasn’t dreaming. “Now would you please hurry up so I can call this angel my wife?”
Click here for chapter twelve.
Tagging: @yunnie-f1 @neiich @zendayabelova @stillbreathin @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alwaysclassyeagle @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @lightsoutletsgo @pleasantducktimetravel @pierre-gasllllllyyyyyy @holy-macncheese-balls @belennasif @ophcelia @love4lando @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19
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