a-typical · 7 months
It is worth noting that the main players in the recomposition project are women—scientists, anthropologists, lawyers, architects. Educated women, who have the privilege to devote their efforts to righting a wrong. They’ve given prominent space in their professional careers to changing the current system of death. Katrina noted that “humans are so focused on preventing aging and decay—it’s become an obsession. And for those who have been socialized female, that pressure is relentless. So decomposition becomes a radical act. It’s a way to say, ‘I love and accept myself.’ ”
I agree with Katrina here. Women’s bodies are so often under the purview of men, whether it’s our reproductive organs, our sexuality, our weight, our manner of dress. There is a freedom found in decomposition, a body rendered messy, chaotic, and wild. I relish this image when visualizing what will become of my future corpse.
When deathcare became an industry in the early twentieth century, there was a seismic shift in who was responsible for the dead. Caring for the corpse went from visceral, primeval work performed by women to a “profession,” an “art,” and even a “science,” performed by well-paid men. The corpse, with all its physical and emotional messiness, was taken from women. It was made neat and clean, and placed in its casket on a pedestal, always just out of our grasp.
Maybe a process like recomposition is our attempt to reclaim our corpses. Maybe we wish to become soil for a willow tree, a rosebush, a pine—destined in death to both rot and nourish on our own terms.
— From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death, Caitlin Doughty
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supercodi · 1 year
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Top photos are from December 2021, bottom photos are from last weeks check-in. I weigh 158lbs in both photos 👀 - Just wanted to emphasize the importance of staying patient to allow for body fat recomposition. - Whether you are bulking or looking to lose weight, it is extremely important you don’t just track your progress by the number on the scale. - I know I have talked about this a million times before but this is one of those topics that requires beating a dead horse 😅 - The scale is a helpful data point to collect but it isn’t the ONLY piece of data that matters. You can still be making progress eif the number on the scale isn’t reflecti that. - This is why taking progress photos and/or measurements is SO important! - If I was only looking at my weight as a measure of progress I would have thought I had gotten nowhere all this time! - If you are feeling discouraged or maybe hesitant to take those starting progress photos: 1. STAY PATIENT. If you are putting in the work consistently, day after day, you will see progress. - 2. Take those progress pics! I know it can be tough especially when you are not feeling great about your progress but I’ve never had anyone regret taking their photos because one day you get to look back and see how far you have come! - Excited to see what else we can do @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro ! - #transformationtuesday #recomposition #bodybuilding #ftmbodybuilding #fitness #fatloss #mensphysique #npc #strengthtraining https://www.instagram.com/p/Co78-jBPwb1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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g-archive-book · 6 months
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G'archive 2023
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ttrpgart · 11 months
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character class spreads from the official elden ring tabletop rpg, including a mixture of original art for existing classes and new art for classes exclusive to the rpg. i don't think these have been circulated much in english-speaking fan circles, if at all.
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fitgirlhappygirl · 10 months
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The difference in my face and neck from the age of 17 to 24… time flew by. I used to dream of being where I am now. 🥲🥹 grateful I never gave up!
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viiiiiiickyyyyyt · 8 months
Does anybody know anything about body recomposition?
I did a lot of research these past few months but I'm genuinely so confused.
Like, how many calories should I eat for example? Should I be in a calorie deficit or eat normally? Because I'm trying to eat more but I do not have time to exercise because of school (lately I'm doing it mostly to get my strength and p€riod back because I lost everything but I'm kinda afraid to just gain fat).
I should try to restart going to the gym this weekend and I'll perhaps be able to get a schedule of exercises for body recomposition by a trainer and go twice a week but I need some reference, I'm 17 yo and I'm about 161 cm (5'3), I weight 53 kg (116 lbs)
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a-typical · 7 months
Trudging back up the hill, Dr. J turned to Katrina and announced, “Oh, I forgot to tell you, the cadaver dogs completely ignored the mounds.” Katrina’s face lit up.
In her career as a forensic anthropologist, Dr. J had consulted on countless missing person cases, usually centered in the dense woods of the surrounding mountains. After witnessing firsthand the difficulty officials had in locating the dead, Dr. J opened the FOREST facility to law enforcement and search and rescue volunteers with their cadaver dogs. It is a huge benefit to the trainers to have access to real decomposed bodies, in conditions similar to how they might be found in the wild. After a week of training at the FOREST facility, Dr. J sends the trainers home with a sample of what she calls “dirty dirt”—soil from underneath the decomposed bodies, which the officers can continue using for instruction back home. “You should see how thrilled they are when we give them vials of dirt or bits of decomp-soiled clothes. It’s like Christmas,” Dr. J told me. As the old carol goes, “. . . my true love gave to me, two turtle doves and a dirt vial from under a body.”
Why would the cadaver dogs ignoring the composting mounds be a big deal? The dogs work by smell and have no trouble sniffing out bodies laid out in the open, or even those buried in shallow graves. But inside a compost pile, the moisture, aeration, carbon, and nitrogen are balanced to trap the odor within the pile. Katrina is aware that the public will not accept this new method of body disposal if the recomposition facilities, meant to be places of grieving and ritual, reek of human decay. The dogs’ complete lack of interest in the body-mounds was great news for the future of the project.
— From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death, Caitlin Doughty
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savannah-gonwild · 1 year
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Last year before I started working out seriously 😐
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austronesiannymph · 5 months
I measured my body fat percentage today using tape and the US Navy method. I am currently at 29.4% body fat. I honestly think I underestimated how bad my body composition had gotten.
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I'm still waiting on my calipers to arrive, but I think the US Navy method using tape is definitely accurate. It was a wake-up call for me to see that the ideal body fat for my age is 18.6%, and the body fat I have to lose to reach my ideal body fat percentage is 14.3 lbs.
It was definitely confronting, but also reassuring in the sense that I knew my body didn't feel as good as it used to, and regardless of others insisting I am completely fine I really am not as healthy as I can be.
My back hurts due to the excess weight around my chest, and my feet hurt/I get fatigued easily standing up for long periods of time.
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jonesyvibes · 1 year
Achieving Optimal Body Recomposition: Unveiling Its Benefits
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In the realm of fitness and body transformation, the concept of body recomposition has gained considerable attention. Unlike the traditional approach of focusing solely on weight loss or muscle gain, body recomposition aims to strike a balance by simultaneously reducing body fat and building lean muscle mass. This holistic approach not only enhances physical appearance but also offers a myriad of benefits for overall health and well-being. In this post, we will delve into the world of body recomposition, exploring its benefits and why it may be an ideal strategy for those seeking optimal results.
Understanding Body Recomposition:
Body recomposition, often referred to as "recomp," entails altering body composition by decreasing body fat percentage while simultaneously increasing muscle mass. This is achieved through a combination of targeted resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and appropriate nutrition. Recomp is different from traditional approaches, such as bulking and cutting cycles, which focus on separate phases of building muscle or losing fat. Instead, it aims to achieve a balanced physique with visible muscle definition and a healthy body fat range.
Benefits of Body Recomposition:
Improved Body Composition: The primary advantage of body recomposition is achieving a well-balanced body composition. By reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass, individuals can attain a leaner, more defined physique. This not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also contributes to improved body image and self-confidence.
Enhanced Metabolic Function: Body recomposition can have a positive impact on metabolic function. Building lean muscle mass contributes to an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories your body burns at rest. As muscle tissue is metabolically active, having more muscle translates into a higher caloric expenditure throughout the day. This can aid in weight management and make it easier to maintain a healthy body weight in the long term.
Sustainable Weight Loss: Traditional weight loss approaches often involve restrictive diets and excessive caloric deficits, which can lead to muscle loss and a sluggish metabolism. Body recomposition focuses on building muscle while shedding fat, which helps to preserve muscle mass during weight loss. By retaining muscle, individuals can sustain a healthy weight in the long run and prevent the dreaded weight regain often associated with crash diets.
Increased Strength and Functional Fitness: Strength training is a fundamental component of body recomposition. As individuals engage in resistance exercises to build muscle, they simultaneously improve strength and overall physical performance. Increased strength not only enhances athletic performance but also aids in daily activities, making routine tasks easier and reducing the risk of injuries.
Health Benefits: Body recomposition is not solely about physical appearance; it also carries significant health benefits. Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage reduces the risk of obesity-related health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Additionally, increasing lean muscle mass contributes to improved bone density and joint health.
Long-Term Sustainability: Unlike extreme dieting or unsustainable exercise regimes, body recomposition promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to fitness. By incorporating resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and a well-rounded nutrition plan, individuals can adopt a lifestyle that supports long-term health and well-being. Body recomposition is not a quick fix but rather a journey that fosters healthy habits and sustainable results.
So, embrace the power of body recomposition and embark on a transformative journey towards a stronger, fitter, and more confident version of yourself. The benefits of body recomposition extend beyond physical appearance, encompassing improved metabolic function, sustainable weight loss, increased strength, and numerous health advantages. By adopting a balanced approach that combines resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and proper nutrition, you can achieve optimal body recomposition while nurturing lifelong healthy habits. Remember, body recomposition is a journey, and consistency, patience, and dedication are key. So, take the leap, prioritize your well-being, and unlock the remarkable benefits of body recomposition that will positively impact your life in the long run. Your body is capable of incredible transformation, and through body recomposition, you can unlock its full potential. Get ready to sculpt your physique, enhance your health, and embrace the amazing benefits that await you on this empowering fitness journey.
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash
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inklinefan · 1 year
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Was working on an Alterna themed toyhou.se code to try and learn more bootstrap, and I’m probably gonna scrap it, but I did get these out of it! Figured I’d share em, mostly just cause I have a fascination with transparent images lol…
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itwillbeincredible · 10 months
Past few dayssss
Estou atrasada PAKAS com os estudos, mas não tinha jeito: precisava voltar para os trilhos. Fiquei duas semanas sem me exercitar e como estava treinando fofo, os resultados começaram a sumir. Voltei MESMO dia 1 de setembro. Desde então, já fui 10 vezes, sem contar hoje (pois vou de tarde ainda). Sempre musculação + cardio na bike (faço a minha bike ALUCINADA HAHAHAHA >30km/h por uns 20/30 minutos 🤪🤪🤪 AMOOOO). Além disso, dieta TODOS os dias. Antes estava fazendo os cálculos dos meus macros errado, estava fazendo cardio para poder comer mais e acabava ficando no 0x0. Agora não como mais as calorias do cardio, mas estranhamente não tenho sentido tanta fome como costumava também, mesmo pegando BEM mais pesado nos treinos.
Enfim, daqui a 11 dias faço um novo post, mas vim deixar esse update aqui e também uma mensagem para alguém que esteja precisando disso: acredite em você. Você nunca vai saber DE VERDADE o que poderia ter sido se não tentar VERDADEIRAMENTE. A dor da decepção é maior do que a dor da disciplina. 🦈💪🏼
Detalhe: mantive o mesmo peso, mas é notório que perdi gordura e ganhei músculo 🐛
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fitgirlhappygirl · 10 months
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Tumblr … long time no see 🥹
It’s been a long time. The last time I was on this account was in 2019, I was 20 (in the first picture). im 24 now. A lot has happened over the last 4+ years. My goals with my health journey have changed over time. I no longer am counting calories or following a special “diet”. Since getting out of that restrictive mindset and allowing myself to be happy, I’ve made tremendous progress. I also included pictures from 2016, just about at my heaviest. I look back at the growth and progress, and I’m filled with gratitude. 🥹🧘🏻‍♀️🌱
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shakes fist at ghidra. how am i supposed to get an understanding of where this 2002 computer game keeps the real versions of its assets
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myonlinedietcoach · 10 months
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Transform Your Physique with a Body Recomposition Diet
Discover the power of a body recomposition diet – the key to building muscle and shedding fat simultaneously. Our expert guidance and tailored nutrition plans will help you sculpt the body you've always wanted. Unleash your potential for a stronger, leaner you!
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jessicalfast · 2 years
maintaining is better than gaining
maintaining is better than gaining
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