#reblog to here too for my writeblr friends!!!
ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
Etta's Guide to Writeblr (March 2023)
So you fled here from Twitter/TikTok... Where to start?
Welcome to Writeblr! Pull up a chair, open those documents, and pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea, coffee, or cocoa. The first thing you'll want to do is start following other writers. Check out this post for recommendations! Search through the notes to find hundreds more. Since I made that post, a bunch of people mentioned they're lurking and still trying to figure out tumblr, so I thought I'd make this post to help people get settled.
How to set up your blog
Make your blog name something not resembling a pornbot - it can be whatever you want, anything fun goes, just not [name###]. If you include "writer" or "author" somewhere in the url it makes it easier to spot writeblrs at a glance but it's not a requirement
Change your profile to something that's not the default, Make sure you have a blog title, and add a little description in your blog header if you feel like it!
Make a pinned post introducing yourself (pls don't use your real name or any IDing information for privacy's sake, this isn't facebook), a short summary of your WIPs, and links if you have an author's website/newsletter/ao3/etc. You can check my pinned post for an example
Make intro posts for each WIP! You can spruce these up with graphics (canva and unsplash are both great free resources to make edits/moodboards), excerpts, lists of tropes, character intros, etc. Link to the WIP intro in your pinned post so it's easy to find! You can update these as often as needed
If you want to make character intros, go wild. If you can't draw, piccrew is a great option. Just start talking about your WIP!
Come up with a tagging system to keep your blog organized. I recommend individual wip tags or at least one for your original writing in general so it's easy to search for your work on your blog
Keep track of Taglists for your WIPs. Whenever you post a new thing about your story, tag the people who asked to be notified to make sure they see it! Only tag people who ask to join the taglist, but it's a good way to keep track of interest. It's normal to have multiple taglists for each story+ one general writing taglist.
How to make writer friends
Reblog their work and add nice comments, either in the tags, comments, or the reblog itself People notice regulars in their notes and appreciate the attention. I promise it's not weird to compliment a total stranger
If that's too intimidating, community events are your friend!
Weekly Ask Games: These are weekly events that are loosely themed where writers send each other asks about their WIPs! The most common are Storyteller Saturday (about the writing process), Blorbsday (aka Blorbo Thursday about characters), and Worldbuilding Wednesday (about the setting of your story). If you answer these late, nobody really cares, but it's a fun way to receive prompts and learn more about other people's stories.
Ask Games/Memes: These are posts with lists of questions you can reblog from other people, sometimes themed or listed with emojis. It's common courtesy to send an ask from the list to the person you reblog it from, then people can send you questions as well, so you can talk about your stories! You can search for dozens of them
Tag games: There's a ton of different types of tag games, but basically someone @s you with a challenge/question, you reblog with your answer, and then @ a bunch of other people to continue the chain. Some common ones are Heads Up 7s Up (share the last 7 lines of your WIP), Last Line Tag (share the last line you wrote), and Find the Words (ctrl+f the given words in your doc and share the results, then give new words).
Formal events: These are community wide participation challenges organized by certain blogs! @writeblrsummerfest is every July?? August? I think? It's run by @abalonetea a few years strong, and there are daily prompts and ask games! @inklings-challenge is a month-long short story entry for Christian writeblrs. I think there was a valentines event in February. @moon-and-seraph is hosting a pitch week soon! Since these are more organized, it's very easy to find similar blogs and support!
Misc. Notes on using Tumblr
Follow the tags #writeblr and #writeblr community to find other writers, as well as other tags that interest you like #fantasy for example
If you want to bookmark a post to read later, you can like it and/or save it to your drafts
The queue/schedule function is very useful if you want to space out posts or have a backlog to keep your blog running when you get busy. This is good for the community because it gives older posts a chance to be rediscovered! You can change the posting frequency in the settings.
REBLOG YOUR OWN STUFF. People aren't always on at the same times and so it's the best way to account for people with different schedules and timezones. If you're worried about being annoying, you can tag those #self reblog or something similar and other people can filter the tag, but otherwise it's a welcomed and accepted practice.
If your excerpt is pretty long, put it under a cut. On desktop you can do this by selecting the squiggly button on the far right when you make a new paragraph, on mobile type :readmore: then hit enter.
It's polite to add descriptions to images and videos for visually or auditory impaired people. If you don't know how to write descriptions, here's a good resource
In your dashboard settings, it's best to shut off the options "Best Stuff First" and "Based on your Likes". These function as the website algorithm and suppresses the blogs you actually follow, which defeats the purpose of the site, letting the dash be in reverse chronological order. Also turn off Tumblr Live because it's malware as far as anyone's concerned.
Curate your experience, block the trolls, and be nice
Update for March 2024
How to shut off AI Scraping on your blog
Go to settings and find the Visibility tab
Scroll down to the tag that says "Prevent Third-Party Sharing"
Turn that knob over so that Automattic can't steal your work for their language training model databases >_<
The other settings will just hide your blog from search engines so they're useful for hiding from nosy parents or other Tumblr users but if you're trying to build an author platform you can leave them off.
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Again, welcome to the community! I hope you have a ton of fun!
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littleapocalypsekitten · 11 months
Love is Inevitable
Cross-posted to my original writeblr, Rusted Dreams Stories Posted here because I think more people see me here, but please consider giving my writeblr a follow / reblog from there. One of those "Humans are Space Orcs" "Humans are Weird" type of stories, only instead of admiring us for our physical-endurance abilities, an alien species admires our emotional resilience.
Love is Inevitable  In the ages since contact had been made with the Earth and the human species, the other rational races of the Pan-Galactic Alliance had their various reasons for either abhorring or admiring them. A great many of the peoples admired Humanity for their general physical endurance – the ability to recover quickly from wounds and to withstand conditions that would kill a great many beings.  However, the Mhrr’ah held them in awe for a very different kind of endurance.  First contact between the two species was a bit awkward because humans could not help but compare the Mhrr’ah to a certain kind of pet animal they kept.  “Kitty!”  - They resembled bipedal cats save for the small horns upon their heads, longer, boxier faces and notable biological differences such as reproduction through eggs.  In turn, the Mhrr’ah compared humans to the golb, a small, bald, purplish-colored animal they kept as friends, although they were arguably more pig-like or doggish. Their respective choice of pets, strangely, was what had started conversation which led to the Mhrr’ah thinking of humans as particularly tough.  The Mhrr’ah were rather appalled that humans kept companion animals that did not match their own lifespans.  They were even more confounded by the ability of human beings to pick up and keep working and living after the loss of kin.  The Mhrr’ah were highly emotional beings. As soon as they had grown, they tended to part ways with their parents, but stayed in touch with their clutch-mates.  They formed attachments with mates and friends of similar health-status and age (and they did live long, by the human reckoning) so as to maximize the likelihood of a life together.  Most forms of conflict on their planet were a distant memory of ancestral forms because of this peculiar type of empathy.  If one Mhrr’ah in a friend or family group died, the rest of their strong attachments was sure to follow.  It was almost unheard of for one to lose a life-mate and not to have their own body shut down in pure despair within months of the event.  Conversations with humans brought up widows, those who had lost brothers, best friends, parents and animal companions time and again.  Humans spoke to them of Stages of Grief and of the ways they’d sought out each other to support themselves through it.  They spoke of ghost stories and mythical lands of the dead where some hoped to be reunited someday with those they’d loved.  The Mhrr’ah, who did not understand how one could fall, but not the others in one’s chosen circle would bow their heads in salute to the resilient human explorers and tradesmen they’d met if they ever had a sad story.   And that is to say nothing of other tales the humans told them – the loss of homes, the loss of friends though things other than death, various mental breakdowns that they could recover from.  This, to them, was far more impressive than any physical endurance that humans ever had.  The Mhrr’ah were a people who were careful to keep to small circles and careful to keep themselves safe. They tried to distance themselves from forming friendships with humans even as they’d formed partnerships of mutual benefit simply because they knew that humans felt strong emotions, too, but were shorter lived than they were.  A human might keep a Mhrr’ah in their memory if they’d loved and lost a friend, but a Mhrr’ah would not be capable of it for long.  In the end, they’d even formed attachments with pets knowing that they would outlive them by many spans.  When asked, the humans said something that resonated with all Mhrr’ah.  “We really can’t help it.  Love is inevitable.” 
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ashirisu · 9 months
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hey, everyone!
My name is Ley (pronounced like "Lee," she/they) and I'm a fiction writer/editor based in the PNW. I haven't done a proper writeblr intro in a while, so I figure the new year is a great time to reintroduce myself to the community!
— about me
An important thing to understand about me and the way I talk about writing is that this stuff is literally my entire life. Even outside of work, I don't think I have a single interest or hobby that doesn't relate back to storytelling in some capacity. I'm an avid media consumer and critic, and will hyperanalyze just about anything that catches my fancy for more than a minute.
I love science fiction and fantasy, and my goal as a writer is to take all the genres I loved growing up and create stories that are a little more diverse, inclusive, and queer.
— about the blog
I came to writeblr mostly to share my work, but also to find an active community where I can get excited with other writers and talk shop. Marketing is obviously a really important part of the publishing industry, but I get tired of having to filter every thought I have about my work and experiences through the lens of aesthetic micro-trends just to put it out in the world. Sometimes I just want to pop off about scenes I'm proud of, you know?
Above all else, I really just want to connect with more writers like myself, ones who got their start in fandom spaces and are working to take their writing from a hobby into a career. I see you, I am you, I love you, let's be friends!
You’ll definitely see me posting and reblogging a lot of stuff that isn’t necessarily related to writing, so be ready for that. My art exists in the context of my personality and the world as a whole, and I simply do not have it in me to maintain a whole separate blog for silly nonsense and memes. Just consider it a way to get to know the writer as well as the writing!
— about my writing
I write a lot, though most of it is disconnected nonsense. Flash fiction and short stories are where I really thrive as a writer. I don't tend to commit to long-form projects, but I have a few projects that I'll occasionally share details about!
I like to describe my style as "earnest and character-forward," which is a fancy way of saying that I like driven protagonists who think too much and are emotional to the point of it being a character flaw.
My goal is to share more of my original writing moving forward, so hopefully you'll get to see all of this for yourself. If I'm totally honest, though, you'll probably see more of me discussing my work than actually writing it.
— about my projects
Here are the things you'll most likely see me posting about:
Agnomen: A sci-fi retelling of Hamlet and Coriolanus, currently in its very preliminary stages. It is literally my Roman Empire, except it's set on a moon of a planet that I'm calling Jupiter as a placeholder (but please note that it isn't actually Jupiter, as Jupiter is a gas giant and therefore a scientifically impossible setting for large sections of the plot).
Alter Ego: A superhero fic in which not-so-mild-mannered reporter Drew Derrick fights for mutant rights and can't seem to get his act together when it comes to keeping the complicated parts of his life separate.
Untitled Fantasy Project: The very first project I ever wrote, and the piece I return to every so often when writing is feeling more like a slog than a fun hobby. I set a lot of one-offs in this world and follow a few key characters around without them having a real plot.
D&D: I write a lot about Baz, my Wild Magic Barbarian. He's a regency noble with a lot of problems, and I care about him very much. I also have various other settings and characters, but he's my most active PC at the moment and therefore gets the most attention.
Short Stories: Sometimes I write these, and sometimes I like them enough to share!
— tag directory
ley rambles: my (often wordy) opinions about things
ley writes: not necessarily my writing, but talking about my writing
my writing: stories, blurbs, and other content I've written
not my writing: reblogs and creative writing that I liked, shared, and sometimes commented on
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siarven · 3 months
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I made this for cara but thought I should use it to FINALLY make a proper pinned post on here! (image descriptions in alt text)
Hello everyone (:
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I thought I'd use this to properly re-introduce myself. These days I have a lot going on irl, so I'm not as interactive on here as I used to be. However, I love making new friends and getting to know their projects :D Some of my most important friends are from here, even if most of them are no longer active on writeblr (we have migrated to discord), so if you think we'd vibe pls shoot me a message!!
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What you can expect:
Started out as an artblr, then turned into a writeblr, now it's mostly me collecting inspiration, art and writing references, with some infrequent original writing wip/art posts ✴︎ — more info about tags and writing below the cut — ✴︎
✴︎ — #queer tag - I reblog a lot of queer related posts, particularly about aro/ace and gender related topics
✴︎ — #inspirational - art, writing, photography, nature/environmental issues related topics, history, paleontology, archaeology; things I find inspiring and fascinating :D
✴︎ — i love all of the creatures, fictional or real, but less in a "cute videos" and more in a "I love how our world works" type way. I worked at a wildlife sanctuary for a year after school and learned a lot there. one day i will be the forever home for an old cat nobody else wants
✴︎ — sometimes I still post art and or writing, though I guess there'll be more art on Cara if you wanna follow me there (less AI threat)
✴︎ — i study concept art, work as a freelance illustrator, and am currently working on my MA thesis project "Fragments of the Infinite"
✴︎ — my main wip novel (Dream's Shadow) is probably finally getting close to being Finished. Feels somewhat surreal. idk if it's even worth querying it because it really doesn't fit into the current publishing world but it's not actually finished yet anyway so... we can worry about that later
✴︎ — very into fantasy with cool worldbuilding in particular. don't much care for elves/dwarves/.. fantasy preindustrial england type worlds, but dungeon meshi is my current obsession so if it's deeply developed and interesting enough I don't really mind :)
✴︎ — hopepunk my most beloved! i do love when characters get put through the wringer to get to their hopeful ending though. Sometimes, things are tragic in a bittersweet way, and that is okay too
✴︎ — deeply nuanced, complicated, messy morally grey characters driving the narrative
I am open to tag games, but will probably only manage to respond to like 10% of them... it's not you, it's me
Always open for DMs or asks <3
I try to tag everything as well as I can, if i forget, ask to tag <3
If you're into TMA, I have a podcast/TMA blog @moth-song-archives; my rambling animals/shitposts/memes/other fandoms/... blog is @lirhin, and I have a dedicated art blog @siarvenart
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a hopepunk dark fantasy story with creepy/horror elements set in another world; small scope that transitions into epic fantasy later on
Status: draft 6.5 completed at 141k; currently mini-beta round. First in a trilogy
✴︎ —1st, 2nd and 3rd person limited, present tense ✴︎ — hopepunk, sibling dynamics, dysfunctional family, power of kindness & love, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, secrets, tragedy, lies, betrayal, loss of innocence, holding on & letting go, cute creatures, (in)humanity, trees, religion & belief, growing up, monsters, dreams, nightmares.
When Ava and her parents arrive at the hospital, they find her older brother Ben in a deeply unnatural coma - and nobody can tell them what happened. Despite the magical abilities of the Asim Healers, there seems to be no way to save him. But then, why do they still keep him alive? As Ava slowly learns the magnitude of how terrible Ben's situation (and impossible his future) truly are, she finds herself embroiled in a larger conflict, ready to hook its claws into her as well. And the one person she cares about most - who always had her back - is gone. So despite everything, there's only really one choice: Find out how to save him and try anyways.
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the travel journal of a young scientist, documenting the cultures, places, people and creatures she encounters on the way (art/text)
Status: storyboard/script 2nd draft completed; beta feedback
✴︎ —1st person present ✴︎ — 66 double pages of art accompanied by ~10k text ✴︎ — hopepunk, (body) horror, religion & belief, nihilism vs making your own meaning, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, transitioning with magical body horror means, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, deep worldbuilding, eldritch monsters, loss of innocence, SO MANY creatures
Features: a tidally locked planet orbited by 5 moons and populated by giant eldritch monsters; two trans aroace main characters; body horror; so much art; the most gratuitous worldbuilding project; character driven narrative
When the fifth moon hatches during Thorn's own naming ritual, making her one of 2 people who saw it happen, she knows she's been chosen. But back at home, nobody believes what she saw, choosing to instead take the moon's disappearance as a sign of celebration as it mirrors religious scriptures. So Thorn sets out to find physical proof, and uses the opportunity to document her travels. She doesn't know that her view of the world will be thoroughly challenged, but she also doesn't know about the friends she'll make <3
I have various other wips, some of them are linked in my header. I'll return to them at some point, but these 2 are my current projects for 2024:)
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 1 month
Now that I have more spare time, here is yall's friendly reminder to tag me in tag games!
Also if you want, reblog/comment (esp if you're not my moot) and I'll make a note to tag y'all in games too! I just wanna have more writeblr friends :))
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
@davycoquette with the fun question games again!
Get to Know the Writblr
Gonna put this under a cut because it got long, but feel free to treat this as an open tag if you want to hop on!
On the Tumblr Writing Community:
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since the beginning of the year, maybe? Sometime in February, I think.
What led you to create it?
I was feeling pretty lonely having no one to talk to about my writing. None of my real-life friends are writers and I'm really terrible at expressing my interests verbally, so I figured online might be the place to go. So far, I've been right!
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Oh, the people, for sure. It's incredibly rare that I come across anyone being less than supportive on here. No matter our skill level, I really feel like every writer on here has a sense of being in this shit together.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Hmmm.... I'm pretty open about sharing things about myself, so idk if there's anything major I haven't touched on yet. I wake up at 4am every morning for work, so if you see me posting at an egregious time, that's why. Also, if you ever want martial arts tips for your fight scenes, I'm your gal!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I love it when people make memes of their ocs. Makes me giggle every time.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
You gotta interact with people. I know it can be scary, but even a reblog with no tags can make another writer smile. Chances also are, if you leave a nice comment on someone's work, they might check you out and leave a nice comment on yours! A community isn't a community unless you go out and commune :)
WIP it Good:
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Lately, I've been juggling writing my first draft of Mortal God book 3 (tentatively title being The Machinations of Machine and Man) and going over @kaylinalexanderbooks lovely comments on MG1. My ghost ship project is also on a low simmer in the back of my brain, but I'm trying to leave that until I'm done with MG3.
How long have you been working on them?
Good lord, I started MG1 about... almost two years ago now? Damn, it feels like it's been so much longer. But hey, three book drafts in two years ain't bad! Honor's Outcasts, which is largely written by now, I started about three years ago.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
The two main characters of MG started as a vague daydream, which then became two important dnd npcs along with MG's main villain. I ended up liking them all so much that I wrote a short story which became *drumroll* three entire books! A lot of my inspiration came from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and the Foundryside Trilogy of books. I can't think of anyone specifically who inspired the characters, except that Astra was originally based on the archetype of the silent wandering cowboy/samurai as seen in a lot of Kurosawa films and old westerns. For anyone familiar with her, uh, things changed quite a lot.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
At least ten percent of my brain's storage is dedicated to my wips at all times. As for how often I'm actively thinking about them... it's also quite a lot.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Uh, fantasy stuff?" is my go-to.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I really wish I had the ability to explain my wips as succinctly with speech as I do with writing, but alas. I would want to give a nice, book jacket blurb that doesn't give away too much of the crazy shit.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos:
Name any characters you created.
I think I'm really good at names, so we're gonna go down the list!
Izjik Meautammera
Sepo Kaiacynthus
Twenari Undetasib/Devaris
Djek Kagura
Astra DuClaire
Mashal Darezsho
Ivander Montane
Elsind Cavernsight
Duchon Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III
Faalgun Falani
Nyda Burningrock
Kaulakri Ondohuroata
Anarac Fifth-Blood
Who’s the most unhinged?
Unhinged in terms of violence? Sepo for sure. Unhindered in terms of sheer chaos? I'm gonna go with Izjik and Djek as a duo. Between both of their high charismas and low intelligences, along with their combined expertise in fighting and creative uses of magic, they're unbeatable.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Probably Izjik. I've been writing in her POV for the longest.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Sometimes yeah, when they do something real stupid. But, then again, I did make them that way.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
I think I know my characters really well and base my plot around their motives, so there really isn't a huge need for control.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
On Writeblr Engagement:
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
Probably creativity. I've read a looooot of fantasy/sci-fi, so if you're doing something I've never seen before, I'll probably give you a follow.
What makes you decide against following?
Any kind of hateful rhetoric or someone who doesn't want 18+ interaction. Other than that, I think it's important to follow people who write different genres or have different methods than me.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I wouldn't say so. I get a little shy doing that.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
The characters of @kaylinalexanderbooks @mk-writes-stuff and @somethingclevermahogony all have a little place in my brain. Favorites from each include Robbie and Akash (not to be separated), Narul and Bop (love me a good living weapon/teddybear of a dude team-up), and Nellie and Stellaris (their earnest kindness makes my heart happy). If you haven't yet, you should go check out their stuff and see for yourself!
And with that, thanks for reading! Go out and have yourself a bitchin day <3
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wikifuck · 7 months
Writeblr intro
Hello! I'm KAKi, I go by he/him and I write original fiction (I suppose if I were to find a fandom I liked I would write fanfiction too)
About my writing:
I like writing character-based stories, so my main genre is romance, but I love learning and branching out. I like having a "gimmick" in my work, so I often write fantasy because magic gives more variety.
I like writing short stories and novellas that usually turn into series. I want my work to be easy to jump into and satisfying to put down once you are done reading. This is probably a bad marketing tactic, but I don't mind being unmarketable.
I generally strive to write stuff I would myself want to read. This means grounded, soft and cosy stuff where most conflict comes from the world and not from the relationships. I don't really care for melodrama. I had a traumatic childhood, so I like seeing the characters I like happy and thriving. I also try to keep my casts of characters diverse and nuanced, feeling more like real people than characters. Is this an impossible task? Maybe, but I like having a goal to work toward.
You can find my Wattpad and my first book here. I have so far published a fantasy romance novella, a collection of fantasy short stories and some standalone horror short stories.
My WIPs:
You can find the post containing my WIPs here
-Fluffy Romance
About me:
I was born in 2002 and I live in Finland
I started writing regularly in 2020, but I have been a storyteller all my life. I lost quite a few friends as a kid due to info dumping to them about my stories too much ^^'
I'm neurodivergent and part of the lgbta+ community
I have a fascination with psychology and families/family trees, and I incorporate both into my writing
I would like to be a director of my own show one day
Why am I here?
I started this blog in hopes of finding new friends, finding mentors and peers who like reading/writing and getting feedback on my writing and how to improve the way I write characters from different groups and backgrounds.
I would like to encourage constructive feedback on this page as much as possible. As an autistic person, I find the lack of feedback in my normal life frustrating.
Suggest me things, ask me things, infodump to me about the shit you like, introduce me to your fav Thing and get me to make it my whole personality for a week!
When it comes to beta and alpha reading, I'm of course always looking for new ones as my projects move forward, and I will also do it for you in bite-sized chunks.
For anyone worried about spam liking/reblogging/commenting, don't be. Give me all of it. And feel free to tag me in any games, tho maybe DM me how they work first in case I'm too chickenshit to ask.
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thewritingcoroner · 1 year
I done got frustrated
My desire to keep my opinions to myself managed to last most of the day. New record tbh.
So like I wrote this big long rant a couple of weeks ago and decided against sharing it while I was still frustrated. But I do feel like maybe there is a larger discussion to be had! I think it's important that we as a writeblr community really take a look at why so many of us are getting so frustrated so often and how we as a community and as individuals can work towards an actually community vs a corner of social media. @blind-the-winds did an excellent job of explaining some of what I'm seeing as well in relation to why a lot of positivity and support posts and such ring hollow to so many of us. I wanted to bring a slightly different perspective to things coming from a marketing/social media marketing background. Under the cut out of respect for everyone's dashboards lol
This is going to get INCREDIBLY LONG. So I have a read more here. Behold, the bitchfest.
So this started today when I was chatting with an irl friend and expressing my frustrations about writeblr in general as a community. And what I've recognized now is this: writeblr isn't really much of a community, and it is very rare to find other creators and writers who are willing to treat you (the hypothetical writer) as another human being with a love for the same craft they do. Those people who do treat you like people are some of the loveliest people I've found on the internet, but they are hard to find.
Now, to be clear, I don't think the problem is completely writeblr's fault, nor do I believe it is any one or two or five hundred individual's fault. The problem comes from a number of different sources, and my friend did a great job of helping me see the problem from a number of different perspectives.
The problem being this: it is impossible to get engagement on posts that feature original long-form writing, and it is exceedingly difficult to effectively foster meaningful connections with other writers.
Some disclaimers: it's not impossible, and the people who successfully receive engagement on their long-form writing tend to be the people who are the exceptions proving the rule. Also, by "engagement" I mean any interaction that serves to both consume the content and spread the content. "Original" writing refers to writing that is not fandom related, and "long-form" means 1k words or more.
Do you think 1k words is a little short for "long-form" writing? Me too. I'll get to that.
I'll start my explanation here with what catalyzed these revelations in my little head. Over night, I got quite a few new followers, all directly coming from a post that got mildly popular here on writeblr. So, I looked at what other posts of mine have been popular, and I started to notice a trend.
My most popular posts tend to fit into one of three categories: memes, tag games, and boost posts/recommendations. Memes tend to be popular because they're funny and easy to spread, and as long as they fit the theme, they don't ruin a blog's aesthetic. Tag games get more interaction because I am directly tagging people to see the post. But the popularity for those posts tend to stop at the half dozen to a dozen people tagged in each given post (the person or people tagging me, and the several people I tag to continue the game). The last category is most interesting to me, the boost posts and recommendations.
Here's the thing, I only boost or rec other writers and blogs if I have invested interest and care into the person behind the blog and their content. AKA, I only really boost friends and writers I admire/like their content. It's great to see that those posts get popular with people outside my circle, but out of those three categories, none of them feature my own content.
Why is that?
It seems like every day I see a new post with a few thousand notes at least complaining about a lack of interaction on writeblr and the importance of reblogs and blah blah I rarely stop to read those let alone spread them. And a few dots connected, I think.
If my content isn't getting interaction, and your content isn't getting interaction, then what is? And I think the answer is this: memes, advice, and boosts.
Memes and advice are self-explanatory. But boosts are interesting because you will see everyone hop on to rec other people or more frequently market themselves, but they stop there. And I see my greatest influx of interaction and new followers when I boost other people's works or blogs.
My conclusion is that many people are using writeblr as a hustle and not a community. In a community we engage with each other, talk to each other, enjoy each other's company. And I've found many mutuals to be very lovely people who I do enjoy and who I love to engage with and who I like to genuinely call my friends. I like a lot of yall for different reasons too! Some of you are great hype buddies, some of yall are all about that accountability buddy system, and I really love when I get to have intellectual conversations about the craft and different concepts with different members of writeblr too.
But largely, I find that a lot of people who engage once with my blog, usually on those boost posts, or who ask for engagement more frequently than when frustration strikes, tend to be the people who think of writeblr as a hustle. They see that I (and many other writers) will boost and rec our friends, and jump on that bandwagon, but instead of putting in the effort to get to know us and our work, they say what needs to be said, hop on trends, and avoid any genuine connection.
So what gives?
It's not the individual writers, I think. It's the nature of social media, marketing, and the medium.
Listen, I work in marketing, and long-form writing is a dying art that is very difficult to market. I genuinely think the concept of "tldr" really ruined a lot of people's ability to engage with longer form writing. Whether that be nonfiction opinion posts or actual fiction. Tumblr is one of the only places I can think of where long-form writing is a feasible medium to post at all, let alone gain a following for.
Think about it: instagram is best suited for images, videos, and short-form aestheticized poetry. Twitter has a character limit that requires long threads of individual tweets or images to get your message across. Pitch events are well-suited for twitter because your pitch by definition needs to be short. But sharing actual summaries, snippets, or excerpts? Not really possible. Tiktok is for videos, which as we know can be utilized, but is not the most efficient method of marketing written word. Ao3 is an archive with an excellent tagging system, but to get readers, outside marketing is required. Facebook requires a real name, and isn't really well suited for content creation either. Wattpad, Royal Road, and others are great for posting actual works, but they don't necessarily have well-functioning tag systems that help the author find their audience. That really just leaves Tumblr. Pillowfort is also an option, though it's still so in the beginning phase of development that it's pretty difficult to get started there.
It's well known in marketing that images and videos catch attention and long paragraphs of text (AKA what most prose looks like) tend to be scrolled past. The very nature of the long-form writing medium is against most marketing techniques. Marketing long-form writing needs to look different from any other medium.
All that being said: the culture of social media engagement has shifted, and this is a conversation that fandom has been having and I think has actually been doing well discussing the different facets of how the culture has shifted. Fandom (and content creation in general) is seen as a commodity to be consumed. Consumers want to see the content, maybe save it for later, and then move on to the next piece. This is easily done with visual mediums, but writing mediums are especially vulnerable to this culture shift because it does require so much time and energy to consume, let alone engage.
Creators don't see their work as a commodity to be consumed, but it is now. When consumers view a piece of visual media, they view the image (consume it) and then move to the next, some will spread it to others by engaging with the picture through reblogs or sending the post to someone else. But most often, there will be a "like" to tell the creator good job, and then scroll to the next. This is harder to do with written media unless one has the time and energy to read the piece. There's the extra step of critical thought.
To put it a different way, the market is flooded with content and creators. With so much to choose from, the consumer now does not have to participate in the community to ensure continued creation. There will be another creator tomorrow. The consumer no longer feels connected to a community of their interests, it is simply being sold to them.
So back to writeblr, this is where I am at a crossroads. I am tired of creating content to be consumed, I want community. But also, I have nowhere else to turn. I can either completely withdraw from what sliver of community I have found, or I can keep trucking along, create my stuff, play the games we play, chat with the people I do like and do care about, and hope that I don't get too frustrated one day and leave for good.
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scribe-cas · 23 days
Writeblr intro!
Okay, so, I've been here for forever, but if I made an intro post, I definitely don't remember it. So.
Info under the cut!
Welcome to my blog. Enjoy your stay!
"Who are you?" Great question!
Hi folks, my name is Cas, and I'm an amateur writer with a love for all things words.
I use He/they/she pronouns,, but neos are fun. I don't have chosen ones, I prefer to let other people use what they think is apt to depict me. :> but to keep it simple, he/they/she! Use whatever pronouns are in your heart for me!
I'm a slave to the whims of my whimsy. If what you're writing makes me feel things, whether they're dark and unsettling or soft and lighter than air, I'm there. A few of my interests are cryptozoology, psychology, horror, fantasy, music and dance, and just anything I can search for. My favorite game is pattern recognition and completion, which makes things like escape rooms and scavenger hunts, whether for treasure or lore (same thing) a huge treat for me. I love being able to search, so if you like hiding obscure lore, let me at it like a pack of hounds.
I write horror, fantasy, mystery, comedy. My current WIP is a slasher comedy with a side of childish whimsy served up on a silver platter with some slice of life and sex jokes for seasoning. Loosely similar energy to Gravity falls is basically everything I make. What can I say, it's what I like.
I'm 18+, work two jobs and have the retensive memory of a soggy goldfish cracker. My schedule is hectic. If you see me reblogging posts, but I've neglected to answer you or respond to something you send, it's not you! I just have the memory of a wet rag.
Most of my work has at least some suggestive elements to it, because sex is a joke to me (/voice of someone who is very, very aroace). But literally every work does if you peek hard enough. Literally just heed my 18+ warnings on this page and you won't run into anything too gross.
I love weird things! Weird things galore! The more fucked up and absurd, the more I cheer! If you think an idea is stupid, send it to me!! I'd love to discuss it with you. Those little one off facts you've come up with for a character? That Au that stemmed from a joke? That cringe thing you're fixated on? Hit me with it! As a man with questionable morals once said, "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram!" And therefore, we should have as much fun as we can!
If you ask me about Couteau, I will literally pledge my life to you. I swear. Or if you comment on any of my writing with him in it. Anything.
My WIPs!
"Well, what stuff are you working on?" LET ME ANSWER THAT!
"Sweeter Than Silence" (Project status: Active; In Progress For: 7+ years)
This, my magnum opus, that I've been fiddling at and fucking with the concept of on and off for approximately 11 years, but have been writing for about 7-
Is my LGBT, slice of life healing and depression infused comedy about a woman who goes home to find that everything she's been looking for in a fulfilling life is already there. "Everything", being a murder mystery in her haunted town that she knows wouldn't hurt a fly without good reason, a ragtag gay friend group, and the local hot bartender who is so outlandish it's like he's not even human. (spoiler alert! There might be a reason for that-)
Goofing aside, this story is stuffed to the brim with just the most absurd concepts I could think of. A media about embracing the purest form of self, and learning to love that part of you that finds beauty in the weirdest corners of the world, even if it was killed very young, to embrace your curiosity, and to indulge in suspension of belief. A low stakes, supernatural slasher comedy between a girl who's been told her whole life she's too much and a man who only wants her to get freakier.
This story is: - One of three parts! - T4T! Both main characters are trans, and they have a romance. - Stupid. /pos - Full of the stuff that would make a 13 year old go wild - A Composed Character Breaking Down And Losing It (TM) - Morally grey murder - A bunch of other stuff
"Rose Colored Glasses" (Project status: In Stasis, no longer currently active)
A fanfic i started y e e e a r s ago, when the Hazbin fandom was starved for content. A multi-chapter reader perspective fic, where, after falling into hell, they help an overcompensating Overlord Valentino cease his abusive ways. It's a fix it fic. It's me fixing him. Mostly just an excuse for me to dissect and make a dissertation on Valentino's possibly horrifically fractured and bruised psyche. I like the version of him I made up in my head, but I also like him canon, because he's horrific but he's also just. Iconic. Let's be real. Motivation for this passed on when Hazbin itself shattered my theories, but I still keep it around for fun.
The fanfic:
I also have personal notes that I won't be linking, but if you wanna know more about my theories, please ask! Even non canon, I love talking about my AU Valentino.
"You're Free" (Project status: Finished! Just for fun)
A fanfic I busted out in like an hour and a half once for a video game that gripped me by the neck. (Cryptid Coffeehouse, I love you.)
Not much to explain on this one, it was a self indulgent little scribble I did once, although if you haven't played CC, I highly recommend it.
The fanfic:
Books two and three of BISTS (the overarching series that Sweeter Than SIlence starts!) I know what happens in them, I just have to write it out. Wish me luck
Miscellaneous smut fics that I've done as spin offs of my own series just for fun and to explore different power dynamics. If I ever post any of them, they'll go on a pseud specifically for schrodingers fics (both canon and not, it depends on how I feel) under forgotten_scripture (AO3 account)
Miscellaneous Info!
My blog is sorted into tags!
castalk - Me saying words! bists/blood is sweeter than silence - All of my WIP info on Sweeter Than Silence and it's series. couteau my beloved go back into your box - The tag I specificslly use for anything and everything about my antagonist/first book series love interest. I highly recommend checking out this tag if for no other reason so that you have to look at him. coudoodles - Art I've done of. my antagonist. castalk - Me saying words! bists/blood is sweeter than silence - All of my WIP info on Sweeter Than Silence and it's series. couteau my beloved go back into your box - The tag I specificslly use for anything and everything about my antagonist/first book series love interest. I highly recommend checking out this tag if for no other reason so that you have to look at him. coudoodles - Art I've done of. my antagonist.
Use these to navigate your way around here! I'll add more as needed.
I have a huge fixation on the antagonist of Sweeter Than SIlence. I mentioned him earlier, but, his name is Couteau, he's my stupid 6'4 redhead who wears 2 inch heels to make himself taller, he's a moron, he's immortal, and he's my beloved baby. I lose my shit over this man on a daily basis. Genuinely, bring him up to me and I will talk for hours. I do not regret it. I'm haunted by visions.
I love awful memes. 200% permission if we've never interacted to just send me a bad meme. I want one
And or, I spend a lot of time stuck in spots where I need music recommendations. Throw a song at me!
My inbox is always open. My DMs are always open. I love talking. Do not fear me. Come tell me about your favorite things.
Hey long haired redheaded trans men!
Having a shitty day?
Feeling dysphoric?
Need a mood boost?
Send your selfies to my inbox and watch me go absolutely incoherent about the fact that you look like my OC! For the small price of one existence, I will hype you up to unspeakable levels because you deserve it!! Watch a stranger on the internet rave about how unspeakably fantastic you are!
(mostly kidding about this, but if it would make you feel better, go right ahead, I'm always happy when my obsessions spread love /gen)
Aaaaaand, on that note-
I think that's it!
If you read all of this, wow, look at you!! You did fantastic!!! I can't wait to ask you about your projects, and am waiting with bated breath for you to ask me about mine. HAHAHA
Anyways! Welcome to my blog!
Enjoy your stay!
~ Cas. <3
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
📽️Clickbait Title Tag Game 📽️
Heyyo! I'm a bit late sorrryyyyy
Anyway! I got tagged in this by a few people. Shoutout to @the-letterbox-archives @the-golden-comet @drchenquill and @theink-stainedfolk. I'm finally on it. And boy oh boy... yall better buckle in for this. I'm going to do ALL my wips. Even the ones that are still in the hiatus drafts
So, without further ado... Let's get into it
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Throne of Vengeance (ToV):
Volume 1:
getting emotionally attached to a literal mass murderer (oopsies! 🥰)
Volume 2:
watch me enter my villain arc 😀 (these are the consequences of my actions)
Light of the Flame Series (LotF):
accidentally becoming an accomplice to murders i (technically) didn't commit (SOS)
emotionally neglected child goes rogue and conquers an entire enemy territory
spiralling into my ✨insanity era ✨ because a serial killer killed my mother and now i want revenge
oops! i accidentally stole the throne from my older sisters
oh no! the nation i abandoned ended up as a warzone!
literally gambling with the gods to save my best-friend-who-im-totally-not-in-love-with (trust me)
The Chronicles of Elayza (CoE):
STORYTIME! i got drunk and ended up in the middle of a pirate conspiracy
help! i'm stuck in the middle of the monster-ridden ocean (they made me WALK the PLANK)
washing up on an island filled with beautiful women... what could go wrong (spoiler alert: EVERYTHING)
getting eaten by a whale and kidnapped by a bunch of mermen (life hates me)
escape a hospital with me! (i have 32 stab wounds and should be on bed rest)
reuniting with my ex-best friend who stabbed me 32 times (EMOTIONAL)
watch me get an exorcism! (i'm being possessed by the god of chaos)
The Inkarnyus Series (TIS):
i'm technically a tyrant, but i've brainwashed everyone int thinking i'm a good person
help! i've been isekai'd into a literal hellhole nation right before my finals!
my older sister's sexy bodyguard might like me back-- what should i do? 😜
embarrassing myself on live television so no one can foce me to become a princess
so... i'm a princess. now what?
someone pissed me off so not only did i wage war against them, but i... got engaged?
yup. i knew it was too good to be true
waging war on my fiancé because he fumbled the bag
i lost... the battle! but i won the WARRRR, BITCHESSS
all my exes in a ballroom together-- who do i dance with (btw, i'm married)
my sister-in-law might hate me... idk (she tried to kill me 4 times now)
The Adventures of Neha and Serina (AoNaS):
bullying a supervillain and gaslighting a sailor into thinking i'm a mermaid
enacting my plan for reverse-colonization (it actually worked???)
STORYTIME! my sister got abducted by a sadistic octopus! 💀🐙
trying to escape a time loop (HARD MODE)
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Okay phew! that was long, but fun :)
Bro, i should've been a 2016 youtuber frfr. LOOK AT THOSE TITLES
ANYWAY... Per usual, i'll be tagging the TCW crew and the last 10 people that interacted with my posts. If you want to be added to the TCW tag list, interact with this post here.
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
Last 10 people to interact: *
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@lortar @willtheweaver @finickyfelix
@saturnshai @waterdeeparchivist @teenageanimepositivitycookie
@iriscottage @sizzlingpaperlover @the-galaxy-aint-green
Happy Writing!
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wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
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About Me
Hello! I'm Harrow (he/they), and I've been on and off writeblr for years now. Please don't mind the mess as I very slowly start to organize and clean up my blog! I live in a place with a lot of mountains, with my two cats who regularly commit tax fraud, among other crimes. By day, I do regular maintenance work on cars, by every-spare-moment, I scribble out nonsense scenarios for the little guys living in my head.
Alongside writing, I enjoy video games and overanalyzing my favorite media in my friends' DMs. I also, on very rare occasions, dabble in making art.
I do use my likes on my blog as a bookmark system, to keep track of posts I want to look at more in depth later or to reblog later when I'm off of mobile. If I've liked it, it'll go into the queue soon, I promise!
About My Writing
My favorite things to write are sci-fi and high fantasy, and sometimes I consider really convoluted projects that combine the two. I love some extensive world-building, and I regularly think about conlangs I would love to create. I stick with writing NA and general adult stuff, mostly novels with the occasional short story.
The Chaos In Justice
Sci-fi ; new adult ; new intro post coming soon A group of supervillain students set out to save their kidnapped headmistress, decide they might as well save the world while they're at it when they uncover a sinister plot.
Lantern's Light
High & Modern Fantasy ; adult ; new intro post coming soon Sorren never wanted anything to do with the gods, but when they come knocking, you don't get a choice. Saddled with looking after the reborn champion of the gods in her quest to defeat one of their own intent on destroying the world, Sorren finds herself learning more about the gods than she ever wanted to know.
What I Follow
I do tend to be pretty selective with what I follow. I'm here more for making friends than I am anything else, friends who share my interest with writing. Ask games, tag games, what-have-you, I want to engage with them all! I'm always willing to give my discord out to mutuals, and my Tumblr inbox is always open for chatting!
Same as my writing, I tend to prefer sci-fi and fantasy in what I want to read and follow from fellow writeblrs. If you've got some good hefty worldbuilding, I want to see it. I'm always open to looking at other genres, of course, those are just my favorite.
What I Don't Follow
TERFS, Nazis, any hate-groups, you're not welcome here.
I'm looking to ensure my writeblr remains focused on writing and art, and I won't be following any blogs that regularly post outside of that. I also don't follow writeblrs that regularly post self-deprecating/negative writing memes - if you enjoy them, more power to you, I've simply found that consuming too many of them tends to making writing harder for me.
And as I'm looking to foster engagement and connections, I only look at blogs that reblog this to follow.
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moondust-bard · 2 years
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~About Me~
• My pronouns are she/they
• You may call me either by my pen name, Moira Bard, or by my chosen name, Luna. I will answer to both.
• I have… four indoor cats. Yes, I know that’s a lot of cats. Taming and caring for the feral gremlins in my neighborhood has become a hobby
• I’m autistic
• I’m also a visually impaired person with albinism
• chronic illnesses? Got those, too. I’m a party, truly.
• I enjoy mythology, folklore, fairytales, and world history
• I identify as queer
• Aside from writing, I enjoy editing fiction, studying herbalism, singing, stage-acting, studying astrology, graphic design, interior design, crafting with modeling clay, sketching, watercolors, practicing tarot, and baking
• Is my goal to traditionally publish? Not sure. Currently, the plan is to do those things which bring me the most joy— and that includes storytelling
• I’m In my mid-20s, but I’m secretly an ancient hermit hidden in a stone cottage, nestled in a dark wood untouched by sunlight and civilization. Through some arcane magic I shan’t divulge there is indeed an internet connection.
I am open to:
character voice-act ✅
Beta-read ✅
Proofread ✅
(Amateur) developmental edit ✅
(Amateur) line edit ✅
Sensitivity read ✅
Positivity pass ✅
Critique swap ✅
Create book and character playlists ✅ (search the tag “songs for playlists” for examples)
Design book banners, covers, and other graphics ✅ (search the tag “my art” for examples)
My asks and inbox are both open!
About My Writing & Related Topics
• I’m a plotter, though I’ve recently been straying from adhering to a strict outline and allowing the characters and my own whims to dictate the story
• I write mostly fantasy and sci fi for adults and young adults
• I would like to indie publish at some point— though I’m in no rush. For now, I write because I can’t not tell stories
• I’m also adapting some public domain works into scripts, mostly because my friends and I need fresh audition pieces
• I draft with scrivener and speech-to-text software
• my pen name is Moira Bard. I chose it because it evokes a sense of ethereal whimsy— two words I feel encompass my energy quite nicely
• I prefer comments and reblogs over likes— but don’t let me tell you how to writeblr. All interactions are appreciated!
Here are my 2024 writing goals
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~My WiPs~
Lost Souls’ Night Series
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Genres: mythic fantasy, YA
Current Stage: draft of book 1 shelved for later edits; plotting books 3-5
WiP Tags: wip: lsn
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Cultures Masterpost
Locations Masterpost
Religions Masterpost
Excerpt 1
Potent Poison, Treasured Tonic (Her Enchanted Garden Series, Book One)
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Genres: new adult, urban portal fantasy
Current Stage: world-building, plotting, and character development in progress
WiP Tags: wip: pptt
Character Masterpost
Faerie Courts Masterpost
Faerie Religion Masterpost
Read the wip intro!
The Bloody Divine (Unholy Covenant Duology, Book One)
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Genres: gothic fantasy, horror, adult, romance
Current stage: 2/3 of the first draft written; book 2 is 20% outlined
WiP Tags: wip: tbd
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Religions Masterpost
Locations Masterpost
Shadefyre (Lost in the Witherwoods Series, Book One)
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Genres: new adult, fantasy
Current stage: character development and world building; first 4 books 50% outlined
WiP Tags: wip: ww
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Religions Masterpost
Locations Masterpost
Species Mastetpost
Learn about the covens
Zenith Code (City of Crystal and Chrome Duology, Book One)
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Genres: sci fi, dystopia, YA
Current stage: worlsbuilding, character development; detailed outline 75% done. Two books set in this world are 50% outlined.
WiP Tags: wip: zc
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Hunting Ground (a Noble Dragons novel)
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Genres: romantasy, adult
Current stage: draft 1 is done
WiP Tags: wip: hg
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Clans Masterpost
Creatures of Fate Series
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Genre: romantasy, adult
Current Stage: drafting book 1
Wip Tags: Wip: CoF
Intro to Book One coming soon!
Meet Book One’s MC!
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~ My socials ~
Find me on Spotify
Find m on Pinterest
Find me on tiktok
Find me on ig under the_moondust_bard
Here’s my “writing playlist resources” Spotify account
Feel free to tag me in ask games and interactive posts!
~Resources I’ve Made~
Songs for playlists masterpost
Blurb Writing Tips
Writer’s Guide to Conquering Executive Dysfunction
I co-run moon+seraph — a blog dedicated to encouraging and supporting the writing community here on tumblr
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that my blindness makes me reliant on screen readers— you might also know this as text-to-speexh software. I use this tech to make tumblr more accessible to ne. One of the limits of the tech I use is that hashtags aren’t picked up and read to me. Please be aware that any messages left for me to read in the tags of a post… well, won’t be. I can’t see them and my tech won’t read them. I prefer feedback be left in comments and the text area on posts and revblogs for this reason.
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You know, usually, I keep my opinions to myself and the people I trust, but I'm annoyed and have been thinking about this since breakfast and all day so fuck it.
I've been writing for a long long time. For my entire living memory of you count the things I imagined without ever actually writing them down. And here's the problem I've encountered with writeblr. It's not one community, it's two, and they don't want anywhere near the same things.
I can't entirely speak for what the community I don't want to be a part of wants, but they're the people who just care about the numbers from the outside looking in. From my perspective, you see it with the people who talk a whole lot about supporting the community, it's not about the quality, it's about how many asks they send or how many people they've reblogged or whatever. And then whether they're actually well intentioned or if it's for attention, I don't know, they do things like see people complaining about not getting interaction and just go "well keep writing!" Or they send more asks.
And that's when they butt heads with the community I tend to vibe with. The community where it's not about how many of anything we get. It's about seeing a genuine interest in what we're doing. So when people say "man it's discouraging that no one seems to care what I post!" The other group at best goes "just keep writing!"
I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret. I used to write fanfic. Used to post it too. But I didn't stop writing it at the same time I stopped posting it. I stopped posting it when people stopped interacting with it. And then I kept writing it for myself. I just stopped putting in the effort to make it legible for other people when other people stopped interacting with it. I may as well not put in the effort of making others able to read something that's only for myself after all. I then shifted to oh my own original fiction because that's what made me happy.
And the obligatory asks section because I know someone will make this about asks somehow, I don't mind if someone has one WBW ask or STS ask that they want to send to multiple people if it's something that actually makes sense for my works or is broad enough you know? What gets my goat is when someone who's sent me asks before, who's been my mutual for months, sends me a copy paste ask introducing themselves to me. Like, yes, I know who you are. Because we've interacted before. I want to feel like a person, not another number in your follower count. Because here's the secret. I will always be writing. It's just about whether I share it or not. And if I were to decide fuck it, I would still share with the friends I've made here. Because I know they care. It's just a matter of whether I would put my heart and soul into making it available to a bigger audience or not. Because all the people who've screamed in my tags, come into my inbox to ask me things, and be social with me? I have them on Discord. There's no reason for me to bother putting it on Tumblr other than the fact that I love to share it. I'd like more people to enjoy what I write. I want to bring the emotions I write to more people. I want people who can connect to my stories to be able to. I don't want numbers. I want real connections. And if you don't connect with my stories? If they're not to your tastes? Then I don't mind you not sending me asks.
Long story short, I'm not a content creator. I don't care about the numbers. I'm a storyteller who wants to tell stories for the same reason ancient humans did. Connections.
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m-r-levine · 1 year
Writeblr ReIntro
I have returned after a period of radio silence on all social media which was brought on by various unpleasant IRL reasons, but in the spirit of endeavoring to improve the circumstances, here we are. This is my main blog, most reblogs are shuffled off to either @chosenofthree or @0ncem0rew1thfeel1ng
I answer to Rat, Red, and Morgan. I prefer they/them and I am actively seeking a better ungendered honorific, but if you know me you may also hail me as Sir. I have identified as genderqueer, bi, and polyamorous for 25 years and counting. I have been demi for longer than I’ve had the word for it. I have a day job that keeps me in bread, dyscalculia that utterly screws with my ability to numbers, and chronic pain from both a nerve condition and old injuries that bring their own host of challenges.
I have been telling stories and drawing pictures whenever I could get away with it for nearly 40 years now. I write mostly original fiction but I returned to writing fan fiction as well in… 2015 I believe. I engage with fandom mostly through my artblog @studiorat and the aforementioned sideblogs. I am not yet formally published, though I have friends who are. My stories are just a little sideways of mainstream and perhaps too old-fashioned, but I am hoping to send mi hijo maldito onto the query circuit this fall nonetheless.
The majority of my work - 4 complete novels and a pile of short stories - has been historical fiction, historical fantasy, military fantasy, sword & sandal, secondworld wondertales, mild horror, or generally Weird Tales, but my current original WIP(s?) is set in an alternate enwierdened West™️, circa 1830s. All of my work is written for an adult audience and while i endeavor to tag for major triggers, content warnings for adult themes, swearing, queerness, and moderate violence should be assumed fairly universally.
Posts connected to the current work should be tagged #novela maldita - what is currently on the desk is a sequel arc to La Mala Suerte, and while that work can stand alone, the wip (working title of Malados) absolutely requires its predecessor to make any sense at all, so I will continue using the tag I created for it.
I am a shy rat so I do not often put myself forward in games, but I am generally happy to participate if invited. Just bear in mind my response time is generally slow because most of my time is spoken for already.
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btranwrites · 2 years
writeblr (re-)intro
updated 2024-02-02
Hello there! I write gay Lovecraftian speculative fiction. This URL @btranwrites used to be my main, but is now a sideblog where I post my original writing and writeblr things; my main is now @btranmuses. Most original longer posts on this blog are reposted from my website btranwrites.com.
My name is BT. I'm 29, Vietnamese, he/him, cis and gay.
Interests include: writing and reading gay fiction of the genres: SFF, Lovecraftian horror, urban fantasy, romance; and TTRPGs.
Based in Melbourne, Australia. Are you around? Let's meet up! I need more IRL writer/hellsite friends :')
No TERFs, muskrats, and conservatives in general. You will be blocked on sight.
I'm open to asks, tag games, mentions, DMs etc.!
Writing Projects:
Impossible Wreck: #impossible wreck | main post | main page (btranwrites.com) Gay Lovecraftian urban fantasy, novel WIP, set in fictional modern southeast Australia, featuring technomancy, animism, cyberspace, systemic oppression and infighting, worldwide conspiracies in the thrall of elites, existential dread, cosmic horrors, and the defiant hope of gay supernatural idiots in love.
Han Vu: #han vu | main post | main page (btranwrites.com) Gay Lovecraftian urban fantasy/horror, completed shorts. A collection of 6 short stories I wrote based on a City of Mist TTRPG game I played, featuring a Sewer Doctor with the powers of Mud and Offal.
Liam An: #liam an | main post | main page (btranwrites.com) Gay urban fantasy, shorts in progress. Short stories I'm writing based on another City of Mist TTRPG game I'm playing, featuring an executive who's also secretly a superhero, with psychic powers, overwhelming sex appeal, and too horny for his own good.
Navigation under the cut:
My main is where I reblog things and help with the content circulation of hellsite, so whatever. Here I'm hoping for things to be a bit more structured with tags.
This entire blog, focused on writing, will be tagged with #writeblr
#original writing, #my writing: short stories I wrote whose content I will post in full both in the post and on my website.
Posts will also be tagged with its genres: #short story, #gay fiction, #ttrpg fiction, #lovecraftian, #urban fantasy, #queer sff, #queer horror; or if it's TTRPG based, tagged with the game: #city of mist
Posts will also be tagged with their main project: #han vu, #liam an, #impossible wreck
#writing progress: for things related to writing but not the actual writing itself. Like planning, thoughts, progress notes, retrospectives etc.
#other writers: writing and writeblr things by other writers.
#tag games and #asks: writeblr activities
#writing advice, #writing reference, #tropes: reference and advice posts
#ideas, #story ideas, #character ideas, #creature ideas, #setting ideas: various ideas for new projects
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phynewrites · 1 year
- IT
today they're a frog in a hat
how about that
it seems they've met friends
in wonderland
@the-chaotic-writer @trickster-spirit @firesmokeandashes @fire-but-ashes-too @writeblr-of-my-own @albatris @ashwithapen @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @enne-uni @bored-frog @a-had-matter @silviathebard @notyourleena @phynewrites @leisoree @desastreus @writeblr-of-my-own @the-stray-storyteller @kooperation1101 @cabbojage @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room @yesireadbooks @gracewritesbooks @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @cljordan-imperium @writing-is-a-martial-art @scribbling-stardustt @holdmyteaplease @sm-writes-chaos @voidismyhome @grimfox
I think I'm seeing a pattern here but I'm not sure
A while ago I reblogged from @anonymousfoz about this ask. So did @desastreus
And then both desastreus and I got the same ask. Could whoever that is be monitoring that thread?
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